#moth sundrop
beachaire · 1 year
I did it!! I made a design i like yippee!!
This is Sunmoth!! Just Sundrop as a silly little moth, i’ve named this the insectarium au and while i’d love to give you lore i actually can’t since i have nothing planned- hah sorry
I can say tho that there are two versions of this AU:
One where Sun and Moon are just small moth creatures and get to be silly while the second involves more humanoid desgins! Those guys get to be tall, VERY tall…Which is why I made Y/N an ant because…small!! Those designs can come later and as for right now i’ll try and work on an interesting Moonmoth design! Uh,, wish me luck!! Enjoy the moths my insect loving mutuals!!
@basyacriptid and i THINK @yes---but---no because you did reblog me with insects once so i can only assume i’m right ( sorry if not!!)
Actually i can’t even find that post so i could be confused hahahdghs, ah sure it’s grrraaaand
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miasmaclockworks · 7 months
POV: you're moth Y/N when ur cold and wanna cuddle onto smthn
--> person they are snuggling on: Moth sun
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rainy-nomad · 4 months
I drew this a little while ago and forgot to post it!!
Here’s the boys as moth men!
idea from @ilikepotatoes69
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chimkin-samich · 10 months
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Another creature au with the boys lmao, this time with Moth boys
Heres Sun first! 7ft tall with a sunny personality
The world building idea is essentially futuristic medieval like Nimona! Monsters live amongst humans but they still deal with discrimination, some monsters prefer to live in towns hidden away but anyone is allowed to live there as long as their civil and give a hand like everyone else, which is were the boys live
Sun is one of the few in charge of Daycare and watches all the little ones while their parents are at work or just need a break, children are all raised communally tho
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mushiimune · 3 months
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this is more of a fairytale au than anything else. in my all encompassing genius I’m going to call it “monarch au” for right now AHAHAHA DO YOU GET IT DO Y pain.
I want to do an introductory stained glass or storybook sequence I think that would be sick
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amberluvsbugs · 1 year
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Made my own self-insert for @bamsara's 'Solar Lunacy' fic.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Do they get curious about things when they're in a human's house? They probably find a lot of things that they don't know about
Oh most definitely.
They've been around for many many years. As the years went by they've seen all sorts of neat and nifty things inside of human homes.
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Some more alluring than others.
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bilolli · 9 months
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I'M SO EXITED YA ALL, this is the only good thing that's happening right now. asbdhahcfiaqsejak
Anyway, they'll be soon be avaiable as clear stickers and keychains on my brand new ko-fi account!
be ready :DDDD
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lazyboy-baby · 9 months
*pointing to moth like a child-*
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Some pets are allowed, but you can't keep it
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sourtomatola · 7 months
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The moth boys from the my gift Fic, Moth in the attic
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beachaire · 1 year
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Hello people?! Uh I MADE MOTH SUN and now! Y/Ns an ant..??
( side note i’m just gonna ramble )
I don’t know what’s happening in this AU, i’ve never made an AU before and ik a lot ppl have drawn these silly jesters as insects but i wanted to do that…also,,,,y/ns a gardener/groundkeeper and they do stuff, i literally just came up with this concept today so i have nothing planned but essentially they do they normal stuff they’d do at their job except this time…they’re an ant…and Sun and Moon are moths…..and they’re all very silly.
I made y/n an ant cus i wanted S/M to be like taller ya know? but i thought for this image specifically it would be funny for y/n to be like chasing moth sun around trying to bring him back to their enclosure..? the moth room, the jester moth room. ( oh wait it’s an insectarium)
Okay also if they were ever small again i would put them in a little fake circus tent and they could do trapeze and just do little cute tricks-
Uh feel free to suggest stuff! idc what, go wild, be silly! On that i should think of an AU name, just something to tag it with. So i’ll get back to you all on that. For now i’m gonna draw more jester moths, definitely moon dude they’re gonna be so cool-
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chimkin-samich · 10 months
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Little fun thing Feral sketch out and i colored
Tari is much more buff than in the usual au’s here for the pure fact of her work, she is a researcher who focuses on mythical creatures both “wild” and “civil”, she tends to be out in the wild often and also built up the muscle to help with dealing with bigger and more likely stronger creatures, plus gotta hold the large baby creatures if need lmao
Her scar was from a baby sphinx that was brought to the facility after being found to be orphaned, it was very skittish and nervous but she managed to coax it out of its hiding place to give it a check up, unfortunately another coworker startled it and it got a good smack on her face, it was apologetic and from there she pretty much trusted her to do check ups, she saw it as win-win the little one trusts her and she got a cool scar out of it lol
As to how she ends up in the boys little hidden village, she had befriended Freddy, a werebear, who was looking to go back home after adopting Gregory, so she decided to tag along, get out of the big city and get some potential research so she why not go along. The village “chief” is pretty much just female green dragon that can shift between human, antho dragon, to large dragon, that is the protecter of the forest, decides if shes a friend of her old friend Freddy, than she can stick around
Moon was the patrol who brought them in and also just to mess with him she tells him Tari can room with him and the other 2 during her trail period, if she passes they can find her a place of her own after that. Moon was obviously not happy but had to go along, drops her off with Eclipse and lets him set her up in their place and then show her around town and as well as any potential jobs she can help with and is interested in.
Eclipse startles her with his massive size on accident lol, she was distracted waiting for him to come down (they live in a large tree house) and when she turned to look at him when she hears him land she did NOT expect the large towering figure sdjknfl
The other glamrocks are involved here as well! Chica’s appearance is slightly different, no feather on the arms, their textured like her legs but they have feathers coming off the sides (like a velociraptor) she is another patrol… everyone is scared when shes looking for info because she will chase you down to get it
Roxanne is one of the dragons guards and warriors and shes built like the classic hunching werewolf, Vanessa is also part of the dragon guard
Monty we still haven’t decided but hes well known as the crocodilian who swears hes a gator lmao, his game design is clearly a croc 😭 his snoot is croc shape not gator no matter how much they try to say it isnt ddsjkfnkn
And sketch below the readmore as always
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berrythefish · 1 year
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sun's wings design changed, since first drawing was improv, this is what I liked more:
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nothing much with this one really. I just saw some moth ver. of them and thought they were cute. Thought it wouldn't hurt to share this.
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tessathegamefreak · 3 months
So, I accidentally fell down a rabbit hole, and...
I decided to recreate and revamp an old FNaF OC. So...
Ladies and gentlemen, here are a couple of sketches of my FNaF OC, Waxx the Lull-ar Moth! She is an assistant to Sun/Moon! She also goes by the title "Daycare Assistant"!
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Waxx is a lunar moth animatronic, and she is actually not originally from the Pizzaplex; she was originally an animatronic from Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rental. She had a different appearance and name then, but Waxx does recollect being made to lure away and abduct tiny children for William. When she proved to no longer be useful though, she was put away in storage, where she kept getting moved around from dark place to dark place. Eventually Fazbear Entertainment saw this unique, tiny animatronic still in operable condition. They figured she’d be perfect for playing with the younger children in the daycare, and they know they get many parent complaints from Sun’s erratic programming, so they figured adding a fresh face could help balance the tides.
With a full redesign, reprogram, and identity change (though she still has her old endoskeleton because changing it out was too costly- the company only planned on Waxx being a temporary addition anyways), Waxx found that she now had the same sentience as the other animatronics in the Pizzaplex. She first woke up before Sun, who eagerly greeted her with open arms. Adjusting to being in the daycare was not an easy one, as she could still remember being responsible for child disappearances in the mid 80s, but she sees being here in the daycare, caring for the children and Sun/Moon as her redemption.
Her original purpose was as a karaoke bot. William made her this way so she could drown out the screams of the children she’d stuff inside of her. Fazbear Entertainment still let her keep her old equipment, but her main purpose is to sing soothing lullabies and play upbeat music. Fazbear Entertainment also gave her LED lights in her speaker wings- a feature she did not have before, so that she would be capable of acting as a nightlight and calming Moon to keep him from being so aggressive.
[There is more, but that shall be shared later~ Follow for more!!!~]
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hopehjort · 2 years
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A little lantern project I’ve played with these past few days. It’s just been fun to come up with cute whimsical light sources.
Something that makes you smile, something that’s soft and warm.
Will be available as stickers in the nearby future.
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thedenofravenpuff · 2 years
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Been wanting to draw Sun and Moon as cute lil bee and moth all summer, so I finally do. 
Just a couple of cute lil buggos hanging out in your garden. Do enjoy!
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