chyarui · 4 days
Hair model who???
I swear Star Wars robbed us of giving quin some more interesting hairstyles. I’ve always found dreads to be some of the most beautiful and versatile hairstyles out there, so I hope I did them some justice here 💛
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Quinlan I think would have def braided aaylas silka beads into his hair before he took her on as a Padawan, ya know just for safekeeping 🩵
Also just lemme know if you guys want more info on wth I mean by “married vos” and his tattoos cuz I have some THOUGHTS (inspired by fic Resilience on ao3, though the account is unfortunately orphaned)
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chyarui · 9 days
ITS STILL MERMAY SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD, SO HERE HAPPY MERMAY (especially to all the shinsou girlies)!!!!
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and yes that is a fishhook in his eyebrow. even underwater this man will have his piercings 💜💜💜💜💜
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chyarui · 11 days
Little sneak peak into an upcoming post 😉
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chyarui · 14 days
Surprise!!! It’s more angst!!!
You know you love a character when you put them through the absolute worst hell 😊
The boys cuddled after this don’t worry, they deserve it. THEY DESERVE ALL THE HUGS, which I may or may not draw later
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The haunted look in Quin’s eyes would not leave me until I drew them, I hope you find looking at this as crushing as I have while drawing it 💔
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chyarui · 14 days
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Happy mermay!!!!!!!
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chyarui · 14 days
I've had an idea knocking around in my head for a while to draw every single dragon from the wider httyd universe, including everything from the books, to the main DreamWorks franchise, The Nine Realms and even Rescue Riders. And as I go through redesign them (to varying degrees) to fit my style, and let out my biology and ecology nerd a bit with some headcanons for them.
I've got no idea how many Dragons I'll get done, but I figured going A-Z is the best way to do it, so without further adieu;
The Armorwing
(DreamWorks Franchise - present in Race to the Edge, School of Dragons and Rise of Berk)
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Headcanons below the cut
The Armorwing is the closest living relative to the Boneknapper, though it is also distantly related to the Sword Stealer and some Stoker Class Dragons.
Their neck is long and flexible, allowing them to see - and breathe fire upon - every part of their body.
Their fire is among the hottest of all dragon fire, but is very short range, reaching barely even a full body length. It cannot be shot in single blasts, like most dragon fire, and can only be sustained for a few short seconds.
Naturally the Armorwing will inhabit caves, cliffs, and rocky, exposed terrain, places where they are most likely to find minerals. They dig said minerals from the ground using their talons and the claws on their wings.
However, Armorwings have adapted amazingly well to the explosion in human civilisations, very quickly learning that a Viking village will have much more metal that conveniently isn't buried under mounds of rock. If you find an abandoned village, you'll almost certainly find an Armorwing that's made their home there.
It is not uncommon to find an Armorwing living with a village that is friendly towards Dragons, since the dragon needs metal to keep itself protected and the humans often find themselves with scrap metal that they can't reuse for anything.
Their eyes are incredibly sensitive to light, which is useful for spotting bright glints of exposed metal but makes being active during the day difficult. Because of this, they are mostly crepuscular (most active at dawn and dusk), when the daylight isn't as harsh on their eyes.
Armorwings are solitary. Each dragon has their own territory, and they do not encroach on others. Larger, older Dragons with more elaborate metal coverings often get first choice for new territories. They also don't coexist particularly well with other Dragons, with Smothering Smokebreaths being their biggest issue, but Skrills and many metal-eating Boulder Class Dragons also proving a problem.
Armorwings do not mate for life, they simply choose whichever partner has the armour they most like every season. Armorwings will often add more colourful, eye-catching details to their armour during breeding season specifically to attract partners. Females lay about 3 eggs a year, and care for the hatchlings for a month or two until their fire is hot enough to melt metal and they're about Gronkle sized, after which the Hatchlings are chased out of the mother's territory to fend for themselves.
Their armour tends to be concentrated around their most vulnerable points. Their chest and belly have the thickest armour, but it also encompasses their back and tail. Older individuals have more extensive, elaborate armour. However, fused metal does restrict movement quite significantly, so the armour on their neck, when present at all, tends to be rather thin and segmented to still allow them the range of motion needed to keep applying more.
Armorwings have thick, bulky legs and wide feet to support the weight of all the metal covering them. While they can stand up on just their legs, they primarily walk using their wings to help alleviate the weight. Their wings themselves are much more adapted to walking than they are flying, and while (most) Armorwings can still fly, it takes significant effort, so is mostly kept for only extreme circumstances.
Bonus Armour-Less sketch.
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chyarui · 16 days
*magically, a pecan pie appears on your workbench, enjoy!*
"Hm? Where did this come from? I swear, it wasn't here a minute ago....did someone just drop it through the window? It smells good...Hey Toothless! Want to have some pie? We could both have a slice! Hey, whoever dropped this off, thanks!!"
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chyarui · 16 days
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brothers 🧡💙
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chyarui · 16 days
What happens when padawan quin miraculously comes back from a shadow mission gone wrong…
More quinobi, now with a side of angst!!
And look, I adore quinlans locks, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the plot (I will not ask for forgiveness)
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although most of his beautiful hair clasps are gone, at least obi was able to hold onto one for him (what he thought was likely the last piece of quin he had left) 💔
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chyarui · 18 days
That s6 episode is also the one where dooku punts obi wan into orbit is it not? top ten Star Wars moment tbh just bc of how fast he forcibly exits stage left
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It’s also the fight where Dooku literally rolls Obi-wan like a bowling ball:
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But then I was looking at it again (for like, the thousandth time), and I realized just how good Dooku is in this duel. (And how almost good Obi-wan is.)
(And small disclaimer here, I have no knowledge of “real” sword-fighting aside from what I’ve absorbed through general cultural osmosis and a curious google instinct, this is just an interpretation from my over-excited brain.)
Anakin, for the most part, sticks with Djem So as his primary fighting style, incorporating elements of Ataru in his more acrobatic moments. This holds true throughout the entirety of TCW and is the form by which he eventually overwhelms Dooku in RotS. 
Dooku, however, gives a minor masterclass in sword(saber) fighting in this sequence, not only using his preferred Makashi (although I have to say, the man can take on Obi-wan and Anakin at once with one hand behind his back and my gods, is that not evidence of skill), but also demonstrating his ability at
Djem So:
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Soresu (at least a bastardized form, but I can’t be the only person who recognized that stance Dooku uses):
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and Ataru (I mean, Dooku did train Qui-gon):
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But what I really love is the fact that Obi-wan tries to adapt to this, matching Dooku’s *Makashi:
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and Ataru (in this case, exactly copying his movements):
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Which...I mean, Obi-wan is essentially being a mini-Dooku here, although he isn’t quite at Dooku’s level for a variety of reasons I have discussed previously in terms of Obi-wan never being on his game around Dooku and actually consistently underperforming when he’s in the presence of his Grandmaster.
But you have to hand it to Dooku for not only winning a(nother) duel against two of the best Jedi in the Order, but doing it with style.
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I love this evil, old man. 
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chyarui · 22 days
so a few days ago I saw this post, and the accompanying tags from @brrmian :
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the idea of Cody being simultaneously so cool on the surface and constantly overanalysing every interaction stuck with me so much that I ended up spitting all my thoughts into existence
enjoy a brief look into Commander Cody's mind:
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chyarui · 22 days
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Wasteland, baby
I’m in love I’m in love with you
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chyarui · 22 days
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i can’t draw phones but modern merthur is gonna have to help me get through that finale
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chyarui · 22 days
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tem study with cody
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chyarui · 22 days
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Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody in Star Wars: The Clone Wars
"Thank you, Commander Cody. I look forward to working with you more." - Mike Chen, Brotherhood
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chyarui · 24 days
This image has been playing in my mind for WEEKS. 2 facts, I love drawing wings, and Gerry deserves to be free. And what’s freer than a bird?
Still debating if Gerry dyes his feathers or not- wdyt
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chyarui · 24 days
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obligatory obi-wan doodles bc i watched tpm at the theatre yesterday!!!
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