#most recent was fall out boy 😎
humhalelujah · 10 months
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layla4567 · 8 months
May the force be with you
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Cal Kestis x GN reader
Summary: Y/N has started to have feelings for Cal but doesn't know how to confess, maybe a love letter will help.
Warnings: Fluff time 😎
A/N: Hello, I apologize for not having included the "readmore" before (in fact I don't know if I did it correctly because they had never asked me before) and another apology if the story is not very accurate to the Star Wars universe (I'm not into it )
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Maybe you always had those feelings for your friend. From the first minute you saw that red head and freckles like a strawberry. Yes, that must have been it. These feelings were not new, but even so in recent times they have intensified. Oh, yes indeed.
It all started in the last most recent mission. They were on the Mantis trying to look for the tombs of the three wise men. The map already had the exact coordinates, the destination was Dathomir. They got off the ship and headed towards some dark caves. It was wet and Cal had to light the way with his saber. You were lagging behind and the shadows were wrapping around you like a thin gauze, you ran in fear to his side and squeezed his hand, Cal turned his head towards you in surprise but then gave you a warm smile. He knew you were scared of the dark.
The faithful BD1 was clinging to Cal's shoulder. We went deeper and in a moment the place seemed more illuminated, the walls were no longer rocks but fat roots that rose from the floor to the ceiling. BD1 made a beep and quickly got off the redhead's shoulder and ran towards some kind of climbing wall and stopped looking at both of you.
"Looks like here is". Said the freckled boy with his hands on his hips looking up.
The white droid made an affirmative metallic noise, Cal smiled widely.
"Okay little one, hop on"
The boy stretched out his arm and the small droid climbed up to him to cling to his back. Then he saw you without stopping smiling
"Ladies first"
Cal extended his arm like a gentleman inviting you in as you bowed briefly, laughing. You held on tightly to the wall and started climbing it with Cal underneath you. He tried not to look up, blushing slightly. When you reached the top you saw him climb and with each step the muscles in his arms flexed and bulged, you had to shake your head to concentrate on something else.
Unfortunately the route did not end there, they had to cross to the other side and climb a wall that reached another rock. You approached the edge, you thought about whether you could jump but the gap was very long, you swallowed worriedly. Cal came to your side, reassuring you.
"Hey don't worry, I'm here with you"
His closeness and his affectionate squeeze on your arm made your cheeks redden and a chill ran down your neck. Of course he had no idea about all these sensations that were going through your body.
"I'll cross first, so you can see how I did it, okay?"
He offered generously and you nodded. For him it was easy, he was much more agile and flexible than you. Even when he was a simple worker he could jump and do pirouettes, you can't. With the grace and ease of a monkey he arrived at the other side in a second, then he looked at you with a nod of head inviting you to cross. You were still afraid, you tried to see how he did it but it had been so fast. Seeing that you were hesitant, Cal shouted at you, encouraging you.
"Nothing will happen to you, trust me, if you fall I'll catch you."
Those words, that simple phrase melted your heart. Now you were sure, you were in love with him. The tenderness with which he said that made you want Cal in your life more than ever so he could protect you. A little calmer you approached the wall and after steadying your feet you began to move to the right, always concentrating on not looking down. Don'tlookdowndon'tlookdown. Cal followed your every movement with religious attention, prepared for any possible fall. When you were about a meter from the edge of the other rock Cal advised you to try to push yourself to the right and jump. Your face contorted into a mask of terror, jump? Was he crazy or what?
"Just trust me!"
Of course you trusted him, you would even trust him with the most powerful weapon because you knew he wouldn't hurt you with it. You took a deep breath and followed his advice. You took a clean and jerk with your entire body flexed and jumped to the right, stretching your entire body and your arms trying to grab the edge of the rock. With horror you saw how your fingers barely touched the surface and you began to fall. An anguished scream calling your friend's name came from your throat, tearing the silence of the place. The freckled man quickly positioned himself at the edge of the rock as if his life depended on it and held you firmly by the wrists. The two of you looked at each other for a few seconds while your body hung and swung in the air. You were scared, but Cal was frowning with effort and huffing, but he couldn't stop a mocking smile from appearing at the corner of his lips.
"I promised you I'd catch you didn't I?"
A nervous smile appeared on your face. Very carefully he lifted you up and placed a hand on your back so you could sit up. Being so close to him created revolutions in your head and hormones. His gaze inspecting you up and down for possible injuries as he asked you over and over again if you were okay made you feel weak, your legs felt weak as if at any moment they could shake and fall with your knees hitting the cold, hard floor as you hugged his waist and you gave him looks with the eyes of a lost puppy, drunk, needy, desirous and burning with love saying "I am yours"
As your breathing quickened slightly Cal seemed satisfied with his inspection and they continued on their way with BD1 in the lead. You were still a little distracted by all your intoxicating and somewhat lewd thoughts about your friend that you didn't realize he was walking away so you shook your head and trotted after him.
The second time Cal gave you butterflies in your stomach (without him even knowing) was in Kashyyyk. A holocron had guided us there for the same reason, to find information about the Zaffo. Already on the ship we were preparing to land, Cal put on some of his ponchos because that day was cooler, you didn't want to be a weirdo who spies on people but you couldn't help but look askance when he put on his poncho in front of you. It looked so cute on him. They jumped off the Mantis that had already boarded and landed on the ground. It was a quite jungle place full of bushes and wild plants. You headed again to a kind of cave but this time illuminated because it had no roof, Cal and BD1 never left your side. You could see that there was a giant spider web on the ground, how disgusting.
"Be careful, there may be giant spiders here." Cal said, pointing to the spider web that you had seen and a look of concern tried to appear on your face but you suppressed it.
Another time you had to climb a wall, by this time you had already practiced jumping and climbing so you could handle this. When they reached the top they saw a kind of machine that Cal touched with his hand and a long rope was deployed above you, a zip line.
"BD1 would you do the honors?"
Cal looked at the droid that was on the ground, when it did a small cartwheel and then jumped on the redhead, Cal laughed amused.
"Wait, wait, do the honors for what?" You asked suspiciously and confused.
"Oh right, I hadn't told you. We will cross to the other side with the help of BD1"
The freckled redhead pointed to his little droid friend and he jumped up to grab the cable. BD1 beeped letting them know it was ready and waiting for them to grab onto it. You stepped back, if there was something that scared you more than the darkness it was heights, you had a lot of vertigo. Cal turned to look at you and saw you so serious and scared that he approached you worriedly to take your hand. And there the butterflies began to flutter in your stomach. He guided you towards the zip line slowly with tenderness, love and patience as if you were a child.
"Come, hold on to me." Cal raised your arms to put them behind his shoulders. My God, you felt like you were going to faint. You shyly wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his strong arm around your waist, pressing you closer to him, you gasped in surprise.
"I'm sorry". He said modestly
"No!, I mean, It-It's ok"
Your head was on the opposite side of his, looking back and although you couldn't see his face you felt him smile in amusement.
"Alright, are you ready?"
Resting your head in the crook of his neck you nodded wordlessly. He affirmed his grip and when he told BD1 that they were ready you closed your eyes squeezing them. BD1 moved quickly and soon you felt that your feet were no longer touching the ground, you screamed scared but you knew that nothing would happen to you having Cal by your side. You opened your eyes a little and adrenaline invaded you, your hair was shaking from the speed and your breathing was short, you felt a rollercoaster in your stomach. When they reached the other side you felt a little dizzy as you got out of Cal's arms, you staggered a little still in shock and he quickly grabbed you by the shoulders.
"all in order?"
Cal looked at you attentively looking for any sign of discomfort but you were smiling almost laughing, the zip line ride had been more exciting than you thought and soon fear gave way to excitement. You looked at him and nodded, your hair was messy. He laughed and gently smoothed your rebellious locks that were sticking to your face, gently brushing them aside. The soft touch of his fingertips on your face and forehead sent an electric current again, this time throughout your spine. And damn, he didn't even know it and maybe he never will.
And here you were now, sitting at the desk in your room with BD1 staring at you sitting on the table to one side and with an old paper like a papyrus and a pencil in your hand and your mind blank. You sighed frustrated, you thought it was time to confess to Cal but you weren't good at talking, expressing your feelings. When you wanted to speak to him you couldn't find the right words. But you were better at writing than talking, a love letter would be an easier way to put your feelings in order without the pressure of seeing Cal face to face. Or so you thought. You still didn't know how to start the letter.
Dearest Cal
You huffed in annoyance, it was too formal. After all, he was your friend, not a stranger. You tapped the tip of your pencil against your head, thinking of new ideas. BD1 next to you had no idea what you were doing, you certainly didn't understand his language but it wasn't difficult to figure out what he was saying since the white droid looked with his head tilted at the paper and then looked at you.
"I'm writing a letter to Cal." BD1 looked at you as if waiting for an explanation.
"Yes, to Cal. A...love letter". The little droid jumped excitedly, you laughed.
"It's been a while since I had to confess my feelings to him but I didn't feel up to it, so I thought a letter would be easier. But don't tell him anything, promise."
BD1 nodded his head standing firm which made you smile tenderly. You closed your eyes and exhaled air through your mouth. You decided you wouldn't think so much and just let the pencil guide your hand. After letting your emotions and thoughts flow, the letter looked more or less like this
Cal I hope this letter reaches you on time and is not too late. I can no longer hide what I feel for you, I think I like you. And not as a friend, I really like you. I don't intend for you to feel the same way about me, I just wanted to let out what I feel and clear my mind and heart. Your always friend, Y/N
You put your pencil down shakily as you folded the paper into four. With your heart pounding in your chest like a drum, you could only hope that Cal wouldn't take it the wrong way, and even better, if he also felt the same as you. Suddenly you heard footsteps behind you and your friend's voice calling for his company droid. Pale, you quickly and clumsily shoved the paper into your pocket just before Cal entered your room.
"Hey here you are, I looked for you all over the ship!". He came up behind you as you turned around in your seat with a forced smile, dying of nerves inside. On the other hand the droid gave a happy beep. Cal noticed you and added, smiling.
"And it's good to see you too, we'll wait for you for dinner"
You responded that you would be there with an awkward laugh. Cal walked away from your room and you breathed a sigh of relief again, BD1 was still attentive to you.
"Here, take this to Cal, leave it in his room where he can see it please. I'm counting on you."
You handed him the folded letter and as if he were an agent on a special mission, the little robot ran towards the freckled man's room without being seen. You stood up laughing but then the smile faded from your face. What if Cal didn't feel the same way? You tried to push away those harmful thoughts. You took a deep breath to calm yourself and bravely left your room. And may the force be with you
The dinner was exquisite, the atmosphere was warm and familiar. It really felt like a united family. Cal couldn't stop making jokes and you laughed at everything he said or did with dreamy eyes. This did not escape Cere's attention, of course. After dinner you offered to wash the dishes with her.
"It seems like you and Cal get along well." She said casually
You stood looking at her confused with a plate in her hand and the sponge in the other dripping soapy water.
"Cal gets along with everyone, he's like that.". You said downplaying it
"Yes, but I could notice that he spends more time with you or looks at you in a peculiar way. Mmh, I wonder why that is?"
"What? Seriously?"
You couldn't help the astonishment that formed all over your face and voice. Cere had made you fall into her trap.
"Ah, I knew it! You like him, kid!"
"Whaaat? Me? pftt, I don't think so"
You cleared your throat and forced a strangely high-pitched voice that wanted to sound disinterested. But Cere wasn't stupid and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"I meant it. I've seen how Cal gets closer to you than the rest. Talk to him, I think the feeling could be mutual"
This fanned the flame of hope within your heart. You thanked him and went outside to practice with your cane. Cal was already in his room. You remembered the letter. You trembled nervously and ran out of the ship.
The sky was a beautiful twilight orange color. The afternoon breeze made your hair wave. You firmly gripped your staff and began to swing it in your hand, attacking and blocking an invisible opponent. Meanwhile Cal was sitting on his bed thinking about resting for a while when he saw a paper on his nightstand. He took it and unfolded it, when he began to read his heart began to accelerate. He quickly searched the entire ship looking for you, seeing you practicing outside he decided to approach. You were trying to spin your cane in front of you and wave it at the sides of your body but you were hitting yourself or dropping the cane.
"You're doing it wrong"
His deep voice behind you made you jump and throw the cane onto the grass. Laughing, he approached you and with the Force he attracted the cane that you dropped to his hand. He always boasted about his gift. Cal stood behind you, pressing his body against your back. Your breath hitched for a moment. He placed the cane in your hands, taking you by the elbow and guiding your arms forward. His head was close to your neck and tilted forward a little so he could see your hands. His chest pressed against your back made your ears turn red.
"Hold the cane firmly and do it like this"
His breath tickled your neck and shoulder and made you feel electricity. Cal guided your hands by placing his on top of yours. His hands larger than yours maintained firm but gentle contact and together they moved as if they were a single wave, as if they were practicing a dance learned by heart. When you were finally able to do the maneuver you wanted to do with your cane, he congratulated you without leaving you and you turned your head to look at him happily. When you turned to look ahead he took advantage of this and got closer to your ear.
"I already read your letter"
His whispered voice near your ear made your mind go blank and you worriedly bit your bottom lip hard. You turned to face him with your eyes lowered.
"Yeah about that, I-"
Cal grabbed your cheek forcing you to look at him, you could feel your cheeks burning as you opened your eyes enormously.
"Shh, You don't have to say anything. Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I was afraid, afraid that it wouldn't be reciprocated. You are the sweetest being in the galaxy and when I'm with you I feel complete and I didn't want to-"
You started talking so fast and you were getting so nervous that Cal closed the distance by grabbing your cheeks with both hands and crashing his lips against yours. It was a tender kiss, his shy lips barely touched yours for fear that you would reject him. He broke the kiss, looking at you expectantly.
"Don't stop." You exalted with drunken love eyes and his lips
Cal placed his hands on your hips and you moved your hands up to the collar of his shirt, deepening the kiss. Now his mouth covered much of yours with more confidence, but it was still delicate like everything about him. From the ship Cere looked mischievously from the window
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nieves-de-sugui · 10 months
A Gay For You trope conversation
This is a thought that has come to me after reading the manga of Tokyo in April is...
First, I gotta say the show was a very good adaptation of the manga imo. There are some details that are different but overall the spirit of the story is the same, and I praise the makers of the show for it. Great job, folks 😎👍
Secondly, onto the topic of this post. I am definetly not the first to talk about this, @heretherebedork talks about it in this post. And @emotionallychargedtowel also touched upon this on another post. But I want use this post to gather both thoughts and expand on that conversation.
As I was reading the scene with Kazuma and Ryunosuke facing each other, a thought came to me. The manga really does go more into the Gay For You trope than the show does. When Kazuma says that he doesn't care about gender, that he's only interested in Ren, in the show there is still some possibility left for Kazuma to identify as some type of queer, however it goes a little differently in the manga.
read from right to left, from scanbean's scanlations
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Both in the manga and the show Kazuma rejects any label and it could be said that he basically describes himself as "Ren-sexual". However, while in the show it's left more ambiguous (since being bi could still be a possibility) in the manga he rejects both the gay and bi labels. He does not confirm being heterosexual either, so it doesn't fall a 100% into the gay for you trope.
The Gay For You trope (for those who might not know it) is basically a straight main character being in a homosexual relationship while maintaining their heterosexuality. While this has been a trope widely used in Japan, it is true that recently it has been more of a "only attracted to you". So while they do not identify with any queer label they do not declare their heterosexuality as sternly as before. Even though this in a gay relationship but still straight most likely stems from homophobia, this recent shift in Japanese BL makes for an interesting conversation.
In the posts I mentioned above Heretherebedork describes this as some kind of demisexuality. And Emotionally Charged Towel ponders upon if this might be related to the early Shonen Ai idea of "pure" love.
I feel like Japan has a tendency to explore situations "out of the norm/societal expectations" without diving into the specifics. Scratching the surface of themes that step away from heteronormativity while not really diving deep into it either. There's a duality of characters that might or might not use western labels to understand themselves or their feelings. We can see this in how Koisenu futari talked about asexuality (very specifically) VS how Me, My Husband And My Husband's Boyfriend talked about polyamory (quite ambiguosly).
Personally, I wonder if there's something there to be said about how we understand romance and sexuality. Can sexuality and romance be separated succesfully without erasing the importance of one another? Are these characters that do not define themselves according to sexuality constructive in some way?
In the case of Tokyo is April is... Kazuma's mom refer to Kazuma and Ren's love as exceptional ("I have never experienced a love like that"). Kazuma's character in the show has never really considered his sexual tendencies. As highschoolers Ren asks Kazuma is he would want to have a girlfriend and have sex with her, to which Kazuma gives what would be "the expected answer" according to society. I personally believe that Kazuma's train of thought might have been something like: "Boys are supposed to like girls, and it is expected that they want to have sex with them, so probably yeah I would want to have sex with my potential girlfriend in the future". To me he does not seem to have made any kind of introspection of his own feelings or desires, as he has never thought of it he gives the probably expected answer. So who knows? He might not be straight, but he does not seem to have really given it any thought.
I like the idea of it being a sort of demisexuality.
It is intersting to consider if sexuality and romantic love can be explored separatedly. Could the use of this kind of ambiguity open the door to an new interpretation of romance? Much in the way of the yaoi concept of "pure love"?
This are the questions that have popped into my brain regarding the possibilities of the tropes. I hope it makes for an introduction or starting point to a more developed conversation of the topic.
I hope some of this stirs up thoughts on those that know a lot more than me about these topics, and are so much better at explaining them. I'd love to read whatever @bengiyo @waitmyturtles @wen-kexing-apologist @emotionallychargedtowel @heretherebedork and anyone else that sees this might have to say about it :) ...if there's anything to say at all
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
What are your predictions for HOTD season 2?
Erm disappointment 🙃 🤣🤣🤣
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Okay um, I’m hoping that after Blood & Cheese plays out(which should happen by episode 2) we see more of the Alicent from episodes 6 and 7 I’ll do whatever to protect my children and myself Alicent rather than I don’t know what the hell is going on Alicent from episode 8 and 9. I need to see politically competent Alicent.
House Hightower will be great(I just really want to see the inside of Hightower. That’s all I ask for).
The Lannisters get to show off again that they are rich b*tches💰(Jason will show how much of a lovable idiotic flop he is).
Daeron will be the new it boy(still won’t overtake Aemond or Daemon, but he’ll give them a run for their money).
Dumbnyra will be away from each other for most of the season from what I’ve heard(and as their #1 hater outside of Ryan Condal that is music to my ears🎼).
Daemon will be trying to prove himself because finding out his brother dearest didn’t trust him/never saw him as his heir is a crushing blow for him, but he’ll be better than ever once he meets his Netty 😏 He’ll acknowledge that Rhaena exists and they’ll have a heart to heart 🙏🏽(Ryan have him talk to his only daughters 🙃).
Rhaena will get a dragon egg and realize that she was a cool girl all along😎
(Or she’ll pull a Mulan, dye her hair, and become a nurse for the Green camp. At the end of season 2, she meets Gwayne/Garmund/Daeron in disguise who is injured the two fall in love. She nurses him back to health as the world around them falls apart. Eventually, they marry in secret, comfort each other as their family members die by one, and survive the war together. They are each other's glue, they have lots of babies, and recently hatched Morning approves🐉. This isn’t fanfiction guys. Ryan Condal leaked this to me himself😎).
Aegon will become a sad hoe(literally).
Helaena will just speak in prophecies(I mean she already does this, but she'll really amp up predicting stuff, including everyone's death).
Criston finds out about the situation(🤢) and beats and/or threatens Larys creepy a** for Alicent(that nasty foot hoe deserves it 🤷🏽‍♀️).
Aemond feels the burden of his responsibilities when Aegon is injured and he becomes regent(setting the stage for him finding comfort in Alys for season 3).
Rhaenyra will be a more active participant since they want to make her into a #girl-boss feminist(Seeing Nettles claiming Sheepstealer will shake her up a bit).
Mysaria will say her involvement with Blood & Cheese was revenge for the children in the fighting pits(still doesn’t make sense but they made her into a “child activist”).
Baela will want to go with Rhaenys to Rooks Rest, but she’s held back because of the danger. She breaks down when Granny dies 😔
Corlys will continue to be an idiot until wifey dies then he finally gets it.
Addam and Alyn are Ser Vaemond’s sons 🤞🏽(Let him get the last laugh).
Lots of Dragonseed deaths during episodes 5-6(I’ll probably laugh at half of them especially when Alyn is almost ended by my baby’s baby).
From the looks of things, Addam Velaryon claiming Seasmoke will be a pretty big deal. There’s a leak that Laenor is dead and Rhaenyra finds this out by Addam claiming Seasmoke.
A little flirtation between Alyn and Baela (Again Ryan Condal personally told me Alyn will be good, kind, and loving to Baela. He’ll sweep her off her feet. Jace who? Jace what? He’s like the perfect future husband guys trust me. He's not a hoe. That's just Green propaganda 🥲).
Sara Snow will be there. Come on it’s too messy to scrape and Jace is less interesting than watching paint dry. He needs this and Baela needs an real man🤐
Something something pack of ice and fire convo between Cregan and Jace something.
I know some people have reservations about Gayle now, but I wholeheartedly believe that people are going to fall in love with her portrayal of Alys(and Alysmond will rightfully overtake Pukemond as Aemond’s #1 ship). Hopefully, Alys roasts Daemon like how she did in that leaked audition tape 🤐
Judging by how much they are keeping Nettles under wraps, her claiming Sheepstealer will be absolutely epic. This is my most anticipated moment for season two. I want all the stops pulled out. I want Nettles to make the connection that dragons will accept food for rides on her own or hear something in passing on how the first Valyrians claimed/tamed their dragons and then figure it out from there.
(Daemon will be upset to hear about Nettles at first/view her as a threat because she shouldn’t exist in his Valyrian supremacist mind, but then he sees her and is like 😍).
There was a “leak” that allegedly stated Netty and Daemon meet sometime during the latter half of the season. They take a liking to each other and at some point, they go off together but come back to help in the Battle of the Gullet(BOTG). I’m not too crazy about this leak since I want Netty to be very wary of him at first instead of just jumping to be with him. He needs to really work for her affection.
The season will probably end on news that the Triarchy is attacking the Gullet(ending the season with them preparing for the BOTG). However, one of the “leaks” did say that allegedly the Blacks will take Kings Landing before the BOTG so they may plan their attack from there(hence Daemon and Nettles coming back to help them).
Not really a prediction, but I hope we see Johanna Lannister(seriously if HBO cuts her I’m considering it a crime). She’s like my favorite minor character during the Dance(and what happens to the Westerland women shows once again how Queenie doesn’t care about women except for herself). Now she’s what I’d call a bada** woman 🙌🏽
Anyway, I hope these fairytales are sufficient ☺️
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abeinginsand · 10 months
Can we have 🫂💤 for Taylor? :3
Heya Cereal and definitely!! Thanks for the ask and sorry for the delay. Just got back in from work! Spinning him around in my mind, such a silly little guy :]
Friendship Headcanon
As a nephew cousin uncle pseudo sibling duo, Hermie and Taylor are constantly antagonizing each other haha. Teasing each other about their crushes, arguing about some show they both watch, and other stuff. Giving each other random titles while also alternating who gets called "uncle" or "nephew".
On the softer side, they try to look out for each other. Taylor staying behind in the cat bus to keep watch/guard things while he's having a flare up day. Hermie coincidentally having a sudden stomach ache and staying behind to keep him company. The sound of cat purring and the great debate of the top ten anime and play betrayals is a fun distraction.
Hermie having some shape-shifting issues in public place and Taylor doing an intense series of anime poses and jokes to draw attention away. When Hermie calms, he musters enough energy to give a playful critique of the performance. Taylor ends up surprised because it's the nicest critique he's heard him give to anyone. "Well if you're so surprised, I can easily take such words back? 🤨" to which Taylor says no take backs haha.
And since we're getting into the sleep part next... Taylor is very affectionate with his friends. Usually in the form of high fives, fist bumps, a hand on the shoulder, and leaning against them if sitting together. Sometimes he'll end up falling asleep if it's during a movie night, game, or car ride.
Sleeping headcanon
Taylor has an easy time falling asleep while sometimes struggling to stay asleep for long, especially if he's alone or feels alone. He tends to sleep with a pile of pillows and his childhood toy, a Santa Snoopy. Having something to hold onto is comfy, often holds Hermie's or Lincoln's hands when they have sleepovers. Unfortunately, Taylor usually ends up moving a lot in his sleep so watch out--ending upside down or half way off the bed at times. If napping, he likes leaning on people like his mom if having a little movie night on the couch or always falling asleep in his dads arms as a baby. Nicky coming late to hq and everyone thinks it's because he thinks it's cool 😎. Real reason being not wanting to wake up his baby boy who looks like a little angel in his sleep.
When he adopts Zoro (gray cat I've drawn a few times), the cat likes to sleep curled around his head on a pillow. The purring is soothing and tends to help him fall back asleep. Though he is not immune to scrolling social media on his phone at 3 am instead.
In dreamland, Taylor tends to dream of a mix of shows or manga that he's looked at recently. He is always in the protagonist spot and no matter the plot there is always a mom character that is basically a dream Cassandra. It's a version of her that let's him break more rules and have more weapons though. In a nightmare scenario, he tends to still be in a plot except no mom and no sidekicks. Lonely and lost protagonist traveling through an ever-changing and dimly lit cavern. The little flame torches are his only comfort there.
On a sillier side, he has attempted lucid dreaming a few times. One of those times was a dream version of the school and he explored each classroom, spotting different characters hidden amongst the students. He spent most of the dream in band class with Miku! The teen was on keyboard and she sang one of many one piece opening songs. For some reason, it was a hard rock cover and her pitch was shifted down. Next song was a Rick roll and as soon as he dramatically gasped about the betrayal...
He woke up and realized he was snoozing on his keyboard with his music editing software stuff open on his computer.
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writing-whump · 2 days
I fall for the recent fic Sol it's realllly good. I loved all details. Isiah's manner was different than usual in here but it was so realistic! Of course he'd get angry since Hector could prevent this if he would be more cautious. Aww this is literally means how much he loves his brother ❣❣ this feeling appears for the ones who you love and care the most
Pleaseee continue to this Sol! I'd really love to read them like this more. Let me share the scene I imagined as I finished reading: Hector's body goes limp in Isiah's arms while they're talking about Isiah's offer about joining him for meetings with other packs. Isiah calls his name as Hector stopped talking and most of his weight is leaned on him, no answers. Hector was fainted. And probably this would be the moment that Isiah lost the control, he'd panic, it's been just a day since he got stress sick because of the possibility of losing him and now he's unconscious in his arms, he's breathing and not bleeding anymore as he can see (what about internal injuries??) but unresponsive. Isiah knows his shadow will heal him after a few hours, it has to, but was his shadow more damaged than Isiah thought? Isiah has to do something, he can't take him to his place because Arnie would freaked out, he'd probably get migraines for days after it. So maybe Isiah should take Hector to his place and maybe Matt and Seline can help too. Isiah knows Hector will hate this when he woke up, but he has to..... it would be a tough night for Hector, but if he remains mostly unconscious, well, than it would be tougher for Isiah.
Just a little idea! I think this fic can continue 🤩
Hahaha, thank you so much, nonny! Glad you liked it.
This just made me cackle so hard, the boys are in for one hell of a night.✨️
I def used a little fainting spell and you are entirely right that Isaiah wouldn't just leave him alone to stress Arnie out, lol. Seline and Matt involvements, here we go.😁
Glad you liked this other side of Isaiah. We def didn't get to see him panicking about a serious injury yet.😎
Thank you so much for the scenario and your thoughts!! I'm so honoured they come to you from these little werewolf stories I write.🥺 Hope you like part 2 and the direction it went into.🙈💕
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thetreesareburning · 1 year
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Yes. Yes I would.
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Yes
3. Have you taken someones virginity? I have
4. Is trust a big issue for you? A lack of trust is a big issue for me
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? I don’t have a someone I like right now. Tbh.
6. What are you excited for? Summer.
7. What happened tonight? Watched some Netflix and contemplated too many things.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? I think it’s unfortunate but y know, it happens.
9. Is confidence cute? If it’s genuine.
10. What is the last beverage you had? Coke Zero
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? A decent few.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Too manyyy.
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Work on my movies.
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Nothing. I’m done spending money…. But maybe blue butterfly tea. :)
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Nope.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Yes. Drastically.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Sean Dupuis.
18. The last time you felt broken? Today.
19. Have you had sex today? Whoa buddy next question.
20. Are you starting to realize anything?yeah. I need to live my life better.
21. Are you in a good mood? Yes I am for once.
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? I had the chance and backed out last minute.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Nope. Mine are brown and his are green
24. What do you want right this second? Matt Stone ;)
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Say you’ll remember meeeee.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? It is not.
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? There are a lot of other good qualities in a person I could fall for so yeah I guess so not everyone is funny.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? My demons.
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes. My sister.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? If they deserve it.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Not at all. In fact, quite the opposite.
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Yes. I think so.
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? No I love fuzzy stuff.
34. Listening to? A movie playing
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Yes sometimes actually haha.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Having a grand old time I bet.
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Sometimes. I believe in lust at first sight tho.
38. Who did you last call? I don’t call. I’m cool 😎
39. Who was the last person you danced with? Eugh. I couldn’t tell you
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Cause I wanted to??
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? A long time ago
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No? They’re not Ill?
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? All of them. Hahahaha.
44. Do you tan in the nude? No
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Yes.
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No I’m not 17
47. Who was the last person to call you? Some dude video called me and I declined
48. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car? Ofcourse
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes I’m high school
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Graduation
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? They can be but they’re also much more
53. Is Christmas stressful? Usually yes cause I never know what to buy for people..
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Yes they’re so good
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? BLUEBERRY
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? I never rly had a dream as a kid but when I reached 15 I wanted to make movies
57. Do you believe in ghosts? I do. Be nice to them!
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yeah many times
59. Take a vitamin daily? Nooooo
60. Wear slippers? Yes
61. Wear a bath robe? Never I hate the way they feel
62. What do you wear to bed? A t shirt and shorts
63. First concert? Enter shikari
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Neither
65. Nike or Adidas? Adidas
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanut butter
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? You belong with me
69. Ever take dance lessons? Nooo
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? As long as it’s 6+ figures idmmmm :)
71. Can you curl your tongue? No
72. Ever won a spelling bee? Fuck no
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes I’m a loser
74. What is your favorite book? Blue bloods series. Dead good man.
75. Do you study better with or without music? Depends how hard I have to study
76. Regularly burn incense? Noooooo, I have a diffuser
77. Ever been in love? I think so
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Pity sex
79. What was the last concert you saw? A rave
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot
81. Tea or coffee? Yea
82. Favorite type of cookie? White chocolate
83. Can you swim well? I like to think so
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yess??
85. Are you patient? Sometimes
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Dj
87. Ever won a contest? Yup a few
88. Ever have plastic surgery? Technically.
89. Which are better black or green olives? Black
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? As long as it’s consensual
91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room
92. Do you want to get married? I thought I did idk anymore.
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missbiddle · 2 years
1-50 for lesb asks 😎
Oh boy, unexpected but valid. Soz for the long post lads.
1. Butch or femme: Probs femme leaning androgynous rather than butch.
2. Type: I like femme or androgynous girls mainly but the older i get the less i care hoenstly.
3. Plaid button up or leather jackets: Leather Jackets
4. My style: Literally comfort. I really don't have a style. I just like being comfortable.
5. My aesthetic: uh... no clue.
6. Favourite article of clothing: probably..... my print t-shirts (i have many)
7. Fave shoes: Connies or thongs (or flip-flops for you non-australians)
8. Current hair: mid shoulder length plain
9. Future haircut goals: odd question, but no, just longer.
10. Best date: uh.. i honestly don't know? My most recent one was pretty amazing. Got coffee, walked and talked in the park for hours, then went back to mine and watched some weird ass tv while chatting and laughing.
11. worst date: uh just super awkward, little conversation, nothing in common.
12. Single :')
13. N/A
14. What am I looking for in potential gf/wife: Umm understanding, good vibes, love, humour, and freedom of expectations. An interest in tv media is a bonus ;)
15. Dream wedding: No thanks. Marriage very much not me.
16. Kids: Nope
17. Live anywhere in the world: Um.... here? I can't say any other countries or anything coz i don't actually know what it's like to be there. But in some fantasy idea of a place, England.
18. Favourite Lesbian movie: Toss up between Imagine Me and You and But, I'm a Cheerleader.
19. Fave lesbian novel: Can't say i've specifically read one tbh.
20. Fave lesbian song: All the Things She Said by T.a.T.u lmao.
21. Fave lesbian musician: Don't really follow any in particular but uh maybe LP? or i dunno, Hayley Kiyoko. or Tash Sultana? I like like a song of theirs each but wouldn't say they are my fave. Maybe the Versonicas, but only one is gay lol.
22. Lesbian stereotype i fit into: Uhhh the "tomboy" stereotype i guess.
23. Ever assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal: don't really understand the question but dont think so
24. How to woo me: Uh, talk queer media to me, or media analysis, or game shit, or dnd nonsense.
25. What do you like most being a lesbian: Women and no men lmao
26. Cat or dog: dog 100%
27: Turn ons: Kissing and gentle touch (like body stroking etc)
28: Turn offs: depends on the person, but dirty talk during sex kinda ruins it for me
29. Do i ask women out or they ask me out: On dating apps, I ask out, in person, I wait you for them.
30. Dream Career: To write for/create tv animation
31. Interests and Hobbies: Media analysis, media watching, dnd, gaming, drawing, animating.
32. Most attractive quality in a woman: Uh i guess understanding and patience?
33. Love easily or warm up to them: Complicated. I fall in love very quickly, however, it's often not a long love. Fleeting love.
34. Ever fallen for best friend: Oh yeah.
35. Ever fallen for a straight girl: Countless times. Fave thing to do honestly.
36. The L-Word yes or no: Big yes for nostalgia and for meaning. Means a lot to me. Also acknowledge how trash and problematic it was/is. But it was a staple in growing up as a lesbian in a time when that wasn't being shown on tv.
37. Fave comfort food: Honey Joys (look em up non-australians)
38. Coffee or Tea: Tea
39. Vegetarian or Vegan or nah: Big nah. Omnivore all the way.
40. Any pets: Two greyhounds, three frogs, and a cockatiel.
41. Early-rise or night owl: both lmao it's not ideal.
42. Sign: Virgo
43. Can I drive: Yes.
44. First lesbian crush: Either Eliza Dushku in Buffy or my best friend in grade 5/6.
45. What age did i know i was a lesbian: I didn't know what a lesbian was until i was about 13, and realised i was one like a month after that.
46. Coming out age: 14.
47. Crushing on anyone: Yes, very much so. Like huge, butterflies, can't stop thinking about her level crush.
48. How my day went: atrocious day at work.
49. Dreams/aspirations for the future: Finish uni, start writing scripts for my proposed animated show, and get a job in academia. Maybe find a gf, who knows.
50. Least fave gay celebrity: don't really pay enough attention to celebs in the sense of actually caring about them as people so no idea.
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