#mortal kombat icon set
truthofself · 11 months
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Ah, some request Scorpion icons! I just made a bunch from all over the serious using official media, screenshots from the game and stuff yknow. Thank you for the Request!
Likes & Reblogs Appreciated <3 my ko-fi link
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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Johnny Cage & Sonya Blade + Trust|Care
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hatt0riart · 11 months
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I WANTED TO MAKE MORE THAN JUST THIS but it took like. a week to get done and im sick these days
anyways in light of mk1's nonsense i revisited some koncepts i had for a roleswap au. i took hanzo's inspiration from a mix of mkx and mk11 outfits and kuai i kind of just winged it based off my own preferences in past appearances!!
more rambling is under the cut about the actual AU :-]
SO I HAVE NOT ACTUALLY DEVELOPED THIS BEYOND SOME OLD SKETCHES I HAD OF KUAI'S DESIGN but i had some general ideas of how this was supposed to work???
the shirai ryu is still alive and well! he's still a family man and very clan oriented. satoshi is still born and grows into his clan's responsibilities, however harumi dies in child birth.
the lin kuei on the other hand is Not Doing Well. they end up getting wiped out during a raid from the shirai ryu and most of kuai's immediate family (whether by choice or blood) ends up going down with them.
prior to this kuai ends up passing after a failed mission to retrieve the map of elements from the shaolin temple in an attempt to prove himself to his clan. (instead of bi-han being the one set on that path, kuai ends up taking the initiative instead WAY before he's ready without anyone's knowledge and ends up dying when met with scorpion.)
most of it is similar how it is in actual canon for how scorpion's story goes. he gets resurrected he pledges loyalty to quan chi in order to get revenge, blah blah blah. mortal kombat happens. the two meet again at some point.
kuai's still on that "you killed my family" juice but its...more so about familial ties (like bi-han and smoke) rather than it being the love(s) of his life (like hanzo's wife and son) , seeing as he died young from his own overzealous nature.
very much has anger issues. he's impatient and has alot shorter of a temper by comparison to scorpion in the original canon. hardly ever humbled until that point lol
hanzo on the other hand is surprisingly more lax. meditates often, drinks alot of tea and while he *IS* stressed he handles it alot better than kuai does. maybe has a problem of ignoring his problems though for the sake of the task at hand.
kuai ends up harassing hanzo alot in this AU even outside of the tournament. he's kind of a bitchy ghost there to remind hanzo of what happened to him and lowkey hanzo guilts over it.
kuai has alot of grim reaper motifs in his design. he carries a scythe made of ice primarily and fights at a more long distance range.
hanzo on the other hand is alot more of an up close brawler. he keeps alot of design traits from mkx with a bit of mk11 sprinkled in for inspiration of his "classic" design.
STILL A PYROMANCER!! i just havent thought out how. he's just regarded with a bit more respect for having those unnatural abilities lol
but yeah this is just me spitballing in bullet points. i'm hoping to make more stuff later that is a bit more...thought out properly but it follows more of like
mk mythologies --> mk9 -> mkx
type of timeline i guess? except hanzo is in bi-han's position and kuai ends up being put in scorpion's. bi-han doesn't really have a place in the AU outside of being a background character and driving motive for kuai's vengeance later on. (though we're not gonna talk about how bi-han's mentality eventually fed into kuai's at a young age and made him come to the conclusions he did before he died.... maybe.)
smoke exists for the sake of painful flashbacks lol
satoshi's also a bg character but he does end up growing up with the shirai ryu and takes on his own share of clan responsibilities. idk whether or not he takes after hanzo's pyromancy or not in this AU but either way he grows up to be a well respected figure in the clan!
alot of stuff outside of this remains the same though, just the lin kuei and shirai ryu's dynamics get swapped.
ANYWAYS YEAH IF YOU READ THRU ALL THIS THANKS FOR READING BYEEEE (i'll be adding to this au more later on when i finish my other sketches lol)
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coldstoicism · 8 months
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001. ⸻ Writing and artwork on this blog may contain mature themes such as canon-typical gore and violence. Posts will be tagged accordingly. Mortal Kombat is not a game for the faint hearted so do proceed with caution if blood & gore are triggering themes to you. Only follow & interact if you're 21+.
002. ⸻ I'm an adult with responsibilities and a job outside of writing, I might sometimes take a day or two to respond to you. Please be aware of that and don't assume I'm ignoring you. I'm doing my best to get back to everyone and I apologize if responses sometimes take longer.
003. ⸻ English is not my first language. While I'd like to think I have pretty decent grammar, I might make mistakes sometimes, especially when it comes to correct punctuation as it is vastly different from that of my native language. Please be patient with me, I'm trying my best.
004. ⸻ I use small text to write, but I don't mind switching to the regular text size for better accessibility. Just let me know ahead and I'll make sure to adjust the text size for my posts accordingly. I also use icons in my posts.
005. ⸻ This blog is crossover friendly and open to writing with original characters. With all the different timelines existing in the Mortal Kombat universe, the possibilites to craft unique stories are pretty much endless. Don't be afraid to reach out if you have a cool plot idea, I would love to hear it.
006. ⸻ I feel like this should be self-explanatory, but no godmodding, no taking control of my character or anything of the likes. It's very annoying and it will take away my enthusiasm to continue writing with you.
007. ⸻ I'm above engaging in petty drama with anyone on here, I made this blog to write for my favorite character and for no other reason. I can't stand negativity and toxicity. If I see you being rude to others, spreading hate or even bullying other people in the community, I will instantly block you. If you have a problem with me, feel free to reach out to me so we can have a civil conversation about it.
008. ⸻ Please be aware that my portrayal of MK1!Bi-Han is not 100% canon-accurate. While I tried to make as little changes to the character's personality and backstory as possible, some aspects of him will be based on my own headcanons. The writing for him in MK1 is annoyingly inconsistent, contradicts itself on multiple occasions and sometimes even makes no sense at all, so I won't be adopting much of it into my portrayal. Do not expect me to write Bi-Han as a one-dimensional joke villain just because ❛ it's canon ❜ in the current timeline. If that's the portrayal you're looking for, you might want to look for someone else to write with. That said, this blog will feature different versions of Bi-Han from different timelines, so please do specify the timeline you'd prefer for the plot to be set in. For now I only write Bi-Han as Sub-Zero and I haven't decided on whether or not Noob Saibot will become a secondary muse on this blog yet, but it's well within the realm of possibilities.
009. ⸻ I do not condone hate, homophobia, racism or anything of the sorts and if I see someone partaking in such problematic behavior that will warrant an instant block.
010. ⸻ Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of writing romance plots, I don't have any preferred ships for Bi-Han and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I just don't see Bi-Han as someone who's particularly interested in romance or relationships. Depending on how his character develops in the current timeline, that might change in the future.
011. ⸻ Lastly, if you have further questions, feel free to send me a message at any time.
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cyberpunkonline · 9 months
Hey there, gamer fren! Buckle up, because we're about to dive headfirst into the pixelated time capsule of the 16-bit era, where video games pushed boundaries, buttons, and occasionally, a few more than that. Grab your joystick, my 90s rebel, as we explore the most controversial games that made Mary Whitehouse clutch her pearls and the censors hit the panic button.
Setting the 90s Scene: A Blast from the Past
Before we embark on our journey through pixelated provocations, let's set the stage. The 90s were an era of frosted tips, slap bracelets, and some wild societal norms. It was a time when over-the-top action heroes were all the rage, and people seemed to think shoulder pads were an essential fashion accessory.
In the world of video games, the 16-bit era was a wild west of creativity. Developers were pushing the limits of technology, storytelling, and, occasionally, good taste. Some games, in their quest for edginess and boundary-pushing, left parents, politicians, and pundits clutching their Walkmans in shock.
Hot Coffee and Controversy: "Mortal Kombat"
"Mortal Kombat" wasn't just a game; it was an outrage sensation. Released in 1992, this iconic fighter was infamous for its graphic, over-the-top violence. Spines were ripped out, heads were decapitated, and buckets of pixelated blood were spilled. This gore-fest had parents petitioning for stricter game ratings faster than you could shout "Finish Him!"
But wait, there's more! The Genesis version of "Mortal Kombat" featured a code that unlocked a "blood mode," which was like cranking the violence dial up to eleven. It wasn't just the uppercuts that were jaw-dropping; it was the moral outrage that followed.
Banned in the USA: "Night Trap"
Next up, we have "Night Trap." This Sega CD game was a full-motion video thriller that put you in control of a security system in a sorority house. But here's the kicker – it was accused of promoting voyeurism and even had scenes with scantily clad actresses in peril.
This game, along with the controversy surrounding it, was one of the key factors leading to the creation of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). So, while "Night Trap" was banned in some places, it also played a pivotal role in shaping the game rating system we have today.
Pixel Passion: "Leisure Suit Larry"
Now, let's talk about Larry. "Leisure Suit Larry" was a series known for its saucy humor and risqué themes. Larry Laffer, the hapless protagonist, was on a quest for love in all the wrong places. With its suggestive content and mature themes, Larry's adventures had tongues wagging and critics clutching their pearls.
Hellish Horrors: "Doom"
Enter the gates of Hell with "Doom." This first-person shooter brought gamers face to face with demons, gore, and a visceral sense of violence. "Doom" wasn't just controversial; it was a moral panic waiting to happen. Critics feared that it could corrupt the youth and turn them into bloodthirsty fiends. But for gamers, it was a thrill ride into the darkest corners of gaming.
Thrill Kill: The Game That Never Was
Now, let's talk about a game that pushed the envelope so far it got locked in a padded cell. "Thrill Kill" was a fighting game that was so violent and sexually explicit that it was never officially released. The game's content was so over-the-top that it became the stuff of legends, a game so controversial it was deemed too hot for the market.
Carmageddon: Driving on the Edge
Last but not least, we have "Carmageddon," a game that turned racing into a gleeful vehicular manslaughter extravaganza. Players mowed down pedestrians and rival drivers in a race to the finish line. Unsurprisingly, this vehicular violence stirred up quite a storm, with some countries even banning the game or demanding that it be censored.
Conclusion: Are We Better Off Now?
So, Tengushee, the big question is, are we better off now? The 16-bit era gave us a taste of gaming's wild side, pushing boundaries and sparking conversations about content and responsibility. It paved the way for better regulation, more diverse storytelling, and a more nuanced understanding of what video games can be.
Sure, the controversy was wild, but it also led to growth and maturity in the gaming industry. Today, we have a thriving landscape of games that cater to every taste, from family-friendly fun to mature and thought-provoking experiences. So, while we'll always have a soft spot for the pixelated provocations of the 16-bit era, it's safe to say we're better off now.
Thanks for taking this radical trip down memory lane, joystick wagglers. Until next time, keep those game controllers charged, and remember, the 90s may be gone, but their spirit lives on in the pixels of history.
- Raz
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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Boy does this update have everything: births, deaths, birthdays, murder attempts. Of course when Dagmar Bertino shows up I just know things are about to go to shit, walking bad omen.
-Alright, cough up the goods, blondie! Did I say that right, Valentina? -Yes, you’re doing great, now bite her ankle! -You said this wouldn’t be violent! -I also said this relationship wouldn’t work if you remained a timid flop!
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-Oh Sandy, I don’t know what to do, Valentina and I are just too different.. I like walks in the park.. She likes organized crime.. -O̵H̵ B̸O̶O̸H̵O̸O, A̵T L̸E̴A̶S̷T Y̵O̸U̷'̵R̶E N̴O̵T A̷ Z̴O̷M̵B̶I̶E D̶O̵G WA̵S̵H̴E̴R🧟
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The lovely Valentina takes a break from beating up the cats to give birth, now I want to remind you guys that I specifically picked Moody so he would tone down the aggressiveness of our dogs because the pet fights are out of control-
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-and this is what he gave me on ALL THREE OF THE PUPPIES. So basically the only thing that changed is that they’re doofuses and pigpens now but still aggro, amazing!
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Well they’re still cute, welcome to the household Servilia, Maximus, and Calpurnia❤️
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I have so many slightly different photos of this exact situation that I’m constantly getting deja vu like ‘didn’t I already post this??’
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UGH, ENOUGH. While I’m needlessly documenting this bullshit..
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..Alcibiades dies💔 I hate how abrupt pet deaths are in this game, you don’t even get an event window and I keep missing them without saying goodbye!!!
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RIP Alcibiades, you were such a good, chill boi who singlehandedly saved our cat legacy by being the feline suitor to finally manage to knock up D’vorah. I’ll miss you, baby.
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Of course no death is tragic enough to stop certain robosexuals for engaging in ungodly activities. How many times do you have to be caught cheating in one day till you’re finally satisfied, Cyneswith???
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Shajar returns from work and brings Hot Downtownie with her, but HD only has eyes for Sophie.
HD: Boy, I cant wait to meet Sophie :) Sophie: Boy, I can’t wait to have some toxic interaction with Shajar :)
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The kittos are here, four of them too, damn, Dobronega!
-Go big or go home.
I can’t @ all of them having your eye scar too, iconic. Now as you probably recall because I just mentioned it yesterday, my goal with the cats was the opposite than the dog one aka I wanted to make them more aggro because the dogs are bullying the hell out of them. Let’s see how we did..
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FINALLY SOMEONE AROUND HERE UNDERSTOOD THEIR ASSIGNMENT, TY DOBRIE. At last I can give the cats Mortal Kombat names and they will actually fit them, so here we have Kitana, Mileena, Ermac, and Scorpion, welcome bbs!
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It could be possible we have too many pets now, but as long as we’re not flashing pink I’m gonna be in denial about the lag.
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-Hey Sands, whatchu doing?🌸 -S̴K̴ILLI̴N̶G̶ F̶O̵R M̶YJO̷B. E̴VE̵R H̶EAR̴D O̴F T̷H̵O̷S̶E̴?🧟
RUDE. Cyneswith might not have a job but she performs many valuable tasks around the house, such as.. uh.. oh I got it:
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Legit I don’t even know how to comment on this one, it’s already been established that when I go too long without taking Cyn out to lover-hunt she starts setting fires, but iVan electrocuting her?? I guess he was like ‘I brought you back into this world and I can take you right out of it.’
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It’s another carefree night of swimming until 5am for Sugar..
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..while Jojo fixes iVan’s crazy ass. Jo I don’t know how to tell you this, but when you die it might be time for iVan to.. you know, go live in a big robot farm. Called a junkyard. 
-WHAT?! Don’t even think about it, he’s my biggest scientific achievement!
Your biggest scientific achievement breaks down 3 times a day, who the fuck is gonna be fixing him once you’re dead??
-I’ll commute from Hell!
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Sophie returns from work, gets promoted for the third time in a row, and Shajar RUNS TO HUG HER. Do I dare even ask what on earth is going on now?
-Nothing to be alarmed about, dumbass, we made up! -Yes, I apologized for suggesting a zombie threesome.. -And I in turn apologized for being a perfect mother and wife. 
Really Soph, that’s what you apologized for?
-Adopt a different tone if you want to address me.  -Haha, get her babe!
Alright then, so clearly Sophie climbing up the corporate ladder is gonna be UNBEARABLE, but at least you two are happy.
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Look who else is making up, man, what a day of love!
-Oh mommy, after my one-sided mortal enemy Alcibiades’ death I’ve been thinking, I’m so sorry I beat you up, you know how sometimes I have a little bit of a rage problem! -Aw it’s ok, sweetheart, I forgive you!
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*1 minute later*
Uh, Valentina, now might not be the best time to argue with your mother..
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-MOMMY NOOOOOOOOOOOOO -It’s alright, Valie, I will always be with you in spirit, but thankfully not in the flesh because I could tell you were gonna saddle me with the babysitting, so this is perfect timing!
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ABBEY MY BELOVED CHONK. You were such a chadette, I’ll never forget how you attacked the wolf and crushed Jojo’s stupid werewolf dreams, absolutely hilarious. RIP queen💔
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I barely have time to process Abbey’s loss when I am struck by a different tragedy: having to throw a Union birthday party. Mercifully no one except Wulf showed up, Daniel and Gunther decided they’ve suffered enough.
Alright Sugar, blow out those candles and let’s see the extent of that Don Oates genetic catastrophe.
-Don’t I get to make a wish first??
The only wish you should be making with those grades is wishing to graduate elementary school.
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OK. That’s not so bad right??? I can definitely see some Cyn in there!
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But the nose is ALL Don, thanks so much bro! 
It’s time to roll for an aspiration and truly, I can’t even react anymore:
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IS MY DIGITAL DIE FUCKING STUCK ON 6?!?! Like seriously is this gonna happen every goddamn generation??? Don’t even get me started on his incelitude-ensuring chemistry panel, any sims out there that are ripped but don’t work out, I have your soulmate right here. Literally we’re never gonna find anyone who has more than 1 bolt with this freak.
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Let’s move on to Sophito who all my hopes are riding on. Don’t let me down, my little genius, roll knowledge and pursue your destiny!
-There comes a time in every person’s life where they stop and think.. ‘Am I living my life for others..’
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-’or for myself’??
WELL CLEARLY IT’S THE LATTER IN YOUR CASE. So not only does Sophito pick my least favorite aspiration, but he decides to out-ridiculous Sugar in the chemistry department: Are you a chess grandmaster who lives in their parent’s basement? Then Sophito is here for you, but don’t even THINK of coming near him if you have ANY charisma. Good lord, his perfect spouse is literally Chester Gieke. 
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Predictably he grew up cute, but truly it’s such a small comfort. Now we wait for the LTWs to show up..
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Look at Shajar interacting with her kid, you’re a real family woman today aren’t you?
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Wulf, did you only attend this party to harass our pets?
-Of course not, I care deeply about Sophio and Sagar! 
Yea I’m starting to ‘care deeply’ as well after seeing those aspirations, ok the LTWs are in:
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SUGAR EVEN FOR YOU THIS IS RIDICULOUS. I can’t even really make fun of it, the simple IDEA of you in the army kills me, and I’m sure it will kill you too via friendly fire. We move on to Sophito, let’s see what horrors await us there..  
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-I told you, I’m gonna live life for myself from now on!
Yea, for yourself and 50 other people apparently! You know, you didn’t even have to go through all this trouble, you could have just stabbed me in the heart instead.
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-Boy do I look MAGNIFICENT OR WHAT. Those cheekbones!!! 
God help me. So this is a hairstyle I associate with Jean Ralphio from Parks and Rec, and thus I was saving it for like a true HIMBO, I just never in a million years thought the ‘true himbo’ would be my ‘little genius’. 
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-Don’t listen to her, son, being a genius fuckboi is the best of both worlds! Now lets shittalk your mother. 
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Birthdays all around as Valentina’s puppies grow up! This is Servilia..
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..and Calpurnia! Max and Calp look HILARIOUS and normally I’d make one of them the dog heir so we could have fun genetic experiments, but I’m very emo about Abbey dying so we’re keeping Abbey-clone Servillia. Her siblings will go off to have a (clearly much better) life with Wulf and Angel.
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Back to human bs, I can’t express to you guys how much trouble I’m having adjusting to New Sophito, aka Nuphito. Like the above is what he does literally ALL DAY LONG.
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Oh, sorry, he also spends 8 hours a day in the hot tub. Remember when you used to autonomously play chess all day??
-Isn’t my logic skill already maxed?
Yes but-
-Am I not the most functional person in this house?
-Then wouldn’t your time be better spent preventing some massive disaster instead of worrying about my hot tub time?
I don’t like you, I don’t like you at all, Nuphito!!!
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Sandy gets demoted, gets home, and starts immediately fighting Sophie (whose face has once again glitched in that creepy perma-smile).
-I̴ WIS̶H A̸N E̷T̴E̵R̷N̴A̴L, ̵I̶NE̴S̵C̶EP̵AB̶LE W̶I̶N̵T̶E̴R O̷N̴ YO̵U🧟 -You talking to me, wormy? Have you lost your rotting brain?
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Then Cyneswith shows up from the other side to admire Sophie, trapping her in a positive interaction/negative interaction loop:
-Congratulations on your amazing career progress, Sophie, you’re so smart, huhu!💗 -Aw, thanks-
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-Before you kill her, Soph, let’s do our school cheer! Voooooo gerbits, huhu!🌸 -Oh, fun!
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-What a crazy day, my head is still spinning.. Literally, it’s still glitched. Thankfully nothing that sleeping next to my father in law won’t fix.. 
Yea you do you, Soph!
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Guess who became best friends with her only child after 15 years? Mom of the year, Shajar Union!
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In case you were wondering, this creepy shit is still going on, I swear I’m already seeing adult Sophito’s Sandy-filled want panel, and by ‘seeing it’ I mean in my nightmares.
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Speaking of nightmares, I figured Sugar is gonna need all the help he can get so I got him a teen job in the army, and this is the ensemble he’s gonna present himself in. Man, you really have a rough life ahead of you. And now, for the horrible part..
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WYATT NO💔💔💔💔💔 Goddamn Sophie, she’s like one of those hospital cats that go sleep next to patients who are about to die. 
-WYAT UNION, NEE MONIF, YOUR TIME- can you move a bit so I can pass? -Oui! -Thanks bro. WYATT UNION, YOUR TIME HAS COME -Quel?? Whò est toi?? -I AM DEATH
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-Dethe?? Je ne ûndérstàndòix. -Oh man. Hula zombs, any of you speak French? -Tell him he is ‘mort’. -YOU ARE MORT 
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-Hiiii everyone, have a blessed day!
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-Oòòòòh, mòrt! -YES. HEAVEN- I MEAN, LE PARADIS, AWAITS YOU -Tres bien, huhu! Au revoir évéryoné, je t'aime Jòjò, non be sadoix! 
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When I tell you guys I teared up for real. What to even say about my French-Arabian prince; he came into this legacy a randomly generated dormie with great hair and a Jojo obsession, and leaves with great hair, a Jojo obsession, and my heart. He was such a delightful presence and gave us so many great moments when he wasn’t asleep. RIP mon bebe❤️
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Our Wyatt was always a giving soul and left money to absolutely everyone..
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..like I’m looking around the house and EVEN iVAN has the inheritance memory..
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..BUT DON DOES NOT LMAO. I CAN’T. Thanks for that final laugh, Wyatt❤️
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davrosfan23 · 4 months
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I felt they really missed a trick with the final boss in MK1…..so here is my take on how to improve it
The Problem
I found it rather disrespectful that after 30 years Shang Tsung was finally coming back to the series as the sole villain and Final boss. He has always been a prominent bad guy but is usually overshadowed by a bigger villain or has to share the spotlight with someone else . This was his time to shine again as the main antagonist …….and he,s reduced to being a reskinned version of his New era incarnation and has all the same moves despite it not making much sense because they are very different people
He also spent a good chunk of Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath feasting on the souls of others to steal their strength and power…so that should have been implemented……it just comes across as very lazy because they implement boss fights in invasion mode but cant do it for one of the most iconic haracters
In an ideal world we would bring back Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa to reprise the role but if that was not an option I would give him the following look
He is dressed in extravagant crimson and black robes with the crown of kronika upon his head. His skin has become pallid and corpse like with eyes that now glow a sickly green, He now resembles something akin to shinnok than the mortal man we once knew . He has used to his new role as Time Keeper to dabble further into the darkest of magic and it has corrupted his body
Basic attacks
They do more damage than the average fighter with some of his more powerful moves being capable sending his opponent flying . It makes sense he would have enhanced strenth from taking the soul of Shao Kahn
Special moves
· The triple fireball/: is now his only projectile …..it does more damage and is faster than the new era shangs version
· Triple ground fireball same
· Slashing: This shang does not have the claws so he instead summons 2 lightning swords similar to Raiden in MK 11 and slashes with them**. He absorbed Raidens soul in 11 so is exploiting another skill he gained**
· Spikes: Titan shang summons a large clawed hand from the ground to skewer his foes**. As a godlike being he now wields power similar to shinnok and is at the height of his magical prowess**
. Lightning bolt: summons a bolt of red lighting to strike his opponent.
The soul steal: He draws energy from the crown to create a shield around himself that both protects him from damage and restores a portion of his health (requires recharge so he cant spam it ) The idea here is that thanks to the crown …….he now no longer needs to feed directly on his foe and can simply summon souls  from the crown
· Sindels scream: with the same banshee effect from 11
· Time stop: waves his hand and stops time for a few seconds
· Shape shift : he changes into whoever he is fighting and gains access to their move set
· Rather than shape shifting into an old man he instead shifts between his regular form and Damashi
Fatal blow: He shapeshifts into various people he’s absorbed such as night wolf and Shao kahn to deal heavy damage. This would be similar to his MK11 fatal blow where he became the ninjas.
Fatality 1: He summons a tiny wisp of fire from his hand and sends it into his opponent through their mouth It proceeds to expand within them and basically disintegrates them from the inside out. The only thing that is left is the orb now transformed to the size of a small sun ……floating ominously
Fatality 2: He morphs into Damashi and gently places his/her hand upon the head of whoever they are fighting……and they simply age to dust.
All this gives this iconic villain his due as he reclaims his throne as the final boss ….and makes him truly a Titan
this would be the basic inspiration of his robes …
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
okay, i can't wait anymore, time to break down the new mortal kombat trailer
Putting my mad theories and obvious spoilers for the ending and dlc for MK11 under read more because i would never subject any of this to you all unwillingly.
So it looks like Netherrealm have fully committed to establishing a new setting for the Mortal Kombat universe, which probably means a lot of the canon is going to be rewritten or otherwise changed.
So far in this trailer: Fire/Time/Lightning God Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Scorpion, Sub Zero and Shang Tsung are confirmed. Shang Tsung appears to be a preorder exclusive, which is shitty because this trailer makes him out to be one of, if not the big bad.
Two people who look like Kung Lao are seen with Liu Kang throughout the trailer, however they have different hats.
so first thing is we have this hat, remind you of anything?
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i think this is our boy kung lao, its missing the iconic blade, but we might see that change in the game
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as for this guy ^, his hat reminded me an awful lot of Raiden's hat that we see at the end of MK 11 DLC
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if this is Raiden, then it's probably going to be a return of mortal Raiden who now acts as an advisor to Fire/Time God Liu Kang. But it'll be nice to see all three of them together if that's the case, and i can't wait to see how their personalities have adapted in the new power dynamic. now that im looking at the outfits, the hat diagnosis makes more sense
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Based on the Kitana and Mileena carriage scene, Outworld has a new oasis-esque look, or we might be getting a look at Edenia. But what is INTERESTING is the colour of the carriage! The carriage is PURPLE, which at first made me think that in this new timeline Mileena might be princess of Outworld instead of Kitana (Liu Kang maybe designed it that way to make their relationship less stressful?), BUT!
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THE PURPLE ON THE CARRIAGE DOESN'T MATCH MILEENA! You can just about see in this screenshot (you'll have to click for higher resolution cuz tumblr hates anything above 64 bits), but Mileena's theme is more magenta, whereas the inside of the carriage (which matches the outside) is PURPLE. Who do we know associated with Outworld and the colour purple?
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Our favourite retcon! This probably doesn't confirm Sindel showing up but it does strongly imply that Mileena and Kitana are riding in a carriage made for their mum! Which is a cute little nod to past canon and may indicate that Sindel has died again? or is otherwise not present, whether or not she might be a revenant is yet unknown.
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Scorpion and Sub Zero seem to be allies again, which means we should get more of the friendship they had in MK11. They also appear to be in a tea shop (new au fucking sorted), and possibly in the Shirai-Ryu base? they are very matchy-matchy so this may be a hint to them fully teaming up?
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also the eclipse/portal shit we see matches the fire portals we've already seen in the MK11 DLC, which implies that timeline fuckery is still occurring somehow and appears to be the main source of conflict in MK1.
phew, anyway that's all i have for now. if anyone wants to join me in theorising or mad speculation, please feel free to reblog and add on, im really interested in what other people think!
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dbittz · 9 months
Mortal Komabt 1 Story/Theme Thoughts (Spoilers)
Mortal Kombat 1 released recently. I haven't played it cause I don't have a PS5, but I want to be apart of it so I've watched gameplay and I know how the story unfolds. I have a lot of thoughts about everything but if there is one thing I want to say/express is that while I love a lot of what happens with this game and the "reboot" aspect of it all, part of me feels that they dropped the ball in a way at the end. I'll try to explain as we go and I think the biggest clue or upset is the tagline and ultimately how the story unfolds.
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"It's in our Blood". That is the big tagline for the MK1. What I got from this and what they initially showed is that no matter what changes Liu Kang made to restart the universe and make it better, it wouldn't work. That humans/creatures/characters at their core are violent or that combat is an essential part of life. I see this type of theme or tagline and I'm like "Yes! Let's roll with it." I was really excited to see these Iconic characters in the "perfect" world Liu Kang made when he restarted it at the end of MK 11, only for it to all fall apart because no matter what changes Liu Kang made, each character had a core aspect of their personality that brings them back to the character we know them as. Thus, the cycle/events would repeat themselves.
An example I would love to see this with is Shang Tsung. We know him to be a bad guy. He's always been a bad guy. It would be interesting to see how someone would go about making him not a bad guy. How would they change his life? Would they take his powers away? Give him a good life where he didn't need anything else? How would he fall? How would he become a villain again? Is it circumstance? Or is there a fundamental part of Shang Tsung that will always bring him back to the villain we know? It's in his blood. That is the story I would've loved to follow with him Shang and the rest of the MK characters.
Instead, SPOILERS, the story we get is that, Liu Kang is the villain and he has no one to blame but himself for setting up Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to be bad guys. Why? He made their lives fucking miserable. Sure, I get it. The two fucked up a lot of shit and are responsible for some problems, but instead of trying to fix their lives and make them good, Liu Kang tries to make their lives "mundane". Sure he could've done that, but what did he do? He made Shang Tsung a snake oil salesman who would get beaten up when it's discovered his product doesn't work while we learn from the story that Quan Chi worked in the mines. Heck, Havik was a slave who was treated poorly by the rulers of OrderRealm. Like no wonder he wanted to rebel against the governing class. Given the situations these characters were put in, it's no wonder they jumped at a chance for power, to be who they see themselves as.
Now, you could say this is in line with the theme of "It's in our blood" and I see it. No matter what Liu Kang did to restart the world, it ultimately would be one of conflict, kombat, where people are mistreated, evil returns and good must fight back. We find out that there had been a War in Outworld. Jarrod is dead again, like the guy just can't live happily with his wife and daughter(s). But part of me feels like Liu Kang could've tried a little harder to make the universe a better place before it feel apart.
Maybe I'm just upset they did the multiple timelines things that intersected where all the events unfold because evil Shang Tsung from MK 11 manipulated MK 1 Shang Tsung. Lol. Like, in a way it's cool because it takes in account the multiple endings from MK 11, but it also feels like such a cop out.
Overall, the story for MK 1 is a lot of fun. The new origins for everyone and everything were fun to see and experience. And in a way it was fun to see that despite the changes, these characters are still who they are. That they held on to the core aspects of their character, for better and worse. The new changes were also good, like Baraka actually having a character/personality instead of just being a goon. lol
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pwnyta · 2 years
I don't necessarily mean Mortal Kombat although it's a good example.
Another good example is the new Street Fighter, this time they trying to aim for realism but it's still stylized in a good way, there is Tekken as well. You also have Final Fantasy as another good example of a game evolved into a more realistic style.
In the end I ment that realism can work for game that can compliment it not just any game.
Street Fighter and Tekken I'll put in the same vein as MK... Maybe its because its mostly just a fighting game with set moves.
As for Final Fantasy... I disagree kind of. Nothing looks real in Final Fantasy anyways so I dont see the necessity to make the characters have somewhat realistic faces while everything around them is batshit insane. It looks jarring to me.
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Lookit Clouds dumb iconic hair... it looks both boring comparatively to the art and also completely out of place wacky in the realistic style. So whats the point. This goes for others too but Cloud is a perfect example.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
A post about Brutal Doom
I was thinking of when i could repost something i wrote before on this blog and now it seems Midnight made a video about BD drama.
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You know what? Might as well do it.
This post might still be flawed but i tried:
What is Brutal Doom? A popular Doom mod, maybe the most popular. A mod that makes Doom "crazier" by making its gore more complex and including an ability to perform Mortal Kombat inspired “fatalities” on enemies. It also has features comparable to modern FPS like reloading and ADS. And a bunch of other stuff added for the sake of immersion and insanity (Whether it's intentional insanity or not depends). To some people, it’s “what id Software wanted to make back then” or “the best and only Doom mod ever”. Its popularity and critical acclaim almost paint a blurry image of the mod and so does some of its negative criticisms and drama. Doom is always hit with misinformation and half memories due to Dunning Krueger/osmosis/second half info/game of telephone/Mandela effect tier stuff going on. Brutal Doom is probably the biggest example.
What are its actual flaws? Any mod has its own differences and design decisions from base Doom and aren’t inherently bad just because they’re different; In fact, some mods are great because of what they are, even if they can be better on some maps than others. BD, despite being the “default Doom” to some people, had its issues and some probably weren’t intentional (But might be fixed as of me writing this, so this list is outdated).
The balance was known for being odd, so the shotgun would be OP during ADS and render the SUPER shotgun useless. You could defeat the Cyberdemon with 7 rockets or 3 SSG blasts. Headshots based hitboxes were once placed above enemies, so you had to shoot above a Baron. Some enemy radius were changed, so Cyberdemons and Arachnotrons could be stuck in some places. The player’s voodoo doll was modified in a way that affected some wads like Scythe. A feature of automatically adding props/features to maps (To make them “realistic”) had an issue where iron bars would block main paths and enemy projectiles could go through them but not the player’s) The art direction was also inconsistent, as some blood splatter effects had different resolution from other effects in the game. Sprites of picking up enemies as hostages looked weird and a HUD face for a playable female option had a weird looking face (To be fair, some female mugshots in Doom mods looked weird too). You also had a HUD so disorganized, where a totally different font was on top of the ARMS section in the base old Doom HUD and a grenade counter icon was set outside the HUD (Some weird stuff here and there, with no coherence or direction). And in Brutal Doom 64, chaingunners were invisible.
It’s normal for mods to have these problems because they’re fan projects, but some of these problems were either unique to BD or not that common, while a lot of other mods tried to avoid these things. BD is also said to have “spaghetti code” to the point that a version broke with GZDoom because Mark wrote the letter L where a 1 should have been.
But even then, BD is not so much judged on technical flaws, because of other things like drama including its creator. Even then, worse mods exist. I think ProDoomer for example is notorious for its problems.
How did it got popular? Game journalists giving the mod credit for features that existed prior in other mods and Youtubers (Markiplier and TotalBiscuit) are obvious examples. But there’s also a popular BD based mappack which borrowed FreeDoom maps and it’s how some people got into Doom. The amount of misinfo, its basic appeal (More gore, “modernized” etc) and the influence from the Doom comic are also noticeable. BD was also liked because of its "feedback" (As in how satisfying it felt to play to its audience), even if you think some sounds are too loud or visuals are too flashy (But people loved that regardless). The mod was popular among people that didn’t delve that much into Doom and its modding scene, so BD had its own subculture with submods and off-shoots content. It was essentially like a fanfiction treated as canon (In a series whose fanbase already touched how we talk about/look at/remember/play the games to begin with). John Romero once said that if Doom came out like BD, it would have “destroyed the industry”; He was commenting on the absurdity of the mod but people thought he was saying "it's how we wish we did it". BD64 was also nominated in a “best fan projects” section from 2016’s VGA’s and won.
On a bright side, BD did brought some people into Doom and other mods, so they don’t just stop at BD. There’s even BD inspired mods that try to “fix” the mod or are liked by people that don’t like the original BD.
(Boiled Doom, BD Johnny, BD Lite, Burl Tumd) So for all the "Doom illiteracy", there's some people getting deeper into the Doom iceberg/rabbit hole or whatever term you'd use.
Plus, there's a few other mods that got big enough to have their own subcultures. Complex Doom also has its own addons/submods and fanbase: Megaman 8-bit Deathmatch has its subculture, even if it's mainly because it's based off another game series (But Doom is no stranger to crossovers).
And right now as of editing this, MyHouse had its impact but it might aslo be related to things like the "Liminal Spaces" stuff, so who knows what weird impact it could have.
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Historical revisionism (sort of) BD was given credit for features that existed in other mods and source ports, since its audience were people not too knowledgeable on Doom modding in general. Romero likes the mod but he never saw it as “what Doom should be”; His comment on “destroying the industry” was about the absurd gore. But various sites and content online still kept mentioning BD like they had too. Like the Doom version of someone who wants to talk about Tomba and another guy feels the need to mention that one popular SGDQ 2014 stream because of the memes around it.
(The internet is a reverse to a real party where a guy ruins the mood by bringing up something awkward, so instead everyone brings up the awkward thing and one guy is left alienated and in an awkward mood)
BD’s popularity meant people had certain ideas of the games and their mods that were misguided and not really true. I honestly think BD is just a microcosm of a fanbase that, for better or worse, “owned and readapted” a series in a way that can’t easily be separated from fans.
The community’s reaction and drama It’s not true that BD is only hated because “purist boomers hate anything new” or “modders were jealous of its popularity”. Some modders did however made it so their mods were incompatible with BD and pulled off goofy pranks: This is not just because of drama, but also because BD fans were asking other modders to make their mods compatible with BD and because SgtMark’s code was notorious for being sloppy at the time.
But the reasons why people hated Mark was because of how he behaved at the time. One instance, someone discovered a racist joke in the code (Something to do with the Plasma Rifle being described as “being so hot, it turns a white guy into a ** than rap music” or something like that). Another instance was a user claiming he was feeling depression and Mark replied with a Wikipedia article of suicide. These 2 in particular were seen as the worst cases and lead to Mark being banned on most Doom forums. Other drama includes Mark not properly crediting artists of the sprites used in his mod.
These are things that did happen, however, most people never post links or screenshots of them. This is the reason why people think BD drama feels fake at times: For someone that has an infamous history in a community, rarely do people post evidence that this ever happened. In turn, some people think Mark is being falsely accused.
One video that showed off BD’s glitches did use screenshots based on some events, but this video has an interesting story: You know the site Encyclopedia Dramatica? They used that video in an article about Doom. While most people saw Mark as an edgelord, ED treated Mark like any “loser lolcow”. This is surprising because, considering their nature, you’d think they would praise Mark for being edgy.
Maybe in some chan sites, people like that Mark was edgy (Or hate him for not being edgy enough). 4chan’s /vr/ board can be critical of Doomworld and ZDoom Forums but they also were critical of Mark’s personality and (At least in 2017/18) were the ones that most criticized BD for its gameplay and code problems. While most people heard stories of Mark’s character, /vr/ posted screenshots and webms of BD’s glitches and problems. Some even see BD as “Doom’s own Yandere Simulator”.
But there are also times when Mark wanted to stay away from drama: I think there was a version of a Project Brutality mod that had some patch to make it unplayable and crash someone’s game if mixed with BD. I recall this being an instance where Mark was getting tired of drama.
And like many other people in the community, even SgtMark criticized an update of WolfenDoom Blade of Agony that was going to a direction people thought was too far for a mod. (Something to do with a Wolfenstein inspired by trying to have specific real life references in the setting: This lead to Realm667 being down for a while and Tormentor distancing himself from the community for a while: As of writing this, maybe this drama is also waters under the bridge). Plus, Doom’s fanbase always had its sorts of drama. Let’s not forget Graf Zahl having to take a break from GZDoom development because he didn’t like that Lilith PK3 won a Cacoward.
And as of currently, a majority of people left the ZDoom Forums due to MarisaDesu and how others handled the situation badly.
More on SgtMarkIV Despite what happened, he is unbanned on Doomworld, he occasionally collaborates with other people and doesn’t get into drama anymore. It’s possible that Mark grew from all that mess, since people can change and other people in the Doom community had their own dramas and controversies.
Maybe one could also point out that he’s from Brazil, so consider the troubles of living in that country. Plus, a lot of edgy people in the internet come from countries within that middle/south American zone and/or with Latino-adjacent languages.
He also made more than just Brutal Doom, since Doom modders tend to be involved in different projects. He even made maps that were liked by people who otherwise dislike BD. Some modders and other people also had positive interactions, including Nash who did a gore based more before BD.
Did BD inspire Doom 2016? Being the most popular (And a bit forced/astroturfed) Doom mod, this seems believable at first. Hell, Doom Eternal has some enemy designs (Fire Baron, Stone Imp, Riot Chaingunner) that can be traced to Realm667 designs. But BD’s premise was based on some basic ideas that probably existed before (Nash for example did a gore mod that predates BD). 2016 claims its inspiration from the “meme” Doom comic, which was popular among fans, even if it was originally panned at the time.
But it’s more than the comic, 2016 is based on other parts of the fanbase. Death Battle made a popular video where Doomguy faces Master Chief and loses; Doom fans were upset because they think he should have won and even Halo fans thought the fight wasn’t truly faithful to either of the series’ gameplay or lore. You could even point out Doom fans being jealous of Halo “ruining FPS” and having a green armored soldier, hence the comparisons between Master Chief and 2016’s Praetor armored Slayer. Plus, when did a blank slate whose face bled on the HUD and was shown hurt in the iconic box art was seen as “being stronger than he actually is”? 4chan had one or two meme copypastas where someone described how strong Doomguy is and most of it is just basing Doomguy’s “Power level” on gameplay factors and the games’ little lore it had. Chances are some of this was ironic since one post even compared Doomguy to a generalized idea of “JRPG teams who kill God with the power of friendship” but some people took it seriously. It’s like Chuck Norris memes but based on a specific character and you wonder how much comes from jealousy over a certain other character.
Either way, the Doomslayer can be seen as fanservice to some fans but still with its own ideas and concepts. Besides, both Doom 3 and FPS during 7th gen were seen as presenting ideas that contradict the values of classic FPS, so 2016 was a “responsive” type of game. Hell, 2016 had no reloading, which once became default for FPS games in a while. Doom is associated with speed, even if it’s because of Quake and the presence of ALWAYS_RUN in source ports.
Doom fanbase status Not everyone into Doom is a modder or anyone that cares about wads. But i do believe that anything around mods, wads, ports, documentation and so on could be seen in a high regard. Because ever since 2016 and Eternal, the fanbase has grown and you can see different “layers” in a way.
This results in people hating Brutal Doom based on poorly received and limited information. They know the community hates it but have no strong base around it. Between Youtubers that came around 2020 and people who make Animal Crossing crossover fanart, it feels like they want to impress the old guard. Meanwhile, /vr/ actually used to show BD being buggy and awkward. And /vr/ had fans of more niche/demanding mods like Hideous Destructor. I feel like people could at least research these stories about BD or ask someone for better proof, but also know that Mark may not be the same guy he was in those times.
Personal takes I tried to be a bit “diplomatic” because BD discussion is a bit of a mess and there’s a lot to be said from various prespectives. Even if i stole opinions or perspectives of others, i tried to go for more obscure ones (People say Doom fans repeat the same jokes, when i see people repeating statements and other stuff). There’s a lack of objectivity and verification from “both sides, even the middle” and i tend to explore different corners of the fanbase to add a bit more sense. Especially in a series that was manipulated by its fanbase in ways that even the old guard doesn’t realize.
The reason why i think other mods should be acknowledged besides Brutal Doom is because Doom modding is a greater universe on its own and it shows how much can be done with the iconic FPS. Part of why i think there could be other award events besides Cacowards and that any time someone disagrees with changes of a certain source port, they should be free to make their own fork of it and base it on their personal preferences or interests of potential target audiences.
Doom modding is a product of freedom and expression from fans, given by John Carmack being influenced by “hacker culture”. Think of topics like being pro consumer or videogame preservation and documentation. Doom has a lot of things that other videogames could benefit from in terms of fanbase interaction. Even with Quake: I like that single player mods are getting popular, but i hope it doesn’t kill off Q1 multiplayer and any interest for Quake 2 or other games. Even if you dislike a game or something related, don’t let it die. Elitism over what you can/can't do feels out of place in modding and open source scenes or even hacking.
This whole post could have been done by someone that knows better and could present it in a better way than i did. In fact, i say this about any Doom “blogpost” i wrote. However, discussion around BD is so messy, i even question some otherwise wiser figures. Maybe it’s from an OCD mindset of trying to make sure everything is clear and fair. The truth is complicated and people prefer shortcuts for answers. I know “let’s all get along” is a boring, cliche thing to day. But Doom has a special fanbase and for all the faults and dramas, i think there are things to learn and some solutions that should be fair to more people.
Regardless of who you are, if you're reading this, you have some things you’re really good at and that’s something to be proud of. And it’s also nice to do new things and enjoy the works of others or collaborate. I dunno what else to add. I made too many Doom blogposts, i should actually make a map or real content.
But i still want to post stuff, since i haven't reposted the actual "Doom fanbase status" and some other stuff like Doom and Halo or whatever.
A post i recommend checking out (Could even inspire an interesting Youtube video) is this one about things that can be traced to Doom fans.
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batstickblog · 1 year
6 archetypes of characters and themes for won’t want Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack
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Greeting fellow followers. Been awhile has done one of these. Isn’t rant or anything. It’s been a year since. I shared my thoughts on animation or a topic related to a certain issue related to a certain company sided with a party, one of the states against allowing discussion about social ideology like sexuality and gender identity. Ain’t talking, that’s my most popular post from last year and I want to try something different rather rely on old posts. Share my thoughts about the release announcement reveal trailer for Mortal Kombat 1 from NetherRealm Studios themselves. They put out that trailer and several outlets already released articles and breakdowns of what's well came from the next installment from the franchise. Already I've been a casual fighting game player. I Have played variations of fighting series across different franchises like Mortal Kombat, Darkstalkers, Tekken, Streets Fighters, Virtual Fighters, King of Fighters, Marvel vs. Capcom, Super Smash Brothers. Can list the rest of fighting’s games that I play. Would make a list of everything that’s played in my entire life. That’s for like any moment when I get around.
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Already Mortal Kombat fan’s talk about guests characters. As pointed out, these are what they’re ever talking about. Besides the stories, characters and mechanics of the game, the team felt NRS was aware of this and teased fans to expect what guest characters will entertain mortal kombat like so many others, from God of War to Rambo. Between that is bunches of horror icons, comic books characters like Joker and Spawn and sci-fiction characters like Xenomorph, Yautja and T-800. Also with gaming outlets not confirmed. Speculating that Mortal Kombat 1 guest’s characters are Peacemaker, Homelander, Omni-Man and Conan. Everyone was excited about these and thak to the Elder Gods for that.
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If the peaks are true, hope not. Don’t know there a majority of small MK fans that are not disappointed or not a fan of these early lists of guest fighters they are getting soon in Mortal Kombat 1. From their perspective they are excited for this because…What’s the point? Homelander and Omni-Man? They already have Evil Superman for Injustice, minus brutality in their shows. Well Injustice’s Superman is near lawful evil as Omni-Man and further than Mortal compass as Homelander (if you read the comic’s or watch the show’s to learn some horrible, terrifying and right-up mess actions that Homelander had done in both mediums).
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Injustice Superman is good guys compared to Homelander. and they’re going to play the same type of fighters, again as Superman from previous games and they’d completely from the comic’s as strength and backstory, still going’s recycled or Tweak up there move sets make fans can’t tell difference a-little. Peacemaker, the show was popular (and don’t it either the show or the characters. Really fan of Peacemaker). Already a DC character appeared in Mortal Kombat and one Pleated completed about this because it’s Joker in the last Mortal Kombat. Why are they why the creative team wants to repeat the same theme for Kombat Pack.
For example, look at Mortal Kombat (2011) for download content of guest fighters Kratos (Greek Version) and Freddy Krueger. So Mortal Kombat 9 was a mix of both video games and horror representation. Mortal Kombat X was led into more horror with their kombat packs with guest characters like Leatherface, Alien, Predator and Jason (well action-horror with Alien and Predator. Both respected franchises, sequel and crossover are action orientated with horror elements mixed with. Jason X was part horror and part action/sci-fiction).
Mortal Kombat 11 has superior guest characters than X and 9. Spawn, Joker, Rambo, Terminator and RoboCop. Kombat Pack for Mortal Kombat 11 was a throwback of classic 80s action flicks and comic books. Now with Mortal Kombat 1. Kombat Pack already doesn't look that good, felt Kombat Packs are retaining the same idea from previously downloaded content packs. Ain’t felt different or has a theme to stand out from the rest of the Kombat Pack. It’s kind of like cooking your favorite kind of meat like beef, chicken or pork. Cooked anyway you like it. Would looks the same. In result it’s would end-up taste differently. That’s what Kombat Pack are each different flavors from a new Mortal Kombat game when released. Always a bit different from the previous entry in the title.
Return the Discussing on the Peacemaker. Let's be saved for when NetherRealm possibly make a next injustice after Mortal Kombat 1 (possibly when it would ever happen, sometime around mid-late 2020s). It’s great that Ed Boon and his team at NetherRealm Studios are listening to the community closely on most requests. At the same time boom and his studio really needed careful consideration when what third party they wanted included in Mortal Kombat. Ain’t saying is possible. Remembering has guests from other franchises ain’t easy. There needs to be a deal to be made and other parties are willing to allow any of these characters to make appearances outside their series, that's the company's own. Isn't an executive. Now has made a list of mixers of characters and type of themes for Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack. That’s won’t or didn’t happen when revealed trailer for line-up of Kombat Pack after the game release afterwards.
Reused Old Guest Character
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Not characters. Character. Has seen a lot of people and even articles that brought up many one character outside of the Mortal Kombat universe. Requested his return to Kratos from God of War. Everyone needs to be calm and reasonable. They want Kratos back, not as old rage-destructive, ruthless, violent, brutal Sparta from Greek saga. Norse Kratos from 2018's God of War and God of War Ragnarök. More wise and civilized, still a berserk fighter when either those closest to him are not in near danger.
These aren't third-party games. A guest isn’t a major character. They're one time appearances despite different versions of them. Don’t bring-up echo/clone characters or two were versions of characters like Regular Mario or Dr.Mario in Smash they’d be completely different. As much like Kratos. His right-up aside many established franchise characters like Master Chief, from the sixth generation era. Kratos or Norse Kratos is not personal for me. Rather want new guest fighter instead rehash old guest fighters from previous titles that came before it.
Horror Characters
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Right of the bat. Is horror. Mortal Kombat has a well known reputation within the Horror community and embraced the genre as a whole. Freddy made his guest appearances in Mortal Kombat 2011, following with its 2015 sequel Mortal Kombat X with Jason and Leatherface. Since then fan’s requested other horror characters in the next Mortal Kombat. Seen a lot of popular suggestions for icon horror and slasher’s characters, even recently new ones from a wide variety of potential guest characters like Michael Myers, Pinhead, Ghostface, Pennywise, Chucky, Megan and plenty horr. Sadly alongside seemingly fan’s requests ever since Mortal Kombat X or 11? Is groovy chainsaw-wielding, boomstick-blasting wisecracking Ash Williams (believe less few years back around 2019-2020 that’s Bruce finished with character, and didn’t respire his in live-action or probably included video game anytime).
Michael Myers, Pinhead and…Pennywise would believe visuals could believe those three would translate into the world of Mortal Kombat. Ghostface or Chucky can’t imagine those two stand against…No go against one of fighters who are literally god or have element mythos abilities that can set you on fire or rip-out your soul from y’all, physical body. Horror has worn out the meriden in Mortal Kombat. With nine and tenth main installments in the Mortal Kombat or first two games of NetherRealm Trilogy. It’s preferable that NetherRealm Studios shouldn’t put any horror or slashers killers in Mortal Kombat 1 or any future games for a while if they’re chosen. Horror is everyone's favorite type of genre, myself included. In the game (isn’t Deaf by Daylight) as Mortal Kombat. Definitely not for a while.
Movie Licenses Characters
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Mortal Kombat narratives felt when watching a movie. Fitting during the early development days way back to the first original Mortal Kombat. Originally the team at Midway was going to adapt Bloodsport in the game. All that’s changed thanks to the commercial success of Capcom's Street Fighter II: The World Warrior. Midway Games allows Boon and his team to create their own arcade fighting game, known as Mortal Kombat and cultural influence has had in the gaming industry for 30 years. Gone this strong after these years. Even though Jean-Claude Camille was announced in Mortal Kombat 1 as Kameo Fighters, with complete likeness. Since then with the last release Mortal Kombat 11 with 80s action characters from The Terminator, RoboCop to Rambo himself. Alongside the three appearances after Mortal Kombat 11. Quickly floated by fans, many movie characters wanted to be seen in Mortal Kombat games like John Wick, Mad Max, The Bride (Kill Bill), Riddick, Voldemort and “Sigh” Darth Vader. What’s any scenario is that Disney, Lucasfilms, NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. Games negotiated an agreement to make a deal allowing one of the Star Wars most iconic villains ever like Darth Vader in Mortal Kombat. No way unlikely will happen unlike pre-Disney Star Wars did with Soul Calibur IV.
As much love as characters from my favorite movies engage in Kombat one versus one fight. Mortal Kombat should have laid-back these cinematic influences. Includes NetherRealm pouring how much money through getting these actors' approval allowing linkness to be used by the characters they portrayed from films to appear in the game. Maybe Mortal Kombat Fans would see John Wick pinned against someone like Scorpion, Liu Kang or Johnny Cage. Don’t get me wrong, it's flawless to see that with creativity the way badass fiction cinematic stars would do with their own fatalities. I am good that’s should leave out any more movie’s characters for Mortal Kombat 1. Three action stars are enough for Mortal Kombat 11. Let's find new gimmicks of guest characters for Kombat Pack. Please. Found better options for guest fighters including license out movie characters. Known studios would want either Neo or John Wick in one of their games. Even as Reeves fans I had to no. I love The Matrix and John Wick. Those are favorites of Keanu Reeves movies, strongly disagreeing on them being in Mortal Kombat.
Comic Books Characters
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Homelander or Omni-Man, that's this leak to be rumored. Not if confirmed. Seems people on the Internet believe and accept any information is true or not, that’s their beliefs. That era is currently where we are now. Mortal Kombat 11 when first announced that Spawn and Joker were coming. I was massively excited for these. Mostly Spawn, in classes during the course of winter semester the trailer with that incredible song playing during gameplay’s footage Spawn fought Scorpion. If’s was during the 90s that’s a dream crossover from my inner 90s younger self would rationalize most early entertainment mediums between comics like Spawn or video games like Mortal Kombat across together. Now since Mortal Kombat 11. Began seeing a lot of fans suggesting and wanting guest comic’s books in Mortal Kombat. Judge Dread. The Mask, Crow, V, WitchBlade, Shredder and of course, DC characters DC likes Deathstroke and Harley Quinn. So what’s i think about the whole thing, with honest opinions of me?
Homelander and Omni-Man are too similar and would play the same archetype of Superman from similar, besides being twisted dark take on Man of Steel while they pretend to be heroes. They also both only been talked about because if leaks are true not be true or not. Either Warners Bros: Games or NRS only allowed these to capitalize both series popularity on Amazon Prime and due to massive fan’s demands. Plus got Peacemaker, why not save for the next Injustice then ever be a sequel to Injustice 2 or something like that. Isn’t because the show found popularity because with Injustice restrictions some of these violent comic books characters personality…Already not their personality. Movesets and not get to see all that bloody fatalities, that’s not seen in Injustice’s games. Didn't go against Comic Books Characters in fighting games like Mortal Kombat. My two characters want to see not in Mortal Kombat. Injustice instead. Jackie Estacado and Judge Dredd. Sure those two fit much better within Mortal Kombat. Judge Dredd and The Darkness are different and make sense. Because both series have connected with DC in the past with crossover issues from Judgment on Gotham to The Darkness/Superman. Invincible and The Boys have no connections and no context, for large amounts of fan’s requests. NetherRealm uses Homelander or Omni-Man as an excuse to allow developers to create brutal, impactful and bloody move sets for both Superman Analogues, which they couldn't do with the actual Superman from Injustice game.
Video Games Characters (the rights picks)
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Past decent now or less than that’s since Kratos made his appearance in Mortal Kombat reboot 2011 game. Everyone Mortal Kombat wanting any video game’s characters to appear next in Mortal Kombat. Has seen suggestions of characters as Altair, Alex Mercer, Marcus Fenix (originally planned for MK9 for only Xbox exclusive, ultimately got scrapped), Raiden (MGS), Gabriel Belmont, Sweet Tooth, Akuma, Fulgore, Reaper, Sephiroth, Talion, Nemesis…Springtrap seriously and among the rest why Springtrap, from Fives Nights at Freddy? Don’t get the joke of it. This is what any fighting game fan dreams of. A roster filled with their favorite icons characters like in games like Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat is like Smash Bros. If Smash bros were T or less M rating. I read one reddit post complaining about how Mortal Kombat fans discuss guest characters from different franchises from other games.
Past decent now or less than that’s since Kratos made his appearance in Mortal Kombat reboot 2011 game. Everyone Mortal Kombat wanting any video game’s characters to appear next in Mortal Kombat. Has seen suggestions of characters as Altair, Alex Mercer, Marcus Fenix (originally planned for MK9 for only Xbox exclusive, ultimately got scrapped), Raiden (MGS), Gabriel Belmont, Sweet Tooth, Akuma, Fulgore, Reaper, Sephiroth, Talion, Nemesis…Springtrap seriously and among the rest why Springtrap, from Fives Nights at Freddy? Don’t get the joke of it. This is what any fighting game fan dreams of. A roster filled with their favorite icons characters like in games like Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat is like Smash Bros. If Smash bros were T or less M rating. I read one reddit post complaining about how Mortal Kombat fans discuss guest characters from different franchises from other games.
Really nothing against the idea of video games representation in Mortal Kombat. All guest video games characters have a chance. For a while make your own list of guests that are not definitely. Thought’s made sense from both technical and gameplay perspective-wise. If you don't accept them, that’s fine. While suggestions of some of the characters like Sephiroth, Raiden (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance) or Reaper are fun to imagine, I didn’t really find myself to be pleased or happy if NetherRealm announces any characters that feel out of place. Specifically satisfied that’s small percentage of fans wanted their favorite game character without a second thought throughout development.
Doom Slayer
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Everyone needed to hear me out first. Hear me out first! Calm downs. These my personal hot takes, known how’s internet rioting up that’s you didn’t agree with the majority of people with them. Already. Don’t want Doom Slayer in Mortal Kombat. I Have a very good reason. Before grabbing your chainsaw and wanting to Rip and Tear for my heresy against my thoughts for not wanting Slayer in Fighting game, let me explain why I don't think that Doom Slayer is not a bad fit but isn't the first choice of characters. I want to see Mortal Kombat.
How I disagree fan-favorite requested guests characters like Michael Myers or Homelander that’s has seen multiple times are highly requested characters from everyone felt like no one thought up any original guest characters for Mortal Kombat. They’d agree to that person list and copy off that person and add that one character place to aid those guest characters that everyone who’s all agreed want to see. For me. I am not following the same list or feeling in the same mindset on it. As a fellow fan of Doom. From playing all mainline games, collecting novels/art books and following the Doom community. Since then it has appreciated old-school shooters like Doom in recent years. Learn the acknowledgement about the development game cycles due to how this one of not the greatest but important games to gaming industry and culture revolution. Those who made some good arguments and points why Doom Slayer. Thought maybe instead about one of the Slayer ancestors? Would explain that later for another time.
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sagehaleyofficial · 2 years
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Along with the release of their new album Supernova, Nova Twins released a music video for their new song “Choose Your Fighter.” The video pays tribute to old-school arcade games like Mortal Kombat.
Pure Noise Records and Pabst Blue Ribbon revealed two new covers from their upcoming Dead Formats compilation release. They include Seaway taking on Descendents’ “I’m the One” and Hawthorne Heights taking on Eve 6's “Inside Out.”
Senses Fail released a new collaboration with SeeYouSpaceCowboy’s Connie Sgarbossa titled “End of the World / A Game of Chess.” The song will appear on their upcoming album Hell is in Your Head, dropping July 15.
Hot Mulligan released a new song titled “Drink Milk and Run.” It’s the band’s first new music since releasing an EP last year titled I Won't Reach Out to You via Wax Bodega.
PVRIS released a new track in collaboration with Milkblood titled “Wicked.” The track is taken from the latter’s upcoming new EP Dream Slow.
Sløtface released two new tracks titled “Beta” and “Come Hell or Whatever.” The members also announced that they will be going their separate ways, with singer Haley Shea continuing the band as a solo project.
Bleak Soul released a new track titled “The Ringleader,” hot off the release of their latest album Shouting with Nothing to Say. The band will be playing a handful of shows in September.
The Summer Set released their highly-anticipated collaboration with Against the Current’s Chrissy Costanza titled “Teenagers.” The track is taken from the band's upcoming new album Blossom, which will be released on September 9.
I Prevail announced their first full-length since 2019, which will be titled True Power. The highly-anticipated album, which includes the new single “Body Bag,” will be released on August 19 via Fearless Records.
Eat Your Heart Out released their first new music in three years titled “Down,” which discusses social media addiction. The band's last record Fluorescence came out in 2019 via Fearless Records.
Icon for Hire shared the details of their new album, a follow-up to last year’s Amorphous, titled The Reckoning. The album drops on September 9 and features their new song “Dismantled.”
Weezer released the second edition of their SZNZ EP series titled SZNZ: Summer, featuring the song “Lawn Chair.” The band also announced they will be playing a five-night residency on Broadway.
After revealing they will be playing two special tribute shows for their late drummer Taylor Hawkins, Foo Fighters announced the lineup. Joining them will be Liam Gallagher, Brian May, Mark Ronson, Supergrass, Wolfgang van Halen and more.
Biffy Clyro announced that they are going to be heading out on tour later this year. The band will bring along Architects, with the tour kicking off in Leeds, England on November 5 and ending in Bournemouth, England on November 15.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley”!
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Hey, y'all remember this shit I did years ago? Well, I had the most random thought to pick it back up again so here I am, back on my bullshit! As a reminder, since it's been a while, keep in mind that these are fandoms I'm personally into and don't necessarily [or accurately] reflect their popularity
The fandom districts are as follows and in order:
Def Leppard
Yandere Simulator
Fire Emblem
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Mortal Kombat
Forever Knight
Touhou Project
Megaman X
Dark Parables
Wild card [each character is from their own fandom]
I'll reblog the icon sets sometime later. Fun facts and change log from hell under the cut!
District 2: Fullmetal Alchemist to Yu-Gi-Oh!
District 7: Ouran High School Host Club to Forever Knight
District 11: Yu-Gi-Oh!/Pokemon to Pokemon
District 3: Osana to Akane Nemesis to Hanako [name change only]
District 4: Narcian to Marianne Tsubaki to Constance
District 5: Acxa to Allura
District 9: X to Alia Zero to Marino
District 11: Bakura to Jessie Kaiba to James
District 12: Carmen to Tobias Hitch to Edward
District 1: Sav, Joe
District 2: Bakura, Kaiba
District 3: Hanako [recropped]
District 4: Eltshan
District 8: Remilia
District 9: Axl, Iris
District 11: Serena
District 12: Tobias***
Fun facts 1, 2, 3, and 4 here! New fun facts below!
Fun Fact #1: This is the most edited roster change since the first one. Way more has changed here than any other roster update
Fun Fact #2: The original season code had not been used in so long that when I tried to load it up, it failed because it was auto deleted a good two years ago. I had to completely remake this roster, plus the custom events, from scratch
Fun Fact #3: Allura's icon is from an edit done by a Tumblr user named r-i-v-e-r. Unfortunately, it seems the artist is no longer on the site
Fun Fact #4: Okay, let me make this clear: I HATE the post-XY art style for Pokemon. Fucking hate it. That said, I saw images of Serena's new design and she's??? Actually??? Decent??? Like holy shit a design I don't hate. It wasn't that hard of a decision at that point to replace her icon with a more recent appearance
Fun Fact #5: YGO and Pokemon were lumped together for the longest time and now I was finally able to separate them and let them go full throttle. Bakura and Kaiba, with new icons and as promised in a previous fun fact, took Joey with them, but they have Marik instead of Yugi since he's been growing on me a lot more. They took the place of the FMA district. Meanwhile, Serena and Clemont now have, again as promised, Team Rocket joining them
Fun Fact #6: While debating on characters and fandoms to include, Nick, Nat, and Divia seemed to just be easy inclusions to replace the Ouran district. It was deciding on their fourth districtmate that was difficult. It ultimately came down to either LaCroix or Janette [sorry, but Schanke is Babey and I refuse to corrupt him like this]. LaCroix was picked due to the potential for some interesting scenarios
Fun Fact #7: In previous updates, I mentioned Sav's icon somehow becoming more saturated even though the image had not changed. I discovered while updating the icon sets earlier today that this was indeed a Tumblr issue like I had initially thought. Apparently something happens when posting it live, causing the image to saturate. I was able to fix this, but this required, well, not using Tumblr. The image is still saturated in the actual post its in, but the exact link used in the simulator settings is now being hosted on Discord
Fun Fact #8: Back in the very first run of the Multifandom Hunger Games, District 6 was the Animorphs and Tobias was a part of that district. For this brand new run, I decided to bring Tobias back. ***He's listed in the change log for icon updates as I decided not to reuse the original icon he had. His new icon is from a comic version of the series
Fun Fact #9: The character hasn't changed, but this short comic dropped some time ago, revealing Nemesis' true identity as Hanako Yamada. Her information for the season was updated accordingly
Fun Fact #10: I initially didn't plan on updating Joe, Hanako, or Remilia's icons, but ultimately did. Hanako's uses the exact same image, just recropped to look less awkward
Fun Fact #11: The Fire Emblem district was supposed to be a one-character-per-game situation, but let's be real, Three Houses has way too many interesting characters to ignore entirely, so I added two instead while also updating Eltshan's icon. Ferdinand was briefly considered before deciding on Constance. Marianne's has a Black Eagles background instead of Golden Deer because I just like the Black Eagles more
Fun Fact #12: Amnesia was considered for a return, but I decided not to go with this. Sailor Moon was also briefly considered for inclusion
Fun Fact #13: Before deciding on Tobias, I was originally going to have Florence [Alchemists of Loom] take Carmen's place. Other wild card characters considered for inclusion were Nanashi [1bitheart] and Fletcher Raleigh [The Summoner series]
Fun Fact #14: Since Mulberry has been revamping a lot of older character art she's done, including the student council, I decided this would be a good opportunity to update Shiromi's icon. At the same time, I decided to replace Osana with another student council member. Imagine the scary implications. Also yes, I am aware how divisive YanSim is, but I ain't here for bullshit. I'm here to vibe. This district stays put
Fun Fact #15: X and Zero were replaced because they needed a break. End of, just let them enjoy some peace
Fun Fact #16: As I am no longer into SNK, dropping Hitch was an easy decision, and even though I dropped FMA as a full district, I did want to keep Edward, so he got to stick around and take Hitch's place
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coldstoicism · 6 months
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001. ⸻ Writing and artwork on this blog may contain mature and potentially triggering themes such as canon-typical gore and violence, body horror as well as mentions of abuse & depression. In most cases, posts will be tagged accordingly and nothing will be too graphic. However, as I have no triggers myself I'm often unsure of what warrants a tag and what does not. Please do reach out and let me know if I forgot to tag something you think should have been tagged. Mortal Kombat is not a game for the faint hearted so do proceed with caution if any of the above mentioned topics are triggering to you. Only follow & interact if you're 21+.
002. ⸻ I'm an adult with responsibilities and a job outside of writing, I might sometimes take a day or two to respond to you. Please be aware of that and don't assume I'm ignoring you. I'm doing my best to get back to everyone and I apologize if responses sometimes take longer. Lately, I've also been struggling with various health issues so it might even take me up to a week or more to get back to you. As long as you don't spam me, please feel free to sometimes send me reminders if I haven't responded to our thread in a while. I'm a human and I also tend to forget things sometimes.
003. ⸻ English is not my first language. While I'd like to think I have pretty decent grammar, I might make mistakes sometimes, especially when it comes to correct punctuation as it is vastly different from that of my native language. Please be patient with me, I'm trying my best.
004. ⸻ I use small text to write, but I don't mind switching to the regular text size for better accessibility. Just let me know ahead and I'll make sure to adjust the text size for my posts accordingly. I also use icons and graphics in my posts and occasionally colorful text for highlighting.
005. ⸻ This blog is crossover friendly and open to writing with original characters. With all the different timelines existing in the Mortal Kombat universe, the possibilites to craft unique stories are pretty much endless. Don't be afraid to reach out if you have a cool plot idea, I would love to hear it.
006. ⸻ I feel like this should be self-explanatory, but no godmodding, no taking control of my character or anything of the likes. It's very annoying and it will take away my enthusiasm to continue writing with you.
007. ⸻ I'm above engaging in petty drama with anyone on here, I made this blog to write for my favorite character and for no other reason. I can't stand negativity and toxicity. If I see you being rude to others, spreading hate or even bullying other people in the community, I will instantly block you. If you have a problem with me, feel free to reach out to me so we can have a civil conversation about it.
008. ⸻ Please be aware that my portrayal of MK1!Bi-Han is not 100% canon-accurate. While I tried to make as little changes to the character's personality and backstory as possible, some aspects of him will be based on my own headcanons. The writing for him in MK1 is annoyingly inconsistent, contradicts itself on multiple occasions and sometimes even makes no sense at all, so I won't be adopting much of it into my portrayal. Do not expect me to write Bi-Han as a one-dimensional joke villain just because ❛ it's canon ❜ in the current timeline. If that's the portrayal you're looking for, you might want to look for someone else to write with. That said, this blog will feature different versions of Bi-Han from different timelines, so please do specify the timeline you'd prefer for the plot to be set in. For now I only write Bi-Han as Sub-Zero and I haven't decided on whether or not Noob Saibot will become a secondary muse on this blog yet, but it's well within the realm of possibilities.
009. ⸻ I do not condone hate, homophobia, racism or anything of the sorts and if I see someone partaking in such problematic behavior that will warrant an instant block.
010. ⸻ Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of writing romance plots, I don't have any preferred ships for Bi-Han and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I just don't see Bi-Han as someone who's particularly interested in romance or relationships. Depending on how his character develops in the current timeline, that might change in the future. If I do feel like our characters have chemistry, I won't be opposed to shipping, but I will let you know ahead that I do not write smut.
011. ⸻ Feel free to drop random starters in my inbox, send me asks ic or ooc if you feel like interacting with me and keep in mind that inbox calls and starter calls as well as memes don't expire ! Even if the posts are old, you can still interact with them and I will get back to you.
012. ⸻ I don't have a preferred length for replies, I usually try to match the length of my responses to that of my writing partners, but please don't feel obligated to do the same.
013. ⸻ Where to find me: I'm mostly active on Tumblr, but if we're mutuals, you can ask for my discord as well. I can also be found on my secondary blog @shiraiflame.
014. ⸻ Lastly, if you have further questions, feel free to send me a message at any time.
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star wars the force fighter
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star wars the force fighter, 3d unreal fighting game, the set in the new republic era, the every force user fighter from the planet across the galaxy to go enter the force fighter tournament, one of every force user fighters can win the force fighter tournament across the galaxy, art style: mortal kombat & soulcalibur & tekken/iron fist & stree fighter & killer instinct & the king of the fighters/art of fighting/fatal fury & fighting layer & virtua fighter & dead or alive & guilty gear art style, rated: teen rated.
"Star Wars: The Force Fighter" is an adrenaline-fueled 3D fighting game set in the New Republic era, where force users from planets across the galaxy converge to compete in the prestigious Force Fighter tournament. With its dynamic gameplay and stunning visuals inspired by iconic fighting game franchises such as Mortal Kombat, Soulcalibur, Tekken, Street Fighter, Killer Instinct, The King of Fighters, Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, Fighting Layer, Virtua Fighter, Dead or Alive, and Guilty Gear, this game offers a thrilling experience for players of all skill levels.
Choose your favorite force user fighter from a diverse roster of characters, each with their own unique fighting style, special moves, and force abilities. Engage in intense one-on-one battles against AI opponents or challenge friends in local or online multiplayer mode.
Master the art of combat as you unleash devastating combos, execute powerful special attacks, and utilize force abilities to outmaneuver and outwit your opponents. With fluid controls and responsive gameplay mechanics, every match in "Star Wars: The Force Fighter" is an exhilarating test of skill and strategy.
Immerse yourself in epic arenas inspired by iconic locations from the Star Wars universe, from bustling city streets to ancient temples and remote planets. Experience the thrill of victory as you rise through the ranks of the Force Fighter tournament, culminating in an epic showdown against the ultimate opponent to claim the title of Force Fighter champion.
With its captivating story mode, robust training options, and customizable characters, "Star Wars: The Force Fighter" delivers an unforgettable gaming experience that will keep players coming back for more. Are you ready to unleash the power of the force and prove yourself as the ultimate force fighter?
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