thegleamingmoon · 1 month
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💫 For the moon has been my muse since eternity ✨🌕
The moon made me so happy yesterday! Finally learnt how to take a somewhat clear picture of the moon 😍 and I think the outcome is pretty nice 👀
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peaceofme222 · 1 year
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solplparty · 2 years
[MV] Teal (모현주) - 이상한 나라의 앨리스 https://youtu.be/9RiDH7XuEDk #Teal #모현주 #이상한나라의앨리스 지금의 감정을 담아가는 싱어송라이터 Teal (모현주) 은 2020년 6월 첫 싱글 앨범인 "이상한 나라의 앨리스" 를 발매하며 싱어송라이터로 데뷔하였다. Teal 이라는 그녀의 예명처럼 청록으로 물들어가는 여름에 잘 어울리는 시티팝, 신스팝 계열의 곡이다. 그리고 같은 해 12월에 발표한 두번째 싱글 "고스트가 되고 싶진 않아" 는 조금은 시린 순간들을 지나고 있을지 모를 이 세상의 많은 고스트들을 떠올리며 쓴 곡이다. 괜찮아지지 않는 마음들에 조금이나마 위안이 될 수 있길 바라는 내용이다. 이듬해 7월 발표한 세번째 싱글 "헬리오그래피" 는 빛과 어두움에 대해 이야기하며, 빛을 향해 나아가겠다는 의지를 담은 곡이다. 이전 곡들에서보다 조금은 단단해진 그녀의 내면이 느껴지는 이번 곡은 그대로 지지는 않겠다는 다짐을 잘 드러낸다 . 그리고 2022년 10월 발매되는 "달빛처럼" 은 그녀의 첫 미니 앨범이다. 지금까지 발표된 세 곡과 새로운 두 곡을 모아 깜깜한 밤 하늘처럼 어두운 나날들을 지나가며 느껴왔던 것들, 빛처럼 새겨진 순간들을 담아내고 있다. 이 앨범에서 새롭게 선보이는 첫번째 곡 "달빛처럼" 과 두번째 곡 "미스티 타임" 은 두 곡 다 어떠한 시선들에 대한 곡이다. 확실한 건 아무것도 없지만 그럼에도 느껴지는 것들을 어떻게 바라보며 나아가야 할지 고민하던 순간들에 쓰여졌다. 앨범 아트 또한 이러한 감성을 표현하려고 하였다. 빈티지 북의 한 페이지에 달빛이 빛나는 삽화가 인상적으로 느껴졌다. 그래서 그 그림을 보며 디지털 드로잉 작업을 한 것이다. 어두운 밤을 지켜주는 달빛이 들려주는 이야기를 표현하려고 했다. [Credit] 아티스트: Teal (모현주) 앨범 유형: 미니/EP 발매일: 2022.10.19 장르: 가요/발라드 발매사: 주식회사 블렌딩 기획사: 문필 뮤직 (Moonfeel Music) Produced by Teal (모현주) Composed by Teal (모현주) Lyrics by Teal (모현주) Arranged by Teal (모현주), 송은지, TAKOO, 천상혁 Programming by TAKOO, 송은지, Teal (모현주) Recorded by Oya at 스튜디오 비러스윗사운드 (Track 1,2,6,7) Recorded by 남승원 at Starry Sound (Track 3,4,5) Mixed & Mastered by TAKOO at EPlat Studio Album Art by Teal (모현주) & 김얼 이상한 나라의 앨리스 (Alice in Wonderland) Vocal by Teal (모현주) Chorus by Teal (모현주) Keyboard by 송은지 Synth by 송은지 Elec Guitar by 천상혁 M/V Director by Teal (모현주) M/V Shooting by 정민교 M/V Actress by Teal (모현주) M/V Dancer by 박신별 [#] Vlending은 MV, 드라마OST를 유통 하는 공식 채널입니다. [#] Vlending is an official channel distributing MV, drama series soundtracks. 📍 VLENDING OFFICIAL CHANNEL Twitter : https://twitter.com/vlending Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vlending/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vlending VLENDING 블렌딩
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elhoimleafar · 7 years
The first Moon post-Samhain my Witches, is the moment for dance under this amazing beautiful light. . . . . . #fullMoon #fullVibes #Goodmoon #Goodomens #Goodvibes #Moonvibes #Mooncycle #Instavideo #Moonvideo #Moonfeelings #Moontribe #Moongods #Moonwitches #Moonspirits #Moonmagic #Moonlovers
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perry-the-deer · 5 years
Another day, another delivery, thats the joke Sun liked to make, a stupid bright smile accompanying it. I sighed a bit and rolled my eyes as he got up on the tauros. “Alright Sunshine, stop smiling before you break your jaw” he threw a berry at me for that, and i laughed as it hit my forehead and squished. Damn rawst berries. “Okay okay! fine, keep smiling, its nice anyway. I’ll catch up” I started wiping at the berry juice with my arm, heading back inside and into the bathroom to wash my face off.
I let the tap water run for a second, staring at my face in the mirror and squinting. Stupid berry juice had made my makeup run... whatever, the Courier had seen me without makeup anyway. I put my hands under the water and splashed it onto my face a few times, wiping my face down with a towel afterwards and turning the water off.
I started down the trail to follow my friend, knowing him and the tauros he was probably already atleast thirty-forty minutes away. I let my Mareanie out to walk next to me, smiling down at it “hey Petal, we’re following the Courier again” the Mareanie cooed half of its name out, and i smiled lightly, continuing down the path.
After a while, i could hear the hooves of the tauros clicking on the ground, i called Mareanie back to its pokeball and started running towards the sounds “Courierr! Courierrrr!!” I yelled, hearing the hooves stop. “Miss, how did you end up so far behind?” Suns voice came from a bit ahead, an amused tone in it as he grabbed my arm and helped me onto the tauros quickly.
I wrapped my arms around his waist, humming softly as he made the tauros charge ahead “Is it an urgent one Courier?” “deadlines in an hour or two, its pretty far off” “ah.” Sun was definitely focused on his task, sticking out his tongue slightly. I rested my head on his shoulder, watching the scenery pass by. 
After around fifteen minutes, we reached the destination. Sun got off the tauros and gave the lady her item, the second the door closed, the boy was swaying a bit. I hopped off the tauros quickly to go help keep him up, putting his arm over my shoulder and helping him down the porch stairs. He gave me a smile and i just rolled my eyes “Do you have any other deliveries today Courier?” “nahh. gotta pick up the money from the person who. gave me that job though” I nodded a bit, helping him onto the back of the tauros and getting onto the spot to guide it, ignoring his protest.
Eventually the boy fell asleep leaning on me, and i calmly began guiding the tauros back to where we’d began looking at the map to see if there was a certain destination we needed to be. As far as i saw, Sun hadnt gotten the time to set the spot if there was one. So I decided to head back to Kukuis house.
On the way back the tauros stopped abruptly, almost sending me flying when it did. It made the Courier wake up however, with a low upset whine accompanying his awakening. I glanced back at him, before looking at the tauros “Is there something wrong buddy?” the tauros dug at the ground a bit with one of its hooves, starting to huff and make angry noises. I decided to quickly slide off the pokemon, grabbing Sun and tugging him down as well, holding him up as he glanced out confusedly.
The tauros continued to make distressed and angry sounds, and i took a few steps back from it, looking around warily and hitting the button on my Ivysaurs pokeball to let it out quickly. It glanced up at me and Sun. “Saur?” “theres something wrong Ivy, can you scout out the area?” it nodded, before heading off. I decided to sit down and try and wake Sun up more, but after a bit the boy just fell forward against me, back asleep. 
I sighed a bit, holding Sun close to me and continuing to look around. After about 10 minutes had passed i called for the Ivysaur, not hearing a response back. Meanwhile the tauros had ran in a random direction. I got to my feet after a bit longer, picking Sun up as i went. I started off into the forest, calling for Ivy all the while.
After a bit of walking i was hit with a strong scent, of course with how much i worked in hospitals i recognized it quickly. The smell of death was. never fun. “Ivy!” i began calling louder, letting worry strain my voice a bit. I started to walk faster, continuing to call for the Ivysaur. After a bit longer i found her, laying on the ground with her bulb torn off and tongue ripped out. The pokemon was dead.
“Holy shit.” i muttered, backing up slightly. I didn’t have time to grieve my pokemon right now, i had to get me and the courier out of this area asap. “im in a creepypasta” i joked quietly, getting a laugh out of myself as i backed up more, looking around and starting to walk away from the body. I lightly shook the Courier, glancing down at him. Still fast asleep, to be expected.
I kept walking, fear starting to sprout in my brain. I broke to a run, looking for the edge of the forest. I got out after a bit longer of running, and started running down the trail quickly, calling for rotomdex. The dex didn’t make an appearance of course, never around when needed.
After a while i stopped to take a break, leaning against a tree and huffing, panting lightly and looking at Sun who, had somehow slept through that. Thats gonna need to be a story to tell later. I sunk down to be sitting and sat Sun up so he was on my lap and leaning on me, i took out Ivysaurs pokeball and stared at it for a few seconds. Tears started to slide down my cheeks and after a few seconds i was crying softly, shaking my head and trying to deny everything that had just happened.
This is what woke the Courier, odd how he could sleep when I was running but the second i was upset he woke up. The boy glanced at me and just wrapped his arms around me, presumably deciding not to ask what had happened. Which i was thankful for. I held onto him and ended up crying into his shoulder, this lasted for a good hour or so.
Once i was feeling better we stood up and looked around. “Miss, i know the way back from here, just follow my lead!” Sun announced, his bright smile back on his face, and he was doing his dumb little ok-sign thing with his hand. I nodded a bit and wiped the last tears out of my eyes, sniffling lightly. “alright Courier.”
Sun lead me down the path, and i glanced around more with every step. something still felt off, and i didnt feel safe at all as we walked. Alola was. never safe though, not since the ultra beasts got into our world. “Courier, how long do you think it’ll be until we’re home?” “only an hour or so miss, why do you ask?” He glanced back at me, and i just shrugged lightly, which caused the boy to frown a little, before smiling as bright as he could again “Dont worry miss, we’ll get back safe and sound. Ive never had a delivery i failed!” “you fell off a cliff once” He puffed up his cheeks slightly and looked away from me “that was one time!” “still” i giggled.
After an hour, as he promised, we made it home. I walked into Kukuis house and didnt even say hi to the professor, going and putting Ivys pokeball on the counter and falling onto the couch. Sun had gone out to get the money from the person who asked him to make the delivery. “Is there something wrong Moon?” Kukui asked after a moment.
I rolled over and looked at him, whining loudly and hugging myself. “whos pokeball is this?” he asked, and i just let out a soft wail and hugged myself tighter, closing my eyes tightly. “...Moon?” “Ivy dieeddd!” i screamed after a heartbeat, and Kukui gasped a bit, before quickly coming over and pulling me into a hug. I held onto him and sobbed into his chest, not wanting to move anymore.
Next thing i know, i was waking up, i was laying on the couch next to another sleeping person, to be expected of course, it was Sun. I sighed softly and rolled over, letting myself stay being held by him. I glanced around the dark room, seeing Lillie in the dark. Her eyes lit up a bit when she saw me and she put the last dish of food down for the pokemon “Youre awake! i- Kukui didnt tell me what happened but said that you’d need a friend over. But. we weren’t sure when Sun was getting back but he got back a bit ago and he saw that you had tear stains and-” “calm down Lil.” I chuckled, “I’m used to Sun getting home and holding onto me. It’s just how he is.”
Lillie nodded slightly, coming over to me and frowning “Do you... wanna talk about it?” “...No” “alright..” Lillie softly pat my cheek “Ill be in the other room if you need me Moonie” “alright Lil” i smiled softly, watching her walk off and glancing back at the Courier.
I decided i didnt want to move much, and rolled back over, cuddling more against Sun and letting myself make a tiny noise of contentment, closing my eyes to fall back asleep.
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inge-universe · 4 years
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Een mooi pakketje van @moonfeelsonline ontvangen. Met van alles en nog wat er in. Erg leuk 🤩 #unboxxing #gemstones #modernspirits #quartzcrystals #rosequartz #blacktourmaline #palosanto #smudgeset #sage #pins #witchypins #sagesmudgestick #scentedwood #fragrantwood #unbox #unboxings #unboxlol #moonfeels #moonfeelsonline #sweet #sweetnote #chakra #truelove #empathy #harmony #selfacceptance #selfforgiveness #negativityblock #protection #balance https://www.instagram.com/p/CDEfzWDg3Mm/?igshid=9rvkjib3rx4w
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mo0nfeeling · 5 years
Es esa pero, tan solo esa Sonrisa capaz de romper mi Rutina y vaya que me esta volviendo loc@...
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ginger-of-the-sea · 7 years
cant i just drink the thoughtof you away, i mean it would make me feel more comfortable not knowing you...but on that very same note i dont want to forget you...i love you to much to not care about you, im sorry for what happened the other night thatshould never yave happened but i jumped on impulse and i couldnt stop. Your lips felt like the summerbreaze gently blowing past with the slightest bit of warmth added to the coolness of the nourthern winds. Your eyes are so bright that the sun and moonfeel envious of their beauty.Your smile as big as your heart which is never ending.....................................FUCK........Im in love with you.....
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irisanya · 5 years
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The Wild Iris -- by Louise Gluck . At the end of my suffering there was a door. . Hear me out: that which you call death I remember. . Overhead, noises, branches of the pine shifting. Then nothing. The weak sun flickered over the dry surface. . It is terrible to survive as consciousness buried in the dark earth. . Then it was over: that which you fear, being a soul and unable to speak, ending abruptly, the stiff earth bending a little. And what I took to be birds darting in low shrubs. . You who do not remember passage from the other world I tell you I could speak again: whatever returns from oblivion returns to find a voice: . from the center of my life came a great fountain, deep blue shadows on azure seawater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #lifeisalovespell #wildiris #louisegluck #initiation #irisanya #irisanyamoon #lostandfound #witch #witchcraft #ritual #almostnewmoon #aphrodite #magick #poetry #wordmagick #moonfeels #writersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #poetsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BrEcVfanjAa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hi60t3mzdqno
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elhoimleafar · 6 years
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You feel that change of encouragement that comes suddenly? After several continuous days of changing and ill-emotional spoons and emotional, and you are a slightly interior calm process?. You are feeling the energy change of the moon and the sun that comes for you, and it also comes by me, and comes from all, comes to put things in its place, change the energy and put a final point to those projects and processes that we voluntarily denied to close, but that they are clearly not future, or they are just badly built on a base that lacks strength. The #NewMooninCancer ♋ this July 12th come with a partial eclipse of the Sun, which is the first of three we will have this season. It is an event "out of series" because it occurs in the axis Cancer - Capricorn, giving us an advance of what will be the eclipses that will be activated in 2019 - 2020 🌚 But this is not all, that same day the Sun is opposed to #PlutoRx (Pluto retrograde) forming a great trill of water and a great earth trill, and the message is clear: it is an opening for great transformations. This #newMoon prompts us to return to our home, but after so many changes this concept has been transformed. It is an invitation to feel "at home", beyond our comfortable zone and make great changes in the themes governed by Cancer: emotional regulation, nutrition at all levels, how you live and where you live, as well as emotional patterns. On a macro scale, complaints can reach a critical point and the solar eclipse could be a trigger. Insecurity and economic and social instability could awaken in us the desire to define the link between the citizen and the forms of leadership, economy, money, etc. . . . #astrology #moonincancer #zodiac #horoscope #moontribe #moonenergy #moonjourney #moonvibes #moonmagic #moonmood #moonfeeling #moonspirit #moonpower #moonlovers #moon #themoon #laluna #astrologypost #astrologyposts
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perry-the-deer · 5 years
I watched Sun on the tauros, my bow and arrows ready at hand, i stared at the UB for a second, knowing well that it would avoid me. I glanced back at Sun, gesturing for him to get farther away before aiming an arrow at the pile of wires that Anabel called UB-03 Lightning. 
I saw a bolt shoot out from it towards Sun and saw the Tauros skillfully dodge it at the boys wish. I shot the arrow, seeing it pierce through some of the wire. I heard it turn towards me and watched its head seem to whirl around on its ‘neck’.
I saw a bolt of lightning shoot towards me and froze up, before darting to move out of the way. I was a second too late and my arm got hit. I screamed out in pain and flinched, realizing after a moment that i couldnt move, besides my knees shaking.
It shot another bolt at me and i just stared as i watched it come towards me. I closed my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath and trying to move out of the way.
My legs didn’t move, but it didnt hit me. I heard a choking sound infront of me and i opened my eyes quickly, seeing the Courier infront of me, his body shaking from the force of the blast and the electricity coursing through him. “...Miss? you ok?”
I stared for a few more seconds, before my vision misted up and i saw a more blurry version of the Courier fall to the ground. I stared at Lightning for a second and struggled to draw another arrow, before watching a flash of white light hit and engulph the Ultra beast. 
I glanced up to see Lillie riding Lunala- or Nebby as we called it. The legendary darted forward towards the UB, creating one of  its portals and knocking it through, much to the UBs surprise and anger.
Lillie got off Lunala and ran to Suns side, throwing something at me. i didnt catch it but just let myself fall to my knees, looking down at it. Paralysis heal. I grabbed it as fast as i could and used it on myself, before crawling over to join Lillie next to the Courier.
Lillie had rolled him over and used a paralysis heal on him as well. The Courier was softly whining at the moment. I threw my bag and quiver off my back and started searching through my stuff, grabbing my pharmacist equipment and pulling it out. “Hey Miss.. take care of- y-your arm first, im.. im fine” Sun coughed after a few seconds of me searching through my stuff. 
“You got shot with a lightning bolt in the torso, likely around the- the lung area. you are not fine.” I spoke with as monotone a voice i could, not wanting to alert him to the fear i had. I thought i would be ready to lose him when the time came i had been shoving him in the way of danger myself for the past two years i-.
I shoved those thoughts down. I was not going to lose the courier. I started working on the wound, Lillie focusing on trying to keep Sun awake and talking, which was difficult as it was today, him having been in one of his episodes.
“I love you miss” I ignored him, continuing to work on his wound, trying to stop my hands from shaking. “i-im really dizzy miss. t-there like.. f-four of you and Lillie.” “focus on me right now Sun” Lillie tried to grab his attention, and i thanked her silently for it. “Which one of you?” I heard Lillies giggle follow that question, and mist clouded my eyes again.
“Miss, a-are you- okay??” I blinked open my eyes, glancing at Sun. The courier had such a concerned look on his face for being as weak as he was, blood was leaking out of his mouth and seemed to stain his lips. I shook my head a bit and wiped my face with my arm, feeling the wetness of tears on my cheeks. Ah. Well, so much for looking calm.
I kept trying to fix his wound, and after a few minutes i felt Lillie shake me. I glanced up. The girl had tears running down her cheeks “Moon, he-” I shook my head violently and looked down at the wound again, working faster on it “Moon. Moon!” Lillies voice raised a bit and i looked up again, tears falling from my eyes. “i cant- hes okay hes gonna be okay-” “Moon please-” “hes fine hes okay hes gonna wake up he p-probably just fell asleep-”
“Moon.” She grabbed my wrists. I stared at her for another second, before looking at Suns face. His eyes were still open they were still-. They were clouded over.
I gave a tiny sob, that broke into a wail, i grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him a few times, yelling for him to stop playing around like that. Lillie tried to grab me again and i shoved her away, before just hugging Sun tightly, sobbing weakly into his shoulder, whining loudly, and ongoing “nooonono-” mixed with “tellme youre still here please--”
After about an hour i was calmer, though i still had refused to move. Lillie was just quietly rubbing my back as i held Sun. “Moonie. honey its getting dark, we’ve gotta go home and- bring him back to Kukui” her voice was soft, a loving tone in it. I shook my head softly, but stood up, picking the boy up with me “its just... im gonna wake up soon...” i muttered to myself, getting led to Lunala by Lillie.
Once we got back i was quiet, Kukui took Suns body from me and i just stared down at the blood staining my shirt and arms. “Moonie, go take a shower sweetie, ill be here when-” I shoved Lillie back “go home” She frowned a bit, sighing “...alright, but im gonna come back tomorrow, i love you, alright?” I nodded a bit, before heading upstairs.
I had made the decision to wear one of Suns shirts, surprisingly it fit well, but then again most of the shirts i wore were either over or undersized, so either way i wouldnt have cared. I sat quietly in his room, Dollar having decided to sit near me, likely because he learnt what had happened.
I stared down at the floor, quietly humming to myself, lightly rocking back and forth. I told myself id be ready for it, i told myself id be okay. I would shove him into danger dammit why wasnt i ready- I sobbed softly, burying my face in my hands.
I woke up later with my head being pet, I quickly turned around to stare at the person, seeing Lillie sitting next to me. “Hey- hey its just me.” “i wish it wasnt” “i know.” She lightly pulled me up, hugging me close “youre gonna make it through this, alright Moonie?” “he didnt” “youll see him again” “hah.” “you will, really, maybe not in this life” I lightly shoved her off “Lil. i dont believe in that stuff, you know that” She frowned a bit “Moon im trying to make you feel better-” “its not working” “Moon” “can you just leave me alone?”
We stared at eachother for a few seconds, before Lillie sighed and stood up. “ill be in the living room” and she walked out of the room. I looked down again, curling up a bit again. Stupid fucking people, stupid beliefs, stupid everything- i just wanted Sun back, i wasnt ready to let go yet.
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perry-the-deer · 5 years
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perry-the-deer · 5 years
Me earlier: talking about how in my moon tl my parents were kinda controlling and the mom was the type of parent that was like ‘i didnt get MY dream so ill force my daughter to want it uwu’
Me, listening to ‘mother knows best’ on repeat: ah, moonfeels
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elhoimleafar · 7 years
All #NewYorkCity under the Moon 🙏 Blessings . . . . . #Midnight #Underthemoon #Moonday #Moondayvibes #Moondayfeeling #Mondayvibes #Mondaymood #theMoon #Instavideo #Brooklyn #Manhattan #Brooklynnights #Newyork #NycVideo #Instavideo #Moonlovers #Moonwitches #Moonshaman #Moontribe #Moonpeople #Moonfeeling #Moonmagic #Moonlight #Blessedbe #Blessings #Somoteitbe #Namaste #Ohm
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