#moon zari things
My name is Moon, Moon Zari! I’m a historian and I like to research the Victorian Era! I also live with these guys, Vincenzo and Mars. They run a church… one of the people who go doesn’t belong like we do.
[BLOG RAN BY @french-pureblood-draws]
People you can see: Moon Zari, 21, They/It, Bi [THIS IS MAIN BLOG]
Vincenzo Vienna, 24, Any, Pan [Main Blog: @pray-to-church-of-the-holy]
Mars Zecora, 24, He/They, Bi [Main Blog: Same as Vincenzo]
Rouge Terra, 26, He/It, Omni [Main Blog: @red-earth-comedia]
River Adelita, 21, They/Them, Gay MLM [Main Blog: @river-adelitas-forest]
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estrellakrestells · 1 month
You’re a vampire, so I have to kill you.
~ @moon-zari-does-things
what are you smoking
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stxrrynxghts · 7 months
Styling in My Mahabharat
I am a person with wild dreams. And one of my wildest dreams is making my own Magnum Opus on Mahabharat, which focuses specifically on Abhimanyu & Uttara. The story is being written by me, and I am doing my best for all of it. Styling, is something that I am focusing on, as it makes me happy.
I am not the biggest fan of the clothing in Star Plus Mahabharat because:
The clothing was too simple. Only the borders had designs.
The clothing was repeated a bit too much, where was the variety?
The jewelry clearly seemed...phony. Rich n royal=/= heavy gold tbh.
So, I watched some styling videos of many period films, and here I am, with my ideas!
First of all, we need to incorporate materials like silk, cotton and muslin. These three should be the primary, and the difference b/w the three can clearly show a difference in hierarchy. Muslin can be shown to be worn during the night/summers.
We have Banarasi and Kanjivaram sarees, we have Bandhni and Patola prints, we have zari work. I would def include these in the costumes.
For jewelries, simple, but designs from various parts of the country will look good. One or two heavy necklaces are enough, IMO, to show the grandeur of the era. Plus other jewelries like hair ornaments, earrings, bangles, armbands and kamarbandhas are here.
Different designs of armor for the men are a must, probably modelled after what Arjun wore in Star Plus Mahabharat. His armor suited his body type, and looked very good on his figure, over all.
Hairstyles have to include flower ornaments like gajra. They are not worn on "wedding nights" pls, how do these ppl find flowery stuff romantic when someone else is wearing it?!
And now, I shall style my main characters, Abhimanyu and Uttara. If this is successful, I shall do the others too-
This is gonna be pretty short. What are the main things for styling a male?
I imagine Abhimanyu with long hair, not too long, but till his neck. Not completely straight, slightly wavy.
One thing I love about StarBharat is the tilaks they have done, for the Kuru men, with the moon and other designs. I will keep that one for sure.
Since Abhimanyu has lived majority of his life in Dwarka, some traditional prints/jewelry designs of Gujarat/Maharashtra will be a great inclusion.
As for ornaments, nothing particular is necessary, except two bracelets, one neckpiece, and two earrings. My headcanon has Abhimanyu wearing an armband, and a single ring.
And colors...hmm, purple is a good option, as that color is associated with royalty. The color blue is a great choice, since it symbolizes freedom and sensitivity, as well as faith and stability. Red is a must, as it is associated with bravery, and dark red means vigor, willpower, and rage. Abhimanyu is canonically short tempered, his name means "extremely wrathful". And red is associated with sacrifice as well, so it is def his color.
As I am going to show Abhimanyu be 21, his headpiece in the armor from StarBharat goes away, as it gives him a boy-ish look. Without it, however, changes his look completely, and I don't want anything in his outfit making him seem boy-ish.
Uttara's details in my mind are far different from what is shown in StarBharat. I have kept the same cast as they look cute together in my story, yes, and I hate Uttara's styling.
Her clothing is exquisite, just like her mother's. Matsya is canonically rich, and her maternal side is from Kekaya, what do you expect? Uttara's clothes are flowy, to allow easy movements.
The material of the fabric will be silk, with Kanjivaram, Zari and Banarasi type of embroideries on them. I am showing Matsyadesa to have a riverine trade route, so she should have access to all types of fabrics. Some traditional Rajasthani prints have to be there too.
Jewelry is not too much, but well made and designed. Uttara is interested in dressing up, and it is obvious that she shall have a large collection of ornaments.
The colors shall be pink, as it symbolizes innocence and softness, off white and yellow, which symbolize purity and joy respectively, and blues, lemons and greens as well. Her color scheme rarely has dark shades, as it is symbolic.
Her hairstyles range from a braid, to a bun and a bun with a braid coming out of it (kind of like the typical dance hairstyle).
Sindoor is a must, and there are no veils here. Uttara does own various mini-chudamani style ornaments, which she wears from time to time. Blouses are strapless mostly, some times some of them have straps.
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beloveddawn-blog · 6 months
The Course of True Love
Dedicated to @minnieposting who I was discussing this idea with.
This is based on the fact that when Lucius became a romanceable character, Teleri went from like seven hearts with him to two. I didn't even do anything! But Teleri isn't the farmer romancing this elf, Zari is.
2200 words
Rated T for some language and implications.
Zari grinned as Lucius laughed, pleased to be making her new friend happy. He had been the first person she’d met when she was new in Nel’Vari and what a welcome he had been! Her favourite part of him at first had been his clear dislike of shirts, though it had quickly been overshadowed by his dry sense of humour and easy-going demeanour. He was reserved, for sure, and obviously had gotten so used to being ‘the strange one’ that he didn’t even try to make real friends anymore, but Zari had persisted. He hung out most often on the bank of one of her favourite fishing spots in Nel’Vari, so it hadn’t actually been that hard to strike up conversation with him.
It had not escaped her notice that he hid from the citizens at the very edge of the city, any more than it had escaped her notice that they had managed to stick her even further out.
Their casual camaraderie had slid quite easily and unstoppably into a crush that Zari could no more halt than she could halt breathing, making her heart race and her palms sweat every time he was near. She always scanned for his name on the notice board, searched for his striking hair wherever she went in town, and swooned the days she was lucky enough to see him. She kept her wild heart a secret, however, and never spoke of it. He had made it clear, in a thousand little ways and a hundred bigger ones, that his attention, devotion, and zeal was reserved for the Moon and only the Moon. As he adored the moon, so too did Zari adore him: near (but not near enough), true (yet unwantedly different), and steadfast.
Then, one day, something changed.
Lucius was not at the riverbank as expected.
Lucius was not anywhere he could normally be found.
Zari had fretted herself into a total state before finally working up the nerve to question Opal about it. She was the only other person Lucius really interacted with… which made her the only person who ever could spill her secret to the man in question. It was enough to make Zari unreasonably wary of the other woman, despite the fact that Opal… actually didn’t seem to care too much about what was going on around her.
As evidence, her complete disinterest in the strange behaviour of her coworker.
“He’s apparently ‘working through some things’.” She replied, doing full air quotes and rolling her eyes. “Which is fine, but do it on your own time. Nel’Vari doesn’t run itself, you know. The moon attendants are vital to the health of the city and all who live in it. It is not a duty that can be shirked.”
“Is he alright, though?” Zari asked, even more worried than she had been before she got her question answered. Opal sighed longsufferingly.
“Ask him yourself tomorrow when I drag him out of the Temple by his ear and make him work.” She replied, glowering in a way that made it clear to Zari the conversation was over.
Only… It turned out she didn’t have to go looking for him. There, standing next to the path to her farm, was the exact person she was looking for.
He had come looking for her.
The usual butterflies that took root in her stomach when she saw him went on a rampage, with all of her worry and love coiling together like a nest of snakes in the very core of her. All of this together put her on the very edge of her last nerve, and she couldn’t help the grating giggle or high-pitched squeak she made as she called out to him.
“Lucius! Hi! I haven’t seen you around lately!”
He broke into a heart stoppingly sweet smile when he noticed her, though one ivory brow winged curiously upwards.
Even that made her swoon.
“Zari!” He replied, stepping forward and gathering one of her hands in his. She flinched, entirely startled and too on-edge to hide it.
They had never touched before.
His face pinched in with concern at her unusual reactions. He’d seen her arm in arm with Sass or Helios plenty of times, and even all over Char as the two giggled and raced through the woods together. He knew Zari wasn’t leery of contact. She smiled reassuringly at him, though from the way his lips turned down she assumed it must have come out rather sickly.
Those beautiful lips…
Zari gave herself a full body shake and focussed her attention back on Lucius, who was now looking rather concerned. “I haven’t seen you in days! I was worried something might have happened to you.” She confessed, noting how that simple admission caused him to relax so swiftly.
“I have been… preoccupied.” He admitted, glancing down momentarily and rubbing a thumb contemplatively over her knuckles. “I needed time with just the Moon and myself to understand exactly why.”
Time without you. Zari heard, clear as day. There was no one else to avoid. There was no one else who sought him out the way she did. No one else that cared like she did.
“Oh.” She replied softly, pain lancing through every nerve as her heart broke. She offered him whatever pitiful remains of a smile she could muster up, and charged right through this conversation without pausing to note the way concern laced his face as he seemed to recognize the agony in her. “Oh, I see. It’s… It’s fine, I get it. I’m glad you enjoyed your little sabbatical, because let me tell you, Opal is pissed that she’s had to do all your work for the last week.”
“And I wouldn’t want to piss her off, she seems like the sort to take it personally, you know? So I’m sure you’re going to be really busy this week as well…”
“And I’ll miss my favourite view coming into town, of course, but you do what’s best for you…”
“And I know the whole chest thing isn’t about me! I promise I know that…”
“Favourite… View…”
“It’s just most people who hang around the edges of town dressed in as little as you dress in are looking for company rather than avoiding it, and sometimes a girl thinks a few things before knowing better, you know?”
“Company.” He repeated with distaste, obviously getting the reference, before leaning in closer to take a better look at Zari, who was full on panicking now.
“It’s just that you have such nice shoulders and such a striking colour and it hits like a punch to the face…”
Both of them stilled, the sound of bone splintering echoing through the trees around them. Lucius let go of her to raise his own hand to his face, carefully catching the first drops of too-bright red to mar his cool colour palette as they ran down his face, the contrast emphasizing just how out of place they were.
Zari laughed, high and hysterical. “That was meant to be a mime.” She blubbered through her maniacal giggles. “It was supposed to be a mime of a hit, you weren’t actually supposed to be that close to me.”
Lucius’s eyes shuttered as he took a step back, still cradling his face. “I see. I’ll make sure I do not encroach again.”
Zari’s wings flared with power. She couldn’t stop her hysterics, she’d been wound too tight for too long, but that didn’t stop her from healing what she’d done.
Well, healing the physical, at least. She watched in despair, still cackling, as Lucius turned on his heel and disappeared into the forest.
Her laugher turned to tears, and eventually to quiet as she lay there, no one else coming by to check on her. No one ever came this far out except Lucius, and now even he wouldn’t.
And it was all her own fault.
It was Helios that had grabbed her off the forest floor, of course it had been. He’d come thundering through the woods like he was perusing the hounds of hell, mounted of his own hellhound, and scooped her right up to ride with him. He scolded her all the way back to the Nel’Vari house about losing contact and staying out past bedtime, but subsided when she burst into a fresh set of tears when he mentioned inconveniencing the elves.
He just sighed, promised her they would talk the next day, and yanked her at full sprint through the house. They collapsed on the single bed (so reminiscent of the first season her friends all came to visit her, back when all four of them would squish into one tiny bed) and he almost immediately passed out. Zari had just a moment to appreciate just how good her friends were to her before she followed him into oblivion.
The next day Helios was off like a shot, apparently having forgotten he’d promised to talk to her. She smiled into her pillow, charmed by how adorably eager he was to go see his wife, then her mood fell as her own abysmal failure to communicate with a person she liked struck her again. She melted back into her bed, suddenly feeling like even moving was going to be too much for today. It was unusual, she was always so energetic, but today she just… couldn’t.
Char came to find her around noon, apparently having been tipped off by Helios that she wasn’t feeling well. Zari hadn’t moved.
The fire elemental curled up next to her, using her whole body like a heating pad, and ran her fingers softly through her short black hair. They stayed like that, lost in the act of giving and receiving comfort. Finally, Zari felt strong enough to speak. “I messed up.”
Char hummed thoughtfully. “I’m sure we can fix it. You fixed it when I fireballed the fence, and I fixed it when Sass accidentally took out the daisies at the end of Hive Row. And Helios didn’t even actually ban you from Sustainable Forestry when you messed up planting trees in rows. We can help. Fixing things is what we do. Except Sass, who I’m pretty sure is actually trying to start her own Zoo.”
Zari snorted. “This isn’t just about us, though. I… may have been mean to Lucius?”
She could just feel Char narrowing her eyes, even though she couldn’t see it. “... I doubt that. You’re head-over-heels for him. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
That got Zari’s attention. “How did you know???” She hissed, shooting up to sitting and accidentally knocking Char onto the floor. The other girl glared at her from her new prone position.
“It’s not like it’s a secret.” She replied, obviously peeved. Her expression softened into shock at the panicked look on Zari’s face. “By the Flame, did you seriously think it was? Everyone knows, Zari! Please, please tell me you didn’t actually think that was a secret?”
Zari buried her face in her hands as her wings snapped out and vibrated in distress.
“Oh, Flame.” Char cursed. She ran her hands down her own face with an exasperated groan. “Okay. Okay. This is still manageable. What did you say to him?”
“... I… said it was fine he never wants to talk to me anymore..”
“See? That’s manageable.”
“... Then I implied he dresses like a whore.”
“... Not ideal, but still manageable.”
“Then I punched him in the face and broke his nose.”
“It was an accident! He was holding my hand and I panicked!”
“And you broke his nose? He’s going to think you don’t want him to touch you!”
“What did you do?”
“I, ah, I flinched? When he grabbed my hand? I wasn’t expecting the motion!”
“Why are you like this?”
“I don’t knowwwwww!” She wailed, throwing her hands in the air.
Char sighed expressively, but before she could say anything the door was flung open, echoing through the house.
Char pouted. “That’s really unfair. Zari is the one that messed up!”
“YOU MISSED YOUR FIRST DATE WITH DOCTOR WORNDHART BECAUSE YOU WERE BUSY FIGHTING OUR OWN SCARECROW.” The indignant voice was getting closer, and both other girls sulked back from it. “THEN YOU WANTED TO SHOW UP AT HIS HOUSE AT 6 AM IN A WEDDING DRESS AND HOLDING A DIAMOND AS AN APOLOGY! HELIOS HAD TO SIT ON YOU IN THE BOUTIQUE!” The demon stormed into the room as she continued to shriek at them, pointing an accusing finger before her. “THIS APPLIES TO YOU TOO.”
“I, on the other hand, am married, so I actually am exempt.” Helios commented, strolling in behind her with a shit eating grin on his face. “Suck it.”
Sass turned her accusing finger on him then. “Not. Helping.”
“Of course I’m not. Char has somehow wooed her paramour through repeated hospital visits and blue roses, and Zari has charmed Lucius enough for him to initiate physical contact. They don’t actually need help, so instead I’m going to laugh at them.” He grinned, sharp and sharklike, “Serves them right for making fun of me first!”
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ancientgreekyuri · 22 hours
Ur ocs look really cool, I hope this is okay to ask but what's your oc world like??
tumblr is being VERY fussy about letting me post this 💔 anyways It's totally okay to ask I love talking about my OC setting ^.^ Also this setting has a lot of religious theming to it just so you know!
The (temporary) name for the setting is Ys! You can think of this world as existing in a Pangaea-like state.
This land has a few different major nations (ordering these from Northernmost to Southernmost):
- Lapta: a frigid, snow-covered nation that is considered mysterious to the rest of the world. Outsiders rarely travel here due to the treacherous conditions, but some nomadic peoples as well as merchants sometimes travel southwards. These people are usually the prominent source of information of news from. Lapta is notable in that many ancient gods continue to be worshipped here! Their major goddess is Zarihan, the goddess of healing and god. Supposedly Zarihan crashed to the Earth like a meteorite some many years ago, forming a sacred lake in the region. Zari is mentioned in some other religions but doesn't take nearly as big of a role! Festivals worshipping her often involving donning heavy golden masks. My OC Azusa is from here, and he wears a mask characteristic of the region!
- Chione is just south of Lapta. It's much smaller and not nearly as cold! It's one of the few places in the world where monarchy is still a big thing, though it has little political influence overall. A common export from Chion is a purple dye created from flowers called Ianthe flowers, which are notoriously hard to grow. My OC Parinyan is a dye creator!
- Beneath Chione is Emathia. Emathia is the largest nation. It was the home of both Amadsis, a famed hero-king, and of Solomon, an infamous king who plunged the world into a horrible war some hundreds of years ago. The weather here is cold, but not nearly as frigid as Lapta or Chion. One of Emathia's famous features is it's massive library, which contains some truly ancient books! It is also where the world's airship industry got it's start.
Emathia's central deities are Makaea, the goddess of the moon (and protector of lost travelers), and Mirnath, god of the sun (he used to be a god of war, but nowadays is associated more with fortune and magic). Makaea is the wife to the Hero-king Amasis as well :~)
Strangely enough, no one's been able to find Solomon's ancient castle... not even a relic!
- Next is Paros, the central continent. A major city here is called Psamthe, which is actually where the story starts! Paros is kind of a mass of different peoples and cultures. People who are traqveling to sell their wares tend to set up shop here, and some of course end up deciding to live in Paros... one famous shop here is a jewelry store owned by a weird but loving family.
Paros' major deity is Lajavard, the god of the skies, though Paros employs more of a pantheistic system and borrows gods and religious aspects from many different lands. It's part of what makes Paros feel so friendly and welcoming!
- There's a small area between Paros and Illyria, the southernmost land, called Thracia... Thracia is home to the town of Elaia, which exports a spice called Black Sand. It's very famous! The story of how Elaia was established is a famous one too; the patron deity, whose name is Also Elaia, is sometimes called the Goddess of Bawdy Comedy. A cute custom here is that during weddings, the bride is tasked with making her groom laugh! after all, what better show of love than perfectly knowing your partners sense of humour? (gay weddings can skip this but they usually don't. it's a very fun part of the ceremony!)
- And lastly is Illyria! This one is the most developed in world building terms because it's where the first arc of the story takes place 😭 Illyria is notable for changing massively over the years, and this change was spearheaded by iride, it's first recorded queen. She was a strategic genius who managed to ward off Solomon's forces during the war, and later befriended Makeda, Solomon's wife (Makeda beheaded him and later became king of Emathia herself, but that's another story).
While the old castle of Illyria is no longer in use, it stands tall a symbol of Iride's strength. The capital here is a city called Illion, which is where Iride's descendants now live. Though this was once a monarchy, the more recently constructed castle serves more as a community center than a place to show royal power. Another city is Rizinia, which is a major trading hub!
The major deity of Illyria is Ys, goddess of the earth, protector of children, lady of the harvest. She is the husband of Lajavard and the lover of Zarihan. She was a goddess first worshipped by Iride and her people, so her conception is more recent! And yet she's massively important all the same.
An important story in both Illyria and Lapta's religion is that of Ys' death and revival. She was killed by a plot laid by her jealous sister Kuja (goddess of the seas, death, and the afterlife), which brought a great deluge upon the world as Lajavard grieved her. Zarihan is then sent down to Earth by her parent to provide aid, and crashes into the Earth, forming a hole through the clouds of deluge and allowing the sun to shine down...! She travels to the very depths of the sea where Ys' body is being held, and revives her with an ancient magic only known to Zari and her children.
Zari fades into obscurity after her role in this story in every land except for Lapta like I mentioned....
This is all I can think to write rn so I hope this was at least 😭 and makes enough sense
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Roll up, Roll up! Come to the Zecora Circus today!
Hi, I’m Chlorine (nickname, I know) and I run this circus! Here are the lists of acts!
Vinny Vienna - Acrobat/Magician (@vinny-mercy-the-revolt)
Shocker/Corroded Coral - Tightrope Walker/Knife Thrower (@c0rr0510n-m15t4k35)
Jack/Moon Zari - Fire Things (@moon-zari-does-things)
Ruffles Coral - Clown
Scar Zecora - Strongman
Pearl Zecora - Juggler
??? Zecora - Person we use for the knife throwing.
We hope you enjoy your stay!
Chlorine is trans and is Bi :3
This is just another business venture of Chlorine (or should I say… [BEEP])
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Welcome to the forest, and I, the mushroom lord, River Adelita, am delighted to have you staying with us! Sit down, ignore the troubles and relax!
[Run by ya boy @numbuhbenjiseis 😎]
River uses They/Them and is Gay MLM. No you cannot date him.
@pray-to-church-of-the-holy [Vincenzo and Mars]
@red-earth-comedia [Rouge]
@moon-zari-does-things [Moon]
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asexual-fandom-queen · 2 months
Fanfic Writer 20 Questions
I was tagged by @nixie-deangel to do fanfic writer 20 questions, so let's dive in! Tagging @42wallaby-way-sydney @fatherofthebride @coldtomyflash to participate, if they are so inclined.
How many works do you have on AO3? 72
What's your AO3 word count? Just shy of 366,000
What fandoms do you write for? I started out doing most of my writing for The Flash/Arrowverse, but most recently have moved on to writing primarily for Stranger Things, Ted Lasso, 9-1-1, and Teen Wolf
What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. Turn And Face The Strange (Stranger Things, Stoncy) 2. All On The Line (9-1-1, Buddie) 3. Givin' Yourself to Me Can Never Be Wrong (The Flash, Coldflashwave) 4. Hands On Me (I Think I Wanna Let It Happen) (9-1-1, Buddie) 5. House Like a Homecoming (Stranger Things, Poly Monster Hunters)
Do you respond to comments? I do! I kinda never shut up about how important comments are to a fandom's ecosystem, so when I get them, I answer back!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't usually end fics in full angst mode, but maybe the fic with the most bittersweet ending is Unfair. It's a SethKate (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series) fic set in the aftermath of a sex pollen situation that leaves them both hurt and vulnerable. But there's still that nugget of hope, because they're hurt and vulnerable together.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? If I'm going for not just pure fluff factor, but how satisfying the happy ending is in the context of the rest of the fic/the source material, I would say Maybe We'll Get Forty Years Together which is a Jamie/Keeley/Roy future fic set during their wedding where Jamie has a chance to hash things out with his father.
Do you get hate on fics? Every once in a blue moon. I write a lot of polyships, and sometimes those polyships are an amalgamation of two sides of a ship war, and people have opinions about that lol. But generally, no.
Do you write smut? What kind? Sure do! I'd say it's what I write primarily. Generally, I write smut with feelings, or angsty smut. Sometimes it's definitely just smut for smut's sake though, which is also fun! I'm a big supporter of being horny on main.
Do you write cross-overs? I don't. The closest I've gotten is writing an AU based on another tv/show. I don't dislike them in principle, I've just never written one myself.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes! Someone stole Taste of Your Lips (I'm On A Ride) and changed it from the original pairing of Zari/Amaya from Legends of Tomorrow to a Lauren/Camilla RPF and posted it on Wattpad. I'm very grateful to the person who messaged me on Tumblr to let me know, because the thief did take it down when I confronted them about it.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have, and it's really cool to have been asked. My Buddie fic Exploration has been translated to Chinese.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not exactly. I was part of a multi-creator rewrite for season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow, which involved re-plotting and re-drafting as a group, so you could technically count Episode 2: Crisis and Faith.
What's your all-time favourite ship? I'm actually gonna have the dumbest answer for this question because it's a ship I've never written for, probably never will, and don't even really read, but it's Frank Castle and Karen Page from Daredevil/The Punisher. Their dynamic is just exactly what I want out of a ship. No notes.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have an Abby/Buck/Eddie fic that's on permanent hiatus that I almost certainly will never finish, especially because, in working on it, it started to splinter off a lot of ideas and dynamics and scenes I actually want to use for an original novel someday, so I don't see myself ever completing it. I would like to finish that novel though lol.
What are your writing strengths? I think I always feel most proud of my characterization being pretty on point, and I get enough comments to that effect that I don't think I'm just making that up. I also think I'm good at writing in small details that seem minor but make an impact.
What are your writing weaknesses? I fizzle out! I don't have good stamina to go back to something if it's gonna take me more than one sitting to write, which is why most of my stuff falls in the 2-4k range. I also lose steam without feedback and encouragement. My educational background is in creative writing, and I've been a long-time member of fandom, plus part of writer's groups even before then, so the idea of writing being a solitary thing is kinda wild to me.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? To each their own for this. For me, personally, I'll use a word or a very small sentence I'm reasonably confident is correct in a fic, but for longer sentences, I would write in English and just indicate it was said in another language in the dialogue tag. Plus, even if it was a language I do speak fluently like Frech, it doesn't mean readers do, so I think English is still the way to go.
First fandom you wrote for? So, if we're talking first fic ever, we have to go back to when I was five and six years old and I would make little "books" out of folded index cards where I'd write stories about Sailor Moon or Cardcaptors. My first fic on the Internet was back in my FF.net days, and it was a Kyoya/Haruhi fic for Ouran High School Host Club. My first fic on AO3 was actually a multi-chapter Sterek fic that was never completed and that I've since taken down. The oldest fic of mine you can still find posted on AO3 is a multi-chapter Coldflash fic We Could Keep Things Just The Same, the first chapter of which was posted on February 24th, 2016!
Favourite fic you've ever written? I still feel like I've never topped There's a Menace In My Bed; Can You See His Silhouette. There are some edits I might go back and make with my extra eight (EIGHT!?!) years of writing experience, but the core of what that fic accomplishes? The delicious angst? The emotional minefield of dubious consent/sex pollen/fuck-or-die? The smut as character study? The caretaking? This just hit on a lot of things I like, and I'm really proud of it even all these years later.
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hoshigray · 9 months
at least when vala was with karma they had no problems unlike you guys and I'm spying on vala rn and toji is eating her out so idk who u talking about but it ain't her man
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First of all, 99.6% of the problems in our relationship is from karma herself bc 1) she made fun of me for missing her face reveals, 2) she stabbed me in back with zari, 3) she constantly blames me for things outside of my control, 4) she's delusional enough to think I'm "mean" to her bc I'm jealous (like srsly where tf did that logic come from??? 🤨🤨 weirdo), 5) she cheated on me with 3 women without me knowing, and 6) girl LOVES the victim card like it's sad
But DESPITE all the bs, she is still the love of my life, ma raison d'être, my sun to my moon 🙄🩷🩷🩷 unless she crosses another line with me, then the divorce papers coming right tf back
toji eating vala out??? Uhhh no??? I'm literally in bed with him rn, vala must be smoking some crazy shit and is fucking toji's worm instead cuz 🤢🤢🤢 but whatever gets them off, ig so hey
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gothhhammett · 2 years
hello there..
hey! i’m zari, and you’ve found my page…i guess…
here i’ll be creating and sharing stories for many bands, artists, and fandoms that i like and adore.
those that i write for rn:
stranger things (eddie munson + steve harrington for rn), mcu(marvel) , moon knight(layla + the moon boys), and batman(mostly riddler tho)
very open to smut, prepare for a lot of fluff and angst and plenty of AUs.
if you have any requests that you’d like to see, or people i should add let me know luvs!
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Whoever this Estrella girl is; you don’t belong in church.
…I guess I have no choice but to kill this vampire.
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cosmic-day · 2 years
Legends of Tomorrow Season 7. And so we come to the end of our Waverider voyage, and it’s certainly been a trip. In all senses of the word.  I’m gonna miss this dumb, brilliant show. One more time, for the ride, here’s my round up of  season 7:
Things that made me happy:
·       Ace Spooner. I was spoiled for this, and happy to be spoiled, but the execution was just beautiful. I can’t believe I got a canon ace character and then they took her away again.
·       Did we break Ava?
·       MY SAFE WORD IS CORE COMPETENCY. Of course it is, Ava, I love you.
·       Gwyn just being a completely adorable and heartbreaking character, and Matt Ryan absolutely nailing it.
·       Gwyn’s reaction to discovering that we put a man on the moon. Utter perfection.
·       The Fixed Point, both concept and episode, were completely brilliant (With caveats, see below)
·       Seeing everyone again in the 100th episode ( but why no Maisie Richardson-Sellers? Boo)
·       The reality show in Hell, and Gwyn’s prayers being bleeped out
·       The ideal futures shown to the gang by Gideon mostly revolving around people’s achievements, and not just assuming that partner + kids + white picket fence is all that is needed for happiness or the only route to happiness. It’s a little thing, but I appreciated it.
·       The party in Too Legit To Quit that functioned (presumably unintentionally) as a final farewell to the gang.
·       Everyone teaming up in the end to save Alan (also with caveats, see below)
Things that made me go hmmm
·       Nate moving to the totem with Original!Zari, not sure that quite worked for me? I mean, I’m happy they’re together, but I just didn’t feel like I got any kind of sense of what life in the totem was going to be like for Nate, so I couldn’t judge it was right for him. Plus they seemed to go from “I can live in the totem and commute” to “If I go live in the totem I have to stop being a legend” without much explanation. I felt something was missing here
·       As above I loved the Fixed Point, but I’m not sure if I’d have picked world war one as the historical event in question. Legends has always kind of shoved under the carpet the moral implications of “preserve the timeline at all costs” versus the chaos that ensues when the legends break time, and fair enough, it’s a light hearted show for the most part. But if you’re going to make stopping/not stopping world war one a central plot point, I think the elephant in the room can no longer be ignored. And no, saving the one person we care about from the carnage doesn’t cut it.
Things that I hate
·       That fucking cliffhanger. Honestly, without that, I’d have been pretty happy with this as a final season, but the Legends deserved better than to go out like that.
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beloveddawn-blog · 2 months
Til the Sun Grows Cold and the Stars Grow Old
2300 words
Summary: Now that they're married, Lucius has two homes and two places he belongs. Right?
That's going to entirely depend on the unexpected in-laws...
Link to parts 1 and 2
Lucius approached the house before him cautiously. He knew logically that there was no reason to be concerned (this was Zari’s house and she loved him and wanted him to visit. He was welcome, and he’d repeat that to himself as many times as it took), but he had been an outsider in places he was supposed to fit before. If this one held true to the pattern he didn’t know what he’d do.
Possibly cry.
It didn’t help that the house itself intimidated him. He was used to Nel’Vari’s flowing, living lines, and to the austere domes of the Temple of the Moon. He decidedly wasn’t used to straight edges, mirrored glass, and the pulsing pink lights that made this house look both unsettlingly alive while also so very alien and impersonal. Zari had told him when her friend Helios had renovated her house, of course she had, but he’d never expected… this.
Still, it was definitely Zari’s farm. It was exactly as she had described it to him, from Apiary Row down to Sustainable Forestry, with the Noodle Hut and Scarecrow Gauntlet guiding him right from the edge of the forest to the edge of the gate.
He took a deep breath there, steeling himself for the next action. It was a good thing he had, as the pause allowed him to notice that the lights on the house weren’t flashing either randomly or monotonously, but were instead following a much more complex pattern. A pattern he recognized, as a matter of fact. The lights were flashing to the tune of the record he had mailed Zari in a moment of unsustained bravery a few seasons ago, back when they’d both been trying so hard to find a normal that suited them. She had sent back a thank you note very properly, but Lucius had been convinced at the time that her enthusiasm was only kindness and not glee. It was a relief he didn’t know he needed (now that her ring was on his finger) to see that she had not just appreciated it, but was actually getting some use out of it.
He was halfway up the short walk towards the steps when the door suddenly flew open and expelled a blur of gold, white and pink. Lucius flinched back, both from the suddenness of the action and from the cacophonous screeching that accompanied it. His poor ears were used to the gentle sounds of the forest at rest and his Starlight’s soothing voice, not to whatever chaos was spawning behind that door.
The blur was just as startled, judging by the deep yelp and the way the pink surfboard-like thing flipped up. Lucius went to block his face from getting smacked, but the object disappeared before touching him. Rather than pain, he was left blinking dumbly at a slightly dishevelled angel in a white hoodie and sunglasses. An angel that was apparently laughing at him.
He flushed, mortified and suddenly even more unsure than before. He’d been planning on surprising Zari with this visit, but he was starting to think he really, really should have waited until she properly invited him. And maybe escorted him.
The angel, who he vaguely remembered, had introduced himself as Helios some time ago when they had briefly met in Nel’Vari, grinned at him and offered a sloppy salute by way of greeting. “Lucius, congratulations! Zari told us the good news! We’re all so happy for you two!” The man’s enthusiasm was palpable, and Lucius found himself smiling shyly in return.
“Good morn, Helios. Thank you.” He peered thoughtfully at the house, which was still occasionally allowing shrill noises to escape. “Is… Is Zari in?”
Helios’ face did something complicated for a moment before smoothing out into a slight frown as he shrugged. “Well, yeah, but… You probably shouldn’t go in there. Not if you value your health.”
Lucius stilled, only years of practice allowing him to subdue the wave of hurt that crashed through him. He thought… She had said… But it wasn’t just Zari, was it? It was Helios as well, and that clumsy young fire elemental who kept walking into the mana infusers, and even that frankly intimidating demon who had run through Nel’Vari like a storm, never speaking to anyone a dragon didn’t make her talk to. And they were all right here, and Lucius had somehow managed the utter gall to just walk up to their HOME like he was allowed to be there…
“Oh, woah, hey now,” Helios broke in, hovering his hands over Lucius as if he wanted to comfort, but was uncertain if his touch would be appreciated. To be fair, Lucius wasn’t sure if the comfort would be appreciated right now. It was a small, cold thing to try and warm oneself with when faced with something of this magnitude. “I mean, you’re perfectly welcome to, I put the finishing touches on your room yesterday myself, it’s just that… It’s not really a good time, not for you, though I’ve greatly exaggerated the actual danger. Not the chaos, mind you, but the danger.”
Lucius gave his head a small shake, backing up now. His courage had been neatly severed by the angel’s words and now entering that building was the last thing he wanted to do. It was coming up to noon, he was exhausted, and now his nerves were shattered. All he wanted was to retreat to his room in the Temple of the Moon and sleep, as safe as he was cold in the arms of familiarity.
Helios narrowed his eyes at him, and Lucius fought to maintain eye contact as he offered a weak smile, trying not to poison the well with his new may-as-well-be-in-laws any further. The angel shifted suddenly, one wing snapping out behind the elf, and Lucius startled. Somehow, this morphed into the two of them continuing companionably towards the house, and Lucius wracked his brain for an excuse to escape… whatever this was. His fogged mind offered nothing but a vague excuse about needing to feed the raccoons, but before he could even begin to verbalize it They Were There. Right there. In front of that door that he knew would haunt his dreams with feelings of inadequacy for a very long time.
Helios gave him a short, piercing stare before turning back to the door. “You’re always welcome,” he reiterated…
Before releasing total chaos.
Lucius flinched away from the sounds and the colours and the smells that overwhelmed him the moment they entered the house. “But I don’t think now is a good time!” Helios finished, yelling slightly and leaning in far too close to make himself heard over the din of… what sounded like a pack of angry banshees, but was probably instead the two young women before him. They were accompanied by angry chitters and indignant squeaks, and underlying it all was the song he had given Zari, played at a volume it had never been intended for.
He ducked instinctively as… what might have been a shirt, but also looked mostly like wrapped chains- came sailing through the air near him. “TAKE YOUR DAMN SHIRT!” Bellowed fire elemental that had thrown it, furious sparks flying off of her. “I AIN’T GOT SPACE TO STORE YOUR STUFF, I’VE GOT MY OWN!”
“GLADLY!” Replied… Zari. His Zari. His sweet, kind, gentle, hardworking wife, who he’d only ever known to raise her voice even the slightest bit in excitement, and who handled every obstacle set in her way with an unflinching grace he was in awe of. Who was now hollering at her best friend and flinging stuffed animals back across the length of the house as hard as she could.
“We didn’t think it through when we expanded the house.” Helios continued, leaning in closer than Lucius would normally have been comfortable with so he didn’t have to talk quite as loudly to be heard. “The only place we were able to put in the addition for you was off of Char’s room, so she and Zari are switching. It’s just a bit of a madhouse right now since it’s moving day and all.”
“I… I never wanted them to fight.” Lucius replied, aghast and once again heartbroken. “If I knew it was going to cause this I would never…”
“Don’t be sorry.” A new voice drawled next to him, causing him to jump again. He looked to the side and found the demon (who must be Sass, she was the only one of this friend group he didn’t know) smirking up at him as she flipped her dark hair back over her shoulder. “And don’t be stupid. They’re not fighting, they’re having fun.”
He blinked at her, entirely taken aback. “They’re literally throwing things at each other. And screaming.” He deadpanned, unable to even conceive of the right emotion for this.
“Exactly.” She replied with a decisive nod. “Fun.” She took a pointed sip of the smoothie she was carrying, then grabbed a second one from her belt pouch and offered it to him. “Want to have a drink and watch the show?”
Helios peered around Lucius to frown at his friend. “That’s not a great idea.” He cautioned, and Lucius felt his heart drop further at how obvious it was that the angel didn’t want him around. “This guy’s going on two days without sleep, since the wedding was in the afternoon yesterday. He’s on his last legs and about to fall over, but even if he falls asleep here he won’t actually rest. Not with these two chaos monsters redecorating with extreme prejudice in the next room.”
“Good point.” The demon praised whilst Lucius blinked, shocked by how kind Helios was actually trying to be. “You can bring him back to Nel’Vari before he passes out. He probably shouldn’t be on his own right now. HEY YOU HARPIES! WE HAVE A GUEST!” She pivoted sharply to face the room at large for the last bit, and the sudden moment of silence left in her wake was a blessing on his poor, abused ears.
“LUCIUS!” Zari cried, obviously delighted, before she flung herself towards him.He caught her on instinct, and she cuddled right up into him before pulling him down for a joyous kiss.  The plush dragon she’d been about to chuck dropped silently to the floor behind her before being carefully picked up by a smiling elemental. “I wasn’t expecting to see you today, what with you not sleeping at all yesterday! I was just getting things ready for you here! Char was helping. Did you want to see the room my friends put together for you? It’s really nice, I think you’ll love it.”
“I picked out the rug.” Char broke in, beaming at him. “Sass made it, but I picked it out. And I got the plants set up.”
He could feel his mouth gaping, but no sound was coming out. He was currently holding someone who adored him while surrounded by so much welcoming he felt like he was going to do something...
Possibly cry.
He’d never been wanted or celebrated like this before in his life, and it was all thanks to Zari. His dear, dear Zari, who sought him out and listened to him and loved him and had even proposed…
She surged back up to kiss him again then, digging her fingernails into his biceps hard enough to leave marks. Both the kiss and the sharp bite of pain brought him back to himself, which seemed to have been the plan as she pulled back and smiled at him.
“He can take the grand tour tomorrow, after you’ve finished rearranging the place.” Helios insisted gently. “For now I’m going to take him back to the Temple of the Moon so he can sleep. You two behave, and whatever you do, don’t break my fishtank.”
Char immediately crossed her arms in a full body sulk while Zari laughed and pecked him once more on the nose before stepping back. “I wasn’t gonna break anything.” The elemental insisted mullishly while her friends gave her matching indulgent smiles. “I wasn’t.”
“Sure you weren’t.” Helios agreed in a tone that clearly conveyed the on purpose that he didn’t say. “Anyway, we need to get going. It’s almost Lucius’ bedtime, after all, and the poor man’s exhausted.”
Helios guided him away while Zari took advantage of her friend’s distraction to bonk her on the head with a stuffed horse, and then the war was back on. Lucius was grateful as the door shut behind him and their voices faded.
“Sorry about that.” He continued, escorting the elf towards the griffon the farmers often used for transport. “Normally it wouldn’t be an issue since we’re all out of the house in the middle of the day, you can sleep in peace, but today was just not going to be a good choice, what with Zari all but buzzing out of her skin with excitement. Don’t worry, Char will burn out some of that energy by this evening.” He hauled himself up on the beast, then pulled a Lucius who was fading fast up behind him. “You’ll need to come back when it’s calmed down. We’re all excited to see what you think of your room. We worked hard on it, you know? Elder Plato helped us with it too…”
He fell asleep to the sound of that excited voice, lulled into calm by the undeniable force of their welcoming that told him so clearly that he was, for once, both where he needed to be and surrounded by those who wanted him there.
It was the best wedding gift he could ever have asked for.
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
okay okay legends of tomorrow characters as tarot major arcana really quick. gary as the fool, ray as the magician, nora as the high priestess, gideon as the empress, ava as the emperor, rip as the hierophant, sara & ava as the lovers, waverider as the chariot. amaya as strength, mick as the hermit, waverider time core as wheel of fortune, zari as justice, snart as the hanged man, kendra as death, kuasa as temperance. constantine as the devil, the fuckinnn time machine thing that snart destroyed as the tower, wally as the star, sara as the moon, jax as the sun, ummm idk for judgment, and beebo as the world. obviously. stein isnt there bc i couldnt find a place for him and nate isnt there bc i forgot about him entirely
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Character List
Characters I am CURRENTLY writing for (requests, one shots, blurbs)
Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire)
Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek (Chicago Fire)
Kevin Atwater (Chicago PD)
Will Halstead (Chicago Med
Crockett Marcell (Chicago Med)
Adrian Chase (Peacemaker)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Frenchie (The Boys)
David ‘Deacon’ Kay (Swat)
Dominique Luca (Swat)
Jim Street (Swat)
Dick Grayson (Titans)
Conner Kent (Titans)
Behrad Tarazi (Legends of Tomorrow)
Steven Grant (Moon Knight)
Characters I ALWAYS accept concepts for (dialogues, ideas, general talk) (current favs highlighted)
Any of the above characters
Marc Specter (Moon Knight)
Kaylee Frye (Firefly)
Inara Serra (Firefly)
Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)
Zoe Washborne (Firefly)
Hoban Wahborne (Firefly)
Christopher Smith (Peacemaker)
Emilia Harcourt (Peacemaker)
Rick Flag (The Suicide Squad)
Harley Quinn (The Suicide Squad)
Robert Dubois (The Suicide Squad)
Owen (Bly Manor)
Jaskier (The Witcher)
Geralt (The Witcher)
Sean Renard (Grimm)
Monroe (Grimm)
Jaal (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Garrus (Mass Effect)
Jake Martin (The Crew)
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Chris Alonso (Swat)
Dominique Luca (Swat)
Victor Tan (Swat)
Daniel ‘Hondo’ Harrelson (Swat)
Kim Burgess (Chicago PD)
Jay Halstead (Chicago PD)
Antonio Dawson (Chicago PD)
Adam Ruzek (Chicago PD)
Hank Voight (Chicago PD)
Greg ‘Mouse’ Gerwitz (Chicago PD)
Sylvie Brett (Chicago Fire)
Matt Casey (Chicago Fire)
Joe Cruz (Chicago Fire)
Stella Kidd (Chicago Fire)
April Sexton (Chicago Med)
Ethan Choi (chicsgo Med)
Connor Rhodes (Chicago med)
Maggie Lockwood (Chicago Med)
Dylan Scott (Chicago Med)
Tim Drake (Titans)
Jason Todd (Titans)
Hank Hall (Titans)
Donna Troy (Titans)
Dawn Granger (Titans)
Kori Anders (Titans)
Nate Heywood (legends of tomorrow)
Ray palmer (legends of tomorow)
Jefferson ‘Jax’ Jackson (legends of tomorrow)
John Constantine (legends of tomorrow)
Zari Tarazi/Tomaz (legends of tomorrow)
Astra Logue (Legends of tomorrow)
Esperanza Cruz (Legends of tomorrow)
Nora Darkh (legends of tomorow)
Cisco Ramone (the flash)
Evan buckley (911)
Eddie diaz (911)
Nancy Gillian (911 lonestar)
Marjan Marwani (911 lonestar)
Owen Strand (911 lonestar)
Mateo Chavez (911 lonestar)
Judd and Grace Ryder (911 lonestar)
Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal minds)
Luke Alvez (Criminal minds)
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sophiainspace · 3 years
Zari Tomaz and Zari Tarazi 💫
I leave in the morning - I don’t wanna go
I said to the teller, “If this is the future I don’t wanna know”
I’m afraid of meaning nothing again, after all this is over
This is over after all…
‘Teller,’ Throwing Muses
Hanging out in the totem waiting for her counterpart to return is the worst boredom that Zari Tarazi has ever had the misfortune of experiencing. And she lived through the great Tarazi Residence Internet Outtage of 2031.
And then, one day when she’s very quietly exploring places she probably shouldn’t be - though no one’s actually told her not to - Zari finds the rec lounge. At least, that’s the vibe this room is clearly going for. There’s no TV or internet, of course. (The other totem-bearers went over long explanations of why technology doesn’t work in the totem - something something astral realm - but Zari wasn’t really listening.) Otherwise, this laid-back room is kind of nice. There’s lots of comfy seats and ottomans arranged for ease of socialising, and a few games on the tables - a chess set and jigsaw puzzles. And there’s a shisha bar, of all things, with only delightfully non-alcoholic drinks behind the bar. Most of the time, this room is empty. Zari half-wonders why no one uses it, then remembers that the totem bearers are all old, uppity types who’d never darken the doors of a friendly, social rec room. Which kind of defeats its purpose. Zari goes there to chill a lot anyway. It’s nicer than the ridiculous room with the terrible couches and weird wall hangings.
One morning, Zari wanders into the rec room and nearly falls over. There’s someone behind the bar. Someone familiar.
“Charlie?” she breathes.
It’s not Charlie. As soon as the woman looks up and smiles at her, Zari can tell that much. (Her excited heartbeat slows to something oddly… disappointed.) “No,” the woman says softly. “I’m sorry - I’m not your friend.” She taps a bottle of cordial with a smile. “Let me make it up to you. Mocktail?”
“I could have sworn…” Zari shakes her head and scoots onto a stool. “Sure. Mocktail. Why not?”
“What takes your fancy?” the bartender is asking, running a lithe hand across the bottles.
“Hmm. Not coffee, that’s for sure. You people have the worst coffee on the astral plane. Virgin daiquiri?” Zari eyes the bartender. Yellow dress, printed in southern African patterns. Hair wound up in a matching yellow scarf. She’s not Charlie, but she’s gorgeous - in her own, softer way. “I’m Zari.”
Halfway through mixing drinks, the bartender gives Zari an unexpected wink. “Oh, I know who you are,” she almost purrs. Zari blinks at her. She’d been getting a ‘wise elder’ vibe from this one, right up till that wink. Now there’s a hint of something much more fun in the woman’s eyes. And fun isn’t how Zari would describe most of the staid old totem bearers around here.
Before Zari can ask the bartender’s name, a drink is passed across the bar, and Zari accepts it with thanks. Then sips it, and feels her eyes get wide. “Oh, this is good.” It’s sweet, but not laden with sugar, and cut with enough real lime to give it a kick. Zari grins at the bartender. “You have a talent.”
“So I’m told,” the bartender says, leaning back with an unreadable look at Zari. It makes Zari feel things. Another unexpected reaction. Who is this woman?
But, once again, Zari doesn’t have time to ask. The bartender distracts her. “You look like someone stole the lime out of your drink,” she observes wryly. “Want to tell me about it?”
Zari snorts, bouncing her eyebrows at the woman. “Tell me all your troubles? Seems a bit stereotypical for you, barkeep. Since I’m guessing this is not exactly your main gig.”
The bartender’s shrug is adorable. “You got me.” She sits down across the bar from Zari. “My other job around here is seeing the currents of the past and the future. The way the patterns of the universe weave themselves slowly towards justice.”
That sounds like a good starting point for giving advice. Zari really has no reason to tell this stranger anything, but she finds herself sighing anyway, as she sips her drink. “I’m guessing that whole ‘weaving towards justice’ thing is kinda cosmic, and doesn’t work on a personal level.” The woman’s wry little head-tilt tells Zari she’s right. Fate is a tricky thing, Charlie always said. You can’t always control where your life is headed. Not that that’s ever stopped Zari from doing her best. “I’m afraid they won’t want me back.”
The bartender raises her eyes. “The Legends.” It’s not even a question.
Zari’s head snaps up. Today is just full of surprises. “You know them?”
A smile, almost nostalgic. “I know some of them very well. And… I’m not sure where you fit in the timeline, but I know that team. The more they change, the more they stay the same.” The bartender taps on the countertop. “Why wouldn’t they want you back?”
“They’ve got the other Zari back now,” she murmurs. Saying it aloud sounds self-pitying, like being the worst version of herself. She hates that. But it’s too late to stop talking. She’s jumped in with both feet, and Zari Tarazi always commits to the bit. “I know they miss her a lot. They talk about her all the time. Even Behrad - especially Behrad. He’s her number one fan. Like he never was of me…” Zari trails off, feeling like she’s gone too far. Bitterness helps no one. She knows Behrad loves her. It’s just that he remembers his other life, with the other Zari. They were close - the way he always wanted to be with his version of his sister. “Anyway. They must be happy to have her home. And they can only have one of us at a time, so…” She shrugs.
The bartender’s thoughtful eyes get sharper. “And you think that means they don’t need you anymore?”
Zari shrugs. “They’ve got the OG,” she mumbles. “Why would they want little new me?” She should know that’s nonsense. There’s no OG except her. Zari Tarazi, the one and only. But a few weeks in a totem, with no one to talk to, no CatChat, and no business to run - well, it could make the most confident girl lose her nerve.
The bartender goes a little fuzzy, like she’s watching something off in the distance. When she focuses on Zari again, her beautiful eyes have that joy in them again, with a bit of a wicked edge. “Because you give them something no one else can. Your drive. Your spirit. Your unique, powerful kind of wisdom.” She grins at Zari. “And your serious business acumen. Don’t tell me you think your brother’s filling in for you there.”
Zari snorts. “I’d like to hope he’d rise to the occasion, but - nope, he will not be.” She hums at the beautiful bartender. She must turn some girls’ heads around here. That’s quite some cosmic wisdom she’s got going on. “You really think they need me?”
She gets a smile back. “I do. But what I think doesn’t really matter, does it?” She raises a challenging eyebrow at Zari.
Zari thinks back over so many missions where the team needed her unique skills… and many more times when her friends looked at her like she mattered. For herself, not for anyone else she might resemble. “Oh, they’ve gotta be so very lost without me,” she says, tossing her hair over her shoulder.
“You are not wrong,” says a voice behind her. Zari Tomaz slides onto the stool beside her. “Hey, Amaya. Can you get me something caffeinated? Triple espresso. Ooh, and something sweet. Got any donuts back there?” She tilts her head at the other Zari. “I forgot how exhausting the Legends are. I’m kinda pleased to get some time to myself, back in here.”
Amaya - of course that’s who it is, and Zari can’t believe she didn’t figure it out - passes a coffee over to Zari 1.0. “Hi, beautiful. Missed you.” She nods at Zari. “But I’ve been getting to know your lovely counterpart here, while we were waiting for you.”
Zari 1.0 makes a thoughtful face at her other self. “I hope being in here hasn’t bummed you out too much. Ready to go back and face the chaos?” She pats Zari on the back. “And I hate to break it you, but it really is peak chaos back in the time stream right now.”
“Oh, please.” Zari downs the last of her mocktail. “When is it not peak chaos on the Waverider?” She holds up a hand when Zari 1.0 starts to speak. “Don’t fill me in. I wanna walk right onto that bridge full of ridiculous disasters and experience what I’ve missed first-hand.”
Laughing, Zari 1.0 shrugs. “Enjoy yourself, hon. Or maybe that should be ‘on your own head be it.’ One of those.” She reaches out a hand for Amaya’s across the bar, and they share the cutest smile Zari has seen a couple give each other in a while. Oh, these two are adorable. As Zari takes them both in - gorgeous, wise Amaya, and the way Zari 1.0 looks at her - Zari is almost not jealous.
Time to make an exit. Zari pushes back her chair with a squeak. “Bye, OG.” She gives the beautiful bartender a little wave. “Bye, Amaya.” And she walks away with just a little bit of flair, all too aware that the other two are watching her leave. Just perfect.
At the door, Zari turns around. “Have a simply lovely time catching up, Zamaya.” She nods at Zari 1.0, who’s now looking at her girlfriend like Amaya flew to the moon and brought it back for her. “I think this one’s missed you, Amaya. I hope you get to spoil her a little.”
Zari 1.0 chuckles, turning to give Zari a smile. “Take care, hon. And there’s some people out there who’ve missed you too, you know. Go let them celebrate you. You deserve it.” Maybe it’s her imagination, but Zari thinks her counterpart’s guarded eyes get a little softer. “And Zari… thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” Zari lifts her fingers, ready to click them and disappear in a haze of totem magic. Always leave them wanting more. “Be seeing you, OG Z, next time you want to switch places. Oh, and…” Zari winks at Amaya. “Next time I visit, I want internet - fast enough to run a business with. And better coffee. And an easier way to watch the Waverider crew, that doesn’t involve being stuck in that awful room with the wall hangings. And some people to play all these games with! And—”
Rolling her eyes, the other Zari clicks her fingers.
“Rude,” Zari snarks to herself, in the middle of the empty Waverider hallway. She turns on her heel, heading for the kitchen. She can hear the sounds of a firefight on the bridge, and she needs a decent cup of coffee before she goes to anyone’s aid. The Legends will understand.
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