#mlqc kiro fluff
night-chant · 2 years
MLQC Scenario - Hidden Talent
If I miraculously and accurately linked your actual hobby with your favourite dude, how??--- I-I mean, yes it was on purpose of course! (I didn’t even get mine right XD)
Featuring: MLQC Guys + reader
Synopsis: You have a great passion for your favourite pastime, but for some reason, you’re too shy to let anyone know about it but then he finds out on his own.
Warning: Fluff (except Victor’s??)
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Creative writing
Sometimes poetry but often, creative writing since you loved spending time working on your historical romance novel. You never showed it to anyone, in fear that it would be ridiculed for any cliché use that you cherished.
At first, Victor assumed you were just writing a report on your laptop but sometimes, your eyes would light up as you eagerly typed out multiple sentences.
Did you find your report on Miracle Finder’s plummeting ratings that entertaining to analyze?
“How’s the progress?” he asked from behind and you hastily flipped the computer shut.
“Okay, I guess.” The light in your eyes instantly vanished.
Huh. He should’ve known. “The deadline is in two days. Did I give you too much time to spare?” When you didn’t answer, he went on: “What are you writing?”
“You’re going to say it’s stupid.”
“If you expect me to say that everytime a dummy does something, I’d lose my voice already. I only say if it is truly disastrous. Let’s see it.”
You reluctantly handed the laptop over. You started a couple of pages on chapter 18, but you expected he’d glance at the first few lines and turn back to you. Instead, he took a few minutes, perusing with a blank scowl.  
Any hope shattered when he started pointing out all the grammatical errors and that the plot so far isn’t logical. Your face felt hot. He was treating even your story as a report.
“The girl should’ve told him the truth in the very beginning,” Victor said, “so none of this mess would happen.”
Your blood was boiling. What, now he’s the CEO of some publishing company?? “Yeah, well, maybe he’d just call her a dummy and dismiss what she says like he always does!”
. . .
Victor would turn and leave with your laptop. Starting from page one, he would read each dialogue and analyze the characters more carefully.
You two will not end up like that couple. Not if he could help it.
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You enjoy nature, especially animals and landscapes.
Sometimes, Lucien and you took a stroll around the forest by the Loveland University so you could get some real-life references.
No matter how vibrant the pigments were, they never drew Lucien’s attention away from you and your concentrated scowl and the slight peek of your tongue as you carefully painted an arc for the branch of a willow tree.
“They don’t look right,” you mumbled, breaking his trance. “But I’m not sure why.”
“Your hand is shaking,” he said, reaching out. “Here, I’ll hold it still for you.”
Maybe it’s because you were embarrassed that you didn’t realize the issue before or maybe because he was leaning very close, but your hands were shaking even more.
However, with gentle guidance, the branches you drew together were natural and lovely, interlaced with one another just like your hands.
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Dancing ft. singing
If the rhythm is inspiring or if it’s just your favourite song, you’d probably be in an imaginary music video in the next moment. (Of course, when you were alone.)
Back to reality, it was Kiro who dances but he usually sings more in his performances in concerts.
He didn’t expect you to be a dancer too.
Kiro came home earlier than usual one day. Savin had let him go ONLY because he wasn’t acting too rebellious that day.
Before Kiro even opens the front door, he heard blaring music, almost reverberating off the wall.
His approaching footsteps were completely muted and a familiar voice was singing both parts of a duet song. Then after, an eerily familiar song . . .
You didn’t notice him as you were dancing away to his latest single.
But when you do, all you wanted was to hide in a closet.
But he thought Miss Chips was adorable and gushed about your accurate choreography.
You both probably ended up dancing to Kpop or Disney songs.
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Knitting and needlework
Your mother taught you the basics, but you loved the activity so much that you made your own small, simple projects.
Sometimes, Gavin returns from missions with torn clothes and you were always willing to sew them up again if possible.
He finds your talent in knitting very intriguing, how your fingers and yarn and needles danced around one and another like hummingbirds.
Subconsciously, he thinks about the future, when you two would be older and when you would be making knitted garments for your two’s grandchildren.
Wait what do you do with all the clothes you knit now?
One day, he informed you that he would be away for a long mission.
You were bummed. “You have to return on the 20th or earlier! Or else I won’t stop knitting this very scarf until you do!”
When Gavin got back, he noticed that the scarf was pretty long.
“You did take breaks, did you?” he asked, holding your hands as he examined them.
You rolled your eyes when he took your joke to heart and so literally.
You wrap the long scarf around him (maybe a couple times keep it clear from the ground, even considering his height).
Good thing the scarf was big enough to cover part of his face because his ears and cheeks grew pink from your gentle gesture.
He untangled the scarf just enough to loop it around you too, narrowing the distance between you two until you were against his chest.
“Thank you.”
He liked to wear it during autumn and winter ever since.
I’m writing this as I wait for a game to download reeee
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multifandom-worlds · 1 year
Letter to You
I know you're probably awake right now, maybe it's because of the day's events running through your mind, maybe it's because you're used to me beside you and since I'm gone, you're having a hard time sleeping. Maybe it's both of those and maybe it's something else entirely.
I love you, my sweet. Always have. You are the greatest thing to have walked into my life. Since the day I laid eyes on you, you've occupied my every thought - the way you talk, the smell of your perfume, the way your fingers lace perfectly with mine. Everything about you is so perfect for me, down to your little quirks. I have never loved someone as much as I love you.
I've had dreams of you, since I've been away - dreams of walking through our snow-covered city, brushing the snow from your hair, dancing with you in the soft glow of the fire, worshipping your body until early morning hours, making you feel every ounce of my love for you.
I am so proud of you, my love. You are such a strong person, waking up every day, your heart on your sleeve and giving your all. You may think no one notices your achievements, but I do. No matter how small those achievements are, I've noticed them and I've celebrated every single one. You're exactly where you need to be and I'm honoured to walk this life with you by my side.
I'll be home soon, my dear. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.
Yours for eternity
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cheesy09 · 2 years
[CN] Kiro's Soundwaves Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This date was translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
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[PART 1]
Psychedelic neon lights danced across the dance floor and sensual music entered my ears through the speakers. I picked up my wine glass and gazed at Kiro’s profile in the glare.
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With one hand casually placed on the sofa behind me, the fingers of his others hand lightly tapped on his knees to the beat played by the DJ on stage. His long eyelashes cast shadows on his face, and his slightly closed eyes shone with scattered light.
I looked at his side profile in a slight daze, until he turned to look at me with a smile on his face.
Kiro: Why are you looking at me like that, Miss Chips? What are you thinking about?
MC: I was thinking that you’ve been looking at the DJ in the stands for a while now. Were you thinking about next week’s performance?
Kiro: Mm. I didn’t expect to come for the music festival this time and to find this bar. It’s quite the surprise!
There was going to be a wilderness music festival in Barcelona next week, and Kiro had been invited as a guest. So we arrived a week earlier to Spain, just so we could experience the local life.
I looked in the direction Kiro was pointing. The DJ on stage was controlling the magnetic head to swipe across the disc with one hand, while his other hand was raised high to the beat of the music.
Kiro: I took a closer look and the performance here is very sophisticated, like that of a master.
I felt a bit drunk so I leaned my head on Kiro’s shoulder and rubbed my cheek against the smooth fabric of his shirt.
MC: How do you know that?
Kiro: Notice how casual his appearance and approach seem. Yet, there’s a lot of special design in the mix.
MC: Indeed, his expression looks relaxed, but his body hasn’t stopped for a moment.
Kiro: The scene really has more atmosphere than that on a screen!
This time, the resident DJ switched the playing track and the previously sensual music turned brisk. Kiro pulled the brim of his hat and and extended his hand towards me.
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Kiro: After sitting for so long, my lady, would you like to dance with me now?
MC: Of course I do~ Mr. Kiro.
We walked carefully through the crowd to the middle of the dance floor. Kiro squeezed my hand as a signal to start.
I swayed my body, the sound of the music stimulating my excited nerves. The lights were dazzling and unpredictable. 
I looked at Kiro. His dance moves were extremely smooth. Not flimsy, but casual and powerful. His dancing clearly attracted the attention of some people. A hippie looked at him from a distance and suddenly stepped forward.
Just when I thought he was going to recognize Kiro, he, in fact, walked past Kiro and looked at me
Hippie: Miss, do you want to consider changing partners?
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[PART 2]
A few people with sharp ears came over after overhearing that and whispered as they glanced at us. Kiro hooked his lips and put an arm around me, his tone cold yet playful.
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Kiro: You’re quite courageous.
The hippie looked at Kiro disdainfully and suddenly froze in place.
Hippie: You... are you Kiro?
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Kiro: Aren’t you being delusional?
Kiro spoke without hesitation, his tone indifferent. He even looked at the other party without evasion. The hippie, clearly shaken by the alienation, squinted and looked again, shaking his head.
Hippie: Upon closer inspection, you’re not half as friendly as Kiro is, although you do look quite similar.
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Kiro: Is it?
Hippie: Hey, just let me borrow your partner, don’t be so stingy. My partner can dance with you as well.
The crowd of onlookers grew thicker and thicker. Kiro’s embrace tightened a little and I frowned and looked at the hippie.
MC: I’m sorry, not everyone can be my dance partner. I don’t think you stand a chance.
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Kiro looked at me with dazzling eyes and naughtily poked me twice with the hand around my waist. I hurriedly pretended to casually grab his restless fingers. 
The next second, his icy gaze swept over the hippie, slightly dismissive.
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Kiro: Are you going to continue being an eyesore here?
Hearing our words, the man whistled somewhat resentfully.
Hippie: Well, he’s really like glue. Young lady, Kiro will be at the music festival next week. You should really go see him. He is much more handsome than your boyfriend. 
What else did the man want to say? As soon as the brisk music became more intense, and the lights flashed even more dazzlingly. Cheers and whistles erupted from the crowd. Kiro took this opportunity to take my hand, pass through the crowd and run all the way out of the bar.
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It wasn’t until we were far out of the bar and street that Kiro and I stopped, looked at each other and laughed.
The evening breeze was cool, and the midnight streets were empty and quiet. Kiro bought two cans of drinks from the vending machine and handed me one. We sat by the street and drank the drinks in a hot sweat, feeling the cool stimulation.
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Kiro: Alas, our bar date plan failed.
I smiled and touched Kiro’s “cup”, and rubbed his soft blond hair.
MC: No. We drank wine, danced, and put on a big show. This date was obviously a success!
Hearing my words, Kiro laughed aloud.
Kiro: Your serious look just now was quite attractive, like that...
MC: What, do you mean me being queen of the dance floor?
Kiro laughed even harder after hearing that description.
MC: However, if it wasn’t for the music cut this time, we would have been dancing for a long time, thanks to the bar’s DJ.
Kiro looked into my eyes and blinked. His eyes were sparkling.
Kiro: DJ... Music conversion... Oh yeah, why didn’t I think of that!
Seeing the confusion on my face, he smiled and took a sip of his drink.
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Kiro: I suddenly thought of an idea that could be used in the music festival!
MC: What did you think of?
Kiro raised his head mysteriously and proudly, like a bear with his head held high and proud.
Kiro: Please look forward to it~ Now, Miss Chips, you’re going to follow me closely as we arrive to the next stop of our date - Full speed ahead!
He said that as he took my hand, strode forward and walked out.
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[PART 3]
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A week later, the Wilderness Music Festival was held as scheduled.
Since the venue was a temporary setup, Kiro completed his modelling in advance at the studio that the organizer rented out and then drove to the venue with me.
As the vehicle drove along the straight pastoral road, in my continuously climbing field of vision, I saw endless green grass and olive trees in the mountains and plains. Seeing the open scenery in front of me, my expectations grew stronger and stronger, so much so that I wanted to get out of the car and roll around in the fields.
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Kiro: When the festival is over, we can do whatever we want.
MC: How did you know what I was thinking!
Kiro: Because that’s what I thought when I first came here. So when I received the announcement, I was immediately looking forward to your current expression.
MC: Oh~ then, oh witty Kiro, guess again, what am I thinking now?
Kiro rolled his eyes and patted his chest proudly.
Kiro: You must be thinking that you must grab a seat in the first row.
MC: Humph. You’re half-right!
MC: I was thinking that I’m going to save my strength for a while. That way, when you come out, you’ll be able to hear me cheering for you from the first row.
I proudly took out the soothing lozenge in my bag and waved it at Kiro, but he grabbed my hand and pressed it to his lips.
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Kiro: You don’t have to shout, just stand there and I’ll see you at first sight.
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As a heavyweight guest, Kiro was set to appear at the finale, and after arriving, he went backstage to prepare.
At the moment, there weren’t many people at the scene. After saying goodbye to Kiro, I quickly rushed to the stage, followed the crowd of people, and barely grabbed a seat in the first row.
The sun hung obliquely in the sky. The deafening music suddenly sounded and with that, the wilderness concert officially began.
I suppressed my overwhelming excitement and forced myself to focus on the performances. The bands performing were from all over the world, and the styles of each performance was also different. The music constantly changed, and the audience sometimes sang, and sometimes danced.
Standing in the first row, I could see the sweat and passion of the bands up close on stage, and in my heart, I was looking forward to Kiro’s performance more and more. 
I couldn’t help but try to guess what Kiro was referring to as a ‘surprise’. Singing and dancing was his forte, and he was even more at ease with different styles of music...
What would it be?
As Kiro’s performance approached closer and close, the cheering of “Kiro” became louder and louder. I took out my phone and recorded the warm atmosphere of the venue and sent it to Kiro.
MC: Can you hear the audience calling for you? Kiro’s No.1 fan is already in the front row, looking forward to your surprise!
Kiro quickly texted me back, and I couldn’t help laughing as I looked at my phone.
Kiro: If I’m able to shock Miss Chips, I have to be rewarded!
The romantic music gradually ceased, and according to the program, the next finale was Kiro’s turn.
All the lights on the stage went out, but the crowd burst into cheers, and everyone was shouting Kiro’s name. I quickly got out two new glow sticks and joined the shouting.
Time passed minute by minute. The stage was pitch black, and the crowd gradually grew a little uneasy.
Audience: What’s going on? What about Kiro?
The people around me were talking a lot. I knew that Kiro must have made special arrangements, but my heart was still high-strung, from both excitement and nervousness.
At that moment, a spotlight suddenly lit up on stage.
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A figure appeared in the center of the light. His arms were wrapped with yellow bandages, metal earphones were wrapped around his neck, and his golden hair was tied up low. His entire being radiated a casual and rebellious disposition.
In front of Kiro was a large mixing console, and he waved to everyone enthusiastically, which attracted countless cheers!
Those azure blue eyes filled with flickering light. He put his finger to his lips and the restless crowd also quieted down.
Kiro: Thank you all for participating in the festival. Next, please lend your ears to DJ Kiro.
Kiro’s slender fingers swiped across the disc and the dynamic music sound and electricity shot out. The lights became dazzling and psychedelic in an instant. Familiar and unfamiliar melody flowed into my ears, but I could tell he turned his song into a remix!
I waved my light stick vigorously and shouted a CALL to Kiro amongst the cheers of the crowd.
MC: Love you all my life with no regrets!
It seemed that he heard my voice. Kiro winked at me and I figured he remembered the same memory I did.  <Note: Reference to Kiro’s Win or Lose Date>
The temperature of my cheeks shot up and my heart was beating violently.
A motorcycle roared across the field, a sports car honked its horn to the beat, but my eyes and ears couldn’t hold anyone else. Only the ever-sparkling Kiro.
The familiar and somewhat different person in front of me attracted all of my attention.
He moved his body to the beat, like the rising sun on the cost of Gibraltar, and like a deer galloping and jumping in the wilderness of Caceres, nimble and agile.
He walked to the edge of the stage to give high-fives to the audience, and when he sang “Your lips are as sweet as honey”, he naturally moved in front of me.
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Kiro: Thank you for coming to the festival!
I held his outstretched hand and met his clear eyes. This special treatment made the surrounding audience scream with envy.
MC: Kiro, Te quiero! (Kiro, I love you!)
Kiro took the words back and sang the second half of the sentence with a smile, “And I’m addicted to you without restraint.”
The setting sun was bright and the stars were twinkling, but the man on stage shined brighter than anything else.
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[PART 4]
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Kiro: Work is over, so it’s wilderness date time!
We intertwined our fingers together and strolled across the field. The moon was bright, the evening wind caressed our skins and the lights were lit up. Many people were just as happy as we were. 
Some of them played the guitar and sang songs in groups, and some danced to the music that played from small speakers. Kiro and I held hands and took in this hot summer night.
Kiro: Miss Chips, what did you think of DJ Kiro’s performance today?
MC: Superb. The best DJ performance I’ve ever seen. If you get to the top 100 DJs in the world, you’d definitely be on top!
Kiro: Hehe, although I really want to be humble, I’ve been practicing really hard recently! So, I accept your compliment!
MC: The songs you remixed were very good in themselves. The level of mixing was very high, and the results were super cool! 
MC: At the time, everyone was singing along. Fortunately, I’d prepared lozenges in advance, otherwise my voice would’ve gone hoarse~
Having said that, I calmly sang my favorite part again. Kiro watched me singing, then reached out and took out two light sticks from my bag, bending and swaying them to my rhythm.
Amidst twilight, the leaping golden glowsticks were like unpredictable fireworks, surrounding the two of us. Kiro’s face flickered and dimmed under the glowstick, but the light in his eyes flashed and burned, like a spark that would never go out.
Seeing the serious look on his face, I felt fuzzy and warm, and couldn’t help but reach out and pinch his face.
MC: If you want me to rate my joy today, then I’d say it’s two hundred percent! 
MC: Not only did I get a glimpse of DJ Kiro’s style, but I also got to hold an after party in the wilderness with just the two of us~
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Kiro: Can the promised rewards be redeemed now?
I smiled and pulled Kiro’s hand, closed my eyes and the hustle and bustle of the surroundings fields seemed to dissipate, as if there were only he and I in this whole world.
MC: Ready to accept your reward?
Kiro: Of course. Come on, Miss Chips, I’m a little nervous.
MC: 3 - 2 - 1!
I opened my eyes and waved the sparklers that I’d long since prepared, and formed a big heart shape in the night. My shouts spread far and wide along the wilderness, and then quietly diffused into the night’s mist.
I felt the air still for a moment, and then there were bursts of laughter around me. Unsuspecting people jeered on the side, and some even cheered.
Kiro’s eyes lit up instantly. He took the sparkler from my hand, and the light overlapped in his eyes, as if illuminating my whole world.
It seemed that due to the influence of the atmosphere, someone shouted after us.
Passersby: Kiro, you’re so cool!
One after another, the entire wilderness was filled with all sorts of confessions, and Kiro’s face turned red.
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Kiro: Well, you’ve made me a little embarrassed, Miss Chips.
MC: So, do you like it?
Kiro: Of course I like it!
He raised the corners of his mouth and looked at me with bright and serious eyes.
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Kiro: I heard the words you just said, and the sound of your CALL on the stage. I heard every word and sentence clearly, and I will remember it here firmly.
He said and took my hand and put it on his chest. My face was hot and I looked straight into his eyes.
MC: But am I being too impulsive? Fortunately, I didn’t attract too much attention. If it had caused trouble...
Kiro suddenly narrowed his azure blue eyes, and just as I was a bit confused as to why, he took my hand.
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Kiro: MC, I like your impulsiveness.
Kiro: Of course you won’t cause trouble, but I will.
The next second, Kiro suddenly put his other hand to his mouth and shouted with all of his strength.
His voice passed through the cold night into the distance, as if it could reach somewhere far, far away. I turned my head to look at Kiro and found that he was looking at my face.
Kiro: No matter what identity, what new challenge, or which new place I go to, you have to look at me properly, Miss Chips.
MC: I will!
The surrounding crowd looked in our direction suspiciously, and a few people came over curiously.
MC: Oops, have you been recognized!?
Kiro winked at me and pulled me into a run in the wilderness.
MC: Ki... Kiro, you... you did it on purpose!
Kiro: Indeed, it was on purpose!
The faint sound of music came from afar, and it seemed a little familiar. When Kiro heard the music, he grabbed my hand and suddenly changed direction.
Kiro: It’s a song that I didn’t listen to at the bar last week. Do you remember? We ran out during this song!
MC: Thinking about it now, it seems that every time I hear this song, I get very flustered...
Kiro and I couldn’t help but look at each other and smile. He also tacitly asked the question that was in my heart.
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Kiro: Miss Chips, do you want to continue the bar date that had been interrupted earlier?
MC: With pleasure!
We rushed into the crowd.
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More Dates: Here
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ikenbar · 2 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice CH5 PT8
Guess what’s BACK BABY!! Ikamara is back that’s what!! Man, rereading the story was a blast. I urge anyone who hasn’t done so in a while to do so as well! I have made a few changes as well as made certain things cannon ‘,:) Any way, I have a lot of the story written so hopefully I can get the stories out for you to read! Because, let me tell you one thing, this may be the last bit of fluff we will get for a while >:) Enjoy the next part to Ikamara’s story!
Warnings: Literally none. It gets super corny and adorable but what more can you expect from Kiro fluff. Although, I think the corniest part is the fluff I used as a cliffhanger 0.o
(Chapter Five (Kiro and Youran) Prologue and part one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven can be found here~)
((Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D))
(((And here is the Masterpost to the whole story for anyone who would like to dive into different parts of the adventure!!)))
Chapter Five:
Part Eight:
“You know about Souvenir?!” Kiro asked, dumbfounded, as he stepped out of my car. 
“Of course.” I approached Kiro’s side as I admired the small shop from the outside, “It’s not often you run into a nice restaurant like this one.”
“Oo!” Sam jumped excitedly next to us, “Is this the place you told me about?? The one with the really tasty stake??”
“That’s the one.” I nodded, “Though, I can’t guarantee you’ll get the same meal, kiddo. This place is… different.”
“I don’t care! I’m starved!” Sam rushed into the restaurant. I sighed and Looked at Kiro. He looked the most content that I had ever seen him. I didn’t blame him. I felt the same way. After the past few weeks, having today to do nothing but spend time with the people I lov-... cared about, it was a well needed break. And that was coming from someone with a desk job. I couldn’t imagine the stress Kiro has as a super star… and I added to that with how I left him the past few weeks.
“Hey.” I nudged Kiro, bringing his attention to me, “If we don’t go in soon, Sam will have eaten all the food.” Kiro chuckled then put on a determined face.
“Let’s stop that buffoon.” He said, grimmly. I rolled eye eyes and with that, we walked into Souvenir. 
When we entered, Sam was already shaking hands with Mr. Mills. “Nice to meet you, Sam.” Mr. Mills said politely, “You are a brother of Miss. Ike’s, you say?”
“Correct.” I answered, drawing Mr. Mills’ attention from Sam to Kiro and me, “It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Mills.”
“As it is to see you, Ike.” Mr. Mills shook my hand with a sweet smile, “I’m glad to see you received my text. And it is nice to see you too, Kiro!”
“You too, Mr. Mills.” Kiro’s attitude dripped with charm as he shook Mr. Mills’ hand. I arched my eyebrow.
“You frequent this place?” I asked Kiro.
“Why of course!” Kiro put on a posh accent and held a hand to his chest, “I, Superstar Kiro, must only eat the best of the best! And this place has it!” I gave Kiro a shove as Sam laughed. “No, but seriously!” Kiro giggled, returning to his natural tone, “Souvenir has the best food I have ever eaten! You’re in for a real treat, Sam!”
“I can’t wait!” Sam jumped in place, “Can we be seated already so I can try some of this food?!”
“Of course!” Mr. Mills gestured into the dinning room, “Right this way.”
Mr. Mills showed us to a table and, after taking our orders and giving us water to drink, he left for the kitchen. Kiro and Sam immediately delved into a lively conversation. Letting the two talk, I pulled out my phone and looked through my emails. I scrolled through the unread but I didn't read any of them. My attention was focused on the warmth in my chest. 
It felt… different from what I was used to. That past week I was trying to let go of the voices of my past. The screams and breaking glasses would keep me up at night. That whole week I had been so focused on not listening to what my body had to say but, in that moment, I couldn't get enough of the noise. The sweet humming of my heart against my chest was a wordless lullaby that seemed to be repeating in my head. What I wouldn't give in that moment to just be alone with it…
"Super Stranger." 
I snapped to and opened the eyes I didn't realize I had closed. I hummed and looked around. Kiro and Sam were staring at me, snickering slightly. "Are you tired?" Kiro asked with a smirk but his eyes were sympathetic, "You can nap in the car if-"
"No." I quickly cleared my throat and felt my face flush from the embarrassment, "I was just… enjoying the moment. It's nice to get away from the screams, ya know?"
"Yeah, I guess it was kinda loud there." Sam smiled as he gazed into space, "but I didn't really hear the screams. I heard the laughter! I mean we were laughing with them after all, right?"
"I don't know." Kiro narrowed his eyes playfully at me, "I don't think you were laughing at all, Stranger." I arched my eyebrow and leaned back in my chair.
"Oh really?" I asked slowly, "Well maybe there wasn't anything there that deserved my laughter." Kiro slammed his hand on the table and stood up.
"Is that a challenge?!" He voiced epicly, waving a finger in the air.
I dropped my smile, "No."
"A challenge for the only funniest of people?!" Sam stood as well and mimicked Kiro.
"I said no." I tried to keep my composure but the flame in my chest flickered, slightly tickling my chest.
"Well we accept!" Kiro held out a hand for Sam to high-five. Sam gladly did so, stepping one leg on his chair with pride.
"You guys are insufferable." I rolled my eyes and blocked the rising smile on my lips with the water Mr. Mills had given me. The kitchen door opened, unintentionally startling the boys into their seats. Mr. Mills held a tray of appetizers that contained a plate of crispy pork bellies and homemade applesauce. We all completely forgot about the topic at hand as the smells pulled us to the food like cartoon characters. We picked up our forks greedily and, after a quick thank you to Mr. Mills, we dug in without another word.
Kiro, Sam, and I got though the three course meal steadily, purely indulging in the flavors eat bite packed for us. The main course ended up being coconut and macadamia crusted salmon with quinoa as a side. Normally, Sam hated fish, gagging at the mere mention of it, but even he couldn't deny the juicy and crisp tang of the salmon as it melted like butter over the tounge. 
After dessert (a fluffy slice of carrot cake) we all slumped in our seats and waited for the bill. "I'm stuffed." Kiro moaned as Sam played with his newly developed food-baby pouch.
"Yeah." I sighed, closing my eyes, "I'll have to go for a walk just so I can sleep tonight." As I spoke, my words caught in my throat ever so slightly. The flame in my chest had burned even brighter while we ate, tickling the most everytime I would watch Sam take a bite of his food and melt in its flavors. Or when a splash of sauce would land on Kiro’s face but he wouldn’t notice. The warmth ached to escape but I held it as tight as I could, terrified that, if I let it go, it would never come back. 
Mr. Mills came out with three slips of paper. "I got it." I said, reaching for the papers and pulling out my wallet. Kiro shook his head and opened his mouth but it wasn't his voice that spoke.
"Actually," said Mr. Mills, "The boss specifically requested that everyone paid for their own bill." Mr. Mills handed Kiro and Sam their slips first. Sam hesitated a moment.
"I… don't have any money." He mumbled.
"I wouldn't worry about that." Mr. Mills winked and pushed the paper into Sam's hand. Mr. Mills handed me my paper and I took it, keeping my eye on Sam and Kiro as they read their bills. Both of their expressions were confused at first but, slowly, they turned into large grins. They looked up at me almost simultaneously.
"...What?" I asked slowly. Kiro turned his bill to face me. It had three words on it.
"Make her laugh."
Sam turned his around and it said the same thing. My heart skipped a beat. I quickly flipped over my bill. Mine had one word:
I glared at the kitchen. I’m going to kill you, Victor.
“I got a joke!!” Kiro sang as I sank into my seat, “I got the words ‘jacuzzi’ and ‘yakuza’ confused. Now I’m in hot water with the Japanese Mafia!!” Kiro and Sam waited with bated breath. I arched an eyebrow and remained silent. Kiro's smile dropped instantly.
“Well,” Sam said teasingly, “I would make a meat pun but I’m afraid I would butcher it!” Kiro laughed, making Sam smile. But his smile soon disappeared when I continued to remain silent. Though this time, refraining any expression as the fire from before raged in my chest. 
“My ex wife misses me,” Kiro swung his arms like a carnival performer, “But her aim is getting better!!” Sam and Mr. Mills caved to his joke, laughing hardily. Kiro smiled but he only had his eyes on me.  I folded my arms.
“Knock Knock!” Sam said quickly.
“Come in.” I deadpanned. Sam’s face stalled, unable to respond. The fire in my chest sparked. 
I snorted.
I slumped over and blocked my face from the boys, trying hard to hold back any more noise. “Was that a laugh?!” Kiro nearly screamed. I shook my head but I snorted again. The fire in my chest screamed and bounced around my stomach. Unable to hold it back anymore, I erupted into laughter.
“You… should’ve seen… the look on your face,” I gasped between breaths, “It looked like the vendor’s!” Everyone joined in this time, laughing heartily and with meaning. And it stayed that way for what seemed like ages.
“I did it!!” Sam stood on his chair, “I got Ikamara Bikira to laugh!! Garcon!” Sam pointed to Mr. Mills, “Another slice of cake to go, please!”
“Get down!” I cleared my throat, trying to sound serious as I tugged on Sam’s leg, “You’re going to break something! And, Mr. Mills, don't you dare get that cake. This kid has had way too much sugar." Mr. Mills held his hands up in defense, still laughing slightly. Kiro leaned his head on the palm of his hand and looked at me.
"You have such a nice laugh, Stranger." He hummed, "You should use it more often." I felt my cheeks burn.
"Well, I'll have to consider it." I said, covering my mouth again. I looked at Sam. He was smiling brightly at me. I lowered my hand and released my smile.  "Especially,” I scrubbed Sam's head affectionately, “if this dork has anything to do with it." Sam giggled and pushed my hand away.
"Yeah well I'm not stopping anytime soon!" Sam glared at me with determination, "Just you wait! I am going to make you laugh every moment we are together!" He held up three fingers, "Favorite-brother's honor!" 
“I’m going to hold you to that.” I mused, playfully punching his arm. Sam giggled and stuck his tongue out at me as he rubbed his arm. “..Though,” I rubbed my stomach and sighed, “I don’t know how much more laughing I can take. I’m already sore.”
“How?!” Sam giggled, “You work out all the time!” 
"I've never worked that muscle before!" I sneered as I looked over to Kiro. He was already looking at me, adoration pouring from his every pore. I felt my cheeks burn as I threw a napkin at him. “If you keep looking at me like that I’ll get a cavity.” I said, slightly flustered as I stood from the table.
“I can’t help it!” Kiro chuckled and folded the napkin I threw at him, “You’re adorable when you’re like this!” I rolled my eyes and handed my bill over to Mr. Mills. 
“Thank you for letting me know you were open.” I spoke seriously, “Tell… the boss that the food was as delectable as always. And, Kiro,” I flicked the back of Kiro’s head as I walked past him, “Quit calling me cute.”
“Quit being cute and I’ll quit saying it!” Kiro giggled, handing Mr. Mills his bill as well. I punched Kiro on the arm as he approached me. Sam stalled at the table.
“...Is it ok if I keep mine?” Sam asked timidly to Mr. Mills. He smiled.
“Of course.” Mr. Mills winked at Sam. Sam grinned and pocketed his bill. Then he stood, shook Mr. Mills' hand one last time, and joined Kiro and I at our side. We repeated our thanks to Mr. Mills then left the restaurant. It had gotten dark by the time we had walked outside. I looked at my watch. 
“Geez.” I cringed, “I promised Bart you’d be back home at six.”
“What time is it?” Sam asked, checking his watch.
“Seven fifty.”
Sam chuckled nervously, “... I’ll text him.” 
“You need a ride, SongBird?” I asked, twirling the keys around my finger. 
“Yeah.” Kiro laughed awkwardly, “I need to get that bear costume. It was a prop for another film I’m staring in.”
“OoOo! LoOkiT mE!” Sam mocked, waving his hands around, “I’m kIrO! I sTaR iN sO mAnY FilMs!!” 
“Hey, you!” Kiro grabbed Sam’s head before he could go into the car. He gave him a rough nuggy. Seeing Sam giggle and struggling with Kiro pulled a small chuckle out of me. I stopped, slightly startled at how easily it had slipped through my lips. It had been forever since I could laugh so casually. I figured it would never happen again… and yet…
 Kiro and Sam finally got in the car, shutting the car doors loudly and pulling me out of my head as they did so. I quickly walked around and into the drivers seat. Kiro flicked on the radio the moment I turned on the car. One of his songs was playing. “Yo! I love this song!” Sam reached from the backseat and turned up the music, “Though I heard the artist is kinda pretentious.”
“That’s it!” Kiro tackled Sam into the back seat. Sam screamed playfully and fought back. Kiro tickled him mercilessly. “This is what you get for insulting Ike’s idol!” Kiro heroically shouted over Sam’s screams. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the back of Kiro’s shirt. I pulled him easily back to the front, facing him forward and away from Sam as I did so. Kiro sat back in his seat, slightly stunned at the force I had used to get him there.
“Would you two contain yourselves?” I asked behind a repressed smile, “This is a rental.” 
“Sorry, Ms. Ike.” The two simultaneously whined. Kiro and Sam giggled together. I rolled my eyes and leaned over to turn up the volume on the radio even further. Kiro and Sam sung along to Kiro’s songs the whole way back to the carnival. I watched the road, staying quiet but relishing in the moment. The burning in my chest deepened and settled every time I saw the sincere smiles on their faces in the rear view mirror. I couldn’t quite wipe mine either.
Before long, I had parked in front of the carnival’s entrance. I turned down the radio and turned to Kiro. “Your stop, sir?” I asked, smirking at him. Kiro smiled and unbuckled his seatbelt.
“Thank you, madam.” He said, bowing to me from his seat, “It’s been a pleasure! I’ll see you soon! … That is… if you are coming to the next shoot?” 
I prepared a snarky response but, after seeing the sincerity in Kiro’s eyes, I sighed and said, “I’ll be there.” Kiro smiled brightly at me then turned to look at Sam in the back seat.
“It was an honor to meet you, Mr. SongBird!” Sam said excitedly, “And even more of an honor to spend the day with you!”
“As it was with such a bright kid like you!” Kiro held out a fist bump to Sam. Sam accepted it and blew it up. As did Kiro. They laughed together and, after a soft moment, Kiro cleared his throat. He looked seriously at Sam. “Now, kid.” Kiro said, leaning in close to Sam, “You’d better watch after her when I’m gone.” Kiro gestured to me. I arched an eyebrow, dropping my smile as I pursed my lips.
“Yessir!” Sam saluted Kiro, “She will not leave my sights, sir!”
“You’ve got school, Sam.” I chimed.
“... She may leave my sights for eight hours, sir!”
Kiro nodded grimmly, “I’m afraid Super Stranger will have to do without her sidekicks for a few hours. We must keep our communicators with us. Just in case anything happens. Super Stranger,” Kiro turned to me, “make sure to give the kid my phone number.”
“What?!” Sam and I asked in spontaneity. Me in laughter, Sam in pure shock.
“Really?” Sam added, eyes shimmering with hope.
“Of course!” Kiro laughed and turned back to Sam, “Us sidekicks have to stick together, right?” Sam nodded vigorously. “And don’t worry, SS.” Kiro looked back at me, “I’ll come up with his hero name so you can focus more on your ‘hero work.’” Kiro winked at me. I felt my cheeks burn slightly. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Whatever you say, SB…"
There was a lull in the conversation. The air suddenly became saddening. No one wanted Kiro to leave. Especially not Kiro. But he had to go. So, of course, I had to be the party pooper.
“Alright, stop stalling.” I leaned my elbow on the window and put my head in my hands, avoiding eye contact with Kiro, “Go.. save that bear suit from… bear suit… thefts…” There was a silence, “... just leave.” Kiro chuckled.
“Alright.” he said sadly, opening the door… but he stopped.
 Before I could turn around to check on him, Kiro quickly leaned over and pecked my cheek. Then, said a quick, “Talk to you later!” and left the car, shutting the door behind him. 
I sat in the driver’s seat, settled in pure shock. After running over what had just happened in my head and only somewhat accepting it, I felt my cheeks burn royally and my heart beat quickly.
“Sam,” My voice cracked, “I need you to take the wheel.”
“But, I’m only fourteen.” Sam said through a smile.
“You’d still do better than me right now.” 
“You’d think you could make the car fly after what just happened!” Sam leaped into the front seat and started punching my arm, “Kiro just kissed you!...ish”
“Yeah.” I breathed, a smile inching up my crimson cheeks.
“The Kiro!!”
“I know.”
“If you don’t marry him, I will.”
“We had just spent the day with The Kiro!!!” Sam bounced in his seat as he looked at the prizes Kiro had left for me, including the hat and sunglasses he wore as a disguise.
“I know!” I laughed and covered my burning face with my hands.
“The Kiro spoke to me! The Kiro sung in the car with me!! The Kiro wore this-” Sam gasped. I quickly looked over at him. Sam was holding the hat that The Kiro wore that day. He was staring at it, eyes wide and mouth agape with shock.
“What?” I asked, concerned. Sam flipped the brim of the hat and showed it to me.
“Kiro signed my hat!!” He shrieked, his smile the brightest I had seen all day. I stalled, looking at the perfect signature that read “Songbird” on the brim of the hat.
“... Man, even his handwriting is perfect.” I took the hat and examined it.
“I know, right?!” Sam leaned on my shoulder and examined the hat with me. I smiled and leaned my head against his, the warmth in my chest reaching new highs. I had thought before that I wanted to be alone and enjoy this feeling but, being in the car with my brother, simply looking at this hat, was a much better way to preserve such an amazing moment. 
I could feel Sam’s head droop on my shoulder. I chuckled. I guess all moments must come to an end. I pushed the hat onto Sam’s head. “Alright, kiddo.” I said, pushing him into his seat, “Let’s take you home.” 
“Aw, man.” Sam yawned, strapping on his seat belt, “I never want this day to end.”
“Me neither.” I sighed, pulling the car out of park, “But at least tomorrow's Saturday and you can sleep in.” Sam hummed dreamily as the car started moving again.
Sam had passed out in the passenger’s seat when I had pulled up to the house. He looked so peaceful. Still, I nudged him awake. “Hey, bud.” I said softly, pulling Sam out of his sleep, “We’re here.” Sam hummed and unbuckled his seat belt. I unbuckled mine too, getting out of the car and opening the trunk where we had stashed his prizes. “You got it?” I asked, as I loaded his prizes onto the small boy. He nodded sleepily and smiled through his prizes. “Ok.” I laughed, giving his head a soft rub, “Good night, Kiddo. Love you.” I shut the trunk and pulled out the keys to the car. I casually whistled as I walked back to the front of the car.
I suddenly heard a bunch of clattering from behind me. I turned quickly but was stopped by a sudden force to my chest. I looked down and saw Sam had thrown himself in my arms, hugging me tightly. I looked up at the spot he once stood and saw he had dropped all of his prizes. “Wh-” I began, extremely flustered,
“Ike,” Sam’s voice was choked-up, shutting me up completely, “That… that was the first time you have ever told me you love me.”
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Candy Thief
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Prompt: Kiro - This has to stay between us
The rustling noise coming from the cupboard made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, spreading fear throughout you. It was the early hours in the morning, blackness filled your apartment, the noise of crinkling packets woke you from your slumber. You had gone to bed alone so who was in your apartment? You grabbed the closest thing in your view, a stiletto and slowly climbed out of bed, your heart thudding in your chest as you slowly crept out of your room. Your mouth had gone dry as you made your way in the kitchen, the rustling noise beginning to grow in your ears. This was one of the flight or fight reactions you had learned about in high school, the adrenaline beginning to pump through your veins as the shoe in your hand trembled with your grip.
A grunting came from the inside of your cupboard and you hastily flicked the light on yelling, “Stay back I have a weapon!”. A bang and squeal came from inside and slowly you kicked open the door, shoe heavy in hand but was you saw the last thing you imagined. Kiro sat on the floor, floods of candy wrappers around him, his dilated pupils burrowing up to yours with guilt as chunks of chocolate and cream hung off the side of his mouth.
“Kiro!” You squealed, clutching your heart, “You idiot! I thought you were a burglar or something,”. You lobbed the shoe you were holding at him, he responded with a little ‘ouch’, trying to calm your pounding heart down.
“I’m so sorry Miss.Chips!” He apologetically pouted, his fimble fingers hastingly undoing another wrapper as you admired the pouting mess on the floor, he only got like this when he was upset.
“How did you even get in?” You ask, making your way onto the floor, taking one of the candy bars out of his tight clutches much to his protest.
“My key remember, you gave me one for emergencies,” He smiles softly, how could you be mad at the blue orbs, “And this was an emergency”.
“You ate yourself out of candy again didn’t you?” You ask cocking an eyebrow and he meekly nods.
“Savin won’t let me have sugar in the house and I had a really bad and I just wanted to come see you but I knew you would be asleep” He pouts lightly with a hint of sadness in his voice making you giggle.
“Come here my little superstar,” You whisper, holding your arms out and Kiro cradles himself into your chest, still stuffing his face, “What happened?”. He goes over his day, how everything just seemed to be going wrong, all the shoots didn’t work as they should have. You listen and reassure him as your fingers thread through his sun-kissed blonde hair. 
“Why didn’t you just call me instead of suffering alone?” You ask, pressing soft kisses to his hairline. Even if he was an international superstar, he was still just a kid at heart, not even a year between your ages, who needed to be cared for and loved. He unwrapped the last bar and split it, sharing with you, an extreme rarity for Kiro to do this. 
“I didn’t want to disturb you, I don’t want you to think I can’t cope,” He replies in a whisper, almost not wanting you to hear his words.
“Kiro, your human it’s okay for things to go wrong, no-one is perfect,” You say with a light sigh, holding him close to you.
“Your perfect Miss.Chips,” He yawns in your arms, his words melting your heart, a smile plastered on your face.
“Come on, you can share my bed, I’m not letting you fall asleep on the floor,” You laugh, pulling you both to your feet. Kiro ever so lightly slips his hand into yours and gives it a gentle squeeze.
“I don’t know what I would do without you Miss.Chips,” He softly sings, climbing into bed you, holding you to his chest. You had never felt so safe or at ease than you did in this moment.
“I can’t believe I thought you was a burglar,” You giggle, feeling the vibrations of his chuckle against your cheek, “I suppose you did steal all my candy however,”.
“I’ll pay you back and more, I promise!” He laughs as you snuggle into his chest, him lapping up the close-contact between you. You look up to say goodnight just as he leans down, pressing a small lingering kiss to your lips, he tasted like pure sweetness. Neither of you see each other beaming with happiness as you begin to drift off into peaceful slumbers.
“Oh and Miss.Chips?”
“Please don’t tell Savin, this has to stay between us, or he’ll make me live off juice diets for the next,”. 
“I won’t say a thing my little candy thief,”. 
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Summary: MC is taking a walk when she is suddenly surprised by an unexpected meeting.
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The park was absolutely beautiful, filling me with a quiet calmness as I walked. The cherry blossoms were in bloom, seemingly illuminating my way with a soft pink hue. There was a gentle breeze that refreshed me from the warm afternoon. It felt like the day couldn’t be any more perfect.
However, I stopped in my tracks when I felt two warm hands against my eyes. At first I was startled, but then I heard a very familiar bubbly voice. 
“Guess who?” He sang in my ear, laughing a little.
I gasped, holding his hands in mine to push him away slightly, just enough to turn around and see his face. Indeed, it was him. I had missed him so much!
“Kiro, you’re back!” I threw myself to hug him, and he gladly reciprocated.
“Hi, Miss Chips!” He chuckled, lovingly wrapping his arms around me. “Missed me?”
“Of course I did, I’m so happy you’re back!!” I hid my face in his chest and smiled wide. He chuckled yet again, apparently just as excited. “When did you get here?”
“This morning” Kiro replied, putting his chin on my head. “Your coworkers said you were around here, so I was looking for you, and I found you!”
I laughed a little myself, endeared by his whole persona. How could I not miss him?
“What are you doing here?” Kiro broke the hug to look into my eyes, and the sight of his beautiful smile sent butterflies to my stomach.
“Just taking a walk” 
“Great!” He casually took my hand and kept walking. “Let’s go then”
I felt myself blushing at the touch and the closeness, but didn’t break it. He was bright and warm as usual, like the sun that shone down on us and caressed our faces.
To my surprise, he then kissed me in the cheek, making me jolt up.
“Kiro...” I whined, feeling myself blushing even harder. 
“I almost forgot how cute you are, Y/N!” 
“You just got here and you’re already embarrassing me...”
“That’s my job!” He giggled, squeezing my hand tight.
I grinned and leaned my head on his shoulder, enjoying our little walk together.
Tag list: @xionroxas / @thegrandduckmaster / @lupanaoflaminar​ / @hottchocolatte​​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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zomaeliet · 2 years
A cold wind battered against your skin, your cheeks rosy from the cold as minutes ticked by. The bus was late due to the frozen roads. The bench was too cold to sit on, feeling practically like burning against your exposed thighs from beneath your skirt. You should have prepared more for the weather, but you hadn't expected it to get so cold today. The weatherman said it was going to be nearly 60°F today, but instead it was below freezing because of a sudden cold front no one was expecting.
Right as you were giving up on the bus showing up and steeling your nerves for a long trek home, two arms wrapped around your torso and gave a gentle yet excited squeeze. You were momentarily stunned before you glanced behind you, a cheeky grin on the young man's face.
He spoke tenderly, "You look cold, here, I'll warm you up." As a long scarf wrapped around your neck, you suddenly felt much warmer. Not because of the clothing, but the warmth and affection that flowed through every one of his actions. A soft kiss was placed on your cheek as your fingers laced together, he spoke again, "Let's go home."
For characters like: Kaminari Denki, Kiro Zhou, Hinata Shoyo, Yoosung Kim, and Hanta Sero.
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thatfanfictionchick · 3 years
Mr Love Queens Choice Masterlist
Updated 01/29/2023
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Memento Mei
MLQC Dads p.2
MLQC Song List
MLQC as Golden Girls quotes
Minor Feature
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Smut [Explicit]
1:30 Meeting
Confessions: Part 1
Confessions: Part 2
A Dummy's Help
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Smut [Explicit]
No More Interruptions
A Little More
Mountains or Molehills
Crime & Punishment
The Trick with Cherries
Lucien laughing
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Smut [Explicit]
Before I Go
Gavin x MC x Victor
Green could be Your Color
We should work out
Not Just You
Hell Hath Mild Fury
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Smut [Explicit]
[HC] Dating Kiro
Malicious Compliance
Tell Me you Love Me
[S.o.S] Petting in the Pool
[Kinktober] Choking
Show Me
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Smut [Explicit]
Not Me
What You Want
[S.o.S] Popsicle Licking
[S.o.S] Untying a Biking Top
[S.o.S] Banging on the Beach
[S.o.S] Skinny Dipping
While I'm Gone
Beg for it
About That Night (collab effort with @/truth-be-told-im-lying)
Pillow Talk
Birdy Beatdown
Daddy Helios
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[Currently as barren as my heart after the loss of our beloved VA's]
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Smut [Explicit]
[S.o.S] Strip Poker
ABC's of Sex
[Kinktober] Temperature Play
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simplyotometrash · 2 years
Valentine's Day
I was wanting to write for Kiro so here we go!
Genre: Fluff
MC is gender-neutral!
Valentine's Day. A day you were used to spending on your own. It never bothered you, considering the holiday is deeply rooted in how much money is spent. You mostly enjoyed the mass amounts of discounted candy and stuffed animals the very next day.
Then came Kiro. Kiro turned your entire world upside down. He loved you like you'd never been loved before. He was a superstar idol, the world's favorite sweetheart, but he loved you more than anything else. Nothing could compare to you in the eyes of Kiro. Everything you did had him backing you. He was your biggest supporter, your greatest fan. Your relationship was rock solid. Now, the adorable superstar knew that taking you out for a day-long date would be incredibly difficult. Hiding his face could only do so much and it was still easy for some people to recognize him. His die-hard fans would know him from his speaking voice alone. It was impressive and scary. So he had to think about what to do. Perhaps just staying in would be a good idea? The two of you could just enjoy being together, something that didn't get to happen often with his work taking him all over the globe. Even when he was in Loveland City it could be hard to get together. He had to be in the studio so much or do events constantly.
"Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart," Kiro exclaimed as soon as you opened your apartment door.
You couldn't even see Kiro behind the large stuffed animal he bought. It was a giant stuffed bunny. He waddled his way inside with the giant plush and set it down in your living room. You could barely blink before his arms were wound around you. You could feel the smile against your head. "I'm so happy I get to spend today with you, MC." "Aw, Kiro," you smiled and hugged him back just as tight. "Happy Valentine's Day, sunshine." As Kiro had showed up before you had the chance to make breakfast, he insisted that you let him cook or that you cook together. Cooking together was your choice. It was nice to cook with him. You made eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Kiro was very insistent on trying to make the pancakes heart-shaped, and they didn't turn out too bad once he got the hang of it. "I was thinking we could stay in for most of the day," he said in between bites of breakfast. "I did a lot of digging but Souvenir is supposed to be open for a short time tonight. I wanna take you there for dinner. Then we can go on a walk!" "Staying in most of the day sounds good. Trying to go anywhere would be such a hassle," you said. "Everywhere is going to be crowded with couples trying to do stuff together." "That's what I was thinking!" "We could watch some movies, play some games, and cuddle!" You were liking the sound of this already. A day to snuggle up with your sweetheart without getting rudely interrupted by his manager? A dream come true. "Then it's settled!" He produced a nicely wrapped box of chocolates from his bag and presented it to you with a grin. "I took the liberty of buying these for us...I mean you! I want some, but Savin might kill me if I break my diet too much." A pout formed on your lips. Stupid diet. "We don't have to tell Savin anything. You work yourself to the bone all the time. You're dedicated and you stay in shape. I think you deserve to splurge on whatever you want to eat. Our secret." His eyes lit up and he rushed to your side of the table to smother you in kisses. "You really are the best partner anyone could ever ask for!" ~~~ Your day went on as you two had planned. You set your phones to 'Do Not Disturb' for the day and got settled in to watch some movies and snuggle together. It was such a nice time that you both fell asleep halfway through the third cheesy rom-com you picked to watch. You woke up first to a very sleepy Kiro resting with his head against your chest. It made you smile just seeing how peaceful he was. It was nice getting to spend the day with him.
His eyes fluttered open and he yawned. "Mmm...what time is it?" "Half-past two," you mumbled after taking a look at your phone. The half-eaten chocolate box lay on the table in front of where you two were together on the couch. Kiro sat up to stretch, an action that made you miss his warmth immediately. "We could take that walk now instead. Get some fresh air, stretch our legs?" "Sounds like a plan to me." You got up from the couch with a large stretch. Your stomach showed just a bit from where your shirt raised up and Kiro wasted no time in tickling your exposed belly. It was never a dull moment with him. He stopped as soon as you were laughing breathlessly with a grin on his face. You guys got ready to face the crisp, cool February air together. Kiro had to ensure his face was covered with glasses and a mask otherwise he ran an even great risk of being recognized. That wasn't what he wanted. Not when you two were together. It had happened once before, he still felt guilty over that date getting rudely interrupted. Kiro adored his fans, he just wished they would treat him like a person and not something to gawk at. It was something all celebrities had to endure, unfortunately. The cold air outside filled your lungs as you started your walk. Things were still quite muted in February. There weren't the bright colors of fall or spring nor the greenery of summer. Winter's beauty came with snow and there wasn't even a flake in the sky. "So when does Souvenir open tonight?" You hummed, your gloved hand holding his tightly as you made your way to the park. If it had been warmer then the two of you would have probably had a private picnic. "It opens at 6. I think we should go there a bit early to ensure no one else gets in before us if the owner lets anyone else in at all. They're only open until 9 so it's a three-hour window." Kiro really did work hard to get that information. He explained to you that he had gone there every single day for over a month waiting for them to be open. All because he wanted to ask if they'd be open for Valentine's Day. What luck that they were! Souvenir was Kiro's favorite place to eat whenever they were actually open. ~~~ Your walk had lasted longer than anticipated and you never did manage to go home before dinner. You weren't dressed lazily, which was a good thing. You looked pretty presentable for dinner even though no one else was in the dining area of Souvenir. "This is our first Valentine's Day together. I really hope you had a good time," Kiro rubbed his hands anxiously while you waited for the food to come out. You took his hands in yours, rubbing your thumbs over his knuckles. "I had the best time. I'm not big on Valentine's Day stuff. I think a lot of it is overrated. I don't need a special day to be able to show you that I love you, Kiro, but you made this day so wonderful just by being with me." Kiro opened his mouth to respond just as Mr. Mills returned with your meals. You let go of your boyfriend's hands and thanked the older man for the food. It looked and smelled divine! You'd eaten there with Kiro on a few separate occasions, you could understand why it was his favorite. The calm atmosphere was honestly pretty relaxing and romantic as well. A perfect way to end your day together. You talked and laughed together while you ate, happily enjoying each other's company. You scarcely realized that the three-hour time frame that the restaurant was open for was about to come to an end. Kiro insisted on paying for the meal and the two of you decided it was better to make your way home. "Kiro, look," you whispered excitedly and pointed at the sky. Snowflakes had begun to fall from the darkened, starry night sky. "It's beautiful." He wasn't looking at the falling snow. His eyes were trained on you and that happy look on your face. This was the perfect end to a perfect day.
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night-chant · 2 years
MLQC Scenario - Miss. Love: King’s Choice (Role Swap AU)
Wait no hear me outt
Featuring: MLQC Guys + reader
Synopsis: There’s this new otome game but there’s no way he’d have any interest in these sort of things. That is until he saw a certain pixelated character through the screen . . .
Warning: None---enjoy the madness loool
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stage 1: denial
When Victor first heard of Miss. Love: King’s Choice, he was really put off by it---the title sounds ridiculous, the game mechanics doesn’t seem entertaining cuz really, why would he get excited over virtual cards?
stage 2: curiosity
Apparently the game is really successful, proven through the engagement on social media posts and promotions about the game online. 
The algorithm would constantly feature you---front and center with your beaming smile as you sat on a floral swing adorned in roses. It was your most iconic SSR . . .
aHEm forget his phone, he would still hear passerby talked about it---he would never admit how much his attention sharpened at the sound of your name whenever they talked about you, your elegance and courage found within your dates and chapters.
Eventually, he would download MLKC as a joke, ready to nitpick everything about it, internally promising himself to uninstall if---I mean WHEN it gets boring.
Although he complains about aspects of it, he never really did???
stage 3: embarrassment
Will hide it from anyone from a two-meter radius.
When Goldman walked nearby, Victor would stare at the calculator app so...stiffly…
stage 4: acceptance
He will get over his embarrassment soon (you bet he would get your top-up cards yesssss)
You know that lead board for every love interest in Momentos for Bond Points? Victor was always ALWAYS at the top for yours.
And so when it was your featured day in Box Office, everyone gotta watch out cuz he will be at the top in Box Office too XD
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The toys at the orphanage didn’t appeal to one of the children and she was bored out of her minddd
Lucien tried to offer ideas and the more the little girl reject every one of them, the more crazy his ideas got just to mess with her lolol
Like noo professor sir I don’t want to read that Quantum Physics textbook plz noo XD
He finally managed to make her happy when he offered his phone. He didn’t have any games on it, but she was welcomed to download some as long as he approved of them. (He wasn’t a dad but that didn’t stop him from acting like one lol)
He was expecting like dress up games or UNO but what she chose ... well..
“Are you sure?” Lucien asked as he carefully eyed the preview contents of MLKC. “It seems harmless but unfortunately, I don’t think you’re the target audience.”
The little girl pouted. “But this lady looks like a superrr beautiful princess!! Did you see her hair and dress? Look look!” She swiped to the image of your profile. Robed in a simple yet stunning lavender dress, you held elegance in your posture and innocence in your eyes. 
The little girl poked Lucien’s cheekbone. “Why aren’t you saying anything? Is that a yes?”
He smiled after recovering from his daze. “It seems that the princess has convinced me too.”
They were your firm loyal supporters from then on lol
He was always pushed into dealing with the gacha pulls especially after you came home to him many times aww
Even after visiting the orphanage, Lucien might admit he read all of your unlocked dates on his own lol
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He ain’t picky with any kind of games, his phone was full of all sorts of them (he had the dream phone storage space sighh)
He has rpg, shooting, ones where you just raise farm animals ,...webkinz?? So an otome game isn’t a strange exception. 
Although he didn’t really download it for the romance, he instantly gravitated to your charisma to the MC player. Your compassion made his heart swoon and now all he thought about was romancee
And when you sung happy birthday to him on his special day?? His heart almost couldn’t handle your angelic, lovely voice.
Screenshotted your dates all the time ---he demands new content asappp
Kiro consistently voiced his support to you like the biggest stan to anyone who would listen (i am so sorry Savin the car rides to the tour performances will feel much longer now)
Kiro got excited over any event and raved about how gorgeous the art in your karmas are.
His manager sighed as Kiro was nearly bouncing off the walls. “What are you going on about now??”
“Savinsavinsavin look at the new karma I got! Doesn’t Miss. Chips look perfect??”
“Kiro, that is a R karma.”
Offended, Kiro wrapped his arm protectively around his phone as he glared at Savin. “!! ANd I need to frame it on my wall.”
He had all your merch in his room. Your posters, your pins, your figurine, your body pillow--
Lately, his songs was all about one girl and fans had no clue who was his secret girlfriend cuz the only one he ever posts about was a game character??
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When it came to media, this guy lived under a rock. The latest movie’s gigantic, bright ad could be flashing in front of his face and a lone smol bird by the streetlight would catch his attention first.
So how on Earth was he gonna find out about the mysterious, subtle mobile game Miss. Love King’s Choice??
He was kinda peer pressured by Minor . . .
Minor: yooo brooo i know a girl who is sooo your type and she is right here!
Gavin: Really? Where? 
The only pedestrians in the streets were an elderly couple.
When he sees you in Minor’s phone screen, he was concerned. He had two thoughts:
1) Minor played dating simulation games?
2) Oh no why does this virtual character look cute?
Cute was an understatement. How you cuddled with big fluffy dogs in your SR or how you were very much embracing the look of your long veil in your wedding SSR.
Gavin acted/tried to convince himself he wasn’t interested in playing MLKC but nevertheless, he would look over when Minor was doing the dailies in order to get a chance to have a glimpse of you.
“C’mon, bro, drop the act and download the game!” Minor said when he caught Gavin low-key eyeing over at his phone. “Do it and I’ll stop tapping on your girl’s forehead.”
Gavin glared. “Stop doing that.”
(but then how was he supposed to read the next dialogue?? Anywhere else would earn Minor sthg way worse than Gavin’s glare QAQ) 
If Minor knew what was good for himself, he gotta make it clear his favourite character was NOT you.
Gavin maaybe did some research about a certain character…
”Huhhh?? I didn’t know she could control flowers and plants???”
”Minor, there were clear hints: lilies grew where she walked at the end of chapter 2.”
Eventually, Gavin ended up playing the game. He enjoyed the moments where his MC player gets to save you in dangerous moments of the story.
He always associated you with cuteness until he read your Valentine SP’s Mind Quest his face is completely red aAH 
He was a bit defensive when people criticize your character though so watch outtt
This is my second attempt to make you smile lol I hope you enjoy it!!
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multifandom-worlds · 2 years
Reacting to "I Do"
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You were standing in front of him, hair was done up, your wedding outfit fitting you like a glove when he heard you say "I Do"
He won't admit it but he teared up.
His heart was beating so quickly in his chest, he was surprised no one noticed
The feeling of love and admiration he had for you was impossible for him to express
He had a smile on his lips for the rest of the day.
When you got home that night was when the tears of joy really fell. He was so thankful you picked him over everyone else
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When he heard those 2 sacred words you spoke, he knew he made it in life. He had to blink back years a few times
There was the faintest hint of pink on his cheeks after you said "I Do," and he could not stop smiling.
He could focus on nothing but you, the way your outfit fit, the way you had your hair done, nothing else mattered at that moment besides you
He was smiling all night long
Had to step out of the reception a few times because he could not believe you were finally his spouse and he was slightly overwhelmed
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To say the man was nervous would be an understatement.
He was already beet red before you even walked down the aisle but now that you were in front of him, the blushing intensified.
He was super flustered when he heard you say "I do" and could not keep his eyes off you
He was super flustered for the rest of the night just thinking about you and how you really married him
He would never leave your side, a warmth in his chest.
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Kiro was very excited, bouncing around all day leading up to you walking down the aisle.
After you said "I do," he was absolutely giddy - bouncing in place and desperate to kiss you and seal the deal.
The feelings he had in his chest were strong enough he could write hundreds of lovesongs and he still would not be able to put a dent in the feleings he had for you
He was the happiest man at the reception.
Just an absolute fool in love.
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Shaw was nervous for you to say "I do" but as soon as you did, he had mixed reactions that make you giggle.
At first, he blushed.
Then he was grumbling under his breath about how long it took you to actually agree to marry him and say I do
But then for the rest of the evening, he was all smiles, his cheeks tinted red as he thought about it
He was still grumbling all night about how long it took you to finally say those 2 sacred words.
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cheesy09 · 2 years
[CN] Kiro's Innermost Heart Date
l🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This date was translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
Call 1 (Comes before the Date): Here
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[PART 1]
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The sound of the waves grew louder, but it never overwhelmed my thumping heartbeat. After taking a deep breath, I looked at myself in mirror of the hotel bathroom--
The white wedding dress occupied my line of sight and the white veil swaying in the wind left an itchy sensation on my shoulders.
An unhurried footstep stopped at the door and a faintly deep breath came in along the crack of the door.
He’s already waiting at the door? I quickly leaned over to the mirror, smoothed my wedding dress again, turned around and took a step forward. 
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As soon as I opened the door, a tuft of fluffy golden hair reflected the light of the morning sun and shone into my eyes. Kiro wore a well-cut pink suit, which was playful and elegant.
As soon as I met his line of sight, I noticed that those azure blue eyes were already full of smiles.
Kiro: My bride’s always so beautiful.
He stretched out his hand to tuck a few strands of my hair behind my ear and gently pressed the back of his hand against my cheek.
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Kiro: Her face is also hot.
MC: [blushing] It’s not...
I was a little embarrassed by what he said, but then my right hand was gently held and pressed against his chest.
Kiro: In fact, it’s not just you. My heart is also pounding nervously!
Kiro: [sighs] Getting married to the person you like the most can be so nerve-wrecking...
The morning light spread silently into the room, outlining each of us brightly and cheerfully.
I looked at the person in front of me, wanting to remember this moment firmly. 
Because today was a very important day for us.
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Not long ago, Kiro and I were lying on the bed, listening to his newly created demo. Accompanied by the melody, Kiro turned over and took me in his arms.
Kiro: Do you like it?
MC: Mm. It’s like walking on a sunny seaside. It has a kind of poetic romance!
MC: So, will it be the title track of this album?
He tapped my nose lightly.
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Kiro: This is a song that belongs only to the two of us. Not only that, but I also want to make this song into a music video!
My eyes lit up and I immediately started planning.
MC: If you want to film, isn’t that my “strength”!
MC: First, the script must be confirmed, followed by the actors, venues, costumes...
Before I could finish speaking, Kiro put his fingertips to my lips.
Kiro: The script is designed around the song title and lyrics, and of course the male and female protagonists are you and me.
Saying that, he took out his mobile phone and clicked on a song cover image with a line of handwritten English font on it--
MC: “Marry me on Valentine’s Day”?
I looked at him hesitantly.
Kiro: Miss Chips seems to understand what I mean.
He leaned closer to me like he was being coquettish and his warm breath spread over the tip of my nose.
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Kiro: Even if you will eventually be my bride, I still can’t help but want to have this moment a little early.
Kiro: In this music video... would you marry Kiro, the person who likes to sing and likes to bring you all the joy in the world?
Kiro: I hope that it can become a very important image in our life.
Looking at those clear eyes that had only me reflected in them, I nodded gently.
After that, Kiro and I started serious preparations. From the costumes and venues to every detail, it was the appearance of what we wanted to present the most after many discussions.
Only the script aspect... no matter what we modified, we didn’t think it would have the best effect.
In the end, we simply gave up those cumbersome processes, leaving only a splendid stage.
--He would be there to sing the song “Marry me on Valentine’s Day” for me.
[End of flashback]
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[PART 2]
Just as he was about to go out, there was a burst of joyful music coming from down the corridor. Kiro poked his head out and laughed in surprise.
Kiro: MC, someone’s playing the ukulele.
I couldn’t help but cast my eyes to the candy stuffed in his pocket and nodded excitedly.
MC: Let’s go see it together!
I lifted the hem of my skirt and Kiro walked down the stairs quickly.
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The ukulele players were two middle-aged men in fancy attire. When the other party saw us, the music stopped and both of them raised their eyebrows.
??: [in English] Wow, how romantic!
Kiro: Thank you.
Kiro bowed gently, stretched out his hand, and tossed two colorful candies into their hands.
I also picked up the tail of my skirt and nodded gracefully.
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MC: Welcome to witness our happiness.
That was the “invitation card” we prepared-- in the candy wrapper, there was a line in small print inviting everyone to the stage.
I hoped that they could also participate in the joy and love we released, and I hoped that this ceremonial stage could stay in the beautiful memories of more people.
Soon, one of them broke open the candy and laughed, shaking the candy wrapper in his hand.
??: Omg, so sweet! We’ll be there on time if we have free time!
The next second, they glanced at each other and swept the strings with tacit understanding. The brisk notes leapt out.
I quickly heard the tune and quietly poked Kiro.
MC: They’re playing the wedding march!
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Kiro: It’s still a different version!
Kiro: Does MC feel that the tone of the ukulele makes this song a little more exciting? Like you can’t wait to be with someone you like...
He dragged out his voice and in an instant, stretched out his hand and took me in his arms, making me stick tightly against him.
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MC: !
Kiro: ...Let’s dance.
There was a chuckle in my ear. He embraced me, and following the melody, we danced, step-by-step.
He tugged me to keep up with his pace, gently pushed me out as the rhythm changed and pulled me into his arms in the next second.
My skirt swayed along. I looked at those blue eyes that were always looking at me and couldn’t help but raise the corners of my mouth.
Maybe our atmosphere was too lively, but many people in the hotel looked over at us. Others tapped to the rhythm and surrounded us.
Kiro naturally changed his dance steps, led me to a person, and handed him the candy in his pocket.
Immediately afterwards, he twirled me around again and flexibly handed the candy to everyone who passed by.
The melody gradually stirred and amid the giggles and laughter, Kiro simply grabbed a handful of candy and sprinkled it into the air with a smile.
The candies flying in the air reflected the light outside the window, showing-off the fine and beautiful colors.
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After distributing the last piece of candy, Kiro pushed open the door of the hotel. The sea breeze came blowing with the temperature of summer.
MC: How wonderful. It’s summer again in the southern hemisphere!
Suddenly, there was a rustling sound behind him and balloons with bear and rabbit patterns swarmed up, covering the entire sky.
MC: Kiro, you secretly prepared balloons?
Kiro: Ka-chick!
Kiro imitated a frame with his hands and held them up with a smile.
Kiro: ‘Cause this is the perfect way to capture your surprised expression.
He pointed to the sky and then I noticed an aerial drone hovering in the air. it swayed from side to side, as if to say hello to us.
Kiro took my hand and waved at it a few times.
Kiro: Miss Chips, come and say hi to our dedicated photographer. Next, it will record our “wedding diary” 360 degrees without any dead ends.
Kiro: Let’s go. I can’t wait to sing to you.
Curly blond hair fluttered in the wind, as if the excitement in his heart could not be contained. The next second, he stood on tiptoe, shaped his hands into a horn and shouted at the aerial camera.
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Kiro: We’re getting married soon!
I quickly grabbed his hand.
MC: Kiro, there’s no such line in the script!
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He blinked slyly.
Kiro: Is that so? But in such an atmosphere, it’s natural to say it~
I blushed slightly. When I lifted up my skirt in order to walk forward, I was grabbed by my wrist.
Kiro leaned over and almost touched the tip of my nose.
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Kiro: But isn’t it unfair if I’m the only one to say it?
At once, I understood what he meant. But I blinked my eyes, feigning ignorance.
MC: Eh? What am I supposed to say?
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Kiro seemed a little surprised. His eyes widened.
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Kiro: Miss Chips, don’t play dumb. You know what I want you to say!
Looking at Kiro who was a little “wronged”, I had the sudden the urge to tease him.
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MC: Do you really want to hear that sentence..?
MC: But what are you going to do with me if I don’t say it?
Kiro held his chin and seemed to really be thinking. Soon, the corners of his lips curled up - I was all too familiar with that smirk!
MC: You won’t be able to succeed!
I picked up my skirt and turned my head to run. Kiro’s slightly dissatisfied voice immediately came from behind me.
Kiro: Alright, MC, you actually want to escape!
I looked back at him. He was immersed in the backlight, and even the splashed grains of sand reflected a fine glow.
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MC: If you have the ability, come after me!
I ran to the nearby group of wooden houses, took a turn, and saw an “under maintenance” bulletin board at the end.
Just as I was about to turn around, I was suddenly surrounded by an unstoppable force around my waist, imprisoning me against the wooden wall.
I startled and realized that I had been trapped in Kiro’s arms.
He tilted his head and stared at me earnestly, his messy hair rising and falling with his breathing.
Under his gaze, the heat that had been blown away by the sea breeze slowly rose up again.
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MC: .....
Kiro lowered his head and kissed me.
The soft touch gently met my lips and then a hint of candy bloomed on the tip of my tongue.
So sweet.
I laughed quietly in my heart, tilted my head and pulled away slightly from him.
MC: Why did the “groom-to-be” steal the “invitation card”?
He smiled lightly and said nothing. The sweetness wrapped in fruit enveloped my lips again.
The chirping of seagulls crossed the sky and Kiro came close to my ear.
Kiro: Don’t mention it. Anyway, the time for the “wedding”... has arrived.
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[PART 3]
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The interlaced light and shadow fell on us through the palm leaves, warm and dazzling, and a stage built by the sea came into view after walking for some time.
The sunlight reflected fine silver threads on the iron frame. I imagined Kiro standing on the stage and the corners of my lips curled up.
Kiro: The timing is just right.
I followed his gaze and saw that the clock on the clock tower in the distance was moving towards exactly two o’clock.
Ding--- Dong--
At the same time as the bell rang, a drone that appeared out of nowhere surrounded the stage and the lights turned on one after another. 
I looked around. Except for the fine sand that was drenched by the waves again and again, the surroundings were somewhat empty.
MC: It seems that no one except us have come.
Kiro: Not exactly. We invited more than just them.
MC: Did you secretly invite other people?
Kiro winked mysteriously and walked to the center of the stage, holding the microphone in both hands, his chest heaving slightly.
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Kiro: Every flower, every tree, every wave - Hello to you all. Welcome to our wedding.
Kiro: Today, I’m going to sing a song for my bride. Although, this seems to be a very common thing...
Kiro smiled softly. His eyes swept around gently.
Kiro: But it’s my favorite thing to do. Even if I repeat it a thousand times, or ten thousand times, I won’t get tired of it.
Kiro: So, MC, my bride, please just keep listening.
As soon as he finished speaking, a shining spotlight enveloped me.
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Kiro: This song is dedicated to the most important person in my life.
The melody gradually sounded. It was the song “Marry me on Valentine’s Day”.
The sky light by the sea plated Kiro with a shallow glow, brightening my entire vision.
Even the waves seemed to be integrated into this melody, responding to Kiro’s singing one after another.
I couldn’t help laughing, waving my arms as if I had stood under the stage countless times.
Suddenly, Kiro seemed to have discovered something and his eyebrows raised slightly.
I quickly realized what he meant and turned around to look--
About five or six people were walking on the beach, holding the flower branches and the candy wrappers they received in the morning, dangling them in the air.
I stood on tiptoe and waved at them excitedly, only to find that someone on the other side was also walking here. They didn’t carry anything. Their faces were full of curiosity, more like they were attracted by Kiro’s singing.
MC: Kiro, it seems that more and more people are coming. Everyone’s watching us!
Kiro flashed me a happy smile and clenched the microphone in his hand more solemnly.
For some time, his melodious singing seemed to overwhelm the waves and birdsong, and travel to a farther place.
The spotlight made him shine brightly, but it made me space out for a moment. For some reason, I felt that this stage... was different from all the previous ones.
Inadvertently, I met his scorching gaze, and all my questions were answered--
At this moment, he was my Kiro.
The music gradually grew softer, leaving only the sound of Kiro’s light breathing. As if to leave a perfect ending, he stretched out his hand to put his hat on his chest and bowed slightly.
Afterwards, he seemed to have noticed something below the stage. His eyes lit up instantly and he raised his hand to signal.
I followed his line of sight and saw the two men who were playing the ukulele in the morning. They laughed twice and shook the flowers in their hands.
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??: How can a man not have flowers in his hand?
??: Best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.
Saying that, the two flowers were tossed towards the stage in a parabolic shape and Kiro jumped up to catch them.
Like well wishes, people threw the flowers in their hands to Kiro.
One flower after another gathered in his hands, forming a bouquet. In the end, a cluster of flourishing colors suddenly magnified before my eyes.
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I was stunned. My eyes slowly moved from the bouquet to those azure blue eyes. Almost instantly, the streamer refracting the scattered light bloomed warmly behind him.
The sea breeze ruffled the corners of his clothes. He held the brim of his hat with one hand and a bouquet of flowers with the other, looking at me with twinkling eyes.
Kiro: MC, did you hear that? Everyone’s blessing us.
Kiro: My dear bride, is there a moment that made you feel... that because of me, you’ve become the happiest person in the world?
I nodded vigorously and raised my brightest smile.
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MC: ...More than just a moment.
MC: Every moment I’m around you, I’m very happy. Always happy.
I took the bouquet from his hand, as if I had received the most brilliant and purest love in the world.
Kiro put his hands on the floor and easily jumped off the stage.
The aerial camera also flew over. I recalled the scene where Kiro shouted at it and couldn’t help but smile as I stood in front of him.
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MC: Kiro, we’re getting married.
My face was slightly hot, but that was what I wanted to say most at the moment.
In the next second, Kiro wrapped his arms around me and started spinning me around.
The surrounding scene became a blur, only Kiro and his laughter were clear and bright.
And I also saw a bright smile in his clear eyes.
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[PART 4]
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The waves brushed over our insteps and quietly washed away our footprints. I held Kiro in my arms and stood on tiptoe to look out.
Apart from the aerial camera that had been following us, only peaceful scenery remained.
MC: Kiro, what the guest just said was that as long as you walked close by, you could see it at a glance, right? 
Kiro: That’s right. The road here is straight, so you can’t go wrong.
After the “wedding”, an enthusiastic man told us that there was an incredibly romantic place at the end of the beach.
No one knew who made it, but it just popped up there one day with a single word inscribed--
Perhaps in respond to that wish, Kiro and I decided to take a look. I didn’t know how long it took, but the footsteps beside me suddenly stopped.
Kiro: Miss Chips, we seem to have found it.
I followed the sound and saw a “sea swing” amidst the sparkling sea.
As we got closer and closer, the ivory-white waves beat against the swing, making a squeaking, creaking sound.
I sat down holding on to the rope. My center of gravity tilted slightly and Kiro sat next to me. His toes lightly tapped the beach and the swing swayed slowly.
At that moment, the sun was no longer dazzling, but with a gentle crimson, it got closer to the horizon.
We didn’t speak. We just sat next to each other, enjoying the tranquility of the moment.
After a long time, he smiled slowly and spoke softly.
Kiro: Do you know why I wanted to shoot this music video?
I looked up, as if to see the afterglow slipping quietly into his eyes.
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Kiro: Because this is a testimony.
Kiro: I don’t want to slowly forget when I’m old, how I felt when I wrote this song.
Kiro: I don’t want to forget how I smiled at you and spoke to you at such an important time.
Kiro: I don’t even want to forget the way you looked at me, whether you smiled happily or gently.
Kiro: I don’t want to forget any second. I want to keep them forever.
Kiro’s voice was full of seriousness, as if this wasn’t just a music video to interpret his heart.
He clenched my hand tightly and turned his gaze, as if he had remembered something.
Kiro: I’m holding the hand of the person I like and saying what I want to say the most.
Kiro: ...How can we hold on to this happiness tightly and prevent it from slipping away?
Saying that, his gaze fell on the ring finger of my left hand.
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Kiro: Originally, I didn’t want to steal the limelight for myself in the future, so I didn’t prepare a ring.
He paused and took a deep breath.
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Kiro: But I regret it now. 
He took out the green branches from the bouquet and weaved them carefully.
The warm sunset stained his profile and also reflected his seriousness and solemnity very clearly.
A ring-shaped ring slowly formed under the weaving of his fingertips.
...I knew what he was going to do, so I followed his footsteps, pulled out a green branch and wound it round and round.
After the waves missed our legs countless times, the two rings lay firmly in our palms.
They didn’t have any bright shine to them, but they entwined our hearts together.
Kiro held my hand gently, his eyes scorching.
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Kiro: Have you waited for a long time for my vacant ring finger?
Kiro: ...I can’t wait to put it on for you.
As if responding to Kiro’s words, there was a burst of warmth flowing from the ring finger of my left hand.
Once, Kiro had dropped a long kiss there. He said... he hoped I could leave that finger for him for the wedding ring.
Note: This is a reference to Kiro’s Wedded Bliss Date :>
I looked at him, smiled and clung to him, responding to every word of his heart.
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MC: Kiro, I’ve been looking forward to this moment more than you think...
MC: Looking forward to you putting the ring on me, looking forward to hearing you say to me again, those words that I’ve already learned by heart.
MC: Every minute, every second since I’ve met you, I’ve been so, so happy.
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MC: Sometimes I can’t help but wonder, can I bring you the same happiness?
MC: I want this heart to always give a little bit more than what you give.
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His curled eyelashes trembled suddenly and the corners of his lips pursed slightly.
Kiro: Silly Miss Chips... Of course I’m happy.
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Kiro: However, I’m not going to concede defeat to you in this regard. I will always give a little bit more than you. A little bit more than a little bit more.
The ring slipped down a little bit along my fingertips and was solemnly placed on my ring finger.
A burst of warmth spread from my fingertips, reaching directly into my heart.
I held my breath and put the ring, which I poured my whole heart into, on his ring finger.
The next second, the high waves rushed towards us like the most sincere blessings.
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The ice-cold water droplets splashed against the setting sun. I retracted my shoulders and hugged Kiro.
Both: Ah... so cool!
The unanimous words were drowned out by the waves in the next second, leaving only brilliant laughter.
His chin rested lightly on my shoulder and his moist eyes inadvertently made me melt.
Kiro: Why does Miss Chips keep staring at me?
MC: You keep looking at me too.
Kiro: Yeah, I just wanna keep looking at you like this, and always keep looking at you like this.
I burst out laughing and rubbed my forehead against him.
We didn’t speak any more. We just kept looking at each other.
Suddenly, a soft sound clung to my shoulders and slipped into my ears-- he was singing the song again.
Different from the enthusiasm that was present on stage, now it was so gentle, that it made one want to be immersed in it forever.
Forever immersed in the happiness that he brought to me.
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Early in the morning of February 14th, I pushed open the door with a freshly baked strawberry pie, only to find that the bed was empty.
Turning my gaze, I saw Kiro wrapped in a blanket, lying on the computer desk, as if asleep.
I put down the desert, walked to the table softly and glanced at the editing interface that wasn’t on standby.
It seemed that this person stayed awake throughout the night to edit the music video for Valentine’s Day!
Sad and amused, I tucked the blanket on him again, only to find an unfamiliar picture on the screen. I pressed the play button curiously.
With the sound of the curtains being drawn, a shimmer of light illuminated the surroundings - the room we were staying in at the time.
As soon as the camera turned, the golden head broke into the scene and Kiro tapped me, who was asleep, with his fingertips.
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Kiro: Some people don’t know, in fact, this wasn’t just a music video...
Kiro: Or a promise I made to myself--
Kiro: In the near future, I want MC to become Kiro’s real bride.
After speaking, he took the camera to the desk and set it up, adjusting it to an angle where both he and I were framed into the lens.
He put his hand on the keyboard and softly played “Marry me on Valentine’s Day”.
[End of Video]
I stared blankly at all the pictures I’d missed because of my deep sleep and my heart was filled with inexplicable emotions.
I squatted down, copied his posture and lay down beside him.
The morning light outside the window framed his face. I raised my head and kissed him gently on the cheek.
MC: I will.
He didn’t seem to wake up, but the corners of his mouth were imperceptibly raised slightly.
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Call 2 (Comes after the Date): Here
Translation Masterlist: Here
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Boys Jealous (PART 1 - SFW)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Warnings: None (:
Dedication: anon
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He certainly is a jealous type.
Because he is a very insecure man. He had a tough childhood. He lost his mom. His dad was… underwhelming.
He often feels like your presence is the only good thing in his life. 
You = the most beautiful and loving person that he has ever met.
So he’s not surprised to find many people adoring you… but it in no way means that it doesn’t bother him.
He can barely stand it even when that guy from your high school is getting just a tiny bit too close to you during the reunion.
And then he… leans to whisper something to your ear?
The audacity!
The guts that little #$&!*@#% has!
He gets grumpy right away. He gives the poor, unaware guy A LOOK… but would never admit what bothers him or even that something bothers him at all.
Afterwards you need to humour him for a while before he finally opens up about it. And you should - this little biscuit needs that.
If it happens in the early stages of your relationship he just gets all shy and embarrassed and upset with himself for being so possessive.
He hugs you and presses your head against his chest so you won’t see his flushed cheeks and glossy eyes.
It crosses his mind that he basically doesn’t even deserve to be with and he shouldn’t stand on your way to find someone better… 
So please, please tell him how much he means to you. How you would never want another one, because there’s no one who could compare to him.
If it happens a little later on…
Kiro is an adoration subject of MANY.
He almost has no right to be jealous when thousands of people openly fantasize about him on a daily basis.
And yet - he can’t help it when he sees you talking with some man. Standing incredibly close.
Kiro finished his recording early that day and decided to surprise you at work… and that’s when he spots you. Giggling at whatever nonsense he might talk about.
You look so, so beautiful when you smile and that jerk seems to see that too.
Kiro knows he has no reason to worry. He can trust you. And you love him. And you know he loves you and would do anything for you and give you anything you might ask for.
So there is nothing you might look for in another man. Right? Right.
He thinks. As he RUSHES your way.
He greets you with all of the most obnoxious pet names in existence and his lips land directly on yours without a warning.
Your interlocutor reacts with no small amount of concern, but when you, only slightly uncomfortable, address Kiro as “honey” and ask him just what he is doing there, the guy realises his position.
Then he rightfully excuses himself and Kiro doesn’t even hide his satisfaction as he follows his opponent with his eyes.
He takes you out to eat afterwards. Wherever you want. It’s his treat - obviously.
He wants to feed you and make you smile and laugh the way that guy did.
He thought that would soothe his uneasiness, but it didn’t. He needed more. Much more.
Lucien is a silent jealous.
He isn't obvious with his jealousy… but he sure as hell is jealous.
You had a date planned for tonight and you were supposed to come to his research center after work.
The fate wanted for him to finish in the right moment to see you stepping out the elevator.
Your smile that forms when your eyes meet caused warmth to fill his chest and he just wanted to embrace you… but then, a colleague stopped him to ask him one last question.
That’s not really upsetting or surprising to you. You were very much prepared that you’d have to wait for him much longer to even finish work.
What surprises you is a strange man approaching you with a smile on his face.
He turned out to be yet another Lucien’s co-worker. He recognized you as his girlfriend and wanted to chat with you while you had to wait for the profesor, so you want to feel awkward just standing there waiting with nothing to do.
He’s incredibly kind. Tells you a few compliments but mostly fangirls over Lucien’s work ethic.
How ironic is that the moment his beloved profesor is back, this friendly man becomes Lucien’s enemy.
But no one would ever guess that. He would never show that.
When you’re already in the car the questions start to slip from his mouth.
What did he want? What were you talking about? Was he asking questions about our relationship? Or your personal life?
“Lucien, are you jealous?”
Change of the subject.
But you will go back to it once you’re back home...
Would never admit it.
But he has a certain tendency… to be jealous for no apparent reason.
And when he has a reason he can get really, really jealous.
By reason I mean the fact that that venomous snake Lucien is your direct neighbor.
And that your highschool mate cop is driving you around so carelessly with his motorbike.
Not to even mention that spoiled brat of a “musician” who doesn’t even try to be subtle with his flirting.
Do they even know that you’ve committed yourself to be with him? And ONLY him?
Victor however decided to remain silent about this subject. To then remain silent and grumpy at most times.
You noticed it. It worried you. You tried to talk about it many times, but he always pushed the issue aside.
Until that one day when you showed up late to your date at Souvenir and your transportation turned out to be a certain car driven by a certain scientist.
You wanted to talk? Now he sure will give you the talk.
That’s the day Victor bursts with his anger, jealousy and even though he tries to hide it - sorrow.
You can’t help but see the pain dripping from his harsh words.
Your hand slowly comes to touch his cheek and he suddenly falls silent. Taken aback by the softness of caress your fingers treat him with.
“I love you, Victor. Only you. Forever.”
At that, your lips meet for the first time that night in the kiss twinned with unspoken hurt and true commitment.
The warmth of passion slowly grows in the pit of your stomach as he pulls you into his arms to press you against the comforting, wide plane of his chest.
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ikenbar · 3 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice CH5 PT7
YESSS the fluff is BAck babYYYY!! I’m not usually enthused by fluff but Kiro fluff is a whole other thing.
Warnings: One curse word. THEN A WAVE OF BRUTAL, SOMEWHAT MEANINGLESS FLUFFFF capped off by a cliffhanger for funzies B)
(Chapter Five (Kiro and Youran) Prologue and part one, two,  three, four, five, and six can be found here~)
((Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D))
Chapter Five:
Part seven:
Kiro, now sporting one of the hats and funny glasses that Sam had won, walked alongside Sam and I as we explored the carnival together. Though Sam and I had already seen most of what the carnival had to offer, it seemed like a whole new experience walking with Kiro. He told jokes, played the games, rode thrilling rides, and ate tons of junk food all with a bright smile. Even when he lost said games, Kiro had such a childlike wonder about him that made it feel like we had won anyway. After all that time I had spent avoiding him, I forgot just how addicting it was to be in his presence.
Sam basically dragged Kiro and me everywhere. Taking us on rides to forcing us to play the games he couldn’t reach. Kiro was a good sport, playfully joking with Sam as they walked around. Though, Sam made it hard to keep his cover from being blown.
“Oh! Over here Ki-... uh… sir?” Sam muttered, nervously looking around, “I, uh, don’t know what to call you without you being busted.”
“SongBird.” Kiro and I said this at the same time. We exchanged looks. Kiro’s eyes sparkled with brilliance and genuinity. 
“Does this mean I’m your sidekick again?” He eagerly asked.
“It would be a pain to replace you so soon after our first issue.” I winked. Kiro’s grin somehow became even bigger. I rolled my eyes and began walking again.
“What about your idol?” He continued to press as we walked, “Am I that again too?”
“Don’t push it.” I flicked his forehead, “I’m still not over that whole Key thing.” Kiro nodded seriously.
“You will be! I promise I will only ever be respectful to my Super Stranger from now on!” Kiro held up three fingers, “Superstar’s honor!” I shook my head, but still, my heart fluttered in my chest.
As we made our way through the park, every game that Kiro won, he was sure to give me the prize. I found it to be cute and intoxicatingly sweet at first, but soon found it troubling after the third teddy bear. 
Kiro took the headband with cute bear ears from the vendor and moved to give them to me. I pushed his hand away. “What’s wrong?” Kiro asked, clearly taken aback, “You don’t like them? Did you prefer the cat ears?”
“You shouldn’t give me all of your prizes.” I deadpanned, “Save them for yourself. You’ve earned it.” Kiro blinked in disbelief, then laughed. 
“Silly!” Kiro placed the ears on my head, “The reason I am playing the games is because I want to give you the prize!” My face burned deeply.
“W-what?” I stammered, “Why?” 
“Because, you look so vulnerable while holding all these prizes.” Kiro smiled sweetly, “It’s pretty cute.” My already burning face nearly caught flame from his words. Did Kiro just call me cute?! The Kiro. Calling me cute?!
Kiro laughed heartily at my flustered state. I buried my face in the teddy bears in my hands. “D-don’t call me that.” I murmured. 
“What?” He laughed, “Why?”
“Because, You’ve seen who I am, what I can do. I am far from cute. I’m…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. I couldn’t bear to. If Kiro agreed with me, I wouldn’t want to show my face to anyone ever again.
I felt a hand on my head. I looked up and saw Kiro’s earnest eyes boring a hole in mine. “You are Super Stranger.” He spoke resoundingly, leaving no room for arguments, “You’re a hero! More importantly, you’re my hero.” I stared at Kiro, completely speechless. A warm feeling ignited in my heart. Kiro smiled wider and brushed my burning cheek slightly with his finger, “Besides,” He continued, Changing his voice to a more playful tone, “I like seeing this side of you! You shouldn’t try to hide it!” Every touch Kiro gave me made me feel nice but this action made me weak at the knees. Before I could savor the moment for much longer, Sam grabbed Kiro’s arm and pulled him from me.
“Come on!” Sam egged, “We are losing sunlight and we haven’t seen everything yet!!” I stood there, still trying to find feeling in my legs. Kiro turned to look at me from where Sam was pulling him. He laughed and quickly placed the bear ears on my head. 
“Come on, Stranger!” He laughed, grabbing my hand, “Snap out of it! You heard the man!” I shook my head and let Kiro guide me, holding his hand tightly as we walked. My heart had never felt so light in my life. After how horrible I had felt before, the feeling seemed off… but I wouldn’t have taken it away for the world. 
Sam muttered from next to us as he craned his neck to look over the many heads in front of us. “Ugh,” huffed Sam, “When am I going to get that dang growth spurt.”
“Swear jar.” I slapped the back of Sam’s head. Kiro laughed as Sam glared at me.
“Don’t worry.” Kiro grinned, rubbing Sam’s head, “It’ll come eventually! It took me some time too! Until then,” Kiro stopped walking and squatted down in front of Sam, “Hop on!” Sam's eyes bulged out of his head. He looked up at me. I arched my eyebrow and grinned.
"You gonna leave him hanging?"
Sam shook his head. At that moment, I had never seen Sam smile so brightly in his life. It nearly stunned me. It didn’t seem to be as dazing to Sam, as he quickly ran over to Kiro and hopped on his back, slightly knocking the wind out of him. 
"Careful!" Kiro chuckled hoarsely as he held on to Sam’s legs, "I'm fragile!"
“Sorry.” Sam nervously smiled. He wrapped his arms around Kiro’s neck as Kiro stood up. Sam's eyes sparkled as he looked around. I couldn’t hold back my grin anymore. Sam deserved a fun day like this. “Ike! Look! There’s a high striker! You should totally give it a try!” I followed Sam's eyes and looked through the crowd. Sure enough, there, standing high above the crowd in the distance, was a high striker game. “No one has been able to get the bell!” Sam leaned close to Kiro’s ear and talked excitedly, “People are saying that the only way to win the prize is to have superhuman strength! The prize went from a large teddy bear to a mountain bike because of the rumors!”
“And you think Super Stranger can do it?” Kiro asked, even though he knew full well what I could do.
“You doubt me, SongBird?” I arched an eyebrow at Kiro. He quickly shook his head.
“No! Not at all!” Kiro said this seriously. My smile widened as looked back at the high striker bell.
“I don’t know if I should, kiddo.” I folded my arms and lowered my voice, “It may not be a good choice in front of this many people.”
“You’re right.” Sam eyed the people around him suspiciously and lowered his voice as well, “They can’t be trusted.” I nodded and tousled his hair. 
As we slowly approached the game, loud shouts could be heard over the bustle of the costumers:
“Yeah, I thought those muscles were just for show!”
Getting closer, we saw a heavily muscled man storm off from the game, leaving behind a tackily dressed vendor to count the money in his hand. “Go whine to your followers about how you weren’t good enough!” The vendor continued as he waved the man off. He shoved the money in his pocket and addressed the crowd of people. “Come on!” He harangued, “Yet another year and none of you weaklings can beat this simple game?! What about you, red?! Don’t gingers have a temper! Use it!” The vendor caught sight of our little group. “Look at this guy!” The vendor scoffed, gesturing to Kiro, “He can carry this grown kid on his back but he doesn’t have the balls to play the game!!” 
All eyes suddenly shifted to us. Kiro quickly ducked his head so his hat covered more of his face. 
My smile dropped.
 “And that chick next to you! The cute one with the bear ears!” The vendor continued, obviously on a roll, “I bet she would like a new mountain bike! Or better, yet,” The vendor licked his fingers and ran them over his eyebrows, “A man who can finally satisfy her.” I threw my prizes into Sam’s arms.
“Hold these.” I growled, rolling up my sleeves as I stormed over to the vendor.
“Super Stranger!” Kiro called in a harsh whisper, “Wait!”
“Oh ho!” The vendor bellowed as I approached, “Are you accepting my offer! That was quick! That guy must really-” I opened my wallet and pulled out a handful of cash. I shoved it forward and to the man.
“Mallet.” I demanded, “Now.” The vendor looked taken aback. 
“Oh really?” He hummed, leaning closer to me, “And what makes you think a pretty girl like you can beat this game?”
“My lifelong passion to put jackasses in their place.” I spoke in a dark tone, dropping the smile the vendor held slightly, “Mallet.” The vendor remained motionless, keeping the large mallet tight in his grip. Eventually, he chuckled, yanking the money out of my hand and tossing me the mallet.
“Good luck, princess!” He scoffed, shoving the money into his pocket haphazardly, “You’re gonna need it.”
I spun the mallet in my hand, looking up at the high striker. Hatred for the vendor boiled in my chest. This isn’t any good. I huffed as I looked at the crowd, I’m going to break the game at this point. No matter how badly I want to show that jerk who he is messing with, I can’t out myself like this. Not with everything that was going on in my life. I need to calm down. I caught Sam’s eyes. He smiled widely at me and held two thumbs up. I smiled and looked at Kiro. Kiro was smiling genuinely at me. He mouthed the words, “You can do it!” The hatred in my stomach snuffed out as a new feeling overcame my chest. Something warm and welcoming. I had felt this feeling before but, after such a great day with those two, it was so strong. It was the strongest I had ever felt in my life. 
I smiled and turned around. I held up the mallet and, being sure of my decision, readied myself in front of the pressure plate. The crowd around us went completely silent, making the sounds of the games around us almost intrusive to the scene. 
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I channeled the power they gave me. I imagined it’s warmth flowing through my chest, down through my arms, all the way up to my fingertips. The feeling was empowering, clearing every horrible thought and feeling in my body. It was like taking a shower after a week. 
It was amazing. 
After a long moment, I threw my eyes open and brought the mallet down hard on the pressure plate. The small metal peg rocketed off the pad and flew up the machine, eventually hitting the bell with a resounding clang. The sound echoed through the center, echoing through the park and it’s stands. The crowd craned their necks to see the bell as we waited for the peg to fall… but it didn’t. I had hit the peg so hard that it had lodged itself under the bell, not showing any sign of coming back down. 
After a long moment of silence, someone cheered. And, as if a wave of realization hit the crowd, everyone else joined in. Loud woops and whistles snug my ears as I slowly realized just what I had done. I shiteatting grin spread onto my lips as I looked down at the mallet in my hand. I clicked my tongue as I turned back to the vendor. He was staring at the bell with a look of complete shock adorning his face. A warm drumming pushed through my stomach as I approached the vendor. “Hey.” I boomed, breaking the man of whatever trance he was in. He quickly looked down at me, eyes bulging from his head. My smile grew as I held out the mallet’s handle to him, “I think I’m owed a bike.”
Sam skipped merrily beside Kiro and I, his brand new bike rolling beautifully at his side. Most people after the demonstration thought I was just an actor to promote the game so I wasn’t questioned when I walked away with the bike. In fact, people would whisper and point as I walked past them. 
Not that any of that mattered.
 The shine in Sam’s eyes as I handed him the bike made everything worth it.
“You seem to be in a good mood, kiddo.” I teased as I watched Sam.
“Of course I am!” He laughed, smiling brightly to me, “Imagine how jealous the soccer team will be when they see me coming to practice with this!” I smiled and sighed as Sam started talking more to himself than to me. 
“Sam isn’t the only one who looks happy, Stranger.” Kiro grinned, inspecting my face thoroughly. I felt my face. I really had been smiling for a while. My jaw ached from the constant use of the only muscles I never worked out. 
“That’s because I am.” I said softly. I looked up at the graying sky and took a deep breath, taking in the fresh evening smell that was setting in. The warm feeling in my stomach didn’t leave me. In fact, it had spread to the rest of my body as well. It was a soft feeling, but a welcomed feeling nonetheless. This feeling was completely new to me. It was something I hadn’t experienced in my 23 years of living. And, even though I was still being targeted and had millions of other responsibilities that I needed to take care of, in that moment, all was well. I was happy… 
I was happy.
“I can’t get over that vendor’s face.” Sam snickered, making me open my eyes and look over to him, “I mean, did you see it?! It was priceless!!”
“Right?!” Kiro chimed in, laughing giddily, “Those people who accused you of being an actor would have eaten their words if they saw how dumbfounded he looked!”
“Did you see the way his Adam’s apple wobbled in fear as Ike walked over to him?!” Sam excitedly patted Kiro’s arm.
“He looked as if he were ready to scream!”
 Kiro and Sam laughed heartily, leaning on the other for support. I rolled my eyes. Though I put on a face, they were right. The man did look pretty funny after I had  hit that bell. It took a couple seconds for him to notice me standing in front of him. And even then, he stared at me for a while, unsure if I would hurt him or not. He really should have been scared. After what he had said to me, I was even surprised that I didn’t hurt him. 
 The warm drumming in my stomach reappeared. 
A buzzing coming from my blazer pocket pulled me from my thoughts. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. A number I hadn’t seen in quite a while popped on screen. I stopped in my tracks.
“You guys hungry?” I asked, grinning widely.
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yourssinfullyquiche · 3 years
Coffee Anyone?
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Had a period of writer's block. So I avoided writing anything for fear it would be subpar.
And suddenly a few days ago, a random idea struck me while I was dragging myself out of bed —
The boys as types of coffee!
I hope you coffee lovers enjoy this. If you don't like coffee, it's okay, I don't too. So, I'm wondering how this idea came about to me😐
WC: 551
Beta: Quiche
As always thank you @playheej for being my trusted advisor❤️
Warning: Coffee...espresso espresso espresso.
I hope it's caffeinated to your liking.
Essentially espresso combined with steamed milk.
Fairly traditional and may symbolize a reserve character — seems like Gavin.
Macchiato isn’t as smooth and creamy as a cappuccino or a frappuccino but it’s not as strong as the flavour of an espresso.
Similar to how Gavin’s not as smooth and cheerful as Kiro but he's also not sharp like Victor.
Instead his presence is of a gentle sweetness that surrounds you.
He is affectionate and tender only to the person he sets his eyes upon yet he’s bold and strong when the circumstances demand him to be (especially when his loved ones are involved).
Just like how the sweetness of the steam milk does not wholly remove the intensity of the espresso but creates a delicate taste.
Shouldn’t be hard to understand why:
Made from finely ground, extra-dark beans which are pressurized in a machine to produce only one shot.
But a highly concentrated shot.
It’s exclusive, robust, sharp, straightforward and unclouded which is everything Victor.
To me, Victor is elegant, frank and intelligent in the way he carries himself. He may come off wrongly to some. He says things plainly without hesitation.
But don’t forget that although espresso is bitter, it’s deemed healthy.
To me that reminds me of his harsh remarks that carry a touch of gentleness.
He doesn’t sugarcoat words in order to feed you fantasies, instead he ensures that his candid words and actions prevent you from being swallowed by a tunnel of troubles.
Matcha Espresso.
My initial thought was this because matcha reminds me of calmness and peace
It’s also an acquired taste which for me symbolizes how his mysterious personality appeals to one.
Not all may love it but some really do.
Coupled with espresso, it carries an astute aura.
Lucien may not say things as harshly as Victor but his words can catch one off guard especially when it’s masked with a nonchalant poise.
However his mysterious personality can also be regarded as pockets of surprise throughout the story, as such I thought of:
Spiced coffee.
Spices are subtle yet they add a little kick to the coffee.
Caramel Frappuccino!!!
Ice blended, milky creamy coffee with buttery caramel sauce drizzled throughout the layers.
Extremely high in sugar.
Caramel sweetness reminds me of Kiro because of his unrestrained sweetness.
Kiro radiates vibrancy and just like the sunshine, his presence lights everyone up from having a dim day.
Like when flowers bloom excitedly when touched with a dash of sunbeam.
Just like Kiro, a caramel frappuccino makes one blissful and overcomes you with a sudden burst of energy.
Also, frapps are just an excuse to savour creamy ice cream, and Kiro definitely loves indulging in all things sugar.
Does Savin allow Kiro to drink them often?
All we know is that Kiro is a master at sneaking.
Bonus: Helios
Caramel Frappuccino Affogato-Style.
Since Helios is an alter ego of Kiro, there’s still the “Kironess” in him, hence the caramel frappuccino.
With a steaming shot of bitter espresso poured over the creamy golden caramel frapp, it melts the exterior creating a marbling effect — akin to the intertwining personalities of Helios and Kiro.
With its bold flavour, the espresso cuts through the sweetness of the frapp.
Similar to how Helios’ personality severs from Kiro’s.
A/N: Thank you for reading!😚 I'm drowning in WIPs — I'll do my best to get them out T^T
Thank you also to Google, I couldn't have done this without you and the chart, Play.
Delve into my world
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kazuko-stuff · 3 years
Mlqc guys as fathers
Happy Father’s Day so I wrote the guys as fathers
Victor is a tender, soft and gentle but can also be stern and strict if necessary.
Your oldest is a boy who inherited is poker face but has inherited your smile
Your daughter looks like you but has Victor’s eyebrows
Victor spoils and is more tender to your daughter while he is more stricter to your son but he truly cares about him
Victor will advise his son when he needs it
Victor will be overprotective of his daughter when a boy catches her eyes
He will always supports their passions and get the high quality education
He enjoys spending time with his family
Lucien will be the father who knows what to do
Your daughter has inherited her hair and eyes from Lucien but has the same smile as yours
Lucien will read bedtime stories to your daughter
Lucien will also have tea parties with her daughter since she always have tea parties with her stuff animals
Lucien will have drawing she drew at his classroom, laboratory and at the fridge
Every new year and summer, he will lit up fireworks with her and her friends
Lucien will also help your daughter with schoolwork
Very supportive towards her
Will be protective of her but will give her space to grow
He will enjoy spending time with family
Gavin will be an protective and sweet father
You know his backstory of how his childhood was and he does not want his children to suffer the same thing
You have a son who is the oldest who looks like Gavin but with your brown eyes and a daughter who looks like you but with his amber eyes
Jokingly competes with your son for attention since your son is attached to you
Always does your daughter’s hair and she is very close to him
Your son can be mischievous but smart and kind, he often messes with his dad
Your daughter is sweet but very funny, he often wants dad to play with her and have tea party
Is very overprotective like Victor with his daughter when it comes with boys
Your son likes to do art and plays with lego, which Gavin supports his interest
Your daughter likes to play video games and does gymnastics which worries Gavin
He loves his children and always make time for him
The cool dad who often makes dad jokes
You have twins both girl and boy, both blonde and blue eyes but your son has his hair color leans more to brown
Your girl is very outgoing and extroverted and mischievous like kiro and even became idol
Your son is introverted but does musicals since he enjoys being with others and even volunteer to help with the kids
Your daughter often goes out to by cream soda with dad, hiding from Savin
Your son also goes with kiro to by snacks at the specialty supermarkets since they also have the same interest in food
Kiro also has the front row when watching your daughter’s idol performance and watching musicals with your son in it
Kiro always have fun shopping for fashion with your daughter
Kiro enjoys going to arcades with your son
Kiro helps his son in computer engineering classes and making forts for his cats since he also has an interest in it
Kiro helps out with your daughter’s dancing and singing
Kiro enjoys all the fun moments with your kids
He is actually a cool dad
Your daughter inherited his appearance but has your expression
Your daughter is mischievous, fashionable and can be bold but has a hidden kind side
Shaw will play video games with her like Pokémon especially he has game boy and ds with the gen 1- 5 Pokémon games
Can play the guitar really well
Shaw encouraged her to join a band due to her passion and skills
She joins a band after her friends decided to create one
Shaw will watch her performance in secrets due to her shyness
Shaw will support her in anything she does
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