#miss atlantis
rosadellic · 2 months
let me clear myself up. i dont hate jennifer keller. shes just not a good replacement for carson and shes not good for a romance choice because, i cant stress this enough, forced canon het relationships are absolutely exhausting to see and sit through in a tv show that brought me so much comfort in middle school. also her being forced into being one of the "gang" is mildly aggravating because it was conceived with no organic buildup or presence. like why are they having lunch with her and chatting like theyre friends? she had barely any scenes before this episode.
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bagheerita · 5 months
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Ronon puts up with so much. The man deserves a medal.
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the-mushroom-faerie · 10 months
I just realized - we haven't gotten a single holiday episode of stargate. where's my Christmas in atlantis. where's my sgc spooky season. where's hot cocoa and warm sweaters. wheres autumn and winter and presents and costumes. where's Sam trying to reach the tokra because she wants to spend the holidays with her dad. where's the makeshift secret Santa the first holiday of the Atlantis mission. where's everyone in Atlantis swapping cultures of the many winter holidays among them. WHERES AR-1 SHOWING TEYLA AND RONAN THE JOYS OF THE UGLY SWEATER CONTEST?
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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twotales · 7 months
SGA Background Character Register: S1
Have you ever thought: "I need another character, but I want them to be canon." Or "What department was that rando in?" Maybe even, "Didn't they die?"
I got you.
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Notes: - This is just Expedition Members. - Only background characters with names. - Chuck is considered a bg character. (sigh) - Canonically female characters have been marked because there are less of them. - Alive: meaning we never saw them die or been informed of their death. - All of the scientists are Doctors. (My dyslexia freaked when they all said doctor before their names so I left it unlabeled.) -Episode lists show all episodes regardless of seasons.
Remember: It’s just me making these so there are bound to be mistakes, if you notice something be sure to let me know! Thanks.
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sky-fan-fic · 30 days
I love how the SG people basically set off a Gou’ald civil war, woke up hibernating space vampires, and then let the religious fanatics in another galaxy know earth exists. Like that is some big “I’m the problem it’s me” energy.
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romancemedia · 5 months
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desertfangs · 2 months
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Goddamn Aliens 3
Marius/Daniel, Armand/Daniel - 2,528 words - Mature
After spending the night comforting Armand during the fallout of his fight with Marius, Daniel talks to Marius and tells him that he and Armand will be leaving for New York when things settle.
This is another attempt to fill in some of the gaps in PLROA where we know Daniel is there but he is not really on the page. I guess because most of this stuff is not happening in Lestat's presence. But I like to imagine how it happened, hence this series!
This is Part 3. Part 1 is Daniel learning about the aliens, and Part 2 is the aftermath of the fight Armand and Marius have that Lestat tells us about but we don't see on the page.
Short Excerpt:
He looked up when Daniel entered. He wore an elegant red robe. His blond hair hung around his shoulders and his blue eyes were sharp. Vampires did not get circles beneath their eyes but there was a weariness in his expression anyway. 
“Hey,” Daniel said.
“I see you still have all your limbs. I assume everyone is so lucky.” Marius’ voice was light but his expression remained hard. 
“Armand is fine,” Daniel answered.
“I figured as much. I was referring to anyone who may have been unfortunate enough to cross his path.” 
Daniel sighed. He sat down in the easy chair opposite Marius. Like the chairs in Armand’s room, these were made of soft velvet and oak.
“He was kind of on a warpath last night,” Daniel conceded. Marius raised an eyebrow. Either surprised Daniel agreed or perhaps in question. “But calling him a child—“ 
“I said he had childlike qualities,” Marius argued, but then he sighed, too. “I suppose I could have chosen my words more carefully.”
Daniel snorted. “You think? You’d never say anything like that to Lestat or to me, and both of us can be…”
“Immature?” Marius offered. 
“Reckless,” Daniel corrected.
Read the whole thing on AO3
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moonliched · 6 months
sometimes i'll find someone posting AMAZING art elsewhere like on Twitter, and then full of excitement i'll go and find their Tumblr, and they gave up posting long ago - their art got barely any traction, no reblogs, no community and it's like NO COME BACK GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!!! I SWEAR I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE WITHERING AWAY IN A CORNER OF THIS WEBSITE, LET ME MAKE IT RIGHT! I CAN SINGLEHANDEDLY BE YOUR CHEERLEADER, I'LL REBLOG QUEUE AND SCHEDULE I'LL TURN ON BLOG NOTIFS COME BACK COME BACK COME BACK-
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icarusdiesatdawn · 5 months
I love every version where icarus and apollo were tragic lovers but to me personally icarus is hopelessly in love with his best friend a twink nerd mathematician named pythagoras
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yancystreetpodcast · 2 years
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Women by Jen Bartel
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stargatelov3r · 2 months
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Elizabeth Weir Daily
Day 325
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Stargate Atlantis "Missing"
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twotales · 7 months
Radek said fuck in show?
Yup. It's in Czech 🇨🇿 but imo it counts.
"Do prdele" it's an equivalent for "Shit" or "Fuck." He says it to John in the submersible jumper (Grace Under Pressure) and to Evan on the Daedalus. (No Man's Land.)
He says "Já se už na to můžu vysrat," to Rodney when he's in the chair being a dick. Basically he's saying "Fuck it" or "Fuck this." e.g. Rodney is being an ass so fuck this. (Tao of Rodney.)
I think that's all of them. Hopefully my Czech is still on point for these translations @all-mighty-yaoiyuri is the Czech who checks my Czech.
It's been awhile though! 💛💚
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frankthesnek · 1 year
McShep, Rated G, first kiss, fluff, getting together
Post shrine. Because Rodney running to John's room meant more to both of them than they admitted. And they both knew it. (inspired by this post from @johnsheppard-assshaker)
John sat at his desk, staring at the cursor blinking on his screen. Mission reports sucked. Mission reports detailing the near death and stupidly risky brain surgery of your best friend? Those sucked ten times worse. He already couldn't get the images out of his head. Rodney's dazed expressions and awkward movements as his body and mind were stolen from him. Taking a deep breath, he looked to the ceiling, staring at the light there until dots danced across his vision in an attempt to chase away the thoughts.
A swift rapping came at his door and he shut his eyes, rubbing his palms into them in an effort to correct his vision. "Come in," he hollered.
It was Rodney. Alive and well, granted very tired looking and with a bandage still across his forehead. "Uh, hi."
"Hey," John greeted back and stood walking around to be next to his friend. "She released you? I hadn't heard."
The scientist humed softly, not quite meeting John's eye as his hand drifted up to lightly touch said bandage. He seemed off–nervous but not in the panicky way his nerves normally presented.
"Everything okay?" John prodded shifting closer and thinking the door closed.
"I, uh, this is awkward," Rodney started and cleared his throat. "About when I was sick, I remember a lot of what happened actually, and about that night…"
John swallowed tightly as a lump settled in his throat, choking him off. Yeah, he remembered too. Was trying really hard not to. It hurt, it hurt too much.
Rodney rushing to his room, pounding on his door, bursting in and holding onto him like he–John–was the only anchor left to his sanity. How frantic Rodney had been about waking up without him there. The unspoken things that had passed between them in that short conversation, that had hung high and loft above them as they sipped beer together under the stars.The evening hard and touching, intimate and depressing all at once.
"What about it?" John made himself say and he knew it came out tight and froggy.
"I'm sorry for how I acted, for running here and– I mean because that was ridiculous, right? Acting like that, like you were–" he drifted off, the last few words being spoken softer, sadder as he lost momentum.
"No," John rebuffed quickly, taking a half step closer. He wanted to reach out to grip Rodney's shoulders just like he had that night. Wanted to say so many of those unspoken things, but he didn't know how.
Rodney met his eyes, and John knew he didn't have to say anything. He couldn't pretend like things hadn't shifted between them, and if the soft nearly pleading look in Rodney's eyes was any give away he couldn't either. So John did it–did what he'd wanted to that night and held back because Rodney had been sick and vulnerable, and it wouldn't have been fair.
Dipping in to kiss the other man was easy for multiple reasons. One because he was already so close; and two, because Rodney didn't put up a fight. Stood there and let it happen, meeting him halfway, head subtly inclining to John as he moved.
"Did I say something I don't remember that night?" Rodney asked when they parted. His tone was thoughtful, and John got the impression that he was asking himself the question more than anything.
"No," John supplied, bringing his hands up to hold Rodney like he had that night. Hands on his shoulders squeezing with reassuring and possessive fingers. "You didn’t have to say it."
"Maybe I want to," Rodney said back, but those were the last words said for some time as John pulled him in for another long deserved, well overdue kiss.
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Have you ever noticed the hidden connection between Disney's Typhoon Lagoon water park and Atlantis the Lost Empire?
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So, it is all about the family raft ride (ya know, the kind where 4 people ride together) called Miss Adventure Falls.
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Because this is Disney, it isn't just a regular water slide. It has a story and characters and all that stuff. This ride is specifically about Captain Mary Oceaneer! An explorer, sailor, scientist, bad bitch, treasure hunter, etc...
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She is also a member of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers (aka S.E.A.) A secret society that works as a sort of meta narrative tying a bunch of Disney rides from around the world together. But that's not important right now, just cool to mention. I've talked about S.E.A. before anyways
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What IS important right now is her sub! Rightby the exit to the slide you can see her underwater exploratory vehicle which has been blown ashore by the huge Typhoon that transformed the Placade Palms Resort into the Leaning Palms Resort and created Typhoon Lagoon (the story behind the water park as a whole)
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(Notice the two beach chairs next to the sub. one for Captain Oceaneer and one for her parrot, Duncan)
Look real close at the sub and you'll see something a little odd
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Look at those squiggles! Those aren't just squiggles! That's Atlantean Script! The language made by Mark Okrand (the guy who made Klingon) for Atlantis the Lost Empire! And we can translate it!
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Captain Mary Oceaneer wanted the Atlanteans to know "I Come in Peace" as she explored the ocean! And I think that's neat as heck
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