moostiel · 1 year
POV: you're trying to eat breakfast but your little brother is half demon.
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
PM666Reads - Fic Recs - March 2023
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March was a bit of a shit show. I won’t get into the specifics but I didn’t read as much as I’d have liked. I have also tried to create this post 3 times and dumblr deleted the whole thing so here goes nothing. 
Thank you to all the authors who shared their works and helped me escape for a while.
Fic Title - Author - Summary & warnings (if any) copied from author original post.
Dean Winchester
💟All Out of Options - @julesthequirky - Warnings: Angst
💟Run To You (Chapter 12) - @deanwinchesterswitch - The pair are a filthy, sweaty mess. Kasey surprises Dean with an unexpected gift. Warnings: Language; Here, there be smut; and lots of it.
💟Rumors (series) - @deanwinchesterswitch - Fear and anger forced them apart. Pain and regret kept them separated. An opportunity arises to repair the damage when a well-meaning friend pushes them into a reunion. Yet, rumors threaten to tear them apart for good. Warnings: 18+ Angst; Some fluff; Dean being Dean; Language; Mentions of smut; Mentions of sex work (nothing detailed); Canon divergence. Parts 3 and 4 contain descriptions of high emotional distress; possible triggers.
💟Use Me - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior - You'll do anything to make Dean's nightmares go away. Warnings/Explicit 18+: Bit of smut, mostly angst, so - smangst. Nothing too crazy. Implied, future smut, nakedness, featuring Dean's mouth. 
💟Even Better Than Pie - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior - Y/N knows just how to make Dean smile. Warnings: None really. Kissing. Implied smut. Smidge of angst. Pretty much, all fluff.
💟Catch Me - @justagirlinafandomworld - Song Prompt from Unclaimed Love Songs: Arms by Christina Perri
Bucky Barnes
💟And The World Shifted - @girl-next-door-writes - Panic attacks are terrifying, even if you are a 100 year old super soldier. Luckily for Bucky, he doesn’t have to deal with them alone. 
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
💟Exile - @writercole - Warnings: Very angsty. Breakup.
Sam Winchester + Dean Winchester (no wincest)
💟Tattered: Growing Pains (ongoing series) - @stusbunker -  Warnings, etc: Dean has discovered he’s into her being pregnant. Sam and Dean tag-team smut. Oral, knotting, there’s lots of bodily fluids, but also a bath tub. Breeding kink, possessive and jealous Alphas. Nesting, pregnancy problems.
Jensen Ackles 
💟Dominion - @deanwinchesterswitch - image drabble
Dragon Age
💟When All Else Fades (AO3) - @slytherkins - "Hawke's gone. I'm so sorry."No matter how many times he read those words, Fenris refused to believe it. Hawke might be gone, but Hawke wasn't dead. Despite the pity in the eyes of everyone he turned to for help, Fenris could feel it. Hawke was alive, and Fenris was determined to save him.Which left him no choice but to turn to the one man he knew would understand, who might help. Too bad he fucking hated Anders. And the feeling was mutual.
Supernatural x Good Omens
💟Untitled - @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover - So I want a fanfic crossover. Supernatural and Good Omens. Good omens Gabriel is scaring Sam Winchester shitless. So Spn Gabriel fights the snobbie bastard
Sam Winchester
💟Half Timing, Half Luck - @justagirlinafandomworld - Soulmate AU where the first words you speak to your soulmate are tattooed on their body.
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slipper007 · 2 years
Thank you so much @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie and @angelcasendgame for tagging me!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
A Little Something about Cas
Sing Me to Sleep 3
Title (End!Verse)
Accepting Darkness
Bleeding Out
Alone Among the Wreck
House Hunters
Widower 2.0
Belonging pt 2
Okay, apologies for tagging anyone who's already been tagged
@angelfishofthelord @icefire149 @thisisapaige @wormstacheangel @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @archervale @mybrainproblems @angelhannah @castiel-kline @deancaskiss @hozier-mp3 @ne8ula @smaimail
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tcuiabofficial · 2 years
hello welcome to the theodatic cinematic universe: it's all books! official tumblr
we mostly shitpost here and once we have works out, our followers will be the first to know
this blog is run by @bedpissercastiel but you may see posts from @ghostofgeorgebush if he were to log on
header and icon are by @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
find the worky here!
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cannibalsamruby · 2 years
Tagged by @the-gray-ghosty
Hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // ball pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colours or neutral/earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future
Tagging @bisexualsam, @approximately7raccoons, @bookish-bi-mormon, @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover, @samslaptop, feel free to do so if you want!
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
A Little Broken, but Still Good
a little broken, but still good by eedsknees
A one-shot compilation of moments within everybody's favorite found family. ------- Ch. 1
It was adorably domestic.
Raine wanted to be a part of it.
They frowned, suddenly realizing that something was missing from the moment. Someone. The other girl, Luz, wasn't there.
Words: 1554, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Luz Noceda, Raine Whispers, Eda Clawthorne, King
Relationships: Luz Noceda & Raine Whispers, Eda Clawthorne & Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers, Eda Clawthorne & King & Luz Noceda
Additional Tags: found fambly is my favorite flavor of angst, Spanish, raine knows very very very little spanish lawl, Luz Noceda Needs a Hug, Luz Noceda Angst, Luz Noceda Needs Therapy, misha-moose-dean-burger-lover's Angsty-Angst Week, maternal Eda, parental raine, its found family galore u guys
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40501980
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irrlicht-ghostfront · 2 years
it's the second friendorito day anniversary!!
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clairenatural · 4 years
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September 18th. First words I heard, clear as a bell: "Dean Winchester is saved."
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tearsofgrace · 3 years
he took care of the nuns the second he got to town. it was simple. easy. they went without a fight. 
but he stayed anyway. 
they’d filled countless journals with their words. countless pleadings to a god who wasn’t listening, begging to understand why the world was so cruel. why they loved each other and could never say. 
there were other things in the journals, too. a poem written in the early hours of the morning while the other slept, marvelling over her beauty. a simple list of things they needed to get from town. a musing, fleeting and brief, about running away together. 
there was no conclusion to them. no goodbyes, no finality, no neat little bow to tie everything together. dean wanted it to be like that. he wanted their story left open, left alive, as he wandered the streets where they’d lived. 
but that was ignoring the fact that he had ended their story. that he had wrapped everything up with some salt, lighter fluid, and flames licking toward a star-filled sky. 
and that’s how he would end the other thing, too. the reason john had sent him on this goddamn milk run. making it a big deal. a first solo hunt. that wasn’t the reason. 
the reason was the lingering looks at kids his age in the convenience stores where they picked up supplies. the butterflies he couldn’t control when one of them smiled at him. the blush that rose to his face no matter how hard he fought to push it down. 
that part of him... that messed up, broken, disgusting part of him. 
he would leave it in this town. leave it with the sisters who had found some happiness before being dragged from their beds and buried in the woods. 
he would let it go up in flames, too. 
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11 jan 2021
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
Opinions on the winchester reactions if Cas came back in 15x07 with long hair (like your post <3 yes that one <3)
Okay okay.(so ignoring literally ignoring all context of that episode and the next few) Hm I think Sam would just say something like "nice hair Cas" and they'd share a little smile (besties they're literally besties and now they both have long hair🤝)
And I think Dean's brain would simply short circuit and he'd get something out like "uh yeah. uh yeah loo-looking. good cas. Uh i gotta-" and then hed like rush off to his room with some half assed excuse and just stare at the wall for 3 hours because he's supposed to be mad at Cas but oh no he's even hotter how the hell did that even happen???
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The photos in question from the post in question
ask me my opinion on anything<3
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moostiel · 1 year
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Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday.
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y-yo-a-ti-cas67 · 3 years
Pass the happy! 🌻 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications! :)
Thank you for passing the happy!!
1. deanandcas (see its one thing)
2. art of A N Y kind
3. my animals
4. storms
5. S P A C E (especially planets)
I dont have much energy rn so im just gonna tag you guys :)
@aniridescentdreamer @intellectualorsomething @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @bugswillbetransboys @xojo @astrophysicist-not-princess @cascodedmess @thatisahotsoup @whats-bi-is-dean @eatyourdinnerjoseph
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clickbaitcas · 3 years
yellow but like the mender kind :)
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Here's your supply
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super-sootica · 4 years
Not to downplay the plot, of course not, but thoughts on Dean (or s13!Dean) being bitter about Jack because he remembers Cas running off with Kelly. painfully well. He remembers his boyfriend going off to save someone else's kid, and come back (from dead) with the kid in tow, and be like. "Tada. We have a Child now." 👀
I have not even seen the new episode, but you are touching on a point that has been playing for a long ass time. 
Dean has been Castiel’s whole world for a long time, and Dean knows it.  Sure other people matter to Castiel, he would die for Sam in a heartbeat.  But he lives and breathes more for Dean than any other being alive.  And Dean KNOWS this, and he has his own private angel, who he hung out with in hell, and tore apart Purgatory looking for.
And then this new bitch, this Becky.  Shows up.
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And all of a sudden Cas changes.  A Cas that would choose anything over Dean?  Nonesense!  Hearsay!  Your honour I move to strike!!  That’s why Dean originally was all ‘that’s not Cas, Lucifer’s kid did something to him’.
All of a sudden Castiel’s whole world is centred on a kid, as well as Dean.
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Now this may seem a bit of a harsh way to say Dean views things.  But everything was perfect, in an imperfect way.  And then the kid shows up and the fights between him and Cas get worse, and Cas keeps dying on Dean which is so fecking rude.
Cas and Dean were eachothers constant, even when they were both darkside, because they could pull eachother back.  Then the kid comes along and he’s supposed to just...be okay?  Suddenly pushed aside?  Suddenly being ‘played’ in his own bedroom, and Cas used Dean’s mixtape, his feelings to do it?
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And I don’t even think Dean hates Jack, he loves him.  But Dean’s world was Sam, then the door opened and Cas came in, and Dean was more than happy to have his world revolve around Sam and Cas.  Then this kid comes along and changes everything.  And that kid caused so much pain for him.  So if you remove all the complicated feelings towards Jack, then Dean has to deal with grief of loss with no one to project onto.
Remember Rowena’s speech to Crowley?  If she didn’t hate him she’d have to love him.
Worse, Dean see’s himself in Jack and is subconciously doing to Jack what John did to him.  And Dean is mad at himself for that.  He can’t keep Jack anyway, it’s not his choice as far as he can see so he pushes the thought of loving Jack away.
But Jack is so cute, and sweet, and Dean is conflicted.  Jack is Dean’s mirror, so in not accepting Jack he is not accepting himself.   Mirror = makes self into a bomb, loves Cas, Cas loves him.  Dies a lot.  Riddled with guilt.
Dean with Jack.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
29, 52, 96? :D
Sheya! I always think since you are awake I should be asleep but it’s not even 11pm yet for me lol
29. Best way to bond with you?
Talk about things we have in common. I tend to overshare and stop myself from talking because I also lack filter in situations but I do love talking about Disney, or my favorite shows or sharing life stories. Especially over food or a drink!
52. Favorite font?
I don’t know if it’s my favorite but I write my fics in Merriweather font. Just cause.
96. desktop background?
I shared the picture already in the previous ask (here!) but my phone lockscreen is this from @skepticalfrog <3 the gay horse Cas just hits and also my students can’t read so if they get my phone it’s chill
weird asks that say a lot
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