secular-mente · 7 days
"Introduction to Stoicism Course: Fundamentals and Practices" is an educational journey that explores the essential principles of Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that offers practical guidance for a fulfilling and virtuous life. This course covers everything from the historical and philosophical foundations of Stoicism to techniques and practices for applying it in everyday life, enabling participants to develop skills to deal with challenges, cultivate virtues, and find serenity amidst the turbulence of modern life.
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F! Feeling Bad, let’s practice mindful listening!
For Mindful Mondays, we are going to practice mindful listening as an observation practice, not for communication; however, mindful observation of the present moment in any form enhances your communication skills naturally. Every time you practice being present and observing what is instead of thinking about what you would like to be, you are creating new neural pathways, or strengthening existing ones, that will enhance your ability to remain present and intentional in all aspects of life.
You are going to focus on the sounds you hear around you.   
Find a comfortable seated or lying position.  
Take a few cleansing breaths and melt into your posture.
Begin a consistent flow of breath—I usually belly breath, but you can breath normally, too, if you prefer.
Scan the room, noticing each sound you hear.
What I love about observational mindfulness practices is the mind-blowing number of things you notice through your senses that are typically ignored. Our brains take a few seconds to decide what is important and what is unnecessary based on our thoughts, mood, attitude, beliefs, and perceptions. Take the time to noice the whir of the air conditioner, the distant chatter of people walking down the street, and the tick of the clock. Observational mindfulness practices are important for strengthening your ability to experience the present moment as it is, not what you would like it to be or turn into.
As with mindful looking, mindful listening is an especially important skill for those healing from narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships. The foundational damage from gaslighting is lack of trust in what you perceive to be true. Since perception begins with the five senses, it makes sense to start rebuilding and healing with mindful observations of your senses—what you detect is truly in your environment at the present time. Taking time to be present and observe what IS reestablishes the confidence in your ability to know what is real. Mindful listening helps you shed the beliefs, desires, and manipulations that search for what isn’t there so you can be in the presence of what is.
For more information follow the links below:
The Necessity of Mindfulness: Seeing Things as They Really Are
Turning Sounds into a Meditation Practice
You can register here to join Mindful Mondays live on Zoom. If you are interested in increasing your ability to regulate your emotions, move through the world more purposefully, and manage overwhelming anger and anxiety, consider registering for updates on upcoming programs and sign up for your free consultation
Disclaimer: This content is intended for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for mental health treatment. It is important for survivors of abuse to find mental health professionals who understand trauma and abusive relationships. Please seek support from trusted and trained practitioners. This content is not meant to be used by anyone as diagnostic criteria. Permissions have not been granted for anyone to utilize this material as a source to make allegations about specific individuals. Any online content produced by Michelle Minette and F! All That Wellness Coaching is an educational discussion about narcissism which is a descriptive term for tendencies and behavioral patterns. Individuals with narcissistic features or tendencies do not necessarily meet DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. The terms narcissistic and narcissism are used as descriptions of tendencies and behaviors and are not meant as clinical terms.
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guidehealth · 3 months
🌟 Ignite your Monday with a burst of vitality! 🚀 Ever thought about making avocados your go-to Monday fuel? Let's unravel the secrets to kickstart your week with energy and enthusiasm! 🥑💪
🌈 Avocado Monday Magic: 1️⃣ Morning Boost: Jumpstart your day with a nutrient-packed avocado smoothie. 2️⃣ Brainpower Breakfast: Avocado toast to enhance cognitive function. 3️⃣ Snack Smart: Avocado slices for sustained energy.
And here's the key to making your Monday truly extraordinary! 🔑 Introducing NeuroActiv6 – your essential tool for a focused and productive week. 🧠🚀
✨ NeuroActiv6 supports mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive function, ensuring you conquer Monday with brilliance. Say goodbye to Monday blues and hello to a week filled with accomplishments!
Ready to turn your Mondays into a powerhouse of productivity? 🌟 Swipe up now and make avocados and NeuroActiv6 your Monday morning ritual! 🥑💼
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metromedi-2022 · 7 months
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julierysava · 8 months
🌟 Welcome to the First Week of September 2023: Embrace the Beginning of Fall! 🍂🍁
Hello, dear Tumblr community! Can you believe it's already September? 🗓️ As the summer sun begins to wane, we're here to embrace the changing of seasons and welcome the cozy, colorful world of autumn. Let's dive into this first week of September with enthusiasm and a sense of wonder. Here's what's in store for you:
🍁 Mindful Mondays: A Fresh Start
Kickstart your week with a dose of positivity and intention. Mondays are for new beginnings, so take a moment to set your goals, practice gratitude, or simply enjoy a hot cup of tea while you contemplate the beauty of the changing leaves outside your window. 🍂✨
🎨 Creative Tuesdays: Unleash Your Inner Artist
This Tuesday, let your creative juices flow. Whether you're an artist, writer, musician, or simply someone who appreciates creativity, take a moment to create something beautiful. Share your creations with the world or keep them as a personal reminder of the artistic spirit within you. 🎵🎨
🌿 Wellness Wednesdays: Nurture Your Body and Mind
Midweek, it's time to focus on self-care. Explore ways to nurture your body, mind, and soul. Try a new healthy recipe, practice yoga, meditate, or simply take a long walk in the crisp autumn air. Remember, taking care of yourself is a beautiful act of self-love. 💆‍♀️💖
📚 Throwback Thursdays: Celebrate Nostalgia
On Thursdays, let's take a trip down memory lane. Share your favorite childhood memories, music, movies, or books which are holding a special place in your heart. Nostalgia has a unique way of connecting us across time and space, so let's celebrate it together. 📼📖
🧐 Friday Explorer: Discover Something New
As the weekend approaches, feed your curiosity. Explore a new topic, hobby, or skill. Share interesting facts, documentaries, or stories to inspire you. Friday is all about expanding your horizons and sparking meaningful conversations. 🌎🌟
🤗 Social Saturdays: Connect with the Community
Saturdays are for bonding. Reach out to friends, family, or fellow Tumblr users. Share your thoughts, experiences, and dreams. Connection and community are what make our online world so special. Let's cherish these moments together. 🤝💬
🌌 Soothing Sundays: Find Serenity
Wrap up the week with tranquility. Whether it's a calming meditation, a nature walk, or simply reading your favorite book, let Sundays be a soothing balm for your soul. Recharge and prepare for the adventures of the week ahead. 📚🍃
Remember, this first week of September is a blank canvas, waiting for your unique brushstrokes. Embrace the beauty of change, the comfort of routine, and the joy of shared experiences. Here's to a wonderful start to this lovely autumn month. 🍁🌻
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2scoopsblog · 8 months
How Peanut Butter Boosts Your Health
Many of us have grown up with peanut butter as a staple in our pantries. But few recognize the remarkable health benefits packed into every creamy or crunchy spoonful. As nutrition science progresses, peanut butter emerges not just as a delicious treat, but as a health-boosting superfood.
The Nutritional Breakdown of Peanut Butter:
First, let’s delve into the nutritional composition of peanut butter. A mere two-tablespoon serving offers:
8 grams of protein: Essential for muscle building and tissue repair.
16 grams of healthy fats: A mix of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that promote heart health.
3 grams of fiber: Critical for digestive health and satiety.
Vitamins and Minerals Galore
Peanut butter isn't just about macronutrients. It's a treasure trove of vital vitamins and minerals:
Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant, crucial for skin health.
Magnesium: Supports muscle function and bone health.
Potassium: Regulates fluid balance and controls electrical activity of the heart.
Phosphorus: Works with calcium to build strong bones and teeth.
Heart Health and Peanut Butter: A Dynamic Duo
Consuming peanut butter can be advantageous for your cardiovascular system. The monounsaturated fats in peanut butter are known to reduce bad cholesterol levels, thereby lowering the risk of heart diseases. Studies have consistently shown that regular consumption of nuts or nut butters is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.
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Peanut Butter and Weight Management:
While it's calorie-dense, peanut butter can play a role in weight management. The protein and fiber content help you feel full, reducing overall calorie intake. Furthermore, the healthy fats in peanut butter provide long-lasting energy, preventing mid-day energy slumps and overeating.
Blood Sugar Regulation with Every Spoonful:
Peanut butter has a low glycemic index. This means it releases sugar into the bloodstream slowly, preventing rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar. Stable blood sugar levels can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and help those managing the condition.
Enhancing Brain Health:
The healthy fats in peanut butter are not only good for the heart but the brain as well. These fats, combined with other nutrients like antioxidants, can protect the brain from oxidative stress and support overall cognitive function.
Tips for Choosing the Right Peanut Butter
Not all peanut butters are created equal. When selecting, ensure you choose varieties that:
Have no added sugars.
Are free from hydrogenated oils.
Have no artificial additives.
Reading the ingredient list is crucial. Ideally, the list should be short, with peanuts being the primary (or only) ingredient.
How to Incorporate Peanut Butter into Your Diet
The versatility of peanut butter makes it easy to include in your meals:
Spread on whole grain toast.
Blend into smoothies.
Mix into oatmeal or yogurt.
Use as a dip for fruits and vegetables.
Incorporate into sauces and dressings.
The Power of Antioxidants in Peanut Butter:
It might come as a surprise to many, but peanut butter is a potent source of antioxidants. The key antioxidant is resveratrol. Commonly associated with grapes and red wine, resveratrol has garnered attention for its potential anti-aging, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, like peanut butter, can help counteract the harmful effects of oxidative stress in the body.
Benefits for Skin and Hair:
Peanut butter's rich nutrient profile can also play a pivotal role in maintaining skin and hair health. The healthy fats moisturize the skin from within, while vitamins like Vitamin E offer protection from harmful UV rays. On the other hand, proteins present in peanut butter are the building blocks for lustrous, strong hair. Applying peanut butter directly as a mask can provide deep conditioning, though remember to wash it out thoroughly!
Building and Repairing Muscles:
For fitness enthusiasts and athletes, peanut butter is an excellent dietary addition. The combination of protein and healthy fats aids muscle repair and growth post-exercise. It provides sustained energy, making it an ideal pre-workout snack, especially when paired with complex carbohydrates like whole grain bread.
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Bone Health and Density:
Peanut butter is rich in essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus. These minerals play a vital role in maintaining bone density, particularly as we age. Regular consumption can contribute to stronger bones, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis in the long run.
Mental Well-being and Mood Enhancement:
There's more to peanut butter than meets the eye. The presence of tryptophan, an amino acid, can boost serotonin production in the brain. Serotonin is often termed the 'feel-good' neurotransmitter. Elevated levels can uplift mood and combat symptoms of depression and anxiety. So, the next time you're feeling down, a spoonful of peanut butter might just be the pick-me-up you need.
The Role of Fiber in Digestive Health:
While it's not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of fiber-rich foods, peanut butter does contribute to your daily fiber intake. This fiber aids in smooth digestion and ensures regular bowel movements, preventing constipation and other digestive issues.
A Word of Caution:
While the health benefits of peanut butter are numerous, it's essential to consume it in moderation. Being calorie-dense, overconsumption can lead to excessive calorie intake. It's always best to pair it with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
Conclusion: Embrace the Creamy Goodness:
Peanut butter, when chosen wisely and consumed in moderation, can be a fantastic addition to a health-conscious diet. Its rich array of nutrients, combined with its potential to boost heart and brain health, make it more than just a sandwich spread. It's a superfood that deserves a prominent place in our kitchens and our hearts.
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mergefamily · 1 year
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🚨 Friendly reminder 🚨 It's always important to be considerate of others' feelings, especially in today's world. Let's all make an effort to be more mindful and empathetic towards one another. ❤️
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postitforward · 5 months
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Hello there 👋
Welcome back to Mindful Mondays! 🧘
Mondays are, famously, most people’s seventh favorite day of the week. And Mondays where everything is darker, longer, and colder than normal? Thanks, but no thanks.
But don’t panic; we’ve got something to help. It might be small, but it can make a big difference. Just ten minutes of mindfulness can go a long way, and taking some time out to sit down, slow down, and breathe can help center your thoughts and balance your mood. Sometimes, the best things in life really are free.
This year, we have teamed up with the good folks at @nasa. They want you to tune in and space out to relaxing music and ultra-high-definition visuals of the cosmos—from the surface of Mars.  
Sounds good, right? Well, it gets better. Watch more Space Out episodes on NASA+, a new no-cost, ad-free streaming service.
Why not give it a try? Just a few minutes this Monday morning can make all the difference, and we are bringing mindfulness straight to you. 
🧘WATCH: Space Out with NASA: Martian Landscapes, 11/27 at 1pm EST🧘
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sketchesinstillness · 4 months
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the-iron-duck93 · 1 year
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i-gelo-ederson · 10 months
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Sunday, July 3, 2023 @ 04:55 am
Today is the first day of my new job & as I stepped into the elevator, I couldn't help but capture the excitement in a quick selfie. Everything feels so fresh and unfamiliar - a completely new environment with new faces of people I'll be working with. It's a mix of nerves and anticipation, wondering what experiences lie ahead. But despite the uncertainty, I can't help but laugh at the thought of all the new challenges, or as I playfully call them, "new shits." It's a reminder to embrace the unknown with humor and a positive attitude.
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secular-mente · 28 days
Secular Education: Empowering Young Minds
Education is the key to a brighter future, but secular education is often under threat from religious indoctrination and pseudoscience. Explore the importance of secular education in fostering critical thinking, scientific literacy, and respect for diverse beliefs. Together, let's champion evidence-based learning and empower the next generation to think for themselves and question the world around them.
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briskwinits · 6 months
Monday Motivation!
For more details, Visit: https://briskwinit.com/
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
i’m like 1/4 of the way through but I’m already howling and Oprah is already there profiting off misery lol
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consciouslyvegan · 2 years
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taubenlover-blog · 5 months
Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt
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