#mike wheeler is gay club
votel4dybird · 2 years
when eleven finds out abt byler i don’t want a sad revelation about how her boyfriend didn’t love her or a pissed off attitude due to hurt.
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i want to see this face as she starts planning the wedding, family pet, and amount of children.
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bestbirdlawyer · 1 month
Seriously who would win
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
“Oh god it’s covered in hearts.” Gareth says, staring horrified at the stage that’s been set up in the cafeteria. Grant and Jeff stand next to him, eyeing the abomination of glitter, paper, and tinsel that’s been shaped into pink and red hearts with a microphone standing proud in the middle.
Several of Hawkin’s jocks are standing to the side, talking amongst themselves, but worse is the crowd of students accumulating in front of the stage.
“You don’t think they’re gonna serenade us for Valentine's Day, do you?” Jeff asks in a similar tone of horror.
Grant makes a disgusted face at the very thought.
“It’s about time they gave me my own mic!” Eddie cackles, slamming his hands down on Gareth and Jeff’s shoulders for leverage, jumping up for a better look (Grant smartly ducked away before his friend can crawl all over him too), “I’ve only been going on about the capitalistic horrors of Valentine's Day since middle school!”
They groan in unison..
Eddie’s got a look on his face that says he’s about to vault up on stage and do this year's rant in style; Gareth will be damned if he lets Eddie get detention on a Hellfire campaign night.
“Eddie, no.” Gareth warns, as his best friend tries to worm his way past them.
“Eddie, yes.” He grins, bolting forward even as multiple hands reach out to yank him back.
“Whatever they’re doing we do not want to get in the middle!” Jeff hisses in his ear as Grant reaches for his middle (already once tricked by grabbing Eddie’s jacket, which he simply shrugged out of). Gareth does his part, holding firmly onto one of Eddie’s hands. Eddie bravely tries to stagger forward, despite the efforts of what looks like some kind of mutant tangle of human limbs.
“Come here microphone, my beloved!” He pants, comically reaching his arms out towards the stage, before Grant promptly stops fooling around and hefts him into the air.
“Nooo--the people need to hear me!” Eddie wails, thrashing.
Gareth rolls his eyes and spots three familiar faces in doing so. Freezes so abruptly that the arm he was holding onto slips out of his grip, allowing Eddie to deploy a tickle attack.
The result is Grant almost throwing him to the floor, with Jeff forced to let go or fall.
Free to cause chaos, Eddie throws his hands in the air, grinning widely.
“Is that…the freshman, up there?” Gareth asks before his best friend can crow victory.
“I’m sure there’s many freshmen up there, buddy.” Grant says with false sincerity as he regains his breath.
“No, not--I mean our freshmen! Henderson, Wheeler, and Sinclair!” He points, and sure enough, on the side of the crowd opposite the jocks, there stood Hellfire’s youngest with their heads put together.
“Now just what are they up to, I wonder?” Eddie ponders aloud, before shrugging his jacket back in place and strutting forward.
Trading uneasy looks with each other, his friends follow.
“The auction isn’t kicking off until 6 pm.” Henderson says, as he carefully counts the individual bills in his hand. “We know that besides the basketball team and the cheerleading team, they’ve got like, the Mayor involved, and the fire department, which means--”
“A lot of people are going to be there.” Mike interrupts, arms crossed over his arms. “That’s what it means, Dustin. What’s the point if every girl there is going to be bidding on him?”
“Were you even listening, Mike? I just said there’s a bunch of other people they’re auctioning off!”
Wheeler Jr. pulls a face that nearly makes Eddie laugh (and thus give up the fact he was slowly sneaking up on them) before the kid shoots back, “We have five dollars total Dustin. I don’t think that’s going to be enough.”
“Not to buy a whole person.” Eddie says, voice dropping to imitate the current big bad in their D&D campaign, “But five dollars is a fair price for a body part I’d say…”
He trails off with a cackle as the three freshmen startle away from him like spooked horses. “Now what--or who--are you buying?”
“They’re gonna explain it here in a minute,” Dustin says after he recovers, waving at the girls in front of the stage with a hand. “But there’s some big charity fundraiser happening tonight. Right now they’re voting one guy from the basketball team and one girl from the cheerleading squad to represent the school, but they’re auctioning off a bunch of people.” Dustin explains, holding up his fistful of dollars with a wild grin.
“If you’re the highest bidder, you get to spend the day with the person you bid on.” Lucas adds, because Dustin skipped right over that part. “Since it’s Valentine's Day themed, they’re referring to them as “winning a date”.
Well that explained all the giggling cheerleaders.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, “I’d ask if this is Sinclair’s bail money, but as my last two years remind me, it’s only for juniors and seniors. Not--” He playfully slings an arm around Lucas’s shoulders, “--for the darkside’s newest recruits.”
The uncomfortable look Lucas gives him is almost enough to make Eddie feel bad, but it’s not his fault Lucas was tempted by the evils of highschool sportsball. He figures the kid will come to his senses soon enough, and considering how awful the jocks are, it won’t be too long before Sinclair is 100% a Hellfire club member again.
“Which begs the question.” Eddie continues, slinging an arm over Mike’s shoulder as well. “What are you scheming? I’d ask if you’re buying me a date, but,'' He gives an over-dramatic sigh,” alas, no one can survive the charms of Eddie the Banished.”
“Charm is one word for it.” Jeff says, as the rest of Hellfire finally catches up. Gareth and Grant roll their eyes as Mike and Lucas chuckle weakly at Eddie’s exaggerated pout.
He drops his arms from his little lamb’s shoulders, taking a step back and looking around at the growing crowd.
“Hush Jeff. Let’s see if ol’ Eddie can guess who our brethren here have their eyes on. I wonder if…” He trails off, dragging out the last word as he does so before a bright, teasing smile lights up his face. “Aha! I see one Miss Cunningham. Are we bidding on her for Sir Gareth?”
A sputtering noise erupts behind him, as Eddie turns with glee to watch Gareth practically choke on soda he’d just taken a sip of, Grant thumping him on the back.
“Eddie.” Gareth hisses, and somehow it sounds like a warning even if his voice has a slight wheeze to it.
“What?” Eddie says, full of faux innocence. “We all know the lengths you’ve gone to get her attention recently.”
Gareth’s gone bright red, a testament to the fact that he’s been mooning over Chrissy Cunningham since the day she complimented one of his drawings.
His over-the-top moaning of how to woo her away from Jason is a prospect Eddie tolerates only because he himself has gone through great lengths to impress men that will never once look his way, let alone consider him as a romantic option.
(And also because Gareth, as Eddie’s best friend and confidant, was well aware of Eddie’s own crush on one Steve Harrington.
Apparently, Hellfire’s members were just cursed to fall for jocks.)
“They want to bet on Steve.” Mike says with an eye roll, apparently done with this entire charade.
For two seconds Eddie thinks that he’s somehow spoken the part about Steve aloud and that Mike is somehow echoing his deepest, innermost thoughts but is saved from panicking further by Dustin adding;
“We’re gonna make him play a campaign with us.”
The kid’s grin makes his eyes sparkle, which is completely at odds with the way Eddie’s stomach plummets.
“He played D&D with my sister, Eddie.” Lucas says, feigning a hurt look. “My kid sister, but not me?”
“Harrington played D&D?” Gareth’s voice implies he doesn’t believe it, and honestly? Had it not been for the freshmen, he wouldn’t have believed anything that was said about Harrington. He was on the verge of tears with laughter when they told him that the almighty King Steve was their chauffeur. They had to be lying about how often they hung out with Steve to begin with, right? Because there was just no way.
Except they weren’t. They really, really, weren’t.
It only took a handful of times of watching Steve pick them up from Hellfire, and then seeing the entire extended group (including Sinclair’s on-again-off-again girlfriend and Robin Buckley of all people) bouncing around Harrington like over excited puppies all over town.
The arcade. Downtown Hawkins. The local milkshake diner and the stupid movie theater.
“You guys are going to bid on Steve Harrington and make him play D&D.” Jeff clarifies, and Eddie doesn’t blame him for doing that either.
It’s the stupidest thing he’s heard all day, and he spent the last hour and a half listening to Mr. Rulf yawn on about parallelograms.
“Yeah! You guys wanna pitch in and help?”
“Absolutely not.” Eddie sneers. He can’t help himself--this is against everything he’s ever stood for.
Stupid thoughts of stupid Steve going on a stupid date with him, aside.
“Yeah guys, I think we’re gonna eat outside today. If you wanna listen to…whatever,” Jeff casts his eyes towards the cheerleader that’s bounding up the steps of the stage, ponytail bouncing, “ then go right ahead.”
“Oh we don’t need to listen to this.” Dustin dismisses the entire thing with a wave of his hand, making Mike roll his eyes again.
Somewhere in his campaign notes there’s a joke written about Wheeler Jr’s eyes getting stuck like that. Eddie hadn’t planned on bringing it out tonight, but a part of him really wants to.
Maybe if he can talk the freshman out of their idiotic idea, he’ll reward himself and do it tonight anyways.
….Or he could still steal that microphone.
xXx Steve xXx
Steve has no idea how he got talked into this.
Actually, that’s a lie, he knows how it started: a phone call, his mother, and a sudden way for her to be in the spotlight for her yearly fifteen minutes of Hawkins fame. He just can’t recall why he agreed to it.
“It's an opportunity, Steven." She says, heels clicking against the department store tile.
An embarrassment is what it was, but Steve knew better than to tell his mother that.
"You should be honored that Wendy--that’s the head chair of the charity board, you remember her don't you? She used to attend your piano recitals--she asked for you personally." His mother expertly plucked a shirt from the rack, holding it up to the light.
"Those were your parties mom, not my piano recitals." Steve reminds her as she holds the shirt out to him. He took it, adding it to the stack he had in his hands.
The parties were the exact same kind of shit this as this “Valentine's Day Fundraiser” a way for rich people to celebrate themselves by making others uncomfortable.
Only instead of being forced to play piano so his mothers friends could wine and dine with the famous Harrington's, he was being hauled up in front of the entire town (or whoever was attending this stupid event) and auctioned off as a “date” to the highest bidder.
(“It’s for one day, Steven, don’t be so dramatic. Why is your generation entirely incapable of taking a joke and having fun?” His mother had said, when he tried to tell her he wasn’t comfortable with the idea.
Of course there was no answer that would please her; soon enough, Steve found himself dragged about town as his mother played dress up.)
"You'll be standing alongside the Mayor, the fire department, even that idiot, Mary Marie--"
She stops for a moment, eyeing a jacket with a critical eye.
Just as quickly she dismisses it with a hum, prowling on to the next section.
"--the point is that there will be plenty of candidates for the children to pick from, but you’ll be the only hero up there."
That same critical eye turns on him, appraising him like he was no more than a horse in her stable, adding up imperfections and dividing amongst his best qualities.
(Despite a lifetime of training, it still takes everything in him not to squirm.)
"Not to mention a Harrington.” She purrs, taking a step closer to run a manicured hand down the front of his shirt, smoothing away a stray crease. “Women will be throwing money to win a day with you."
Steve has to fight not to outright shudder.
"Which means you have to look your best. Now stop whining, we’re almost done.”
Steve doubts that, but it doesn’t matter; he never had a choice to begin with.
Four hours, one shower, and several rounds of his mother’s nagging and meticulous styling, ,Steve finds himself back in Hawkin’s High, staring at the gym.
His mother had long swept past him, having spotted some high school friends and gone over to lord her lifestyle and general wealth over them.
For a fundraiser, the charity board in charge had spared no expense in dressing the gym up. Red, pink and white balloons decorated the doorways and a large stage hauled to one end.
Tables with thick, white table cloth are artfully arranged about the floor, caterers swiftly moving between them.
This is probably the fanciest this gym has ever looked, and Steve wants to be anywhere but inside it.
“Oh--Steve.” A gentle voice says next to him, and Steve turns his head in surprise to see Chrissy Cunningham look nervously up at him. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Me neither honestly.” He tells her, watching the way that makes the younger woman smile. “But I’ve been volun-told to be auctioned off. What about yourself?”
Chrissy runs her hands down her dress, a modest if not beautiful blue halter dress , wincing as she snags a nail on it. “The school held a vote at lunch about who would represent the school tonight. All of the varsity cheerleaders and basketball players were involved.”
“I see.” Steve says, keeping his voice gentle and playful. There had always been a part of Chrissy that had reminded him of El. Someone who needed kind words in their life. “You got voted as tonight’s sacrifice, huh?”
Chrissy laughs at that, hand flying to cover her mouth. “I guess you could say that.” She says, and seems surprised at herself for it.
“Did Jason get picked too?” Steve asks. It would make sense if he was, the guy was the basketball Captain after all.
Chrissy nods, then chews on her lip. “Yes but--he’s not happy about it,”
Steve snorts and tries to cover it with a cough. “None of us are.”
“It’s more that I’m being auctioned off.”
Chrissy must catch the look on his face because she rushes to add; “You know, like any boyfriend would be! I know it’s just supposed to be a fun silly thing and they’re not really dates but…” She trails off, voice growing quieter at the end. “He worries.”
The word “worry” sounds like it means something else entirely.
Steve feels for her.
“Hey, if Jason’s an ass about it, let me know.” Steve says after a moment of shared silence. “You don’t deserve to deal with him being a kid about this shit.”
Chrissy blinks up at him at that, hand almost to her mouth as though she’d subconsciously raised them up to chew on her nails. “Thanks Steve. That’s nice of you.” She whispers it, and Steve nods and smiles at her.
“There you two are!” A woman says, rushing over with a clipboard. “Steve Harrington and Chrissy Cunningham, right? We’re gathering all the dates behind those doors.” She turns and points to the opposite end of the gym. “If you both would follow me please?”
Steve motions for Chrissy to go first, and moves to follow her when a flash of curls crushed down by a blur of white, blue and electric yellow catches his eye.
He turns automatically, seeking it out and sure enough, ducking down the hall is Henderson, Sinclair hot on his heels.
A familiar mixture of emotions lights up Steve’s spine, and he knows immediately he won’t be able to rest until he figures out what the gremlins are up to--because their Hellfire Club was supposedly canceled today on grounds that Munson had stolen a microphone, or some other crap.
“I’m really sorry, I’ll join you in a second!” Steve calls, before darting down the hall, after them.
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steve and dustin’s relationship makes me so happy
Thinking about how the Hellfire Club would respond to them being friends because how the HELL did nerdy dnd player Dustin fucking Henderson become friends with the former king of Hawkins High, Steve “The Hair” Harrington? Because the last they knew of Steve, he was a jock, he threw parties in his giant mansion (that no one in Hellfire had ever been to) and he was just an all around asshole.
The first time Steve shows up in his fancy car (that was actually his fathers) wearing his preppy clothes and waiting in the parking lot, they assume he’s there to beat them up. Of course, they’re the freaks, the losers who don’t go to the basketball games and instead spend their time sitting in an empty classroom playing fantasy games. So what else would they expect?
When Dustin tells the club, “Oh, no he’s basically our mom he’s driving us home tonight”, they don’t believe him. They don’t know why he would be lying, but the people in the club who were at Hawkins High when The King was at the peak of his reign were honestly scared. They were at the bottom rung of the social ladder, if anyone was gonna bully anyone in Hawkins High, it would be the Hellfire Club. Although they were scared, they had formed some sort of bond with these 3 freshmen and they decided to walk out with them to the car. The kids leading the pack, Eddie, Gareth and Jeff slightly behind.
When they reach the car, the older kids try to get in front of the freshmen, but Mike and Lucas rush to Steve, each giving him a fist bump before Dustin reaches him and they perform an intricate handshake that has obviously been practiced a lot. The older kids can’t get exactly what’s happening, but they know there’s a lightsaber part and that it is a very complicated handshake that you wouldn’t learn for just anyone. Mike and Lucas fondly roll their eyes before getting into the backseat of Steve’s car, obviously having seen this same routine done before. Dustin laughs before getting in shotgun and Steve turns to Eddie. Eddie is dumbfounded, because whatever he was expecting Steve to do, it’s wasn’t this. As Steve turns to him and the rest of Hellfire, thanking them for giving the kids something to do that’s fun after school and sticking his hand out for Eddie to shake, Eddie can feel his old crush returning and he hopes he’ll see more of Steve soon.
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peachyponyboyy · 26 days
𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 2.0
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80's obsessed
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it." -Ferris Bueller
E n j o y y o u r v i s i t !
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justmy-account · 7 months
we all wanted Eddie to meet Will and be like „ wheeler won’t stop talking abt you :)”, but bc of… some reasons that won’t happen, we gave up on this scenario.
but what if;
the rest of hellfire club will meet Will
someone(for example Lucas) says sth like this to Will; „ too bad you didn’t get to meet Eddie, he always wanted to meet you, Mike told him a lot abt you”
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So, Eddie and Steve are dating, so obviously their friend groups meet. The spicy six meet Corroded Coffin and the Hellfire Club. Let's just say, Gareth and Steve hit it off- they hit it off very well. They talked about hair and music, Gareth being a former ABBA fan and everything. And it's all going well, and Eddie's just glad everyone's getting along.
Gareth also gets a long with Will once he joins Hellfire. The older boy is only one year above him, so he easily makes conversations with Will. And they too talk about music. They both love Queen and Motley Crue. And they also both have an appreciation for art. Will likes making art and Gareth likes observing it. They work well together, they make each other happy
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dallasbyersclub · 2 years
so if mike did in fact have a gay realization moment at the end of season three (alá el kissing him in front of open closet) and in season four joined the hellfire club... does that mean mike got sent to super hell for being gay
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votel4dybird · 2 years
average mileven enjoyer to gay and lesbian revelation pipeline hits like a truck season 3
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freedemon · 2 years
fanon smalltown boy mike, season 1 mike and season 2 mike are the only mike wheelers i will accept
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frogwheeler · 2 years
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
It always makes me laugh how they instructed the actors playing the wrestlers to finish the scene fighting like that, one catching the other from behind, and both making sus movements 😭
FR the evidence from extras is probably my favorite.
Because if you think about it, these people are being instructed to do things so specifically for the shot to work. Sometimes it's just one or two shots, which means that they were most definitely given very specific direction. And even in cases where they're appearing in the background in multiple shots, it's clear their presence has this consistency to it, almost like the director was very much taking note of them specifically among the others who are more haphazard, making a point to stay to follow continuity to a T alongside the main cast.
Like the two boys in the background at Rink O Mania who look like they're on a date, becoming visible the second El leaves and it's just Mike and Will? Classic! Or the boy and girl that Mike sits between at lunch in Hawkins, with the girl behind him in the scarf (El during Mike's monologue) and the boy beside Mike to his right (Will during Mike's monologue), all while listening to a conversation about forced conformity and how it's kills the kids?? Or let's not forget the iconic 'I love contact sports' shirt guy or the blue and yellow fit bro at Rink-O-Mania (that extra shows up for more shots than other extra, including the first shot outside of Rink-O-Mania when they pull up!).
The wrestling scene is so on the nose though, it's actually hilarious! I remember that was like the moment a friend of mine accepted byler as happening. Basically we had watched Game Over, Man on Netflix and we were talking about the gay subtext in it with Blake's character and how obvious it was. This predictably led me on a tangent about ST and how Mike is queer based on a lot of subtext and I told her I could convince her with 4x01 alone. So she accepted the challenge and it was hilarious. The closet at the start had her side eyeing, same with the posters in Mike's room. Then Mike staring at Eddie all awestruck had her geeking out and she was actually starting to consider. Then the wrestling scene popped up and she was pretty much convinced to the point of needing a moment of silence lmao
Like it really is that easy to pick up on if you are open to it and also open to having it be pointed out to you. And yet, it's also so subtle that it's easy to overlook it all in that first viewing, especially when you're focused on like 10 storylines at once.
I will say I am impressed with how they have managed to make it so subtle yet so obvious at the same time. It's going to make endgame that much more hilariously epic.
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cannot believe this is actually mike wheeler
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iamyourdensityy · 2 years
Jonathan Byers, President of the Mike Wheeler Hate Club
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Here's the ribbon if you would like to use it 😌
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thinger-strang · 2 years
reverse au where argyle is the one who moves up to hawkins and becomes the lifeguard that summer and billy is the one who stays in california and ends up becoming the byers shitty chauffeur and begrudging friends with jonathan (just for the weed tho)
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