#midnighter dc
liebelesbe · 16 days
Midnighter and Apollo for @supericelight!!!
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[ID: A pixel drawing of Midnighter and Apollo holding hands in front of a background that's half light purple and half dark purple. In the first image the dark side is behind Midnighter, in the second image it's behind Apollo. End ID]
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deathblossomm · 1 year
FANCAST: Neil Ellice as Midnighter
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the next projects that dc has in mind have been announced and one of them is "The authority". In this group of superheroes there is one called Lucas Trent A.K.A Midnighter (no, he's not related to Batman he just has a similar physique) that has a lot of possibilities to appear in this movie or series. I thought that a great choice to play the character is Neil, since besides having a similar appearance and having already worn a mohawk in his Soap Mactavish character, I think Neil could capture Midnighter's personality very well.
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gothamsglam · 2 years
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sun and moon
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spiritmoodboards · 1 year
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Shipboard for Midnighter and Apollo (DC Comics) Love themes For @slankyh :) Hope you enjoy!
Send an ask, we’re open!!
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Has anyone done midnighter as a Tom of Finland illustration yet
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soranatus · 20 days
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DC Pride: Uncovered (2024) #1 variant cover by Oscar Vega 
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 8 months
DPXDC Watch Out, He Bites
Danny did his best to be the best big brother possible, he helped his little brother learn and train to be the best, even if he knew what it meant. He protected Damian through thick and thin, and as he stared down at the corpse of his grandfather's enforcer in the sand he knew he'd just signed his own death warrant.
Danny had seen it coming for a while, even as the oldest son he'd never been what grandfather had expected of him, too soft and moral. He suspected that was why mother had Damian in the first place, to replace him as heir- and he never held it against his little brother. But stepping in the way of Grandfather's punishment for Damian would not go unnoticed, this would be the last way he would protect his little brother for a very long time.
Daniel turned to Damian, tears coming to his eyes as he wipes the blood and viscera off his hands and out from under his nails. "I can't stay." He saw his little brother's hands ball up as he started to shake. "I'm sorry, if you ever need a place to hide, then come find me."
Years later, Damian struggles to find purpose after the death of his father, and rather than be Robin to Dick's Batman he goes on a cross country road trip to find his big brother who would do anything to protect him.
But when Bruce comes back from being stuck in the time stream, Damian introduces him to his eldest son. They get along fine at first, but then some goon tries to kidnap Damian Wayne for the ransom money, and Danny gets there first.
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iamindifferenttolamp · 5 months
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why-i-love-comics · 6 days
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DC Pride: Love & Justice (2024)
art by David Talaski
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deathblossomm · 8 months
Hey Neil Ellice nation!!! Since Neil is not so active, I have an activity for y'all
If you could cast Neil to be part of the live action of a comic book, manga, anime, video game or book that you like, which character from which franchise would it be?
Here are a few that I personally would love and I know he would be fabulous
-Midnighter / Lucas Trent from DC comics
(I have a whole post dedicated to this fancast)
Neil Ellice as Midnighter
-Naked Snake/Big Boss, Solid Snake and Venom Snake from the metal gear saga
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-Slayer from the Doom saga
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-Garen Crownguard from League of Legends
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-Cyberpunk 2077
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one-bat-day · 5 days
CW: mentions of homophobia and use of the f-slur (by a gay man)
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t00thpasteface · 10 months
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he's silly
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midnight-phoeniix · 3 months
Prompt #11
Danny Phantom | DC
Wonder Woman has a nephew/uncle
Wonder woman came to the league with a teenager, said teenager was dropped of at her door by Clockwork.
It was months before she introduced him to her team, and so before that she gave him a grave on her island, and he has been slowly healing from everything that has happened.
And now Diana plans to introduce her to the Young Justice League, after all he needs enrichment.
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
thinking about some quotes i’ve read and i wanna hear your thoughts on them because i have a lot and i don’t know what to do with them.
“the day Dick Grayson turns evil is the day the universe ends, not because that day will never come but because the boy will make it come”
“Dick Grayson isn’t the universal constant of good. Dick Grayson is the universal constant of competence”
“So, having said all that, it is a few but definitely significant words that fill the contingency plan on Nightwing in case the hero of Bludhaven ever turns to the dark side. Let's hope that never happens.”
“the day Dick Grayson turns evil is the day the universe ends, not because that day will never come but because the boy will make it come”
This is the truest fact I've ever heard because this is really canon.
Word for word this happened.
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In one of the canon timelines Clark laser blasted Bruce under mind control.
And oh how Dick took over. You know what Luthor says?
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"After all, as I've heard your father [Dick] so often quoted, 'we make the hardest decisions for those we care about the most.' Well, in his case...that has meant remaking the world."
This man has the power to single-handedly control the fate of the world.
Whatever he wants, he will make it happen.
The entirety of the justice league, all the metas, heroes, and villains too stood no chance against him.
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DC vs Vampires
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“Dick Grayson isn’t the universal constant of good. Dick Grayson is the universal constant of competence”
I think it's true.
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Nightwing is one of the most formidable figures in DC, without fail consistently coming out on top, so if Superman is iterating that Dick's personality and essence of being is the same, then there's really no room for disagreement.
But more truly, I think he is a Nexus.
By Marvel's definition, "Nexus Beings are rare individual entities with the ability to affect probability and thus the future, thereby altering the flow of the Universal Time Stream. These beings, each referred to as a nexus, act as the keystones of the Multiverse and are crucial to its ultimate coherence and stability."
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That means that the universe hinges on the actions of Dick Grayson.
Not only does he control the fate of the world but his mere existence determines what will become of it by other people:
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I'd like to reiterate that Neux Beings are "the keystones of the Multiverse and are crucial to its ultimate coherence and stability."
You can still be a nexus if you turn dark. For example Lore was a dark version of Wanda Maximoff but she is still considered a nexus. So you're right in saying that Dick Grayson is a multiuniversal constant of competence.
“So, having said all that, it is a few but definitely significant words that fill the contingency plan on Nightwing in case the hero of Bludhaven ever turns to the dark side. Let's hope that never happens.”
In the easiest terms as someone put it, "hope he fucks up" is Bruce's only contingency plan against Nightwing. The man doesn't have a clear plan how to neutralize Nightwing.
His exact words are: "As a result of overanalyzing any situation, this allows Dick Grayson to overconfident and misdirected. This will make himself open to a second attack."
So the plan is basically 'Dick is too smart for his own good so we'll have to go with a lucky surprise attack.' He's literally saying 'yupppp. Let's just hope he messed up because there's nothing we can do on ouR end.' Note that Bruce doesn't even have a back up like 'the second attack didn't work? we're fucked.'
For everyone else he actually has a coherent plan in mind- do this and they will fall. But for Dick? 'I hope he messes up enough for a second attack to actually stick. Otherwise we're shit out of luck. And lives. Fingers crossed he doesn't jump to the bad side.'
Tim also confirmed he would never make a contingency plan for Dick. The only person in the world he wouldn't do one for.
He's just that formidable of a man. Even now he can easily take down the Justice League if he wanted to.
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And we know that Dick has one of the strongest wills on the planet.
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"I have my enhancements. I have powers. Dick Grayson...what do you have?"
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A world where Dick loses his emotions is a world that would not survive.
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browsethestacks · 10 days
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Apollo And Midnighter And Batwoman
Art by Fernando Blanco González
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soranatus · 3 months
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DC Pride (2024) anthology wraparound variant cover by David Talaski
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