#michael scofield imagines
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Michael Scofield x reader
Summary: you visit Michael in prison for the first time<3
[P.s this is my first time writing a fanfic so sorry for bad writing & bad Spelling :( ]
Michael Scofield.... Michael Scofield the man you had fallen head over heels for. The both of you had been dating for about 1 year and a half you loved him so much you'd so anything for him and he'd do the same for you.
You were there when his older brother Lincoln got framed and was sentenced you helped him threw everything he was always there for you the least you could do was be there for him......untill he told you his plan to break his brother out of prison and save him from a unfair death you were nervous of course but you knew there was no changing his mind.."so if you can't beat him join him" you thought so you helped with whatever you could..
You sat In a visiting room feeling extremely anxious, unconsciously jutting your leg up and down starting at a window far away from you it was dirty causing you to barley make out the blurring image from the outside World that was until you heard a loud shout form a guard looking up you see him
"Michael..." you say softly looking up at your lover he was in handcuffes a gaurd leading him to you, you immediately stand up as the guard unlocked his handcuffes not before warning him to behave. Before you can even think you rush over to him pulling his body to yours wrapping your arms around his upper body shoving your face in his neck desperate to smell his comforting scent he was a little taken aback but immediately hugged you back squeezing you tightly shoving his face into your hair ,he swayyed the both of you one big hand running up your back to press to the back of your head pulling you in closer
You feel tears orick your eyes it feels so amazing to have him I. Your eyes again Michael hears a quite sniffle you let out softly pulling your face out for his neck to cup your face with his strong hands the softness soft your face feeling soothing in his hands
"Don't cry sweetheart.."
Michael whispers to you his sultry voice soothing you
He looks at you with so much love in his eyes he leans in kissing the tears off your cheeks
He looks over your face
"..God you look stunning..I love you so much we'll be together soon you mean so much to me you know that"
This is where you belonged in his arms although this was temporary he'd be all yours again...soon <3
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mrsgreenworld · 7 months
So I've been off the radar here again. Life keeps being crazy and the dizi world has been so freaking disappointing, tbh. Been done with Safir for a while now. And then kinda took a little break from dizis all together. But I checked out a new Gülseren show - Sakla Beni. It's a psychological slaughter house so I don't think I'll be watching it. Got enough psycho mess in my actual life now.
I binge watched Yabani, courtesy of @lolo-deli 😁 It's a decent show that's got a fast moving plot but it's nothing more than that for me.
And then yesterday completely out of the blue I decided to rewatch the first season of Prison Break and was reminded how good shows could actually be. I was reminded how much I love Michael Scofield and why he's one of my favourite characters ever. Besides the fact that he's a freaking genius, he's so damn gorgeous, his eyes alone will one day become my undoing. And then there's his beautiful heart that's bigger than the freaking universe. Imagine being loved by someone like him. It's a privilege I don't believe exists. At least not for me.
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Imagine trying to help Michael Scofield with his illness.
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After all of this time, all of the worrying, you finally knew what was wrong with Michael. He had been trying to hide his sickness, but as his partner, you had been able to see right through it. Taking him to the hospital. Hypothalamic Hamartoma.
And he would need to get surgery to remove the tumor from his brain. “I’m not doing it,” Michael would say, stubborn til the last, no matter how much you tried to get him to do it. “I’m not giving up now. We have to finish everything.”
“You’re not going to be able to do a goddamn thing if you’re dead,” You said, frowning. “Or even in the best case scenario, passing out all of the time. This is serious, not just losing a toe or a burn.”
“There’s no time!” Michael would argue, his eyes turned on you. He was in pain, it was evident, and he was fighting against it so hard. “I’ve just got to - get through the next couple of days, the next couple of stages-”
“If this was about wills, babe, I know that you would win. You can fight through anything but sometimes you have to lose a battle in order to win the war,” You would say, resting your head upon his shoulder. You just wanted to get through to him. You wanted him to live. You wanted him for the rest of your life. “And I’ll take care of you after, you know I will. And you’ll get better then we can figure all this out then-”
“I can’t,” Michael said, softly. “We have to break into the Company.”
“Fine,” You said, frowning, holding him closer. “But if anything happens to you, I’m bringing you back and saying I told you so. I mean it.”
“I know,” He said, and rubbed your arm gently, trying to reassure you that he knew what he was doing, despite the fact that neither of you knew how bad it could really get.
Requested by: @chughead101​
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fangirlfanwritings · 5 years
Michael Scofield Request
Hi, do you still write for Prison Break?:) If so I would love to request an imagine where the reader is Michael’s wife/girlfriend and she’s slowly moving on from him and he then shows up and she has very mixed feelings? Something like that. Thank you!
As your alarm clock rang your eyes jolted open and you reached for your phone. Turning off the alarm you stumbled into the bathroom; if there was any hope of looking decent today you needed to get yourself together before Mikey woke up. An hour quickly passed and just as you fixed the last piece of your hair you heard the pitter patter of feet make their way towards you.
“Momma,” he called into the room. You peered out of the bathroom and saw him dragging his blanket by his side. 
“Good morning, baby.” He walked over to you and tightly hugged your leg. You lifted him up and pressed a big kiss to his cheek. “How’d you sleep?”
“Good,” he laughed. “What doing today,” he choppily asked?
“First, we are going to have breakfast. Then, we are going to run and get groceries. Then, later this afternoon, Kaitlyn is coming over to babysit.”
“Miss. Kaitlyn,” he cheered. You carried him into the kitchen and made him some eggs and toast. After he was done you cleaned his face and took him to get dressed.
After walking the isles of the grocery store you found yourself leaving with more than you anticipated...or needed. Mikey had definitely gotten his sweet tooth from you, evident in the sweets that were now in the cart.
You looked at the clock as you drove and realized you would be cutting it close. By the time you made it home, unloaded the groceries, and gave Kaitlyn the run down of today, you would have about 10 minutes to meet Bob at the restaurant downtown for lunch.
You pulled into the driveway and got Mikey out first. “Can you go open the door for Mommy?” He went up to the door and let himself inside as you gathered as many bags as you could. 
“You need any help?” You jumped and hit your hit your head on the trunk door of your car. “I’m so sorry.”
You turned and saw the man who had been your fiance before he ended things and then got sent to prison. “Micheal? What the hell are you doing here?” Your heart felt like it was bursting as you looked at him. 
“Congratulations. Now if you’ll excuse me,” you turned to get more bags and run inside but he was by your side grabbing the rest. 
“Here, let me.” He grabbed them but you tried to stop him. 
“Michael, you can’t...I can’t let you go inside. I have plans.”
“Looks like you’ll be here long enough to unload and talk to me.” Before you could find another reason to get him to leave you, Mikey appeared in the doorway. 
“Who’s that, Mommy?”
You looked nervously up at the little boy who looked just like his father. “An old friend of Mommy’s, baby. Let’s go inside,” you cut Micheal a look telling him you’d speak inside. You set the bags on the counter and looked up at Michael. “If we’re going to talk I’ll need to make a few calls.” He nodded and kept his eyes on Mikey as he played with his toys.
You called Kaitlyn first and told her something came up and asked if she could pick Mikey up and take him to her house just down the road. She agreed and started walking over. “Mikey, go back your bag. Miss. Kaitlyn is coming over to get you. You’re going to play at her house, ok?” He ran off to pack his favorite toys. “I’ve got one more call to make,” you told Michael and walked out onto the front porch.
As the phone rang Kaitlyn walked up and you told her she could go on in. “Bob, hey,” you said as he answered. “I’m sorry to do this so last minute but something came up.” As you continued to apologize outside while Kaitlyn walked into the house and saw Micheal.
“Oh, hello. Y/N didn’t tell me she had a guest. I’m Kaitlyn, Mikey’s sitter.”
“I’m Michael. I’m an old...um...friend of Y/N’s. I surprised her so it’s a good thing you could sit so quickly.”
“Actually I was already supposed to watch Mikey. Y/N had a date with her boyfriend this afternoon.” Hearing those words made his stomach twist.
Before he could ask anymore questions you were walking back in, thanking Kaitlyn, and hugging Mikey goodbye. As the door closed you turned slowly back to Michael. “Mikey, huh?”
“Don’t start this with me, Michael.”
“I had the right to know.”
“The right?” You scoffed. “You ended our 6 year relationship out of the blue. You ripped my heart out. Then you robbed a bank and got thrown in prison. When I found out I was pregnant with Mikey I was still heartbroken and only saw you as the evil bastard convict that wasn’t good enough to be in my son’s life. You lost the right to know what happened in my life the second you ended things.”
“I did what I had to do, Y/N. It was the only way I could free Lincoln.”
“Well you going into prison and then breaking out with a handful of convicts also didn’t make me want to tell you about him.”
He nodded. “Fair enough. But everything I did, I did for you and Linc.” You continued to put things up. “So you have a boyfriend?”
You paused from the shock of him knowing. “Not really. I have been seeing someone though.”
“Is he a good man.”
“I don’t know if I know what that is anymore, but he seems like a decent guy. We’ve only been seeing each other for about a month.”
“But you’re not dating?” 
“I’ve got a kid to think about,” you reminded him, but you knew that wasn’t the entire truth.
“What else? You’ve got that look.”
“What else, is that the man who I planned to spend the rest of my life with broke my heart into a million pieces and left me with a little boy that I love more than anything. He left me and just as I start getting back into the dating game he shows up at my door acting like he hasn’t been gone for four years.” You slammed your hands on the counter and looked at him, trying not to get too emotional. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I really didn’t want to hurt you. I still- I still love you. You know that, right?”
“We can’t have this conversation right now, Micheal. We just can’t.”
“I understand. Maybe I could come back tomorrow after Mikey goes to bed and we could talk.” 
You looked at your feet and nodded. “Ok, sure. Be here around 8:30.” He got up and stopped beside you. You could tell he was debating on whether to reach out and touch you. Luckily, he didn’t and moved on to the door. When you heard it shut closed you felt yourself become overcome with feelings you had spent the last four years bottling up. 
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slytherbun · 3 years
ruining - prison break: series
mfm pairing: michael scofield x reader and lincoln burrows x reader. brother pairing: michael scofield x lincoln burrows.
summary of series: eight years and five months is enough time to experience major life choices and decisions. it's also plenty to miss out on when getting caught and arrested. the biggest surprise of all though is when you're transported to a level-one maximum security prison strictly for males.
warning: this is somewhat a canon version of the story but not all of the storylines will feature or add up in this series. it will obviously not follow all of the prison break's original plots because of the way it has to be written to include reader.
another warning: there will be a slow burn between lincoln and reader due to the first season's events.
note: the brother's relationship will remain close and not be affected with their pursuance in reader.
another note: lincoln doesn't receive enough love so i wanted to make it a poly series. and i know the show is older and it won't get as many views but i hope this series will inspire you to watch the show on hulu! :)
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season one
chapter zero: prologue
chapter one: coming soon.
and more chapters . . .
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khcnshus-knight · 4 years
Reunion - Prison Break - Imagine
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Fandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Lincoln Burrows x Reader
Request: If your requests are open I’d love a Lincoln x Reader imagine where Linc starts to get really nervous to see y/n after breaking out of Fox River. But the reunion ends up being very sweet and emotional. Really just a soft af Lincoln reunion. 😅 Thank you!
Requested by: @aestheticallywinchester
Note: This has been chilling in my drafts for so long and I’m so so sorry. I didn’t write/post an imagine since February but this request is like way older. 😅 I haven’t written in so long but I still hope this is okay and that y’all enjoy it! 💓
Lincoln was probably never this nervous in his entire life. Even breaking out of Fox River seemed way easier to him than this right now. Do you even want to see him again? How would you react? There were so many risks but he’d take all of them just to see you - even if it’s for the last time.
You were never associated with Lincoln, but he was still very careful. Of course Michael tried to talk him out of it, but after all this time Linc just had to see you. It seemed like he didn’t even care a bit about all the cops searching the whole country for them. All of this seemed irrelevant and the risk was worth it.
When Linc and Michael arrived at your house, Linc hesitated at first. But Michael reassured him and stayed hidden in front of the house to make sure nobody is after them.
The closer he got to the front door, he thought about all of this again. What if you get in danger because of him? What if anything happens to you just because he showed up at your house.
But before he could even think about turning around, you opened the front door with a trash bag in your hand. The sight of him absolutely shocked you and you dropped everything in your hands and stared at the man in front of you with disbelief.
“Hi, Y/N.”, Lincoln said with a soft smile but sounding slightly nervous. “Hi? That’s all you have to say?”, you quietly yelled at him, tears forming in your eyes. “Listen, I—“, he started to explain but you already pulled him to you as close as possible and hugged him. Lincoln tried to get you even closer to him, if that was even possible.
It’s clear to say everything went better than he expected. Michael made sure nobody was outside and joined you in the house. You hugged him tight and then went to both of the boys. “You guys have a lot of explaining to do about what the hell is going on.”
Let’s say it wasn’t just a quick visit. They both explained everything about how Lincoln got framed and Michaels plan to get him out. You were shocked and amazed at the same time and so thankful for Michael doing all of this.
The boys got to rest at your place for a few days before they had to keep going. But that definitely wasn’t the last time you’ve seen them.
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fichtner-fics · 4 years
Brotherly Care (Alex Mahone)
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Request: Hi, can I request a alex x reader, they together but in secret, and the reader is Michael sister and they have to share a hotel room and Michael caught them together (if you write smut) our something please <3
Warnings: none (I hope at least)
A/N: Sorry it’s a shorter one now. I hope it’s like what you had in mind, thank you for the request ❤ [gif’s not mine]
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I was sitting on the bed, turning my back to the door while struggling with the clips of my bra. I wanted to change clothes before Alex came in, and I was already wearing the lower part of my PJ’s, but the little metal hook just stuck. Suddenly I heard the door creaking.
“May I help you, miss?” I heard Alex’s sweet voice whispering in my ears. Wide smile ran through my lips, but I didn’t say anything, only nodded. He unhooked the cloth just within a sec, and while placing it in my palm, he pressed a light kiss on my neck.
“Thank you” I breathed.
“Are you sure you have to put that on?” Mahone asked when he was already laying at his side, watching me pulling my head through the PJ shirt.
“What are you trying to say… mister?” I asked back smiling, when I was ready and leaning on my elbow only a few centimetres away from his face.
“Oh, nothing” he laughed. “Liked the view, though” he added. He leant towards me; his lips found mines. We kissed each other passionately, then, while I was drowning in my feelings and in his love, Alex suddenly changed on our position. I laid down with him upon my body, keeping him close with a desperate and tight hug. I really enjoyed us finally being able to be ourselves, not having to hide our feelings.
Few minutes later Mahone pulled away, but stayed close in the same time, just staring at me, smiling. I cupped his face with my palm and smiled back.
“What?” I asked happily.
“I’m so thankful for you, Y/N” he whispered, while leaning towards me again. I barely could whisper a quiet “I love you”, before Alex kissed me again.
Just when his lips touched mines, we heard the door opening, and right after my brother, Michael’s voice.
“Y/N, haven’t you seen the…”
Things happened fast. When we heard the sounds, Alex lifted his head up, just to look Michael in his eyes. Mike stopped in his track, and when I sit up too, I could see his big, surprised eyes, his mouth fallen in surprise.
“I’m… sorry” he murmured, and immediately turning his back on us, leaving the room and closing the door behind himself. I rolled my eyes, swallowed back some nasty cursing, then I started to get out of the bed.
“Where are you going?” Alex asked while I searched for my slippers.
“Talk to him” I answered.
Lucky for me, Michael haven’t got so far. He was at the middle of the corridor when I closed the door behind myself.
“Mike” I called him. He immediately stopped but didn’t turn. “I’m sorry” I apologized standing in front of him.
“Since when?” he asked shortly.
“For half a year now” I replied. Michael scoffed then sighed deeply.
“Y/N, he’s a fed. An agent. What were you thinking?” he started to account me.
“He was a fed, but now he’s with us, whether you like it or not” I barked, but I gave myself a second to calm down, and only then continued. “Look. I know you don’t really like him. I know you had your affairs and I know what he was supposed to do you. But don’t forget what happened to him because of the Company and what led him into your team.”
“That’s different” Michael shook his head.
“Why?” I asked back. “Alex is a good man. And I’m sorry you had to figure it out this way, but I love him. I trust him and… I trust you too. Even if you don’t admit it yourself, there’s a reason you accepted him, a reason why you let him join. People change.” I added, but for now, I was finished with my speech. Michael was just staring at me, his eyes sparkling from the thoughts spinning in his head.
“I believe you” he said finally. “And if you’re happy, I’m happy” he smiled slightly. Relieved sigh left my lips then I hugged him tightly.
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opheliasbrokenmind · 4 years
Hey pal! I've got a request for you :) How about Mahone having a concussion and has to stay in hospital for weeks and company's not happy with this and force him into field again and he gets hurt again bc he can't concentrate and all :') I hope everyhting's alright with you
i just realised how much i’ve missed writing for him <3
‘Has anyone heard from Agent Mahone?’ Wheeler asked the office and you watched the people shaking their heads. It’s been three days since he disappeared and you found yourself at the FBI building, looking for him. ‘Do you know him?’ A woman with a sharp suit appeared in front of you and you frowned, ‘Yes, I do. I thought he could be here since he works late.’
‘And who are you supposed to be?’ She sounded harsh so you didn’t soften your face as you answered, ‘A close friend, and you are?’ You hoped the emphasis on the word would ring a bell and when she replied, you knew she got the message. ‘His colleague.’ You forced a smile and nodded, ‘Nice to meet you, Miss?’
‘Lang.’ She said and walked away, you stood alone and looked at the other man, ‘Thank you for asking people.’ The agent simply nodded and you left the building, thinking of a way to find him. Then your phone started to ring and you picked it immediately, ‘Alex?’
‘Good afternoon, Miss y/n.’ You looked at the screen and read his name again, then you frowned. ‘Who is this? Where’s Alex?’
‘Don’t panic, I’m calling from the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Mr Mahone had an accident.’ You froze on the street and leaned to a wall, trying to stay calm but your heart was beating madly. ‘Is he alright?’ You managed to say and the woman on the other side sighed, ‘He will be. He was saying your name in his sleep so I thought I could call you.’
‘I’ll be there as soon as possible.’ You said and she ended the call. Your hands were shaking when you finally found a taxi and thanks to the traffic, you were there in twenty minutes. Time seemed to slow down though, every single minute pained you until you walked into the hospital.
‘Hello, can you tell me which room Alexander Mahone is staying?’ The secretary searched his name and turned to you, ‘Are you his wife, Pamela?’ The name pissed you off but you just shook your head, ‘They divorced. I’m his... friend.’ The girl smiled softly, ‘I see. We tried to reach her but she said she wasn’t living here anymore. His room number is 407.’
Once you found the room, a doctor was leaving but you ran after him. ‘Doctor, wait!’ The man turned to you and waited, ‘I’m here for Alex. Can you tell me what happened?’ He nodded, ‘All we know is he had a concussion but we’re not sure what caused it. It can be an accident or a fight, I’m not sure.’
‘What would you say?’ You asked and the man sighed, ‘Considering his line of work, I’d say a fight but that’s just a guess. Mr Mahone is a strong man so he will recover but it’s going to take time. We have to be sure he’s resting and your presence will be helpful.’ You listened carefully and asked once he was done, ‘Is there anything I can do now?’
‘Talk to him. He probably can’t answer but he’ll hear you. Let him know you’re here for him. If anything happens, ask for a nurse.’ Then he left and you stood at the corridor, trying to convince yourself that he’ll heal soon.
You opened the door and the scene in front of you hurt your whole body. The agent was lying unconscious on the bed, there was a bandage around his head and he looked so pale. Then there were cables on his body and machines beeping loudly. You forced yourself to close the door and walk to the armchair next to him before you let a tear fall down. 
It took you a few minutes to gather up, then you reached his hand and it felt cold compared to your warm one. ‘Hi, it’s me, y/n.’ You said and waited for a reaction but he didn’t move a finger so you continued. ‘I called you a few times but you didn’t answer. I thought you were on a mission or maybe you wanted to have some space, that you’d let me know soon. I went to the Bureau today and asked Agent Wheeler but he said nobody heard from you. Then a nurse called me from your phone, said you were saying my name.’
‘You scared me so much, Alex. I’m still afraid, the doctor said you’ll be fine but I just can’t help but fear... Don’t you ever leave me, okay?’ You sighed and played with his fingers, ‘Agent Lang asked me who I was and I told I’m your friend. Well, I think we are more than that, I mean you’re more than a friend to me but I wasn’t sure if you wanted people to know so I didn’t say anything more. I didn’t want to put you in a difficult position.’
‘Oh, I always talk and now I can talk as much as I want but I hate it. I don’t want to talk, I want to hear you talking. I want to see your eyes, the blues filled with energy and watch them.’ Then you didn’t know what to say, it felt like nothing you could say would change the situation so you stayed silent. You watched his chest moving as he breathed and you focused on the fact that he was alive and you were by his side. Otherwise, you knew you wouldn’t hold your tears.
Doctors and nurses came and left, informing you everything looked fine. When it was almost three in the morning, you got up from the armchair and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek, ‘Good night, Alex.’
You woke up at eight and went to grab a cup of coffee, ‘Maybe the smell of coffee can wake you up, huh?’ You smiled to yourself and sipped your drink, admiring him. ‘I realise how beautiful you are now, you know? I wish I could remember every detail of your face. I also feel stupid, because I should’ve told you this earlier. Now I’m not even sure if you can hear me but just know that... you mean a lot to me and I don’t know what I’ll do if anything happens to you.’
Your hand found his fingers once again and you pressed your lips on his hand, ‘I know things with Pam have been hard and I want to be by your side as long as I can.’ He squeezed your hand weakly and your eyes widened with shock, ‘Can you hear me? Wait, I’ll call the nurse.’
‘I swear, he squeezed my hand.’ You explained to the woman and held his hand again, ‘Alex, can you hear me?’ The nurse waited but nothing happened. ‘I don’t want to upset you but that was probably a reflex.’ She gave you a weak smile and left, you sighed and rested on the armchair.
‘I avoided to answer before but yes, I used to play the piano. I wanted to be a pianist but then... I broke my wrist and it still hurts if I push the limits. Then I decided to study Art History and you know I’ll teach at the university next semester.’
‘I like to admire those paintings and they remind me of you. I know you think you’re a bit old for me but... I don’t believe it’s about ages, what’s important is understanding the other person and I’m trying to understand you. Every time I tell you something, I feel like you care about it and I like this about you, so much.’
‘I like hearing your voice.’ He whispered suddenly and you grabbed his hand, intertwinning your fingers, ‘You are awake! Wait, let me call the doctor.’ You tried to get up but he stopped you, ‘y/n, I need to talk to you first.’
‘There are some people and they know what happened to Shales. What I did to him... They want me to catch the Fox River escapees and I’m here because I had a little argument with one of them.’ Your jaw dropped as you listened to him, ‘Are you serious? Do you want me to call the police or the Bureau?’
‘No, they can’t help and if they find out about Shales, they’d send me to prison without blinking an eye.’ He watched you carefully and you sighed, ‘We’ll talk about this later, okay? What matters now is your recovery and I’m going to take the doctor now.’
The same doctor checked him and said everything was normal, ‘You need to rest at least one week to heal, otherwise, it can leave permanent damage. How do you feel now?’ 
‘I don’t feel bad.’ He said and the doctor smiled to you, ‘You see, now you can worry less.’ Then he left the room and you felt your cheeks getting hotter as Alex watched you with a sincere smile on his face. ‘Before you ask, I heard pretty much all of it.’ You turned your head to avoid his gaze but his hand stopped you, cupping your cheek softly. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, ‘I meant every word.’
‘I know you did but I’m not sure if that’s the safest way now, y/n. These people are on my back and I have to give them what they want. I don’t want them to know about you, I can’t risk it.’ You moved away and frowned, ‘What are you trying to say?’
‘I need you to stay away from me until this is over.’ You didn’t know what to say for a moment, ‘What? No, Alex, I want to be with you.’
‘I want you, too, love. Just for a while and when it’s over, I won’t repeat my mistakes. We’ll have a life together, alright? I promise.’ A tear dropped on your cheek and you wiped it away, ‘Don’t do this, don’t push me away.’
Later that day, you went home to have a shower and bring him some clothes and when you were back the next morning, the secretary said he checked himself out and left. You tried to reach him but his phone number was invalid. You didn’t know the visit the Company paid to him and what would happen if he continued to stay in the hospital and do nothing.
Six days after that you woke up to the knocking on your door and you weren’t expecting to see him. You stepped back so he could come inside but you noticed how it pained him to move. ‘What happened?’ 
‘I almost had Scofield but then... he ran away and let’s say that didn’t make them happy.’ You watched him sitting on the sofa and taking off his suit jacket. ‘Are they going to attack you every time something goes wrong?’ You helped him to unbutton his shirt as he leaned back, ‘If it’s not me then it’ll be Pam or Cam.’
‘Alex...’ You tried to speak but the words left you, leaving you in pain. Then you noticed the purpleness on his chest and tears escaped from your eyes, crying as you stood on your knees with his shirt in your hands. He grabbed your arms and you saw the muscles on his arms tighten, ‘I will be okay. It was a mistake to come here but... I didn’t want to be alone. I don’t want to be alone.’
You pressed a kiss on his chest and stood up, ‘I’ll draw you a bath right now, is it okay?’ He whispered thank you and you turned back to give him a kiss on the lips, ‘Then we will have dinner and you’ll get a good sleep.’ Once his body was relaxed and his stomach was full, he let you tuck him in a blanket and you two cuddled until one of you fell asleep. That night, he realised even at the worst times, there was something beautiful and unique.
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sweetsunshinestuff · 4 years
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Michael Scofield is so nice ❤️❤️
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darlingpetao3 · 6 years
Lifeguard Legend (Leonard Snart x Reader)
Rating: T
Summary: When an accident finds you falling into the pool and unable to swim, one watchful stranger is quick to jump into action.
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~gif does not belong to me - all credit to the owner(s)~
Your friends have been dying to go swimming at the community pool for quite some time and today is finally the day the special outing works for everyone’s schedules. You always give the excuse that you would never set foot in that gross contaminated cesspool even if someone paid you. But the truth? The truth is that you can’t swim.
Although, you’re more than happy to lay on one of the lounge chairs while reading a book as your pals splash around. Maybe you’ll even get a tan while you’re at it.
(Y/N)!” Your friends beckon you over at one point, now climbing up the ladder to get out of the water. Of course they have to be over at the deep end. It worries you endlessly. You carefully walk to the edge of the pool.
“Could you grab us a couple of combos, please?” your one friend asks. “We’re going to go dry off and change.”
“Sure,” you say, “the usual?”
“You’re the best!”
And with that, they all run off to the changing rooms, but you call out after them, “Don’t run-!” Pivoting on your foot too fast, you slip and fall backward into the pool, everything around you feeling like slow motion.
You flail in the water, trying desperately to keep your head above the water. Your entire body screams in panic. You don’t know what to do, but you do know that you’re yelling for help when there isn’t water trying to fill your mouth. But it isn’t enough. You’re starting to sink.
With the water in your ears, you hear a muffled splash, and a moment later, feel a strong arm wrap around your middle while the other aides in helping you both up to the surface. You spit the water from your mouth and gasp for air as the man who holds you wades back to the safety of the pool’s edge. Gripping the wall, you cough and attempt to catch your breath.
The man - a stony, mischievous face and a buzz cut - keeps his hand on your back.
“I- thank you,” you say, totally frozen at the look your saviour is giving you.
“Ahh, don’t mention it,” he says. “Can’t have a beautiful woman drowning on my watch.”
“Are you the lifeguard?”
“Far from it, sweetheart.” The man helps you up and out of the pool. “Anyone got a towel?” he demands from the onlookers, then snatches one from a teen and wraps it around your shoulders.
“Thanks…” you say, “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”
“Call me Leonard.”
“Thank you again, Leonard. You saved my life. You’re a real hero.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that,” he says with a smirk, “but if it makes you feel better, sure, babe, I’ll be your hero.”
Anonymous Request: Snart x Reader where she can't swim and he saves her from drowning please?
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First night with Michael Scofield after escaping
Hiii I read @the-fo0l Michael hcs again so now I have to write for my baby!
TW SLIGHT NSFW!!!! [no smut but is implied]
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Finally, the day had come—the day you had been dreaming about—with the man you had been dreaming about after so many lonely nights and so many longing thoughts about him. Michael Scofield, the mad man with whom you had once shared the very best you laid in at this moment, was finally here with you. You could actually touch him without Gaurds staring you down, and you could finally be here with him without a time limit. You currently lie in the big bed in Michael's fancy apartment. You had been staying there since Michael went to prison. He offered to let you live there because he thought your own place would be too dangerous. Michael's place was very nice, but I always reminded you of him.
You get snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of a bathroom door being closed softly. You look up and see him. He was looking so soft. In this moment, he was wearing a soft-back longsleeve and some blue PJ pants that hung low on his defined hips. God, he looked good. "Hey, love," his silky smooth voice calming you internally. He gets into the bed, big hands cupping your face delicately and staring into your eyes. His blue eyes are full of love. You feel like he's staring at your soul. He gave you the most passionate and desperate kiss, just like the one he gave you before he went to prison. "God, I've missed you, Michael." Your eyes start to water at the feeling of him on you. "No baby, no tears." He wipes your eyes carefully, leaning his forehead onto yours. "I miss you, baby, so.. much" . God, I thought of you every day. At that, he kisses you again. The passion on your lips is electric. Your hands start to grab at his shirt, falling on his toned body. You both break away for air as he attacks your neck with soft kisses.
Michael was always so soft with you, treating you like the softest thing in the world. He was such a gentleman. Your hand lays on the back of Michael's head, encouraging his movements. "m-michael"...you gasp He pulls away slightly. "You don't know how long youve been waiting to hear my name on your lips," his hand trails up your body. -time skip- You lay on your side. Michael's forehead lies on your shoulder, his face tucked into your neck. You rub a hand over his head softly, reminiscing about the moment that you so desperately wanted. "I love you, Michael." He moves slightly. "I love you so, baby. So, so much.".
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icesoccerer · 7 years
Anybody knows what happened to the person who wrote michael scofield stories?
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rreader · 7 years
Goodbye, my Love.
Pairing: Michael Scofield x Reader Fandom: Prison Break Warnings: angst :’)
Summary: Before going into Fox River, Michael has one last person to say goodbye to.
A/N: don’t judge me, I just couldn’t stop myself. It’s just something short and angsty, but I just asdfghjkl, I love this man so much. (added Michael to my fandoms page)
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“Yeah, mom, I'm home,” you smiled, standing in front of your door and rummaging through your handbag, to find your keys. “Yes, I'm opening the door right now. Okay, mom. Yeah. I love you, too. Goodnight,” you pushed open the door and shook your head.
No matter your age, your mom still wanted you to call when you got home safely.
A treasure, that woman.
You switched on the lights and threw the mail carelessly onto the small round-table next to the door, then you walked into the living room, still wearing your heels and dress, that you had been wearing in the bar.
Suddenly, the lamp in the living room got turned on. The one, next to your armchair. And while you were scared shitless for the first 3 seconds, a relieved sigh escaped you when you saw who it was.
He smiled and got up from the chair, walking over to you, so he could greet you with a tight hug.
“You scared me, you know?” your arms went around his neck and you buried your face in the crook of his neck. God, you loved his perfume so much. 
“I'm sorry. Didn't mean to.”
“I know.. Are you alright, though? I thought you were on a business trip?” you leaned back a bit, so you could look into his eyes, but his arms stayed right where they were, around your mid, holding you where you were. And the way he looked at you, like he was trying to remember this moment. 
Trying to remember how you felt in his arms. The way your eyes shined when you looked at him, your beautiful smile. Every single detail. 
“Came back an hour ago and wanted to see you.”
One of your hands came up on the side of his face, your thumb brushing over his cheekbone.
You knew that something was up, you always did with him.
Michael might always try his hardest to put on a mask to hide his feelings, but especially with you, that just didn't work. And to be honest, you didn’t want him to.
“Talk to me.. what's wrong?”
“Nothing,” he kissed your forehead, then pulled you back again, for another hug. “I love you, (Y/N). You know I do, right?”
“Michael, stop.. now you’re actually scaring me.”
He did stop talking. He only held you in his arms, breathing in the smell of your hair, for what felt like hours, before giving you a final, passionate kiss and whispering a “goodbye” into your ear.
Then he walked out of your door.
If only you had known then, that this would be the last time you'd see him for years.
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Imagine Michael Scofield seeing you naked for the first time.
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The shower in the motel had very poor water pressure but at least it got the job done. You were able to use the little bottled shampoo and body wash to make yourself feel a little bit better. Helping Michael to escape from prison had been quite a dirty job. Literally.
You put on the complimentary bathrobe, which wasn’t bad despite being a bit threadbare, and walked out of the bathroom to the motel room. Michael was laying on the double bed, flicking through the channels.
“Looks like I didn’t miss much.” He said, turning his eyes from the news towards you. His expression slightly looked intrigued at you in the bathrobe. His eyes didn’t move from you.
Not until you took a step forward, and decided to just drop it. This was your first time having a private moment together. It felt right. The robe fell around your feet, and the slightly chilly air of the un-heated room hit your skin, causing goosebumps.
“Whoa.” Michael said, looking at the bed shyly before looking at you again. It had been a while since he had seen a naked body that wasn’t one of the prisoners in the group showers. His smile lit up the room as he got up, eager to touch you all over.
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fangirlfanwritings · 7 years
Michael Scofield Request
Prison break, Michael finds out the Warden's daughter sneaks reading material and other little nice things to inmates​. He gets her alone in the Warden's office and kisses her. Telling her that was the nice thing he wanted
Michael was sitting around his bunk when he heard the excited rushed words of the other inmates as they walked by his cell door. “What’s everyone so excited about today?”
“Word on the street is Y/N’s coming around today.”
“Y/N? Who’s that?”
“Pope’s daughter. Everyone loves her.”
“And why’s that?”
“She brings stuff in for us. Books, magazines, pictures, food if you’re nice to her. That and she isn’t bad to look at. My guess is that some guards will come in soon, gather the not so bad guys from genpop that she knows, and bring them to her.” Sure enough half an hour later the guards came and grabbed 6 of the men, including Sucre. “See you later, Man.”
Twenty minutes later Sucre came back with four cookies wrapped up and a book in spanish. “Here man, she gave me two for you too,” Sucre passed him two of the chocolate chip cookies and climbed up on his bed.
“Scofield,” they looked up to the guard standing outside their cell, “Pope wants you.” Michael walked with the guards to the Warden’s office to a worried warden.
“Scofield, thank God. I came back from lunch and the whole front was collapsing. I know you weren’t suppose to come in today but do you think you can help me out?”
Michael got to work with Pope looking nervously over his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Warden, this won’t be too hard to fix.”
“Good. Good.” There was a knock at the Warden’s door that got both their attention. “Come in.” In walked one of the prettiest girl’s Michael had ever seen. “Y/N, how are you today.”
You walked up and hugged the man. “I’m good Dad. You?”
“Good. Worried but good. This is Michael Scofield, he’s the one I’ve been telling you about.”
You reached out to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you. I hear you’ve been doing all the work on my father’s anniversary project. Thanks for helping him.”
“It’s nice to meet you and it’s an honor to help him out. You’re father is a great man.”
From that day on every time you visited you had a book waiting for Michael and would go visit with him in your father’s office. He was different than all the other prisoners you had met before.
You had known Michael for over a couple months now and much like every other time you came to visit you dropped off a book to him and saw him again in your Dad’s office when you went to eat lunch with him. You were in the middle of eating with your Dad and Michael worked on the Taj Mahal when a man ran into the office. “Warden, we have a problem in the East wing that Bellick needs you for.”
“Ok, Y/N, are you ok in here?”
“Yes Dad. And there’s a guard outside if I need him. Go ahead. I’ll be here when you get back.”
“He always that protective of you,” Michael asked from his crouched position by the Taj replica.
“He’s a prison warden, Michael. What do you expect? You think that was protective,” you laughed. “You should have seen the first time I brought a boyfriend home.”
Michael laughed, “That bad, huh?”
“Oh it was awful! He had his rifle out and was cleaning it when he got there.”
“You’re kidding?”
“No, I swear!” You walked over and looked at the replica he was working on. “You were an engineer, right?”
“Yes.” You bent down to look at the inside structure.
“This is amazing,” you marveled. “I could never do anything like this. Such detail and intricacy. I’m impressed.” You stood up and found yourself turning right into Michael’s chest. “Oh, I’m sorry,” you turned red from embarrassment. “I didn’t meant…” You got back on rack and changed the subject. “Um, is there anything you want me to bring for my next visit? Another book or a sketch pad or,” your rambling was cut off by his lips on yours. When he pulled apart you were shocked and tried to hide the smile that wanted to creep onto your face.
“That’s the only nice thing I want.”  You heard the handle to the office door begin to turn and Michael quickly got back to work.
“Ah, there you are,” your Dad said. “How’s it look?”
“It look’s good Dad,” you pried your eyes from Michael to the Taj Mahal replica. “It looks good.”
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slytherbun · 3 years
ruining series - chapter zero: prologue
mfm pairing: michael scofield x reader and lincoln burrows x reader. brother pairing: michael scofield x lincoln burrows.
summary: during a chase in the woods, you question your decisions and hope for a better outcome after the consequences of a life changing day in court three months prior.
word count: 1.4k
tags: @specialagentsoftie @juliatpwk @theresaplantomakeallofthisright
note: here's a little bit of background. more information about y/n's past will be revealed in the chapter for the 16th episode of season 1. <3
another note: i know this gif (idk why it came out blurry) is from season 2's opening theme but the handcuff scenes are the best part of the whole show. agree to disagree if you don't feel the same though, lol. :)
series masterlist
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running through the creepy woods wasn’t the typical evening that you had in mind for tonight. the sun was setting thankfully, so you could get the tail off from you now that it was going to be dark soon. you held your left hand against your chest and the memory from earlier continued to sting.
about thirty minutes back while you were running, your hand accidentally ran along a sharp tree that was shaved down. and it irritated the hell out of you that yet another wound could be infected.
unfortunately there wasn’t time for these little types of annoyances when you were literally running for your life.
somewhere behind you, a branch on the ground crushed under somebody’s shoe and you couldn’t help the curse that fell from your lips under your breath.
stopping behind a tree’s trunk for a moment, you tried to figure out the direction of the person since there was no time to check and glance over your shoulder earlier. you knew if you did you would continue to keep checking ever so often.
somewhere down the line later, you’d either hit your head against something when you weren’t looking or get caught with your guard down.
turning your body slightly, you could finally check the unknown person and you rolled your eyes at the sight of a man in a perfectly crisp suit. with just that one look you could tell who had hired him and what kind of job he was hired to do if he were to finally catch up to you.
when he continued to survey the area, you moved your stance back against the trunk to shield your view of the man before he could see a clear sighting of you looking his way. “oh y/n y/l/n,” he spoke oddly, trying to rile you up so you’d get out from behind your spot.
you weren’t stupid though, especially with the way he was waving his gun around.
“come out, come out wherever you are. it’ll only get worse from here if you don’t show yourself now.” he smirked and rummaged around in his pocket for something. of course, this was the moment that he pulled out his phone to call somebody with an update.
his hand still held the firearm up in the air. luckily in the wrong direction of where you were currently hiding, but it still caused the hairs on the back of your neck to rise in a static way.
another sudden urge of pain came in a big wave this time and you closed your eyes to count down from ten. biting down on your bottom lip also, you continued till you tasted metallic in your mouth.
ten seconds was all you gave yourself to feel the pain until you pushed it away from your mind. it was a tactic you learned to try and wire your brain to focus on more of a minor pain instead—like your lip for instance.
you had to get a hold on some kind of medicine soon to clear out the wounds on your hand and elsewhere. there was only so long that you had until it got worse but you couldn’t move until he was distracted and not looking in the area where you were hiding.
it was still a bit too light out to make a clear run for it and you sighed in relief when you heard the buttons pressing down on his cell phone. he dialed a number quickly and then put it up to his ear.
still watching the area with precise dedication while multitasking, he spoke into the phone when you assumed the person on the other end picked up. “hello? yeah, i’m still at the same location from when we last spoke. y/n’s near and won’t be getting very far—yes i understand. don’t worry we’ll get her.”
you turned your back around once more to check if the coast was clear and sighed when he walked off to lean against a tree. you looked down at your hand once more and sighed before putting it back against your chest again.
quietly without moving around any leaves or twigs, you came out from behind the tree to make a run for it again. you couldn’t lose anymore of that precious time you’ve already wasted and getting away from this man was your only priority right now.
that phone call was a bad sign though and it only made his true intentions known now. if you didn’t already—it was clearly going to be a long night with the determination he had to find you. but
you couldn’t let that happen because your freedom was dependent on it.
perhaps it was even right around the corner sooner or later.
𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗿 . . .
“will the defendant please rise?” the judge spoke and you stood up from your chair in the courtroom. asking you to stand was just a fake formality that made sure ‘proper’ manners were being used.
it didn’t mean shit when all the supposed evidence pointed to you.
“on the charge of assault that caused a terminated pregnancy, how do you plea?” the judge asked and your lawyer looked towards you with a nod.
if you plead guilty to the charge, the sentence would be dropped to eight years and five months. one month would be knocked off the charge already being as you served a month in jail while awaiting your court sentence. this would be instead of the fifteen and a half you originally had.
by doing this, you lessened your prison time by six and a half years with the chance of parole by the time you had two left. and with any kind of deal like this—you took it so you didn’t have to spend four extra years in a frightening place with criminals unlike yourself.
“my client has thought over her choices carefully and has decided to plead guilty.” while your lawyer said those words, you looked off to the side and out the window. the outside world was going to be looking pretty small soon and you frowned at the thought.
how can things easily fall apart from your grasp and go to shit so quickly?
a security officer walked up to the judge and whispered in their ear. his eyebrows scrunched together while carefully listening to his words. “that’s not possible.” but the officer nodded as if to say ‘it definitely is’ and then handed a piece of folded paper to him.
it looked like a warrant of some kind and your skin immediately paled.
“a last moment change has come to my attention. i have just received a signed document from the united state’s vice president.” they stated and paused with a blanched face while reading the words.
after looking through it carefully with a moment of silence, they continued. “y/n y/l/n, you will be serving your sentence in a level one facility at fox river penitentiary.”
your arm was immediately grabbed by your lawyer who stood there in shock. you almost wanted to shake your arm free from them. but, the words coming out from their mouth next had you using their hold to keep yourself steady. “but your honor, fox river is a prison for men.”
“i would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me.” the judge glanced at your lawyer once before looking back over at you with a grim face. “as i was saying, my hands are tied and if you would like to pursue this conflict of interest please contact the white house.”
after they finished speaking, their gavel hitting the wood signaled the concludence of the hearing.
the officers came over to grab you and you tried to hold back the verge to cry, instead turning to your lawyer. they put a hand on your shoulder and spoke quietly, “in my thirty years as a lawyer, this has never happened. i will call my office and follow up with this issue. hang tight for now and i’ll schedule a visit as soon as i have some news.”
but you knew exactly who was pulling the strings, why they set you up and when you would be sentenced again when you finally got out. it was useless but you couldn’t say that to your lawyer when they willingly offered to help and you’d take any help you could get right about now.
while you were being moved to the fox river penitentiary in the prisoner transport van, tears threatened to fall. desperately and definitely not easily, you held yourself together by constantly staring up at the ceiling of the van and blinking them back.
all you could do now was hope for a miracle that would save you from all of this.
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