#met on the first one together by the second married by the third divorced by the fourth
tower-girl-anon · 1 year
Pick a Card: Who is your future spouse?
Since this week we have Valentine's Day, I've decided to do something different and bring you a first pick a card reading sorrounding the topic of your future spouse or husband. Their personality traits, overall energy, sexual energy, and possible signs to recognize them.
As always, enjoy and take what resonates since this is a general reading.
Warning: this reading includes SPOILERS from the Harry Potter world.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and choose the picture that resonates. The order is from left to right.
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Pile 1
Wow!! Just... wow!! If you choose the hand with the flowers, then your future spouse is a very powerful and femenine force to reckon with. With the presence of three out of the four different Queens in the deck, along with two powerful mayor arcanas such as the Tower and The Lovers, your future lover is a complete package. It is a very well-balanced individual in terms of elements and masculine and femenine energy with whom you should be very careful because, just as they can be charming and loving towards you, they can also destroy you without a second of doubt.
Right from the bat, we get the Queen of Swords card as the overall energy of your future spouse, which tells me that the most prominent trait they possess is their natural intelligence. They are smart, persuasive, capture the idea of a topic easily, they've read a lot, know how to communicate well with other people, and could also be able to read people with just one glare as well. With the 6 of Clubs, which in Lenormand is considered the Cross, they may be religious or they carry a great burden in their life. If not right now, maybe they had to constantly face setbacks. Now, even though these traits could make them look cold, reserved, cutting or intimidating, they also have a charming, caring, and loving side thanks to The Lovers card as their good traits. When they love and trust someone, they do it fully and unreservedly. They are not afraid of showing their partner how much they mean to them through actions, words of affirmation, and valuing the other in the same level as them. Maybe writing notes, letters, or sending them songs could be one of their love lenguages.
In terms of bad traits, we have the Four of Wands, a card of celebration, parties, and weddings. The first thing that came to my mind with this card was the probability of them being already married or in a stable connection. That both met when this person was already in another connection, perphaps in the process of a divorce, creating a third party situation. On another note, this card could signal that this person really enjoys getting out, having fun with friends, being single, living life without compromise, and partying; situation that may change once they met you. Again, this is a general reading so take what resonates.
With the Remus Lupin and Nimphadora Tonks card, we have two characters that shows, right off the bat, what I've been saying so far about your future person. For those who doesn't know about them, the first one is a very intelligent werewolf who struggled from a very young age to survive, be accepted by others, and be accepted by themselves, while the second one is a smart, loving, but clumsy woman whose mayor talent was to change their physical aspect each time she wants and never judges anyone by their circumstances or where they come from since she falls in love, wholeheartedly, with Remus Lupin despite the opinions of the rest of the world. This characters shows the good nature of your future spouse, their intelligence, their ability to keep moving despite their insecurities or the situations they may have faced, and, above all, the deep love and affection they show to people they care about. Along with that, this story may represent your story together.
Now, pile 1, in relation to their sexual energy, how are they on bed, and how will they treat you, I can say that your future person will totally put you off your feets. They will totally disarm you with their spicy contrast between fire and water; a contrast that will change or destroy the previous ideas you may have had in relation to love and sex. One day, they could be all passionate, fiery, impatient, and even agressive by the way they do sex with you, or they would want you to do it this way, but another they will be all charming, nurturing, and emotional while doing it. On the other hand, these cards could signal that emotions and passion seems like a recurring theme each time you embrace each other in bed. There is mutual love and passion flowing between the two of you; a love that may change you both forever.
This is all I have for you pile 1, I hope this reading resonated. Send you lot's of love and light.
Possible signs and astrological placements: any fire and air sign, Gemini, Leo, 9th house and 11th house.
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Pile 2
Welcome to your reading part 2!! Let's dive on who your future spouse is going to be.
Right from the bat, it is shown that your future spouse has a very masculine energy, a solitary personality, a keen intelect, and a wisdom that may make them look older than their age shows, so, for a few of you, the one your are going to marry is an old soul. For others, they could be older than you thanks to the image of The Hermit of an old man holding a lantern. Now, combining these cards with the Three of Cups as bad traits with the Neville Longbottom one, it is clear that your person was deeply misunderstood, judged or people looked down on them in the past, it could still be happening at this moment for some, that's why they are a looner and doesn't have many friends. Why do I say this? Because the character of Neville Longbottom suffered a lot from the absence of his parents due to a terrible torture that kept them in the hospital forever, along with not being considered good enough for many people. Even their own family. I'm not saying your future spouse will go through the same circumstances as this character but maybe, just like him, he or she faced a lot of obstacles in their life that may resonate with the idea of not being good enough for other people. Maybe they told them they are not talented enough, or smart enough, as this person or this one, which could have created self-esteem issues and mistrustful energy towards others.
Despite this possible obstacles they could have faced, your future spouse came out winning in the end with the Ace of Diamonds (Sun in Lenormand tarot). They fought back and prove those who didn't believed in them how wrong they were in their assumptions by reaching their goals, having success in their work environment. Most probably than not, those who make them wrong now want to be close to your future spouse for selfish motives.
In terms of a sexual compatibility with them, we have the Eight of Swords, the Knight of Cups, and the Four of Cups, which tells me that this person prefer things to go slow and smooth rather than fast that's why he or she will prefer to keep it private for a while before going public. Again, this could be due to their looner nature or their mistrust of other people's motives with them so, if you see that they act cold or aloof towards you, please don't take it too personally. This person needs to know first if they can trust you emotionally before establishing an intimate and solid relationship with you. There is also a chance that this person is a virgin or only had a very few sexual encounters in their life. Despite that, they will want to provide a hidden space for the both of you to enjoy without other people sneaking; a space in which he or she will find pleasure by looking at the beauty of your body or touching you softly, cherising each part of your body as you dive deeper into each other.
This is all I have for you pile 2. As for possible signs, I'm sensing air signs (GEMINI, AQUARIUS, Libra) and earth signs (VIRGO, TAURUS, Capricorn), along with a huge influence of Mercury. He or she could also have a fourth house theme such as a stellium (three or more planets in a single house) or something of the sort, which explains their need of being alone. So take what resonates and see you soon for another pick a card.
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Pile 3
Welcome, pile 3, to the reading of your future spouse!!
Your future spouse is someone fiery, very masculine, adventurous, energetic, full of life and passionate. He could be a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) and may come from another country than you with the Ten of Spades. In Lenormand, this card represent the Ship card, so a possibility of them coming from another country, or even another continent, is very strong. If not that, then they will have travelled through different parts of the world, maybe they will come as an exchange student, by the time you both meet each other.
He may come from a wealthy and prideful family thanks to the Slytherin card with Draco and Lucius Malfoy at the front of the card. For those who doesn't know about these characters, the Malfoy family is an ancient family in the Harry Potter world whose mayor atributes resides in their riches and the pure blood lineage. They often criticise everyone who's not worthy of being a wizard and despises every other creature since they see them as inferiors. Despite this, they deeply care about each member and would do anything to keep them safe from harm. Maybe your future spouse comes from a family of these traits and they were able to travell thanks to them. Now, before you start leaving this reading you must know their true nature first.
This people are caring, loving, and young at heart with the Knight of Cups and Venus energy as their good traits. Not only they act so different as the rest of his or her family, they actually like meeting new people that comes from different backgrounds and countries. They are not judgemental when it comes about these themes since, with the 5th house card and the 7th house, what he likes the most is connecting with people and have a good time. Now, as their bad traits we have the Three of Swords, which speaks to me as someone who may not take relationships too seriously and that could be thanks to the Knight of Cups energy, for this screams of a lighter energy in comparison to other cards in the deck. Maybe they are still young and that's why they don't take things as serious as they should, causing others to feel heartbreak over them.
Now, pile 3, don't worry about them not being serious with you. Because they will. Once they meet you, their loyalty and commitment to the relationship will be noticeable. They will bring balance in both the relationship and in bed, and will try everything to make things work since, once they have you in his or her arms, it will feel like reaching victory to them. "After searching the world for so long, I've finally found you" is what I hear. In bed, the passion between you will be off scales. You won't wait too long to do sex. They will like your butt as well as an equal exchange of dominating and submisive energy between the two. This is just beautifull you guys, just be careful to use condom if you are not ready to become parents.
As possible signs for your future spouse, I see fire energy (Aries, LEO, SAGITTARIUS), a few air signs too (Gemini, LIBRA, Aquarius), and Venus, the 5th house, and the 7th house seems like important houses for them too.
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This is my first pick a card reading, so feel free to like it or comment it below. Have a nice week everyone.
Tower Girl Anon.
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ac3may · 8 months
“ the wag diaries ”
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The Origin Story
~ Millie Bright ~
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♥️ 💬
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your.username the calm before the storm🌪️
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papa.y/l/n if there's one thing I never expected from fatherhood it'd be coaching my daughter through contractions on our kitchen floor
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♥️ 💬
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your.username new books and new looks
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your.username day trips with pops, new house boogies, and bedtime kisses with my baby boy
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papa.y/l/n happy to have you home y/n/n, kingston missed you
user01 hey girl! been loving your tiktoks!
bsf.user my favourite new baby gay!
at fifteen you met the lad you thought to be the love of your life
at sixteen you bailed him out of jail for the first time
the night of your first date none-the-less
the by eighteen you had birthed the first of your three children together
your twentieth year saw you married and the birth of your second daughter
and more nights spent alone than with your husband
raising two-under-two practically alone made you grateful to be the strong, independent London girl you were
despite being forced to move hours from your hometown and your only family
you had grown up a Kingston girl and Chelsea fan, just yourself and your dad from the day you were born
countless conversations with your father had him trying to convince you to leave the useless excuse of a man" you married
but no matter how many days you spent alone and how much jail time Jayden racked up you couldn't quite bring yourself to go
you felt like doing so would be ripping away something from your children
especially growing up without a mother yourself, you didn't want your kids to hate you when they found out you kicked their dad out
not that he would make any effort to return if you did
the final straw, ironically, came the day of England winning the European Championship
heavily pregnant with your third child in the games 109th minute, just before the winner, you received the call from Jayden
he was imprisoned again
this time for something far more serious than drunk driving or casual vandalism
collapsing on your fathers kitchen floor, held tightly in his arms, you make the decision to file for divorce and full-custody
it was that moment, as your daughters ran ruckus in the garden celebrating the Lionesses win, tears spilling from your eyes that your baby boy chose to make his presence known to the world and your water breaks
Maybe the least generalised but probably my most favourite concept ngl
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The Daggers and Their (Secret) Kids
Word Count: 3.9k in total (About 0.5k per Dagger)
Summary: Headcanons about the families that the seven Daggers could have had going into TGM with, since there's nothing about their families mentioned in the movie.
Warnings: Pregnancy, Various Family Dynamics (Extra Warnings and Title Above Each Dagger; Read Them Before Proceeding), No Use of Y/N or "You", All Third Person POV, Kids are named but Partners are not, No Description about Partner's Appearances
Specific Warnings:
Rooster - Teen Pregnancy and Divorce
Phoenix - Referenced Minor Character Death
Bob - Infertility
Coyote - G-LOC Incident Referenced
Fanboy - Strained Relationship and Single Parenting
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Master List
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Rooster [Co-Parenting] [CW: Teen Pregnancy, Divorce]
Rooster has one son, who he named Nick after his dad
When he was eighteen and angry because Maverick pulled his papers, he ran to his high school girlfriend for comfort. They took a camping trip together to let off steam. And nine months later, Nick was born.
Rooster knew that he was in deep shit, especially because his girlfriend’s parents became outwardly hostile towards him after finding out about the pregnancy. So, he quickly enlisted in the Navy and they got married for the benefits.
It wasn’t a happy marriage. The stress of being teen parents and the separation because of Rooster’s job sapped out any of the affection that they had for each other. It was a marriage of duty and convenience, which became apparent whenever they were actually together. Rooster’s wife stayed close to her parents to have help with Nick. Rooster didn’t love being far away from his son, but he knew that the arrangement was best for Nick.
Their marriage lasted about six years. It was a tense but relatively amicable divorce. Rooster’s now ex-wife got primary custody since he was active-duty and Rooster never missed a child support payment. He usually paid more than he was mandated since he felt guilty that he wasn’t there for his son like he wanted to be.
Despite the distance and the divorce, after a few years of time apart and some personal growth, Rooster and his ex-wife developed a strong co-parenting relationship. He even attended her second wedding. Rooster is in constant communication with her and Nick, though he rarely brings up his son or divorce to his fellow aviators.  
Nick has a great relationship with Phoenix. She’s really the only person from his dad’s side of the family that he has ever met and he looks up to her. They email and text regularly, usually when Nick needs advice and he doesn’t want to ask his parents. Like when he needed advice on how to ask a girl out. Phoenix sent him step-by-step instructions and the girl said ‘yes.’ Rooster still doesn’t know about that.
Maverick knows about Nick, but never had the chance to meet him. He’s friends with Nick’s mom on Facebook and regularly prints out photos of Nick for his wall of memories. Especially the baby photos because that was the most painful time of the whole process. Maverick reached out to Bradley when he found out about Nick, but Rooster never returned his calls. So, Maverick settled for the photos, even if it killed him on the inside.
However, after the mission, Rooster brings Maverick to meet Nick for the first time.
They spend a weekend all together up at the hangar. Nick sees the old photos of Goose and Carole and asks Maverick for stories about them. Maverick takes Nick up in the P-51 and Rooster nearly has a heart attack after watching Maverick pull aerobatics with Nick. Rooster makes Nick swear to not tell his mom about that. Or the stunts that they were pulling on the Kawasaki. Rooster finds a patch of grey hair on his head after that weekend.
Hangman [Girl Dad]
Hangman, to everyone’s shock, is actually married with three little girls.
He met his wife while visiting his brother at UT Austin and they quickly fell in love. They were long-distance for most of their relationship before their engagement, which came with its own challenges, but they made it work.
They got married after Hangman graduated from flight school and moved out to Lemoore together. The first years of their marriage were difficult, to be sure. But they were very good with communicating and still very much in love with each other. Anyone who saw them knew instantly that they were soulmates. And most people were impressed that anyone could rein in Hangman so successfully.
After Jake went to Top Gun, they decided to start trying for a baby. Within a year, Jake’s wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby girl that they named Meira, which means ‘light.’ Jake missed the birth and still, to this day, beats himself up about that. It was actually the deployment that he got his air-to-air. While everyone else was congratulating him, he was in a silent, personal hell about it. He was pretty sure that he never cried harder in his life.
When he got home, he didn’t put his daughter down for seven hours. His wife had to convince him that he had to go to bed and that Meira would sleep better in the crib. He disagreed, but he listened to his wife.
Every second that he’s home, he’s spending it with his family. There’s nothing more important to him than them. He doesn’t tell anyone that he doesn’t trust about them. Coyote, however, is always around the Seresin house. Meira has a coyote stuffed animal from him that she absolutely adores. Coyote insists that he’s her favorite uncle.
When Meira turns two, Hangman’s wife finds out that she’s pregnant again. And this time . . . it’s twins. She finds out while Jake is deployed and manages to get him on a personal phone call while he’s docked in Japan. Jake is shocked before making a sly comment about his virility. His wife warns him against making jokes like that when she’s around.
He makes it back in time for the twins’ birth. Evelyn was born first and Delilah was born three minutes later. They looked identical and Jake swore that he was going to mix them up and forever ruin their lives, but the doctors assured them that a lot of newborns look the same. With time, the twins’ features came in more and it was easier to tell apart.
After the twins were born, his wife sets up a vasectomy appointment for him. And even though he goes ghost white when she tells him, he goes through with it. After watching the twins’ delivery, he knows that he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Coyote took a very hilarious video of Jake waddling out of the office after the operation, holding ice to his balls.
After the mission, when Meira is about three and the twins are a few months shy of one, Hangman introduces them to the Daggers. Everyone, save for Coyote, is absolutely shocked. But Jake is simply smug and proud of his little family.
Meira makes fun of Rooster’s mustache. Jake had never been prouder.
Phoenix [Aunt Turned Mom] [CW: Minor Character Death]
Phoenix’s ‘child’ wasn’t actually her biological child
Her older brother Oliver had a baby girl named Riley. However, after a car accident, Riley was orphaned at the age of two. Phoenix’s parents got primary custody of Riley and Phoenix stepped up to try and be there for her niece as well as she could. She wasn’t exactly a maternal figure and she knew that, but she wanted Riley to know that she was loved.
She sent Riley a postcard from wherever she was stationed and always bought her niece the funniest most-tourist-trap-like nick-nack that she could find in whatever port or town she was stationed. Phoenix’s dad eventually built Riley a display case for them. The postcards are all protected in a box in the display case as well
Phoenix doesn’t talk about Riley with anyone. Frankly, it’s hard enough seeing her brother’s face on the little girl that had to grow up without him and she doesn’t want to delve into that with anyone that’s not her family or a therapist. It took a long time for Phoenix to even approach the subject with Rooster, but he wasn’t shocked that she would want to hide something like that.
Rooster met Riley once. They got along well and Riley liked riding around in the Bronco with the top down. Rooster sends her a postcard once in a while, knowing that it means a lot to Riley to receive things like that.
After the mission, Phoenix opens up about her niece to the Daggers. Riley meets them at the ceremony for the mission and takes a quick liking to Bob and Fanboy. After that, every Dagger member starts sending occasional postcards to Riley. She has to get another box for all of them but she’s more than giddy whenever she receives one.
Bob [Adoption] [CW: Infertility]
Bob married his high school sweetheart and has a little girl
They got married after surviving college together and Bob is absolutely enamored with his wife. He knows that she makes a lot of sacrifices for him and his career. So, he always tries to send her flowers and little gifts whenever he can just to let her know that he’s thinking of her. Their relationship is very much healthy and loving.
They started trying for a baby relatively early in their marriage but it didn’t happen. Bob always felt horrible whenever his wife pulled out a negative pregnancy test and was very clearly trying to hold it together for the both of them. They saw specialists and tried various treatments, but it just didn’t happen.
And so, after some counseling and discussing their options, they decided to adopt. Bob’s wife was emotionally exhausted from trying and Bob didn’t want to push her. It didn’t stop him from sobbing about the fact that he couldn’t give his wife the life that she wanted, but after some more counseling, they were prepared to adopt a baby.
About a year later, they adopted a little girl that they named Layla. Bob and his wife fell in love with her the second that they met her. They both sobbed so hard when they finally signed all of the papers and Layla officially joined the Floyd family. They were finally parents and they were going to be the best goddamn parents for little Layla.
Bob was home for the first four months and spent every second that he could with Layla, knowing that at some point he would have to leave her. He was always on hand for a diaper change or a feeding. He’s just so happy about being a dad and his wife being a mom that there’s nothing that could bring his mood down in those days.
Layla quickly grew into a little daddy’s girl and her favorite pastime is trying to steal or mess with Bob’s glasses. Bob’s wife made a comment that Bob needed to be better about saying ‘no’ to her before Layla grew up. Bob agrees, but there’s also nothing in the world that he wouldn’t do for his little princess. When Layla calls him ‘dada’ over the phone for the first time, Bob cried for at least ten minutes.
It was horrible to be away from his girls, but somehow Bob managed. He’s the type of dad to show literally everyone a photo of his daughter and his wife and give them a random update that the random person definitely did not ask for. But he’s just too damn cute when he’s bragging about how beautiful his daughter is that everyone lets it slide.
Bob always has a photo of his family in his flight suit. He treats it like a good luck charm. The one that he usually keeps in his flight suit has a note from his wife written on the back and a paint handprint from Layla, just to add to the support.
Around the time of the mission, Bob and his wife were well into the process of adopting another child. Both Bob and his wife came from big families and they wanted the same for their own family. They, at the very least, wanted to have two babies.
After the mission, Bob’s wife and daughter came out to visit him. And while they’re all having a great time out at the beach, Bob’s wife gets the call that their second child is waiting for them. The Daggers all celebrate the addition to the Floyd family and offer to watch Layla while the Floyds rush to bring their second daughter home.
Coyote [Boy Dad] [CW: Mentions of the G-LOC Incident]
Coyote has a pregnant wife and a little boy waiting for him back home.
Coyote met his wife through the Navy. She was a no-nonsense nurse that most ensigns secretly feared pissing off, but not Coyote. He asked her out and she declined him the first time, which Coyote respected and backed off. When they ended up seated at the same table at a mutual friend’s wedding six months later, however, Coyote tried his luck again. She agreed that time.
Their relationship progressed slowly, since they were both dedicated to their respective careers, but when they were both stationed in Virginia Beach for a continuous eight-month period, it quickly picked up.
While some people referred to his now wife as an ‘ice queen,’ Coyote just knew that she cared about getting the job done. And after seeing thousands of injuries and hearing bullshit responses that were covering up what really happened, she quickly grew tired. But when she was around him, she instantly warmed up. It was like night and day.
She got the shovel talk from Hangman without Coyote’s knowledge. She then proceeded to give Hangman her own shovel talk. They called a truce after that.
At the end of the continuous eight months and right before he shipped out to the middle of the Pacific, Coyote proposed to her. And she, of course, agreed. He was deployed for six months and right after he returned, they went straight to the courthouse to get married. There wasn’t a need for any pomp or circumstance. They loved each other and that was all that mattered. Hangman was their witness.
Their first child, a boy named Gabriel or Gabby as they called him, may or may not have been conceived during their short honeymoon. Coyote tried everything that he could to be there for his son’s birth but his deployment got extended and he couldn’t be there. Hangman actually stepped up and drove Coyote’s wife to the hospital when her water broke but he let other people help her during the actual delivery process.
Coyote returned home a month later and absolutely sobbed when he met his son for the first time. His wife had never seen him cry so hard and supported him through the moment. It didn’t take any conversation for anyone to see that Coyote was devastated that he missed his son’s birth. But he tried to make up for it as best he could.
Gabby was Coyote’s twin in both personality and appearance. Coyote’s mom brought over old photos of him as a baby and Coyote’s wife did at least fifteen double takes. Gabby was a daddy’s boy, which annoyed Coyote’s wife just a bit, but she was also happy to have such a clear reminder of her husband when he was deployed.
The first deployment after Gabby’s birth was horrible. But it was the deployment that Gabby understood that Coyote was leaving that absolutely killed Coyote. Gabby was screaming and crying and refused to let go of Coyote. It was a whole mess and Coyote tried to not break down in front of his son because he knew that it would only make everything worse. His CO told him to take a moment before getting in the cockpit and Coyote quickly agreed.
Around the time of the mission, Coyote’s wife was five months pregnant with their second son. Coyote tried to not think about it too much when he was in the air but after the G-LOC incident, he broke down to Hangman about it. When he calmed down a bit, Coyote called his wife and stayed on the phone with her for hours. He didn’t want to freak her out or put more burdens on her, but she could tell with one look that he was struggling.
After the mission, she came out to visit him with Gabby. Coyote was never not by her side or without Gabby in his arms. He was so clearly a loving family man that Maverick used one of his few favors with the brass to make sure that Coyote was there for his second son’s birth. And Coyote was right there in the delivery room and through the whole process.
Fanboy [Single Dad] [CW: Strained Relationships]
Fanboy is a single dad to a little girl named Natalia, or Lia as he called her.
He was in a relationship with Lia’s mom at the time that Lia was born but while he was deployed on time, Lia’s mom dropped Lia off at Fanboy’s parents’ house, told them that she couldn’t be a mom anymore and it just wasn’t the life that she wanted, and left. Fanboy’s mom eventually managed to get a call out to him and explained the situation.
On one hand, Fanboy was pissed that Lia’s mom never told him that she felt that way about being a mom. He felt completely blindsided and felt that they could have discussed options and tried to make it work before she just dropped Lia and ran. But he was at least thankful that Lia’s mom dropped her off in a safe location and cooperated with the custody proceedings. After the papers were signed, Lia’s mom left and Fanboy assumed that he would never see her again.
He made his peace with the situation and simply focused on being the best dad for Lia.
Lia lived with Fanboy’s parents when he was deployed. She was a happy child, not unlike her dad, and Fanboy was always devastated when he had to leave her behind. Any opportunity that he had, he was writing emails or on the phone with her. He has a tattoo of Lia’s name and her birthday on his chest, above his heart.
Payback is super supportive of Fanboy and Lia’s favorite uncle. She always asks Payback for piggy back rides because he’s so tall and she claims that she feels like she’s flying when she’s up on his back or his shoulders.
Fanboy doesn’t hide the fact that he’s a single dad but he’s also not shouting the fact from the rooftops. He’s gotten some flack and comments for being a single dad in the past that just rubbed him the wrong way and so he’s cautious about bringing that up. He’s open about it with anyone that he’s dating because he’s not willing to compromise on his daughter. But he’s mostly just focusing on being a dad to Lia and his career. When his life got less stressful and chaotic, he could start searching again for a partner.
Fanboy is super protective over his daughter and tries to shield her from the world perhaps more than he should. He doesn’t talk about her mom in a negative light, mostly because he doesn’t want Lia to grow up with his residual anger and frustration. He would be honest with her about the situation when she was old enough to understand the circumstances, but otherwise, he just didn’t talk about her mom with her.
After the mission, Fanboy’s parents bring Lia to visit him. Payback and Phoenix already knew about her and he told Bob about her, but everyone else was mildly shocked. They were all super supportive of him and Fanboy really appreciated that. Lia enjoyed all of the attention that she was showered with from the Daggers. She asked just about everyone for a piggy back ride and no one could say no to her.
Lia’s personal hero became Phoenix after about five minutes around the pilot. And Fanboy started to do Lia’s hair like Phoenix’s (in a service bun) on a regular basis as a result.
Payback [Step-Dad]
Payback was a husband and a father to a boy and a girl.
His eldest, Benny, was technically his step-son. But Payback wouldn’t tolerate any insinuation that Benny was any less of his son. He was a father to two kids. Not one. Not one and a half. Not one and three-quarters. A dad of two. And he wasn’t afraid to correct people on that.
When Payback met his now wife, she was upfront with him that she had a son from a previous relationship. Benny’s dad wasn’t involved and Payback’s now wife was very upfront that her son came first and that if he was uncomfortable with that, then they should see other people.
Six months later, Payback met Benny for the first time.
At the time, Benny was six-years-old. Payback told him all kinds of stories about the missions that he flew on and took Benny to a Blue Angels airshow. It wasn’t always easy to connect with Benny since some of his interests weren’t anywhere near what Payback was familiar with, but Payback took the time to learn and reach out to Benny and they had a strong bond.
A year and a half later, Payback proposed to his now wife and they married seven months later when Payback returned from deployment. Benny was the best man. Payback had vows to Benny as well and his wife absolutely started bawling during the exchange.
Payback moved his family out to Lemoore and made sure to take time to check in with Benny about his new school and his new surroundings. Payback never wanted to feel like Benny couldn’t come to him with any kinds of concerns.
And after watching Payback with Benny for so long, Payback’s wife quickly suggested having another baby after they moved to Lemoore. About two years later, Emily Fitch was born. Payback was there for her birth and did well in the delivery room. Fanboy started a bet that Payback would pass out, but Payback was very proud to prove his WSO wrong.
Benny took an immediate liking to his baby sister and there was enough of an age gap between them that Benny seemed to understand well enough that he wasn’t being replaced. And just in case, Payback and his wife made sure to have separate days and events with Benny to assure him that Emily was not any kind of replacement for him.
Benny emailed Payback just about every day while he was deployed and Payback’s wife sent separate emails with photos and videos. Payback has a photo from the hospital with his family of four taped to the inside of his cockpit.
Fanboy and Benny get along well. Payback jokes that it’s because they have the same level of emotional intelligence. It’s mostly because Fanboy and Benny enjoy playing video games together. Benny always challenges Fanboy to Mario Kart races and makes bets on it. Payback’s wife gave Payback a telling off about that, since she didn’t need Benny continuously making bad bets on everything.
At the time of the mission, Payback doesn’t hide the fact that he has a family back home. Fanboy and Phoenix are already aware and everyone else figures it out. After the mission, Payback talks to Maverick about retiring and Maverick gets him in contact with Slider, who is a commercial airline pilot. Two years after the mission, Payback leaves the Navy to bring more stability to his family, which is now nearly a family of five since his wife is pregnant again.
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justforbooks · 2 years
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The long reign of Queen Elizabeth II was marked by her strong sense of duty and her determination to dedicate her life to her throne and to her people.
She became for many the one constant point in a rapidly changing world as British influence declined, society changed beyond recognition and the role of the monarchy itself came into question.
Her success in maintaining the monarchy through such turbulent times was even more remarkable given that, at the time of her birth, no-one could have foreseen that the throne would be her destiny.
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born on 21 April 1926, in a house just off Berkeley Square in London, the first child of Albert, Duke of York, second son of George V, and his duchess, the former Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.
Both Elizabeth and her sister, Margaret Rose, who was born in 1930, were educated at home and brought up in a loving family atmosphere. Elizabeth was extremely close to both her father and her grandfather, George V.
At the age of six, Elizabeth told her riding instructor that she wanted to become a "country lady with lots of horses and dogs".
She was said to have shown a remarkable sense of responsibility from a very early age. Winston Churchill, the future prime minister, was quoted as saying that she possessed "an air of authority that was astonishing in an infant".
Despite not attending school, Elizabeth proved adept at languages and made a detailed study of constitutional history.
A special Girl Guides company, the 1st Buckingham Palace, was formed so that she could socialise with girls of her own age.
Increasing tension
On the death of George V in 1936, his eldest son, known as David, became Edward VIII.
However, his choice of wife, the twice-divorced American Wallis Simpson, was deemed to be unacceptable on political and religious grounds. At the end of the year he abdicated.
A reluctant Duke of York became King George VI. His Coronation gave Elizabeth a foretaste of what lay in store for her and she later wrote that she had found the service "very, very wonderful".
Against a background of increasing tension in Europe, the new King, together with his wife, Queen Elizabeth, set out to restore public faith in the monarchy. Their example was not lost on their elder daughter.
In 1939, the 13-year-old princess accompanied the King and Queen to the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth.
Together with her sister Margaret, she was escorted by one of the cadets, her third cousin, Prince Philip of Greece.
It was not the first time they had met, but it was the first time she took an interest in him.
Prince Philip called on his royal relatives when on leave from the navy, and by 1944, when she was 18, Elizabeth was clearly in love with him. She kept his picture in her room and they exchanged letters.
The young princess briefly joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) towards the end of the war, learning to drive and service a lorry. On VE Day, she joined the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace as thousands gathered in The Mall to celebrate the end of the war in Europe.
"We asked my parents if we could go out and see for ourselves," she later recalled. "I remember we were terrified of being recognised. I remember lines of unknown people linking arms and walking down Whitehall, all of us just swept along on a tide of happiness and relief."
After the war, her desire to marry Prince Philip faced a number of obstacles.
The King was reluctant to lose a daughter on whom he doted, and Philip had to overcome the prejudice of an establishment that could not accept his foreign ancestry.
But the wishes of the couple prevailed and on 20 November 1947 the couple married in Westminster Abbey.
The Duke of Edinburgh, as Philip had become, remained a serving naval officer. For a short time, a posting to Malta meant the young couple could enjoy a relatively normal life.
Their first child, Charles, was born in 1948, followed by a sister, Anne, who arrived in 1950.
But the King, having suffered considerable stress during the war years, was terminally ill with lung cancer, brought about by a lifetime of heavy smoking.
In January 1952, Elizabeth, then 25, set off with Philip for an overseas tour. The King, against medical advice, went to the airport to see the couple off. It was to be the last time Elizabeth would see her father.
Elizabeth heard of the death of the King while staying at a game lodge in Kenya and the new Queen immediately returned to London.
"In a way, I didn't have an apprenticeship," she later recalled. "My father died much too young, so it was all a very sudden kind of taking on and making the best job you can."
Personal attack
Her Coronation in June 1953 was televised, despite the opposition of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and millions gathered around TV sets, many of them for the first time, to watch as Queen Elizabeth II made her oath.
With Britain still enduring post-war austerity, commentators saw the Coronation as the dawn of a new Elizabethan age.
World War Two had served to hasten the end of the British Empire, and by the time the new Queen set off on a lengthy tour of the Commonwealth in November 1953, many former British possessions, including India, had gained independence.
Elizabeth became the first reigning monarch to visit Australia and New Zealand. It was estimated that three-quarters of Australians turned out to see her in person.
Throughout the 1950s, more countries hauled down the union flag and the former colonies and dominions now came together as a voluntary family of nations.
Many politicians felt that the new Commonwealth could become a counter to the newly emerging European Economic Community and, to some extent, British policy turned away from the Continent.
But the decline of British influence was hastened by the Suez debacle in 1956, when it became clear that the Commonwealth lacked the collective will to act together in times of crisis. The decision to send British troops to try to prevent Egypt's threatened nationalisation of the Suez Canal ended in an ignominious withdrawal and brought about the resignation of Prime Minister Anthony Eden.
This embroiled the Queen in a political crisis. The Conservative Party had no mechanism for electing a new leader and, after a series of consultations, the Queen invited Harold Macmillan to form a new government.
The Queen also found herself the subject of a personal attack by the writer Lord Altrincham. In a magazine article, he claimed her court was "too British" and "upper-class" and accused her of being unable to make a simple speech without a written text.
His remarks caused a furore in the press and Lord Altrincham was physically attacked in the street by a member of the League of Empire Loyalists.
Nevertheless, the incident demonstrated that British society and attitudes to the monarchy were changing fast and old certainties were being questioned.
From 'the Monarchy' to 'the Royal Family'
Encouraged by her husband, notoriously impatient with the court's stuffiness, the Queen began to adapt to the new order.
The practice of receiving debutantes at court was abolished and the term "the Monarchy" was gradually replaced by "the Royal Family".
The Queen was once more at the centre of a political row when in 1963, Harold Macmillan stood down as prime minister. With the Conservative Party still to set up a system for choosing a new leader, she followed his advice to appoint the Earl of Home in his place.
It was a difficult time for the Queen. The hallmark of her reign was constitutional correctness, and a further separation of the monarchy from the government of the day. She took seriously her rights to be informed, to advise and to warn - but did not seek to step beyond them.
It was to be the last time she would be put in such a position. The Conservatives finally did away with the tradition that new party leaders just "emerged", and a proper system was put in place.
By the late 1960s, Buckingham Palace had decided that it needed to take a positive step to show the Royal Family in a far less formal and more approachable way.
The result was a ground-breaking documentary, Royal Family. The BBC was allowed to film the Windsors at home. There were pictures of the family at a barbecue, decorating the Christmas tree, taking their children for a drive - all ordinary activities, but never seen before.
Critics claimed that Richard Cawston's film destroyed the mystique of the royals by showing them to be ordinary people, including scenes of the Duke of Edinburgh barbecuing sausages in the grounds at Balmoral.
But the film echoed the more relaxed mood of the times and did much to restore public support for the monarchy.
By 1977, the Silver Jubilee was celebrated with genuine enthusiasm in street parties and in ceremonies across the kingdom. The monarchy seemed secure in the public's affection and much of that was down to the Queen herself.
Two years later, Britain had, in Margaret Thatcher, its first woman prime minister. Relations between the female head of state and female head of government were sometimes said to have been awkward.
Scandals and disasters
One difficult area was the Queen's devotion to the Commonwealth, of which she was head. The Queen knew the leaders of Africa well and was sympathetic to their cause.
She was reported to have found Thatcher's attitude and confrontational style "puzzling", not least over the prime minister's opposition to sanctions against apartheid South Africa.
Year by year, the Queen's public duties continued. After the Gulf War in 1991, she went to the United States to become the first British monarch to address a joint session of Congress. President George HW Bush said she had been "freedom's friend for as long as we can remember".
However, a year later, a series of scandals and disasters began to affect the Royal Family.
The Queen's second son, the Duke of York, and his wife Sarah separated, while Princess Anne's marriage to Mark Phillips ended in divorce. Then the Prince and Princess of Wales were revealed to be deeply unhappy and eventually split up.
The year culminated in a huge fire at the Queen's favourite residence, Windsor Castle. It seemed a grimly appropriate symbol of a royal house in trouble. It was not helped by a public row over whether the taxpayer, or the Queen, should foot the bill for the repairs.
The Queen described 1992 as her "annus horribilis" and, in a speech in the City of London, appeared to concede the need for a more open monarchy in return for a less hostile media.
"No institution, city, monarchy, whatever, should expect to be free from the scrutiny of those who give it their loyalty and support, not to mention those who don't. But we are all part of the same fabric of our national society and that scrutiny can be just as effective if it is made with a measure of gentleness, good humour and understanding."
The institution of monarchy was very much on the defensive. Buckingham Palace was opened to visitors to raise money to pay for the repairs at Windsor and it was announced that the Queen and the Prince of Wales would pay tax on investment income.
Abroad, the hopes for the Commonwealth, so high early in her reign, had not been fulfilled. Britain had turned its back on its old partners with new arrangements in Europe.
The Queen still saw value in the Commonwealth and was deeply gratified when South Africa, where she had come of age, at last threw apartheid aside. She celebrated with a visit in March 1995.
At home, the Queen sought to maintain the dignity of the monarchy while public debate continued on whether the institution had any future.
Death of Diana, Princess of Wales
As Britain struggled to find a new destiny, she tried to remain a reassuring figure, and with a sudden smile could lighten a solemn moment. The role she valued above all was that of symbol of the nation.
However, the monarchy was shaken and the Queen herself attracted unusual criticism after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in a car accident in Paris in August 1997.
As the public crowded around the palaces in London with tributes of flowers, the Queen seemed reluctant to provide the focus that she had always tried to do during great national moments.
Many of her critics failed to understand that she was from a generation that recoiled from the almost hysterical displays of public mourning that typified the aftermath of the princess's death.
She also felt as a caring grandmother that she needed to comfort Diana's sons in the privacy of the family circle.
Eventually, she made a live broadcast, paying tribute to her daughter-in-law and making a commitment that the monarchy would adapt.
Losses and celebrations
The deaths of the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret, in the Queen's Golden Jubilee year, 2002, cast a shadow over nationwide celebrations of her reign.
But despite this, and the recurring debate over the future of the monarchy, a million people crowded into The Mall, in front of Buckingham Palace, on the evening of the jubilee.
In April 2006, thousands of well-wishers lined the streets of Windsor as the Queen performed an informal walkabout on her 80th birthday.
And in November 2007, she and Prince Philip celebrated 60 years of marriage with a service attended by 2,000 people at Westminster Abbey.
There was yet another happy occasion in April 2011 when the Queen attended the wedding of her grandson, William, Duke of Cambridge, to Catherine Middleton.
In May that year she became the first British monarch to make an official visit to the Irish Republic, an event of great historical significance.
In a speech, which she began in Irish, she called for forbearance and conciliation and referred to "things we wish had been done differently or not at all".
A year later, on a visit to Northern Ireland as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, she shook hands with the former IRA commander Martin McGuinness.
It was a poignant moment for a monarch whose much-loved cousin, Lord Louis Mountbatten, had been killed by an IRA bomb in 1979.
The Diamond Jubilee brought hundreds of thousands of people on to the streets and culminated in a weekend of celebrations in London.
The referendum on Scottish independence, in September 2014, was a testing time for the Queen. Few had forgotten her speech to Parliament in 1977 in which she made clear her commitment to a United Kingdom.
"I number kings and queens of England and of Scotland, and princes of Wales among my ancestors and so I can readily understand these aspirations. But I cannot forget that I was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."
In a remark to well-wishers at Balmoral on the eve of the Scottish referendum, which was overheard, she said she hoped people would think very carefully about the future.
Once the result of the vote was known, her public statement underlined the relief she felt that the Union was still intact, although recognising that the political landscape had changed.
"Now, as we move forward, we should remember that despite the range of views that have been expressed, we have in common an enduring love of Scotland, which is one of the things that helps to unite us all."
On 9 September 2015 she became the longest reigning monarch in British history, surpassing the reign of her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria. In typical style she refused to make any fuss saying the title was "not one to which I have ever aspired".
Less than a year later, in April 2016, she celebrated her 90th birthday.
She continued with her public duties, often alone after the retirement of the Duke of Edinburgh in 2017.
There were continued strains on the family - including her husband's car accident, the Duke of York's ill-judged friendship with convicted American businessman Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Harry's growing disillusionment with life in the royal family.
These were unsettling moments, presided over by a monarch who demonstrated that she was still firmly in control. There was also the death of Prince Philip in April 2021, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and her Platinum Jubilee a year later.
Although the monarchy might not have been as strong at the end of the Queen's reign as it was at the start, she was determined that it should continue to command a place of affection and respect in the hearts of the British people.
On the occasion of her Silver Jubilee, she recalled the pledge she had made on a visit to South Africa 30 years before.
"When I was 21, I pledged my life to the service of our people and I asked for God's help to make good that vow. Although that vow was made in my salad days, when I was green in judgement, I do not regret, or retract, one word of it."
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saulweissberg · 4 days
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KATHARINE 'KATIE' LOWENSTEIN— His first foray into marriage (1993—1997). They met during their fourth year at Columbia, and by the time graduation came around, they were married. It was a whirlwind romance that had many ups and downs from the start; they loved each other, but Saul was easily distracted by parties and work, while Katie wanted to hurry and grow up already. Their wedding was quick and rushed, eloping one weekend to his and her parents' consternation. (Though they hadn't officially met until college, they both came from prominent Jewish dynasties in New England, so their respective families were already acquainted with each other; it was the only reason that the Weissbergs and the Lowensteins were okay with Saul and Katie's subsequent elopement.) Soon after, Katie was pregnant with their one and only son, Micah. By the time Saul graduated law school and Katie had taken on most of the parenting, their rushed marriage was quickly falling apart. Katie had moved out to Westchester by the time Saul was hired at his first law firm and their divorced was finalized by the time he was hired at his second. After that, Saul dedicated most of his time to work, sacrificing his relationship with his son, which made his co-parenting relationship with Katie incredibly strained due to his constant broken promises to their son. Nearly thirty years since Micah's birth, they're at the point where they can be in the same room for their son's sake, but Katie has no problem making it obvious how much she still resents Saul. Out of all of his wives, he knows he failed Katie—and Micah—the most. After their acrimonious divorce, Katie remained in Westchester where she raised Micah as a single mother.
TAMARA BETHELL— His second marriage and longest by far (2000—2009). Already years into his successful career as a lawyer, Tamara had been a new secretary hired at the firm and Saul took instant notice of the beautiful, redheaded Tamara. Like all of his romantic relationships, it happened pretty instantaneously and they fell deeply in love after just a few months. Like with Katie, he proposed on a whim to Tamara, but this time, they actually planned out their wedding. Her parents weren't thrilled that she was marrying a Jewish man after just a few months of dating, especially since she was 23 to Saul's 28, but the displeasure deepened to abject hatred when they found out Saul had no desire to have more children, much to Tamara's surprise. It was something they should have discussed before getting married, but the topic somehow hadn't come up until after. Tamara was devastated, as she wanted nothing more than a family, but she held out for nine years before she decided she couldn't live without having children. Their relationship was the most consistently pleasant out of his marriages, as Tamara had a habit of putting Saul's feelings over her own and compromising when she didn't want to, but after nine years together, they both came to the conclusion that they weren't meant to be together after all. Their divorce was the smoothest, friendliest break up that Saul had witnessed in over a decade of being a divorce lawyer. Since the divorce, Tamara got remarried and now lives happily with her husband and two children in suburban New Jersey.
THALIA CLARK— His third and most recent marriage (2017—2022). Their meeting was either destined or entirely random, but at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner that fateful year, Saul and Thalia were sat the same table. From their name cards on their plates, the two deduced they were both lone Jews at a Catholic charity gala dinner, and from then on, it was like nothing he had felt before. After his second divorce, there was still hope in Saul's heart that he'd find love again; it took him eight years to find his next wife, but the moment he locked eyes with Thalia at that charity dinner, he knew she was the one. From there, the pair were inseparable. As was his pattern, he proposed way too early and their engagement was short. Finally, though, he got a proper Jewish wedding that he missed out on with Katie (they eloped) and Tamara (she was raised Protestant and refused to convert, nor he would've converted to Protestantism for her). The marriage was nearly perfect from the outset, despite how Kathleen, Thalia's sister, disapproved. Thalia was a great date to the various charity galas and holiday parties at the firm, but in her words, she was losing her identity to being Mrs. Saul Weissberg. Then her older sister had moved back to their hometown of Providence Peak, Colorado, which added further strain to their marriage when she desperately wanted to move home to be with her sister. Saul, ever the workaholic, retreated into his job to avoid dealing with their marital problems and Thalia did much of the same, to the point that when they did have a conversation, it was stiff and bordering on a fight. In an effort to save their marriage, Saul relented on moving to Providence Peak in hopes of opening his own firm, ready to branch out after making partner at thirty many moons ago. Unfortunately, the move broke their marriage instead of fixing it, and after just a year of being in Colorado, they were headed towards divorce. In Saul's view, the divorce was amicable because Thalia seemingly didn't want anything to do with him anymore, but recently, Saul has learned their breakup wasn't as mutual as he had thought after a chance encounter at the Spring Extravaganza baseball game. Post-divorce, Thalia has started working as a yoga teacher at the local yoga studio, and Saul has continued his efforts to make his firm successful.
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
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By Steve Dougherty and Larry Sutton | Published 17 September 2022
Time Magazine International Edition
QUEEN ELIZABETH II WAS THE WORLD’S LONGEST-serving head of state when she died at 96 on Sept. 8. She had led her subjects for more than seven decades—an extraordinary reign that began in 1952, and spanned 15 British Prime Ministers and 14 U.S. Presidents. She inherited the throne of a country almost broken by the legacy of war, and remained upon it through a time of epochal change for both the U.K. and the world.
When Elizabeth took the throne, the U.K. was the seat of an empire that straddled the globe. Today, Britain is a smaller player on the world’s stage, but she remained the sovereign leader of 15 nations—including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand—and head of a Commonwealth of more than 50 nations. She traveled the globe as an ambassador for British achievements, acts of charity, and values. She was also devoted to upholding the “special relationship” between the U.K. and the U.S., engaging with every President from Harry Truman to Joe Biden over a period of more than 70 years. And even as the world changed in profound ways, many saw her as a steadfast rock of patriotic duty. As her grandson Prince William wrote in the preface to a 2015 biography, “I think I speak for my generation when I say that the example and continuity provided by the Queen is not only very rare among leaders but a great source of pride and reassurance … I am privileged to have the Queen as a model for a life of service to the public.”
ELIZABETH ALEXANDRA MARY WINDSOR was born by cesarean section at 2:40 a.m. on April 21, 1926. She was an heir to the throne, but third in the line of succession. Her father Prince Albert—Bertie to friends and family—was the second son of the reigning monarch, King George V. His older brother David, known by his royal appellation Edward of Wales, was first in line to the throne—but also single, childless, and already rumored to have little interest in inheriting his father’s crown.
The early life of Princess Elizabeth was chronicled with zeal both by the British press and in the former colonies. “The water was from the River Jordan,” TIME reported of the elaborate christening pageantry staged in the private chapel at Buckingham Palace. Sir Winston Churchill first met Elizabeth at Balmoral Castle in 1928, when she was 2, and proclaimed that he saw in her “an air of authority and reflectiveness astonishing in an infant.”
No one in the realm was more enamored with the young Elizabeth than its monarch, who gave her the place of honor on his lap when they rode through the streets of London in his royal stretch Daimler. “No one else except the Queen rides out so often with the King,” TIME reported. Left out of the spotlight, not ungladly, was Lilibet’s father—the self-deprecating Bertie, who once told reporters, “My chief claim to fame seems to be that I am the father of Princess Elizabeth.”
Her reign as only child ended at age 4, in 1930, with the birth of her sister, Margaret Rose, at Glamis Castle in Scotland, their mother’s ancestral home. The girls romped together on the palace grounds and royal country estates, played with their terrier puppies and corgis—Elizabeth’s lifelong favorite. They also stabled, cared for, and learned to train a royal succession of pet ponies, and shared the same nannies and governesses.
In January 1936, upon the death of Lilibet’s grandfather George V, her uncle David became King Edward VIII. Almost immediately, his eldest niece and all the royal family became prime players in a 20th century succession drama. Edward’s tumultuous 10-month reign as King ended on Dec. 10, 1936, when he scandalized the world by abdicating the throne to marry the twice-divorced American socialite Wallis Warfield Simpson. “I always told those idiots not to put me in a golden frame,” he said. Young Lilibet was only 10 when she learned she would become Queen after her father’s death.
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ELIZABETH WAS BARELY A TEENAGER when, on Sept. 3, 1939, Britain declared war on Nazi Germany. The war’s threat had already thundered throughout Europe, and soon the kingdom Elizabeth would one day rule, along with much of the rest of the world, was engulfed in war. Less than a year later, Hitler entered Paris and promised to make Britain his next conquest. Soon the Blitz—day and night Luftwaffe bombing raids that rained fire and terror over cities throughout England—was at full roar.
And so the Princess spent her teens knitting socks for British soldiers, collecting tinfoil, and rolling bandages for the war effort. She would send portions of her 5-shilling weekly allowance to emergency child-welfare funds, wear secondhand clothes, adhere to the war-rations diet dictated for all Britons, and live frugally despite being a teenage Princess and heir to the British throne.
Even as bombs fell on Buckingham Palace, the royal couple refused entreaties to abandon London and evacuate Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret to Canada. “The children won’t go without me,” said the Queen. “I won’t leave without the King. And the King will never leave.”
The King’s decision to remain in England for the duration of the war, enduring its deprivations along with his subjects, endeared him to the beleaguered nation. But it also made the likelihood that Elizabeth might suddenly be called to the throne in the event of her father’s death seem palpable.
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The future monarch began her public life with her first live BBC radio broadcast in October 1940. Displaying poise and pluck, she addressed the tens of thousands of children who were evacuated from their homes and separated from their families at the height of the Blitz. “My sister, Margaret Rose, and I feel so much for you as we know from experience what it means to be away from those we love most of all,” she said in a clear voice that offered a hint of the calm and compassion that many would come to admire.
When in 1944 she reached military age at 18, Elizabeth joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service, one of the wartime women’s units. She spent three weeks at the Mechanical Transport Training Center, where she trained as a mechanic and truck driver. The labor left her covered in grease and grime and not a little well-earned pride.
And she never partied so hard as she did a fortnight after her 19th birthday when, on May 8, 1945—Victory in Europe Day—she joined the ecstatic and rowdy street celebrations that swept London following Germany’s surrender. After standing in uniform on the balcony at Buckingham Palace to greet cheering crowds alongside the King, Queen, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, she, her sister, a group of friends, and a few guardians linked arms and ran among the crowds that surged through the city. For two nights in a row she “walked simply miles,” she wrote in her journal, “ate, partied, bed 3 a.m.!” These were, she would say 40 years later, among “the most memorable nights of my life.”
YEARS BEFORE, ELIZABETH had visited a naval college at Dartmouth where she had been greeted by a towering 18-year-old cadet.
Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark was born on the Greek island of Corfu on June 10, 1921, nephew of King Constantine of Greece and distant relation to Britain’s Queen Victoria. As his family drifted apart he was sent, at the age of 9, to England to live with his grandmother, the widow of the great British naval commander and German Prince Louis Alexander Mountbatten. He was schooled in England, Germany, and Scotland, and became a fine young athlete—as Elizabeth would note to her governess, Crawfie, on that trip to Dartmouth: “How good he is, Crawfie. How high can he jump!”
Elizabeth corresponded with Philip throughout the war, and after its end the Prince was placed on shore duty at a naval base on England’s south coast. He often made the 100-mile trek to London in his small black MG, frequently stopping at Buckingham Palace. As the friendship grew into a romance, Elizabeth was delighted. Her father George? Not so much—at first. “His loud, boisterous laugh and his blunt, seagoing manners … irritated the gentle King,” TIME reported in 1957. Despite that chill, Elizabeth and Philip decided to marry after a short stay with her family at Balmoral Castle in the summer of 1946. The King’s lack of enthusiasm for Elizabeth’s beau—an attitude sparked, in part, by his concern over how the people of Britain would take to a foreign-born prince marrying the heiress to the throne—frustrated the Princess. “There was many a tense moment for George as Elizabeth moped about in tearful martyrdom while her mother and grandmother, the doughty old Queen Mary, fought her battle for her. At last, George decided that the young couple (she was 20, he 25) should wait six months to make sure of each other,” noted TIME.
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There were obstacles to overcome, but none insurmountable. Philip became a British citizen, and public-opinion polls showed that a majority of the nation’s populace favored his marrying the Princess. The official announcement did not come until July 9, 1947, followed by the couple’s introduction at a Buckingham Palace garden party. The wedding took place that November, on the 20th. Philip had converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism, and Elizabeth’s father made the former member of the Greek and Danish royal families a British royal duke, the Duke of Edinburgh, to be called His Royal Highness, or simply Prince Philip.
As Elizabeth made her way to Westminster Abbey in the royal coach on her wedding day, thousands cheered from the neighboring sidewalks of London. Celebrations erupted throughout the globe, from Paris to Panama, from Shanghai to Manhattan—where thousands got out of bed at 6 a.m. to listen to the ceremony broadcast on the radio. Dignitaries—five Kings, six Queens, Prime Minister Clement Attlee, Winston Churchill—were in attendance. All of Britain celebrated, many seeing the wedding as a beacon of hope in the post–World War II recovery period.
ON FEB. 5, 1952, Princess Elizabeth went to bed in a tree hut nestled in Kenya’s Aberdare National Park and awoke the next day as the Queen of England. She was unaware of her new position, for news of the death of her father King George VI had not yet reached that outpost of the British Empire. That afternoon, at a lodge, Philip received a phone call informing him of George’s death. The Prince took his bride down to a nearby river’s edge and relayed the news. Shaken, but in full command of herself, Elizabeth returned to the lodge and began making arrangements for the long trip home.
Elizabeth arrived at London’s airport the following morning. Churchill was there to greet her, along with a small group of privy councilors—advisers to the monarchy. That night she rested; the next day she signed the oath of accession before the Privy Council, and an hour later her accession was formally proclaimed. In the months that followed, there was no hurry to arrange her formal coronation—she was already, technically, the Queen. So Elizabeth and the Palace allowed the focus to stay on King George and his 16 enormously popular years on the throne, and let the nation’s sadness ebb.
The ceremony finally took place on June 2, 1953, a day chosen in hopes of sunny spring weather. This being London, however, the nation settled for a traditional gray morning. At 11 a.m., a joyous fanfare of trumpets announced the arrival of Her Majesty. “Vivat Regina Elizabetha! Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!” shouted the Queen’s Westminster Scholars as she walked up the aisle, her long crimson train borne by six maids of honor. The Archbishop of Canterbury proceeded to ask Elizabeth if she would govern her people according to their laws and customs, execute law and justice in mercy, and maintain the laws of God. She knelt, kissed the Holy Bible before her, and swore to do so, “so help me God.” Finally, he held aloft the Imperial State Crown for all to see, then placed it on Elizabeth’s head. Cheers of “God Save the Queen” filled the abbey as trumpets blared; outside, and across the British Empire, bells pealed and cannons roared.
AS WELL AS the constitutional duties Elizabeth fulfilled as Britain’s head of state and the head of the Church of England, she spent long sections of the following decades traveling the world as her nation’s goodwill ambassador. The November after her coronation she embarked on a 45,000-mile tour of the British Commonwealth, presiding over state balls, garden parties, luncheons, banquets, and other occasions. Among her stops: Libya, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Jamaica, Uganda, and the Pacific island of Tonga. She did not return to London until May 15, 1954, almost six months after she departed.
In the fall of 1957, Elizabeth and Philip spent six days in New York City; Washington, D.C.; and parts of Virginia, where they celebrated the 350th anniversary of the founding of the first British colony in America. In Washington, they were guests of President Dwight D. Eisenhower—a friend since his days in London during World War II—for four nights at the White House. At the state dinner, Elizabeth praised Washington as “so often a focus for the aspirations of the free world.” Later, Vice President Richard Nixon hosted a luncheon at the Capitol, and Elizabeth sought to see how the average American enjoyed life, attending a college football game and stopping in a Giant supermarket.
Clearly, the travel bug had bitten. In 1961, Elizabeth visited India, and at the Ramlila Grounds near Old Delhi, a quarter of a million people came to see her speak. In the city of Jaipur, the Maharaja offered her a ride on a ceremonial elephant. Though the trip was a success for Elizabeth, it also put the Indian government on edge—it viewed such a display of colonial pageantry as undermining the country’s fledgling independence. Philip also drew negative publicity when official photos emerged of a tiger he’d killed on a hunt with the Maharaja.
In Ghana that same year, Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah told the Queen, “The wind of change blowing through Africa has become a hurricane.” (Ghana had declared independence from the British Empire in 1957, though the legacy of colonialism still hung over the country.) Tanzania would declare independence later that year, joined by Kenya in 1962 and a series of other African nations throughout the 1960s.
In 1965, Elizabeth embarked on an 11-day tour of West Germany, the first state visit by a reigning British monarch since Edward VII had paid his last call on Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1909. The trip came a full two decades after the end of World War II, amid fears of lingering resentment between the U.K. and Germany. But those fears were misplaced. The Queen and German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard said all hostility between their countries had been healed in the 20 years since the war. It ended in triumph, with crowds cheering and chanting “Elizabet, Eliz-a-bet!” as she placed a wreath on a Beethoven monument near the Bonn city hall.
BUT ALL THAT TRAVELING would put a strain on her family. That world tour following her coronation took place when Charles was 5 and Anne only 3—and the children were left behind. They did chat with their traveling mother by radiotelephone. But this would go on to be characteristic of Elizabeth, who always tended to make work her priority.
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Years later, in 1994, Prince Charles would allow his authorized biographer to disclose that the prince felt “emotionally estranged” from his parents. Close friends found the Duke’s behavior “inexplicably harsh” and called his manner toward Charles “very bullying.” His mother, the Queen, seemed “detached.” Elizabeth and Philip were reported to be hurt by this disclosure. Publicly, only Philip would comment: “We did our best.” Princess Anne exercised less restraint, defending Elizabeth from rumors that she was remote. “I simply don’t believe that there is any evidence whatsoever to suggest that she wasn’t caring,” she said in 2002. Yet even Anne might have acknowledged a warmth that was sometimes wanting on her part later in life—when a little more compassion, a little more kindness, might have been called for.
The early 1990s would bring all kinds of personal problems to the fore—most notably in 1992, which the Queen famously described in a speech as an “annus horribilis” (horrible year). This was the year when her second son, Andrew, separated from his wife Sarah; when daughter Anne divorced her husband Mark Phillips; when her son Charles and his wife Diana increasingly became a tabloid issue; and when public concern grew about the cost of the monarchy and who would pay to repair Windsor Castle, which caught fire that year.
The damage was significant. The Nov. 20 fire—on the Queen’s 45th wedding anniversary—gutted the northeast corner of the castle, parts of which were more than 900 years old. It took 250 firefighters 15 hours to bring it under control. In the end more than 100 rooms, covering an area of 1.7 acres, were damaged. When British citizens learned that they were about to foot the bill for repairs to Windsor Castle—to the tune of up to $78 million—they grumbled. Elizabeth rectified the issue by volunteering to pay income and capital gains tax from her private investments. It hurt, but not too much: Her net worth remained at about $500 million.
But these were simply matters of state. Matters of the heart caused greater grief for Elizabeth—particularly the travails of Charles and Di. Their courtship and 1981 marriage captivated the nation, if not the world. No less an authority than the Archbishop of Canterbury proclaimed, “Here is the stuff of which fairy tales are made: the Prince and Princess on their wedding day.” But infidelity would intrude on both sides, and the ability to maintain the pretense of marriage for the sake of appearances became impossible. On Aug. 24, 1992, the transcript of a phone conversation between Diana and a close friend was published in the Sun, with Diana describing life with Charles as “real torture,” and saying she had caught the Queen Mother watching her “with a strange look in her eyes.” Diana and her young sons, William and Harry, continued to reside at Kensington Palace, while Charles’ relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles was parsed by the tabloid press. The Prince and Princess of Wales officially separated on Dec. 9.
Diana’s decision to grant an interview to the BBC on Nov. 20, 1995, in which she confessed that she had been unfaithful to Charles, had upset the royal family, and Queen Elizabeth in particular. (Of course, Charles had admitted his own infidelity on a TV documentary the previous year, as Diana noted in the interview.) Within a month, the Queen wrote to both Charles and Diana, urging them to agree to an early divorce. Buckingham Palace released a statement saying Charles favored the divorce, but there was no official word from Diana. In February 1996—more than a year before Diana, her romantic partner Dodi Fayed, and driver Henri Paul died in a car crash while being pursued by the paparazzi—she finally released her own statement saying she was ready to divorce too.
It took time for Elizabeth—a woman married seven decades to the same man—to adjust to modern mores. A longtime sticking point was Charles’ future bride Camilla; the press noted that Elizabeth was not enamored of her son’s consort. A shift occurred in 2002, when, by bringing Camilla to events celebrating Elizabeth’s 50 years on the throne, Charles provided strong evidence that he was gaining ground in his campaign to officially bring Camilla into the family fold.
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Charles and Camilla got engaged around Christmas 2004, and before long the Queen issued a statement saying, “The Duke of Edinburgh and I are very happy that the Prince of Wales and Mrs. Parker Bowles are to marry.” She and Prince Philip did not attend their wedding at Windsor Guildhall on April 9, 2005, but they did attend a blessing of the couple at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle and held a reception for them at the castle.
A more festive wedding—and one more in keeping with Elizabeth’s sense of tradition—took place on April 29, 2011, when Elizabeth’s grandson William married Kate Middleton in a lavish ceremony at Westminster Abbey. And she remained her regal self at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s more modern wedding at Windsor Castle in 2018, which included a fiery sermon delivered by Bishop Michael Curry of Chicago, the first African American head of the Episcopal Church in the U.S.
But in a televised interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021, Harry and Meghan alleged that racism had tarnished their relationship with the Windsors. While the press hounded Meghan as they did Harry’s late mother, “no one from my family ever said anything,” Harry said.
The family was once again thrust into the spotlight when allegations surfaced about Andrew’s relationship with the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Andrew stepped back from royal duties in late 2019, and in 2021 was served with a lawsuit by Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein’s victims, who accused Andrew of sexually abusing her when she was 17. According to the Daily Telegraph, the Queen contributed millions to her son’s legal defense, and agreed to contribute £2 million ($2.7 million) to a survivor-support charity as part of a settlement.
But family was also a source of comfort. As the Queen neared the end of her life, she doted on her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. “In a small room with close members of the family, then she is just a normal grandmother. Very relaxed,” Harry said before he and Meghan stepped back as working royals in early 2020. “She obviously takes a huge interest in what we all do.”
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EVEN AFTER SHE ENTERED her ninth decade, Elizabeth continued with her royal duties, despite her age and a rapidly changing world.
For nearly all her reign, the Queen would read a selection of the 200 to 300 letters that she received daily, as well as review official papers and documents sent her way from government ministers and her representatives in foreign countries. Until she was forced to slow down by mobility issues and bouts of ill health, she would have 10- to 20-minute audiences with ambassadors, commissioners, and other officials, and there would be her weekly visit from the British Prime Minister.
Despite growing republican movements within the Commonwealth realms, the Queen herself remained a hugely popular figure in both the U.K. and beyond. And she remained a force for good, offering messages of inspiration and optimism in even the most trying times. In one of her last annual Christmas Day messages, she urged her subjects in Britain and across the Commonwealth to draw inspiration from “ordinary people doing extraordinary things.”
To many, she embodied the steadfastness she urged in others. At Prince Philip’s funeral, held shortly after he died on April 9, 2021, after 73 years of marriage, the monarch solemnly sat alone in a pew at Windsor Castle because of coronavirus restrictions. The image became instantly iconic, and further burnished her legacy as a stoic leader through good times and bad.
The Queen has been a constant figure in most of the British public’s living memory. Difficulty moving prevented her from attending the majority of Buckingham Palace’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, as the nation in June 2022 marked her 70th year on the throne—a first for a British monarch. But community celebrations were widespread across the U.K. Some 16,000 official street parties were organized, and almost 17 million people—about 1 in 4 Brits—took part in events.
The Queen did not lead an ordinary life, but she filled it with inspiring acts of duty both public and private—whether carrying out the requirements of the state from the trappings of the throne, or giving quiet words of encouragement to a well-wisher in a crowd. She “has been a rock of stability in an era in which our country has changed so much,” said Britain’s former Prime Minister David Cameron. “And we could not be more proud of her. She has served this country with unerring grace, dignity, and decency.” —With reporting by ELOISE BARRY, KATHY EHRICH DOWD, MADELINE ROACHE, and YASMEEN SERHAN
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siristaci · 10 months
This got really long, so it's going under a read more. It's about the potential death of an ex-family member (after finding out about a recent heart attack) and briefly mentions suspected abusive behavior.
My not-uncle-anymore R (ex-husband of my aunt J) is in the hospital. He had a heart attack two days ago. I found out yesterday. I was told he hadn't woken up yet.
He has a pacemaker, so they can't do scans*. They were supposed to do a test yesterday (something about wires on his head) and we were supposed to get the results in the evening. Apparently there is an increase in heart rate when music is played or people are speaking.
I haven't heard anything since yesterday afternoon outside of J's fb post (posted shortly after they were supposed to get the results) that said "(my cousin's) dad had a heart attack yesterday afternoon. He was taken by ambulance to the ICU. He hasn't woken up, his brain activity is almost nothing, he is on a ventilator and has developed some other complications."
My feelings on all of this are... very complicated.
J and R got married when I was about 13. They both already had many other children (nearly all boys) before getting married, and had one boy (the cousin previously mentioned) together during their marriage. Then they got divorced when I was about 21. It's been a little over 10 years since then.
I first met R at the reception. He found out I liked LOTR and showed me his Sting letter opener. He was into heavy metal. I thought he was incredibly cool.
We really only saw each other at family gatherings, and- due to us both being black sheep of the family- quickly became the other person's "I'm only going if (the other one) is going to be there." He introduced me to Twisted Sister's Twisted Christmas album. Which is one of only two Christmas albums I'll still listen to. He was so fun. I thought it was great that there was someone of an older generation that I really got along with.
But there's a reason J and R got divorced. I don't really know what. I've asked three times and gotten different answers each time.
The first time, I was told by my mom that it was because they just couldn't agree on how to raise their kids. In a tone that told me to not ask questions. I was raised mormon, so I was very good at not asking questions. For a while.
The second time, I was told that he was... very physical and overdid it when disciplining the kids. Supposedly, they got pretty hurt on more than one occasion. J obviously wasn't comfortable talking about it, so I didn't push for more information.
The third time, I was told that he wasn't abusive, he was just too immature. Maybe he'd roughhoused a little too rough with the boys a few times, and they'd gotten hurt, but it wasn't intentional or out of anger. J had decided that he was just too childish to be a dad to her kids. She still wasn't very comfortable talking about it, but assured me that he wasn't evil or anything.
I stayed fb friends with him for a few years. He mostly talked about going to metal concerts and the company he worked for that was trying to get more metal bands signed with record labels.
And then politics became something that everyone was talking about. Suddenly, R started posting more and more about the first and second amendments. Posted lots of pictures of the American flag. The term "snowflakes" was used whenever he talked about how ungrateful and soft young people are nowadays.
I quietly unfriended him and haven't spoken to him since.
I still have fond memories of R. I was sad to find out that he wasn't as great as I'd thought he was. And even sadder when (it seemed) he changed into a right-wing asshole. I know that I don't have the whole story. All I really have are the memories of him, and I really like the ones from when he and J were married.
I also know that my cousin hasn't chosen to see his dad in two years; something that could be influenced by distance, just being a teenager, or not getting along with the brothers that live with his dad. Or it could be that he doesn't want to see his abusive father.
There isn't really a point to this post. I guess I'm just getting all of my feelings out in preparation, since it seems he isn't likely to recover. I honestly don't even know what I'm hoping for- if I'm hoping for anything. I know I'll mourn the loss of life, even if I've been mourning the loss of that soul for a decade.
*Everything I'm told about this comes from my mom, who gets it from her sister, who gets it from her son, so it's quite the game of telephone and at least one of them don't regard science highly, so I don't have the proper medical terms and I very likely don't have all the information I'd get if I were speaking to a doctor directly.
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formosusiniquis · 6 months
i am so predictable but i always want to hear more abt fake dating 💕
So the most important thing to know is that once upon a time there was this post going around on tumblr.com about how the scene in a fake dating au where the couple spends an extremely intimate time role playing how they got together and every date they've ever had is completely unnecessary because most people will hear someone say hey this is my partner and ask max 2 more questions and it diverged into jokes about breaking up couples that don't know anything about the other.
The second most important thing to know is that Steve's parents are lavender married and while he doesn't know it know it but he's pretty sure. So he's gonna pretend to date Eddie about it, because in his ultimate wisdom he figures if his parents see someone being queer and happy in the 80's they'll get a divorce and stop being so miserable all the time.
The third most important thing to know is I personally think Steve's dad looks like if you bulked out David Duchovny and his mom is a soft butch who goes by Lu when she isn't being Mrs. Lucinda Harrington.
And here is some Steve and Robin vs Eddie dialogue that I don't think I've shared before?
“Wait,” she throws her hands up in front of her, turning to Eddie with her eyes open wide, “did you wear your bandana! Is that why she liked you so fast?” Steve reacts first, better at following the strings backward in Robin’s train of thought. “He wasn't flagging when he met my parents! Christ, Robin, give him some credit.” “I wore a button down for Christ's sake,” “He looked like Johnny Cash,” Steve says that like a secret meant just for Robin, but he can’t whisper worth a damn. When he leans over, much too far into Robin’s space Eddie knows the next bit is for them both, “And I would have taken it anyway, that would have really made it look fake. Bringing home a boy is one thing, a metal head is pushing it, but flagging as a sado top looking like that?”
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jigensass · 1 year
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So if Jigen was Lupin's first heist
Yes yes this is a spin off/mini-series
But I present Fujiko and Jigen's dialouge, specifically at the end of Part 6 when they have to snap Lupin out of the trance
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Their dialouge parallels each other, but more specifically, Jigen could be referring to the events in Lupin Zero. Who the fuck wouldn't forget busting the US army for bootlegging whisky in the fashion that those two idiots did?
Who would never forget their very first heist be your knight in shining armor's heart?
And Fujiko is also right. When hasn't she been able to just exist and get the man is on his knees like Denji with Makima? The answer is never. Lupin is the only man Fujiko constantly keeps coming back to because he gets her results, and Lupin is dumb enough to keep falling for the same trick even after she just leaves, yet most of the he's okay with it as Jigen slaps him up Gibbs-style. Not only does she steal the treasure, she keeps stealing his heart. Was it during their first meeting? Who knows?
And must I bring up the Part 6 Episode Balcony scene for the 20th time? Where Fujiko and Jigen settle their differences, realize they're both crazy to be around Lupin for this long, and Fujiko calls out Jigen for being a romantic and he kind of admits it?
This whole thing has been leading up to this.
In conclusion
Jigen is the cat TMS I know you're here.
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Okay serious talk over (disclaimer everything beyond this is a shitpost)
Now I have a theory.
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Y'all remember the ending to Part 5? The ambiguous one? What if that Lupin 3 was actually Lupin 2? Somehow Fujiko knew Lupin's dad like maybe he slept with one of her guardians (after she was born of course because then things would get really weird really fast) and years later like Lupin the Third, Lupin the Second is maybe a clone or has the power to not age. And she mistakes Lupin 2 for Lupin 3 at one point in time, possibly Lupin III was actually Lupin II throughout the entirety of Part 5 who fucking knows. 2 and 3 easily could have switched places between Parts 4 and 5, everyone left separately alone on that train in Italy. We don't know what happened between that departure and the beginning of Part 5 only that
1. Lupin and Fujiko got married after the divorce with Rebecca.
2. Jigen and Lupin met back up in France after the divorce with Fujiko.
Or maybe even 2 and 3 swapped places like- 2 did the proposal cause 3 knew he would be turned down immediately and 3 got to live the marriage life and realized it sucked. But that contradicts Jigen and Lupin living together because they get along just fine living in their hideout apartments in 5 and 6.
how do I know this? The latex female body suit.
In Lupin Zero, we find out Lupin 2 snuck into the competition in a female blow up body suit.
In Lupin Zero: First Contact, how do Lupin and Jigen first meet there? Lupin is in a female blow up body suit in lingerie and calls him 'darling'.
And how do we know Lupin 3 isn't really Lupin 3 at the end of Part 5? The latex mask.
Nothing is canon, yet everything is canon because of what we can't see under the mask.
However if Lupin 2 dies at the end of Lupin Zero this was just me vomiting my insanity onto my phone's keyboard.
But for my next trick I will now make you all believe it was actually Lupin who fucked Zenigata in that interrogation room instead of Fujiko in TWCFM
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facelessxchurch · 1 year
RE: Young thing falls in love with Nefarian Serpine Playlist
Ever since the lanky boy he once was grew up to be a tall, handsome man, Nefarian had been using his good looks and charm to get what he wants and, occasionally, what Mevolent wants. A smile and a wink spelt out a promise he didn't intend to keep, but -dear gods- did it make it easier to fool people. And a few broken hearts along the way only helped to fuel his ego.
That was until Mevolent rose enough in power that not only he was an eligible bachelor for a social climber, but so was his right-hand man. It's all fun and games until the daughter of an Old Blood family whose support Mevolent needs falls for Nefarian and he is forced by his master and lover to marry this stranger.
It did not end well.
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His first wife had fallen for his looks. Plenty of men in positions of power were old or ugly or both, so Nefarian was quite the catch in her eyes. Certainly, it would make the duty of producing an heir for her family less of a chore. He wasn't loyal to her, but frankly neither was she. His lack of interest in her and her jealousy turned the marriage spiteful and toxic. And once Mevolent no longer needed her family she had a quite unfortunate accident during a carriage ride to her parents. Nefarian was in a different country handling diplomatic affairs for Mevolent, so it could not be pinned on him.
His second wife was a social climber and too ambitious for her own good. She was loyal to him, ignored his affairs, and pretended to share his interests. She was like a shadow to him in an attempt to use him to gain Mevolent's favour. Finally, after pulling Nef into the bedroom any chance she got, she became pregnant. She fully intended to use the child to secure her position as his wife and to force him to behave more in a way she deemed suitable for a husband. Unfortunately, she and the child died during the birth. Mevolent was furious since he'd rather liked this one and he beat the living hell out of Nef despite him swearing up and down he had nothing to do with it. Mev already hadn't believed in his innocence when the first wife had met her demise, he believed him even less now since Nef had been present when she died. Nef insisted that of course he was present for the birth of his first child but Mev was having non of it. He warned him that if his next wife were to die too all Hell would break loose.
His third wife actually did love him. She had been a sweet, innocent thing that had fallen for his devilish charms. This was the only one Nef had bothered to warn that he'd be her ruin, that she should run as long as she still could considering divorces weren't allowed in the Faceless Church. She did not heed his warning and instead mistook it as a sign that he fancied her too. This time Nefarian actually tried to make it work, half bc she good and sweet and he could tell she actually did adore him, half bc he was afraid of what Mevolent would do if this marriage was to fail too. But that was exactly her folly, she was too sweet. Her parents had sheltered her too much and failed to prepare her for the cruelty of the church and its followers. Tho he supposed he couldn't expect better considering that while her family was wealthy and influential, and owned land in a few key positions Mevolent wanted to station soldiers, they were new converts to the church. Nef had been kind to her, at least he tried to be. The devil in him was easier to hide when he had to be among people for only a few hours, but since they were living together he kept letting things slip. The glee in his smile when he talked about torture and death, the glimmer in his eyes when he was covered in blood, the disdain in his voice when he spoke about fellow nobles, the hatred in his heart when things didn't go his way. Kindness is not stupidity and she came to understand that the man she loved was a monster. But he ensured her he would let no harm befall her, including from himself. She came to understand the other higher-ups were just as bad and would sell them both out if it meant gaining Mevolent's favour. But he ensured her he would not let it come to that for he was twice as clever as them. She came to understand that Mevolent was the worst of them when she tended her husband's wounds from prior 'punishments'. He insisted that he deserved this and not to worry, he would not fail their master again, but she knew that he loved him, it wasn't hard to tell by the excuses he kept making for him. She came to understand that the Sanctuaries were just as bad when her parents died during an attack on the family castle that Mevolent had been using as an outpost. He tried to comfort her as best he could, but he lacked the humanity to do so in any meaningful way. She came to understand that she didn't want to live in a world filled with monsters. And he wasn't there to stop her, he was in Mevolent's castle worshipping his master in the bedroom. Nefarian found her hanging from the ceiling of their shared bedroom when he returned home one day with a suicide note on the nightstand that spoke of the cruelties of the world.
After that Mevolent gave up trying to wed Nefarian. For even when he's trying, he can't keep his wives alive. Either he despises them because they are as wicked as he is, or they are too sweet and he'll ruin them by being himself.
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starsfic · 2 years
More of my TMNT incarnation!
Meeting in the lab. Now.
Soon enough, everyone else was filling up the lab. “What’s going on, April?” Leo said, eyeing the back of the chair facing them. “I was in the middle of practicing my portals!”
“I’m glad you’re all here,” The chair turned, revealing April, hands steepled together. “I need to talk to you about Splinter.”
Mikey held up a hand. “The rat? Or Pops?”
“...Pops, Mikey.” April stood up and marched over to one of Donnie’s blackboards. She grabbed a piece of chalk and began to write, creating a large heading. WHAT DOES SPLINTER KNOW? She turned and eyed them all. “I think Splinter knows something about Lou Jitsu.”
There was silence.
“Uh...yeah. He’s the biggest Lou Jitsu fan to exist!” Leo said. Immediately, the lab was filled with everyone nodding and chiming in with agreement.
“I know that!” April protested. “It’s more than that!” How best to explain this? “Ever since you guys told him about Lou Jitsu being your dad, he’s been acting weird, especially around me! He thinks I know something!”
Raph raised a hand this time. “Do you know something?”
“No! That’s the issue!”
Irma waved her hand before beginning to sign. “Maybe you’re overthinking this. He probably has a gift for someone-”
“NOPE! I checked that!” April started to scrawl on the chalkboard, listing out dates. “Raph and Casey’s birthdays were last month,” The partners fistbumped. “Donnie and Leo’s isn’t for another three months, Mikey’s birthday was when we found out about Lou Jitsu and…” She placed a question mark next to her and Irma’s names. “I don’t think we’re close enough for him to give us a gift. Plus I don’t think he knows our birthdays. And we’re in June. There isn’t going to be another gift-giving holiday for another few months!” She scratched out the last dates on the list.
Donnie hummed before strolling up. “Why do you think this is about Lou Jitsu?” He grabbed a piece of chalk, ready to list her points down.
April grinned. “First off, he’s been jumpy whenever a Lou Jitsu movie is on. Second,” She began to pace. “He’s been locking up a lot of the Do Not Touch stuff in his room.” April had walked in on him holding the actual cabinet. Splinter had given her fifty bucks to not ask about it. “Third, have you noticed how weird he is about Lou Jitsu trivia? Specifically, dates?” Donnie had told her many stories of Splinter raging at the media for mixing up dates in Lou Jitsu’s life. There were chimes and nods of agreement.
“And fourth…” April took the lead in writing this. “What do we know about him? I mean, really.” Silence once again descended. “...really? I thought this would be the first one with evidence against it.”
“Uh…” Raph finally spoke up, eyes squeezed shut. “I know he immigrated from Japan when he was a kid but he never said from where or when.” He sighed. “I asked him once, when we were little, if we had any other family, and the way he looked-” Raph’s eyes closed. April reached out mentally.
Sadness met her.
“I don’t think he has anyone but us.”
“Oh! And he was married!” Mikey’s grin was strained but it worked.
April cut off the mental link to instead stare. “Wait, really?” She had never heard this before. Neither had Casey or Irma, based on how their eyes widened. “What happened to him?” None of them had ever mentioned another father and she had seen Splinter’s room. No sign of anyone else taking up the space.
“We think they divorced when Pops got us?” Leo said, scratching his head as he thought. “Or maybe he left? Or Pops left him? I don’t know, he was kinda vague about it the one time he talked about it.” He gestured to his neck. “He used to wear this wedding band around his neck until Mike tried to eat it. Then he put it in the Do Not Touch cabinet and we’ve never seen it since.”
…wait. “When he got you?” That was the perfect lead-in!
“Yes, yes, Pops got us-” Donnie paused. “Oh.” His eyes widened. “Oh!” April nodded with the realization, glad someone had caught on. He whirled to the rest of the group to proclaim “We don’t know how Pops got us!”
The dots were connecting. The turtles had either been too young or too freshly mutated to walk when the lab fire had happened, according to Draxum. Somehow, however, they had escaped. Somehow, they had ended up with Splinter. Which meant one thing.
Lou Jitsu had managed to survive the lab fire.
At least, long enough to pass the turtles off.
“So Pops had to know Lou Jitsu!” Raph said, jumping to his feet and making everyone jolt. He started to pace, muttering to himself. “They probably knew each other personally, enough that he felt safe leaving us in his care. But not so personal that if Draxum came looking he wouldn’t know to put him on the list! That’s why Pops is so locked down on his info!”
“Waaaait. Wait, wait, hold up,” Casey held their hands up in the timeout position. “For all we know, this could be a giant coincidence! Draxum could be lying about knowing Lou Jitsu!”
He hadn’t.
April knew.
During the fight on the docks, as they watched the guys beat up the mutants, she had read him. There was anger and determination there, yes. But there had been a familiar sensation, one April knew well.
Grief, huge enough to split a heart in two.
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irlsimmer · 1 year
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the last post had me thinking about bonnie's life so far... so here are a few snapshots to commemorate it!
there's more info for anyone interested under the cut!
this legacy started with a woman named annabelle brooks who was actually initially the live-in mistress of mortimer goth.
annabelle had two sons (grayson and landon) with good ol' morty (one he knew about, one he didn't) but moved out before she gave birth to her second because morty and bella rekindled their flame (and had a third child of their own).
annabelle eventually met and married a man named jack talbot. he was a divorced father of two boys (finley and lennox) and they hit it off immediately.
bonnie was born as the fifth child and only girl in the family. she's significantly younger than her brothers, with landon (the youngest of the four) being in his last days of childhood when she was born.
she once bit mortimer goth's ankle. a queen tbh.
she has had the same friend group since she was a child—and among said friend group was connor dalton, who she eventually married.
she's a vet and he's a lawyer (though me and my friend headcanon him as an animal rights lawyer).
they lived together through college with their four other friends in a three story house in britechester. she brought her beloved pet raccoon honey & adopted a rat. this is where they began dating.
once they graduated, they moved out to a small cottage in brindleton. they took with them bonnie's pet and the elderly stray cat that roamed the university (britechester's second unofficial mascot) because he was getting sick and needed a home :(
she and connor got married in tartosa. theirs was my first shot at the wedding pack and it was very buggy but very beautiful!!!
currently, they still live in brindleton with their three sons: max jacob, soon to be young adult and aspiring livestreamer, jack taylor, in the middle of his teenage years, named after both of his grandfathers, and has no idea what he wants to do with his life, and kai samuel, who wants to be a writer & live on a farm.
kai's the next heir and my absolute angel child.
(also fun fact: i've put off playing with cottage living for nearly two whole years because i want to experience it for the first time with kai. i decided this at the end of gen 1, ended up losing interest due to a lull in the game, but still remained stubborn about playing cottage living with the gen 3 heir, and it's since taken me forever just to get here. someone send help 999).
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wikibiographypost · 1 year
Alexis Roderick, is she the love life of Billy Joel
Blliy Joel is he coming with surprises? He is known as the Piano man. He already has married four times and to surprise his fans his fourth marriage was Alexis Roderick. Billy Joel, the Grammy winner of 5 times after three failed marriages finally stuck gold. His three marriages failed and the fourth marriage was on 4th July, 2015. Joel was married first in his 20s to Elizabeth Weber. She was his bandmate Job small’s wife. They had an affair and it led to divorce between Weber and Small.
 In 1973, Joel married Weber and were together for nine years, before they called it over. In 1985 he married Christie Brinkley, the supermodel for the second time and parted in 1994. Alexa Joel ray is his daughter with Christie. After a decade, his third wife was Katie Lee and parted in 2009. The Piano man came with many songs on heartbreaks and divorce.
Alexis Roderick’s Early Life
Alexis Roderick was born in 1982. It was the year Billy separated from his first wife. Actually, Alexis came to spotlight after her involvement relating Billy Joel. She has an Irish descent. She said in an interview her grandmother’s father was Irish and Bridges was her mom’s maiden name.
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How Alexis Roderick met Billy Joel?
Billy Joel is 71 and Alexis 38, a huge gap. He has the gap of 33 years and the couple remarkably made it for straight 11 years together. Alexis Roderick met in Huntington at a restaurant.  She was working in an adjacent office. They began as friends and in 2009 started dating. Alexis has two daughters Della Rose Joel and Remy Anne Joel, in 4 and 2 years respectively.
Alexis was working at Morgan Stanley as a hedge funder.  Now, Alexa is the former executive at Morgan Stanley. She works as an equestrian and is more into horses. Thirty three years age difference does not matter, when one falls in love. Billy and Alexis are the true examples. Billy says without love there is nothing in life and he wanted to have the love of his life always beside him and wanted a family.
They dated for six years and then they exchanged vows in a surprise ceremony on Long Island at Billy’s private estate. Roderick looked gorgeous and the maid of honor was Alexa Ray, Billy’s daughter. Alexis was 8 months pregnant during the wedding and Billy was on the moon to again become a dad.
Alexis Roderick’s Quick facts
Alexis lives and breathes horses
She received a 5 acres horse ranch in 2018 from her husband
Billy is a hall of famer
For more details visit: https://biographypost.org/the-untold-truth-about-billy-joels-wife-alexis-roderick-wiki/
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matt-petracca · 2 years
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Oh, look! It’s [MATTHEW “MATT” PETRACCA]! I heard they’re [33], a [MALE], and use [HE/HIM] pronouns, have been in town for [ONE YEAR] and are actually from [FLORIDA]. They are currently working as a [PEDIATRICIAN] and living in [DOWNTOWN BRIDGEPORT]. You know I personally think they look like [GRANT GUSTIN], but that’s crazy, right?
TW: Divorce, Cancer
Matt grew up in Florida with his younger sister. His mom was a dental hygienist and his father worked a standard office job. He has a pretty standard childhood. He was close with his sister, who he was always over protective of. His mom was a dental hygienist and his father worked a boring office job and they fought constantly, but didn’t get a divorce until their kids were grown and out of college. 
Matt was a smart kid, too smart for his own good. From a young age, he was bored and started acting out in class just to entertain himself. He was constantly getting in trouble in elementary school for trying to crack jokes and disrupting the class. He was labeled a problem child until the third grade when a teacher even considered that he wasn’t a dumb kid, he was just bored and couldn’t sit still. He ended up getting tested and being diagnosed with ADHD. After that, he was still the class clown, but at least he was able to sit still. 
He excelled in high school, when he was finally able to take classes that challenged him enough to keep his brain occupied. And it was in his sophomore year honors english class that he met his first girlfriend. Despite Matt being the class clown that was friends with everyone, he was still awkward as hell when it came to girls. He asked her to go to the homecoming game with him, which was awkward and uncomfortable, considering neither of them knew anything about football, nor did they care about it. Thankfully, neither of them knew how to admit they didn’t want a second date, so they went on another one. This time it was to a bookstore, a place they were both comfortable in. What was only supposed to be an hour, turned into hours of them browsing the aisles of the bookstore, laughing and talking. 
When it was time to go to college, Matt got into the University of Pennsylvania, with the plan to go premed. His girlfriend went to school in New York, and despite the fact that most high school couples didn’t make it past Thanksgiving break, the pair managed to make it work. It wasn’t uncommon for them to find the cheapest bus they could and see each other every few weekends, even if they spent the majority of the weekend studying together. 
In college, Matt was a social butterfly, joining clubs and going out on weekends. He made friends everywhere he went, something that is still true today. 
After graduating with honors, Matt took a year off to apply to medical school, and to focus on getting married to his high school sweetheart. They had a small wedding, promising each other they would have a bigger wedding to renew their vows once they both finished their schooling and had some money. Unfortunately their marriage didn’t last. Matt went to medical school in Massachusetts, and his wife wanted to stay in New York for grad school. They weren’t in a place where they could put their relationship first, unfortunately. And despite how much they loved each other, it wasn’t enough and they filed for divorce before their first anniversary. 
Heartbroken from his divorce, he made his way through his first year of medical school. He was experiencing health issues, but he assumed it was stress from school and divorce, and told himself it would all clear up once his break rolled around. Unfortunately it didn’t and his sister forced him to go to a doctor to get checked out. After a whole slew of tests, he was diagnosed with lymphoma. As a result, he took a year off of medical school to undergo treatment and recover. Thankfully, he has been in remission ever since. 
Once he was in remission, he was able to go back to medical school and graduate. He was matched to a residency program that brought him to Bridgeport, ME at Bridgeport Memorial in pediatrics. 
Matt has found his home in Bridgeport and he hopes to stay once his residency is complete. Thanks to his outgoing and friendly personality, he was able to make tons of friends, even though his job doesn’t always allow him to see them. And although he isn’t always the most present friend, he is the most loyal. He will drop everything for those he cares about, and do anything for them. And he’s sorry he didn’t respond to your text three days ago, he wasn’t ignoring you, he just forgot. When he has free time he is usually exploring the city, making conversation with anyone who is willing, and befriending the few people in town he hasn’t already. 
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ask-regina · 2 years
AU: Royals
♔ July 9th - July 23rd August 6th
Princess Regina
44 years old
United Kingdom
Married to Prince Robin - the next in line to the British throne
Isabella Locksley - daughter, second in line to the British throne; Henry Locksley - son, third in line to the British throne
Full Biography:
As the only child of Henry and Cora Mills, Regina always knew her family’s future was solely depended on her. While her family has been high ranking nobility that were not directly in line for the throne, she was still expected to marry someone of her rank, someone worthy of their family, as her mother used to put it. Love and the freedom of choice would play very little in Regina’s future and she was surprisingly okay with it. The day her mother announced she found a match and the arrangements were already underway, Regina was even excited! Who wouldn’t be happy to know their future was secured and seemingly in the good hands of a family that her mother had carefully chosen? Graham wasn’t even that bad. He might not be interesting enough to hold a conversation with, but he was a nice and kind man from what she experienced. Arrangements like that could be a huge hit or miss and this one, Regina believed, would be a good one. She knew it was a possibility that love might never be on the line here... she couldn’t say it was love at first sight with Graham, or love in general, but feelings could come over time, right? And if not, it was okay. She could still lead a happy and satisfying life even without a traditional love story.  
Nothing could have prepared her for the day she met Prince Robin, though, just a few years later at university. There was a natural flow and energy between the two, a connection so deep and strong mentally but physically, as well, and it wasn’t long before she learned it wasn’t a one way feeling. This was love. And now that she experienced it, Regina knew she could never truly be happy without such passion in her life. But family duties and previous arrangements to marry others were the one thing preventing them from going public and exploring their romance in the real world and it left Regina devastated. Hearing of the Prince’s fancy wedding was like a knife to her chest, and marrying Graham was no longer what she always hoped it would be. Instead, it was a marriage that was doomed to fail before it even started... because Regina’s hope to develop feelings for the man someday was no longer an option when her heart belonged to another.
Knowing they lead miserable and unhappy life apart, both Robin and Regina decided to do the unthinkable and file for divorces to set them free; a step that would shake the royal family without a doubt, but a step they were willing to face together. The transition into the royal family after that was not a very smooth one for Regina. The public relationship with the Prince just shortly after their divorces, marriage and a pregnancy that soon followed stirred rumours of an ongoing affair between the two long before the divorce, and rumours of a baby that was conceived before their wedding vows. It forced Regina to face the price of being under the public eye very early on in this relationship, but it was with the full support of their families and Robin’s love that Regina learned to embrace the negative alongside the positive. She was happy, Robin was happy, and it seemed as if their first years together as a very solid couple and the birth of their second child finally subsided the rumours around their family. Royal life has been a challenge for sure, especially when it came to their two children who had to be raised under a certain code and under the watchful eyes of the crown and the entire world, but Isabella and Henry were happy, loved, and fortunate to never lack anything in life. 
With a massive role Regina and Robin would have to take one day, the pressure has always been great but manageable with the right people by her side, and Regina never let their grand lifestyle blind her. Humanity and humility were some of her core features that made Regina the kind of leader she aspired to be to her people - the kind of leader who inspired, as well, she hoped. But beyond the royal duties, she was a wife and a mother, too, and as important as the crown and the country were, Regina was first and foremost fiercely protective of her family.
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roswell-rp-archive · 2 years
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lara fitzgerald (angelina jolie) is looking for their husband !!
Name of the Connection: UTP, but Fitzgerald is her maiden name. She never took his family name. 
Preferred Faceclaim: Brad Pitt, Idris Elba, Mads Mikkelsen, Viggo Mortensen, Timothy Olyphant, Daniel Craig, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Keanu Reeves, Benjamin Bratt.. if you come up with some other FC who would fit the age between 45-50 years old, feel free to message me. 
Description: Lara (39,5) and her husband have been married for the last six years, yet have been together since she was 31. The two of them met in Dallas and very soon fell head over heels for each other. However, her husband is a very powerful and ambitious man (a congressman, powerful lawyer, a CEO of a huge company, whatever occupation screams power and wealth - UTP) and he often puts his work before Lara. Considering Lara was powerful on her own terms, with her own law firm and a mafia family The Westies to run, it wasn't such a problem for their marriage. She learned how to live with always being the second one, just as she learned how to live with his affairs.. it wasn't that he didn't love her because he did, but power was his first love and everything that came with it. Lara closed her eyes to his affairs and worked hard as she was playing both of her roles to perfection, including the third one - the one of a wife. However, a couple of months prior to her arrival in Roswell, Lara met a man who awoke all of her.. they became lovers. And it wasn't just a physical thing - Lara started falling for the man.. even thinking of leaving her husband. What Lara didn't know was that her husband found out about her affair.. naturally, like any powerful man, he could have women all over the world, but she could belong only to him. Lara wasn't frightened by anyone, except for her husband.. he had connections and power bigger than hers. To save her lover's life, Lara cut all of her connections to him, but at the same time, she left her husband. They were still married on a paper, true, but for her, it was over. Lara left for Roswell, wanting both to expand the territory that belonged to The Westies, but also to run away from the chaos her life had turned into.. little did she know her husband didn't want to let her go just like that. Whether he would give her a divorce or not, was something he still didn't know, but what he did know was that he still loved her, just as he knew how powerful they were together.. he was ready to fight for her.
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