#message from your guides
wildearthlibra · 1 month
Pick a crystal tarot reading ✨
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Pick a crystal ✨
🌙 Selenite moon: Four of cups reversed 🌙
This card while reversed represents seizing opportunities and focusing on the positive. If you’ve been in a rut and feel like you’re stuck in a cycle, the four of cups is calling on you to let go of self pity and regret and to take action.
Your goals are achievable, but you can’t reach them by wallowing in self pity and staying stuck in the past with regrets. The past is gone, focus on today, find your enthusiasm and self awareness and put in the work to make those positive changes for yourself no matter how small, just start, now is the right time! ✨
🌙 Selenite is a wonderful crystal for spiritual growth and mental clarity.
💜 Lepidolite heart: Four of Pentacles 💜
While upright, the four of pentacles is urging you to examine your relationship with material possessions and emotional wellness. Stability is an important facet of life, so try to prioritize being more present in your life, letting go of the past and situations you may still be holding onto that no longer serve or benefit you in a healthy manner. Security comes from within, not external relationships and material possessions. Set some boundaries for yourself and with those around you. ✨
Lepidolite is great for emotional balance and healing 💜
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mosscreektarot · 2 years
Pick an Image: What Your Spirit Guides See
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Pick the image you feel most drawn to...the one you can’t stop looking at. 
Group 1
Your Spirit Guides truly love you. They feel deeply connected with you and feel like you are adept at receiving their signs/following their guidance. There’s something in your past you aren’t ready to let go of. You are clinging to this memory and it’s inhibiting your spiritual growth. 
You actively communicate your thoughts/connect with Spirit and have an excitingly fresh energy. You offer guidance to others but often refuse to take those same words of wisdom when it comes to yourself. 
There’s a lot of blockages here. You may feel listless or deeply wounded. Your Spirit Guides aren’t judging you for dwelling on these feelings and memories. However, they gently want to remind you that your real growth depends on focus. How you can turn your life around? Your guides watch you continuously replaying an event in order to find healing. Truthfully, all you are doing is blocking yourself from allowing new energy into your life. 
What do you want to look forward to? The things you want in life don’t lay in the past. You need to start focusing on the changes you want to manifest. Picture your highest self and the kind of life you would be living as your happiest self. That’s all you need to do in order to re-align yourself with forward movement. 
The past is not propelling you forward. You need to take an active role in shaping your future. You have an ocean of emotional depth, and compassion that is untapped. The fight is over. Your guides are assuring that peace is intimately close at hand. Just take a few more steps. 
Group 2
Your path has been a rough one. Whether there was abuse or neglect (some of you may be experiencing ongoing abuse), you have trodden the path of pain. The people around you don’t support you and there’s a feeling of isolation…almost like you’ve been forgotten. You may not even feel like your Spirit Guides care. 
Know that they are ALWAYS watching you. They see your plight and try to infuse hope within you. They shield you and protect you as much as they can, but because the material world is how it is, there isn’t much they can do to defend you in a physical sense. I see a lot of you are stuck in this situation. There really doesn’t seem to be a way out for you at this time. You can’t see a future for yourself. 
Your Spirit Guides want you to know you have the courage within yourself to find a safe path. You have fortitude, determination, and power. Your first step is to speak up. Find someone you can talk to. Get guidance. Rescue yourself via communication. Karma will come for the people who have harmed you. There is a way to move on. 
Your Guides ask that you meditate, and reach out to them. They will offer your comfort in this madness. It’s easier for them to communicate with you when you are in a meditative state. The signs they send are often ignored because of the stresses and chaos of daily life. They are reaching out to you. Look for them. 
Group 3
Karma is here for you. A past action has come back to bite you. Your guides think the punishment outweighs your “crime”. This karmic retribution is the result of multiple small mistakes that have snowballed. 
This is a nasty wake up call, but it’s going to bring a change within yourself that may surprise you. Some characteristics you believe to be “weak” or frivolous are actually things you could be more in touch with. Don’t be afraid to look silly or to express your inner child. You will be more in tune with gentleness, warmth, grounding, and balance. The cosmic wave you are riding is colossal, but with time you’ll see why and how this event has shaped you for the better. 
For those of you without a partner, this personality shift is going to magnetize a lover who appreciates every facet of your being. 
Some of your foundation is crumbling, and you feel like you’re being pushed to the edge. Your guides see this and they are right there with you. They feel on every level the pain and heartache you’re suffering. They understand your current state but they also have the foresight to know this is going to be the detour you need to get the future you desire. 
Your guides are next to you every step of the way, and are always ready to warn you if something is amiss. You may get a flash of fear or hear a word in your mind telling you “no” or other subtle messages. Be ready and willing to take their advice in order to stay on your path. You’ve put in some of the work that needed to be done but you still have a ways to go before you’ll get your reward, will be tremendous. 
“Try to be soft.” 
Group 4
“Why are you ignoring us?!” There’s an organized religion/background of skepticism you may be coming from, and there’s a hesitance to let that go. Some of you fear being judged or “punished” by your Spirit Guides. You don’t know what you’re stepping into should you acknowledge your guides. Half of you don’t even believe in Spirit Guides (why are you clicking this?! :P ). 
However, you feel the inner calling. You on some level know there is divine guidance. But...instead of seeking guidance from your Spirit Guides…you fight them. You really don’t want to listen or connect because you’re scared of how they see you and what they may say. 
Your Spirit guides want you to know they will always be gentle with you and speak softly. They want to have a bountiful friendship. Their goal is your goal. They are not here to determine your life path, but to help you on it. 
They have nothing bad to say about you! They want to work with you to help you manifest the shifts you desire. Not sure if this applies to all of you, but there is this soft kitten energy here and it’s very playful and teasing. They get why you feel this way but find it really humorous. Crazy Aunt energy (if you know you know). They want you to laugh and play and be less serious. Finding a connection with your Spirit Guides will fundamentally change you in the best way. You’ll laugh more, and be truer to yourself. Don’t be scared of “the little furry creature”  who wants to be your friend. (I’m dying laughing; your guide is hilarious)
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catacthonios · 1 year
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disclaimer: graphic design is not my passion. edit: rip i FORGOT to specify that its the BG Manga that has no EN subs rn. BG stageplay has EN subs everyone say thank u to frog/veggie sub
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coldercreation · 3 months
If you have related to how I have described Nathan’s struggles with his mental health and some experiences with life; emotional, physical and social etc (ignore the story/his fam background for this; I mean if you have been able to relate to his feelings/anxiety/negative physical sensations etc.)
Might be worth it to get your blood checked. 
Especially B12, Vitamin D, Iron levels and Ferritin (ferritin should be 100+).
Building on top of the character, character background, and my research into trauma / mental health etc, I have always used a lot of my personal experience when describing emotions, feelings, and how mental health issues can feel like or present. It’s my attempt to make the writing feel realistic, had I experienced the things in the story or not. Aka even if the story was high fantasy and thus not realistic, I’d source my own feelings to make it ‘real’.
So. Regardless of what's causing it in the story: If you have ever related to how Nathan FEELS or describes his experience with the world and his brain… (Anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, feeling like an outsider/in a fishbowl, easily overwhelmed or over tired; social withdrawal, social anxiety, heart palpitations, chest pains, breathlessness, dissociation, irritability, issues with cognitive function; memory, overthinking, insomnia, brain fog, panic attacks, slow recovery from physical activity, etc etc et fucking c) 
Turns out bish has been chronically deficient of many things for a very long time due to stomach issues that stopped nutrients from absorbing. Antidepressants have never successfully worked for me, and it’s now looking like that’s because my mental health stuff could've largely been a physical symptom, instead of just purely mental health?? 
I have been on a pile of supplements for a bit now and uhh… It’s like night and day? Even with the other health stuff I've been getting treated for, it's been... So much better?? Like. Life changing amount of difference?? And I’m only just starting out fixing these deficiencies, which could take a long time. But...
Holy shit, “Better” might actually be a real thing after all?? There was a reason I've been so "stuck"???
Kind of mad… And sad. Because if this is true and I keep feeling like I have been recently, it means I’ve lost a lot of time to this. I try to focus on how good I’ve been feeling though, and stay curious for this journey of what literally feels like a second chance at life.
Just… Wanted to post this in case it could help someone else. This is a highly personal experience, mental health issues absolutely exist on their own too and there's possibly often overlap as well. But stuff like this can make existing mental health conditions worse too, so either way it’s worth checking. 
Yeah. So.
Happy new year?
From someone who might be pulling a whole Phoenix moment???? xx
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numinously-yours · 3 months
Messages from your spirit guides
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Thank you all who voted on my poll and let me know what kinds of readings you would be interested in getting. The topic with the most votes was "Messages from my guides" so that is the one we're starting with!
Pick the pile that feels right. If you're not sure which to pick, you can view the full photo, the song that was playing for your reading, and a single sentence on each one to see if those help you feel more called to a pile (some lyrical, some a general sentence).
Like, reblog, or reply to let me know it resonates!
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Based on the way that your cards fell out, it feels like you are transforming. It’s been tough lately to see the bright side of situations. It’s felt like you are just getting by, rather than living you’ve been surviving. But, my loves, your guides want you to know that a breakthrough is on its way! You may even be starting to see the rays as the sun starts to rise in an upright position. As you make your way through the clouds, pay attention to the needs of your inner child. There may be opportunities for healing them, and by doing so, you’re going to unleash a part of you that you never knew existed. In addition to the sun’s transformation in your life, the ten of swords is also being transformed. You’ve felt a bit helpless lately. You’ve wondered “what’s the point of getting up?”. But, you know what the point is? As the sun begins to shine on you, you will realize the beauty of the world. You’ll see that even in the times that seem darkest, the sun can still be seen lighting up the world in some capacity. Maybe it’s going to happen in a “click” moment. One day you’ll wake up and see how amazing life is. Or it may begin happening over time. Day by day you’ll start feeling lighter.
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Your guides have been sending hints that you are not being given the reciprocation you deserve. Although nine comes before ten numerically, the nine of wands came out after the ten and I think that is actually quite representative of what’s going on. In your ten of wands state, you are carrying so much. You’re carrying the expectations of others. You’re carrying the emotions of others. You’re carrying what you feel is your responsibility to take care of everyone else around you. But when the nine of wands energy comes in, you’ve set down these heavy wands. You’ve created a steady boundary of these wands, rather than a heavy load. Your guides want you to know this is possible. I think that you are picking up on the hints, but are scared of what happens once you set the wands down. What your guides want you to know is that, once you start creating the boundaries for yourself, you’ll really step into the role of creator. Creator of your own happiness. Creator of your future.
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Hey threes, this pile might be for me, too haha Our guides want us to remember that the feelings of inadequacy and doubt that we have is just the fear talking. We’re so used to convincing ourselves that we’re not good enough that we forget to see all the cool stuff we’re capable of. We’re inspiring, we’re strong, we’re creative. We are adamant about following our dreams. If you’re like me, you get excited and then you realize HOW excited and start holding back. Our guides want us to trust the excitement! At first, I thought the quote “no regrets, just love” from our pile’s song meant this reading would be about love. It can involve love, but I think it is ultimately our guides telling us to fall in love with the process. Ruminating on our “mistakes” only takes away from our ability to live in the now. I think that some of us are starting to practice. And I know that all of us are at least starting to understand this is something that will require practice and can’t just be done by the snapping of our fingers. Investing in ourselves, especially when it feels uncomfortable, is what is going to produce long term results. Our guides are here to remind us that we’re not only capable of doing this, but that the rewards are going to be soo worth it.
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You know that your guides are telling you something, but you are resistant to believing them. Sorry to say it, but they’re not going to stop 😉. They are trying to show you that your new ideas and longing for knowledge are AWESOME. It is a sign that you’re growing. It seems like whenever you have a spurt of energy and inspiration, it’s quickly followed by pessimism and the idea that you’re not capable. So, you stop. Then your guides try to tell you in another way and you’re like “eh, maybe I’m reading the signs wrong.” But you know you’re not. I know how hard it is not to believe in yourself. Especially if you’ve been shown/told all of your life that your ideas are no good, or if the accomplishments you have made, and you were really proud of, get shut down. That wasn’t fair to you, number four. Your guides are here to cheer you on and make sure you feel the least amount of self-doubt as possible. You’ll still have the moments that the doubt comes through, but try your hardest to knock down that wall. You’re hearing your guides on the other side of that wall and they’re just waiting for you to tear it down and celebrate with you – FOR you.
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i-bring-crack · 8 months
Suho has to take care of a bunch of rats (his shadows) charged up on his crazy Hunter kill steroids (bloodlusts) and the worst part is that he is the youngest one there.
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daisys-reality · 8 months
Hello I would love a reading! Can I have some messages from my Guides! I've noticed some synchronicities lately 7:07 every morning or matching after numbers 9:09 then 9:19 ect and I was wondering if my Guides are alerting me through my notifications? Thank you! N.V.W.
Hello @jeff-satur-is-my-baby-girl 🌹🌳 I'll see what message I can get for you.
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Are they alerting you through my notifications? What do they want to tell you?
Well, it seems that your guides did not specifically want to ‘alert’ you with those notifications. It was more like a little reminder to you. There does not seem to be any danger that you need to be alerted off. It could be that they just wanted to make you think more about you and the power you hold within, to reconnect with your inner self, your feelings and perhaps more with nature as well to be more in tune with your creations -  your life that you’re manifesting.
You might have neglected something in your life or you might have procrastinated on making a certain decision. 
Your guides gently want to ask you to consider which area in your life is feeling neglected. If there is such an area, it is time to make it a priority and to nurture and care for it. They might also want you to not be so resistant to change and to look deeper into your heart because there is something you’re not quite aware of, ex. insecurities, intolerance, a lack of inner harmony/balance, emotional drainage, instability, overprotectiveness (towards yourself or others). 
In addition, your guides also want you to know that your current challenges push you to be assertive and self-confident. Be willing to stand up for yourself and defend your position! You have the right to excuse yourself from those who only bring drama into your life. Bringing harmony into your inner world is more important right now than creating harmony outside of yourself.
‘Listen closely to your heart and trust your instincts.’
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Tbh I really like finding some typical Bloodborne themes in Elden Ring yet!
- A “guiding” flickering light that is actually hella corrupt - CHECKED
- Corpses found in weird ass pose that has lore significance yet - CHECKED
- A live-sized Doll character - CHECKED
Can’t wait to find more shit tbh
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siennahrobek · 2 years
I have… so many feelings about Quinlan being the one mentioned in Kenobi and leaving the message. Sure, I’ve got some wild theories because I will die on the hill that they are friends but I’m so glad it was him.
Because Obi-Wan knows him. Probably fairly well. He’s known this guy since he was young. Sure, it would be great to see a Jedi leave a message for other Jedi, trying to encourage and give them hope, but its different when it’s someone you know. And Obi-Wan knows him.
So this message isn’t some proverb or common saying that the Jedi use (although it may be that too) but for him, it’s coming from someone personal.
As far as Obi-Wan has known, Yoda is the only other survivor that he knows. Sure, he briefly met a Jedi on Tatooine but he didn’t know him. Things are so so so much more meaningful when it comes from someone you know and care about and cares about you.
I can’t imagine the feeling, finding out that one of your friends is still alive, still helping people, still simply out there and trying to give hope to others. That has to be so uplifting and encouraging.
I’m so glad Obi-Wan got to see that.
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tellescope · 1 year
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@weroyals​ said: 🔧 or (Repairs) to fix my muse — Virgil got you Logic
>>From this meme
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     The Maintenance Core's primary directive is a particular testing track, so the Logic Core has not often considered going to them for assistance. However Virgil has offered help before when Logic was in the area, so it makes sense he would do so again.      Even so the unprompted offer had confused the Logic Core at first. He had grown so accustomed to functioning with blast damage that it almost did not register anymore that he was damaged at all.      But there was the recent attempt to cross a broken catwalk which resulted in a long gouge in his chassis on one leg. And the opposite arm, dented in the reactor explosion, had cracked open when a test chamber door had closed on it.      He had ignored them as he had the blast damage and continued on. They had not significantly impacted his ability to follow his directive. Until they became a more relevant problem he would not concern himself with them.      But if the offer is presented there is no logic to denying it.      The Logic Core thus follows the Maintenance Core and does as requested. He is a good patient, sitting perfectly still as Virgil works on him. He keeps a diagnostic running the entire time. He trusts the other core. But it is logical to keep the tool open in case of a mistake.
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     ❝Thank you.❞ Flat tone, but there is something bright in those normally dull optics as he watches Virgil. It does not bother him to see parts of himself splayed open for maintenance. The humans once did the same. It is simply appreciated that someone would... care for him, in such a manner these days.      ❝I had assumed your engineering experience to be solely with testing elements. Have you repaired other personality cores?❞ A dual-purpose question; perhaps a core from his team has come to see Virgil between their last encounter and now. And perhaps he will learn more of Virgil's capabilities. Has he taught himself since the humans died or was he programmed with more skills than previously known? All useful data to have.
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agentromanoffsir · 1 year
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neocities guide - why you should build your own html website
do you miss the charm of the 90s/00s web where sites had actual personality instead of the same minimalistic theme? are you feeling drained by social media and the constant corporate monopoly of your data and time? do you want to be excited about the internet again? try neocities!!
what is neocities?
neocities is a free hosting website that lets you build your own html website from scratch, with total creative control. in their own words: "we are tired of living in an online world where people are isolated from each other on boring, generic social networks that don't let us truly express ourselves. it's time we took back our personalities from these sterilized, lifeless, monetized, data mined, monitored addiction machines and let our creativity flourish again."
why should I make my own website?
web3 has been overtaken by capitalism & conformity. websites that once were meant to be fun online social spaces now exist solely to steal your data and sell you things. it sucks!! building a personal site is a great way to express yourself and take control of your online experience.
what would I even put on a website?
the best part about making your own site is that you can do literally whatever the hell you want! focus on a specific subject or make it a wild collection of all your interests. share your art! make a shrine for one of your interests! post a picture of every bird you see when you step outside! make a collection of your favorite blinkies! the world is your oyster !! here are some cool example sites to inspire you: recently updated neocities sites | it can be fun to just look through these and browse people's content! space bar | local interstellar dive bar creature feature | halloween & monsters big gulp supreme peanutbuttaz | personal site dragodiluna linwood | personal site patho grove | personal site
getting started: neocities/html guide
sound interesting? here are some guides to help you get started, especially if you aren't familiar with html/css sadgrl.online webmastery | a fantastic resource for getting started with html & web revival. also has a layout builder that you can use to start with in case starting from scratch is too intimidating web design in 4 minutes | good for learning coding basics w3schools | html tutorials templaterr | demo & html for basic web elements eggramen test pages | css page templates to get started with sadgrl background tiles | bg tiles rivendell background tiles | more free bg tiles
fun stuff to add to your site
want your site to be cool? here's some fun stuff that i've found blinkies-cafe | fantastic blinkie maker! (run by @transbro & @graphics-cafe) gificities | internet archive of 90s/00s web gifs internet bumper stickers | web bumper stickers momg | gif gallery 99 gif shop | 3d gifs 123 guestbook | add a guestbook for people to leave messages cbox | add a live chat box moon phases | track the phases of the moon gifypet | a little clickable page pet adopt a shroom | mushroom page pet tamaNOTchi | virtual pet crossword puzzle | daily crossword imood | track your mood neko | cute cat that chases your mouse pollcode | custom poll maker website hit counter | track how many visitors you have
web revival manifestos & communities
also, there's actually a pretty cool community of people out there who want to bring joy back to the web! melonland project | web project/community celebrating individual & joyful online experiences. Also has an online forum melonland intro to web revival | what is web revival? melonking manifesto | status cafe | share your current status nightfall city | online community onio.cafe | leave a message and enjoy the ambiance sadgrl internet manifesto | yesterweb internet manifesto | sadly defunct, still a great resource reclaiming online social spaces | great manifesto on cultivating your online experience
in conclusion
i want everyone to make a neocities site because it's fun af and i love seeing everyone's weird personal sites that they made outside of the control of capitalism :) say hi to me on neocities
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gothhabiba · 3 months
🍉🇵🇸 eSims for Gaza masterpost 🇵🇸🍉
Which eSims are currently being called for?
As of now:
eSim plans being called for are:
Nomad (“regional Middle East” plan): code NOMADCNG (can now be used multiple times from the same email)
Holafly (“Israel” and “Egypt” plans): code HOLACNG—be sure to include which plan it is in the subject line
Simly (“Palestine” and “Middle East” plans)
Airalo (“Discover” plans)
If you sent an eSim more than two weeks ago and it is still valid and not yet activated, reply to the email in which you originally sent the eSim. To determine whether the eSim is still valid, scan the QR code with a smartphone; tap the yellow button that reads “Cellular plan”; when a screen comes up reading “Activate eSIM,” click the button that says “Continue.” If a message comes up reading “eSIM Cannot Be Added: This code is no longer valid. Contact your carrier for more information,” the eSim is activated, expired, or had an error in installation, and should not be sent. It is very important not to re-send invalid eSims, since people may walk several kilometers to access wifi to connect their eSims only to find out that they cannot be activated.
If a screen appears reading “Activate eSIM: An eSIM is ready to be activated” with a button asking you to “Continue,” do not click “Continue” to activate the eSim on your phone; exit out of the screen and reply to the email containing that QR code.
Be sure you're looking at the original post, as this will be continually updated. Any new instructions about replying to emails for specific types of unactivated plans will also appear here.
Check the notes of blackpearlblasts's eSim post, as well as fairuzfan's 'esim' tag, for referral and discount codes.
How do I purchase an eSim?
If you cannot download an app or manage an eSim yourself, send funds to Crips for eSims for Gaza (Visa; Mastercard; Paypal; AmEx; Canadian e-transfer), or to me (venmo @gothhabiba; paypal.me/Najia; cash app $NajiaK, with note “esims” or similar; check the notes of this post for updates on what I've purchased.)
You can purchase an eSim yourself using a mobile phone app, or on a desktop computer (with the exception of Simly, which does not have a desktop site). See this screenreader-accessible guide to purchasing an eSim through each of the five services that the Connecting Humanity team is calling for (Simly, Nomad, Mogo, Holafly, and Airalo).
Send a screenshot of the plan's QR code to [email protected]. Be sure to include the app used, the word "esim," the type of plan (when an app has more than one, aka "regional Middle East" versus "Palestine"), and the amount of data or time on the plan, in the subject line or body of your email.
Message me if you have any questions or if you need help purchasing an eSim through one of these apps.
If you’re going to be purchasing many eSims at once, see Jane Shi’s list of tips.
Which app should I use?
Try to buy an eSim from one of the apps that the team is currently calling for (see above).
If the team is calling for multiple apps:
Nomad is best in terms of data price, app navigability, and ability to top up when they are near expiry; but eSims must be stayed on top of, as you cannot top them up once the data has completely run out. Go into the app settings and make sure your "data usage" notifcations are turned on.
Simly Middle East plans cannot be topped up; Simly Palestine ones can. Unlike with Nomad, data can be topped up once it has completely run out.
Holafly has the most expensive data, and top-ups don't seem to work.
Mogo has the worst user interface in my opinion. It is difficult or impossible to see plan activation and usage.
How much data should I purchase?
Mirna el-Helbawi has been told that large families may all rely on the same plan for data (by setting up a hotspot). Some recipients of eSim plans may also be using them to upload video.
For those reasons I would recommend getting the largest plan you can afford for plans which cannot be topped up: namely, Simly "Middle East" plans, and Holafly plans (they say you can top them up, but I haven't heard of anyone who has gotten it to work yet).
For all other plans, get a relatively small amount of data (1-3 GB, a 3-day plan, etc.), and top up the plan with more data once it is activated. Go into the app’s settings and make sure low-data notifications are on, because a 1-GB eSIM can expire very quickly.
Is there anything else I need to do?
Check back regularly to see if the plan has been activated. Once it's been activated, check once a day to see if data is still being used, and how close the eSim is to running out of data or to expiring; make sure your notifications are on.
If the eSim hasn't been activated after three weeks or so, reply to the original email that you sent to Gaza eSims containing the QR code for that plan.
If you purchased the eSim through an app which has a policy of starting the countdown to auto-expiry a certain amount of time after the purchase of the eSim, rather than only upon activation (Nomad does this), then also reply to your original e-mail once you're within a few days of this date. If you're within 12 hours of that date, contact customer service and ask for a credit (not a refund) and use it to purchase and send another eSim.
How can I tell if my plan has been activated? How do I top up a plan?
The Connecting Humanity team recommends keeping your eSims topped up once they have been activated.
See this guide on how to tell if your plan has been activated, how to top up plans, and (for Nomad) how to tell when the auto-expiry will start. Keep topping up the eSim for as long as the data usage keeps ticking up. This keeps a person or family connected for longer, without the Connecting Humanity team having to go through another process of installing a new eSim.
If the data usage hasn't changed in a week or so, allow the plan to expire and purchase another one.
What if I can't afford a larger plan, or don't have time or money to keep topping up an eSim?
I have set up a pool of funds out of which to buy and top up eSims, which you can contribute to by sending funds to my venmo (@gothhabiba), PayPal (paypal.me/Najia), or cash app ($NajiaK) (with note “esims” or similar). Check the notes of this post for updates on what I've purchased, which plans are active, and how much data they've used.
Crips for eSims for Gaza also has a donation pool to purchase eSims and top them up.
Gaza Online (run by alumni of Gaza Sky Geeks) accepts monetary donations to purchase eSims as needed.
What if my eSim has not been activated, even after I replied to my email?
Make sure that the QR code you sent was a clear screenshot, and not a photo of a screen; and that you didn’t install the eSim on your own phone by scanning the QR code or clicking “install automatically."
Possible reasons for an eSim not having been activated include: it was given to a journalist as a back-up in case the plan they had activated expired or ran out of data; there was an error during installation or activation and the eSim could no longer be used; the eSim was installed, but not activated, and then Israeli bombings destroyed the phone, or forced someone to leave it behind.
An eSim that was sent but couldn’t be used is still part of an important effort and learning curve. Errors in installation, for example, are happening less often than they were in the beginning of the project.
Why should I purchase an eSim? Is there any proof that they work?
Israel is imposing near-constant communications blackouts on Gaza. The majority of the news that you are seeing come from Gaza is coming from people who are connected via eSim.
eSims also connect people to news. People are able to videochat with their family for the first time in months, to learn that their family members are still alive, to see their newborn children for the first time, and more, thanks to eSims.
Some of this sharing of news saves lives, as people have been able to flee or avoid areas under bombardment, or learn that they are on evacuation lists.
Why are different plans called for at different times?
Different eSims work in different areas of the Gaza Strip (and Egypt, where many refugees currently are). The team tries to keep a stockpile of each type of sim on hand.
Is there anything else I can do to help?
There is an urgent need for more eSims. Print out these posters and place them on bulletin boards, in local businesses, on telephone poles, or wherever people are likely to see them. Print out these foldable brochures to inform people about the initiative and distribute them at protests, cafes and restaurants, &c. Also feel free to make your own brochures using the wording from this post.
The Connecting Humanity team is very busy connecting people to eSims and don't often have time to answer questions. Check a few of Mirna El Helbawi's most recent tweets and see if anyone has commented with any questions that you can answer with the information in this post.
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void-botanist · 2 months
Global Day of Action for Palestine
Today (March 2) is a global day of action for Palestine. There are a huge number of protests taking place across the world. But even if you can't participate in a protest or walk out (or it's not March 2) there are still plenty of things you can do in support of Palestinians:
Free daily click to generate money for UNRWA aid (you can do this in multiple browsers or on multiple devices for more clicks)
Boycott produce from Israel and companies that profit from Israeli apartheid (BDS)
Donate eSims (informational post by blackpearlblast with links to purchase guides)
Pick a fundraiser from the Operation Olive Branch spreadsheet and donate what you can, even if it's only a dollar
✉ Email your reps (US Campaign for Palestinian Rights)
📞 Call your reps (US Campaign for Palestinian Rights)
If your Democratic presidential primary is happening now or in the future, consider voting "uncommitted" like over 100,000 voters in Michigan. This is unlikely to affect Biden being made the Democratic presidential candidate, but it does bolster the message that we want Biden to act against this genocide. Voting "uncommitted" may even be endorsed by a larger organization in your state, like the UFCW 3000 labor union in Washington state.
✉ Email your MPs (Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
✉ Email your reps (Islamic Relief Canada)
Whatever actions you take, consider adding as many as possible to your daily routine, especially daily clicks.
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kyra45 · 25 days
How to spot a scam blog
A very simple guide to figuring out if the blog messaging you is a scam:
Was you sent an ask within some time of sharing a specific type of post such as a trending topic or subject? - Usually scam accounts target particular posts and will spam asks to everyone who shared it. The ask may relate to certain events going on or more. These asks are always sent to many users all at once so it’s suggested to tumblr search part of the ask and see if its been sent by other accounts labeled as a scam or accounts with similar style.
Is the account relatively new? - More often than not, the accounts sending the asks are about a week old or even newer. They haven’t been made too long ago and often send asks within hours of being made. If you have timestamps turned on, you’ll be able to see the date something was posted. A fresher account is usually not going to be one who’s finding you unless they are searching tags and saw your blog.
How many posts are on the account? - Scam accounts rarely have many posts on their blogs beyond the initial pinned post. All their posts, being very few are very little, are most often just posts from a trending topic they looked up or a popular tag they decided to look through. They will share only a few and then make no further posts. This is to pad out their blog to make it look used but it’s easy to see how new the blog is if you scroll to the end.
Are the shared posts fitting a theme? - Scam accounts try to share posts based on the scam they’re trying to run. This means they’ll share posts related to the topic of their choosing and then stop once they’ve shared a few. Most of these posts come from the OP themselves and not from someone the blog is following though in rare cases they’ll find a person to reblog from so they don’t look suspicious.
Are the reblog dates accurate? - If you use timestamps, find a post the blog shared and check ‘Other notes’ and see if the reblog date matches the date that is listed on the blog itself. Often, scammers will backdate posts to make them look much older then they really are in an attempt to deceive people into thinking they’ve used tumblr for months or years.
Is the url auto-generated? - Not always seen from a scam account, but scammers often just use auto-generated usernames because it’s quick and easy to do. But real accounts may have these too. It’s just a thing to keep in mind.
Is the url familiar or similar to one you’ve seen before? - Scammers often try to copy their older accounts by using usernames based around previous scam attempts. It becomes obvious after about a while and usually makes it easy to figure out the scammer is back again. This isn’t always from scam accounts as regular accounts may do this for reasons.
How often do you get asks? - If you barely get asks and suddenly keep getting mutual aid asks it’s very likely you’re just a scammers latest target and they’ll keep spamming asks. This means you’ll consistently get the same style of asks from a brand new account that shouldn’t know you unless they found you in tags. You will keep getting these asks on a daily basis. You will eventually always get these asks.
Did they request you to message them directly? - On rare occasions a scam account will want you to send them a direct message and then they’ll just ask you for thousands of dollars on the spot.
Does your bio say no mutual aid asks? - Scammers don’t read/don’t care they will ignore that and send you asks anyway that won’t stop them.
Short version: More often than not the blog asking you for money is a scam if you don’t usually get asks for money from brand new accounts.
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stargirlrchive · 7 months
simon is so sweet on you :( you’re his pretty girl, like how could he not be? you’re the best thing to ever happen to him!
it took forever to get to this point but it was so worth it.
any time his fingers glide over your back or when he grips at your waist as he guides you through a crowd. all the initial struggles you both had at the beginning completely forgotten.
he can’t get enough of you. seriously.
like before, he never cared about how long a mission took, he never really had anything worth coming back to, but now? the second he finds out he’s going to be away from you he’s so grumpy :(((
huffing and smoking even more than usual, the thought of leaving you alone drives him mad.
he definitely sneaks in one of your shirts into his away bag so his clothes can smell of you.
refuses to carry a picture of you on him for your own safety, but you had gotten into the habit of leaving sticky notes with cute messages for him all over his office. there’s one that just said “i love you.”
yeah he’s guarding that with his life and he takes it everywhere.
he loves to spoil his sweet girl. with flowers, lingerie, food, his affection. he’s always touching you somehow. gently squeezing at the plush of your hips, kissing your neck, or running his hands through your hair.
your just so soft compared to him. :((
he loves the way your eyes glaze over when he’s a little rough in the way he tugs on you. or when his thumb runs along your bottom lip. you’re just as needy for him as he is for you and it makes his brain fuzzy.
he can’t fathom why someone as good as you would want someone like him. but he’s grateful all the same.
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fairy-hub · 7 months
𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Daddy/mama/brat etc…., overstimulation, breeding/creampie, riding, wall sex, full Nelson, mirror sex, praise/degradation, some mind break/dumbification, mention of a belly bulge (from satoru’s cum and cock), begging, possessive, size kink, squirting, knife play (no blood or cutting)
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 my pussy ✨ / @unknownspecies @renhoeku @venus-xxoo
Tumblr media
Lining Kento up with your sensitive wet little hole. Losing your mind over how thick he is. Too big for your fingers to touch. “My hungry little cock sleeve missed me this much? Barely letting me take my clothes off before your licking the sweat off my cock and trying to take me in your soaking wet cunt.” Messaging your cheeks with his large rough warm hand. Holding your hip, slowly swiping his thumb in small circles.
You can’t get enough of how it feels to be touched by Kento Nanami. His touch is firm, gentle, warm, comforting and exhilarating. “Been thinkin’ ‘bout you non stop daddy!” The pinch in his brow smoothes, a lazy smirk tugging on his slips.
Tightening his grasp on your hip, his thick fingers sinking in your hip’s squishy crease. Kento roughly sliding you down on his fat, veiny cock. “Who am I?” Roughly smacking your ass, once, twice, your cunt clenching on the third.
Firmly grabbing your hips, guiding your tight hot cunt on his cock. Sliding your hand down his rock hard, cheilsted chest. Sinking your nails into his abs when he flexes, the lines deepening. “Tell me or I'm stopping, who’s fucking your tight cunt into a sloppy mess?”
You whine, “Daaaadddy isss! Daddy’s fat cock is stretching my cunt out, reaching so deep. I can feel your veins pulse, the shape of your head, nnnn you’re so deep! Right there daddy please keep bouncing me on your cock! You’re so strong!” Wrapping your arms around Kento when he stands.
Softly tugging on his soft blond hair, scratching his freckled backside. “You’ve been such a beautiful house wife, it due time I make you a mama.” Your cunt throbs, fluttering around him at the thought.
Needing one arm to hold you up, he wraps grabs a handful of your hair. Pulling your head back, looking up into his beautiful face, relaxed in pussy drunken bliss. He croon, “Am I your big strong daddy? Does my beautiful mama love it when I fuck her like a slut?”
You’re helpless in his firm grasp, your legs pinned by your sides by his muscular arms. Toji’s large hands are clasped behind your head forcing you to look into the vanity mirror. “Look at ya sloppy little cunt, it was so small now it's taking my monster cock like it’s made for it.”
His cock always looks too big to fit, yet your soft squishy cunt takes him perfectly every time. You’re split open in a perfect circle, your puffy lips dragging along his cock when he pulls out. His heavy balls bouncing with each thrusts memorizing.
He gruffily demands, “Who’s slut are are you?” Your cunt flutters around his cock, spasming, gushing thick cum. Squirting all over his bed, some of your slick trickling down soaking his cum filled balls.
His cock head hitting your already aching bruised cervix threatening to do deeper. Could he? Loudly moaning, “Daddy’s! I'm daddy’s slut! Please! Please cum!” He groans, his fat cock’s veins throbbing.
He glides his cock out, “Fuck! Ya daddy’s little slut huh? Keep talkin’ like that and ya gonna make me cum too quickly. N’ after I made sure to jerk off with your panties so I can last longer in your lil super soaker.” Effortlessly sitting up, easing you out of the full Nelson. Holding you up, lining his cock up, gliding himself into your soft, squishy cunt.
Curling your toes, eyes rolling back, jaw dropping. “Too much! Please don't stop wanna be a good girl for Daddy! Please! Cum! Daddy! Please! Cum daaaaadddy!” Attempting to wiggle off Toji’s thick cock, your attempts are a pathetic shifting of your hips.
Toji stands up, fucking his thick, veiny cock into you harder. “Damanding little brat, after I cum I’m taping a vibator to your clit so I can smoke n’ have a drink watchin’ you whine and cum till your lil cunt breaks.” Tightening his grasp on your thigh, grabbing your hair holding your head still.
“Watch daddy fuck his cunt into a gapping cum filled mess.” He groans, looking handsome balls deep in your cunt. His thick arms, broad chest, and muscular thighs, Toji is a massive beautiful man having his way with your cunt.
Tightening his grasp on your neck, pinning your thigh to the wall. Your other leg hooked around Satoru’s waist. “Dont even need to listen to you beg, your cunt is doing it for you. Hear how wet she is? Your little cunt keeps on cumming, soaking n’ gripping my cock.” Your cunt loudly squelches when he glides his long veiny cock in.
“Seems like no matter how much I cum my cock is keeping getting hard again. It’s all your fault. Sending me those sexy pictures and videos of you playing with yourself making my cock and balls ache.” Some of his thick cum is dripping out, your stomach’s bulge grows when he stuffs you with his cock.
Loosening his firm grasp on your neck, grabbing your other thigh. Pinning it and leaning back looking down watching slowly his thrusts down. He croons, “Aw I filled my your little cunt is too full of my cum, it's all dripping out no matter much I fucked it deeper!” He groans, it’s breathy ending in a needy whine.
Barely catching your breath, whimpering “Daddy please! I can't cum anymore!” Rapidly picking up speed with each hard thrust, till he’s moving faster than than the machine he’s gotten to watch you get fucked with.
Leaning in close, grabbing your chin, tilting your head back. His messy white hair falling into his beautiful sky blue eyes you swear have clouds in them. “Oh you can't? That’s too bad my poor little princess will have to keep taking Daddy’s cock in her broken little cunt anyway.” Roughly kissing you, slipping his tongue into your mouth, tasting of sweets and your cunt.
Biting your lip, stopping when you cry, your cunt clenching his sensitive cock. You can feel his veins throbbings, he’s close but that doesn't mean he’s done. Tilting his head back, his beautiful neck covered in lipstick and red hickies he won’t cover.
His jaw drops, he drops his head, pressing his forehead to your’s. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck! You’re getting so tight! Mmmm you’re daddy’s little slut, my beautiful whore. Tell me who I am when I’m fucking your cunt into a sloppy mess.” Leaning back, stroking your clit with his thumb.
“You’re my-my! Nnnn!” You’re too cock drunk to get the words out. Whining, your cunt spamsing the intensity of your sore, sensitive cunt cumming for an unknownth time too much for you.
Satoru croons, “My my what? You said it? Whined it so beautifully it almost made me cum. You’re so fucking adorable, sexy, beautiful and needy, who else better to make me a daddy?”
Holding a knife to your neck, fucking your your sloppy cunt like he hates you. Suguru’s harsh, quick thrust too intense for your poor sensitive cunt to take. Closing your eyes, “Daaaady nnnn you feelsooogood! You’re cock! Nnnnn you’re!! Ahh!! Daddy!!” He fucks you harder with every word you utter till you’re a whimpering mess.
Dragging the sharp knife’s tip down your neck, between your breasts. Slowly sliding it closer towards your nipple, grabbing your jaw. “I need you to look your daddy in the eyes beautiful, it gets me off seeing the sexy look on your pretty face when you cum, let me see you cum for the tenth time.” You’re so close.
His pierced tongue, his thick fingers and his beautiful fat cock have spoiled you. Swiping the cool knife over your sensitive nipple. “Ahhhnnn dadddy.” You can feel the strong vibrations of your butt plug in your cunt.
His thick, being cock stroking all the right spots. “Squirt on Daddy’s cock.” Gushing on Suguru’s thick cock, soaking his balls hitting your ass. Slick trickling down to the toy pulsing in your other hole. He relentlessly, fucking you through your intense high.
Your mind shattering, eyes rolling back. Suguru groans, “That’s it! Good lil’ cock slut!” His smirking, groaning he knows how beautiful he is.
Holding his long, luscious hair back, thick longs framing his beautiful, angular face. A hungry, cocky smirk on his parted lips, the pink flush of his cheeks. And the loving passion in his warm honey brown eyes.
Tightening his grasp on your hip, stopping your pitiful attempt to run away from Suguru’s cock. “Where you going? Daddy isn't done with you yet, you got me hard for another round now ya gotta be a good girl n’ take it.” Setting the knife aside, grabbing your hair leaning down.
He’s too tall forcing you to look up. Using his weight and his firm grasp on your hip to keep you pinned beneath him. Legs spread for him to beat up your sloppy cunt with his hard cock. You can't believe he is all your’s.
“Nnn I can take it, wanna take daddy’s fat cock, wanna be filled with your warm cum. Please daddy, you didn't fill me up last time. N’ I've been good! Wanna! Wanna feel you cum, please!” Letting his hair go, swiping it to one side to make a thick curtain.
“That’s why you’re daddy’s good girl huh? Nnnnfuckmamafuck tell me who’s gonna make a beautiful mama.” His thick veins pulsing he’s so close.
Oreo creampie m.list
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