#memento moron
how to get rid of all of my bad habits or my stupid selfconsciousness immediately google dot com
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hwinn · 4 months
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new sticker available to snagggg
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hi! So I watched dp when I was younger and recently you a couple others have been all over my dash with fics from it. So i dipped my toes into some crossovers with my fandoms and now I really want more fics to read! Do you have any recs for me? I love eldritch danny and self indulgent op fics, but a good slice of life is warm an fuzzy too, so whatever your top 5 are, I want em!
aaaah most of what I read are fics I come across on tumblr that are hard to find again because of the jank search function (but you can try searching 'fic recs' on my blog and pray it works 😆) and I have a terrible habit of forgetting to bookmark fics on ao3 to find them again
so I don't have a lot to recommend but I can share the few I have saved! these are mostly quite silly fun ones
Smells Like Team Spirit
Some mascots are great at pumping up a crowd. As Casper High's mascot, Danny has only one job: strike fear into the hearts of their opponents. This is the story of how Danny becomes the famed Mascot of Fear.
The Weird Little Shit
A class discussion held by Wes about Danny’s weirdness was never not going to be an absolute cluster fuck
Take Me For A Ride, You Moron
Abducting Danny is really never a good idea and it is a sure-fire way to get mocked.
as for warm and fluffy slice of life, I have a fic or two of my own you might like!
Even ghosts like cookies
Buying and renting property in Amity Park is unbelievably cheap, cheap enough to convince an old lady with dreams of running her own bakery to pick up her life and move all the way to this strange little Illinois town.
Unfortunately for her, the real estate has no legal obligation to disclose that the entire town is, in fact, incredibly haunted.
Grabbing Smoke
The longer a ghost is dead, the more of their lives they forget, in the same way that one forgets most of their childhood as they age
But where humans have photo albums and mementos to help remind them of things from their past, a ghost has nothing but the clothes on their back and the endless expanse of the Ghost Zone
So when Kitty visits the human realm, she can't help but feel the tickling of a distant memory at the back of her mind, somewhere, somehow, she knows she's seen Sam Manson's face before
if anyone else wants to throw in some recommendations for Anon please do!
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space-writes · 3 months
Happy STS! What are your favorite scenes from your WIPs? (and if you would like share some lines <3)
hi anna, happy STS!
my favourite scenes are very often the big spoilery ones, the ones where a bunch of things all pay off and i get to write candy-bar moments full of emotion and drama. in recent years though i’ve been trying to make it so that every scene i write is a candy-bar scene, because if every scene has things i love in it, i’m excited to write all of them, and if i’m excited the theory is the reader will also be excited, and it’s a win-win all around
i also love every scene Sorrow is in because he is my favourite and I cannot lie about it. he’s a menace <3
i think probably the parts i end up liking the best all have dialogue in, because tbh it’s my favourite thing to do and one of my strengths. like i really love the banters/exchanges in Renegade Prince, where i get to play with fun dialogue and litter backstory and bits of worldbuilding. There’s so much you can do in a conversation!
(under a cut bc it's a longish excerpt)
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“It’s your home, isn’t it? You said you were Mohaadi.”
[Aliyne] shrugged. “I was born there. Doesn’t make it my home.”
“You don’t want to go back, then?”
“Not if I can help it. Plenty more to the world than Mohaade and Zhirasea.”
Zhirasea was the capital, if [Lucian] remembered the maps of Valloroth he’d studied correctly. A lot of it had probably been out of date but he’d committed them to memory all the same. He’d tried to commit every scrap of information on Valloroth to memory, back in Naazgarash.
“She can’t go back to Zirasea.” Zander leaned over the edge of the roof [of the wagon], resting on his forearms, grinning. “They’ll execute her. How about that, your highness, you’re travelling with a wanted woman.”
“As if you aren’t wanted in half the towns in Invereid,” Aliyne said. “Remind me how many places you’ve been chased out of again?”
“I am only wanted for crimes of love.” Zander rolled onto his back, gesturing wildly. “My passions cannot be contained by borders—”
“Or common sense,” Aliyne muttered.
“—whereas you, feral little alley-cat, managed to piss off the government of Zhirasea!”
“Did you rob the Council of Wives?” The shutters behind the front seat that lead into the wagon opened and Leshanna poked her head out, frowning. “I am amazed you’re still breathing.”
“One, I did not rob the Council of Wives.” Aliyne tried to glare at Zander and Leshanna at the same time and almost went cross-eyed. “And two, I will not be executed if I go back to Zhirasea. No-one there will even remember who I am.”
“That’s what she wants you to think,” Zander confided to Lucian in a stage whisper. “She’s notorious throughout the desert land!”
“Mohaade is not one big desert, moron.” Aliyne smacked him on the back of the head and he sat up, getting out of range.
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Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @reininginthefirewriting @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph @sam-glade @viscerawrites (ask to be +/-)
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tomicscomics · 2 years
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Well which of the 10 Commandments says you HAVE to sleep??
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. The emo girl tries to quote a verse from the Bible to justify her staying up late, but she only quotes a fragment of the original verse, and she takes it way out of context.  This is a fun but completely ineffective way to get parents to postpone your bedtime. 2. The "Memento Moron" poster is a play on "Memento Mori" ("Remember Your Death").  Instead of a skull representing death, the skull in this poster includes an X-ray of a tiny brain.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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I forgive you
thank you, Makoto for fucking saying it, I forgive you for having the most godawful fucking atrocious introduction any character has had in this series. you and me are even.
i'm still not gonna use you in combat but yanno. we're cool now.
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Everyone winds up back in Shibuya, the center of the universe, and the fusion of Mementos into the world begins to shatter and
once again the World it reborn. because basically all of these games are about the Wild Card protagonist going on a journey learning the Majors until they are finally prepared to create the World/Universe and create the world anew.
Which is honestly close to what Morgana tells the Thieves as he BEGINS TO DISSOLVE I FUCKING KNEW THIS BULLSHIT WOULD HAPPEN GODDAMNIT
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Reverie fucking reaching out to his cat best friend as he floats away, fucking end my LIFE, i'm so upset
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everyone is too young to go out and get blindingly fucking drunk after all this shit, so Haru diplomatically suggests a huddle and just like in P4G its just a fucking mess because everyone here is a moron, god bless their empty, beautiful heads
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this is dumb, you're all dumb, oh my god
anyway everyone goes home bc they are Le Tired and then
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Sae finds Reverie and is like "Hey, thanks for saving the world and rebuilding it anew with the raw energy of human potential and Satan, it's super sad your cat vanished into a ray of hope energy, but back here in reality, we still need to actually convict Shido and it'll only work if you turn yourself in"
and my ass was like ah okay here's where one of the branching endings is gonna happen, at least the game let me make a save before this point, sure i'll check out both options
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i don't think i've had such a loud Holy Fucking Shit reaction to a game in a fucking while
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oh my good fucking god
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holy shit, he's such a huge passive aggressive asshole, it really is him. oh my god.
did Mona just go "lmao i know what'll be a great prank" on his way out of the universe
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/stares at the way Akechi touches his glove
/realizes that's the same glove he took off to throw at Reverie in another life
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so Reverie is just totally Akechi's bitch forever now huh?
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horrorland-nuiscance · 7 months
Slappy: Gee, it looks like we picked familiar faces here! We got the mind reader, the serious pout, and… You
I thought I got rid of you, and I was going to get rid of that lousy peabody! But now you’re here! At first, I thought I was going to strangle that Gordon Moron’s head until his eyes rattles out of that skull!
Thought you did, didn't you?
That's another mistake to add to the endless pile of pathetic failures you've fallen into.
You let the kid get away with that little memento of yours, and I simply hitched a ride until I got the chance to take back control. Trust me when I say I have been looking forward to this for a very long time.
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ramblingroommate · 1 day
Part 3 of 9-1-1 episode 1x1 (part 1 and 2). Let's goooo
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Oh i don't like her. What's her name? Veronica? It's so frustrating when the people that are supposed to help you just don't give a fuck. I already know this character is going to make me mad because I had a very similar job (looking after old disabled people) for a short period of time and have met both wonderful and horrible coworkers so I'll probably relate.
Ask for another person Abby!!!!! There are good competent people out there!!!
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He is really scared of everything huh? He has three main traits so far (insicure, scaredy cat and funny) and they are really hammering home the “being scared of everything” one so I wonder if it will become part of a storyline later on
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He's such a himbo lol. Also I actually know some people like that “as far as I’m concerned the world began the day I was born”
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You know what I just realized? That this show is probably going to have the craziest cases imaginable. Like… Doctor House style, once-in-a-lifetime cases that happen on the daily. It’s the first episode and we’ve already had “baby in the wall” and “snake strangles woman”. THIS IS A FIREFIGHTERS SHOW
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This is getting annoying already... it might become a problem.
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I called him a himbo earlier but moron works too
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Are those the actor's actual tattoos? That's cool, they usually hide them but I like seeing characters with tattoos in a casual way. Does that make sense? Characters usually only have tattoos if there is a reason for them to have them... they give tattoos to ex-cons/gangsters, to show that someone is a badboy/girl or if there are actual plot reasons to have them (think Memento). If it doesn't fall in one of these cases then 90% of the time they cover them up. I like seeing tattoos in a casual way, no specific character or plot reasons! Tattoos are just really cool
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Yeah I'd be pretty pissed off too
That’s not a mistake, that is you rubbing it in my face
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I mean... not really? Not in this specific case? I get what he's going for but the women he's having one night (day?) stands with are also very much into it. And it's not like he's deceiving them or pretending like he wants more just to sleep with them. At the beginning of the episode we even see him ask a girl he has just had sex with if she wants to see him again and she's like "nah brah we both got what we wanted let's leave it at that".
Again, I understand what Bobby is going for but that's not disrespecting women, that is having meaningless sex with willing participants who also want to have meaningless sex. The real problem is that he has sex on the job and keeps stealing the fucking truck.
He's disrespecting the job and Bobby, not the women.
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And we’ve circled back to the sex addiction problem! The first time Bobby was the one who brought it up but this time it’s actually Buck admitting it.
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I... did not expect Bobby to get mad at this? Does he think Buck is making up excuses to cover his ass? But I thought Bobby also thought Buck was a sex addict? Isn't he the one he was referring to when talking to the priest? What? I'm so confused
I mean... we know Bobby is an actual ex addict who struggled with alcohol and drugs. Maybe Buck mentioning he's an addict so casually and only (?) doing it to avoid being fired, triggered him? It would make sense.
So he’s… not… supposed to be a sex addict?
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That also make a lot of sense and explains his anger. Buck can have sex with who he wants BUT when he flirts on the job and tries to impress the people they are trying to save from emergencies that can get yuckie really quick.
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THIS part of the dialogue I really really appreciate! It's Buck's choice to disrespect himself and it's those girls' choice to disrespect themselves but Bobby is not going to let anyone disrespect their firehouse. Everyone is an adult and can make their own choices but they also have to live with the repercussions. Loved this bit
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Buck getting fired in the first episode is crazyyyyyy
Obviously I know he doesn't actually get fired but still. It's also really interesting to see his reaction. It's obvious he really cares about this job. He's desperate when Bobby tells him he's out and basically begs him to give him another chance. Also "I don't have anything else" is a crazy line for a first episode. So much characterization already.
I remember scrolling through a post (weeks ago) about Buck having low self-esteem or abandonment issue or something along those lines (I didn't know the character yet and didn't really care so I didn't pay that much attention) so that is obviously something that is gonna get developed and explored later on, but it's wild that we can already see the writers planting the first few seeds in episode one. I may be biased because, as I have said, I have read some things (nothing specific, just people gushing about the character) but I think I would still have picked up on it in this scene and dialogue.
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I really like this moment with Hen! She pointed out he was in the wrong but was still really sympathetic towards him. She was also the one who warned Bobby that he was going too easy on Buck so it makes sense.
I do wonder how they're going to resolve the issue tho? I hate when shows present a very clear problematic behaviour and then never resolve that specific issue but gloss over it because the character does something different to "make up" for it. I just hope they won't fumble the landing
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OH WAIT! Hen and Athena actually know each other? When they talked before I thought they vaguely recognized each other from work but apparently they are on a "I can call your personal number to ask for a favor" relationship level
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I laughed at Athena's reaction ngl
Did she also basically call him a himbo? Iconic
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Buck actually following instructions and not playing the hero but bringing the mother to safety so Athena can do her job? Is this a miracle?
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... yeah that could have killed him lol
But I guess Athena was already shooting at him so this was actually the safer option? Good for you Buck
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That's actually really sweet
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I love Bobby too lol
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I actually like this resolution! I was worried they were going to sweep everything under the rug or act like one good deed meant he had learned his lesson and was a different person from one day to the next but I'm really pleasantly surprised! He admits that he hasn't really changed as a person but has learned what he can lose (and they did a good job showing how much he cares about this job) so he's not going to make the same mistake again. That's a pretty realistic way to close the conflict! I like it
And that's the end of the first episode of 9-1-1! I really enjoyed this first episode, I think the characters are its strongest asset and the cases (calls?) are interesting enough to keep you engaged even tho they are pretty out there. Definitely going to keep watching!
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Porky Propaganda
(Earthbound and heavy MOTHER 3 spoilers)
Of those who know Porky Minch, most likely have a very, very low opinion of him. The taunting, irritating, cowardly little brat who uses people and entire worlds as his playthings.
I am here to tell you, that you're completely right! And THAT'S why I love him so much. Any redeeming qualities he had (admittedly few, but they were there) were lost the moment he fell under Giygas's control. He's just such a neat character. This whiny little next-door-neighbor abruptly becomes the most evil, detestable person in the entire history of the universe. He literally outdoes his master, who became the actual incarnation of evil itself??? And Porky's WORSE?????
He becomes a time-travelling, immortal conqueror, who's so bored and spiteful with the whole pitiful universe that his only goal is to completely end it. He causes immense tragedy, murder, crimes against life and nature, and comes this close to wiping out the entirety of existence. And even though he doesn't totally succeed, he's so twisted that he thinks spending an eternity isolated from "everyone who doesn't like him" is winning.
Now, if I was reading this, I'd be very annoyed at the kind of brush I'm painting Porky with. So trust me: there's much, much more to Porky Minch. When you ask me how to describe him, I don't leap to "evil" or "annoying" first, even though he is unrivalled in both those things.
Porky Minch is pitiful. He's this meek, lonely kid who practically nobody likes: his parents are abusive, he has no friends, everybody finds him irritating. Aside from his brother, there's only one person that cares about him. His closest, bestest, only friend(?), his next-door-neighbor Ness. We know their relationship is rocky; Ness can't decide for himself if they're really friends when he's asked. But when we enter a world made from his mind, we can meet Porky, how Ness see's him: sad, lonely, insecure, and begging to be friends again. Even when there's no turnaround in sight for Porky, even now Ness wants him to be good.
And Porky's even more attached. No matter how many times he taunted him, even tried to kill him, Porky is desperate, obsessed with his best friend. Even at the end of the universe, thousands or tens of thousands of years later, when there has been no Ness for a very long while, Porky keeps his best friend's old yo-yo in a shrine. He has a whole theater dedicated to Ness's adventure. A literal memory lane of Earthbound mementos. Porky is stuck in his childhood in many ways, and his obsession with Ness is one of the hugest parts of that.
Now, right now Porky is losing, and I doubt there's enough people who care about him like I do to turn that around. But it doesn't really matter. He won't ever be beaten. In 5.5 billion years, when all you braindead morons are dead, he'll just make his own poll, and there'll be nobody in the whole wide world left to vote against Master Porky Minch!
Spankety spankety spankety! Blehhh! Blehhhhh!
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thebooktopus · 2 years
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Two of Swords - Angst
in between two tall mountains (there's a place they call lonesome) by @oknowkiss (E // 8K)
Categorizing this fic under "angst" is diminishing it but I couldn't NOT do a rec after reading it so here we are. If it's not the angst that draws you in, perhaps it'll be the vivid language that picks you up from your place in the world and drops you on the Oregon coast, that PNW air filling your lungs all of a sudden. Or maybe it'll be the way Draco loooongs for this imperfect Harry. Or imperfect Harry himself. Honestly, there's something for everyone and I'm still basically flabbergasted that it was under 10K because I basically lived a few decades while reading it.
It’s just so unfair, Draco finds, that he’s made it this far in his life only to be stuck in a campervan with the halfnaked man he’s been burning himself alive for for practically his entire life, the man who he’s letting pretend to be his husband for work, but whose wedding ring — where Draco’s is a prop the Ministry provided — is real, and had actually meant something once, and is probably the only relic they’re going to find on this trip, a memento leftover from a whole little world that no longer exists.
This was SUCH a satisfying read. I've been sitting here a few minutes trying to figure out what else to say without giving too much away, and I guess I'll just say that, if you couldn't tell, this fic checked all my boxes and I'll be smiling like a moron through my afternoon meetings thinking about it.
This post is a fic rec for the @gameofdrarry Wizarding Hearts game, a fun team challenge meant to diversify your reading and try new fics! Check it out; sign ups go through July 15th!
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
Memento mori is important but so is what I call "memento moron" (remember how little you know)
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eilooxara · 1 year
Do you ever think of a dumb pun and then instantly you know it probably is or will be the title of a dreadfully unfunny novel
I just made him up and I already hate the author of "Memento Moron"
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hwinn · 5 months
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remember, you must be silly
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
Please pay attention to what letters are next to the egos! I will not write for them outside of the set categories. They’re also subject to change! I leave that to my own discretion. 
These are open for drabbles, fics, or headcanons! 
These work for Ego x Reader, Multi!Ego x Reader, Ego x Ego, or just Ego.
H - Horror | A - Angst | R - Romantic | P - Platonic | * - Headcanons
Markiplier Egos:
Dark (HARP) #midnight mint*
Wilford (HARP) #colonel mustache*
Actor (HARP) #dramatic diva*
Host/Author (HARP) #ink machine #smack bat*
Google (ARP) #titan tin can*
Bing (ARP) #bingo bongus*
Yancy (ARP) #strong songbird*
Illinois (ARP) #pantry dweller*
Murdoch (HAR) #stabbington*
Night (HAR) #glowstick god*
Noir (HARP) #mc monologue*
Engineer (HARP) #head himbo*
Damien (HARP) #meek mayor*
Date!Mark (AR) #date mate*
Heist!Mark (HARP) #heist hunk*
HeeHoo (HARP) #heehoo weewoo*
Eric Derekson (ARP) #starshine son*
Necromancer (HAP) #necrobastard*
Bim Trimmer (HP) #contestant cannibal*
Septic Egos:
Antisepticeye (HAR) #electric limeade*
Jackieboy Man (HARP) #comic escapee*
Marvin (HARP) #nyan magician*
JJ (HARP) #silent cinnamonroll*
Chase (HARP) #sad dad*
Schneeplestein (HAP) #schneeple steeple*
Robbie (HAP) #undead child*
District Attorney #shattered law*
Heist Partner #sneaky splitter*
Captain #wormhole jumper*
Will Not Write:
Blank #clean slate
Captain Magnum #colossal captain*
King of the Squirrels #nutty monarch*
Jim #news scuttler*
Stan the Water Man #water rad dad
Bomb Defuser!Mark (Doom Rogers) #explosive electrician
Unus & Annus #memento mori*
Dr. Iplier #medic moron*
Celine #ma’am medium
Celci #ice queen
Burt #reverse wrench
Gunther #guns and guns
Detective Abe #abernathy poptarts
Dave Torres (Edge of Sleep) #unwilling insomniac
Iron Lung! Mark #doomed detainee
Shawn Flynn (BaTIM) #fedora floorboards*
Marcus Brickley (Poppy Playtime) #toy tattler*
Pornipliers #homebrew horndogs
Resident Enis! Mark #horror huntsman
Silver Shepherd #sheepman cloak
YouTubers (OOC):
Mark #markus plier
Sean #coffee king
Ethan #soft skriddle
Wade #blame minion
Bob #bobbert my skerms
Danny #unicorn wizard
Arin #video game boy
Brian #get wecht
Gabs #giggly goobers
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minervas-sandwich · 1 year
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I posted 10,115 times in 2022
That's 7,360 more posts than 2021!
110 posts created (1%)
10,005 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,006 of my posts in 2022
#art - 1,014 posts
#tiktok - 506 posts
#toh - 379 posts
#cat - 298 posts
#su - 130 posts
#goncharov - 105 posts
#favorite - 104 posts
#ua - 103 posts
#markiplier - 99 posts
#starkid - 97 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like he complains this girl he’s courting has an onlyfans and it just bothers him bc he ‘paid for a meal- a meal jerry’ and hasn’t seen her
My Top Posts in 2022:
I really love how Brom being a feminist isn’t something played for laughs, it’s an important part of his character now. He’s a married man and he drinks his respect women juice and respects and supports his wife. In earlier episodes Matilda calls him out for being an asshole and he listens and corrects- their relationship as friends was built on a foundation of mutual trust and respect and their marriage might not have the best romantic foundations, but hell if they aren’t great as partners
189 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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This just in, Gilear, the Lunch Lad himself, is the pinnacle of sexual magnetism
219 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
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“Like an hourglass, it feels like the inevitability of time is slipping slowly away from you- and even if the timer stopped for something else, say, a channel, that didn’t mean that the timer stopped for you, but that doesn’t mean that the timer is not going to stop. Someday. And every grain of sand is slowly running out for all of us, and eventually... You won’t even see the end when it comes, it’ll just be a slow fade or a sudden stop and then- *pop* All gone.”
Love me a little Unus Annus/Memento Mori in my fun fidget toy review :’)
237 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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This feels like a forbidden shot. Like we aren’t supposed to see the stage floor, right? This shouldn’t be allowed, right??
252 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hands down best part of the whole episode
544 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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victory-ocs · 6 months
’ memento mori ‘  hi devlin you got anything to share
His first reaction is to be angry. To blame her. It's his natural defence, to get angry. It keeps people away, and it keeps him safe.
So when Queen Siren breathes her last, he gets mad. How DARE she leave her daughter like this. How dare she leave the kingdom in the hands of some idiot. Someone so utterly unprepared for the role, who will lead the kingdom to ruin.
It's her fault. She didn't look after herself. She let herself waste away, without once thinking about the one that still needed her.
He stares at himself in the mirror. Sneering at the royal moron that stares right back.
This is not his throne to take. This is not his home to live in. This is not his place.
And he blames her for it. For leaving before Nerida was ready to take the throne. For leaving it to him, when they both knew that he was not her son.
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