#medusan zero
spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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A first successful beam out. "First Con-tact"
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fate-motif · 1 year
i think we need to start drawing zero with all kinds of hats from now on
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startrekprodigyfan · 1 year
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I think this moment really showcases how much Dal has grown since the first episode. His empathy and concern for Zero is really strong here. And I love the little reassuring tap tap he does to the side of Zero’s suit as Zero reassures him it will be okay. Dal cares for his crew and he shows it. This is definitely not the same Dal from the first episode.
And I also love Zero grabbing his arm and little head nod of assurance.
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divinemissem13 · 4 months
Happy DALentine's Day, friends! 😘
At the end of his first week aboard the USS Voyager-A, Dal R’El decided that it was a lot more exhausting being an actual Starfleet warrant officer than it was being a fake Starfleet captain. There were a lot more people on a ship this size (many of whom wouldn’t give the ‘weird augment kid’ the time of day), and so much for him to learn, and way less time for fun… and, he had to admit to himself, no Gwyn.
He was used to back-breaking physical labor from his time on Tars Lamora, but he was unaccustomed to standing up so straight all the time. His back and neck were sore from upholding proper Starfleet posture all day long and it was with a profound sense of relief that he finally slumped into his desk chair at the end of the day. Lying down on his bed would result in his missing dinner, as Dal had learned earlier in the week. So he leaned back in the chair, threw his feet up on the desk, and stretched his arms into the air before settling them behind his head as a sort of pillow.
He gazed into the near distance as he started to daydream about what Gwyn might be doing at that moment when something on the desk caught his eye. Something small, yellow, and shaped like a heart. “Hey, Z!” Dal called to his roommate who was busily writing something at their own desk, “where did this come from?”
“Where did what come from?” Zero asked without looking up from their work.
Dal’s feet swung back to the floor and he leaned in to get a closer look. “This little heart thingy. Hey, it has writing on it… ‘U R COOL’,” he read slowly. “I am cool,” Dal said confidently, “but what’s with the tiny message?”
Intrigued by the mystery, Zero had abandoned their work to come in for a closer look. They picked up the little yellow heart and examined it carefully before handing it back to Dal and declaring: “It’s just candy.”
“But where did it come from? Why the message?” Dal asked, exasperated.
“I don’t know, Murf was here earlier - maybe he dropped it,” Zero said with a shrug and went back to their desk.
“Candy, huh?” Dal pondered it for another moment. It didn’t smell sweet, but it’s not like he had a whole lot of experience with candy, so he popped it in his mouth and bit down. The candy crunched between his teeth like chalk and didn’t taste much better. “Yech,” Dal spat it back into his hand. “I don’t think this is candy, Z.”
“I don’t know, why don’t you go find Murf and ask him?” Zero said with an annoyed sigh.
“Maybe I will!” Dal said petulantly, standing up from his chair. “I have to go wash this junk off my hands anyway,” he grumbled to himself.
Dal never made it to the washroom though, because he found another tiny heart on the floor right outside of his quarters. He knew better than to try eating it this time, but he picked it up to get a closer look. This one was orange and said BE MINE. “Huh? Be whose?” Dal asked, searching up and down the empty hallway.
A few feet away was another heart — pink: MY STAR.
“OK, what’s the big idea? Murf are you hiding somewhere?” Dal looked all around, even checked the ceiling, but there was no Murf to be found nor anyone else for that matter.
Only… another heart. And another. And another. U GOT THIS, XOXO, CALL ME.
It was beginning to feel like someone was sending him a message, but who? Literally everyone he knew in this universe was on this ship except for Gwyn, and she was way far out of communication range… wasn’t she? Still, the thought caused Dal to pick up speed as he continued to follow the trail of tiny hearts.
Some of the messages were vague, others seemed very specific, but each one drove him forward…
until finally, he stood in front of the holodeck with a pocketful of hearts, looking at the last two, sitting on the floor next to each other.
Dal’s stomach flipped as he bent down to pick them up. One was purple and had the phrase IN CAT BOOTS etched into it. The other was a light blue that reminded him of Gwyn’s eyes and it simply said ENTER.
Dal walked through the doors and into a planetarium, much like the one he and Gwyn had spent so much time in on Earth. And there she was, standing in the middle of the room waiting for him.
“Gwyn!” Dal cried, his voice cracking with excitement as he ran up to embrace her. Of course, it wasn’t really her. He knew that. The real Gwyn was off on another ship trying to save her world. But she looked real and she felt real and at that moment, Dal was more than happy to have even a holographic version of her.
HoloGwyn returned the hug and giggled lightly. “I see the others gave you my messages,” she said, smiling into Dal’s neck. She pulled away and took his hand, leading him to sit on their favorite bench.
They sat, leaning on one another, while Dal told Gwyn about his week and Gwyn pointed out her approximate location on the starmap above. The hour passed quickly and before he knew it, the computer was warning Dal that his time would be up in two minutes.
HoloGwyn kissed him on the cheek and stood in front of him, her ice-blue eyes piercing right through to his soul. “You’ve got to go now,” she told him. “But this program is yours. I’ll be here waiting, if you need me.”
Dal smiled back at her and stood to wrap his arms around her one more time.
“The program’s name is Cat Boots,’ Gwyn whispered in his ear, and he squeezed her tighter and kissed her softly.
“Thanks, Gwyn. For everything,” Dal whispered as the program began to fade away into the holodeck’s grey, gridded walls.
Dal left the holodeck feeling much lighter and with a bounce in his step. He greeted everyone with a smile on his way to the mess hall and his hands rested casually in his pockets.
He was in such a good mood that he pulled out a candy heart that said QT PIE, and flipped it into the air, catching it in his mouth without thinking. He managed not to spit it out this time (he was in public, after all), but he grimaced as he choked down the dry, chalky candy.
Yep, still gross, he thought. But then he smiled to himself. I’ll have to remember to tell Gwyn next time I see her.
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baylardian-1 · 1 year
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just some proggy Mindwalk cringe in Threshold AU lol.
I FINALLY GOT MY JANEWAY + HOLO-JANEWAY INTERACTION!!! and that was important really only see how i'd broach how janeway feels about it looking all young and 'human' and such uwu WHICH!!!!!! she seemed pretty unphased by her (or they didnt have time to waste with dialogue lol WHICH IS FAIR LOL). which pretty much leaves it open as to whether or not i can headcanon that janeway knew of its implemented appearance as being younger and "less evolved" before or during her mission to rescue chakotay heehee. i dont think i have a preffy but i think regardless she'd be MIFFED about it. in a cute quirky cringe way i wonder if she'd have moments of insecurity over it being around chakotay and looking like THAT. but yknow shes mature about it, treats her hologram self cordially if not a little patronizing lol.
it was cute to see janeway be pretty unresponsive to Dal's ganglia or tendril or w/e dare i say like shes used to having something similar to that on her face hahaha. contrasted with dal in janeway's body who has 0 control over the barbels that are just CONSTANTLY quivering.
ALSO,,,,, JUST SAYING,,,,,,,, janeways TECHNICALLY been "body swapped" before,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in Vis a Vis lol,,,,,,,,,,,, (i think her body gets "morphed" into Paris's,,, SAME CONCEPT EFFECTIVELY),,,,,,,,, just a missed opportunity there but its probably a harder-to-grasp comparison than threshold is. i just thought it was funnyyyyyyyyyyyyy ive humored the idea of doing some janeway "in Paris's body" thiiingsssssssssss
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sshbpodcast · 11 months
Won’t someone think of the children?! A Zero Appreciation Post
By Ames
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Okay, I meant to only do a Rok-Tahk appreciation post because a) she’s the best and b) who has the time to write all these blogposts? But I just can’t help myself. The community’s efforts to #SaveStarTrekProdigy have motivated me to keep the posts going, so here’s some more love for Star Trek: Prodigy. These installments probably won’t be as intense as the Rok post, but check out what makes Zero such a great character.
[images © CBS/Paramount… I guess? For now? Yikes.]
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Zero reintroduces us to the Medusans
“Is There in Truth No Beauty?” is one of my favorite The Original Series episodes. It’s very understated, but it’s one of those gems from season three that actually holds up and does something interesting. Not only is its guest character Miranda Jones one of the most unique characters of that show, but it also introduces us to the Medusans, a race of pure energy, the sight of which will drive a corporeal being mad. They’re also naturally brilliant navigators, telepathic, profound, agender, and just plain cool! I was so jazzed that Prodigy not only reintroduced this species, but also built on them in creating Zero’s character. Zero’s Medusan experiences form a lot of their character, from their intrinsic communicating abilities, to their guilt whenever their appearance is used as a weapon, to their natural curiosity which comes out all the freakin’ time, as you’ll see below. Plus they built themself a cool containment suit that hovers! What’s not to love?
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Zero loves a good puzzle
This Medusan might be the most curious character in all of Star Trek (you’d think it’d be a Caitian, wouldn’t you?). It’s no wonder that Murder Planet lures them into a trap by tempting them with a hedge maze that conceals even more confounding secrets. Zero is also this close to solving the boat puzzle in “Time Amok” before getting outfoxed by the fox, and of course they’re a regular denizen of the “Cellar Door Society” holoprogram: purveyors of puzzling puzzles, amateur sleuthing, and milquetoast mysteries. This sense of wonder with everything in the world around them is positively contagious! Zero is basically a nebulous nerd, and that’s just adorable! It’s a boon for Trekkies everywhere to be able to see geekiness played so positively and we can see ourselves in Zero all over the place. Hoot hoot!
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Zero is the perpetual optimist
“A dying star. What a rare and exciting way to meet our doom,” says Zero in “Starstruck.” It almost becomes a running gag that Zero finds every single experience to be a perplexing thing of wonderment and intrigue, even when it nearly kills everyone. Especially when it nearly kills everyone. When they think they’d died in “Time Amok” (and specifically have memories of doing so!), they treat it like it’s just a new phenomenon to analyze and cherish, which would be a little unnerving if Zero weren’t the quirky character they’ve been consistently portrayed as. It’s all part of that Medusan nature of theirs: one that is renowned for having the most beautiful and complex thoughts in the universe. It’s unclear how young Zero is in their species, but I assume they’re considered juvenile, and their natural wonderment at everything is something childlike and pure, making the perfect entryway into science fiction because they make every concept sound fascinating!
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Zero fights assimilation
By “Let Sleeping Borg Lie” (great title, by the way!), Zero is at their lowest moment in the series. While saving everyone from The Diviner’s control in “A Moral Star,” they accidentally harm Gwyn, causing some memory loss (Hey, we did a whole blog on that topic! Cross promoting, ftw!), and are feeling like an absolute butt about the whole incident. And they see an opportunity to make it up to the crew by volunteering for what could easily be a suicide mission: getting assimilated by the Borg to figure out how to shut down the Living Construct on the ship. Zero is tempted by the appeal of belonging to a hivemind again like they’d been with other Medusans, but it is their devotion to the rest of the crew that snaps them out of it (and probably a little bit of Medusan superpowers for good measure). Belonging to the Protostar is already enough of a family for them, as has been the pattern with the other characters as well.
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We love you, Zero! We love the other crew members of the Protostar too! We love Star Trek: Prodigy! Check out the other character appreciation posts for Rok-Tahk, Dal R’El, Gwyndala, and Jankom Pog while you’re here. I know I can speak for not only the other hosts here at A Star to Steer Hey By but for myriad other fans when I seriously hope someone picks up this wonder of a show. We’re really looking forward to seeing more from these amazing child characters, and we’re seriously wishing we get that opportunity. #SaveStarTrekProdigy
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returnofahsoka · 2 years
the difference between these two images haunts me in ways i simply cannot put into words
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look. at. this. look how tiny and insignificant and vulnerable that light is against the darkness and then look how they almost burn everything out in that other scene, blinding and white-hot and powerful, and tell me you don't want to chew on your phone screen
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sophiaforevs · 2 years
Attention everyone, television now has a greatest line of dialog.
Zero: You want us to jump [off the exploding space station through vacuum]? I do not think that option is logically sound.
Dal: In outer space, there is no sound.
Zero: Your rebuttal is correct, but nonsense.
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lieutenantratte · 1 year
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Not even Sonarr can handle they/them pussy.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Ooooh do you know what I wanna see in SNW?
I wanna see Spock get offered the position of being the Medusan Ambassador’s assistant/translator! And then choosing to turn it down in favor of his Starfleet career (maybe see Miranda again/for the first time? 👀)
I think that could be really really cool!
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Tumblr fam, how did I start Star Trek Prodigy without already knowing from my dashboard that one of the main characters is a Medusan? The being in a box that blinds people, and Spock got to help one out. Amazing. What a species to pick to include! So cool. The episode where Zero resists the borg is so great.
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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There is no I. There is only Borg.
Star Trek Prodigy "Let Sleeping Borg Lie"
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fate-motif · 10 months
what the prodigy kids are doing online
dal: tiktok addict. his account is mostly funny edits of games or streamers he likes. he is aware there are children watching his videos and he is a terrible influence on their sense of humor
gwyn: wasn’t allowed to have social media growing up except for pinterest so she microdosed on tumblr through screenshots. now she starts fights in the comment sections of everyone else’s content
jankom: reddit bro, but the kind that’s in some bonkers obscure subreddit for insane homemade engineering rigs or some other incredibly technical subreddit
zero: tumblrina. introducing the others to tumblr goes about as well as introducing them to their puzzle holodeck sim. also probably into geocaching
rok: probably started out an ipad baby because no one in her early life gave a shit about what she was doing online and then one day she accidentally ended up on some almost unheard of forum for newly graduated STEM researchers and now she has Opinions about people none of the other prodigy kids have ever heard about in their lives
murf: all the other kids know is that he’s online but they don’t know what he does. they have a bet that he’s on the dark web
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aniketsanimationblog · 11 months
30 Days Of Prodigy, Day 21: Zero
The Series is really incomplete without this Medusan, honestly!! It (I know it's not a Boy/Girl) just made me impressed!! And Angus Imrie's voice is just WOW!!
@commandermeg @sunnyvalentine @aaronwaltke
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divinemissem13 · 11 months
30 Days of Prodigy, Day 21: Zero
Zero had never expected to be a weapon. The thought never even crossed their mind, until they were captured by the Kazon. They had never imagined that their mere presence might be used by another to control the minds of innocents, until they met the Diviner.
This was no way for an intelligent, compassionate being such as Zero to live. They needed to escape. But how? Even if they could break out of their containment unit, there were too many people around for them to just leave. The number of innocents who would have to view them in their pure form would be numerous and the effects catastrophic. Zero had never wanted to be a weapon, but to escape unprotected would turn them into not just any weapon, but a weapon of mass destruction. There had to be another way. 
Aha! A mystery! This was their wheelhouse, so to speak. Zero had loved solving mysteries their whole life. Curiosity fueled their every action. That was why they had ventured off of their homeworld in the first place, and why they had become distanced from the hivemind long enough to be captured. Curiosity may have been their downfall then, but now it would be their salvation. 
Now, how to protect everyone else from going insane at the sight of them? The red glasses appeared to help. And telepaths like the Diviner seemed to have an easier time of it. So how to get red glasses on everyone on Tars Lamora… or to make them all telepathic somehow? That sounded very complicated and in Zero's experience, mysteries often have a simple, elegant solution. There must be another way… 
It wasn’t until the Diviner opened Zero’s containment unit again that an idea began to form. While the Diviner used Zero’s visage to brainwash the newest captive, they tried to disassociate, to focus on anything else but the weapon they had become. 
Zero regarded the robotic creatures that flanked the newest recruit. The Drednoks were artificial intelligence, so they had no telepathic signature and had mostly escaped Zero’s notice until now. But, of course, they were not affected by seeing the Medusan’s form. They did not have minds, in the traditional sense, and so they could not go mad! But maybe, if Zero tried, they could communicate with the Drednoks much in the same way that Medusans communicated with the artificial intelligence that flew their ships.
Zero focused on the Drednok standing to their left. See what it sees, look through its eyes, they coached themselves. Suddenly, Zero was looking at, well, themself! The incandescent swirl of energy pulsed through the room and Zero felt the new arrival struggling against their - or, rather, the Drednok’s - grip. Zero had not expected to feel what the Drednok felt; had not even been sure that the Drednok could feel anything at all. But it could and they did.
Zero wondered if they could take it a step further and force the Drednok to move. They concentrated on the feeling of the arm struggling against them, the feel of the mechanical fingers as they imagined loosening their grip. A twinge in the thumb indicated the beginning of a movement… but then Zero felt their mind slammed back into their body as they were roughly shoved back into the containment unit, its opaque aluminum alloy sides cutting off the connection with the Drednok. 
But this was a start. There would be an indefinite amount of time before Zero was let out again. But when that time came, they would be ready. 
In their mind, Zero began to design a portable shield. One that would carry them out of this place, just as the Drednok’s metal skeleton carried them from place to place. The red glasses could be repurposed to make a viewport so that they could see out and the rest could easily be built from the scraps that lay all over the ground on Tars Lamora.
And Zero knew just the Drednok to build it.
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anonymousewrites · 5 months
Logos and Pathos (Book 3) Chapter Three
Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Three: Clouded Sight
Summary: Spock and Kollos mind-link, which proves interesting and solves one problem, but there are always more to come.
            On the Bridge, a small barrier had been set up around Spock’s station. Kollos’s container sat behind it, so when Spock stepped up with the visor in his hand, he was sure to be the only one to see Kollos.
            (Y/N) touched Spock’s fingers with their own before he nodded to them and walked behind the screen. He knelt and opened the container. The green light shone from behind the screen. (Y/N) held their breath, closing their eyes and focusing on the emotions radiating around them. Kollos’s held no malice, just calm as he joined with Spock. (Y/N)’s shoulders sagged in relief that there was no danger in Kollos. At least this wouldn’t be like the situation with Henoch.
            Spock-Kollos straightened behind the screen and walked out. The entire Bridge gazed at him curiously, wondering if it had worked. Kirk glanced at (Y/N), and they nodded. Kollos’s emotions radiated from Spock’s body.
            Spock-Kollos looked over the bridge; their eyes only paused on (Y/N) and Jones. It wasn’t that much of a surprise to (Y/N), though. The Spock part loved them, and (Y/N) suspected the Kollos part loved Jones. Some people would get jealous of seeing their boyfriend’s body look lovingly at another person, but (Y/N) could differentiate between Spock and Kollos and knew their boyfriend only loved them, so seeing Kollos love Jones didn’t affect them.
            Spock-Kollos smiled (though any emotion shown was likely more Kollos than Spock. Probably completely Kollos and not Spock. This was a little weird to see). “This is delightful. I know you…” said Spock-Kollos. “All of you!”
            “James Kirk, Captain and friend for many years,” said Spock-Kollos. They smiled at Bones. “And Leonard McCoy…” They chuckled. “…also of long acquaintance.” Spock-Kollos’s eyes landed on (Y/N), and a wider smile spread across their face. “(Y/N)…who means more to me than I can say. ‘To see the bright eyes of the dear one.’ ” Spock-Kollos gazed happily at (Y/N)’s golden eyes as they crinkled in a smile.
            “That’s not Spock,” said Bones as he heard the poetry.
            Spock-Kollos’s smile fell, and they raised an eyebrow. “Are you surprised to find that I’ve read Byron, Doctor?”
            (Y/N) snorted. Now that was definitely Spock’s mind.
            “That’s Spock!” said Bones in delight.
            “Am I addressing the Ambassador?” asked Kirk.
            “In part,” said Spock-Kollos. “That is, part of us is known to you as Kollos.” Their eyes landed on Jones, and (Y/N) suppressed a smile as Kollos’s emotions spiked in happiness upon seeing her. “Ah, Miranda…There you are. ‘Oh brave new world that has such creatures in it.’ ”
            “ ‘Tis new to thee,’ ” finished Jones.
            “My world is next for us,” said Spock-Kollos. They gazed at her for a moment before turning to Kirk. “Captain Kirk, I speak for all of us you call Medusans. I am sorry for the trouble I’ve brought to your ship.”
            “We don’t hold you to blame for what happened,” assured Kirk. “And thank you now for your help.
            Spock-Kollos nodded. “And now, to the business at hand. With your permission, Captain.”
            “Yes. Mr. Sulu, release the helm to Mr. Spock,” said Kirk.
            “Aye, sir.” Sulu stood, and Spock-Kollos took his seat.
            They get to work immediately. They worked the controls carefully with a skill very few possessed. “Coordination is complete.”
            “Then go ahead, Spock, Ambassador Kollos,” said (Y/N).
            “Warp 1 in six seconds,” said Spock-Kollos. “Five…four…three…two…one…zero.”
            The Enterprise moved forward on a charter course back to their own galaxy. Lights flashed around them as they flew, but they didn’t stop. With a final bright explosion, the Enterprise broke back into their original galaxy.
            “Position report, please, Mr. Chekov,” said Kirk.
            “Our position…Our position is so close to the point where we entered the void that the difference isn’t worth mentioning,” said Chekov in amazement. “Bullseye, Mr. Spock.”
            “Good job, Spock, Ambassador Kollos,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Thank you, (Y/N),” said Spock-Kollos.
            “Take over, Mr. Sulu,” said Kirk in satisfaction. “Thank you, Ambassador.” Spock-Kollos stood. “Mr. Chekov, plot a new course.”
            “The new heading will be plotted in a minute, sir,” said Chekov.
            Spock-Kollos felt their chest. “How compact your bodies are…and what a variety of senses you have!” They smiled broadly. “This thing you call language, though—most remarkable. You depend on it for so very much. But is any one of you really its master?” Their smile fell. “But most of all, the aloneness…You are so alone. You live out your lives in this shell of flesh, self-contained, separate…how lonely you are…how terribly lonely…”
            (Y/N) shivered at the cloud of melancholy around Spock-Kollos. They could only imagine how Spock felt with his emotions so intertwined with the second mind in his body. “Ambassador…I believe it’s time to sever the link.”
            “So soon?” asked Spock-Kollos with a frown.
            “We can’t wait,” said (Y/N).
            “You are wise,” said Spock-Kollos. They nodded and stepped around the screen. They knelt, and Kollos’s container opened.
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened a fraction too late. “The visor!” they cried. “Spock!” He cried out, and (Y/N) covered their mouth in horror.
            “Don’t move! No one is to move,” ordered Kirk.
            “Spock? Are you alright?” asked (Y/N) hesitantly.
            Spock stood, a wild look in his eyes, and a tinge of fear twirled across (Y/N)’s skin. Their eyes widened. He was deeply disturbed if he showed any sort of emotion.
            “Spock, you’re alright. You’re safe,” said Kirk, holding out his hands.
            Spock grabbed his wrists roughly, and they began to push at each other. Spock threw Kirk to the side, and Bones jumped up. Spock easily hit him aside, and even Sulu and Chekov were shoved away from him.
            (Y/N) moved in front of Spock, and he faltered. Even in his insanity, his heart leapt at the sight of them. They reached out and touched his head, closing their eyes and drawing at his madness. Spock’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he collapsed, unconscious.
            “He’s barely breathing,” said Bones grimly, quickly checking his pulse. “Help me get him to Sickbay!”
            “Spock…” murmured (Y/N) worriedly. They couldn’t bring him out of this type of madness on their own. They looked at Jones. They needed a telepath. (Y/N)’s blood ran cold when they saw no concern in Jones’s aura.
            (Y/N) sat beside Jones and Spock in Sickbay. As they kept the madness at bay, Jones attempted to bring Spock’s logical mind back. So far, they were having no luck, but (Y/N) had a terrible feeling Jones wasn’t trying as hard as she could.
            Outside of the room, Kirk and Bones’s anger and worry at the situation filtered in like a cloud, and (Y/N) took a deep breath to focus. Their attention was taken, however, when Kirk walked into Sickbay.
            “Who is it?” asked Jones. Her cloak of sensors lay on a table to the side.
            “Captain Kirk,” said (Y/N).
            “I have no news for you, Captain,” said Jones.
            “No change?” asked Kirk.
            “He’s…he’s struggling,” said (Y/N), voice hoarse.
            “What are you doing about it, Dr. Jones? (L/N) is holding his madness at bay, aren’t you bringing Spock’s mind back?” asked Kirk.
            “I’m doing what I can,” said Jones.
            “Which doesn’t seem to be much,” said Kirk, speaking what he knew (Y/N) would not.
            Jones scoffed. “No doubt you think I can wake him with a kiss.”
            “I doubt that would work with anyone other than (L/N),” said Kirk.
            “He’s a Vulcan,” said Jones.
            “Only half,” said (Y/N).
            “The other half is human, far more human than you, apparently,” said Kirk.
            (Y/N) shivered as heat from Jones’s anger prickled their arms.
            “Face reality, Captain, his mind has gone down almost too far for me to reach,” said Jones.
            “I can feel him. He’s still there, he’s not dead yet, we have a chance,” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes. “Why won’t you help him?”
            “Because that’s what you want, isn’t it?” said Kirk harshly.
            Jones tried to push past him. “That’s a lie!”
            Kirk grabbed her shoulders. “Oh, no, it isn’t. You want him to die. What did you do to him on the Bridge? Did you make him forget to put the visor over his eyes?”
            Jones emotions were a whirlwind, and (Y/N) took a step back from the telepath’s aura, holding Spock’s hand tightly. “You’re insane!” cried Jones, but there was a level of truth to Kirk’s accusations of her not completely desiring Spock’s recovery showing in her emotions of envy and satisfaction.
            “Yes, you know your rival, don’t you?” questioned Kirk. “You couldn’t keep him from making a mind-link with Kollos, something that you couldn’t do yourself. With my words, I’ll make you hear such ugliness as Spock saw when he looked at Kollos with his naked eyes.”
            Jones cried out at Kirk’s words.
            (Y/N) stepped forward and put their hand on Kirk’s shoulder. He looked at them in surprise before letting go of Jones and letting them face her.
            “Miranda…” said (Y/N) softly, and Jones looked at them. “Miranda, please. I love him. I know you love Kollos, I know you wish you could see him, but you can’t. I’m sorry. But please, don’t make me lose the man I love because of jealousy.”
            Jones stared at (Y/N), and a deep sadness enveloped them both. Jones’s emotions calmed into a steady melancholy. She wished to see who she loved and couldn’t. But she understood (Y/N) was right. She couldn’t punish Spock for her own jealousy.
            “I-You’re right. I’m sorry,” said Jones. She extended her hand. “Lead me back to him.”
            “Thank you, Miranda,” said (Y/N), taking Jones’s hand and guiding her to Spock’s side. (Y/N) took ahold of his hand, and Jones touched his temples. Together, the empath and telepath dove into Spock’s mind.
            Spock stirred, his hand gripping (Y/N)’s tighter. He jerked, and (Y/N) pushed their comforting emotions into him, calming him. And then he jerked up abruptly, furrowing his brow as he cleared his mind.
            “Spock!” cried (Y/N), hugging him tightly.
            Spock blinked in surprise. “Was it truly that surprising that I regained my logical mind?”
            (Y/N) let go and rolled their eyes. “Unbelievable.” But a smile appeared on their lips. That was their boyfriend.
            Spock and (Y/N) deposited Kollos’s container on the transporter. They liked the Ambassador, but with the trouble they’d endured, they couldn’t help but be satisfied the ordeal would be over with.
            Jones entered behind them, wearing her sensory cloak once more.
            Bones shook her hand. “You have what you wanted most?”
            “I am one with Kollos,” said Jones.
            (Y/N) smiled. They had linked minds. Jones couldn’t see him, but their minds were one, and she was happy.
            “Well, I’m truly sorry that you’re leaving. Goodbye,” said Bones with a smile.
            Kirk stepped forward next, and Jones smiled at him. “We’ve come to the end of an eventful trip, Captain.”
            “I didn’t think you’d even talk to me,” said Kirk.
            “Well, I have you to thank for my future,” said Jones. She looked at (Y/N). “Both of you. Your words enabled me to see my mind was clouded.”
            (Y/N) smiled at Jones and nodded. “It was my pleasure.”
            Kirk smiled. “Miranda, good luck…health.” He pulled a rose from behind his back. “I have something for you.”
            Jones took it and smiled. “I suppose it has thorns.”
            “I never met a rose that didn’t,” said Kirk.
            Jones smiled and smelled the rose as she stepped up onto the transporter. She looked at Spock and (Y/N). “I know now the great joy you felt when you joined minds with Kollos.”
            “I rejoice in your knowledge and in your achievement,” said Spock honestly.
            “I understand, Mr. Spock, the glory of creation is in its infinite diversity,” said Jones.
            “And the ways our differences combine to create meaning—” Spock’s eyes turned to (Y/N) “—and beauty.”
            “I wish you and Kollos the best of luck,” said (Y/N), smiling at Jones.
            “And I wish you and Mr. Spock a long and happy life together,” said Jones, shaking (Y/N)’s hand before boarding the Transporter. She raised a hand in the Vulcan salute and smiled. “Live long and prosper.”
            “Live long and prosper,” repeated (Y/N) and Spock.
            And then Jones and Kollos were gone.
            “So, are you still feeling alright? Mentally?” asked (Y/N), fretting over Spock as they sat him down in his quarters. Bones had ordered (and made sure Kirk followed up that order) Spock to go rest after the bout of madness.
            “I am fine,” said Spock, but he didn’t object to (Y/N)’s concerned hands on his face as their Celian physical affection came through in worry.
            “Are you sure?” said (Y/N).
            Spock reached up and took (Y/N)’s hands in his own. “Yes, T’hy’la. You saved me yet again.”
            “Well, me and Miranda,” said (Y/N).
            Spock looked at (Y/N) and pulled them so they sat beside him on his bed. “T’hy’la, without you, I would have lost myself many times. Do not push your abilities to the side.”
            (Y/N) smiled at him. “You’re so kind to me.”
            “I speak the truth,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) laughed at his usual logic and kissed him.
            Spock kissed back. In his mind, this counted as rest. And he didn’t particularly like listening to Bones’s orders anyways.
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