#meanwhile everyone else has to deal with this bullshit
trilies · 2 years
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backpackingspace · 2 months
Okay but yin yu needs a raise this yin yu is overworked that. Where is the Ling wen needs a raise content
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Sfw omegaverse anon -
The "omega bestie" thing was smth Shanks probably told Luffy - ((Shanks sees a tiny unscented little pup all alone and went "Oh it's free real estate" /hj.)) In actuality, Makino raised Luffy for a good deal of time, but he is a rambunctious child, and I think he'd pester Shanks for stories and songs and all sorts of things. Shanks is a softie and so absolutely caved. Luffy learned a lot of the pirate's code from Shanks as a very small child and he treated it like GOSPEL, bc Shanks was, is and always will be his hero. So he definitely also got some very silly stories about Shanks' youth, and Buggy starred in more than a few, but never explicitly by name, it was always "my best friend" or "my packmate" or, on really sentimental evenings, "my baby brother".
When Luffy first met Buggy in Orangetown, the few braincells he has left sparked a connection - blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster clown man? Blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster omega packmate of his semi-adopted dad? Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone.
So yeah Luffy definitely knows Buggy is an omega, and when Buggy mentions "we served on the same crew", it just clicks. It's not really a big deal to him anyway, it feels stupid to care about that kind of stuff. You could not PAY him to care (but if you want to try, it's best to pay in food).
But yeah, Rayleigh and Crocus just both went "Ah, the kids will be fine" and then the kids went and were very much Not Fine At All. But that's a conversation for a different time.
Their parental instincts only kick in when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for followup. It's both obnoxious and also funny.
Shanks gets a heart flutter, and by nightfall his denden is ringing bc Rayleigh is 🤏 close to swimming out there what is going on, red-?
When Crocodile and Mihawk finally get their shit straight and start the whole Courting Thing, the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children.
Crocus calls Rayleigh. Rayleigh talks to Crocus. Neither have Buggy's number. How did that happen? Damn. If only Rayleigh lived with a woman who has an expansive information network where she can check for Buggy's contact information. If only Buggy was part of a widely known business with contact information for business needs. If only they considered this information and just how many options they DO have at hand.
Instead, they call Shanks - Shanks who is having a meltdown because "Bugs is growing up" and "two Alphas, really?!"
This does NOT bode well.
One prospective courtship is one thing. TWO simultaneous courtships are complicated. Those two Alphas enacting the courtship being former warlords, a mafia boss and the world's greatest swordsman, is something else entirely.
Crocus is sharpening his harpoon, debating his options. Rayleigh is seriously debating free swimming to the New World. Things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around.
Meanwhile, on Karai Bari, the Cross Guild Poly has finally hit the Holding Hands Stage, because they're stupid, silly and none of them are actually working with anything resembling game. Buggy blushes every time Mihawk pulls out his chair, he melts whenever Crocodile gets the door for him, and he's absolutely LOSING IT every time they ask him to spar.
Fighting has become their love language somehow and every time Buggy lands a hit of some kind, the others damn near swoon, which makes HIM swoon, and the crew and mercenaries are just watching this like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
Anyway yee I'm sleepy so I'm off, byyyeee~~~~
Shanks definitely did a Roger, looking at Luffy asks around who's child this is and proceeds to pick him up to Benn’s dismay (That is not paid enough to deal with his captain’s bullshit) Good thing Makino raising Luffy for a good bit of time. Luffy pestering Shanks for all sorts of things too, that's so Buggy.
Shanks talking about talking about Buggy without saying his name, I wonder why he won't say Buggy’s name to Luffy. Maybe Shanks didn't want Luffy to go and find his packmate, but that didn't matter when Luffy met Buggy. Good thing Luffy has some braincells after all that training Garp put him through. And the ‘Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone’ Yeah that's so Luffy, like damn he don't spare anyone.
Not Rayleigh and Crocus thinking that Buggy and Shanks will be fine. Indeed that is a conversation for a different time. I understand that Crocus would of given the kids a few things they would need in life while Rayleigh probably like I taught shit, you are good. And dips into the night without saying goodbye to grieve his captain and be with Shakky (for some reason that seems like he would do that. Its a headcanon)
THEN not their parental instincts kicking when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for fucking followup. OH NOOOOOOOOOOO, that’s not how parental instincts should be (I mean to be fair, neither were planning on having kids probably, but then Roger metting those two happened, but like… dudes that’s not how it’s supposed to work)-(Indeed it’s obnoxious and also kind of funny if you ignore that’s not parental instincts should work…) Shanks getting scolded by Rayleigh when his heart’s fluttering, I wonder who that person is, anyway Mihawk and Crocodile getting their shit together and start trying to court Buggy (you know he’ll first think that they are threahing him, so it takes sometime)
Started laughing at ‘the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children’ I love that, you know it’s not only Rayleigh and Cronus because most of the veteran Roger Pirates helped raised them too (hc/)
Crocus and Rayleigh not having Buggy’s number is so them… but what if it’s the same number he always had and they think it’s the wrong number now? Have they bothered to check? Or if they had, Buggy had openly said it wasn’t Buggy’s number? There could be so much more drama, but anyway yeah if ony Rayleigh lived with a woman that can find people’s numbers because she got that information network, if only Rayleigh knows where his child’s business is, oh no it’s too sad that they can’t find anything…
THEY CALLED SHANKS! Oh no! That’s the last place to call to find Buggy and to check if he’s alright! That man is fucking drunk, crying, ranting and raving about this! Oh dear! RIP to Crocodile and Mihawk, even the littlest teasing bullying their clown will land them in bad graces if those men see it (dear gods what if they found out they beat the shit of Buggy one day, that’s when shit would it the fan. Buggy’s followers will have a fucking telenovela to watch, they just need to be a safe distance away because holy shit someone might fucking died in the crossfire) Truly things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around… “Big News” Morgan would having the time of his fucking life with this.
Meanwhile on Karai Bari Island, where nobody knows about what might happened later down the line! Awwwwwwwwww, they are now in the Hand Holding Stage!!! That’s so cute! It took awhile because of so many things, good thing they worked it out.
Mihawk and Crocodile being gentlemen to Buggy is amazing, and them asking to spar is like BIG invalidation for him. Fighting and bullying each other (affectionately) is definitely one of their love language. Truly is like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Vin Jin x Reader: the Cheonliang jacket
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Vin had left his Cheonliang jacket at yours.
It was the easy, hazy sort of summer evening, where the air was sticky and stuffy and people sluggish and slow. Vin wore his jacket, placing his aesthetics above all else, and quickly regretted it as soon as he stepped out the door.
Insult was further added to injury when he arrived at yours and you said your AC was broken.
He had no choice but to take off.
Though, the AC wasn't the only thing that wasn't working. Seeing you like that, also broke Vin's brain.
Sheen of sweat along your hairline, tendrils sticking to the nape of your neck. Perspiration running down your collarbones and your chest. Almost panting, even in your skimpy top and shorts.
It was obscene.
Leaving at once too little and unfortunately too much to his imagination.
The the heat died down by the next weekend, and so did Vin's crush on you; returning back to normal, non-cringe levels.
Or it did until you showed up wearing his jacket. The Cheonliang Jacket.
The one everyone knew belonged to Vin Jin.
(Truth be told, it's not really a unique jacket. Mary has one. It's simply what everyone in the crew wore in Cheonliang.)
But Vin cannot downplay seeing you in his. He has dreamed about it.
Sometimes you in just that and nothing else, sitting on his bed after a really great night. A really fun night. Your hair this side of freshly-fucked and wearing a flirtatious smile.
He cannot take his eyes off you. The way it hangs around your frame, so obviously a boyfriend jacket.
He shouldn't be thinking about this right now. He is absolutely getting derailed and losing his cool.
In classic defensive Vin form, he pretends to be outraged. Telling you that you'll stretch it, that it'll smell like you, and hey don't you have your own clothes to wear?!
(Heavens above have mercy because thinking about your body in it, touching your skin and being marked with your scent, your perfume, you is driving him insane.
And once again, his traitorous brain conjuring thoughts of you just wearing Vin's clothes and little else are eating him alive.
Wearing this jacket. His shirts. His hoodies. His caps.
Meanwhile, you're getting really sick of Vin's bullshit.
Honestly, you have no idea what is up with him. You didn't think he would be so upset about you wearing this.
"Whatever, if you're going to make such a big deal about it," You yank the offending jacket off, and thrust it back in his face.
Oh no. No fucking way is Vin taking it back. He wants to see you wearing it all the time. He wants everyone to see it.
He deflects.
"No, just wear it now." Vin pulls a face at you, as if you're the one being difficult. He then turns on his heel and walks off, leaving you still holding out the jacket, "You're making a scene."
"Vin, you asshole!"
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acewizardinspace · 2 years
People don’t think enough about the jedi council’s options in the wrong jedi arc. They can either:
A: Do nothing. Tell the public and the friends and family of the victims, “There is a ton of evidence for this person’s guilt, but she is one of us, we have known her since she as a baby, so we decided she is not guilty, without a trial. Bye.”
B: Hold your own trial. We don’t know exactly what kind of legal system the jedi might have, but there is no way in thousands of years there has never been a jedi accused of a crime. Even if we assume those crimes are handled by the government issuing the accusation, there has to have been a time when that wasn’t an option. For example, the council held a trial to decide the fate of Prosset Dibs, so yeah there must be some type of system in place. But Prosset and Ahsoka are very different because he only attacked another jedi, making it an internal affair. For Ahsoka, think of the implications, either they:
a: Find Ahsoka guilty: What now? Do you imprison her yourself? Do the jedi have cells in the temple for keeping force sensitives? Just keep her in her room with guards on the door? We know the jedi believe in rehabilitation so there would be an attempt to help her away from the dark side (once again, what they did for Prosset). Meanwhile, they have to deal with the public who is probably not happy that she is getting off with what is, in their opinion, a slap on the wrist. Is it the jedi’s job to care what the people want? Maybe, maybe not, but public opinion is at an all-time low because of this fake war set up to make them look bad, and this will have consequences. (Yeah, we know she is not guilty and doesn’t need rehabilitation away form the dark side, but the council doesn’t.)
b: Find her innocent: This will sound like bullshit to the public. “Uh we meditated on it and the force told us she is not guilty.” How mad would you be if this happened? If your friend died in the attack, wouldn’t you be just pissed about this? There is a TON OF EVIDENCE TO HER GUILT and at this point, no counter evidence. (Yeah, Anakin shows up with Barriss eventually, but you cannot make a decision based on something that will happen in the future, something you don’t know about. So, this doesn’t factor into the council’s decision.)
Or finally, the option they chose, the only real option available:
C: You send Ahsoka off to receive a fair trial* where she will have an opportunity to defend herself in court and will have an attorney. In their minds, this trial would likely be even more fair than one they hold because they are emotionally compromised here, because, yes, they do know Ahsoka and consider her family! But they have been burned before (Dooku and Krell) and are at this point willing to accept the possibility of betrayal.
People act like the council sent her to die. They didn’t. All they did was vote on whether or not she, someone accused of a crime with tons of evidence supporting that claim, should go to trial. That’s it. Everything else was Palpatine and Barriss. Besides, this way if she is found innocent the public won’t think it was nepotism.
* We, the audience, know this will not be a fair trial, but the council, and literally everyone else, believes it will be. There is literally not a single indication to imply anything else. You can’t blame characters for not knowing something they logically couldn’t know.
So, to the people who think the council fucked up here, I ask an honest question, if you were on the council, had the full ability to sway the vote, and only knew what the council knew, what would you have done? And if it was anything other than expelling Ahsoka from the order, how would you have handled the fallout? The riots, the protesting, the clones from the guard who get killed in the crossfire of your choice?
The council made the only choice they could have made, and Ahsoka got hurt. That doesn’t make them wrong, and it doesn’t make Ahsoka wrong to feel betrayed either.
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gemshroud · 11 days
I was thinking more about Entreri in BG3 and wrote this post in my head in bed last night lol
Ranking BG3 Companions By How Likely Entreri Would Be To Romance Them
Caveats: This has no bearing on rp if you write any of these characters btw, this is just for funsies. Also please understand that despite this ranking Entreri is most likely to just never fuck and I love that for him :) Withers vc: Thou art bitchless?
#1 - LAE'ZEL
Most likely to romance. He gets her and actually respects her a great deal. (Looking at the rest of the party) "Why are you all being so precious about this? She's right and knows more about mindflayers than any of us." Entreri would also appreciate the Act 2 love battle A Lot.
They're more similar than Entreri would probably like to admit. Bonding over sexual trauma unexpectedly breaks some of his walls. Neither of them know wtf they are doing but they will be ride or die about it, will screw over everyone else here and run away together if needs must. Murder husbands.
They would probably have a weird little mutually antagonistic start because they're both mean and cagey and Entreri hates clerics. But they wind up having more fun in that rivalry than expected. Entreri also hates Selune for Reasons. It would start as appreciation for Shadowheart's competency but could easily become "oh no, I care about this strange woman's tragedy and want to see her escape her circumstances in a way that's uncomfortably familiar, oh fuck."
#4 - WYLL
Entreri's dynamic with Wyll would be so fascinating. Wyll is a lot like Drizzt. Entreri would deeply resent and chafe at Wyll's idealism and yet Wyll is skilled enough to back it up so... Oh! How Entreri seethes!! Wyll meanwhile is probably more amused than anything. Very much one-sided nemeses LOL Entreri vc: I don't know how to flirt with him so I have to declare him my enemy.
Ngl his initial response to Minthara would be "I am not getting involved in more drow bullshit" which is fair. Perhaps surprisingly, he would also deeply hate attacking the Grove. He's actually not about unnecessary violence or violence just for the sake of it against ordinary people, and he probably relates to the tieflings on some level despite not really caring to help them. Go figure. However... Act 2 Minthara and onward... "There are no gods left for me"? He would vibe with that mightily.
Honestly he probably likes her a great deal, but perhaps she is too good for him LOL
#7 - GALE
He would get along fine with Gale if they actually talked but they probably don't. Entreri is probably mildly annoyed by him LOL
This ranking is mostly for Jaheira's disinterest tbh. Entreri probably respects her the most of anyone here. They would gossip so venomously and so beautifully together.
Similar feelings as with Gale - just kind of mild annoyance. Also Entreri has the carnal desires of a ball of lint so sorry, not really interested in climbing the bear man.
#10 - MINSC
Entreri hates this man so deeply.
Derryth Bonecloak, Mol, Madame Lucretious, Zarys, Gortash, Nine-Fingers Keene, Wulbren, all the little gnome terrorists tbh, Lakrissa, Grendel
Cazador, Volo, Kagha, Nere, Naaber, Dolly Dolly Dolly, Raphael, The Emperor, Ketheric Thorm (dad issues), Florrick, Ulder Ravenguard, the Underdark fish guys lol
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
why do you think Percy gets on better with the women of VM than the men
So Percy, by the time he meets Vox Machina, is an anxious traumatised mess of a man, right? He has every reason to fear risk and vulnerability, good reason to distrust strangers and an absolute tonne of trauma.
He's also someone who operates best in social situations when he knows the script. When he knows what the rules are. This is why he does so well in areas of legalese and poshness and etiquette - he was raised around those kinds of rules and knows exactly what he's dealing with and how to get what he wants. This is also why he gets very flustered when sexual situations come up, and why he gets more stuttery and cautious when he doesn't know what the rules are, notably with Victor the Black Powder Merchant.
So in short, Percy gets on best with people he understands. And he understands people best when they either operate on rules he understands already, or when they are consistent enough he can figure out those rules.
Of Vox Machina...
Grog is strong and not hugely bright and also not so good at the words or the numbers or the learning. He is potentially dangerous and volatile, and energetic and expressive: He is not someone Percy would immediately understand and his volatility, his energetic expressiveness of affection and anger and all else, means he’s someone Percy's own trauma would make him wary around.
Tiberius is posh, but he's also loud, opinionated, prone to bluster and going off in his own spiralling direction, not always listening to others and also prone to getting a bit up himself (not that Percy can't be the same way). I think Percy would understand Tiberius better but not necessarily care to spend much time with him.
Scanlan is crass, crude, always looking to turn things into a joke or a story and that means he's more prone to prying (albeit often by way of jokes) and generally doing and saying things that make Percy deeply uncomfortable. Percy both would not understand him and have no interest in understanding him.
Vax knows noble protocols but also thinks they're bullshit and is prone to both wearing his heart on his sleeve and bouts of pretty severe depression. Percy cannot use etiquette with him because he'll reject it and the emotional volatility of depression make it hard for Percy to get a reliable read on Vax.
So he has reason to be less confident around the men!
(Yes I know about Tary. I'll get to him.)
The women of Vox Machina meanwhile, are:
Keyleth, who, while anxious and nervous, is someone consistently never means harm to the group and doesn't want to offend people - she even objected to insulting Ripley! She also understands responsibility and the necessity of politicking, though she doesn't thrive on the latter as Percy can, and so they have a reasonable grounding to get along. Keyleth is expressive, but because Percy can trust very early on that she means no harm, that isn't any kind of threat to him.
Pike, who while capable of being wild, also generally reserves that for combat or goofing off with Grog. She is a voice of counsel for the group, good at solving problems, and good at staying calm even when things are stressful. She is someone they can all go to for advice and all do go to for advice at different points. Percy may not know her so well, but he can feel safe with her - plus she's their primary healer, which gives him more reason to trust her.
And then there's Vex. Who also speaks posh etiquette and noble bullshit, but who can also gently, teasingly turn it on him in ways that doesn't have much malice. She also knows very well when to back off (being so observant) and due to her tendency of putting herself second is seemingly emotionally consistent, because she generally keeps her emotions to herself unless she literally cannot. She also has a lot of sway in the group because she understands everyone else and holds the coinpurse; Percy can tell where the power goes and it's to Vex, so he has every reason to want to be on her good side even before the fact that she's emotionally consistent. I've gone into this in my massive pair of posts about why they love each other.
The women of Vox Machina are consistent. They are less threatening to him than the volatility, crassness and expressiveness of the men given his trauma, and their consistency means he can learn their scripts relatively easily.
Lastly, because I said we'd get to him:
Percy gets on well with Tary because they share interests and social backgrounds but he does also find Tary a bit much sometimes. Tary is A Lot, for everyone! This means Percy is well-equipped for spending time with Tary in 1. Short bursts, 2. With the others as a buffer, 3. When working on a project, or 4. When they're all a bit drunk, but not necessarily otherwise.
Percy consistently gets on best with the women of Vox Machina because they're consistent and he can figure out the social scripts in use which makes him feel more secure which is important given his upbringing and trauma. And the women are probably more consistent because society generally expects more emotional control and regulation from women...
But Percy's also pretty emotionally repressed, because posh social upbringing, so in this case it means he gels pretty well with them and is also better equipped to understand the nuances of how the express themselves, which we see best of all with Vex and Keyleth.
Thank you for indulging me, Nonny.
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hollytanaka · 5 months
I'm so glad you're saying the quiet part out loud game fandoms need to start gate keeping again because across the board all video game fandoms have seen a surge of garbage ooc content because the locals only engagement with it is a 3 second thirst cam on tik tok, then they apply the same ol leather dom daddy or uwu baby girl on the sexy white man of the moment rinse and repeat. Or they all come over here declare themselves king shitlord over a blorbo and pump out shittakes and headcanons that feed into an audience that's equally as uninformed or doesn't engage with the medium.
Meanwhile the folks who understand character and story nuances and have played or actually interacted with the games are left with surface level ooc BS to wade through so its very frustrating to see someone proudly admit they skipped out on something as character driven as Mgs and worse still that they have an audience consuming it.
Oh my gosh, yes, the damage that TikTok has done to these games is fucking horrific. They think if they watch 5 fan edits they can call themselves a fan, lol. Literally, they do not care about the games or the character's stories, despite what they say when they're defending themselves from gamers who call them out on their BS. They're just a bunch of brain-dead horny weirdos who invade fandom spaces, not to learn about the material but to force everyone to have to see their NSFW comments all the time (e.g., spamming the tags with smut and spamming people's gifs with their horny fantasies), but then don't produce anything else. No character analysis posts, no meta posts, no actual critiques of the gameplay/structure. Just smut and brain-dead bullshit. And when I say character analysis posts, I mean like actually dissecting the character, not just a fucking screenshot of fandom wiki and people going "uwu guys I didn't know this!" even though it was mentioned in the first 5 minutes of the campaign that they didn't play and/or watch. And then they think they're an authority on the game or a major name in the fandom, or that they even have an equal footing in this fandom, just because they have a couple of gross TikToks w/ a sped up song about some white dude bookmarked.
And yup! I haven't played MGS, but any one who has played video games for more than 2 weeks and has been a part of the subculture can tell you how historically and culturally important that game series is for all video games. And then they're like, not bothering to even play the games or understand the character lore. Just write smut about another blorbo you actually know nothing about and you're too lazy to learn about! Fucking pathetic. And the fact that we have to deal with it all the time, too, like you said? Fucking annoying.
It's also such an insult to the game developers who work countless hours on the games they claim they don't care about, but they're still writing pages upon pages of unrealistic porn about these developers' IP. Like, come on.
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MY hot take about Vriska that no one asked for is that she's just disappointing. Like she gets So Much Time And Focus and she does So Many Things that are crucial to the plot and the progression of various characters, but it is so disproportionate in comparison to every other troll and even some of the human kids. Therefore the time spent on her had better be justified. You better make us enjoy our time while she's onscreen. Either we're interested in how fucked up she is, we yell raucously about how much we hate her, or we cradle her in our arms like a poor little meow meow, and Vriska Serket inspires None Of This in me.
She gets just enough development and we are given just enough opportunities to sympathize with her that we understand her and we get what her fucking deal is, but the shit she does and says is way too awful for me to ever like her, so it becomes this Net 0 Emotional Investment because I don't enjoy hating her either because she's not some glorious cackling center of villainy and hubris that I wish to see fall, that's Caliborn. I LOVED Caliborn everytime he was on page, he's a phenomenal villain I want to squeeze him until his stupid glass doll eyes pop. I want to write an AU where he and Callie are a silly little cherry limeade duo who somehow fucking Actually Made Things Work fully in spite of their fated animosity. He's AWFUL and I love watching Hussie smack talk him to his face through an arbitrarily frustrating computer modem radio tower thing.
Vriska is an intentionally bad protagonist because That's The Irony; she's a light player and she's shaped her entire personality around being the coolest and the best and the center of everything, but in doing so she's made herself an awful friend and a bad person who's Very Un-Protagonist-Like. But she's a bad *antagonist* because she's never actually framed as An Antagonist, she is simply antagonistic by a cruel stroke of bad luck that her life was set out to be lived on Alternia where she must blah blah blah EVERYONE is on alternia bitch, Get Over Yourself you are SO pretentious and not even in a fun way!!! In an annoyingly realistic way!!!!!
She's written as a real person in contrast to all these cartoonish personalities literally everyone else on the cast has. Everyone but Vriska in Homestuck is SO much more entertaining than her because she's written to be a normal girl in a fucked up situation while John is written to be a riff on The 90's Everykid who's encountering some truly absurd bullshit for the first time in his life. It's no secret Vriska's Hussie's favorite, and because of that, she gets so much focus and fleshing out and narrative weight that she Does Not Need.
Vriska would be better if there was less of her just Point Blank, because then we'd have a lot of potent moments where we see how monumentally messed up this kid who's constantly trying to keep all the randomness and peril in her life under her control is. Vriska being this awful person who everyone agrees is awful but who they keep around 'cause she's not awful ALL of the time and some of the group has unfortunately formed a deep attachment to her meanwhile she's constantly doing her 'All according to keikakku' shit would be WAY less disappointing as a central character. Also give other people who Aren't Her some of her consequential shit, the distribution is WAY too disproportionate.
(did not expect this to go on as long as it has whoops)
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kariachi · 7 months
Made the mistake of reading past posts by other people about the desire for a Gwen storyline where she just snaps while I already had five billion ideas in my head and now just the image of a 90% Gwen 10% Argit storyline, within OV and with some of my shit going, is drifting through my head....
Start off with Gwen and Kevin coming back to Bellwood during a school break- Kevin very openly thinks they should have gone somewhere else because the ongoing semester has been a bear for Gwen, but Ben misses her and she hasn't seen her parents in a while so Gwen insists
Three episode build-up
First episode focuses heavily on Gwen and just how things are at home, with a mother whose expectations are too high and who disapproves of what Gwen is down to her DNA, nonetheless her life choices, with a side helping of hero stuff.
Second episode goes back to a Ben focus, but Gwen and Kevin are still around, still helping out, and so get to be there when it's revealed that the villain of the week is a Max bastard, come around to start shit because fuck that old man specifically. The episode has a good amount of Gwen still feeling like she's second fiddle to her cousin, and ends with her noting how she supposes she should be grateful she at least wasn't just forgotten about like their new relative, but it's clear she doesn't actually feel better and that the reveal of Max's past 'escapades' has shaken her and her remaining faith in her grandfather
Third episode is just a complete beast of a 'stop the nasty villain' episode, everyone is getting their teeth kicked in on all sides, Gwen ends up going nearly full Anodite to end the fight. Kevin checks up on her while the Plumbers gather the villain up, and while Ben starts out doing the same he's pulled away when the cameras show up and people start talking about what a great job he did stopping the threat.
At which point Gwen- already stressed from school, and her mother, and the family drama, and the fight, and her preexisting shit- pulls a Kevin
Full Anodite mode, alternating between vanishing off- where she just works herself up further, caught up in her own head and the bullshit she's been dealing with- and showing up to just level shit. There has been too much on her plate for too long, and while she's been letting out bits and pieces before, now she's just letting it all out on who or whatever her brain is circling like a busted rc car. The bullshit with her mom? Level shit. The bullshit with her grandpa? Level shit.
Her strip of carnage is less expansive than Kevin's was, but there is no 'I'm a threat so I'm avoiding you/you should avoid me'. We already know that when she gets angry she's got no problem with hurting the people she loves, and this is kicked up to eleven here. The boys get their shit wrecked when they try to stop her, whether it's by talking her down or fighting her down.
To say tensions are high would be to understate things by a fair margin
Ben is shocked to be hit with the full extent of how everything from dealing with her mom to his fame have been affecting her, having his own mini crisis within the crisis. Especially once she does him real damage. These boys see the inside of a hospital at least once.
Kevin isn't shocked by shit but he is very unhappy with the situation and worried about her
Seeing that the power of love has failed, and the power of combat has failed, Max brings up the power of murder
This time around it's Ben who's upset at the idea of just giving up on this person he loves who has snapped.
Rook is sorrowful at the idea, but sees the reasoning in it, she is incredibly dangerous and they haven't been able to stop her
Kevin, meanwhile, to add to Ben's shame, immediately puts Max on the floor and makes it clear that he is not afraid to add one old man to his body count. There will be no killing his woman on his watch.
Alas, what can they do? Clearly an impossible problem, but they have to do something. They need an impossible solution.
Enter the Argit chunk of the situation.
I'm picturing, like the Ultimate Kevin arc, we get two episodes and then a two-parter finale
End of the first episode we get Max implying that she might be too much for the boys to handle, end of the second we get the 'we are not killing her' confrontation, beginning of the finale we get another failure to break her out of this spiral she's locked herself in
The boys get their asses handed to them again, Rook is still not sure they can stop her, Ben is desperate, and Kevin- Kevin bundles everyone in the car and heads for Argit's
The other two are not convinced, especially when Argit hears that they want help with Gwen and immediately shoots them down.
"Red hates me, is rampaging, one of the most powerful fuckers on this planet, and I can't quill pure energy." "Yeah, but she's unwarded."
At which point Argit begins refusing much more emphatically. It's not mentioned what that means or why it's relevant, but it is made clear that he is Very Against whatever the implication is, to the point that Ben offers to pay him for his services and he gets pissed at the mere suggestion.
In the end it takes Kevin begging and "You know I wouldn't ask if there was another option" to get him to reluctantly agree, making it clear he's only doing so for Kevin's sake
They find her about to level the Morningstar estate- which they all agree wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't the chance there were innocent staff and/or pets inside- at which point Argit steps forward, tells her to stop, and... she does.
Her response alongside the following events make it very clear that he's controlling her, as little as he can get away with but enough to keep her to from hurting anyone
We get our explanation when Gwen demands one- that Charmcaster killed her, Ben, and Kevin, that he warded Kevin after they were brought back, but because the other two weren't they're vulnerable to being controlled with magic. Demands to know since when can he use magic and why hasn't he before are brushed off with a 'this isn't my first time' and a subtle camera shift to Kevin
The end of the arc doesn't come in fighting, Argit makes sure of that, but in talking her down (much like he tried in the Rooters flashback with Kevin)
There's a lot of Gwen getting shit off her chest she hasn't really let herself deal with before this- from the betrayal that comes with all the secrets in her family to just how big an effect the shit with Charmcaster has had on her and beyond. There's a lot of validation (yes her grandfather is a piece of shit) alongside calling her out (just because shit's crap doesn't mean you get to take it out on everybody else) and offers of help dealing with shit
That last bit mostly comes from the boys, Ben's got apologies for days for not realizing that his spotlight was casting a shadow on her, Kevin's always out to support her and more than happy to help her get space away from her mom, Rook's all for helping her find a decent shrink because clearly she needs to be able to talk about this shit with somebody. Argit's got a whole list of places she can go off-world to get away from her family and responsibilities and take an actual fucking vacation, and offers to give her mom a piece of his mind if she wants.
Gwen gets to, to a degree, process and release her feelings in a healthy manner and it's enough to help bring her out of her spiral and back under control, there is much hugging and apologizing and a strong sense that things are going to improve moving forward
We end with Ben joking noting that clearly not getting warded was the smart idea, and Argit huffingly herding him and Gwen into the car, saying that they're going back to his place for a warding whether they want one or not
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thebibliomancer · 5 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers West Coast #48: THIS ANCIENT EVIL
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September, 1989
Captain America and She-Hulk have found the Scarlet Witch... Maybe not the smartest thing they ever did...
Still love cover text.
So Wanda just wears ooze now.
Interesting fashion choice.
Wasp will probably have something to say about it, though, if the West Coast Avengers ever rejoin the A-plot in their own book.
I know the allure of having two linked books so characters can cross over as needed but this is still Avengers West Coast, the Avengers book occurring on the West Coast. Since I guess there aren't separate teams anymore.
Last times on Avengers West Coast: all the governments disassembled Vision for trying to take over the world that one time. Hank Pym put him back together but now Vision's brain isn't the same. No emotions. None of the other Avengers seem to care so Scarlet Witch takes Vision to Absolom College which offered to help. 'TWAS A RUSE and Dean Random dumps a bunch of evil ooze on Wanda!
This time: a lot of worldbuilding exposition.
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Yup, that's right. The backstory is so extensive it goes back to the formation of Earth.
But the take-away is, like I said, Byrne is doing Sublime before Sublime.
The longer of it is that the Earth cooled, there was big rain, cellular life started to form, and the very first cell undergoes mitosis EXCEPT ONE OF THE COPIES IS EEEEEEEVIL AND EATS THE OTHER.
Except mutants. Remember how that's the whole thing? The evil ancient gene or whatever wants to assimilate mutants and needed one that was easy prey? And since Wanda is having an emotional crisis currently...
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Hey. You can see her toes. And she noted last issue that the ooze was dissolving her cape. Is she only wearing ooze now?
Byrne, why?
Also, what the fuck is a classic mutant type? What does that mean? And the later retcon that Wanda isn't even a mutant just makes this funny. These guys aren't good at their job.
Apparently, aside from just zonking her mind, the ooze and the tube are trying to understand the mutant gene and also reconstructing Wanda's memory and dumping the big exposition dump right into her brain. She needs to know this stuff, I guess.
Lady bad guy estimates that the process will be done in 72 hours.
Meanwhile, Captain America and She-Hulk and only Captain America and She-Hulk fly a Quinjet to Absolom, Texas to check on that Quinjet distress signal they got.
I wonder where this crossover fits with what's happening in Avengers. Cap went right from his announcement that he now ruled all Avengers to that whole Lava Man thing. And they're going to go right from that Lava Man thing into another story arc, to try to get help for Gilgamesh. And that's going to be a number of issues.
Avengers West Coast has to be way ahead of the Avengers East Coast timeline right now.
But I'm wondering because why is it just Cap and She-Hulk? Was everyone else on vacation?
She-Hulk calls to advise the traffic controller that they're going to be landing at Absolom College. In a nice touch, the traffic controller hears that the Avengers are emergency landing at a university and asks if the police or military need to be contacted too. Because Avengers deal with all kinds of shit!
But Cap tells the traffic controller that it's Avengers' business.
A bad guy informs Dean Random that another Quinjet is approaching, to Random's consternation. He thought that Wanda had severed ties with the Avengers before coming.
(Really, all she did was steal a Quinjet and hide her destination. That's not quite severing ties.)
While the assimilation process on Wanda continues, Mr. Random goes to meet with the Avengers and see what the hell they want on his college.
When Cap tells Mr. Random that they're investigating a possibly crashed Quinjet, Random spins a story that is partially true and also bullshit.
He tells Cap that Scarlet Witch and Vision visited, that Wanda left Vision with the college, and then took off. And he hopes that nothing happened to her after she left! He then offers Cap and She-Hulk a visit with Vision who will surely corroborate the story.
Meanwhile, SPAAAAAACE.
Starfox is searching an ancient planet for Nebula. Even though the Avengers told him that Nebula fell into a time warp and was lost in time. Because a mercenary told Starfox he'd seen Nebula.
Yeah, so I was wondering at what point the Nebula Kang thing got retconned to not be Nebula and apparently the time is now.
Guess Byrne decided he had a better idea for her than where Simonson left her. AND TO BE FAIR.
Nebula Kang wasn't interesting enough that I can muster up annoyance that the story is being retconned.
Anyway, Starfox does find Nebula and Gunthar of her space mercenary crew.
Gunthar found some stone tablets for her which have formula on them that will help her become more powerful than Thanos ever was!
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Is it the Anti-Life Equation?
Don't call attention to Thanos' pretty direct inspiration!
Over in another subplot, there's a lady named Ann Raymond at a homeless shelter in Denver who is delirious and keeps telling staff that she needs to get to Los Angeles. She's carrying a newspaper clipping with the headline "Avengers Confirm Vision is Not Torch" which seems to be making her distraught.
Um. Whyy did the Avengers announce that to the news media? For one thing, that's personal biz and I'm sure Wanda did not approve having it blasted to the press since she still thinks Professor Horton is a lying sack of shit.
The way the Avengers are handling the Vision situation makes them feel more inhuman than the emotionless robot man.
Meanwhile, Captain America and She-Hulk meet with Vision. They ask him where Wanda is but he has no idea. He can only report that according to Mr. Random, Wanda took off.
The evil bad guys who are full of evil ancient bacteria or whatever decide they need to accelerate shoving exposition into Wanda's brain, in case the heroes cause problems. Sure, it might break Wanda's brain but surely they have no other choice.
So more past times exposition flashbacks. Life continued to develop on Earth. There were forests. Also lizards. And then dinosaurs. Should stopped there, dinosaurs were great. But while there were dinosaurs, there was also mammals.
This will be important later.
Cap and She-Hulk finish their tour with Mr. Random and Cap has some questions.
Sure, the Absolom College of Robotics looks pretty impressive but it's nothing compared to the tech that the Avengers have. So why did Absolom think they'd be better at fixing Vision's noodle than the Avengers were?
Mr. Random handwaves it that Absolom's robotics experts are providing a different perspective on the problem but Cap is skeptical.
Captain America: "Still, you would agree it is a great shame that Wanda should feel the need to turn to strangers after we did all we could do."
Diiiiiiid you though?
The Wonder Man elephant is still in the room. An additional thing that they could try but nobody seems interested in it except Wanda and everyone else has seemingly washed their hands of the situation and decided Vision is Good Enough.
Mr. Random gets called off to attend to something (probably something Wanda related) and tells Cap and She-Hulk they can finish the tour.
Both of the heroes are actually pretty skeptical of the situation, this facility, and all these people.
The Absolom robotics facilities looks more like a set designer's idea of what an impressive robot factory would look like and less like the real thing.
But rather than confront the peeps now, Cap decides they'll finish the tour like they're not massively suspicious and then sneak back later at night to poke around.
Meanwhile, back at Seattle, the Avengers West Coast (minus US Agent who has never done any Avengers business with the Avengers at all so far despite ostensibly being in charge and Tigra who nobody has noticed hasn't shown up, sigh) interview Professor Horton.
Horton reiterates that Vision could not possibly be the (robot) Human Torch.
For you see, the Human Torch was an artificial human and definitely not mechanical at all in any way shape or form. Just a human ass human except 100% synthetic parts. Meanwhile, Vision has robot bits.
I don't know whether this is true of the Human Torch or not. I don't know whether this is closing a plot hole since Vision has been shown having mechanical parts. But I do remember that several times people have said that Vision is a synthezoid, meaning an artificial man with synthetic parts. But Horton seems to be redefining synthezoid to mean a mix of artificial organs and machine parts.
We're pretty far into this subplot by now. Why are we still rehashing this part of it?
Is it because I keep yelling at the comic how much I hate this subplot?
Anyway, Hank Pym tells Horton that he went on a Fantastic Voyage through Vision and sees his point. Probably should have seen it sooner.
I think that Fantastic Voyage is the story that did the art fail of showing Vision as more roboticy than he's supposed to be. He's supposed to be basically a man but artificial.
Anyway, Hank also reflects that they believed all of Vision's backstory Human Torch stuff because of Immortus.
Hank Pym: "Obviously, the 'master of time' lied. Why?" Immortus, watching this conversation on the time-a-vision: "Oh, never without good reason, my dear Doctor Pym. Never without good reason."
Oh, boy, I sure hope that good reason is really good.
Immortus suggests that it's a really good reason, such a good reason that it's beyond the comprehension of people with dumb minds. Also, he has Plans involving Scarlet Witch.
Big ones.
So he's also watching her subplot on a different time-a-vision.
On a completely different floor.
Why did you organize like this?
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I do like the room that is just sideways to the stairs. Immortus lives in an MC Esher painting.
Anyway, back at the Scarlet Witch ooze side of the plot, all the memories have been jammed into her brain and the bad guys breached the genetic barrier that kept them from possessing mutants.
Mr. Random: "The genetic barrier has been breached. Soon we shall be able to abandon the dead end street of humanity... And then homo sapiens will go the same way as did the dinosaurs before them!"
So we'd better dial E for Extinction.
This is just the Sublime stuff! Did Morrison just rip off Byrne? Why??
The evil bad guys put Ooze Wanda in a room so she can rest and contemplate.
Ooze Wanda: "Suddenly I feel very sure about everything. It's as if every doubt I've ever had in my life has been scrubbed away. I begin to understand now some of the things my father has said. Things he said in the days my brother, Pietro, and I were part of his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. In those days long before we even knew he was our father... When he was, to us, only Magneto, Master of Magnetism." "Then he spoke often of the superiority of mutants such as us. Homo superior, he called us. He said we were the future. Said that some day soon all the humans would bow down to us... Acknowledge us as their rightful masters! Now i see that he was right! More right than even he dared guess. Humankind has reached the end of its era of domination. They must be left behind, like the dinosaurs, like the lesser mammals. Left to die out. And only That Which Endures shall remain!"
Aw, dammit. Getting ooze radicalized her into mutant supremacy.
Don't do ooze, kids, not even once.
Later that evening, Captain America and She-Hulk sneak back onto the Absolom College grounds to get to the bottom of things.
While She-Hulk points out that she's not built for a stealth mission "being six foot seven and bright green", Cap impresses by acrobating all over the place and pointing out where the security sensors are so She-Hulk can avoid them.
The two break into Mr. Random's office and Mr. Random's unsecured passwordless computer and find that Scarlet Witch is being held in a sub-basement. In fact, in the building right across from Mr. Random's office window.
So She-Hulk has an idea how to expedite the journey.
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Instead of slowly making their way through the building, dodging security, and trying to find their way into the sub-basement, She-Hulk just uses herself as a kinetic bomb to plow a straight line from the roof to the basement.
And Captain America follows the path she left by riding his shield. Since its unique properties absorb the impact of falling twenty stories.
In the sub-basement, Cap and She-Hulk find a fortified structure, which Cap likens to a blockhouse. Looking like it was built to contain something.
But She-Hulk is Hulk strong and Cap asks her to knock. The door down.
Except. She plows through a lot easier than she should have if it was fortified as it looks. It's a trap!
Ooze Wanda is waiting for them and with a gesture, she buries Cap and She-Hulk in rocks.
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Well, buries is a strong word. She lightly flings the rubble at them and then they fall over unconscious despite it seeming like it should take more than that to knock out a (she-)hulk.
Ooze Wanda: "I have not been turned. I have, rather, been shown the truth. The great and ancient truth which has dwelled within all living things since the dawn of time! The truth you will come to share... once you, too, are properly assimilated!"
... I thought humans were already assimilated?
How does this thing work, anyway?
And where did Wanda's pupils go? She had them a few pages ago. Did she catch Youngblood's Disease between then and now?
Meanwhile, in Milwaukee, Hawkeye is training the Great Lakes Avengers and yelling at them for not being up to his standards. Despite him only being in charge for one day.
Maybe its tough love but saying "I have never seen a more useless bunch of misfits!" is a bit harsh considering he just barged into their lives and unilaterally decided he was in charge.
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Mockingbird interrupts his yelling at them to tell Hawkeye she caught a Quinjet emergency signal on the Avengers waveband.
Hawkeye: "All riigghht!! This is the moment I've been waiting for! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! My former teammteas are in some kinda jam... an' we're gonna bail 'em out!"
Sooo. You go from yelling at them for not being up to Avengers standards to throwing them into the field for an unknown situation that may have endangered a professional Avengers team, all for a chance to show up his colleagues?
I'm starting to think Hawkeye is some kind of petty asshole sometimes.
Follow @essential-avengers for more deep insights like that. Like, reblog, and comment maybe.
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x0401x · 1 year
Olá! What did you think of Tsurune episode 4?
I have a few conflicting feelings about this episode but it was enjoyable overall. We’re still on the 100% original content spectrum and my guess is that it’s gonna be like that for the rest of the season. It’s weird to navigate through the anime and seeing the characters being so obviously not themselves and the story not having as much emotion, intensity or meaning as the original, but it’s easier to deal with this whenever KyoAni shows clear signs that they understand what they’ve done wrong in S1 and are trying to fix it within their possibilities.
For example, I’ve already pointed this out before, but I love the amount of facial expressions and personality traits we’re getting from Minato this time around. On each episode he shows more of himself and we get to see characteristics other than his most basic defining qualities, which is that he’s a serene and serious kid. He can be that and also be a clumsy, unripe airhead. Those are concepts that can and should coexist.
I also love that the girls keep receiving more screen-time and are being treated as part of the club with interests and progress of their own in kyudo, instead of just being in the background. Honorable mention to Seiya being allowed to act like the competent club president that he is, too. I really like the hints that, although he’s concerned about Minato on main, he’s looking out for everybody.
But speaking of looking out, I still find the way that KyoAni treats Masaki to be quite unpalatable. I’m glad that what I’d anticipated from the previous episode (that at some point Minato was gonna realize what Masaki was on about and everything would work out in the end) did happen, but it’s how it happened that bothers me. The episode basically starts out with Masaki overwhelming Minato with a shitload of information on what he has to fix like some nagging nanny. Meanwhile, Seiya has the brilliant idea to record everyone’s shots on video so that they can watch and compare in order to pinpoint exactly what was wrong during the match. Once again, as per usual, Masaki is relegated to a position of side character while Seiya saves the day. So far, this is the only thing I don’t see changing from S1. KyoAni keeps trying to make this story be about the Kazemai boys’ team first and foremost, and everyone else is secondary.
Don’t get me wrong; Seiya is my second favorite character in the books and I totally dig seeing him get a lot of attention, even with the anime version of him being a complete disaster to me. What I don’t like is that KyoAni is still trying real hard to push Seiya onto the same level as Masaki and Shuu, and in doing this, they end up reducing Masaki and Shuu to mere fractions of what they are in canon. Anime!Seiya is basically filling up for the lack of them – especially the lack of Masaki, and in that process, a good chunk of his role is being given to Seiya.
At this point in the novel, we were supposed to have Shuu coming to Kazemai to train because of the bet he’d made with Tomio, in which Kazemai and Kirisaki were essentially fighting for Masaki without anyone knowing except for the three of them. All because Shuu was jealous as fuck of the way Minato only has eyes for Masaki, thus pulling off the most “what is it he has that I don’t” move ever. Fast forward to Shuu and everyone else getting to touch Masaki but Minato can’t. Cue Minato being outraged by this bullshit, and that’s where it’s implied kyudo is in second plan to him. The main reason why he’s so mad about being banned from the dojo is that everyone gets to have new teachings from Masaki but he doesn’t. And then we have all that ridiculous pinning, Minato buying cinnamon buns for Masaki even though he can’t give them to him, Minato calling Masaki an idiot, Masaki pinching Minato’s cheeks, the car scene, Minato just straight-up admitting that he wants Masaki only for himself and having to hold himself back from crossing the line, them training in the dojo at night and eating oyaki together.
Just… nah. Can’t have that shit in the anime. Too damn gay for TV.
So what we get instead is Masaki being thrown to the side most of the time and interacting with Minato as little as possible, and the one who fills up that hole is Seiya. Similarly, with Seiya busy babysitting Minato, Nanao is making up for the lack of Seiya in Kaito’s life. Seiya’s main relationships in the novel are with Minato and Kaito, and Kaito’s conflicts and character development are directly tied to Seiya. Without Seiya there, it’s Nanao who has to replace him. Instead of Kaito’s dilemma about wanting Seiya to share his burdens and rely more on him, we have Nanao being mad at Kaito for wanting to take on everyone’s burdens on his own just because he’s the oomae. This one was quite amusing to me not just because I was already expecting it ever since the PV, but also because it’s a crystal-clear example of KyoAni’s approach in adapting Tsurune. It’s all a game of “Oh, so this character has strong feelings towards this other specific character that are inexplicable from a strictly platonic viewpoint? Well, just make it be about the whole team instead”.
On the topic of “make it about the whole team”, it’s dawned on me why KyoAni changed the reason for Minato’s fuck-up in the last tournament. In the novel, this was more of a spiritual thing. Kyudo is a zen practice, and as such, one has to do it with a clear mind and pure heart. In this scene, Minato’s heart and mind were anything but clear and pure. After Eisuke talks shit about Shuu right before the match, Minato is understandably pissed off, which is what disturbs his shots, even more than his injury. He didn’t want someone like Eisuke to win. But perhaps this isn’t something that viewers who have no experience in kyudo would be able to perceive. For most people, an archery tournament is a tournament like any other and wanting to win is probably just what you’d expect from the archers. Without the novel’s text explaining why this isn’t the case, the message most likely wouldn’t get through to a good portion of the people watching. I assume that’s why KyoAni chose to go for a more common sense route here. They made Minato focus too much on himself and not think about the proverbial team play and harmony that Japanese people are so familiar with. The result? His mistake affects everyone else. That way, it’s easy for an average Japanese to tell how and why Minato messed up back there.
I also dare say that going for this route is more in line with how KyoAni is trying to portray Eisuke and Tsujimine. In the novel, they were depicted as a team that, sure, has a lot of disadvantages in comparison to everyone else, but no one should underestimate them for it. They’re strong and they’re there to prove it. In the anime, though, they’re being treated like underdogs. It’s no secret to anyone that KyoAni banks off teams and character merch. More relatability is always their thing. Every character and every team has to make it into the viewers’ hearts somehow. So this Tsujimine is full of nice little guys who just wanna take the big prize for a Greater Cause TM (as in, better conditions for their club), and Eisuke is a hardworking boy who takes on a lot more responsability than he should because he doesn’t want to owe anything to anyone.
Nothing wrong with that per se, except that it strikes me as kinda contradictory. Novel!Eisuke is bitter. He’s bitter about his situation, he’s bitter that his former kouhai have more natural talent than he does and he’s bitter that they’re blessed with a better environment than him. He’s skilled and he loves archery, but he’s not in the right state of mind or spirit, and that’s why he loses. He’s still relatable, but his unsuccessfulness is to be expected, and most importantly, to be welcomed. As for anime!Eisuke, although his jealousy towards Minato and Shuu is clearly there, it’s very toned down and only noticeable in punctual moments, and it’s not presented as his main trait. It doesn’t seem like enough of a justification for his failures, unless KyoAni has something else up their sleeve. Another contradiction is that anime!Eisuke doesn’t want to be in debt with anybody, yet he keeps asking his uncle to give advice on his team all the time and he wanted Saionji to be his master in the past.
There’s also Koushirou. He still makes digs at Eisuke every now and then just like his canon self, but they’re not constantly at each other’s throats and they kinda seem like partners here? It’s actually funny to watch.
Anyway, these are my thoughts on episode 4. I keep getting these “we could’ve had it all” vibes. It’s not something that can be helped. Just gotta live with it, lol.
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technofinch · 2 months
Okay! Mulligan time!
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The crew found themselves on a tiny escape ship with two dead xenomorphs, three live xenomorph eggs, and fifty colonists in cryosleep. The nearest inhabited colony six hours away and run by Weyland-Yutani, the very company that they've stolen from and are attempting to avoid. No plan, no options, no way out.
We have Mulligan, our captain, incredibly traumatized former alcoholic who has already located the ship's bar. Miranda, the psychologist, who is so over dealing with every part of this situation and would very much like to go back to her well-paid and safe job. Mr Cuddles, her trained therapy/guard dog. Karina, the disgraced scientist who finally got proof of the alien life she was looking for only to realize how dangerous they truly are. Bink O'Heron, the space marine, who wears a landmine strapped to his chest and is itching to reenlist and go far away from here. And the NPCs - Jack, engineer and first mate; Reed, the other space marine; and Julio, the mysterious surgeon & ex-marine.
Immediately Mulligan gets into a fight with Miranda about how to deal with the xeno eggs. She wants to destroy them, he wants to keep them for leverage/cash. Karina sides with Mulligan, Miranda turns on her & starts psychoanalyzing her & being generally a dick (this is a theme with Miranda, she's the worst and we love her for it). More fighting ensues. Mulligan reveals his plan for dealing with the situation, which is to claim full responsibility for stealing the ship & everything else and say that he threatened the rest of the crew into compliance.
"Wow. You're really stupid." -Miranda
Miranda tries to take the gun out of his hands but it slides across the floor & gets wedged under a panel. Mulligan is not amused. Miranda starts ordering people around, so Mulligan takes his leave and goes to the kitchen, with Mr Cuddles following to keep an eye on him. He tries to bribe the dog with beef jerky before pulling out the liquor, but it doesn't work and the dog alerts Miranda.
She's well past the point of having any interest in dealing with any of his bullshit, so she leaves him to wallow in his misery (with mr cuddles babysitting) and alerts the rest of the crew that the captain is drinking on the clock.
Mulligan asks to talk to Reed, and gives him a message to pass on to Jameson (the former crew member who turned out to be Mulligan's son) about a storage locker on New Constantinople with various photos and family effects and such from Mulligan's mother.
"Reed, I was never going to be a good father. I'm just trying to be a decent son." -Mulligan
Julio overhears and takes it as an opportunity to impart wisdom about fatherhood, Reed takes the opportunity to "borrow" the bottle from Mulligan. Miranda and Julio get into another spat (they REALLY don't like each other), Jack gets involved, it's a whole thing.
Karina has locked herself in the science lab with the two xenomorph corpses, one of which is still partially embedded in a human corpse, with Bink standing guard at the door.
"Uh…. everything alright in there?" "…please don't tell me you fucked with the eggs." -Bink
After too many concerningly wet noises and silence, Bink summoned the rest of the crew for help.
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Miranda was able to make contact with Karina and bust down the door after Bink gave up, gave her his rifle, and went to take a nap. She found Karina & the lab covered in chemical burns from improperly dissecting the xenomorphs. Acid blood, yay <3
Everyone scrambles into action to deal with All That, except Mulligan (who saw the desecrated corpse of the guy he shot and Is Having A Bad Time About It) and Bink (who's just a sleepy boy) who retreat to the corporate suite and crack into a bottle of whiskey together.
Once the acid is dealt with & Julio has stabilized Karina, Miranda goes and collects Mulligan's gun & the bomb Karina made earlier (don't worry about it) then finds a quiet place to type away on her spipad (space ipad (that she also uses to spy on people))
By this point, Mulligan has passed out. He's taking a lil nap. It's the first time he's slept in several days. Don't worry about it <3
Miranda goes to check in with Karina, where they establish that there is still no plan for how to survive upon landing at the spaceship, but Miranda seems..... suspiciously optimistic.
"I never expect mercy from W-Y. I expect them to know how much I'm worth." - Miranda
After their conversation, Karina (who is still in massive amounts of main and a non-zero amount of high on pain meds) gets on her personal comms and sends an encrypted message offering to sell her research to get safe passage for all of us. Including the fact that it was based on xenomorphs... She did get an answer, however, from someone taking her up on the offer. Or claiming to, anyway..
We arrive at the habitation ring and dock. Jack, Julio and Reed take defensive positions. Mulligan is still asleep. We're immediately greeted by a crew of corporate guards with pulse rifles.
Miranda walks casually over to the door and opens it. She hands over the guns she's collected, and makes her way with her dog into the protective circle of soldiers. Who are still pointing their guns at the rest of us.
At this point Mulligan stumbles into the scene, still half drunk, and immediately gives up. Karina is apoplectic with rage at Miranda's betrayal, the rest of the crew are still in defensive positions. The scientist Karina contacted eventually steps in. It's one of her old professors, though none of us but her are aware of this. He's able to take custody of Karina and up to one other person to go with her as a guard/negotiator given the fact that Karina is... still covered in chemical burns.
She's not happy about this, given that she was promised safe passage for the whole crew, but when there are 8 very scary people with guns, your options are very limited. She holds a gun to his head - then drops it, unable to go through with her threat. Mulligan urges her to take Bink, so she has some muscle and bc Bink doesn't need to be involved in the whole "arrest" situation, but they're running out of time and Karina can't make the choice. Julio tells Mulligan to go with her, and ends up physically dragging Mulligan over to the soldiers.
Mulligan resists Julio, sandbagging him and remaining firmly on the floor. "I'm not leaving my crew." "I'm not fucking leaving them, okay? I'm not going to run off like Reese did. This is my mess, I'm gonna fucking deal with it." Mulligan is still half-drunk and almost belligerent. He also very much does not have a plan.
Mulligan gets handcuffed, and he and Karina are led away from the ship, leaving the rest of the crew to the mercy of the Weyland-Yutani goon squad. As he's dragged off Mulligan calls out one last time for Jack, despite being too far away to hear any response.
Aaaaaand scene! tldr; Miranda sold out the rest of the crew and we all got Super arrested and will probably be put on trial, Mulligan & Karina have been separated from their friends, Miranda is no longer going to be a player character 😔 but! we'll be getting a fun new player character next session :D
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thanksjro · 2 years
More Than Meets the Eye #44 — Censere and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcape
This issue is about the Necrobot, who we haven’t heard about in a hot minute! Anyone remember what his whole deal was?
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Ah, right. Thank you, Rewind.
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Rewind’s busy bothering Rodimus while he moves furniture, Chromedome follows from a distance because he starts crying if his husband isn’t in his line of sight.
Megatron, meanwhile, is busy trying and failing to banter with Ultra Magnus, as they consider the bullet Velocity yanked out of Swerve’s shoulder at the end of the last issue.
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Can you two leave some room for space Jesus? For fuck’s sake, you’re his superior officer, Megatron.
Megatron is assuming that Agent 113 is Vos, though he’s got no idea how the fucker can do his signature “firing a bullet through the eye of someone’s Autobot badge” thing since Vos has claws.
Which, I mean, he’s a gun, so it wouldn’t really matter if he’s got stiletto nails or not. Megatron, did you not pay attention to your extreme employee review team?
Someone finally opens the door for Rodimus, and he chides the two for discussing top secret matters in public, except it doesn’t really matter anymore, because the video inside the bullet was played in front of everyone’s favorite blabbermouth.
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…Okay, maybe this sentient pile of knives could have an issue pulling a trigger.
So it turns out that the Vos we know isn’t the same Vos that Megatron was thinking of, being a replacement for Knife Vos here, who is our Agent 113. The bullet he popped into Swerve is a warning that he’s potentially been compromised, and considering the Vos we’re all familiar with is slightly less pointy, I think Knives McGee might have been right on the money.
Because the bullet sat in Swerve’s shoulder for literal years, most of the info in it is either corrupted or old news. The only thing the gang really has to work with is a potential location for the Necrobot, which is why Rewind was talking about the guy earlier. Rodimus makes a reference nobody but Swerve would get, while everyone else states what a waste of time going to visit Necrobot Planet would be. Magnus’s main concern is how they’ve been taking a lot of detours on what’s supposed to be the Knight Quest. Magnus must really want Megatron tried in court again. Can’t say I blame the guy.
Chromedome goes to bat for his husband, saying that it wouldn’t take that long to see the Necrobot, but Rodimus is certain that Necrobot Planet is in the opposite direction of where they’re supposed to be going. How could he know this, if Thunderclash is the only one who has the map to Cyberutopia in his brain, and he’s taking a big fat chronic illness nap?
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Turns out that Rodimus has been chipping away at this since the explosive start of this adventure, mistaking it as run-of-the-mill carving shit into his desk up until Magnus finally said something. Still, Rodimus is very happy to have this proof of connection to Primus, or at least that’s what he thinks it is. It’s at this point that Chromedome eggs Rewind on to tell Rodimus the real reason he wants to see the Necrobot.
Because the big thing about the Necrobot is that he records all the Cybertronian deaths that happen in the galaxy, he would know if Dominus Ambus is dead or not, which would clear up a lot of stuff for Rewind. The whole point of Rewind signing up for the Knight Quest was so that he could search for his first husband.
Megatron agrees to help Rewind, probably because he knows that Rewind probably wouldn’t hesitate in murdering him again if need be, and so Rodimus is overruled. We’re going to Necroworld! Yaaaaaay!!
As the Lost Light makes its way, Ultra Magnus calls a private meeting with Rewind. Or rather, Minimus Ambus does, though the headless Magnus armor does make an appearance, looming off to the side in a rather grotesque fashion.
Just in case you forgot about all the quantum bullshit that happened a few issues back, Rewind mentions that they’ve had this conversation before, Rewind having assaulted the quantum duplicate of Minimus Ambus after he’d made the claim that Dominus was dead. Our Minimus called this meeting to level with Rewind, since the chance of actually confirming Dominus dead is pretty high. As was established in Last Stand of the Wreckers, spark twins can feel each other’s sparks, and actually depend on both sparks being maintained to survive. Dominus and Minimus aren’t twins, but they are brothers, and the fact that Minimus doesn’t feel him anymore doesn’t leave much room for hope.
Rewind then mentions how similar they look, and Minimus says “gee thanks, I get that a lot and I hate it, this is why I spend all my time in a mech suit.”
Later, we approach the Necroworld, which Rodimus thinks looks lame as hell. Mainframe asks for orders in relation to hailing the planet, Rodimus confuses the poor bastard to hell, and it’s revealed that not everyone is going down, as the Rod Pod is stealthily launched in an attempt to catch Cybertron’s Bigfoot.
Skids needles Nightbeat, asking how far he’s going to stick his nose into things on Necroworld, though Nightbeat seems to not be feeling the best. In what feels like a bit of a non sequitur, though maybe I’m just tired, Skids then talks about his lack of faith.
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I’m sure the narrative isn’t going to make you eat those words later, Skids.
It’s at this point that we’ve gotten close enough to the planet’s surface to see that it’s covered in statues of Cybertronians (and also Windblade). So that’s a weird thing we’re going to have to figure out while we’re here.
The Rod Pod lands, and Nightbeat races after a closing door on the only building in the area, having seen someone go inside. He doesn’t make it, but points for trying. Swerve— who I’m not sure should be out of the hospital just yet, even if Velocity is also here— and Tailgate discuss how their plan of attack might have been misguided, while Mainframe has fun messing with the hologram statues. Chromedome hypothesizes that once a Cybertronian dies, the Necrobot turns off the statue for them, basing said theory of having found Ambulon’s plinth. Also, Ambulon’s full name is a little fucked up.
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This is a Sakamoto issue, if you couldn’t tell.
Off in the tree line, Ravage is griping about how Megatron totally let Rewind walk all over him for this sidebar of a trip. Megatron, however, sets the record straight, saying that he agreed to to go to Necroworld to extend his time among the free and living. Rodimus suddenly having a map got him spooked, because it puts an actual timer on things.
Back over at that fortress Nightbeat smashed his face into, Detective Ikea is staking out, claiming that he won’t leave until the Necrobot lets him in. The Necrobot, who probably knows how stubborn Nightbeat is, gives in pretty quickly.
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Damn baby, that’s a sick-ass cape. You get that at Hot Topic, along with that nondiegetic halo?
Over with the married couple, Chromedome is explaining to Rewind what Mainframe told him, about how all these statues probably have a singular database they’re pulling from, and that as such, he can hack one of the empty plinths to find Dominus’s status, so they don’t have to wander the whole planet looking for the guy. While Chromedome runs some tests to make sure this is actually going to work, Rewind messes with some of the blue flowers that are simply all over the place.
Chromedome calls Rewind over so they can do this thing. As he’s about to hit ‘enter’ however, Rewind hesitates, not sure he actually wants to know. He tells Chromedome to tell him what to do, like Chromedome doesn’t have a cocktail of complexes over his husband’s holding a torch for his ex.
The two of them kneel in the grass under the setting sun talking about how this will affect their relationship and calling each other pet names until Rewind finally hits the button.
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A moment of silence for our Chromedome/Dominus endgame.
Back with Nightbeat, the Necrobot has lead him into a room decorated in what I’m going to call the “Gilded Rodimus” style, as they discuss how a lot of the folks who came out of the Rod Pod should be fucking dead. Guess the Necrobot didn’t consider the possibility of quantum duplication. Rookie mistake.
Necrobot— whose real name is Censere— reveals himself to be old as balls, having been around prior to the Functionists. He also explains what his whole deal is, saying that he’s just a guy who pays respect to the dead and catalogs them, so their death record exists in at least one place. Nightbeat looks disappointed, having expected he was magical, or perhaps even diefic. Unfortunately for Nightbeat, the internet exists, and Censere wouldn’t be living up to his name if he didn’t know how to keep records of who was around and how they generally lived their lives. He knows where to go and has a means to get there because his machinery has quantum tech that can scan for spark signatures. Censere seems kind of put off by Nightbeat’s questioning, and is beginning to wonder what’s up with Detective Ikea.
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Nightbeat, you forced yourself into this man’s home and accused him of being the fucking tooth fairy, you can’t be mad when he doesn’t meet your wild-ass expectations.
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Yes, it turns out that being shot in the head and spending a few years in the Dead Universe actually did get to him a bit more than he typically lets on. He’s convinced that there’s no afterlife in any sense, and now that he’s back in the saddle of life, it tortures him to think that this is all he gets.
Hey, Roberts, did Nightbeat bully you in grade school or something? Why do you keep giving him existential crises? I’m starting to become concerned.
Nightbeat has a seat, and Censere comforts him, saying that just because he died and didn’t see anything, doesn’t necessarily disprove the afterlife existing. Who knows, maybe he didn’t die enough before the Dead Universe nabbed him to actually find out. It’s not like he can visit the afterlife to check, right? Maybe it’s fine!
Anyway, Nightbeat is still a detective at the end of the day, so he gets back to asking questions, wanting to know why Censere let him in.
Smashcut to Swerve taking a selfie with the goddamned Necrobot, while Rodimus calls the married couple to come back to the Rod Pod. Wonder if Misfire follows Swerve on Spacebook, I’m sure he’d die of jealousy if he knew this was happening.
Perceptor (who is also on this little excursion) is examining the weird blue flowers that are all over the place. It turns out that they’re made to hold residual spark energy, and the glow they put out is from the dozen or so sparks Censere’s shoved into each. Also, Nautica is posing in the background for some reason. She wasn’t back there a panel ago.
Chromedome and Rewind show up, Chromedome seeming to have fallen off the wagon once again, offering to yank the information about Dominus’s passing out of Rewind’s head. Before a lovers’ spat can start up, Nightbeat grabs Rewind and pulls him along to see something interesting. The interesting thing is a wall labeled “In Memory of the Disappeared”, and Nightbeat’s name is on it. Nightbeat’s statue is also known to be turned off, since when he got shot back in his Spotlight, Censure didn’t find his body and assumed that a headshot did the trick. There are many names on this wall, but only one is really relevant to Rewind, and it’s not the one that I’m choosing to believe is “Omlet”.
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Chromedome/Dominus can still win.
We hit the epilogue, Nightbeat and Censere shaking hands as everyone else boards the Rod Pod. Nightbeat, being himself, asks another question, wanting to know if Censere would have saved him if he’d gotten there before the Dead Universe did its thing. Censere says that that’s against the rules. Nightbeat reminds him that Censere literally made every single guideline that he operates under, and oh hey, did you know that Cybertronians are an endangered species since their means of reproduction aren’t working anymore? Just a thing to consider, Mr. Necrobot.
Rodimus is ready to ship out, but his fellow co-captain is still out, having decided to got on a little jaunt with Ravage, since he found out what the flowers are really for.
See, Censere only plants flowers at the base of the plinth of the robot who killed the sparks housed within. And if there’s one thing Megatron’s known for—
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—it’s appreciating a garden!
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
How did Tim and Jason get together in the shutterbug au if he didn’t think much of him on their first date?
Aha, it wasn't actually a date! It was a gathering Stephanie dragged Jason to because it was around the time she decided she'd had enough of his wallowing bullshit about waves hand vaguely in the direction of Red Hood's quest for vengeance and then the sort of road to recovery he was currently on but kinda stuck in the :( everything sucks phase
Jason's social skills are, eeehh, Not Great at this point. Especially with civilians, Brown are you fucking insane I can't be around people.
Stephanie is not having any of his excuses you need to get out more and patrol doesn't count >:(
So he's dragged to a lunch meet up. Tim is there along with some of his and Steph's other college buddies and Steph is like hey everyone this is... My coworker, Jason.
And, listen, you gotta see this from Tim's perspective. Your ex girlfriend and current best friend has just walked up with God's Gift To Man except the dude is scowling like someone just killed his puppy. And then he turns that scowl right on you.
Meanwhile, Jason is basically a mess of anxiety from just having to be around Normal People and still mostly thinks of himself as some kind of irredeemable monster rather than a person. He's. Trying. He came to this stupid lunch, right, what more could Brown ask if him but oh God, Brown's friend Tim is very pretty and sharp and quick witted and suddenly Jason does very much want to be here because he wants to know more but also wtf is socializing
Stephanie is having a ball. She figured Jason would like Tim, Tim who doesn't put up with anyone's bullshit, who's got a comeback for everything, who's determination is a terrifying thing to behold, but she didn't quite expect Jason to go down that hard. She feels a little bad, watching Jason try haltingly to actually talk to another person with the thunderous expression of someone on a Righteous Mission while Tim keeps giving her little side eyes like, "really?? This is someone you hang out with?? Really???"
Jason tries to be a gentleman and refill Tim's drink from the pitcher. Except he fumbles because he's nervous and overwhelmed and spills the whole thing in Tim's lap. Honestly it wouldn't've been such a big deal except Jason goes into blue screen of mortal embarrassment and mutters a quick, horrified, "I have to go," and flees the scene entirely.
Tim, totally soaked in idk probably some cocktail mix, stares Stephanie dead in the eyes from across the table and yells, "what the fuck was that?!"
Stephanie laughs so hard she agitates a bruised rib.
Through her tears she tries to assure Tim that Jason liked him he's just an idiot who has been way too absorbed in his work for too long, which totally reminds her of someone else too hmm who could that be? Tim scoffs because he sure didn't act like it and maybe Tim still has a hard time believing when people like him but I digress.
A week or so later, with some (a lot of) nudging from Steph, Jason shows up at Tim's favourite coffee shop with flowers and apologizes for the lunch thing. He stumbles through a whole speech and asks Tim out on a proper date. Tim thinks about it for a while, making Jason squirm in the middle of a busy coffee shop where people are definitely watching and oh god he's about to be rejected in front of all these people this was a mistake, Brown was wrong and he should just stick to what he knows: shooting people's kneecaps --
"Yeah, okay," Tim says, a slow smirk spreading across his face, "but I'm choosing the venue and you're not allowed to pour any drinks."
Tim has not yet let Jason live down the drink incident.
They went to a classic dinner and a movie combination for their first date. To say it went well is putting it lightly ;)
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||Blue Heated Flames part 2: Advice among rivals
Hi once more everyone, time for another drabble but it's part 2 from Blue heated flames. If you wanna read the first one, just click here. I hope you dears like this one too as the others that was written or on this blog. So what do we have for this one today?
||Drabble Summary||
After looking around for a while, Ink finally found Rin but he was indeed busy dealing with his heat. Ink, not understanding what this 'heat' was, got curious wanting to help so he tried explaining with no luck. After leaving, she decided to go to someone who might know about this better than her. Who will she ask? Read to find out.
~Demon heat is spoken about
||Guests in drabble||
Rex Oxford Mills belongs to me
Van Ink the dragon and Kali Vin-Shia belongs to my rp partner/friend @demon-blood-youths
((Note: Grammar mistakes and errors are present on this drabble but this is written for fun. Thanks for understanding and enjoy reading.))
Ink was now back at home, wondering what she was going to do. At first, she was happy to have found Rin after so long but now her mind was wondering about what he told her. About this demon heat thing. She's never heard of it before and no one has told her about it.
It really leaves the dragon confused to cross her arms. What was it? What else can she learn about it? How and what can she do to help Rin? He did seem to be in pain but she wanted to do something.
'What am I going to do? I wanna help Rin but I don't even know what this..demon heat thing is. I could ask Ophelia but she's busy helping Hex with something right now. The others are also busy even Hellmare too.' Hmmmm......she wonders who could help her....maybe...
That's when she blinks to have a idea. "I know, maybe Kali can help me! I mean, she's done this dating thing before so maybe she'll know. I gotta find her!" Getting up, Ink rushes out of her home and goes to find her.
~~~Meanwhile with Kali~~~
"I'm serious Rex! It's not fair that hot guys go for that clumsy idiot! I mean how can she get not one but SIX of them!!! Damn it!" Kali was visiting Rex who was silent hearing this. Honest, this was the only thing she's been talking about all this time.
"Uh huh.."
"Are you listening to me Rex?!" she said looking to him who lowers his plastic fork eating some food.
"I heard you Kali and yes I know. For the 34th time you told me. -_-" he said but closed his eyes. "Besides, you already know their answer so you have to accept it and you did. So why is it still bothering you?" he asked.
"..I..I don't know! I guess I still feel upset that idiot got the cuties and she has no idea what dating is or anything! What did she even do to get all the guys to like her!? What about me!? Why can't I have something like that! Am I that bad when it comes to dating!"
"...." Rex listens to her rant and yet, he finds it adorable and upsetting. Did she really feel that bad about it? "Kali, your not bad at dating it's just you didn't find the right one for you." He said simply that she looks to him.
"Oh yeah!? Well, that 'one' hasn't shown up yet and I don't know if he'll ever show up." she grumbles crossing her arms that Rex looks to her direction then ahead.
"How do you even know that? What if he's too nervous to speak to you Kali? Even he has feelings too and he's just nervous on what to say to you." he explains this to see her look ahead.
"Again, then where the hell is he? If he's scared to talk to me then I don't know if he's the one for me." she said but Rex was quiet to look ahead. He knew she didn't mean that but it sorta hurt hearing her say that.
"Besides, guys are scared of me from the looks of it but I just hate being catfished and crap!" she said now annoyed. "Ink said I would find my special someone too but I don't believe that! If the guy likes me then he better show up soon because it's bullshit! I bet he would be just like the rest!" she hissed but Rex looks to her.
"What!?" she shouted at him but Rex sighed to look ahead. "...nevermind." he said silent in a quiet tone as Kali looks confused to what as up with him. Then suddenly-
She looks hearing her name to see Ink showing up as she stood up pointing at her. "YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU IDIOT! Have you come to gloat at me with that damn harem of yours!?" she said about to get ready to fight.
"Huh? No NO! I need to talk to you!" she said but she blinks confused to hear that.
"Talk to me? Talk about what?" she said crossing her arms to Ink while Rex was eating his food to look.
"Well....I need to ask you for some help.." she said but Kali felt her eye twitching hearing this.
"Okay and what is it!? Your not telling me what it is!" she said.
"Oh right sorry! Do you know what a demon heat cycle is?"
A record scratch was heard as she comically falls to the ground twitching a bit hearing that. "......." Kali went silent to hear this. "W..wait...what?"
"........." Rex said nothing hearing this to almost drop his fork. She was not serious was she!?
"...You...You wanna know what a demon heat cycle is?" she asked to be sure she heard right, seeing Ink nod her head.
"Yeah! I've never heard of this but I wanna know what is it and how to help umm someone with it." she said that Kali's angry expression went away with a dumbstruck expression seen on her face.
'SHE CAN'T BE THIS DUMB CAN SHE!?' Kali shouted in her head looking at Ink who was rubbing the back of her head. No, this is Ink were talking about so of course she can be!
"Second, you dated others before so you must know what it is right!? Or have you even gone even farther than that-"
"WHY WOULD I EVEN TELL YOU MY BUSINESS YOU STUPID IDIOT!" Kali shouted even if her face burns pink to hearing that. Well, she went on dates but never went that far! Is Ink crazy or something!? Shaking her head, she gets up to brush the dirt off her clothes to look at her.
"......You really are dumb.." she mutters.
"Yeah, I know but come on Kali, you gotta help me! You have the most experience with this sort of thing so please!!" she begs to look at her but she only looks to the left wondering if she should even help her. Thinking about it, Kali sighed but looks to her.
"Ughhhh fine. I'll help I guess even if I shouldn't since your my rival!" she points to Ink even if Rex sweatdrops hearing this again. Ink on the other hand smiled that Kali was going to help.
"Thanks Kali!"
"Uh huh..so you wanna know what demon heat is right? I figure you should have..no scratch that, you don't know what. To say in short, it's just when demons like him and others go through a powerful hot crampy feeling through the week or so. It usually happens during the spring time. Or later depending." she said seeing Ink listening as the two sit down on the bench. Rex just eats his food not listening.
"So..that means we all go through them? Even me?" Ink asked pointing at herself to Kali sighing.
"Yes, even you. All demons go through it Ink. And remembering you told me Rin is a demon, he's going through it right now. Though, sometimes demon heats make their minds fizzy and foggy only thinking about one thing and one thing only, mating with another they want or have as a mate." she said but Ink thinks to look.
"Ohhhhh I get it, i get it! So like...Breezy and Rust, Jaron and Melinda, uhhhh Maybe Oblivion and Yuuka, Hex and Ophelia and others?" she asked.
"Yes, just like them." she said.
"Oh! And you and Rex too!?" Ink said that Rex almost chocked on some of the food with Kali's faced red.
"WHAT!? NO! I MEAN....No, just listen okay!? Yes, it's sorta like the others but were not even.."
"Huh? But you spend time with Rex a lot right so I thought you and him-" she started to say but Kali bonks her on the head.
"*sighs* As I was saying, Demon heat is something like that but It can be powerful and strong depending on the situation. It's even worse if your thinking of the other you like so much you want to make them yours. Like being possessive of them." Kali explains after calming down. "But if you wanna help him you can." she said.
"Okay and what do I do? How can I help Rin? I don't wanna see him in pain or anything. So what do I do?" she rubs the bump on her head while Kali looks to her.
"Well, was his heat bad when you found him or was he..doing anything?" she asked.
"Uhhhh..he was doing something but he was sweaty, he looked flushed, and he said he was getting some relief?" Ink said trying to remember with Kali crossing her arms.
"Uh huh..that means he was trying to relieve himself but it didn't work. Meaning, he wanted the one he cares for to help him.....If you wanna help, try offering it. You can please him back in order to help him out. I know if you do, you'll make him feel really good. He'll be weak under your touches in no time." she said but Ink blinks.
"Under my touch? But aren't I suppose to be strong to-"
"Ughhhh just try pleasuring him you idiot! Like kiss him, touch him, help him feel good! Though, just keep a heads up that he might end up touching and aching for more so...just be prepared if he ends up....." she started to say but stops.
"Ends up what?" Ink asked that Kali looks to her.
"You know what? I'll let you see for yourself. Just think of it as a surprise. Second, you can help him before his heat gets worse." she said but Ink was worried.
"Meaning, he'll lose himself to the heat and it just means he'll do everything to be sure the other feels good as he dose. But..I don't know if you ever got your heat before.." she said but Ink blinks to think.
"Uhhhhh, I don't think I have but I'm sure if it did, I'll be ready for it!" she said with a fist pump but Kali sweatdrops seeing this. Yeah, she's got a lot to learn. So she might not go into other details right now.
"Just.....nevermind. Anyway, I'm not done so.."
In a few hours, Kali explains and talked to Ink about demon heats and other things and giving advice on how to make Rin feel really good. That and explaining that mating also means him and her having sex together. Later on, Ink was thinking that she was a bit shy taking this all in.
"Sooooo any questions?" Kali asked but Ink looks quiet then to her.
"I don't think so but..you really think if I do that, he'll feel better?" she asked.
"Yes. But you'll feel good too even if it might be a little scary, it will be blocked out by the pleasure. But you get a little idea of what it is." she said that Ink sighed and nods. "I think I get it yeah." Ink mutters.
"Anyway, was their anything else?" she asked but Ink shook her head. "Good so now you know. I just hope your able to learn from this...." she said but Ink smiled to nod.
"I think so but thanks Kali, I owe ya one! I better go and get ready to meet with Rin later on. I was told he's still in his heat so I can help him much more better now!" she said before running off back home to leave Kali and Rex alone.
She watches the dragon run off before sighing. "Geez, knowing her she'll end up getting confused but..at least I tried explaining it. Though, she's lucky. I should be at least getting something better than her and she gets everything much much more. What do you think Rex?" she turns to see him standing up. "Where you going?"
"...I'm...going home." he said throwing the empty plate away but Kali was confused.
"Huh? But what about our training-"
"We have other times to do it...I just..need time to think for a bit." he said now starting to head home but Kali was confused wondering what was up with him. She only sighed but looks away to head home herself even if she didn't know what she said earlier. She and him went home but Ink was heading back too, excited about later on. She will help Rin with his heat cycle and help him feel better. She just knows it. For now, she gets home to plan for the next time she meets with Rin again.
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