#Jason has to begrudgingly hand it to Steph for helping him Get A Life
aceofshitposts · 2 years
How did Tim and Jason get together in the shutterbug au if he didn’t think much of him on their first date?
Aha, it wasn't actually a date! It was a gathering Stephanie dragged Jason to because it was around the time she decided she'd had enough of his wallowing bullshit about waves hand vaguely in the direction of Red Hood's quest for vengeance and then the sort of road to recovery he was currently on but kinda stuck in the :( everything sucks phase
Jason's social skills are, eeehh, Not Great at this point. Especially with civilians, Brown are you fucking insane I can't be around people.
Stephanie is not having any of his excuses you need to get out more and patrol doesn't count >:(
So he's dragged to a lunch meet up. Tim is there along with some of his and Steph's other college buddies and Steph is like hey everyone this is... My coworker, Jason.
And, listen, you gotta see this from Tim's perspective. Your ex girlfriend and current best friend has just walked up with God's Gift To Man except the dude is scowling like someone just killed his puppy. And then he turns that scowl right on you.
Meanwhile, Jason is basically a mess of anxiety from just having to be around Normal People and still mostly thinks of himself as some kind of irredeemable monster rather than a person. He's. Trying. He came to this stupid lunch, right, what more could Brown ask if him but oh God, Brown's friend Tim is very pretty and sharp and quick witted and suddenly Jason does very much want to be here because he wants to know more but also wtf is socializing
Stephanie is having a ball. She figured Jason would like Tim, Tim who doesn't put up with anyone's bullshit, who's got a comeback for everything, who's determination is a terrifying thing to behold, but she didn't quite expect Jason to go down that hard. She feels a little bad, watching Jason try haltingly to actually talk to another person with the thunderous expression of someone on a Righteous Mission while Tim keeps giving her little side eyes like, "really?? This is someone you hang out with?? Really???"
Jason tries to be a gentleman and refill Tim's drink from the pitcher. Except he fumbles because he's nervous and overwhelmed and spills the whole thing in Tim's lap. Honestly it wouldn't've been such a big deal except Jason goes into blue screen of mortal embarrassment and mutters a quick, horrified, "I have to go," and flees the scene entirely.
Tim, totally soaked in idk probably some cocktail mix, stares Stephanie dead in the eyes from across the table and yells, "what the fuck was that?!"
Stephanie laughs so hard she agitates a bruised rib.
Through her tears she tries to assure Tim that Jason liked him he's just an idiot who has been way too absorbed in his work for too long, which totally reminds her of someone else too hmm who could that be? Tim scoffs because he sure didn't act like it and maybe Tim still has a hard time believing when people like him but I digress.
A week or so later, with some (a lot of) nudging from Steph, Jason shows up at Tim's favourite coffee shop with flowers and apologizes for the lunch thing. He stumbles through a whole speech and asks Tim out on a proper date. Tim thinks about it for a while, making Jason squirm in the middle of a busy coffee shop where people are definitely watching and oh god he's about to be rejected in front of all these people this was a mistake, Brown was wrong and he should just stick to what he knows: shooting people's kneecaps --
"Yeah, okay," Tim says, a slow smirk spreading across his face, "but I'm choosing the venue and you're not allowed to pour any drinks."
Tim has not yet let Jason live down the drink incident.
They went to a classic dinner and a movie combination for their first date. To say it went well is putting it lightly ;)
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ynbabe · 7 months
Male! Reader x Batfam- P.t 1
Just silly lil incorrect quotes based on a WIP
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Y/N after being forced to babysit the Wayne's, to Dick: You're my husband.
Dick, smirking at the others: Yeah I am.
Y/N, to Damian: You're my child.
Damian, begrudgingly: Yes.
Y/N, to Jason: You're my bitch.
Jason: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Y/N, to Steph, Cass and Duke: My besties.
The trio: Naturally.
Y/N, to Tim: HA, GAY!
Tim 'totally doesn't have a crush' Drake: Fuck you.
Dick, thought he was the babysitter: What’s the point of all of this?
Bruce: I need to go off-planet and also revenge for the Batmobile.
Jason, who stole it for a joyride: The best revenge is FORGIVENESS.
Tim, pointing to Y/n sipping a margarita at 7 in the morning with sparkly pink sunglasses: Well, there’s no chance of that.
Dick with Y/n at a PTM with all his other siblings: That kid shouldn't be allowed to treat Tim that way.
Y/n: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Dick: Yeah, let’s give him a piece of our minds--
Y/n: Let’s stab him!!!!!
Y/n: Damian, get a knife real quick.
Dick: NO-
Bruce, at his old age of 52: You're a lying piece of shit!
Y/n, 29 but technically 2000 years old: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
Y/n: I'm leaving and I'm taking Dick with me!
Alfred, used to Bruce and his Immortal friends bs, gathering cards: And that's quite enough Monopoly for today.
Dick, being tugged by both Bruce and Y/n: I DON'T EVEN LIVE HERE! ALFIE, HELP!
Y/n, getting the tour to babysit: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?
Bruce, watching Dick screaming, Damian trying to set a sleeping Jason on fire, and Steph choking on air: I don't know either.
Y/n: The floor is lava!
Dick: *helps Y/N onto the counter*
Jason and Damian: *pushing each other off the sofa*
Tim: *lays on the floor*
Y/n: ...Are you okay?
Tim: No.
Goon 1, talking about Redhood: I heard he's horrible.
Goon 2: Yeah, dude probably has an iceberg for a heart.
*Meanwhile, in the Cave*
Y/N: Hold still!
Jason: I had an itch!
Y/N, putting stickers on Jason's mask: I don't care, you're going to mess me up.
Jason: *Rolls his eyes but lets Y/N continue while he's smiling behind his mask.*
Y/N, margarita in hand: *Puts a gold star on Jason's redhood helmet* there. Perfect, just like you.
Jason, tearing up: Thank you.
Dick: WHY?!
*Dick and Y/n on a mission*
Dick, snickering to himself: Y/n needs help. Guess I have to get to the top myself
Y/n, without thinking: You’re incapable of topping anything you’re a fucking bottom
Dick: *immediately trips over nothing*
Tim, on comms support: … guys?
Steph: I love this new strawberry-flavoured shampoo I got!
Y/n: Flavored?
Steph: Scented! I mean scented.
Steph: But yeah, it tastes like strawberries too!
Y/n, calling poison control: No you did not! STEPH!
[Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Duke and Damian doing something dangerous]
Y/n [judging while drinking a margarita] Look at those morons. Where are their parents?
Y/n: ...
Y/n: Oh shit! I'm their parent!
Tim, about his crush on Kon: I need life advice
Y/n, sipping a Margarita and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person
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theoestofocs · 2 years
very battrope at one WIP? 👀👀👀
@pathos-logical also wanted to know about this one! here is another fic i currently have no intent to publish, unless i manage to separate it out into a few different cohesive story-threads, but i keep trying to do that and it just Does Not work as well without all the clashing vibes of storylines i like
in this fic, thus far, damian has gone full murder-child in order to avenge the well-proven death of Nightwing (i still struggle to wrap my head around the "time travelling batman" plotline & fully believe tim got shafted by the batfam in it so i've opted to disregard it entirely for the purposes of this fic. however damian arrived vaguely early in the sequence of batfam canon, and bruce freaked out over the Literal Child Assassin he now had on his hands on top of Everything until dick just like, stealth-kidnapped him off to bludhaven, where he was pretty much living until the whole "disappearance and death" thing went down)
jason is building his crime empire, still unknown to the rest of the family except as an ominously-named minor threat, and has also rescued sasha grimm of the scarred face and sellout father. this is a character in canon that is almost entirely forgotten because the comics dropped her pretty fast (my theory is that DC didn't know what to do with a complex female character who wasn't Pretty. but that's just me) and i care about her. so much. she doesn't even have a canonical last name i made up "grimm" due to the etymology & vibes of it. she is however canonically jason's sidekick who goes by "Scarlet" and sees the red hood as family (because he rescued her when batman & robin promised to do so, and left her behind; because he rescued her when she had a horrific mask glued to her face and enough trauma to kill her own father, and didn't care if she was a monster, because she was also a kid. god i just care so much about sasha)
meanwhile tim is spiralling bc batman is once again self-destructing over a dead child, & this time tim isn't enough to fix it, so he's directed all his focus to solving the mystery of dick's death because maybe that'll help something, somehow. unfortunately he gets in over his head with one of black mask's henchman. fortunately, a begrudgingly moral crime lord is also staking out black mask at the time. robin is summarily kidnapped by the red hood, much to everyone's dismay, including jason's.
over in the increasingly dysfunctional manor, cass is near-constantly accompanied by steph & helena kyle - who was never given up for adoption in a misogynistic storyline that relied on catwoman becoming too much of a woman to be a good criminal when she had a kid. adoption is an extremely valid and loving choice for a birth parent to make but the rationale for these writers to make catwoman choose it was literally "unlike bruce wayne, who has a literal parade's worth of kids in his basement, catwoman can't juggle being a parent & having a (night) job without letting her Emotions and Womanly Irrationality get in the way of good crime work" so. helena kyle sticks around in my canon. daughter of batman & heir to the Cat, u guys, this character is SO underplayed
and duke - duke is just chillin in gotham, livin his life, for the time being. for the time being. the joker's about to break out of arkham again, though, and - well. let's just say i've opted to fix the meter of a certain chilling rhyme...
#now whisper not a word of them / or talon take your head#yknow. yknow the one#also - and this is segueing into the wip that's just a list of why i love the canonical talon characters#but like. like.#jonas no-last-name lost his family to the spanish flu; he loved animals more than anything and worked as a ''lion tamer'' before the court#he carves a feather into his flesh for every person he kills & this is apparently proof that he's Mentally Unstable#the boy whose mother killed every one of his beloved chickens in the heat of her fever before she died too#the boy who is a killer with blood on his hands not of his own will - just like his mother - just like her but he cannot die like her#cannot even trust himself to remember#benjamin orchard was turned into a talon by his own father as punishment for running away#he tried to join haly's circus to escape and if that's not tragic irony what is?#calvin rose was literally locked in a dog crate by his dad for 3 days at the age of 8. broke himself out & ran#became an escape artist in the damned circus. the only half-talon who successfully got out of the labyrinth#got recaptured & on his first mission rescued both of his targets (a mother & child) and fled#the only female talon on record is mary turner who grew up with scars from a bomb attack in wwii that left her sans tongue#she's also the only one (besides calvin) who gets a ''redemption'' arc. saves batgirl & catwoman & ends up joining the birds of prey squad#codenamed ''Strix''#even some of the sketchier ones - Uriah Boone the eldest Talon is an eldritch creacher from pre-industrial gotham#just kinda lurking in the tunnels#the only ones i don't love are henry ballard felix harmon & of course old billy cobb#but like. justice for the talons that are always treated like monsters batman can just kill & not care. these are people#and they're part of the people i mean when i say gotham saves itself#anyway. thank u for this ask 💜💚💜💚 i Love batman infodumping hhhh#batman#batfam#linden writes#ask linden
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artxyra · 4 years
Healing Gotham | Part 1
Tim was having an off day. At first he had thought it was due to him surviving off of weeks’ worth of caffeine, but that was not it—not it at all. When Tim had first arrived at Wayne Enterprise, all of its employees were having a rush. Paperwork was thrown around, gather, shredded within seconds of each other. The young co-CEO couldn’t find it in him to care enough until it was lunchtime. An older employee was going around collecting NDA’s from all the new employees—like that wasn’t an everyday experience. Tim had half the brain capacity to contact Bruce for information, and yet he doesn’t do it.
Then Tim returns to the manor, cars from his extended siblings, and family members parked within the gates. Once again, this was not an unusual sight for the coffee addict. Well, it wasn’t an unusual sight until he stepped into the manor.
On one of the couches sat Steph, Cass, and Damian all looking to the people on the other side of the room. Kate stands leaning against the window waiting for the shoe to drop. Tim didn’t know where to sit. He only had two options: sit beside the mess of his older brothers or sit where there was the least amount of space next to his other siblings.
Finally taking in his environment, he notices something scary. Jason and Dick weren’t in their usual moods aka brooding and dramatic but on the verge of a massive mental breakdown. Jason was clutching his hair staring down at his lap repeating the words, “She’s going to kill me” as if it was the end of the world. Dick was mimicking the words with “Not if she kills me first, I’m too young to die”. This was such a shock, that Tim had to take a long sip of coffee to make sure it was true, and even then he had to pinch himself as a reminder that he was awake.
“Master Tim, the amount of caffeine you are consuming is terrible. Perhaps taking a rest would help.” Alfred offers with little room to negotiate, but Tim swears he is fine to which the family butler did not believe. “Uh-huh…” Taking the thermos out of Tim’s hand, the young co-CEO is left with nothing.
“You’re seeing this too, right? Tim asks his siblings that weren’t in the Wayne family as long as the older two. Steph is simply recording the nature of their situation—probably blackmail material for her and Barbara. Cass simply examines her older siblings wondering what has gotten into their heads. She was sure that Bruce was internally panicking based on his fingers tapping against his suit jacket and constant inching to the couch. Looking beside her, it was obvious that Damian hates being out of the loop and was moments away from exploding. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to sit beside Damian for this family meeting.
“What has gotten you three so worked up?” Kate asks from the safety of her position. Watching the three break down may be fun and all, but she had a life to live also outside of her cousin’s BS.
“Master Bruce now would be the best time to explain our situation,” Alfred suggests coming back into the room with a tray of teacups and a pot of tea. The butler knows the family is going to need it after dropping a bomb like this to the newest Waynes.
As much as Alfred was right, Bruce knew he couldn’t keep this hidden. He can already tell that Damian was seconds away from stabbing Dick or Jason for being in such an off-putting mood. Tim would be forever confused until he gets a good rest, Cass may like having someone other then him to talk to, and Steph—well Steph will just be Steph.
Bruce was so deep in thought that he didn’t acknowledge the peak of Jason’s and Dick’s mental break down.
“She’s going to kill me…I would rather face the Joker than be on the receiving end of her anger.” Jason finally speaks something than the mantra he has been chanting for the past hour.
“Here’s how she’ll do it, kill Bruce, then me, and then you. Alfred’s safe because it’s Alfred.” Dick adds pointing to each person he has mentioned, furthering the family’s confusion.  Kate, on the other hand, received the message loud and clear and end up bursting into laughter.
“Good to know you find humor in our incoming deaths, Katie,” Dick says pouting with arms crossed against his chest.
“What is Kane laughing about, Father?” Damian asks with a dangerous intent beneath his words.
“In just a couple of days, the Manor Wayne is welcoming an old visitor…my sister… your aunt.” Bruce finally speaks with a heavy sigh. It was if he was preparing for the mental battle this family is about to go through.
“Sister?” “Aunt?” “What?” Various amounts of reactions echo across the room. Every one of his children that had no clue about the oldest Wayne’s sister was just given a wake-up call.
“Yes, I have a sister. She’s my younger sister, and she’ll be staying at the Manor until she finds herself her own place, and this is if she decides to move to Gotham permanently.” Bruce then adds.
“You mean she’s staying here?” Damian cries out, he already hates the fact that most his siblings typically stay in and out of the manor, but to have a new resident just screams trouble.
“Yes, which also means we all need to keep our nightly activities on the down-low. Marin Etta has no idea that I am Batman or that Dick and Jason were Robin, and I like to keep it that way. This means Jason, no bringing anything related to the Gotham Underground, Dick you do what you’ve always done. The rest you better be on your best behavior.”
“Well this is the best news; I haven’t seen Mars since the wedding and that was five years ago.” Kate pushes herself off the wall and goes to hug Bruce. “Call me when she arrives, it will be nice to have a girls’ trip or something.”
“Katie…” Bruce sighs but the look on his cousin’s face says otherwise and it was best to leave this alone. “I will.”
Once Kate was out of the room, Damian loudly growls. “I don’t like this.”
“For once I agree with the Demon Spawn,” Tim says, though in Tim’s mind he wasn’t sure what was happening. His brain acknowledges Kate leaving but the moments before seem like a dazed.
“Tim, you okay?” Steph asks as the person in question sway. “Better yet when was the last time you slept?” She receives no answer from the in and out of the conscious male.
“Why are we just now hearing about this so-called sister.” Damian questions as if he was the only person sane in the household—which he’s not. It’s not like he’s trying to gain as much information about this aunt of his so that he could look her up and do a background check. That is totally what he will be doing.
Bruce, seeming to ignore Damian’s underlying intent, sighs and reply with, “She and I had a fall out when Jason died, and we barely speak. This is the first time in a while that she’ll be back.”
“Sounds like a you problem.” Cass murmurs under her breath evading all the glances her way. It’ll be nice to have seen someone other than her adopted family, but at the same time just how will this new person fit into their family.
“Better yet why do Grayson and Todd know about her while the rest of us don’t?” Damian asks gesturing to his other siblings. “You have no photos of the woman, so why must I believe that you have a sister.” From this Bruce could feel a migraine coming in the longer this goes on.
“Look, Little D, Mari is like a sister or a mother figure to Jason and I. There are reasons outside of this room as to why she is so well hidden. You know that room that Bruce forbids anyone from going into?” Dick replies instead of Bruce. Both he and Jason need to wrap up this conversation to prep for their incoming deaths by Mari. He was definitely sure that Bruce was about to do the same and Mari-proof the manor’s access to the Batcave.
“Na’am,” Damian says begrudgingly.
“That’s Mari’s room and will forever be her wing until she no longer needs it.” Dick finishes off his statement, which clearly did not do anything for the youngest Wayne. He then turns to Jason who was in less of a panic but in more of a defensive planning stage. “C’mon Jaybird, we have lots of pre-death planning before Sunshine returns to the Gotham.”
“Once again, I rather die by the Joker than by her, B-man you owe us so much for this,” Jason states before walking out the living room with Dick following behind.
Bruce sighs heavily and returns to his remaining children, well those that are still awake. Tim had passed out and will most likely be for the time being.
“Not now Damian. I will answer the rest of your questions later. I have a sister-proofing mission to handle.” With that Bruce takes his leave.
“This family can never be normal could it?” Steph wonders as she picks up Tim and places him over her shoulder.
“I agree with you on that. Need a hand?” Cass responds looking at the failing form of Steph’s body as she lugs Tim over to the entranceway.
“Nope, I’m fine,” Steph replies before she and Tim disappear into the shadows of the manor.
“I still think this is a bad idea,” Damian states crossing his arms and taking his leave also.
Cass stares at the leaving figure of her younger brother and shakes her head. She knows that Damian would not leave this alone until he hits rock bottom. Let that be her mysterious aunt herself or Bruce making his word-final.
A couple days later at the Gotham City Airport, a woman with a concave bob hairstyle stands outside the pickup area with her three suitcases next to her. Bing. She looks down to see the name Alfred popping up against the screen.
“Yes Alfred, I’m here… I’m still at the airport. No, you don’t need to give me a—” She pauses allowing the Wayne family butler to reply. “Alright, I’ll see you in a few.”  With that, she ends the conversation and places the phone in her back pocket.
This person is nonother than Marin Etta Martha Wayne or as the people in Paris, France calls her Marinette Martha Dupain-Cheng Couffaine.
Part 2 >>
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kumeko · 3 years
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For @dickgraysonexchange2020, for courage_boss! I had a lot of fun with this one.
Prompt: Dick gets a coupon book for his bday and uses all but the last one.
If there was one good thing about Bruce Wayne’s string of adoptions, it was that events were never a quiet affair. No matter how much Jason or Damian might have wanted them to be. Dick, on the other hand, embraced the fullness of the manor. The place felt too empty and stuffy on a normal day, what with most of the family out and about.
 It was only for special days, like his birthday, that everyone gathered together again. Between his friends and family, every room felt full, the manor bursting with sound and life. A far cry from the dreary dinners when it had just been the three of them, with Bruce awkwardly figuring out parenting and Alfred kindly filling in the gaps.
 Walking around with a slice of cake, Dick spotted Alfred and grinned. He meandered over. “Alfred, one of these days, you’re going to realize just how much you’d make running a restaurant.”
 Alfred chuckled. “Perhaps, Master Richard, but the last time I left, the manor collapsed.” His expression was fond. “It’s too much work fixing it after.”
 “That…” Dick couldn’t even argue. Anytime Alfred left on vacation, sabbatical, whatever, nothing went right. The kitchen burned. Bruce forgot to eat or sleep. Mold and dust became new tenants. “It’s all a ploy to keep you here longer.”
 “Then it is certainly working.” His smile looked more amused than weary. “You certainly do keep me on my toes.”
“Dick!” Tim poked his head out of the study. Spotting him, he gestured for him to come. “Got a sec?”
 “It’s only a party,” Dick teased, nodding to Alfred before going. “Not like I have anything important to miss.”
 Tim rolled his eyes. “You could have been talking to someone.” Despite his cavalier words, his cheeks reddened from embarrassment.
 Dick didn’t press the matter, storing it away instead for later teasing. “What’s up?” he asked as he stepped into the study.
 There was no such thing as a small room in the Wayne manor. Yet, crowded with Damian, Cassandra, Tim, Bruce, and Jason, the study suddenly felt cozy. Dick grinned, unable to help himself. “The whole gang’s here!”
 Jason clicked his teeth. “Let’s get it over with.”
 “For once, I agree with the failure,” Damian added, crossing his arms.
 “Aww, don’t be like that.” Dick sidled up to them, planting himself in between. Before they could react, he loped an arm around their shoulders. “You both came, after all.”
 “I made sure of it,” Bruce said simply. Dick wasn’t sure what that entailed. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to.
 Damian squawked. “I didn’t—”
 “Don’t you—” Jason growled, tossing off Dick’s arm.
 “We got you a gift!” Tim interrupted, before a fight could erupt. He held out a small, neatly wrapped box. The wrapping paper and ribbon were a soft blue, matching his Nightwing costume. “Everyone chipped in.”
 “Chipped in?” Dick reluctantly let go of the two to accept. Ignoring how Damian and Jason immediately escaped to the other side of the room, he carefully pulled the ribbons and unwrapped. What could it possibly be, if everyone chipped in and it was so tiny? Tickets? A gadget? A thick wad of cash?
 Oddly enough, none of those. Instead there was a small book inside, roughly the size of a chequebook. Scrawled neatly on the top was Coupons.
 “A coupon book?” Confused, he looked up at Tim. “You guys chipped in for a coupon book?”
 “Look inside,” Tim encouraged, his smile so wide it nearly split his face in half.
 “Okay…” Still bemused, he quickly flipped through the pages. Defeat your enemies. Do a chore. Take the night off. Massage. The writing differed from page to page, from Damian’s neat, cramped writing to Cassandra’s messy flowing one. Most of them were made by Tim though, and they were of course all the normal ones.
 It was better than anything he’d imagined. Feeling utterly soft, he quickly hugged Tim. “Thanks.” Without missing a beat, he pounced on Damian and Jason. Despite their protests, they didn’t squirm out of his grip. Finally, he rounded on Cass and Bruce, both of which hugged him back awkwardly, as though they weren’t sure quite how.
 “I can’t believe you made this,” he said, finally untangling himself.
 “Well, considering everything we have, it’s hard to buy gifts.” Tim shrugged. “Steph had the idea, actually.”
 Well, that made sense. She always had the fun, interesting ideas.  Dick made note to thank her later. “I can’t believe you two agreed to this,” he said, looking at Damian and Jason.
 “A little strong arming from Cass,” Tim explained.
 “I did not get threa—” Damian protested, glaring at Tim. Hopefully this didn’t lead to the two of them stabbing each other in the batcave later. Then again, there was a clean the batcave ticket too, maybe he could have them clean up after their mess.
 “I did not have to…convince Damian,” Cassandra replied stiffly. Despite how much time had passed, words were still her second most fluent language. “He was…agreeing to this.”
 “Really?” Jason guffawed.
 “That’s because no one can strong arm me,” Damian growled, his lips curling into a sneer as he glared at Jason. “And that means she did strong arm you.”
 “Stop,” Bruce warned, rubbing his forehead. “We’re in the middle of a party.”
 “Oh, don’t worry, I have that covered.” Dick whistled as he flipped through the coupon book, stopping at one of them. Tearing it out, he grinned. “Now, one of you two has to compliment me…who should I pick?”
 “You…want me to cook?” Cassandra’s brow furrowed as she stared at the little slip of paper in her hands.
 “More or less.” Dick grinned as he led the way to his kitchen. His apartment was a small thing compared to the manor, but it was home, and there was something energizing about having someone over. If there was one thing he loved about the coupon book above all else, it was that it gave him an excuse to invite his far-flung family over.
 She cocked her head, still looking troubled. “I am not…good at it.”
 “That’s fine!” Dick hummed as he pulled out two aprons from his cupboard, handing one over to her. “As long as it’s edible.”
 “You…have one too?” Cassandra awkwardly stared at the bird-print apron, then at him.
 Laughing, he slowly put it on, demonstrating how to tie it all together. He should have expected that; his family was more comfortable fighting than they were in the kitchen, and it showed. “Yeah, we’ll cook together. It’s more fun that way, right?”
 Cassandra smiled, a small thing, and nodded. “Yes.”
 Standing next to the old grandfather clock, Bruce crossed his arms. Honestly, he didn’t need to wear a mask to intimidate; his scowl was more than enough to scare off any random two-bit goon. “This isn’t what they were intended for.”
 Despite his words, he still hadn’t opened the passage to the batcave, and Dick considered that victory. It at least meant that Bruce was willing to hear him out. Holding out the paper, he shook his head. “How? I’m using them.”
 Bruce’s frown grew deeper. “Dick, that is supposed to be a night off for you.”
 “No, it just says night off.” Honestly, Bruce should have known better: Dick loved arguing semantics. Finding loopholes in Bruce’s rules was what he lived for. “So I’m giving you a night off.”
 “Babs and the Birds of Prey agreed to cover.” Dick pressed the coupon on Bruce’s chest confidently. “You’re not in the middle of a case. Perfect time for a night in.”
 “Dick…” Bruce ran a hand through his hair. Another push and he’d cave in. “Look, I appreciate it, but…”
 “Master Richard, Master Bruce.” Alfred stepped into the room and while Dick would never accuse him of something as underhanded as eavesdropping, the timing was suspect. “I have prepared the living room for your marathon. Master Timothy and Miss Cassandra are already there, though Master Damian has refused to join.”
 “Et tu, Alfred?” Bruce sighed, giving in. “Fine, but drag Damian down too, Dick. He’s not allowed to worm his way out.”
 “The if I go down, he goes down with me gambit.” Dick grinned. “I got it covered.”
 Tim stared at the fruity mocktail he was holding, worrying his bottom lip. “I don’t think this is what Jason had in mind.”
 “I never go by what Jason has in mind,” Dick countered, drinking his own cocktail. Sipping from his ridiculously curly straw, he leaned back in his seat. “It’s always more fun that way.”
 “That’s…true,” Tim reluctantly agreed, surveying the rest of the batcave.
 Honestly, there couldn’t be anything better than relaxing by the computer, eating popcorn, and watching Damian and Jason handle all of the cleaning. Sure, they had automated robots and machines to handle this. This chore had been struck from the list years ago, after Bruce had upgraded the whole cave.
 Yet, sometimes Dick just wanted to see things done the old-fashioned way. Like Jason washing the batcar. Or Damian scrubbing the costumes. Both of them were quietly swearing as they worked, occasionally shooting him a dirty glare. He didn’t have to read their minds to know he’d have to watch his sleep for the next week; if they could murder him, they would.
 “Don’t forget the bat droppings,” he added cheerfully.
 If he was going to die young, might as well go out with a bang.
 Dick sighed as he stared at the coupon book. In the span of a month, he’d managed to use almost all thirty of them, most of them in the most frivolous way possible. He didn’t regret it; it had been fun. No matter what ridiculous thing he came up with, his family had done it. Begrudgingly, at times, but they’d still done it.
 The whole thing had given them so many excuses to hang out, no matter what else was going on in their lives. And now it was all over. All he had left was a single Do whatever you say for a day ticket. One last one and the gift would be done.
 He sighed again. This gift was far too precious to use on a passing whim. Carefully, he folded up that last coupon, tucking it in securely into his wallet. Dick would save it for the best opportunity, for the final memory that couldn’t be replaced. A rainy day when he needed a pick-me-up.
 More importantly, it literally would force someone to do whatever he said for a day. Power like that had to be considered before he used it.
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vikingpoteto · 4 years
the curse of cousin Chad
Read on AO3
Relationships:  GEN. Tim Drake & Jason Todd & Stephanie Brown
Summary: Tim Drake's only wish is for people to stop talking about Red Robin on the news (and a monkey's paw finger curls somewhere as Chad Wayne shows up in their lives.)
Red Robin had been better, but he had been worse too.
After Batgirl helps him sit down, he stops for a second and decides that he probably doesn’t have any broken bones, just more than a few bruises forming. Batgirl all but falls by his side, exhausted, and judging by the groan she lets out she must be just as sore. Still, she extends her fist for a bump and he grins as he obliges.
“Well, no one got shot or stabbed, so that’s a win on my book,” Red Robin says.
“That and we put away a dangerous gang that had been terrorizing the locals for months,” she reminds him.
“Yeah, that too.”
He glances around and decides the building they chose is tall enough that they can relax for a bit. He pulls down his cowl. Tim lets out a long relieved sigh when the cold night air touches his face. Batgirl follows his cue, even if she struggles with her hair for a bit to do so. The two of them let their legs dangle from the edge of the rooftop, unbothered by the height, their gazes on the sky.
Heavy footsteps approach the young vigilantes from behind, but neither Tim nor Steph worries, because they’re familiar with the sound. As expected, a third vigilante soon enough takes the spot by Steph’s other side, his helmet already under his arm and his face mask free.
“You two look really beaten considering you weren’t fighting alone tonight,” Jason says.
Steph flips him off.
Tim rolls his eyes. “There were a lot of weaklings, okay? Sometimes that’s more annoying than one strong guy.”
“If you say so.”
“How about your night?” Steph asks casually.
“Kicked some ass, shot the kneecaps of the most stubborn ones. All in a night’s work.”
They nod and resume watching the sky for a brief peaceful moment. So high above they can barely hear the sounds of sirens and late night traffic on the streets.
Then Steph sits up so fast she almost slips down the edge. Tim and Jason grab her shoulders by reflex and pull her back at the same time.
Ignoring the fact that she almost died, Steph shouts: “What time is it?”
“Hm... about 2am?” Tim checks his wrist pad. “Yeah, 2:35.”
“Oh my God!” She groans, pressing the heels of her hands to her eyes. “We missed the countdown by, like, a lot! How did we not hear the fireworks?”
“Gunshots?” Jason suggests.
“Fireworks and gunshots don’t sound the same, we all know the difference.”
Tim rolls his eyes, because this is so them. Of course they’d miss the start of the new year because they were busy fighting crime. Steph and Tim were even planning on going to WE’s New Year’s party together after what was supposed to be a super quick patrol, just to stop a few muggers, really . Tim is glad they did, even if Lucius is going to scold him on Monday. He hates those parties.
“Well, I have a little something here to celebrate,” Jason says with a crooked grin.
He turns his helmet upside down, revealing a bottle of booze. Of course the dramatic bitch had it hidden, just waiting for the right moment to reveal it. Steph whoops excitedly.
“Jason, you’re my hero! I mean… B is gonna kill us if he finds we were drinking in uniform, but it’s not like he’ll find out, right?”
Jason hands the bottle to Tim first, his smile positively wicked. Having been given this sort of gift from Jason before, Tim rolls his eyes and takes a generous chug without hesitation. His eyes tear up a bit at the taste when he passes the bottle to Steph.
She happily drinks straight from the bottle like Tim had… Then she freezes.
“Yeah, Steph?”
“What the heck is this?”
“Spinach and lettuce juice. Timmy needs those antibodies."
"Jason, why are you like this?
"You didn’t think I was giving you guys alcohol, did you? You two are minors.”
Tim grins. He can tell Steph is trying to decide whether to throw the bottle overboard or at Jason’s head.
Before she decides, he turns his gaze back to the sky and asks: “You guys made any New Year’s wishes?”
“Resolutions,” Steph corrects. “Wishes are for birthdays.”
Jason makes a high-pitched voice, “wow, look at me, I’m Stephanie Brown, my mom loves me so much she celebrated my birthday!”
Tim laughs. “Geez, I’ll drink to that.”
There are no words to describe the horror in Steph’s face when he takes back the bottle and drinks a little more of the green juice.
He simply shrugs. “It’s an acquired taste.”
Deciding it’s not worth the trouble, Steph shakes her head and says, “I’m keeping it simple this year. My only resolution is to pass all my classes for once in my life. What about you, Jay?”
“I don’t do that corny shit.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“I know you guys like corny shit.”
“We’ve seen you cry over Jane Austen, your edgelord bullcrap doesn’t work on us,” Steph says. When Jason tries to protest that his eyes were just tearing up from yawning, she turns to Tim: “What about you? Any New Year wishes?”
“Just one, too,” Tim says. “I wanna make sure every non-criminal forgets Red Robin ever existed.”
Jason and Steph snort.
“I’m serious. No more shipping me with my family, no more stalkers. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure no reporter writes the words ‘Red Robin’ ever again.”
“Good luck with that, Timbers.”
Tim drinks his lettuce juice in silence. He hands the bottle back to Jason. Steph pretends to gag when he also takes a long sip. Despite their incredulity, Tim is feeling positive about his goal. He feels like after the Red Twins craze died down, people lost interest in him. He thinks he can pull it off.
If only he knew.
Tim almost never visits the manor anymore. He’s been to the Batcave once or twice on the past few months, but the house itself… he doesn’t even remember the last time. He decides to stop by on a rare free afternoon, hoping Duke and Cass will be around. If not, seeing Alfred outside the cave and having a cup of tea with him was more than enough.
He lets himself in, because he knows it makes Alfred begrudgingly happy when any of the kids acts as though they still live there rather than politely ringing the bell. It also makes Damian mad, which is always a plus.
Hearing voices from the living room, Tim heads straight there, excited that there’s someone home. His smile freezes on his face. Whatever he was expecting to see, it wasn’t… that.
Bruce is sitting near the fireplace pinching the bridge of his nose as he does when his children are fighting among themselves. On the opposite couch is none other than Jason being embraced by a complete stranger that is currently sobbing into his shoulder.
Jason’s gaze meet Tim’s in what is clearly a plea for help. All Tim can do is mouth who the hell is that? to which Jason mouths back I have no fucking idea.
“Would you look at that, Tim’s here,” Bruce says. Tim has the feeling he’s trying to save Jason.
The sniffling stranger pulls back and turns around. “Oh god. You’re a man now, Timmy! Last time I saw you, you were just a tiny kid!”
To Tim’s complete horror, the man stands and comes hug him tightly.
“Uh… ”
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry,” the man gives a watery chuckle “of course you don’t remember me. You were a basically a toddler and I was also a kid when I last saw you. I’m Chad, your father’s cousin.”
“Oh. You’re…”
“I mean, Bruce's cousin. I knew Jack, though. He was good people.”
“Bruce’s cousin. Hm. So your name is Chad Wayne, huh?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Nothing,” Tim pretends not to see Jason hide a snicker into his hand. “Sounds… cool.”
“Chad is visiting Gotham for a couple of weeks,” Bruce tells him. “He just graduated from college in Central City and decided it was a good idea to visit old relatives. It was such a great surprise when he arrived.”
“Right,” Chad wipes the tears from his face, “and I happened to run right into Jason here and oof. Saying I was surprised doesn’t cover it.”
His jovial laughter is so genuine that it’s almost unsettling.
“Oh. You… You know Jason."
“Yeah, man. My family was in a year long trip to Africa, so we didn’t hear about his death until a long time had passed. My parents were crushed that they couldn’t be there for Brucie then. Bruce was telling me about how you guys got him back. Nothing short of a miracle, huh?”
“A miracle,” Jason echoes.
Chad scratches his own nape, finally looking appropriately embarrassed. “Sorry I got so emotional, Jason. I almost didn’t recognize you, you got so jacked , man. I guess I have a good memory for faces.”
He speaks so fast. Steph always complains that Tim speaks too fast whenever he is in the zone and caffeinated, but that was nothing compared to Chad’s rambling.
“Oh well. C'mere, Tim, sit with us, let me get to know you guys. Even if I’m your father’s cousin, I guess I’m closer in age to you two ahaha...”
Tim is known for being a quick thinker, but something about Chad’s khaki shorts and how out of place they look in Gotham stuns him into inaction. He lets Chad drag him to the couch and doesn’t say anything else on pure fear that the guy is about to do it to ‘em.
“Actually,” Jason stands, “Tim is here to pick me up. We have this, hm, doctor’s appointment. To check my… eyes. Yeah, my eyes. Tim’s gonna drive me.”
“Oh, that’s alright, we can talk more when you two come back.”
“Back?” Tim parrots.
“Actually, Chad, Jason and Tim don’t live in the manor,” Bruce says. “They share an apartment around downtown.”
For the first time, Chad drops his too-blessed-to-be-stressed smile and frowns. “What? Why? I thought you guys just got Jason back. Shouldn’t he stay with you, Bruce?”
“Actually, that’s a funny story,” Jason says, taking Tim by the arm. “I’m sure Bruce will love to tell you all about it. I can’t be late for my appointment, isn’t that right, lil' bro?”
“Uh… Yeah. Being dead made his insurance skyrocket and the cancelation fees are a nightmare.”
“Hm-hum, all that. See you around and stuff.” Jason is holding Tim’s arm with such force that it’ll bruise for sure. They’re still on the way to the door when he hisses: “ Get me out of here right now.”
“But I didn’t even see Alfred,” he whispers back.
“ Now, Timothy ! ”
They don’t stop powerwalking until they’re in the car. Jason doesn’t bother going back for his bike and Tim makes a mental note to ask Cass to bring it back to their place later.
For a second, they just breathe Gotham’s polluted air to remind themselves they’re still home and not in a Disney sitcom.
That’s when Jason starts ranting. Apparently he was on the way to the kitchen to get just a bowl of cereal when he walked into Alfred getting the door open for cousin Chad. Alfred had said "Master Jason, I didn’t know you were here" and cousin Chad recognized him and started losing it. Bruce didn’t let Jason kill him, unfortunately, but managed to pull a story out of his ass about Jason coming back from the dead after someone from the Justice League messed up the timeline or something like that. The official story is that they found Jason just a couple of weeks ago and are still working out the kinks of having a family member return from the grave. Except Jason’s speech was a lot more convoluted and involved a lot of curse words and shakespearean insults.
“...and I didn’t even get my freaking cereal!” he finishes, just as Tim parks in front of their home.
“Well. That was an afternoon you just had,” Tim says. Jason huffs and gruffs on the way to the elevator. Tim waits until the doors close to say: “Bruce didn’t pull that story out of his ass, by the way.”
Jason frowns. “What?”
“Your cover story,” Tim clarifies. “He had it for years. I know everything about it if you want the details. He asked me for feedback when he was figuring how to make it believable and whatnot.”
“What? When? Why?”
“As soon as we found out you were alive. He wanted to be ready in case you decided to officially join the family again. It took a few days of work, but the plan exists and is ready to go whenever.”
Jason doesn’t say anything. Tim had expected that, so he allows him to mull over the newfound knowledge. He also expects Jason to head straight for the kitchen, which he does, and Tim follows his brother closely, not commenting on the tension of his shoulders or the way his jaw is set tight enough to crack a few teeth.
When his brother just stands near the sink apparently unsure of what to do with himself, Tim gets milk from the fridge and starts preparing a bowl of cereal.
“What were you doing there, anyway?”
“I went to see Alfred,” Jason mumbles. “But he was busy, so I was… I was talking to Bruce for a bit.”
Jason grabs the bowl Tim is offering him. “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Shut up.” And Jason stomps his way to his room, slamming the door after him.
When Steph shows up after class, Tim tells her not to bother him.
Tim: @Bruce so wats his deal
Bruce: Dear Tim, what do you mean by that? sincerely, Bruce Wayne.
Tim: chad
Tim: whats his night persona
Tim: his masked name
Bruce: Tim, Chad is not a vigilante. sincerely, Bruce Wayne
Dick: shoot
Dick: he’s a villain???
Bruce: Dear Dick, Chad is not a villain either. He’s just a civillian. sincerely, Bruce Wayne.
Duke: dont he want to avenge his parents?
Bruce: Dear Duke, His parents are alive and well. They’re international activists currently on a mission to feed the poor somewhere in South America. sincerely, Bruce Wayne.
Damian: That means he’s must be a sleeper agent of sorts. I’ll collect some of his DNA for examination. Drake, I trust you’ll do a thorough check on his background, official and otherwise.
Tim: on it
Bruce: Damian, if you get your second-cousin’s DNA to run tests, your weekend at the Kent farm is permanently cancelled.
Jason: so b you admit you text like it’s a business email just to fuck with us, huh?
Bruce: Dear Jason, Mind your language in front of your little brothers. Sometimes I’ll sacrifice the format for the sake of speed. Regardless, this is the ideal way of writing a text message. sincerely, Bruce Wayne.
Bruce: @everyone Chad will be staying with us for a few weeks. He’s just a regular civilian with no tragic backstory, no metapowers and no secret identity. I expect all of you to behave like Alfred taught you and hide your secret identities like I trained you to. No one will investigate him or do anything to compromise our identities. Is that clear? Awaiting confirmation, Bruce Wayne
Cass: weird
Bruce: Dearest Cass, It’s not weird. Civilians exist. Sincerely, Bruce Wayne
Tim: not in our family they dnt!!!
Tim: cmon b you cant tell me s not suspicious!!!!!
Bruce: It is not.
Alfred: Master Bruce already checked his DNA for metagenes and ran a thorough background check with the help of miss Barbara. Unfortunately, Master Chad is clear.
Cass: weeeeeiiiiird
Tim decides to avoid Wayne manor for the foreseeable future. Instead, he buys Alfred’s favorite brand of tea and wonders if he can convince the butler to come over to stay with them for an afternoon or perhaps the whole weekend. Tim is more than willing to share the couch with Steph and let Alfred have his bed. He puts the tea away with a passive aggressive note letting Jason and Steph know that tea is to be saved for Alfred.
Jason is in the living room cleaning one of his guns while Steph does her homework on the carpet by his feet, meaning is just an afternoon like any other for them.
Tim has to remind himself of her resolution before he gives in the temptation of asking her to go patrolling with him. The thing is that his resolution is a lot easier to pursue when Batgirl is around, because she can deal with the civilians after the fact while Red Robin vanishes as soon as the criminals are in cuffs.
Alas. Working alone can be fun, too, he tells himself.
Before he heads out to get his suit, however, the buzzer sounds. He hears Steph cheering and saying something about pizza.
Then a voice that makes Tim freeze in horror.
“Oh, hey. I must have the wrong apartment. Is this Tim and Jason Wayne’s place?”
He runs so fast Bart would be proud, hoping he can sign at Steph to send him away before he sees them, but it’s too late. Tim rushes only to find out that, in all the glory of his khaki shorts and boat shoes, Chad Wayne is already inside his apartment.
Tim is very aware that Jason is frozen on the couch right behind him, still holding a gun.
“Chad! What a surprise!”
“Hey, Timbo!” Chad grins, looking genuinely happy to see him. “Damian told me you wouldn’t be working tonight and then he gave me your address!”
Why, god? Why hadn’t Tim killed Damian when he had the chance?
“And who is this lovely young woman?” He asks. “If she isn’t spoken for, I might want to steal her for me.”
“I’m his ex, actually, and I sort of live here.” Steph offers her hand. “I speak for myself.”
Instead of shaking her hand, Chad brings her fingers to his lips and gives them an excuse of a kiss. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma damme .”
Steph’s smile is too wide to be natural and her eyes look like they’re about to jump out of the sockets. Like the rest of the family, she seems to struggle to believe this guy is real. Tim can’t save her, he just wishes Jason would put away his things while cousin Chad is busy with Steph.
“So, Chad, it’s so nice to see you, but uhhh... What are you doing here?”
“Well, since you guys never go over I had to come see you! And trust me, I get it , when I let my folks’ place to go to college, I wanted to spend even the breaks at my frat house. Anyway, I thought I’d come here, we can order some take out and…”
His eyes finally find Jason and he freezes. “...is that a gun?”
Crap, poop, turd, crap,  crapcrapcrapcrap-
“Uhhh… yeah?”
In the same way when he heard that Jason doesn’t live with Bruce, Chad’s positive vibes vanish and he looks distraught.
“Guys… does Bruce know about that?”
Before anyone can stop him, Chad walks in like he owns the place and takes the seat by Jason’s side. Tim and Steph exchange a panicked look, both praying that the gun isn’t easy to assemble or at least that Jason doesn’t have any ammo within arms reach. The two hurry to join them, Steph dropping on the couch and casually leaning against Jason in a position that allows her to hold his arm should he decide to throw Chad out. Tim takes the arm of the couch closer to Chad, ready to pick him up and throw him away himself if he says something stupid.
“We keep it here for safety,” Jason says simply.
“Okay. Oof.” Chad reaches for Jason’s shoulder. “Look, I get it. Gotham is dangerous. But having a gun at home is more of a hazard than anything else, Jace. Can I call you Jace?”
“Look, I’m an only son, but if I had a little brother like Tim, I’d want to show him a good example, you know? And guns are not the solution. Do you genuinely think you could shoot someone? I don’t think so. I served the army and there we learn that shooting a person is harder than you can imagine."
Tim can see Steph discreetly pinching Jason’s thigh to keep him in check. Jason looks like he’s asking himself if he’s in the Twilight zone.
There is a beat of silence and Jason opens his mouth. Tim braces himself. Before disaster hits, Steph blurts:
“Actually, that’s why Jason’s here.”
Fortunately, Chad doesn’t notice Jason’s and Tim’s perplexed faces because he’s focused on Steph again.
“Of course Bruce hates guns with his parents and all that,” she frowns sympathetically. “But… Chad, Jason died. Of course he’s getting therapy, but he still needs something to feel safe at least at home. Isn’t that right, Jay?”
She gently rubs his arm. Jason knows Steph enough to recognize the play along or you’re dead in her falsely upset expression.
“Uh… Right. That. I moved in with Tim because, uh, I know Bruce is weird with guns." Another pinch to his thigh. Clearly in a begrudging voice, he adds: "And I super agree with him. I mean, what if Damian found it?”
“God, no,” Tim deadpans. “I don’t want to even imagine Damian with a gun.”
“But Tim and he knows he's not to mess with it,” Jason adds.
“Bruce told me you’re here you and him are a bit at odds, but he didn’t tell me you fought over you having a gun.”
“Bruce doesn’t know and you can’t tell him,” Tim cuts in. Batman is definitely going to forget his no-killing rule if he finds out they let cousin Chad see Red Hood’s gun. “Please, Chad. I promise you we’re careful. We’re just trying to make the best out of a difficult situation.”
Tim hopes the mention that this is a touchy subject will deter Chad. He forgets to take in consideration that Chad thinks they’re his family despite him knowing literally nothing about them. He is under the very wrong impression that he's allowed to talk to them about personal shit. Which is great. This is just great.
“If it makes you feel better, this is temporary,” Jason says. “I talked to my, uh, my therapist about it and he cleared me to have the gun. When I start, you know, getting over the death trauma, I’ll get rid of it.”
“Right,” Steph nods eagerly. “We’re planning on throwing a party when we reach that point and everything.”
The three of them wait with baited breath as Chad considers their excuses, his expression somber. Then Chad opens his arms and pulls Tim and Jason into a triple hug.
“I get it,” he says in a hoarse voice he probably finds cool. “You do what you have to do to cope, man. Bruce told me you’re brave and I can see that’s true. And you, ” he squeezes Tim, “I heard from Dickie that you’re a little prodigy, but I’m so proud of you for being there for your brother!”
God, he has so many feelings. Tim promises himself he’ll never complain about Dick being clingy again. Dick has a Batman level of emotional constipation if compared to this guy.
“Right,” Jason pulls himself free from the hug. “I’m gonna put this away, alright?��
He gathers his cleaning supplies and the spare parts spread across the coffee table and takes it to his room. His expression says he's still trying to figure out what that was.
“But, Timbo…”
“Just Tim is fine.”
“I thought you didn’t know Jason before his death? Bruce adopted you kind of recently, didn’t he?”
“Uhhh… I don’t know what to tell you. Jason and I hit it off and became friends fast,” Tim says. “I mean, at first he hated me enough to want to slit my throat…”
“Wow, alright,” Jason interrupts as he returns, a pout on his lips. “I see we’re very comfortable joking about my early… grumpiness. It’s not something I feel guilt or still have nightmares about at all”
Tim almost snorts at that. “Like I was saying, we got better.”
Chad nods thoughtfully and leans back to be more comfortable, nothing about his body language suggesting he might be getting ready to leave.
“So!” Steph claps her hands together. “Thank you for understanding, Chad. Now maybe let's talk about something lighter, shall we?”
And that’s what they do, with some sttrugle. At first, Chad seems too upset to talk about anything and Steph has to use all of her charm to get him to forget about the fantastic start of his visit. Jason helps by making sarcastic remarks that almost sound genuine and Tim… Tim can’t do much.
He texts Cass and she agrees to take his patrol duty for the night. Tim considered making up an emergency at WE and going out anyway, but in the end he decided that was unfair to the others.
He also sends a message chewing on Damian for sending Chad his way without a warning. No one ever visits Tim’s apartment other than his family and his hero friends, so they could have been in full uniform in the middle of the living room. Damian responds with a dismissive text filled with words that Tim doesn’t know. Tim threatens to break all of his crayons and puts his phone away
By this point, Chad is a bit more like himself again and Tim almost wishes he stayed distressed, because the rest of the night is painfully weird. To avoid more awkward conversation, Jason puts on a random horror movie for them. Chad comments on how impressive it is that none of them seems to mind the gore. He squeals and groans and gives Steph a horrified look when she simply keeps eating her pepperoni pizza as though nothing of note is happening on the screen.
The thing is that the movie’s gore is decidedly inaccurate to the point that they barely recognize it for what it's supposed to be. Besides it’s nothing worse than some wounds they’d either suffered or seen as vigilantes.
Maybe it’s because Tim didn’t get the adrenaline he expected from patrol, but he ends up falling asleep on Jason’s shoulder during the climax of the second movie.
He wakes up alone on the couch with a blanket half-thrown over his legs. It's still the middle of the night and he has half a mind to go to his room before he hears muffled voices from the kitchen. Rubbing his eyes, he follows the sound without thinking much.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Steph greets him.
She and Jason apparently are building a castle of Uno cards in the middle of the kitchen table.
Tim joins them. “It’s 3am.”
“Witching hour,” Jason mumbles.
Steph gestures at the castle and offers Tim a card. He takes it.
“It was a dirty trick to fall asleep like that,” she tells him. “You missed the selfie party to celebrate the first time he visited Jace and Timbo.”
Tim groans. “He stayed long?”
“Too long.” Jason adds another pair of cards to the castle. “I think I have a headache and the Lazarus pit is supposed to make you immune to headaches.”
“That's what I was telling Jason before you got here, Tim. We’re socially capable, right?”
“Hmmm… Right, I guess.”
“How come we couldn’t get rid of him? Why were we so lost while we were, like, just hanging out with him? Is everyone outside of Gotham like that?”
Part of Tim is relieved that Steph hates Chad too. He thought he and Jason had finally caught Batman’s moodiness, but Steph is one of the most cheerful people he knows and her dry sense of humor and quick quips are a lot more bearable than cousin Chad’s peppy attitude.
The other part of him…
“I think it’s less about him not being from Gotham and more about him being a civilian,” Jason says.
The castle falls. None of them reacts.
“That can’t be right,” Steph says. “We have civilian friends and they’re not like that.”
“Do we?”
“Yeah! Jason-- Hm. Tim has Tam… Oh, forget it, she’s not talking to him again. I have Francisco and- I just remembered he’s the son of a gangster.” Steph pauses. “Huh. Do we seriously not know any civilians?”
They don’t. Not on a friendly level, at least.
Tim had considered that before, but he didn't want to think about it. It was weird he was so distant from a normal life that he felt unsettled by it. Not bad. Just weird. If he hadn’t found out Batman’s and Robin’s identities, would he grow up to be a Chad? Finishing high school, living in a frat house in college, and all that? Would he still be a Drake, neighbor to the Waynes?
He loves all of his siblings and Bruce and Alfred and he doesn’t want to consider a life without them.
In a world without Batman. Bruce would still be a good man. He still wouldn’t hesitate in adopting an orphaned circus boy. He would probably also adopt the little shit that tried to steal his not-batmobile tires. If by a miracle he also adopted the boy next door that tragically lost his parents and a girl from a very broken family and a young boy whose parents couldn’t be there for him anymore. His gremlin of a biological son would have grown up beloved and incapable of harming anyone, let alone assassinating a person.
He remembers the plan to bring Jason back to the world of the living and how easy it had been for him and Bruce to put it together and make it seem believable, because in their world it was believable and it could have been the truth.
If Jason Wayne, a regular boy, son of a regular man, had been killed in a freak criminal act and brought back to life thanks to superhero shenanigans, all of them would have been there for him. Jason wouldn’t resent his father for not killing his murderers, because that wasn’t a possibility, and they’d find a way to get him to overcome the effects of the trauma. Bruce certainly wouldn’t spare effort or money to get his son back to full health.
If Stephanie’s father hadn’t been a super criminal, Tim’s first girlfriend wouldn’t hit him in the face with a brick on their first meeting. She would have been a normal girl with a normal life and she could even run into him at school. There is no doubt in his mind that he would have found and made Steph his friend no matter the universe, except… would he?
In that reality, he didn’t know what gore looked like. He would get too upset to function for half an hour at the mere sight of a gun. He’d visit relatives unannounced and the worst thing that could happen was to find them heading out as he arrives. He draws the line at the khakis and boat shoes, because he doesn’t think he’d wear those in any universe, but still.
That would not be Timothy Drake-Wayne. Tim had seen his own internal organs before. Tim’s not only unfazed by fire guns but also built some for his older brother. Tim is fully aware that visiting any of his siblings might mean walking into a ninja fight at worst and finding them pretending to drive the batmobile at best.
Steph and Jason don’t say anything for a while and Tim could easily blame it on the fact that it’s almost 4am and they have yet to sleep, but he knows it’s because they’re reaching the same conclusion he did: they’re not normal people. They always knew that, but knowing something and seeing evidence are two different things.
And again… it’s not bad. It’s not that Tim wouldn’t change anything about the past, it’s just that he doesn’t regret the life he lead up until this point.
It’s still weird. Too weird.
Babs: The red dynamic duo ship is back with a vengeance, huh?
Babs sent you a link.
Tim had never had a panic attack. Considering the life he leads, that’s a pretty surprising thing. However, that text from a woman he considers part of his family kicks his fight-or-flight instinct like nothing in the world could. He clicks on it. He reads the article.
He screams into a pillow for about ten minutes.
Jason and Steph find him lying face down on the floor trying to get his phone’s AI to buy him a ticket to Smallville. He's sure Conner will take him in. He’ll work at the farm. He’ll stop being Red Robin. He doesn’t care.
It’s an article from a teen magazine.
Ah, the Wayne Family. Our favorite and most iconic family of Gotham. Timothy Drake-Wayne (18), or Tim, how he prefers to be called, has been under our radar for quite a while and not just because of his cute face. The young CEO of Wayne Enterprises and heir to Drake Industries is smart, rich and incredibly charming if the rumors are true. That being said, the question we’re all asking is: how is this boy still single?
Little to nothing is known about Tim Wayne’s love life and we were all crazy to know if he is in the market for a girlfriend.
Well, ladies, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Tim Wayne might have a special someone. Nothing is confirmed yet, but Chad Wayne (26), Tim’s adoptive father’s cousin, shared a rather interesting picture on his snapchat.
Once we got over how freaking hot Chad is looking, we noticed something in the background. Right behind Chad, we can barely see someone that looks exactly like Tim Wayne fast asleep on the shoulder of a real heartthrob. Our suspicions were confirmed by Chad’s caption that said “visiting the little cousins”!
It’s a well-known fact that Tim Wayne is openly bisexual, so could this be his boyfriend? Or are they just dudes being bros, unbothered by toxic masculinity? Only time will tell.
spoiler alert sent a screenshot.
spoiler alert: lmao
WonderWing: … ok first I thought it was funny but now I’m concerned
WonderWing: do I need to talk to them?
WonderWing: do I need to talk our dad???
send me a Signal: scratch that what is this openly bisexual business?
send me a Signal: I mean we know hes bi but hes not that vocal bout it?
spoiler alert: lmao tell em dick
WonderWing: lololol when he was like 12 there were rumors that Jack Drake’s son was gay right?
WonderWing: high society trashy gossip
WonderWing: around the same time his mom thought it was a good idea to let him be interviewed for this random magazine
WonderWing: they mentioned the rumors prolly because they wanted him to like say something motivational about bullying or wtv
send me a Signal: i think i know where this is going
send me a Signal: what did he say?
spoiler alert: i like my men how i like my women
send me a Signal: of course he did
spoiler alert: yeah and he wasnt out to his parnts yet so that part is less fun
send me a Signal: oof
In the hood: are you kidding me? Tim came out to the whole world because he couldn’t stop himself from making a dumb bi joke? Why can’t he stay in the closet like the rest of us?
Boss A$$ Bat: Bi rights
WonderWing: steph did you change cass nickname again
spoiler alert: ye
Boss A$$ Bat: I like it (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
send me a Signal: wait tims too quiet where is he
in the Hood: Steph took away his phone because he kept trying to book a flight to Smallville to become a farmer.
send me a Signal: of course. why wouldnt he.
Chad apologizes profusely for not noticing Tim and Jason were on that shot, but thankfully he does it over the phone so Tim can hang up halfway through his heartfelt apology.
The kids that still live in the manor aren't so lucky.
Tim gets a stream of facetimes from Duke, Cass and even Damian. Apparently Chad won't stop asking Cass to speak up, because she can, why bother with this weird sign stuff? (Cass stops Duke from hitting him.) He insists on asking Damian to play football with him until Damian knocked him out with a ball to the face. Bruce forced Damian to pretend he dislocated his shoulder on the stunt to prevent further invitations. Even though Duke is, by all means, perfect, Chad keeps stalking him and asking about his opinions on his siblings and if he thinks Bruce is doing the best job on raising them. The answers never satisfy him and he keeps asking as though he thinks the boy will change his mind if caught by surprise. Duke starts using his powers to jump out of the window whenever Chad is about to walk into the room until he lands on Alfred's roses. The fact that the butler isn't mad, just disappointed causes Duke to stop his daring escapes.
Bruce, despite his cool facade, isn't much better. He now has to keep his public persona at home too and, when it isn't driving him insane, he is being annoyed by his children exchanging weird looks and holding back giggles while he plays the himbo part.
Long story short, Chad is making a few days feel like torturing years.
The breaking point is the day Tim walks into his living room only to find Steph and Damian sitting on the couch facing each other while she dutifully paints his nails black.
“What is happening?” Tim asks. “Did I fall into a parallel Earth?”
“Tt, do not concern yourself with us, Drake. I’m here for Brown, not for you.”
Steph smirks at him.
“What the- Okay, first of all this apartment is mine and Jason’s. Steph doesn’t live here. Sometimes. Second… Since when do you get along with Steph?”
“I tolerate her.”
“What the hell? That’s like I love you in Gremlin language! Since when did you get Damian?”
Her smirk widens and Tim more or less expects her to do a little victory dance. “I don’t know what to tell you, man. I’m just irresistible.”
“Hm.” Tim turns to Damian. “Chad drove you out of the house and Bruce didn’t let you go to Dick's place in Bludhaven, right?”
“Father says I cannot miss school.”
“Great. If you’re going to become our second unofficial roommate, please stay away from Jason’s pots. He says he has a system and he's a nightmare when we mess with them.”
“I would never spend more time than necessary in your disgusting nest.”
“You’re literally on my couch! Letting my best friend paint your nails! You freaking pest!”
And Damian isn’t the only one.
Cass used to come over regularly, but the frequency of her visits increases dramatically now that Chad is staying at the manor. She isn’t bad to be around, though, as she mostly keeps training in the basement or napping on the couch that Steph is more than happy to share with her. When Tim asks why she doesn’t simply stay in the Batcave, Cass tells him Bruce is keeping their time at the cave to a minimum because Chad noticed sometimes they vanish even if all cars were in the garage.
Chad is also painfully public. He’s constantly tweeting and updating his Instagram and making sure everyone and their mother knows what he’s doing, who’s with him and where they are. That makes it difficult to kick him out without drawing attention. Gotham's elite is a nest of gossip and intrigue and people ought to ask uncomfortable questions if a rich guy sends a rich relative away for seemingly no reason. Bruce might be the most private person in the world, but Brucie Wayne is supposed to be a fun-loving man.
Cass convinces Tim not to make much fun of Bruce, because apparently, after Chad posted a picture of him and Bruce trying to bake and Brucie is wearing an apron that says “Kiss the Bat!”, Superman himself called him only to laugh for ten minutes. Tim Supposes that’s punishment enough.
When Duke is the one seeking shelter, it isn’t as fun. As much as Tim likes the guy, he’s a chronic worrier in a completely different way of Tim. He wants to make sure they're all living healthy lives and eating properly and, for some reason, whether Steph and Jason are bullying Tim. He question things such as the fact that Steph is ruining her back on the couch, Tim’s habit of leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight and the lack of the right brands of food, whatever that means. Tim gets tired of it pretty fast, but he also finds that being unnecessarilly dark is a efficient way to get Duke to shut up.
“So Steph basically moved in, huh?”
“Do you guys share the rent or…?”
“I own the building, Duke.”
“Right. So she doesn’t pay any bills.”
“She kills bugs for us sometimes. She buys candy, too.”
"Does Jason pay bills?"
"He does. We split it evenly between the two of us."
"Huh. Where does he get any money?"
"Don't know. Don't care."
"Is Bruce okay with that?"
"If Bruce wanted to have a say in my life he shouldn't have died and forced me to get emancipated."
"... Tim, I love you so much, man, but sometimes it's hard to be your brother."
"I know, Duke. I love you too, Duke."
One night, he comes back from patrol and he finds all of his siblings literally camping in the living room. Someone even built a pillow fort by tying a preposterous amount of blankets to the porch door and the TV stand. Too tired to care, Tim turns to his room.
“Good night, Jay. Good night, Steph. Good night, parasites that do not live here.”
“You take back those words on this instant, Drake,” Damian hisses, but fortunately someone (Steph) tucked him too tightly into his sleeping bag, so there’s nothing he can do but wiggle around like an angry worm.
“Why are we parasites?” Duke asks from his air mattress. “I’ve done the dishes. That’s more than what Steph does.”
“Good night, Tim,” Cass says from… somewhere. They know she found a place to sleep. They don’t know where it is.
Tim: brus pls get rid of him
Dad: I can’t, Tim, it’d be suspicious to kick out a relative for no reason.
Tim: every1 is living at my place bc of him
Tim: even damian
Tim: do u kno how insuferable a man has to be that damian would rather spend time with jason and i
Dad: If everyone being at your place is bothering you so much, why don’t you invite Chad?
Tim: … no. ur not pushing him to me.
Dad: Chad and you are close in age, aren’t you? You could get along if you tried.
Tim: i 19! he 26!
Dad: Jason is 22 and he’s your best friend.
Tim: conner is my best friend
Tim: jason is a partner in crime at best
Dad: If you’re able to think of something to shorten Chad’s visit, I’m all ears. I admit it’s inconvenient to have him here. Otherwise, I think spending time with your siblings will do you some good.
Tim: i hate you
Dad: Alright, Tim.
Tim: … ok that was a lie and im sorry i love u bruss
Dad: I love you too, Tim.
One day, Tim goes to the kitchen for a mug of coffee and finds Barbara comfortably working on her laptop.
“...you don’t even live at the manor.”
“Hm? Oh, I’m not avoiding cousin Chad, Steph just invited me over for waffles.”
Tim just takes his coffee and leaves without saying anything else.
And then shit finally hits the fan.
Because Tim isn’t an idiot like Bruce, he didn’t make his public persona something that would be painful for him to play. As far as Gotham’s society knows, Tim Drake-Wayne is a calm and collected young man, work-driven and not too ill-mannered for a rich boy, which isn’t as different from the real Tim. Real Tim is an overworked ball of anxiety that appears to be a calm and collected young man, so no one is surprised when he doesn’t acknowledge the rumors about him and the mysterious man.
At least not until a son of a bitch with too much free time decides to ruin his brother’s life on twitter.
@earthnotflatffs101 yo don’t this dude with tim drake low key look like jason todd?
And the motherfucker even dared to repost Chad’s selfie and an old picture of a 13 year-old Jason walking alongside Bruce.
Of course the tweet goes viral.
Everyone starts talking about the eerie resemblance between Tim’s buddy and his deceased brother that he supposedly never met. Some find it tasteless that everyone is making a conspiracy theory out of an allegedly dead child, but they are quickly overpowered by the wave of old gossip being revisited. It takes one Sunday afternoon for everyone to start pointing out how weird it is that Tim Drake left the Wayne manor seemingly out of the blue and started living by himself at such a young age and how my sense it’d make for him to share a place with a brother. They notice Chad captioned the picture as "visiting the cousins" plural even if it's public knowledge that Tim Drake- Wayne lives alone. People start demanding to know who is the mystery man lending his shoulder to Tim, tagging the few Waynes with known social media in their posts and even WE corporate account.
It’s the very definition of a shit show, in Tim’s humble opinion.
Red Robin and Batgirl skip their Sunday patrol to brainstorm ideas of damage control. Damian is pacing around the kitchen as the two of them desperately try to apply an algorithm Oracle made to make sure less people will see posts about Jason Todd. There’s not a lot they can do about the fact that #IsJasonToddAlive? is trending. They’re so distressed that Damian forgets to be unpleasant.
“I see no other option,” Damian says at some point. “We should kill that man before he ruins our family any further.”
“How would killing him solve anything?” Tim groans.
“It would make me feel better.”
“His death would cause people to forget about Todd.”
“... Go on.”
“Tim, you’re not going to let Dami kill Chad.”
“Why not!”
“Because with our track record he’s going to come back with radioactive powers or some shit.”
“That would be good! He’d finally fit in with the family! As it is now, we’re becoming the freaking Kardashians with a hint conspiracy theory, Steph!”
That’s not the biggest problem, though.
The problem is that Jason doesn’t come home on that night.
Tim and Steph wait for hours after Damian finally calms down in his sleeping bag, but the sun rises and Jason’s room remains empty.
He isn’t freaking out, by any means. Jason is an adult man and he can handle himself. He used to go missing by months at a time before moving in with Tim. He must be busy doing Red Hood stuff. He could let them know he’s okay, just for shits and giggles, but it’s alright. He doesn’t owe them anything.
On the third day after #isJasonToddAlive went viral, Tim and Steph go on patrol even if it’s not their turn. It’s a spur of the moment thing, because they’re home and bored. They agree to split up and just ride around town aimlessly, see what happens and meet at the end of the night to grab waffles at that 24 hour diner Steph likes so much.  One that Jason first took her to after one particular bad night in which she failed to stop a mugger from shooting their victim.
He is just riding his bike, not paying attention to where the wheels take him. It’s just a coincidence that he ends up in Red Hood’s old territory. He hears from some loiterers that Batgirl had been seen roaming around just south from where he is. He keeps his patrol focused on the north side.
A beeping sound informs him that someone is trying to contact him. He accepts it almost right away.
“ Jason ?”
“Nope, it’s me, Timmy,” Dick’s voice answers.
He sighs. And cringes when he realizes he broke the no-real-names-when-in-uniform rule. He’s lucky it isn’t Batman calling him. “Sorry, Nightwing, I thought… Never mind. You need something?”
“No, it’s just that I just got here at the manor. I thought I’d let you know.”
“Oh. Is everything okay? I didn’t even know you were coming back.”
“Well, with this whole Jason is alive thing blowing up I thought I’d come home, help in any way I can. Reporters are driving B insane.”
“Yeah. Also… Do you know Jason’s here?”
There is a beat. Tim presses the breaks with too much force and it’s a miracle that his bike doesn’t simply throw him away with how fast he stops.
“ What? ”
Dick chuckles over the comm. “I figured he didn’t tell you. Do what you want with this information. I’m gonna help Alfred now.”
Tim doesn’t bother saying goodbye, but he’s sure Dick will forgive him. He’s already pressing the buttons on his wrist pad to contact someone else. “Batgirl? Meet me at the cave. Now.”
It takes a lot of effort to stop Steph from storming into the manor through the main entrance in full Batgirl gear. And it’s a good thing Tim managed it, because there is a literal swarm of reporters in front of the gates and Tim wonders if anything happened in the short two hours he was out patrolling.
Once they’re in the cave, they’re careful enough to change into civies. Unlike Tim, Steph doesn’t have clothes stashed there so she simply steals a sweater from Damian’s locker while Tim checks the news.
“Someone saw the mystery man that looks like Jason Todd getting into Bruce Wayne’s car two days ago, ” he tells her when she comes out of the changing room. “How did we miss that?”
“I don’t know, you’re the tech dude,” she groans. “Maybe we hid so much crap the computer started hiding it from us too.”
It’s an explanation as good as any other and the truth is unimportant now. They climb out of the cave with unusual care, checking twice to make sure no one is around to see them emerge from the secret passage. As soon as the cave entrance is hidden, they hear altered voices.
Steph reaches for Tim’s hand when they walk towards the commotion and intertwines their fingers. One could think the gesture was a request for comfort. Tim had been friends with her long enough that it was a silent plea to hold her back if she needs to fight the urge to dropkick someone.
“... can’t simply hide him forever, Brucie!” They hear Chad saying.
Then, in a deep voice that isn’t quite Bruce or quite Batman, but that is still firm and definitive:
“If you can’t agree with me, feel free to leave. But stay aware that if you do anything to expose my son to unnecessary attention, I will not take it lightly.”
They walk into the room to find a Chad that looks somewhere between mildly horrified and extremely angry. Bruce is standing against the fireplace and he is definitely using the shadow he’s casting to appear bigger and more threatening, a trick he usually only uses when he’s wearing a cowl.
“What’s going on?” Tim asks.
“Tim!” Chad turns to him. “Get your father to see reason. I’ve been telling him that this is the perfect time to tell everyone Jason is alive. He wants to… to hide him like he’s a dirty secret.”
Tim raises an eyebrow. “What does Jason think?”
“Jason doesn’t know what’s best, Tim, he’s not okay! He has a gun in your house, for crying out loud!”
For the sake of the intensity of the argument, Tim pretends not to notice the batglare he’s getting from his father and focuses on giving Chad a batglare of his own:
“So? You have a problem with my brother?”
Steph is squeezing his hand enough to hurt. He isn’t sure who’s holding who back now.
Chad takes a step back. “You people are insane. Mom was right. Trying to help you guys is useless.”
“ That’s what you’ve been trying to do?” Steph blurts.
Chad shakes his head and storms out of the room… And just like that, Chad’s gone. Gone from their lives, hopefully forever, and if not... Tim knows last year Duke learned a lot about restraining orders.
“I was wondering when you two would come pick him up,” Bruce says. “I hoped it’d take a little longer, it’s nice having him home.”
“Where is he?”
“First… what is this about a gun?”
“First of all, it was Damian’s fault for giving him our address.” Steph shrugs. “Second of all, the gun is the least dangerous thing in Jason’s room and right now I’m more dangerous than any weapon you have, so where is he ?”
They bolt out of the room and straight upstairs. Tim is so caught in the relief of the biggest source of problem being gone that he gets careless. Jason always said Tim is too quick to forgive, even if he doesn’t forget, and he guesses that is true. When he enters the library and he finds himself facing a startled Jason, he’s not angry. Mildly annoyed, for sure. Relieved that his worst paranoiac fears rooted in PTSD are proven to be untrue. Concerned by the fact that Jason looks almost small, younger, maybe because he’s wearing one of Bruce’s shirts or because his expression is so off guard.
But, most importantly, Tim isn’t holding Steph’s hand anymore.
“Jason Todd, you mOTHERFUCKER!”
“No, don’t- ”
But it’s too late. She leaps and dropkicks him and Jason screams in pain and soon the two of them are literally rolling on the floor yelling insults at each other and knocking an entire table sideways. Tim sighs.
“Say uncle! Say uncle right now, you musky bitch!”
“ It’s musty, dumbass!!”
“You’re that, too!”
He sits down in one of the comfy reading chairs and waits for them to get it all out of their system. At some point, Steph is straddling Jason’s back pulling him backwards by the nostrils and he somehow is reaching back to tickle her sides and both of their gazes meet Tim’s unimpressed glower. They stop.
“You two done?”
“She started it!”
“ Bitch- ”
“Enough already,” Tim groans. He waits until both look appropriately ashamed and get off of each other. “Steph is right, though, what the fuck, Jason?”
Jason cringes, but still tries to play it cool, as though nothing unusual happened. “The news had my face, I decided to lay low.”
“And how’s that working out for you?” Steph snaps. “It took us three whole days to find you without actively looking. Bruce found you even before.”
“Also lay low hiding from what? Us?”
Grumbling something impossible to understand, he stands and crosses his arms in a clear attempt to look tough. In the absence of his leather jacket and the presence of all of Tim’s annoyance he only looks stupid.
“Look, I freaked out, alright? Me being found out was my fault.”
“How the heck is Chad’s stupid selfie your fault?”
“Because I knew it was a bad idea, okay?” Jason snaps. “I shouldn’t have sat there and made dumb excuses, I should have told him to fuck off the moment he saw my gun. I noticed him taking the stupid pictures, but I didn’t even care that I could be in one of them, I thought it wasn’t worth waking Tim up. All these months playing house and messing around with you guys made me reckless and soft. ”
Steph retreats a step as if he had slapped her.
“Okay, Jason, I’m willing to put up with a lot of angsty bullshit from you, but… Is that really what you think of us? That we’re, we’re what, bringing you down?”
“That’s not what I said!” He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration.
“No,” Tim interrupts. “He's right.” When Steph makes to argue, he raises a hand asking her to listen. “You did grow reckless. That’s what you’re supposed to do, Jason. You’re supposed to relax and have down time and mess around with us. And if shit happens… We have each others' backs. You’d known that if you had come home, because you’d know Steph and I spent the past three days trying to cover for your stupid butt, since we knew you’d want that.”
Jason doesn’t say anything for a minute. When Steph doesn’t either, Tim continues:
“You don’t have to just survive anymore, you know? I thought you knew that when you agreed to live with us. You’re family.”
“You sound like Dick.”
“I mean, Dick was the first person that treated me like family. Maybe that’s why I was so... Hm. Never mind.”
“You’re still upset he fired you, huh?”
“No. I mean, I have been. But I know now it wasn’t personal. He was doing the best he could, even if he didn’t really understand what I needed back then. I know Dick always loved me.”
“Hm. Did you talk to him so he could apologize or did you work all that on your own and forgave him by yourself?”
“Nice try, but right now we’re talking about your issues, not mine.”
Because Steph had been awful quiet for a while - which is something highly unusual - they turn to her in question. They find her wearing her furious expression, the one that puts fear for their lives in criminals hearts, but the effect is ruined by the fact that her big eyes are pooled with tears.
“Oh shit. That’s new. I didn’t know she did that. I thought she destroyed her tear ducts when she was a kid or something. What do I do?”
She simply shakes her head. “I get you, Jay,” she says, her voice a bit wobbly. “Admitting you have something means knowing you can lose it. But is the fear of losing it worth throwing it away altogether?”
Jason pulls her into a hug. She sniffles and rubs her face on his chest, purposefully wiping her runny nose there before she hugs him back.
“I hate you so much, Jason.”
“I hate you too, Steph,” he says softly. “And, from the bottom of my heart, my bad.”
She sniffles again. “Tim, get your gay ass over here. This is a triple hug situation.”
Tim snorts and mumbles something about the fact that Dick can never find out about this or he’ll never forgive them for not including him.
He joins the triple hug nonetheless.
The trio ends up sitting on the floor, their backs resting against the table Steph and Jason knocked over. They learn that Jason had escaped to one of his old hideouts when he heard the news. He was both annoyed and creeped out to find Bruce already there waiting for him and the fucker had the gall to bring Alfred along to make sure Jason wouldn’t say no.
In exchange, they tell him Damian was offering to kill Chad on Jason’s behalf, which makes him bit moved.
“Bruce had already said everything you said, by the way,” he tells Tim. “It’s scary how you’re more like him than his own biological son.”
Tim rolls his eyes. “We said the same thing because we’re right.”
“It almost sounds like you do want me to go out and tell everyone I’m alive.”
“I mean, yeah, but that doesn’t matter.”
“Wait, what?” Steph frowns. “You want people to know Jason’s alive? Then why did you make me spend hours sitting in front of a computer hunting tweets about this glorified zombie?”
“Because if Jason’s secret goes out, it’s for us, not for him,” Tim says. “It’s a pain to be part of a public family. We’d get to go out in public without worrying about being seen and to, I don’t know, post stupid pictures online, mock old people together in Bruce’s galas, but it also means that he would have to avoid reporters and have a double life like the rest of us do.”
After Tim finishes speaking, Steph nods as if that makes sense. Jason finds himself frowning at his feet.
“I’m gonna do it.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m gonna come out as a living person. I’ll maybe even pepper in the fact I’m also queer, just to spice things up.”
“Jay, you don’t have to…”
“No, I don’t. When it was Chad’s bullshit about me having to live my best life, I wasn’t going to, but if it’s for you guys, I can do it. Steph’s right. I can’t live a half live." His smile twists into something wicked. "And I know exactly how to do it.”
Congratulations, @JasonToddWayne! Your twitter account has been successfully created.
The first and only post is a picture of a man in a leather jacket and sunglasses in the middle of a fancy lobby. Hanging upside down from the chandelier above him is no one other than Dick Grayson-Wayne holding a flashlight right behind the man’s head to simulate a bright aura. Around him, some kneeling, some standing, but all holding out their arms towards him are all of the Wayne kids, Tim, Cassandra, Duke and even Damian. If you look closely, you can see a smiling butler on the background and, further, a shadow that looks very much like Bruce Wayne facepalming.
The caption of the picture simply says: I lived, bitch.
@dgraysonman retweeted that.
@stephssss retweeted that.
@thomascommaduke retweeted that
@babsgeez retweeted that
@BruceWayne retweeted that
The thing about being part of a scandal you purposefully caused is that you get to kick back and watch the world burn around you while you wear an evil little grin on your face whenever people ask what the hell you were thinking. Tim used to get annoyed by interview requests that had nothing to do with WE and everything to do with his personal life, but for once he enjoys watching the messages piling up and eventually saying no to all of them.
Bruce makes a brief and vague declaration about his son being back from the dead, no big deal, and he expects everyone can respect his family's privacy in this delicate moment. He gives the press just enough and refuses to elaborate. Only liars give too many details and they’re not lying. Not entirely, at least.
Of course, Jason doesn’t help by posting the weirdest freaking memes to his twitter account and, whenever someone tries to get answers from his, his retorts vary widely from “I returned from the grave to wash Damian’s mouth with soap” to “I was captured by a group of murderous ninja that dipped my corpse in a cursed pool that brought me back to life”. Unfortunately, he gets verified and no man should hold so much power.
They return to their lives, Tim in his room, Jason in his and Steph on her couch. Sometimes they even meet in the kitchen to play Uno and prank call Dick - it never works, because Dick always says he’s flattered that they wanted to hear his voice, but it’s the thought behind it that counts.
They go on patrol sometimes. By this time, the public seems to have caught on that Batgirl and Red Robin are basically a duo. Sometimes the Red Hood is included in the mix. For once, Tim doesn’t mind that they know as much.
He thinks they’re heading towards more peaceful days.
Duck Robin: hey stephanie what the hell
Duck Hood: Do I even want to know
Bruise: we need our own groupchat
Duck Hood: Why is it named that?
Bruise: bc we red red and purple
Bruise: u never played duck duck bruise?
Duck Robin: its duck duck goose steph
Bruise: u and i led v different childhoods
Duck Hood left the chat
Bruise added Jason Todd to the chat
Bruise changed Jason Todd’s name to Duck Hood
Bruise: u cant escape us jay
Drake Robin: one of us! one of us! one of us!
Duck Hood: Next time either of you complain about not getting laid I’ll show you a screenshot of this conversation.
Jason, Tim and Steph are walking home. It’s still day and, even if the sun isn’t quite shining because this is still Gotham, it’s nice and warm outside. The reason they went to get groceries together is because Jason had been horrified to find out that neither Tim nor Steph knew how to pick fruit and they spent a good part of their afternoon arguing over which apple was the ripest. Tim refused to get out of the shopping cart until their groceries were paid.
It had been fun.
Steph forced them to carry all the bags, arguing that she is but a frail young woman even if Tim is pretty sure she can bench press him. The real reason is because she wants to play Pokemon Go on the walk home and that’s valid, so they carry the bags. She is one of the few people of Gotham that isn’t afraid of getting mugged, so she might as well use that privilege.
A text stops her from catching a bulbasaur right before it stops her entirely.
“Steph?” Tim calls, his brow furrowing in worry.
“It’s happening again,” she whispers.
The brothers approach her to look at her phone. They’re already familiar with this at this point, so none of them is surprised to see a headline and a picture.
Tim recognizes the outfits they wore two days ago on the day he snapped and forced them to take out the trash together, which ended a week long battle of wills. It’s also the day the biggest bag ripped open and an obscene amount of RedBull cans rolled down the curb. The picture is them watching the disaster. Steph is a pretty girl, but that picture is not doing her any favors. Her face is all scrunched up, as Gothamites tend to be on the rare occasions they see the sun, part of the ripped trash bag still in her hand. Jason has his hands on his hips looking like every bit of the mother hen he is and he is wearing crocs over socks (Tim has sworn to kill Roy Harper for corrupting his brother like that, making him think that’s an okay thing to do and say disgusting things like just try it, you annoying hipster, it’s comfy. )
“You know what? They called me a bombshell, I’m not even mad.”
“How come it’s Jason’s apartment? I’m literally the only person in this household with a dayjob!”
“First of all I'm an university student. Second, you only do actual work because you’re a sucker, you’re all trust fund babies. And that includes you, mr. Crime Lord.”
“Thank you, miss Eats All my Fucking Food.”
They resume their walk without reading the rest of the article. Tim thinks to himself that this is not too bad. Then it gets worse.
“Hey. Are those reporters?” Steph asks. “In front of our house?”
It only takes a glance to find out that she’s right. There is a small group of people hanging out near their apartment complex even though there’s no apparent reason to be there. Any decent Gothamite knows you don’t loiter for no reason, because you never know when the freaking Killer Croc is going to randomly pop out of the sewer or some crap. Those people are there with a purpose and that purpose involves a lot of them holding cameras.
“Yeah, I’m out,” Tim says.
“This is the first time I’m not involved in the news. I’m going to enjoy my immunity. You two are on your own for this one.”
He turns his back to them. Enough is enough. Sometimes you just have to draw a line in the sand, let the universe know what you’re willing to put up with on that day. Tim is not willing to deal with this. He gestures at Steph and Jason not to follow him as he stalks into the adjacent empty alley. He takes a long, deep breath and shouts at the top of his lungs:
Tim had never been better, or at least that’s what he tells himself 50 times in a row. He chose to be in denial and deny he will. He sits on the floor of his best friend’s room and takes a deep calming breath of the fresh air coming through the window. It doesn’t smell like gritty cities or nosey reporters at all.
Conner finally comes back and hands him a bowl of popcorn before taking a seat by his side. He turns on the old television in his room. Tim smiles.
“Hey, your siblings are on the news,” Conner says.
Tim glances at the phone Conner is holding. It’s a picture of Steph walking into their building carrying Jason in her arms as one would carry a toddler, one arm supporting his bottom and the other pointing threateningly at the camera. There is no doubt in Tim's mind that they’re mimicking the meme on purpose. He doesn’t bother reading the headline. He doesn’t want to know. He simply puts the phone aside and hugs Conner.
“I don’t want to go back to Gotham ever again. Let me live here, please.”
Conner laughs. “Sure, Ma’s been trying to get me to kidnap you for a while now.”
“Good. I’m going to learn farm work. I’ll bring honor to us all.”
“Sure," Conner pets his hair. "It’s been a whole day now. You already miss Jason and Stephanie, don’t you?”
“I’ll fly you back home tonight.”
“Thanks, Conner, you’re the best.”
Despite everything, there’s no place like home.
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