#me vs reusing tags
khans-kamala · 5 months
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PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS (2023-) 1.03 “We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium”
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I'm nervous about requesting this since I don't know if it's a good idea, but here goes: Reader goes camping for a weekend and decides to invite Dream to do typical camping activities (canoeing, swimming, hiking, etc) with them on one of those days. Can be pure fluff/slice of life (though I wouldn't mind a little bit of smut too).
Dream of the Endless x Reader + Destruction of the Endless x Reader
Summary: "Pardon," Dream shakes his head, "how were you two acquainted again?" Destruction and you turn to each other as you bring your chocolate marshmallows closer to the open fire. In unison, you reply, "Didi."
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral reader, camp instructor!reader kinda, unbelievably mopey!dream, puppy!destruction, fluff, jealousy, bro vs bro?, typos, etc.
A/N: HELLO MY BABY LOVE FANGIRLMARY. I AM SO HAPPY YOU CAME TO MY INBOX I DO A DANCY DANCE. I LOVE YOUR URL UR DP AND YOUR REQ SO MUCH I GIVE YOU AN EXPRESS PASS. I havent had a req like this at all i think AHHAHAHA. It's so, how you say, simple and cute which is a great thing to start with for me. n ur like me fr cos i get nervous sending asks T_T so if you're still nervous lemme hold your hand. anyway, it kind of spiraled, and I felt like adding an endless sib so i did and I HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR DESTRUCTION OK 😫 i hope you don't mind huhuhuh and hope you like it my love <3 i think i've used this gif before but its too perfect for the fic not to reuse HAHHAAH Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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You were a rainstorm and Dream was a sponge, except he didn't know it. With every opportunity he had to be around you, he took you in until he was overcome with an uncomfortable heaviness. He was leaking with grimy emotions. And he was awfully spineless.
Matthew had been croaking from his shoulder, telling him he was a ridiculously wet sponge, and that he had to pull himself together and wring himself up because he was, frankly, disgusting.
That did not bode well for the bird. But this is not about that.
It's about how the lord of dreams did get thinking that. Perhaps, he should in fact act upon these weeping urges, for it was painful to be around you yet not have you.
It was unclear who was more shocked when you suddenly invited Dream for a weekend away, Matthew or Dream himself.
And so with the thickest, greasiest, smuggest smirk, Dream accepted the invitation. He made it known that he was graciously making room in his labor-filled schedule to accommodate your request, but accommodate your request he surely would do.
For the days building to that weekend away, Dream would study all the spectacles that involved camping. He would be camping with you and you would be camping with him; it will be lovely. He visited the dreams of those who enjoyed the leisure, and those who were objectively good at it, soaking in all the things he could learn, much like the sponge he was.
You can only imagine how shocked he was to find that the precious gift of the precious free time you, in your humanly nature, prized so much, was not even a gift to him at all, it seemed. For a gift was not typically shared, not meant to be shared, much less with some 20 other people.
"HEY DREAM!" you beamed, grinning ear to ear as you raised a hand and waved at him the moment you spotted him.
You promptly jogged over and huffed through your smile, "I'm so glad you decided to come! You'll like the people here, I promise."
Dream looks at you as a toddler busts a lung out crying. He cannot find himself to smile, though you do, for a corrosive jealousy was ripping through his stomach. You begin to explain that most of the people present were from the same circles as you,and that you did most of the planning for the weekend. You reiterate that it will be fun.
And yet as your expression softened and your brows raised while you assessed his form, he could not not smile at the sight of your doe eyes.
A dark cloud thunders above him.
He begs to disagree.
"You didn't bring any bags? Any equipment... at all?" you tilt your head.
Dream places his hands behind him, "I find no need for it. After all, anything you can posses comes from nature, does it not?"
You pull your head back and chuckle, "wow, okay, nature man," you grin, "I'm glad you at least dressed for the woods. I would have told you off if you kept your trench coat on."
Dream needlessly brushes off his tank top then places his hands in the pockets of his jogging pants, "I am capable of dressing cordially to the setting."
What he was incapable of doing though, was sharing. But you already knew that. At least he thought you did.
You introduce him to many people, he nods in regard but does no more. When someone calls for your help to set up some things, Dream immediately swoops in and makes sure that he would be the one to help you as you help.
"I must say," Dream starts as he lends you a hand whilst in building some tents, "I thought that today would be a more... intimate setting."
You turn to him as you poked a stick through the fabric, "it is. This is the smallest number of people I've hosted for a weekend at this site."
Dream's eye twitches, "but I had thought," he turns to you with a stern expression, "the invitation was exclusive to me."
To be honest, you were too preoccupied with setting up to notice how serious he was about it. The moment you caught the glint in his eye, your stomach dropped. Your lips part at the grave expression etched across his face. "Uhhhh," you clear your throat, "well, I mean, you're the only person I invited, if that counts for anything."
Dream sucks in a breath as he finishes doing his side of the tent. He walks over to you and helps you with your side. He does not look at you as his hands take yours but he knows in his bones that your eyes were on him. He also knows there was a heat blossoming in your cheeks.
He mutters, "I see," he spares you a moment's glance, "then I am glad."
That didn't last long though.
The next thing he knows, he's made to sit with a group of men, all somehow bearded, laughing over the 'good ol days' over some beer in between scolding the human spawn they had with them.
After that, he was doing yoga with some mothers that were giggling over embarrassing stories, and how good looking he was in between scolding the human spawn they had with them.
And then, well, he was holding a leash of dogs who were eager to run off but not allowed to because their masters where setting up, and so they ended up barking at the human spawn they had with them.
Then, like a true omen, he heard the laugh of the prodigal.
How did he know it The Prodigal? Well, considering the earth shook beneath his sneakers and the flock of birds fled from the trees, he was certain it was him.
Normally, he'd be glad to see his little brother, but when he saw his giant frame next to your smaller one, well, let's just say everyone who was in the middle of a nap at that moment woke up from a terrible nightmare.
"Brother," Dream interjects your giggling conversation.
Dream, needless to say, was salty to see your temperate exchange. He had gone above and beyond to socialize with the people in this camp, and yet here you were with the wrong Endless.
You and Destruction turn to him mid-catching your breath. All Dream could think about was how you had your palm on Destruction's bicep.
Was the temperature dropping?
Destruction perks. He raises his hands and steps forward, "brother!"
Dream is sealed into a tight embrace and is lifted off the ground in the process. His eyes are on you as you look between him and Destuction.
"You two are brothers?" you ask in surprise.
Destruction turns to you as he sets Dream down, "we are!" He slaps Dream's back, making his body flinch to the side. The older of the two grunts where the younger one smiles, "he's my big bro!"
"Oh!" you say with wide eyes. You tilt your head, "well then that explains the odd names."
Destruction gives a hearty laugh. Dream eyes him hotly.
Destruction sighs, "I'll know to call you if I ever did you get my brother to agree to come out somewhere."
Dream grunts.
You shake your head, "I'm equally surprised to see him here, honestly. Most of the time I'm not even sure if he enjoys being around me."
He turns to you upon hearing this.
"He's a tough nut," Destruction retorts, pulling his brother into a side hug, "but he's not hard to crack."
Before Dream can even respond, his brother rakes them both over to the lake, "now, how about we go canoeing!?"
Destruction couldn't have offered a more terrible idea.
The canoe boats were not suited to carry the Endless, much less two at once.
Destruction, ever the gentleman, did not hesitate to plunge ankle deep into the lake, only to ensure that you get into the boat safely. He held your hand as you stepped in, and Dream bristled as he watched.
When his brother turned to him, offering out a hand in order to do the same for Dream, the older of the two practically seethed in annoyance.
He turned his cheek and crossed his arms.
Destruction sighed, "oh, come now, Dream. The canoe awaits!"
Dream is adamant and stays put.
Destruction presses his lips into a line and decides to get in with you.
"Come on, Dream," you urge upon seeing his pettiness, "canoeing is fun! I promise."
One of the many promises you've made thus far.
Dream lets out a breath upon hearing your voice and the yelp-turned-giggle that you release as your tiny canoe rocks because of his massive brother.
Dream holds back an eyeroll as he watches you clutch onto Destruction, as not to rock the boat further. You giggle again, as does his brother.
"Very well," Dream says, walking over to you both.
It was futile however; every attempt in joining the already crowded canoe lead to only disaster.
It was clear Dream could not join in the canoeing, at least not in the same boat.
So the two of you rowed deeper into the lake, and Dream followed after in a separate canoe all by himself. A miserable predicament.
He could hear your soft voice, droning about all the nature facts you knew. It was audible, your excitement. He could not see you, not with his physical eyes at least, but he knew your face was lit up. It always did in moments like this. Destruction listens intently as you speak, though undoubtedly, he knew most of what you were talking about already, being a nature buff himself.
He reacted with excitement accordingly. He gasped, and laughed, and inquired further in all the right moments. He made your voice lift into further enthusiasm. He made it sound so easy. And perhaps it was to him.
Dream then rowed faster, so that, finally, your rides were side by side.
Destruction talked to you about the old sprites and spirits that used to live in these parts. Dream catches how you lean in to listen to his words. His eyes practically burn when he catches the flower in your hair, the same kind of flower that was in Destruction's.
Dream felt like jumping into the canoe across him, but that would hardly put him into your good graces, so he doesn't.
Before he realizes what he is doing, Dream clears his throat then loudly speaks, cutting his brother off, "you know I am friends with the queen of the fairies."
Both you and Destruction turn to him.
Dream ceases his rowing and allows his boat to drift next to yours.
There is a long silence between the three of you.
You turn from Dream to Destruction, jaw turning slack.
Why are you looking at him?
You push your shoulders back and tilt your head, "ah..." you smile at Dream, "I see."
Dream clenches his jaw. That was not the reaction he expected. But then again, he was unsure of what he was expecting.
It's Destruction that diffuses the thickening awkwardness, "he commissioned Shakespeare to write for the queen, you know."
You pull your head back then chuckle, "ah," you smile brighter, "he did, did he?" You turn back to Dream, "and which Shakespearean work would that be?"
Dream lifts his nose, "I have inspired the bard to write a great many plays. Two of them however are specifically for me."
You lean back in laughter, clutching your chest in delight, "ah, is that so? Let me guess, is one of them A Midsummer Night's Dream?"
Dream smiles, "precisely."
You laugh louder, shaking your head, "that's seems about right. I must admit," you sigh as you level your breathing, "I haven't really read that story at all. I... don't think I have the brain power to."
"No shame in that. I personally prefer painting over plays," Destruction notes, claiming your attention once again, "I admit, my attention span is not so suited for long winding plays."
You laugh again but Dream does not enjoy it, "yeah. I don't mean to offend the dead, but I can't really understand Shakespearean at all, so. The language is too outdated for me."
Dream accidentally (intentionally) hits the side of the other canoe. He feigns ignorance for a moment but then turns to the two of you, offering a wry smile, "apologies."
He was not at all apologetic.
In the end, Dream was situated between yours and his brother's shoulders in front of the large campfire most of the people on this wretched camp trip were circled around.
The explosiveness of the day had melted into a solemn and warm nightly gathering. Everyone was doing their own thing, cooking food, passing said food around, sharing stories. There was a strong sense of community. Dream, yet, felt like he did not belong.
The nightmare king, as he was talked over by the two of you, passed the 3rd plate of pie, rhubarb this time, to the person past you, then sunk deeper into his spot.
You were oblivious to him, he thinks
You were not. You noticed he was sulky ever since the canoeing. You offered a stick of animal shaped marshmallows to Dream mid conversation with his brother. He declined and sat up straight.
"Pardon," Dream shakes his head, "how were you two acquainted again?"
Destruction and you turn to each other as you bring your chocolate marshmallows closer to the open fire. In unison, you reply, "Didi."
Ah, Death. That made sense.
"Wait," you raise a finger, turning to Dream. He immediately perks up. Finally, he has your attention.
"If you're related to Didi," you start, "then that means you're-" you point to Destruction, "related to Didi."
Destruction grins, "my big sister!"
"Ah," you smile, "being sweet must run in the family."
"I have had enough!" Dream blurts, standing from his spot. He does this so abruptly that you drop your marshies and it calls the attention of other camp goers, not that he cared at all at this point.
He fails to realize that you did very much care.
You feel the hair at the back of your neck prick as you look up at fiery Dream. He pipes, "you told me it was I that you invited, I and only I, and yet you have done nothing but speak to my brother the whole day!"
Destruction can feel the agitation radiating off you for being put in the spot like that. He raises a hand, "Dream-"
"You are not being spoken to, Destruction," he turns to his brother, "know your place."
Not that you looked, not that you wanted to, but you could feel everyone's eyes burning into your body.
Destruction raises his hands in defeat. He turns to the crowd and sees a few of them were looking on in their direction. He turns back to you then the next second decides he knows what to do. Destruction looks out to the cliff from not too far off, then with the slightest tilt of his head, it falls with a loud splash into the lake.
It effectively distracts everyone who was looking your direction and everyone who wasn't.
"WOW!" Destruction points and stands, "that was a rock falling!"
You stand as well, looking to the people moving over to see what had happened to what, but Dream's grip on your arm keeps you from following.
"Please," he mutters, making you turn to him. His face is mystical in this light. It is shadowy yet so beautiful. "Speak in earnest. I cannot take this any further. I wish to know who between us has your heart."
You are effectively winded by this talk. It came out from seemingly nowhere.
"Is it I or my brother that you want to be with," Dream mumbles lowly, making your entire body freeze.
Your breath hitches, "b-be- what?"
"Must I speak more plainly? You can only have one. I am not particularly generous, and I certainly do not like to share what is mine," he raises his hand. You hold your breath in fear of the sound of your shaky breath when he brushes his fingers against your shoulder, "what I want to be mine," he whispers. "I especially find it difficult to release something that I want-- tenfold knowing what I want could well end in the arms of one of my siblings."
Your heart was echoing in your ribcage and your eardrums at this point.
The thumping would have excited Dream had he not been so green with envy.
"Destruction is dear to me," his soft lips move ever so slightly, "but if it comes to it, I will fight for you."
You nearly choke on your breath and your spit. A fight? One between Dream and Destruction? It sounds like a primordial event. A shiver runs down your spine. You shake your head quickly, "please don't."
Dream knits his brows and shakes his head more surely than you did, "I will."
Your breath hitches, "to be honest-" you blurt, "I didn't realize you- you... liked me like that."
Dream watches as you gather your thoughts.
"You... you do pop up in the strangest places, but I chalked that to something of fate or... proximity," you give a nervous look, "and you're not very good at showing emotions... I normally convince myself that if you didn't want to be around me, then you wouldn't."
He steps forward and places his hand on your cheek. "Allow me to make myself perfectly clear then," he rubs your skin with his thumb. Your skin pricks with goodbumps.
"Think back to the first moment we met. Every moment after, all instances that you have seen me was not coincidence. That was me purposefully reaching out to you, wanting be near you, wanting to see you, wanting to hear you, wanting to be with you, wanting you."
Both his hands are on your face now. His thumbs ghosts over your lips, "I want you."
You gulp.
"Do you want me too?"
You can't speak. You cant think. You can't breathe.
He doesn't let you when he leans in and kisses you. Soon enough, he gets his answer when you grab onto his top and kiss him back.
The forest trembles beneath your feet. Neither of you notice.
There, behind a not too far off tree, Destruction watches.
Matthew, in an announcer voice: In a total 180, the Dream rizz reaches maximum capacity, and in the end, he gets what he wants.
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blur0se · 4 months
Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @coffeebanana the other day and have finally gotten around to doing this! I was given the words breath, help, unfold, smile
Breath: this one I wrote just as a way to deal with a random episode of anxiety I was having so it's super unpolished but maybe one day it'll be reused in a bigger fic that i have rattling around in my skull.
“Are-” she sobbed. “Are you okay?” “Me?” He choked out. “Im the one with a near indestructible super suit.”  She lifted a hand to touch the spot of blood on his chest. She almost seemed to breathe easier when she was able to feel that there was no wound.
help: I feel like i have posted quite a few snippets of eyes shut tight chapter 2 vs how much I've actually written but have another one anyway!
“It's nothing that won't heal. I might need a story for why I’m limping though.” Marinette groaned. “I should have been more careful! Maybe if it didn't hurt I could have helped him get out of there before he detransformed!”
Unfold: I had to dig really hard to find this but I finally found something I'm not sure when I'll get back to this one but it's Ladynoir turning an apartment that belonged to emilie into a safe house
Unfolding the piece of paper, his first thought was that her handwriting was cute. It was clear that she had struggled to write properly on his back, so it wasn’t perfect but he could still see the way all of her letters took on a rounded appearance. His second thought was that her handle ‘Ladybirdofcrtn’ wasn’t exactly winning her any points for creativity. “Not your finest work I have to say.” He grinned at her. Ladybug crossed her arms and huffed. “Do you have any idea how many variations of the word ‘Ladybug’ are already taken.”
smile: This one is from the little bit I wrote of the fic where Marinette actually gets akumatized in elation
“Shut up.” She seethed. Her expression was much sharper and angrier than anything he had ever seen on her before as she argued with Monarch. “I know what I’m doing. If you’re so impatient why don’t you come get it yourself!?” Adrien assumed he wasn’t too happy with her for not trying to use those powers on him yet.  The outline faded and she smiled at him again.
Thank you so much for the tag! I think these are a lot of fun!! I'm not going to tag anyone though because my brain can't think of words right now hahaha
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feline-insolitum · 6 months
ok so im planning my halloween costume a year ahead bc i already know its gonna be a lot of work but i have several variations im considering?? 4 for the fingerless gloves, and 2 for the wings, making for a total of 8 possible combinations
so!! i need help.
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these are the possible variations im considering im very very torn on which ones to choose between!! (sorry for low quality img btw)
wing-wise id prefer the top row (numbered 1-4) just because theyd be easy to reuse (and im gonna be putting a lot of effort into making them!!!!) but if everyone collectively agrees the bottom row (numbered 5-8) looks way way better then id be ok doing it
glove-wise doesnt matter too much (spending a small amount of money vs spending a relatively low amount of time and resources making them) so thats mostly just cosmetic for me
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tropicalfreckles · 7 months
I think one of the reasons why I don't watch that many live action shows as much as I did when I was younger vs enjoying animation (besides me being picky about writing and I enjoy reused animation tropes waaaaay more than formulaic ones in live action) is because... people are super, super weird about live action actors.
I can't go into a tag for a show or movie I like without someone writing RPF or being REAL creepy about actors (regardless of their ages as well, which BIG GAG. be fucking normal.)
It sucks cause there are still live action shows I enjoy watching, but I can't fully engage in enjoying talking about it with other people, because the live action shows I DO watch, none of my friends watch, and when I turn to the internet to enjoy it. Like I said, people are weird about actors.
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monstersinthecosmos · 5 months
Kacy! 29, 30, and 48 for the fic writer asks please and thank you ❤️
(writing asks!)
29. What’s your revision or editing process like? !!!!!! I try not to ever edit as I go because I used to be really bad about tinkering and not moving forward, so I kinda like CHARGE AHEAD and get the story done, and if I think of something I want to go back and add, I write it down for an editing note. It also helps to give me fresh eyes when it's time to edit, because if I haven't reread the WIP it kinda helps if my memory is fuzzy and I can be a little more objective.
I also don't do heavy editing because I do the big moves inside my plot outlines. It's very rare that I change my mind on something huge that I have to go back and revise. I'm just constantly using the outline to sketch the story out so when I'm actually writing, all the structural stuff basically is done right the first time. I edit for like typos and flow and stuff. So the process is something like this
Copy editing notes into my notes app on my phone so that I can full screen the story but have the notes available on the littler screen
Change the font! So that your eyes are ON ALERT and the text doesn't look the same as it's looked for weeks while you were writing!
Pick the correct MUSIC TO EDIT TO because I always have songs that are integral to the emotional core of everything I write, so I need to play them while I read/edit as a vibe check to make sure the tone is correct. I always want the reader to feel the way the music makes me feel! So editing music is really important to keep the tone!!!!!!!
JUST START REREADING AND LOOKING FOR STUFF. I am a sloppy typer so I always have a million typos. I look for typos and like, if I reuse the same word/phrase too close to each other.
I do a separate read through for smut scenes to just double check that everyone's limbs are accounted for and no positions got flipped.
I do a ctrl+f for phrases like "a little" and "for a moment" because I know I overuse them lol.
I double check my editing notes in case I forgot something in the moment.
THEN I copy it into Google Docs (I write in Scriv lol) and run the gdocs grammar check because it helps catching sloppy lil mistakes. It will overcorrect you on stylistic choices so don't let it correct everything, but it catches a lot of typos for me.
AND THEN!!!!!! I copy it into https://hemingwayapp.com/ which wiLL READ YOU FOR FILTH AND TELL YOU YOURE STUPID so do not use this tool too seriously. I also often use passive voice ON PURPOSE sometimes so SUCK IT HEMINGWAY but I like to use it to check for dense sentences and just basically skim over and see if anything looks super sloppy.
THEN I POST IT ON AO3 and read it again because I always find more typos after it's posted because the pressure of it being public gives me better vision.
AND FINALLY once it's on AO3 I also have the screen reader read it to me out loud because that lady finds some more typos LOL. Hearing it out loud catches what my eyes don't.
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
I very rarely share rough drafts! I usually make my WIPs available to Discord friends to get some cheerleading but I don't publish them. Occasionally I'll share like a WIP Wednesday passage or something if I get tagged or asked but otherwise I keep it TO MYSELF! 48. What do you look for in a beta?
bro I don't use betas lol. My mom Anne Rice told me not to let people edit my work.
Occasionally I use a beta because I need to like for a zine (like you beta'd me once for the horror Sheith zine!) but that's the only times I use one. I just want people to like, be constructive, and I want to be communicated with beforehand so that I know what they're looking for and I can tell them what type of criticism I'm willing to listen to vs. what's off limits.
I don't want to sound dramatic LOL but I had a really traumatizing experience in my first zine where I got beta'd without warning/permission, when they said they'd just be checking for typos, and I got absolutely fucking shredded. Like not a single paragraph in my whole fic was left alone, and the beta had like, rewritten sentences, rearranged sentences in the paragraph, erased stylistic choices, added exposition that I didn't write, and removed a bunch of references I had laid down throughout the story as a motif. It was genuinely like so demotivating and made me feel so fucking terrible about my writing and really fucked me up. I still haven't shared that fic on AO3 because I can't look at it without thinking I'm an incoherent fuckup. AND ALL THAT, AND LIKE ONE SINGLE COMPLIMENT LOL. Like one single thing in the whole fic that the person thought was nice. ashdkjglasdg . Lord I almost packed it in after that lol.
So anyway I don't look for betas, on principle, but if I do ask someone to beta I try to be clear like "Find typos and tell me if something didn't make sense." I don't need someone to like shave down everything that makes the story sound like me or add extra fucking sentences, like. Bro no. lol. And give me lots of compliments so I don't feel like I did a bad job because I don't want to feel like I'm being graded on my homework :(
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
13, 17, 19, and 20 for the violence ask game
You didn't specify a fandom so I'm going to hit you with several. This is your own fault.
13) worst blorboficiation
I'm not 100% sure what this means but for Arknights I'm gonna go with Amiya. It feels like people forget that she's actually a competent warrior and capable leader instead of just an uwu cute daughteru character.
For RWBY, it's Blake. The fucking writers blorbofied her, idk how you top that.
Mass Effect: Garrus Vakarian. I love Garrus too, but people love to ignore the way the first half of his character arc was "cop that thinks cops have to obey too many rules" -> "vigilante who regularly kills people"
Every remotely villainous or antagonistic character in Fate Grand Order has been shoved into the blorbo box by the fanbase by the end of whatever storyline they appear in and by the writers by the end of their next appearance.
Every person attracted to men who watches The Boys wants to fuck Soldier Boy and the Homelander far more than anyone should ever want to. I cannot enter the tag without running into Reader x fanfiction featuring one of those two.
17) there should be more of this type of fic/art
Arknights: Mlynar getting bred. Also, I would kill to see more people remember Indra exists.
RWBY: More Freezerburn, more Ladybug, more Qrowin, more Dragonslayer, more Jailbirds, more Ironqrow, more Schneewood Forest.
Ted Lasso: I am begging someone to provide me with a gifset featuring every instance wherein Roy Kent says "fuck", "fuck you", "get fucked", or any variation on this theme. I need them for reasons.
19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I've never been ashamed of anything in my life (my ego is too big for that), but I'm getting somewhat frustrated that my relationship with RWBY is starting to remind me of an ex-girlfriend who threw a coffee mug at my head. I can't drop the show until I finish Volume 9, but I don't want to finish Volume 9 because all 3 episodes I've watched so far sucked.
Also I like Ch'alter unironically despite sharing all the very valid complaints about her and what she represents for Arknights.
20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
Arknights: Pretty much everything at this point because absolutely no one on the writing team knows how to condense a narrative and wouldn't be concise about anything if you held a gun to your head. Like I'm sorry but you do not need to write a Lord of the Rings-length novel and then decide that's not enough and write a second novel between the lines of the first one just to tell a story about a horsegirl fighting capitalism in a DBZ tournament arc. You can just trim the fat and convey the information effectively. It won't kill you.
Every Arknights event or main story chapter feels like a chore to read at this point, honestly, but the worst for me so far have been the Sui events. I love the siblings, but if they never release another event designed around Being Inscrutable it will be too soon.
RWBY: Every part of Volume 4 that didn't have Yang in it except for the Qrow vs. Tyrian fight, every part of Volume 5 that didn't have Yang or Raven in it, every part of Volume 9 I have experienced so far, and Jaune's stupid fucking 4-episode bullying arc.
Bloodborne: I have replayed this game multiple times and I have never cleared a single Chalice Dungeon more than once because they all suck.
Elden Ring: I hate the insistence on reusing all the worst bosses instead of the ones that are actually fun to fight, physically traveling across the world map feels tedious at times (I wish Torrent could move just a bit faster), mounted combat sucks ass, the Mountaintops of the Giants feels like they ran out of development time because it's honestly kinda barren, fuck the Consecrated Snowfield, and a lot of the dungeons feel same-y after a while.
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choisanshine · 1 year
ATEEZ Would You Rather. NSFW Ed
Ateez would you rather. NSFW Edition
Oh shit! I did not expect this to be so long, Haru!!! But thank you @stardragongalaxy for tagging me!!!
Now *cracks knuckles and tilts head to both sides to crack neck a few times* Lets go! << same
Would you rather...
(Highlighted bold are what I would rather)
~Make out with Yeosang or dry hump Yunho? I'd dry hump the SHIT out of Yunho, you know he got them thick as thighs. BUT Yeosang is my bias wrecker so I gotta go with making out with him
~Give Mingi a lap dance or have Wooyoung do a sexy dance for you? This one was sort of hard for me. But, I think I'd rather have Wooyoung do the sexy dance because I am NOT good at it
~Tease San under the table at dinner or Jongho tease you under the table? That little shit would be really good at it AND he would know how to not get caught but could I get San to tease me instead??
~Give hickeys to Yeosang or get hickeys from Seonghwa?
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at the same time would be LOVELY. If I absolutely had to choose ONE I would go with getting hickeys from Seonghwa. But, bias vs bias wrecker sounds like a wonderful situation to be stuck in ;)
~Praise Hongjoong or receive body worship from Yunho? Oh gods you just really want me to be a sopping mess don't you?? As a sub-leaning baby, I would LOVE to receive body worship from Yunho. And he'd be WONDERFUL at it
~Blindfold Mingi or be blindfolded by San? Yeah 100% would be blindfolded by San. He'd be devious and sinister and it would be absolutely delicious
~Choke Yeosang or be choked by Jongho?
"I rather be choked then Choke someone. I also trust he’d be one of the few members to have control over the pressure he’d give to make it pleasurable." -Haru I agree with this. But I would love to have an angry Yeosang choke me within an inch of my life so 🙃
~Pull Hongjoong’s hair or Yunho pull your hair? Ahh...neither are my bias, but I prefer to have my hair pulled
~Tie up Wooyoung or Jongho tie you up? Oh 100% have Jongho tie me up, then just....ignore me. Please. Go about his day as if I'm not there begging him to touch me. He'd be pretty good at ignoring me, but eventually would probably use a gag to keep me quiet. But, seeing Wooyoung all tied up and well spent would also be lovely
~Beg for Seonghwa or Mingi beg for you? Oh yes.....I'd beg so good for Seonghwa. I'm not much of a dom, but it'd also be really nice seeing Mingi beg for me
~Ride Jongho’s thigh or sit on San’s face? Oh fuck....can I reuse the "Both" gif?!? Both please!!!! Jongho's thighs are 🤤 but San's tongue is a gift from the gods so
~Dirty talk with Seonghwa or Mingi? I feel like both would get sort of embarrassed, but I think in the right mood Seonghwa could give even better than he takes and would turn me into a wet, begging mess all too quickly
~Spank Wooyoung or Hongjoong? Sorry this one is going to be a neither from me. I would rather see Wooyoung being spanked though. Maybe by Hongjoong
~Get spanked by Jongho or Yunho? Oh absolutely spanked by Jongho. He would turn my ass red as a fucking cherry. I love it
~Deny San his orgasm or Seonghwa deny you yours? I think I like the idea of both. But once again as a sub leaning person, orgasm denial is something that would get me even more subby
~Have Yeosang as a master or Hongjoong as a pet? UGH just take me now!!! I'd prefer to be the pet in this situation 🤤 please let Yeosang dominate and humiliate me to the edge of my life
~Touch yourself and make Yunho watch or Mingi touch himself and make you watch? I think if this was more as a punishment for myself? Like Yunho is the one in control of the situation.
~Call Hongjoong ‘daddy’ or Seonghwa call you ‘mommy’? I'll call any of them "daddy". Although I'd probably call Seonghwa "oppa" instead even if I am older
~Receive aftercare from San or give aftercare to Wooyoung? Maybe because I am aromantic, but I'm not big into aftercare? But I'd prefer to receive rather than give
~Skype sex with Hongjoong or phone sex with Yeosang? Okay, I WANT to agree about the "being able to see your partner" BUT Yeosang's fucking voice does more to me, especially if he drops it down an octave 😩 I'd be putty in that man's hands
~One night stand with Mingi or friends with benefits with Wooyoung? Woo would get too attached, sorry baby boy!!! I'd rather just be friends with Woo and have a ons with Mingi
~Studio sex with Hongjoong or practice room sex with Yunho? Ah see....the dance floor is NASTY and I would not want my ass touching that floor
~Receive nudes from Seonghwa or a sexy video from San? UGH I WANT BOTH!!!!!! But, I think San sending a sexy video would be...more fulfilling if you know what I mean
~Cowgirl position with Jongho or doggystyle position with Yeosang? Both are good!!!! But one of my absolute favorite things is when we are in doggystyle and he pulls me up by my hair so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
~Hot tub sex with Mingi or shower sex with Yunho? Yunho is far more of a dom than Mingi, although shower sex can be dangerous BUT also hot tubs are also disgusting
~Seonghwa cum in your mouth or Wooyoung cum on your face? I am ONLY choosing Seonghwa because he's my bias. But both of these are disgusting and I would not like either
~Jongho cum on your thighs or Hongjoong cum on your stomach? Okay this I can actually deal with. I'm okay with either, but as I see Jongho as more of a bias than Hongjoong, that's why I am leaning towards that one. Plus Jongho is a THICC man
~Car sex with San or sex under the stars with Yeosang? Ugh sex under the stars sounds so romantic and if it was in a room with a glass ceiling that would be AMAZING however if it's outside: HARD pass BUT frantic car sex with San would be so hot
~Take Mingi’s virginity or Yunho take yours? I'd prefer to be with someone more experienced. BUT Mingi would just be the loveliest while taking his virginity 🥺
~Library sex with Wooyoung or movie theater handjob with Yeosang? Look, if you've ever been in a library, most of them are actually set up to make having sex very difficult. However, movie theaters are dark and less frequently populated. Please Yeosang is my bias wrecker so...
~Lazy morning sex with Yunho or late night sex with Jongho? Lazy morning sex just kind of implies sweetness and romance. But late night sex is secret and dirty and heavy
~Wear a collar for Seonghwa or San wear a collar for you? 100% wear a collar for Seonghwa. I'd also wear a collar for San. I'd wear the collar Seonghwa gave me for San. I am a simp for both of them
~Rough sex with Hongjoong or romantic sex with Jongho? ;D aromantic here!!! demiromantic? greyromantic? idk I'm not into the sweet stuff
~Receive anal from Seonghwa or give anal to Mingi? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ apparently I like the butt stuff
~Suck on Yunho’s fingers or San suck on your fingers? Gods his hands are so fucking large, be getting drool everywhere. Have him demand that I ask for what I want but won't give it to me until I ask clearly never once taking his fingers out....oof
~Wall sex with Jongho or mirror sex with Wooyoung? I'll choose wall sex because I am not Woo-biased but also I am pretty insecure and while the idea of mirror sex is hot as fuck, I think in practice I wouldn't like it. But wall sex is ALWAYS good, especially if someone is on the other side of the wall ;)
~Hongjoong finger you or give Yeosang a handjob? Finger banging is wonderful. I would prefer Yeosang over Joong though sorry not sorry
~Overstimulate Mingi or be overstimulated by Wooyoung? Overstim me all fucking day long. Turn me into a whining, sobbing mess. I think it'd be more fun if someone was directing Woo to do it though
~Woosan threesome or Seongjoong threesome? UGH both would be great!!!! But I think having San as a hard dom with a bratty sub Woo would be an amazing dynamic. BUT my ideal threesome would be hard dom San with a degradation kink and soft dom Seonghwa with a praise kink (giving for both) and just absolutely wrecking my entire life :D
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cheese-water · 10 months
hi im sorry I just need to ramble gen loss crap somewhere this s relating to the pole you did I really don’t wanna ramble literal paragraphs in tags:
The dehumanization of content creator by both corporations and fans alike: Lets me honest this is just kind a the surface metaphorical meaning of it all im pretty its been confirmed if not I dont think I need to explain why.
How when our perception of reality is manipulated, our choices mean nothing: tbh this is kinda correct in a way?? Because it all ends in Ranboo dying right? Like let’s if he refuses to do the activities in ep 2 like he’s just gonna die yknow? Like the more you think about it our own choices didn’t really matter they all lead up to the ending scene of rans death. What if we chose live? Something tells me showfall would just erase his memory and reuse them and then the cycle could repeat until inevitable death.
One of many attempts to escape the facility that always ends in death: Kinda what i js said but like: Also it would be extremely hard for Ranboo in any way to escape. Primarily bc mind control. But let’s say that doesn’t apply. Try to escape the mall? Let’s be real the doors are gonna be jammed and there’s showfall people everywhere they’re probably just gonna inject Ranboo with something. Tries to prove to the cameras he being held hostage by showfall? In a ‘real world’ situation Is anyone gonna believe him? They might just think he’s acting. At some point showfall is js gonna get bored of dealing with them and just off him.
also did you see sneeg trying to escape-
The sanitization of today's media to better cater to and profit off of children: I could see this because it is also a VERY common thing in the world with like family channels, child beauty pageants, and what is more similar to genloss’s implementation of this: Ranboo blew up when he was 17! Tommy and Tubbo 16! They were literal minors! They were kids! It was and still is disgusting how much sexual content was produced of them when they were CHILDREN. There are endless examples of this: hundreds, if not THOUSANDS or articles made about an ‘offensive comment’ that was literally just taken out of context, tiktoks and threads saying THAT THEY SHOULD GROW UP?? they are kids!
honestly unsure what the cannon ages of the genloss characters are but if were going by irl ages Ranboo is still 19! Honestly more rambling about how kinda sad this is like, bro is 19 he is literally getting doxxed, death threats, and still creating genloss! Like their 19 and made a work that was considered for an Emmy! (Also being the only not virtual reality work)
The favorable interpretation of events we're supposed to believe vs. the truth: A LOT of ep 2 how they par-take in these games with seem innocent at first, just playing some mouse trap, introducing yourself, etc. but they are literally being held a gunpoint. The scene where Ranboo rips open Charlie it just seems like a comedic scene but for a few seconds the slime is blood. Ranboo is being forced to rip open Charlie simply to survive himself. The puzzler straight up shoots Niki TWICE and the audience(LITERALLY US LOL) feel bad, but a lot people find it funny(kinda is tho- low key loved that scene) obviously Niki is alive so its funnier but what if she actually died?
here’s more of my ramble on genloss meanings and stuff
I just the horrible effects of social media. hate from just being yourself, hate for being ‘fake’/ a ‘catfish’, hate for having fun, hate for not enjoying yourself and people telling you should be grateful. To the point where instead of being yourself you force yourself to shape into this emotionless mold just to appeal to the internet. You could try to ask for help(ranboo spelling sos in Morse code w hand),but your to far gone “you already bought a ticket and there’s no turning back now” I know this isn’t the most accurate but it’s literally 4am lol
Social Media|Showfall Media ya see it?
Srry for the such unorganized thoughts and crap im a dying autistic. -☁︎🪷(just a name to recognize me by you never know also I’m rambling more here about random shit-)
I’ve been trying to think of a response to this ask for a solid five minutes but I just can’t. I just, I’m so so so happy right now. Like, literally smiling ear to ear. You have no idea how happy this makes me. :DDDDD
I adore analyzing media to pieces but with genloss specifically, I also enjoy understanding all of the different influences and interpretations from the audience. Normally, once I find an interpretation I like (either created by me, the most popular, or simply the first one I see) I stick with it, hard. All future thoughts about that media run through the certain interpretation filter only, which isn’t y’know the most open mindset I’ll admit lmao. I think what was different about genloss was a combination of me being a genlosser from the very beginning, being share my theories publicly for the first time, and probably the biggest reason, I didn’t believe the most popular interpretation.
I’ve always been an OUR CHOICE DOESNT MATTER believer since the beginning and could never get on the content creator exploitation train before it left the station. So I guess it gave me a different perspective in regards to reading and sharing analysis posts. Somehow both more critical and more understanding, like I could tell you how the dehumanizing cc theory only applies to eps 2 and 3, while acknowledging that the end of ep 3 literally had a choice that supposedly did matter so who tf cares we’re all having fun. And then I wondered if the cc interpretation was the most popular one and now we’re here.
And so far, it turns out that yeah it very much is lol. But all the notes going into detail about why they believe what they believe just gave me so much more insight and appreciation for the theory. Not just that one but all other interpretations, timeloops, capitalism allegories, your social media parallels just to name a few, have grown a special place in my heart in a way that hasn’t happened to me before genloss. Idk it’s just very cool and I love hearing ‘em all.
Also so I can be told very obvious things I haven’t noticed before. Like how am I just now understanding Social Media -> Showfall Media pfffff
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134340am · 2 years
Hello. This statement is made with regards to rumours and accusations that I copied another writer’s Osamu series in my own series, you look like a dream i never want to wake up from.
To start off, I would like to state that any and all accusations are untrue. I will be explaining why in this post and showing pictorial evidence—so warning that this post will be a little picture heavy. Please read everything till the end. 
For further understanding of the true inspiration behind my series, I highly recommend that you read this answered ask here. 
I believe most of the accusations stem from this line in my series masterlist, highlighted in yellow below. However, I’d like to draw your attention to the line right after it, underlined in red:
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The only reason why I included the #best friends to lovers tag is because Osamu and reader do go from friends to lovers (not even best friends in this part) in the first part of my series, titled ONE — THE CONFESSION. The title should already give you an idea of Osamu and reader’s relationship. Please find below the lines that prove how they established their relationship in this part (highlighted in yellow):
(i) Osamu confesses and pops the question:
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(ii) Osamu asks again if reader has agreed to his confession, reader agrees (highlighted in yellow). Note that Osamu is now referred to as reader’s “lover” (underlined in red).
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In the next three parts listed below, Osamu and reader are in an established relationship. I’ve extracted lines from each part proving their established relationship (highlighted in yellow):
TWO — BEST FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS Please note that the title is NOT indicative of Osamu and reader’s relationship status, but rather, is based on an inside joke that Osamu and reader have in the drabble. The inside joke of being best friends with benefits (underlined in red) is intended to tie back to the anonymous ask I posted the drabble under (see picture ii).
(i) Reader states that they are dating Osamu (highlighted in yellow):
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(ii) Anon’s ask that inspired the best friends with benefits inside joke:
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In parts THREE — …SO THE BUNSEN BURNER and FOUR — WHEN I THINK OF YOU, THE SUN SHINES (AND I THROW AWAY MY SORROW), Osamu is continuously referred to as reader’s “boyfriend”, “lover”, and “partner”. To avoid making this post too long, I’ll only add one screenshot—kindly use cmd+F or ctrl+F on the bolded keywords above if you would like to double check.
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As for the other writer, their series focuses on the process of Osamu and reader going from childhood friends/best friends to lovers—which is vastly different from how Osamu and reader are already in an established relationship for most of my series. There is also a significant difference in the POV (Reader vs. Osamu), overall feel (fluffy & nostalgic vs. pining & bittersweet), and universe (high school vs. post-timeskip) in which both our series are set in, despite them featuring the same character.
A general disclaimer that tropes and themes will always be endlessly recycled and reused in fanfiction, in film, and in any other kind of media format you can think of. If you search up best friends to lovers on AO3, it has 21k fics—and that’s just AO3. Before you accuse someone of copying another, I sincerely hope you can keep this idea and its implications in mind. 
Lastly, if there were any other similarities I didn’t catch, you can bring them up to me. I am open to discuss this matter and further clarify anything if need be, but the least I can ask you to do before then is 1) Please read both of our series closely and make your own comparisons and conclusions, instead of relying on rumours or hearsay, and 2) Please don’t send me or the other writer any hate. My ask box is open but anon is turned off—people have been abusing the anon function instead of sending in anything constructive that can help me better understand the situation. If you have a legitimate concern or question that you want to raise in a mature and non-confrontational manner, I believe you can do it off-anon. 
Deep down in my heart, I know that I’ve done nothing wrong and that I haven’t copied anybody. But I also acknowledge that whether or not you believe me is beyond my control—if you do, thank you, if you don’t, I’m sorry. 
Thank you for reading.
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titconao3 · 2 years
13, 19, 40 - for the writer/fanfic ask :)
For this set of questions ^_^
13. What is your planning process? Eeeerrrr. i'm more of a... plantser, i think is the technical term ;-) i know the general idea and end point, but little details that turn into bigger plot points happen as i write, so i can't really plan much - it's the writing itself that will give me the meat. When i start off, i only have the general stick figure of the story, as seen from afar in the dark without wearing glasses ;-)
This is also why i write linearly: one little thing, a little detail (idk, the colour of char A's socks) will come up again and become #meaningfulTM later, and i can't foresee that early on in the process. Planning stuff would be pointless, because the story grows organically and will ignore what i plan anyway (it's a big reason why i dislike detailed scenario prompts: i think my brain chugs in the background and suddenly pops an idea at me on the page all by itself, but i'm not conscious of it until the words are Right There in front of my eyes; if i have to follow something another brain plotted, then mine just freezes and sulks and whines "what's the poinnnnnnt" ;-) Okay, yeah, sure, i do go back and add sock colour later on to tighten a plot point/foreshadow etc, but the idea is that a tiny word-butterfly will create big word-storms later on :D This is also why i don't post WIPs: something that comes up may need me to edit previous bits.
If i have extra notes, ideas, scene outlines, mid-way beats to hit, or bits of dialogue for a later part, i just jot it all down at the bottom of my document (i write in a word processor that's synced with an online drive, no fancy Writing Software For Fancy Writers for me. i'm basic ;-). i don't write out the entire scene / dialogue in advance, because it would be futile; by the time i get there i'd need to rewrite most of it anyway. And i might get bored and not feel like connecting the prewritten bits ;-) especially if it means rewriting everything as i go because it doesn't fit as well as it would if it had flown more organically from one part to another. (i've tried it, and it's not for me; it works for others!)
19. Dead or overused tropes? Oh my, there is no such thing as a dead or overused trope :D it's all about what you do with it! Play it straight, have a coffee shop AU but IN SPACE, take a common fanon characterization and twist it just so... i'll even sometimes take tropes i don't really like just to see how i can do them in a way i can stomach (one day, one day, i'll do a Soulmates AU. i find the premise a bit creepy when it's played twu wuv 4realz, but one day i'll play with that). (no shade on Soulmates AU lovers; kink tomato and all that!)
It's not like storytelling hasn't been using and reusing Coming Of Age, Revenge, Hero vs Fate, Fuck You God(s), etc patterns since, uh, forever. It's not the fact they're used that makes something enjoyable or not. *slaps Star Wars' hood* this baby can fit so many tropes in there! (This example is Just For You, Beguile, because i'm not much into SW ;-)
And, look. You'll have to pry hurt/comfort and whump from my cold dead hands ;-)
The only times i find something (trope, pattern... call it what you will) overused are when i see the themes, rhythms, expressions, words, obsessions that come up again and again in my own work. i see them only too well, and i fight them, and they always win in the end. They probably say too much about me, too! And then i angst about being predictable (@vulnerasanenturmyprince KEN FOLLET), boring, etc. (And then i go read fics that hit the buttons i want hit again and again)
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic? Uh, rituals... it's usually fretting around the title, tags, and summary ;-) i rarely have the title early on, and i think for the summary it's happened... once? (out of, as of the time of answering this, over 160 published fics). No special underwear or whatnot for me. And fretting about how it's The Worst Fic Ever and how i Can't Write Anymore and Should Just Stop but i just need to chuck it on the good ole AO3 so i stop tinkering and quite possibly making it worse.
i try not to worry about feedback because it's pointless, which means i worry about feedback - by which i don't mean Comment Or Else, but that i write and publish (and organize events) to be part of the fandom community and squee with my fellow fen: as my AO3 profile says, to me, fandom is connection!
Thank you, @beguilewritesstuff :-)
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
Unofficial Springtrap vs. Scraptrap Poll Update: the Scraptrap Sweep tag has already gotten a resurgence. Only one reblog has reused it so far, but it does make me happy to see it again. :D
Also, I might write a quick drabble about this. Stay tuned.
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot about this ask and how it pertains to stucky. As I understand, the gist of it is there are certain tropes and storylines that Hollywood has declared to be Romantic (for heterosexual couples only), and even if two same sex characters follow the same tropes and story beats, Hollywood will not recognize them as romantic, because they're blind (willfully or otherwise) to anything other than heterosexual romance. That is, heterosexual romance is always presumed/a given, and people reading queer subtext are looked at with a surprised Pikachu face. (I also liked your analysis of Wuxia platonic same sex soulmate tropes vs heterosexual romance.)
And to an extent I can see that for stucky. Like you pointed out in the tags, they probably wanted to show Steve metamorphizing into a beautiful butterfly to win Peggy's affection and admiration. Bucky in the bar scene was supposed to be the jealous best friend (jealous that Steve was getting the action he always took for granted).
But it... doesn't work? For a steggy romance to work, she shouldn't look at him any differently before or after the serum-- she should value him for what's inside, not what's outside. (Or is this me not understanding heterosexual male writers again? Do guys really want a woman who finds them attractive only after they get swole? Then they're viewing their romantic partners as trophies, and not as real people lol.) And I don't know about you, but I never saw her look at Steve preserum the way she looked at him postserum. For steggy to work romantically, she should have looked at him postserum with concern for his wellbeing (given how much he screamed and the very real risk of his death during the procedure), not with desire.
(Contrast this with Bucky looking at Steve like "wtf" while Steve was helping him off the table-- more bewildered than impressed. And immediately followed up with questions about Steve's well-being. For Hollywood, this is "just" a good platonic friendship, but for me, this is a genuine show of love-- platonic or otherwise 🙄)
And it also doesn't take into account decisions such as having the Howlies sing "There is a Tavern in the Town," which can only apply to Bucky (looking resignedly between Peggy and Steve) in the bar scene, or playing "It's Been a Long Long Time" right before Bucky crashes back into Steve's life, both of which are overtly romantic songs. I understand that for the casual viewer, these songs will fly over their heads and not be thought of again, but I really think that someone somewhere working on these movies had to have chosen these songs knowing how they would come across. They can't be that obtuse! Heck, they reused It's Been a Long Long Time in Endgame for the steggy dance 🙄 and this time, it was blatantly meant to be romantic.
Even Marcus and McFeely acknowledge that stucky has all the hallmarks of a romance. There's a quote that they wrote for the Captain America comics that's been blogged about a lot--
No adventure is complete without a love story. And, yes, these books have one — the longest, most tortured one in Marvel history, in fact. We're talking about Steve and Bucky, without smirking or innuendo or raised eyebrows. Platonic though the relationship may be, from the meet cute to the tragic separation, their bond has all the elements of a classic romance. These two men love each other — as any pair of friends who faced exclusion, combat, inhumanity, and death would. Their bond stretches across half of the twentieth century. [...] Just as Jeph and Tim's earlier Daredevil: Yellow, Spider-Man: Blue, and Hulk: Gray all dealt with the major love interests in the heroes' lives, so too does Captain America: White. Steve and Bucky are each other's soulmate, if you will, because no one on Earth understands what either of them has been through as well as the other does.
They acknowledge it!! Even while beating it over our heads that their bond is platonic, they acknowledge the romantic beats. And call them soulmates. If it's true in the comics, I feel it's doubly true in the MCU.
I guess my point is, I don't think that they were trying to queerbait, because yes I do think there is some Hollywood blindness to queer subtext at play and also blindness to how genuine love between two characters can be read as romantic (as opposed to just love won as a trophy), but I also don't think they're as oblivious and blind as some people say. Or maybe they are!
They certainly weren't blind after #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend or with Civil War and Endgame. I believe that the complete lack of resolution between those two and their final separation was, among other things, meant to prove once and for all that they weren't gay, and it really speaks to the homophobia and conservatism of the people who own their characters.
(I also have thoughts on how the Russos chose to make Bucky Steve's most important relationship in CATWS. As opposed to Steve having the dream sequence where Bucky and the Howlies say we're with you til the end of the line, they chose to have only Bucky say it to Steve on the day of his mother's funeral, when he was feeling his lowest, and offer him a home together. And they chose to have Steve repeat it to Bucky to break through 70 years of brainwashing-- longer than either of them knew each other, three times as long as their lives together before they were brutally separated. Of course this can be read as platonic, but they weren't just acquaintances-- they were family, the only two people in the world that understood what the other went through. They chose to do that! If they had kept Bucky and the Howlies, they could have reduced the intensity of Steve and Bucky's relationship, but they decided that it had to be more intense.
I don't know where I'm going with this, I just felt like venting lol)
OKAY there is WAY too much to unpack in that particular post so I'm just going to rehash their points, which I generally agree with:
There is a particular group of people who either make up MCU's writers or are the audience that the MCU is trying to target
Romance, in the contemporary sense of developing a relationship (often with warmth and wonder) between love interests, is not the intent.
Courtship (as opposed to romance) is a competition, and the object of ardour is a trophy to be won.
Partnership is the space for emotional intimacy, where they are allowed trust, maturation, vulnerability and loyalty.
Courtship does not require emotional poignancy because the goal is to bed someone (look I'm being extremely dudebro about this)
Obtaining the person they desire (i.e. courtship) does not lead them to a partnership with that person; however, a strong partnership may lead them towards obtaining their "professional" goal (i.e. the other goal apart from appeasing their loins).
Writers are aware that romantic tropes are effective narrative tools to build emotional connection and poignancy, and they will employ those tools in their stories.
However, when those tools are employed in building a partnership, the writers either willfully or negligently overlook the unmistakable romantic subtext that is now written into that partnership.
Even with awareness of the tropes, they (the writers and the target audience) default to seeing this partnership as purely professional, utterly familial, completely brotherly, despite its emotional intensity being above every other relationship. Soulmates, but platonic.
The existence of partnership and courtship is to satisfy the virility quota in this piece of dudebro media.
A different group of audience perceives courtship = emotional intimacy = partnership. For these people, courtship should lead to partnership, and this is the group that will recognise the romantic subtext in the partnership because that's the desirable outcome.
This is all heteronormativity, misogyny and toxic masculinity rolled into one giant ugly ball, but I'm not going to go into it cos I want to focus on Steve-Bucky-Peggy. Feel free to drop me an ask if anyone has thoughts.
I'm going to put this under cut because a) IT'S WAY TOO LONG and b) sometimes I think deconstructing stories take away the magic and it's not for everyone (or every mood).
It consists of an audience surrogate and an object of lust/worship/pursuit. Often, the object is out of reach at the start, and the audience surrogate needs to get stronger/better/hotter/more confident in order to win them. Possibly, the audience surrogate just needs a chance to show off what they were already good at, like being a much better person than the other options. There are typically rivals for the object’s affection whom the hero must beat. The sexy lamp love interest’s feelings may be developed a bit towards the end of the plot, but they’re not usually a major focus.
This is a pretty accurate description of CATFA's plot if you took an extremely dudebro and superficial look at it. Steve is the audience surrogate, Peggy is the object of pursuit, Bucky is the rival. When Steve first meets Peggy, she's beautiful, poised, his superior, and way out of his league. She overlooks the small, awkward, unimpressive him and that is the point. He only catches her attention by dropping out of a vat with steaming abs becoming stronger/better/hotter/more confident. However, she only displays momentary interest, until he impresses her that he is much better than the other options by disobeying direct commands to go single-handedly rescue his Bucky bravely taking down a Nazi compound. There is a rival for Peggy's affection -- the Bucky we had established earlier as handsome, confident and popular with women -- and the new and improved Steve is shown to beat this rival. This is like the glow-up/transformation scene in rom-coms where the love interest can't look away and there is nothing the rival can do to snatch attention back. It's the ugly duckling trope but with a role reversal.
As for the "Tavern in the Town" scene? I know I've done meta on this (because it fits with the Stucky lens) but my non-Stucky (?pre-Stucky) reading was that the song was not reflecting Bucky's jealousy, but foreboding his impending doom.
Fare thee well, for I must leave thee, Do not let the parting grieve thee, And remember that the best of friends must part, must part Adieu, adieu, kind friends adieu, adieu, adieu, I can no longer stay with you, stay with you, I'll hang my harp on a weeping willow tree, And may the world go well with thee. Oh! dig my grave both wide and deep, wide and deep, Put tombstones at my head and feet, head and feet, And on my breast carve a turtle dove To signify I died of love.
He had just committed to following Steve when that song began to play, and this is what puts in motion the chain of events that leads him onto the train. The turtle dove signifies friendship, love and devotion, all of which are part of why he made the choice to follow Steve, and it is this very choice that will lead "the best of friends to part".
The problem is, Steve-Bucky also takes from rom-com tropes -- "from the meet cute to the tragic separation" every friggin movie thanks guys -- but it also has the added weight of emotional connection, narrative significance and moral core. (Okay I know a lot of you guys dislike Peggy but she does have lines that tie in with Steve's narrative and moral direction. Overall, though, the impact of her character on Steve's personal and narrative arc is much less direct.) When you have two competing arcs, and one has more emotional weight, i.e. actually in line with the romantic tropes it draws from, then audiences will respond to that.
Steve-Bucky's relationship is intended to be a partnership, and in the dudebro framework, partnerships are professional-oriented. What this means is that Bucky is the key to Steve achieving his "outward" goals - recognition, fame, rank, respect, proof of righteousness, etc. But when Steve's professional goals are so intimately tied with his moral core (even more than many other heroes) and his identity and his self-belief, this means that it brings in a major emotional component that is separate to the actual emotional connection of the partnership itself. (I don't know if I'm making sense or talking in circles now)
I think the creative choices you've point out about CATWS are deliberate, but only as a way to use romantic tropes to pad out (what they perceive as) a non-romantic relationship. They know the emotional punch of the movie will hinge on how well Steve and Bucky's relationship holds up. CATFA hadn't given Bucky a lot of opportunity to show his significance in Steve's life -- hence the strategically placed "end of the line" and "even when I had nothing I had Bucky" scenes. On the one hand, they are retcons, but on the other...they worked. They worked so well that we see the tragedy of their separation and the strength of their connection. So they've really overcompensated on Steve and Bucky by giving them the fate-defying shared-life-experiences and woken by a true love's vow of commitment, that in a franchise that habitually squeezed out heterosexual relationships out of much less, it's no wonder people read it as romantic.
My guess at the situation, based on various interviews and publicity over those years, is that yes, the intent of Steve and Bucky was that it's a heterosexual friendship, but the creators were cognizant of the romantic subtext. They preferred the platonic reading (as that was their intent), but they were softening to the idea that a sizeable audience was reading it as romantic. And then Disney happened.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
So, Rampage vs Smackdown
As much as I don't like to play brand warfare this was definitely a moment of anticipation for wrestling. Personally I checked both, and I enjoyed both, while I'd bank on WWE winning the ratings because Smackdown is their best TV show and Rampage is AEW's weakest TV show, I'd say Rampage just about eked out the better show
Take nothing away from Smackdown, they put on some strong to great matches in Sami vs Balor, the SD Tag street fight and Becky vs Sasha, as well as strong promos from Edge and Rollins, but AEW came out strong too with Sydal vs Punk, Fish vs Moriarty (whose new entrance theme is awesome), Tay vs Santana, Ruby vs Allie. Junior Dos Santos did well for a pro wrestling debut alongside Sky and Ethan Page against Sammy and Jericho...also Hager was there to do a table spot.
Alongside one other thing I'll gush about in a moment, Smackdown were more undone by their weak moments; another <3 minute women's match for the Queen's Crown was a shame, especially since it was 2 heels and Liv interfering on the outside having already been eliminated, Sonya did the cheap heat move on Naomi which was a mixed bag because it implies Naomi will screw Shayna out of the Queen's Crown and that WWE don't think Sonya can fight on her own, the Happy Corbin segment got a bit cringy, and the Becky/Sasha finish did let it down a bit by having a great match end with an interference so that Bianca can regain ye olde 'momentum'. Contrasted against AEW's reuse of promo packages from their Road To video in the Buy In and the usual ATT shenaniganry and it was clear Rampage's flaws were not as frequent as Smackdown's.
What cemented Rampage's victory in quality for me though was Tony Khan's ace in the hole. If you haven't watched Minoru Suzuki vs Bryan Danielson then do that now, because it's free on youtube and an absolute banger of a match. You will get everything you need to know about Minoru Suzuki from this match, as well as an excellently brutal strikefest and technical masterclass between two legends of the game. Not only was the match alone fantastic, but it opens that small possibility of what fans could see from Bryan if and when he crosses over to New Japan. It's also telling that the Forbidden Door is what gives AEW the edge in my mind, in the off chance that Rampage does outdraw Smackdown it'd be an interesting tidbit too.
But overall, some really good wrestling came out of this, and to wrestling fans that has to be the most important part
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haldenlith · 2 years
Rant triggered by that fast fashion post (or rather my mention of Victoria’s Secret): (those who’ve followed me for a while have heard this before, so feel free to tune out)
I still can’t get over how awful Victoria’s Secret was. It was a shithole. On the consumer end, you (the employee) are being harassed and treated like absolute dirt. If you’re femme presenting, you’re harassed, hit on, sometimes sexually harassed all while trying to sell overpriced lingerie made in a sweatshop, often by slave and/or child labor (they did actually get busted for that and had to pivot to using a different manufacturer). If you’re masc, you get weird looks, teased, ridiculed by homophobes...
On the corporate end, aside from the typical impossible sales and performance expectations of any corporate retail entity, there was the expectation to play into this bizarre brainwashed fantasy, where everything is high-end glitz and glam, the company is amazing, and that we weren’t some fast fashion dump of a lingerie store, but rather a haute couture lingerie boutique. I even had a manager that tried to get me to believe that everything was handmade and high quality. I knew better because I was on the team that unpacked the stock as it came in and prepped it for the sales floor. My response to that fallacy was usually a snarky, “Oh, I’m sure these are handmade -- by small children in *looks at tag* Saigon.” (I hate that my snark was actually spot on, as I mentioned further up. I didn’t even know that at the time.)
All of this for minimum wage, too. Ugh.
Then, as I said, there’s the waste. VS was terrible with waste. While marketing waste wasn’t terrible (we had price point signs and marketing we often reused), the bigger items, like the giant fanciful displays made of hat boxes and ornate decor were almost always trashed at the end of that promotion. I sniped a lot of that stuff, honestly, to repurpose.  (I haven’t succeeded on that with all of it, and I will be selling some of it off soon, as it’s some nice stuff  -- including old dressform mannequins.)
The clothing waste was despicable. Anything with even a mild popped seam or a loose button was instantly marked as “damaged.” It blew my mind, and I tried time and again to get them to let me mend things (I was a seamstress on the side), but they said it was strict company policy in order to maintain “brand integrity.” So, damaged items would be cut up and destroyed, then thrown into the garbage, including bras that were still perfectly fine, just their crime was having a gemstone that popped off or the dye job didn’t come out right. In those cases, I’d advocate for donating them to a shelter, since, well, those of us with tits who are homeless or bad off would probably appreciate a bra.
Nope. “Brand integrity.” Destroyed.
While it wasn’t necessarily the worst job I ever had, it was pretty bad, and left me feeling real slimy. Heck, that’s not even everything, that’s just the worst of it that I experienced. There’s also the transphobia at the corporate level, fat shaming, misogyny... It goes on.
So, yeah, fuck Victoria’s Secret. Don’t buy their shit. And when I say don’t buy their shit, I mean that in extension to all of their company’s stuff: PINK, Victoria’s Secret, AND Bath & Body Works (yes, they’re the same company -- that’s why you almost always see a B&BW not far from a VS/PINK store).
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knives-out20 · 3 years
Camikarl NSFW Headcanons
all under the cut! enjoy, freaks (affectionate)!
I don't think these are really headcanons because,,,, I made Camikarl. i decide whats a headcanon and whats not. So...I guess these are canons! If you want a SFW list for these two, just let me know!
First and foremost Karl is patient to find out what Camilo is okay with and not okay with, to see where they can find common ground and not go over any boundaries.
Karl and Camilo sometimes like to play a game of tag, and by tag I mean Karl chases Camilo around the factory. It's all in good fun and never out of ill intent or abusive undertones, their giggles fill the air as Camilo narrowly escapes Karl time and time again once he was able to completely understand the layout of the factory. Sometimes the thrill of the 'hunter vs prey'-esque game of chase slowly gets the two men riled up to the point where if Karl finally successfully catches Camilo, he won't just envelop Camilo in his arms or tickle him, no. He'll just fuck Camilo, right then and there, Camilo's moans and exclamations of Karl's name echoing off the factory walls as Karl takes his reward.
Back before Camilo got the gist of the factory layout, he'd call out to Karl to help him through the intercom whenever he got lost, knowing that Karl could see him exactly where he was, wherever he ended up lost. Now, sometimes Karl would be merciful and help him. But at others, Karl would be more sadistic in a sense where he'd "need to make sure you really need me, Cammie. Really are in need of my help." And what this means is he'd have Camilo close his pretty little eyes and pull off his pants far enough to be able to touch himself, Karl purring praises and orders through the intercom until Camilo came to the point of begging for Karl, whining and whimpering over how much he needed Karl but not in the same way he originally needed him.
Karl can take Camilo on anything; on the bed, on the floor, bend Camilo over tables, against the wall, it doesn't matter as long as he can have him (with Camilo's consent) and as long as it causes neither Camilo nor himself any unwanted bodily harm.
Metal bondage. Makeshift handcuffs 'n' stuff. That is all.
Camilo has a huge praise kink. While Karl's going down on him there's nothing that helps get him off more than for Karl to whisper n purr things along the lines off "you feel so good, Camilo", "good boy, just like that" and "you're taking this so well, Camilo, you're so fucking good" among other things, it practically drives him up the wall to know he's pleasing Karl at the same time as himself.
Karl is actually very careful when it comes to Camilo, being that he doesn't want to overstimulate Camilo too much nor overstep any sensory boundaries. In turn, Camilo is very practical about it and since he finds both sex and Karl fascinating, he's up for finding out every mechanic to make it feel incredibly satisfying for both Karl and himself.
Being that Camilo isn't the best at communicating some things to others, Karl has grown to be patient over time (moreso with Camilo than others) and is constant on asking for Camilo's consent to do certain things to/with him, along with asking if (during the act of intercourse) Camilo feels good, if he's doing something wrong/right, if he should do something differently, etc etc.
Karl and Camilo popped each others' cherries. If you don't know what that means, it measn they lost their virginity to each other.
Karl is really into being called 'sir' and 'daddy', which explains why Camilo calls him 'sir' from time to time in the regular oneshots. He understands that there's no real authoritarian difference between Karl and himself being that they're both Lords, though, he just goes along with it since it satisfies Karl and it doesn't do him any harm nor does it make him uncomfortable.
Heisenberg enjoys a collar around Camilo's neck, preferably with a chain leash leading to his hand but a collar without one is fine. He can tug either way.
Karl's really into biting and Camilo doesn't mind it unless, obviously, Karl bites too hard 'n' it hurts. So it's mostly just nibbles 'n' soft bites.
Karl is more of a receiver than a giver, he really enjoys it whenever Camilo's up to give him head but maybe if he's feeling generous any once in a while he'll turn the tables and give Camilo his all with some sloppy toppy. He'll just tell Camilo to sit back and relax because he's got it from here.
Teasing is a massive thing when it comes to these two, Karl loves teasing Camilo to the point of him begging for Karl to take him, wherever they are. It's music to his ears.
They have safe actions instead of safe words.
Sometimes they have quickies before meetings with the other Lords which leaves either Camilo clinging to a normal-looking Karl or him at his own seat shifting on the spot and looking dazed while Karl tries his best to fight back a wide grin at how Camilo's composed.
Not every time they fuck is all fast-paced and reckless and rough, though. At other times Camilo'll put on one of his oldies vinyls of soft love songs and they'll listen to that as Karl makes sensual love to him, slow and careful but with just as mush passion as they would if it were fast.
Karl is frequent with nicknames for Camilo during sex- he'll reuse his normal nicknames for Camilo (babe, baby, sweetheart, kitten, etc) but sometimes he'll pop in ones reserved for sex like 'pet', '(my) little bitch', often degrading but not flat-out insulting. If Camilo ever objects to a certain nickname, the word will never leave Karl's mouth again nor enter his mind to call Camilo it.
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