#max x david
roleplay-hunting · 3 months
Hello hello! I'm an 18 year old looking for someone new to RP with.
The only fandom I'm currently obsessing over is Camp Camp. I'm specifically looking for someone willing to RP Max/David, but I'll do other ships as well!
(Willing to do platonic/romantic/sexual relationships)
If you're interested, please send my discord a dm at _chaotic_energy_
Dm op on discord!
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syrups-edit-corner · 2 years
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A Maxvid (Camp Camp) moodboard with themes of Possessiveness, Comfort, and Nature in the colors blue and green
Requested by: Anon
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nicostiel · 8 months
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OFMD Season 2 + text posts
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maxcuntstappen · 5 months
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Charles Leclerc & Max Verstappen + 'Escapade' by David Levithan
F1 Web Weaves
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britany1997 · 2 months
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Five
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Well y’all, it’s been a month so you know what that means:):) Hope you enjoy the next installment in the series! I can’t wait to show y’all how this fic is going to develop even further!
Poly Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
Comment to be added to my Taglist for this fic or for all my Lost Boys fics!
FYFNO Masterlist
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California, 1986
The boys were too stunned to speak.
Until Paul abruptly broke the silence with a resounding “what the fuck.”
You pulled away from Maria’s embrace when a familiar voice shattered your moment. You sighed, pushing your frustration down and turning to glare at the blond menace.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t alone.
The same feeling you’d had when you’d met Paul a couple weeks ago surged through you once more as you met eyes with each of his friends.
The bleach blond one looked disgusted, almost angry, with his eyes narrowed and his mouth fixed into a sneer.
The curly haired one bit his gloved thumb, his eyes skittered back and forth between you, Maria, and his friends. He bounced, shifting his weight back and forth from one foot to the other, practically vibrating.
The dark haired one was unreadable. Your eyes narrowed as you took in his expression. You searched for nervousness, anger, sadness, anything. But his face revealed nothing, it was almost intriguing.
Paul looked broken. His mouth slightly agape and his eyes resembling those of a kicked puppy. Despite his pitiful appearance, you couldn’t find it in yourself to feel any remorse.
You reminded yourself that you’d always been entitled to make your own damn choices.
The little utterances of “mine” that broke through their lips meant nothing to you. You had never belonged to anyone but yourself. And you had always been your own to give.
You crossed your arms and scowled, daring them to intrude any further on your time with Maria.
You felt a hand slide along your cheek, turning your head slowly until you were faced with your lover.
“Hey,” she soothed, staring into your eyes with a slightly nervous gaze. You softened immediately.
“It’s getting late, we’re already closed, and it seems like you need to talk this out,” she said gently.
You took her soft hands in your own. “No, please don’t go,” you pleaded, “it’s them who should leave.”
When she smiled, it didn’t reach her eyes.
“We’re working the night shift together tomorrow,” she reminded you, “figure this out ok? I’ll be here.”
She leaned in to kiss your cheek, “I’ll always be here for you ok?”
“Ok,” you whispered back as you stroked her face softly, causing a blush to rise on her cheeks.
Paul cleared his throat loudly and you shot him a glare that would have peeled paint.
Maria’s hand over yours calmed you down just a bit. She reassured you with a smile before she slipped out the front door.
With Maria gone, you were free to feel the depth of your frustration at the four men before you.
“What do you want?” You grit out through clenched teeth.
Paul threw up his hands, “what is wrong with you?”
Your face flushed red, half with embarrassment, and half with anger. You clenched your fists. Nothing was wrong with you. Something was clearly wrong with him because he couldn’t. take. a hint.
The dark haired vampire shot Paul a look that seemed to reign him in. Then he stepped forward to put himself between you and the three other men.
“I’m Dwayne,” he introduced himself gently, his face still devoid of any emotion.
“Ok,” you spat, “congratulations.”
His mask broke a bit, looking slightly taken aback by your hostility, but he quickly composed himself.
“We just want to talk,” he said, his hands up in a sort of surrender, “let us explain some things to you.”
Your eyes narrowed, and without Maria there to diffuse the situation, your arms crossed again.
“Explain things to me?” You felt rage bubbling up inside you, “what could you possibly have to explain to me?”
Dwayne, to his credit, maintained his calm, collected demeanor. The bleach blond however seemed to be seething behind him.
“It’s hard to know where to start…we’re your-”
“I know.” You cut him off.
“You know?”
“I know what you are, and I know what we are,” you flashed him your fangs.
The four boys couldn’t hide their shock. The bleach blond one pushed past Dwayne to stare you down. “You’re not a human,” he mused.
Dwayne placed a hand on his shoulder, “David…” he warned.
David rolled his shoulder to shove off Dwayne’s hand.
“Listen sweetheart,”
You scowled at the pointed nickname.
“You’re ours,” Paul cringed at David’s words.
“The sooner you get it through your thick head,” David tapped your forehead, causing you to bare your teeth, “the better.”
“Oh fuck,” Paul whispered.
You stared David down, your body shaking slightly in anger. “If you ever fucking touch me again I will rip your head from your shoulders and burn your decapitated body you arrogant asshole,” You hissed.
He hissed back, his fangs on full display.
“David please,” the curly hair vampire begged.
“Marko,” David turned to growl, “I won’t tolerate this kind of insubordination.”
You gripped the edge of the video store desk so hard you thought it might break off.
Dwayne yanked David back by his arm. With the way the bleach blond man glared at the him you thought they might come to blows.
“Do you think you’re helping right now?” Dwayne asked.
David rolled his eyes, “she’s disrespecting me, she’s disrespecting us.” he glared at you.
You scowled back, trying to seem unfazed by his egotistical display.
“Is that what she’s doing?” Dwayne asked, “or is she setting boundaries and making choices you don’t like?”
Your hostile face dissolved to shock. You weren’t expecting that kind of support.
“Love can’t be forced,” Dwayne continued, “you know that, I know you know that.”
David stared at Dwayne before sighing deeply.
You tensed when he moved towards you. “This isn’t over,” he hissed.
You scoffed, “yeah that’s what he said,” you hooked your thumb towards Paul, “I’ll tell you what I told him. It sure seems like it is.”
David’s eyes narrowed but he kept his mouth shut.
“C’mon boys,” he gestured for the men to follow him out of the store.
Dwayne didn’t even glance back as he left.
Marko shot you a longing look, but when you looked away, he sighed before following Dwayne out the door.
Paul lingered. He opened his mouth, only to close it, time after time.
“What do you want?” you scowled.
“We could make you happy,” he said in the softest voice you’d ever heard. “I could make you happy.”
You stared at him, his eyes full of hope and desire.
“If you really want me to be happy…”
He moved closer, hanging on every word you said. His fists clenched at his side, desperate to touch you but holding back.
“Then I need you to leave me alone.”
His face fell, any hope in his eyes had shattered and dissolved.
He turned away, dead heart breaking in his chest.
“Ok,” was all he could muster as he too disappeared from the store.
As soon as he’d slipped from sight, you rushed to the front door to flip the sign from open to closed.
Grateful for the solace that an empty store provided, you slunk to the back room to mull over the events of the night.
You slid down the door until you were seated, head in hands. Part of you wondered if it would be so bad to give in. The Dwayne guy seemed respectful and kind enough, and if you were honest with yourself, you weren’t unattracted to him either.
If you were really honest, you weren’t unattracted to any of them. Except that David asshole.
It wasn’t his face that bothered you, but his abismal attitude. He might as well have been Max Jr.
He didn’t own you. No one fucking did.
Then there was Maria.
Her beautiful face flashed through your mind. She was kind, she was brilliant, she was caring, and you could see yourself falling for her one day.
God you’d had your first kiss with Maria tonight and you were thinking about those possessive vamps?
How could you ever consider trading her in for these four strangers with nothing but some kind of empty ‘claim’ on you.
You sighed.
You couldn’t deny that you’d felt the pull. You blamed your stupid, uncontrollable vampire instincts.
But what was lust, passion, and desire when compared with connection, comfort, and love?
Maria was the one you wanted. You chose her, and you’d do what you had to to keep her.
Whatever it took.
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FYFNO Taglist❤️:
@sad-ghost-of-garbage @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @anna1306 @hypocriticaltypwriter @crustyboypix @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @arenpath @lostboys1987girl @vampirefilmlover @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @ria-coolgirl @katerinaval @royaltysuite @mack-attack420 @arbesa-mind @fraudfrog @rynsfandomsfun @vxarak @f4iryfxies @chiefdirector @ghostedghostie @its-freaking-bats @solobagginses @warrior-616 @softchonk @walmart-cereal @bloodywickedvamp @mickkmaiden333 @people-are-strange-87 @smut-religiously777 @welcome-to-the-hole @simplyreading96 @blenna3967 @justaspeachy @mihawksdemoness @mad-is-sad @pookiesnatcher @jezabella8 @drascilla @ilikechocolatemilkh @charlotteellis @mommymilkerfanclub @lazygrungekid @buzzybee-26 @sarcastic-sourwolf @cocopuffs1450 @jamie-poopoo @kristel1990 @the-lonely-abyss @hxrror01
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“...This is a child.”
“This…” Commissioner Gonzalez heaved a deep sigh, fingers slipping under the bridge of her glasses, “Is your new partner, Detective Grayson.”
“With all due respect, ma’am, this is an entire 6-year-old child.”
“I’m eight, so shut the fuck up.”
“Somehow, kid, that doesn’t make me feel any better.”
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peturnagy · 4 months
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Taika Waititi / Artist: Miki Földi (digital painting) #SaveOFMD @renewasacrew
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ofmd-renewed-yet · 2 years
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Very Important season 2 update from mr david himself
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Wanda: As Magneto's children we all have a rather difficult relationship with our father. Pietro: Indeed. Lorna: Totally. David and Xandra: You guys have a relationship with your father?
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On the edge of Santa Carla, at the other end of town, was a small wooden cottage. Inside the cottage, you wouldn't find much. Just the absolute necessities. An old, rather uncomfortable bed. A table with a large crack in it, with two chairs surrounding it. An old stove that was only held together by hope and wishes, a small bathroom where it wasn't a question if there was warm water but if there was water at all. It didn't sound like much, and it truly wasn't, but for Miss Johnson, it was exactly what she needed. She didn't have time of luxuries. Ever since her husband died, she had felt a new freedom growing inside her. She had used it to learn the things she had never dared to learn before. Magic.
Every single night, she became better. Every time she practised, she became stronger. But still, to actually see something when laying out the tarot cards - that was new. As she sat at her broken table, placing the shiny new cards in front of her, she couldn't focus on the true meaning of the cards. Instead, she saw flashes. Flashes of horrors she wouldn't dare mention to anyone. She saw how her beloved Santa Carla would burn, how everything in this town would be destroyed. And she also saw - and this terrified her the most - how most of the citizens lost hope.
On the other side of town, at the end of an old road, was an old, white house. It had a porch, a white picket fence, beautiful flowers growing in the garden - everything about this house seemed to say 'the person living here is very normal, I promise'. And yet, if you took your time and stopped to look, you would notice weird things. There were scratches on the wood holding the porch roof up. Deep scratches as if someone had hold on for dear life. Then, by one of the windows, you could see the faintest light pink streak going down to the ground. Someone had done their best to scrub it clean, but still on must wonder: had that been blood? And what about the small white flowers growing in the garden - why did some of them have brown spots on them? Yes, if you truly looked, you'd conclude that this house wasn't that normal. It just tried really hard to be.
Inside the house, there lived a man. No one had ever seen him during the day, but most people didn't question it. He was rich, and yet he had still chosen to move to Santa Carla. He had chosen to set up a videostore here, giving the people something they didn't have before. No, pretty much everyone in town knew of him, had spoken with him, and had decided that they liked the man. Max had always enjoyed that facade. Let people trust him, let them complain to him about how bad the town is getting with all those tourists, and let them think he's just a kind gentleman. The more they believed he was totally normal, the longer the killings of him and his boys would go unnoticed.
As he went into the kitchen, grabbing a flash with blood out of the fridge, his eyes fell on the old yellowed calendar hanging on the wall next to it. March second. A small smile appeared on his face. Even though he didn't remember exactly how old he was, he did remember the day he became what he was now. The change had been painful and could only be described as bad - but he was grateful for it. He certainly made the most of his undead life. As he sat down with his cup of blood, contemplating whether he should mix it with coffee again but deciding against it, he couldn't help but think about the strange yet wonderful thing it was to become a vampire.
Getting changed into a vampire was something unique for everyone. Sometimes, a change went smoothly, the newborn embracing their immortality as if it had always been a part of them. Often, this happened between mates, when the former human knew what they were getting into - and more importantly why. Love was a powerful motivator to turn someone into a successful vampire.
Sometimes, the person changed had some issues, often of the moral kind. It meant they didn't mind being a vampire per se, but they didn't necessarily like to deal with the side effect - they did not want to kill. This happened when they were lured into the change, tricked and frightened - or when they were only promised the gloriousness of immortality and not shown the harsh reality of the price one needed to pay for it.
Those kinds of changes were rather usual. Often, when someone was changed, they responded to it by one of those two ways. But, sometimes, a change brought more challenges along. He himself had not had an easy change, being forced to do so after almost being killed. The lack of life left in him had meant that the change was torturous for him and that when he awoke as a vampire, he was more bloodthirsty than anyone could have predicted. He needed to make up for the blood he lost, so to speak.
The same thing happened with his boys, one of them almost dying of an accidental overdose. It had been in the early sixties, and some malintended drug dealer had sold his boy some bad stuff. He'd taken the drugs, and he quickly realised something was wrong - but as a human, he couldn't do anything about it. Luckily, Max had saved him just in time, but the change had not been easy. Far from. There was a reason Santa Carla was known as the murder capital of California, and this was why. A bad change. It always happened when someone was in a stressful, hurtful, and dangerous situation, being forced into a dark unknown.
Yes, Max knew all about changing. He knew the best ways to do it, the worst ways. Above all, he knew how to deal with freshly changed vampires who had a difficult transition. In one way or another none of his boys had faced an easy change, and he had helped all of them through it.
He looked up as he finished his cup, seeing Thron enter the house, his tail wagging lazily. In his mouth, he held a letter. Max smiled, stroking the dogs head.
"Thank you, Thorn."
Putting his cup down, he decided to go upstairs to the study so he could truly focus on the letter. He had recognised the handwriting, and he assumed it wasn't a friendly check-up. The study was different from the rest of his house. It was a dark room adorned in an old-fashioned victorian wallpaper. Where his downstairs floor was modern and filled with modern curiosities, upstairs, he focused more on the times that had passed. Times he had lived through, and times he could still appreciate - style wise anyways. He was staring at the letter in front of him. An old friend of his, a man named Lucien whom he had helped through the change, had written him. He opened the letter, his eyes scanning the page.
She's in need of help. Help I can't give her. I'm not even sure you can, seeing how horribly she was forced into this. It was different for her. She couldn't fight it. She couldn't even try to resist. As little choice as we had, she had none.
He sighed. His friend had not given him the full details, but it sounded serious. The words played over and over in his mind. As little choice as we had, she had none. He didn't know what it meant. Was she tricked more horribly than his boys had tried to trick Michael Emerson? Was she force-fed the blood? If he allowed himself to think about it, he could come up with horrible scenarios, none of which would be helpful. He thought for a moment before sighing deeply. Yes, this girl, whomever she was, absolutely needed some help. He picked up the phone, dialled the number of his friend, and waited for it to ring.
"Yes?" A gruff voice spoke from the other side.
"Is she with you?"
"Bring her here. I'll see what I can do for her."
He hung up the phone, not waiting for a response from the man on the other side. He looked at the clock, noticing the time. He had to go to work, tell his boys about the new arrival in town, and make sure the new girl would have a room to comfortably call her own.
The night passed by slowly. The store was a little distraction for the task he would have later on. He had talked with customers and talked with his employees - telling them all that he'd adopted a girl and that they wouldn't be seeing as much of him as they did now. It was not really the truth, but it was close enough. It would erase any questions anyone would have when they'd see him with a new girl. The word would spread around town, and hopefully, no one would bother them and give them time to deal with their own personal affairs.
As he closed the shop, at one in the morning, he felt the presence of his boys. As much as they despised each other and could literally drink each others blood at times, there was an understanding between them. The boys didn't like control and commands, but they understood the value of a facade. Max allowed them to do what they liked and didn't use his powers as a sire on them unless it was absolutely necessary. Besides, they knew that if Max was serious about something, it was bad. Even though they would never consider Max as their father - a subject that was a little touchy for the older vampire - the boys would realise at times that his seniority also came with wisdom and knowledge, causing them to sometimes ask him for advise. In turn, Max would help them get out of legal trouble - and more often than not, prevent it from happening in the first place.
"What girl?" David stood beside his car, smoking a cigarette. Paul was dangerously balancing on his bike, and Marko and Dwayne just looked at him, probably waiting for him to fall. Max knew it was all an act. In reality, they were listening. They too wanted to know more. Apparently, the boys had been close enough to the store to hear Max explain to Maria or a customer that there was a new girl coming to town,
"She's a fresh one and had a bad change. I've been asked to help."
"When does she arrive?" Marko asked. Even though he looked bored, Max sensed a certain exitedness in his voice.
"Either today or tomorrow. I'll leave it up to you if you want to get involved or not, but-"
"We'll give her a chance to settle." David nodded. He looked at the boys, who agreed with him. A bad change also meant that one would be dealing with intense fears. Every single sense was heightened, and to be overwhelmed while in such a state wasn't pleasant. They'd all experienced that.
"Good. Make sure to stock up on some blood. If she happens to stop by, she can feed without endangering herself or us."
"One time," Marko mumbled under his breath, earning him a friendly shove from Paul. "A guy goes on a killing spree one time-"
"We all did that, just not in this town."
Max chuckled at Paul's answer, before cutting in. "It's just better to be careful."
With that, the vampires went their own way. The boys back to the cave, and Max back to the house. He had to make sure he had a sunproof room ready.
"I found someone who could help you."
The young girl, who couldn't be older than nineteen, looked at him. Her hair was on the wavy side but tangled. There were some dark bruises on her skin that were now turning a dark green mixed with a near, invisible yellow. Her dress was covered in dirt, and some of the fabric around the hem had been ripped. The man in front of her, Lucien, had saved her. Or at least, got her out. That was two days ago now, and in that time, he had tried to get her to talk to him. She didnt, talk that is. She didn't know why she didn't. All she remembered was a voice commanding her not to ever use her voice. Still, even if she could speak, she didn't know what had happened to her or why. She didn't know why she felt different, why everything hurt, why the sun had burned her hand, and why she could hear everything now. It was frightening.
"Did you hear me? I found someone who can help you."
Her gaze was questioning. If he had found someone, it meant she had to go away. What if that someone would also hurt her? What if it didn't help? What if he couldn't explain to her what was happening and -
"He's a good friend of mine and lives two hours from here. You will still be able to see me if you want. If you don't, that's also okay. You need to feel safe, alright? But he can help you, help you understand, and help you come to terms with what you are. I know it scares you, but it will help you."
The girl nodded, biting her inner cheek.
"I know you don't like the idea."
She sighed, turning away from him. She grabbed the things she owned - a leather-bound notebook and a pen he had gotten her - and looked at him as she scribbled something down on the pages. He refused to listen to her if she just motioned toward something.
Can we go?
The man nodded, leading her out of the crypt they'd been staying in. "Yeah, let's go."
Next chapter >
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- "The Three Laws of Mutantdom" [House of X / Powers of X #6]
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maxcuntstappen · 9 months
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Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen and their shared love for racing
'strong' by david levithan
F1 Web Weaves
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britany1997 · 16 days
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Six
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Poly Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
Hey y’all! Hope you love this next installment in my series! The plot is thickening and I can’t wait for y’all to see what I have planned for next month’s chapter😈
Comment letting me know if you’d like to be added to the Taglist for this series, or to be added to my main TLB Taglist
FYFNO Masterlist
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California 1986
Maria was the one you wanted. You chose her, and you’d do what you had to to keep her. 
Whatever it took.
The sound of her laugh was the sweetest music that had ever graced your ancient ears. You threaded your fingers through hers, dissolving into a fit of giggles as she wiped ice cream from her nose. 
“I would have licked it off!” you protested with a playful pout. 
She shrugged and brushed the icecream against her nose till it was covered once more, “go ahead.” she challenged.
You raised an eyebrow and leaned in, licking the icecream off her button nose. 
Maria gagged playfully, rubbing at her nose. “You are SO gross! I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” 
You doubled over with laughter, “I had to after that! You totally dared me to!” You pouted once more, “besides, is that any way to treat your girlfriend? Do I disgust you?” You threw your hand over your forehead in a dramatic display of faux offense. 
Maria mock gasped, “ah of course not darling,” her hands touched her nose with playful reverence, “I shall never wash this nose again.” 
“Ew,” your nose scrunched. 
She shoved you playfully, “you’re terrible,” she beamed. 
“You love it,” you whispered, your forehead resting on hers. 
“I do,” she whispered back, before moving to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
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David’s eyes narrowed as he took in the sight of you and Maria, too wrapped up in each other to notice he was watching.
He blew out a harsh cloud of smoke, a terrifying smile gracing his face.
“What are we gonna do about…that,” he gestured with his cigarette, before flicking off the butt and grinding it into the dirt.
“Nothing,” Dwayne said firmly, “we’ll only drive her away if we meddle.”
David scoffed.
“Maybe he’s right,” Marko chimed in, “maybe scheming isn’t the answer? How long can she ignore the mate pull anyway, it’s only a matter of time.”
David frowned, “so what? We sit back and watch while our mate parades around the boardwalk with someone else? This is our territory Marko, it’s downright disrespectful what she’s doing.”
Dwayne sighed.
“You’ve been awfully quiet blondie,” David clapped Paul on the back as he hung to the dock railing, staring off at the waves as they crashed over the shore.
“What’s there to say?”
Marko’s face softened and he moved to Paul’s side, hooking his arm through Paul’s.
“What do you mean ‘what’s there to say?’” David frowned.
Paul shrugged.
“You’re giving up? Just like that?” David grit, “you hound us for weeks about this girl and what? You’re just done with her? She’s ours Paul.”
“I can’t…” he took a deep breath, “I can’t stand to see her look at me like she does.”
David fell silent, his arms crossed.
“It’s like that pull between us…it’s like it hurts her,”
“That’s not possible,” David muttered.
“That’s not what I meant,” Paul’s gaze met his. “I don’t wanna hurt her anymore.”
Marko’s hands traced patterns on Paul’s back as he returned to stare out at the waves.
David stomped out his cigarette. “Look, let’s just follow ‘er a bit longer and see what we see.”
“I’m done tailing her,” Dwayne said, “we can’t blackmail someone into loving us.”
“Who said that’s what we’re doing?” David moved to stand toe to toe with Dwayne, “just think of it as gathering info.”
Paul shook his head, huffing a bit, “I’m out,”
“Me too,” Marko added, not meeting David’s eyes.
The boys began to peel off.
“Do what you want David,” Dwayne placed a hand on the bleach blond vampire’s shoulder, “but look at her.” He nodded towards you, and David followed his gaze.
You were smiling brightly, unlike anytime they’d ever seen you. Your fingers intertwined with Maria’s, her lips pressed against your ear, murmuring something that made your smile grow.
“Would you really take that away from her?”
David’s jaw clenched, “we could make her ten times as happy.”
Dwayne shook his head as he walked off towards his bike. Something told him this wasn’t going to end well.
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David rolled his eyes as he lit up behind a column while you, finally, kissed Maria good night.
Following the two of you had proved entirely fruitless. Your frequent public displays of affection had only served to increase his ire towards the whole situation.
He’d hate to go home empty handed and face the boys’ smug faces. He hoped that once you were alone, he’d be able to find…something. At this point, he wasn’t even sure what he was looking for.
As Maria drove away, you began to stroll off.
David threw his bike a quick longing look, promising to return for it later, before following the path to your home.
As you walked the trail, David was close behind concealing himself within the trees. He was grateful you were always so lost in your own thoughts, or he was sure your heightened senses would have tipped you off to his presence by now. He smirked, being an apex predator had made you…careless.
The closer you got to your destination, the more familiar the woods seemed to become to David. He knew this path, he’d walked it countless times before.
But you couldn’t be…could you?
But when you strode up to that Max’s front door, his tall form waiting for you in the doorway, tapping his foot impatiently, David couldn’t believe his luck.
Max was your sire. He must be. Traditional, family man, ‘mates are the greatest gifts to vampire kind,’ Max.
David chuckled to himself, the beginnings of a plan forming. You had no idea what you were in for.
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As the days passed, you and Maria were closer than ever. It seemed like you spent every one of her waking night hours wrapped in her arms. (Even some of the hours you were meant to be working, but what Max didn’t know certainly wouldn’t hurt him.)
It seemed like David’s gang of misfit vampires had gotten the hint too. You hadn’t seen any trace of the bikers since you’d caught a glimpse of them creeping on your date a few days ago.
Good. They should leave you be.
But when you were with Maria, happy as you were, you couldn’t help the consuming feeling that something wasn’t quite right.
You hated it.
It bubbled up in your chest, like you were going to vomit, but nothing would ever come out. It was like pressure, keeping you on edge when you should be completely at ease. ‘You’re missing something,’ it seemed to whisper, ‘you’re always going to feel this way.’
Again and again, you’d shake it off.
You preferred to lose yourself in the taste of Maria’s lips, the softness of her cheeks, the warmth of her smile.
But that feeling, it always found it’s way back.
You tried to suppress your doubts as you trekked home.
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When you arrived at Max’s front door, he wasn’t waiting to greet you.
You frowned, but shrugged it off. Surely he’d just tired of your attitude towards him. You’d figured he’d take the hint sooner or later anyway.
But when you opened the door, you were met with the sight of Max sitting at his dining room table and sipping from a wine glass, full of a liquid you knew was not wine.
He gestured to the empty seat across from him, a matching glass placed in front of the chair. “Sit,” he commanded casually.
Your eyes narrowed, but you obeyed.
He took a long drink from his glass, “you have been spending a lot of time with that Maria girl.”
Your fists clenched, but you willed yourself not to react too strongly. “She’s my coworker, what about it?”
Max set his glass down. “Do you think I’m a fool?”
Your breath hitched. “What’s wrong with me dating?” You asked, “I thought you’d be happy to see me putting down roots.”
“Nothing wrong with dating,” he shrugged, “nothing wrong with dating humans, nothing wrong with dating girls…”
“Then what are we doing here?” your nails dug into your palms as you waited for his reply.
“Because there is something wrong with dating a silly human girl, when you have been blessed with mates.”
You felt like all the air had been knocked from your lungs.
“H-how did you-”
“You thought you could hide this? Please,” Max scoffed, “I have eyes everywhere.”
You were too stunned to speak.
“Do you know what I would do to have a mate?” He hissed, “and look at you, wasting what fate has decided to give you. You really are every bit the ungrateful child I thought you were.”
“So what?” Your anger threatened to spill over, “you’re going to order me not to see her? You’re going to thrall me?”
“Not quite,” Max clasped his hands together, “let me put it this way. If you refuse to break off this little dalliance with Maria, I will kill her.”
“What,” you whispered in shock.
“I’m a vampire,” he stated plainly, “I eat humans remember? As do you?” He gestured at the glass in front of you.
“I have never felt the need to apologize for what I am, and I have never been afraid to use my gifts to get what I want, just as you have.” Max reminded you.
Your mind flashed through every disgustingly wealthy man you had “dated,” drained, and discarded for all those years in Manhattan.
“That’s- it’s- that was different.”
Max hummed, “you may see it that way, but regardless, whatever you had with Maria, it’s over. If you want her to live that is. Doesn’t she have that big family to take care of?”
You pushed away from the table, storming towards the stairs. Before you started to ascend them so you could lock yourself in your room, you turned to face him.
“You’re a monster.”
Max nodded, “maybe, but my dear, so are you.”
You tore your gaze away from his, racing up the stairs and slamming your door.
“I’m only doing what’s best for you!” He called after you.
You laughed bitterly and collapsed onto your bed. For the first time in a long time, you wept.
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FYFNO Taglist❤️:
(Idk why it doesn’t let me tag some people but I did my best guys😭)
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @sad-ghost-of-garbage @crustyboypix @gothamslostboy @anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @ria-coolgirl @chiefdirector @arbesa-mind @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @arenpath @its-freaking-bats @f4iryfxies @ghostedghostie @jezabella8 @solobagginses @vampirefilmlover @vxarak @lostboys1987girl @mickkmaiden333 @softchonk @katerinaval @walmart-icarus @rynsfandomsfun @royaltysuite @hypocriticaltypwriter @charlottieellis @mad-is-sad @justaspeachy @natalie668 @blenna3967 @paladinshenanigan-blog @shadowrose13-blog1 @humanzeww @mynameismothra @kuroturo @ilikechocolatemilkh @whaturcapableof @twisteduniverse5 @mack-attack420 @smut-religiously777 @people-are-strange-87 @welcome-to-the-hole @pookiesnatcher @kristel1990 @mihawksdemoness @buzzybee-26 @sarcastic-sourwolf @jamie-poopoo @fraudfrog
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wwprice1 · 2 months
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Loved the third issue of Resurrection of Magneto this week! The series is great!
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