vyo4 · 3 months
Proposal: Luxury Party Refresh
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Next year, this pack is turning 10!
LINK: Google Slideshow: Luxury Party Refresh
Check out my proposal for a pack refresh for the oldest and first Sims 4 Stuff Pack released in 2015: Luxury Party Stuff.
Let’s celebrate this major milestone with a proper luxurious party.
In this proposal, we explore adding
More stuff to this empty Stuff Pack.
A new social event.
Build mode items.
Diverse hairstyles.
More masculine fashion.
Why refresh?
Luxury Party Stuff has oftentimes ranked at the bottom on pack rank-lists. With only 12 buy items and 40 CAS items, this pack totals a mere 52 items.
Spooky Stuff, also released in 2015, has a whopping 70 items plus a new Spooky Party event. Paranormal Stuff, released in 2021, has a total of 72 items, plus a new career, plus a new lot type, plus new NPCs, plus new gameplay all in one Stuff Pack.
Many players who have paid full price for Luxury Party do not feel they have gotten their money’s worth. Stuff Packs have since evolved to offer so much more in terms of objects and gameplay. Comparatively, Luxury Party is more akin to a Kit and it’s main gameplay objects are no longer exclusive to this Stuff Pack.
I hope my proposal can inspire a refresh for this time-forgotten and obsolete Stuff Pack. There is potential for new gameplay fitting the theme of a Luxury Party. There is plenty of room to add new and modern items. It’s time to make Luxury Party the life of the party again and save it from it’s current “Don’t Buy” ranking and place it onto the “Must Have” list.
Visit AHQ Forum: +Me Too
Visit the EA Answers HQ Forum to add a Me Too to this proposed idea. Thank you!
LINK: EA AHQ: PACK REFRESH: Luxury Party is turning 10!
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vyo4 · 1 year
Mad Science Mosquito Trap
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I have miscalculated in my haste to become a vampiric "heartthrob" modeled after the romantic trope as described in popular movies and books. Observe: Mosquitoes feed on plasma. Thusly, I grafted my DNA with the fanged Culicidae Muscipula, or Mosquito Trap. Success! I am a vampire. Yes, hearts throb in my presence, however not with allure, but in alarm. Regrettably, I've also taken to eating mosquitoes.
Shared 5/27/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Dark Gothic Vampire Queen
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Embodying my Medieval & Goth votes for #KitVoteChall by #Divanthesimmer.
Deep rumbles beyond the town intensified to earth-shattering quakes; causing fissures of frothing black smoke to scar the land. In a sudden burst, towers of stone thrust skyward, eclipsing the town in their shadow. To the horror of the townsfolk, an ominous castle now stood before them, and from the highest tower a dark figure emerged and hissed, "My time has come."
Shared 5/21/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Emerald City Wizard of Oz
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Celebrating emeralds for #IMStonesMay by #Inamac.
There I was, floating above Nebraska in my hot-air-balloon when suddenly *WHOOSH!* a great wind blew me to this strange land and into this shining Emerald City. Because I descended from the clouds, folks assumed I must be some sort of wizard. *Shrugs* So I went along with it and now -- 
BEHOLD! I am the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz! Ruler of the Emerald City! Uh, fear me!!
Shared 5/19/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Rich Snob Aristocrat
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Mmm-yes, I do say, a good nap in my basement vault is quite restful indeed. I dream of money, you see, so I might as well sleep in the same pile of money that I dream about. Quite clever, yes, I agree. You may argue money cannot buy happiness, but I assert that money IS my happiness. Mmm-yes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a basement vault to visit and a pile of money to play in, good day.
Shared 5/12/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Glam Rock Star
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Rocking out with #IMStonesApril by #Inamac
Diamonds are unbreakable, brilliant and strong - like me! That's why I've adopted the diamond as my rock persona. Nothing says "hard rock" like diamonds - literally! On stage, I shine bright like a diamond. And when I'm not rocking, I'm writing! Check out my newest songs: "Sweet Diamonds Of Mine" and "Wham! Bam! Glitz & Glam!" and "Diamond In The Dark".
Shared 4/15/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Voldemort Harry Potter v2
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A vampiric spellcaster hybrid, whose only ambition is to become all-powerful and immortal, has shed the last of his remaining humanity like a snake's molted skin. As Leader of The Death Eaters, a cabal of fellow radical spellcasters, he seeks complete power and control over the entire Wizarding world. 
There is no good and evil. There is only power - and those too weak to seek it.
Shared 3/29/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
There’s a great Hogwarts School BY Rediredtorch that fits in the Realm Of Magic lot using the bb.EnableFreeBuild cheat.
Download the Hogwarts build:
Hogwarts - Realm of Magic (BY Rediredtorch / SVSudenvarjo) GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Mobster Speakeasy Hotel
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This establishment is a nice, stand-up place. Real fancy digs. There's nothing nefarious going on here. It's all legit, see? What's behind that door? Well, what's the password? I'll give you a hint... it's the name of a fish. No, it's not Mary, though she sure drinks like one.
BY @kadu-mcfadu​
Shared 3/21/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
Get the mobsters for this Speakeasy Hotel, by @vyo4​
Mobster Gangster Family GALLERY LINK Mobster Gangster Family POST
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vyo4 · 1 year
Mobster Gangster Family
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So yous think you and your organic fruits can squeeze into our family's juice-fizzing operation, huh? We think maybe yous about to experience a Prohibition. We're the city's only suppliers of fizzy-juice, see? And unless yous willing to join our little family business, best yous leave the juice-fizzing to us. Capeesh?
Shared 3/21/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
Find their hangout, speakeasy and hotel, by @kadu-mcfadu
Mobster Speakeasy Hotel GALLERY LINK Mobster Speakeasy Hotel POST
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vyo4 · 1 year
Addams Family Baby Pubert
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This wiggly new addition to the Addams Family doesn't sit still long enough for his mischievous (and envious) siblings to get the jump on him. The once warring Wednesday and Pugsley have joined forces against baby Pubert with the goal of reverting back a two-child household. Pubert, skilled in baby-proofed-breakouts, cleverly evades his siblings traps. Will Wednesday and Pugsley ever accept this new bundle of trouble?
Shared 3/16/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Addams Family Ancestors
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The patriarch and matriarch of the Addams Family. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... and love potions. The Mad Earl of Vice loved his mixed drinks and Jinxy loved to mix them, adding a few bewitching ingredients of her own. The mysterious Jinxy Addams is said to be a voodoo queen who charmed her way into marriage with Mad Earl by catering to his many vices... and cuddling a voodoo doll every now and again.
Shared 3/16/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
This pair is taken from the Addams Family Tree displayed on the Addams Family Fandom Wiki. I originally created them before the Wednesday Netflix series came out which inserted Goody Addams as the new matriarch. That in turn updates the family tree with Goody Addams as Mad Earl of Vice’s mother.
Check out the Addams Family Tree on the Fandom Wiki page to learn more about these characters:
Fandom Wiki LINK: Addams Family Tree MAP
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vyo4 · 1 year
Aquamarine Pirate Mermaid
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Celebrating #IMStonesMarch by #InaMac
The origin of Aquamarine is said to have spilled from the treasure chests of Sirens and washed ashore. Sailors believe these stones protect them during extreme weather and will toss these gems into surging waters to calm the waves. Aquamarine is a prized possession among mermaids, and to replenish my plundered treasure I intend to call thunderstorms upon sailing ships.
Shared 3/15/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Rec Center Regulars
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Hey! Hey! Who's up for a game of Simbles, huh? Just finished a brisk Power-Walk and now we're energized to fraternize. Once we emptied our nest, we downsized to a cute tiny home trailer. Sure, our place has less room for stuff but our local Recreation Center has more stuff to do! Today we're signing up for art classes. Maybe we'll create a club with some fellow retired friends: Power-Walking Puzzle Pals!
Shared 3/11/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Grateful Dead Hippies
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Grooving with the #OccultPairChall by Doc953
"Until Death do us part" they said. More like, "Death do us PARTY!" Yeah! Nothing's gonna keep us down, especially not burial. The only thing we want to do with soil is grow our herbs! Got too much rhythm in my bones and Crystal got too much spirit for us to be settled down for the Big Sleep. We're riding high in the afterlife now and what a long, strange trip it's gonna be.
Shared 3/6/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Strangerville Scientist
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Suspect, er, guest at The Muck Motel.
Yes, Detective, strange thing, this murder. Where was I last night? Oh, I was out strolling the grounds, to um, plant - no, study the bizarre plantlife. They glow, you know. Night is the best time to view them. Acting strange? Me?! I have no secrets! I'm just a simple scientist working at the ██████ Lab, sheesh. Oh, excuse me, I'm getting a call, Ħ€ŁŁØ ΜØŦĦ€Ř...
Shared 3/2/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
Check out the Murder Mystery Motel QCC by @nightlioness​
Murder Mystery Motel QCC GALLERY LINK
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vyo4 · 1 year
Pizzeria Garden Center
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Pizza, pies, and everything nice - that's what we celebrate at our family restaurant. Our pizzas are made from scratch: From the bread, to the tomato sauce, to the cheese. Our ingredients are harvested straight from our Garden Center. Stop by for a slice! Stay for the pie! Pizza Pie and Piece of Pie! 
Shared 2/26/2023 BY @kadu-mcfadu​ Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
Download the family, BY #Vyo4
Pizzeria Pizza Parlor Fam GALLERY LINK Pizzeria Pizza Parlor Family POST
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vyo4 · 1 year
Pizzeria Pizza Parlor Family
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Pizza, pies, and everything nice - that's what we celebrate at our family restaurant. Our pizzas are made from scratch: From the bread, to the tomato sauce, to the cheese. Our ingredients are harvested straight from our Garden Center. Stop by for a slice! Stay for the pie! Pizza Pie & Piece of Pie! 
Shared 2/26/2023 Sims 4 GALLERY LINK
Find our restaurant, BY @kadu-mcfadu​
Pizzeria Garden Center GALLERY LINK Pizzeria Garden Center POST
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