#masters in clinical research
Make your Career in Medical Lab Science
Make your Career in Medical Lab Science
At Vidya Jyoti Eduversity we offer various Courses in Medical Lab Science Master in Clinical Research Child Care Giver ProgramMedical Lab Science (Bachelor / Masters)Microbiology (Bachelors / Masters)Radiology and Imaging Technology Operation Theatre Technology Enviornmental Science
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stuckinapril · 4 days
My forever struggle is that I’m in love with both neuroscience and medicinal/organic chemistry and I’m just insane enough to be double dipping in both constantly
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Delayed On-Set PTSD
To be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you have to experience a specific set of symptoms for at least one month following exposure to a traumatic event, but in some cases, people may experience delayed-onset PTSD.
Delayed-onset PTSD is not frequently diagnosed, and there is not a great deal of research on this type. However, its occurrence has been observed and studied in some research, and it appears that almost a quarter of PTSD cases may be delayed onset.
Delayed On-Set PTSD, By Matthew Tull, PhD 
Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder.
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ohwaitwhatdamn · 5 months
*Brain melting from completing a six-page paper about creating a support group for older adults who live with chronic illnesses and may be suffering from depression* Below are actual photos of my brain melting
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ellesimsworld · 20 days
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Medical School Student Mod | Sims 4
EP01: Get to Work EP08: Discover University XML Injector by SCUMBUMBO
Have you ever wanted your Sims to go to medical school before entering the doctor career? Or maybe your Sim just wants to go to medical school for the hell of it! Well in my pursuit of adding more gameplay mods to my save for better storytelling, I created this medical school student career track! I made this career available for Teens-Adults.
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Applying to Medical School
Even though the medical school track, is technically a joinable career, I still wanted to create the opportunity for your Sims to apply to medical school! Applying will take about 3-4 hours and will cost them §500.
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Medical Institutions:
Your Sim will be randomly placed at one of the following medical institutions:
-The Landgraab School of Medicine -University of Britchester School of Medicine -Foxbury Institute of Medicine and Health Sciences -Plumbob Center of Medicine -Newcrest Center for Medicinal Sciences -Komorebi Institute of Medicinal Studies -University of Willow Creek, Goth School of Medicine
Again, their placement will be randomized. If you want your Sim to work at a specific medical institute, you can quit and rejoin the career until you get your desired one.
Pay: Your Sims will be unpaid until they become an intern (Level 5). For the first four levels, it is up to you to decide how (or if) your Sims will make simoleons. I recommend the Unlimited Jobs mod by TURBODRIVER, which allows you to have multiple jobs at a time. You can check it out here if you like.
Career Track
This career track comes with 9 levels:
Preclinical Med Student I: (§0)
Starting your journey into the medical field, you're diving into basic sciences and learning the foundational concepts of medicine. It's a challenging start, but with hard work, you'll build the knowledge needed for your future career.
Preclinical Med Student II: (§0)
With the first year behind you, you're now diving deeper into complex medical subjects. Balancing intense coursework and initial patient interactions, you're beginning to see how your studies apply to real-world healthcare.
Preclinical Med Student III: (§0)
Transitioning from the classroom to clinical rotations, you're getting hands-on experience in various specialties. Your understanding of medicine is growing rapidly as you apply your knowledge to real patients under supervision.
Preclinical Med Student IV: (§0)
In the final phase of your medical school journey, you're solidifying your skills and preparing for the next step. As you complete your rotations and apply for residency programs, you're focused on becoming a competent and compassionate doctor.
Intern: (§10)
Welcome to the first year of residency! As an intern, you're now a doctor, responsible for patient care under the guidance of senior physicians. The hours are long, but each day brings invaluable learning experiences and growth. Junior Resident: (§15)
With a year of internship behind you, you're now taking on more responsibilities. Your confidence is building as you make more independent decisions and start to specialize in a particular field of medicine.
Senior Resident:(§20)
Nearing the end of your residency, you're a seasoned doctor with a wealth of clinical experience. You're mentoring interns and junior residents while honing your expertise and preparing for the final stages of your training. Chief Resident: (§25)
As the chief resident, you're a leader among your peers, coordinating the residency program and ensuring the smooth operation of the team. Your skills and leadership abilities are put to the test as you balance administrative duties with patient care.
Fellow: (§35)
Specializing further, you're now a fellow, focusing on a particular area of medicine. This stage is all about mastering your chosen field, conducting research, and becoming a true expert before transitioning to an attending physician role.
The hours for this career track are LONG! Again, I wanted to add as much realism as I could. So, expect your Sim to be gone for practically the entire day! They most likely will come back home with a tense/dazed buff.
Skills and Objectives The major skills your Sim will be focusing on in this career are Logic, Writing, Handiness, and Research & Debate. Your Sims objectives are essentially to progress these skills to the required levels.
Computer Interactions and Rabbitholes: There is a separate in-game pie menu for Medical Students on computers. This comes with nine (9) new interactions and rabbithole activities for your Sims!
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The time for each activity varies; but expect your Sim to spend HOURS doing most of them lol (for example, the Medical Conference may take 3-4 hours, and going to Clinical Rounds may take 5-6 hours. For rabbithole activities, your Sim will go to the computer first, before leaving. Also be ready to spend some simoleons on activities such as paying tuition, going to conferences, and textbooks (SEE BELOW)
What is medical school without textbooks...and expensive ones too?! I added four (4) new textbooks. They total to about§500.  They're also located under the Emotional category since they give your Sims a Focused buff, which can help them build their skills.
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Lot Traits:
For those who want to take their gameplay up a notch, I created a Medical School Lot Trait. But because we don't have medical school lots in game, if you plan on building a medical school for your Sims, it will most likely have to be on a generic lot.
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Buffs: Several buffs come in game with the various interactions! Here is a quick snapshot of a few:
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Trait & Conversation Topics: Lastly, I also created a CAS trait for your Sims who are/ or want to become medical students. This trait comes with basic wants such as wanting to go to the library or researching something on Simpedia. The trait itself should be in the Lifestyle category.
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Also, Sims with this trait will have the following conversation topics available to them:
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Please make SURE that you have the XML Injector installed; and that you have script mods enabled. Also try not to separate package and script files or place script files more than 2 folders deep!
Known Problems/ Conflicts:
As of now, there are no reported conflicts or problems with this mod. Feel free to join the discord to let me know of any issues that you detect.
Update Log: 5/17/2024
As requested, I added the postgraduate positions such as interns, as well as junior, senior and chief residents, and fellows. I also added pay for these levels.
5/22/2024 Additional gameplay features were added. If you downloaded the old files before on this date, PLEASE DELETE, AND REPLACE WITH THE NEW FILES.
Please do not claim this mod as your own. Please do not upload this mod to any other websites. Please let me know before translating this mod.
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wink-wonk · 1 year
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augustinewrites · 11 months
Uhhh, I was hit by a baby fever pretty hard so I reread your genshin boys with children to satiate this feeling and have a question now
Did husband!Haitham and reader think about a little one too? 👀
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as a former student of the akademiya, alhaitham was no stranger to long, sleepless nights. the kind where the need for rest stung at the back of his eyes and exhaustion clung to his bones. after he’d graduated, he thought he’d put those long nights behind him.
then he’d become a father.
before your daughter had arrived, he’d done extensive, thorough research on child rearing. when she’d actually arrived, everything he thought he’d known had gone out the window, replaced with the newfound fears of parental anxiety.
which is why the need for sleep stings behind his eyes as he rocks his wailing newborn daughter in his arms. she'd started crying around 4am, and now the sun was starting to come up but she’s yet to fall back asleep. he can tell she's tired, her exhausted wails make his heart ache.
“maybe she’s hungry,” he murmurs, carefully shifting her so she rests against his shoulder. both your breaths catch when she lets up for a moment.
...only for her hoarse cries to continue once more.
“i just fed her,” you frown, frustrated tears gathering in your eyes as he sways her back and forth.
he gently presses his lips to the top of her head, just holding the weight of them there. her tiny body shudders against him with each piercing shriek. his concern for her only grows, because alhaitham is a master of many things, and to feel like he was failing fatherhood was disheartening.
"take your shirt off," you say suddenly.
"this is hardly the time for foreplay."
"it's not foreplay, smartass," you snap, rubbing a hand over your face tiredly. "the midwives at the clinic swear by skin to skin contact. it regulates temperature and heart rate..."
at this point, alhaitham will try anything. he hands her off to you so he can pull his shirt off. you shush her quietly, peeling off her onesie so she's left in her diaper.
"sit in the bed," you instruct, he does as you say, holding his arms out for her once he's settled.
he cradles her against his chest - one arm under her bottom, the other rubbing her back - and after a few tense moments of fussing, she finally begins to quiet down.
you can both breathe for what feels like the first time in an hour. a soft smile breaking out on alhaitham's lips as his baby cuddles into the warmth of his chest.
you rest your head on his shoulder, gently cupping your daughter's cheek, murmuring, "you just wanted some quality time with your daddy, huh?"
being a parent is strange, alhaitham thinks. it's new and confusing and he has no idea what he's doing.
but as his daughter slowly succumbs to sleep in his arms, he knows he'll getting the hang of it.
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ravenna-reid · 29 days
Admirer from the past... (Pt. 2)
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TW: blood, mention of dead bodies & birds and stalking/obsessive behaviour
Part One Here
No matter how hard you tried to distract yourself. How many times you re-read over the plethora of files on your dozens of clients. How many times you made yourself yet another cup of tea. How many times you re-organised your desk, you couldn't tear your mind away from the memory.
The lines of police tape and sirens. The black petals dusting the dirty, wet ground. The stench of the strangers blood smeared across the pavement to spell your name. The horrified faces all snapping up to catch your reaction. The Red Robin's eyes glued onto you.
Fuck, you knew that guy was really bad news when he first walked in.
Although you were a registered and respected forensic psychologist, you were also working at your own psychology clinic, handling patients that displayed erratic or criminal behaviour. And did you still remembered him like it was yesterday.
He'd been sent to you for his odd behaviour, psychopathic tendencies, signs of selective mutism as well as obsessive behaviour.
Extremely obsessive behaviour.
Harry tells you you were being naive for thinking he'd never become obsessed with you, but you just never imagined it. You had, maybe seven sessions in total with him? And soon enough, a dark figure watched you leave and return to the office every day. He sent copious amounts of dying flowers and disturbing letters, and it only grew worse.
Banging on your car window and begging to be with you. Bloodshot eyes and a spine chilling grin wherever you went. And soon after, once you realised you had to move out of your apartment, he was sent to the police. Banned from your clinic and from you.
And now look at what he was doing. Taking innocent peoples lives-
Your soul leapt through your chest when you heard the gentle tap on the window. You snapped your attention outside to see Red Robin there, sheepish smile across his face as he waved.
Surprised. You were genuinely surprised.
Subtly regathering yourself, you closed your laptop and walked towards the window. The cool chill from outside took its chance to creep into your office once you opened the window. Tim's eyes glanced over you. Your hair was thrown into a french twist again, a little messy this time with strands of hair escaping here and there. A long, checkered coat hugged snuggly around your body, a black turtle neck peeping through the top. Your hooped earrings dangled as you tilted your head to the side.
He could practically feel the blush creeping up on him.
"Red Robin. How did you find me?"
Red Robin. He liked how you said that.
He ignored your question and gestured to your office, "May I?"
You nodded.
Tim slipped through the window, but stayed close beside it as though he was unsure about stepping further into the room.
He awkwardly nodded, "Y/n."
You gave an amused smile in return. How odd was this.
"I uh, I did a little research. Your clinic is pretty well-known." He finally responded.
Pride flushed through your cheeks. "I would hope so. It took me almost a decade to get this far." You sat back down at your desk and crossed your legs. "Do you need something from me?"
"Well, I was sent here by-"
"Harry?" You finished with a light laugh and the shake of your head.
Tim's brow furrowed. "That predictable huh?"
"Yes," you held up one of your spare coffee mugs and raised a brow. Tim swallowed before shaking his head. "It's alright."
You placed it back on your shelf. "Very predictable. Especially given the circumstances. Harry has known about this bastard for a while now."
"Yeah, about that. I was pretty eager to check up on you too after that."
Your heart beat a little faster. Tim moved closer to your desk, his eyes trailing over all of the files. The many degrees, masters and awards hanging above it. He snickered.
"How humble."
You shrugged. "'Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.'"
With a genuine smile on his face, he leant against your desk and crossed his arms. "I need whatever you have on this guy so I can get him. Put him away before he does any more damage."
"I agree," You said before pulling a folder out of the nearest filing cabinet. "Here. This has everything. Criminal records, psychoanalysis, extra notes and information."
Tim flipped it open and immediately became immersed in it.
Jacob Harrington was his name, which Tim - of course - already knew, but he was still surprised that this guy was actually younger than both of you.
Tim's dark hair fell before his eyes as he read, and you couldn't help but watch on and admire him.
He was definitely handsome, and therefore probably taken.
"What a fucking creep." He murmured, reading over the counts of crimes he committed towards you prior to this incident. Mainly all of the stalking.
"Tell me about it." You sighed. "I'll help you in any way you need. I can predict his behaviour, and I have some friends in high places."
Tim smiled, until his thoughts went to one of your little friends. "Like Harry?"
"A bit higher up than Harry."
Tim hummed. Then berated himself for thinking such a thing.
No Tim. Don't ask her, don't ask her, don't ask her-
"Are you too close?" The words were out before he could stop himself. He gave you a side glance and didn't miss the expression that melted onto your face.
"I suppose," You teased out. "Harry has always been a family friend."
"A very protective one." Tim pointed out. Rightfully so he guessed, but he still wanted to test the waters.
"Yeah, I guess he feels he kinda owes it to me to be so protective."
"Owes it to you?"
"Harry was the detective signed onto my parents case. But he never found the guy that killed them." You gave a sad shrug, your eyes still trained on the rug.
Something tugged at Tim's heart, and suddenly his determination to find this asshole who was stalking you became even more fervent. Intense. He would keep you safe, if it was the last thing he'd do.
"I'm so sorry y/n."
You took a sharp breath in and masked it all with a smile. "It's alright Wonder Boy." But he didn't believe you. Instead, there was this sweet, sympathetic glint in his eyes. This was the guys that plummeted bad guys?
Suddenly, your phone buzzed on the table. "Ha, speak of the devil." You gave a light laugh before answering. "Yes, he is here. Yes, we are fine."
Tim watched you, tried to read the conversation by reading your expressions. And obviously, Harry had just said something that terrified you.
"What? My apartment? But..."
Tim put the folder back on your desk and frowned. "What is it?"
You stayed silent though, listening intensely to what Harry had to say. And every second was agonising for Tim until you finally hung up.
"What's wrong y/n? Is it that guy?"
Your face grew pale as you tried to find the words. "He.."
Tim stepped closer. "Yeah?" He ushered gently.
"That fucker wrecked my apartment."
Part 3
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Modern HOTD NSFW Headcannons
Contains: Jace, Daemon, Aegon, Aemond
Word count: 606
Warnings: smut 18+
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Masterlist Here
Doesn’t understand hook-up culture
Blushes like a virgin at his crush/partner making sex jokes in public
Type of guy to get a towel to sit beside the bed before starting for easy clean up later
Also has tissues and water on the bedside for after
Gets turned on by people wearing his clothes
Got worried when you asked for lube but quickly learned he didn’t need to be
Proceeds to buy 5 bottles of different flavours
Would buy flavoured condoms
Has lived with so many people he’s learned to be quiet
Goes on hikes just to fuck in the forest cause to him that’s privacy
Irl dirty talk can be hard for him but on the phone?
Mastermind at making you squirm from across the country
Got very scared by kinks at first
Now a fiend
Constantly googling aftercare tips and how to dirty talk
Watches those youtube videos about how to kiss
Whenever he’s drunk he’s a proud horn dog
Brags about giving oral
Aftercare king
Has a designated kink drawer
Possibly a straight up sex room
Organises his ropes by colour and preference
When he sexy talks irl its amazing
On the phone its great
He cannot dirty text
He uses way too many emojis or his promises don’t work without the voice
He has mastered the voice
Each gift giving occasion is accompanied by him buying you new lingerie
Every birthday he asked for the same thing: sex
Defiantly talks in online kink forums
Goes to poly clubs and swingers parties
Teaches everyone who listens about poly lifestyle
Under his sex toy drawer is a after care drawer
Tinder fanatic
Gets an STD text every other month
Is on a first name basis with a testing clinic
Considered being a porn star
Condom king
Hands them out at every party he goes to
Constantly preaching about safe sex since sex is his favourite hobby
Tider is his most used app
Will fuck in the library, his brothers bed, or in a car
Car sex is his favourite
Blow job fanatic
Did a blow job shot for his bday with his whole family watching cause he doesn’t care
Too lazy for most kinks but knows how to find the clit
Loves ball play
Constant ball jokes however
Secret bottom who will have a meltdown when you call him one
Definitely keeps himself very trimmed down there
Makes everything an inuendo
A proud whore
Nude fanatic
His snapchat my eyes only is filled to the brim
Ends up in a poly relationship for like a year but eventually bows out of it
Too deep for tinder but not for random hook-ups
Also not for only fans
Because he has one and is making bank off of it
Was ashamed at first till he used the money to buy a car
Wants to make enough to be a sugar daddy
Daddy kink 100%
Has a sex toy drawer and wide lube range
Takes cinematic level nudes
Still has a small stash of porn mags since he prefers it that way
Best gift for him is making a sex tape with his partner
Seriously considering becoming a striper on the side
Has a couple of fuck buddies on rotation rather than a new person every week
Has a mini fridge stocked with water by his bed to cool down after
Constantly researching new kinks
Has a spit kink
Runs his own nsfw reddit sub reddit
Makes thirst traps on tiktok
Asked his family for a hot tub for his joint birthday and Christmas gift just to fuck in it
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eletricheart · 4 months
All's well when it ends up with you
(Mother Miranda x Reader)
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*pic creds to owner, got it from pinterest
Word count: 1061
I thought of the song Margaret by Lana Del Rey feat Bleachers and then i just found out it's Valentine's Day somewhere in the world so yh
When you know, you know
ps: fluff🥰
ps2: song at the end
ps3: not proofread pls lmk any mistakes
The first time you saw each other was at a Conference in Switzerland, you thought she was the smartest person in the room.
The second time was only a few months later during an University presentation in London, you went only to accompany your friend. She noticed.
The third time she went after you, she didn't know why she was so interested in you, maybe you’d make a good experiment. Therefore, she “ran” into you at your daily coffee run.
The scientist was quick to stop you on the street. “Hi, I’m sorry you’re just so familiar. Have we met?”
You stared at her wide eyed, recognizing her from the conferences. “Hi! I-yes. I saw you at the lecture in London. Though, I don't think we talked.”
She gave you a smile and nodded. “I’m Miranda.” The woman said, offering her hand.
You were quick to introduce yourself and shake her hand.
It started slow, Miranda would bump into you in the street until you knew each other enough to exchange numbers. If questioned she would say it was to make the experiment easier, that it was necessary to fully know you for research.
For the first time in decades the scientist was nervous to talk to someone. You were sharing a glass of wine on your balcony, sitting in comfortable silence.
Miranda was playing with her rings, lost in thought of your possible reactions to her proposal.
You were quick to notice, turning your head to look at her and holding her hand to stop her fidgeting. You gave her a gentle smile. “What’s on your mind?”
She took a deep breath. “What do you think about moving to Romania with me?”
You were sitting in your living room trying to process everything the now priestess explained to you regarding the village.
Miranda was in front of you, watching the gears turn in your head. She tried to reason with herself that if you rejected she could always force you to go, but it wouldn't be the same, you wouldn’t be the same.
The scientist was surprised when all you did was nod and say “wild”.
Miranda realized she was in love with you a few days after arriving. She was watching you lazily set up your room, you’d stop everytime you found something interesting to either dress it or tell it’s entire story.
You were wearing a cowboy hat while telling the exact concert you bought it for.
You noticed her staring at you with a small smile. Momentarily stopping the story. “You okay?”
Miranda furrowed her brows and nodded. “Yeah, I’m great.”
You noticed you were falling for the priestess way earlier than her. It was around the second time she hung out at your place, the woman insisted on cooking for you, so you sat on the counter watching her master your kitchen.
You would try to crack some jokes and she would look at you in disapproval.
You were laughing at your latest one while she stared in confusion. “Come on, you gotta admit this one was funny.”
The priestess slowly shook her head. “You’re insane.”
You smiled widely. “Clinically proven, baby, nothing new.”
She rolled her eyes with an almost unnoticeable smile.
But it was enough for you to notice so you spend the rest of the night trying to make her smile again.
It was not only your first year at the Village but also Valentine’s day. The townsfolk had already decorated when you were walking by to buy some groceries. You weren't sure how Miranda felt about the day, but you couldn't resist buying a few flowers.
And that's how you ended up behind her at the lab holding a small vase with a red tulip. You gently touched her shoulder after hiding the flowers behind your back. “Heyy, the town seems very passionate about Valentine’s day. Did you know that?”
Miranda turned to look at you and tilted her head. “I don’t really…care…about what they do.”
You chuckled. “Well…I got you a flower, in a vase, because it’d feel like a murderer if it was in a bouquet.”
Your hands trembled slightly when presenting the tulip to Miranda.
She carefully took it from your hands and nodded, awkwardly looking at you.
You felt like your heart was about to explode with how fast it was beating. “So, I-um-I’m gonna go, bye.” You said before almost sprinting out of the room.
Miranda was confused, extremely confused. Maybe you got the wrong flowers, maybe you didn't mean “love” and it was all a silly mistake.
You couldn't love her, not after all she's done, after all you've seen. Why would you feel even the slightest affection for her.
The more she stared at the flower the more she’d want you to love like her. She regretted not saying anything, what if you thought she didn't care for you.
So she did what she does best, she researched all she could on Valentine’s day, it was mostly useless but knowledge nonetheless.
Once she deemed her findings worth it, she went after you with a stack of papers and the flower.
You were reading in your room when she got inside looking like a woman on a mission. You confusingly stared at her when she sat in front of you. You were about to speak when she cut you off.
“The flower means love and according to my research you’re supposed to gift flowers or chocolate to your partner on this date. Those are facts.” She looked at you for confirmation.
You nodded and started to nervously pick on your nails. “You-you don’t have to feel it back, really, we don't even need to talk about it.” You said, with an equally nervous laugh.
Miranda nodded with a serious face and got out of the room a few moments, later returning with a flower made of silverware.
She presented it to you. “It’s shiny and a flower.” The priestess took a deep breath before speaking again. “I don't like to admit when I don't know something. But I don't know how this works or why you like me. Although I am absolutely sure this isn't going to end well. So…think before you accept this.”
You smiled, quickly accepting her flower. “I’m willing to try for you.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “Good.”
requests are open: masterlist
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sapphosdesires · 4 months
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The Masters and Johnson research clinic had recently turned its attention to sexual relations between two women. At first they just measured, heart rate, temperature and oestrogen levels during kissing with as many female observers as they could gather. Later they would observe the bodily changes that occur during lesbian lovemaking, but for now the main observation was that the women watching became almost as excited as the two that were kissing. It was a very popular experiment.
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M.Sc in Clinical Research is Postgraduate Degree Course in Medical Research Field. In order to understand the clinical research's scope in India, we need to have a look at what all is covered under this. The range of products includes drugs, vaccines, devices, diagnostic agents and treatment regimens.
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medicaldoctordana · 9 months
Re Fox “not a psychologist” Mulder
He has a very valid point when he says this.
While in the pilot he is described as “an Oxford educated psychologist” and utilizes his knowledge of psychology for profiles in the violent crimes unit and on the x-files, he is very much not a psychologist.
At least here in the US, you earn the title of “psychologist” after you have obtained a masters degree or higher (such as a PhD or PsyD) and/or accreditation from a society/state/etc. (PsyD is a doctor of psychology which is different from an MD who practices psychiatry- psychology and psychiatry have differences as well) This is very nuanced and in laymen terms is questionably acceptable to use the term psychologist in reference to Fox Mulder, however, technically he is correct— he is not a psychologist.
The reason is due to credentialism and ethics, anyone can get an associates or bachelors in psychology but “higher education” is a way to gatekeep the profession and to protect the utilization of the knowledge you learn as a psychology student due to the nature of the study. There is higher moral and ethical stakes the more educated you are so only the highest educated may claim the title of psychologist. This concept falls into “scope of practice” and is most applicable in medical and related fields.
(Disregarding moral and societal implication of this act- it’s a complicated issue)
For example, You shouldn’t try hypnosis on someone until you’ve been adequately trained on the technique and consequences (neutral term). These standards are often set by entities such as the American psychological association and is often why you cannot practice psychology without a license- a degree alone is not enough to prove capability and responsibility.
In Dreamland 2 we see his diploma from Oxford University and he has a bachelor’s of science in psychology. He is not trained in clinical psychology, educational psychology, industrial psychology, school psychology, etc. His degree in psychology is one of science so it’s very likely his education had a focus on research and statistics more so than broad theory and principles. (Difference between a Bachelors of Science and a Bachelors of Arts in psychology).
All in all, yes he has a degree in psychology but he is not a psychologist. It’s very likely he would have had the time to get at least a masters before recruitment to the FBI but it is never established he has more than a bachelors from Oxford. I am also not well versed on psychology degrees in the UK and how the education and credits transfer to the US.
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pseudowho · 2 months
Hey Haitch, what's up ? I need help and since you're : 1. One of the most prolific writers on here 2. You seem to be organised 3. I assume you have written a dissertation before What advice can you share for someone who has to write their master thesis pronto ? I have a terrible case of ADHD and just a mild interest in my subject, but I need to pump out 40 pages in 2 weeks so any advice is welcome Also you're the best, I loved your very clinical approach to analysing the JJK men's little swimmers
I am NOT PROLIFIC, shut up.
I am organised you're right, thank goodness for ✨anxiety✨
I've written a couple, taught dissertation classes on a University level, and bullied Mr.Haitch through a PhD too.
So I've not lived with ADHD sadly. I can only tell you what I'd do.
Get over yourself. I don't give a fuck if you don't like your subject and I don't give a fuck if you find it hard to concentrate. Pull your grown-up pants up, give yourself a slap, and recognise that you either do it and do it well, or you fail. Once you decide that knuckling down is infinitely more palatable than failure, it helps. So, be your own drill sergeant for two weeks now.
Examine your thesis question/hypothesis. Imagine teaching this subject to a class; what questions are they going to ask? You're going to want to answer those. They're going to highlight some key themes to explore. These themes can be grouped into your thesis subheadings.
What does the evidence show? There's almost certainly a theme there; do sources wildly disagree? Is there a general lean towards one answer? What gaping holes are there in the research? Assess the provenance; what limitations are placed upon pieces of evidence based on their provenance? How reliable are they? What are the sample sizes of the studies, if this is relevant to your thesis?
ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE THOROUGHLY EXPLORED THE FULL EVIDENCE...what do you think, and why? What do you think lends strength to your argument?
Remember, a Masters Thesis is a DISCUSSION, an ARGUMENT-- it's frustrating arguing with someone who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about, so get reading babe.
Do your References and Bibliography AS 👏 YOU 👏 WRITE 👏👏 ...as SOON as you mention it in the main body of the text, reference it properly. You are on limited time so tidy up as you go along. The devil is in the detail. I advise the Harvard referencing system, it's the nearest and simplest.
Good luck. This won't be easy. I'm a glutton for punishment and I love a challenge so this is a bit of me.
If you have a moment of "waahhhh this is hard I hate it I feel sorry for myself", let it be just that-- a moment. Pick yourself up and get back to it. Do not spiral. Now is not the time. Spiral after, if you like.
Please note: I'm not that much of a drill sergeant with other people. The above is how I bully myself, and I do bully myself. I would never judge you for a breakdown.
-- Haitch xxx
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zaharya · 2 years
ADHD science ramble – a comment response
So if you know me at all, you know I have ADHD and also a neuroscience degree. Meaning sometimes I ramble a lot about the science behind ADHD and ADHD meds. Generally, people appreciate it at best, or ignore it at worst – but apparently not on reddit! So, I'm coming home – forgive me for straying, Tumblr, please give me back my belief in people's ability to understand nuance.
The comment below was in response to a post asking about ADHD medication, including concerns about stimulants and addiction, and the question of "will I quit these meds or is this a life-long thing". They also mentioned "rejection sensitive dysphoria" (which is not a medical term!) and asked for other people's insights on any of these things. I tried to give that. The original post is now suddenly deleted, and the comment was invisible even before then for whatever reason (I won't speculate whether it was censored by the mods or not, it doesn't matter.)
But since those are all pretty general topics and this was a lot of effort to write, I'm re-posting it here in the hopes someone will benefit from it – it may just read a bit odd at times because it addresses the OP of that post. So if ADHD medication, treatment approaches, stigma, or emotional dysregulation are at all relevant or interesting to you, give it a glance. There's a TL:DR at the bottom as well. If Tumblr could stop bitching at me about the formatting that'd be great. Please ignore potential oddities with the list levels.
OKAY SO, buckle in my friend because you have activated my ADHD research deep dive mode. For the record and some context as to where I got all this; I have a BSc in Psychology, and did a research masters in cognitive and clinical neuroscience. Throughout both degree programs, I've written every single paper I could choose the topic for about some aspect of ADHD. (I do not have a license for psychotherapy yet, but I am getting one.) I also just have ADHD myself. What I’m trying to say is: I know way too much about ADHD and now I must tell you about it because what else am I supposed to do with it — ANYWAY … I should probably structure this somehow so it’s less overwhelming. We’ll try this:
Strattera/Atomoxetine (ATX); how it works, why it may or may not be working for you
Stimulants; how it works, evidence regarding the risk of dependency and abuse, connections to other substance use (since you mentioned nicotine)
Long-term treatment plans; factors to consider / questions for you to evaluate for yourself
RSD — probably a rant, first; why buzzwords are counterproductive even if the experience is 100% valid
Emotional dysregulation; research again, also potentially about meds
rejection sensitivity slkjdsjfs it escalated, help
Community and peer support
Yes? Yes. Feel free to skip any parts that are too sciency, if that doesn’t interest you!
First of all, congratulations on your diagnosis! You’ve already made one of the hardest steps. But let’s get into it, shall we?
ADHD Medication
Non-stimulants / Atomoxetine (ATX)
I must say, I am quite surprised that you were prescribed ATX as your first option, given that stimulants are very firmly established as first-line treatment.
Regardless, a couple of facts about it: ATX is a selective noradrenaline (NA) reuptake inhibitor, which also affects dopamine (DA) levels, specifically in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) because— well because brain chemistry. (I’m trying very hard to keep this simple, can you tell?) Basically, the idea is to regulate DA levels through an indirect mechanism via NA. And that works pretty well, generally. ATX is effective for approximately 50-60% of people, and the effects reach moderate strength.
Now you said that you don’t really notice any effect; that can have several possible reasons:
It just doesn’t work for you; 50-60% of people show a response, sure — but the other 40-50% do not! Unfortunately it is possible that you simply are part of those 40-50% non-responders.
The exact mechanisms of that are still unclear, but there are many factors that might influence someone’s drug response, including individual differences in metabolism, genetic factors etc. --- we’re still researching that
ATX, unlike stimulants, doesn’t necessarily have immediate effects. Full therapeutic effects are generally not evaluated until at least 2-3 weeks after starting it. That also means that the effects can develop slowly, which can make them harder to notice because it’s a somewhat gradual change.
On top of that, if your doctor is even the slightest shred of competent (which I hope), they’ll probably have started at a fairly low dose, meaning that;
you might just not feel it yet, but the effect may still emerge
you might need a higher dose; if that’s the case, this increase is generally done step-wise and quite slowly, to monitor the effects (and side-effects) properly. I suggest asking your doctors about what kind of trajectory they have in mind, so you can decide whether that suits you.
You mentioned mood swings; definitely mention that to your doctor! Psychological side-effects of ATX should be closely monitored
Note that this is especially important if someone has (potentially undiagnosed) comorbid disorders. I don’t know whether that’s the case for you, but better to be aware either way.
All that said, I also take ATX and I must say that on its own its effects are barely noticeable for me. It’s only because I know that my symptoms can be worse that I even consider it effective. I am an unusual case, though, regarding med-response etc. and I take ATX in combination with Elvanse (Lisdexamfetamine; LDX).
Which I guess brings us to stimulants. You say you’re reluctant out of fear to form a dependency, if I understand correctly. Well, the research is quite interesting in that regard — but let’s cover the basics first.
Stimulants, i.e., various types of amphetamines (AMP) and methylphenidates (MPH), are the standard first-line treatment for ADHD. Both AMP- and MPH-class drugs essentially increase the efficiency of the PFC —same as ATX — but where ATX only directly targets NA, AMP and MPH inhibit the reuptake of DA itself as well as NA reuptake. This direct effect on DA levels is basically (very basic; oversimplified even) what makes them stimulants. It is also likely the root for your concerns about dependence risks, because DA is involved in our reward-system in the brain — i.e. the thing that tells you “i want more of this”.
So, yeah, these concerns are not unfounded, HOWEVER
It is important to remember/note that a lot of the public narrative around ADHD and ADHD medication is heavily distorted by stigma. The number of people who worry about stimulants being addictive is leagues away from the actual prevalence of stimulant abuse/dependence.
This also kinda ties into your question about whether you will stop taking meds at some point or not; the idea that treatment must be temporary roots in the stigmatisation of mental health treatment.
I’m not saying that life-long medication treatment is a delight and a joy, but I also don’t think that it is the ultimate evil it’s sometimes made out to be. –– EXAMPLE: Think of a diabetic; they will need insulin for the rest of their life, but in their case nobody would ever suggest that them taking it is somehow a bad thing.
Mental health in general is unfortunately still heavily stigmatised, and that also impacts the narrative around treatment options, including medication. And more often than not, public beliefs about psychiatric conditions are downright and blatantly wrong.
In this particular case, actual research indicates that stimulant treatment actually decreases the risk for substance abuse in ADHDers. (Generally, adequate ADHD treatment reduces risks for all sorts of unpleasant things, like comorbid disorders, social isolation, divorce, accidents — I could go on. Not the point.)
The point is that overall, from a research perspective, the risk of drug dependence due to stimulant medication is quite low. Hell, literally everyone I know who takes ADHD meds will go “shit I forgot my meds” at least every other month or so.
Of course that doesn’t mean that we can all just pop stims however we like without a care in the world. As with any other medication, monitoring effects and side-effects together with a doctor is key.
With all that said, there is good reason why stimulants are first-line treatment for ADHD: 65-80% of people show a treatment response, and for a lot of people who don’t initially experience an effect, switching to another type of stimulant will often do the trick (total response rates of ~90%). Besides the fact that they work for more people, they also generally work better than non-stimulants, meaning that the symptom improvements are stronger for stimulants. Does this mean you should just get over yourself and go for stimulants because they’re clearly superior? Of course not.
Medication response is ultimately a very individual thing; it is basically impossible to know how you’ll react to any given medication before you try it. So in the end, it really comes down to what you want. It’s your decision, based on your priorities and values.
The same goes for your question of “will I take these meds forever” — that’s up to you!
Generally speaking, ADHD doesn’t go away. It is not something you grow out of any more than you can grow a second brain to replace the one you have. And our brains have ADHD. So, symptom-wise, we will always experience ADHD to some degree at least.
Of course, there are plenty of other treatment approaches such as CBT and literal mountains of helpful strategies to learn about and use. And that’s wonderful! Still, therapy alone is generally considered less effective than meds, but it does help. The best treatment approaches are multimodal, i.e. a combination of pharmacological treatment and behavioural interventions. Aka we take meds and go to therapy. Amazing.
So let’s say you’ve taken meds for a while, you’ve gone to therapy, you’ve learnt all the strategies — you decide to quit the meds. What happens?
Well first of all, nobody can know that beforehand, so keep in mind that these are hypothetical assumptions based on scenarios that research described as likely
Anyway, you quit whatever meds that ended up working for you. Ideally, you do that slowly so you don’t have any withdrawal issues, but eventually you’re off the meds. As a result, your brain isn’t getting that neurotransmitter boost anymore that the meds created (though some research shows that some benefits might persist, yay!), meaning that cognitive impairments are stronger again.
Does this mean all your symptoms come back? Well, yes and no. On a basic brain level, impairments return at least in part, but the strategies you learnt in therapy might still help you cope with those impairments better than you used to before.
So you might be overall more functional, thanks to those strategies, yes.
But strategies will not fix your brain chemistry, and if there’s no dopamine there’s no dopamine, and suddenly you spent all day in bed. Or you’re staring at your work open in front of you feeling like there’s a thick panel of glass between you and your screen/keyboard and you just cannot make yourself type. These things won’t go away, and strategies will not always do the trick
Personally, I dread the idea of living my life entirely off meds. My main hobby is writing, which is nearly impossible without my meds — and even if I had a less challenging hobby; I want to do things in life, not waste my time trying to get myself to brush my teeth. But, again, that is a very personal decision that you ultimately have to make for yourself.
Still, here are a few things to consider that might help you evaluate your options:
Need — what are your primary needs? Which symptoms are impacting you most? (Yes I’m getting to the RSD sfksjhgj)
Want — what are things you want beyond the most important needs? Where do your priorities lie?
Benefit — what benefit are you getting from [medication X]? How much positive effect does it have on your symptoms? On your life as a whole?
Need-benefit — do the benefits fulfil your essential needs? —> if not, that’s probably not the right med for you
Want-benefit — do the benefits fulfil your wants beyond the essentials?
Cost — what costs is [medication X] causing you? Do you have side-effects, if so what are they, how bad, how frequent?
Cost-benefit — do the benefits outweigh the costs, on a somewhat objective level? (effects vs side-effects)
Cost-benefit-want — Are the benefits worth the costs, also taking your individual values, concerns and goals into account?
This last one can get quite complicated, I’ll admit, but in the end I feel like this one is what tips the scale for a lot of people.
You could have the most amazing improvements, if you suffer side effects that keep you from something that is important to you, it’s probably not worth it in the end.
Vice versa, in my case, if it means I can write, I will accept that I’ll feel incredibly nauseated on some days for like 1-3 hours. It all comes down to individual choices in the end.
-deep breath- So, that was a lot, whops. So much, that I should actually go and work, so I’ll try to keep the RSD thing short. Conveniently, the AutoMod already summed up the most important bits:
RSD is not a recognised medical term
Instead of RSD, it is better to use concepts and terminology with solidly established definitions such as emotional dysregulation and rejection sensitivity to talk about the experiences people tend to label RSD
This is particularly important when consulting mental health professionals; well established concepts enable them to assess your symptoms and needs better than vague, ill-defined buzzwords. I have had people tell me they were going to switch to another doctor because theirs wasn’t familiar with RSD --- that is an issue!
Buzzwords like that tend to hinder treatment progress, because they are too vague to be properly informative. Most people have a very specific conceptual definition of RSD --- namely the one that describes their own symptoms best.
That renders it basically useless as a communicative device. Doctors cannot mind-read; you are doing yourself a favour if your communication (including terminology) is as clear as possible.
Obviously nobody expects you to know specialised medical terms --- just try to avoid buzzwords; of any kind! RSD is just a very very popular one and therefore warrants repeated clarification.
Now, just cause it’s not A Thing(tm), doesn’t mean it’s not a problem. And yes, the experience of rejection sensitivity in ADHD is valid and should not be dismissed!
Emotional dysregulation is actually one of the most prevalent and most impacting symptoms of ADHD, but because it isn’t part of the diagnostic criteria, a lot of people aren’t even aware of how much ADHD impacts emotions — and how much that impacts life for ADHDers. Emotional dysregulation leads to all sorts of other problems, like social isolation or comborbid mood disorders like depression or bipolar. So, clearly, it’s something should be addressed when it comes to treatment.
And would you look at that, they did! Yay!
Research shows that stimulants are effective for reducing symptoms of emotional dysregulation; as mentioned earlier, ideally you combine that with therapy.
Especially for emotional dysregulation, therapy — not just strategies, therapy — can be very beneficial, because emotions are hard. A lot of ADHDers, especially those that only get their diagnosis in adulthood, develop suboptimal coping mechanisms throughout their life that are very hard to dismantle without help. But resolving those patterns often makes an immense impact on the general quality of life.
Conclusion: Get a good therapist. It’s worth it. (Good = someone you trust and click with, you have to be comfortable.)
Now, one last thing (almost done I promise), because you said you don’t really have anyone to talk to about this:
I strongly encourage you to actively seek out ADHD communities in a format that lends itself to connecting with people on a personal level.
So, quick story time: Back in 2018, I (by complete coincidence) stumbled over a video of a TEDxTalk about ADHD on Patreon – who even browses Patreon?! Anyway, I watched it. Cried. A lot. Backed that Patreon immediately, before even looking at the actual YouTube channel it was for. The Patreon came with Discord rewards — I had never heard of Discord but there’s nothing like ADHD impulsivity, so I made a Discord account and joined that server.
Literally my whole life has changed since then. My perspective on ADHD has changed so so much simply through seeing other people having the same struggles, and yet they were still unique. And it was a wild ride. I look at some of the beliefs I used to have and am baffled at myself. But that’s not the main point, though knowledge always does help. No, the main point isn’t another strategy or lifehack. The main point are friends. True, actual friends who accept you, but also understand you.
When I joined that server, I very quickly met a lot of people. It was wonderful to suddenly be in a space where people related to my experiences that had previously always singled me out as weird or rude or incompetent or whatever. And all those people were lovely, but they’re not the friends I mean; most of them I am not in touch with anymore. I mean the select few. They are what made the biggest difference for me. I met one of my top two best friends like 2 months after joining the server, when we both became moderators. We later did community management together for over a year, until I moved on to other things — they are still Community Manager there! I flew to the other side of the planet for their wedding. We spend hours on video chat sometimes, both just working and hanging out because we like each other’s company (and it helps us focus). I can tell them anything, even if I hate what I did or didn’t do or say or think.
Those friends.
And I don’t know you, obviously, so maybe you already have that friend, in which case I’m very happy for you. But judging by your statement that you have nobody to talk to—
I’m not saying that joining an ADHD community will magically drop a best friend for you out of the sky, but it’s honestly not a bad start. Simply gaining the peer support of people who understand and relate to your experiences is worth it.
Okay, phew. Now I’m done. For your convenience;
non-stimulants might still take effect or you might need a different dose
stimulants are heavily stigmatised and the actual risk for substance dependence is quite low if the treatment is properly monitored by a medical professional
ADHD doesn’t go away; we will always have ADHD brains and there will always be issues that cannot be solved with strategies
It’s up to you to decide whether you want to take medication for it, and whether you want to take them long-term or not. I personally am fairly certain that I will continue to take these meds as long as I can. Even though there are downsides, the benefits are more than worth it for me.
Emotions are hard, everyone should go to therapy.
Make ADHD friends! (I personally really like Discord communities; I can recommend the HowToADHD community — that’s the server I mentioned earlier — but it’s unfortunately behind a (very low) paywall. If you don’t know that YouTube channel, I’d also recommend checking out Jess’s videos.)
But back to the point: Friends. Whichever platform you are comfortable with – try connecting with people beyond surface level conversations in public comments/threads/channels. Slide into those DMs!
And that’s all. That was way too long and I apologise. I hope any of it was helpful and understandable, I know I can get a bit sciency sometimes. If anything is unclear just ask. Good luck with your journey! It might be hard in the beginning, but it gets easier with time, I promise.
I hope anyone finds this useful, if only for validation. Shit's hard, but we'll all be fine, together.
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starkdirewolflove · 1 year
The Owl House
Some things I predict/would like to see for the owl house when it ends and after they finally get rid of Belos/Philip for good:
King finds a way for the Collector to set the Boiling Isles back to normal and they remain friends while the Collector goes on to have adventures across the multiverse.
Lilith becomes a renowned historian and teaches the true history of the boiling isles and the Titan and banishes Belos’s lies and propaganda. She also goes on the occasional research trip/adventure with her bestie Hooty.
Eda takes up the Clawthorne family business of Palisman carving while working with the Bat Queen to regrow the Palistrom trees in her forest and arranging adoptions for the orphaned palisman in her care. She also has a part time job as a guidance councillor at Hexside helping inspire young witches to their best areas of study like she did for Edric and Emira. Eda shares custody of Luz with Camila and they alternate weekends where the families stay at each others houses. Eda and Raine get together properly, Raine works as the music teacher at Hexside and they have a band with the other BATS which Eda guest plays with once in a while.
Hunter becomes Eda’s apprentice in the palisman carving business and works as a sort of park ranger looking after the Bat Queen’s forest and all her palisman charges while studying wild magic and playing Flyer Derby on the weekends with the Emerald Entrails. Gus is his best friend and Willow his eventual girlfriend.
Gus with the approval of Principal Bump organises field trips for the Human Appreciation Society to visit the human realm where they liaise with their expert Vee to learn more about humans and their culture. Gus goes on to become a master illusionist and ambassador between the human and demon realms.
Willow realises her full potential as a powerful witch and starts her own garden club (like the plant coven but better), captains the Flyer Derby team to victory multiple times and graduates Hexside with honours and friendships with the people that used to pick on her but have wised up. She starts dating Hunter and uses her plant skills to help the Bat Queens forest grow and expand.
Amity reunites with her family (minus Odalia cos she’s the worst and I don’t see that changing) and joins Ed and Em in the Bad Girl Coven to learn other magic tracks while still being great at abominations. She wins the next Bonesborough Brawl cheered on by her family, friends and girlfriend Luz. Amity becomes a librarian/author and collaborates with King and Luz on a new book series about a witch from the demon realm falling in love with a human girl studying to be a witch.
And Luz strikes a perfect balance between her two homes and families so she spends time on the boiling isles and time back at Gravesfield but Camilla goes with her to the owl house to spend time with her other kids and they all visit her too. Camilla and Gwen Clawthorne bond over veterinary and beast keeping and set up their own animal/beast clinic on the isles. Luz becomes a fully trained witch and helps inspire other young witches on the isles and with her sister Vee, finds other human kids like her who would flourish in the demon realm and want to learn magic. Luz and Amity stay together and Eda and Owlbert start taking bets on when they’ll get married and who’ll propose first.
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