#marina johnson
Ohh OCs questions then (ofc no pressure, only if you want):
-who are your 3 fave ocs (or the ones you’re the most fond of)?
-who are your 3 “problematic fave” ocs, or like ocs you have who are bitches but you love ‘em anyway?
My three favorites...
Marina Johnson from Covered in Storms, Surrounded by Eyes is definitely up there. She's very cool and I've given her a loving family and a great personality, I think. I love her! I want her to have all the screentime in the world, but that's unfair.
Beau from Covered in Storms is also up there. He's really kind and I just think if he were an actual person we'd be good friends.
Third... Probably Sue Laverne from my beryl grace fic. She's very down to Earth and just wants Beryl to be safe, and I think she's cool.
My problematic faves....
Definitely Antonio di Angelo, Maria's oldest Zio. Antonio is a general asshole (earning him the nickname Antonio the Asshole in my head). He abandoned his family for no reason, really, and openly encourages adultery and cheating. He had three wives (two of which died mysteriously...) and many, many mistresses. He had a lot of children, legitimately and illegitimately. I think he cared solely about money and his own pleasure and gain, and nothing else. He was poisoned in his early seventies by one of his mistresses, and that's how he died.
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olipeaksforever · 1 month
Twin Peaks girls as modern pop/rock girls:
Laura: Ethel Cain
Donna: Weyes Blood
Shelly: Chappell Roan
Audrey: MARINA
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upat4amwiththemoon · 8 months
🌻 Trope challenge 🌻
I love you (Daisy Johnson x reader) | Friends to lovers | 16/10/2023
Two kinds of love.
Elevator (Wanda Maximoff x reader) | Forced proximity | 17/10/2023
Feelings are terrifying.
The stars (Carol Danvers x reader) | Second chance romance | 22/10/2023
I see my lover when I look at the stars.
Hawkeye 2.0 (Kate Bishop x reader) | Hurt/comfort | 12/06/2024
With great power comes great responsibility.
Game day (Natasha Romanoff x reader) | Football player x cheerleader | 12/11/2023
Put your game face on.
Second trope challenge!
This’ll work the same way as the first one, so the next part is entirely in your hands! Comment down below or send an ask which character you’d like to be part of which trope. The characters can be women from the fandoms I’ve written from before. You can also request characters I haven’t written before and from series/movies I haven’t written before! I will do the decision based on how many wishes that character gets and in a way that many tropes don’t have the same characters.
I’ll keep updating this post when the characters get chosen, summaries and stories get written, and when I know which date they’ll be posted. Thank you and enjoy! :)
All posts regarding this will be under #upat4amwiththemoon trope challenge
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tweetingukpolitics · 1 year
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jsimmersims · 1 month
They grown now
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kindheartedgummybears · 2 months
Oh No! by MARINA is so T coded
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operafantomet · 2 years
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The original Australian wedding dress in use 1990-1998
John Bowles, Danielle Everett and Rob Guest, Sydney
John Bowles, Danielle Everett and Rob Guest, Sydney
Peter Cousens, Maree Johnson and Rob Guest, Sydney
Tim Beveridge and Maree Johnson, Sydney
Tim Beveridge (?) and Maree Johnson, Sydney
Dale Burridge, Marina Prior and Anthony Warlow, Melbourne
Rob Guest, Danielle Everett and John Bowles, Sydney
John Bowles, Danielle Everett and Rob Guest, Sydney
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ceevee5 · 1 year
“Boris Johnson, who last told the truth during the Reagan administration – and then only accidentally – has somehow got the government to fund state-of-the-art lawyers to prove he wasn’t aware of parties happening in his own house, attended by his own self, against his own rules, and in at least one case against his own laws, having gone on telly every single night to tell people that compliance to the letter of said rules and laws was a matter of life and death.”
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cinema-winding · 11 months
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Evdeki Düşman:Başlangıç
Bir kaçış öyküsü
Kendinden dünyadan kaçmak içindi bütün çabası. Saklandığı ev aslında onun esir kambın olacaktı.
Tam “dinsizin hakkından imansız gelir” lafının filmi gibi
Korku severler her daim ayrı bir duruş ile sevdiği filmlerden . Bunun bir özelliği tabii ki filmden sonra aynı buna benzer bir gerçek bir olayın yaşanması. Yapımcılar olayın birinci perdesini çekmeye ikna etmiş gözüküyor.
Ve filme geçelim.
Akıl hastanesinden kaçarak zengin bir ailenin kaybolan çocuğunun yerine geçen bir kızın hikayesini konu ediyor. Rusya’da bir psikiyatri kliniğinde yatan Leena Klammer, uzun süredir kaçmayı planlar. Sonunda amacına ulaşan Leena’nın önündeki hedef yeni bir kurban aile. Amerikalı varlıklı bir ailenin kayıp kızı rolüne bürünerek oyununa başlar. Ancak Leena’nın artık "Esther" olduğu yeni hayatında planlamadığı bir durum vardır. Anne Tricia, çocuklarını korumak için Esther’in karşısına dikilen her şeyi göze alan biridir.
Bir yetim olan Esther yine kendinden nefret ettiriyor ama bu kez büyük bir farkla: Ondan daha nefretlik bir aileyle birlikte.... Filmin aile kavramıyla alakalı bazı dertleri olduğunu görüyoruz. Yer yer donu ifadeler her an patlamaya hazır bir bomba izlenimi yaratıyor.
Ailenin de yozlaşmış ve sevgi değil mecburiyetten birbirine katlanan bir grup insanın. Dengelerini korumak için neler yapabileceğine tanık oluyoruz . Her ailenin bir sırrı vardır . Esther ise sırlarını ile gelen bir yabancıydı . Sırlar ortak hedef uğruna aynı masada toplanmalarına sahne mi olacak? Yoksa savaş çok daha sert mi geçecek ? Seyircinin gerilmesine ,izlemesine ve beklentiyi yüksek tutan bir film karşınızda. Bazen bir aileye dahil olmak yalnızlıktan çok daha kötüdür .
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rhynehoward · 2 years
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ingek73 · 2 years
‘This is the version of Jaws where the shark eats the mayor, and the entire beach is rooting for the shark.’
‘Ben Wallace: Ben once fumed on Twitter that Michael Gove would be Theon Greyjoy “by the time I am finished with him”. Then again, maybe it would actually be quite popular to run on a promise to relieve the Conservative party of its penises.’
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cinemedios · 2 months
'Dame Chance (Rayuela)', Una Colección de Inspiraciones
Luego de presentarse en el Vive Latino de este año, RENEE sorprende con su nuevo sencillo, el cual guarda más de una sorpresa.
Luego de presentarse en el Vive Latino de este año, RENEE sorprende con su nuevo sencillo, el cual guarda más de una sorpresa. Reseña Musical | ‘Dame Chance (Rayuela)’ La artista de origen regiomontano RENEE volvió a las plataformas digitales el 21 de marzo, luego de su aplaudida presentación en el Vive Latino de este año con un sencillo que tanto en su letra, como en su vídeo musical, guarda una…
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lucidloving · 7 months
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墨香铜臭, Heaven Official's Blessing // Tina Tran, "Until I started choking on our memories" // Rykarda Parasol // Richard Siken, "Saying Your Names" // Bluepoch Games, Reverse 1999 // Trebbe Johnson, Fierce Consciousness: Surviving the Sorrows of Earth and Self // Marina Tsvetaeva, "Poem of the End" (trans. Elaine Feinstein) // Boyish—Japanese Breakfast // @catradoraism // Richard Siken, "Planet of Love"
[Requested by @wispy-wallfish]
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averycanadianfilm · 2 years
The UK is in a political crisis layered on top of an economic crisis, which itself has needlessly exacerbated an already dire cost-of-living crisis. The idea that the answer to a single part of this horror show is to bring back a morally degenerate financial incontinent who broke his own laws is something that tells you everything about the terminal sad-sacks who are so much as thinking of it. The formal parliamentary investigation into Johnson’s last truth-aborting period in office is about to begin; if it ends up censuring him for misleading parliament over the No 10 lockdown parties, as is perfectly likely, then we’d be in a constitutional crisis too. Maybe crises are cheaper when you buy in bulk.
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tweetingukpolitics · 1 year
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lkinews · 2 years
jennifer arcuri boris johnson gmb
jennifer arcuri boris johnson gmb
Jennifer Arcuri Boris Johnson is a journalist, author and former fashion editor in New York City. In this article, she talks about the pros of using freelance copywriters for your business which are speed, quality, and global reach. She also talks about the cons to using freelance copywriters including that you can’t always get what you want. How do you pronounce your name? There are many ways to…
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