#man I love these two
d4isywhims · 5 months
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my baby's sweet as can be,
she give me toothaches just from kissin' me.
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If we ever get Old Moon back (which we won't, but oh well), I want both him and New Moon to exist simultaneously. Like, I obviously miss Old Moon, but I don't want him back if that means New Moon would disappear.
But imagine all the silly scenarios if they both existed, and were forced to interact on a daily basis. Like, obviously at first they wouldn't like one another, that's pretty clear in New Moon's case, but just imagine.
For the sake of this post, I am going to refer to Old Moon as Moon, seeing as he was the first with that name, and to New Moon as well... Newmoon. Very creative, I know.
Like, imagine them, just at eachother's throats, trying to strangle the other, and then Sun comes in and suddenly they are in different ends of the Daycare, one at the security desk and the other pretending to have jumped down from the balcony.
Imagine them having this sibling rivalry, competing to spend time together with their favourite person in the whole world: Sunny Boy! Like, they are recording for the channel, and then one comes in and just attacks the other for the right of recording with Sun. Like, suddenly it's just: "Get off of me!" and Moon's then like: "Sorry for that, what were we doing again?" because the one not originally in the recording won, but has no actual idea of what's happening. And the Moon that was knocked down just being tied up in the room behind, screeching profanities.
Newmoon just running up, and grabbing Sun, who was having a converstation with Moon, and just dragging him off with a: "Come on!", while Moon's left flabbergasted (the audacity!).
Imagine Moon just doing all those "Oh noo! The gravity!" sibling stuff, and just falling on Newmoon, while Newmoon's trying to get him off, but the little bastard's using magic to weigh himself down.
Imagine Sun just waking up, walking out of his room, and his two idiotic siblings are just hiding very obvious weponary, but suddenly both of them are just sweetly asking if Sun wants to spend some time with them. Just some good ol' brotherly bonding. Together. Just the two of them. :) Without the loser.
Just imagine Sun's resigned sigh, and just silently leaving while the Moons duke it out, to spend time with Earth and Lunar. And then the Moons look up, and where's Sunny? D:
Them just competing for ✨Best Big Brother Spot✨, because they both wanna look cool in front of Earth and Lunar. Because let's be real, Moon would have adored Earth. (It's kinda canon, if you know the first deleted Earth introduction video)
Harvest (as I mentioned, I call new Bloodmoon this) would have no chance of getting to Sun now, because there's TWO helicopter siblings sitting on his head, making everything lovingly miserable. Like, my guy can never be alone if one's always with him. Especially if they are both competing for his time and attention, seeing as both are unused to someone always wanting to be with Sun.
The shenanigans with Ruin while he was still 100% infected would probably happen differently, cause let's be honest, Moon was a lot more paranoid, than Newmoon is (understandably). Heck, we might still have Spaned and Yargo insread of Spaniard (although I do like him), because Moon would be suspicious of Ruin wanting to shake both hands, and not let Newmoon touch anything without examining his hands first.
Newmoon would also absolutely stand up against Moon, when he acts like a jerk, and call him a twat to his face. While Moon would help redirect Newmoon's anger at himself, so it's them shouting at one another, instead of Newmoon accidentaly shouting at Sun.
Newmoon would probably call Moon out, if he was being a jackass, and Moon would probably also bite back, if Newmoon was acting stupid.
The two of them, sleep deprieved, would also be terrifying. Like, imagine these already insane mfs with even more questionable sanity, just going: "You know what would be a good idea? Flamethrower. That can shoot icecubes. And looks like a videogame controller." and the other (probably Newmoon) going: "Great idea! Why didn't I think of that?" And just this abomination blowing up in their faces. Sun's crying in the corner. Is he crying from laughter? Is he crying in general? Who knows?
And the furry incident. Oh, the furry incident. If it was just Newmoon turning into a furry, Moon would be recording every second. Before family movie nights, he'd just stand up and be like: "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?" and just putting the entire Newmoon turned furry video on. And that's the second he'd get tackled by Newmoon trying to smoher him with a foam block. A laughing Earth and Sun would have to drag him off.
If both turned into furries, Sun would just come in to them having the biggest argument, over who fucked up. Like it'd be the most five year old level argument on the planet. Both would be pointing fingers, because obviously it was the other one that messed up! And Solar would just come in like: "Heey >:)"
My poor guy would be in danger.
Moon would probably atleast attempt to be a bit nicer with Solar, seeing everything. Like, we know that Moon was aware, that Solar was a nice Eclipse, and willingly sent Lunar there alone, so I feel like he'd attempt to act friendly.
But this furry incident, if it happened to them both, would unite them against the greater evil, Solar, in what will essentially turn into a prank war. They'd totally lose.
If it was just Newmoon turned into a furry, then it'd be Moon and Solar teaming up, and essentialy bullying poor Newmoon. All lovingly, of course. Like, poor Newmoon would never be able to forget the one time he got turned into a furry.
Just imagine all the fear from them playing a mannequin game, and both pretending to not be scared. "I'm not scared! You are!" and then both just gasping in insert scared Moon noise. Like imagine them playing that art gallery game from Dread X Collection, they'd both be so fucking afraid. The one not playing would attempt to act all macho, saying he isn't scared, but then panicking just as much as the one playing. Sun would have to be called.
If both were around, Jack's building would have happened a bit differently too. Moon would have wanted to oversee it a bit more, so maybe all those poor dogs would not have ended up in Antarctica. The Creature(tm) would probably still have some kinks that needed to be worked out but, ultimately they'd either be less, or entirely different. Cus, yet again, Moon's paranoid. He'd not trust others' work as much as he trusts his own, so that'd need to be a part of his character journey. To better trust in others.
But just imagine the Solar-Newmoon-Moon Trio. Absolutely unstoppable science nerds. Ruin, if he's still evil, would stand no chance against them. Harvest would be beaten already, torn to pieces. Stitchwraith would have to face these three's combined righteous anger, rabid dog energy, and mad genious. The Creator would find himself with multiple ridiculous weapons aimed his way, all ready to go off, held by trigger happy individuals who run on the animatronic equivalent of caffeine. Eclipse who? You mean this smoldering pile of atoms?
They'd be an unstoppable science trio. And an unstoppable family. Because they'd tease one-another to death, but only THEY can bully the other. And maybe Sun, Lunar, Earth and Solar, but even then they should get ready to pay.
Imagine Moon's reaction to meeting Forkface for the first time. He'd develop a hit and run mentality in miliseconds, then just skedaddle his way outta there. He's maybe not leaving Sun to the wolves, but that's very dependant on how close he is to Forky. He'd totally use Newmoon as a shield. Newmoon's crying.
Newmoon would know better next time Forky appears, and throw Moon into the 'danger'. "Take him, not us!" "Why me?!" "You're the older brother!" and just leave. He'd get out of there as fast as he can. With Sun. Maybe.
It'd be incredibly fun to have this. But it won't happen. Witch is fine, that's what AUs are for!
But I've never before seen anyone putting them into a situation together (coulda missed it). I think their characters would balance eachother out, bring out aspects that weren't seen before.
Moon would take on this more mentor-like role, while Newmoon would be at constant odds with himself and Moon, because he doesn't like Moon as a person. He hates what he sees in Moon, and is afraid of becoming like him.
I think it'd do Newmoon a world of good if he could see that while not in an obvious manner, there is good in Moon. And it'd do Moon good to have someone with more similiar interests to guide, someone who WILL step up to him, someone who will encourage him to do better, to be better.
They are just so silly, and I love them both. :D
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queenofbaws · 24 days
hiii! hope you’re having a nice weekend :) could you write anything for ash x jess please ? <3
Oh, she hated games like these...she absolutely hated them, because no matter what was asked or who was doing the asking, what it came down to was always the same: Lying or being embarrassed in front of everyone.
Her two least favorite things.
"Never have I ever..." Hannah started, dragging each syllable out to buy herself some time, "...kissed...a...girl."
And the circle went nuts - there were a few jokes shouted as people put their fingers down or left them up, things like "Yeah, that tracks," or "Oh please, you're not fooling anyone;" there were wolf-whistles and cheers; there was so much laughter she thought she might combust; and, as she left her own finger up, Ashley thought her face might literally catch fire, she was blushing so hard.
She never could've gotten away with lying, not with everyone looking at her like that, so instead of watching them react, she lowered her eyes to the floor, and...and that was probably why she didn't notice Jess scootch in beside her.
Without warning, there was a hand tipping her chin back, a pair of glossy lips sliding across hers; "Now you have," Jess smiled against her mouth, pressing one last bubblegum-flavored kiss to the corner of her lips before pulling back, basking in the hoots and whoops of the group as Ashley struggled to remember how to breathe.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
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I designed loosely-medieval Luke a while back, but after drawing a sketch of him and Vader (below the cut), I realized that I never designed Vader’s medieval-inspired look yet! So I redid the sketch, and here we are! XDD
Rest assured Luke isn’t turning to the Dark Side here loll It’s more from a scene in my recent fanfic where he and Vader have a shared meditation session while clasping hands.
Vader’s design is a bit of a mashup of things loll His movie helmet is shaped much like a Japanese kabuto, so I went with that for his redesign. The chainmail and cape, on the other hand, are directly inspired by 12th century Siculo-Norman armour. I figured the lack of armour plates (like what I drew for Anakin and Obi-Wan) would give Vader more freedom of movement, especially with his prosthetics.
Here’s the original sketch:
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I’m so proud of how I drew Vader’s helmet! It’s juts so hard to draw, and at different angles too (because I have to look all over the place for references!) T_T
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currently-haunted · 1 year
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let kaveh sleep comfortably, do teasing later
*puts them in microwave*
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xamitra-art · 10 months
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(Innocence by William Bouguereau)
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chloelazulinew · 8 months
The ADHD creature!1!1!!1!1!
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Man i love this lil guy
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sunny-daysss · 8 months
Will never forget the scream I scrumpt when this happened
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spoken-outofturn · 9 months
rough dives.
[1,858 words]
It was a particularly rough dive.
Lu Guang used his powers to get a clearer picture of the timeline the client was asking for before coming to Cheng Xiaoshi with the picture they needed to dive, as he normally does, but what the client wanted was not particularly easy to find. Meaning, Lu Guang had to dive into at least 20 pictures himself before pulling Xiaoshi from the darkroom to jump.
The client was looking for clues on her long-lost lover. That much Lu Guang was able to piece together through his own research—that helpful tidbit of information was not given to him before starting on the work. All the client had told Qiao Ling was that she was wanting to find clues as to where her old university roommate had disappeared off to after graduation.
It would have been helpful to have the pictures timestamped. It also would have been helpful to know that it wasn’t right after graduation when her old roommate had disappeared.
Instead, Lu Guang dove into at least 7 pictures alone to piece together when all of them were taken. Then, it was sorting out their last semester living together, the days leading up to graduation, the day of graduation getting ready in their dorm together, their fight a week after…
He had written out the important details he found; he wasn’t an idiot. But the information overload was starting to weigh on his brain.
He was going to need a long nap after this one.
But the work wasn’t over yet.
Lu Guang knocked on the door of the darkroom. “Hey, Cheng Xiaoshi, found the one we need to learn more from. I think there was something the roommate said to her, but the client wasn’t paying enough attention for me to catch it. I also think there was a train ticket in the roommate’s purse that might give us a clue as to where she went.”
The door slid open. Despite it being almost nine in the evening, Xiaoshi was still as peppy as ever. Which really didn’t surprise Lu Guang—his partner did just get done with developing the last of some wedding photos they had shot over the weekend. The smile that greeted Lu Guang eased some of the pounding in his head. He couldn’t help it; if Xiaoshi was happy, it always lifted Lu Guang’s spirits too.
“Alright! Another dive? Its been almost a week and half. You sure you’re good to dive tonight though? I know we just got this client this morning…” Xiaoshi trailed off, letting concern leak into his voice. It made Lu Guang’s mouth twitch into a small smile, against his will.
“Yeah, it’s all good. The quicker we get this done the better, and it shouldn’t be too hard of a dive.” Xiaoshi simply looked at him with that hint of concern behind his eyes for a moment, but eventually stepped out of the dark room and closed the door behind him. “Alright, navigator, I trust you.”
Cheng Xiaoshi always said those words so easily, and Lu Guang always had his breath catch on the honesty they held.
They trailed into the living room, Lu Guang handing the picture over to his partner. “Alright, you know the rules…” he let himself trail off, sending a pointed look at Xiaoshi. The dark-haired man may trust him, but he always seems to need reminding of their rules.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I only get twelve—” “You only get twelve hours. Follow my lead and change nothing. Lastly, past or future—” “Past or future, let them be. I got this, and you’re by my side as always, my guide.” Xiaoshi winks at him on those last words, clapping his hand on top of Lu Guang’s.
At first, nothing appears to go awry. By all accounts, it’s the smoothest dive they’ve had in a while, especially as Xiaoshi didn’t need to continually be punched in order to obtain the necessary information for their client.
The issue, in fact, didn’t even come from Cheng Xiaoshi, as the recklessly empathetic man is prone to causing.
It was from Lu Guang himself.
First, there was a deep throb deep in Lu Guang’s head. He brushed it off—it wouldn’t be the first time he used his powers with a migraine.
Then, it was the silence.
“Cheng Xiaoshi? I caught what I needed to of that conversation, but I need you to wait before trying to find the train tickets.”
“Cheng Xiaoshi? …Xiaoshi! Answer me if you can hear me.”
It wasn’t often that Lu Guang had genuine panic creep into his tone. “Lu Guang? Hello?” The sigh that followed would have sounded exasperated to anyone who didn’t know Lu Guang. But Cheng Xiaoshi knew Lu Guang. Better than anyone. “Hey you went dark on me there for a second, is everything okay?”
The silence returned.
Xiaoshi waited a few more seconds before trying again. “Guang Guang, I know you like to tease, but I do need instruction.” The teasing tone in his voice was mostly for himself—he cannot panic now, not in the middle of a dive, not in the middle of a conversation with the target of the client’s inquiry.
It wasn’t often that Xiaoshi completed a job by himself. In fact, he could really only say he entered a photo by himself once before. But he knew there was only this one chance to use this one photo to get the client’s information. So, he carried on, but only for exactly as long as he needed to.
Lu Guang was not responding. He tried about once a minute to reach out to his partner, each time to no response. He got the train line and the name of the destination that was on the ticket hidden in the roommates’ purse, then did what he has only needed to a few times before.
He pulled himself out of the photo early.
Landing on the couch, he immediately rushed to Lu Guang’s side, where he was slumped on the floor, almost like he was on his way to the kitchen and simply passed out. The panic that Xiaoshi suppressed when he was in the dive resurfaced, tenfold.
He rushed to the white-haired man’s side, dropping to the floor next to him. “Lu Guang, Lu Guang!” He took his partner’s head and maneuvered it into his lap. He checked Lu Guang’s pulse; normal. He watched the rise and fall of the man’s chest; normal. He let out a breath of relief—at least he still had his best friend with him. Now all he had to do was figure out what was wrong with him.
Unconsciously, he started running his fingers through the white locks in his lap while he thought. Lu Guang had absolutely overworked himself that day. He knew it by the extra tired look in his eyes when he had retrieved Cheng Xiaoshi from the dark room. He had been through bouts of fatigue before with his powers, but it had never caused him to outright pass out before. Right?
Or had he simply never noticed?
Lu Guang was always doing what amounted to reconnaissance for their dives the day or two leading up to Xiaoshi entering the photo. Had this happened before? Had Xiaoshi simply overlooked what was happening to his best friend, to his partner?
The guilt started to well up in Xiaoshi. How had he not seen this coming? Why didn’t he push harder for them to wait another day to dive? How many photos had Lu Guang looked through, and why didn’t Xiaoshi notice?
His thoughts were immediately cut off as he whipped his head back down to the man still in his lap. Whose hair he was still carding through with his fingers. Whose tired eyes were lidded, but open, and focused on him.
“Lu Guang.”
It came out like a blessing, breathless and full of relief. His partner was awake.
The man looked up at him, eyes sharpening. “This isn’t your fault, Xiaoshi. I should have known my limits… no, I do know my limits and I surpassed them anyways. This is not on you.”
Xiaoshi didn’t know if his emotions written all over his face, or if the other man just knew him that well. He had a sneaking suspicion it was the latter. A small smile broke out over his face at the thought. It faded back into a small frown, however, before he pointed out, “I should have paid better attention, Lu Guang. I know you, and I knew you were tired before we dove. I should have realized how it would affect you.” “There was no way for you to have known, idiot. I just need to rest, and I’ll be back and running in no time. And this isn’t an example for you to follow, you know, you shouldn’t test the limitations on your powers either.”
At that, Xiaoshi truly smiled. If Lu Guang was lecturing him, even from the spot he himself passed out at with his head in Cheng Xiaoshi’s lap, that meant he was feeling okay. Shaking his head, he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. “You always feel the need to nag, huh? Well, shops closed tomorrow—no objections!—and you can nag all you want while you rest.” Lu Guang made to open his mouth but Xiaoshi covered it with his free hand, only letting the man make a muffled sound of protest in response. “Nuh uh. No objections,” he taunted with a smirk.
Letting his hand still from where it was moving through the white hair, Xiaoshi made to shift his weight to stand. A shadow of disappointment flashed briefly over Lu Guang’s face, so brief if he hadn’t known the man for as long as he did, he would have missed it. But he didn’t. A small grin replaced the smirk on his face, and he ruffled the man’s hair before picking him up, supporting him under his knees and around his torso. Lu Guang all but squawked.
With a laugh, Xiaoshi made his way to the stairs leading to their bedroom with Lu Guang in his arms. “Remember, no objections! You need rest, doctors’ orders.” “You most certainly are not a doctor,” was the only grumbled reply Lu Guang gave as they made their way upstairs. “Maybe not, but you most certainly need rest. And you’re taking the bottom bunk tonight, you don’t need to be climbing a ladder.” Lu Guang wrinkled his nose at the statement. “You haven’t washed your sheets.” “I did them three days ago! I wash them weekly, you know this. What, you can’t handle a night in my clean peasant sheets?” All he got in response was a deadpan stare. Xiaoshi sighed dramatically. “Fine, I’ll replace them with your spare sheets. Then I’ll wash both sets tomorrow. Deal?” A ghost of a smile passed over Lu Guang’s face. “Deal.”
It was a particularly rough dive.
But they always pick each other up again.
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honks-n-stonks · 11 months
this image has been haunting me since reboot camp dropped and only now have I decided to do something about it
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yeah there are a bunch of tiny issues with this. but. I do not feel like fixing them....
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wolsylvia · 1 year
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A comic from the beginning of Shadowbringers. The Warrior of Light has just shown up on the First and takes a few practice shots to calibrate to the new environment before setting off to find the twins. The Crystal Exarch gets more than he bargained for when teasing Sylvia about a crush she used to have, and she explains why she trained as a bard all those years ago.
Touched up and reposted from my Twitter. Eventually I’ll move all my drawings from there to here. Probably. https://twitter.com/UnoriginalRPGal
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mikumain · 10 months
can't stop thinking about how crowley can't say no to aziraphale, it makes my legs lose all of their bones and muscle matter
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thehallstara · 2 years
haruta and bright for 12!
12. kisses on the corner of their mouth
There’s a certain way Bright shines in the moonlight, xe’s found, like the twinkle of a plane flying overhead or the glint of a star of the side of xir telescope, just enough that it caught xir eye, once upon a time.
When Haruta was twelve, xir grandfather introduced xem to the concept of Type Ia supernovae, stars in a binary system that orbit until their mutual accretion causes them to collide– a sort of symbiosis. That, xe thinks, is like the two of them, unsustainable, alight.
Bright has never done well with secrets, or change, or death; she clings to things like Haruta clings to life, nails dug in with desperation and sheer willpower. This secret xe's holding, it's going to tear them apart, or make them collapse, especially with blaseball coming back. For now, though, they have time, however limited that ends up being.
There are few things Haruta has loved as much as Bright, if xe's being honest, because Haruta is someone who lends xemself readily to xir fixations and not much else. Xir grandfather, the sun, and her– that's it really. Xe's lost the first two, so the third is only inevitable really. Probably.
(The thing that, years later, xe will never admit, is that the only thing that ultimately stops Haruta from resurrecting Bright the second she dies is how much she'd hate it. But that is years down the line, when she's grown more bitter, and xe's grown more crazed, as inevitable as anything else.)
in the moonlight, Bright's eyes poke sleepily open, and she smiles up at xem.
"Couldn't sleep?"
A funny question for someone who doesn't need, really, but Haruta can't help but smile at it.
"Mmmm, too busy watching you, is all."
"Oh yeah?"
"What can I say, guilty pleasure."
Haruta finds xemself leaning down, kissing her squarely on the lips before moving to the corner of her mouth.
They don't talk much after that.
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evercelle · 2 months
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crows-home · 11 months
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part of my nimona viewing experience. idk why but i got super emotional in the first five minutes.
ID by @peachygos
[ID: A comic juxtaposing screenshots from Nimona 2023 and drawings of a person watching the movie. The first screenshot is Ambrosius's introduction; he grins at the camera as the news anchors introduce him, his name in big print on the screen. The person watching thinks with a bored expression, "Ah. Ok. This guy is gonna be the jackass. Typical golden-boy stuck-up prince that thinks he's better than the underdog. I see where this is going.
The next screenshot is of Ambrosius and Ballister on the platform above the arena, Ambrosius doing his news anchor bit and saying, "Aaand will Ballister be broody on the biggest day of his life?" Ballister laughs at his antics. The person watching now has a small smile, as they think, "Huh! Aw, they're actually nice to each other and are friends! I wasn't expecting that, that's nice-"
The third and final screenshot is a shot from behind of Ballister leaning his head on Ambrosius's shoulder. The caption reads "the knighting ceremony is just moments away." The person watching now has a touched, soft expression, like they're holding back tears. They think "OH." as a partially transparent doodle behind them bends over crying and blubbering, with another doodle showing their heart shot through with an arrow. /end ID]
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tooquirkytolose · 2 months
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~The Most Beautiful Woman in The World~
Download on itch.io for extra content!
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