#mamamoo solar smut
lavenderbexlatte · 8 months
day 2: submission
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mamamoo/mamamoo+ 1.3k words gender neutral reader insert Reader x Kim Yongsun (Solar) x Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) suggestive/SFW
🖤 warnings: simplified and unspecific depiction of the feeling of subspace, mostly banter and smooching tbh🖤
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
It's her usual farewell, when she's the only one leaving.
"Be good for Byulie!"
A joke, mostly. As if you'd ever dream of being less than kind, less than polite to your roommate's best friend.
Byul practically lives at your place, actually. Why Yongsun doesn't just cut her losses and let her best friend move in, rather than renting the spare room in her condo out to randoms like you, you'll never understand.
You'd asked, once, and Yongsun had just pouted. "I could never live with Byulie full time. Ew. Anyway, what, you don't want to live with me?!"
And the conversation ended there. Because, of course, you love living with Yongsun. It's like having an overbearing babysitter, sometimes, but usually it's just like...like student housing in college, a little. Like having someone a little older to look out for you while still being a friend, a peer. Yongsun is cool like that.
Even now, when she's going to the grocery store to buy the two ingredients missing for dinner tonight, leaving you alone with your as-good-as-housemate and instructions, as always, to be good.
Byul says what you're thinking, once the front door is shut behind Yongsun, leaving the two of you alone in the evening sunlight.
"You're always good for me."
"I'm always good," you amend, aiming for teasing.
"Then I'm not special?" Byul replies, without missing a beat. "Damn."
It's among the most that you've ever talked one-on-one with her, honestly, in those three complete sentences. She's pretty quiet unless Yongsun is there filling in the gaps. It makes her come across as silent and cool, even though Yongsun insists she's just shy.
Still silent and cool, to you.
"You're pretty special."
It was meant to stay in your head, but considering how Byul is looking at you, it must have come right out your mouth, instead.
Byul's smile is gentle, as always. "Glad you think so."
There's something in her eyes, though.
You're not stupid, and you're certainly not unaware. You know what Byul - and Yongsun - looks like. Her silky hair, her pretty cheekbones, her ridiculous abs. Byul is pretty much the hottest person you've ever met, aside from Yongsun. That two pretty best friends guy from TikTok would have a conniption if he saw them.
You'd be stupid if you didn't have a crush on at least one of them.
"You're so cute."
Byul's voice breaks you out of your reverie. Her slim fingers pinching your cheek gently makes you break out in goosebumps.
"Like a little bunny," she adds. "Why so scared?"
It's just Byul, your roommate's best friend, but something feels different.
"I'm not scared," you say.
She laughs. She moves closer to you, sliding over the couch cushions until she's right next to you, rather than a seat and a half away.
"Nervous, then. I don't bite, little bunny."
Byul looks more like a bunny than you do. Yongsun, too. The two of them, two rabbits, all cheeks and cute straight teeth. All they need are whiskers and little white tails.
That feels like a dangerous thought.
"I know you don't," you say.
Byul nudges you with her elbow. "Well. Not unless you like that."
You cannot for the life of your figure out why, but it seems like Byul is flirting with you.
There was a time, when you first moved into the condo with Yongsun, that you'd thought the two of them were dating. Byul and Yongsun. They're certainly close enough, touchy enough, intimate enough. But they'd both said that wasn't something they wanted. They laughed at you for suggesting it.
Even still, sometimes, there's...something, between them. A hint of something.
Or maybe you're projecting.
"Am I reading things totally wrong?" Byul asks.
For the hundredth time, you feel like you've been knocked over. "Reading...what?"
"You - do you not...like me?"
"I like you," you answer, floored, hurried.
But Byul shakes her head. "I just thought I was getting the vibe like you liked me. Liked me. But if not, then I'm sorry, I-"
"No, no!"
What are you doing? What is she doing?
"No what?" she asks carefully.
"Don't apologize."
"If I crossed a line, then-"
"Of course, I like you," you clarify, your synapses finally firing correctly.
Byul looks at you significantly. "I wasn't sure if - I mean, I asked Yong, before, a while ago, if you and her ever...anything, if there was anything, and she said no, but that doesn't mean that maybe you don't want-"
"I like Yongsun. And I like you," you cut in flatly.
She looks at you even closer, and then, that smile is back. That something in her eyes is back tenfold.
"How much?"
The strangeness just keeps coming. "What?"
"How much?" she repeats.
Byul's fingers are back on your cheek, turning you gently to face her. Her other hand is firm on your shoulder.
"This much?"
You nod. Byul's grin deepens.
She leans into your space, catlike grace. She's easing you onto your back, against the arm of the couch, before you even know it. Your brain is cotton candy, fuzzy and light.
"This much?"
It's golden hour. The sunlight against Byul's dark hair is warm and soft, and you feel just the same inside. Slightly melted candy. Pulled taffy.
Whatever she wants sounds good to you. You like her so much.
"Hey, they didn't have the usual one so I got this really weird-looking Pulmone dupe - oh."
Yongsun, back from the store, is holding a reusable shopping bag in one hand, and a container of flour in the other. She's also wearing an unreadable expression, big expressive eyes uniquely void of her usual open emotion.
You can't even imagine what this scene looks like to her. Her best friend and her roommate. If your head wasn't full of dandelion fluff right now, you'd be running away to the next county.
"Wow. You really took that to heart, didn't you? Huh."
That's all she says about that.
She takes the flour, and walks away to the kitchen, saying something about the freezer being too full. You're not listening.
You can't be expected to listen to anything when Byul is kissing you, dragging her wonderfully soft fingers down your throat to rest on the juncture of your collarbones. It's possessive, and it makes those dandelion seeds bloom, floating away and leaving you just...
"I'm surprised it took this long, honestly."
Yongsun again. Byul pulls back, giving you a glimpse of Yongsun leaning over the back of the couch, just watching. Her warm blonde hair falls around her face, and you blink up at her, dazed.
"Yong," you say.
You never call her by the nickname, no matter how often she says it's okay. Her eyes widen, impossibly, and she laughs her loud full-bodied laugh.
"Yong," you say again, fidgeting a little under Byul.
Somehow, you've ended up with Byul between your spread legs. Not that you mind. It's just a little bit exposed, more than a little revealing. You're sure she can tell how excited you are, how interested in the goings-on.
"This little bunny told me something very interesting," Byul says, conversational.
"More interesting than having a crush on you?" Yongsun quirks an eyebrow.
"Try, also having a crush on you."
You want to hide your face in embarrassment. You try, hands flying up to cover your burning cheeks, but Yongsun brushes them away. She's not using much strength, but she's firm, and the firmness itself is enough. You drop your hands limply to either side of your head.
"Both of us?" Yongsun says interestedly.
"If - I mean, if..." you trail.
"It's more than okay," says Byul.
Yongsun nods. "You just have to do one thing."
Anything, for her. You nod eagerly.
But the request is simple. One you hear all the time. Usually as a joke. Or, you thought it was a joke. Now you're not so sure.
"Be good."
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sexualmamamoosnaps · 1 year
MLT to be into thigh riding receiving and giving
Pairing: Dom Mamamoo and Sub Female Reader
Author note: 🍏🥒This is just giving🧃🥬🥝
Name: Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul)
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Name: Jung Wheein
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Name: Kim Yongsun (Solar)
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Name: Ahn Hyejin (Hwasa)
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vex91 · 4 months
Kim Yongsun - Let's get out of here
Pairing: Kim Yongsun x Female Reader
Fandom: Mamamoo
Requested by: @slowlydifferentbluebird
Request: Bestie, sooo...as promised, I'm requesting you a Solar fic... a smut One 🤭:
My idea was: you know that Byul Is a social Butterfly, she knows a lot of idols and people in general. You're invited to her birthday party, full of people, and obviously Solar is there too. The way in which she switches from "living meme" to "dom Mommy" when she sees you looking all gorgeous that night. I guess you know what I mean, right?👀
Summary: You would never thought that during your best friend's birthday you would find yourself being dragged outside by a very beautiful woman but well, here you were.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, Fingering, Eating out, Just pure fucking
A/N: The hips... the damn hips 😩
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3rd's POV
Yongsun was a confident woman. She was never scared to try new stuff and to get whatever she wanted. She knew what she wanted and right now that was you.
Ever since you walked into Byul's house, she was watching you. She watched as you interacted with her member as you gave her your present, she watched as you talked with everyone and she definitely watched how your dress sometimes went a little up, revealing more of your thighs to her eyes.
Honestly she didn't cared that she didn't even knew your name and truthfully she didn't need that to fuck you senseless so after deciding that enough was enough, she walked over to you and after some small talk and one "Let's get out of here" in your ear, she was dragging you out of her friend's house. In your mind you weren't complaining. Did you felt bad to just leave your friend's birthday party like that? Yes but were you regretting it? Not even one bit.
I mean how could you when now you were pushed on the bed and straddled by the most gorgeous woman you've ever seen?
"Just relax and enjoy" She whispered in your ear as she nibbled on it causing you to let out a whimper. You were losing your mind over how hot she was and honestly at that point you were sure that you would manage Byul's complaints later if that was a cause. Yongsun left kisses all over your neck along with a few marks as she went lower, doing the same to your chest. You moaned as she sucked on your breast particularly hard. She smirked at you before going even lower and between your legs.
She played with your clit with her fingers through your panties as she watched your reactions, she took great pride in every look of pleasure you showed as it only drove her to get more of them out of you. Her finger sneaked underneath your panties as she felt your wetness, she licked her lips when she felt how excited you were.
"Someone really wants to be fucked huh?" She teased as she took your panties off. You tried hiding your face away from her but she quickly slapped your hands away "We can't have you hiding like that" She said before reaching over to one of her drawers and taking out a belt thats she used to tying your hands together, making you unable to hide your face now "I want to watch your face the whole time pretty girl" She whispered before finally going back between your legs and starting to suck on your clit.
She looked up at you the whole time as she ate you out, her hands keeping your thighs apart. Your moans filled the room as she continued to tongue fuck you. Soon she slipped two of her fingers inside you, you were so wet that they went in easily and she chuckled at that "So wet" She mumbled into your pussy causing you to moan at the feeling. Her fingers moved in and out of you as she listened to your moans becoming louder and louder. She didn't care about her future noise complaint at all.
"Cum for me pretty girl" She moved up and kissed you, her fingers still pumping quickly in and out of you. You moaned in her mouth as you felt a familiar feeling growing and soon you released on her fingers, Yongsun muffling your scream with her kiss. She helped you ride out the high as she kissed your neck, leaving another mark.
She pulled out her fingers and put them in front of you, giving you the look that made you instantly open your mouth, letting her put them in. She watched as you sucked on her fingers, licking your juices off of them. She smirked right after knowing that she was going to have so much fun with you.
"Byul will have to live with the fact you're not going back to the party, I have so much more planned for you baby"
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The best of the week
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So, another week of hot pics and gif ended today and it's only right to share with you people some gems😌
Let's start with one of main characters of this period: Mommy Jihyo. Another angle, another fantastic view of her chest. The white top does an amazing job in showing off her body 🤭
Then we have another JYP girl and leader: miss Yeji. Do I really need to comment on that GIF? She's going crazy with those body rools. And look at those abs, she's really serving🤗
Double GIF for my girl, Jeewon. This hottie is definitely too underrated, both for her talent and her body. Go show some love to her and her group recent comeback🥹
Mommy Solar can't miss in this playlist. She's so hot and she knows it lol. Look at her going down and bouncing that ass for us, all of that with a smirk on her face. And once again, the abs!!! I'm feeling weak🥴
And last but not least, Sua from dreamcatcher, that was not satisfied with the pics of her in the pool, she has to remind us that she has a huge cake ready for us, even if she's such a goofy sometimes lol
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alcoholfreenayeon · 7 months
Hello! I hope that you're doing well! I was wondering if I may please request a smutty/fluffy Solar x younger fem idol fic? Where reader has been crushing on Solar ever since they've met at an awards show.. They grow closer over time and reader confesses, thankfully Solar reciprocates and they waste no time getting closer. Maybe they get caught by the rest of the Mamamoo girls the morning afterward.
A/N: hope you like it anon❤️
What are we?
Solar x idol fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, smut
CW: little bit of smut basically
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You nervously waited outside the café, having arrived almost 30 minutes early. You definitely could have been a bit more relaxed about it, but you didn’t want to take any chances, it was your first date with Solar after all. Well, it wasn’t a real date, at least you that’s what you thought because there is no way Solar would actually ask you out on a real date. But…she did ask you to dress pretty this time and it was going to be just the two of you for like the first time. You immediately glance at your outfit, it wasn’t casual, but you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe it would have been better to dress a bit more fancy.
You think back to when you both first met, it was at an award show. Your group had just had their first win as rookies and Mamamoo had been placed to sit next to you. She congratulated you and introduced herself, which you found amusing, like the Kim Solar needed any introduction in the first place. Nevertheless, that was the first interaction between you two and, well, the way she smiled at you made you weak in the knees and you have had a massive crush on her since. Thankfully, she hadn’t found it weird when you asked for her number to keep in touch. In fact, she texted you first, asking to meet up every now and then.
Which was absolutely wonderful, however, each time you saw her you just fell for her harder, to the point where you were even contemplating just admitting your feelings to just get it off your chest. The thought of her rejecting you or distancing herself made your heart ache with pain as though it had been stabbed but it was maybe necessary to get it over with because you couldn’t go a single day without spending hours thinking about her. Her smile, her eyes, her comforting words, and her protectiveness towards you. All of that just made you feel at peace, safe, happy. But you did often also wonder if she was dating someone, like people would trip themselves to have a shot at dating her and she would definitely have no shortage of suitors and the thought of her dating someone else, well, it drove you absolutely insane with jealousy, anger, betrayal, envy, hell you didn’t even know exactly how you felt about it, but it certainly wasn’t positive.   
As you lost in your thoughts centered around Solar, you didn’t think how you looked from a third person’s perspective, having whole conversations with yourself until a mother walking with her kid told him to not get too close to the weird loner. That brought you right back to reality and you prayed she didn’t recognize you as your group was in a billboard nearby. You look at the time and immediately panic, you were going to be late if you didn’t go right now, just how long were you daydreaming for? Embarrassingly long enough was the answer. But you didn’t want to get into that for now. You made your way to the cafe’s entrance and immediately spotted Solar sitting in a corner, looking at her phone.
So, I came this early to just end up late, you think to yourself as you make your make to her, you clip your foot against another table and stumble before sitting down quietly opposite to Solar, feeling embarrassed.
She just smiles at you half teasingly, “Already falling for me Y/n?”, she says jokingly but those words made your heart skip a beat.
“Uh…”, you avoid eye contact, blushing and not knowing what to say.
Solar laughs warmly and looks at you with tenderness and smiles, “Well, I should have said it as soon as I saw you, but you look really pretty today, like you are in general but today you look extra special”.
Was she really trying to kill you? You were already feeling quite worked up but now your heart was straight up pounding, so loud and fast that you were quite sure that if someone were to sit next to you, they could hear it. You mumble thanks in response and look at her properly and nearly gasp out loud. She was dressed quite casually, just some jeans and a crop top but it looked unbelievably good on her. She just exuded beauty and confidence like it was nothing.
“Do I look good? You have been staring but haven’t said anything yet”, she asks playfully.
“YES, uh yes you look really good, I mean beau-pretty, you look really pretty too”, you reply, trying to calm yourself down, failing miserably.
She laughs prettily, “that’s good, I thought there was something wrong with me today, especially since I didn’t dress up too well. I am glad you like it Y/n. “Now, shall we order?”.
You look at the menu, deciding what to eat and finally manage to compose yourself a little bit. You both give your orders and have some small talk before Solar changes the topic, “Do you remember the first time we actually hung out, it wasn’t that long ago”.
You nod, “I think 7-8 months ago, your friends were there, I felt like an outsider”, you recall, remembering how Irene and Wheein were there, and it was an awkward experience for you initially since not only were you spending time with your crush for the first time, but her friends were also there who all also happened to be your seniors and even role models work wise. You weren’t sure how you were supposed to act around them, but you began to relax after spending some time with them and were even talking and acting semi formally with them.
The two of you recollected some of the favorite times between you both and that’s when your food and coffees came along. You were actually starving and dug in immediately and only after a few bites did you realize you cannot afford to look like a pig in front of Solar, but she didn’t seem to mind, regardless, you slowed down and ate a bit more slowly. You enjoy a few different conversations with her about a few different topics when suddenly out of nowhere she reaches out and puts her hand on top of yours. You freeze, not even daring to look at your hand or at Solar. Your heartrate skyrocketing, you feel your cheeks coloring and your breath shaky and your mind racing at a million miles per hour thinking of all the possible reasons why Solar would suddenly do that out of the blue when she breaks the silence. “Y/N, I really enjoy spending time with you-”, she begins but you interrupt her almost immediately.
“I’m in love with you!”, you blurt out and cover your mouth with your free hand, your eyes widen, and you inhale sharply as you realize what you just did. For a brief moment it feels like the weight of the world has been taken off you since you not only said it out loud but outrightly confessed to Solar. But just as quickly the burden comes back to you as you await her response or even her reaction, almost regretting saying anything as you realize that if you get rejected now, you will be utterly crushed and that heartbreak in no way would be worth getting the confession out of the way. You begin to panic a little as you can only think of the likely possibility of Solar turning you down and just as you are prepared to shut down, Solar grips your hand a little tighter, looking somewhat stunned before looking almost…relieved?
“Y/N….do you really? Feel that way about me?”, she asked, her voice shaky, filled with uncertainty.
You take a deep breath and look at her seriously and slowly nod, “Yes, I have never been more sure about anything”.
To your surprise she sighs in what seems to be relief and smiles, almost shyly. “I’m glad, I was a bit afraid I would put you in a tough spot but…I kinda have a crush on you too”.
Huh….did you hear that right? She said she has a crush on YOU?! Your mind raced with thoughts again but at the same time was blank as you were in so much shock. “What?”, you asked in a small voice.
“I like you too”, Solar answered, confidence returning to her voice as she now knows you like her too. She bursts out laughing suddenly, putting a hand over her mouth, her cheeks rosy. “I was actually a little stressed because I didn’t know how to tell you, but this date was a good idea after all.”
“So, this…was a real date?”, You ask nervously, still a bit overwhelmed by everything.
“Of course,”, she smiles, “even if neither of us confessed this would have been a real date”.
You smile too now, the weight of the world finally lifted off your back for good, you hadn’t felt this relieved in a long time.
“Come with me to my place”, Solar suddenly says while paying for the food, looking at you seriously.
“Huh?”, you feel like you didn’t hear her right.
“Let’s go to my place now, if you don’t mind”, she repeats.
“You mean…..”, you blush as you think about what Solar is implying. Was she really wanting to-
“Yeah, the other girls are out, we could watch a movie, order some food later. Is that fine with you”, She explains.
“Y-yes”, you basically squeak, feeling a bit stupid over your misinterpretation.
The next few hours go much smoother, Solar takes you back to her place, you both play some games and pass the time, a couple hours later you both flip through the tv to see what movies you want to watch and eventually choose one. Solar meanwhile ordered some pizza and chicken wings; she insisted that chicken wings are much better choice to eat while watching movies compared to popcorn. Everything is going well, you don’t even feel awkward, nervous, or self-conscious, not even when she shifted closer and put her arm around you. Everything was going perfectly, until you started to feel cold, you didn’t say anything, maybe it would pass soon. But it didn’t. However, you didn’t want to ruin the nice moment and decided to firm it but Solar had other plans and out of nowhere grabbed your hand and then looked at you.
“Y/N, your hands…are you feeling cold?”, she asked worriedly.
“Uh, a little but its okay”, you say trying not to shiver.
“You…you don’t have to pretend! Look at yourself!”, she scolds, “Theres a blanket in my room, just bring it and don’t feel afraid to ask for anything else!”
You do as she says and go over to her room, tentatively, looking all over and finding it really pretty. This is Solar’s room, and you are in it. It makes you feel a bit giddy for some reason. You pick her up blanket and take it to the couch, “isn’t this too big for me?”
“Silly, it’s for me too”, She laughs, her eyes showing hints of mischief.
“Oh”, you feel yourself blushing yet again as she snuggles next to you, the setting much more intimate now, you covered in Solar’s blanket up to your neck while she’s practically on top of you. It suddenly becomes really hard to focus on the movie, especially when you can feel her soft breaths down your neck, you stiffen and try not to focus on her but the more you try the harder it becomes. You consider shifting a bit but that’s when your world turns upside down, Solar pushes you back a little, her expression difficult to read, puts one hand on your cheek turning it ever so slightly so you face her and begins to lean in. Was this really happening? Solar about to kiss you?! You weren’t ready for this! If she kisses you now-
The moment her lips connect with your, you lose track of everything, closing your eyes reflexively, it’s a sensation unlike anything you have ever felt before, your whole-body tingles, it feels like electric currents are being sent over to you, your brain melting and before you know it you are already feeling out of breath in just a few moments. A few seconds later, Solar pulls away, smiling, “I kinda wanted to do that for a while now”.
You were speechless, completely red with embarrassment and could barely look at her without feeling some type of way.
She giggles at your shyness and lifts your face again, “More?”, she asks teasingly, knowing exactly what the answer was. You shyly nod and she immediately begins to kiss you again, a bit more tenderly this time yet filled with passion and you slowly gain the courage to kiss her back. The innocent kiss was now slowly turning in a full blown make out session, the two of panting, unable to look away from each other, in each other’s arms. She then takes it one step further, kissing you again but this time her hand drifts under your shirt, causing you to moan almost instantly. She smirks at your reaction and pushes you back, so you are laying down now and climbs on top of you. You just lay back and let her be in complete control, watching as she quickly takes off her shirt before kissing you again.
It wasn’t till when she started taking off your clothes that you realized again that this wasn’t really a dream. “W-w-wait!”, you say, panicking a little as you realize how unprepared you feel.
“Too far?”, Solar questions, stopping immediately, “Sorry.”
“No, it’s not that, just…my first time really doing-”, you mumble, covering your face a little as it reddens.
Solar just smiles and gently uncovers your face and gets close, “We can go as far as you want, we can stop whenever you want”.
“No, I’m ok”, you say with determination.
She nods, biting her lip, “Good”. She then started to kiss your neck and that in itself was something that you were content with going on for the rest of the night. As she begins to go eventually begins to move lower, down to your chest, taking her sweet time, exploring each and every bit of you before moving ahead. As she began to squeeze, fondle, and grope your breasts mercilessly, you finally began to moan. However, she moves on, much to your disappointment even if it lasts a few moments before spreading your legs and instead of going for your pussy, instead goes on to kiss and suck on your inner thighs, earning a gasp from you as you felt the air knocked out of you. This was a completely new sensation for you and your hands automatically moved to Solar’s head. She seemed unfazed and continued to tease you, moving ever so close to your entrance just to pull back again. You were already turned on before but now you were absolutely drenched, so the teasing was actually starting to feel like torture.
Solar didn’t seem to care about that though, she was completely focused on your thighs. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she turned her attention to your pussy, tracing her finger gently along it before looking up at you, “Y/N, I’m going to make you scream my name until your throat is hoarse”. Before you can even process what Solar said, she dived right in, tasting you while her hands played with your tits. Your head falling back immediately as shocks of pleasure began to make your body jolt all over, your legs closing around Solar’s head as you tried to keep track of what was happening. It was useless though. You were already panting and couldn’t even make a sound despite your mouth wide open. Solar then began to focus on your clit and that’s when your eyes began to roll back, it had barely been a few minutes, but you were already close to cumming, gripping her head tighter, you finally managed to find your voice back, screaming out for Solar, letting her know you are close. She doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest and only proceeds to stop playing with your tits and instead pushes two fingers inside you, causing you to scream out her name again and cum immediately.
Panting heavily as you come down from the high, you cover your mouth as you nearly scream again since Solar didn’t even slow down the whole time, continuing to finger you while, teasing, licking, and sucking your clit. Soon enough it feels like you are going to cum again, already feeling overwhelmed you couldn’t even focus on holding her head with your legs or hands and instead just slumped back as wave after wave of pleasure washed over you, “Solar….”, you weakly moan.
She just pushes her fingers knuckle deep into you while also adding a third one, “I thought I told you to scream”. She receives no reply as you could only squeak and scream gibberish as you came again, your hips buckling and legs shaking. Solar still didn’t stop, her face coated with all your juices, her hair messy from you gripping it earlier. In what seemed like under a minute you came yet again, for the third time in total, your body going limp, jolting from pleasure as you process it. You are a complete mess, your hair disheveled, your throat dry and your legs shaking. That’s when Solar stops, pulling out her fingers, giving your pussy one last lick, top to bottom before pulling away and getting on top of you, kissing you passionately.
“I told you didn’t I”, She said, seemingly proud of her efforts. You have no response as you just focus on catching your breath, your body flushing red from all the exertion. She brings you some water which you gratefully gulp down. She down lays next to you, cuddling you which you love. You were feeling extremely tired, and some cuddles were exactly what you needed but there was a question nagging you at the back of head. “Are-are we dating now?”
Solar bursts into laughter and you could have sworn you saw her blush just the tiniest bit, “Of course, we literally confessed earlier today, and I spent the last 30 minutes-”
“Okay! I got it!”, you interrupt and hide your face in her shoulder.
She continues to laugh and puts her arm around you, stroking your back while teasing you. You both spend the next few minutes talking, cuddling, and teasing each other. You didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep until you woke up hours later, the rising sun blinding you for a moment through the windows and that’s when you notice Solar, still cuddling into you, sleeping.  You smile happily as you recall yesterday and that the two of you were officially dating. However, your thoughts were interrupted when you heard someone call for Solar, a voice you recognized, Wheein.
You panic, what if she sees you and Solar in this state? You quickly shake Solar awake and tell her the situation. She seems hazy for a moment before jumping out and quickly putting on her shirt but as she’s putting it on, Wheein walks in the room, you freeze hoping you can’t be seen with the blanket covering you.
“Solar unnie have you seen my-. Did you sleep on the couch again? WAIT! Is that someone- On the couch now? I can’t believe-”
At that point, you apologetically sit up, blanket up to your shoulders, head down in embarrassment and shame, accepting that you might as well face the shame now rather than drag it out.
Solar interrupts her, kissing her teeth, “Come on, don’t scream first thing in the morning. And yes, it is Y/N, we are dating now.”
“That’s what you said about the last girl too!”
“Only so you and Byul stopped making a fuss!”
“What last girl?”, you butt in, staring daggers at Solar.
Before either of them reply, Moonbyul and Hwasa walk in looking completely unbothered, asking about why the two girls are fighting and then they see you and their jaws nearly drop to the floor.
“Unnie, you can’t keep doing this”, Moonbyul says, which causes Wheein to look at Solar with a satisfied look.
“What do they mean Solar?”, you ask again.
Solar looks to the ground, swinging her arms nonchalantly, “I guess you can say you aren’t the first person I have been with.”
“Y-you guess?” you say in a shocked tone.
“OKAY, you girls leave and let me explain to her”, Solar says, glaring at the others who at this point realizing that Solar was actually serious about you. That’s when Hwasa starts laughing out loud.
“Unnie when you said that you wanted-”, Hwasa gets cut off.
“Out. Now.”, Solar orders authoritatively. Her tone kinda reminded you of last night and you felt a bit weak in the knees. But managed to compose to yourself when the other left.
“Look, Y/n, no point in lying or hiding, you aren’t the first person I’ve been with”. She tries to brush it off but does look a bit nervous for your response.
You take a deep breath, “I kinda expected that”, you say with a teasing smile, “but it’s really irresponsible of you to let your new girlfriend find out about something like this one day into the relationship.”
Solar looks at you in surprise and then sighs in relief when she realizes you aren’t really mad but just teasing.
“But how many others were there?”, you ask, your curiosity and jealousy get the better of you.
Solar just sheepishly smiles, “I think you should dress up and be more presentable, I can give you a shirt if you want.”
“Hey! Answer me!”, you playfully demand, shocked that she would just ignore your question like that.
Solar just suddenly kisses you in response, “A-a….a few but you are the only one who’s become my girlfriend”, leaving you speechless and making you wonder if you should be happy or shocked.
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ryujenini · 5 months
IMAGINE #1 (nsfw)
Hwasa pushing you down on the bed, crawling up to you and straddling your waist before grinding down on you going faster and faster until you're both letting out moans and breathless whimpers
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coldfanbou · 2 years
The Assistant
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A little piece for you all. I don't have much else to say, we got just a little degradation, a throat fuck. Uh well, have a good day everyone!
Length 1.5K
Solar x M Reader
Walking into the giant lecture hall, you read a sign posted on the front door that says the class after yours has moved to another room. As you enter, you put that thought in the back of your head. Setting your stuff up for the class that begins in a few minutes, you sit at the desk next to the professor’s, waiting for the professor to arrive. The time the class starts comes and goes, and the professor has yet to arrive. You stand up and introduce yourself to the class, explaining that you’re the class's teaching assistant and a graduate school student. You start to review the PowerPoint you had ready in case this happened. The class goes well for the first half until the professor shows up. Professor Solar of the music theory courses has finally arrived. She stumbles through the doors and slowly makes her way down. “Sorry, class, I am your professor for the semester. I had some trouble getting here today; the walk here is killing me.” She announces to the class. She chose to wear a green top and skirt with a leather jacket, it might have covered her up quite a bit, but you were imagining what she was wearing under that. As she arrives at her desk, she whispers, “I told you to take it easy yesterday. I can barely walk.” 
“That’s not what I remember hearing; I kept hearing you say, “fuck me harder.” She scowls at you for a second before asking where you were in the PowerPoint before taking over for the rest of the class. As the class ends and all the students have left, you grab Solar’s ass as she bends over, trying to move things around on the computer. She lets out a slight moan before snapping to look at you. “What do you think you’re doing!?” 
“Well, the class that was supposed to be here after ours got moved to another building, so we have some alone time here.” You grin at her and continue to grope her. “We’re supposed to be fuck buddies, and we both know you want more.” You can still faintly hear her moans as much as she tries to stifle them. Positioning yourself behind her, you grab her hips and grind against her. “Come on, professor, can’t you feel how hard I am for you? Don’t you want my cock again? You were begging for it all night.”  Her hands on the desk clench into fists. 
“Fuck” When she tries to stand up straight, you move your hands to her small tits and pussy. She can’t hold in her moans any longer and lets them echo in the large hall. “Just fuck me already; you already know I want it.” You lift her skirt and get a good look at her ass and pussy as you notice she didn’t wear any panties.
“Oh, were you hoping I’d do this, professor?” You tease.
“Shut up.” Pulling your cock out, you rub the head against the lips of Solar’s pussy. You hear her whimper as she feels you at her entrance. You thrust forward purposely, making your cock slide along her folds instead of going inside, her juices making your cock slick. You continue sliding along her pussy; you smile, feeling the soft waves of pleasure and knowing that Solar hates being teased like this. “Come on, just do it already.” She says in an annoyed tone. 
“I want you to beg like last night; let me hear you beg for my cock Solar.” You push the head of your cock inside, Solar gasps as she finally feels you enter her. However, you rob her of any more of your cock, pulling out instead. She lets out a whine when she feels you pull out. 
“Fine! Fuck me with your huge cock, stretch my pussy, fill me up!” She screams out, having grown frustrated with your teasing. 
“See, that wasn’t so hard.” You impale Solar with your cock, ramming yourself into her. Solar’s moan fills the room as she finally gets what she wants. Solar smiles as she feels you inside her. You start pounding her pussy, and feel it stretch around your cock. Solar bends further over her desk, holding onto the edges as her body lurches forwards with each thrust. You can feel Solar’s walls clench down on your cock, as she cums. “Cumming already Solar? You lasted a lot longer last night.” You push her head into her desk as you keep thrusting. Her eyes are half-lidded, and drool runs down her face as she mumbles to herself. 
It’s difficult to hear, but you can make out the words “Fuck me harder, knock me up.” She keeps repeating those words. You slow down your thrusts but put a lot more force behind them; her ass shakes violently with each one. With each thrust, you force Solar’s pussy into the shape of your cock. Her moans grow louder as she nears her climax. You stop your thrusts, and she slowly stirs. “Wh-why did you stop?” 
“You already got to cum once; I think I deserve to get one myself. So suck my dick until I get close, then you’ll get yours.”  Solar falls to her knees in front of you. “No, no, no, get on the desk.” You pull Solar up and have her lay on the table, her head hanging off the edge. Solar has her mouth wide open as you slide your cock down her throat. Her warm and wet throat is wrapped tightly around your cock, and you see her throat bulge as when your cock is inside her throat. You groan in pleasure as you start to thrust into her throat. “You’re just a little slut aren’t you, Solar? You love being treated like a fleshlight, don’t you?” Solar nods as her tongue tries to lap at whatever it can reach. Your balls end up slapping against Solar’s face with each thrust. You feel close to cumming, and pull your cock from her throat. As you pull out of her throat, her drool drops off your cock and onto her face. Solar laughs as she relishes being used. You reach the other end of the table and pull her body toward you. Lining yourself up, you slam yourself back into Solar. 
She groans, “Oh fuck, I love your cock, baby. Fuck me like the slut I am.” You start bucking your hips, your cock splitting apart Solar’s walls as you do. You tear open Solar’s shirt and start teasing her nipples. Your tongue circles them slowly before you take them in your mouth, sucking on them. “Fuck, baby, I’m going to cum soon.” You start thrusting faster; grabbing at Solar’s waist, you pull her toward you driving your cock deeper into her.  You feel yourself coming close to your orgasm. 
“I’m going to cum inside you; take all my cum, Solar.” 
Solar’s eyes widen, and she yells, “Do it, cum inside me, knock me up like the whore I am!” Still holding onto Solar’s waist, you slam her body onto your cock and have your seed rush into her tight pussy. At the same time, Solar’s pussy clamps down on your cock, milking it as much as possible.  You stay inside her for a moment, wanting to make sure your cum is inside her. After you pull out, you grab some tissues and start cleaning the place up, leaving Solar on the desk as cum slowly starts leaking out of her. 
“Earth to Solar, we have about 10 minutes before the next class starts to come in. We have to go, so clean yourself up as much as you can; unless you want to walk around with cum flowing out of you and drool on your face like that SinB girl I’ve heard about.” Solar slowly starts to stir and clean herself up. She zips up her leather jacket to cover her chest now that her shirt has been shredded. Solar goes back to her usual self soon enough.
As she starts to walk out, you see her stumble. “Fuck, you did a number on me.”
You grab your stuff and go to help her. “I always do Solar. So about me getting you pregnant.” You tease.
“Shut up; I can’t help what I say when you start fucking me. Now help me back to my car. I’m canceling my classes for the next few days.” 
“You sure you don’t want to go another round at your place? You know, considering you’re taking a break.”
“Fuck no, I’m going to need to rest after how hard you fucked me.”
“What about your ass then? I haven’t fucked that yet.” 
Solar pauses for a moment, the idea of you taking her ass arousing her. “I’ll think about it.” You get Solar to her car and then go to her private office to adjust the schedule for her classes.
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purecantarella · 2 years
Call Me Yours
on a little bit of a spree to finish off the kinktober fics!! so here's another one for you lovelies!! kim solar x reader disclaimer/s : smut. i suggest going to read some fluffier or angstier content
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Solar was proud, she never liked admitting her faults. She rarely had many faults, she was a public figure. The group's leader. The singer needed to be on top of everything and hold her head up high. She represented a unit.
Then you strolled into her life, challenging her in ways she never thought of. Like tonight.
The singer cries out for the nth time of the evening, her voice hoarse and breath ragged. Your fingers curling in her cunt slowly, just enough to have her screaming your name. Your lips leaving lingering kisses on her jaw with a knowing smirk.
"I know you want to cum, princess..." You whisper against her blushing skin. You pull away from her a little, watching as her mouth fell wide open as drool dribbled down her chin. Pleasure wracking her mind as she lost control of her body. You lick the trail from her chin to the corner of her lip, nipping down on her lower lip only making her groan louder. "And I can let you, if you'd give me what I want."
"All you have to do is say it..." You pull your fingers from her overheating center, Solar screams in pure frustration before lifting her head to glare into your eyes. She's seething as she grinds her hips down onto the plush of the comforter, trying to reach her high. You take her hips in your hand, forcefully keeping her in place. Your grip so tight you're sure it'll leave marks on her pristine skin. "...Tell me you're mine. Admit that I'm the only one who can make you feel this fucking good, Solar." You husk as you stare into her dark, clouded eyes.
You pull her into a searing kiss, your teeth clashing with hers and tongues meeting messily as she moans. The hands on your back clawing violently, making you hiss. Her nails leave hot marks all over your skin, sure to be sore in the morning.
Kim Solar will always fight you for these things.
You pull away and look down at her smiling wickedly at you, her lips turning a fiery red from the harsh meeting. You sneer as she says with emphasis. "Never."
A dark chuckle falls from your lips as you readjust yourself above her, your free hand dancing down to her hot and probably red cunt. Barely grazing the skin before her confident demeanor shatters and she cries out desperately. Your fingers are feather light as they circle around her center, always just missing her clit and the wetness that had accumulated for the hour of denial.
"You're going to break eventually, baby." You tease, leaning down to suck on her hickey-ridden chest, her nipple swirling against your tongue. Solar's body jump-starting again as your fingers dutifully plunged into her heat, pumping in and out as your mouth worked hard on her chest.
Solar's hands weaved up and into your hair tugging as her hips ground against your long fingers. She cries out and feels her pussy clench as you bump against the spongey spot in her, the heel of your hand ramming against the bud of her cunt. Her eyes water as she feels her orgasm piling on...but she knows you can tell.
Your movements slow again, and your hand slowly inches out of her. As proud as she was, she couldn't spend another half hour repeating this. Not again. Her other hand tops yours over her needy cunt, begging, "No. Please, Y/n...N/nnnnn..." She whines as you smirk against her.
Popping her abused nipple from your lips you smile at her, your lips closing in on hers. "Tell me what I want to hear..." You peck her lips, gentle and loving, "Tell me the truth and I'll fuck you dumb, Solar." Another peck, longer than the last one. She enjoys the attention for a moment before you pull away. "I promise."
Solar smiles, finally conceding to your game. She wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you in for a long, passionate kiss. One so intense it left you breathless as she pulled away, almost missing the words that fell from her lips. "You win. You, Y/F/N, are the only one who can make me feel this good, this wanted, this desperate..." The singer pulls you in for another kiss when she whispers against your lips, "Call me yours, baby."
You smirk before nodding, "You're all mine, Solar..." You piston your fingers into her at a blinding pace, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she chants your name. You kiss your way to her ear, bitting down on her lobe, "And I'll make you and the whole world fucking remember it."
Her moans echo through the room, raising in volume as her climax swiftly approached, your arm cramping with how hard and fast it was moving. Solar's hips stuttered intensely as she whined against your neck, "I'm coming...! Y/n! Yes! Yes! Oooooooooh fuck!"
You smile as you feel her entire body tense up, her voice blaring in your ear momentarily deafening you as her cunt tightened around your fingers. Her entire body collapses onto the bed tiredly, her chest heaving and a small whimper falling from her lips as you pull your drenched digits out.
"That was the most I've cum my entire life..." She pants tiredly before you nod at her enthusiastically, laughing softly. "Yeah I can tell." Solar makes an attempt to kick you only to flail about making you laugh even harder. She whines embarrassed.
You eye your hand, lifting it up to suck your fingers, while she watches you intently, moaning at the taste of her wetness. She smiles sleepily as you sidle up beside her, staring down at her with complete adoration. You lean down, pecking her lips chastely before whispering, "You're all mine, then?"
Solar giggles, taking your cheek in her hand, stroking your cheekbone gently, "All yours."
i quite liked this one, got a little lost in the middle but i got there i think HAHAHAHA okay, okay!! not too many of these left but i will finish my prompt list for you all 💓 i love you all so, so much!! i hope you're all taking care and i will see you all vv soon. byeeee - r
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peachybun-bun · 2 years
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the graphic above was edited by @chogiwapadada
do not remove the watermark and do not repost
pairing; kim yong-sun (solar) x f reader
genre; smut (minors dni)
notes/warnings; wlw, oral receiving and giving, fingering, thigh riding, pet names
word count; 2190 and some change
song inspiration; suho - decanting
a/n; there is no tag list for this and we opted not to include the original all works tag list just in case any who were on that list would not like to be part of this tag list. wlw will have its own tag list. if you would like to be included - send a dm and request it. make sure you reblog as that makes tumblr go around.
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Muffling your laugh, you bite down on your bottom lip as Yong-sun’s lips run under your ear in small kisses. Her own laugh echoes as your fingers trail along her sides gently, pulling up her top and exposing her soft skin to the air in the room as the two of you lean up against the wall. 
A soft moan slips from your lips as Yong-sun’s teeth catch the lobe of your ear, before she pulls away to look at you. You can’t help the breathless feeling that almost overwhelms you as you freeze in her gaze. A small smirk crosses her lips as she links her fingers with yours and leads you towards the bedroom. She only glances back at you once she reaches the bed and pulls you closer to her. “You are so pretty tonight.”
Cheeks burning at her compliments, you lean your head back and bite at your lip laughing, before shaking your head and meeting her eyes as you bring your free hand back to her side. Your fingers once again slide under her shirt to find purchase along her smooth skin, making her shiver slightly at the contact. “I’m serious…I could just drink you up.” 
“That’s pretty cheesy, Yong-sun.”
It was her turn to laugh, and her laugh was like music to your ears. Her fingers drop from yours, only to move to your sides, sliding your shirt up so she could touch your skin like you were touching hers. “You like it. All the cheesy romantic stuff. It turns you on. Admit it…” 
You can’t hide the way your flesh heats up under her touch, the way your smile is more genuine at her words. There was no way you could lie to her even if you wanted to. Shaking your head,  your fingernails gently scratch over the top of her hips, before bringing your fingers to the front of her jeans, making her smile as you undo the button silently.
“I should make you speak to me before I let you in my pants.” 
A scoff falls from your lips, but Yong-sun laughs at your reaction, before her hands move to take your wrists, making you whine when you are unable to complete your task. “Yong-sun…please, I want to see you.”
You turn as she holds your wrists, her movements causing you to walk backward until the back of your knees hit the bed. “And I want to see you. I think I should get to go first. Only seems fair, since you are being so shy.” 
You pout slightly as you let Yong-sun lay you back on the bed, only making her laugh again as she lets go of your wrists in place of your shirt. Your arms lift as you arch your body giving her space to peel the fabric from your torso, only to watch her toss it over her head without a single care. “I’m going to be the one picking up all of these clothes later.”
Yong-sun grins at you as her fingers walk gently along your skin over the lace of your bra, before she circles your nipple making it perk up at her attention. “Stop thinking about the clothes and focus on me, baby.”
You lick your lips while her lips press to your neck in one gentle kiss, before she pulls back to look at you again. “Lean up.”
Nodding, you sit up on your elbows as Yong-sun reaches behind you to unclasp your bra and kiss along your shoulder, making you close your eyes when chill bumps spread along your skin quickly.
“Yong-sun…” Your voice is just a whisper but it’s loud enough for her to turn her head towards you dropping your bra to the floor next to the bed. 
“I know.” Her fingers glide along your jaw and into your hair as her lips find yours, her tongue gently gaining entrance into your mouth as her free hand glides along the underside of your breast. “So pretty and all mine.”
Your cheeks flush as you deepen the kiss to keep her quiet until you finally sit up and pull at her shirt when she finally lifts her arms. Your hands glide along her sides as her lips fail to find yours once more as it’s her turn to moan.
Yong-sun’s head falls back and you watch her in awe as your thumbs slide over her bare breasts, before you lower your head to run your tongue over one in a slow circle. Her fingers smooth down your hair as her breath quickens. Her tongue flicks over her lips as she moves to straddle your lap, giving you more access to her body. “This wasn’t the plan, Y/N.”
You can’t help but smile against her soft skin as you move in, softly sucking kisses to her other breast, only glancing up at her briefly before you suck lightly on her pert nipple, making her moan your name softly. She rolls her hips down over yours, begging for friction. The friction that you want to give her so badly and get in return. 
Yong-sun’s fingers run along your arms as your mouth works over her skin, moving from each breast, giving each one equal attention. Her brain fuzzy with only you and the want for more as arousal builds, her hips moving in slow circles over your thigh. You moan against her warm skin before glancing up at her when her hand carefully jerks your head back to get your attention. “I want out of these jeans, and I need you so fucking much.” 
You can’t help the smug smirk that crosses your lips as Yong-sun narrows her eyes at you. Her free hand moves to grip your jaw, her thumb gliding along your lips, before she presses a long deep kiss to your lips and slides from your lap. Her eyes never leave yours as you watch her breathlessly. Her hands push her jeans and panties down her legs carefully as she almost seems to shimmy in place, making your brain spin with ideas of watching her move her hips. 
Almost as if she can read your mind, a smirk crosses her lips as she tilts her head and sways her hips, almost exaggerated as she walks toward you. “Now lay down. I won’t ask twice.”
You narrow your eyes playfully, before she pushes at your shoulders and begins walking her fingers down your body. Carefully manicured short nails trace your nipples, before dipping into your belly button, and finally resting at the clasp to slowly undo. 
Yong-sun’s eyes never leave yours as she slowly peels the rest of your clothes from your body. She only looks away to admire you as you arch your back to the feeling of the air hitting your body sending a shiver through you. “Cold, baby?” Her fingers slide over your thighs and down to your knees, before she pushes your legs apart, letting her eyes travel over your wet core. 
You watch as Yong-sun’s tongue flicks out to wet her lips as she shakes her head and looks back at you. “I’ll warm you up. Look how pretty you are.”
A moan is cut short as you press your lips together when she runs her fingers between your folds, before pressing gently against your entrance. Her eyes find your face again as she smiles circling the pad of her thumb around your clit and working two fingers slowly into you. “Oh please don’t do that, baby. I want to hear you moan. I love it so much. I want to know how good I am making you feel. Do you like this?” 
Nodding, you let your mouth part into another moan of her name with a soft yes as her free hand massages your inner thigh.
“Yeah? A bit more?” Her voice is as soft as yours before she presses her lips to your thigh and kisses up to meet her hand, replacing her thumb with her mouth, making you arch off the bed. 
Your eyes flutter shut as your fingers lace with her free hand as she sends you over the edge, causing you to almost feel dizzy. Yong-sun smiles against your warm, wet core before running her tongue from your entrance to your clit as she slides her fingers from you slowly. Her eyes watching you writhe from almost being overstimulated, before she carefully moves to sit up and suck her fingers clean with a happy sound. 
Struggling to catch your breath for only a moment, you watch your smug girlfriend lick her fingers clean, before moving quickly making her gasp into a laugh as you quickly pin her to the bed and nudge her nose with yours. “You are feisty now.”
You can’t help but to smile on Yong-sun’s lips before kissing her slowly, your teeth tugging at her bottom lip as you slot your thigh between her legs and press up against her wet folds, making her moan against your deep kiss. 
“Y/N…I need more.” Her voice muffled against your lips.
You nod and slide your fingers along her sides making her giggle into the kiss as you smile on her lips. Your hips move to roll your thigh against her core as she pants into soft moans. “What do you want, Yong-sun? My fingers? Or my mouth?” With your free hand moving into her hair, you let your thumb run along her warm cheek as she lifts her hips to rock her core against your hip, trying to chase an orgasm that was hard to find in this position. “Tell me, beautiful…or are you shy now?” 
She scoffs on your lips and hisses as you nip at her lips, before opening her eyes to look up at you and letting out a louder moan as your thigh hits her perfectly, causing friction against her clit. “Oh god…your mouth. I want your mouth. Please?”
You smile against her jaw, before pressing gentle kisses along her neck and slowly working your way down her body. 
Yong-sun whines gently as her fingers run through your hair as your hands hold the back of her thighs, sliding her legs apart. Her toes press into the bedding as she meets your eyes when you glance up from between her thighs. “Fuck…”
You can’t help but to smile at the one word before your eyes close and your mouth is on her.  One hand holds Yong-sun’s hips to the bed as the fingers of your free hand separate her folds, carefully giving you more access as you devour her like she is your last meal.
You can’t help but echo her loud moans that fill your ears as you suck lightly at her clit, sending vibrations through her body. She was like a finely tuned instrument, and you know every single note. Circling her clit once with your tongue, you move your attention to her entrance, unable to resist another selfish moan at how sweet she tastes. 
“Y/N…I’m gonna cum. Baby…please.”
You glance up as Yong-sun tries to arch on the bed, only to be pushed back down by your hand on her hips as your tongue dives into her, your thumb circling her clit, pushing her over that edge as you almost beg her to cum for you. Her moans fill the room like a wave as Yong-sun’s hips roll towards your mouth when she cums. You can’t help but pull her that much closer, not wanting to waste a drop as her fingers pull at your hair. 
Hips slowly stop moving as your tongue runs in almost kitten-like licks over sensitive skin, before you pull away to press kisses to Yong-sun’s thighs when she laughs and runs her hands through her hair. “Come up here and kiss me. If your lips aren’t on mine in 10 seconds, I’m kicking you out of this bed.” 
You laugh and crawl up her body in the bed and press your wet lips to hers, making her moan. She tastes herself on your lips and shakes her head as she wraps her legs with yours. “Incredible. I’m not sure I would trust myself to walk right now.”
Another laugh escapes your lips as you run your fingers over her side and kiss her lips gently between kisses, before nudging her nose with yours playfully. “I think you are just saying that because you don’t want to help me pick up clothes.”
Yong-sun laughs and presses her head back against the pillows with a sigh, raising a brow as her fingers lazily run over your arm. Her eyes full of mirth, you can see how much love is laced in them as she bites her lips and shrugs. “You caught me. Just stay in bed with me. I love you too much to let go right now.” 
You sigh and let her tug you closer, laying your head on the pillow next to her as you both turn to the side. Gentle kisses and laughter are all that are left in the room as the two of you hold each other so close it's hard to tell where one begins and one ends.
© peachybun-bun - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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hotlink907 · 1 year
What do you think Mamamoo's opinions on edging are?
Edging is another one of my favorites kinks actually! I've written quite a few stories about it, but not too many Mamamoo ones. Hardly any Mamamoo actually.
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Solar: Loves it! Both giving and receiving. Solar is a wild time in bed, and for her, edging lets her extend the fun. She loves winding her partner up and getting them really needy and whiny. Of course, she always lets them have a massive orgasm at the end. The edging is the way to get there! She also likes receiving it. She's not too whiny--she's got good control over herself, so if you get her to break, it's a big deal!
Moonbyul: Moonbyul is experienced but oh so caring and kind. She knows what edging is and she's really good at it, but she's not sure she wants to do it to you. If you can convince her that you want it though... then you better watch it. Because she knows you so well, and her hands are like magic. She'll have you begging in no time.
Wheein: Wheein isn't really into doing it, but she loves having it done to her. She's like putty in your hands, and it doesn't take much to break her demeanor and really get her whining for your touch. She loves feeling how much she wants you.
Hwasa: Oh, you're in trouble with Hwasa. The queen of edging. She won't even let you know she's going to do it--one second you'll be on the brink of orgasm, and the next second, you'll be begging her to keep going. She can tell how close you are just by the look on your face, and she's so good at reading your body. For her, it's like a game. She's not necessarily cruel (unless you want her to be!), but she loves showing you how much control she can have when she wants.
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
day 11 - mommy kink
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mamamoo 1.1k words gender neutral reader insert Reader x Kim Yongsun (Solar) NSFW
🖤 warnings: no pre-negotiation of kink, one very annoying insert 🖤
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
Like so many things that involve her, it started as a joke.
Yongsun just takes good care of you. It's just in her nature, to be practical and organized and to get things done. That means that one way or another, she handles things like meals, and laundry, and making sure that the Netflix bill gets paid. Delegates the tasks to you, sometimes, and sometimes just does everything herself to save time.
It's not like you're helpless, of course. You're an adult, capable enough, and you can do anything she asks.
But she does take good care of you.
That's why, when she comes into the living room where you've set up camp to finish this last task for work with two bowls of dinner that she cooked at some point while you were buried in tasks and graphs, the angel that she is, you smirk at her.
"Thanks, Mom."
She scoffs. "Please."
There's no greater joy in life than being just a little bit annoying to the people you love, so you just take the bowl and double down.
"I really am thankful," you say, "I would starve to death without you, Mom."
"Ah, seriously...you're gonna make me feel old. You wanna give me a complex? Is that what you want?"
She's being dramatic, all loud voice and waving spoon, but she's grinning over the top of her bowl as she sits down near you, so you figure you're okay.
"I'm just showing how much you mean to me."
"Then be less weird about it," she mutters, around her food.
"Oh, yeah, you got it," you muse, "Thanks, Mommy."
When her eyes meet yours again, wide and round and shocked, you know you've won. But not quite in the way you expected.
You meant it to be another joke, in the same vein as calling her Mom, but you have to admit...the implication is different. Mom, as in, someone who helps your household run and nags you and is infinitely more responsible than you are, on average.
Mommy, on the other hand...
"Don't do that!" Yongsun complains.
"Don't do what?"
"Just...say stuff like that so casually!"
You lean toward her, meal forgotten. "Why?"
"Because - because-"
Things have gotten very innuendo-heavy, very quickly, and you're not hating it.
"Because you like it."
She's not shy at the worst of times, and she's not shy now. "Yeah, I do! And I'm trying to eat!"
You grin. "We could reschedule dinner."
"It'll get cold."
"I don't mind."
"I do," Yongsun mutters. "I'm eating first."
"First, implying that we're gonna-"
"You know what, go to your room!" she orders, trying an failing to keep a straight face.
God, she's the best. Commitment to the bit, always.
You don't even have to fake your pout. "Right now?"
"Without dinner!" she affirms.
"Damn. Unfair."
She waves you away. "Go wait for me, I'll be there soon. You know, since you don't want to eat."
"Oh, I wanna eat-"
"Yes, Mommy," you say, leaving your bowl and all but skipping away.
You can hear Yongsun groaning as you tuck yourself away in the bedroom, and you can't help the evil laugh at your own genius. It's not your first time pulling out this one on her, but the other times were in the thick of it in the bedroom, and aside from the usual debrief afterwards, it never came up. Utilizing something that you know she likes, on the fly like this...genius.
You're on the bed, on your phone, scrolling Instagram, when she comes in.
"If you're grounded, you can't be on your phone," she says.
"You didn't ground me. You sent me to my room."
Yongsun rolls her eyes. "It was implied."
Even so, you toss your phone to the side. "The being parented part isn't sexy, you know."
"You started it."
"I did," you agree. "Sorry, Mommy."
"And now I'm finishing it," she says, voice silky.
Ah, here we go. The fun part.
"If you're gonna call me that, you're gonna listen to me," she says.
"Yong, if you don't want to play, just tell me to stop," you check in gently.
"What was that?" she says, looking every bit the part, expectant and disappointed. "That's not the name you wanna call me so badly."
Oh. Guess she does want to play.
"Sorry, Mommy," you say easily.
It's not something you do often, not a necessity in the bedroom by any means, but damn it is fun to throw power dynamics like this into the game.
Yongsun grins, playful and dangerous, flipping her long dark hair over one shoulder and out of the way. "You really wanna do it this way?"
"Isn't it fun?"
"It is," she agrees. "But only if you're good."
"I'm never good."
The other times you've pulled out the mommy stuff on Yongsun, it's been in moments where you needed more. More careful attention, more focus, more collaboration on making you feel good. She isn't shy about taking what she needs, as aggressive in her pursuits of pleasure as she is in her work. So sometimes you find that asking her to shift to a caretaking role, as it were, balances things out again. Remind her that give and take is partially give.
"My baby must be pretty desperate, to pull out the provocation like that, out of nowhere," she observes.
Maybe you are. Maybe you didn't even notice how much you'd wanted her. But you notice now, your arousal impossible to ignore as she cages you in on the bed, carefully moves your phone to the bedside table to protect it.
"I don't want you to do all the work," you protest.
"Why not?" Yongsun asks, amused.
She's got you on your back now, and she follows you down.
"It's not fair, for you to do everything and me to just...you know. Take it."
"That's part of this, isn't it?" - she snaps the band of your shorts against your hip - "I get to take care of you, the way you like..." - she pulls the shorts down, all at once - "And you get to thank me for it."
"But I wanna - you deserve-"
"Oh, come on. Let Mommy take care of you," she says, and it manages to be sugary-sweet and completely derisive at the same time.
You started this, and she's gonna make it hell for you. Half-naked against her, still in her full outfit from the day, jewelry and all, you feel all the more exposed by comparison.
"Okay," you breathe.
"Ah - remember what I said," she tuts. "I do, you thank."
"Thank you."
Yongsun tilts her head, pitying, like you're not that bright. "Is that it?"
"What else-"
"How about, 'thank you Mommy, for taking care of me even though I ruined dinner because I'm too horny to wait'?" she muses.
"That's a mouthful."
"You're a handful."
If this is how she's playing it before you've even fully begun, you shudder to think what she's going to put you through over the rest of the night.
You can't wait.  
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sexualmamamoosnaps · 1 year
Solar, can we scissor each other baby?
Genre: Lovely Smut
Pairing: Dom Kim Yongsun (Solar) and Sub Female Reader
“Sure we can scissor each other, but are you can actually take it this time? You can I can get pretty rough and last time you kept complaining afterwards about feeling weird and it being “hard for you to walk.”
- Kim Yongsun (Solar)
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misswoozi · 1 year
These first 2 pics have such big strap energy 🎮
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Past weeks update 👀
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It has been such a long time since I posted on here my favourites pics these beauties have update on their IG, so...time to work, I guess 🙈
First of all, we have our lovely leader, Haseul. I've never been too familiar with all Loona member but lately they all have been wrecking me and obviously the leader had to take the lead in that😵‍💫
Then Dawon reminds us that she's hot and fit af. The combination of face, booba and abs really destroy me. Also the gap between her legs? Such an incredible feature👀
Next we have Jisun. This pic has nothing of too explicit but the mommy vibes... she's coming back from the gym to "take care" of you🫠
Obviously this would not be a Zazá post without featuring one of my wives, so just take a look of Mommy Solar. Miss, your outfit is already distracting, can you please keep that tongue away?👅
And last but not least, a fresh update of few minutes ago: Yujeong of Brave Girls. They're such an underrated group, both on vocals and beauty. And since they changed their agency, they have become...more bold 😈
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andyxficial · 2 years
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Meu primeiro imagine no mundo do kpop, estou um pouco insegurança, mas, precisava ser com a hwasa. Essa mulher é foda, sinceramente. Torço muito para que vocês gostem.
Vou amar ler cada comentário. Beijos, até a próxima.
Vamos a leitura.
        Às palavras escapavam com maestria dos lábios bem desenhados de S/N García; a latina que havia ingressado recentemente no mundo do kpop, o qual vinha cobiçando e desejando por anos de sua vida. Com apenas dezoito anos, conseguiu esse feito. Após um ano como trainee, o que acabou chamando a atenção de muitos, devido ao pouco tempo em que passou em comparação à outros idols. Fazendo parte do grupo Mamamoo, o qual já estava em curso á algum tempo. No momento, a latina de olhos escuros, participava de uma entrevista juntamente ao seu grupo. Estava distraída enquanto respondia uma pergunta, mas, havia alguém que a observava, cada detalhe, milimetricamente, Hyujin, ou como é conhecida popularmente, Hwasa. Mas, como a própria S/N adorava chamá-la, Maria. A belíssima mulher de fios escuros e lábios cheinhos, analisava com calma, o rosto de sua nova companheira de equipe. Enquanto se perguntava como a latina conseguia esconder tão bem a sua verdadeira face. Por trás de um rosto angelical, um corpo escultural, e um talento nato. García não era um anjo, a coreana sabia disso melhor do que ninguém, mas, ela transmitia isso para todos. Os seus fãs, os quais amava e agradecia por tê-los, e até mesmo os seus haters, os quais a mesma fazia questão de debochar após cada crítica. Hwasa a admirava na mesma proporção que não a suportava. Admirava a sua força, e a forma como a mesma não dava a mínima para críticas, mas, odiava o seu cinismo, a maneira como não conseguia olhá-la nos olhos por muito tempo. Se sentia pequena perto de uma maldita garota de apenas dezoito anos, e a odiava por isso. Às meninas do grupo não conseguiam entender o motivo de tamanho incômodo com a maknae do grupo, afinal, ela não dava motivos, certo? Ao menos era isso o que todos da equipe pensavam.
        Mas, não. Não, não era isso.
       Tinha motivo, inúmeros motivos, a maneira como a tirava do sério indiretamente era um dos motivos. Os sorrisos de canto, às mordidas no lábio inferior, a forma como mexia o quadril largo e olhava com aqueles olhos, aqueles malditos olhos que mais pareciam possuir um brilho demoníaco em sua direção, isso a fazia tremer, suar, sentir a boca seca, apenas atiçando-a para logo em seguida vê-la sorrir maliciosamente em sua direção com a certeza do efeito que a causava, isso apenas a fazia odiá-la ainda mais. Se sentia pequena, enfeitiçada, e pior, excitada, sempre que via o seu desempenho no palco. Sentia um desejo, um maldito desejo que fazia xingá-la em todas às línguas que conhecia. Naquele exato momento, enquanto se reuniam para posar para uma foto, o pequeno demônio estava fazendo isso, enquanto sustentava um inocente sorriso em seus lábios, a mão pequena e macia estava na cintura da mais velha, onde depositou um forte aperto.
          Hwasa se remexeu inquieta, e isso foi suficiente para García se sentir satisfeita. Era seu hobbie deixá-la desconfortável em público, vê-la tentando conter o rubor que adornava sua face, e o palavrão que segurava em sua boca. Não sabe como explicar, nem mesmo consegue entender o que a levou a isso. A desejá-la desde o primeiro momento em que esteve ao seu lado, desde a primeira troca de olhares, o primeiro abraço, aquele onde a voz com uma leve rouquidão lhe deu às boas vindas ao grupo. Desde o primeiro dia  em que a viu dançar, e desejou arrancar cada maldita peça que a impedia de visualizar cada pedaço daquele corpo. O qual parecia ter sido moldado com extrema delicadeza, com um imenso cuidado, para que não tivesse onde pôr defeito. Soube desde aquele momento, Hwasa seria a sua perdição, mesmo que já estivesse perdida á muito tempo. E, nem mesmo se importava com isso, apenas afirmou mentalmente, aquela mulher seria sua. Era isso que desejava, e a teria. García sempre foi uma mulher determinada, e usaria todas suas armas.
      Estavam no carro que a levariam de volta ao dormitório. O clima estava ameno entre Byul, Solar e Wheein, sorriam entre si, enquanto conversavam sobre algo aleatório, estavam tão distraídas que nem mesmo conseguiam perceber o clima pesado que havia se instalado nos bancos de trás do carro. Hwasa olhava para a paisagem, enquanto sentia o sangue ferver. Enquanto isso, García, possuía um sorriso malicioso em seus lábios, e olhava para a mulher ao seu lado de relance. Ela estava puta. Porra, ela estava muito puta, e como isso à deixava satisfeita. Caralho, e tão excitada. O maxilar travado, a mão em punho, e os olhos cerrados, ela estava fervendo em frustração. Ao chegarem ao dormitório, todas passaram a conversar sobre o dia, e posteriormente seguiriam para seus respectivos quartos, e por ironia do destino, ou não, García e Hwasa dividiam o mesmo quarto. A coreana nem mesmo disfarçou a sua raiva, e logo seguiu para o quarto em passos pesados. O que acabou chamando a atenção das demais, às quais pareciam genuinamente confusas com o humor da rapper.
     ── Hyun... ─ Moonbyul nem mesmo conseguiu concluir a sua fala, pois antes disso, a coreana já havia desaparecido em um dos corredores. Logo, a de fios loiros baixou a mão, e olhou em direção às companheiras de grupo. ── O que houve com ela? ─ Havia preocupação em sua pergunta. Sempre soube da união de todas, o acolhimento entre elas, sentiu isso na pele, e nem mesmo podia negar o quanto admira isso.
      ── Ela parecia chateada durante toda a entrevista. Aconteceu algo que não vimos? ─ Wheein perguntou, possuía um copo de água em sua mão. Os olhos pequenos cerrados, provavelmente, tentando recordar de algo.
     ── Eu vou falar com ela. ─ Solar se prontificou, enquanto erguia o corpo do pequeno estofado.
     ── Ela só deve 'tá cansada. Vocês sabem como a Maria é, ela não consegue descansar até que tudo esteja perfeito. ─ García se pronunciou, pois, tinha um plano em mente. ── Assim como vocês estão cansadas, consigo escutar o bocejo daqui. ─ Disse, sorrindo angelicalmente, enquanto às demais a acompanhavam no riso. ── Descansem, por favor, sim? Eu vou ver como ela está, e não se preocupem, qualquer coisa eu aviso a todas. Somos uma família, afinal. Descansem, o dia foi longo. E, temos muito o que fazer ao amanhecer. ─ Juntou suas pequenas mãos. Sn ainda tinha aquele sorriso em seus lábios, quando todas assentiram, Solar, olhava firmemente nos olhos da maknae, parecendo estar orgulhosa do seu posicionamento. Logo, se despediram e caminharam em direção aos seus respectivos quartos. García ainda tinha aquele sorriso angelical no lábio quando às três sumiram no imenso corredor, logo, o mesmo deu lugar a um sorriso malicioso. Enquanto a mesma caminhava em direção a sua mochila, buscando o que havia escondido tão bem. Sabia o quanto odiavam que ingerisse bebida alcoólica. Buscou o vinho, e às duas taças.
     Caminhava lentamente em direção ao quarto que dividia com Hwasa. E, nada havia lhe preparada para a surpresa que teria ao entrar no quarto. O tapa em sua cara com toda a certeza não estava em seus planos. Ainda com o rosto virado, e a raiva correndo em suas veias, a mesma escutou a respiração acelerada da coreana. Sim, ela estava muito puta.
     ── Qual a porra do seu problema? ─ Gritou, enquanto apertava ainda mais os punhos. García apenas pôde sorrir em escárnio ao vê-la naquela situação. Enquanto deixava o vinho e às taças sob a mesinha ao lado da cabeceira da cama. O que fez com que a rapper se aproximasse com a intenção de estapeá-la mais uma vez, sendo parada pela mão da latina em seu pulso. A qual a puxou com força, cara a cara, corpos colados, olho no olho, e respirações ofegantes.
      ── Não. ─ Balançou a cabeça negativamente, enquanto o seu polegar massageava o pulso ao qual segurava. ── Você não quer fazer isso, bae. ─ Sussurrou rente aos lábios carnudos de Hwasa. A qual sentiu seu coração acelerar, enquanto engolia em seco, na tentativa falha de desviar o olhar. ── Porque no fundo, bem no fundo, você sabe qual o meu problema, não sabe? ─ Com a mão livre, a latina aproximou do pescoço da mesma, onde acariciou com calma. Enquanto via a mesma fechando os olhos.
       ── Eu odeio você. Odeio esse seu comportamento. Odeio como todos acham que você é um anjo, sendo que é o próprio diabo. ─ Hwasa tentava ser firme, mas, não havia firmeza em sua fala. Tinha os olhos fechados, se aproveitando do toque que a latina lhe dava. E, se sentia ridícula por isso. Logo ela, uma mulher tão forte, tão poderosa aos olhos de muitos, logo ela, como pode permitir que uma menina a trate de tal maneira. E, foi pensando nisso, que, empurrou a outra com força. ── Não encoste mais em mim, S/N. ─ Havia fogo em seus olhos, mas, também havia um pulsar entre suas pernas com aquele simples toque. Se sentia ridícula por nem mesmo conseguir passar firmeza em sua fala, pois no fundo, a coreana queria, ela desejava aquele toque, ela desejava aquela maldita garota. ── Você não tem esse direito. ─ Afirmou, enquanto via a latina retirar o blazer que cobria a parte superior de seu corpo, a qual possuía apenas um cropped cobrindo os seus seios, logo tratando de se aproximar um pouco mais de seu corpo. Deu alguns passos pra trás em resposta.
     ── Tem certeza disso, bae? ─ A latina continuava se aproximando do corpo que inutilmente tentava se afastar do seu. Sorriu ao vê-la fechar os olhos mais uma vez, desviando o olhar, nem mesmo a repeliu quando os lábios da latina tocaram a pele do seu pescoço em um beijo molhado. O sorriso alargou ao vê-la se arrepiar diante de tal ação. ── Não mente pra mim, meu doce. ─ Sussurrou. ── Não peça para que eu me afaste, quando na verdade, anseia por minha aproximação. Deseja o meu toque, me olha como se eu fosse o seu maior desejo. ─ Hwasa levou a mão trêmula ao abdômen da latina. Enquanto ofegava ao sentir o toque dos lábios mais uma vez. ── Você me deseja, assim como eu te desejo. Deseja arrancar cada peça que cobre o meu corpo nesse exato momento, deseja saber se estou pulsando por você, assim como está pulsando por mim nesse momento, não? ─ Os olhos escuros visualizaram quando a coreana apertou suas pernas, estava certa, ela a desejava da mesma maneira. ── Já sonhou comigo, Maria? Já desejou me ter entre suas pernas, chupando, tomando todo o seu mel, eu sei que sim. ─ O sorriso malicioso se alargou ao escutar um baixo gemido após uma mordida no pescoço alheio. Ela teria alguns problemas para esconder às marcas no dia seguinte, mas, tampouco se importava com isso.
    ── P-pare... ─ Sussurrou, a voz fraca, e os olhos permaneciam fechados.
    ── Eu quero muito foder você, bae. Eu quero tocar cada pedacinho desse seu corpo delicioso, beijar, morder, cada pedaço de sua pele. Provar do seu gosto, escutar todos os seus gemidos, te deixar marcada como minha, Hyunjin. ─ A latina dizia despudoramente, enquanto sua destra se ocupava de puxar os fios da nuca da coreana, e seus lábios permaneciam maltratando o pescoço alheio. ── Então, se realmente quer que eu pare, e nunca mais a toque, me empurre, me bata, me coloque pra fora daqui agora. Estou esperando, bae.
        Nem mesmo um minuto se passou, a coreana já tinha a sua resposta formada em mente, deu adeus à todos os pensamentos que lhe diziam pra se afastar da latina, quando, avançou nos lábios da mulher de curvas sinuosas. Inicialmente um beijo desajeitado devido a surpresa por parte da García. Logo, às mãos subiram o corpo da coreana, tocando, apertando, tomando tudo o que conseguia. Enquanto às línguas se encontravam em uma dança lenta e sensual, despudorada, erótica. Os lábios de Hwasa eram maltratados pela latina. Enquanto se deliciavam com o gosto de suas bocas. Os braços da coreana foram parar ao redor do pescoço da mais nova, quando essa levou às mãos para a alça do vestido da coreana. Vendo o tecido de seda caindo aos pés da mais velha. Aquele corpo, aquele maldito corpo que por tanto tempo desejou tocar. Às curvas, nas quais desejava se perder, a pele macia e cheirosa, aquela mulher era um pecado. E, por sorte, S/N era uma pecadora nata. Levou às mãos para às coxas torneadas da coreana, dando o impulso preciso para que Hwasa pudesse adornar a cintura fina. Caminhou com a coreana em direção a cama, onde deitou a mesma. Os lábios se separaram no exato momento em que García ergueu o corpo na intenção de retirar a calça social que ainda vestia, ficando apenas com a calcinha pequena e o cropped que impedia que seus seios saltassem pra fora. Hwasa se encontrava com os olhos bem abertos, contemplando a mulher em sua frente. A qual percebeu de imediato o olhar da mais velha, mordeu o lábio inferior enquanto se aproximava da cama, sentando no colo da mais velha. Pegando às mãos da mais velha, levando-as em direção aos seus seios. A coreana parecia hipnotizada enquanto movimentava suas mãos lentamente, mas, logo tratou de baixar o cropped que a impedia de ter uma total visão da parte superior da pequena. Logo os seios medianos, e mamilos teso devido a excitação, estavam a mercê da mais velha. A qual fechou os olhos calmamente enquanto apertava a carne macia em suas mãos. García fechou os olhos e sentiu um pulsar em sua boceta, mordendo o lábio inferior para conter um gemido. Hwasa não pôde conter o sorriso quando viu tal cena, logo, levando a ponta da língua ao mamilo da latina. Lambendo calmamente o mesmo, rodeando-o, enquanto apertava com força o esquerdo. García nem mesmo pensou antes de levar às mãos ao feche do sutiã que a impedia de ver os seios da coreana. Logo o mesmo estava sendo lançado em algum canto do quarto. E, tinha os seios em suas mãos. García tinha a cabeça tombada pra trás, enquanto Hwasa se deliciava com os toques da garota em seu colo, e com os gemidos manhosos desta. A latina passou a rebolar no colo da coreana, na intenção de conter a excitação que tomava o seu corpo no momento. Aquela sensação estava lhe enlouquecendo, mas, precisava de mais. Precisava chupá-la, sentir o gosto da coreana que por tanto tempo fantasiou em sua mente. Por isso, levou às mãos aos ombros da mesma, empurrando-a na cama novamente, logo, tratou de se ajoelhar no chão, tendo o quadril da mais velha na beirada da cama. Levou às mãos às beiradas da lingerie preta e desceu a mesma, desceu às mãos das coxas torneadas ao tornozelo. Beijando cada pedaço da pele exposta, não esquecendo de depositar um beijo na virilha, vendo a mais velha se remexer em agonia.
     ── Você é linda pra caralho. ─ Sussurrou a latina, enquanto deixava uma mordida na coxa da mais velha. Recebendo em troca um gemido alto, e mãos entrelaçadas em seus fios tingidos, puxando-os com força.  ── Shii... ─ Levou o indicador ao lábio. ── Solar estava preocupada. Não queremos que ela entre aqui e me encontre com a boca em sua boceta, certo? ─ Boca suja, promíscua pra caralho, essa era a S/N que poucos conheciam. Entre esses, Hwasa. ── Eu não me importo muito com plateia, sabe. ─ Continuava à falar, como se não tivesse descendo a mão em direção a boceta encharcada da mais velha. A qual pulsava pra si a cada palavra que escapava por seus lábios. Abriu às pernas da coreana, lambendo os lábios ao visualizar o quão molhada a mesma estava. ── Eu até gosto... ─
Um verdadeiro demônio fantasiado de anjo. Continuou a falar normalmente, enquanto pressionava o clitóris inchado da mais velha, escutando o gemido manhoso da outra, assim como tentava inutilmente fechar às pernas. ─ Eu adoraria que elas entrassem aqui, e te vissem nessa situação lamentável. ─ Pressionou com ainda mais força, sorrindo como o diabo sorriria, ao vê-la tombando a cabeça pra trás em um gemido mudo. ── Excitada, molhada pra cacete e gemendo como uma cadela. Porra, você tá pingando... ─ Enfiou de uma só vez dois dedos dentro da mais velha. Hwasa arqueou às costas, enquanto flexionava os dedos dos pés, queria xingar a mais nova, mandá-la para o inferno, mas, nem mesmo conseguia. Aquela sensação que tomava o seu ser, aquele calor, o prazer que sentia apenas por ter os dedos da mais nova parados dentro de si. Se sentia pequena, patética, mas, acima de tudo, muito excitada. Moveu o quadril na intenção de vê-la mover os dedos, mas, nada adiantou. Sentiu a mão da mesma em sua cintura, a impedindo de continuar com os movimentos. Hwasa se remexeu ainda mais inquieta, tentando, teimando, mas, teve seus movimentos parados mais uma vez. Um muxoxo chamou a atenção da mais nova, a qual tinha um sorriso cínico adornando os lábios chamativos.
     ── S/N...
    O sussurro mas pareceu um gemido. O qual chegou aos ouvidos da latina em bom grado.
      ── Diga, amor. Diga o que precisa, e eu farei.
      A coreana engoliu em seco, enquanto lutava contra seus próprios desejos. Não iria implorar, não, jamais faria isso, seria humilhante. Mas, porra. Sua virilha queimava, aquela sensação estava lhe enlouquecendo. Porque diabos ela não movia os dedos dentro de si, ela estava querendo lhe enlouquecer.
      ── Peça, Maria. Eu sei o que quer, mas, só farei, quando escutar o pedido saindo por essa boquinha gostosa. ─ Para provocar, confundir um pouco mais a mente da mais velha, atiçá-la, enlouquecer a mesma, a mais nova girou os dedos dentro da boceta encharcada, recebendo um gemido agudo em resposta. A risada reverberou no quarto, se deliciando com aquela tortura. Mesmo que também estivesse sofrendo com isso. Salivava para sentir o gosto daquela mulher. Socou novamente, repetidas vezes, parando ao vê-la tentar fechar às pernas e revirar os olhos. Respirando fundo ao vê-la olhando com um brilho assassino em seus olhos.
      ── Quer gozar, amor? Eu posso te fazer gozar. Usando meus dedos, minha língua, e até mesmo espancando essa sua bunda gostosa. Pois eu sei, por trás de toda essa marra, se esconde uma cadela safada que adora levar uns tapas no lugar certo. Mas, precisa pedir. Implore, meu doce. Eu sei que quer. ─ Os olhos de S/N brilhavam, a latina sentia a própria boceta pulsar, e apertava às pernas na intenção de ter alguma fricção. Mas, não daria o braço a torcer enquanto Hwasa não dissesse o que ela queria. E, veio. Quando menos esperou, veio.
    ── P-por favor... ─ Murmurou, manhosa. ── Por favor, me faça gozar. Soque seus dedos fundo e forte dentro de minha boceta, eu preciso disso, por favor. ─ A latina sentiu que poderia gozar com apenas aquelas palavras. Sentiu escorrer perna abaixo. Mordeu o lábio inferior fortemente, sentindo o gosto do sangue em sua língua. Nem mesmo pensou muito, passou a meter fundo e forte dentro da coreana. Os urros da mesma tomando conta do quarto, não se importava mais caso alguém escutasse. Queria isso, queria que soubessem o que estava acontecendo naquele quarto. Sentia a boceta aperta comprimir seus dedos, se abaixou um pouco mais, passando a usar sua língua. Enfiando o músculo quente no buraquinho da mesma, enfiando e tirando rapidamente, logo tratando de lamber toda a boceta, até que passasse a sugar e mordiscar o clitóris da mesma. Hwasa era uma bagunça em gemidos, os olhos reviravam, às pernas inquietas nos ombros da mais nova, a saliva que escorria do canto da boca. S/N continuava a usar a língua, enquanto adicionava o terceiro dedo, às pernas da mais velha tremeram, costas arqueada, olhos apertados e um urro de prazer que tomou conta de todo o cômodo. Chegou ao ápice, dando o prazer da latina sugar todo o seu gozo, enquanto permanecia socando os dedos no interior apertado, fazendo com que acabasse choramingando por estar sensível devido aos estímulos. A coreana estava ofegante, inquieta, sentia que gozaria novamente se a latina continuasse a estimulando daquela maneira. Tombou a cabeça pra trás, choramingando, implorando pra que a mesma a deixasse descansar, pois não aguentaria mais um orgasmo naquele momento. Estava errada, quando a mais nova aumentou novamente a velocidade das estocadas, sentiu o queimor em seu baixo ventre, os olhos revirando mais uma vez, enquanto movimentava o quadril em direção ao rosto da mais nova. Apertando o lençol da cama, mordendo fortemente o lábio inferior, queria gozar novamente, precisava gozar mais uma vez, gozaria na boca daquela mulher mais uma vez. E, faria isso com todo o prazer. Maldita, um pequeno demônio. Mas, ela lhe fodia tão bem.
     ── Fode, isso, a-ah. Mais forte, isso, estou quase...
     A latina levou a mão livre a própria intimidade ainda coberta pela calcinha, apertando, vendo o quão molhada estava. Adentrou o tecido, levando os dedos ao clitóris inchado, não pensou muito antes de enfiar dois dedos em sua boceta igualmente encharcada. Socava fortemente em Hwasa, enquanto os gemidos da mais velha eram estímulos para que metesse com força em ambas. Gemia com a boca ocupada na boceta da mais velha. Revirava os olhos de prazer, sentindo o quão perto estava, aumentou os movimentos na mais velha e em si.
     ── Mais forte, por favor, mais...
     Com os gemidos da mais velha, a latina rodou os dedos em ambas bocetas, sentindo quando a sua parceira de equipe apertou seus dedos pela segunda vez. E, o queimor tomou o seu ventre, Hwasa melou seus dedos e sua face com sua porra, enquanto isso, a sua própria boceta apertava seus dedos e os melava com a sua porra. Gemeu de encontro a boceta da mais velha, o que a fez gemer em desespero pelo estímulo.
        Ambas ofegantes, em busca do controle da respiração.
    Hwasa se sentia fraca, mas, diferente do que esperava, estava realizada. E, pior. Queria mais, ainda mais, queria a sensação do corpo quente da latina juntamente ao seu. Ergueu o rosto a tempo de visualizar o olhar nada discreto da mais nova em direção a sua boceta maltratada.
    ── Eu passaria horas te chupando, e tenho certeza, não enjoaria nunca.
     Aquela voz rouca, a qual ficava belíssima nas músicas, enlouquecendo seus fãs, agora enlouquecia a coreana. A qual balançou a cabeça negativamente, enquanto permitia que um sorriso desacreditado escapasse dos seus lábios.
      ── Você é um demônio. ─ Sussurrou, enquanto olhava nos olhos escuros da mais nova.
     ── Sim, eu sou um demônio, bae. Mas, eu posso te levar ao céu. 
     Devolveu, ousada, suja. Hwasa não podia discordar disso. Não após sentir aquela sensação.
   A latina retirou a calcinha, e passou a engatilhar o corpo da mais velha. Colou os lábios mais uma vez, fazendo com que Hwasa sentisse o seu próprio sabor. Enquanto se posicionava onde desejava, entrelaçando suas pernas, e friccionando seus clitóris inchados devido aos estímulos anteriores. Ambas gemeram entre o beijo. S/N não perdeu tempo, passou a se movimentar, intercalando entre o lento e rápido. Sentindo a sensação gostosa que era causada pelos clitóris raspando um ao outro. Hwasa segurava em sua cintura, enquanto a latina tombava a cabeça pra trás, gemendo alto, nem mesmo se importando em ser discreta. Ali ela não precisava disso. Rebolou, pressionou, gemeu, sentiu um filete de saliva escorrendo no canto de sua boca, quando a mais velha passou a chupar seu peito, mordendo, apertando, deixando ainda mais sensível do que já se encontrava. S/N deixaria Hwasa fazer o que quisesse consigo, mas, a mais velha não precisava saber disso. A mais nova apertou os peitos da mais velha, quando, mais uma vez, chegaram ao ápice. Continuou a se mover lentamente, até que revirou os olhos, e caiu exausta sobre o corpo da mais velha. A qual se encontrava uma bagunça, assim como a mais nova. Respiração ofegante, meladas de porra, olhos cerrados e cabelos bagunçados. A mais nova tinha um sorriso terno desenhado nos lábios, satisfeita, enquanto a mais velha se encontrava mais confusa do que antes. Hwasa suspirou, enquanto levava a mão ao cabelo da mais nova, acariciando o couro cabeludo.
   ── Que feitiço jogou em mim, garota?
    Perguntou, enquanto a risada deixava claro o quão confusa estava. Desde que conheceu a mais nova, ela não saia de sua mente, não conseguia nem disfarçar o quão excitada ficava com pequenas provocações da mais nova. S/N lhe enlouquecia, a forma como movimentava o quadril, mordia o lábio, a forma como todos pareciam babar em sua presença, a sua dualidade. Hwasa não tinha nem mais em que pensar: estava apaixonada, mas, era difícil confessar a si mesma que todo aquele ódio, era na verdade, amor. A mais nova sorriu com a pergunta, enquanto direcionava o olhar para a mulher, às bochechas gordinhas por estar deitada no busto da outra, o olhar inocente, totalmente diferente da mulher de minutos atrás.
     ── Eu joguei um feitiço em você, pois você é minha, Maria.
     O sorriso inocente estava de volta. Hwasa sentiu-se  amolecer, enquanto balançava a cabeça positivamente. E, juntava os lábios novamente em um selinho.
      ── Eu sou sua agora mesmo.
         Sussurrou, e ambas riram.
      Após tal dia, nada mais seria como antes. Hwasa seria de S/N, e a pequena seria de Hwasa. Como deveria ter sido desde o início.
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ryujenini · 5 months
IMAGINE #7 (nsfw)
Painting with Wheein that turns into you caressing her skin with your tongue until she's shaking in your arms
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