#mama hange is a badass
rejectshumanity · 1 year
some headcanons about dio's mom under the cut 💖
her name was maria leigh brando (leigh being her maiden name). she was a working class englishwoman of british and italian descent, raised by her single father following her mother's death at a very young age. she was their only child, and her father never remarried.
dio's good looks come from his mother. her hair, which she wears in a braid, is the same brilliant shade of gold as his. they share the same dimpled, mischievous smile, and thick, dark eyebrows that contrast strikingly against their more delicate features. they both possess a fearsome glare when angered; although dio did not inherit his mother's blue-gray eyes, but dario's amber hues.
her father cherished maria as the only remnant of his late wife. the two were very close, and he worked long hours to support them, pushing himself to provide for her the best he could. he spent what little free time he had playing with her, then teaching her how to read and write, and even teaching her chess. when she grew older, he sent her to live with her aunts to learn "womanly virtues" - but she would return every weekend to play chess with her father and help him tidy up the house.
when she was in her late teens, maria got a job as a barmaid. there, she met dario brando, a sleazy alcoholic over a decade her senior.
she married him hastily after a drunken tryst led to dio's conception. even then, he was verbally abusive, and she had many reservations. but she was terrified of the social stigma of becoming an unwed mother - and so despite the escalating abuse, she went ahead with the marriage. shortly before the wedding, her beloved father fell ill. he never got to walk her down the aisle, and died shortly after of cholera.
maria adored her son, and clung to him as the only good thing to come from her marriage. in her grief, she coped by showering him with love. she told dio often how brilliant he is and how proud she is of him, taught him chess and encouraged his interests in reading. she always spared whatever remained of her meager earnings to buy him books and sweets.
shortly after dio's birth, dario became physically abusive - and despite his much greater strength, maria always fought back. most of dio's formative memories involve chaos and violence: broken wine bottles shattering around him, drunken threats hurled between both of his parents, furniture crashing and the sickening thud of his mother's body hitting the floor.
maria suffered through the worst of the abuse in silence, too proud to cry in front of her son. she tried her best to protect him from his father, often shielding him from would-be beatings with her own body. she would encourage him to spend as much time as possible outside of the brando residence, sending him away whenever dario would return home in his drunken stupors. little dio would seek out other street kids to fight - in part to take out his anger, but with the eventual goal in mind of growing stronger, so he can defend his mom.
as dario's drinking worsened, he drove their family into debt, forcing maria to take additional jobs to survive. dario's beatings grew worse, and more frequent. as exhaustion took over, so too did depression and lethargy, and she soon succumbed to a drinking habit of her own. although she took great pains to hide it from her son, the change in his mother was painfully obvious to him.
she fell ill of a "wasting disease" shortly after dio's eleventh birthday, and died soon thereafter. without maria, dario drove the two further into debt, quickly wasting what little remained of their savings on alcohol, and selling nearly all of their possessions to pay rent at the boarding house they were forced to move into. dio spent as much time away from their room as possible, living on the streets for days at a time. he survived by stealing food, picking pockets, betting on and getting into fights, and playing chess in pubs for money.
dio vehemently believed that his father's boozing and philandering hastened her untimely death, but it wasn't until dario pressured him to sell maria's favorite sunday dress for drinking money that he resolved to kill him.
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(of dio's many, many, many crimes, i'll forgive him this one....dario was a piece of shit with zero redeeming qualities and deserved so much worse than poison.)
even to this day, dio thinks often of his mother, and remembers her with a mixture of fondness and deep sadness. she was one of the only people in his life who he genuinely loved. he struggles to say the phrase "i love you" to anyone else since her death - his subconscious won't let him.
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kookslastbutton · 11 months
Lovin' You Right ༓ jjk (m)
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✑ Summary: Your new badass neighbor won't leave you alone. You know the type, the guy your mama wouldn't want you bringing home. He'd break your heart as quick as he'd take it.
Pairing: new neighbor!jungkook x fem!reader
AU/genre: angst, fluff, smut, e2l, neighbors, oneshot/drabble
Word Count: 2,031
Warnings: cussing, dom!jungkook, sub!reader, missionary, praising, rough s*x, d*rty talk, sp*nking overst*mulation, reader's first-time, sl*t calling once, oc a bit of an uptight b at first, little manhandling, jk rides a motorcylce, jk giving it to oc straight, a very wet date bc MV made me do it
Now Playing: seven by jjk
A/N: no explanation, this is just what i thought of when i listened to jungkook's song 'seven'. Hope you enjoy! 💞
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He looked like a real hard ass with all the black leather he wore, arms covered in ink, and chains hanging from his neck. You know the type, the guy your mama wouldn't want you bringing home.
He was your next-door neighbor and he rode a mean motorcycle. It was loud as fuck and woke you up about ten times during the night. And every time he saw you in the hallway? He'd have this shit-eating grin on, like he wanted to devour you whole.
"Think our mail got switched up again," he said, handing you a pile of letters. "Gonna need to talk to the mail man or somethin'."
"Oh geez," you replied, doing your best to avoid eye contact of more than three seconds–his eyes were just a little too piercing. "Thanks." You shoved the letters under your arm and carried on your way. It was laundry day and you desperately needed to have clean clothes.
"Hey wait," he kept on your trail. "How's your day goin'?" He rushed ahead to open the laundry room door, allowing you to go first.
Look at him trying to be a gentleman, hmph. You held your head high and walked through the door. He'd break your heart as quick as he'd take it.
Like an itch that won't go away, Jungkook followed you as much as he could. No matter how much you scratched, he'd be right there, burning holes in the back of your neck. He'd watch you dump your clothes in the washer, walk you to your car whenever you needed to go anywhere, hell he even helped you carry in groceries when given the chance.
"What do you want Jeon?" You finally popped the question. He didn't look like he was simply "being generous" or "doing his part to make the world better". He was bumming around for something, he had to be.
"Go out with me," he simply quipped, knocking the air out of your lungs.
"Excuse me?"
He rolled his eyes, he was too old for beating around the bush and he was fed up with you giving him the silent finger. Not once have you told him to beat it straight to his face so he's gonna shoot his shot. "Yes or no __? You know I like you, why else would I be bugging the crap out of you?"
"'Cause you want to fuck me then leave me for your other neighbor, the one who lives on the other side of your door." You crossed your arms against your chest. "Tell me I'm wrong."
He narrowed his eyes, tiniest of smirks on his overly gorgeous, no good, lying face. " No you're right. I do wanna fuck that pretentious attitude you got. It's been pissing me off for weeks."
He took a step towards you, caging you between himself and your kitchen island. "What gives you the right to be this bitchy huh? You act like you know everything there is to know about me, but you're too damn stubborn to open your eyes and see it's all a complete farce." He leaned his head forward to graze his lips along the edge of your ear. "I don't know what little girl fairytales you've been taught but I'm not the monster you need to watch out for....and prince charmings don't exist, princess."
You shoved your hands against his chest but he grips them tight in his own. "We don't have to go out anymore. I see what you really think of me."
He released your wrist and headed for the door. "It's really a shame," he hollered before leaving. "You're really beautiful."
God you hated him.
For the next week, Jungkook was no where in sight. He didn't come see you, he didn't bring you anything, he went completely M.I.A. It was a breath of fresh air but by the second week, you wondered where he was and if he was okay. He did drive a motocylce afterall, maybe he got in an accident and you didn't know.
You stared at his door, hesistant to knock in fear if him actually being in there. He'd likely laugh you off when he saw you, so you purposefully picked a time he'd most likely be out and about anyway. You hated that you kinda knew his schedule.
Jungkook quirked an amused brow at you when he finally cranked his door open. He was wearing light washed jeans and no under shirt, his pecs were on full display. "What can I do for you princess?"
"Nothing," you spat, definitely not looking below his thick neck. "Just wanted to make sure you didn't do anything stupid yet."
"Checking up on me huh?" He put an elbow on the door frame, eyes darkening. "That's sweet."
"Fuck off. You're healthy it seems so I'm gonna go check up on the other neighbors now. I think Mrs. Baker set the fire alrms off the other day so I need to make sure she's oka—"
You're arm was yanked back as soon as you moved to turn around. "Fuck you're bullshit __. You missed me didn't ya?"
"Not much to miss Jeon." You're such a liar, Jungkook muttered to himself. The whole world could see you were having a conversation with his pecs this whole time—too damn timid to look him in the eyes.
"Shut up and say you'll go out with me already. I'm tired of waiting for your ass to come around."
You swallowed your pride and there you were, watching Jungkook splash in every single puddle. He just had to propose going out the one day it was storming out.
"Wipe that sour look off your face!" He stomped in the water, drenching you entirely.
You shrieked at the sudden coldness. Big droplets of water soaked your face, clothes, shoes, everything. "You're such a child Jungkook!"
He ignored you and wrapped his muscular arms around you. The white tank he wore was drenched as well. "You're having fun, admit it."
You scoffed. The only reason you agreed to go out was to show him how ridiculous it would be for the two of you to go out. You and Jungkook were likely the most incompatible people for each other. While he was out riding his bike with heavy metal blasting, you were watching the latest law drama in you're pajamas. It was only a matter of time before this expirament of his would show him the true results of your intermingling.
"C'mon," he took you by the hand and dragged you through the rain. "Just be in the moment __. Let the rain shower over you and be free!" He grabbed your other hand and began spinning you both in circles.
"I'm going to get dizzy."
"Then only look at me. Look at me and don't worry about what's around us. Focus on a single subject and you won't get dizzy." He pulled you by the waist, forcing you to stare straight at him.
He was right. The dizziness went away but your knees feel like jelly.
"What's holding you back?" Jungkook smiled and it was the most genuine smile you'd ever seen. "Look at me __. Look at us. What do you see?"
As you stood there in the pouring rain, a pair of deep, boy-like eyes locked with yours. This was him, the thought dawned on you, a soft-hearted guy who wasn't afraid to open himself up.
You felt a pang of guilty settle in your gut–you weren't the better person like you so believed. You're closed off, comfortable in your space. Skeptical of anyone and everyone. You were wrong to see Jungkook as a careless, arrogant, motorcycle thug and it was a hard pill for you to swallow.
"I don't know." You replied softly, shivering at the faintest touch of his fingers supporting on your back. "I'm sorry, I don't know Jungkook."
"Well I see something worth sticking around for, rain or shine. I think I've become an idiot for you and I don't think that bothers you as much as you let on. You sought me out after I gave you space and I've literally been playing in the puddles this whole date and you haven't ditched me yet. So if you want some more of this, I'll give it to you with open hands, open heart, and I'll make sure to be loving you right." He winked before finishing. "As many days as you'd like."
Jungkook didn't give you much time to respond before he pressed his lips against your own. He made sure to go gentle, barely brushing them over your lips.
You understood immediately–if you wanted this, you were going to have to be the one to seal the deal.
And you did, kissing him with full force. You hoped you wouldn't regret this in the morning.
Ever since that night, you and Jungkook had started going out. It was slow at first but six months later, you and he finally made your relationship official.
"Shh," he cooed above you. He was a bit of a blur due to the pitch darkness of the room but you felt him everywhere. He was straddling your naked sides, praising your body like it was art. "Doing so good for me baby, making me so hard–fuck."
It was your first real-time being with a man and being your new boyfriend, Jungkook made sure to be extra attentive. "Kook," you moaned, back arching and pussy throbbing from where he had recently entered you.
He dragged his thick length out of you before slamming back in, a little rougher than the previous thrust. "That's it," he said through gritted teeth. "Let me hear those pretty moans. Been dying to hear them since I first saw you in those cute little sweat shorts you like walking to the laundry room in."
"Faster Kook, please." You gripped his muscular back, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist. You needed him lodged so far in your gut that you'd literally see stars. "Plea–please."
"Shit baby, if you start begging this early I can't promise you I won't go completely feral and I don't want to hurt you."
"I want all of you Jungkook," you said. "You said you'd love me right, so do it." And that's all it took for your boyfriend to lock down on your waist with firm hands, pounding into you with all he had.
You tried looking up at him, wanting to look him dead in the eye as he fucked into you but you couldn't handle it. He was dripping with sweat, his muscles were tense, veins were protruding out of neck, and his teeth were clamped shut. He was focused and he knew what he was doing. You on the other hand were a complete opposite story.
"Jung-Jungkook, oh god, fuck!" You screamed incoherently. His big cock reached every inch inside you, stretching you out with every snap of his hips. Never in your life had you had so much pleasure in a short amount of time. And embarrasing it may be, you were definitely going to come far before the usual.
"Look at you fucking falling apart already. Too much for your tight little pussy to handle isn't it? Well you begged for this, and now you're gonna take this cock like a big girl aren't ya," he barked, landing a sharp slap to your ass.
"Shit!" You yelped, clenching around him automatically. "Gonna come Kook...please-please. It's my first time I-"
You came without finishing the plead, sticky white substance ran down your thighs and onto the sheets. Jungkook's wet length continues to move in you, pushing some of your cum back in. The erotic squelching makes your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Mhm yeah." He planted a trail of rough kisses up your neck, teeth nipping at the delicate skin. "And now you're gonna come again, and again, and again til you're dripping with my cum. I'm gonna then eat you out while my fingers play with your clit. But congrats on your first-time baby, because from here on out, you're gonna become my slut , and I'll be fucking you seven days a week."
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A/N: written a little different than usual but yeah...haha idk. Tysm for reading and lmk your thoughts 💞
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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adoreyor · 1 year
i need to see loid just completely and utterly in love with yor.
give me loid seeing yor in a pretty dress and he cant even speak because of how beautiful she is. he tries to compliment her but messes up, stutters and trips over his words, and embarrasses himself. he just thinks shes so beautiful that he cant even keep up his ‘smooth loid forger’ spy act because of how perfect she is to him.
give me loid listening to yor hum to herself whilst she cleans up, just watching as she does the dishes or folds the laundry, with the softest and fondest smile on his face. bond giving him the side eye smirk like that scene in tangled where flynn is watching rapunzel and maximus the horse grins at him and gets shoved away, just like that.
give me loid seeing yor interact with and care for anya, feeling so lucky that it was yor he met in the shop, it was yor who he chose to marry. anya giggling because all her papa can think about is her mama and anyas just listening to him think about how beautiful and perfect and amazing her mama is.
loid braving through her awful cooking and trying each new meal that she makes, just so he can see the smile on her face when he tells her that shes getting better at it, then cooking alongside her, teaching her tricks and tips that he knows and helping her improve little by little.
first kiss post reveal and he has to reassure her that its real and he’s doing it because he loves her, him feeling so incredibly guilty because he knows that her hesitance and disbelief is his fault because he lied about everything and she was truly the only one of the three who thought everything aside from their fake marriage was real. him apologising to her a million and one times, doing everything he can to make it up to her and prove that he really is in love with her, and its not for any mission at all. he just loves her.
post reveal loid and yor working together, loid just hanging back as he watches his super badass wife take out an entire group of men all by herself, just in absolute awe of how powerful she is.
as much as i love yor being smitten by loid, theres just something so soft and beautiful about loid, someone who has had to lock away all his feelings and emotions, someone who has only ever used people in “relationships”, someone who can never be his real self, falling for someone who he wants to do everything for, for real. he wants to take yor out for real, he wants to kiss her for real, he wants to love her for real. he wants to do all the silly little mundane domestic chores with her for real just because he loves her. he wants to be real for her.
loid being so so in love with yor and the little life theyve built together, that he doesnt ever want it to end.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 89
Part 1 Part 88
Listening to only one side of the conversation would drive Eddie insane if he wasn’t already. It’s worse because he’s not sure if Steve is even answering back. If he even can. Supergirl’s just vague enough that he can’t tell if she’s just trying to reassure a silent, suffocating Steve.
What if he’s still there, just choking? But, no. That was the Upside-Down. Now that the thing is here in Steve, is he still there at all? Or is he trapped in the small corner of his mind that he has left?
Still, Eddie chokes out a wet laugh when El’s lips tick up as she says, “Eddie calls me Supergirl.” She’ll always be his Supergirl. Even if she can’t help this time. 
She looks so young, even with the eyeliner smudged all around her eyes and the slicked back hair. In her black trench coat she’s badass and metal and so goddamn small Eddie wants to throw up about it.  
She’ll always be Supergirl. It hangs over her brows as a weight she carries, a weight they keep adding onto with every plea for help. 
All that drifts away when she asks, “how do we help?” That’s not a question you ask someone who can’t answer. The wait  between words stretches beyond credulity for Eddie. Everyone’s looking at Steve like he’ll open his mouth and speak. 
It’s El’s voice that cuts in. Eddie gasps with it. “Make you warm?”
His neck hurts with the speed he turns his head to meet Will’s gaze. “He likes it cold,” Will whispers. “That’s what he said.” 
Eddie opens his mouth, ready to speak before he thinks, but then El says, “I will save you,” voice floaty, like she’s waking up from a dream. “Stay here while we come.”
El’s removing the half-assed blindfold from her eyes when Eddie looks back toward her, smiling softly as she says, “he recognized me.”
Eddie, knee walks toward her, desperate and wanting. He can feel a bit of glass stuck in his knee, but he doesn’t stop. Can’t. “Stay where?” he demands, hands out like he wants to shake El before he curls them into stupid, futile fists. “Is he okay?”
“He is where he is last time,” El says before raising her hand and tapping the top of Steve’s head gently, running her fingers through his hair as she says, “but in here.”
It takes Eddie a second to connect “last time” to anything tangible. As usual, Will beats him.
“He’s in his closet?”
El nods. “Yes, with clothes.” She runs her fingers through Steve’s hair one final time before dropping her hand and standing. “He said to make him warm.”
“And that’ll fix him?” It’s Perkins who answers, clearly done with being left in the dark. Eddie can’t blame her. 
El stands, staring at Steve the whole time. It takes her too long to answer. “No, he will come back.” 
“Who’s he?” Perkins demands. Everyone else already knows. It’s written in the silence. In the way the van’s so silent that no one is even breathing. “Hello?”
“Gotta break the connection. Close the gate,” Wayne says. He’s gruff and quiet, looking down at El like he’d rather be anywhere else than asking a little girl for a little salvation. “Can you do it?”
El meets his eyes. Eddie wants to hug her, or strangle her, or stuff them all into his trunk and flee the state and hope that’s enough to save them. But then El nods, walking out of the van with too much purpose for anyone to stop her. She turns back around, looking at all of them stuffed into the too-small van. 
“I will close the gate,” she says, looking from face to face to face before asking, “where is Hop?”
“Oh, sweetie,” Mama Byers says, following her out of the van so she can engulf her in a hug El doesn’t return. “He was in the lab.”
El flinches back at the word “lab,” flinches back further when Lucas explains, halting and nervous about the Demodogs that had overrun it. Then something steals over her, resolves into a determination that shines. 
“I am going,” she says, ignoring Mama Byers beseeching hands as she turns and starts walking away, like she’s going to hike all the way there on foot. Frodo Baggins without even a Samwise Gamgee. 
Everyone flutters out of the van. Eddie stays by Steve and Will’s side,watching it all unfold. 
It’s Mike that gets her to stop because of course it is. “We’ll go with you!”
El turns around, hope shining in her eyes. Wayne cuts through it like a scalpel through vocal chords.
“No,” he says, quiet, but harsh enough to make El stumble back. Eddie can’t see his face, but his hands are raised placatingly in that same spooked horse stance he’d used a lot when Eddie first moved in with him, and then later, when Steve did, too. “None of ya kids are going with ‘er.”
All the kids protest except Max, who’s frowning between everyone, unsure of who’s side to stand on. 
“She can’t go alone!” Dustin says, putting his hands on his hips in a perfect imitation of Steve every time he’s on kid wrangling duty and fed up.
Wayne copies the stance, much more effectively at his stature, and replies, “I’m going with ‘er.” When Dustin opens his mouth to further complain, he turns away toward Barbara and asks, “don’t s’pose I can borrow your car?”
Barbara throws the keys toward him without a noise of complaint. Wayne walks toward El, looping his arm around her shoulders and leading her toward the car. “C’mon, kid,” he says, squeezing her into his side. “Gotta stop by the trailer for a couple a’ guns.”
El nods, looks back at them, meeting Eddie’s eyes to say, “keep him warm.”
Like the words break a spell on him, Eddie bolts from the van, tugging his connection on Steve to make sure he stays during their separation. Wayne almost loses his footing when Eddie barrels into his back, arms clutching at his chest tight enough to hurt.
“Stay safe, old man.”
Wayne huffs, reaching back to ruffle Eddie’s greasy hair. Eddie tucks his nose into Wayne’s neck, holds onto him for a second longer before letting go. 
Wayne doesn’t turn around, but he stands still just for a second, like he can still feel the warmth of Eddie’s arms. He sounds choked up when he says, “you too, son,” before walking away without turning back.
Eddie watches as the pair get in the car and drive away, feeling oddly bereft.
He’s got all these people now, who love him and he loves back. But Uncle Wayne was the first, always. 
He better come back. 
Part 90
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb
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ddollfface · 3 months
Hi, can you please do headcanons for kaiou retsu? If you want to...
𝐀 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚
𝙆𝙖𝙞𝙤𝙝 𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨
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Warnings; bad writing, really ooc, not proofread stalking, me rambling, manipulation, pretty short, I'm 90% sure that this isn't really yandere, but whatever. If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Pssh, what kind of question is that? Of course, I want to write for Retsu! I'm just really happy that someone requested something from baki... Anyway, I hope you enjoy! If you have any questions/suggestions, then feel free to ask!!
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I find Retsu to be a very, very intriguing character, seeing as he's had so much development throughout the series. Not only that but when you look just at his past, you'll find that he's adapted and changed so much from his younger years. Restu has multiple different layers to his character, as most Baki men do, but I find that there are a lot of contradictions in his personality, which I'll get into why I think that is. But let's start from what we know because we have to establish what kind of man Restu is before we decide what kind of yandere he is (I also just like to talk lol).
We don't know too much about Restu's past, but we do know that he grew up in the temple, with no mention of any parents. I like to think that his mama (or both parents) just left him at the temple for whatever reason, the possibilities are truly endless. It doesn't matter too much, as Retsu's never shown to care too much for discussing his unknown parents, seeing as he holds his sensei/s in high regard.
I like to think that Retsu considers the martial arts his family; what comforts him when he's distraught or doesn't know what to do. Not having a family, someone to rely on, can cause a person's mental health to be warped. And that's why we always substitute it for something else, whether it be a father/mother figure, a sport, a job, or a lover. Whatever it is, we use it as a substitution for the emotional stability parents are supposed to give us (not saying that they always do).
And this is why I hypothesize that the martial arts is Retsu's substitution. He was conditioned to rely on it, to think of it as a way of life. Therefore, he doesn't rely on other people for emotional support, instead, turning to martial arts to lead the way, y'know?
Martial arts have consumed his life, taking control of his mind, and everyday activities. There's never a moment in the day where he isn't either actively practicing or thinking of it. There's nothing else he can think about, seeing as he was raised to; it's ingrained in his psyche.
This leads to a dead social life. Unless they're fellow fighters or some type of service worker, Retsu doesn't go out often and doesn't enjoy the company of others. This is partially because I think he's more of an introvert or never at places where he can make many friends. Don't get me wrong, he has allies, (After all, we can't forget when Shibukawa punched Musashi for Retsu), but do they do "friend things," y'know? I don't think they just hang out together or things of that nature.
And don't even get me started on Retsu with women, god. You can't convince me that he'd be a flustered mess if a woman ever took interest in him. It's not like he's some shy babygirl-type character, hell no, he's a badass, but he doesn't interact with women, growing up in a temple surely didn't help.
There likely weren't any women at the temple, unless they were there to clean or something (don't @ me, I have no clue), meaning there's no experience there. He's a fighter. Let's be honest, not many women are actively interacting with the fighters. Sure, they'll attend the fights and crap, but I don't think that it's often the fighters are being approached unless they're in a club or bar. Which I don't think Retsu is doing.
Now going back to the original point, Retsu is unbearable with women (if they're flirting). I don't think Retsu can't speak to them. He just can't flirt. He doesn't know how to handle romantic interest from a woman. If you were to hold his hand, kiss his cheek, or touch him in any way. His face would flush, and his eyes would widen. If you were to compliment him, I'd imagine him bowing or trying to maintain respect for you.
I can't really imagine too many ways you'd meet Restu, but it'd probably be with him swooping into your rescue (figuratively or literally). It could be that you were getting harassed, and he escorted you out of the situation, or you could've been struggling with picking something up (like groceries, a box, or something similar). I can even see that you're his new neighbor, and you bring him some food to introduce yourself (I like this idea the most, so we're going to roll with this one).
Assuming you meet Retsu through being his neighbor, you'll be able to grow a more organic relationship, seeing as you two see each other every day. I like to imagine that you'd bring him some sweets or something to introduce yourself, and Retsu will quickly rebut it by inviting you over for dinner, as a way to show his gratitude for the gift.
From there, you're relationship will subtly grow more and more, advancing from neighbors to close friends. You'll begin to notice that you're feeling eyes on you like someone is watching you. It's as if Retsu's always there now, somehow knowing where you are. He'll begin to show up at your local grocery store, but you'll brush it off. After all, you're neighbors, of course, you'll both attend the same stores! But then you'll see him at your work, subtly passing by right as your shift ends, stopping you to chat and walk you home. It's a little odd, you think, but Retsu's so considerate! He just wants to ensure your safety! There's nothing to worry about.
I think that Retsu will quickly realize that he's growing an attachment to you, as I think that he's the most emotionally aware man in the series. He knows that he became a little too attached, a little too paranoid over your being. But Retsu would rationalize it by telling himself that he's taking care of you, watching out for you, you, you.
He'll always be there for you. Whatever you need is did and done. You need someone to walk you home 'cause you're too scared to go alone, don't worry Retsu can do that for you, no problem. You're sick and need someone to take care of you? Pssh, not even a question. Retsu doesn't mind; he'll even bring over some herbal tea from his motherland. Oh, and don't even think about opening a door for yourself, nope. Don't worry, Retsu's there. He's such a gentleman, always there for you, conveniently knowing where you are at all times.
You have to understand that there are a lot of people who are out for Retsu, and by proxy, you. Retsu has to make sure you're safe and sound. No one can lay a finger on you, so just stay where he can see you, yeah? He'd never do anything to hurt you. He's always had your best interest in mind, making sure you're well-fed, properly clean, and having the attention you need, so just trust him, okay?
Don't mind him cutting all of your friends out of your life. They were just too toxic, leaving you out of everything, talking behind your back, so you should just let them go. And for your family? Well, they've been manipulating you into thinking that they want what's good for you, but you just don't realize how harmful they've been to you, don't you? It's okay, Retsu will help you. He can see how horrible they are.
Little do you know, this whole time Retsu has been threatening, cutting off, and hoarding you all for himself. He can't trust anyone with your safety. For all he knows, they could harm you, could take you away from him. He can't let them do that; he cares for you too much. You understand, surely, he's just looking out for you, so just turn the other way and do as he says.
Don't worry, he's going to handle everything.
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Hi! Can I ask for someone separate headcanons for Izana and Mikey with a sweet and motherly girlfriend with a hidden badass side? She acts as a nurse to the gang and people assume that she plays just a support role and can't handle herself in a fight, just to get their asses handed to them.
“Dude, there is no way she packs any strength. Look at how nice she is.” baji says as he watches you bandage up draken
”You’d be surprised.” mikey replies
he found your badass side when someone threatened you regarding your family
now that is something to piss you off
you knocked them to the side of the wall and mikey couldn’t stop his jaw from hanging open
“Woah!! Who taught you that??”
he is stunded
and feels like he loves you even more
you’re now under his division :)
no one believes you pack that much being the ‘nurse’ of the gang
but the gang knows you can be just as ruthless as hanma
met you for your kind personality, loves you for your badass side
thinks you are the ultimate best mama
looks up to you even
apointed you to be one of the (unofficial) founders of tenjiku
made you the heavenly queen
hits the brothers for the first two months for talking you down
eventually you took things into your own hands and punched ran in the gut…and then uppercutted him just to spite him
but the brothers shut up, as well as the rest of the gang
and izana began to love you even more with every hit
you were just… amazing.
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epithetemporium · 1 month
Please reblog for bigger sample!!
Sheep 1
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adorable little guy
perfect amount of sparkle on wool
croissant shaped horns
could judge you on an interpersonal level
most likely one to be able to work a normal office job
just wants to chill
very viby
has good music taste
loves milkshakes
doesn't always understand what's going on
very trans coded
looks like seed bread
Sheep 2
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he angy
relateable eye bags
discrete glitter
will fight enemies and annoying people
might headbump your leg until you give him attention
bites people
demands half of your food
very cat-like behavior
don't ask about what he did in Quatemala in the 80s
wanted criminal, would commit several war crimes for you (again)
Sheep 3
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eepy little guy just wants naps
star freckles
teeny tine horns
wool looks like dyed cotton candy
looks very sad, needs hugs
even more discrete glitter
probably makes sigh sounds
most likely to have food hanging out of mouth while eating
doesn't lay down to sleep, just randomly falls over
could totally tattoo you
and do piercings
snacks hidden in wool
Sheep 4
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very concerned over current social and economic problems
reads and eats newspapers
butter looking wool
will sit next to you on the kitchen floor while you cry over your burnt toast
slightly crooked horn
will never judge anyone's looks
might start crying if looked at for too long
introvert who actually needs a lot of social interactions to not feel sad
will feel left out quickly
needs schedules
so much anxiety in such a little sheep
Sheep 5
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scar over eye
acts like he's from a movie where gangs do dance offs
Elvis Presley looking hair
famous actor, known for his incredible emotional acting in the Molly Hoodie Commercial
has trouble with the police
acts all tough but has a very sweet spot for his mama
tsundere sheep
very troubled childhood
scared of hurting people but will do everything for you
regulary donates to multiple charities
pirates everything
theater kid
50 notes · View notes
sakebytheriver · 2 years
Leverage Redemption Tara Cole Episode:
Harry gets taken by someone who seems to be an enemy either the mark or a law enforcement agency, but then Tara walks around the interogation desk revealing her face to the camera
Harry fumbles around for a second before Tara says something and Parker, Eliot, Sophie, and maybe Breanna all go "wait, that voice" and Parker tells him to say a codeword that immediately changes Tara's approach
She manages to get Harry out of wherever she was holding him and then the two Leverage teams meet up because Tara is obviously running her own team of badass thief ladies now because I said so
They all call Tara "Mama" much to her chagrin
Eliot tries to flirt with the theif ladies. All the theif ladies ignore Eliot and flirt with Breanna instead, who is very flattered but is also very loyal to her long distance gf Emily (they have factimes every night)
We also need some wine aunt Tara moments with Breanna, like I want Breanna hanging on the edge of her seat as Tara regails her with stories of her latest exploits, the moment Tara is in eye sight Breanna instantly has "what did ya get me" energy and is waiting for Tara to pull some super cool thing she stole out of her pocket to give to her as a present
Sophie gives Tara a look at the stolenness of the item and Tara's just like "what the guy i stole it from was rich and evil isnt that what we do?"
Tara flirts jokingly with Harry and Sophie looks kind of annoyed this can be interpreted as her being jealous of Tara for flirting with Harry or as her being jealous of Harry for getting hit on by Tara
Tara and Sophie have a heart to heart reminicence of the good old days and the bomb in the embacy and that one time in Uzbekistan and then they talk about when Sophie got back in the game and "why didn't you call me? i wouldve come down to a job with you guys?" "well i didnt want to pull you away from your team." "you were my team first." *heavy moment of eye contact as Tara puts her hand on Sophie's that can be interpreted as romantic tension
Tara having put her hand on Sophie's notices that Sophie has taken off her wedding ring and the conversation shifts to Nate
Sophie says she misses him, Tara says she does too even if he was the most agrivating son of a bitch *cue sad laughter lost in memories*
Then they talk about Nate and his crazy mission and how much they've both become devoted to it, how they both owe their new lives to the man and Tara says even if he was the worst mf she ever worked with he was also the best and being on the crew changed her
Sophie agrees and says she's glad she called on Tara to fill her spot in her absence and then Tara says something that reveals more about what she owed Sophie for that got her on the team in the first place
{[Plot happens]}
When Tara says goodbye to Sophie after they pull off the con with their two teams working flawlessly together, she puts her hand on Sophie's cheek tells her that if she ever needs her she's only one call away, Sophie puts her hand over Tara's and says i know, Tara places a kiss on Sophie's cheek and walks out throwing the doors open to meet her team outside with a "okay ducklings, where's Mama taking you today?" Wrapping her arms around them and walking out of frame
Sophie smiles watching her go and turns back walking a bit away from the camera before giggling a little and touching her cheek almost wistful
The End.
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theauthor27 · 5 months
im not book smart im money smart
Makes me more intelligent
Call me Mr. rock festival I got hella bands
Shawty cute, and her circle too, told her get a friend
She gon’ make me slide with my dog like I’m mega man
For real, I do this 24 that’s hella mamba
What’s the word no teleprompter
Ever notice? The ones that be like “Where the hoes at?” never got ‘em
They never get a W and that’s pretty much the L about ‘em, with them never reconciling
You gon’ need antibiotics you’ll be sick of my shit
Like I’m reading comics I got paper to flip
I don’t walk on the beach for men to acknowledge I do it for shawties in lit colleges
Ain't nothin' better than throwin' my bait in the sea then tell Brodie that I got a fish Reelin' on men every line I hit 'em when you woulda thought that they had a sniff
Some shouldn’t be allowed to rap, they go over heads like a shower cap
Shawties wanna take a flight for me made pussy fly like an Owlcat
Hatin' on someone who get what they want 'cause you couldn't get it's a coward act
I really can't help the fact that I'm me, look
I was never book smart I’m money smart
Makes me more intelligent
Call me Mr. rock festival, I got hella bands
Shawty cute, and her circle too, told her get a friend
She gon’ make me slide with my dog like I’m mega man
“I love you”’s just eight letters, “Let’s fuck” sounds way better
She got cream on my BAPE sweater
I’m with the money team Mayweather
Their limits are what they measure not my limits, that's Jay message Hella bums dwellin' on the past, and I got a gift so I stay present
Me, and my nuts, that’s a trifecta
When I let ‘em hang they slam on the floor like Brock Lesnar
How you gon’ say “wait up for me bro”, and then not catch up
That’s like waiting for a dealership to show a Dodge Tesla
You don't got the stamina, and we know it now
Shawties waitin' for my badass, like it's Joey's crowd If I'm up, why would I need someone to hold me down?
I only care if mama gon' be proud
I was never book smart I’m money smart
Makes me more intelligent
Call me Mr. rock festival, I got hella bands
Shawty cute, and her circle too, told her get a friend
She gon’ make me slide with my dog like I’m mega man
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From Blood, Love and Courage - Chapter Fifteen.
A huge thank you to the little following of very lovely people this story has gained! You are such kind people :) As usual, 25 notes are needed to unlock the next chapter! 
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen
Words - 4,231
Tag list - In the comments, please message to be added/removed
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Don’t touch the bird, he’s spicy,” Taza spoke, entering the office to find a man waiting about to reach for Charlie, pulling his hand away quickly. “C’mon, badass. Mama will be back in a minute.” He tapped his shoulder, Charlie hopping on.  
“Don’t you do it!” Taza warned, pointing a finger. Charlie had a habit of chewing the arms, or stealing them from off his face altogether. “Okay, how can I help?”  
“Got these from the weighbridge.” Handing over the slips of paper, Taza took them, entering the weights and metals, adding up what they were prepared to pay for each haul against current market values per tonne. The entire way through the transaction, he had to fend Charlie off from repeatedly making a dive for his sunglasses, taking off one of his rings in the end and giving it to him to play with, the guy on the other side of the counter very entertained by it. 
“Oh man, in light of the news about that poor kid hanging himself off the bridge, that’s made me laugh so much. He's awesome,” he chuckled, Charlie inspecting the silver ring in his grasp, muttering to himself. “Is he yours?”
“No, he belongs to the lovely young lady behind you.” He offered the cash across the counter, the man leaving just as Lily was re-entering, carrying with her coffees in one hand and a box of doughnuts in the other. “Did you go out and get those by yourself?” he asked, his face lighting up with pride.  
“I did, but I panicked so much on the way, I threw up in a trash can.” The local mini mart was only the three block walk away, but still, it was huge for Lily to have even thought about venturing out to it alone, Taza telling her as much. “Little steps, and no rushing, or the watch won’t tick.” she confirmed, opening the box up.  
He winked, taking a coffee and a doughnut, Charlie hopping from his shoulder to hers. “That’s the spirit, kid.” Taking his ring back from the insane bird he was very fond of, he left her to it, Lily entering the sale he’d just made and also putting down a few purchase invoices that had come through on email, enjoying her jelly doughnut while she did, Coco and Hank coming in to grab theirs after a few minutes.  
“Good morning, Feathers McEvil,” Hank said, nodding at Charlie and raising his coffee cup.  
“Fuck you.” It was the exact reaction he was expecting, being on Charlie’s blacklist. As were Gilly, EZ and Riz. Coco, on the other hand, he was good with, the man himself scratching his feathers, Charlie ambling onto his arm, Coco turning back to the door as he heard a bike pulling in. “Yo, I didn’t think your ole’ man was in until later?”
“He isn’t, why?” Lily asked, only half concentrating as she tapped on the computer.
“He just pulled up.”  
“Bro time!” Charlie announced, whistling happily, hissing at Hank when he took a wide berth to leave the office again. He was off Coco’s shoulder and onto Angel’s in a second, nuzzling his head under his chin and beginning to groom his beard, making little noises of delight.  
“You okay, man?” Coco asked, noticing Angel frowning.  
“I dunno. Can you give me and Lily a few minutes?”
He nodded, patting his arm and leaving, Angel closing the door behind him.  
“Hey honey, I didn’t expect you in this early?” Lily spoke as he walked towards the counter, placing Charlie back on his perch on the way and taking a seat beside her.  
“Yeah, I didn’t expect to be either. Look, there’s something I need to talk about you with,” he began, Lily turning to him with concern.
“What is it? You’ve gone a little pale.” She stroked his hair lovingly, leaning forward to kiss his cheek, her hands resting on his thighs.  
He pulled his phone out, unlocking the screen. “I was reading about that kid who offed himself this morning, and ended up reading his suicide note,” he began.
She couldn’t help but interrupt. “That’s a little macabre, isn’t it?”
“True, guilty as charged, I guess. But, in me being curious, I discovered something in that suicide note. A confession he made, one of guilt, about...” He paused for breath, taking her hand and squeezing it. “About being paid to beat and rape an innocent woman.”  
Something cold and spiny licked her insides as his words penetrated, Lily feeling her heart begin to escalate. She nodded, pressing her lips together, closing her eyes and counting her breathing. In for six, out for six. It helped her when she felt like her lungs were closing out of panic. It had assisted earlier, when she’d been bent over the trash can, hurling up her eggs on toast. “Okay, and what, you want me to see if I recognise him? That’ll be tricky, since he was masked.”
“You said the guy who was reluctant spoke, about you choking on the gag. I’m wondering if you’ll recognise his voice, and his Instagram has a lot of videos where he’s speaking. I know it might be a long shot, that I could be putting two and two together and making thirty fucking eight, but it just struck something within me. If he felt bad about you enough to show reluctance, and pull the gag out of your mouth when he thought you were choking, those actions kinda fit with someone who would end up killing himself over that, as well as the rest of his misdeeds.”
Lily closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, nodding as she squeezed his hand. “Okay.” Angel found a video, turning the volume up and pressing play. As soon as she heard his voice, she was on her back in the alleyway again.  
“Hey dude, I think she’s choking.”
Heaving, she launched herself from her seat, running around the counter and into the restroom, throwing up for the second time that morning. She took deep breaths to steady herself, the flashback coupled with the pull from a few of her internal stitches yet to dissolve sending her right back to the moment, the fear. She had no idea how to feel in the light of knowing that one of her attackers had killed himself; she was still too overcome by processing his misdeed, rather than the actions he’d taken in the wake of it.  
Standing, she jumped slightly when she felt Angel’s hand press against her back, calming when she realised that it was of course just him, turning to have him pass her a cup of water from the cooler. “And now I’m closer to finding the remaining two. I’m taking it to Bish as soon as he gets in. We got shit with the Sons to sort today, but once that’s over with, I’m digging into finding these guys.”
She rinsed and spat out half of the water, drinking the other half, taking deep breaths as her heart hammered rapidly, beginning to tremble as Angel pulled her close. “He’s part of the 3OD’s, I dunno if you’ve ever heard of ‘em, little gang kids, small time guys.”
“No, but then again I’m not particularly well versed on that kind of thing.” Taking a breath, she kissed his cheek, walking back out to the office and raiding her bag for a piece of gum. “Are they dangerous?”
“About as much as your average bangers are, yeah, but they don’t have any real clout. If we put enough pressure on ‘em to give up the guy with the gold grills then I’m guessing they will. We can make their life a lot harder for them then they can ours.” He sat back down beside her, hand gently kneading the back of her neck, lost in her silky hair. “There’s something very pressing here though it all, though, and that’s the fact that the piece of shit coward who hung himself said they’d been paid, to do what they did.”
Lily looked blank, shaking her head, her eyes swimming with tears. “Who the hell could hate me that much that they pay three guys to do what they did to me? I don’t know, I don’t have any enemies, at least none that I know of.”
Angel looked thoughtful for a few moments, pressing his thumb against his lip. “What about that girl, the nemesis, Gabriella Martinez? I mean, you beat her down pretty savagely.”
“No, baby. We’re athletes. We settle our scores in competition, not in nefarious sabotage.”
He snorted softly. “Try telling that to Tonya Harding.” She frowned, not immediately familiar with the name. “Figure skating chick from the nineties who had her rival smacked in the knee with a metal baton to take her out of the competition.” He then beamed. “As if there’s something out there that I get to be the one to inform you about! It’s always the other way around! I feel all smart and shit.”
She smiled, stroking his face. “You are smart, honey.”
He grunted. “Not as much as you!” It was a little break of humour that she sorely needed, the weight of the fact that someone had wanted this done to her bearing upon her shoulders only adding to her emotional load, Lily spitting her gum into the waste paper basket and picking up her coffee. “Listen, it don’t matter if you can’t think of who it might be coming from, because I’m gonna find them, I fucking swear to you, I will, alright?”
She nodded softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I know, you will.”  
“Good. I love you, querida mia.”  
She nuzzled him, nails stroking the shaven sides of his hair. “I love you, too.” He left her to her work, checking in with her every so often until he headed out, Coco and EZ remaining behind. She was getting more used to Angel not being there, not falling into a pit of panic and despair now without him, but the thought of being alone anywhere for long periods of time still made her feel like her world was caving in on her.  
Whenever people entered the office, she felt sick with nerves, but she knew the more she faced people, the better it would eventually become. She kept the words she’d read courtesy of fellow rape victim Chelsea Masterton in mind. Just as easily as someone could be a rapist, there stood every chance that they likely weren’t. Still, it didn’t completely quell her worry.  
“Okay, so for that amount of steel, we’re talking three hundred,” Lily spoke to the man on the other side of the counter, swallowing hard when he didn’t reply at once, merely kept chewing on his toothpick.  
“You’re a real treat for the eyes, know that, sugar?”  
She lifted her chin, shoving her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. “Not interested. So, are you happy with three hundred?”
“I’d be happier with your phone number in my pocket,” he grinned lasciviously, licking his lip. She shuddered even more, not just because he was utterly repellent, but because she was alone with him, and he wasn’t taking no for an answer.  
“I told you no.” Her reply was firm, but her voice still shook.  
“Aww, ain’t you cute, getting all coy with me.” As if summoned by her feelings of dread, she breathed a huge sigh of relief when EZ entered the office.
“Hey, is this you holding things up on the weighbridge, bro? We got a load waiting to come in and you’re holding up the line,” he called, Lily attracting his attention with a wide-eyed glance. EZ was at her side in a heartbeat. “We got a problem here?”  
“No, no problem,” the guy spoke, backing off after taking the wedge of cash that had been sitting atop the counter.  
“He’s trying to get my phone number and not listening when I told him no,” Lily spoke, trying to remain calm. EZ locked eyes on him.  
“You got five seconds to move, or believe me, I’ll move you.” He had the sense to leave the office at a run, Lily letting out the breath she’d been holding as she sank into EZ’s embrace. “You okay, Lilypad?”
“Old Lily would have just bantered with him, or given him a mouthful. Or, to be honest, removed him for herself. Why can’t I still be that person? It was just one guy!” she cried, growling with frustration, beginning to calm down a little. “I hate that I’m so terrified of every single man I don’t know, I really do! It isn’t rational!”
“That’s because what happened to you wasn’t rational, babe. It’s only been five weeks, too,” he began, steering her into a seat. “You quite rightly see any guy you don’t know as a threat, but not everyone is. Some are just creepy assed incels, like that guy, thinking he honestly had a shot with you.” She saw he had a point. It reflected what she was trying to constantly remind herself in an effort to retain a modicum of normalcy, of her old life.  
He looked thoughtful during her moments of silence, cocking his head slightly. “How are your ribs now? I ask because I take it that was the main – well, apart from the obvious I don’t want to mention – injury that prevented you from returning to training?”  
“Better, I can breathe now and lie on my right side easily enough. I should probably get Maggie to check them over, though, just to be sure. Am I right in thinking that you’re pondering whether a return to training might help me?”
He smiled, nodding. “Exactly that.”
She shifted a little uncomfortably, grimacing slightly. “I have considered it. Angel took me down to visit Larry last week, and he said the same as all your guys, take it one day at a time and only come back when I feel ready.” She paused there, looking uncomfortable.  
EZ made a gesture with his hand that she should continue. “I sense there’s a but.”
“But,” she confirmed. “I’m scared of being hit. I don’t know how triggering seeing a fist coming at me will be, and Larry doesn’t know the whole truth, so I don’t want to have to explain the kind of meltdown it might bring about.”  
“How about if your target didn’t hit back? Take to the punchbag instead?”  
“Hmmm,” she pondered. “I mean, I would, but Larry will want me back against an actual person. He said so himself, that sparring was most definitely what I needed to get my confidence back. Of course, he means well, but he’s only going on the information he knows.”  
“Well, I have a punchbag, and you have focus mitts, right? I don’t mind training with you, and you know I’m not going to punch you back. I’d like to help if I could, if you felt like it could help?”
She leaned forward, hugging him, laying a kiss to his cheek. “No wonder Jodie loves you to death. I mean, I knew before you guys got together that you’re great, but yeah, you know what I mean.”  
He looked a little coy in the wake of this, shaking his head dismissively. “Eh, it’s the least I can do. If it makes you feel better, then it can only be a good thing.” He squeezed her shoulder, getting up and leaving her to it, pausing at the office door for a moment. “They can’t see it in you, you know. Other guys. You know what happened to you, but they don’t.”
His words hit her on a level she wasn’t expecting, Lily feeling a little lighter within for hearing them. She felt so exposed and transparent from her attack that it was something she thought showed up, like she might as well have been wearing a t shirt with the slogan ‘rape victim’ emblazoned across the front. It was something she planned to speak to Angel about when he finally arrived home later that evening, except when he first arrived, his frustration over his pursuits over the course of the night were very clear.  
“Hey, baby.” His call from the door was deflated, the sound of his keys landing on the table loud, a long sigh following before he greeted Charlie, entering the kitchen to find her at the cooker, stirring tortellini soup. The smell had welcomed him from the door and made him feel marginally better, as Lily’s food always did. In the kitchen, she knocked it out of the ball park every time.  
“You don’t sound happy.” Turning away from the stove, she wrapped her arms around his waist, her face questioning.  
His frown deepened, resting his forehead to hers and kissing the tip of her nose. “I’m not. I wanted to come back here and tell you that I’d found them, but those fucking 3OD boys are so scattered, we can’t even find a ring leader. They’re not organised, have no kind of regular patterns in where they hang out, they’re just scattered. I feel fucking useless.”
She turned the hob down before giving him her full focus. “You’re not, though. You’re the absolute best, the way you’ve put your life on hold to care for me, put me first. When you told me a few months ago that you knew you’d have to wait on me trusting you fully again, well, if I hadn’t before, this definitely proves it. I can’t thank you enough for being so supportive.”  
“It isn’t enough, though. Not with them still out there, and the person who paid them to do this. I know that them still being out there is what haunts you, and it needs to be dealt with.”  
She rested against his chest, arm curling around him, slipping beneath his blue plaid shirt to stroke his back. “I won’t lie, knowing they’re no longer out there and free to do this to someone else would put my mind at rest, but I can’t pin my healing solely on them being dealt with accordingly. I have to find that courage within myself to get over what happened to me first and foremost.”
That was a huge step for her, Angel quick to praise such a mindset. “I’m so proud, to hear you say that. I know it’s only been five weeks, and you’re still shaky, but carina, you’ve come so far with everything you’ve done to begin getting over what happened to you.”
She kissed his chest, smiling. “Thank you.” They spent a few silent moments wrapped in one another’s embrace, a sudden growling noise interrupting the moment. “Is that your stomach?”
He laughed softly through his nose. “Yep. I’m fucking starving!”  
She laughed softly, rubbing his abs. “Go sit down, pick a movie out and it’ll be ready in about ten minutes.” They had a nice evening of relative normalcy and relaxation, Lily feeling happy that such moments were growing more in their frequency, being able to do such simple things that yielded simple pleasures, enjoying nice food now she’d regained an appetite, and watching their favourite horror movie, Silent Hill. She also told him about the man who had not been keen to take no for an answer earlier in the day, which had subsequently led to EZ’s offer to get her back into training, Angel smiling, touched that his brother had wanted to help. It was a good moment to acknowledge his own personal growth as well, for he felt nothing but contentment at the idea.  
One set of issues they faced as a couple had been sadly been exchanged for another, though, and after turning in for the night, it was there that what loomed over Lily caught up with her.  
Awaking with a gasp, she sat bolt upright, sweat streaming from her face. Again, the same dream. Not of the rape, but something that she’d begun to see time and time again in her sleep, something that stirred everything that had happened to her once more, without it being the actual event playing itself out in a nightmare. It was relieving that they’d somewhat overtaken the dreams where she relived what happened, even though both dreams lamentably led her to the same reaction.
“Wolf again?” Angel asked, stroking her back as he sat up at her side, soothing her while she gathered herself, taking deep breaths.  
She nodded. In the dream, she walked the desert alone until coming across an injured wolf, lying there on the ground, bleeding heavily. She always tried to help it, but each and every time, it growled and bared its teeth, not allowing her to come near and assist. She interpreted it as what had happened to her, that part within which still bled out, that she couldn’t soothe or make better, that perhaps would always lie there bleeding within her.  
Although she was making tentative progress, she did wonder if it would always be something she couldn’t truly reconcile. She felt nothing over the fact one of them had hung himself, absolutely no emotion at all. As she laid back, resting her head on Angel’s chest, she wondered whether that was because she’d had it taken from her, to see some kind of retribution befall him. Would knowing that the others had received a punishment for their misdeeds serve to make her feel a sense of relief from it?  
She was unsure.
It was, however, something she found herself discussing the following evening, though, Angel, EZ and Bishop out trying to gain more intel on the 3OD’s, just her and Taza sitting outside the clubhouse, watching the sun slowly setting in the pink sky.
“I’m tired, Taza. Really tired of not feeling like me. Like I told Angel this morning, even if I sleep, the memory of what happened weighs on me, makes me exhausted, just carrying it around with me,” she confided, hoping to tap her wonderful friend for some of the wisdom he quite effortlessly always managed to offer forth.  
“Trauma is heavy, darling. Think of it as a large suitcase in which you’re forced to lug around with you. As you become stronger again, the easier it’ll become to carry. You might even be able to unpack it along the way, so there’s less to eventually carry,” he spoke, Lily liking how he explained it. It seemed to resound with her very much, the heavy load that would eventually become more manageable, the stronger she became. “You mention sleep there, and the last time we spoke about it, you were only averaging a few hours a night, because of nightmares. How is that for you now?”
She took a deep breath through her nose, sipping her drink. “The nightmares still happen, less so recently, though. More and more of late, I keep dreaming the same dream, of a wolf lying alone in the middle of the desert, broken and bleeding. I crouch by it and try to give it assistance, with all its bloodied wounds, but it snarls and cries, lunges at me; it won’t let me come near it. And then I wake with a start. I suppose the wolf represents what happened to me. It’s my pain that I don’t know how to make better.”
Taza was quiet for a few moments, leaning forward slowly, resting his chin atop her head as he watched the sun melting into the horizon, his hands softly grasping her upper arms. “The wolf isn’t what happened to you, Lilypad. The wolf in your dreams is you.”  
It flashed through her mind, then, as her eyes found the gate she’d dragged herself through, remembering screaming at Coco, scratching at him as he’d tried to help her, Taza lying upon the ground, making himself small so as not to scare her even further, how by doing that, he’d finally been able to reach through her trauma and bring her back, when she’d been terrified out of her mind.  “In your mind, you’re still on that floor, where I found you, broken and bleeding, too scared to let anyone come near you. The small steps you’ve taken have seen you do well, they have, and I would never try to rush you, but I would like to propose something.”
“What?” she asked, grasping his arm, hugging it to her chest.
“That when they’re found, before Angel hands them the ending they have coming, that you go and rain down utter, unfiltered hellfire upon them. For each day that passes where you don’t try to heal and get back up off the ground in your mind, they win. They hold that power over you. Perhaps in venting your emotions, all of your hurt, fear and pain, you take some of that power back from them. You wonder how you can move on, perhaps the answer is you taking an active part in their punishment.”
His statement was simple, yet so profound, Lily nodding. He was right; she needed to remember who she was, and then show them, too. She wouldn’t be able to solidly say that such would help her heal emotionally from it, not until it was done, but trying, trying to reclaim what they’d taken from her, it was worth it. 
It was finding them that was the current obstacle.  
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soukeyed · 1 year
01 matel gear 02 otasune strangeboss and/or whoever u want 03 Talk about my bff Strangelove please. and/or whoever
Favorite character: STRANGELOVE !! OR THE BOSS. OR OTACON . OR SNAKE. or emma or meryl or eva um theres a few
Least Favorite character: ummm ummmmm ummmmmmmmm. huey obviously lol. also mgs4 naomi specifically mgs4 ... sorry girl im so sorry. also senator armstrong/sundowner/monsoon/whoever tf else is part of the rising guys im just sick of seeing their ugly faces
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): STRANGEBOSS NUMBER ONE FOREVER YEAAH. otasune number 2 obviously :) umm fortune and olga is pretty cute ... bosseva as well .. i cant fucking think of a 5th help. meiryl? also i like bosselot but specifically for how stupid fucked up they are
Character I find most attractive: the boss strangelove eva (specifically big mama) or mgs4 meryl :P
Character I would marry: MERYL !1 GIRLFRIEND FOR ME NOW itd be the boss or strangelove but i would never break them up like that.
Character I would be best friends with: STRANGELOVE !! together we will kill huey mwah. or para medic even if she is insane we will watch movies together. slay
a random thought: i think about that post about otacon being the one to carry out the boss' will without even knowing every single day. Oh my god. wauh. ok hang on one second i found it. AUHHH
An unpopular opinion: rising mid as fuck and the fans make me hate it. also i um. dont really care a lot for bb and the bb focused games sorry. like i get the point and mgsv's visuals+gameplay do slay but bb as a character i didnt really find myself invested in a lot and the weird hero worship some of the fandom has for him does NOT help LOL. like the people around him (ocelot eva miller eli etc) were way more interesting . also EVEN MORE unpopular opinion as a result of this ... mgs3 isnt really all that for me and even though its objectively pretty shit mgs4 is one of my favourites (behind mgs1 and ghost babel)
My Non-canon OTP: calling otasune noncanon feels so sickening but i need to face reality. so otasune
Most Badass Character: Hrmm. hrmmmmm. ok its a bit out there but otacon. after the shitty childhood that he came out of pretty um.. (gestures at the whole making a nuclear weapon thing) convinced he/his family was cursed etc etc. forming philanthropy, adopting sunny, basically ending the cycle that his grandfather and father started+perpetuated and fulfilling the boss' will :) just makes me happy. hes great. also he got to marry solid snake at the end of it all so like slay? like hes not badass in the usual sense of the word but his character development and evolution is incredibly badass to me. next step: therapy
Most Epic Villain: i dont think you can call a lot of them epic on account of every mgs villain being goofy as fuck. BUT. liquid ocelot as a villain in what was (supposed to be) the conclusion of the entire series was pretty fucking awesome though
Pairing I am not a fan of: pbbb. umm. i dont really care for snake/fox im way more emotionally invested in fox/gustava personally (still upset she didnt get mentioned in mgs!!!!!!!!! RAHH.) also johnny/meryl was so out of nowhere i still do not understand it like its funny as fuck but JOHNNY??? IT SHOULD BE ME WITH MERYL!!1 ME !!!!!!!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): arhg. raiden. i mean gestures at rising. this could also count as unpopular opinion but i preferred him as inexperienced and a little stupid i mean even then the direction they were going in in mgs4 was pretty good with him being jaded and feeling alone. and then rising was just. huah ?!?! what ?!?!?!? also. um. ok naomi. mgs1 naomi was so so fucking good ok her speech at the end slays i loved everything about her can you imagine my shock and dismay at her doing all THAT in mgs4 ?!?!? like i could write a 50 page essay on how it fucks up her (and otacons LOL) entire character development ALSO WHY WAS FOX LIKE NEVER MENTIONED DESPITE THEM LITERALLY GOING BACK TO THE PLACE WHERE HE DIED BTW I THOUGHT SHED HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THAT. but honestly just the thing i hate about it all most is at the end of it all shes framed as like.. the hero. using emma+sunnys code to save da world or whatever and i guess maybe that speech was supposed to reflect her mgs1 speech but it just doesnt work when mgs4 didnt give her half of that nuance. her morals are still so ??? to me, her and vamp was such a WEIRD choice, her and otacon was um. ok look i know the writers 100% didnt mean to portray otacons csa as that at all but like it is ... anyway having a csa victim be once again manipulated via sex and not really talk about it was just ?!??!! guys ?!?!? anyway AGAIN if all of that was portrayed as nuanced as it should have been. like naomi doing what she had to to save the world and struggling w her own morals. which it IS but we learn this only in that fuckign speech for like 1 line. like its jut bad. ok to end this half the women in mgs were done horrifically but we all know that. sorry for the wall of text i love you
Favourite Friendship: SNAKE AND MERYL funny as fuck whenever she insults him in mgs4 like deserve. sorry snake. ok no WOAH though i just loved mgs4 meryl entirely even though she definitely couldve been written a bit better, like her talking about how she used to admire snake so much and now hes just BITTER and OLD like ohhh its so slay. like i dont know if you could even call it a friendship but the way they clash entirely and debatably the only place where they can agree on things and work together is in the context of the battlefield ITS SO GOOD
Character I most identify with: otacon D:
Character I wish I could be: similar to utena NONE i would not put myself through that.
otasune time
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: again i was aware of them before the games because (points at dmitri) so i guess like always
My thoughts: GRAHH. the way theyre like all but canon like kojima just say the word. that cigarette lighting scene in mgs4 WHEW. like the way they invented love its just crazy to me like really. theyre everything to me.
What makes me happy about them: everything :) the way theyve both grown as people over the years... i already talked about otacons character development but SNAKE TOO!! him finally letting people in .. finding a place for himself OUTSIDE of the battlefield .... its all so WAUGHH. like they just work off of eachother so well. love wins. gay marriage. slay. bursts into tears
What makes me sad about them: mgs4 that is all. they had so little time together. i spend half the time watching the game yelling ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT FAIR
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: umm i dont read a lot of fic to be honest so i guess standard fanfic complaints. also more of you should write about mgs4 there is so much untapped potential.
Things I look for in fanfic: again. WRITE ABOUT MGS4.
My wishlist: MGS4 OTASUNE !!!!!!!!!!!! BECOMES A WEREWOFL.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: sorry they are simply endgame to me.. i cant think of anyone LOL
My happily ever after for them: snake gets cured post-mgs4! how i dont care he just is. gay marriage becomes real. together they raise sunny and grow old together and everything is peace and love on planet earth :) god bless
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: ok not until i actually got around to pw! dmitri you mentioned a few times but i didnt realise until then to be honest
My thoughts: AGAHRHGHGHGHGHGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. GOD. GOD. lesbianism. women. they are genuinely just everything to me. how can a relationship be so fucking powerful and tragic when you only ever hear about it from one side. Oh my god. AUH.
What makes me happy about them: canon lesbians in my metal gear games in the fuckass 2010s :) ok no but the way strangelove talks about the boss with such open earnest love. like i just. wauh. listening to her tapes is just. WAUH.
What makes me sad about them: i mean everything. as strangelove said they were just ships passing in the night :( THEY SHOULDVE HAD MORE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: again dont read fanfic a lot but ive checked and theres not a whole lot for them at all anyway LOL
Things I look for in fanfic: any strangeboss fic to begin with would be nice. if you have recs give them to me. i'll cry
My wishlist: umm.. again more content of them in general. konami youre shit the least you could do is make a strangeboss spinoff.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: umm idk considering they both die LOL. bosseva is a fun ship but honestly i dont think strangelove ever really got over it so i cant see her with anyone else in a serious relationship
My happily ever after for them: isnt it crazy how they both managed to fake their deaths and now live happily in some random country away from the horrors of war? like woah!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: man what dont i feel about her. shes amazing. shes bitter shes heartbroken shes dramatic as fuck and shes a badass. like its tragic but tell me creating a whole ass ai based off your dead girlfriend in the fucking 70s isnt slay as fuck? women in stem strong!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: THE BOSSSSS. as i said b4 i dont really see her with anyone else tbh
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: ok yeah there .. isnt a lot. i wish her terrible and awkward relationship with bb had been explored more though like the way she just HATES him at the start is amazing.
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhh.. yeah idk shes not really talked about enough for me to know if any of my opinions ARE unpopular lol. a shocking amount of people see strangeboss as unrequited so i guess my unpopular opinion is that they were definitely both in love LOL
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: just give her more relationships tbh... i already talked about bb but like do you think she knew ocelot was the boss' son ... what did she think of him shed probably dislike him for doing the complete opposite of the boss' will (though in the end he does help take down the patriots so liiike?) ... i would pay millions of dollars for them to interact it would be atrocious. in general i wish shed been given just a little more depth outside of the boss (like give me more about how she grew up!!! what kind of mother was she to otacon!!! and ps i wish hed spoken about her even though ik she wasnt even a thing before the solid snake era wrapped up) though ig that was the point considering she was so consumed with grief... but yk. shrugs.
Favorite friendship for this character: again idk. GIVE HER MORE FRIENDS.
My crossover ship: again i dont do crossovers. SHRUGS!!
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
What do you think happened next for Third Sister? Why do you think Luke is taught to call Owen and Beru "uncle" and "aunt" vs. some version of "father" and "mother?" Do you think Luke would have behaved differently if he saw Owen and Beru as his adoptive parents and not aunt/uncle (as compared to Leia's relationship with the Organas)
Hope this keeps the rage-stroking at bay for a few hours...
I like to think that Reva left Tatooine, went into hiding on some remote planet for a while, faked her death, then re-emerged to join the resistance movements and Jedi-smuggling underground, where she used her intimate knowledge of Inquisitorial/Imperial secrets to be their most devastatingly effective operative. Then she met another ex-Jedi badass lady with an equally troubled past, they bonded over it, fell in love, got married, and became fascist-smashing awesome wives. The end.
As for Luke and the Larses, I think it's that Bail and Breha explicitly wanted to adopt a child as their own, whereas Owen and Beru were taking in their nephew. Bail and Breha likewise gave Leia their last name, whereas the Larses allowed Luke to stay a Skywalker. I think it's just what each couple wanted to do, and didn't fundamentally change how either child was raised. Clearly Owen and Beru told Luke at least something about his father, and that Owen was his stepbrother, whereas while Leia knew she was adopted, Breha and Bail were just treated as mom and dad directly.
I've always been a little annoyed that Luke sees Owen and Beru's dead bodies in ANH, is like "welp that sucks" and then never thinks about it again, lmao, but I don't think it changes anything about how he felt for them. Especially since we saw they were such papa and mama bear for him in episode 6, and that they didn't care if he was their nephew or their son, he was theirs and they fought with everything they had to keep him safe and give him an entirely normal childhood. We give Luke a lot of shit for flying his toy plane around and complaining about not being able to hang out with his friends at age 19, while Leia was a diplomat and a senator and running galaxy-saving missions, but.... that's what a 19-year-old should be worrying about? No offense to Bail, since I love him, but he raised Leia the whole time to take over his place in Alderaan and the Senate and become a rebel leader, while Owen and Beru just let Luke have a totally normal and well-adjusted childhood far away from all the Skywalker Nonsense. And for that, honestly, they deserve all the credit in the world.
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grigori77 · 2 years
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 30
Birdie: "Do you trust me?" Fearne: "I don't know." Birdie: "Good!"
Skirmish crawlers - surprisingly good at skate tricks ...
"What happened?" Matt's honeymoon trauma doesn't provoke sympathy, it seems.
Fist of the Ruiner ... why am I expecting a lot of lowbrow humour to come out of that?
No Wacky Races this time! This is proper Mad Max shit!
Oh shit! Halfling and automaton overboard!
This may be the dumbest shakedown ever ...
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about the bomb. XD oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.
"Matt's doing MAAAAAATH!!" "I know."
"It's got a real gun on it! Look, it's real!" "Pretty sure it's plastic."
Roll for initiative!
Parkour! Orym's pulling a Beau.
The Ire of Mare Christmas! "Yeah, we ruin everything."
For shooting at disadvantage that is evil accuracy ...
Hellish Rebuke!
"No, Matt! The Internet is forgiving." "Too sweet."
Leonidas kick!
Imogen lightning bolts that sniper through the scope like that bit in Saving Private Ryan.
"I wasn't trying to kill them!" "What do you mean? You just disintegrated that guy!"
Wow ... Igniting those charges kinda backfired a bit there. "You decided to base your fantasy on real world shit." "You decided to blow up the bullet."
Hondir: "What's going on?" Boom! Unconscious!
"It's all fun and games until everybody dies."
"So that's the end of your action." " Bonus action, I shoot everyone in the face!"
Taliesin: "I'm gonna rage." Ashley: "AAAAHHH!!!"
Chetney: "I can only get halfway? I'm gonna say ... FUCK YOU!!!"
"He's gonna take two more shots at you, Laudna." "I'm Imogen." "Oh, I'm getting confused between Laura and Laudna." "He's Vax, I'm Vex."
"That's 21 points of acid damage." (several gasps) "Oh, and you're our healer!"
"It's the sweetest thing Fearne has ever done."
Acid damage = FCG passed out like R2-D2 in the dirt.
Laudna pulls a Beetlejuice and dislocates her ruined jaw to assume her FORM OF DREAD!!!
"Gasp! It's a transformer!"
Ah, so Orym only got to be ALMOST a badass ...
"This was humbling." "WAS? It's still going on!"
Both prone on the ground. Orym: "Sucks, huh?" Other guy: "Shut up!"
"You are filled with healing potion and GLASS SHARDS!!!"
While Laura's taking a bathroom break - Chetney: "I healed you!" "She's so ungrateful."
"Good shooting, mama!"
"Are you just adding D6s?" "It's like seasoning." "A little more nutmeg ... a little more nutmeg ..."
Fearne, smiling as she's totally fucking a guy up: "I'm going to take your stuff now."
Sleep spell makes the crawler crash SPECTACULARLY.
Laudna casts Darkness on the crawler as it rolls off. Three minutes later ... a very distant boom ...
Calamity lore dump!
Oooh, spoils! Yay! My, what a BIG GUN ...
Lusciously. Ashley: "That's a good word." Matt: "Thank you."
Don't touch the rocks. Definitely don't let Chetney touch the rocks.
Ollie Calloway. At last ...
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! The Nightmare King returns. Creepy as ever, too. Quite the entrance ...
The Veilscatter Scope.
Laudna's still totally starstruck by Ira. It's adorable.
Ashley nearly has a heart attack over A CUP.
Laudna sees the leylines: "Oh fuck."
The whole campaign hangs on a perception check. Marisha rolls a 7 ...
Ollie's vision ... oof ...
I'm sorry ... Morrigan the Fatestitcher?
So Imogen isn't the only one going through all this crazy Ruidusborn fate craziness, then ...
Sam's flask take #30.
Ashley gets a whisper for insight checking the Nightmare King.
"It's our tiny naked werewolf friend."
Ah, finally, the Crown. Now we get to the meat of the matter.
Awwwwww ... the tale of how Birdie robbed Ollie blind and he fell in love with her.
So Morrie STRETCHED TIME on Fearne and THAT'S why she's so much older.
Liam, take psychic damage for THAT joke, man!
Morrie's a hag, some kind if witchy deal ...
"Was I something you gave for a favour?" Oh Fearne ... now my heart's breaking ...
Chetney works it out ... oh shit ... is that REALLY it?
Imogen looks through the telescope and sees a cage ... "I see a god that can't get out." FUCK.
Damn it ... another bad roll and I feel like we just missed a MAJOR detail ...
Orym takes a look ... NATURAL 20? Seriously? Holy shit ...
The storm parts, there's a CITY on Ruidus --
"And THAT'S where we're gonna call it a night." Everybody LOSES IT.
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Sweet baby sis, I've been neglecting you terribly! How's the summer going? cause girl, I h8 the heat, I swear my spirit animal is a trout because my ass cannot handle direct sunlight or temperatures above like 75
Yo, so i've been doing this 9 month novena thing that started back at the Annunciation, you should join. It's called the impossible novena, I figured it can't hurt -> anything that keeps me accountable to daily prayer with our Mama is pretty solid XD
Anyway, i want this trick to work for you: whenever you think God doesn't love you because of xyz reasons such as life circumstances, I want your cute butt to picture hearing somebody else say it and how you would internally react.
Because when I hear someone else say stuff like that (such as a certain badass baby sis who's funny af, idk) it strikes me as being so plainly untrue that it tangos me all the way back to the realization that when i reason out untrue thoughts like that about myself, i must just be on my bullshit again because God doesn't hate or ignore or not care
(still, it would be nice if prayer worked like magic, and omg does it NOT help when others who are well meaning spew stuff like that. Carrying and hanging from crosses sucks, babe)
bottom line, God loves you so fucking much, baby sis, probably more than even me, which is like a fuck ton.
you're in my prayers,kid. nosh on some watermelon for me, it's one of the best parts about summer
--bitchy big sis
Ah thanks! Always nice to hear from you!
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
Oh yes we like Kai, we like everyone in this team/family, it will only get better, this is just the beginning! You'll see. And Kate will be more present as the season progress, and it's gonna be a rollercoaster so hang on, but it will be worthy at the end! Lucy is a tiny force! We love badass mama Jane and how she takes care of her people, and also tall dad Jesse!😄 and cool nerd bestie Ernie!
Okay good! I like everyone too so far, which is very rare for a show lol...there's usually at least one character that's annoying but it's nice and refreshing that that's not the case with this show! Yes! I like Jane a lot as a lead too, Ernie is precious and Jesse is great too! I'm very excited to continue!
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clapperboardtalk · 4 months
ALIENS (1986)
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Aliens (1986): Where G-strings and Grenades Collide (10/10)
Genre: Sci-fi/Action/Don't-Pee-Your-Pants-Horror
Runtime: 137 minutes (but feels like you're sprinting from facehuggers)
Country: USA (although the marines have more guns than a Texas town square)
Plot: It's been 57 years since Ripley blasted that last facehugger into oblivion. Now, tricked by a greedy company, she finds herself back on LV-426, a paradise planet turned Xenomorph breeding ground. Imagine finding your old apartment crawling with hissing, acid-blooded roommates who multiply like dust bunnies on steroids. Nightmare fuel, right?
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Cinematography: Cameron paints LV-426 with the grimy green of a forgotten oil rig, then plunges you into the suffocating darkness of claustrophobic corridors. It's like peeking through a Predator's thermal vision after eating jalapeños, all sharp edges and lurking shadows. Every creak and groan feels like a Xenomorph whisper, keeping you on the edge of your seat (or hiding under it).
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Memorable Scene: Ripley in the Power Loader, a mechanical mama bear defending her surrogate daughter Newt. It's ballet with bullets, a tango with a flamethrower. Sigourney Weaver channels Ripley's rage and ingenuity, turning this clunky machine into a badass extension of herself. You'll cheer, you'll scream, you'll wish you had your own Power Loader for the next grocery run.
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Personal Rating: 10/10, no contest. This isn't just the best Alien movie, it's a sci-fi masterpiece. It's a thrilling action extravaganza with a beating heart – Ripley's fierce maternal instinct that makes her as relatable as she is ruthless. You're rooting for her every step (or stomp) of the way.
Trivial Fact: Sigourney Weaver did most of her own stunts, including hanging upside down in the ventilation shafts. Talk about dedication! She even trained with the real marines to get her gun handling and military jargon on point. Ripley wouldn't have it any other way.
So, are you ready to face your fear of spaceships, slimy monsters, and corporate greed? Aliens is waiting, with open arms (and razor-sharp teeth). Just remember, if you hear hissing in the vents, don't blame us... we warned you.
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