#male aggression
michellezagenda · 7 months
saw a youtube video about this male who was fully loaded and ready to shoot and bomb an amusement park and how he was instead found dead in the bathroom due to suicide. All the morons defending him are like “good man.. he couldn’t bring himself to kill others so he killed himself instead, prayers 😞🫶🏼🩷”… despite the fact he was fully loaded with BOMBS. So i left a comment saying something like how it’s a good thing he killed himself instead of taking innocent people down with his shit. And it got removed….? I hate america but i also hate people who just allow men to be nearly mass shooters but it’s a good thing he finally thought it through one last time…..kys just like that man honestly
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augustmarie2022 · 14 days
Niggas hate they bitch
Every man you know
Got a woman at home
But what do all
Husbands do …
and look for a replacement
That is why women
only marry for money
As soon as he gets a bitch
he’s only looking for a new bitch
Men’s brains are built retarded  
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sijctghen · 22 days
I was just driving home and when I stopped at a red light there was a car behind me, I paid attention to the stop light and didn't see what the car behind me was doing, but he must have backed up and then sped forward bc I felt his car really hit me and my stuff in the seat affected too, it shocked me physically and emotionally, I didn't understand what happened and looked behind me. He drove around me into the lane of right turns, and just sort of glared at me, this young Latino man w glasses, and I just looked at him bc I didn't understand and I'm autistic I process things slow and dk what to do, then he made a left turn from that right turn lane and just drove off. He just hit me bc he knew it's 2 am no witnesses and he could get away w it. He didn't care if he hurt me or damaged my car(I'm fine, car damaged but just cosmetic at least). I don't understand, if he's so impatient to be somewhere at 2 am and run a red light why couldn't he just drive around in the first place why did he have to hit me? I know it was him and not some other car behind us, there was no other cars around. Why are moids like this. Anyway KAM and I just needed to vent
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joan-of-feminism · 1 year
I've been interacting with radical feminism for almost a year, and i'm more active on radtwt than radblr so idk if it's the same here, but things I've seen lately over there from some ppl make me more confused. If gender abolition is a tenet/goal of radical feminism, does that mean it's against bioessentialism? Are men inherently irredeemable bc they're born that way or is it possible to raise misogyny out of them if they're raised differently?
Well, bio essentialism is the belief that some quality or characteristic is biologically innate or has some sort of biological basis to it. Radfems don’t believe that gender is biologically innate, so yes, gender abolition goes against bio essentialism. As for men, their aggression does have roots in their biology (testosterone), but where I diverge from a lot of radfems is that I believe their aggression is mostly cultural. I do believe that after a few generations of a matriarchal, women-led society, that we could raise the misogyny out of them and they could learn to redirect and control their aggression. BUT I don’t see that happening as long as patriarchy still stands. We would have to completely reorder society to get rid of male violence in my opinion.
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wanderingsquirrelgirl · 5 months
businesses would be so much better off if men didn't lead them.
the loud bombastic overspeaking and aggression towards their workers is astoundingly counterproductive. turns out, when youre nice to the folks responsible for 90% of the productivity in a company, they tend to produce better work. imagine that.
i'm starting to take over from my aggressive dad in one of his companies and realizing how stupidly ineffective he was. he sometimes jumps back into meetings to take them over and - my god - its so cringey when he starts aggressively telling folks what to do. especially embarrassing when they agree or - more likely - brought the idea up to begin with. and he just sits there uselessly yelling about how they should do the thing they were going to do anyway.
and he's not embarrassed about it at all. quite simply, he doesn't feel productive unless he's demanding others to do things for him. a fucking bonkers way to lead, and even more bonkers way to live.
businesses would be much better off if men like my dad didn't lead them. which means the economy would be better off, too. more women would be in the workforce, and everyone would be more productive all around.
and when the economy is better, people are better. they have more time to and money and resources to make art and live happier lives. everybody wins.
anyway, fuck men like my dad. they ruin life for the rest of us (and themselves) but get the majority of the world's resources anyway. eat a bag of dicks, pops.
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thebaddragon · 5 months
Women's Tears Chemical Diminish Male Aggression - Neuroscience News
"A chemical signal in human female tears lowers aggression in males...
"Rodent tears contain social chemosignals with diverse effects, including blocking male aggression. Human tears also contain a chemosignal that lowers male testosterone, but its behavioral significance was unclear..."
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queer-n-here · 2 months
imagine fucking tanizaki/chuuya in your sweater that was too big for him.. aww, poor baby is trying so hard to cover his face using the sleeves dangling off his arms while you ram into his hole mercilessly:3
Oh, ohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho! *smirks* Is it that time of the year? *Winks* Aha! Aha, aha! My, finally.
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I found this art on Pinterest, credits to the rightful owner. I thought it was really close to what I was imagining while writing this piece.
Contents: Fucking Tanizaki in a sweater too big for him <3
Warnings: Smut, top male reader, rough sex, biting.
Tanizaki probably didn't know the affect he had on you. Nope, he definitely did not know.
Why else would be standing at your balcony so nonchalantly, wearing absolutely nothing but one of your sweaters?
It was even bigger on him than the one that he usually wore, and it ended just above his knees. The neckline of the sweater was so wide that it was almost falling off Tanizaki's shoulder, exposing the pale skin that was heavily marked with bruises from last night's round of sex. He had tried to roll up the sleeves to keep his hands free, but they kept slipping down, and so he let them be.
God, it was too much.
You had only returned from a mission, and the moment you entered yours and Tanizaki's shared room, the sight that greeted you was this. You had planned to watch a movie and cuddle, but turns out tonight was not going to be so wholesome after all.
You walked up to him, using your ability to mask your footsteps. Once you were close enough, you wrapped your arms around his thin waist, startling him.
Tanizaki whipped around, eyes wide, only relaxing when he saw that it was you and no one else. "Phew, you scared me..."
"Mn," You lowered your head to press a soft kiss in the crook of his neck, right where you'd left hickeys about 20 hours ago.
Tanizaki smiled, shifting his arms to hold your face in his sweater-covered hands. He raised himself onto his tip-toes, and placed a small peck on your lips.
"I see you've stolen my sweater, hmm?" You said, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear.
He flushed slightly. "And so what? It's not like you left me anything to wear."
You chuckled, leaning over to press a kiss to his forehead before pulling back to look at him.
"But I must say," Your eyes raked over his body, from his bare legs to his exposed collarbone. "You look good."
Tanizaki's face reddened further, and he tried to pull the hem of the sweater down to cover his knees. You leaned forwards, sliding your hands underneath the fabric to let your fingertips ghost over his skin. He froze in place, hands rising to clutch your shoulders.
"Should we head to bed?" You asked him, smirking.
He nodded, and let you lead him back into the room, shutting the balcony door behind you two.
"Go and lie on the bed, hmm?" You whispered to him, and he obliged.
You opened the bedside drawer, and pulled out a bottle of lube before following Tanizaki to the bed. You looked over to him, and he looked up at you as you gently caressed his cheek.
"I never really expected you to look so gorgeous in my clothes..." You lowered your hand to his thigh instead, rubbing and massaging the skin there. "Had I known, I would've made you wear some earlier."
He looked at you, his hands placed against your chest as your hands kneaded his thigh. A soft hum left his lips.
"You like it that much?" Tanizaki asked, looking up at you shyly.
"Mn," You nodded, and leaned down to kiss him.
As his lips parted to yours, you slid your hand into his sweater, caressing his hip and waist gently. You kissed him passionately, nibbling and biting at his lips in the way you knew made him breathless. He wrapped his arms around your neck, letting you do as you liked. Slowly, you hooked your finger against the waistband of the boxers that he was wearing beneath the sweater.
Pulling away, you looked at him.
He was panting, face flushed completely and his hair was messy, expression slightly dazed. His lips were swollen and red.
"Hmm," You buried your head into the crook of his neck, kissing and biting at the exposed flesh. Tanizaki moaned, biting his lips to muffle the sound.
You pulled his boxers off, kneeling on the bed in front of him as you threw it away, and this time when you leaned down to kiss him you were rough. You spread his legs, pulling the hem of the sweater over Tanizaki's waist to reveal his semi-hard cock and already leaking hole.
Pulling away, you unbuckled and unzipped your pants, pulling them down and throwing them away to free your cock from its restraints as you looked down at the flushed mess of a man beneath you.
"Fuck, baby," You took up the bottle of lube and coated some over your dick.
Tanizaki was more than prepped, you'd done that only yesterday. Aligning your tip with his hole, you slid in, making him gasp and arch his back as his fingers scrambled to find purchase.
You were slow and gentle, something that Tanizaki knew wouldn't last long. You were always soft on him, outside of bed.
Sure enough, once you had entered completely, the movement of your hips was slow, but not gentle anymore. You sped up, gaining a rhythm as Tanizaki moaned underneath you, clutching at the sheets beneath his head for dear life. His cock was now fully hard, and it slapped against his stomach when you pushed into him.
"Nghh, ba- Hah! [Name]!" He said.
Your hips snapped into his, and his body moved in sync with yours. You began pounding into him at a ruthless pace, your eyes glued to his face. Both your thrusts and your gaze were like that of a ferocious animal proudly devouring its prey.
Tanizaki panted and huffed beneath you, his red face a stark contrast with the white sheets beneath him. His back was arched, eyes blurring up at the sensation of your tip against his gummy walls.
"Mmph, [Name]! S-slow down a- Ahh!" He bit his lips again. "Slow down a little bit!"
But you were far from listening.
You sped up instead, watching greedily as your thrusts made Tanizaki scramble to ground himself. Just the sight of his flushed face looking up at you and struggling to breath as your cock rearranged his insides was good enough to drive you feral.
His hole was fluttering around you now, making sparks of pleasure shoot up from the length of your cock. You wrapped his legs around your waist, and placed your hands on either side of his head. As you continued your onslaught on his poor hole, a particular thrust made Tanizaki's eyes widen. His back arched completely off the bed, and a sound as lewd as the devil himself left his pretty swollen lips.
Shifting, you hit that spot up again, smirking devilishly as the feeling of your tip bullying his sweet spot made Tanizaki turn and try to hide his face away from your predatory gaze. It wasn't working well, not when he could barely keep himself to the bed.
He raised his hands instead, using the sleeves of your own sweater to hide his blushing face from you, and you frowned in annoyance. Still, your hips showed no signs of slowing. Your thrusts grew more and more forceful, till Tanizaki had to bite down on the fabric to not scream. Tears had spilled down either side of his face, and his thighs were trembling around your waist.
You reached forwards, dissatisfied, and roughly yanked his hands away from his face. You pinned his wrists down on either side of his head, hips never stopping. Now Tanizaki could only cry out and arch his back, his brain muddling.
Your cock against his sweet spot with each thrust was making him lose sense of reality. His pupils were blown out, and his mouth was open as more cries spilled out of it. You were pinning him down so hard that his wrists were beginning to bruise, and yet neither your grip on him nor your hips softened.
You fucked Tanizaki hard and fast and just the way you knew was perfect to render his brains useless. His face was covered in tears, and sweat-soaked hair was sticking to his forehead.
"Gah! Hnng, [Name]!" He tried to speak through his pants. "C-close!"
One word, and you fully turned into a beast. Your hips pounded into Tanizaki at an inhumane speed, the bed starting to creak in protest under you. You fucked him, grunting at the feeling of him tightening miserably around you, a symptom of his upcoming orgasm.
He came, a crying ripping itself free from his throat as ropes of cum shot out of his untouched dick, his hole squeezing around you so tight it was starting to get difficult to pull out and push back in. His pretty fucked-out expression was more than enough to get you to come in him, painting his walls white with your seed as your hips finally slowed to a stop.
You let go of his wrists, pulling out of him to collapse on the bed beside him.
As you caught your breath, you turned your head to look at Tanizaki. He was still in a daze, his chest heaving with each breath. You leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"I love you, baby."
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michellezagenda · 7 months
was playing texas chainsaw massacre and some male got mad at me & called me the f slur (despite me going on the mic to call him a loser) ……but if i say i’m outside his window with an axe im wrong & banned 🙁
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augustmarie2022 · 22 hours
Males do not reside in any mental capacity that is a safe space for a female
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annqer · 4 months
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something unto death
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spacespheal · 5 days
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Grandma Bucchi when will we be able to see your canon design...?
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Until all the radfem ideology and gender essentialism is gone, I will forever feel unsafe in the trans community as a trans man.
To any trans men who also feel unsafe: I love you. It will get better. People who bully trans men will one day be shunned, trust me. Keep going. You are amazing and wonderful. For every trans person that bullies and harasses transmascs, there are 10 more that love and support us.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 months
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Those are some weird lookin dogs, gotta be honest
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creeperthescamp · 1 year
what (or who) convinced y'all to get into tes?
i think when I was about 15 a family friend showed me skyrim since i was already into fallout, and she was showing me her dunmer assassin with her little house and her wife and I was like 'yea that looks pretty cool, i might try it out sometime'
however as soon as she mentioned there were cat people I immediately went 'OH FUCK I need this game RIGHT NOW' lmao I don't even remember if I knew anything else about the game! the existence of the khajiit was all I needed to know (and that you could be gay)
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queer-n-here · 3 months
In love with my baby, Sigma from BSD.
Contents: Sigma has a bad day at the casino and feels like shit, so reader comforts him, and they have sex.
Warnings: Top male reader, soft dom, Smut, praise kink (slightly), nipple play.
Fem aligned and MDNI
Sigma was so close to tears.
He'd had an awful day, filled to the brim with rude customers and lost visitors that made him feel shittier and shittier by the minute. He just wanted to curl up in his bed and pass out, and only wake up when the world had ended. Or not at all, he wouldn't mind.
But you had other plans. As Sigma turned around the last corner to reach his bedroom, he saw you leaning against the wall next to the door to his room. And the moment he saw you, he ran to you.
As you caught him perfectly in your arms without the slightest of stumbles, the tears that had been collecting in his eyes finally slid down his face.
You froze when you heard him sniffle.
"Sigma, baby, what-" You tried to pull away to look at him, but he clutched your shirt, burying his face in the crook of your neck as sobs shook his frame. "Baby, what's wrong?"
He shook his head, trying to pull you closer. You wrapped your arms around him, worry on your face.
"Sigma, let's go into your room first, okay?" You said gently, trying to calm him down.
It worked, and he nodded, not letting go of your shirt as he pulled back just enough to look you in the eyes.
You led Sigma into the room, locking the door behind you so that no one could barge in and ask Sigma to deal with another problem. You sat him down on the bed before following, and he immediately buried himself into your chest again.
"Baby, talk to me," You whispered, stroking his head. "What's wrong, hmm?"
Sigma never wanted to be a burden on anyone. He would rather suffer in silence than ask for help and inconvenience anyone. But you were different. You wouldn't be inconvenienced. You would love him and tell him he was doing good.
"I just... I just f-feel so shitty." Sigma said, trying to steady his breathing enough to speak. "I can't even... I can't even run a ca-casino properly, and-"
His words turned incoherent, and he pressed his face into your shirt, muffling them out.
"Sigma, look at me, baby." You said softly, and he let you pull back to make him look at you, holding his face in both your hands. "Who said you can't? Sky Casino already has a steady reputation amongst the elites. Everyone knows how magnificent your place is. You do your best every time."
"But," He sniffed, swallowing. "But my best isn't always... the best."
"And that's fine, baby." You tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, wiping away his tears with your thumb. "That's perfectly fine. You're always pushing yourself to do better, so what if you fall behind once in a while, hmm? And you're so perfect already..."
Sigma's breath hitched, more tears collecting at the ends of his eyes. "Really?"
"Yeah, baby," You nodded, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "My beautiful perfect baby,"
"[Name]," Sigma's cheeks were red. "K-kiss me, please."
You smiled and obliged him, leaning forwards and placing your lips on his, kissing him slowly and gently, trying to show him his worth. Trying to tell him that he deserved everything in the world and more.
As you prodded his lips with your tongue, he opened his mouth, letting you in. You kissed him gently, but at the same time passionately, and soon Sigma felt your teeth nip at his lips a bit too hard.
"Nhh," He pulled away slightly, looking at you with his moist eyes. "[Name]."
"Yeah, baby?" You caressed his cheeks.
"Can we... Can we do it?" His blush had deepened, but his gaze was steady, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Of course, baby," You planted another kiss on his forehead. "Strip and lay down, okay? I'll go fetch the lube."
Sigma nodded, obedient as always.
You pulled away and stood up, walking to Sigma's bathroom to bring out lube.
Generally, you preferred to have sex in front of the bathroom mirror, holding Sigma's face in one hand to show him how pretty he was, and teasing his nipples with the other as your cock plunged into him repeatedly, leaving his brain foggy and eyes spilling.
When you returned, Sigma was bare, his pale skin a contrast to the dark bed sheets that were going to be stained soon.
You stripped too, letting your clothes fall carelessly to the floor as you climbed on to the bed to sit in front of Sigma, leaving the bottle somewhere on the sheets as you reached for him.
You kissed him again, your movements soft and careful, as if too much vigour would break the man before you. Sigma responded positively, wrapping his arms around your neck and letting you kiss and lick as you liked.
As the kiss grew slightly heated, you pulled back and reached for Sigma's thighs.
"Can you spread your legs for me, baby?" You whispered, and he obeyed, shyly opening up his legs and letting you prop them up on the bed, exposing his hole.
You grabbed the bottle of lube, pouring a considerable amount of it onto your hand before placing your finger against his entrance.
You looked up at him, and he nodded, the way he always did whenever you asked him if you could continue. You slid in a thickly coated finger, watching Sigma's face for signs of unwillingness, because he would never tell you to stop.
You knew his body better than himself, the way his muscles twitched in pain was very similar to the way they twitched in pleasure, but after months of gently easing down Sigma's walls, you had learnt the difference.
Sigma moaned at the feeling of your finger, raising one hand to cover his mouth, his other clutching at the sheets.
As you slid in a second digit, you looked up at him, but there were no signs of discomfort on his pretty flushed face as he panted and huffed.
"[Name]," He breathed. "F-faster, please."
Your hand sped almost involuntarily, wanting nothing more than to give the man beneath you everything he wanted.
Sigma bit his already red lips, trying not to be too loud. He was sensitive, and also loud, both without wanting to be.
As your fingers pumped into him at a constant pace, you leaned down, planting kisses on his neck, collarbone and chest as you travelled down, finally enveloping his perky nipple with your lips, making him arch his back with a moan. You pinched and rubbed the other nipple with your free hand as your mouth worshipped this one, and Sigma whined at the feeling of your fingers speeding up in him.
Your fingers hit that sweet spot in him, making the poor man come undone immediately with only a cry for a warning, ropes of cum shooting out of his untouched dick as a sound as lewd as the devil himself spilled from his pretty swollen lips.
You slowed to a stop, reaching for your cock that had been leaking precum at the sight of Sigma's magnificent body for some release. You left his nipples alone, letting him come down from his high as you stroked your cock, your eyes glued to his beautiful flushed face.
When Sigma came to, and saw you touching yourself, he reached out to clasp your wrist.
"Put it in me," He flushed, looking at you. "Let me help you."
You nodded, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his cheek before aligning your flushed tip with his entrance. You entered, being as gentle as humanely possible, but Sigma grew impatient.
"[Name]," He placed his hands on your shoulders. "Don't stall anymore, just... Just put it in."
You obliged, not arguing with Sigma when your cock was throbbing almost painfully. You hooked your hands beneath his legs, and pressed his thighs against his chest before pushing your entire length in. As you filled Sigma up, he arched his back at the feeling, his walls tightening around you once you were all in, holding you in place.
"So pretty," You couldn't help but murmur, brushing a strand of Sigma's sweat-soaked hair out of his eyes. "So beautiful, Sigma. I can't believe you're all mine."
He flushed, his hole fluttered around you at the praise, his eyes wide as he watched you, and you knew he wanted you to continue.
"So heavenly, my pretty baby," Your hips pulled back slightly, before thrusting in again, making Sigma grab onto you, arms wrapping around your neck. "So fucking pretty I can't believe my eyes."
You thrusted as you spoke, slowly speeding up, relishing the sight of Sigma's face, scrunched up and flushed with pleasure.
"So good for me, Sigma," You continued, now bludgeoning into him, each thrust making him cry out at the feeling of your tip poking him in those amazing places. "So brave, and so amazing..."
Sigma's face was almost the colour of blood, and he raised a hand to cover it. But you wouldn't let him, pulling his arm back and entwining your hands before pinning his against the bed. Your hips snapped against his, and his back arched, presenting his erect and swollen nipples to your face. You readily lowered your head to suck on them, and Sigma whined.
"My beautiful baby, so lovely that I don't want anyone else to look at you, or get to touch you."
As you pounded into him, worshipping his chest with your mouth at the same time, tears collected at the corners of Sigma's eyes at the overwhelming pleasure. He panted and moaned, the only thing in his world was you and the amazing way you made him feel, your cock snug between his walls and your teeth against his sensitive skin.
Your name was stuck like a life saving mantra on his tongue, the sound of which made you feel the heat pooling in your stomach.
You pulled back, till the only thing left in Sigma was your tip, and then thrusted in again, hitting his sweet spot, making him scream.
You did it again, and again, and again, till Sigma was tightening around you in that way that you knew meant he was close.
You yourself were not far from the edge, your thrusts getting slightly sloppy as they sped up, panting till you released inside him with a "Fuck, baby,". The feeling of your cum seeping in him was enough to throw Sigma over the edge again, his blunt nails digging into your shoulders as he cried out one last time, his untouched cock spilling over both your stomachs.
As you slowed to a stop, Sigma's tired arms fell off your shoulders, his marked and bruised chest heaving with each breath. You pulled out of him and collapsed next to him, letting his legs fall back onto the bed.
He immediately turned to press himself against you, and you wrapped your arms around him, steadying your breath.
You stayed like that till you had both caught your respective breaths, and Sigma slowly raised his head to look up at you.
The question was plain in his eyes.
"You did good," You placed a soft kiss on the top of his nose.
He smiled, and in that moment he was so dazzling you almost grew dizzy.
"Wanna go again?" You said, a small smirk on your face.
He blushed, but nodded.
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ghurab-alzilal · 2 months
At the Zoo X
8 y/o Damian, panicked, pointing at two sea otters in the water : Mama! Mama! You must do something! That otter is killing the other one!
Jason, smirking as eats a sandwich : They're having sex.
Dick, covering Damian's ears : JASON!!!
8 y/o Damian, startled : That is what Mother did to Father?
Dick, sighs : Ah Jace-
Jason: *shrugs *
8 y/o Damian, excited : Cool!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 11
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