#making the moodboards reminded me how much i love these 3
xoteajays · 1 year
okay, first poll done! top three winners were kori bato (pjo), cosima clayborne (the batman 2022), and jude winchester (spn)!! from the second poll, aes moodboards won out, so those are queued up for tomorrow morning (4-6am utc+10).
if anyone has any questions or wants early oc deets about these three winners, feel free to shoot through an ask!
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beachylupin · 9 months
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Gotta Go Home || Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
this is based on the anon request fulfilled here! (its a moodboard too!! :-D) i really hope you enjoy! let me know if you'd like to see more of her!! feedback and comments are always appreciated <3 word count: 3.6k warnings: angsty!!!, lots of swearing, mentions of hazing, mentions of underage drug and alcohol use, quickly edited, reader is kinda mean (lol), talking about someone having crabs
“Puh-leasee,” Robin gushed, pulling on your arm as you dragged on down the hallway. “Everyone will be there, and I don’t want to look like a total dweeb being the only one by myself. You know what happened at the last back to school party that you didn’t show up to, right? Or should I remind-”
“Yeah, I know,” you grumbled. Tammy hazed Robin in front of a crowd of twenty people, calling her the world’s biggest butch. To counter that statement, Robin made out with Zack Stone, her stand mate. Not her finest moment, and it was all your fault that you weren’t there. You fully and completely accepted the blame.
It was your responsibility to protect her, and you let her down, but now that Tammy had moved to Nashville to start her Ms. Piggy impersonator career, you almost felt like Robin would be safe going alone.
“Define everyone?” You asked, your nose scrunched. “Where is it?”
“Carver’s?” You guffawed. “Are you high?!”
“No, but we could be tonight,” she gushed quietly, a smile growing on her face as she watched you roll your eyes as you opened your locker. You wiped a small smile off your face with your hand and began digging in your locker. She drove a hard bargain
“Come on! It’s the back to school party, dingus. I’m telling you everyone-”
Your eyes narrowed as her rings clanked against the locker door, opening it enough to peek around at you. Her cheeks were flushed as she glanced behind you. You knew what she was getting at: the real reason she wanted to go, and it had to do with the ginger girl that walked quickly past the two of you.
“Vickie going to be there?” You asked, and she dropped the door.
Robin crossed her arms defensively, avoiding eye contact. “Psh, no-”
“Oh,” you cooed, a faux-disappointed pout forming on your lips. “I’m only going if Vickie is going.” You grabbed your books, closing your locker as you faced Robin again. “Guess I’m not so I can’t give you a ride,” you shrugged. “Sorry.” And you turned to leave.
“You’re a stain,” she groaned, grabbing your shoulder. “I’ll get on my knees-” Robing started sinking, her hands pressed together. “Pleeeeease,” she groaned. “Pleasepleaseplease-”
“Christ, you’re dramatic,” you huffed, restraining yourself from pushing her over in her half crouched position. “I’ll pick you up at nine.”
“I owe you my first born,” she gushed, throwing her arms around you. “I love you, I love you, I love-”
“Okay, okay,” you laughed, hugging her back. “We have to get to class-”
“Fine,” Robin let go, half pushing you away from her. She turned to leave, then turned around with a quirked brow. “Nine?”
“Yes,” you sighed, clutching your books to your chest. “Now go before you’re late to chemistry again.”
“Oh,” Robin said, her hand on her chest. “Kaminsky loves me.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes as you separated, getting to your class before the bell rang.
You groaned to yourself, not realizing that you didn’t take into an account how mini the skirt actually was. You tugged it down, making it reach at least your mid thigh over your sheer black tights. You had on a black button up top with a jean bomber over top, considering the chilly autumn weather and how your skirt was going to do nothing for you.
Your hair was styled like Brooke Shield’s: softly curled with plenty of volume. Your makeup was like hers too: mainly natural with glossy lips. 
As much as you hated parties, you loved dressing up, but dressing up usually meant going to a party.
And so it goes.
You didn’t necessarily hate parties, but you definitely didn’t enjoy them. It was always the same ten people doing the same stupid shit and playing the same stupid games, or at least that was at the parties Robin always begged you to go to since the hazing. Plus, the parties that Robin invited you to usually included Steve Harrington, who you made out with at a party last winter.
Long story short: he was a senior and had just broken up with Wheeler. You were a junior and knew that you were a very obvious rebound, but frankly didn’t care. It was exhilarating.
Who knew a dark closet would be the perfect place to have one of the best makeout sessions of your life?
It could’ve easily been a new thing, but as addicting as it was, every time you saw him now, it was weird. It really shouldn’t have been, but you didn’t know if you wanted to kiss him or avoid him at all costs once you saw a different parasitic girl attached to his neck at every party he was at after the incident. Catching the love bug sucked.
The two of you would always catch eyes though, exchanging an awkward, tight-lipped smile at every fleeting glance. You found yourself hopelessly waiting for that moment every time.
Side-tracked by the fact that you didn't want to go, you were running late, and it took at least fifteen minutes to get to Robin’s. You grabbed your keys and bounded out the door, slipping loafers on your feet before they hit the sidewalk.
Robin had been drinking. You could tell by the way she looked around at the dark, empty yards before clambering into your car.
You turned the radio down, giggling. “Worried Cooper is going to see you stumble?” You nodded toward the chained up dog on her neighbor’s lawn.
“Shut up,” she hissed, her sour breath wafting to your face. You pretended to choke, waving your hand in front of your nose. “Oh my God. Shut. Up!” She groaned, digging in her bag for what you assumed to be a piece of gum.
“You smell like a distillery,” you scoffed, pulling out of her driveway.
“You sound like a bitch,” she huffed back, chomping on the gum she found at the bottom of her bag, throwing the wrapper on the floor of your car. “I was nervous, okay? Vickie won’t notice, will she?”
“You gonna get that close for her to notice?” You retorted, already knowing the answer, and mouthing “I don’t knoow,” over Robin’s sing-songy confession.
“Are you going to finally talk to Steve?” She countered, her eyes narrowed. 
“He’s going to be there?!” You asked, your voice sounding more desperate than you hoped. 
“I told you, you snot. Everyone is going to be there.” When you didn’t answer her, your face turning sullen, she said, “He thinks you’re pretty, you know.”
“He thinks anything with a pair of boobies is pretty,” you huffed, turning on the main road through Hawkins.
“Ugh! I hate that word,” Robin grumbled, pretending to gag.
You decided to poke the bear, grinning. “What? Boobies?” She groaned loudly in response, stomping her feet. “I don’t know if you know this, Rob, but you like boobies.”
“I’ll just start saying titties then,” you said, shrugging as you turned down Jason’s road. “He thinks anything with titties is pretty.”
“God, that’s somehow worse,” she scoffed, crossing her arms. Her head snapped to you. “But that’s not true. Steve’s… he’s changed.”
“Changed how?” You asked, glancing at her. “Changed by fucking more girls than just Nance? He became a womanizer, Robin.”
Robin shot you a pained look. “I’m not saying you’re wrong-”
“So you agree,” you said, cutting her off. You sighed, parking along the street a block down from Jason’s house. You looked at her as she fixed her face in the mirror. “Look, I know Harrington’s your friend or whatever, and I know that you love the idea of us together, but-”
“But it would be so cute!” Robin turned to you, grabbing your shoulders. “What are you so afraid of? Is it rejection? Because he definitely won’t reject you in a skirt that short.”
She looked so hopeful that you’d just say fine and get on with it, but instead you sighed, “Do you want my honest answer?”
Her hopeful look dropped out of her eyes. “What is it?”
“I don’t want to contract-”
“Oh my God!” she groaned, her head hitting her headrest. “You’re not going to contract anything if you just talk.”
You huffed, getting out of the car. Robin followed you, slamming the door behind her before half-running to catch up to you.
“Are you jealous?” She asked, hooking her arm around yours.
You guffawed, buying yourself time to formulate a lie. “Jealous?” You shook your head, rolling your eyes. “Linda Swanson had the worst case of crabs this side of the Mississippi, and she latched onto him at graduation like she was feeding off of him, and you’re asking me if I’m jealous?”
That part wasn’t a lie. Linda Swanson actually had crabs, and you only knew because she was in your gym class your junior year. You swore to God her empty panties had a heart beat.
“She had crabs?” Robin asked, laughing as you nodded, disgusted. “Steve never mentioned catching crabs from her.”
“Why would he tell you if he caught crabs, Robin?” You asked, mentally cursing as soon as you saw how full Jason’s front lawn was.
“Because he tells me everything,” she said, her eyes narrowed as she scanned the yard. “Oh, look! There he is! We can ask him!”
“Robin-” You warned, but she ignored you.
“Steve?!” Robin shouted, gaining his attention and waving her arm above her head. “Steve Harrington, is that you?!”
It was him alright. Steve was standing in a group of other alumni talking wildly with his hands, a gold watch on his wrist. He glanced at the both of you, not needing to squint with the help of the wire-rimmed glasses resting on his nose. He smiled widely, patting a few of the boys on the arms as a goodbye as Robin began to cross the lawn.
“I’m going to fucking kill-” About fifteen people looked your direction as Robin yanked you toward him, the grip on your arm becoming intentional.
“Hello, ladies,” he said, meeting you halfway, alone, with a beer in his hand and an award-winning smile on his face. “I didn’t think you guys would be here.”
“Okay, you’re the one at a high school party, Mr. Graduated,” Robin scoffed. “What’s with the glasses? Makes you look… pretentious,” she said with an accent, her nose wrinkling.
“I need them,” he said, taking them off. “I like seeing sometimes.” He stuck them in his pocket, glancing at you. “How are you?” He asked you. Specifically you “I haven’t seen you in awhile!”
You could feel yourself clamming up. You puffed out a nervous breath, shrugging. “I’ve been busy.” You glanced at Robin for help, but you could already see the word vomit rising in her throat.
“Hey, quick question, do you have crabs?” There it was.
“Robin!!” You gasped, acting shocked. “What the fuck-”
“No!” Steve looked beside himself, his eyebrows pulling together to form a deep crinkle in his forehead. “Who told you that I have-”
You floundered, watching Robin’s brain load another response. “Have you seen Vickie- Ow!” Robin had slapped your arm, scowling. “What?! It’s only Steve.” You crossed your arms.
“Not everybody needs to know who I’m looking for, shithead,” she hissed, grabbing Steve’s beer from his hand. “Apparently, Linda had crabs,” she said, finishing the rest of his beer before stalking off, wandering up to her clan of band nerds.
“I never hooked up with Linda,” he stated, looking at you. “Are you guys high?”
“I wish,” you sighed. “Robin’s drunk.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” he said quietly, watching her talk to some of the other band kids. “Should we get high?”
You shrugged, happy the original topic was abandoned. “Yeah, probably.” You also were happy that he was alone. This could finally be your chance. “I have some,” you offered him the joint that you were anxiously playing with in your pocket.
Steve half smiled, putting it in his pocket. “Come on,” he said, nudging you with his elbow. “I know just the place.”
You followed him, weaving your way through the small crowd as he greeted nearly everyone he passed by either saying, “Hey, man! What’s up, buddy?” Or slightly waving, a high five usually being exchanged. He greeted a few girls with a chaste kiss on the cheek, glancing behind him after every one to make sure you were still following.
You smiled tightly at each one, your hands staying balled in your pockets. You were following Steve inside like a lost puppy until you perked up when your favorite clarinet player was bopping toward you with the others in her band row.
“Oh, Vickie! Hey!” You said, beaming toward the ginger. She paused, the rest of her friends walking toward where your favorite trumpeter stood in the front yard, drunkenly hanging on Zack’s shoulder. “Robin is looking for you! She actually came specifically to see you!”
Steve slowed and looked around, seeing that you weren’t following him anymore. He joined your side, greeting Vickie with a smile.
“Buckley?” She asked. You nodded enthusiastically, eyebrows raised. “Oh, really?” Her cheeks turned slightly red, her hands instinctively fixing her hair.
“Yeah, she’s in the front!” You said, patting her back as she huffed out a small, “Okay!” And took off toward her friends.
Steve scoffed from beside you. “Rob’s gonna kill you.”
“Yeah, well, karma’s a bitch,” you said, shrugging, walking further into the house. Steve followed you closely. “She wanted to talk to Vickie anyway,” you said over your shoulder.
“What’s karma got to do with this?” Steve asked, eyebrows furrowed as you shot him a look over your shoulder. “Robin made you talk to me, didn’t she?” He asked, and you gave him no reply, weaving your way through people. He grabbed your elbow, pulling you into a half-empty hallway. “What’s your deal? Are you mad at me or something?”
“Nothing is my deal, okay?” You shot back, trying to make your lie not obvious. “Let's just go smoke. It's bad enough being here, and I’m currently doing it sober.”
Steve furrowed his brow at you before saying, “Yeah, okay.” He let go of your elbow, walking away from you back into the crowd, his destination almost in sight.
You followed, desperately ignoring the way that girls threw themselves at him. You shouldn’t be jealous. He wasn’t yours.
But you could feel yourself turning green the further he walked into the small sea of people, every girl waving or giggling as he passed.
Was Steve really that oblivious to how much you liked him, or did he like being chased?
Going out through the back patio door, Steve checked over his shoulder to see if you were still there. You were, and still were, glaring at Tammy Thompson as she was weaving her way toward Steve where he had stopped halfway through the crowd.
“Oh my god, Steven!” She said, speaking with a fake Tennessee accent. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here!”
She rushed to give him a hug, and you grit your teeth, watching as she kissed him full on the mouth.
“How’s Tennessee?” He asked as she threw her arms around him, connecting eyes with you.
“It’s soo good, Steve,” she gushed, completely ignoring you. “You should come visit me. We’d have soo much fun.”
“Yeah, maybe!” He said as he grabbed her arms, gently pushing her off of him. He looked at you, his mouth in a tight lipped smile as he slapped your shoulder, his hand resting there. “Well, we should be off, shouldn’t we?”
You shrugged as Tammy looked between the two of you. “Yea-”
“Oh my god, are y’all together?” Tammy didn’t hide the disgust from her face.
“No,” Steve said quickly. Your heart dropped at his honesty.“No, we’re just… smoking. She came with Robin. She’s up front.”
“Riight,” Tammy said, looking you up and down. “Well, have fun, you two,” she smized, smiling a small, bitchy smile.
“Yeah, we will, thanks,” Steve said, watching her as she walked away, catching the clenched-jaw glare you had as she walked away. “There it is!” He exclaimed, pointing at you.
“There what is?” Your tone sounded snappier than you intended.
“There’s something wrong-” Steve chided, his eyebrows raised.
“Nothing is wrong,” you grumble, crossing your arms over your chest.
You could feel yourself turning childish, the green-eyed monster baring its ugly teeth.
Steve gasped, taking a step toward you. “Are you the one who told Robin that Linda had crabs?” He asked, his face angling toward you.
You scowled. “She did have crabs.” 
He gasped again, smirking, silently confirming that he liked a chase and you were falling for it. “You’re totally jealous, aren’t you?”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing. “No, I’m not jealous, Steve.”
“Are you going to look at me when you’re saying that?” He asked quietly, his voice husky as he leaned toward you.
The moment suddenly felt intimate, like there weren’t at least thirty people in the backyard with you. You swallowed thickly, meeting his brown-eyed gaze. “I’m not jealous,” you said slowly, hating the way your cheeks burned.
“Then why don’t I believe you?” He asked, his smirk turning wolfish. “You know, you seemed pretty tense around Tammy-”
Something in you snapped. Tammy fucking Thompson.
“I don’t like Tammy.” Your glare turned steely. “She fucking hazed Robin, and here you are, letting her flirt with you the next year? You’re a dick.”
Tammy Thompson. You were so distracted by wanting to gnaw on Steve’s stupid face that drunk Robin was going to have to interact with Tammy mother fucking Thompson.
You grit your teeth. “Fuck!” you spat, turning on your heel, reluctantly making your way back through the crowd.
“I’m a dick?!” Steve called after you. “What do you mean I’m a dick?!”
You whipped around, facing him. “You told her where Robin was, you fucking idiot! I’m sorry that you didn’t care about her this time last year, but Robin was ruined for at least a month.”
Steve’s face softened, his hands running through his hair. “I totally forgot.”
“Yeah, I know you did,” you said, your voice hard. “But I didn’t, okay? I’m going to go fix this now.”
You couldn’t let him bother you. You needed to get to Robin’s rescue.
You turned back around, feeling Steve’s looming presence as you slipped through the patio doors. You stopped, causing him to run right into your back. You whipped around again.
“What?!” He said, his eyes wide.
“Stop distracting me!” You shouted, your eyes equally as wide. “Go fuck whatever creature with legs and a pulse that you’re going to fuck and leave me alone!”
Steve scoffed, smirking again. “You’re so jealous-”
“You know what?! Yeah! I am!” You didn’t care anymore. You had to get it off your chest. “I’m jealous, okay?! Are you happy now?! Do you like making girls crazy about you?! You’ve done a fucking fantastic job with me, Steve!!”
Steve’s smirk dropped, his gaze softening. He looked like a kicked puppy. “Really?”
“God, you really are fucking insufferable!" You shouted.
His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, frowning. “I didn’t mean-” He reached out to touch you.
You could’ve screamed, but instead you stamped your foot, pushing his hand away before weaving through the crowd away from him.
You didn’t care if he followed you or not. You were just focused on getting to Robin before Kermit could.
You pushed your way out the front door, finding Robin still propped up against Zack, Tammy nowhere to be found.
You breathed a sigh of relief, joining the band nerds in the front lawn. Vickie had weaseled her way close to Robin, but not too close. She smiled, staring at the blonde girl.
“Hey guys,” you greeted them, eyes locking with Robin’s. “We need to leave.”
“Awww,” Robin cooed, her head obviously heavy on Zack’s shoulder, her eyes flicking to Vickie's. “I’m having fun.”
“Well, I just remembered that I need to work in the morning,” you said, grabbing Robin’s arm. “Come on.”
“I don’t wanna leave,” she groaned, hanging her head. “Steve can give me a ride home.”
“I’m your ride home, and we’re leaving now,” you quipped, throwing her arm over your shoulders. “Bye, guys!”
They all wished you a quiet goodbye, Vickie’s gaze lingering on Robin’s face the longest. You rolled your eyes, dragging her far enough away.
“Tammy is here,” you told her quietly. 
Robin suddenly regained all ability to walk. “What?” She asked, looking around. “Where?!”
“Last I saw her, she was kissing Steve.”
You didn’t mean to exaggerate, but it was a low-blow, and the green gremlin inside of you was pissed, trying to convince you that you hated Steve almost as much as you hated Tammy now.
“Oh god,” she groaned. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” you lied airily, letting Robin walk down the sidewalk on her own. “Are you not mad at him?”
She shrugged. “Steve’s an idiot. I’m sure you’ll figure that out soon enough.”
You stayed silent. Steve really was just an idiotic boy. You checked over your shoulder, spotting him scanning the yard near the front door.
“Do you actually work tomorrow?” Robin asked, pulling you back to her. 
“No,” you said, smiling as you looked at her. “Want me to spend the night? I still have another joint in the car.”
“Please?” Robin said, throwing her arm over your shoulder. “We can watch stupid TV and smoke. We can talk about how much you hate Steve and how hopelessly in love with Vickie I am.”
You nodded, your smile becoming tight as your heart sunk. You didn’t hate him. You couldn’t. “As long as I don’t have to come to another stupid party this year.”
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven In Your Eyes || Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC
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Summary:  Beaten with guilt and shame after losing his temper again, Arthur's aimless wandering leads him to church. There she is and, after diving into her heavenly eyes, he is convinced God has sent him His sweetest angel to save his bastard soul.
Words: 2.6k
TW: Blood, a bit of angst, slight blasphemy and bad use of holy water, reckless x caretaker Inspired by the prompt "Where does it hurt? - Everywhere" by @the-three-whumpeteers
✞ Timeline: between seasons 2 and 3
✞ Heaven is OP's original character but written with the use of « you » (Moodboard here). Heaven’s voice and song is linked, all you have to do is click on the lyrics.
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NEXT CHAPTER || Masterlist
The stumbling tall silhouette of Arthur Shelby was crossing through the thick haunting mist of Birmingham. As unwelcoming the town was during the day, it was nothing compared to night time. When sun faded behind the horizon, chased by the pale glowing face of the moon, the whole city turned into a cut-throat area. Arthur brought the neck of the bottle he was holding to his chapped lips and gulped down a mouthful of pure Irish whisky. The fire trail the beverage left behind it as it went down his throat reminded him he was alive — he could still feel something, even though it was the alcohol’s burning. An animal growl escaped from his lips when the bottle left them only for him to lean his back against one of the church’s gigantic concrete walls. A loud raven’s croak torn the silent veil of the night, making him swears. The gravel in his voice answered to the dull bird, which was watching him from a tree with his tiny and beady eyes.
« Fooking bird, laughing at me like the rest of ‘em eh? »
The raven — which was rather large for a bird — tilted its head to the side and kept staring at the drunk man with a cunning interest. Its black eyes, shining under the moonlight, seemed filled with both a wise glare and a mocking sparkle. Soon, Arthur’s curiosity for the raven’s unusual behavior turned into a senseless anger when he understood why the bird was focusing on him, his explosive rage strengthened by the incredible amount of alcohol he had drunk a bit earlier.
« It’s the damn blood is it? Stop lookin’ at me like I’m — I’m some kind of monster, or a beast or I don’t fookin’ know what else! Go to Hell! »
The bottle flew towards the raven but it did not flicker, as if it knew Arthur was not in the shape of being quick nor particularly precise with aiming. As the glass smashed into the ground, Arthur hit the wall behind him with the back of his head and let out a frustrated scream. No more cocaine, no more auto destructive behavior nor suicide attempts for two years straight, and tonight he fucked it all up. He was convinced he could get better, and God knows he tried his best to do so. Got sober from every poison he used to take, got a religious wife that was trying to turn the wolf in him into a sheep… Hell, he even brought her flowers every damn day. But then came troubles, taking the shape of his little brother, Thomas Shelby.
He asked him to do the dirty job — again.
With his calloused hands, he took another man’s life. At first Arthur thought he would not be that disturbed at the idea of killing someone, after all he had done that almost his entire life. Just one last time, he told himself, just one last time and I’ll go back to my little peaceful life with me wife.
Yet, the guilt and the shame that struck him after bashing the lad’s head against the edge of a sink until his face became a pile of squishy flesh soon became too much to handle.
As the last spurt of blood spattered his face, Arthur’s clouded mind became suddenly crystal clear: it would never stop. After that epiphany, the older Shelby brother contemplated how everyone he deeply loved tended to use him. For Thomas and the rest of the family he was a mad dog, the combat brute whose only times he could enjoy life without a muzzle were when he had to rip someone’s throat apart. For his father, he had been nothing else than a poor naive hound that would have done anything to receive his respect. As for Linda, her love was a cruel mirage he wanted to believe with all his heart — but the illusion had vanished in smoke. Whether she considered him as her personal test subject for Christian brainwashing or as a tool to get what she wants, Arthur could not tell. What he could tell though was that he knew she did not really loved him. She wanted to mould him at her will, but he was no lamb. He was a wolf, a beaten and lonely wolf, but still one. And there was no love for rabid wolves, only a bullet through the brain to cure the madness.
As his skull buzzed with macabre thoughts, whose unpleasant noise reminded him of a furious beehive, a bewitching voice pulled him out of his auto-destructive spiraling. Standing at attention and listening carefully, he came to realize that someone was singing inside the church. Arthur’s eyelids fell on his steel blue eyes and the back of his head gently rested against the cold wall behind him, the same wall he had been previously smashing it with. A sighed escaped from his liquored lips as the angelic and hypnotizing voice, slightly muffled by the church’s heavy wooden doors, plunged him into a soft but oh-so-warm haze.
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold…
Lulled by the sad melody carried away with Birmingham’s cold night breeze, the swarm of raging hornets in Arthur’s brain stopped crashing against the bony walls of his skull. Another sigh — one of relief this time, for the unbearable noisy thoughts and violent buzzing had vanished. His trembling fingers, numbed by the blows he had hit his target with one hour ago and still covered with half-dried blood, slid along his temples and slicked his hair back. The utter and feral anger he had felt was reduced to void, for even his old heart had slowed its pace down in his ribcage.
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold…
The tune, embedded with melancholy, soothed his troubled mind and to be honest, he could barely believe it. When that switch in his brain flipped, God knew he was not in control anymore - even dear Linda, who still managed to hush down some of his tantrums, could not tame the beast inside when it broke free a bit more fiercely than usual. Yet, this voice did so. This stranger, faceless and nameless ghost of the night, brought him back to sanity with the sole power of her voice. The words she was singing, with her a juvenile and enchanting tone, were wrapping his heart. Arthur sniffed and fought hard against the dawning tears that were forming delicate crystal beads at the corner of his closed eyes.
If he had been the jolly sailor bold, he would have thrown himself out of the boat to join the siren that was singing.
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold.
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold…
She repeated, sadder than she previously sang.
Her song sipped through his heart and filled the cracks with molten gold. Arthur’s lips stretched in an almost invisible grin without even realizing it — By her voice, he was convinced she could repair the damaged creatures like him and make them even more beautiful than they were before they had been dragged through the trenches’ mud and shit. He had barely came to his senses, almost miraculously sobered up, when silent fell again in the church. Arthur reopened his eyes, and shook his head - Had he dreamt? Had it been the whiskey singing to him? No, he could not be that crazy right? Not quite sure if he was starting to hear voices and see things, Shelby decided that he had to found out who had been singing to his very own soul. He wanted to see her, the girl who soothed his foul heart and his twisted mind. He wanted to know, no, he HAD to know, even though his whole being was fragile like a flickering candle flame caught in a hurricane and would probably shatter in million of pieces if she turned out to be an illusion.
Gathering all his remaining strength, Arthur grabbed the handle and opened the church’s door.
A shiver ran down your delicate spine at the loud silence that floated in the gigantic and empty church. The peculiar sweet yet strong scent of myrrh, wood and frankincense filled your lungs with its holy fragrance. The vibrations of the last word you sang was still echoing in the room, swirling to the high and sculpted ceiling, from which marble angels were watching over you. If someone would have told you two years ago that the only place you would find comfort would be a church, you would not have believe it. You had never been particularly fervent about religion, but you did believe in higher forces whether they were good or bad. More than a matter of faith, the church itself was an old friend of yours. A gargantuan friend of stone, holy titan always welcoming you even in the darkest moments of your life. What you liked the most were these lonely moments at night, during which you could light up dozen of candles and sing your sorrow to the status and colorful stained-glass windows. No gossip from the parish, no believers swarming like ants within these mighty walls. There were just you, the candle lights and the soothing silence. For a few hours, you could finally find peace.
Brushing the varnished wood of the altar with your thin fingers and painted-red nails, you let your mind drift and, suddenly, the world around you vanished. You sunk so deep in the abyss of your thoughts that you did not hear the creaking sound of the heavy door opening, nor the footsteps that followed. All you could heard were the « Burn witch, burn! » that hundred of villagers screamed at you in the woeful remembrance of your past. And in spite of your immaculate porcelain skin, you bore the scars of their words deep in your soul.
Arthur made a few steps before freezing, his body refusing to come closer as if the aura around the creature that was standing back to him , right in front of the altar lightened up with dozen and dozen of small dancing flames, was too sanctified to be violated. Bathed in the soft and warm orange hue of candles, the long white hair of the woman fell down the small of her back like an ivory waterfall. Right above her the pale glow of the full moon coming through the stained-glass window formed a luminous halo around her head.
His breathing stopped, choking in his throat at such a divine vision. The gangster opened his mouth to speak but no words managed to come out. He had never been good with words anyway. Instead he moistened his lips and swallowed, his mouth dry. The white-haired girl had started to hum the same song she had been singing a bit earlier, not aware of his presence — and he did not dare to disturbing her as if he feared God’s punishment. He took another step, the wooden floor creaking under his sole.
This time the angel — because he was convinced it was one — jumped and turned around, an expression of utter surprise veiling her sweet face. Her fox eyes, adorned with two iris so fair it reminded him of aquamarine stones, scrutinized his slightest movements. She remained petrified for what felt eternity for her but, regarding him, time had stopped for good. Arthur finally inhaled sharply, coming back to life.
All those endless nights of crying, all those endless nights of praying in vain for something or someone to save him, and here you were… His salvation.
He had asked God to send him, the most desperate sinner of all, His most beautiful Angel and He had done so.
She was not just pretty. She was otherworldly and vaguely threatening. Almost ethereal in her short white dress whose cut let her naked back for the world to see.
« I waited for ya. » He whispered.
She blinked, her full and juicy lips opening with surprise.
He stuttered, looking down and decided it was better for you if he stopped talking. The gravel in his hoarse voice, as strong as it was, sounded indescribably frail. As if this tall and slightly threatening man could shatter at your single touch. Now he felt stupid, clumsy with words contrary to Tommy and his naturally eloquent and charismatic speech. In addition to the unpleasant impression of being a fool, Arthur’s own whisky-scented breath and the strong metallic smell of blood reminded him of his horrific appearance. Overcoming the awe you infused in him, panic started to kick.
You frowned, and all of sudden he did not look that impressive anymore. Swept away by the wind, your face relaxed and wrapped itself with a calm, almost placid expression. You exhaled through your nose and walked towards the gangster, who had brought his bloody hands to each side of his head and was now pulling his own hair in a desperate attempt to not lose track.
« Where does it hurt? » You asked with a quiet and soothing tone, for you were concerned about all the blood he was covered with.
Arthur raised his gaze toward the petite white-haired doll who had just pressed one of her cold little hands on his. Your ice against his fire made his legs weak and his heart missed a beat. How his breathing calmed down at your touch was a mystery, but it did. Not quite comprehending why you did not seem scared of him, he stuttered again, all flustered.
« Shhh, shhhh. Everything’s okay, take a deep breath and answer with all the time you need. » Your hand gently tightened its grip, willing to show him you were there and you were not going anywhere until he feels better.
« Where does it hurt? »
« Ev-Everywhere love. It hurts everywhere. »
His hands, his face, his body, his brain, his soul, his damn tortured soul… It all ached too much, and too constantly for him to bear anymore. E-ve-ry-where, that was all he could say because pain was all he could feel.
Without answering, you pulled him to the altar and invited him to sit on the marble stairs. The strong and fierce gangster followed you without the single physical resistance and gave in between your hands, as a rag doll. All he did was looking at you with his charming but oh-so-exhausted blue eyes as you tore the fabric of your dress near your thighs and soaked it in holy water.
« Let me wash away the blood. » Your voice echoed in the vastness of the church, enticing and haunting at the same time — enough to send a pleasant shiver down his spine. You had barely finished your sentence when you started rubbing the wet cloth against his hollow cheek to clean his pale skin from the dark red blood. Once again, he could not help watching you during the whole ordeal all the while enjoying the fresh sensation of the holy water cleansing the dirt of his soul. Not minding his stare filled with fascination, you focused on your task, brows slightly furrowed and fingers blessing him with the softest and most caring touch someone had given him.
« Yer an Angel. I swear you are eh. »
You quickly glanced at him, a sparkle of amusement shining in your cunning celeste blue eyes, before looking back at what you were doing. The weight of his gaze brought fire to your cheeks, for he looked at you like he had just realized what love was.
He looked at you, and to his greatest surprise, found Heaven in your eyes.
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I'm super new in the Peaky Blinders fandom, so please bear with me... Especially since English is not my native language. To be honest I am kind of scared to post it so any comment, review, reblog or constructive criticism is welcome. Also, I'll be more than happy to meet people in the Peaky Blinders fandom! In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed some Arthur and Heaven. Still don’t know if I’ll write a full series or snipets of these two love birds.
Tags: @areyenotfondofmelobster
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kozumesphone · 16 days
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╭₊˚ TOKYO DRIFT . . . skye’s 50 followers event ! ⋆⭒˚.⋆
intro post here !
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ᝰ. PODIUM (masterlist) . . .
— click here for the event masterlist <3
~ completed: 17
~ remaining: 16
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ᝰ. CONDUCTOR’S NOTES (a/n) . . .
ahhh! thank you all so so much for this!! i’m so grateful to everyone who follows my blog and reads my fics <3 I have the best time interacting with you (: your guys’ support is the best fr. i’m so so happy to write what I love with no time constraints, and having amazing mutuals and followers sending in the best requests. I hope to interact more with the rest of you, and make new friends! also… new theme alert! hope yall like it 🤍 all the love, skye <3
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ᝰ. IDOLS (ib & cr) . . .
event inspired by covey (@hopelesslyromanticshark), zuri (@canonfeminine), sunni (@sunnitheapollokid), eden (@cinemaconrad) & special mention to mori (@nuncscioquidsitamor-14) for being the reason I grew this much + found some of my fav moots (including you <3)
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ᝰ. GENERAL (everyone) . . .
I. IF U SEEK AMY ! ִ ࣪𖤐
give me a short/long description about yourself (hobbies, likes/dislikes, favourites, etc.) and i’ll assign you a book gf/bf !
II. PUMP IT ! ִ ࣪𖤐
you can request moodboards for any character/ship/friend group (:
ask for any character and i’ll write you a bunch of headcannons (you can provide a prompt or choose not to) <3
request a playlist for any character/prompt (maximum 10 songs) !
ᝰ. RESTRICTED (only moots) . . .
I. WHO IS SHE ? ࣪𖤐
give me a short/long description of yourself and i’ll tell you which of my oc’s you remind me of !
drop a request and i’ll make you a moodboard on how I see our friendship (+ book duo we resemble) (:
i’ll write you a letter <3
IV. YOU AND I ! ࣪𖤐
drop a request and i’ll write a few headcannons about what you and I would do if we ever met irl !
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ᝰ. INSTRUCTIONS (rules) . . .
i. i’ll only be able to answer your request if i’m a part of that fandom, so I would suggest checking out my fandoms nav here first
ii. only one request per message
iii. only three requests per day
iv. normal asks might be closed until event ends
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ᝰ. RACE TIME (dates) . . .
starts on — 17th may, friday
ends on — 30th may, thursday
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ᝰ. PATH (asks’ format) . . .
please include title of the ask (ex. pump it/supermassive black hole/etc.) and the character name & fandom (if applicable). if it’s a description request, send your desc in points (if applicable) so it’s easier to read (:
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ᝰ. RACERS (taglist) . . .
@nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby @sunnitheapollokid
@jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @totokyo @urbanflorals
@aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr @pjoverseluvr
@maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn @metyouattherighttime
@a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor @iheartgirlzn
@nomournersnofuneralss @over-the-oceancall @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia @lara20aral
@bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
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endlessthxxghts · 2 months
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I’m absolutely sobbing right now!!😭😭 There are not enough words in any language to describe how grateful I am, to describe how much love I’m feeling right now for all of you. With my entire heart— my entire being: thank you. I never would’ve thought I’d be here today with the most amazing lil community of people I could’ve asked for. I love you all so much.
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So in honor of such a beautiful milestone for us all, I’ve compiled a few things we could do!🥰
Requests are now closed! Will be answering all requests that were sent in by April 18!🩶
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💭 - ask a question
Either about me, about my fics, a would you rather, general or philosophical LMAO — literally anything! If it ends in a question mark, send it. This one is a free for all!! So, come at me with ‘em!! I’m ready.
I’d like to also note! I’m transparent with being a disabled content creator on here. If you’d like to know more about my disability (I cannot speak for other disabled individuals), you can ask me! If you aren’t sure how to ask, just establish that you aren’t sure how to word yourself, so I know any potential rudeness is not intentional <3
🌙 - fun facts about L!
Contrary to the ask a question, this one will be a free for all for me! I’ll give you whatever fact about myself that comes to mind in that specific moment of answering these!
☕️ - request a coffee
One of my biggest hyperfixations is coffee! Ever since I could remember. (Fun fact, I started drinking coffee in elementary school lol. This is what happens when your parents are born in the 60’s and 70’s LMAO. Anyway.)
So, for this one, give me a little description about yourself, what type of flavors you enjoy — tell me anything and everything, the more detail the better — and I’ll give you a drink that you remind me of / that I would recommend you! (Also tell me if you’re allergic to anything, I would not like to be responsible for you wanting to try anything you can’t have LOL)
If you are not a coffee person, I am also a big tea person!!! So do with that what you will! 🫶
📝 - fake fic title
Give me a fake fic title, and I’ll give a sentence or two on what that fic would be about!
🖼️ - request a moodboard
Can either be for a prompt you give or send me a fic (can be something you wrote!), and I’ll make a board based on that. Mutuals only: you can request a moodboard based on the vibes I get from you!
🎧 - request a song
Request a song based on one of my fics, or you can send me a fic (can be something you wrote!), and I’ll provide a song that I associate with it. Mutuals only: you can request a song based on the vibes I get from you!
🔌 - shoutout a fic/blog
Shoutout a specific fic you love or a specific blog you love! Let’s pass on the beautiful and welcoming vibes that we’ve created here🩶 (recommending your own fic/blog is encouraged!!!!!) And because I would like us to focus on the blog/fic being recommended, please do this one anonymously!!🩶🩶
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use the "-> ..." tags below to see my responses to each :)
For the millionth (and definitely not the last) time, thank you all so so much. Stay amazing and stay true to yourself, you beautiful humans. I love you.🩶
all dividers/graphics by me <3
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clockwork-ashes · 2 months
All You Have Is Your Fire - Part VIII
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Find Part I here :)
Summary: 'I can hear your heart beating through the stone.' For the briefest of moments, Lucien wondered if his mate would know exactly when his heart’s steady rhythm came to a sudden stop.
Note: A huge, huge thank you to the lovely @bettdraws who literally deserves all the credit and whose post inspired me to start writing this. I could not stop thinking about this head canon, and it was so kind of you to let me try and make a story from it :)
And a huge thank you to everyone reading! ALSO has everyone seen this post, I gasped it's so lovely. All of @teddyhoneybear's moodboards are stunning <3
Tag List: @anishake / @nocasdatsgay / @mybestfriendmademe / @talibunny30 / @halfbutneverwhole / @wishfulimaginings / @goldenmagnolias /
Part IX >>
Elain crouched by the shores of a lake, her skirts the colour of wet dirt. The waters were dark, nearly black, and Elain was left with the impression that they were endless, no bottom to their depths. Elain reached out with her hand, the tips of her fingers creating ripples with the softest of touches. The water was so cold, Elain gasped in shock, the sound like thunder in the eerie silence. 
Elain could see the reflection of the night sky in the lake, stars winking at her like shimmering diamonds. The sky was clear, not a single cloud to be seen, but Elain frowned. She turned her attention from the waters, tilting her neck back, searching for the moon. 
Elain’s growing panic, a heavy and sinking stone, was made worse as she sensed someone approaching, soundless. 
A lone wolf howled, the wind carrying its agony. Elain felt a scream struggling to escape from deep within her chest, her throat tight – 
Elain woke up with a start, her eyes flying open, heart beating like a drum. Her unfamiliar surroundings did nothing to ease her nerves, but she slowly recalled where she was, how she had ended up spending the night in Autumn. 
Elain’s dream had been unsettling, everything sharp and so close to reality. She ran her hands through her hair, still feeling the phantom cold of the lake water on the tips of her fingers. She was reminded of the dream she had in Velaris, before Eris had come for her. 
At the time, Elain had convinced herself not to worry, that it had nothing to do with the cauldron’s curse, with the visions that had plagued her before the war. As Elain rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she came to the conclusion that something was decidedly wrong. 
With a weary sigh, Elain wondered if her abilities might be reacting to her mate’s proximity, to the bond between them.   
Elain jolted in her seat, hugging the fur blanket around herself as she turned to look at the bed. The sheets were tucked under the comfortable mattress, the pillows placed carefully against the headboard, seeming as though no one had spent the night there. 
Elain would have expected to feel relief at Lucien’s absence, but was surprised at the disappointment that bloomed within her. Where could he have gone, Elain asked herself, frowning. 
Briefly, she worried that the High Lord of Autumn had simply changed his mind, had decided that she would be spared but Lucien’s life was forfeit. All she had done would be for nothing if Lucien were killed. Elain threw the blanket from her shoulders, but just as panic began to grip her, Elain dismissed the thought. There would be no point in Beron doing such a thing, she was sure. 
Elain guessed Lucien had merely gone to find Eris, or perhaps he had decided to see his mother. Elain knew from Feyre’s stories that the Lady of Autumn was brave, having risked her life under the mountain to help her sister. Rhysand had even mentioned how deeply Lucien cared for his mother, how it pained him that he was unable to see her.  
“Lucien’s fine,” she mumbled to herself, nodding as though she were confirming the thought. 
Elain blew a stray curl from where it had fallen in front of her eyes. She was a bit embarrassed with how much she knew about Lucien, considering how she never spoke with him. 
Elain collected bits of information on her mate like someone might collect rare and lovely coins. She would learn about him, feel guilty for wanting to know more, and promptly choose to go about her business as though it meant nothing to her. 
Elain could hear his heart beating through the stone. 
With a frustrated huff, Elain stood from the chair she had spent the night on. Her shoulders were stiff and she stretched her arms with a yawn. In the light streaming in through the windows, Elain looked more closely at the suite. Everything was organised, the few dresses she had brought were already hanging in the closet. 
Elain began to get ready, choosing one of the warmer dresses she had and placing it on the bed as she went about her morning routine. Elain’s mind quickly went to Cora, and she hoped rather selfishly that the other woman had not been sent back to the Night Court. 
Once Elain had prepared herself for the day ahead, she couldn’t help but curiously wander around the room, checking in every drawer, under all the pillows. She even placed her hand close to the fireplace, checking to see if the flames would burn her. Elain snatched her hand away quickly, embers flying, taking note that the fire was very much real. 
Elain’s slippers were soundless as she stepped across carpet and stone, making her way to the oak doors that led to the hallway. The gold handle was cool to the touch, and as quietly as she could, Elain checked to see if it was locked. 
With surprising ease, she was able to open the heavy door. Only a fraction, just to peak outside. Elain saw no one lingering outside the suite, no guard, although she assumed at least one would be stationed nearby. 
Elain nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard approaching footsteps, the low rumble of a man speaking. As carefully as she could, Elain shut the door once more, wincing at the soft snick of the lock falling into place. 
Out of pure interest, Elain pressed her ear to the aged wood. 
Perhaps the nobles had woken, Elain knew many lived within the Forest House, that it was large enough to be a small city, and the halls would soon reflect lively and busy streets. 
Elain bit her lip in focus, waiting patiently, her fae ears straining, but she caught the familiar timber of Eris’s voice as he spoke quietly. 
While Elain could not deny that she was very curious to hear what Eris might be saying and to whom, she stepped away from the door, knowing that in a matter of moments he would knock. 
The three short taps as Eris’s knuckles hit the wood between them still startled Elain despite how she had been expecting it. 
“Elain?” Eris’s voice followed the knocks, muffled. While not unkind, there was a sternness to his question. Elain noticed how he had not called for Lucien.
Elain waited a moment, so as not to reveal that she was standing by the doors. She straightened her skirts, taking care that there was not a single wrinkle on the fabric. She took a breath, knowing that Eris would not harm her, but still feeling a slight unease in his presence.     
Elain opened the doors, her expression pleasant. Eris looked tired, she noticed, his amber eyes dim. Elain did not dwell on it though, not as her gaze flicked past the imposing prince of Autumn and went straight to Cora at his side. 
Cora’s hair was loose, falling in pretty waves to her waist. She was lovely in a modest, dark brown dress with golden leaves stitched along the sleeves, and even though it was simple, Elain still found her beautiful. 
Elain could have hugged the other woman in relief, glad that her impulsive actions had not resulted in any harm coming to Cora. Elain was sure she would not have been able to live with herself if anything had happened to her lady’s maid, regardless if they barely knew one another. 
Before Elain could utter a word, Cora’s shoulders relaxed. “I’m so glad you’re alright.” 
The feeling was mutual, Elain flashed a sincere smile her way, but she did not get the chance to respond. Not as Eris seemed to think it would be ideal to cut their conversation short. 
Eris wordlessly walked past Elain and into the room as though it were his own. She could do nothing but shoot Cora a questioning look, following Eris further into the suite and leaving Cora to close the door behind them all. 
The heir of Autumn’s observant eyes lingered on the chair by the fireplace. Elain saw as they took notice of the cosy blanket heaped on the cushions, the flattened pillow still resting against the arm. “Slept well?” He raised an auburn brow at her, knowing exactly where she had spent the night. 
“Yes, thank you,” Elain responded politely, “the room is lovely.” 
With a mocking little tilt of his head, Eris acknowledged her words. There was a stiffness to his movements, somewhat less elegant then when she had seen him last.   
“Where’s Lucien gone?” Eris asked, glancing around the space. He seemed unconcerned, no hint of what he might be thinking on his blank face. 
Elain’s lips tugged down as she frowned involuntarily. “I wouldn’t know.” She tried to shrug off the fact that she was bothered by how Lucien had not told her, or left her a note at the very least. “He was already gone by the time I’d woken up.”
Eris took a small breath, his nostrils flaring. “Well, he hasn’t been gone long.” 
Elain wanted to ask how Eris would know such a thing, but instead she said, “I thought he might have been with you.” 
Eris scoffed, “I doubt he wants to speak with me.” 
Elain watched as Cora looked at Eris, how her eyes went to him only to quickly look elsewhere.   
“Should he really be on his own?” Elain asked, trying to keep the concern from leaking into her question.  
As Eris settled his amber eyes on Elain, she felt as if he could well and truly see inside her mind. Something flashed in his assessing gaze, and he hummed softly at the emotions he must have seen reflecting in Elain’s dark eyes. “I suppose you have a point,” he offered in response. 
With the smallest of bows in her direction, Eris turned to do the same in Cora’s, embers falling from the tips of his fingers. Elain could have sworn a blush stained the other woman’s cheeks, perhaps in surprise that a High Lord’s son would offer her such respect. 
Eris did not bother using the doors, opting to winnow. 
There was a beat of silence after his departure before Cora spoke. “Isn’t he frustrating?” 
“He’s quite literally the only ally we have,” Elain smiled in amusement, “I guess we have to get used to him.” She did not admit that she rather liked Eris, or at least, she liked the man he presented to her. 
Cora scrunched her nose as she walked further into the room and went straight to the windows, pulling the heavy curtains open all the way. She watched the falling leaves, captivated, her hands resting on the sill. “At least he’s nice to look at,” she mumbled. 
Elain couldn’t help her giggle as she followed the other woman, looking at colourful trees as far as the eye could see. 
“You’re getting married, I hear,” Cora added, still staring out the window. 
Elain breathed in deeply, taking longer than necessary to exhale. “Eris told you?”
“He didn’t have to, it’s all everyone's talking about.” Cora flicked her hair over her shoulder before turning to look at Elain. “All the servants are gossiping about it, and I even overheard some nobles whispering your name.” 
Elain’s lips parted in shock. 
Cora smiled at her, her expression reassuring, enough to comfort Elain. “Don’t look so surprised, Lucien was well-loved in Autumn and your sister is Prythian’s saviour.” 
“I’ve been told gossip spreads like wildfire in this court,” Elain breathed a small and nervous laugh. “I just hadn’t been expecting it to be so literal.” 
Cora opened her mouth to respond, but she stopped short as Lucien winnowed into the suite, golden light flaring around him. 
Cora did not jump, almost like she was entirely used to handsome men appearing from thin air. Perhaps she was, Elain wondered how old the other woman could be, assuming that after a certain age very little could be considered surprising. Elain, though, was startled, taking a step back so that she nearly bumped into the wall. 
Lucien bowed to Cora in greeting, an Autumn court custom, Elain concluded. “Lady,” he said softly, before he turned to Elain. His gaze lingered, and Elain fought the urge to swoon as he said the same to her. 
Elain bit the inside of her cheek in frustration at how she responded to his every word. Cora seemed completely charmed, and jealousy, brief and annoying, flashed within Elain. 
With a stammer Cora excused herself, almost stumbling over her own skirts as she practically ran to the door. With one last parting look in Elain’s direction, a final check to see if she was alright, Cora closed the door to the suite behind her. 
“Hello, Elain,” he said rather formally, his hands behind his back, shoulders straight. His golden eye clicked into place, the russet one bright, the colour rich and lovely. 
Elain kept her fingers laced and her arms in front of her. “Good morning, Lucien.” 
At her words, Elain watched as he stiffened, a puppet with his strings pulled taut. Lucien cleared his throat, “Eris said you were looking for me.” 
“I wasn’t,” Elain interjected, her words clipped. She saw hurt flash across his expression, but if she had blinked she would have missed it. “I mean, I was just… I suppose I was worried, that’s all.” Elain decided to offer him some honesty, to confess her thoughts to him so that he might understand her a little better. 
Lucien nodded, his face clear of all emotions, but the bond between them suggested he was just a bit saddened, perhaps regretful. “Then I apologise, that wasn’t my intention.” 
Elain clenched her jaw as she considered apologising for being so short with Lucien the night before, but she knew well that she would not have meant it and dismissed the idea quickly. 
The silence between them was awkward, but Elain allowed herself to take her mate in, her brown eyes raking over him. Some part of her was pleased as she heard his heart skip a beat, but she knew it was just the bond. 
Elain frowned, she ran her fingers through her hair. “What do we do now?” Her question was sincere and she wondered if Lucien could feel how anxious she was now that the dust seemed to have settled. 
“I mean,” Lucien started, Elain tracked the way he licked his lips, “we do have a wedding to plan.” Her eyes widened at the suggestion until she realised it was a joke. “Or, if it pleased you,” he quickly added, “we could go to the library?” 
Elain could acknowledge that Lucien was trying, and she appreciated how he attempted to make her feel at ease. Still, Elain prayed he did not get his hopes up, that he understood where her mind was in regards to their bond.  
Elain flashed him a small, genuine smile in response. She tucked a stray curl behind her arched ear, and for the first time in years, she did not notice its faerie shape. “I wouldn’t mind going to the library.” 
She took a few careful steps towards Lucien, towards the oak doors leading outside their shared suite. Elain almost reared back as his scent enveloped her, at the feeling of wanting to press her face against his neck and breathe in deeply. She pushed the thought aside, hoping he was unaware. 
Lucien did not offer her his arm, and Elain was grateful, but a small voice inside her head urged her to reach for her mate all the same.
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Evermore: Prologue
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A/N: Hi everyone! So this is a first for me. I've written pretty much all genres. But never a like this. It's been a hot minute since I've written anything! So I hope you all enjoy this one!
Summary: Y/N is a mother of a Five-month-old, a preschool teacher, and an army wife to Captain Ari Levinson. Married when they were young, friends since childhood.
Since childhood, Andy Barber, Ari's best friend, shows up at the Levinson home.
Captain Ari Levinson x Reader
Lieutenant General Andy Barber x Reader x Reader
Before I shut up, I would like to thank my dear friend @hollybee8917
for making this beautiful moodboard and editing! love you!
It’s a snowy Saturday, and you are home in your cozy county home on the outskirts of Concord, Massachusetts. Your five-month-old daughter, Chloe, napped in her bassinet in the living room. You had lunch cooking on the stove, a ravioli Soup for this cold, snowy day.
While you stirred the soup, your phone rang, and you knew who it was. Every day, around this time, he would call. You quickly picked up your phone from the counter. A smile formed but this time, it was a video call. You accepted the invite and his beautiful, scruffy face appeared. 
Hi beautiful.
You felt yourself blushing with excitement. For being with a man for over a decade, he still gives you butterflies. You looked at his background and noticed he was in a warehouse.
What are you doing in a warehouse, Ari?
Ari sighed.
I’m about to head out. We need to clear an area and free some hostages.
You knew that was a high-stakes mission. Before you could answer, Chloe woke up. You then turned off the stove.
Honey, want to see your daughter?
He smiled as you took the phone and walked over to her bassinet in the living room. You angled the phone so Ari could better view his wife and daughter. You picked her up and smiled, kissing her chubby cheek.
Oh my god, look at her. She’s getting so big! Hi Chloe, it’s Daddy.
Chloe then turned her head towards the phone and attempted to grab it. But you knew better and stopped her from doing so.
Look, Chloe, it’s daddy!
Both of you were in awe when Chloe showed her gummy smile and famous giggle.
Honey, I have to go. I know it’s a short call, but I promise to call you back.
You never liked having him to go. But it is what it is. Ari can see the disappointment in his wife.
I know, angel, but I promise, okay?
Ari knew you too well.
Okay. I love you, Ari Levinson.
And I love you too, Mrs. Levinson.
And with that, the video ended.
It’s been a long day for Andy Barber. He had case files on his desk and just finished a month-long trial, in which he had won successfully. His colleagues had urged him to come to have a celebratory drink as a tradition for any case they won. But just for today, he politely declined and headed to his office, so here he is. Before he turned on his laptop, Andy noticed a picture frame, and he picked it up. A smile formed, and a small memory came flowing through his mind.
The photo had Ari, his wife, and him both in their uniforms. That was the day that his best friend was married.
“It's been a long time, my friend,” Andy said, placing the frame back on his desk. He made a mental note to call Ari when he returned from his tour.
A knock was heard before his hand could even turn on his laptop.
The door opened, and his secretary came in.
“Sir, you have a phone call on line 3. They didn’t give me a name, but it’s urgent.” She said and left his office. Frowning, Andy picked up his phone and pressed line 4.
Lieutenant Barber, how can I help you?
Lieutenant Barber, this is Major Sam Navon.
Hello, sir; how can I help you?
The drive into the countryside of Concord was beautiful. Even with the snow, it reminded Andy of being in a snow globe. It’s been a good five months since he’s been in this town, even if he lived 20 minutes away. But he was quickly reminded as to why he was here. His heart couldn’t take it, but it would be better if it came from him.
Entering that familiar long driveway, Andy entered the Levinson home. He parked his car and sat there momentarily, trying to collect his thoughts. After taking a few breaths, he opened the door to his cat and got out. Walking towards the home's front porch, he approached the front door. With another breath, he pressed the doorbell and stepped back.
The door opened, and he came face to face with Y/N.
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choicesmc · 22 days
What’s this, you ask? Well, @aria-ashryver is doing this wonderful little series called Welcome to the Jungle! [here’s the latest episode], I thought it’d be a cool idea to make moodboards of all the MCs featured in the series. I also made this decision after episode two when there was only six MCs. Episode 3 added a couple more MCs whose moodboards regrettably will not be on this post. …Instead, they’ll be in the next post [DROP TWO] (<- I’ll link it here when it goes up.) 
You cannot imagine the amount of fun I’ve had learning about all of y’all’s MCs and trying to create moodboards that are 1) cool and 2) reflect them and your vision of them. I hope I’ve done all these wonderful MCs literally any justice so without further ado onto the moodboards! 
(It's under the read more)
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tagging: @lover-also-fighter-also Can I just say? More Anitha content? Please? Especially about her childhood? Absolutely fell in love with the fact that she sings and plays soccer and used to ride motorcycles with her dad.
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tagging: @/aria-ashryver (<- i wasn't sure whether or not tagging the same person multiple times in a post would show up multiple times in your notifs and didn't want to risk it)
Dorian is lovely. It's kind of embarrassing how many times I've poured over literally any mention of Dorian on your blog. I took the wants to be a hero and fucking ran with it. anyway please enjoy the fruit of my obsession.
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tagging: @cadybear420 Admittedly, you were expecting this. I wanted everything to be a surprise but I also wanted to make sure I especially got Evie right. I hope this one is miles better than the prototype I sent you like forever and more ago! (Can you tell l adore Evie's style? Can you?)
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tagging: @/aria-ashryver + @lilyoffandoms (that's their amazing work smack dab in the middle of the board!!)
Love Luca, don't think I can say much more than that about it 😭 (Wanna know the inspiration for the main background? -> Luca always having a cracked screen. the minute I saw that the rest of the board fell into place xD)
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tagging: @rosesnink
My stars. Prior to this project, I'd briefly come across Marianna in tidbits and snippets. I regret not knowing this brilliant woman sooner. I fell in love with her and your writing! It reminds me of soft kisses and secret trysts. Thank you so much!!
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tagging: me + myself + i
look. I couldn't not include Rin??? I'd be a monster to do that!
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So, really hope y'all like your moodboards! Like I said, I have another big post planned (though it'll take a hot minute before it drops xD) It was so so hard keeping myself quiet. You do not want to know how many times I almost leaked this 😭 or the urge to post each on individually!! But I am so glad I resisted! It's so much more fun in a big post like this :D
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treatbuckywkisses · 9 months
Blood Sweat and Tears
Boxer!Bucky × Reader
Summary: In which Bucky has a questionable hobby
Warnings: 18+ (it's my blog so fuck off that's why) Cursing
Word Count: 984 (i can only write so much you guys)
A/N: okayyy this has been sitting with me for the absolute longest time ever! it's currently after 1am here, and ive been completely mia for way too long, sooo I'm deciding to post this right now😭 there is no way in hell I could be doing any of this without any of my sweet friends on here but I want to especially shout out @sweetdreamsbuck and @writing-for-marvel for inspiring me and encouraging me through this🥹 i love you guys so much and I can never thank you enough for all you've done for me since i joined this place<3 (yall already know the moodboard was made by me)
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God you hate time. You hate looking at the clock, what feels like every five minutes, only to find it's been maybe two at the most. Especially on days like today; the days Bucky fought.
Your stomach aches thinking about him being in the ring later.
He is such an incredible boxer, one of the best in the city actually. But that knowledge did very little to ease your nerves about his hobby.
You've seen what he can do, and you love watching him practice. The way every muscle in his body flexes when he throws a hit, sweat running down every inch and crevice, flying off him like rain drops. The sounds he makes when he lifts weights and the pants he lets out when he hits a punching bag—everything about it - about him is mesmerizing.
You loved it just as much as you hated it. You knew Bucky could handle himself, especially in the ring, but you worried anyway. You always worry. Anything could happen up there and you couldn't stand the thought of him being seriously injured. Your over-thinking got the better of you and nothing could make you feel better. Nothing except seeing him yourself after the fight.
Most fight days, you're torn–constant anxiety looming over you. You think only the worst first, every little (and not so little) way he could be hurt. The bad outcomes are endless if you really let yourself think about them. Bucky never lets you get too far down that rabbit hole though, always reminding you he loves what he does and that helps him to be the best.
Interrupting your thoughts, Bucky starts coming down a hallway–which you know leads to the locker room. Where he's been hiding and getting himself ready for tonight; doing some warm-ups and wrapping his knuckles, and whatever else his pre-fight routine entails.
When he steps in the light of the gym people immediately start to cheer for him and he breaks out in a grin, his nose scrunching up in the most adorable way, raising his gloved fist in the air.
He really does love this. And you'd never underestimate how much he does again. You only had the one time, you were just upset really, but after a broken nose, mild concussion and many scrapes and bruises, you'd say you were allowed to be. Even after all that you'll never forget what he had told you when you asked him why he chooses to do this to himself.
"Well.. I like it. I like the way it makes me feel, you know? It's freeing in a sense, like how some people meditate? When I'm up there, it's like nothing out of that ring matters just for a moment, and I don't have anything to worry or think about. It's just me, and it feels good. It's exhilarating. It's like this good insane feeling I can't really describe, but I love it. I can't imagine not doing it." He spoke with so much emotion that you almost forgot about his many injuries that night.
You can't help but smile at the sight of him, no matter how many times you see his introduction. He's wearing his robe, a livid blue-gray color with 'Barnes' in black across his upper back. It's a shiny material–not a glittery one, and he's got his hood up on his head.
He hoists himself up on the platform and splits some of the ropes to duck between and step over, and finally he's on the canvas mat.
His hood is off now and you can tell he's scanning the room for you. A smile of endearment is on your face and it only grows bigger when he finds you and shoots you a wink.
Buckys opponent for todays match enters as he did previously. Once they're introduced to the gym, they bump gloved fists for a show of good sportsmanship before they start.
When Bucky's up on the platform he’s the only thing in the world that matters. Your eyes never leave him for a moment. He's enchanting.
Once the fight begins though, a slight grimace stays on your face. Your brows are furrowed and your lips are parted the smallest bit, hands grasping and fidgeting with his dog tags that dangle from around your neck. You wear them for Bucky on fight days, "safe keeping," he said once.
When he fights, you don't watch quite the same way as when he's practicing. Your focus is on holding your breath every time a hit is thrown his way. It's a sigh of relief when he dodges or blocks but a distressed sigh when he takes the hit with all the force it's been given to him.
Bucky is damn good at what he does but you can't help but fret. You're not always sitting but you're at the edge of your seat for the whole match watching Bucky and whoever he's fighting dance around the ring. You can never tell how long the matches last, supposedly it's different each fight with each opponent, but to you they were all the same.
You felt like time wasn't moving and like it was speeding around you at the same time. This could be torture if Bucky didn't look so good. Truthfully though, sometimes you didn't even pay attention. You only found yourself thinking about what nasty cuts you'd be cleaning up and how many bruises he would have later, staining his skin for weeks at a time.
You shiver at your own thoughts and blink your focus back on Bucky in time to see him land a punch on his opponent. A soft smile makes its way onto your face as you admire the pure and genuine excitement on Bucky’s beautiful face when he's announced the winner of the match. And come on, how could you argue with that?
He makes the worry worth it.
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y-vna · 6 months
hi lovelies! Final results for #shortcake : the event is in!
I had soooo much fun making this event im so glad you guys liked it! I loved all the mood boards a lot, please don't be discouraged if you didnt get picked. I'll probably host another event at 300 (and we're already at 240!) but more creative, so you always have more chances :33
if you don't dm me to claim your prizes, I'm not responsible for remembering to give you your rewards. (Scroll to the end for prizes)
anyway the winners areeee:
( i tagged all the mbs and then like only two of the links saved and im lazy to do it all again cuz its a lot..aorwy TvT)
1st place
🍒 : @p-oisn 's ADORABLE Cherry Jam and Rei moodboard!! OKAY, LISTEN TO ME GUYS BEFORE YOU THINK: "But Ari, this is clearly rigged! You cant pick your pookies first just cuz u wanna!" I swear this is all fair play, JUST. LOOK. AT. THE. MOODBOARD. LIKE OMGG ARE YOU FRRR?? ITS SO FRIGIN GOOD!!!!!!! icons match great, everything looks cohesive, and for a strawberry shortcake event, the dark theme stood out in a good way! Still matched the theme, met my expectations and exceeded it even, and overall deserves the win <33
🍑 : @dollries 's little appricot and chaewon mb! I'm so fr, the color and vibe are everything squeeeaaaal! Matches perfectly, the hues are literally in sync, I love this one a lot :3
🍨 : @wcnbear 's cute suzette crepe and yena moodboard! I immediately fell in love! Maybe I'm just a sucker for pink, but the cute sweet vibe i got and the icons fitting together like puzzle pieces making a pretty picture. I heart this mb fr.
🍎 : @bellelovesyou 's super cute apple dumpling and rei moodboard! Fits adorable together, really honored the theme and made everything work. I admire how the icons were all made to look more pleasant overall!
🫐 : @c-hance 's Blueberry muffin and sakura moodboard! The gif is saur cutieee!! The concept is adorbs. the color of the blue was pretty and consistent, and I loved it :)
❄️ : @jenfaery 's frosty puff and chaewon moodboard! The icons were so 5 the striking blue to match frosty puff's color scheme, combined with the elegant white reminded me of the cold weather outside now and I could feel the season winter in this moodboard :>
3rd place
🍇 : @19kisoir 's giselle and sour grapes moodboard! The purple is stunning, the Taylor swift lyrics made me dizzy on the groundsd!!! Yeah, super cute!
🌱 : @lovveons 's coco calypso and chuu moodboard! The messy aesthetic was done nicely, some subtle green, smart use of colors! There's nothing else to say besides that, it's pretty!!
🌸 : @sakkurify 's hayoung and cherry cutter moodboard! I can clearly see the effort put into this! Cute, not overcrowded or empty. Pleasant to look at, and fits the theme well!
1st place:
70 reblogs, follow back, 2 moodboards from me, 2 gifs, or/and headers from me if you choose.
2nd place:
50 reblogs, follow back, 1 mb, a gif, and/or header from me if you choose
3rd place:
30 reblogs, follow back, 1 mb, one gif OR one header if you choose
Honorable mentions:
Fllw back, disclose blog, 20 reblogs
5 reblogs
I'll make better prizes next event, and hopefully I can finish all the reblogs and stuff in about a week or so. Tysm all for joining ilyasm <33
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sincerelyyoursg · 1 year
gabi's 200 darlings! (summer's version)
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202 of my beautiful people here. You have no idea. This blog started as my little digital diary, where I could talk about my thoughts and interests. Then writing started, and I met so so many beautiful people here. I love you all so much! Let's enjoy summer 🌺
this celebration is now closed! from june 20 to july 7!
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before we start the season...
This event is open to everyone!! Moots, followers, strangers, lovers, friends, anons... You're all welcome!
Only one event per ask please! But the number of asks you can send in is how many you want :)
Some events are for moots only, so please respect that!
Lastly, before we begin, go drink some water, eat and take your medicine if you have to. I love you <3
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music's playing - give me literally anything you can think of, and i'll give you three songs for that! based on whatever you want; books, artists, poems, characters, tropes, songs...
golden days - you can tell me whatever you want to tell me! share some memories with me, and i'll share some with you. for this event, you can tell me to post it privately if you don't want others to see it <3
souls of sunshine (moots only!) - send me some things that remind you of me and I'll do the same for you!
ice coffee - send me your character and any scenario/au you can think of and I'll make a little moodboard :)
summer lovin' (moots only!) - send me anything you want, pic, song, quote... in return, you'll get three items from my wishlist which i think would fit you!
the golden hour - send me a character and scenario/au and I'll write a little drabble for you!
endless blues - games! cym, fmk, would you rather...
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fandoms: harry potter (both eras), grishaverse, 911, friends, dr. house, his dark materials, formula one, the hunger games, top gun/top gun maverick, nhl, little women, pride and prejudice, lord of the rings... look you just send me whatever you want; if I know the fandom I'll do it!
back to nav.
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Thank you so much to my mutuals. I seriously love you all so so much. You have no idea. You're why this blog is so comforting. I probably forgot to tag some of you; I'm so sorry just let me know! I love you all my darlings <3
@kaleb-is-definitely-sane @margolovescoffeeandbooks @malteevars-kee-devi @urdeadpoet @garfieldsladybird @glassdandelion @leaskisses444 @stargirlsirius @sunrisegracie @h-l-vlovesvintage @magic-is-beauty @princess-paramour @siriusownsmyheart @thebestieyoureinlovewith @songofpatrochilless @songs4themoon @ilylipgloss @mirrorballsss @tisthedamnseasns @ttsumii @spaceagebachelormann @sageskisses444 @lovesickpdf @findyouinanylife @until-i-found-you @daydreamer109 @spideychai @magicmadnes @oldsuperstition @quickslvxr @waitingforthesunrise @damnn-dorothea @zvdvdlvr @writingwitch007 @yourstrulywini @ifthiswasamovie1989 @prongsio @alexis-angelsss @lilly-is-semi-sane @morally-gayy @janesociety @jordie-your-local-halfling @camishockeyblog @diorgirl444
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday - Friday, April 4 - 5 - PART TWO
(Buffy gives final instructions.) SPIKE: Well, not exactly the St. Crispin's Day speech, was it? GILES: We few... (Giles goes past Spike as Spike gathers up the bag of weapons.) GILES: ...we happy few. SPIKE: We band of buggered.
~~The Gift~~
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: “Out. For. A. Walk….Bitch” by nerdromthenet (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: [The World tarot card] by isevery0nehereverystoned (Buffy, worksafe)
Moodboard: moodboard: autistic agender tara maclay by purgeshubble (worksafe)
Moodboard: Kendra Young- Buffy the vampire slayer by awinterroseesstuff (Kendra, worksafe)
Gifset: tara & willow as the tarot by daisyssousa (Tara/Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: make me choose - osiriaroses asked fred/gunn or wes/lilah by sulietsexual (Gunn/Fred, worksafe)
Gifset: [Buffy Summers, Class Protector] by andremichaux (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6.09 | 7.07 by slayerbuffy (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Valentines: Apparently ten years ago I made Buffy valentines. by aprilthebiqueen (Buffy, Angel, worksafe)
Manip: Spuffy manips I made! Please credit if you use them. by allchoseny (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Manip: I call this manip I did “Broken William.” by allchoseny (Spike, worksafe)
Fanvid: CALLING ALL JAMES MARSTERS FANS TO THE RING by captain-ghost (Spike, fanvid)
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Artwork: Willow vs Ulquiorra Page 2 by MattanzaMFedora on DeviantArt (Willow, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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S01E08 I Robot, You Jane by she-saved-the-world-a-lot
S01E07 Angel by she-saved-the-world-a-lot
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Re-watch of show. Season 3 (spoilers below) by bookishowlet
BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 5/2, Part One [Buffy vs Dracula to Family] by QualifiedApathetic
about season 4? by ngbp
I just finished watching Season 4 and wanted to say what I thought about it by UNimAginAtiveuseRn
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PODCAST: Don't Trust the Goat - Gravity Falls S01E01 - Tourist Trapped by Pop Culture Role Call
PODCAST: Episode 22 - Don't Warn the Tadpoles! (What's my Line Part 1) by The Sunnydale Diaries - A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
PODCAST: Season 1 Wrap Up! by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Video: Making Riley Finn Interesting (by Pensive Whiskers) recced by riley-summers
[Community Announcements]
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REMINDER: It really bugs me when people post stuff about how they don't like a ship or character [but don't tag it anti] by riley-summers
Y'all, come join the Fanged Four ‘Runs In The Blood’ Discord Server. by somekindofadeviant
POLL: Preliminary [round tie] by btvsepisodetournament
[Fandom Discussions]
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Why did Willow Rosenberg’s boyfriend just growl at me. by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
Look I totally thought that Scott Hope was just being a bitter ex... by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
dude I swear I keep seeing buffy summers hanging out with some guy in the graveyard by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
[Faith texts Buffy] by scooby-group-texts
Screw it, let's do this... Riley ship opinions, pt. 1, M/F edition by riley-summers
it's so crucial to take the show's tone into account... [giles x anya] by once-more-with-tabula-rasa
i love that buffy and riley's breakup feels like an argument... by joodeegemstone
Ask answered: what was your first fandom? [praise for BTVS fandom] by hils79
Me, when all you asked was what time it was, for the fifth time that day: no you don’t get it— they’re the chosen two. [Buffy x Faith] by fictiongods
As an alcoholic in recovery this scene speaks to me. [Spike] by desicat-writer
Do we see anybody that we knew as a human turned into a vampire after The Harsh Light of Day? [Harmony] by coraniaid
i think people fem spike up cuz of his body type- but based on character... [Angelus] by captain-peroxid3
Imagine, if you will, that you hate someone so much that you want to violently kill them [Spike] by breezybeej
I think Harmony knows that she is a vampire but I don't think she knows what a vampire is. by breezybeej
there are obviously a lot of intended parallels in season 2 between buffy and drusilla by bloomfish
charles gunn, my most beautiful sunshine man, described like this... by bloomfish
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... the most relatable character on Buffy? updated by various
What If: Xander Went To College? updated by various
Buffy, Giles and Spike updated by various
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Would Faith have threatened to kill Dawn? by Itchy_Initiative6180
Why couldn't Anya "officially, magically" hurt Xander after getting her powers back? by smileliketheradio
Spike/Buffy in season seven: a huge cop out from the writers by SafiraAshai
What to watch after Buffy & Angel? by alwaysleepingg
the Scoobs have always been against Buffy having a proper romance... by zarif_chow
What was the controversy regarding Buffy’s comments to the first slayer? by Scopeburger
Favorite villian/s on the show by kittycat6434
Cordelia the Bad Decision Slayer [and what Cordelia would do if she never left Sunnydale] by Comfortable-Sun6571
I've just started a Buffy rematch... there were signs of Evil Willow as early on as Episode 2's The Harvest by Hotch91
Who do you think should have been endgame loves? by artmalique
What are your favorite Buffyverse moments where a character got exactly what they deserved? by PristineSituation498
Why is Wesley treated so badly by Buffy and the others? by JellyfishDry9464
Amy Acker from Fred to Illyria is thee best acting ever! by symynuk
Other Buffy media to explore? [recs of comics, books, podcasts, etc] by GamallSoro
About Buffy and Anya [in S7] by Dappich
Surprise and Innocence by penny1985
Guilty pleasures? [characters, ships, episodes, or scenes that are considered bad] by Dull_Bumblebee4623
What if Tara had been a demon? by Moonycoves
Watching Angel solo or co-watching with Buffy? by kai1793
I love Harmony in all her unicorn-loving bimbo glory. by Dull_Bumblebee4623
Cordy/Jasmine by Typical-Owl9521
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters Upcoming Events List by dontkillspike
James Marsters to Attend Mad Monster Expo in Concord, NC 23-25 Aug by dontkillspike
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
Join the editor team :)
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ongreenergrasses · 2 months
Self Rec Saturday
Rules: rec one of your newest works, one you’re super proud of, and one of your older works
tagged by @blooming-violets thank you 💖 your post was so beautiful with the moodboards and mine is a little less beautiful…maybe i need to start making moodboards for my fic lol
1. A New Work - The Logic of Color
The Hunger Games, Annie x Johanna, 15.5k, M
Johanna and Annie, after everything ends, and how they fall into each other.
this is not, in fact, my newest work BUT it was the first new thing i posted in 2024 after basically taking a year off and is also my best new work so that’s why it features. i wanted a break from the behemoth and i wrote this over like two days. i feel kind of like i’m beating a dead horse when i tell you i have once again written something about grief but like. this is just about grief and also how to move on and become a person again
2. Most proud of - Amaryllis
The Old Guard, Joe x Nicky, 8.2k, M
Yusuf has never met anyone quite like Nicolò. Perhaps that’s why he falls in love. But not everything is as it seems.
i am so proud of this one. i really am. it’s one of the best things i’ve ever written with an unreliable narrator and what i feel is a nuanced and realistic portrayal of domestic abuse. i know why people don’t want to read it but there’s a reason I put it on this reclist. if you like my writing and haven’t read it i do believe you are missing out.
3. An Old Work - i do love you so.
The Old Guard, Andromaquynh, 5.9k, T
The day that Quỳnh comes back isn’t anything like Nile expected. It's better.
this one is just really, really toothrottingly sweet. i was like you know what would be fun. having someone romance Andy bc she fuckin deserves it and Quỳnh is back so let’s have at it. it was so much fun to write and it reminds me of the beautiful moments and community tog fandom created especially in the very early days
tagging @aphroditestummyrolls @goldheartedsky @godihatethisfreakingcat @youssefguedira and anyone else who would like to! happy Saturday!
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nrdmssgs · 7 months
Any advice in making a character
Oh, I`ve got so many, I actually had to restrain myself))
Be self-indulgent! This is the most important thing to do. If any of my further tips conflicts for you personally with this one - this must always win! The main purpose of your character is for you to have fun, to get a voice, to be able to talk about whatever is important to you! Pay no attention whatsoever to people accusing you of making Mary Sue or Bella Swan. It is ok to learn, make mistakes, make characters, that will make you cringe in a few years.
Make as much moodboards as you need! 5 pinterest boards for 1 character is ok, even great! Don't hesitate to make a full moodboard for their home, even if you are planning like 1 short scene in the house.
Moodboards are good not only for pictures! Feel free to add quotes, that remind you of your OC, make playlists for them, go to your favorite clothing online catalog and pick, what would they buy from it! I for example have a thing for scents and I make perfume moodboards for characters (just helps me to feel them better). I use Miro for multimedia moodboards, highly recommend it.
Try starting your character as an 'archetype'. What I like to do is to go to this page and take a test from a perspective of my character The results often help me understand, how would my character react to different people and manage different situations. There are different personality tests, you can use. I believe, this one is the most well known, but I find my first option more helping in writing.
Character 'growth' is not obliged to be something positive. Your character can always become a worse person and it is still a growth.
'Play' with your character constantly! Even if you made them for one short text - ask yourself questions about them every now and them! Would they pick the same type of cheese as you? What was their favorite music genre, when they were 10? And now? What was the most awkward date, they ever had? Dont be shy, use writing promts to come up with little stories about them. This all will give you an indepth understanding of your character.
One of my favorite games to play with my characters is '3 interviews'. I imagine my character taking part in: 1. a talk with a psychologist 2. a cross-examination in court 3. an interview with a journalist. These are 3 situations, that motivate the same person speak on very different topics and relive different emotions. So I like to just examine their behavior. You will be surprised, how many ideas this little game adds to your character.
Don't be shy to ask others to tell you about your character. Request little stories or headcannons about them. The goal here is not to have the same perspective on your OC as your friends do. The goal is to understand, how others see them and which detail (and why) work good or bad for you. There are some authors out there, that take requests and commissions for others OCs.
It is ok to make your characters look like an average person and it is absolutely ok to make them look incredibly beautiful. Don't force yourself to change anything in your OC just because their partner is very good-looking, or because some said to you, that such a beautiful person has no place in this fandom.
Give your OC friends, hobbies, interests outside their job and love-life. Please. You will be surprised, how useful it is to keep this emotional hideout for your character.
Killing your OCs parents is not the only way to make them move out of their parents house. (don't worry, I myself have 2 OCs, whose parents are dead).
Making your OC kill someone is not the end of your OC. Your readers wont start hating them.
The more power your character has - the less freedom they get. Life of a queen is planned to the minute, life of a peasant - endless pool of possibilities))
Watch video essays where therapists talk about different characters in popular culture! There are so many ideas, you can get there for your character. My favorite channel is cinema therapy they have so many wholesome, funny, serious vid on this topic!
By the way, never be afraid to borrow some ideas.
Wanna see a trick? Ok, I'll describe briefly a character to you and you will try to guess, who am I talking about. So our guy, a middle-aged man, lives in a depressing gray world, full of violence and indifference. He loses his job and escapes his constant suffering in fantasies, where he is famous, has his own show on TV, the audience loves him and even his favorite late night show host applauds him. But these are only his fantasies, when in reality nobody care about him except for his senior mom, who genuinely loves her son. Youre thinking something like "Arthur Fleck" or "Joker"? Well, I've just described you Rupert Pupkin, the main character of 1982 American comedy "The king of Comedy", which had a great impact on 2019 film Joker.
My message here: it is not bad to revisit your favorite stories and characters and let them form your OC.
Abandoning one OC and moving on to the next is not a betrayal. Having multiple OCs for one fandom is not an inability to concentrate. Your brain produces many ideas - it is ok to give yourself creative space.
Self insert can be fun and interesting. Just don't forget, that you are not obliged to insert yourself in one and only character - you can always give your thoughts and traits to multiple characters in the story!
Your character needs flaws, not because it is a shame to write somebody perfect. They need flaws, because that will actually help them navigate through their lives.
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whollyjoly · 1 month
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
alright alright i think im just going to do my "on repeat" playlist because that feels like the right vibe!!
Don't Know What's Come Over You - The Ruen Brothers
look...i love the ruen brothers. i love them SO MUCH. have i used songs from them for moodboards in both the bob and the 911 fandoms?? yes yes i have. i will shout about them from the rooftops because i just love their music!!! SO MUCH!!!
also i got to see them in concert a few weeks back and they are just!! so talented AND so nice!!! ahhhhhh okay anyways
2. Dream Girl Evil - Florence + The Machine
i have been on SUCH a florence + the machine kick recently!! you can blame @xxluckystrike for reminding me just how much i love them a few months back 😅 and ive been OBSESSED ever since so thank you blu!!!
also idk what it is but with canon bi!buck, i just feel like he would fucking love f+atm okay?? so i am living not just vicariously through him but FOR him
3. The Storm in You - The Ruen Brothers
LOOK i said i was obsessed and so it is not surprising in the least that they're on my "on repeat" playlist multiple times 😅😅 this song IN PARTICULAR though is a personal fav!! there's something about it that just makes me want to dance?? like swing or blues dance, something slow on a summer evening with the sun bathing everything in a dark pink and golden glow...
(they also played a slow version of this at the concert i went to that made my heart MELT so im especially obsessed)
4. A.M. Radio - The Lumineers
look i've been a lumineers girlie for a long time, and this album is just SUCH easy listening for me!! if ever im feeling overwhelmed or anxious, this is one of my go-to albums to put on and just turn off my brain!!
is it basic hipster of me?? maybe. do i care?? HELL no!!
5. The Exception - Dustbowl Revival feat. The Secret Sisters
okay okay so this is funny because like?? i have NO idea where i found this song?? maybe it was on one of the daylists or something, but all i know is that i found it and theres something about it that scratches SUCH a good itch in my brain?? it's also sooooo cute, not just the song and the lyrics but the album art too!! look at that!! the lil astronauts and a flower!!
but like, tell me this doesnt just make your heart so happy:
and i could go forevermore / maybe we open a general store in some small town / where no one could find us
no matter what i say or what I do / i can't live without you 'cause you're the exception to the rule
its literally the most kicking my feet twirling my hair giggling song i can think of rn, i love it just SO much!!
ANYWAYS thank you so much for sending this to my pretz my dear!! i hope you are doing WONDERFULLY and i just adore you SO MUCH!! 🥰💖✨
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Princess and the Pirate
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‘‘You sure you want to run away with me Sweetheart?’‘
‘‘Yes, i do luv.’‘ ‘‘I Wanna Be with you and see such Beautiful sights Along the way.’‘
‘‘What about your family, Won’t they miss you?’‘
‘‘sighs’‘ ‘’They will for a while i hope, But Father understands.’‘ ‘‘He knows how much you love me and has faith that you will take care of me if i was ever in trouble.’‘
‘‘He does?’‘
‘‘Yes, Ace.’‘ ‘‘giggles’‘ ‘‘I Told you he liked you.’‘
‘’Laughs’‘ ‘‘Well i couldn’t tell.’‘
Both laugh
‘‘What about your riches and the things you have, are you going to miss it?’‘
‘‘No, Who needs riches anyway, it’s just a bother.’‘ ‘‘About the things i have, i don’t need them anymore, i’m starting a new life with you and i don’t need any reminders of what i use to be.’‘
‘‘Can i still call you princess?’‘
‘‘Hmm ‘‘smirks’‘ i’ll think about it acey~.
They talk more and more as few hours go by as the moon shines on em, they walk down towards the beach where the ship is located. The Ship where everything all started, the Ship where the Princess would leave The riches, family and things behind in favor of a new and adventurous life with the pirate.
As they are walking towards there destination, the princess stop and stood quietly for a minute till ace spoke up.
‘‘Poodle, What’s wrong?’‘
‘‘I was just thinking.’‘
‘‘Thinking about what?’‘
‘‘Thinking about what should i do with my crown.’‘
The princess takes it off, She forgotten about it earlier when she left her room for the final time when she was sneaking out.
‘‘What do you think i should do with it?’‘
Ace examines the crown for a while, different thoughts goin thru his head. some good, some bad. After, debating with himself for a while he settles on the right answer.
‘‘You Should Break it.’‘
‘‘Break it?’‘
‘‘Hmm, How About a better idea.’‘ ‘‘Do You Have anything to Start a fire?’‘
‘‘Smirks’‘ ‘‘Yes, Why~?’‘
‘‘You’ll See, dear.’‘ ‘‘You’ll See~’‘
20 Minutes pass by as ace gets the supplies and the fire started. The Fire was Illuminated by the Moon, Making it Seem peaceful but very all by little symbolic even. Ace stood behind the princess as she took off the Crown and watches her as the flames grow more each second.
The princess took deep breath and composed her mind, tightening her hold on the crown for a while till she breathe out and Throw the crown into the fire. Causing the fire to turn Color as the crown melts thus breaking the connection. The Connection to Royalty, Family and everything she’s going to leave behind.
as the flames danced around while the crown burns, Ace walks beside her and holds her hand. The princess grips his hand a little, She’s captivated and hypnotize by the scene in front of her. They watched the crown burn and melt in the fire.
‘‘Isn’t it Beautiful, Luv?’‘
‘‘Yes, Beautiful Just like you.’’
‘‘C’mere, Poodle...’‘
They embraced each other and kissed as the fire grows and even glow as well, They never saw somethin so Hypnotic but Astonishing in there lives before. As they kiss and caress each other, it’s time to go.
‘‘You ready Poodle?’‘
‘‘Always, Ace.’‘
What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
@frehleyfreak​ Requested for a ace frehley moodboard and picked the option for me to suprise em, I had fun ;3
One of My favs so far,
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