#make my page a drama free zone please
fizziepopangel · 4 months
(Warning for suicide and online harassment) There is a Google document about a now deceased Radiodust shipper was that harassed over not liking Huskerdust in a discord, and the shipper committed suicide last December. A person with the username rainbowpiss34 has posted the document here on Tumblr. I thought you should know about this since you like Huskerdust.
Ok, so this was definitely something I hadn't heard of before. I know that ship wars are a thing within fandoms like this, and I know that it's not gonna be much different here in our little fandom, but I have been lucky enough to have never been in the midst of anything like this. I think civil wars like this are honestly really upsetting because fandoms like this are meant to be safe havens and happy places for most, and things like ship wars can turn it into something really ugly and honestly give the entire fandom and show a bad name. Like we're all in one fandom and we're fighting each other over which character belongs with who and bullying each other to tears over it.... It makes us all look insane and that reflects poorly on our fandom. When we start turning on each other and making our own fandom an unsafe and unwelcoming place to be like this, I think it is well past time that we take stock of ourselves and how we let our investment in what we love run us. While I myself am an avid Huskerdusk shipper, I actually like a few different ships within the Hazbin/Helluva universe, even ones that aren't canon, and I have no problem writing for most of them because that's the fun of what I do within this fandom. Everything on my page is meant to be fun; my page as a whole is supposed to be a safe, fun, and drama free space where we can all enjoy Vivzie's amazing creative hellaverse together the way she intended her shows to be enjoyed.
I hope my page continues to be a safe and fun place for us to do this, but I would also like make sure everyone knows that my dm's and asks are always open to talk about things like this, chat, or bring attention to any issues my posts may have caused so that they can be addressed before anything gets too out of hand the way the ship war mentioned in this ask did.
Stay safe, and everyone have a hellish day❤️
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discord-lurking · 6 months
Dungeons and Daddies Wiki Drama: A Greek Tragedy Told through the Medium of Forum Posts (Part 3)
Act 3: Death of a Mod Team
A sockpuppet by any other name would smell just as sweet.
Stay tuned for a late-breaking update later today- wiki admin Gaycowboyrats has gone on the record about their experience and I'll be sharing that with you all this afternoon!
In this, our last Act, we explore the consequences of wiki overreach of power.
First, the silent downfall of Gaycowboyrats.
December 5th, 2023:
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The main concern? Inactivity.
Notable PawnSum quote: "I am sorry for not catching my mistake for three hours. I feel so foolish. I wish I wasn't autistic."
TwoRatner response: "I promise to keep you safe."
(A quick, sincere note for any readers- while I think many of the admin actions were... inadvisable at best, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being autistic or making an easy typo. I genuinely hope that whoever is behind the PawnSum account doesn't feel that way about themselves).
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The secondary concern? Racism in a Thor: Ragnarok movie review, and being a "trimmer of life."
(The link provided was https://rate.house/user/Gaycowboyrats, for anyone curious. It appears the page has since been deleted, but stay tuned for more on this in a separate post later).
The tertiary concern? Account security.
Another reference to site breaches and administrator account hacks. Interesting.
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Thus, the admin privileges of Gaycowboyrats were revoked. In a chorus of moderators and users with, again, suspiciously similar speech patterns, they were voted off the island wiki.
December 7th, 2023:
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The next Admin Discussion Zone begins where A New Development left off- with the transgressions of Brazil86.
"Please don't vote to remove me. I can still help. He's gone, so everything should be fine."
What this tells me, and the questions it leaves me with:
The most obvious conclusion is that getting voted out of administrator power is a very real and present threat, even for active wiki administrators.
By "he's gone," I wonder if Brazil86 means Gaycowboyrats, the admin who was just removed a day before (though Gaycowboyrats does not use he/him pronouns, to my knowledge). If so, this implies a coordinated effort on the part of the other admins to remove Gaycowboyrats greater than what we saw in the forum.
Or is this referring to some other event yet unaddressed in the forums? Maybe this is about the aforementioned account security breaches?
HungerBunger: "I think we're all mad at you."
My kingdom for a look at their Discord server.
TwoMarshall: "I just want you to not be me." An interesting turn of phrase for accounts that tend to speak in remarkably similar ways.
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Brazil86: "It is fixed, so please don't make me fall."
This Admin Discussion Zone is a dramatic depature from the ones that precede it.
The admins admit doubt, worry the rules are too restrictive, and yet Marth8204 still expresses optimism that the wiki will grow soon.
December 9th, 2023:
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In the immortal words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and wiki administrator TwoMarshall, it is done.
The split was complete. No more season 2 material would be allowed on the original Dungeons and Daddies wiki.
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Another wiki user, Notapissboy, attempts to talk sense into the moderators. They're informed in no uncertain terms that they, in fact, are the one being stupid here.
Nicoh Watonshing: "Are you an admin? No. Am I? No. I however understand when I am being too big for my britches."
An interesting framing. Do any of us really know when we're being too big for our britches?
What is hubris, if not being too big for your britches?
Iconic Nicoh Watonshing quote: "It's free parking on Park Place."
(It must be noted for posterity that the Park Place spot in Monopoly is the second-most expensive property in the game.)
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FunderStun sagely responds to this with the lyrics to the song Shooting Star by Bag Raiders.
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HungerBunger: "You have the freedom to do good."
Users November Jane and Sol-Has-An-Obsession come in with more questions and critiques. By this point, the administrator team seem to have gotten tired of the whole issue.
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After this, wiki forum discussion and activity appear to have moved past the drama. Perhaps they just moved on with their lives. Perhaps the only ones left to discuss things were the administrators who instigated the issue.
Only time will tell.
December 16th, 2023:
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December 19th, 2023:
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Even in the face of blatant personal attacks involving an insult to TwoMarshall's dead brother, administrators simply ask the culprit to not do it again. This is a strong tonal difference from their harsh responses to earlier reasonable critiques.
December 19th, 2023:
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The last forum post as of writing was a discussion on removing an inactive moderator.
Have they exhausted the wiki drama well, or are they merely biding their time?
Maybe TwoRatner was right, and the wiki is cursed.
Maybe all of this was one person with dozens of sockpuppets, feeding message prompts through ChatGPT to stage a coup on a niche fandom wiki and enact an extremely detailed, drama-filled LARP.
Maybe multiple trolls wormed into an already-struggling wiki through a security breach and decided to destroy it from the inside.
No matter the cause of the current wiki issues, user Chekovsnakess was correct. This was the hubris of the administrator team: by making a wiki for the administrators and not the users, they made a wiki for no one.
This series has left me with more questions than answers: what security breaches happened and why? What did Brazil86 do to cause so much animosity among the other mods? Why go through this much drama in a fandom wiki, of all places?
While I may never know the answers, I do know that the Dungeons and Daddies fandom remains, on the whole, one of the most positive and engaged groups I've ever been a part of. That's what makes this drama stick out the most, in my opinion: it's so completely out of left field from the fandom I've known. The wiki may have quickly gone from bad to worse, but I trust the community of this show, and I know we have the potential to make something better.
December 8th, 2023 (immediately after the last Admin Discussion Zone):
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TheOneTrueGod41: "I don't know what's the matter with me. Sometimes I don't feel whole."
Words to remember them by.
Stay tuned for the epilogue and final post(s) in this series, including word from former wiki administrator Gaycowboyrats!
And speaking of trusting this community, I'd like to take this chance to remind everyone to PLEASE not interact with the forums/wiki admins because of this!!! They may be making some questionable decisions, and I clearly enjoy deep dives on random internet drama as much as the next person, but please don't go trolling them in return.
We're better than that, y'all. Remember, "you have the freedom to do good."
On a personal note, I never expected this to go as far as it has: this evolved from people in the Patreon Discord wondering what was going on with the wiki and why it was splitting apart, to me sharing screenshots of funny non-sequiturs in the forums, to an entire Internet drama investigative journalism piece framed as a tragedy of wiki administrator hubris.
I've loved to see how much the community has rallied around this wiki situation- from people assisting me with research, to people offering to make dramatic readings or video essays out of my posts, to fans even working to create a new show wiki after this came to light. (More on that as it develops, hopefully!)
This is absolutely the kindest, most supportive fandom I've ever participated in, and everyone reading this has been a part of that. If our wiki is being brigaded by trolls, I sincerely hope that they realize the futility of what they're doing and move on with their lives. Several of them (assuming it's more than one person) have posted about really difficult personal circumstances. I hope that everyone involved gets the help they need and that they grow from this.
In the words of Ron Stampler: You are enough, just as you are.
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oudachi · 1 month
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                                             𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 ⋯
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    Hello, & welcome to my blog. This is a HIGHLY UNAFFILIATED, cross-over/multiverse preferred & plot driven roleplaying account for Raiden Mei / Acheron. I heavily associate her with snake & serpent imagery. If that is an issue, please look away now. To add* I'm going to be mega selective with MHY/Hoyoverse centered blogs, as I've had primarily bad experiences with the people here. I use my block button/blacklist add-ons regularly... No offense if you're caught in my blocklist. I generally only interact with those who my partner is comfortable with, present mutuals on other blogs, etc.
I will be tying my own personalized headcanons into my portrayal, which may carry over into plotting ideas if they feature the trailblazer. Don't worry, these will not be forced onto people who write trailblazer, or any character I have pre-made ideas for... I am very flexible in what can be done. Due to this, I tend to take a highly divergent stance on my writing, as it just makes it more fun & opens our little worlds to new things to build off of.
    I would firstly like to say, Acheron is not available to romance. I am not interested in pairings that go beyond Black Swan, Kiana Kaslana & Trailblazer for the time being. However, this will not be forced onto others who happen to be writing these characters; Acheron will simply brush off any flirtatious affections that may occur. Please respect this, & do not force anything on myself. ( To add* Acheron/Mei is a lesbian. I will not interact with people who have an issue with this or create drama with me over this. Just block & move on. )
    Due to Acheron's / Mei's nature, along with the story molding them into who/what each other is, some heavy topics will be featured here. Such as, but not limited to: Death, PTSD, Suicide mentions, heavy depression, descriptive blood/gore, mature language, artistic nudity & descriptive sexual encounters. <- Acheron / Mei are over 21 years of age. However, anything sexual in nature will be reserved for people I am fully comfortable with, such as those who are my 'associations'. This offside mature jokes are alright to throw Acheron's / Mei's way, although they will more than likely brush it off or find your character annoying.
    This space is a drama free zone, meaning I want nothing to do with callout culture, hateful messages, or coming to me as an unknown person to warn me about how apparently horrible someone is. That does not account for those I'm close to, & consider friends. I know how a majoring of dash vaguing commentary goes, how hurtful it is because people tend to make assumptions & point fingers at others without a shred of proof, or they often splice screen shots to look worse than they are. I've had many things said about myself & friends that I have that are just simply not true, due to jealousy, among other things. & for this, I want nothing to do with those who are overly dramatic & take issue with 99% of what they find online... I will block you if you like to stir the pot for no other reason than to do it & get clout. If you share callouts, or try to tell me who I can & can't talk to. I'm pro-free mind, as in not following the crowd on harassing someone over a callout. Please respect this. Otherwise, block & be on your way. Thank you.
    Too add on to the above: On blocking/soft blocking/unfollowing: I don't just unfollow or softblock, I always out right block. I don't like being questioned on it, as my reasoning for doing so is such a long list. However, it's almost never personal... If I don't vibe with you anymore, don't enjoy your tone of speaking, overly aggro in your own guidelines pages, try to police people on how they write or what they write (i.e.; saying they should end their life over something fictional... yeah, no.) I block if you're a person who genuinely believes what media someone likes is a direct reflection on their own views & morals... grow up. I will also block, if I'm just simply not interested in your blog or character.
    The PSD used here is a mixture. One is from my good friend, S. The other is by a user I no longer remember who created 'Blood Debt'.
    The overall aesthetic & icon border creations are of my own. & while I know character themes can run similar to other canon-character blogs, please do not come to me saying 'you're stealing' or 'you're copying', etc. I will block the anonymous message/blog that approaches me with this.
    I think that's all, so here's a little bit about me: My name is Archeon, "Ark", 1995 is my birth year. I am a Polyamorous Lesbian, I've been together with Yuri 6 years as of May 2024... She is my everything. My favorite color is red, my favorite Pokemon are Gengar & Umbreon. I also write a few characters, mostly known for Makima, Dame Aylin, Mei Raiden, Shadow & Dante... Currently, I am casually re-learning & learning the following languages: Spanish, Japanese, Chinese & German, along with going through a weight loss journey - as of typing this, I'm 6 months in!
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    Special notes**
    i.    I am against users who create art or feed writing/roleplay responses with the use of AI, or artificial intelligence. Please refer to this post for further info ->     ii. Yuri took the screen caps & cropped them for my icons.
Thanks for checking out my links & reading this far, I look forward to writing & chatting together. & Please give this post a "like" just so I know this page was at least visited!
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neonghostlights · 1 year
Don’t Fear The Reaper Chapter 03
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Chapter Three to the Don't Fear The Reaper Series. Please make sure to check out the other parts. Series Masterlist can be found on my page.
Chapter Song: The World Has Turned And Left Me Here by Weezer
Summary: Dani Crawford didn’t expect to spend her days wandering around Hawkins, Indiana as a ghost. She also didn’t expect her only chance at peace to come from local metalhead Eddie Munson. When he becomes all she can rely on in hopes of solving the cause of her demise, the lines between life and death become blurred.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!oc (OC is given a name but NO physical descriptions are used)
Warnings: Death (MC is literally a ghost), Breaking and entering, Cursing, 18+ only, Minors DNI
Word Count: 2.1k
Eddie didn’t tell Dani what he planned to do today. He didn’t lie when he said he had some business to take care of. But, he also needed to start gathering some intel without making himself look even more like an ax murderer to the student body.
He figured the best place to start was the very judgment free zone that he had created with blood sweat and tears. Sitting at the head of table in the drama prop room, surrounded by his D&D club members that had just excitedly bounced into the room, ready for their favorite time of the week. He knew that nothing, no matter how weird, left the four walls of that room. Eddie couldn’t help but wonder if Dani would like the game. Or would she think he was a loser for playing?
Pushing the thoughts out of his head, Eddie waited, arms crossed against his chest and leaning back in his chair to exude the energy of relaxation. He wanted to broach the subject gingerly due to the inability to explain his sudden interest in the subject. Eddie clapped his hands loudly to get the attention of his members before launching into his campaign.
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After the campaign, Eddie was packing up before he interrupted the loud chatter of his friend in front of him, excitedly discussing the campaign. Eddie loudly cleared his throat, “So, have you guys seen the posters for that missing girl…Danielle something?”
There was a brief silence before Mike Wheeler spoke up. “You mean the missing posters that have been up for months? Yeah, I think we’ve all seen them.”
“Oh, I was just wondering if anyone knew her.” Eddie said, glaring at Mike for the tone he had used with him.
“She was in my AP Calculus class but I didn’t talk to her ever. She was super quiet and sat in the back.” Jeff offered.
“Did she ever talk to anyone? Mention anything?” Eddie asked, maybe too eagerly.
“Why do you want to know, man?” Gareth cut in abruptly. Jaw clenched.
Everyone in the room froze and looked at Gareth's tense face.
Ever the peacekeeper, Jeff was the first to break the silence, “I never saw her talk to anyone in class. Ever. I didn’t ever see her in the hallways outside of class either,” Jeff shrugged before grabbing his bag.
“I was just wondering. Just thought it was weird that’s all.” Eddie said, facing Gareth who still seemed off.
Eddie proceeded to tell every one that could go home and to not miss the next meeting. Eddie didn’t miss the way Gareth practically ran out of the room.
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Dani laid on Eddie’s floor, staring up at the vent in his ceiling. Noting how she had a similar vent in her room as well. Eddie explained he was late due to some ‘business’ and a D&D campaign. Dani didn’t want to know what kind of business he had to take care of, but judging by the amount of weed he had with him she could only assume.
She hadn’t told him how much she had struggled after she left his trailer the night before. Apparently being a ghost brought the inability to sleep. She was never able to seek refuge from her raging mind.
She felt like she was finally hitting the stage where she was starting to grieve herself. Each hour of this existence seemed to weigh heavier than the last. Guilt was bubbling in her thoughts for laying the burden of her murder investigation on Eddie but he seemed so eager and willing to help.
“Do you know Gareth Emerson?” Eddie said abruptly. Forcing Dani to forfeit her staring contest with the ceiling vent.
“No. Can’t say I do. Why?” Dani said while sitting up to make eye contact with him while he sat on his unmade bed; staring intensely at an index card. He had been mostly silent and avoidant when he got home, despite saying his campaign had gone well. He blamed his mood on the brain storming.
“I asked the guys at Hellfire today about you. Just to see if any one and at least heard of you. And Gareth acted really weird about it. He didn’t say if he knew you he just seemed…off.”
This had piqued Dani’s interest fully. “Off how?”
“Like he got really tense and snappy about it. Look, I’ve known him forever. He’s a good guy. I don't think he could have done anything to hurt you or any one. But…”
“They said the same thing about Ted Bundy.” She said slowly, trying not to offend Eddie about his friend.
Eddie sighed before standing up from the bed and pinning the index card with Gareth's name under ‘Suspects.’
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Their investigation for that night didn’t get very far. Especially with Eddie being so distant due to his concern for his friend. Only one good thing came out of the meeting though; a plan, and not a very good one.
Eddie reassured Dani of his lock picking skills, but this was way too risky. Due to her inability to get in a car, which was tested by her and Eddie when she walked straight through his van causing Eddie to fold over in laughter for some reason, she promised to meet Eddie in a sketchy alleyway between the general store and diner at midnight the next night. Eddie told her since it was a Saturday the officers would be too busy patrolling back roads and stopping house parties to drive by the station.
It was Eddie who came up with the idea to see if the police knew anything about the case that they weren’t sharing with the public. And since neither of them could just waltz in and ask, this was the next best thing.
Dani walked to the creepy alleyway to find Eddie perched against the wall, cigarette hanging out of his mouth and arms crossed. He was dressed in his typical all black attire, seemingly blending in with the shadows. He showed no sign of the same fear and anxiety that wracked through Danis mind. “How are you so calm? Is breaking and entering something you do on a regular basis or something?” Questioned Dani, alerting him of her presence as she walked towards him.
He gave her a big smile that made her heart drop to her stomach, she decided to ignore that concerning feeling for now. “Yes, how'd you know this is a hobby for me?” he said with a smirk. “And it’s obviously not a usual thing for you since you're late. I thought I was being stood up.” He pointedly looked at the watch that sat on his wrist, pretending to be annoyed.
Dani smiled and rolled her eyes at him. Ignoring the way her gut kept reminding her not to get too comfortable with him.
“Okay well are we gonna stand around and look cool or are we gonna do this?” Dani pointed at the cigarette hanging out his mouth.
“You think I’m cool?” He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and crushed it beneath his boot.
“No.” Dani said while turning to walk towards the station.
She didn't have to turn around and look at his face to know that he knew she was lying.
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Dani was the first to walk into the building to scope out the place and make sure no one remained in the office after hours. After seeing the coast was clear, she went back outside to stand watch while Eddie picked the back door lock. The door was hidden enough from the mainstreet but still not secluded enough. He pulled out a few little tools from a little black pouch and got to work. Tongue sticking out in concentration while muttering that he never thought he would be breaking into this place instead of trying to break out.
He was able to pick the lock and open the door open wide, bowing to allow Dani to walk back inside first. “Ghost ladies first.” he drawled, earning himself a playful eye roll from Dani as she walked past him and back into the building. Looking slowly and squinting into the darkness. “Oh, shit! I forgot '' Eddie cursed loudly causing her to jump and look around for the threat. Eddie simply pulled out a black object from his back pocket and slipped it over his head.
“Really, Eddie? A ski mask? You didn’t think to put that on while you were outside in the open picking a lock?”
He shrugged, the mask successfully blocking out all features except for his eyes. All she heard was a muffled reply that she didn't bother asking him to repeat. Why he thought his eyes wouldn't get him recognized was a mystery to her but she decided to bite her tongue.
“Over here.” She heard him call from the darkness. Pointing towards a door that had ‘File Room’ written on a plaque above it. Eddie jiggled the door to find it was locked before bending down to quickly pick this one also. Once it was open they both slid in and shut the door quickly behind them.
The room was small, Dani assumed it was because there weren't many cases to file in Hawkins, Indiana. Eddie made fast work of opening the filing cabinets that lined the walls until he grabbed the one he was looking for. Placing it on the small table that sat in the center of the room, Eddie opened the manilla folder that had Dani’s full name and case number written on it. They both noticed how thin and empty hers looked compared to the others that were in the cabinets.
Dani peered over him to get a good look at the contents. The first page was a copy of Dani’s photo and a copy of a missing poster with the same photo on it. Eddie thumbed to the next page which seems to be the missing persons report filled out by her dad. Eddie and Dani both read through the page which didn’t have any new information for them. The only item of interest was the fact that her dad hadn’t reported her missing until four days after he had last seen her, this fact made Danis stomach drop in disappointment but she didn't say anything. Eddie seemed to notice the same thing because he gave Dani a sympathetic glance before switching to the next page.
The last page in the folder was a typed report covering the case. It was only one page and didn’t have much on it. The top of the page stated Danis name , age, and physical description. Following that was what she was last seen wearing and when. What surprised Dani was the notes following which detailed that Dani had moved here after the death of her mother and according to her father and teachers she seemed unhappy and withdrawn. The paragraph after that stated no foul play was suspected and that she was runaway. Since she was legally an adult there would be no further searches.
“That’s it?!” huffed Eddie, flipping the page over to see if it held any more information.
“They think I’m a runaway, No one else is looking for me.” She said quietly.
Eddie could see the devastated look on her face. He pulled off the ski mask and set it on the table beside her file to look at her fully. “No, Dani. I’m looking for you. I’m not going to let them forget about you.”
They stood in that dark room just staring at each other in mutual understanding before they heard the front door of the station opening and the lights clicking on in the next room. Heavy footsteps sounded through the empty station, whoever it was sounded like they were coming right to the file room.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Eddie said while looking around the room for another exit. The only way to get to the back door of the station would be to walk back into the main room and pass whoever was out there.
“The window! Quick!” Dani yelled while pointing towards the wall. Eddie quickly snatched up his ski mask and rushed to the window. He forced open the rusty latch before throwing his legs through and landing on the ground.
“HEY!” Is all they heard from inside the building before they took off running to where Eddie had hidden his van.
Dani met a still adrenaline rushed Eddie back at his trailer about half an hour later. They both took one look at each other before doubling over in laughter on his trailer porch.
A/N: Thank you for reading. Comments and reblogs are appreciated! Why do you think Gareth was acting so weird?
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bettyfrommars · 10 months
hi!! i was wondering if you could give some movie, book, tv show, or fic recs for my spooky szn media list this year? a lot of the things you write are absolutely the kind of vibe that im going for, so i figured you would be the best person to ask for those kind of things. im very new to the horror genre (just stepping out of slashers and into magical realism and paranormal type things). and ofc you don’t have to, but id love to know what some of your favorite twilight zone episodes are!
no pressure to respond, you were just the first person i thought of when it came to asking recs from, since your taste seems to be the same niche that i have.
(btw im 18+ so you don’t have to worry about giving tame recs)
I love you for asking this because it gets me excited for the season and reminds me of things I need to revisit. Okay, so I'm going to start off with books because this is very important, and I love this series sooooo much this time of year. I usually re-read it or listen to the audiobooks, it's called the Pine Deep Trilogy by Jonathan Maberry (Ghost Road Blues, Dead Man's Song, and Bad Moon Rising), and it's such a fall fic you can taste the colors. It's based in a town known for its Halloween celebrations (lots of cornfields, haunted mazes, lots of actual evil lurking) There are ghouls and zombies and vampires in this and it's so thrilling, the pages will fly by.
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Also these story collections by Joe Hill: Full Throttle and Strange Weather.
I do a rewatch of the show Tales from the Crypt every year, that is a staple. I'm also a sucker for anthologies like Body Bags, Creepshow, and The Monster Club. I watch a LOT of campy horror and campy slashers, most of which I'm sure you are familiar with. I was going to make a list of the b-movies and MST3K episodes I love, but I don't think that is what you are asking me for, and I don't want to get carried away and embarrass myself 💀 If you are interested in those things, pls leave another anon message and I will.
I will forever recommend the vampire series True Blood, it's iconic and I believe the first two seasons are free on Amazon Prime.
Favorite Twilight Zone episodes! I can tell I would love you in real life because you ask the best questions. Definitely "To Serve Man" that one still gives me shivers when I think about it today. "Nightmare at 20,000 feet" but I prefer the John Lithgow version in Twilight Zone: The Movie, because look at the original version, I actually feel sad for this baby:
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"A Most Unusual Camera" I think that is the name of it is another one. "Will the real martian please stand up" is so good. Oh god, and "The Lonely" is another one. I used to be on the road a lot, and if you ever are, I recommend The Twilight Zone collections on audible, they are acted out like old radio show dramas.
As far as fic rec from here, I've actually been thinking about searching around for ones that have a spooky/fall vibe and doing a post about it---hopefully soon.
You are a doll, and I am so happy you reached out xoxoxoxox
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ac-editz · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
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Requests: Open, VERY slow (inbox - 3)
At the moment tumblr wont let me embed links, so stimboards are closed!
Page dividers all from this blog (18+ only)
reply icons from a deleted blog
below the cut is my dni, before you follow, and rules to requesting!
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Homophobe, transphobe, racist, sexist, anti-anti, proship, MAP/pedophiles, drama/discourse blog, ddlg and it's variants, thinspo and feederism blogs.
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Before you follow
we will post about xenogenders!
we are an adult!
We're a traumagen system, we will not tag ourselves as specific alters just cuz it gets too confusing.
Thats said, this blog is mainly owned by our Nepeta fictive (it/xe/he/paw/she/claw/:3)
We use any pronouns, mainly it/they!
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Anon/tag list
Please request at least two things before asking for an Anon tag :]!
🌸⌨️ Anon
🪐 Anon
Mystery Anon (tag for any anons who don't sign off/don't have a tag)
Other Tags
⋆。˚ that's my wife! ⋆。˚ partner request
not a post (used in any post that isn't an edit/stimboard)
pawsonal post (posts for me!! dm me to ask befur using anything in these posts)
request answer
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Rules to requesting
This will be the longest part, sorry ^^;
What we do:
Pride flag colorpicks
Gif sets (can be made from any video, or we can find videos ourself to chop up :3)
Small sprite edits
Neopronoun suggestions
Collages (ask and find out)
Deviantart stamps
If you want something we don't have listed, don't be afraid to ask!
unfortunately i do not to reply icons, simply because idk how to
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Fandom whitelist
Cookie run
Crumb Cuptoast
The owl house
Syrup and the ultimate sweet
Serial expiraments Lain
Monster high
chuckle sandwich
Generation Loss
The Magnus archives
The adventure zone
South Park 《Dubious whitelist. I'll delete ur ask if it goes against my dni》
Dasaku/anything Amelie Doree on yt has covered we fucking LOVE HER!!!
Original characters
Introject based (can override blacklist)
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Fandom blacklist
Mystic messanger (personal reasons)
Any child/aged down aus for any fandom
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Feel free to ask about fandoms not listed!
We'll absolutely do specific things for introjects, even if it's a little above our pay grade we'll still do the best we can when it comes to faceclaim edits!
We mostly work with stimboards because it's a fun activity for us, which is why we post so many that aren't requested!
We will never engage in discourse on this side blog, we will simply block and move on.
Though we make a lot of fandom/character based content, we love making anti stim/funny stimboards as well! Feel so so free to request funny things :]
While probably unlikely, we still can say no to any request we receive. We're doing this for fun and for free, and we have a life outside of Tumblr (surprisingly!)
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Thank you for reading, have a great day!!!
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starwrote · 1 year
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ind & selective genpact & honkai multimuse written by binx ( 21+ they/them ) headcanon based, divergent, and open to ocs. drama free zone, but not spoiler free. please read rules and muse roster with links listed here or on blog. icon border & dividers cred here. // mobile navigation including roster here. all new muses will be tentatively added here.
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revamped 9/24 w/ new roster. always accepting memes to initiate things, but only accepting starter requests from the new starter call. a study in : testing fate and exploring what destiny means. a sense of loss and fear of the unknown. bountiful silver linings and overcoming failures. a written connection of the stars above.
feel like i missed a reply? please msg me or view this post for info.
welcome to a multimuse loved dearly by binx (they/them, but will also respond to she. 21+ and CST.) I work fulltime as a pediatric pharmacist and have very limited time to be active on tumblr much, therefor I rely on a queue system to get me through workdays. aside from lack of freetime, my health often staggers me from doing anything due to a lot of pain and immense anxiety. If you do not like waiting quite a bit for replies, then I am not the writing partner for you sadly. 
credits. my blog theme was crated by MARUJA/HYRULESHOP with the link on the bottom right corner of the page. my icon border is made by poetryrph, and the psd was made by me. gold/yellow/pastel purple/blues.
this blog runs off of mutual exclusivity to interact. unfortunately my draft count is super high and i have to limit myself to what i can realistically take on in my small free time. i ask that if we do not have a mutual basis (aside from the exception of sideblogs) please do not interact with my starter calls / send in memes to interact. i also tend to hardblock personals who spam my posts or rb things not intended for personal fanfiction.
please to not pressure me to reply faster or into a ship. sometimes i go all week without a single post other than ooc updates. those who are in the medical field would understand my levels of exhaustion. i never ignore anyone, dms or discord, including posts tagged for me - tumblr eats things and i am most likely napping. please have chemistry or some sort of partnership with me before assuming a ship.
no hate zone, none what so ever. this again falls under the lines of me having 0 time to even know whats happening on the internet/tumblr itself. if i am writing with someone known to be problematic please let me know. i don’t involve myself with callouts even if they are helpful, and anon is off to keep unwanted issues even if it’s to bait drama. 
triggers. this goes with the rule listed above, vague blogging and callouts actually spike my anxiety pretty bad. i deal with a lot of negativity within my workplace and rely on this place to be safe for me. aside from this, i ask for all topics and images tagged regarding: spiders, eye gore, domestic abuse, pregnancy, and trypophobia.
i do not do commissions for edits / borders / etc. i just casually make things as i feel inspired. if anything it helps me ignite muse. if you need commissions i’d be happy to reference @hyruleshop.
let’s be kind to each other. that is all. always feel free to message me if you feel a need to connect muses, or just chat.
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condor-one-kennedy · 1 year
Guidelines / Rules
Name's Martin, 20yrs old, he / him. CDT.
I'll ask that you be patient with me, my memory isn't the best and I'm most likely going to forget certain things and repeat myself more than a few times. Apologies in advance.
DNI - 18+ only for my own comfort. If you do not have your age somewhere where I can clearly see it, I'm going to assume you're a minor and you will be hardblocked. Underage ships, inc3st, racism, SA, etc. are NOT welcome on this blog. If you support and / or bring these topics onto this blog, it will also result in you being hardblocked.
-My muse's actions, thoughts and beliefs do not reflect my own.
-Not spoiler free
Tagging Posts - This blog will include mature themes such as body horror, violence, moderate language, alcohol use, and mentions of injury, disease and character death. These topics will be tagged accordingly. If I miss something, please let me know so I can correct it.
Shipping - I write Leon as bisexual. I'll write for most mlw, mlnb and mlm ships as long as there's chemistry between the characters, and as long as I'm interested in the ship. I will NOT write yandere / stalker or non-con, it makes me uncomfortable. Throw your preferred pairing my way and we'll work something out!
Portrayal - This blog will be primarily based off of the 2019 and 2023 remakes of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4.
-AU and OC friendly, just don't make your OC overpowered and such. I'm usually not super interested in crossovers, but feel free to ask, I might be open to it.
-I enjoy writing long paragraphs when I'm able to, and while it's always fun getting paragraphs in return, please know you don't have to match the length of my replies all the time. Just make sure it's enough for me to work with.
-If you don't respond after 3 months, I'll unfollow you. If we've interacted before, just message me when you get back, I'll follow you again and we can pick up where we left off. On that note, if you lose interest in the roleplay, don't leave me hanging! Let me know so we can fix it or move on from it.
-This blog is a drama and hate free zone, keep it off my page - unless it's something more serious worth spending time and energy on - and we'll have no problems. I'm just here to show my love for these characters and for writing, thanks!
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lawxjudgement · 1 year
[I don't have a lot of rules but I would like to have them be respected if you wish to interact with me.
- This is no place for minors, so please don't add me. If I find that minors are in my space, you will be removed. Mun is in her 30s and would rather not risk writing with children.
-Do not force ships on me. You're quite welcome to discuss a potential ship if you feel our muses work.
- I will not ship my muse with muses /muns that are underage.
- Please be patient with replies. I have multiple accounts and rp on more than one site. Plush I am usually busy during the day. I'm normally online around 9pm -2/3 am EST. If you rush for replies or blow up my messages while I am offline, I will cease writing with you. Coming on here with 30+ messages gives me anxiety and I just don't want to deal with that.
- Treat me how you want to be treated yourself.
- Bullying / Call-outs / Drama of any kind = insta block. I'm here for fun, not attacking other users over roleplay.
-If you wish to continue an ask for an rp, I would like to ask that you please relocate the ask to a new post. If you need help doing so, let me know and I can do a thing for you.
-I have a trigger towards suicide and rape. If you could tag those, that would be great. I usually check the rules of those I follow. So if you have a trigger and you have it listed on your page, I will do my best to tag things.  -I am a little picky when it comes to ships but please don’t be afraid to ask! I don’t have many mains. So if you wish to commit to my muse, I’ll let you know if it is a green light to do so or not.
-All reblogged memes and starter calls are free game to everyone. Please feel free to send one if you are interested! -Doubles are welcomed! I don’t mind having multiple threads with different role players of various canon characters. However, I reserve the right to decline a role play if I feel uncomfortable with a particular portrayal of a character. -If I write something that makes you uncomfortable, please say something! I would much rather relocate role plays to a discord server or messages than make my followers uncomfortable. But I can’t do anything if you don’t say anything.
-Any hate will be ignored and the sender will be blocked. This is a hate free zone and it will not be tolerated.
-Should any nsfw or lewd rps take place, I would prefer to have them in an undercut. Unless they are on the Shadow Sae side blog. I'm not censoring anything on there.
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venusbae · 2 months
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-- ₊˚⊹♡ about me ♡⊹˚₊--
the important stuff :D My name is Venus. I am 18 years old and i am an october baby :) I am a libra, and an ISFP. My sexuality is lesbian. My pro-nouns are she/her, but i don't mind they/them. (please don't use he/him). i am british !!
likes! my favourite colour is pink, if you couldn't already tell. i really like animals, like that's my comfort zone, but my favourite animal is probably cats. i love musical theatre, and drama & theatre studies is my favourite subject - currently i am studying it in college :0 my favourite band is Gorillaz. my favourite holiday is halloween, i love getting to dress up with all my friends and partying, my halloween costumes are normally planned out on January 1st lol :D
Now for you! my dm's are always open to anyone and im happy to make friends (although i'm not very good at it but i'll still try hehe) feel free to send me requests or asks or whatever, i'm very likely to respond as i love to interact. i love you and i hope you enjoy my page !!
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inlovewithpandora · 4 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Before You Follow ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Please read carefully before deciding to follow me!
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・This is a sfw/nsfw blog so please be advised that what you choose to consume is your responsibility, if you see something you don’t like/agree with ignore it and continue scrolling.
・Please don’t interact with me or my works if you aren’t 17 or older. I know I can’t control who views my works but if I notice anyone who is under the age of 17 liking my nsfw works, commenting under my posts, or making any form of interactions with me you will be blocked!
・This is a judgement free zone! this blog is my safe space and I want it to be safe for for everyone who decides to engage! If I see any weird behavior (ppl being mean or hateful) you will be blocked!
・Anonymous hate gets blocked and ignored. It's a waste of my time and yours. If you don't like something, you can exit my blog, block me, and go on about your day. Let’s please act like adults and don’t say derogatory things to people you don’t know in real life.
・Under no circumstances will I allow my work to be: plagiarized, translated, modified, heavily edited, or recommended onto other platforms. All written works are rightfully owned by inlovewithpandora —
・Please keep in mind I'm a human, not a content machine!! It may take a while to get to your ask/request. I have a life outside of this app especially since it’s toward the end of the school year. Please be patient with me!
・Please do not indulge in my mature content (nsfw) if you are not of age. Respect my boundaries please!!
・I write Aged!up content for both sfw & nsfw. If you have a problem and don’t agree with aged!up content then this blog is certainly not for you. Please just exit my blog instead of sending hate as mentioned earlier, any hate will be deleted and blocked. I'm not going back and forth with you!!
・Please do not bring discourse or drama to my blog. Especially about other writers. It will be deleted and ignored.
・If you don't like my work, that's fine! But please don't come into my inbox saying things of the sort. understand my writing isn't for everyone. Block me. it's not hard.
・Do not copy my theme/layout/divider! If I see this happen, you're immediately blocked, themes are a hassle and take so much time to make/come up with the gradient colors so please just don't. Don't steal my divider either, it's a part of my theme, and it matches my theme!! I have a tutorial, y'all can use to make your own dividers that can match your own theme! I don't mind you taking inspiration on my layouts as long as you ask me first and credit me!!
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Do Not Interact! ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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・Please do not interact if you fall under any of these categories!
・a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, kinkshamer, fatphobic, sexist, cannot separate fiction from reality, or just an asshole in general.
・Send hate via anon.
・Anti-aging up
・Younger than 17 — if you under the age of 17 and still interact please just stay anonymous because if I notice your age doesn’t fall under my age requirement you’ll get blocked
・Bots pages/porn pages/sugar mommies/daddies.
・Not respecting others' beliefs and opinions.
・If you think sending death threats is cute, it absolutely is not. If I see you'll immediately get blocked!
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crysty-rp-2023 · 2 years
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I posted 297 times in 2022
That's 297 more posts than 2021!
22 posts created (7%)
275 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 90 of my posts in 2022
#wishlist - 39 posts
#discord 1x1 - 11 posts
#discord rp - 9 posts
#malex - 8 posts
#tarlos - 7 posts
#buddie - 6 posts
#malex rp - 4 posts
#1x1 rp - 3 posts
#wanted fc - 3 posts
#wanted opposite - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#the best part about it is that i can see and hear this as if it’s already happened
My Top Posts in 2022:
Randomly in the mood for some kinky/taboo back and forth smut on discord. Like or message if you are interested!
7 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Have you ever started reading a fic on tumblr and then it resets halfway through? Blargh! I was reading a Buddie fic earlier and didn’t get to finish it and it’s driving me crazy. I can’t remember the name, the author or who posted it….
Buck was babysitting for Mad and Chim and they help him come to the conclusion that he’s in love with Eddie. Eddie is texting him and there are pics of the texts in the story. Then he leaves, goes to Eddies and when Eddie comes to the door he just blurts out “I’m in love with you” then it gets NSFW soon after…anyone know the name or where I can find it to finish it!?!
@clusterbuck @loveyourownsmiilee (you are the only two I can remember that have Buddie content on my page so I thought I would start with you)
9 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
Hi guys!!! I’m Crystal. I’m in my early 30s and I am looking for new RP partners. I write to unwind and because I feel like it is a good outlet for me. I can’t stress enough how open I am, please don’t be afraid to message me with basically any idea! I feel like the easiest way for anyone to read this is to use bullet points so here goes.
I like making friends with my partners so please be friendly. When I get excited about a ship, I tend to want to send headcannons and ideas to my partners randomly, so please be okay with that.
Also, please be 18+, especially if you want to write smut.
And I love multiple threads with my partners. I have been interested in m/m plots lately but I am open to any pairings. I write both males and females but please don’t just use me for my guys! I love my girls too!
Timezone: I am in the Eastern time zone and I do have a toddler which keeps me busy but I try my best to be active every day. If I am not, I will try to at least let my partner know what’s going on.
Type of roleplay I’m interested in: I love plots where the characters have a strong connection. I like a mixture of angst/drama, fluff, and smut. I am a sucker for some hurt/comfort plots. I don’t mind dark(ish) plots and I am open to discussing anything.
I have a wish list of plots that I want that I am adding to all the time, feel free to check it out: https://crysty-indie-rp624.tumblr.com/tagged/wishlist. See below for some that I would really like!!!
I also have a few OCs that I sometimes use but like to create/alter characters depending on the plot and my partner
What I want to avoid: I have very few no-gos, just ask.
Style: I am open to any style of writing depending on the plot but I prefer 3rd person. I do try to match my partners length. I try to avoid one-liners unless they are texting because it doesn’t keep the plot moving forward but I am more interested in quality over quantity.
Method of roleplay I’m interested in using: I really prefer Discord because I am mostly mobile but I am open to other methods if you have any suggestions.
Contact info: My Discord is joeys_mommarp0624#3350 and my tumblr is https://crysty-indie-rp624.tumblr.com
Roswell New Mexico (Malex, Kylex, Mylex, Echo, Open to any)
911/911 Lonestar (Tarlos, Buddie, open to any others)
Harry Potter
Pretty Little Liars
One Tree Hill
The Fosters
Ask About Any Others
Wishlist plots I am REALLY wanting currently:
Muse A overhears her boyfriend’s dad, Muse B, talking major shit about her and saying how much he liked the ex better. She doesn’t understand what his problem is, believing they had actually hit it off upon meeting. When Muse A confronts Muse B about his unkind words, turns out how well they get along is ironically the problem. Muse B is extremely attracted to Muse A, and would prefer if she was out the picture, as to not hurt his son by doing something massively stupid with her. A shit storm of temptation begins to brew when Muse A confesses mutual attraction. (But imagine this as mxm or fxf. Muse B hasn’t had a sapphic/gay lover in years or maybe never before. The whole older, “experienced” bs is totally thrown out the window here, Muse A being the dominating figure, and they’re both loving it.)
A plot where these two guys have been friends literally forever, and of course they have a rule to never let women come in between them. BUT that day arrives, and they’re competing like hell for this certain girl. It gets so bad that they physically fight, which is totally unlike them. What’s even more unlike them? The passionate kiss they share in the middle of said fight, so now it’s like damn... do I actually like you? Do I have my jealously all wrong?
muse a is fresh out of prison, solitary confinement to be exact, and hasn’t truly seen the light of day for at least a couple of years. they’re adjusting to the real world; they barely speak anymore, and they haven’t experienced gentle human contact in what seems like forever. insert muse b, their new neighbor.
Muse A and Muse B grew up together; they were best friends. Muse A’s home life was awful; their parent(s) were alcoholics/drug users and could be abusive when they used. Muse B’s life was pleasant and low key. Any time the home would get explosive, Muse A would sneak out to see Muse B would calm them down and make them feel safe. Muse B was head over heels in love with Muse A and Muse A has feelings but isn’t sure what to do with them. Fast forward to their college years, they have grown apart some but are still friends. Muse A is an abusive/controlling relationship but doesn’t leave. Until one night things go too far and Muse A shows up at Muse B’s door or calls Muse B from the hospital to come save them. Muse B falls back into protective mode and while taking care of them the old feelings start to come back.
I want a plot where there’s a hard ass cop, and healways sticks by the rules and works hard and hiswork is his life and all that blah blah, but then one day he makes a huge bust in an underground sex ring and carries a girl out, and the media dub him as a superhero, and he feels strangely protective over this girl. So he goes and visits her at the hospital, and she lights up as soon as she sees him and just thanks him continuously, and he starts smiling a bit more, and she doesn’t really talk to anybody except for him because she doesn’t trust anybody excepthim. Cue her having trouble sleeping at night because of bad dreams and memories, so she calls him to help, and he does, he always does of course. And shecalls him when her car breaks down in the middle of the night and she’s terrified, and he literally drops everything for her, and its so obvious they like each other, but he doesn’t know how to do relationships and she’s just a mess from everything thats happened to her, and so much angsty fluffy goodness of them two being awkward and shy dorks at times but also staying up and telling their entire life stories to each other
someone give me a plot where muse a was arrested in high school due to drug dealing and was sentenced to ten years — except he’s let out a couple of years early due to good behavior. with no car, his feet take him to the one place he never thought he’d set foot again in a lifetime. his ex-high school sweetheart, muse b. except, when the door opens, it’s not her. it’s a seven year old little girl with her mom’s hair and her dad’s eyes. tldr; muse a gets arrested and leaves behind his (unknowingly) pregnant girlfriend at the time. years later, he’s out and he has a daughter he doesn’t know about.
i just want a damaged, broken boy who doesn’t have a lot of friends & keeps to himself & a caring, kind girl/boy who takes interest in him & gets him to open up & rocks him in her lap when he can’t stop crying & rubs his back when he has nightmares & teaches him that it’s okay to show his pain because being strong doesn’t have to mean hiding your emotions please give me this
whispers but i would love a cliche poly plot where like two best friends are in love with the same girl but instead of fighting over her they share her but of course there is small competitions in bed seeing who can make her cum faster and !!!! and omg like her settling them both down like ‘boys please you are both my prince charmings’ and ‘i wouldn’t be the same without the other’
See the full post
10 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Has anyone been watching Time Traveler’s Wife on HBO Max and might be willing to work together to flesh out some kind of plot based on that?! I think it could be fun! All the angst, drama, fluff, smut, just everything!!
12 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This may not seem like a big deal to some but y’all! Tyler Blackburn just commented on one of my comments and I am beside myself!!!!
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22 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kiyo-cant-write · 2 years
Well... Hello internet!! My name is [Kiyo]. Ah. God, I feel so much anxiety saying that. I also go by Aku (they/he) and I am an (over 18 but very stupid) writer who is finally making a proper writing blog on tumblr. I also have my ao3. Nice to meet you and I hope we can get along! Please check out my byf page if you don’t mind though since I’d like to avoid drama. The internet is... weirdly aggressive these days, huh? Ehe xD
ALSO! I write for all the fandoms listed on my list and possibly some others, feel free to ask and I’ll let you know if I can do it or not. Check the rules first before requesting though, hehe... I did go to the trouble of writing them out... I look forward to seeing your requests though nonetheless...! Yey ^^
Be safe and have a good time zone <3
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pathetichimbos · 2 years
✨🌸I have another fallout request (if you feel like it of course! If not just please skip it!)✨🌸
✨💕Its fluffy with a pinch of hurt?✨💕
✨💕How would nick (if you write for him^^) and Hancock react to soles ex yelling at her?✨💕
✨💕 I don't usually request stuff like this because I don't wanna cross any lines (aka boundaries ^^) but it's kinda personal and I love the way you write Hancock TT✨💕
✨💕Thank you love! And I do hope you're doing fantastic!!!✨💕
Bullies Are Bull
Fallout Four
John Hancock/F!Reader
Nick Valentine/F!Reader
TW: Verbally Abusive Ex/Yelling/Crying/Cursing/Mentions of Drug Use/Mentions of Violence
Hii! I hope you're having a great day! I always get so excited when I see you’ve sent in a request 💕💕 You have such good ideas
I write for Nick and Hancock, they're like the only people I write for I need to play with different companions for once TT
This request is 100% okay, I get not wanting to cross boundaries and all that, but my page is a judgement free zone, so, feel free to request anything, and I'll lyk if I can write it or not! ✨✨
I didn’t know if you wanted the Ex to be prewar or not, so I just added both? If that makes sense. Basically there’s two scenarios they’re reacting to: The first one is them finding out about your Ex (pre-war) and the second is them walking in on it actively happening
While the reader (you) is female, I left the partner in question gender neutral
As always, if there’s anything you’d like me to change/fix, just lmk and I’ll be more than happy to fix it!
I hope you enjoy!!! 💕💕💕
Scenario One: You were traveling the Commonwealth when you and your companion came across a man in distress. You were trying to calm him down and help, but in the chaos of the situation, he began yelling at you, bringing some bad memories to the surface that you had hoped you could forget about.
Scenario Two: Getting back into the dating scene was definitely not easy in the Commonwealth, and you found yourself in a toxic relationship with someone you made the mistake of trusting.
John Hancock:
Scenario One:
His first reaction when he sees you crying is panic
Why are you crying, what’s wrong, did he fuck up in some way?
He’s nervous, putting an arm around you and trying to play it off like a joke
“C’mon, when did you get all worried about some random guys opinion?”
But when you tell him why you were crying, he’s heartbroken
How could someone be so mean to you? How could they see your sweet personality and want to yell?
He’s immediately holding you, comforting you and calming you down, trying to reassure you that everything’s okay
He’ll try to distract you, telling you a story that’s probably more exaggeration than truth, seeing if you’ll catch on
“There’s no way you did that.” You’d laugh, wiping away your tears
“Of course there is! A couple hits of Jet and some Gwinnett Stout and I can totally take beat a death claw in a wrestling match.”
By the end of it he’d have you laughing and smiling, almost completely forgetting about what had you crying in the first place
Afterwards, he’d be more protective of you, threatening anyone that dared raise their voice at you
Everyone in Goodneighbor would know that no one was to scream or yell at you, unless they wanted to deal with the mayor himself
After all, you were his Angel, his Sweetheart, and he wasn’t about to let anybody hurt you again
Scenario Two:
Hancock could hear yelling coming from the next room over, so out of curiosity, he walked over to see what was happening
He expected to see a married couple yelling at each other about something stupid, and he would be lying if he didn’t think the drama was funny to watch
But instead he was met with the sight of you, backed against the wall while someone was in your face, screaming
In a split second he was at their side, yanking them back
“What the fuck are you doing!?” He’s yelling, pushing them back
You were crying and it broke his heart, seeing someone as strong and happy as you to be weak and hurt
“This is none of your goddamn business!” The person yelled at Hancock
“The hell it isn’t.” He doesn’t hesitate to make the fight physical, and by the end of it, the persons lying lifeless on the floor
He’s by your side the instant they’re taken care of, asking if you’re okay and making sure they didn’t hurt you
If you pull him into a hug, he won’t hesitant to pick you up (He’s surprisingly strong for someone so small…) and carry you somewhere else
He’ll worry over you for a while afterwards, assuring you they’ll never hurt you again, that no one will
He’ll hold you close and shoo everyone away that tries to come in, afraid they might scare you as you calm down
Like in the other instant, he’s much more protective of you afterwards, and if the two of you don’t end up dating before you try again with someone else, he’ll interrogate the hell out of them
He’s definitely going to threaten them, and probably scare them off
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy his protective behavior though <3
Nick Valentine:
Scenario One:
When you started crying after being yelled at, his synthetic heart breaks
In his like of work he was used to hysterical people, which means he was used to their yelling
But the way you cowered back and flinched at the man’s screams was a clear indicator that you were not
He knew immediately why you were upset, but he was still awkward about comforting you
After all, he had convinced himself no one could possibly want to be touched by him, let alone get a hug or anything
But, he felt like he needed to do something to help, so, he took a seat next to you and pressed his shoulder into yours
He was surprised when you laid your head on his shoulder, still shaking and crying
He made the move to put his arm around your shoulders, and you happily obliged and rested your body against his
He made some small talk, filling the silence to try and distract you
When you finally calmed down enough to explain why you were so upset by the yelling, he's hurt
He couldn't understand why someone would yell at someone as kind hearted as you, and it makes him angry
He tightens his grip around your shoulders and holds you closer, making a point of calling your ex an idiot for doing such a thing
He continues to sit and hold you, trying his best to cheer you up, even going as far as taking off his hat to place it on your head
You smiled at the gesture and laid your head on his chest, grateful that you had such an amazing partner
Scenario Two:
You had stepped out of the office when your partner came in seemingly angry, asking to talk to you alone
After a few minutes of Nick waiting at his desk, he heard screaming coming from the market outside
He ran out to see what was going on, and he was met with the sight of you, cornered by them screaming at you at the top of their lungs
He shoved them off of you, everyone in Diamond city already gathered by the commotion
You were crying, hurt and embarrassed by your their actions
Nick threatened to gun them down if he ever saw them approach you again, and quickly pulled you back into his office and away from the prying eyes of the townsfolk
You were grateful, but couldn't stop your crying as you were sat at his desk
You tried your best, wiping your tears and trying to catch your breath to stop from embarrassing yourself even more
Nick wasn't worried about the potential embarrassment you were feeling, though
He was utterly pissed about what just took place, but made sure to keep his voice down as he paced back and forth
After a moment he calmed himself down, knowing he needed to help you do the same
He knelt down beside you as you had your legs to your chest and face buried in your knees
"Hey, dollface, it's alright..." He assured you, promising you that they would never come near you again
And, if the two of you didn't start dating before you tried again, he was immediately judgmental of the person, afraid the worst might happen
He doesn't try to hide his protectiveness of you from your potential partner, in fact preferring that they know he won't tolerate any form of abuse towards you from them
He's going to do his best to protect you from any yelling, warning everyone around you that you don't like it, and he won't put up with it if they do yell at you
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cosmiclion · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Status: Open
Available on my Ko-Fi page here! There you’ll find everything else you need to know :)
For now I’ll be opening 5 slots for sketch commissions and 3 slots for everything else and I’ll see how it goes, I might open more at a time in the future 😊
-Sketch commissions:
Slot 1: Free Slot 2: Free Slot 3: Free Slot 4: Free Slot 5: Free
-Other commissions:
Slot 1: Free Slot 2: Free Slot 3: Free
Full info under the cut!
Will do/can do:
✔️Anime, western media, comics, books, videogames, etc. ✔️Self inserts/portraits of real life people ONLY if you already have a drawn reference (ie other drawings, Meet The Artist type pieces, etc). ✔️Animals (realistic, stylized, cartoonish, pet portraits, etc). ✔️Anthro/furry. ✔️Fantasy creatures. ✔️OCs (sheets, portraits, etc). ✔️Platonic, familial, etc relationships. ✔️Canon x OC ships. ✔️Poly ships. ✔️Suggestive and full NSFW (provided you’re above 18). Exceptions listed below. ✔️Horror/gore.
Will not do/cannot do: ❌Common no-nos: NSFW of minors, adult/minor ships, incest, etc etc you know the drill. ❌Gross/offensive kinks (fetishization of fat bodies, unsanitary stuff, etc). ❌Real life celebrities. ❌Fandoms: Harry Potter and anything Vivziepop (nothing personal if you enjoy Viv’s work, I just took one look at the massive drama around it and decided to stay out of it). There might be others so feel free to ask, I don’t bite.
Cannot do for now: ⏳Complex/overly detailed backgrounds/landscapes (can be discussed). ⏳Mecha/very complex character designs (can also be discussed). ⏳Self inserts/portraits of irl people based on photos. 💪 Feel free to ask in case of doubt tho.
Contact: ✉️DM here ✉️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosmicli0n/ ✉️Discord: Helios#7350
Notes: 🔹I’m into and am familiar with a lot of fandoms (and can research in case I’m not) and I do original concepts too, feel free to ask! Check the tag #eli’s art on my blog to see all examples of what I do. 🔹I reserve the right to turn down a commission if the topic makes me uncomfortable for personal reasons. As with anything else, feel free to ask in case of doubt. 🔹You can also contact me via email, pm me for the adress. 🔹Please be patient if I don’t reply right away, keep in mind we might have different time zones ☀️🌙
And I think that covers everything but any doubts are welcome!
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roleplayfinder · 2 years
☆ -
─ hello ! ♡ my name is belladonna. i use she / her pronouns and i am 19. i am studying in college, so replies will be as often as i can make them come out, since they will be long and detailed. i thought i’d make this post since it is much longer and covers more of what i wanted to post! so here it goes! i am looking for a very literature or novella type roleplay partner, who would like to flesh out a very long term roleplay! i would prefer tumblr roleplays, but if you’d prefer a different media to use, please let me know! 
─ i am really looking for an original fandomless roleplay. i double only as i find doubling very fun, and i don’t like one sided roleplays as i lose interest in them very quickly. these are the plots i really enjoy ! ( for my side, i would like either wlw or mlw, i have not decided yet ! ) i do also like integrating dark themes into some roleplays ! like violence/gore/jealousy. we of course do not have to do any of those if you do not wish! it is all up to you and your comfort! 
─ i am looking for a very long term roleplay partner that will be patient with some hiatus's when they come, and will headcanon with me ! you must be willing to double up, don't reach out if you wont ( this specific paragraph is what im looking the most for ) 
─ i LOVE talking about ocs with people, and being able to headcanon and talk through the creation process of ocs with people! please be willing to do this with me if you’d like to roleplay with me, the more i get invested in this roleplay the better it will be trust me hehe /hj
→ victorian plot ( period drama )
→ historical plots 
→ royal/kingdom plots
→ vampires !!! ( i love this one, will 10000% be always down to roleplay vampire plots )
→ medieval fantasy 
→ steampunk 
and more! these can be mixed and matched, and you can give me ideas and we can always swap ideas as well! 
important! for nsfw!
under no circumstances will minor characters be involved in any and all nsfw roleplays. while i absolutely enjoy spicy scenes in roleplays and i will put my all into keeping them descriptive and fun to read, i will not purely roleplay nsfw. i want to incorporate lots of drama and plot, and the nsfw scenes make sense for the characters and their relationship.
─ what i require in a roleplay partner
being flexible with my reply time, it may take me a few days or a week, if you don’t like waiting please don’t reach out
quality over quantity. i would prefer a really engaging smaller paragraph than something that feels long and drawn out!
i tend to write a lot maybe even 2000-3000 words per reply, i love LOVE writing out long replies, but again don’t feel the need to match my word length if you can not. 
you need to be 18+ to reply any and all adult themes with me, i will not roleplay those themes with minors. 
you will plot and talk with me !! i would love to make friends and chat throughout the plotting process (which im hoping will be very thorough!) 
you like aesthetics ! i love using images, symbols and lowercase aesthetic in my replies. please let me know if you’d like proper grammar. 
─ fandoms that i also roleplay!
resident evil (all games & media )
alice in wonderland (?) if this counts as a fandom
elder scrolls v: skryim ( i would love to do this one!! ) 
star wars ( all media, movies, and shows)
devil may cry ( just 5 at the moment )
─ contact!
please feel free to message me on tumblr, also let me know of your time zone/age/name/pronouns when we communicate! here is my blog page. i will get back to you as soon as i can, i do find it hard to reply very quickly but i hope you will be patient with me. thank you for reading this..terribly long post, but i hope i piqued your interest. have an amazing day/night/evening!!
with love, belladonna
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