#major timeline: rise from rubble
dandywonderous · 10 months
ROTTMNT Bad Things Happen Bingo #2: Lost Their Voice from Screaming
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for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Characters: Draxum, Leo (the others make minor appearances)
Square: Lost Their Voice from Screaming
Warnings: Major Character Death (canonical), Bad Future Timeline
Notes: The death is offscreen but the fic deals with the direct aftermath so take care. I've put the entire fic under a cut in case you'd rather skip.
This will be up on AO3 tonight unless tumblr deletes my post a second time in which case I will probably be too tired to continue
Draxum has become a father three times in his life.
The first time, of course, was with Michelangelo. The boy had helped (or harassed) him much over the last few months, and at this point his visits were an expected part of Draxum’s routine. Even, if he were honest with himself, an anticipated part of his routine, something he looked forward to the rest of the week.
It was during one of these visits, while Michelangelo was baking cupcakes in his tiny apartment kitchen and chattering away about what he and his brothers had been up to that Draxum recognized the warmth in his chest for what it was. This wasn’t merely his creation - this was his son.
The second time was immediately after their victory against the Shredder.
He had acknowledged the kids as his boys to Lou Jitsu, but that feeling of fatherhood was still missing between him and the other three. That didn’t stop him from opening his apartment to them, because they were exhausted and that pit they called a home was full of rubble and bad memories.
Long after the others were asleep, Raphael sat awake, back to the wall and eyes watching the door and the windows. When Draxum asked him about it, he admitted he felt like he couldn’t sleep - like the moment he closed his eyes, something would hurt his family.
Draxum didn’t bother telling him to sleep. He just sat next to him and promised to keep watch. And when the boy’s head finally listed and came to rest against Draxum’s shoulder, he gained another son.
The third time was months later. Michelangelo had been coming to his apartment regularly for training in his mystic powers, and Donatello had started tagging along. He claimed it was because he had an interest in alchemical compounds, but Draxum had a feeling that wasn’t all. There seemed to be growing tension back home that both boys were desperate to escape.
Draxum didn’t ask. He let Donatello peruse what books he still had at his leisure and allowed him to conduct alchemical experiments in the bathroom (under strict orders not to destroy anything). 
The day the boy came to him with his a successful compound, Draxum told him he’d done very well. He received the first genuine smile he’d ever gotten from Donatello, and while he quickly schooled his expression back into something more neutral, Draxum would never forget that moment of pure joy on his son’s face.
Of the four of them, only he and Leonardo were still at odds. He wasn’t hostile, and he accepted Draxum’s presence in the family easily enough, but he kept Draxum at arm’s length, never opening up, never letting down his walls, never offering anything more than the surface level.
Where the other boys had come around, Leonardo still
                                                                                                                               against the hold of Draxum’s arms, digging his feet into the dirt and straining to be free. He wriggles one arm loose, reaching back toward the smoldering wreckage of the collapsed tunnel, and he screams at the top of his lungs.
“Leonardo, stop,” he commands, dragging them both back two steps before the child lurches again. “There’s no sense in this.”
“We can’t leave him!” Leonardo insists, struggling as hard as he can. “Dad! DAD!”
“If you go back there you will be killed! Which is exactly what Lou Jitsu did not want.” 
“I don’t care! Let me go! LET ME GO!”
He lifts the boy up and ignores how he flails and kicks. If his leg weren’t injured, he might be able to escape, but as it is he’s lacking in his usual force. Only the adrenaline is keeping him upright, Draxum knows. At least his swords are caught between his shell and Draxum’s chest.
He’s still screaming, but Draxum ignores him, looking over his shoulder at Raphael. He has his other brothers tucked under either arm. Michelangelo has retreated entirely into his shell, but Draxum can hear him crying even from here. Donatello is quiet, but he looks seconds from doing exactly the same as Leonardo and running off into the rubble. Raphael himself is silent, staring at the ruins of the tunnel’s entrance in disbelief.
Draxum’s voice is a commanding bark - he has to pull the kids out of their trance and get them out of here. It’s what Lou Jitsu asked him to do, after all, and he will do it.
“Raphael! Take your brothers and go back to the hideout!”
“But… but Pops-”
“Your father is gone,” says Draxum plainly, because they need to understand that. They need to get that through their heads. There is no time to be soft about it.
Raphael flinches. Michelangelo’s wails grow louder and Donatello sags, tears starting to stream down his face.
In Draxum’s arms, Leonardo howls.
“He wanted you boys to be safe and I will make sure you are.” Draxum jerks his head. “Now go! We will be right behind you.”
For a moment he thinks Raphael will resist, too, and he isn’t sure what he will do then because he can’t hold them all. But Raphael relents, lifting Donatello and Michelangelo more securely in his arms before taking off with them both, leaving Leonardo in Draxum’s care.
The boy sags suddenly, going limp in his grasp. Draxum doesn’t trust it for a moment, so he doesn’t let go, though he does lower him to stand on his feet.
“My brothers are gone,” he says. “You can let me go now.”
“So you can run straight in there and get killed?” Draxum scoffs. “I will not.”
He steps back again, dragging Leonardo with him, but still the boy resists. He tries to dig in his heels, but Draxum can tell his leg is starting to hurt too much for it to count.
“I’m not going to die,” he snaps, wrenching his chest to try and escape. “I’m going to save my dad.”
“If you would listen to me,” Draxum hisses, pulling him another few feet back, “you would know your father is beyond saving. And we will join him if we don’t leave now.”
“You must be happy about it,” says Leonardo, and his words sting like acid. “You guys never got along, right? You never cared about him.” His voice is rising again, growing to a shout. “You never cared about any of us!”
“I care about you very much!” Draxum argues, giving the boy a shake. It’s the first time he’s ever told him this, and he doesn’t even feel embarrassed because he just needs Leonardo to see sense. “Otherwise I would just leave you here and be done with it!”
“Then do it!” He kicks one last time. “Let me go! Dad! DAD!”
Draxum doesn’t want to do it, but he can hear the sounds of those monsters as they grow closer; the time Lou Jitsu gave his life to buy them is growing short. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and he’s never been more desperate.
He aims a kick of his own at the large gash in the boy’s shin, and Leonardo lets out a yelp of pain and surprise, folding over Draxum’s arm.
That’s all he needs - he takes the moment while Leonardo is limp and lifts him, then turns and runs.
Leonardo realizes what’s happening, and he tries to struggle but Draxum keeps him pinned to his chest, arms gripped tight. With no other recourse, Leonardo looks up at him and snarls ugly, ugly words.
“You don’t care… You let him die! I hate you! I HATE YOU!”
“Then live to hate me,” Draxum snaps down at him, and that’s all he says as he carries Leonardo far away from the wreckage of the tunnel, as fast as he can.
In his arms, the boy screams and screams and screams, until his voice grows hoarse, until it quiets to a whisper, and he finally gives out.
Mrs. O’Neil is waiting for them when they arrive at their hideout - an old basement storm shelter near the ruins of their apartment building. “Oh, baby,” she says softly, putting a hand on Leonardo’s forehead. He doesn’t react - he hasn’t reacted to much at all for over ten minutes now, his eyes staring up sightlessly at the red sky.
“His leg is injured,” Draxum informs her, and her brow creases.
“It wasn’t the krang, was it?” she asks. If it was, they would have to put the boy in isolation to make sure the wound wasn’t infected - hardly a good place for him to be now, in the midst of grief.
Thankfully, that is not the case. “No; there was an explosion and he was struck by the shrapnel.”
“Oh, honey,” she says, stroking his forehead. “We’ll get you patched right up.” Her eyes go to Draxum’s. “The other boys are with April.”
Draxum sets Leonardo down, making sure he’s steady before pulling back his support. He doesn’t say anything, just leans against Mrs. O’Neil and follows her away, the same shell-shocked expression on his face.
Draxum watches them disappear into the small medic center, then makes his way to the sleeping quarters to see his sons.
They’re easy to spot among the huddled humans, thanks to Raphael’s size. He’s sitting against the wall, head leaned back and eyes on the ceiling, tears rolling down face and dripping onto his neck. Michelangelo is still inside his shell, cradled in Raphael’s lap. April is sitting next to Raphael, her arms wrapped around the shivering mess that is Donatello. Draxum can hear the younger boys and April crying from here.
He sits down on Raphael’s other side and runs a hand over Michelangelo’s shell. The boy pokes his head out, eyes puffy and skin crusted with tears. He pops the rest of his limbs out when he sees who it is and climbs into Draxum’s lap, burying his face in the front of his robe. It’s seconds before a fresh round of tears start, but Draxum doesn’t do anything to discourage the clinging.
Next to him, Raphael sniffs, then starts sobbing louder. April looks up, then gives Donatello a gentle nudge; after some maneuvering, they take Michelangelo’s spot in Raphael’s lap, letting Raphael hug them and crying into his plastron.
It occurs to Draxum that these kids are his responsibility now; Lou Jitsu isn’t here for them anymore. Take care of our boys, he’d said, before using mystic force to push them out of the tunnel. He hadn’t meant just today.
They are his, and he will take care of them. 
All four of them.
The kids eventually fall asleep, and Leonardo still hasn’t returned. Draxum makes sure they won’t miss him, gently laying Michelangelo back in Raphael’s lap, where he and April sleepily curl around each other, before he leaves to go find his last wayward creation. 
Mrs. O’Neil hasn’t seen him since she finished patching up his leg, so he has to go hunting. There are a few other humans hiding out here, too, mostly people from the block whose homes were similarly destroyed. They’re all unphased by mutants and yokai by now, and they all know Leonardo, but none of them have seen him. He’s not in the makeshift kitchen or the central eating area, and Draxum would have noticed if he went back to the sleeping quarters.
The foolish boy wouldn’t leave, would he?
Of course he would, Draxum thinks, and hurries for the entrance.
Thankfully, he didn’t go far - as soon as Draxum emerges into the cold night air, he spots the shadowy shape that is Leonardo, huddled in the remains of the building that used to be next door. He had the sense to hide under an overhang, at least, his eyes staring out at the ruins of the city that has always been his home.
Draxum has to climb up a mountain of shifting rubble to get there, cursing the boy’s ability to teleport, before he finally arrives. He approaches cautiously, half expecting Leonardo to run, but it seems like the fight has left him now.
As good as that is for Draxum, it adds to the melancholy air hanging around the whole scene.
“You know you shouldn’t be out here,” he says simply. Leonardo doesn’t so much as look his way. “...How is your leg?”
To that he receives a shrug. Leonardo still isn’t looking at him.
“Are you hungry? There’s still leftover soup in the kitchen.” He’d tried to get the others to eat, but none of them had been interested. It doesn’t surprise him when Leonardo shakes his head. “Still, you should at least come back inside; it’s not safe to stay outside for long.”
Leonardo doesn’t respond to that. He just stares out at the city.
Draxum folds his arms, trying not to let the irritation he feels show in his voice and failing. “Are you this intent on giving me the cold shoulder all night? I’m trying to help you.”
Leonardo’s eyes narrow, and he lets out a long sigh through his nose. He lifts his wrist and pulls up the communicator Donnie made him (the only way they have to communicate long distance since the phone lines went down), typing a message on the holographic screen that he then turns to Draxum.
throat hurts cant talk
Draxum thinks about how the boy screamed and screamed until he couldn’t anymore, and it clicks. Of course his throat would hurt. They’re lucky if he didn’t severely damage his vocal cords.
I hate you!
He shakes the memory of the boy’s words away, focusing on the present moment. He may not be able to do anything else about this awful day, but this he has a solution for.
“Don’t go any further into the city by yourself,” he says. And then he leaves.
He returns to where his possessions are stored in the hideout, hidden behind a barrier spell to keep any nosy humans out. He fishes around until he finds what he’s looking for, then goes to boil water in the kitchen.
Soon enough he’s returning to Leonardo, an old, chipped mug cradled in his hands. It’s precarious trying to climb up to the boy again without spilling, but he manages.
Leonardo looks surprised he came back, but, predictably, he doesn’t say anything, turning his attention back to the sky.
Draxum doesn’t say anything either, instead coming close and sitting down next to him. Leonardo doesn’t react, and he chooses to take that as a positive.
“Here,” he says, holding out the mug. “Drink this.”
For a moment Leonardo only stares at it, but then he slowly takes it in his hands. He gives it a sniff, his snout crinkling in displeasure at the smell.
“It’s a medicinal herbal tea from the Hidden City,” Draxum explains. “Worthless for any large wounds like your leg, but it’s effective at soothing muscle pains, headaches… sore throats.”
Leonardo’s eyes go wide for a moment, then he turns his head away, handing the mug back to Draxum. Draxum takes it before he drops it, and he has to swallow down his protest when he sees Leonardo typing again.
The message this time reads:
give it to someone who needs it
“I am,” says Draxum, and he presses the warm mug against Leonardo’s undoubtedly cold skin. “You need it, so I’m giving it to you.”
The boy hesitates a moment longer, but then exhaustion seems to leech into him all at once, leaving him slumped and shaking. He turns and takes the mug in his hands again, taking a long moment to just feel the warmth.
Then he takes a small sip, and Draxum’s chest loosens.
Immediately Leonardo’s mouth puckers, and Draxum can’t help but chuckle. “The taste isn’t very good, but it’s better than that artificial grape nonsense you humans use.”
Leonardo makes an amused noise and wags his free hand in a maybe gesture. Then he takes another sip, and then another, and his shaking starts to slow down, his posture growing more relaxed.
Draxum sits next to him in companionable silence, watching the eerily silent New York and waiting for him to finish. They can’t see the moon anymore, not with the permanent dust cloud in the sky, but he still knows it’s getting late when Leonardo finally sets the cup aside.
“It’s best if you don’t speak for now,” says Draxum, “but are you feeling better?”
Leonardo gives a slow nod, giving his throat a light rub with his fingers. Then he types a new message on his holoscreen.
hated drinking it tho
Draxum chuckles again. “I thought you liked tea.”
Leonardo makes a face.
not this tea. it tea-rrible
“Ugh, was that a pun? That’s what’s terrible.”
Leonardo actually smirks. It’s small, but it’s there.
Taking advantage of his improved humor, Draxum asks, “What kind of tea do you like, then? I can’t promise I can get it, but I can try.”
The smirk drops off the boy’s face. He hesitates, then shrugs, giving his head a small shake.
“You don’t know?” Draxum guesses, and Leonardo nods. He hesitates again, his fingers flexing over the keyboard of the holoscreen, before he finally types a message.
dad always made it for me
Draxum reads those words, then shifts to look at Leonardo’s face. His eyes are glassy, his lip trembling, and he shivers but not from the cold, this time.
Quietly, Draxum shifts closer and wraps one arm around Leonardo’s shell.
The child breaks - tears that grow into hitching breaths and harsh sobs. He tries to stay quiet, curling in on himself, and Draxum holds him tighter, telling him without words that it’s okay, he’s not alone.
There, at the end of the world, Leonardo cries himself out, and, for the fourth time, Draxum becomes a father.
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tk-bubblyboba · 1 year
“Shared Nightmares”
A Tmnt crossover AU 2012 x rise
Or as I like to call it-
“Leonardo goes full poltergeist on a 16 year old”
This is an idea that I’ve brewing in my mental stirring pot for months now. There is not and most likely won’t be a fic for this au, just short comics and drawings.(as I cant write for anything)
Timeline goes as follows :
2012 - post s5 ep9
Rise - post movie
Warning: Major character death, descriptions of pretty tame gore
After the events of the Usagi crossover arc, the turtles are sent back to their timeline where unbeknownst to them, the Kraang have returned after their disappearance.
They plan another invasion, this time with the goal to destroy earth entirely, their army growing in size by the second. The 2012 turtles find out of their plans to late and the city is overrun once more, taking New York and soon the world by storm. Despite their efforts, the turtles are killed, leaving their world doomed for destruction.
In the wake of violence the wooden totems carried by the now long gone Usagi, fall through a pink triangle portal.. with an orange hue?
Now in the rise universe, rise has just defeated the Kraang and the city is slowly recovering as are the turtles.
Leon, who had been strictly ordered to stay in bed and rest, decides that being a couch potato is not fun and sneaks out. Soon he finds an area of the city not yet cleared of rubble and fixed up, possibly a warehouse, it’s there he finds a small wooden totem of a turtle.
Leon takes it home with him, deeming it “Little Blue”, and puts it on his shelf.
That’s when it starts.
It happens slowly, but rise Leo begins to see things out of the corner of his eye. Shadows that shouldn’t really be there. Noises, the lair begins to grow eerily cold at night, the residents having to pull out all of the fuzzy and warm blankets despite it being mid summer. He’d almost constantly feel like he was being watched even though when he’d look around no one would be there.
And from there comes the dreams. Well it wouldn’t really be called dreams and more so nightmares. Each one would be more vivid and more terrifying than the last. Such specific scenarios of giant swarms of rats, weird mutant cars, ambushes of warped foot soldiers with multiple arms, a mutant shark, being abandoned in space, his brothers dying one by one.. but only sometimes they aren’t his brothers. They glitch and warp between them and other turtles he swears he shouldn’t know, but seem so familiar.
Soon enough, the dreams begin to slip into reality. He starts seeing very briefly people or rather things momentarily glitch in the place of his family. It’s once where Raph finds him in the middle of the night and his older brothers form glitches to the unfriendly bloodied face of a snarling, spiky, mutant turtle that he realizes he might just be going insane.
And it’s then, when rise Leo would start to see him.
He’d see something out of the corner of his eye and look over to see the blurry out of focus figure of something. When he felt like he was being watched and turned to face who might be staring at him, that’d he’d find bloodshot eyes, looking right back at him from the darkness. And once, when he looks in the mirror, someone else is looking back..another mutant turtle. It’s gone once Leon scrambles back up from the floor.
Overtime, the hallucinations get worse and worse, more in focus and clear till one day, it happens when Leon is snooping through the med bay, trying to find something to help him pass out. He would turn away from a shelf to come face to face with a ghostly 2012 Leo, body burnt and bleeding profusely from many different wounds. Leon would scream as the lights flicker, backing as far away from his counterpart as the room allows. A small radio on the side of the room blared static suddenly, muffled noises coming from its speakers as the channels change faster and faster. It grows unbearably cold and Leon’s frantic breaths come out in visible puffs as he holds his hands to his ears. He would break and finally scream over the noise,
“What do you want?! Just leave me alone!”
And just like that, 2012 Leo would disappear and the lights would flicker back to normal with a buzz. The radio giving one last blurt of static before the song “Message in a bottle” by the Police plays through the speakers lowly. Something clatters to the ground and Leon looks down at his feet, there laying calmly and tilted to look up at him, was Little Blue.
Rise Leo tries to do the reasonable thing and throw Little Blue away, but the little wooden turtle would simply appear right back on his bed when the slider walked back in. The dreams and hallucinations simply got even worse, much more vivid and 2012 Leo had started to appear for longer, only ever staring. Rise Leon would slowly start to try and make sense of it all, nervously joking to 2012 Leo with small quips that never get a response.
Like a simple-
Rise Leo: “Oh haha ghosty’s back”
2012 Leo: intense staring
Rise Leo: “Ok then-“
2012 Leo would soon begin to mess with the TV, using it to try and communicate. Rise Leo nearly popped into his shell the first time it happened when 2012 Leo decided to turn on the grudge at 3am.
12 Leo would try and leave messages but they would be garbled and hard to understand. His primary source of “talking” being different staticky clips of people talking in different shows, movies, and radio stations.
Rise Leo would begrudgingly listen, as he found doing this atleast helps reduce the nightmares and two, he doesn’t exactly want to piss off a ghost. He would eventually start to decode the messages, until it becomes clear.
12 Leonardo, needs rise’s help(specifically Leon’s) to find the rest of his brothers and save them. Save them all.
12 Leo has it in his head that if rise Leo was able to stop their version of the Kraang in less than a month, surely he can stop their Kraang as well. After all, he is a Leo, and with mystic powers no less.
Rise Leo would then have to explain to the rest of his family, “hey I’m being haunted by an alternate version of me who is dead and needs our help to find the rest of his dead brothers who are all trapped within these wooden turtle totems that we don’t know the location of, ok? Ok!”
And as such, rise is(forcefully) sent off on a fetch quest to find the rest of the 2012 turtles.
After each totem is found, a turtle is added to the “bully a minor” squad, and rise Leo knows hardly any sleep. 12 Mikey has the most fun terrorizing rise Leo and is the second scariest ghost(12 Leo holds that title forever in rise Leon’s eyes)
Rise Don I think would eventually build a device that allows the rest of the gang to atleast see the blurry outline of 2012. They wouldn’t be able to understand them tho, they’d just sound like garbled screechy static.
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foxwithashortsword · 2 years
Alright, now that the bastards are an approved concept in my minds eye we can begin the introductions.
So let’s get started with Atlas.
Atlas is, out of all the ‘Bastards’, one of the more closely tied to the og timeline; Less of a major or fundamental change compared to some of the others, but still very much altered.
For one, The gems are not fond of him their love of Rose and resentment of Greg have become a boiling pot of anger and hate that they reflect onto Steven; riding the scale of passive aggressive to downright brutal and violent, actions ranging from hurtful comments and neglect for his human needs to extreme physical torment.
This is life for him for about 16 years, mounting trust issues, trauma, and scars. The boiling point rises around 17 where he begins to even attempt to talk back against their torment using the small amount of confidence he’d gained through Connie’s support…Doesn’t go well.
To the gems, the only thing worse than Steven is a Steven who is not afraid or completely submissive to them and they quickly go to extremes to stomp out the small ember of rebellion he exhibits… using The Burning Room.
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Now there’s no goddamn way he’d have survived if not for the healing powers he had luckily picked up despite not being trained in any of his powers. He wasn’t trained as a kid not just because of the gems’ lack of care for his lively-hood but also due to the early revelation of his Diamond heritage. (Three gems and a baby but Pearl didn’t give a fuck) They didn’t want him to have the power to fight back. But unfortunately for them, their actions just sealed their fate.
…Left alone on the smoking floor of the burning room, the molten skin on the eyeless side of his head sticking to the floor, The Shattered Atlas of a boy made a promise to return the favor of fire to his tormentors.
Now, it has been a popular head cannon that Pink Diamond had pyromanic powers, and that’s a head cannon I fully support. And evidently so, as Atlas remains compliant until the fire under the surface blazes out from the pores of his skin in the form of pink flames and burns the site of his torment to rubble…
From here his story mainly continues into the territory of the merged lines. But that’s his general story.
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burndroid · 5 years
@exeit || Continued from here.
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“You’ll have to pardon my misuse of the auxiliary verb. ‘I prefer not to’ might be more appropriate.” Tim was careful not to sound too cocksure. Stalling wasn’t the most effective strategy, but he needed more time.
There was no promise that force wouldn’t be used either way. Not with that look in the RK800′s eyes. It appeared to him not as indifference, but as fury. Maybe he was searching for something that just wasn’t there. If he was damaged, his last backup to the cloud was directly after his deviation. That had come with its own risks. And recalling from it was something Tim hoped to avoid. 
“Your directive is reasonable. But we do it this way --- I assume you can download the record.” The android extended his hand suddenly to the RK800. He mirrored the gesture to clasp his fingers around the other model’s wrist, if he allowed it. The safe house, the others, all out in the open. How did I arrive at this. He half expected the RK800 to punch his lights out. Still, his thirium pump regulator was steady as ever.
Dumb thing.
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martyrtomb · 3 years
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pick  up  your  sword,  girl.  raise  your  blade,  child.  cut  down  your  enemies,  girl.
you  are  a  queen  before  you  are  a  wife.  you  are  a  knight  before  you  are  a  daughter.  you  are  a  dragon  before  you  are  a  woman.
you  carry  the  world  upon  your  shoulders  but  you  do  not  relent.  you  lift  the  spirits  of  the  fallen  but  you  do  not  crumble.  you  raise  the  morale  of  the  soldiers  but  you  do  not  fail.
you  are  a  goddess.  you  are  a  queen.  you  are  atlas.
and  atlas  does  not  kneel.           a.e.w.
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ϟ.  →  zoë  kravitz  :  cis  female  :  she  /  her  :  wandmaker’s  apprentice  :  kiss  with  a  fist  by  florence  +  the  machine  ϟ  did  you  see  DORCAS  MEADOWES  ?  you  know  ,  the  33  year  old  MUGGLE-BORN  who  was  formerly  in  slytherin  .  some  say  dorcas  can  be  quite  dependable  but  are  known  to  be  cynical  .  they  are  aligned  with the order .  maybe  that’s  why  they  remind  me  of  daggers  sheathed  in  holsters  ,  bandages  twined  around  bloody  and  bruised  knuckles  ,  a  feral  animal  with  teeth  bared  in  a  fight  to  the  death  .
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EXPANDED AESTHETIC.     she  is  leather  jackets  draped  over  the  backs  of  chairs,  smiles  shared  over  bitter  wine,  bandages  twined  and  twined  and  twined  around  hands  and  feet  as  she  takes  off  her  shoes.  she  is  empty  cups  stacked  up  in  the  sink,  books  left  open  among  the  rubble  of  a  crumbling  childhood  home  and  dying  memories,  hands  soaked  in  blood  and  daggers  in  a  holster.  she  is  bloody  rags,  the  stone  that  causes  the  ripples  in  a  great  lake,  the  feral  animal  with  teeth  bared  in�� a  fight  to  the  death  and  fingerless  gloves.  she  is  sleepless  nights,  the  emptiness  of  an  abandoned  museum,  the  vacancies  in  hotel  rooms  that  will  never  be  filled.  she  wears  her  smile  like  armour,  her  wand  up  her  sleeve,  a  phoenix  dead  and  reborn  and  alive,  again.  she  is  strong  morals  hidden  behind  a  facade  of  apathy,  blasé  at  the  worst  of  times  and  lethal  at  the  best.  she  strands  herself  on  an  island  between  worlds,  the  girl  surrounding  herself  with  tombs  and  folded  pictures.  she  is  exhausted,  but  exhaustion  will  not  destroy  her.
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WAND.  Cherry. Dragon Heartstring. 12 ½" in length. Hard flexibility.
CHERRY.  This very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind.
DRAGON HEARTSTRING.  As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
PATRONUS.  Mastiff.
Although Dorcas tends to be more brash and unforgiving, her Patronus is one that is gentle, patient, nurturing, and protective. Mastiff’s were once bred for combat, to both guard troops and fight alongside them. It seems almost ironic, then, that her Patronus is as such. Dorcas is someone who is very combative in nature; she’s fought her whole life for her right to survive, as a Black Jewish woman, and as a Muggleborn Witch. Her Patronus is an almost comically perfect match, a true match for her, in many ways.
AMORTENTIA.  Freshly baked Challat, black coffee, her mothers’ perfume, her sister’s conditioner, her step father’s cologne, her brother’s shampoo, petrichor and wand polish. 
FRESHLY BAKED CHALLAT.  The family recipe was handed down to the Meadowes grandchildren after the car accident in 1968. She used to make it as a child, with her grandmother Zola, and her grandfather Tzvi, and it brings back memories of childhood. Three or four hours at a time spent cooped up in the kitchen, baking and laughing and sharing stories. She now occasionally makes it for the other members of the Order - it’s significant for her. These people have become family.
BLACK COFFEE.  It’s one of the few things she’s inherited from her father, his terrible love of coffee and almost inability to function without it. She drinks it every morning, and has three to four cups a day. She’s tried to cut down, but that’s left her with larger mugs and more coffee consumed at once. She doesn’t really know when she started drinking it; it’s been one of the constants, as the rest of the world turns upside down. It reminds her of early mornings, spent curled up next to her window sill, watching the sun rise and the muggle world turn.
HER MOTHERS’ PERFUME.  It brings her back to the last time she ever hugged her mother. Dorcas’d moved the entire family to a new house, a new community where nobody knew she even existed, in an effort to keep them safe. She’d buried her face into her mothers neck, quietly telling her she didn’t know when she’d see her next. It’s a bittersweet memory, tinged by the fear that they wouldn’t be safe, with that underlying sense of relief that they were out of the brunt of the fighting. She misses her mother more than she’ll admit.
HER SISTER’S CONDITIONER.  Her sister, Petra, doesn’t really understand why she’s not around. When she first came home with their brother, Isaac, she only heard stories about Dorcas. There was never any time to explain the war to them. The day that she found out her mother was dead was the worst day of Dorcas’ life. She spent hours on the floor, cradling her brother and sister as close to her as she could. She remembers inhaling, her sister’s conditioner filling her senses and transporting her to better times.
HER STEP FATHER’S COLOGNE.  Dorcas first met Gerald the day that the entire concept of magic being real was explained to him. It was July 21st, just after she’d jumped off the train at Platform 9 and 3 quarters. After that and his decision to stay rather than leave, Dorcas and Gerald became close. He became as close to her as her father should have been. It was him that would often tell her to slow down, although he would remain at her side when she refused - trusting her to make her own decisions.
HER BROTHER’S SHAMPOO.  Isaac didn’t understand why they had to move. He’d only been a baby when they’d adopted him and his biological sister, Petra, and so had clung to Dorcas the day that they were told that they were moving away from London. She remembers the way he’d clung to her shirt, five years old and overjoyed at seeing his older sister. She remembers pressing a kiss to the crown of his head before letting him down, the smell of his shampoo filling her nose, and allowing her a brief moment of disjointed happiness.
PETRICHOR.  Dorcas’ favourite holiday was one she and her mother had taken to the southern coast of Spain when she was eight. There had been a dry spell of around a month and their last day had been the day that the clouds had opened and the rain had come pouring out. She still remembers that blissful feeling of leaning her head out of the hotel room window when the rain had finished, that bone-dry heat now absorbed by the rain that had fallen only minutes before. The smell reminds her of that innocence.
WAND POLISH.  Dorcas works day and night with wands. She’s spent days in Ollivander’s workshop, refusing to sleep until she absolutely had to - powering through each urge to go to sleep. The smell of wand polish seems to be stuck to her hands. It’s a part of her life which is only secondary to her membership of the Order. She’s never been someone to back down from a challenge and taking on Ollivander’s mantle is something that she knows is inevitable, and is certainly something she knows would be nigh impossible to do.
BOGGART.  Her family and friends, with no recollection of who she is.
SEXUALITY.  Bisexual biromantic / panromantic pansexual, with a preference for women but also tends to make bad, bad sexual decisions. Hate sex, anyone? 
HOBBIES.  Writing (she has a leather bound notebook she keeps on her at all times), duelling, listening to music, designing wands, ice skating, reading, and hiking. Drinking. Lots and lots of drinking.
OWLs RESULTS.  Arithmancy (O), Astronomy (O), Care of Magical Creatures (O), Charms (O), Defence Against the Dark Arts (O), Herbology (O), History of Magic (E), Potions (O), Transfiguration (O) and Study of Ancient Runes (O).
NEWTs RESULTS.  Arithmancy (O), Astronomy (O), Care of Magical Creatures (O), Charms (O), Defence Against the Dark Arts (O), Herbology (O), History of Magic (O), Potions (O), Transfiguration (O) and Study of Ancient Runes (O).
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES.  Slug Club, Duelling Club (Member and President), Slytherin Seeker, Prefect (she never did learn how to keep her damn mouth shut, though).
SCARS.  A white, three inch scar along the outside of her left arm. Several scars in varying depth on her stomach and chest. Birthmark on her right shoulder.
SKILL SETS.  Duelling. Future wand maker. Skilled at deciphering ancient runes. Can ice skate, even though she doesn’t, not anymore.
PETS.  A three year old Barn Owl named Fester and a ten year old black Kneazle-cat named Wednesday.
ALIGNMENT.  Chaotic Good.
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Sep. 30th, 1912: birth of Simcha “Simon” Uriel Meadowes.
Mar. 4th, 1919: birth of Rivka Annalese Lehrer.
Jan. 17th, 1939: first meeting of Rivka Lehrer and Simcha “Simon” Meadowes.
Feb. 15th, 1940: name change of Simcha Meadowes to Simon Meadowes.
Aug. 1st, 1945: marriage of Rivka and Simon Meadowes.
May. 6th, 1945: birth of Dorcas’ cousin, Imelda Meadowes.
Jan. 25th, 1946: birth of Dorcas’ cousins, Dominick, Frank, Rita and Meera Lehrer.
Oct. 9th, 1946: birth of Dorcas Chaviva Meadowes.
Oct. 9th, 1947: Dorcas Meadowes’ first birthday.
Nov. 23rd, 1947: death of Chaviva Naama Lehrer.
Oct. 9th, 1948: Dorcas Meadowes’ second birthday.
Apr. 13th, 1949: birth of Dorcas’ cousin, Craig Meadowes.
Oct. 9th, 1949: Dorcas Meadowes’ third birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1950: Dorcas Meadowes’ fourth birthday.
Sep. 3rd, 1951: Dorcas starts attending “pre-school”, ran by the local Synagogue.
Oct. 9th, 1951: Dorcas Meadowes’ fifth birthday.
Sep. 5th, 1952: Dorcas starts muggle schooling.
Oct. 9th, 1952: Dorcas Meadowes’ sixth birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1953: Dorcas Meadowes’ seventh birthday.
Dec. 9th, 1953: allegations of domestic abuse are filed against Simon Meadowes; he is shunned by the community.
Aug. 28th, 1954: legal separation of Rivka and Simon Meadowes.
Aug. 29th, 1954: name change of Rivka Meadowes to Rivka Lehrer.
Aug. 29th, 1954: Rivka is awarded full custody of the nearly eight year old Dorcas.
Oct. 9th, 1954: Dorcas Meadowes’ eighth birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1955: Dorcas Meadowes’ ninth birthday.
Jun. 2nd, 1956: divorce of Rivka and Simon Meadowes legalised.
Oct. 9th, 1956: Dorcas Meadowes’ tenth birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1957: Dorcas Meadowes’ eleventh birthday.
Sep. 1st, 1958: Dorcas attends her local school of magic (for pre-Hogwarts magical education).
Oct. 9th, 1958: Dorcas Meadowes’ twelfth birthday.
Jul. 14th, 1959: marriage of Isabel Watson and Simon Meadowes, to which Dorcas was not invited.
Jul. 21st, 1959: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ first year of magical education.
Sep. 1st, 1959: Dorcas attends her local school of magic (for pre-Hogwarts magical education).
Oct. 9th, 1959: Dorcas Meadowes’ thirteenth birthday and subsequent Hogwarts letter.
Dec. 22nd, 1959: car accident leading to the deaths of Zola, Tzvi, Isabel, Simon and unnamed baby Meadowes.
Dec. 28th, 1959: the joint funeral of the Meadowes family.
Jul. 21st, 1960: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ second year of magical education.
Sep. 1st, 1960: the Sorting Hat sorts Dorcas Meadowes into Slytherin. She starts her first year.
Sep. 9th, 1960: Dorcas receives her first detention (and not her last).
Oct. 9th, 1960: Dorcas Meadowes’ fourteenth birthday.
May. 26th, 1961: first meeting of Rivka Lehrer and Gerald Daniels.
Jul. 21st, 1961: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ first year.
Jul. 22nd, 1961: first meeting of Dorcas Meadowes and Gerald Daniels.
Sep. 1st, 1961: start of Dorcas Meadowes’ second year.
Sep. 3rd, 1961: Dorcas Meadowes joins the Slug Club and the Duelling Club.
Sep. 19th, 1961: audition to join the Slytherin Quidditch team.
Oct. 9th, 1961: Dorcas Meadowes’ fifteenth birthday.
Jul. 21st, 1962: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ second year.
Sep. 1st, 1962: start of exam year.
Oct. 9th, 1962: Dorcas Meadowes’ sixteenth birthday.
Jan. 4th, 1963: marriage of Rivka and Gerald Daniels.
Jul. 21st, 1963: completion of exam year; she sat her OWLs.
Jul. 21st, 1963: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ exam year.
Jul. 22nd, 1963: start of Dorcas Meadowes’ third year.
Oct. 9th, 1963: Dorcas Meadowes’ seventeenth birthday.
Feb. 6th, 1974: adoption of Isaac and Petra Daniels.
Jun. 18th, 1964: meeting with Slughorn for career aspects and subsequent subject choice solidified.
Jun. 19th, 1964: first meeting with Garrick Ollivander is scheduled.
Jul. 21st, 1964: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ third year.
Aug. 3rd, 1964: informal acceptance to work under Ollivander as a Wandmaker’s Apprentice, pending formal acceptance from Hogwarts Board for the year commencing 1964.
Sep. 1st, 1964: start of Dorcas Meadowes’ fourth year and first as Ollivander’s apprentice.
Oct. 9th, 1964: Dorcas Meadowes’ eighteenth birthday.
Jul. 21st, 1965: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ fourth year and first as Ollivander’s apprentice.
Sep. 1st, 1965: start of Dorcas Meadowes’ fifth year and second as Ollivander’s apprentice.
Oct. 9th, 1965: Dorcas Meadowes’ nineteenth birthday.
Nov. 5th, 1966: Dorcas accidentally blows her own eyebrows off.
Nov. 8th, 1966: Dorcas first meets a Unicorn and collects some wand cores for the first time (and is #smitten).
Jul. 21st, 1966: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ fifth year and second as Ollivander’s apprentice.
Sep. 1st, 1966: start of Dorcas Meadowes’ sixth year and third as Ollivander’s apprentice.
Oct. 9th, 1966: Dorcas Meadowes’ twentieth birthday.
Jan. 31st, 1967: Dorcas travels to Romania with Ollivander.
Feb. 18th, 1967: Dorcas collects Dragon Heartstrings for use in Ollivander’s wands.
Apr. 19th, 1967: Dorcas witnesses wand wood collection for the first time.
Jun. 6th, 1967: Dorcas returns to Hogwarts.
Jul. 21st, 1967: completion of Dorcas Meadowes’ sixth year and third as Ollivander’s apprentice.
Sep. 1st, 1967: start of Dorcas Meadowes’ seventh year and fourth as Ollivander’s apprentice.
Oct. 9th, 1967: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty first birthday.
Dec. 2nd, 1967: Dorcas meets other wandmakers from across Europe and the Americas.
Jul. 21st, 1968: graduation of Dorcas Meadowes with the class of 1968.
Oct. 9th, 1968: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty second birthday.
Oct. 11th, 1968: formal induction into the beginnings of the Order of the Phoenix.
Feb. 1st, 1969: Dorcas begins a temp (six mo.) position working with an Eastern European wandmaker, at the urging of Albus Dumbledore.
Jul. 22nd, 1969: Ollivander offers Dorcas a full time position.
Aug. 9th, 1969: formal acceptance of full time position at Ollivander’s wandshop.
Aug. 14th, 1969: first full official day as a Wandmaker employed by Ollivander, even if her title still says apprentice.
Oct. 9th, 1969: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty third birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1970: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty fourth birthday.
Jan. 1st, 1971: first wand made by Dorcas Meadowes.
Oct. 9th, 1971: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty fifth birthday.
Aug. 27th, 1972: first wand made by Dorcas Meadowes sells.
Oct. 9th, 1972: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty sixth birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1973: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty seventh birthday.
Feb. 26th, 1974: Order of the Phoenix mission (aka errand running for Dumbledore) causing numerous injuries which leaves her hospitalised for three months in recovery.
Aug. 8th, 1974: Dorcas is benched from field missions for the Order of the Phoenix.
Oct. 9th, 1974: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty eighth birthday.
Jan. 9th, 1975: murder of Rivka Daniels (under definitely suspicious circumstances); Death Eaters involvement is confirmed by ongoing Auror investigation following Dark Mark burned onto every surface of the Daniels home.
Jan. 10th, 1975: Dumbledore waives the bench placed on Dorcas, allowing her back into field duty.
Oct. 9th, 1975: Dorcas Meadowes’ twenty ninth birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1976: Dorcas Meadowes’ thirtieth birthday.
November 18th, 1976: Dorcas arranges a Portkey for her muggle step-father, adoptive brother (13) & sister (14) and travels with them to New Zealand before Apparating home & having a friend Obliviate the Portkey provider.
Oct. 9th, 1977: Dorcas Meadowes’ thirty first birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1978: Dorcas Meadowes’ thirty second birthday.
Oct. 9th, 1979: Dorcas Meadowes’ thirty third birthday.
Dorcas Chaviva Meadowes was born to doting Afro-British Ashkenazi Jewish parents, Simon and Rivka Meadowes. For the first few years of her life, things were almost picturesque. They lived in a sheltered, Jewish community where the colours of their skin meant nothing, only the observation of the faith that had been driven out by the events of the Holocaust, from which all their families were still reeling. Simon, who had struggled with the generational trauma far more than Rivka had and had struggled through life with an abusive father ( ever changed by the realities of war, and watching his family members die ), moved the family after four years of living there. Then, everything changed. Rivka refused to stop what she’d always known: her pride in her families rich history of Judaism struck a chord in Simon that they both never wanted to be struck. He changed, almost overnight, beating on her almost relentlessly until he broke her arm in a fight over whether or not Dorcas would stay with her Luhrer grandfather for a night. That was when she kicked Simon out. It wasn’t the Jewish way, but, it was the best way for her to protect her daughter from the pain of an abusive father. Rivka’s love for her daughter, who had no sense of self preservation, and was the scrappiest fighter.
Dorcas Meadowes dealt with her generational trauma in a way nobody suspected: staying true to some aspects of the Jewish faith, but also completely abandoning some ideals ( they’d always assumed she’d run from her blood, run, run, run, like her father had. ) She fought, relentlessly, climbed her way out of her own interpretation of hell, and ended up earning a letter to a magical school. This, was the only thing she laughed herself silly at. She wasn’t afraid of death. Wasn’t afraid of the Holocaust repeating itself ( although, in hindsight, she feels that it’s already begun, just for the eradication of her people, her fellow mudbloods ). She wasn’t afraid of much of anything, but the idea that this was a hoax? That the only thing she felt made her special, made her feel as if she could rise above all the xenophobes and racists and Holocaust deniers, was a hoax? It terrified the living daylights out of her, and her cynicism developed as almost a smokescreen, an emotional failsafe, a protective barrier between her and the rest of the world. When she found out it was real, she was overjoyed, in her own way. She leapt from strength to strength at Hogwarts, finding herself distancing her inner most thoughts from the world at the reality that the Wizarding world was just as corrupt as the muggle one, at the reality that people hated those with muggle blood in their veins for just being so.
Her going from strength to strength meant that all eyes were on her. From her first year to her last, people watched her incredibly closely. It wasn’t just because of how smart she was, how much ambition she had, how she clawed her way through Hogwarts, unrelenting, unforgiving, it was also because she’s a muggleborn. A piece of filth in Voldemort’s regards. Once she graduated with her NEWTs scores as high as possible, she joined Ollivander in his workshop. It’s a place she feels more at home in than she ever did Hogwarts. It’s the place where she found out her mother had been murdered. That her family was broken, forever. Now? She has no mother. Her father died years ago. Her step-father and her adopted siblings were sent far away from England, to New Zealand. Three years on and she’s still struggling with it, although she’d never admit that to anyone.
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CHARACTER INSPIRATION.  Rosa Diaz ( Brooklyn Nine-Nine, ala always having a weapon on hand and the bisexual Vibez ), Jessica Jones ( Jessica Jones / The Defenders, ala drinking vodka from coffee cups and not giving a single fuck ), Frank Castle ( The Punisher, ala fighting for what they want to fight for and probably having dopeass symbols ), Johanna Mason ( The Hunger Games, ala the fucking constant, deep, burning rage and yes, she would strip in front of anyone, sdgaf ), Derek Morgan ( Criminal Minds, ala the Trust Issues and being good with their hands ), Alexander Hamilton ( Hamilton, ala the fucking relentless nature ), Ziva David ( NCIS, ala badass bitch ), Nick Torres ( NCIS, ala being very uncomfortable showing emotion ), Cristina Yang ( Grey’s Anatomy, ala the sarcastic bitch, I chose my person and the rest of you on this fuckin’ mudball don’t mean shit ), Toby Ziegler ( The West Wing, ala the ‘you’re too sad, Toby.’ scene and literally the most cynical ass on that way, way too optimistic show ), Any Shadowhunter, there’s probably More but I literally can’t remember a thing.
“Damn, you got no chill!” “Fuckin' right I'm relentless.” is probably the best way to describe anyone @ dorcas and her response.
one of the best duellists of the age, in all probability ( which explains her probable kicking of everyone’s asses during practices @ the duelling club ). 
definitely still dealing with the generational trauma that comes from being biologically  jewish ( ashkenazi jewish ) and having grandparents who survived the holocaust because they were smuggled out by a non-jewish neighbour.
would actually fight anyone. would also fuck anyone, but, yk, that has lead to some Problematic situations she’s had to drag herself out of.
nobody actually knows about her families whereabouts ? the only one that probably does is dumbledore himself & anyone who finds out is sworn to secrecy & she would definitely resort to the unbreakable vow to stop anyone telling voldemort or accidentally spilling it
and actually Is the definition of slytherin ? she’s INCREDIBLY ambitious & ruthless but she’s also hella f*ckin’ smart & has brains for DAYS.
thinks the gov’t is shit & believes that the era of the ministry is going to come to an end at some point b/c if it doesn’t, the death eaters will have free reign & she’s prepared to be That Anarchist, if it comes down to it.
actually does have a death wish, in all probability.
do not move coffee if she is near it. this is no joke. she could & would threaten you & then follow through.
actually only really afraid of irrelevancy???? dorcas is. ambitious. and she wants more than anything to be remembered. which is funny, considering she never is. her name is simply a footnote. 
likes droobles. hates basically most other forms of sweets. sugar quills are too sweet, those weird cockroach chocolate things are NOT her thing, licorice is the worst thing Ever Patented.
hates orange juice. seriously. 
was seeker on the slytherin quidditch team for several years. loves flying. doesn’t ever let herself do it for enjoyment anymore.
tired honestly.
misses her sister and brother a lot but won’t talk abt it.
would kill to sleep but also will not sleep.
smiles a lot but its nearly always either sarcastic or a defence mechanism so no one actually knows what shes thinking, lmao.
f*ck voldemort, yo.
probs alastor moody’s best friend at this point lmaoooooo. trust issue bffs. fskdfnksd.
gonna end up experiencing a lot! of Pain in the future! and has experienced a lot of Pain already!
listen if you’re her friend her answer to any problem that you have with anybody has literally been responded to with simply “stab them.” she swears by it.
will bite u. has bitten ppl before. did honestly get a detention for doing exactly that in her first year. they shouldn’t have put their hand near her after calling her a mudblood!!!!
if you need someone to get something done, dorcas is your girl. but don’t expect any hugs or smiles or condolences when things go wrong. she’s blunt and no nonsense and definitely trained herself out of any form of compassion after being locked in with the purists under the fucking lake for seven years. #fuckudumbles 
friends! people who Knew her in school! and were not slytherins! bc i know dorcas made a lot of enemies out of the ppl in her own house (not only bc she just existed but also bc she did get into a lot of trouble, lost them house points, got detentions constantly, but stayed at the top of the class and was actually friends with slughorn.
a healer???? mediwitches???? someone who Knew her when she was stuck in a mf bed for three months recovering after dumbledore sent her to fuckin albania and she nearly died thanks to fuckin giants. (also @ hagrid she luvs u. this is not @ u.)
ex boyfriends. ex girlfriends! she used to be someone who could love fairly openly. but she would never, ever let someone in now, unless they’d already found their way in years before (ala unrequited to requited friends to lovers shit or even enemies to friends to enemies to lovers idfk i make no sense).
dedalus diggle. for the fuckin hilarity that is dorcas, ultra competent badass lady, recruitin the biggest dumbass this side of the atlantic. (ok but seriously him turning into her psuedo little brother after she swore she would never get attached again.... yes.)
ppl she should not have had sex with but Definitely Did. either theyre actually marked death eaters or people who literally made her want to burn hogwarts to the ground when they were at school together, idfk.)
ppl she’s hospitalised before. PPL SHE’S STABBED BEFORE BECAUSE DORCAS DEFINITELY HAS A LIST OF PEOPLE SHE HAS AND HASN’T RANKED BY WHO DESERVED IT THE MOST DKJF this is also why dumbledore actually benched her lmao.
friends that she would fight to the Death for. she’s not a hufflepuff or a gryffindor but she sure is loyal. ones that she now considers to be family, even if she can’t Express it with words or ever truly say how much she cares (bc that makes you vulnerable. and vulnerability now is only going to get people killed). would love to also have one of these ppl be who finds dorcas’ dead body lol
basically anything okay i suck at these
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sapphirewolf1122 · 4 years
Coming in, Fat
Summary: All you want to do is use your quirk to help others. But sometimes, you go a little overboard.
Word Count: 1, 477
A/N: Sorry, got distracted by another project and didn’t finish my research in time to post this yesterday! But on the bright side, put together a wedding compilation video that I meant to do like three months ago! Anywho, this is just a scene that came from a convo I had with my sister about someone who had a quirk that let them manipulate their fat all around their body and, potentially, others. Which led to the idea of her swatting Fat Gum clear across a room...soooo, here ya ago. My sister may post a romantic version of this but I don’t wanna tag her and call her out like that. Thanks for reading and hope you like it!
“One bowl of miso ramen, topped with ajitama and negi, please. Oh, and ten onigiri, all tuna.”
The vendor eyed you doubtfully; you had distributed your fat pretty evenly today so you appeared to have a fairly thin figure. “Where you planning on putting all that food?”
“Food powers my quirk, so I have a heartier appetite than you might think,” you said with a smirk.
Seemingly satisfied with that answer, the vendor got to preparing your order. Soon, you were walking down the street, munching on one of your rice bowls. You had eaten the ramen by the vending cart before starting your patrol.
You hummed contentedly as you reached into your food bag for another rice bowl, though you still kept a sharp eye on the surrounding streets. There had been a rise in crime in this district recently so you’d decided to check it out. The one that was part of your usual patrol route had been very quiet lately, so you’d grown bored with it. Though your chest swelled with pride at the thought that you’d been part of the reason it had quieted down so much.
Your friends over at Naruhata had advised against patrolling out of your own town, saying that it led to a greater chance of getting caught red-handed. But you had brushed off their concerns. Disguising yourself was a specialty of yours after all.
Reaching into the bag again, your mind wandered back to when you were still in school. Many had been quite envious of your quirk, especially the girls. But no one had ever considered it worthy of hero work. Not even your parents, who had refused to let you even attend the hero course entrance exam at your local high school. To them, your quirk was all about looks. 
Which reminded you. Stopping to look at yourself in a shop window, you squinted, thinking about what to do with your features today. You didn’t want to be too recognizable after all. Hm…you’d go more masculine today. Your profile had you pegged as female, so assuming a male look would really throw them off.
Concentrating, you broaden your shoulders and maneuver some fat into your face so that your features were a bit more rugged. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much you could do about your height.  But you found that it often worked to your advantage anyway. Thugs didn’t normally expect those who were smaller than them to beat them up so much. In fact, it sometimes became a bit of an issue…
You’re too hot-headed and brash with your quirk. And that’s what’s gonna get you in a load of trouble one day.
Tch. Hot-headed...it’s not hot-headed if they had it coming. They're the ones who decided to pick a fight. You were completely reasonable. Satisfied with your disguise, you pulled up your hood and turned to continue your patrol.
Only to be knocked back as a body slammed into you, causing you to drop your food as you landed on your behind. Dumbfounded, you stared at the scattered contents. None of the remaining rice balls were salvageable. You heard the person mumble something but that didn’t stop your vision from filling with red. What kind of monster exhibited such a nonchalant and wasteful attitude towards food?
Whipping around to the rapidly retreating figure, you watched as they turned down a side street. As they did, you thought you saw the glint of a weapon in their hand. Your eyes widened. Could this person be a villain in more ways than one?
Rushing to your feet, you chased after them, rounding the corner to the side street to find that it was relatively deserted. The villain was a ways ahead; you wouldn’t be able to catch up by running after them. Good, you hated running. 
Leaping into the air, you rapidly directed the majority of your fat into your legs, concentrating them around certain muscles for the most effective energy absorption. As you landed, you used the accumulated fat to send you springing forward again, this time higher and further than before. In fact, you may have overshot it a bit…
Suddenly, a yellow mass appeared in front of you with a yell. Unable to stop your fall at this point, you crashed into them, fully expecting both of you to go tumbling. Except...you didn’t? You’d barely registered that you were actually sinking into them before you shot back out.
As you flew back, your mind was racing. There was only one person who could’ve done that...only one hero.
You landed hard on the pavement. It took a lot of quick quirk improvisation on your part to keep you from getting too banged up; you managed to absorb most of the energy by concentrating your fat at key impact points. Still, you were left quite stunned once your tumble session was over.
Staring up at the sky, you had pretty much forgotten about the villain as your brain tried to process who had just launched you across the street. 
Could it really be him? What district was this again? You weren’t on his patrolling grounds, were you? How could you not know if it were his patrolling grounds? No, there was no way. You would totally know if you had a chance of running into Fa—
“Hiya.” A big, grinning face in a yellow hood appeared above you.
“Gah, Fat Gum!” You practically jumped out of your skin as you rolled upright.
“Sure am. You all right there? Seemed like a pretty nasty tumble.”
“I-I’m fine.”
The BMI Hero: Fat Gum, the pro hero whom you admire more than any other, cocked his head. “Yeah, looks like it. Got some sort of absorption quirk? What was that jump you just made? Y’know using your quirk in public is illegal right; if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were chasin’ that guy. Actaully, you seem kinda familiar…”
Fat Gum recognized you?!
Before your mind could spiral any further on what that could mean, you heard a shout behind you. Turning, you saw a red-headed boy holding onto the guy who had knocked you over.
“Hey Fat, I got ‘im! Didn’t put up much of a fight. That other hero okay? That sure was a manly jump!” He gave you a sharp-toothed grin.
“Good job, Red. Detain him til the cops can get here. And all good here; was actually just about to ask our friend some questions. For one, they ain’t no hero.”
Crap, that didn’t sound good. “I...uh…” You started to back away but froze when Fat Gum placed his hand on your shoulder.
“In fact, looks like we got ourselves the vigilante, Futoi. She’s normally pretty hard to catch since she can manipulate her looks with her quirk but it seems she’s used up her excess fat.”
At his remark, you automatically went to touch your face to find that he was right. Your disguise had melted away due to the lack of fat left in your body. You felt a spark of your anger from before come back; this is why you’d needed those rice balls!
“Now young lady, please come with me. You’re wanted for several counts of illegal quirk use.”
Shaking off his hand, you backed away with a shake of your head. “I just use my quirk to help people! To help heroes like you catch the bad guys!”
Fat Gum’s smile seemed to soften. “While that is very noble of you, without a license, that is considered the work of a vigilante.”
“It’s not my fault my quirk wasn’t deemed worthy of one,” you scowled, aware that you sounded rather bitter.
“Perhaps not, but that doesn’t negate the fact that you’ve performed illegal actions and for that—” 
Fat Gum had started to reach for you again but, panicked, you swung at him, using his own excess fat to your advantage to send him flying. He crashed into a wall, blinking at you in surprise. Both you and Red Riot stared after him in shock. You recovered your senses first though and turned to sprint away.
Holding back tears, you mentally yelled at yourself. You attacked Fat Gum! Your hero role model! You had dreamed of joining his agency if you ever managed to obtain a license. Now you had made sure that would never happen. Ugh, Koichi would never let you hear the end of this.
Back in the alley, Fat Gum still lay among the rubble where he had landed, staring after you in shock. Kirishima rushed towards him, dragging the unconscious thug with him.
“Fat, you okay?! How could she send you flying like that?”
It was several moments before Fat answered. “Someone get that girl a license and sign her up for my agency immediately. Also, find me some takoyaki, will ya?”
A/N2: Yes, I know, I wasn’t very original with the vigilante name...but I like names to have meaning and I feel like Reader wouldn’t have really put much thought into it.
I tried to incorporate a few references to the Vigilante series; that was actually what my extra research was, haha. Wasn’t til after I wrote up the first draft of this that I remembered that Fat Gum literally featured in the series about vigilantes. Obviously, this is set a lot further down the timeline than where the current volumes are at.
Finally, if anyone has any name suggestions for the fic, I’m open to recommendations. Thank you again for reading!
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Literally no one asked but I have a BOTW timeline theory
Okay, listen, the land of Breath of the Wild has a lot of connections to Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword, very early timeline games, that are not present in the rest of the timeline. In-universe, this wouldn’t make much sense. Places like Lon-Lon Rach and the Temple of Time wouldn’t disappear only to be rebuilt thousands of years later nearly exactly as they were. These structures should be seen in the games between Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild, but they are conspicuously absent.
Save for in one game where Ocarina of Time’s Hyrule is preserved, seemingly frozen in time.
Wind Waker is the logical branch between Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild.
Follow me— a lot of races from Ocarina of Time are missing from Wind Waker. There’s no Gerudo, no Sheikah, there’s barely Gorons. The Zora supposedly evolved into the Rito, which is… interesting at best, so we’ll count them as missing.
So, we must ask, why? Why were they not present, or more present, on the Great Sea?
Because the gods only saved Hylians.
When they decided to bury Hyrule beneath the ocean because there was no hero (which like, come on guys who forgot to reincarnate him this time?), they didn’t warn the few Sheikah left. They didn’t tell the Gerudo to seek high ground. Some Gorons made it by virtue of living on a mountain, the Kokiri were saved only by the Great Deku’s tree’s magic. Everyone else? Left to drown, except not because Hyrule is preserved in a bubble, the gods can’t let go of their creation that easily, better to lock it away and hope it gets better than outright destroy it. 
So the abandoned people just… live. They live in the Hylian-less Hyrule, fairly normally, once they take care of the pesky Ganon situation (and they do, they put the Master Sword in place to seal the castle, and it’s not as hard as it might have been because the Triforce, including the Triforce of Power, has disappeared to the waves above the sky, so Gannon is both less powerful and less motivated. A weak, hero-less seal is an opportunity to plan, and he sits bound for years before his spirit quietly slips away to build his army on the sea above).
Meanwhile, the Sheikah begin to rebuild their tribe, their numbers growing from single digits to dozens and then more over the generations, with help from the few Hylians left behind and some Gerudo. Even abandoned as they are, they maintain their loyalty to the Royal Family, and begin developing technology to aid them in the fight against Ganon, should they ever be reunited. (And if, perhaps, some members of the tribe chafe at being bound to a monarchy that left them to die, well, that sentiment may linger for many years to come, growing through the centuries until the tribe splits and the Yiga clan is born.)
Mostly, though, it is a time of peace and prosperity. The Gerudo develop relations with other races they were never permitted under Hylian rule (that Ganondorf was but one man, denounced by the rest of the tribe, had never mattered to the Royal Family). Their domain slowly changes from a fortress to a town, inviting trade and visitors and tourism, so long as said tradesmen and tourists are women. The Zora and Gorons change similarly, though less dramatically, building out from the caves they once called home to live in the open air and allow others to come and go more freely.
All is well, until a certain hero ventures down to pull the Master Sword from its pedestal.
Monsters are released unto the land once more. The technology the Sheikah have been working on transforms from hypothetical gifts to real, immediate weapons. Ganon’s Castle rises up seemingly overnight, and were he at all concerned with the abandoned peoples they would have been struck down. But as his gaze rests only on the hero and the princess, they deal only with stragglers as the Shieka work tirelessly to create devices that can save them.
They succeed just in time. When the King and the Triforce bring the sea crashing down, a Sheikah forcefield protects everything but the castle. They know this to be a temporary reprieve, however, as Ganon, though sealed, will rise again, and they must find a way to fight or resign to being wiped out for good. All the abandoned peoples know too well that they cannot rely on the hero of legend to save them, so the Sheikah build hundreds of fighting machines, called Guardians, to minimize living casualties. They also work on four larger inventions, called Divine Beasts, to protect each major settlement and face Ganon head on. The Zora christened theirs Vah Ruta, after the princess of legend, the Gorons, Vah Rudania, for the chief of old. The Gerudo had Vah Naboris, after she who faced the evil within her own tribe, and the Sheikah kept Vah Impe, for the woman who once was the last of her kind.
Decades pass, and they begin to wonder if they had been wrong. Care of the Divine Beasts passes hands from trained warrior to trained warrior, each more skeptical than the last. When Ganon erupts from the ruined castle, they are hardly prepared.
But that may be of no matter, because this Ganon is more than they had ever anticipated. He is neither man nor beast as he had been in centuries past. He is both, and neither, raw power incarnate. Unbeknownst to all, the Sheikah forcefield enclosed the Triforce with Ganon’s sealed form, feeding his power as he slumbered. With not but a roar, he shatters the barrier and drains the waters beyond it, bringing old Hyrule to the surface once more.
Across what remains of the sea, in the land known as New Hyrule, a princess and a hero are awoken by premonition. They voyage to the land of their ancestors to find it in the midst of battle, monster versus machine. The castle at the center of the battle is all but hidden in smoke, but a massive, writhing beast of malice is just visible in the chaos. Four colossal structures in the shape of animals close in on it, firing with great lasers.
As the hero and princess fight their way forward to face their most ancient enemy, Vah Impe is struck down. A group of Rito, having joined the fray as it erupted below their village, fly after it. They arrive just in time for the Sheikah pilot’s last moments, as she entreats them to take the helm and reenter the battle. (They are young, they are untrained, they know nothing of the fight they joined apart from the need to project their home, and so they call the beast Medoh as they wrestle with the controls, for the girl who did what was needed when no one else would act).
Ganon’s form is greatly weakened by the time the hero draws the Master Sword from the rubble and the princess draws power from the long-forgotten Triforce. It is only a small matter to seal him, ambushed as he was. The battle ends, the princess reestablishes the Royal Family’s rule of the land. (Whatever feelings the people may have about the royal family, they cannot deny that it is the princess’s power that dealt the final blow. That power may be yet needed again, so no matter how they may have prospered in the monarchy’s absence, their loyalty lies in what will help them survive).
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goddamnitdazai · 5 years
intersect. || TachiChuu
Rarepair week Day 3 - Carrying Home || Contains Manga Spoilers || canon typical violence ||  Death is a texture. Thick like sludge that clings to everything. Death is a consistency of cold, eerie thoughts that rupture in the forefront of a mind succumbing to pain. To sickness. Death is both stagnate and ever changing. It contorts itself in to the life of others who witness it while simultaneously diminishing the light of a soul once burning as forceful as the sun. Death is prudent and strong--but there are cracks and flaws. Immeasurable circumstances that can change with one movement, one different action where death is pushed off for a time being. Chuuya, for most of his life, has been the unstoppable force. Or at least has tried.
In the last year the movements he’d constructed within seconds have strung death up by its heels. It had been coming after those he cared for time and time again and it had the young man grinding his teeth in the throws of war. Endless, it seemed. The madness of it all drew heavy ink-hued bags beneath once bright azure and where he once saw home now laid a reminder of all those he lost. Five towers knocked down to three. Smoke and ash curling among ruins. Memories wrapped in crumpled steel and concrete. 
The Port Mafia and Yokohama were running short on time. People fled, as they did during the last great war, and people remained to fight off the ones who turned their city into a battle zone. Neighboring gangs teaming up under the leadership of one powerful, and rather obnoxious as Chuuya saw him, man with dark eyes and and even darker soul. There were days Chuuya did not rest more than an hour or two before being called on to team up with the city’s strongest ability users currently able to withstand the siege. The hunting dogs. Among their ranks, a man formerly part of what he considered his family and a man he respected, though their interaction remained in situational delegations. Now and again Chuuya had gone on shorter missions accompanied by Tachihara before he betrayed the Port Mafia. He was good with a gun, and Chuuya was good with his legs. Missions that required reconnaissance as much as brute power were done well by the two of them. At first the subordinate seemed nervous around Chuuya and he was unsure if it was his demeanor or his position. Both, Chuuya had assumed but with the events that had unfolded months ago it was heard to decipher what was true. At least that is what Chuuya told himself. Truthfully, he knew the kid wasn’t that great of an actor nor was he that cold. There was sincerity in who Tachihara was while hidden in the Black Lizard. He supposes it doesn’t matter at this point. Tachihara was doing his job to protect the city, and for the time being Chuuya could forget his transgressions for the sake of Yokohama. Hirtosu and Gin were breathing, and truth be told Chuuya related to both the feeling of betrayal and betraying what he could consider...family. A literal knife in Chuuya’s back based on fear and manipulation. Mirrored actions. Parallel paths intersecting on a different timeline. Chuuya huffs at the thought. Understanding Tachihara’s reasoning didn’t excuse his actions, but it made it more difficult at times to hold blame. Chuuya was angry; but could he be? A bullet whizzes past his head directing his attention to the forefront. He smirks. Twisting the bullet back to its original owner with a soft hum. Concrete falling to dust beneath this weighted footsteps red aura glowing through his body. Scent of blood thick in the air, but he’d been around it so long it’d become a familiar perfume. Gunshots ring out. His smirk rises knees bending to shoot him up on top of a pile of bricks next to a decaying parking garage. Bits of what used to be a bookstore and second floor coffee shop leaning down from bombs blowing out the walls. Glass shards rise up coated in fluid garnit piercing the air with a quick whistle that silences the gunfire. He was looking for the leader’s supply route, and from the look of all the semi trucks he’d found it. A second explosion rattles Chuuya’s skeleton before he jumps from rock to rock brought up by the gravitational pull at his fingertips. Avoiding the attempted assassination and only feeling faint warmth from the glowing fire until it buries itself in grey smoke. Chuuya smirks and waits for the second round of gunfire. Heart pumping blood quickly through his veins as bullets surround him, middle finger out and directing the now-ruby glowing bullets in a swirl just to send them right back. In his peripheral he notices metal beams moving quickly past the semi trucks that had been idling suspiciously quiet. Where were the drivers? Apparently, not the men he just killed with their own bullets. He could really use a fucking cigarette right now.
More metal rattles from a pile of wreckage flinging bits into dust covered shadows. Chuuya side steps one with a grunt hands shoved deep in his pockets as he walks towards the four trucks lined in a row trying to place what used to be here. He didn’t spend much time on this side of town unless he was driving by on his bike. A car dealership? Something useless to him. His eyes bounce around the environment taking in each strip of detail, where every particle of dust falls, and the faint sound of labored breathing. Chuuya stops mid-step peering down beneath his foot. Thick crimson pooling near a pile of sharpened metal fragments dug deep into a man’s body. Hunter green and pale blue--the color scheme was tacky and easy to spot. The enemy, despite their destruction, weren’t exactly in the business of protecting their own. Chuuya steps on the man’s chest ending it quickly. Traitor couldn’t even end a life before he moved on to the next, he thinks, jaw locking as he continues forward dust caking his shoe in mottled grey and brown. Mangled framework of a half-finished building peeks through the billowing smoke and dust. Night sky keeping a majority of the street clouded in deep navy, but the dark was nothing out of the ordinary for Chuuya. This much destruction in one swoop was something of a rare occasion and it left a sour taste in his mouth. He shakes the memory from his head; later. When he was alone with a bottle of wine and the job was completed. He could unravel for a moment before picking himself up again. His posture straightens as he kicks a boulder in to a hidden guard aiming for his head. “Oi, you fuckers going to play hide and seek all night or are we going to have a real fight?” He calls into the darkness, smirk rising higher than the sliver of moonlight above. More gunfire, scattered. Thin pops of gold against murky black encapsulating the broken down building making it easier for them to hide. Chuuya didn’t care. He was used to fighting in the dark. He follows the sound, humming. Bullets bouncing off him, cement cracking beneath his feet into a dozen sharp comets careening forward. Blood splatters. Metal shakes. A curled beam split in thin strips begins to vibrate at his ankle and shoots forward completing the end of a few stragglers his rocks didn’t take out completely. At least Tachihara was doing his fucking job. Chuuya ducks beneath one of the tilted beams leaning against a half-crumpled wall of bricks like the entrance to a tent. Smoke thick enough to make him pull his forearm up to block it from entering his lungs. Quietly he steps over rubble and glass shards, bullet casings rolling into the obscurity around him sound echoing louder the deeper he walks. Strips of moonlight casting white over bruised and battered bodies atop a pool of crimson painting the floor. Metal shards sticking out of a few further in. The hairs on the back of his neck stand up--something hits the floor near him hidden in the shadow barely caught by his quick-shifting gaze. Three seconds more and Chuuya would have kicked a crater in Tachihara’s head. “Oi, warn me next time you’re going to sneak up on me!” He grates out, pivoting with his hands shoved back down in his pockets. Blue eyes growing wide at the sight of his former subordinate. Tachihara looked a bit buffer, maybe from training again with the hunting dogs, maybe Chuuya never really paid attention. Blood had begun to streak down his side soaking the white t-shirt and familiar jacket. Strange how he’d changed from his outfit. Confuse the enemy, keep his secret identity hidden from foreign organizations..it didn’t matter. Chuuya’s jaw locks as he kneels down on the balls of his feet to asses. “You okay?” He asks voice a touch softer than before. Tachihara looks up at him blood caked on the right side of his head cascading down in thick dribbles over his cheek and chin. Shoulder speckled with the same deep red. “Yeah boss, asshole clipped my side and I fell.” He half-smiles and tries to push himself up to his knees only to fall again hand barely catching his weight. Chuuya’s brow arches. Boss? “Is Hirotsu okay?” Tachihara asks through gritted teeth. “Old man hasn’t been here all night. Shouldn’t he be helping or is it his bed time?” Despite the apparent pain Tachihara’s voice remains teasing, the way Chuuya remembered. Gruff, deep, a street tone Chuuya recognized in himself but airy in a way when he was around those he trusted. “Hirotsu…” shit, his head. Chuuya stares at him for a few moments running through different scenarios that could play out. Mori would want the information, but if he didn’t remember he was fucking useless as a captive. He wouldn’t even know he was captive. Chuuya rubs his palm down his face. “He’s fine. Hanging back letting us young ones do all the fuckin’ work.” Chuuya couldn’t let him die. For a myriad of reasons that would send the mafia in hot water, and..he couldn’t let him fucking die. Traitor or not. Traitor. That fucking word made Chuuya’s mouth feel dirty. And yet here they both were, perfectly described with that adjective. The only difference being time. Which meant what? It didn’t lessen the levels, the dishonesty and lies for personal gain. What happened because of his inability to lead. Tachihara showed himself as he was, there was little doubt in Chuuya’s mind the smoke and mirrors were just enough to infiltrate. Personal gain. Only reason to join a brigade like that; he wasn’t a mastermind like Jouno or a diehard believer...--but what drove him? Chuuya swears he feels something press into his back, the scar left long ago. Cold. His spine tingles. Tachihara’s face pales, sweat beginning to bead beneath his forehead and soak the front of his shirt. “C-c-chuuya-san...think..we can save the rest for the old man? Should pull his damn weight yeah?” That fucking half-smile, the one that tries to hide how deep his wounds were. His pain. “I suppose it’s only fair.” Chuuya states, extending his arms to scoop Tachihara up with ease. Kid was light as hell. “Oi, how do you weigh so little with all that muscle?” “I---you’re strong” He half bows to Chuuya in embarrassment, but the angle merely leads to Tachihara bumping the good side of his head against Chuuya’s chin. The older man grunts, eyes focused on what was in front of him. Feet moving fluidly through the wreckage; drop off point. The government had made one and he didn’t really give a fuck about being told to stay off the perimeter. Tachihara slumps against Chuuya’s chest causing Chuuya’s eyes to flit down in a panic that sends his heart to his throat. “Stay awake, Tachihara. It’s an order.” Chuuya commands in a tone the younger should recognize, and the reply of a simple nod is enough. The walk wouldn’t be too long, and from the quiet ahead there wouldn’t be much to stop them. Shadows pave their way winding through buildings and alleys. Yokohama drifting in to the one of the very few tranquil moments. Out of habit Chuuya begins to hum to himself. Filling the silence, and from what a few of them had said long ago… the reminder of someone else being there was comforting when everything else was uncertain and death loomed close. Chuuya tightens his grip on Tachihara, humming a bit louder as night begins to fall away to dawn.
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noquirka-blog · 6 years
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   oks........... here’s a gigantic headcanon dump about my most important aspects for deck so i dont end up reblogging everything like an idiot.
it is important to know that being bullied and not being able to become a hero are not the reasons why he’s resorted to villainy. well, supposedly they are supporting factors on why, but that’s not the initial reason. deck’s view of villainy, or at least how the media would perceive it, is someone who either a) does bad and/or b) has views that heavily contradict majority of society’s, and that’s what caused them to turn against it. though izuku can also fall under statement a ( despite his kill count; though this is something i’ll cover up further later ) he moresoever falls more under statement b. izuku’s views and perception of heroism, quirks, and how society portrays these two things SEVERELY counter society. and thus, villainy. all of his acts, all of his beliefs, they’re not made out of pure pettiness or want for revenge. he’s looked upon not only HIS own experience due to these things, but also studied other people’s experiences, and have therefore turned against society as a whole.
IZUKU COMPLETELY LIES ABOUT HIS QUIRK. HE DOES NOT COME OUT AS QUIRKLESS. he comes up with the fake quirk ANALYZE that gives him the ability to instantly know a person’s quirk at first glance, as well as the ability to speculate their weaknesses and strengths quickly.   the reason for this is for his belief that people only think people these days are extremely powerful due to their quirks.  people, though not all, seem to rely on them too much. 
with THAT important factor covered, let’s get more onto the specifics. 
the basic timeline put into a brief statement would go in this order.
IZUKU AND KATSUKI ARE CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS. prior to gaining their quirks, although their relationship wasn’t exactly the best despite katsuki’s high pride, izuku and katsuki hold an EXTREMELY close relationship and have considered each other best friends at this time. that is until then, ruined completely when katsuki’s quirk arrives- completely ruining their friendship with katsuki’s head growing wider, and his view of izuku deteriorating due to his quirkless state.
IZUKU’S ATTACKED BY THE SLIME MONSTER. ALL MIGHT SAVES HIM. is then told that his dream of becoming a quirkless hero is unrealistic, and thus leaves his hopes and dreams crushed into debris. whether he helps katsuki in the attack is completely unknown, but is said that he has, though all might isn’t there to watch. katsuki is saved nonetheless by another hero though izuku was scolded for his reckless acts.   the complete difference that tears this AU apart from canon is all might does not approach him.  with that scene out of the way, the what if scenario takes its place.
IZUKU ENTERS U.A’S EXAM WITHOUT A QUIRK. and, of course, fails.one thing to note is, though, he does help uraraka when the robot arrives-- pathetically attempting to save her from the large piece of rubble that’s fallen on her. yet, despite his lack of a quirk, he wasn’t able to enter u.a at all, and was denied.
IZUKU, FOR A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME, ENTERS ANOTHER, NORMAL HIGHSCHOOL. but despite his depression cranking up, his mother advises him to skip a year at least. he does, but this is where the epiphany strikes him : questions like why couldn’t i be a hero arises, question on why everyone rejected him all because he was quirkless. the bullying, the discrimination, the constant underestimation, all because of this fact. all because of his quirk. not just him--- many others. stories of people actually killing themselves despite this, people forcibly driven into villainy just because their quirk was too ‘’villainous’’. people forced into marriages just for quirk amalgamations-- the statistics of more and more violent disasters ever since quirks’ arrival. the differences of crimes before and now because of quirks’ arrival. quirks made everything chaotic,or at least says the boy. it was his damn duty to erase it. not for his sake, but everyone’s.
IZUKU RAN AWAY FROM HOME WITH NO SIGN OF WHATSOEVER AT THE AGE OF 14. the only things he’s seem to brought are a few clothes and some of his notebooks. his mother went frantic, so did katsuki and his family, and missing posters were spread all around. but no one ever listened. and it seemed like only the two of them cared about the case more than anyone.   IZUKU, THUS, WAS DECLARED DEAD.  the cause of death was unknown despite never being found and not knowing how he’d die; though it was dubbed as suicide knowing the cases of most quirkless’ peers who resorted to suicide too.
IN REALITY OF THAT, IT WAS IZUKU SLOWLY DELVING INTO VILLAINY. he was a wanderer, at first, no exact place to stay. he’s killed at least two to three heroes, by complete accident or so he’d say. a complete rush of anger-- and this is where he realizes how heroism was corrupted, similar to stain’s ideals, though he sticks more closely to his original ones.
HE IS THEN FOUND BY KUROGIRI, AND THUS INVITED INTO THE LEAGUE.  but, instead of completely joining the league, he introduces himself as analyzer cleverly ( funnily enough, it was an impromptu decision right on the spot. ) who was a ‘ for hire strategist ‘. word got around about this strategist quick, and thus increased his reputation and he was able to interact with the villains more. take note that he doesn’t like them just as much as he doesn’t like the heroes. he was able to analyze about these heroes even more, and the same goes with these villains, widening his knowledge about quirks and whatnot. he studies more about the anatomy of quirks, how to counter them, finding a possible way to reverse them, and other helpful things. also given a place to stay, though isn’t exactly in the league’s premises, but is taken care by them and is nearby as well.
THE YAKUZA EVENTUALLY HIRES HIM AT ONE POINT. he then, carefully enough, manages to steal at least two to three quirk destroying bullets. he uses these to replicate them with the same purpose, though was only able to successfully make a few batches. with other research and resources from the league, he’s able to make his own version of quirk destroying bullets, though limited, and other serums that cancel the person’s quirk temporarily, nullifies the person’s limb to refrain them from using their quirk temporarily, penetrates an unexplainable pain throughout the victim’s body when shot, etc. 
AND WITH THIS, THE VILLAIN UNKNOWN RISES. at the age of fifteen, izuku was able to spread the name unknown across the media. unknown was given the title of the elusive ( hero ) killer, thanks to his quick escapes and unknown persona. he wasn’t caught by the media ( yet ) by face, but is known with his costume of plain clothing and a cracked al might mask.   unknown is given the title of the hero killer as his main targets are heroes--- but.  he kills heroes. not the person themself. he kills the hero by taking away their quirk permanently. there are only some instances wherein he manages to kill them fully, but that isn’t his true intention. however, he wasn’t given the full title of the hero killer as stain’s already taken it.
izuku, as analyzer, is known to be cunning, enigmatic, and all in all strange. he was a respected icon throughout the villainous leagues, thanks to his intellect and fair power. despite being surrounded by adults most of the time, his tongue and dictation is far more advanced than a boy his age, meaning if one were to speak with him, he’d speak as if he was an adult, not a teenager. 
izuku, as unknown, is known to be a complete mystery. hence the given alias. he doesn’t speak much- but, when he does, it’s usually his ideals, similar to stain.
“ heroism.. its such a pretty word, isn’t it? but the beauty that it holds, the altruism and selflessness that it stands for, all gone.  it’s all molded into this fucked up business that you fools have turned it to, a competition to rank who’s the best when it shouldn’t even be ranked at all. everything about heroism is ruined. you sick fucks call yourselves heroes when you’re the very beings who’ve ruined it. it sickens me-- it saddens me.  “
his kind and gentle demeanor is crushed to his belief that if he continues to put up his old acts, he’ll only fall to his downfall. he needs to learn how to stand up for himself. the main idea is he’s almost killed his past self as he took it as a lesson that his old self has brought him nothing but pain.
though his entire identity as izuku isn’t erased. he’s stil nervous around girls his age, as to why he’s nervous when toga’s waaay too close to him and loses most of his composure and the ‘’’gentleman’’esque act. he sticks to his ideals way too close and is the main factor on why he’s reached this far. his high pain tolerance is also a factor to why he’s still standing, and to why he lasts longer in battles. izuku is still izuku, regardless that he’s a villain.
goes by several aliases, such as ...
ANALYZER : the name used when he addresses himself to villains.
UNKNOWN : the name given by the media and the name heroes know him by.
DORI : since he isn’t 24/7 doing his villain work, and his face isn’t known as a complete villain, he sometimes wanders around as a normal citizen and introduces himself with this name-- acting as if a normal fanboy to heroes, both building and pros alike.
he’s inhabited most of katsuki’s acts. if anything, he acts almost similar to him, as katsuki is a ‘’’twisted version of what he wants to become’’’, and since his assertiveness and determination is one of the things he used to admire about him, he ended up developing the same attitude, though knowingly terrible. he isn’t aware of this, though.
izuku calls katsuki katsuki. not kacchan. though he holds no anger to him ( and all might ) he definitely doesn’t hold any affection or looking up to him anymore. the name ‘ kacchan ‘ is something he’d express with tenderness. he calls him katsuki to note their past friendship, but completely cuts off the tenderness he once held for him.
izuku is filipino-japanese. his mother’s side is filipino, his father japanese. he grew up in japan though and practices very little filipino culture. is able to speak bisaya and tagalog, but isn’t completely fluent.
izuku has asperger’s and bpd. asperger’s is diagnosed, but bpd isn’t.
izuku is anemic. this is thanks to his terrible health and how he takes care of himself.
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Exist to Die and Still Live On
@mushroomminded wanted angst. I deliver angst.
WARNINGS: Major and multiple character death, implied suicide, murder, mind break, emetophobia, severe bodily harm, wibbly wobbly timey wimey bullshit, The End, angst with no happy ending
Read at your own risk.
(Title from Duck or Ape by Roar)
Matt’s choking and all he can do is put his face in his hands and wait. He can feel Matt’s hands, slippery with blood, pawing at the hem of his jeans, the gargling gasp as he tries to speak through the cut in his throat, the desperate whimpers of his dying friend.
“I’m sorry,” He says into his palms, unable to look, to cowardly to face what he’s done, “I’m sorry but I have to do this, I have to fix this! It went wrong! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” His face is hot and wet with tears but he still won’t look. It’s only when Matt’s pawing hands stop grasping for him that he glances between his fingers.
All is still.
There is a subtle and rhythmic tink-tink-tink from the kitchen where blood is still dripping into the sink.
He draws in a shaking breath and puts the knife to his own throat.
Tom catches him breaking in through a carelessly unlocked window in the middle of the night.
They fight. And, of course, Tom’s drunk.
Tom’s drunk and Tord doesn’t mean to push him that hard. He doesn’t mean to but he does and Tom’s head crashes against the edge of the window.
The wet snap sounds like damp stick being ripped apart. Before he can take in the damage, before he has to look at the wrong angle Tom’s head is at, he flees down the hall. He’s messed up again and he’s learned the hard way that there’s only one thing he can do to set it right.
“Stop it!” His voice cracks, breaks, choked by his tears, “Stop it, I don’t want to do this anymore! Just stop it! Please, just stop! sTOP STOP STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!”
When he dies for the first time, it’s an easy death.
He’s old and he’s the only one whose heart is still stubbornly kicking. Although by now, even that stubbornness is fading. He’s sitting quietly, facing the ocean, just taking it all in. He hasn’t seen them in decades, not since he left that day. Somewhere along the line, he just decided to never come back.
So he closes his eyes and lets out a sigh, a last breath, and lets go.
But when he opens his eyes again, something’s gone wrong.
Tord keeps trying.
Again and again and again and again.
R E S E T.
No matter what he does, no matter how it ends, he ends up in that hostel in Norway, cold and alone and screaming.
He always wakes up screaming.
“The universe is fucking with me,” He says bitterly into coffee so black he can see his exhausted expression reflected back at him, “Or someone’s fucking with me. I…I’m stuck. I don’t know what to do.”
“Sssoooo you’re telling me that you’re stuck in some kind of time loop?” Edd looks skeptical but not dismissive.
“Yes,” Tord says tiredly. He appears well rested, fresh and ready for the day. But there is tired sickness to every line of his body and a defeated blankness behind his eyes.
“You don’t look very panicked about it,” Edd goes to take a drink of Cola and frowns into the empty can, “How many times have we had this conversation?”
“Many times,” Tord murmurs, watching his old friend rise from his chair and head over to the fridge, “I haven’t exactly been counting but…it’s been…a lot…”
Edd hums thoughtfully as he reaches into the fridge and pulls out another can, wedging his finger under the pull tab, “Well, maybe you just need to—ghck!”
His words are cut off by a wet gasp as the pull tab snaps and wedges itself in his throat. Blood sprays from Edd’s neck and paints the fridge red. He drops his can and falls to the floor, gasping and pawing at his neck.
Tord watches this happen with an almost bored look on his face. And it might have been boredom if not for the way his hands are shaking around his coffee mug.
When Edd stops twitching, Tord pushes his chair back and goes to retrieve the gun from the back of the cabinet in the sitting room. Then he has to go find Matt and Tom.
All the times he’s scraped his plans, all the times he’s changed his mind, all the times he’s turned his back on the Red Army, he’s failed in the worst ways possible.
All the times he’s followed his original intentions, all the times he’s gone back to get what he left behind, all those times he’s tried to get away without getting them involved, they’ve always caught him.
Every time they’ve caught him, he’s forced to kill them and then himself so he can start over.
He doesn’t want them to know. They can’t know. They can’t get involved.
But every time, the universe works against him.
Except for the one time it doesn’t.
Except that it kind of does.
He’s tries.
Goddamn him, he tries.
He tries to sneak in, only to get caught by Tom.
He tries to drive them off and only succeeds in pushing Tom away.
He tries. He tries so damn hard.
He rips out his own heart and grinds it to dust under the heel of his own stupid robot because, goddamn him, he just wants this to end.
It’s too late. Too late to recover this timeline, too late to save anyone.  He has to destroy this one and start over again and he can’t take it anymore!
“But I thought we were…I thought we were friends…!”
“Ha, no! What would I need friends for when I’ve got this!? I’m unstoppable!” The words tear open his chest and taste like poison on his tongue. He nearly chokes on them. Not his words, not what he wanted to say! But it’s too late, they’re out there, and he all he can do is laugh in maniacal state of panic because, god, what did he do to deserve this? He just wants it to end, please, god, let it end.
“Hey! Sunshine-lollipops!”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“Take a seat!”
This timeline, too, has failed. He has no choice. He sees red, edges blurring through tears, breath choking in his chest because he’d been so close. But of course Tom has to screw things up. Tom, always butting in where he doesn’t belong. Stupid, drunken, unhelpful, annoying, freak-faced Tom.
The blast from the rocket exploding makes the ground shudder.
Matt is screaming. Edd is howling. Tom’s gone under a pile of rubble.
Tord can’t breathe. He panics, sputters words out and flees. He’ll come back and kill the other two later and reset everything. He’ll start over and everything will be okay.
The harpoon tears through the cockpit—tears through his plans—and scores his side like cold fire. Tord chokes on a sob, struggling with the controls, struggling to set things right. Hell, if he could just crash this damn robot into his old friends then maybe they could all die and he could try again. Even if he wants out, even if he doesn’t want to do this anymore, anything’s better than ending like this. Anything’s better than ending with their hatred and their scorn and their lost everything; no memories, no home, no nothing to their names and it’s his fault.
Struggle all he wants, the cogs and gears and winding forces of the world turn against him. They’ve finally steered him onto the path they want and they’re not letting him go.
When Paul and Pat haul him from the crash site, he vomits hot blood and burning stomach acid onto the scorched grass. Chokes down his sobs because if this is how he has to live then, damn it all, he’s not letting his men see him break. Not completely. Not yet.
There will be time for breaking later.
“Reset…” He whispers hoarsely into the shadows, barely audible over the beeping machines, nearly delirious from the drugs in his system, “Reset…please…j-just let me…one more time…reset…reset…”
Red Leader is sick, they say.
Red Leader is crazy, they say.
Red Leader can’t die, they say.
Red Leader is dangerous, they say.
Red Leader wants three specific men dead.
And they say he will stop at nothing to kill them.
The word “RESET” is painted in red beneath the symbol of the Red Army.
There’s not much of Tord left, when they find him.
Whatever was there has been scratched out with panic and fever and desperation, with tears and screams and blood.
There is no Tord anymore.
Just Red Leader.
And Red Leader is insane.
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finaldestiny12 · 6 years
The Legend of Zelda :fan fic prologue.
The noise of Battle was growing louder outside. Malon was in a corner praying. Ingo and Talon had their backs pressed up against the door of The Farmhouse, trying desperately to keep the Gerudo forces outside.
Link on the other hand what's sitting on the stairs leading up to the bed room, just waiting for the inevitable.
BOOM ! Ingo and Talon were thrown from the door before putting their backs back into it. Link stood up. BOOM! Ingo and Talon where thrown to the other side of the room this time. Link stood between them and the door. "Link what are you doing get upstairs before...". BOOM the door flew off its hinges and landed on the ground, stopping just shy of where I Link was standing. Link drew his sword.
A iron knuckle stud just outside the door, a giant axe in both hands. The creature took one step forward, but before it could get into the house it saw a flash of green and gold. Suddenly it was pinned to the wall of the barn across from the house. The hilt of a sword and young boy was the last thing it saw before disintegrating into flames.
Link looked back in to the horse, Ingo and Talon had a look on their face that was a mixture of shock amazement and fear.
An appropriate reaction: Link thought to himself. he looked to the Corral where it appeared the majority of the fighting was taking place. " Close the door behind me. Don't come out until it's safe." He told them before making his way to the heart of the battle.
Before even reaching the center of the battle, two Gerudo broke off from a small group and pointed their Spears at Link. Another with two swords appeared behind him.
One thought to herself ( Do we have to kill him he's just a kid.) Another thought (This boy killed an iron knuckle without barely giving it any thought, he's dangerous.)
The Gerudo with spiers charged Link. Fire erupted from his sword. A quick spin later and a nova of Brilliant Orange Flame sent them flying. They're burning husks landing close to where they started their charge.
The Gerudo behind him let out a blood-curdling scream. She leaped forward and landed on the far side of Link. She dropped her swords and fell to her knees and pain. Link had split open her stomach and she flew past him. He stabbed her in the heart through the back to finish her.
Blood splattered on his face and he froze for a moment. Link was not used to fighting human opponents. Most of his foes disintegrated into fire and Ash upon death, blood and gore we're not something he was accustomed to.
But he was accustomed to violence. He wiped the blood on his sleeve and made his way to the center of the battle
The ranch was a mess. The wall on the far side of the ranch was in utter ruins, the fence that made up the Corral was completely destroyed, rocks fired from catapults we're all over the place, the mill was on fire it almost lit the entire battlefield, monsters and Gerudo we're pouring in from the ruined wall, but the Hylian forces were giving as good as they got, at this point the battle could go either way.
And at the center of it all the Demon King himself Ganondorf. He was on horseback a massive Trident in hand. He was doing battle with about a dozen Knights. But Link thought it was more impressive that a dozen Knights were holding their own against Ganondorf.
The Knights were in white armor with a red bird across there chest. Many of them were using a sword and shield, Hylian Shields.
Ganondorf got a good hit on one. Has Trident knocked off her helmet and gouged out her left eye. All of her fellow Knights just rushed him at once as a knight from a different group help get her to a Healer.
Link was about to make his move when a group of about a dozen stalfos charged at him. He pulled out a bomb and killed two of them instantly. The others rushed him in single file making it very easy for him to finish them off with his sword.
Just then three lizalfos jumped at him from behind. He blocked the first one's attack with his shield and promptly cut him in half. The other two are attacked at once. Link then called upon Din's fire. The two were instantly incinerated.
Link looked to his side. A terrified young Gerudo Warrior was tightly gripping her spear tears rolling down her eyes. She wasn't very old, 18 at the most. Yet here she was a child in the midst of a battle. It appears she had realized of fate, she was going to die today, and nobody would ever know her name.
Link turned away from her. A stupid move but one he did not regret. Dropping her spear she made a break for the nearest exit she could find, out the front entrance of the ranch.
Link wasn't a child, not anymore. Not after all he seen, not after all he's done. His battle with Ganondorf, his adventures in termina afterwards. He was fully mature, at this point it was just a matter of his body catching up.
Link turns to face Ganondorf once again. He was still fighting with the Knights. The sun began to rise turning the sky Orange.
Link stepped forward when he heard a female's voice call him by name from behind him. "Link". He turned around nobody was there. "Link". The Voice came from behind him again. He recognize this voice.
Link woke up. The Sun reflecting off of brilliant red hair. Malon kicked Link's boots. "Link wake up". Link set up and rip the back of his head, silently observing that a wooden board makes for a terrible pillow.
It has been 7 years since the Battle of Lon Lon Ranch, and 9 years since Link came to this timeline. Link and Malon we're now fully of age and considered adults by Society.
"Link if you don't hurry and get up Ingo will make you clean the horse stalls by yourself again". Malon said a hint of sass in her voice. Link slowly got to his feet.
" What time is it?" Asked Link. "It's about noon." Malon told him. Link looked at the ranch as it is now. The wall Corral and Mill had been repaired, the rubble and Corpses cleaned up after the battle. And as far as he knew Ganondorf was dead.
" Did you have another dream?" Malon asked. " Yeah." He said still rubbing the back of his head. "It was about the Battle 7 years ago." "I see." Malon said not sure how to respond. Link has never been very good at sharing about his past. Over the years she got to know him he opened up a little bit but not much. Most of the time before they met was still a mystery to her.
Link took the empty pocket she had been holding. " Come on let's get back." He said giving her a smile. She nodded and smiled back.
This is a prologue to what I hope is a long-running fanfiction about the events after Majora's Mask. Thank you for reading please stay tuned for chapter 1.
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TITLE: Slipstream
WARNINGS AND RATINGS: Rated T for swearing, Major Character Death
FANDOMS: Overwatch, My Hero Academia
SUMMARY: “Can I become a hero, even if I’m like this?” Izuku asks the woman with orange leggings, a glowing blue chest and spiky hair. Lena smiles, and places a hand on the green haired boy’s shoulder and says, “You know, the world could always use more heroes.”
Izuku has Chronal Dissociation. So did Lena Oxton. Somethings change. But most things remain the same.
It starts in summer. On a training camp, to be exact.
Izuku understands what it’s for. To train their quirks, because the world has gotten so much bigger, and they are just ants compared to the big world that hold things that are unfair.
(Lena Oxton watches the timeline move forward, and she waits, and she listens.)
So, they go to a training camp, 2 years early.
(This reminds Lena too much of the Omnic Crisis. Kids being forced to survive…it’s just not right)
They are thrown off a cliff. Izuku considers recalling back to the top, but decides against it, blinking safely to the bottom.
(It’s thanks to Lena that he reacts so calmly to this. After all, it’s not the first time any of their incarnations have been thrown off a high ledge)
Then the ground shakes, the earth rises, and Izuku wishes he had his pistols, but he has to instead settle for the pulse bomb settling at the small of his back.
(Lena places a hand on Izuku’s shoulder and says “Go.”)
They make it out of the forest alive.
Izuku sinks to the ground, dragging Katsuki with him, muttering “I’m tired…”
Katsuki doesn’t even bother with a response, and instead leans against Izuku with a non-committal grunt.
The others are in similar states, tired and dirty as the two of the four members of the Wild Wild Pussycats Mandalay and Pixie Bob praise them, and Izuku spots a small boy standing off to the side.
“Um…I don’t mean to be rude, but whose kid is that?” Izuku asks, pointing at the boy.
“Oh, this is Kota. He’s my nephew and I’m taking care of him for the time being…” Mandalay says, gesturing to him. “Why don’t you say hi Kota?”
Kota looks away. So Izuku gets up, ignoring the twinges of pain coming from his legs after hours of fast sprinting and hard landings and walks up to Kota, squatting down so that he’s level with Kota’s line of sight and says “Hi. My name is Izuku Midoriya, it’s nice to meet you.”
(Lena Oxton has always been good with kids, even if she didn’t have one. She wonder’s how Emily is doing.)
Kota glares at him, before taking the offered hand and shaking it slightly. “I’m Kota Izumi.”
After an incident in the baths, Izuku learns about the death of Kota’s parents, the Water Horses, and how that had changed Kota into a boy who hated heroes.
(And maybe…Lena thinks, thinking back to the final days of Overwatch before the Recall, he not entirely wrong. There’s an old memory of when Pharah learned of her mother’s death, and was angry for months).
Izuku looks at the unconscious Kota on the couch, and can’t help but see a bit of “I want to save the world.” In him.
Izuku stands in front of the pro heroes, who are looking at him and back at the paper.
Izuku can’t really blame them. How do you train a quirk like Chronal Dissociation? A quirk that ends up being more like a medical disease?
Izuku ends up shooting moving targets down made by Pixie Bob, while the teachers brainstorm on what to do.
Izuku goes off to find Kota, holding a plate of poorly made curry in his hands as a peace offering.
Kota doesn’t want the curry, and yells at Izuku, and tells him why he hates heroes so much, and why he hates anything to do with heroes.
Izuku frowns, sets the curry on the floor, and walks away slowly, head turned ever so slightly to keep Kota in his lines of vision.
They hold a test of courage for those who passed the exam.
Izuku has his pistols strapped to his arms, bouncing up and down as people draw to select their partners. He doesn’t have a partner.
(For Lena, this is not the first time she’s been without a partner, but she does thinks it’s a bit unlucky to draw such a short end of the stick.)
Izuku sighs, and waits for his turn, when all the sudden, the forest catches alight and villains come out of the shadows of the trees.
Izuku blinks into the forest, skidding on the dirt to see Kota being cornered by the villain Muscular, the same villain’s that took away Kota’s parents and left him all alone.
Izuku charges, grabs Kota, and sprints away, ducking under arms and punches, with Kota sending a splash of water from his hands in panic at the villain.
(Lena has never figured out how to blink with another person. Izuku’s the same.)
Izuku deposits Kota behind a rock, blinking away at the right time to avoid another punch from muscular, drawing the villain closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.  
Right when Muscular is on the very edge, Izuku flips over him, sticks a pulse bomb between his feet and dodges away, the explosive sending Muscular careening off the cliff, and Izuku goes back and scoops up Kota, and sprints into the forest, hoping that Muscular is unable to recover from the fall.
(They sprint, because people bigger than them have ripped them from the flow of time, not matter their intentions)
Izuku leaves Kota with Aizawa, shoots spinner’s sword and delivers a message, and blinks into the undergrowth to find Katsuki.
(He’s the league’s goal, which seems to be a constant in every timeline.)
Until a shadow reaches out to Izuku, before stopping at the very edge of the ring of light around Izuku that’s caused by his chronal accelerator, and recoils.
He’s immediately pulled aside by Shoji, and he explains what’s happened, including the fate of Tokoyami.
Izuku bites his cheek, and says “I have an idea…”
Shoji sprints out of the undergrowth, Izuku hanging onto his shoulders and Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow following behind.
They run into Katsuki and Shoto, who watch as Dark Shadow disposes of Moonfish and then use their quirks to incapacitate him, returning control back to Tokoyami, who gets his breathing under control.
They breathe, begin their escort of Katsuki out of the forest.
(Escort Missions, Lena thinks, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly, are the hardest missions to do. There are too many ways things can go wrong.)
It goes wrong.
They are ambushed, and Tokoyami and Katsuki are taken as a result.
Shoto sends a wave of ice at the villain, Mr Compress, and he laughs, saying something among the lines of “You missed!”
“I didn’t” Shoto says, and Izuku blinks up the ice, appearing right behind Mr Compress and landing hard onto his back.
“Right on target!” Izuku says with a grin, and Compress is sent crashing to the ground.
But not before Izuku is forced to dodge, when a ball of blue flame comes crashing into the space where he just stood.
More villains emerge from the shadows, and Izuku clenches his jaw in determination.
Katsuki gets taken.
(Another un-avoidable event of the timeline, even if Izuku managed to hinder Compress’s escape.)
Izuku wishes he could have tried to save him, he was fast enough, but he just…couldn’t move, no matter how hard he tried.
(Lena Oxton knows this feeling far too well.)
Izuku comes and helps rescue Katsuki with Kirishima, Shoto, Iida, and Yaoyozoru.
(Lena’s reminded of the Recalled Overwatch. A ragtag group of heroes that are going to save someone, no matter the law.)
They rescue Katsuki, whisking him away from the danger.
Now, all they can do is watch as All Might defeats All for One, the last dregs of his power fading away as All for One falls to the ground, defeated.
They are moved into dorms. They hold a contest.
Izuku’s room has All Might merchandise scattered across the room, but also a charging station for his Chronal Harness in the corner.
He doesn’t win, but he really doesn’t care. He’s having fun with his friends, and that’s all that matters to him.
When they take the first half of the provisional license exam, Izuku keeps the group together, until Shoto goes off on his own, and Katsuki, Kirishima and Kaminari disappear as well.
Then the ground rumbles, the ground shakes, and the Earth splits as they all are forcibly split up.
(There is a girl impersonating people, and Lena recognises her and Izuku does too, and they blink away before she can do any lasting damage.)
Izuku manages to reunite with Uraraka and Sero, and together, they pass the first half of exam. The rest of Class 1-A does as well.
The second half is a rescue mission. Izuku has been given the job of scouting and searching, blinking across the map to find the people trapped beneath rubble, with injuries. He picks them up, and carries them to the relief area, and helps defend the place too.
When Gang Orca and his men attack, he teams up with Yo Shindo to defend, while Shoto and a boy from Shiketsu High School argue and are paralysed, before they work together to trap Gang Orca, giving Izuku enough time to plant a Pulse Bomb onto Gang Orca’s back and recalling back to Shindo.
The Shoto and the boy from Shiketsu High School don’t pass. Neither does Katsuki.
They go back to UA after that, tired and drained.
(Katsuki does not resent Izuku in this timeline. Izuku does not have a power passed from generation to generation in this timeline. Katsuki never asks Izuku to talk with him. They never fight each other. The two just sleep the night off, thoughts and doubts clouding their minds.)
They meet the top three students of U.A.
Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, U. A’s “Big Three”
(Lena looks at them and sees Overwatch’s top agents.)
They introduce themselves, and they discuss Work Studies, and Miro challenges them to a fight.
It’s less of a fight and more a massacre.
Miro is fast, and his quirk is unknown, and he takes down the long-range fighters first before going towards the close combatants.
(Lena looks at his fight style, and it’s like a mix of Reaper and Genji. Disappearing, quick strikes, it all very familiar.)
(Izuku makes the same connection and a plan begins to build in his head.)
Miro is fast, but Izuku is faster.
Miro appears at the back at the group, and is ready to take Izuku out when Izuku disappears. Miro looks around, and then feels a weight slam into his back as Miro is forced to the ground, and Izuku blinks back, wishing he had his pistols, and instead clenches his fists.
They still lose anyway, but that was expected, in the very least.
They talk about the Work Studies, and how villains are becoming more numerous, and Izuku can’t help but frown.
(Lena frowns too, because it’s far to early to be making kids into fighters, and yet, the world keeps on turning, and there’s nothing she can do to stop it.)
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deadlymagician · 5 years
True Killer/Fantasy AU
This AU runs on the idea that Yosuke had gotten his abilities around the same time as Yu and was the one to push Saki into the TV world instead of Adachi. 
This is also a separate timeline for my original blog so I will put all the Fansty AU points down here. There however will be tweaks as I will only be playing as Yosuke mainly and maybe Morgana from time to time. Also, Mattie from my original blog does not exist in this AU.
Pertaining to timeline events everything thing in this blog takes place a few months after the events of Persona 5
This AU is set in a world where human’s and mythical creatures exist side by side. Magic is the norm here and a lot of the technology here has magical properties to them. Despite all this, the Tv world/Metaverse is still quite a mystery to most. Same goes for the shadows that live there.
TV World/Metaverse
In this world, these places are still considered another world coinciding along with their own. Due to the presence of magic and other so-called mythical creatures, these worlds are highly unstable and have a tendency to merge with the real world here. This causes a lot of shadow breakouts or leaks as well as can cause many mental-shut-down cases if not properly handled. However, you must still have a way into this world (Tv or Phone app respectively) and not anyone can just walk into them. The only way to enter these worlds without those is through the weak points that are created when this world fuses into the real world.
TV World/Metaverse to the population.
In this world, most if not a good majority of the population know of the TV World/Metaverse but only a select few can enter it. The population also only know of it as another world and don’t know what’s it's actually called. Shadows are not common knowledge to the public and are meant to be kept that way. 
How do the different races in the TV world/Metaverse differ in this world? 
Well, pretty much any extra abilities that are common for certain creatures become null and void. They have no effect on the shadows there and only their Personas are useful. Also, creatures that normally can’t feel fatigue or don’t tire out easily, will feel this. Despite not having any physical changes happening to anyone inside these worlds, anyone inside is practically reduced to being human.
The shadows in this world are a lot stronger due to the influence of so many different magical beings as well as the presence of magic in general. Only Persona’s and recent specialized weapons developed by the Shadow Ops are effective against them. They also have a tendency to actually leak out of the TV World/Metaverse as well as their own world. 
The individual personas look just like how they are in any other normal world but they have the added abilities of their user’s Race. They can also be used outside of the TV World/Metaverse if the user is in a shadow infested area or Merge Points. Personas can use Merge Points to exit their world without being summoned but will retain their shadow-like form with their persona outfits. (If maxed out the persona’s can choose which outfits/mix outfits.) They can also use their abilities to an extent outside of their world but it drains their energy. 
Merge Points (Mp’s)
These are what the shadow ops call the areas or points where the tv world/metaverse fuse together. These points will always be surrounded by the fog from the tv world even if it’s a metaverse leak. Only specialized glasses made by Ted or the Shadow Ops will be able to allow others to see through this dense fog. Personas are summonable in or near these points. (Even for persona users of other worlds.) They are very random and practically untraceable. Strong Shadows appear to somehow be able to create these (Still currently being studied). 
Specialized Personaized Weapons. (SPW’s)
These are the weapons that the Shadow Ops/Persona users utilize to fight physically against shadow attacks. Normal weapons are null and void against shadows so these weapons were created. They are created by fusing a normal weapon with the power of their personas. This is done using a special machine the Ops found blueprints off in the rubble of an old laboratory. The ops’s head scientist is the one in charge of creating these weapons. 
Shadow Ops
The main focus of the Shadow Ops in this world is to maintain/detain any leaked shadows, as well as deal with any other Shadow related messes. They are also meant to keep the public from knowing about the existence of Shadows by any means necessary. They are also tasked with studying merge points as well as the other world they are from. They are also tasked with hunting Yosuke down. 
Wildcards/Mulitple Persona users
The holders in this world differ only cause of their abilities to shapeshift in the Tv World/Metaverse. Obviously, they cannot physically shapeshift in these worlds but it’s the way they are able to switch through personas. They refer to it as shifting as in this world they cannot actually hold or have more than one Persona. They more or less “see”  the potential of another persona thus allowing their original persona to just morph or shift into other personas. As long as that persona does not already have a holder.
Shadow Ops and the Multiverse Knowledge of other worlds is quite common in this world so Shadow Ops members do frequent runarounds for cleanups. As the TV World and Metaverse here are very unstable shadows can and will end up leaking into other worlds. They are also more willing to work will other Shadow Ops members of other worlds and will be willing to lend their technology and knowledge for the help. However, they would prefer to have the technology back after missions are done as they could greatly mess with other worlds
.All the canon events that happened in both 4 and 5 games (and spin-offs )are still the same. However, Izanami was never defeated leaving the whole town of Inaba and only Inaba surrounded in fog. Yosuke’s involvement in the P5 events was minimal and only involved creating mental shutdowns at complete random. He fled the minute Shido was apprehended.  
Here is a list of canon characters and their races. These are how Yosuke will refer to canon characters when talking about them.  ( Races are subject to change if another blog chooses to have an AU for them.)
Yu: shapeshifter Chie- witch #kungfuwitch
Yukiko- snow woman
Kanji- Demon
Rise- Succubus #alluring navigator
Teddie- Shadow/bear hybrid #a beary big star
Naoto- Nekomatta
Adachi- vampire #vampiric jester
Akira- Shapeshifter #rebelshifter
Ryuji- Lighting elemental #lightingskull
Ann- Imp
Yusuke- Kitsune 
Makoto- human/dragon hybrid
Futaba- Technopath #technofutaba
Haru- Fairy
Goro- werewolf
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dancewithmeplano · 6 years
Our Favorite Dance Albums Of 2017 : All Songs Considered : NPR
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Regardless of how far we admit that group-movement to a centralized rhythm is medicine for your soul, a few emotional climates simply aren’t conducive to reaching a singular period of exultation and release on the dancing floor. Around much of the world, 2017 sure as heck didn’t feel like the right season to the ecstatic. So, the question would be: what to do? One response arrived at within our listening had been to get planning. It is a directive that took on numerous shapes — battening down the hatches or building alliances, jumping off artistic cliffs or simply re-appraising the nation of one’s own practice. And when there were organizing principals to the year’s electronic and dance records NPR Music is spotlighting, it had been these.
Not to mention that 2017 didn’t have its own share of happy parties or paths, but those were laced with a series of facing up or dancing down Babylon — of trying to correct sonic religious or social trespasses. The “scene’s” ever-present awareness of freedom apart, there’s currently widespread recognition that this planet and this particular community — the one that succeeds, the one that creates machine audio, and also the overlap of the two — demand tilling for the future. And when you looked carefully, you could spot many people putting in that job.
House music continues to be locally headquartered in South Africa and Japan, strengthening its own origins in Atlanta, and being researched, pushed and prodded in Detroit. The decades-long, mutating dialogue between technology and folk forms is occurring in and exported from communities of African American cities before untouched by Western hype (Kampala, Dar Es Salaam, Addis Ababa) and from epicenters of it (Lisbon, London, Chicago and also D.C.). Post-techno artists keep their leaps into modern arts spaces by way of innovative and accepted forms, an increased focus on makeup and by pushing forward. You will find other fusionary wormholesto visit in 2017 too — and almost for instance, eachinvolved musicians whose communities have been adept at making civilization away from the dominant (see: white male) market. For most, it was almost like the grasp of the breaking news timeline didn’t influence their creativity.
Yet the events impacting the world out had no option but to affect the air in the work and perform happens. It isn’t merely the backlash to extremism and its own regulatory and societal attacks on dance and electronic music core constituencies — immigrants, minorities and the LGBTQ community — that fueled the year’s reflection.
The conversation about sexism and gender-rights in dancing music kicked off before the present wave of #MeToo revolutions; and has generated an active-enough shift in imaginative female involvement — the growth of collectives such as Discwoman, the booking of series like Smart Bar’s Daphne, the solidification of a women’s electronic music canon via reissues, the increase of headlining women DJs controlling the decks — it is progressively influencing what a fantastic club night seems and feels just like. There’s also a rising recognition of the expanding gentrification of dancing music, of the way the wave of pro-dancing initiatives from major cities (the establishment of nightlife czars, the repeal of New York’s cabaret regulation) are saluted as economical, perhaps cultural, victories; of how too many DJs and producers surf through overseas cultures pillaging samples without circumstance; of the ways the Internet-based tools that enabled the rise of dance and electronic music are under attack from artificial market forces (as well as the Internet itself).
These are the problems we’ve been considering when seeking to dancing and tune in our way through the rubble of the past calendar year, and also in choosing our favorite dancing and electronic records of 2017 (introduced, as always, in alphabetic order). And if Funkadelic’s old adage of needing to spare the ass before allowing the mind get on with the essential revolution isn’t far and needs to be heeded, we think that these releases achieved both, or, at least, sowed the seeds for music that will.
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Among the secret weapons of Chicago’s experimental music scene, the Bajas have created a decade worth of fuss-free, manhood- and – synth-heavy jams indebted to Eno and Fripp, Terry Riley, and Krautrock’s kosmiche wing. Bajas Fresh deepens the effect of their tender, arpeggiated drones and loops, even while shooting on the astral jazz predilections of Windy City traditions (and dance-floor ponds), making an unbelievable work of electronic psyche minimalism.
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If DFA is forever damned to be associated with multiple eras of New York’s disco-not-disco glories, the irrepressible Ms. Gonzalez has at all times been on-hand as a reminder that the electronic avant-garde is among the glues that retains the dancing downtown together. Groovy, gothy and apparently effortless, Horse Follows Darkness is a glorious romp, its own circular piano runs, post-punk bass lines and layers of analog synths locking into a celebration vibe at once artful, calm and darkly defiant.
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The delicate melodicism of the sophomore album from the North Carolina duo softly divides synths like atoms and destabilizes rhythms at virtually every turn — like it is title topic, when worn also loosely onto a sleeve. Heart is not very synth-pop or expressive gloomy soul or weathered, experimental electronic equipment, but pledges allegiance to every one them on behalf of a deeply rooted, exceptionally personal depression. These are magnificent sketches of a consciously no-future life.
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The way to meaningfully handle one’s creative history without even regressing or resorting to cheap nostalgia? Four Tet’s most recent album does it by harkening back to Kieran Hebden’s more hierarchical, early-career moves, at times employing his once-signature breaks-oriented drum programming, even while remaining true to the melodicism and emotional curiosity that have always been his hallmarks. This New Energy conveys the filter of encounter that provides the weight of both journal and op-ed.
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One of the year’s most famous electronic records is a tense monument to rhythm, abstraction and physiological movement — beyond category at a genre space that likes to be defined by them. Producer Jerilynn Patton works in a sonically innovative beat-wise atmosphere that is part analog-era science fiction, part futurist computer makeup, with fearlessness and a very clear vision. A reminder that person notions of creativity could be balms for a society that appears stuck.
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Although I continue describing this album of synth-first compositions and also post-classical pop songs like a salve to our dark epoch, I’ve become self-conscious that subjectively attributing divine powers to it is critically unfair. The Kid comprises no specific recipes for cultural development; yet Smith is clearly an artist comfortable juggling many unanswerable questions — musical, religious, technological, societal — without falling to grief, which makes music that doesn’t not think in a utopian outcome. At the moment, that is crucial.
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In a year when dirt finally entered the mainstream mainstream — when Ed Sheeran courted Skepta and Stormzy — Miles Mitchell published an album that lasted expanding the music’s speech at a timely, satisfying direction. Devout is not the South London producer’s first move in reducing dirt’s hard edges; but now with a story where self-fragility and willingness are assets, not disses. Dig, if you will: masculinity less a poisonous reservoir, but part of a complex life.
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A Japanese producer whose 2001 EP for Berlin’s fabled Chain Reaction became a nearby techno classic before he retreated from sight, Atobe and his unreleased archives have now been subject to a masterful musical excavation since 2014. Like its prior partners, which also featured recent and old work, From the Start feels beyond time: It is music with relatively ancient and global DNA, whose melodic textures and approach to techno and house have been distinctive qualities, not more en vogue, or even rarer, than now.
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Still, I. Hide caption
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In its core, the Milan-based producer/multimedia artist Simone Trabucchi’s debut as Nevertheless is an experimental dancehall album about how private history intersects with global migration routines — individual, technological, rhythmic — to form the framework. (As in the “I.”) It is an oft-boiling bud that spills over with ideas, banging hard as it theorizes, a panoply of riddims, electronic effects and multipurpose vocals that drives at the advantages of a digital pan-globalism, while calculating a map for quests, escapes and releases.
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Terekke, Plant Age. Hide caption
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Dub is a fantastic, malleable type, forever associated with Jamaica, but over the past 40 years, plus an energizing tactic for anyone seeking an oblique strategy for artistic advancement. Since Terekke, Matt Gardner has helped identify the analog hardware functions of Ron Morelli’s powerful techno/house tag, L.I.E.S., textures of that replicate and dub are organic ingredients. Nevertheless, the reassuring degree to which he gives himself over to dub on his smoky debut album is a miracle, harkening back to when Vladislav Delay birthed Luomo.
And 10 more noteworthy records in the year (also in alphabetical order):
(Purple Tape Pedigree) (Wah Wah Wino) (Technicolour) (Clone) (Melody as Truth) (Boomkat Editions) , “s/t” (Smalltown Supersound) (Dais) (Ninja Tune) (Regelbau)
The post <p>Our Favorite Dance Albums Of 2017 : All Songs Considered : NPR</p> appeared first on dance withme plano.
from dance withme plano http://www.dancewithmeplano.com/our-favorite-dance-albums-of-2017-all-songs-considered-npr/
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
Genoa bridge death toll rises as Italy holds day of mourning | Europe| News and current affairs from around the continent | DW
Italy on Saturday held a national day of mourning and a state funeral to commemorate the dozens of people killed when a motorway bridge collapsed in the northern port city of Genoa.
The official ceremony came as the ANSA news agency reported that a family of three, including a 9-year-old girl, had been found under rubble, bringing the death toll from the disaster to 41. 
The fire department has so far only confirmed the recovery of the “completely crushed” car they were traveling in.
Two other people are reported to be still missing.
Public fury
La Stampa newspaper has reported that the families of 17 victims have refused to take part in official commemorations while seven others have not yet decided whether to attend amid continued public outrage at perceived failures by authorities.
“It is the state that has provoked this. They shouldn’t show their faces; this parade of politicians is shameful,” the paper quoted the mother of one victim as saying.
President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte attended the state funeral service in Genoa, along with other dignitaries. Mattarella spoke briefly with each group of families before the service got underway.
Genoa’s archbishop, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, held a short homily in which he called on citizens to show solidarity.
“We can build new bridges to walk together,” he said.
Players from the city’s two football teams, Genoa and Sampdoria, were also at the service after their matches were cancelled as a sign of respect.
Dozens of cars plunged onto railway lines below as the bridge collapsed
Passing the blame
The populist government has put the blame for the catastrophe on the operator of the Morandi viaduct, Autostrade per L’Italia, saying the company had failed to invest sufficiently in maintenance.
The company denies the charges, saying it had put more than €1 billion ($1.14 billion) into maintenance since 2012. It says it will be holding a press conference on Saturday to announce its plans for victims and the city.
The Morandi viaduct, which dates from the 1960s, has experienced a string of structural problems over the decades, with engineering experts severely criticizing the structure.
The collapse is thought to have possibly been caused by the failure of one of the stay cables supporting the deck of the bridge, according to one engineer investigating the disaster.
Read more: Italy opens probe into operator of collapsed Genoa bridge
Genoa Bridge collapse: A timeline
Cars plunge into void
A 100-meter section of Genoa’s Morandi Bridge collapsed on Tuesday morning amid torrential downpours and violent storms. At least 35 cars and heavy vehicles are believed to have been on the section when it caved in, causing them to plunge some 45 meters into the void below.
Genoa Bridge collapse: A timeline
Italy’s busy motorway viaduct
The bridge over the northwestern port city was one of Italy’s main viaducts, connecting the A10 motorway towards France and the A7 up to Milan. The incident also took place on the eve of Ferragosto, a major Italian holiday, meaning traffic was likely to have been busier than usual.
Genoa Bridge collapse: A timeline
Rescuers scramble to find survivors
Less than an hour after the collapse, authorities had already indicated the number victims was likely to be in the dozens. Italy’s transport minister, Danilo Toninelli, said the bridge collapse appeared to be an “immense tragedy.” International leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and France’s Emmanuel Macron, paid tribute to the victims.
Genoa Bridge collapse: A timeline
Rescue efforts continue through the night
Rescue workers continued to scour the rubble and wreckage through the night with the hope of finding more survivors. Alongside firefighters and emergency services, another 1,000 locals volunteered to help in the rescue efforts. According to the Interior Ministry, as many as 16 survivors were found wounded beneath the rubble, including 12 in serious condition.
Genoa Bridge collapse: A timeline
Death toll rises
By Wednesday morning, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said the death toll in the collapse had risen to 35, including three children aged eight, 12 and 13 years old. Officials also warned that the number of dead was likely to rise further, as rescue workers began moving the largest pieces of debris.
Genoa Bridge collapse: A timeline
Tragedy spurs political fallout
Italy’s Giuseppe Conte interrupted his holiday to visit the scene of the collapse. While Conte reserved his words to praise the rescue workers, his ministers started pointing fingers. Transport Minister Toninelli said the company managing Italy’s highways would have its contract revoked. However, his 5Star Movement party has been criticized for downplaying the need for infrastructure investments.
Genoa Bridge collapse: A timeline
Cause of collapse still unknown
While the precise reason behind the disaster is still unknown, investigators believe it was potentially caused by a lightning strike, an engineering failure or corrosion. Italy’s CNR civil engineering society has warned that the lifespan of bridges built during the 1950s and 60s was only about 50 years. The Morandi Bridge had been in use for more than five decades.
Genoa Bridge collapse: A timeline
Apartment buildings in danger
Toninelli, who is also minister of infrastructure, has said the apartment buildings standing almost under or next to the bridge might have to be demolished. Some 630 people living in the apartment buildings have been evacuated. Toninelli said on Facebook that lodgings would be found for them.
tj/jlw (dpa, Reuters, AFP)
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atopiarp · 7 years
Year 892 — Alexei Cherne submits his dissertation on Hitchkin’s Illness. Leading him to believe that in the near future, if this is an evolutionary divergence, sooner than later, an ALPHA will appear.
Year 898 — Vessel abilities manifest. First incarnation by the name of Nikolai Cherne.
Year 900 — Project Vessel is founded by Dr. Alexei Cherne, father to Nikolai. Camps are then set up as rehabilitation therapy. Kids who are infected with Hitchkin’s Illness begin to be enrolled into the program by their parents. The study of those with abilities begins.
Year 900 — The head camp lead by Alexei’s personal staff, is destroyed as a result of an unusually shift in an opaque, gravitational force to which no one - to this day - is able to explain. The entire camp is destroyed and the event is marked as “the first day.” A tragic piece of Atopian history.
Year 900 — The Senate hold a press conference determining that those with Hitchkin’s Illness are in fact not sick, but a part of something potentially greater transpiring within our species. They coin the categorizing term “Vessel” to be used in order to understand the difference between one with or without abilities.
Year 901 — Other camps begin to fall, the result of the many captive children, some of whom naturally possess abilities, and some who had such power artificially placed within them, begin rising up in protest. These riots are quietly motivated by a child who walks free among them, a charismatic boy named Leo.
Year 904 —  A fresh company named Vylon Co. begins to fund the remaining camps under Project Vessel, allowing for “Ironworks”, a man-made island fitted with Vessel-examining technology developed by Dr. Cherne himself, to be built and established.
Year 905 — Dr. Cherne and Abraham Vylon collaborate on Blackwell, a company dedicated to hunting and tracking Vessel activities.
Year 907 — Abraham Vylon double crosses Alexei Cherne and works with the Senate to found a new agency based on the ideals of Blackwell, called EXO, a Vessel enforcement organization.
Year 908 —  Dr. Cherne continues his research within the depths of Ironworks in hopes of developing a “cure” for Vessels as a people, but most importantly for his son, whose capabilities have began manifesting as illness.
Year 910 — Fearful of Alexei succeeding in creating such a serum, especially as he is no longer financially tied to Blackwell, Abraham abruptly halts all funding and closes the camps, effectively ending Project Vessel and shelving any possibility of him saving his son.
Year 915 — After hearing rumors of a planned “reclaiming of power” by Alexei and Blackwell from EXO, Abraham has his homeless and barely sane former business partner killed, placing additional hits on his son and the daughter he has produced; these two being the only remnants of the Cherne legacy.
Year 917 — After years of searching, Vylon’s hitmen finally arrive at a gardenesque countryside villa, the home of their target and his daughter. Nikolai had quietly left Blackwell in hopes of isolating his daughter, the light of his life, from the many dangers tied to such a company. An ambush follows, one which plants a bullet into the brain of young Juliet, killing her. Unleashing a swelling blackness awakened by his unbridled rage, Nikolai slaughters each of the hitmen and destroys his home.
Year 928 — Painted as a most-wanted fugitive and monster by Abraham Vylon, Nikolai abandons every aspect of his identity, personality, and life. Under his new identity of Leopold Silk, he begins working as an enforcer for one of five major crime lords within the “Criminal Underground”, quickly gaining a reputation for merciless interrogation and brutal physical domination of those who disrespect him and his masters.
Year 935 — A slowly-building desire for revenge eventually manifests itself, Silk reclaiming leadership of Blackwell alongside eleven others, those who suffered alongside him in the camps of his father. The company operates within the shadows, away from the paranoid eyes of The Vylon Company, gathering their resources and determining their best course of action for when the time is right. Gathering within the darkest depths of the Underground, Blackwell dominates the environment following the sudden and mysterious deaths of the five crime lords. A figure of unknown identity fills the void left by each of their deaths, naming himself supreme kingpin and operating under the moniker of “The Black King” by the growing number of criminals who had begun fearing him and his ruthlessness.
Year 935 — Following the ascension of the Black King, a dip in arms sales force several thousands of factories across Atopia to shut down. Effectively rendering the market for arms deals discontinued for public safety. Arms are then only privately dealt out to enforcement agencies, making guns and variant forms of weaponry, scarce if at all available.
Year 935 — Solomon Smith, one of the last known crime lords allows his son, Jeddakaia to inherit his belongings and hideouts, before disappearing altogether. The boy known as Jeddakaia, unborn at the time, would go on to become Thorne and a protege of The Black King himself.
Year 945 — Abraham steps down as CEO of Vylon Co. and is replaced by his eldest son, Benjamin. This attempted transition of power acts as catalyst for Blackwell to unveil their own plan, one which leaves the Vylon building in rubble and many dead; the company itself effectively eradicated. Learning that Leopold was the orchestrator of such death and destruction, Benjamin begins compiling information on him and Blackwell in an attempt to bring him down.
Year 957 — Blackwell and its founders had returned to their shadows following the downfall of Vylon Co., shifting their focus to off-the-books training of super-evolved Vessels, individuals who were placed in rigorous behavior modifications programs in order to make them powerful tools for Blackwell and their plans. Nevertheless, Benjamin continues to monitor and gather evidence on these activities.
Year 963 — Now motivated to protect his own children, Lauden and Layal, Benjamin establishes a trust and protection for them before attempting to flee Yorkshire with his innumerable files pertaining to Blackwell, and is never heard from again.
Year 964 — Stryker Industrial begins construction of their first location with Carter Stryker at the helm of this grand, new company. Which he intends to use to establish a number one arms manufacturer.
Year 965 — Following a series of hostile exchanges, Thomas Norway is expelled from Blackwell by his fellow founders and colleagues. Fearing his power and the threat he could become if left unchecked, Silk uses his considerable influence across the government to brand Norway as a wanted fugitive. Norway vanishes from society.
Year 968 — The Senate come to agreement on a new project called “Abel.” An attempt to replace the current electrical grid with one generated by a computer-based mind. Which will obtain majority control over most of the “smart-systems” in the general public: traffic lights, currency distribution, food distribution, and surveillance for safety.
Year 968 — Dr. Emmerich Velos and his wife are both killed after attempting to stop Project Abel. Their daughter is left on the street, later to be fostered by the Underground.
Year 968 — Project Abel is shelved by the Senate to disconnect them from any potential bad media concerning the deaths of Emmerich and his wife.
Year 973 — A battle takes place within the jungle continent bordering Atopia, one launched by those upon the highest echelons of the government, a bloody war which enlists a variety of soldiers, amongst them being Dekkard King, as well as Joseph and James Choire.
Year 975 — The war ends in victory for Atopia, the verdant continent upon which they battled left desolate and destroyed. The land is thus renamed Aypos, and is left upon it’s ruination.
Year 978 — Lauden and Layal are granted control of a foundation quietly established by their father using the remaining assets of Vylon Co. upon becoming of age. Blackwell has gone silent and is presumed to have disbanded altogether, although such quietness actually resulted from Leopold Silk’s sudden infliction of stroke, an occurrence which leaves him comatose. With the absence of their leader, the remaining members of the board, including Vinitia Velos (mother to Emmerich), vote to halt all happenings within Blackwell for the foreseeable future.
Year 978 — A figment resembling the now-comatose Silk surfaces in The Underground and continues to forward his agenda from that criminalistic throne.
Year 979 — Carter Stryker’s Senate coronation is held in which he is determined to be a low-tier seat within the board. Thus, also, establishing Stryker Industrial as a profitable arms company.
Year 980 — The Vylon Foundation becomes a publicly traded company led by a young Lauden Vylon.
Year 980 — James Choire becomes employed by NEST and befriends Tobias and Amelia, two young agents also involved with the organization.
Year 980 — Porter Tech becomes the first to take majority control of the pharmaceutical market with Gerard and Judith Porter acting as CEO of the company.
Year 981 — Lauden’s coronation for the Senate seat is held. Layal becomes the elected partner of the company with the second majority shares, obtaining a seat at the board.
Year 982 — After several attempts at legitimate and above-ground employment end in failure, Dekkard King is recruited by a project initiative which utilizes former soldiers: BLACKBIRD.
Year 983 — Project Abel is quietly continued at NEST.
Year 984 — NEST sends Tobias, James, and Amelia into Aypos to mine a rare metal. Upon which they are able to determine that Aypos has animals capable of abilities. This rare, new find, leads to James Choire becoming curious of those abilities and the biology behind them. Studying them intently.
Year 986 — THE BATTLE OF YORKSHIRE ( for information read site guide )
Year 986 — The Mori Comet passes over Atopia once every ten years, and just two weeks after the Battle of Yorkshire, the festival to celebrate that comet is held. It includes: the formal ball, the carnival, and finally the memorial. In honor of all the fallen from the Battle of Yorkshire.
Year 987 — Gerard Porter announces his withdrawal from the company and is replaced by his eldest daughter, Sidonia Porter. A press conference is held in which Sid and her team outline their future path of Porter Tech.
Year 987 — Layal Vylon announces her pregnancy with Ekosa Corvus of EXO, publicly as well as her hiatus from the Vylon company for maternity. Lauden then takes complete reigns, enlisting a new assistant to aid him: Cassandra Ambrose.
Year 988 — Unhinged and mentally unstable, James Choire begins testing his ability nullifying serum with kidnapped human trials within Blackwell’s “Hitchkin Compound”, following a year-long absence after the unexpected death of his brother during the Battle of Yorkshire. He is convinced to return to the company by his daughter, Cassandra Ambrose, who will later become his right-hand as he ascends into the position of Director.
Year 988 — James establishes his name in the Underground beneath the rumored Black King, as a cross-dressing and terroristic mouthpiece named Kathryn, and begins a conquest to buy and collect every weapon still available.
Year 989 — Following the success and completion of the human trials, Choire is quietly installed as Director of Blackwell by Leopold Silk, an event which symbolizes evolution for the clandestine organization. It is under James’ reign that those agents within Blackwell swell and it’s power secretly grows into the force which will soon attempt domination over Atopia.
Year 989 — Layal and Ekosa’s daughter passes away from an unsuspected illness. The media takes notice, the company’s stock begins to plummet.
Year 989 — As his underground-tied alter ego, Choire facilitates a hit requested by Lauden Vylon, thus establishing communication between the latter and Kathryn’s employer, “The Black King”. This meeting climaxes with Vylon being framed for the murder of the very man he had ordered dead, Senator Chase. Lauden is thereby imprisoned for the assassination.
Year 989 — Lauden meets, while imprisoned, an inmate which connects him to a few on the outside who may be able to help him continue to allow the Foundation to flourish in his absence. He uses these connections to establish a small organized crew, called The Orchestra. Among other things, they begin also carrying out tasks for him unrelated to the company.
Year 990 — After a long and tumultuous time within the depths of BLACKBIRD, Dekkard King is brought to Blackwell at the personal behest of James Choire, agreeing to become a member of his security detail and protege. It is this connection which leads to King’s one-man mass shooting of a Vylon-tied hospital, an onslaught which ends with the building as rubble on the ground; one rendered by countless explosives. Completely silent as to his motives and handlers, Dekkard is swiftly imprisoned in the most secure of penitentiaries. 
Year 990 — Under the veiled falsehood of a family friend, one concerned for the failing health of Carter Stryker, Choire manipulates the elder’s daughter, Ashari, into signing over Stryker Industries to Blackwell Holdings, the latter absorbing the considerable gun-manufacturing capabilities of the former and stockpiling innumerable weapons for a quickly-approaching doomsday. A partnership is also struck with Sidonia Porter (CEO of Porter Tech), with the intention of mass-producing Choire’s anti-abilities serum.
Year 991 — After being named innocent during his trial, Lauden finds himself ousted from his own foundation, and is then approached by Leopold Silk; he who was previously only known as “The Black King”. As a gesture towards the future, Silk detonates a large-scale bomb inside of the Vylon Foundation building; thus destroying it completely. Lauden joins Blackwell.
Year 991 — After years of planning, Kathryn unleashes a full-blown attack on Atopia, utilizing the combined forces of Blackwell and The Underground to overwhelm those standing against their cause in each and every city. Leopold Silk, having awakened from his coma and being revealed as Choire’s master, comes out of the shadows to rule over a brave, new world.
Year 991 — Each major city aside from Yorkshire (Maegar, Hazel, Pinerisk, etc.) is completely destroyed, with the former serving as a fortified stronghold for Blackwell. High fencing is placed around the borders, patrol is standing in occupation to them. Men armed to the teeth, agents of Blackwell. A police state to enforce the might of a new world. Vessels and Normals alike are imprisoned in new prison camps that erect from construction deals made prior with companies affiliated with the Underground, camps in which Lauden Vylon acts as Warden.
Year 991 — The power outside of each major city is shut down entirely. When this happens, food supplies in towns surrounding the cities begin to run dry, as well as medication and batteries. As a result, in the first year, settlements begin popping up. They use towns as their villages and nestle behind what Vessels still remain to keep them safe.
Year 991 — A newly established force: Kathryn, Lauden, and Leopold, give a conference citing their new world, and what happens hence forth in their image. Leopold establishes a scouting force inside of Blackwell which will make frequent trips outside of the city walls into the settlements to flush out the remaining Vessels and capture them. Dekkard King is quickly released from prison and enacted as Kathryn’s head of security.
Year 992 — The world is left in near ruin outside of the major cities. In no time at all, people have turned against each other and settlements of all kinds are constantly at war over a shortage of supplies. It’s those who aligned with Blackwell prior to their domination over the world that have seized money, power, and those resources which remain; with Porter Tech reaping the greatest rewards. As a result of her newfound influence, Sidonia Porter becomes a vocal proponent for Leopold Silk and Blackwell, and is often seen in widespread broadcasts singing their praises.
Year 992 — A prison outbreak occurs at one of the camps near Yorkshire, one which allows Tobias, Amelia, and others who had been captured during Blackwell’s widespread attack upon Atopia to escape into the city.
Year 992 — Near the desolate wreckage of those former cities have settlements formed, both small and large, collections of those who escaped the tyranny of Blackwell and established their own civilizations. The largest and most reputable of these new settlements, known as “The Colony”, emerges as a symbol for those who have rebelled against Blackwell, and is thus relentlessly hunted by the organization. Leopold Silk activates groups of agents specially-trained track down the resistance, soldiers equipped with the amassed guns in Blackwell’s possession and bleeding edge technology. These tracking squads are deemed HUNTERS, and are mobilized by several commanders within Blackwell.
Year 992 — The Colony has gathered enough resources to construct an water wheel system in order to pump electricity temporarily into the town. A few members of the top brass begin a plan of action to restore power to the towns surrounding Yorkshire, by locating the hard-lined substations that don’t rely on the Grid. However, their several attempts have been thwarted by a rival settlement known as GROVELAND.
Year 992 — After Tobias and Amelia escape, they are quickly captured by Kathryn. In order to further stamp their authority over those who remain un-captured and beyond the walls, Kathryn kills Tobias and takes Amelia prisoner. Tobias body along with the others who are captured are strung up outside of the prison walls and put on display. This further fuels the disloyalty growing within NEW YORKSHIRE by the Normals.
Year 992 — The Colony harbors one of the last gun factories still not demolished near Yorkshire. Believing to have a way to restore it to working order, The Colony carries out several missions to collect materials in order to utilize it once more. However, mounting tension between settlements leads to an all-out war against GROVELAND in a winner-take-all fashion.
Year 992 — After defeating GROVELAND in the all-out war, survivors of the Colony return to find BENJAMIN VYLON at the encampment. It’s here that Benjamin is confronted by Layal about his disappearance so many years ago. He confesses that he was tasked by Norway to remain hidden and continue his work in private. The only way to keep his children safe was to disappear entirely. 
Benjamin consults the community of the Colony and admits the only way to stop BLACKWELL and SILK is to find Norway at the top of Cloudepoint where they were to meet at the relay station. Effectively restoring power to the outskirts of Yorkshire. As the Colony begins its preparations for travel to this relay station they are attacked by an onslaught of well prepared Blackwell scouts, and further more by Silk himself. 
In tow is Lauden, Choire and Cassandra, who admits that Price was a mole placed in the Colony to keep tabs on the survivors of Yorkshire and to quell any rebellion. A chase ensues to the relay point which ultimately ends with Cassandra and Lauden’s death. Upon arrival, a last standoff begins between the Colony survivors and what’s left of Choire’s Blackwell. 
Silk begins using his ability to suck the powers of all those in the vicinity from their bodies. Rendering them Normals and no longer Vessels. Having been driven mad by Cassandra’s death Choire begins to falter internally. Silk’s ability continues to maximize, draining the Vessel abilities from not just their surroundings but effectively nearby towns and furthermore cities. In a surprise act, when all seems lost, Silk’s ability seems to fail him, it is then James Choire who turns on Silk and shoots him in the head to end his carnage.
Year 993 — James Choire is found guilty and placed in a discrete maximum security isolation center where he is treated for mental illness. It is around this time that in a crucial state of emergency that a new Atopia Prime is sworn in to do damage control and begin reconstructing the governing  infrastructure. 
Ekosa Corvus resigns from active duty within EXO. A memorial is subsequently held for those who lost their lives in the last year during the events of Blackwell and Silk’s war on Atopia. Layal regains control of the Vylon corporation and announces construction of a new facility in Sonoda with new branding. Benjamin Vylon and Norway continue their Vessel research in a new private facility funded by NEST. 
EXO is rebranded as a branch of the Normal Police Department not a separate entity altogether. A Vessel census act is passed which requires standard ability checks in order to document who may have retained their abilities and who may have lost them. The new Atopia Prime begins construction in all major cities effective-immediately.
Year 995 — James Choire is released from his imprisonment.
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