#magical girlposting
hyacinthdoll1315 · 5 months
An angel flies between water-soaked streets. It was a rainy night and the skies are still grey, though with a few patches of light between. Its wings flicker as its divine power glistens off away. It has no one to be with on a day such as this, and so it flies, enjoying what time it has.
The angel sees something glisten in a dark alleyway, translucent wings wet and motionless, setae soaked and heavy. The angel flies down to the moth, curled up, trembling and pained.
"Why are you in a place such as this, when you could be with other moths, celebrating with a good meal of fabric?" The angel asks.
The moth replies, "The others do not care for me, and so have left me here. I thought we'd always be together, but now their home is theirs and no more mine."
"Then on a night as this, where we would be alone, perhaps we can celebrate together?"
The two hold hands as they fly together, finding peace in the other's company. The sky is still grey, the streets a glistening mirror.
The moth hears something tick in a small corner of the street. Its body cracked and ragged, its gears rusted and uncoiled. The moth flies down to the doll, worn down, still, resigned.
"Why are you in a place such as this, when you could be celebrating with tea and your witch?" The moth asks.
The doll replies, "My witch has no more need of me, I am but a tool, once cared for and used. Now I am no more than discarded rubbish."
"Then on a night as this, where we would lose our hearts alone, perhaps we can care for each other?"
The three now fly together, the doll in the moth and the angel's embrace. The sky is still grey, but now not so lonely.
The doll sees something crying on a rooftop. Its neck scorched and torn, its eyes frantic and haunted. The doll comes down to the pilot, crying, shaky and lost.
"Why are you in a place such as this, when you could be celebrating in your mech or with other pilots?" The Doll asks,
The mech pilot replies, "They took me from us, destroyed and scrapped us, they tore me from my body, and now there is only a torn heart."
"Then on a night as this, where we would suffer our losses of ourselves, perhaps we can fill each other?"
The four now fly together, their hearts connected as one. The sky is dark, but not so grey anymore. Together they fill and care and are not alone.
The pilot feels something shift in a ray of light. Its weapon dull and cold, its magic fades and falters. The pilot drops down to the magical girl, sad, confused and hurt.
"Why are you in a place such as this, when you could be enjoying sweet treats with your magical friends?" The pilot asks.
The magical girl replies, "My friends are dead and have become monsters, as are all our fates. now I am alone, the only one left, with no one to help me."
"Then on a night as this, where we would be left to our own ends, perhaps we can comfort each other."
The five flew together, and others joined as well. A witch with no company, a demon left to rot, a machine lost to advancement, a maker without what they made, a drone without commands, a harbinger with nothing to message.
Altogether they shared and loved and laughed and cared and filled and comforted and held and saved and protected. The sky was not so dark now, and while it had rained before, the skies parted for their group. And so they were happy. And though before they were alone, now they were together. And so they all celebrated.
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inter-gal-actic · 10 months
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Drew Barrymore, 1997
Mark Seliger for Rolling Stone
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444ajsworld · 5 months
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boooooo !
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my favorite movies ever (pt. 1)
Jennifer’s Body (2009)
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Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
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Tangled (2010)
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Ella Enchanted (2004)
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Barbie (2023)
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Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus (2005)
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Legally Blonde (2001)
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But I’m a Cheerleader (1999)
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Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
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Mean Girls (2004)
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classycookiexo · 2 months
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If you know, you know
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malkahpariyz · 6 months
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I don’t know how else to say this:
the characteristic of leadership is not attached to one single gender and it is not meant to be exercised by one single gender
“This is for my girls with their backs against the walls. Claw your way out of there sis.” - Paris Dior
My ladies, please don’t be fooled into accepting the toxic masculinity, misogyny, and sexism. Being a leader and being a man are two different things. They are not mutually exclusive.
Being a leader is not attached to one gender…
Trying to be a leader is not you trying to be a man & your femininity is not attached to your leadership skills. You being a leader does not mean you are not feminine and you being a leader does not attack or diminish your modesty or femininity.
It is just you trying to be a leader or being a leader
and never a follower…
I will use relationships as the subject of observation here:
You can’t say “I try not to be the man (leader) in my relationship” as if a man is the only person on earth that can be a leader. Just say that you try not to be the man in a relationship, as you shouldn’t. You’re a woman. Not a man. A man has his duties, and a woman has hers, in a relationship but being a leader is not attached to a man or a woman. All people can be leaders and should be leaders. That is what a modeled citizen is! An outstanding leadership award is not reserved for men only, there is a reason for that.
We are meant to pour into each other equally, give a mutual attribute to our marriage and help lead each other, in a marriage or relationship. It is meant to be where we can lead each other together both giving equal input into the leadership of the direction of our marriage. We are to be a team. There’s no “I” in team. And there ain’t no “L” either. That is why you would be called a “couple” and not a “slave and it’s master” or a “subordinate and their commander”. Even the captain (leader) of the basketball team, PASSES THE BALL. There is no “I” in the team that marriage is supposed to be.
Man and leader is not the same word, the same thing, or do not hold the same definition. Being a leader is not a quality only suitable for a man. Every single person, man or woman, should learn to be a leader and never a follower. A man is meant to be a leader, but that does not mean a woman is meant to blindly follow that man, and it doesn’t mean a woman cannot be a leader as well.
You are meant to be a follower of God, not a follower mankind. So be careful with the idea of man being the leader. Man and woman alike. Must be careful with that idea….
I digress to address the women once more.
Ladies… You can preserve, exude, and envelope your femininity while still remaining a leader.
A woman is required to be a leader as well. If you do not realize this:
you will fail at raising your children; because you will not know how to lead them… if a woman (who is the main person raising the children in early age) was raised to be nothing but a follower herself, she will end up raising her kids to be followers, the boys included.. early childhood is the most influential part of life, you’re habits truly form right then, and the mother is who raises the boys until it’s time for them to learn man things… if that mother was nothing but a follower and never raised to be a leader, she will raise followers and the man’s job will be made much harder when it comes time to teach the son how to be a man… so you see a woman is ALSO meant to LEAD and be a LEADER herself as well or the family will ultimately fail.
you will fail at counseling your husband; because you won’t know how to lead when he actually cannot lead properly in a given moment (no man is perfect and these moments will come) and you will need to be able to take over and lead if need be or lead him in the right direction of continuing his leadership…. It takes two to make a thing go right. A woman’s input IS ALWAYS NEEDED.
you will fail at being single (of which God wants you to be until courtship and marriage); because you won’t know how to lead your own self properly and will always needs someone else to direct you and you will continue to seek that direction and leadership of someone else, especially if you don’t know how to follow God or lead yourself (which following God is apart of leading yourself, because you had to make that decision BY YOURSELF, God may have helped, but NO HUMAN but YOU was involved in that) and if you cannot lead yourself you fail at being single (and many other things) and you will fail at utilizing that moment in time exactly how God wants you to.
you will fail at being a truly Godly woman; as you should know, long before we follow a man, we follow God, we let God lead us first and foremost, & long before we strive to preserve femininity, we strive to preserve our dignity and Godliness.. so you must know who it is you are TRULY meant to follow. The leader that goes beyond this life is God and He is who you truly must follow. Not a human.
When you seek a man, remember that a REAL leader, knows when it’s time for others to lead as well. A dictatorship, IS NOT leadership.
Strong women, asserting yourself is not inducting a challenge, you’re input or participation is not an overstep, being independent is not an insult to the male gender, exuding your intelligence and capabilities is not a threat to a man, and no, your femininity is NOT in jeopardy or compromised by you being a leader.
Don’t glorify being a woman who has no say in her marriage.
Don’t glorify being a man who is a dictator in his marriage.
Don’t shame a woman for being strong and an outstanding leader. (And don’t make her out to be someone she is not, just because she is a leader, either)
Don’t shame a man for being a humble, inclusive, kind, and lenient leader.
My ladies, keep leading & make sure you lead others to the light 🩷
- The Modest Blog
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theprincesstears · 2 months
🌸 welcome! 🌸
My name is June (she/her), I’m an alter in a DID system. I’ve been host a few times before but not currently. This is my own personal sideblog for girlposting purposes.
Body age mid-20s, my perceived age is 18-20.
I have autism & bpd.
Do not be fooled by the pink theme, I am in fact very sad.
I’m not exactly a goth, but I do listen to some goth music, and I find goths to be the most relatable people (my in-system twin is a goth!).
I’m a femme4femme asexual lesbian, but I can form very strong queerplatonic bonds with men & mascs.
Please come talk to me, I am lonely!!
🌸 likes 🌸
music: dodie, SRSQ, yeule, Alice Glass, the Birthday Massacre, purity ring, Ethel Cain, jpop, vocaloid, Olivia Lufkin/trapnest, nicole dollanganger, evanescence, boygenius, Paris Paloma, t.A.T.u.
movies/tv: coraline, corpse bride, nightmare before christmas, studio ghibli, tinker bell, classic Barbie, but I’m a cheerleader, mlp, Mama Mia
books: Disney fairies, Alice in wonderland & through the looking glass, magic attic club, the faerie path series
anime/manga: Shugo Chara!, kitchen princess, nana, k-on!, clannad, chobits, Tokyo Mew Mew
fashion/subculture: coquette, gyaru, kawaii, lolita, creepy cute, princesscore
misc: Sanrio, Strawberry Shortcake, youtuber pixielocks, stationary & snail mail, cosplay, baking, Blythe dolls, baths & skincare, ballet, perfumes, zillenial girl internet nostalgia (girlsgogames, old Barbie site, etc)
🌸 here’s my pinboard! 🌸
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444ajsworld · 4 months
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me & my ragdoll bby
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444ajsworld · 4 months
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the box nyc
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