#merry halloweasterntinegivingchrisnukkahday
hyacinthdoll1315 · 6 months
An angel flies between water-soaked streets. It was a rainy night and the skies are still grey, though with a few patches of light between. Its wings flicker as its divine power glistens off away. It has no one to be with on a day such as this, and so it flies, enjoying what time it has.
The angel sees something glisten in a dark alleyway, translucent wings wet and motionless, setae soaked and heavy. The angel flies down to the moth, curled up, trembling and pained.
"Why are you in a place such as this, when you could be with other moths, celebrating with a good meal of fabric?" The angel asks.
The moth replies, "The others do not care for me, and so have left me here. I thought we'd always be together, but now their home is theirs and no more mine."
"Then on a night as this, where we would be alone, perhaps we can celebrate together?"
The two hold hands as they fly together, finding peace in the other's company. The sky is still grey, the streets a glistening mirror.
The moth hears something tick in a small corner of the street. Its body cracked and ragged, its gears rusted and uncoiled. The moth flies down to the doll, worn down, still, resigned.
"Why are you in a place such as this, when you could be celebrating with tea and your witch?" The moth asks.
The doll replies, "My witch has no more need of me, I am but a tool, once cared for and used. Now I am no more than discarded rubbish."
"Then on a night as this, where we would lose our hearts alone, perhaps we can care for each other?"
The three now fly together, the doll in the moth and the angel's embrace. The sky is still grey, but now not so lonely.
The doll sees something crying on a rooftop. Its neck scorched and torn, its eyes frantic and haunted. The doll comes down to the pilot, crying, shaky and lost.
"Why are you in a place such as this, when you could be celebrating in your mech or with other pilots?" The Doll asks,
The mech pilot replies, "They took me from us, destroyed and scrapped us, they tore me from my body, and now there is only a torn heart."
"Then on a night as this, where we would suffer our losses of ourselves, perhaps we can fill each other?"
The four now fly together, their hearts connected as one. The sky is dark, but not so grey anymore. Together they fill and care and are not alone.
The pilot feels something shift in a ray of light. Its weapon dull and cold, its magic fades and falters. The pilot drops down to the magical girl, sad, confused and hurt.
"Why are you in a place such as this, when you could be enjoying sweet treats with your magical friends?" The pilot asks.
The magical girl replies, "My friends are dead and have become monsters, as are all our fates. now I am alone, the only one left, with no one to help me."
"Then on a night as this, where we would be left to our own ends, perhaps we can comfort each other."
The five flew together, and others joined as well. A witch with no company, a demon left to rot, a machine lost to advancement, a maker without what they made, a drone without commands, a harbinger with nothing to message.
Altogether they shared and loved and laughed and cared and filled and comforted and held and saved and protected. The sky was not so dark now, and while it had rained before, the skies parted for their group. And so they were happy. And though before they were alone, now they were together. And so they all celebrated.
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