#maddy killian
chriscdcase95 · 1 year
So I discovered “Tamara”, and have some thoughts...
So, I recently caught wind of this 2005 film, Tamara, which has been a bit of attention. Apparently this movie’s been getting some traction, but not a lot of love on here.
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There’s very few posts on here about this movie, and as of this post, only two AO3 works based off it.
I don't see how this apparently went under the radar for so long, as it has the makings of similar cult classics such as Ginger Snaps, The Craft, Jennifer's Body and All Cheerleaders Die. So after checking it out, I figured I would give my thoughts, and spread the word.
Tamara Riley is a shy high school student, who lives with an abusive father, has a crush on her hot teacher, Bill Natolly, and looks for escapism through witchcraft. 
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Tamara is also a target of bullying, especially when she writes an article exposing her school's jocks for using steroids. Besides Natolly, only one other person seems to treat Tamara with any decency, and that would be Chloe, a new student who tries to befriend Tamara, but never gets the chance. 
For the first third of the movie, this is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world. She looks so sad in photographs but...It gets worse from there.
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For the first third, Tamara is a pretty sympathetic, likable, but flawed protagonist. As a villain, she is Jennifer Check lite (despite predating Jennifer by four years). Jenna Dewan really sells both sides of Tamara, with her performance as both being what carries this movie. 
Tamara has a crush on her teacher, despite him being married and trying to conceive a child with his wife. Tamara even attempts a love spell to bind their fates together.  
What's this ? A Villain Protagonist in a horror movie is problematic ? Stop the presses! 
Tamara's initial flaws are believable and part of what makes her sympathetic; she wasn't malicious, and it's pretty clear before her transformation, she's socially naïve and gullible. This leads to Tamara's demise. She's lured into a ‘date’, with who she thinks is Natolloy, only to be lured into a prank orchestrated by Shawn. 
Shawn is the movie’s secondary antagonist, and resident Hate Sink; a jock who was ousted from his team when he was exposed for taking performance enhancers, and refused to take a drug test. 
So Shawn get's his friends, and three newcomers to lure Tamara to a party, tricking her into stripping on camera, in a prank which I'm pretty sure qualifies as sexual assault (not helping is that Shawn is later revealed to be a serial rapist). 
When Tamara is accidentally killed in the ensuing struggle, Shawn threatens the rest of the party into secrecy while disposing of Tamara's body...and now they gotta pay with it for their lives. 
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See, Tamara's ritual could only be completed when she spills her blood, but she ultimately backs out on it; but when she's killed, her blood spills completing the ritual without her knowledge and consent. From there, Tamara rises as a confident, sultry and vengeful revenant, out to take what she thinks is hers. 
What keeps Tamara tragic is, this movie is clear that what she's doing isn't really her her. Tamara's villainous personality is the result of magic she took in from her ritual, making her a near 180 of her mortal self. 
Towards the end, she has this “What have I done/become ?” moment where she realizes she's become a monster, only to snap back because the spell is just stronger than her. 
As a villain, I think Tamara was at her best when seeking revenge; she takes no one's bullshit, unapologetically vengeful, wicked, and has a sense of poetic justice.
Most of her villainy is brainwashing and enslaving others, tormenting her victims with hallucinations, and through some ironic  punishment. Tamara only directly kills two people, both of them being gnarly; she tells her abusive alcoholic dad to finish his bottle, and the guy is forced to eat it. 
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The revenant revenge plot was where the movie was at its best, IMO. I honestly wish they kept it as a revenge story for the third act. Preferably with Shawn as the de-facto antagonist.
If one thing holds Tamara back, I think it's her obsession with Mr. Natolly; and the movie is pretty weak in the last third, focusing on a rescue mission for Natolly and his wife. You can make the argument Tamara is magically bound to her crush - her spell was to bind their fates together. But I still think it takes away from Tamara's agency. 
Tamara’s not like Jennifer Check, Ginger Fitzgerald or Nancy Downs - whose transformations highlight toxic qualities that are already there - it’s literally “Dark Magic rewrites her whole personality”.
As for the other characters, a few others stand out.
Mr. Bill Natolly and his wife Alison are pretty likable, and are the more sympathetic characters. They both mean well, and are genuinely excited about starting a family. 
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Bill genuinely wanted to help Tamara, and she misreads his singles and tries to kiss him. Bill is understanding of Tamara and tries to explain things to her, before she walks out in embarrassment. 
Bill, through no fault of his own, is roped into this drama; he was bound to Tamara's "spell", and it was only cast when Tamara was murdered. Now that his life is bound to Revenant!Tamara, and the only way Tamara and her spell can be broken is if Bill makes a sacrifice of his own.
There's also the film's ostensible protagonist, Chloe Bowman.
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A new girl who stands up for Tamara, Chloe soon becomes a witness/unwitting participant to the prank, and Tamara’s subsequent murder. In fact, Chloe's attempts to help Tamara gets her mistaken for a perpetrator and is what escalates the fight. As a result, Chloe feels guilt for Tamara's death. 
Not helping is that Shawn intimidates the party, including Chloe's supposed boyfriend, into covering up the incident. Chloe’s is kind of a hit and miss. As a protagonist, she's pretty bland and is mostly just along for the ride. 
On the other hand, the pieces are there to make her a great character, and to have a dynamic with Tamara. It's just they aren't really utilized. In the original script, it would be revealed that Chloe is a closeted lesbian, and implicitly in love with Tamara. In the final film, Chloe is also the one who breaks through to Tamara. 
Near the end Tamara looks into Chloe's mind, learning that she genuinely cared for and tried to help her. It's this that allowed the real Tamara to resurface and break down over what she's done and become.
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Like holy shit, that sounds like the climax for a tragic love story, doesn’t it ?
Unfortunately, outside of that, the movie doesn't do much with these two; they don't really bond before Tamara's death; no significant interactions following her resurrection, until the climax. 
Chloe feels like she's supposed to be the Needy Lesnicki or Sarah Bailey of this story. But unlike Jennifer's Body or The Craft, we don't get that same “Sapphic Enemies/Broken Friendship” that we get with Jennifer x Needy, or Sarah x Nancy.  
It feels like a case of They Wasted of a Perfectly Good Plot/Character.
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Would I recommend this movie ? Sure, but it's really nothing spectacular. I think All Cheerleaders Die or Jennifer's Body are closer to what Tamara was trying to be or could have been, but it's not completely unsalvageable. 
And for what it's missing, that's what AO3 is for, amiright ?
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frootlooppoptarts · 1 year
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Somebody got fucked, somebody got killed, and I'm going to PE.
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yourfavismspechomohet · 6 months
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Maddy Killian from All Cheerleaders Die is a Bi Lesbian!
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the-darkdragonfly · 8 months
NEW CHAPTER! Tempest - A Captain Duckling Tale
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Chapter 8
helllllllooooooo! It's a hot minute for this one, eh? Sorry 'bout that. This chapter gave me no end of trouble, it wanted to go in about one million directions and I couldn't pick one! Anyway, a HUGE thank you to Maddie for yelling at me to write then patiently fixing what I wrote. love you, babe!
“Scarlet!” Killian boomed, his voice thundering across the deck, all hands pausing in their work of loading the vessel with the rest of the goods, turning to watch young William Scarlet and their Captain. Will stood, having been crouched low inspecting the lowering of grain stores into the forward hold, and turned to his captain, face blank and at the ready. 
“Below deck,” he snapped, turning away as the large coat swung around his legs, “now!” 
William held his mask of deference until they were safely away from the eyes of the crew, before screwing his eyes shut and to feel his way along the walls of the hallway as Killian led him into his quarters. 
“What are you doing, you fool?” 
“I’m afraid I might see som’et I shouldn’t, aren’t I?” 
Killian growled- we’ll talk about your flagrant lack of respect later- rolling his neck out against the tension which had ebbed and flowed through his veins since William’s lifeblood had seeped from his body, white pale and dying on a dock at his feet. He’d been helpless to stop it, and while he’d lost men before, he wasn’t prepared to lose the boy who had so much a son to him. 
But Emma… she had saved him. She had saved his son.
“Could’a been worse, I s’pose,” Scarlet continued, cracking one eye open dramatically then the other when he had ascertained that the coast was in fact clear of naked women. “I could’a seen ye’r bare arse.” 
“William…” his tone was low and warning, but Scarlet ploughed on. 
“I may not ‘ave recovered from ‘at…” 
“Are you quite finished?” 
Scarlet nodded, gesturing with a flourish for Killian to continue, a smile nipping at the corner of his mouth.
Read the rest here
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Tagging the usual suspects
@elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @sailtoafarawayland @teamhook @wefoundloveunderthelight @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @veryverynotgood @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @jrob64 @kmomof4 @artistic-writer @gingerpolyglot @xarandomdreamx @justanother-unluckysoul @zaharadessert @xsjax @karlyfr13s @tiganasummertree @wyntereyez @klynn-stormz @onceratheart18 @rkrbirdgirl @ouatdaily @blowmiakisscolin @courtorderedcake @winterbaby89 @pirateprincessofpizza @superchocovian @deckerstarblanche @alexa-fangirl-forever @stahlop @undercaffinatednightmare @lostintheskyfaraway @anmylica @motherkatereloyshipper @last-tsarina @lfh1226-linda @hookedmom @midnightsuki @paradiselady19 @jonesfandomfanatic
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arry-katt310 · 3 days
I'm gonna explain more on Maddie’s character bc she's my current obsession and I keep coming up with more for her.
Maddie is currently pansexual. She ends up with a cross dressing boyfriend who she gets married to in the future. That'll be another post tho.
She may not support the things her family does, but she supports their sexual preferences. So she wears pride stuff such as rubber band bracelets the colors of her brothers' sexuality flags on her wrists constantly.
Some other facts about her:
She has been in the pocket dimension of Hell for a year now.
Constantly exhausted.
Babysits Andrew when her brother is at work; she adores Andrew and tries not to get on his case about how crappy his father is.
Got shot 5 times before she moved in the pocket dimension.
People love to call her "a gift from the Gods".
She helps around the city and is a speaker for the church; the church is actually very terrible. The pastor is unhealthily obsessed with her, his logic is "she's a gift from the Gods, I'm the main pastor of the church, so therefore she was sent here for me" he hasn't told anyone this, but he has said it to her a couple times and holds it against her. This will be a different post later.
She acts a LOT like her dad. She's good at gaslighting ppl. Very good at it. And possibly one if the only ppl who can read her father; she can't always do it, but to Julius's @sanityshorror surprise, she has done it before.
She can fight powerful people, but she can't go against her dad. If she ever does get in a physical fight with him, she'd lose. It's bc I triggers her childhood trauma whenever her dad gets violent, so she'll easily let that get to her and it'll put her guard down.
Idk if this is something Killian @sanityshorror would actually do, but he wanted to see how good she was at fighting, so he asked her to show him by battling with him. Now if Julius was the one who asked her, she'd back down, but since she doesn't know Killian that well, she accepted. However this ended terribly. She got sidetracked and Killian cut her arm open with his weapon. He had no intention of hurting her, so he's very upset with himself bc of this incident.
Since Maddie is a vampire and can communicate with the dead, she talks to her mother’s ghost. Half of their conversations is just bashing her father. Emily doesn't really have anything against Julius and holds no grudge, but if Maddie wants to, they'll spend hours talking shit. Emily dies draw the line at bashing Octavian @sanityshorror and Devlin @scarfaxia. Bc those two are STILL her sons in her eyes, and they have been working hard just to get Maddie to trust them. So she will not let Maddie hurt her brothers.
When she was younger, she was so desperate for her father's attention, that she tried to make her own little designs for him to look at. She never had the confidence to show him, but when he was going through things at the old house, he found one of her designs and actually created it. Its on display at the dress shop. However this was so long ago that she does not know that that dress was one that she created. He's been trying to hint at it, but he's Julius so he doesn't do much and is too petty to do actually it.
Maddie doesn't have any friends. She's too busy to hang out a keep a friendship going. So her brothers are the only ones she hangs out with.
Maddie is only 16. She's a high school student, so she's busy with that.
Her worst subject is history while her best is English. Killian tutors her in history whenever he has the time. And since then, she's been getting higher grades.
She also is taking a psychology class. She has a pretty high grade in it.
The only reason she's IN the pocket dimension is bc when Julius killed Annabella, he had no idea that Maddie was living with her and when he found out, he was told by Satan to keep her bc he sees her as "good potential"
Maddie has no desire to join Julius. The second she graduates high-school, she's going to college. And probably moving out of state.
That's all! Bye! Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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pheita · 4 months
All the WIPs I ever introduced to Tumblr
The Mitresk Chronicles It all started when Nesryn just wanted to get home from work after working overtime one rainy night, and ended up in another dimension where dragons exist and not only peacefully coexist with humans but also are their mentors since the dawn of age. Trying to get back home entangles her in a world so different from hers and in friendships she never wanted in the first place. In the end, she has to face one question: Where is her real home? Always Prepared
The Insane God
The Queen of Hell Trilogy
Josephina has only one goal: Mark off everything from her bucket list and then commit suicide before her chronic illness becomes too deliberating. Her plan starts to waver when she meets Sam, the owner of the hotel where she currently stays, who gets interested in her and the reasons for her decision. The only thing she doesn't know: Sam is the devil, and soon she will be caught in the politics of angels, heaven and hell, with her illness being the smallest issue at hand.
No Rest For the Wicked
A Little Wicked
Cursed Blood Series
The lust demon Sojan left his home dimension almost a century ago with his sister and mother because of his megalomanic father and carved out a good life for himself disguised as a human in the human dimension as a monster hunter. Things change when his father for a change finds enough followers to actually cause harm to both dimensions, forcing Sojan and his sister to go against him with the help they find along the way. One of this helpers is Lyran, a young bard who got saved by Sojan and is partially smitten by him but also drawn by the prospect of epic stories, and unfortunately the main piece in the master plan of Sojan's father.
Blood Night
Sins of the Blood (Intro coming soo)
Welcome to New Hanshwig A cyberpunk story follows Aria, a young hacker from the outskirts of the city who accidentally became one of the harem women of one of the big three company heirs, who happened to be aromantic and connects with her over the wish to change the system.
Flowers of Fire A modern fantasy story playing with the idea that all mystical beings known to men are real and live among us, having a partially parallel society. Told through two POV's, the nymph Aleena who grew up in this world, and the kitsune halfling Thane who is new to all this.
Sea of Memories, Sea of Chances Historical fiction about the two pirate captains Killian and Becca who want to find the treasure of the old captain they learned under, and find more than they bargained for.
Tricky Love WLW Romance in a dystopian slightly cyperpunk-ish setting following the average woman Audrey who discovers her new girlfriend is a villain.
Guiding Star Serial story, modern fantasy set in Germany, magical girl kind of. Growing up an oprhan Rodrigo knew nothing about being a mage or the world beyond the visible until some unlucky event changed his fate and made him one of the keepers of the magical balance. Now he had to learn the ropes of an average mage along of being one of the most powerful keepers, and falling in love with the other keeper in town without knowing who she is while dealing with a crisis of apocalyptic dimensions.
The Adventure of Deidre and Maddie Fantasy, older children Deidre is meant to become the next high priestess of the night dragon elves until the night the starlight opal gets stolen, and she is exiled for its theft despite being innocent. Her only way back home is to find the real culprit, bring back the opal, and prove her innocence. Help comes from the baby vampire Maddie, she met shortly after being exiled and needs to navigate the world outside her hidden home.
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marvelflame2010 · 9 months
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Name: Madeline Cheshire-Mills
Storybrooke name: Madeline Rose Mills
Alias(es): Cheshire Cat, Maddy, rose girl, Junior,
Age: 16 (born on May 4, 1967
Powers: shape-shifting, invisibility, intangibility, super-speed, and getting Jefferson to laugh (!!)
Family: Regina Mills, biological mother (alive, currently on iffy terms), Rose Cheshire (dead, killed by Rumplestiliskin at 19, when Maddy was 9), Angela Cheshire, adoptive mom (dead, carriage accident), Grenn Cheshire, adoptive dad (dead, carriage accident), Cora Mills, maternal grandmother (dead), Zelena Mills, biological maternal half-aunt (alive)
Job: Hatter Tea Shop and Bookstore, occasional babysitting, stealing shit (Enchanted Forest)
Friends: Emma Swan (sheriff), Henry Swan-Mills, Killian Jones (Captain Hook), David Nolan (Prince Charming), Snow White, Jefferson Hatter (The Mad Hatter), Grace Hatter, Belle, Regina Mills (Evil Queen), Robin Hood, Ruby Lucas (Red), Alice Lindell, Will Scarlet, Cyrus
Likes: tea, books, scaring people with powers, art, flower crowns, top hats, her motorcycle
Dislikes: Mr. Gold, curses, idiots, cliff hangers, the Red Queen (now on iffy terms), Leroy tracking mud, beets, parties, Zelena Mills (The Wicked Witch of the West)
Enemies: Queen of Hearts (complicated), Snow Queen, Peter Pan, the Black Fairy
Personality: sarcastic, sassy, moody, 'looks like can kill you and will', fighting spirit, kind to friends, mommy issues (and family issues), REALLY GODDAMN TOUCH STARVED, curses a lot (unfortunately for Jefferson), mad (need say more?)
Quotes: "We're all mad here, Henry, so just accept it."
"Track your damn muddy boots through this door one more time, and I will stab you with this mop handle."
"I tolerate Zelena. Doesn't mean I LIKE her." (Season 5)
"Grace, NEVER trust a rabbit. If you do, you're going to fall down a rabbit hole into a realm full of madness and it's hard to stay sane after such an adventure."
"Welcome to Storybrooke, where fairy tales characters are real and we are all related."
"My family on my mother's side is fucking crazy."
Home: Enchanted Forest (birthplace), Wonderland (previously), Storybrooke (currently), United Realms (also currently)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Favorite song: Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
Goals: getting Regina to teach her magic, don't get admitted into the mental hospital, and live long enough to graduate high school
School life: quiet kid, loner, doesn't study half the time yet gets straight As, sits in the back, either drawing or sleeping.
Mental illnesses: depression, ADHD, dissociative disorder, panic disorder, schizophrenia (therapist is Archie Hopper and she is his most difficult patient)
Language: English, speaks Wonderlandian as well, but not rare, and learning Romanian (!)
Favorite places: Bookstore, art studio, Jefferson's tea shop, Granny's diner, and thrift shop
House: Mills Mansion, Jefferson's mansion (sometimes, she has an open invitation)
Identification: scar on neck from beheading, black nails that are claw-like, daisy on right wrist (spell so Regina couldn't track her down as a toddler), now just a faded tattoo
*Note: forgot something in picture, gets nosebleeds a lot and has her cats ears out on half the time.*
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snowbellewells · 1 year
~*~Happy, Happy Birthday @donteattheappleshook!!! ~*~
Oh goodness! Two fandom friends and wonderful writers’ birthdays back to back!! I wanted to try to create a Top Faves post for @donteattheappleshook‘s birthday like I did for @elizabeethan yesterday - I just hope that doesn’t seem too unoriginal since this is my second one in as many days. I simply adore @donteattheappleshook‘s writing and love any new update or story she creates (even if Tumblr likes to hide our posts from each other and I sometimes fall behind! ;p ) She’s a brilliant creator, and I had quite the time narrowing this list down! It pained me to leave off old favorites like “The Gardener” and “Just Human, Volumes 1 and 2″ which were some of the first offerings that led me to her writing - and if you haven’t read those, definitely check them out too - however I’ve finally create a Top Six Favorite @donteattheappleshook Fic List. I hope this little post of love for your writing lets you know how much it is enjoyed and appreciated and brings you a smile. Have a super-wonderful birthday, Maddie! 
TOP SIX LIST OF @donteattheappleshook FICS
#6 “Lover of the Light”/”Ghosts That We Knew”  This two part WishVerse fic is everything feelsy and intense and affecting that the actual WishVerse episodes in canon failed to be (I still feel like those two season six episodes started to give me so much of what I had always wanted and then somehow turned it into something I hated.) There’s no problems with that here though. Maddie handles both versions of Killian and Emma and how they still need and understand each other, no matter the time or place, SO GORGEOUSLY. <3 Just talking about these makes me want to go and re-read them both! 
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#5 “Not Broken at all” This WIP multi-chapter fic just grows more and more intriguing as it carries on. Each new chapter is a whole smorgasbord of excitement, and I love watching the different dynamic between Emma and Killian in this one. It’s an alternate take on how Seasons 1, 2, and the trip to Neverland could have gone, and it’s also so interesting watching Emma struggle to believe without the obvious broken curse to help her, and to see that early stage with she and Henry again as well. This one is not to be missed!!!
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#4 “It Was Only a Kiss” Speaking of incredibly amazing alternate takes on canon, this return-from-Neverland divergence fic jerked at every one of my heartstrings and pushed every button in my angst-loving heart. It’s near impossible to put down, and even as you go through the wringer right along with Emma and Killian (why oh why must she fight so hard not to be with him?!?) you can’t help hanging on for the power of the heat and connection between them and the hope that it will all work out. You just have to experience it for yourself...
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#3 “She Came from the Water” This lovely longer MC reads like Maddie created her very own fairytale - seriously it’s that charming and magical, with a hint of the intrigue and danger you find in the Brothers Grimm. I love the idea and mythology of selkies anyway, and you could not find a more amazing story to get lost in if you tried. It’s a movie AU of Ondine, originally written as part of the @captainswanmoviemarathon​ (I believe) but it stands on its own completely, and I seriously feel like EVERYONE should get the chance to experience and enjoy it!!
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#2 “Some Fairytale Bliss”  This one shot was almost Number One. I have loved and adored it from the first moment I read it, but then I discovered the MC that is Number One, and, well, I’ll get into that in a minute! ;)  Anyway, I’m a huge sucker for sweet, naive deckhand!Hook from the alternate storybook, and this gives us one of the most adorable, irresistible versions of him... I think you’ll fall in love with him too (And with Emma for loving him and taking the time to care for him and show him what he’s been missing. ;)   *I know this picset/coverart is not nearly as beautiful as the others, but I wanted to try to make one for this story. Pictures to fit what I wanted were frustratingly hard to find! *
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#1 “Stone Hearts” Now, talk about some serious angst, hurt/comfort, and ultimate happy ending after so much pain and work to earn it! This story is older, but I only finally read it recently, and I couldn’t get it out of my head for days afterward. I had tears welling up in my eyes numerous times throughout, and I couldn’t put it down. I’d tell myself “just one more chapter for now” and then plow right on becasue I couldn’t stop there either! This villain would have been horrifying in Storybrooke in canon, but it’s told so well here, that you can almost believe we saw it play out. Twists and turns, heartache, and ultimately joy -- please go back and read this one if you haven’t! You’ll be so glad you did!!!
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Okay, that wraps up the list!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful reading and entertainment you’ve gifted us @donteattheappleshook​ !!!  I hope your birthday is wonderful and every bit as much a gift as you are!!! <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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felizusnavidad · 1 year
thank you for the tag @selcouthangel 💜💜💜 i always love to be a part of those!
three ships: emma swan & killian jones (once upon a time), monica geller & chandler bing (friends), eivor & randvi (assassin's creed: valhalla, i know it's a game but i love them okay?)
first ever ship: it's so embarrassing now but i think it was maddie and zack from the suite life of zack and cody
last song: clementine by halsey
currently reading: sadly, the internet
last movie: los renglones torcidos de dios (god's crooked lines)
currently consuming: capri sun
currently watching: rewatching friends for the millionth time
currently craving: coffee
✨️ i wanna tag: @meetmeatthemidnight, @poptart-cat-78, @stoplookingupforheaven, @happinessforevermore, @tardis--dreams, @abitchlikethis, @dearmirrorball if you guys want to, no pressure ✨️
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kittenanon · 8 months
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Mildly HCing that Ravenclaw is just the hot house
In order: Maddie, Esteban, Gaby, Killian, Milo, Adrian, Daisy, Finn, Juliette
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wearelondonhq · 9 months
mw characters in general across multiple fandoms?
ooh so many! gomez addams, pugsley addams, enid sinclair, ajax petropolus, bianca barclay (wednesday), landon gibson, noah porter, kimberly (after), tarzan, belle, elsa, anna, isabela madrigal, luisa madrigal, ariel (disney), david nolan/prince charming, captain hook/killian, zelena, ruby, alice, will, cyrus (once upon a time/in wonerland), spencer hastings, emily fields, hanna marin (pretty little liars), edward cullen, bella swan, jacob black, alice cullen, jasper hale, emmett cullen, rosalie hale, laurent (twilight), mike wheeler, steve harrington, jonathan byers, max mayfield, jane "eleven" hopper, lucas sinclair (stranger things), the doctor (any! but special request for 10-13), amy pond, and rory (doctor who), qetsiyah, stefan salvatore, jeremy gilbert (the vampire diaries), kim possible, monique, ron stoppable, junior (kim possible), colin robinson, guillermo de la cruz (what we do in the shadows), ryn, maddie bishop (siren), jane facciano, olivia valdovinos, cynthia zdunowski, nancy nakagawa (rise of the pink ladies), avery grambs, grayson hawthorne, jameson hawthorne, alexander hawthorne, nash hawthorne, libby grambs (the inheritance games), alina starkov, inej ghafa (grishaverse), fiona gallagher, philip gallagher, ian gallagher, veronica fisher (shameless), and truly a billion more!
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the-darkdragonfly · 1 year
Tell me more about Scrub Daddy?
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*dies laughing* (it's ridiculous, really... and all Maddie's fault)
Scrub Daddy is a little bit of a mess (such as everything is in my life at the moment really) but here's the premise:
Emma and Killian (SilverHook Killian - because he lives rent free in my head and heart at all times) are dating and Killian is between jobs, and William decides to be a lil'shit (like always) and he starts calling Killian her Scrub Daddy (because he doesn't have a job, and William is a lil'shit) instead of her Sugar Daddy.
Anyway! it's light and silly and totally a one shot. most likely full of William being... well... William and Killian rolling his eyes a lot.
Thanks for the ask, babe!!
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arry-katt310 · 14 days
Since it's almost Maddie’s birthday, here's her character sheet and some facts about her character. I didn’t have the energy to keep coloring bc I don't really like wasting my coloered pencils on stuff like this. She takes place in an AU where Julius (@sanityshorror) only had 3 kids. Vivi (@sanityshorror), Devlin (@scarfaxia), and her. It's more of a modern AU. She's actually a hero-like celebrity bc she saved the town from an entity that had been terrorizing it since the early 1900s. She was born with immortal abilities. So yeah.
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Full Name: Madison Emma Doherty
Birthday: May/22/2008
Blood ties:
Julius Doherty- Father
Emily Doherty- Mother
Octavian Doherty- Older brother
Devlin Doherty- Older brother
Friends: doesn't really have any close friends due to staying by herself until someone needs her help
Weapon: she created a sword-type weapon she used to save the town back in 2021
Current residence: pocket dimension of Hell
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: single due to not trusting many people
The flannel she wears; she always has it on, never takes it off even if asked to do so. There is a really meangful reason behind it.
Cats; more specifically her cat Charlotte, which her mother got her after her mother realized it was hard for her to make friends.
Unique weapons; she owns at least 5 fascinating knives.
Sleeping at her mother's grave
Being with her brothers; she only acts like she hates them
Children; she adores them and believes they are to be taken care of at any cost
Trying to tick off her step dad, Killian (@sanityshorror); it hasn't worked yet
Teasing her dad and brothers
Lucien Delaney (@scarfaxia)
Modeling dresses for Julius; hates it bc she's usually forced to take off her flannel
Getting into fights; She does this so much it kills her
Noticeable features:
If she takes off her gloves, there are self harm lines on her arms. She $elf-harm$ as punishment for getting into fights with her family
Her hair is usually greasy
Her hair turns into a black ink-like substance when she gets over emotional
Has a tendency to wrap herself in her flannel whenever she's upset or in an argument
It really depends on who she's with
When she's not in the pocket dimension of Hell:
Almost impossible to fight with
When she's in the pocket dimension of Hell:
Easily ticked off
Easy to fight with
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9, 14, 17 for the three things asks! 🌟
3 things you like doing on a rainy day:
reading, watching movies, hanging out with my dog
3 professions that you would like to try
teacher, lawyer, author (realistically I am going to school for two of these so fun answers are boat crew, librarian, and editor)
3 tv couples you adore the most
Emma and Killian from once upon a time, Hardison and Parker (and Eliot) from Leverage, chimney and Maddie <3
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We Are Family
by hannahhook7744
This is the tale of the strangest love story you've ever heard. The tale of two men— a portal jumper and a pirate— and how they grew to love each other. This is the tale of Jefferson— aka the Mad Hatter— and Killian Jones—aka Captain Hook— and their family. Their children and Killian's siblings (Liam Jones 2 and Gwaine).
Words: 3506, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Ouat/descendants crossovers, Part 5 of Gwaine, Part 2 of Perwaine, Part 4 of Gwaine's family, Part 5 of Killian Jones Whump, Part 1 of MadHook
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV), Descendants (Disney Movies), Ever After High, descendants books - Fandom, school of secrets (web series), wicked world - Fandom, Merlin - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Child Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), Gwaine (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Liam Jones (Once Upon a Time), Original Child(ren) of Liam Jones (Once Upon a Time), Harry Hook, Madeline "Maddie" Hatter, Harriet Hook, Grace | Paige (Once Upon a Time), Calista Jane "CJ" Hook, Alice Jones | Tilly, Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Hadie (Disney), Original children of Killian jones, more to be added
Relationships: Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Gwaine (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin), Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Liam Jones, Liam jones/Zelena, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Harry Hook, Harry Hook & Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Harry Hook & Neal Cassidy, etc. - Relationship
Additional Tags: When i say liam i mean both of them, that includes liam jones jr, Swearing, Slow Burn, kind of, Past Child Abuse, Gwaine's part is probably gonna be minor, Captain Hook | Killian Jones and Liam Jones are Siblings, Past Character Death, Past Relationship(s), Past Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Milah, Past Underage, Captain Hook | Killian Jones In Love, Killian jones had a bad childhood, Past Killian Jones/Red Jessica, Past Killian Jones/Lewis, Past Killian Jones/Narissa, Past Killian Jones/Zarina, perwaine, Zeliam, MadHook, Killian Jones and Gwaine are brothers, etc - Freeform, There is alot of angst btw, Season 7 didn't happen, Parent Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Suicidal Thoughts, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Killian jones being impulsive, Age Difference
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44254198
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writermuses · 2 years
Thread Tracker
Last Updated: 30 July 2022
Note 1: I only went back a month or to whatever was on the last thread tracker, so if you want to keep something that is older than that, please let me know. I will still and forever be the slowest replier in all of time, so I’m happy to keep threads. I also probably missed something in the process of making this tracker, so just lmk.
Note 2: I know some of the threads are finished, I plan to go back and cross more of them off. I just like having them linked so I can go back to them as a reference due to my memory loss. Seriously, don’t think I expect you to respond to the older shit, I just love our pairings 💙
Note 3: Click here to find my open starters, which are open for all eternity.
Note 4: Tumblr is trash and this post must be viewed on dash for the links to work but on the blog to see cross offs for shelved/closed threads.
General Tag
Sirius x Emma + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Camila + 01
General Tag
Caleb x Natalie + 01
General Tag
Beatriz x Hasani + 01
Cara x Elijah + 01
Hannelore x Caitlin + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Adelaide + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
Solena x Alexander + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Anika + 01
General Tag
Luca x Camila + 01 . Shippery
Resna x Roux + 01
General Tag
Teague x Celine + 01 . Shippery
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Lilith x Damien + 01
Mason x Ella + 01
Pem x Raj + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Alexandria + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Drew x Cassandra + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Bre + 01
General Tag
Andrew x Mel + 01
General Tag . Old General Tag
Beatriz x Kadir + 01
Caleb x Seyda + 01 . Shippery
Emirhan x Ceren + 01 . Shippery
Hannelore x Billy + 01 . Shippery
Hannelore x Charlotte + 01
Jasleen x Killian + 01
Nate x Seraphina + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
Pem x Emre + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Kassidy + 01
Taney x Ben + 01
Ximena x Ferit + 01 . Shippery
Yana x Roman + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Henrik x Eittie + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05 . Shippery
Lachlan x Adele + 01 . Shippery
Matthias x Alessandra + TBA . Shippery
Nate x Caria + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Octavius x Eittie + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Selene + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
Teague x Eittie + TBA . Shippery
Thaddeus x Rosie + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Luca x Elle + 01 . 02 . Shippery
María Elena x Harry + 01
Tadgh x Serena + 01
Taney x Luca + 01
General Tag 
Octavius x Lance + 01
Pem x Percival + 01
Tadgh x Ysabelle + 01
Teague x Evette + 01
General Tag
Kailani x Dexter + 01 . Shippery
Sirius x Spencer + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Amelia + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Will x Avery + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Micah x Vera + 01 . Shippery
Octavius x Julianna + 01
Tadgh x Dilana + 01
General Tag . Cartwright Family Tag
Charlotte x Sloan + 01
Luca x Andrew + 01
Luca x Maddie + 01 . Shippery
María Elena x Kerem + 01
Matthias x Jameson + 01
Micah x Diana + 01
Nate x Diana + 01 . Shippery
Pem x Tiberius + 01 . Shippery
Resna x Jameson + 01
Solena x Ilya + 01 - 02 - 03 . Shippery
Tadgh x Maddie + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Azra + 01 . Shippery
Will x Emine + 01 . Shippery
Yana x Eren + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Aurélie x Jude + 01 - 02 . Shippery
Cara x Daniel Walden Jr. + 01
Hannelore x Felix + 01 . Shippery
Jasleen x Walt + 01 . Shippery
Mason x Serena + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Alina x Xavier + 01 . Shippery
Cara x Kai + 01
Drew x Kai + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Hazel x Jamie + 01 . Shippery
Iseul x Jamie + 01
Kailani x Link + 01 . Shippery
Lilith x JJ + 01 . Shippery
Luca x Keller + 01
Nate x Danny + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
Octavius x Daisy + 01 . Shippery
Sirius x Kaylee + 01 
Solena x Miles + 01 . Shippery
Tomlin x Leah + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
General Tag
Aurélie x Ned + 01
Micah x Rosalie + 01
Resna x Safiye + 01
General Tag
María Elena x Shepherd + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Donovan x Aurora + 01 . Shippery
Solena x Alex + 01 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Matt x Lauren - 01 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Nate x Aubree + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Resna x Archer + 01
General Tag
Alina x Thomas + 01 . Shippery
Aurélie x Nora + 01 . Friendshippery
Drew x Rylee + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Rylee + 01 . Shippery
Taney x Will + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Alina x Nicholas + 01 
Henrik x Persephone + 01 
General Tag . Old General Tag
Emirhan x Ramona + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Andrew x Jamie + 01 . Shippery
María Elena x AJ + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Katelyn + 01 . Shippery
Pem x Calum + 01 . Shippery
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