#lol i think i figured out my may kofi
tennessoui · 1 month
first of all happy mayday and then also happy mermay
so au where anakin, human, falls in love with padmé, young mermaid queen of atlantis, and he finds a way to become a merman to be with her (she helps him because she's a queen lol it takes a bit of political maneuvering to get the sea witch to do the magic and ok now the sith have a small piece of their own territory in atlantis but it's worth it because they get to be together) but now someone has to show anakin how to be a merperson because it's not intuitive and he's really fucking bad at it like 'got his arm bitten off by a shark because he couldn't figure out how to swim faster that the shark' bad at it
and padmé is much too busy being queen and preparing for their wedding ceremony so...enter her most trusted advisor, obi-wan kenobi
obi-wan doesn't know what he did to deserve this sort of punishment. it's bad enough that the queen went rogue like this, gave the sith their own legitimate territory, and messed with dark magic just to get some tail (lol) but now obi-wan has to deal with it?? obi-wan has to teach anakin how to swim? the correct titles of their royals and how to pronounce them? the correct way to eat? obi-wan has to show him how to dress and deal with his sometimes surly countenance and his incessant need to touch everything he sees, up to and including the bright blue scales of obi-wan's fins--something only mates are supposed to touch??? obi-wan has to put his hands on anakin's waist and move his body to pump up and down and not side to side as humans walk??? obi-wan must carefully brush out his hair and treat it with their special concoctions so as to preserve its curl despite being underwater all the time now???
(they definitely fall in love which makes them both feel very, very guilty, except the truth is anakin and padmé's match is less true love and more fleeting infatuation now that they get to spend longer than a few seconds together)
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
History of Us Part 3- Introductions
Summary: Once upon a time Todoroki and (y/n) were best friends. Now they haven’t spoken in years. When (y/n) is forced to transfer to UA, will she and Shoto reconnect or will their troubled past keep them apart? A childhood friends to enemies to lovers hybrid fic.
If you don’t want to see History of Us content blacklist #hopelesshou
Masterlist Kofi
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You trudge downstairs already dreading meeting new people. Aizawa had assured you your last name would be kept under wraps but it still feels like it’s only a matter of time before everyone figures out who you really are. There’s a reason you dye your hair, your natural coloring is too recognizable and it’s a bitter reminder of a man you actively wish to forget. For years you hated looking in the mirror until you finally convinced your mom to let you dye it. Kirishima had been kind even after finding out but Kirishima is kind to everyone. You seriously doubt everyone is as much of a cinnamon roll as he is, especially if he-who-shall-not-be-named recognizes you and blabs to everyone like the little bitch he is.
As you walk into the lounge area it’s just your luck that you spot him first. It’s like a hit to the chest, physically stopping you in your tracks. Suddenly you’re that sobbing, confused eight year old all over again, just wanting to understand how her best friend in the whole wide world could turn his back on her when she needed him most. Kirishima calling your name snaps you out of it as you roll your eyes and make your way over. If Shoto doesn’t recognize you then fine, you’re not about to give him the satisfaction of knowing it’s upsetting you. You drop onto the couch unceremoniously in the small space between Kirishima and Bakugo, causing the blonde to shoot you a glare and huff as he and Kiri are forced to adjust themselves to make space for you. You give him a satisfied grin once you’re comfortable, which only causes his scowl to deepen more, before suddenly multiple unfamiliar faces are hovering right in your field of vision.
“Have none of you fucking heard of personal space?” you snap instinctively, feeling closed in. They seem unperturbed by your temper, instead a boy with long black hair and a wide toothy grin comments “You really are like Bakugo!” “Don’t compare me to that angry Pomeranian,” you scoff. “Hah!? The fuck you just call me half and half?” Bakugo immediately retorts, crimson eyes glaring you down as his palms spark in warning. “I called you an angry Pomeranian. You deaf or something? That why you fucking yell all the time?” you fire back as black shadows start to curl off your right hand like smoke. “You little-“ Bakugo starts to threaten, looking like he’s seconds away from launching into you and starting a proper fight, but both of you are distracted by the delighted laughter of the others. “I love you already! Name’s Mina Ashido,” the pink girl, Mina apparently, introduces herself. “Glad we’ve finally got someone who can keep Bakugo in check. I’m Kyoka Jiro,” another girl introduces. Your mind whirs as you process more and more new names. Denki Kaminari is the other blonde. The boy with the long black hair is apparently Hanta Sero. All of them introduce themselves with both their first and last names. You will not be following suit. “I’m (y/n),” you reply simply. “No surname?” the eager blonde, Denki you remind yourself, asks with a tilt of his head. The gesture reminds you of an overexcited puppy. “Nope,” is your simple reply. “Why not?” he presses. “Because I said so,” you shoot back, raising one eyebrow. To your surprise he immediately drops the subject and moves on. “So why’d you transfer?” he asks. “Moved too far from my old school,” is your quick reply. “How d’you know Kiri?” “Fatgum’s agency.” “What’s your quirk?” “Jesus Denki it’s not an interrogation. Let the girl breathe,” Sero cuts him off with a laugh, shoving Denki to the side a bit so that Sero becomes front and center in your line of vision. He openly gives you an appraising look from head to toe before saying “Don’t mind him he’s a little nosy. The better question is: are you single?” You can’t help but bark out a startled laugh at the boldness of the question. “Your laugh, while beautiful, is not an answer,” he grins. “God you guys are the worst,” Jiro groans with a roll of her eyes, “you don’t have to answer that.” “Thanks,” you laugh before turning back to Sero to say “but for the record I am single,” with a wink. Your laugh turns into a full on cackle at the way his face goes bright red. “Don’t tell me you can dish it and not take it,” you tease him. “Oh he definitely can’t take it,” Mina giggles before launching into a story to prove her point, much to Sero’s chagrin. A small part of you starts to hope that maybe this year won’t be so bad.
The sound of your laughter draws Shoto’s eyes to you. It’s such a stark contrast between how you’d looked when he last saw you. Guilt crawls up his throat like bile, leaving an acrid taste in his mouth. You’re different from when the two of you were little. Harsher. More acerbic. He’s not entirely surprised but it still saddens him. He wonders if things would’ve been different had he ignored his father’s warnings about you. He wants to ignore his father’s warning now. He wants to march right up to you and apologize for everything, lay himself out bare to prove to you he never wanted to abandon you, but something holds him back. He thinks it might be cowardice. God, how would he even begin to apologize? You were having such a bad time you moved to an entirely different prefecture and he did nothing. Of course you hate him.
Shoto is brought out of his musings by Midoriya nudging him, a questioning look in his green eyes. Midoriya would know how to right the wrongs of the past. Or at the very least would probably be able to give him some ideas. But to fully explain what had happened he’d also have to explain your father and reveal your identity. Judging by the fact your last name wasn’t even given on the list of students Aizawa gave Iida, you must be trying very hard to keep that information confidential. It’s really not his place to share and he’s hurt you quite enough already. Maybe he can talk around it a little bit though. “Midoriya, hypothetically, if you had hurt someone greatly many years ago and now had no idea how to start apologizing. What would you do?” Shoto finally asks after thinking carefully over how to phrase his question. “Hypothetically?” Midoriya asks skeptically. “Yes. Hypothetically,” Todoroki confirms. “Well I guess it depends how bad what I did was,” Midoriya hedges. “It was bad,” Shoto replies immediately, face darkening at the admission. “In this completely hypothetical scenario,” Midoriya replies with a knowing smile. “Yes exactly,” Todoroki says as he clears his throat. “Well I guess I’d start by just doing little things to show I’m sorry until we were both ready to talk and I could apologize properly,” Midoriya offers. Shoto nods thoughtfully as he mulls over Izuku’s words. Small things. He could do small things. “Hey, Todoroki-kun?” Midoriya prompts causing Shoto to return his attention to his friend. “Whatever you did to (y/n), I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as you think. She’ll forgive you eventually,” Midoriya assures him.
A loud boom causes both of them to jump in their seats, eyes seeking out the source only to land on you and Bakugo almost literally at each other’s throats as the two of you tumble over each other, the crowd around you still laughing at whatever had incited the tussle in the first place. Both of you look damn near feral, causing Midoriya to gulp. “Probably,” he amends, “she’ll probably forgive you eventually.” Todoroki nods almost solemnly. You may just kill him before he gets a chance to apologize. That doesn’t mean he can’t at least try though.
A/N: Am I back to daily updates on a fic again?? Maybe??? We’ll see lmao. It was fun to write more of the class and their dynamics but omg there’s so goddamn many students in class 1A idk how Horikoshi keeps up with them all 😩 also M*neta got kicked out for sexual harassment in this version of events, I refuse to write that little nightmare lol
Taglist: @sorrythatspussynal @miss-bakugo-writes @pixelwisp @larkspyrr @sokkaandzukosimp @akkaso
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lifeofroos · 3 years
A/N: Clarisse lol once again on this. Her spear gets stolen boys. 
AO3 - KoFi
The Thief
The door made a loud bang as Clarisse strided in. Only a few of her siblings cared to look up. 
‘We’re raiding the Hermes cabin.’
Now people got interested. ‘What did they do?’
‘Something important has been stolen. I don’t want any more questions, just your total cooperation.’ 
The Ares campers didn’t need to hear anything else. Within seconds, they had picked up their weapons and strapped on their every-day protective gear.
The take-over was a breeze. There was only one camper inside, the rest was too busy training. Two Ares kids janked him out. The rest stationed themselves around the cabin so no one else could try and get in, except for Clarisse and two of her siblings. 
Clarisse peered around. At first glance, she couldn’t see her spear anywhere, but that was probably the way the cabin was designed. They had to have stuff stashed away in corners, the little sneaks. 
‘You search the beds, and you search the closets,’ she ordered the two people that had come in with her. ‘You’re looking for a spear.’ 
The two other campers exchanged nervous looks. Maimer had been a present from Ares himself. If someone had stolen that, the camp would burn if she didn’t get it back soon. 
While the others checked out the beds and the closets, Clarisse ran her hands past the walls. There had to be a nook or creek somewhere, to reach the secret compartments Chris had told her about. 
After a few minutes of searching, she found a bulge under her fingertip, so small that most people wouldn’t notice. She snickered as she ran her hand over that part of the wall. Her boyfriend really should be less trusting with information like that. 
She managed to jam her finger under the wooden plank. Yet, when she took it away, she only found some loose banknotes. With a disgruntled noise, she put the plank back.
‘Clarisse!’ With her eyebrows raised, she turned around. Her cabin mate was looking under a bed. 
‘Something’s here!’
Clarisse sat down next to her sibling. There seemed to be a compartment under the bed. She reached her hand into the hole, knowing there might as well be poisonous bugs in there. 
She didn’t find poisonous bugs, but neither did she find her spear. Instead, she took out a hand-mirror.
She tutted. ‘Silena won’t be happy with whoever stole this. She got it from Aphrodite.’
The other campers' eyes got wide. ‘So the Hermes campers have been stealing gifts from our godly parents?’
‘It seems like it.’
‘Then we should tell Chiron and Dionysus!’
Clarisse shook her head. ‘We can figure it out ourselves. However, we’re leaving here. They would never stash two valuable objects in the same place.’ 
When she walked outside, there was an array of campers looking to see what was going on. Connor Stoll lurched forward when he saw Clarisse coming out. ‘You’re not allowed to come in without permission!’
She held up the mirror. ‘And your campers are not allowed to steal stuff like this, now are they?’
Connor violently turned around. ‘Which one of you imbeciles took that?’
Clarisse walked past him. ‘I am glad we are on the same page about it. But don’t think I’ll let you rest until my spear is back, Stoll.’
He gritted his teeth. ‘All of you,’ he ordered, ‘Will be searching along. And to whoever did this: I am not responsible for whatever happens to you.’
The news of the theft spread like wildfire. Soon, everyone in the camp was either searching, hiding or praying. 
The daughter of Aphrodite took her mirror. ‘I heard what happened. Those bastards. May their clothes shrink whenever they put them on.’
‘Does that work specifically?’
She chuckled. ‘Not when I don’t know who it should be directed to.’ Clarisse nodded, but couldn’t help but scan the camp for demigods with shirts that were a little too crampy.
‘What about Phobos and Deimos?’ Sherman inquired
Clarisse shook her head. ‘Too boastful. They wouldn’t be able to keep their mouths shut about it for this long.’
‘Most of the Hermes campers check out right now as well. Perhaps the Athena campers? Or Percy Jackson?’
Clarisse shrugged. ‘The Athena campers are too wise to pull a stunt like this one and I like to think Jackson has something better to do with his time. Still, search the arts-and-crafts building and the boathouse.’
Sherman gave a firm nod, before running away. 
It was getting ridiculous. Almost every nook of the camp, safe for the forests, had been searched. Would a camper really be so stupid as to go into the forest for a prank? A prank that, in no possible way, would end well?
As soon as this realisation got through to the rest of the camp, they began to form a crowd around the capture the flag starting point, thinking about what to do next. Anything to keep Clarisse from burning down the whole camp.  
When Clarisse arrived, one of the Ares campers was standing in the middle of the group, next to the shabby flag pole that currently had the Apollo flag on it (To show that they won the last capture-the-flag game). ‘We should make search groups. Everyone gets an area of the forest!’ He held up his hand and accidently knocked over the pole. It fell down, only to reveal the head of a spear. 
It got dead quiet. Campers turned their heads towards the Apollo campers, who all looked equally as shocked. 
Clarisse made her way to the front. Calmly, she picked up the spear, which gave a little shock as soon as she picked it up. 
Still ever so calm, she turned to the Apollo campers. ‘Well? Anyone want to claim responsibility?’
It stayed quiet. The Apollo campers were looking at each other, trying to remember who had planted the flag pole the day they won. 
Clarisse snickered. ‘Doesn’t matter. Capture the flag is tomorrow. Ares campers, we’ll just have to get them all.’ 
A loud roaring made it known that the other Ares kids agreed to this sentiment. The Apollo kids shushed among each other, knowing that they had to get the right allies this time. Yet, one look around camp already told them it might be difficult to get allies at all. 
Silena raised her fist. ‘But don’t think that the Hermes kids will get away with stealing the magic mirror! You don’t even know the impact of what you did, pests!’ Her cry was echoed by the other Aphrodite campers, the Ares campers, and eventually almost everyone.  
Chiron looked on from a distance. ‘Is it time to do something about it?’
Dionysus shook his head. ‘Let them fight it out among them.’
‘I was hoping you’d say that.’
‘I hope they’ll contain themselves during dinner. If not, then we should by all means do something about it. I don’t want a repeat of the food fight from last week.’
They sighed, knowing full well that a return of the food fight was inevitable. Just as inevitable as macguffins being stolen, campers grinding each other into the dirt and using the weirdest things as flagpoles. 
A/N: I like to think that the money Clarisse found in the Hermes cabin was at least 100.000 dollars, all in wads of cash. 
The next chapter on the list was requested by an AO3 reader - Clarisse meeting Aphrodite! I also got your other prompt, it's on the list, it'll be there :)
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dogcircle-scans · 4 years
Natsume Yuujinchou: “Cookies to the Forest’s Entrance” Summary (Chapter 105)
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Our cuties are back with more adventures!
I was trying to get this out within a week of the chapter’s release, but life happened so it took a while. ;w; Anyways, this is our first chapter after the 4 month hiatus! Perhaps to serve as a breather after the super intense Homura arc, we have a relatively short chapter (only 24 pages compared to the usual 30-40 pages) about Natsume, Tanuma and Nyanko-sensei stumbling into an old house in the middle of the forest. In some ways, this chapter felt more like a special chapter rather than a main one (don’t expect any plot or character development for this one, especially not information on the grandpa), but surprisingly, it also helps wrap up some stuff in the Homura arc (firstly, DID NYANKO GET HIS COOKIES, secondly, our poor cinnamon roll pure boi needs a hug ;w;). It still gives me the usual NatsuYuu feels, so no complaints from me! Also (I’m sorry for plugging), but if you enjoy what we do, and don’t mind giving a couple of dollars,
please buy me a coffee or two. At the moment I’m using my Kofi funds to buy raws of the manga for our scan uses, but after losing my Tumblr account, I haven’t had any new donations, so my tank is running empty (especially after buying the raws for Volume 25). ;w; If you have some spare cash and would like to help support our scan work, please help donate. You have my eternal gratitude. TwT As always, special thanks to Jessica for proofreading this for me on a Sunday!
- Niji
Chapter 105: “Cookies to the Forest’s Entrance”
While walking home from school, Tanuma accidentally steps onto a cookie, hearing it crack under his foot. He spots another cookie in the distance, and begins finding more and more of them the further he looks.
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Tanuma: (It leads into the forest.) // This is just like Hansel and Gretel. / I wonder who dropped these…
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Tanuma: ! // Natsume? Natsume: Huh… // Tanuma!? / Why are you in a place like this? Tanuma: You too, Natsume, what are you doing here…
Tanuma asks if Natsume might have been the one to drop the cookies, but it turns out Natsume didn’t notice the cookies at all. After recognising the cookies, he runs off, following its trail. Tanuma runs after him as well. At the end of the trail, they find a little house.
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Natsume: Ah. // In a place like this… / Is it a vacant house? Tanuma: Hey, Natsume… / Do you know what these cookies are? / You looked like you were looking for something.
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Natsume: …It’s nothing big. / I guess you can say I was just curious… Tanuma: Curious? Natsume: ——These cookies are…
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Natsume recounts what happened shortly after he and Nyanko-sensei returned from Homura. Touko and Shigeru were extremely glad that he was able to find Nyanko-sensei, and gave Nyanko-sensei the cookies that they had kept aside for him (if you remember at the start of the arc, Nyanko-sensei wanted some pretty cookies but ran off before Natsume went to buy them). Nyanko-sensei was super happy about them too. However, when Natsume returned home from school that day, Nyanko-sensei was nowhere to be found in his room. Thinking that Nyanko-sensei might have ran off to play as usual, and that he might be going beyond Yatsuhara…
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Natsume: I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and I figured it would be interesting to try following Sensei at least once… Tanuma: … I see… Natsume: ...Don’t laugh. Tanuma: Haha, I’m sorry. / So, at the end of these cookies will be…
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Yes, it is Nyanko-sensei.
Natsume: Found him! Tanuma: Fufu. / There’s a hole in his bag. / So that’s how the cookies fell out.
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Tanuma: *sigh…* ……Natsume? Natsume: ——As I thought, I’m still a little worried about Sensei. Tanuma: Ah… / That’s right, at the White Mist Pottery* Village, he caught the eye of a strange Collector……
[*I’m gonna translate “Hakka Pottery” to “White Mist Pottery”, since I can pretty much confirm that ‘Hakka’ is not a family name lol. So, for localization sake, I am translating the whole term.]
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Natsume: …There was someone who reassured me, saying, “I’ll take care of this incident, so you don’t have to worry.” // He isn’t someone who would say things without thinking, so I did think that things would be alright now. / But when I didn’t see Sensei around like this, I can’t help but feel anxious. // ...But I’m glad.
Natsume looks around.
Natsume: I guess he found this vacant house and has been idling around in it. / …Seriously, he even brought his favourite sake and sake bottle with him. Tanuma: Wow… // It doesn’t look like anyone is here, and it’s quite wide. Rather than a residence, this is more like… an arbor?
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Tanuma: It’s old, / but it’s pretty. // It’s perfect as a hideaway / or as a secret base.
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Natsume: A secret base… / Then we’ve done something bad, haven’t we? Since Sensei has been secretly having fun here… Nyanko: *open!* Hm hm. / Natsume and… the Tanuma brat. Natsume: Ah! Nyanko-sensei! // I’m sor- Nyanko: You came here with perfect timing. Help me out. Natsume: Huh!?
Nyanko-sensei explains that he discovered this place while chasing butterflies during his patrol. He figured that it would be the perfect place for him to take his afternoon naps, and was just in the midst of checking it out. The only issue is that the place is rather dusty, and Nyanko-sensei doesn’t have the spare time to clean the place up as he likes.
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Nyanko: I’ve brought some dust cloths with me. / Just wet them in the river over there. Natsume: What— Nyanko: If we don’t at least clean this veranda, you two won’t be able to idle around either, right?
And just like that, the boys got to work.
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Natsume: Geez~~~ *wipe wipe wipe wipe* // This house may be vacant, but it might have an owner, so don’t just do whatever you like, Sensei. Nyanko: Come on! / Put your backs into your wiping! Boys: Phew~~ // We’re finally doneee—
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Completely exhausted, they plopped down onto the veranda, and had their rest. And as they closed their eyes—
Natsume: (What is this?) / (There’s some sort of sweet fragrance coming from somewhere.) // (Is it Sensei’s cookies?) / (No…) // (Maybe it’s flowers.) / (——It’s very) // (kind and sweet——)
Soon enough, Natsume notices that evening has already arrived, so they prepare to leave.
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Nyanko: By the way, how did you two learn of this place? Natsume: How? Because your cookies had fallen out, Sensei. Nyanko: WHAT!? // *stunned* There’s a huge hole… Natsume: Shall we pick them up on our way home, Sensei?
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Nyanko: …… / No, just leave them as they are. // We still have lots of maintenance to do. / Tomorrow, you two will follow this trail back to my afternoon napping spot. We will gather there.
[Did Nyanko just… sacrifice his cookies!? Omg!]
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Natsume: “Maintenance”……? Tanuma: Haha, I’m sure birds would have eaten them by tomorrow, Sensei.
The following day, the two boys find the trail of cookies and arrive at the empty house.
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Natsume: We’re here. Nyanko: You two are so slow! / You’re gonna be devoting yourselves to the maintenance of my drinking party spot! Natsume: Wasn’t this your afternoon napping spot? Tanuma: ——Huh? Natsume. / There’s something on the pillar there…
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Indeed, on the pillar was a hand-written note, saying,
“Thank you for wiping the place. Please enjoy yourselves here.”
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Natsume: Uwah! / It’s probably from the owner. (S- So embarrassing…) Tanuma: I wonder if it’s okay to just take advantage of their offer like that. / Even though we entered as we liked… Nyanko: Stop complaining! Today, we are wiping the sliding doors! / I want the moonlight and the evening sun to shine on it beautifully.
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Natsume: …As an apology for Sensei coming in as he liked, we should at least clean the frame of the sliding doors. Tanume: Let’s do that. Natsume: You help too, Sensei. Nyanko: Hmph. / Just this should be enough, right?
Or so they thought.
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Nyanko: *rip…*
Stunned by the tear, the two boys inspect the damage. Natsume asks if it can be fixed, and Tanuma figures that, if they bring some sliding door paper and glue tomorrow, it should do the trick. Natsume returns to the note on the pillar, and quickly jots down an apology.
“Sorry, we tore the sliding door. We will fix it tomorrow.”
Back at home, Natsume asks Shigeru for some sliding door paper.
Shigeru: ...Hm? Sliding door? Natsume: Yes… // Can I have enough for one grid? / We were staying at a place and we kind of… tore it. Shigeru: Oh. / Were you at the Tanuma’s? Natsume: Ah, no. Shigeru: It’s okay to be mischievous, but you have to keep it in moderation.
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Shigeru: If it’s at home, you can break as many as you like, // but always make sure to apologize, alright, Takashi? Natsume: …… Yes.
[Shigeru is such a good papa ;w;]
As Natsume leaves the next day, Touko stops him, handing him some strawberries.
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Touko: Here, give them these strawberries as an apology. // *rustle!* Do your best! Natsume: ——… // Thank you so much. Nyanko: Oh~~~ These strawberries look tasty~~~ Natsume: They are not for you, Sensei.
[And now we have our sweet mama TwT]
They continue to follow the trail of cookies (how have they not been eaten by animals yet??), during which Natsume asks if the owner might be there. Nyanko-sensei promptly answers that he doesn’t need to care so much about an uninhabited empty house.
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Natsume: Don’t you start, Sensei. Tanuma: Oi, Natsume—
The three of them head to the house, and find that a new note has been attached to the pillar.
“Thank you for cleaning the sliding doors. I have a request. Could you help me plant these seeds in the garden?”
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Natsume: Huh? // By ‘seeds’, do they mean this? // …They don’t sound angry. Tanuma: You fix the sliding door, Natsume. / I’ll clear the weeds over there and plant this. Natsume: Thank you, Tanuma.
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Natsume: …… // (The owner of this house sure is strange…) // (Rather, it feels like…) // Hey… Nyanko-sensei…
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Nyanko: HEY! / ENOUGH OF THAT! HURRY UP AND BRING OUT THE PAPER! // Let’s paste it down right away. It’s time to repair my afternoon napping spot! Natsume: ——… Yeah. // You’re right.
The three of them set down to work, and finally finished everything. Once again, exhausted, they plop onto the veranda and napped.
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Natsume: (Nevertheless…) // (This is such a comfortable place——)
In his dreams, Natsume hears a man speak, and the thoughts of someone else…
Man: “——Hey there. Sorry to keep you waiting.” ??: ——It’s alright. // Always, / forever, // I will be here, waiting for you.
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Natsume wakes up.
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Note: As an apology, we have left some strawberries here. Tanuma: It’s quite a mysterious arbor. // It’s like we are exchanging letters with the house owner. Natsume: That’s true. Tanuma: ——Hey, Natsume. Natsume: Hm?
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Tanuma: ...Nah. / See you tomorrow. Natsume: Yeah. // See you tomorrow.
And that night, Natsume had a dream.
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Natsume: (There was a gentle-looking man sitting alone on top of the veranda.) / (And around him, perhaps it was the flowering season… There were so many colors as though it was overflowing with it.) Man: Ah, my beloved arbor. // I can only visit you once every year. / I can’t even maintain or take care of you. Please forgive this useless owner of yours. // This year, I’ve been busy with my family business as well. / The days where I come here provide emotional support, so I always look forward to it. // Ah, / the view here is so beautiful. // I built this here hoping that someday, / I could bring my wife, my children, and my family here to view this scenery. // But after so long, it has always just been me.
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Man: I’m sorry. Even though I built you, // I’m always here alone. // I’m sorry I couldn’t make it lively. // ——Someday, // should // guests arrive here——
Natsume wakes up. The following day, he meets up with Tanuma again, and they follow the trail of cookies into the forest. Natsume wonders about all the strange things involving this situation, about the forest that was so close to his house and yet he doesn’t know much about it, about these cookies that still look great even after so long, and about the mysterious owner who never shows his face. And when they arrive at the arbor—
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Flowers had bloomed across the garden.
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Tanuma: What!? / Flowers!? // …This can’t all be / the seeds I planted yesterday…? // Just how did… Natsume: ——I’m guessing // this arbor made all of them bloom.
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Tanuma: Huh… SFX: *rustle*
The one who wrote notes to thank them for cleaning the floor and the sliding doors might have been the arbor itself. With its memories of bygone days, it’s always been here inside the forest, waiting.
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Natsume: You finally have guests coming here. / But I’m sorry that it was us.
This was such an old, old little arbor, and it felt as though it was mustering the last of its power to show them this scenery.
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Nyanko: Ooh, there are strawberry flowers here too. Natsume: Tanuma. / Why don’t we take a seat at the veranda and look at this scenery for a bit? Tanuma: Huh? Natsume: Somehow, / I feel like we won’t be able to come here again tomorrow.
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Tanuma: ———……… // I see——… Natsume: (——I wonder if there are buildings that can become ayakashi too.)
That was the mysterious arbor that Nyanko-sensei found. It was only a short while, but it was where two people, one beast, and another certain someone, had spent their time together. As they take a seat on the veranda, Natsume recalls the words that the owner had said in his dream.
Man: ——Someday, // should guests arrive here…
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Man: Make sure to welcome them with lots of flowers, alright?
It was a beautiful and lovely, secret arbor.
“Cookies to the Forest’s Entrance” END
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waxcylindersonata · 4 years
I’m really bad at paying attention when I’m reading, and I kinda don’t know much about the mechanisms, but I really wanna. Is there any way you could like give me some info about them. Obviously you don’t have to lol, I’m just really lost tryna figure out what the hell they are.
This may get a bit long, feel free to skip around!
So they're a concept band, sort of! They all play characters on stage, and those characters play characters within the story albums! Their main characters are "immortal" space pirates aboard the starship Aurora! Here's the main set of characters:
Jonny d'Ville (the first mate, his mechanism is his heart)
Gunpowder Tim (the gunner, his mechanism is his eyes)
Drumbot Brian (the pilot, his mechanism is everything except his heart)
The Toy Soldier (officially listed as their mascot, its mechanism is everything except its voice)
Ashes O'Reilly (the quartermaster, their mechanism is their lungs)
Raphaella la Cognizi (the science officer, her mechanism is her wings)
Ivy Alexandria (the archivist, her mechanism isn't listed on the abouts)
Marius von Raum (the medic, his mechanism is his arm)
Nastya Rasputina (the engineer, her mechanism is her blood)
There's also Doctor Carmilla, she made them all "immortal" (and gave them their mechanisms and whatnot), but she's not around for much of the canon because Reasons hdjdkek
If you want to start with character backstories, here's a list of Mechanisms who have backstory songs (with links to those songs!):
Jonny – "One Eyed Jacks", "Homesick"
Nastya – "Cyberian Demons"
Tim – "Gunpowder Tim vs. the Moon Kaiser" (this one also has a little TS backstory too!)
Ashes – "Lucky Sevens"
Brian – "Lost in the Cosmos"
Kofi Young, the person who played Marius, is working on an album as well that will have backstory for his character! It's not out at the time of this post, but it's worth mentioning!
Now, if you want to get into the main story albums, they go in this order (I'll be using these as links to playlists with lyric videos made by @tentiredcats, who has done so much for this fandom I swear):
Once Upon a Time (in Space) – think fairy tales but with a dark twist that's also very sci-fi AND THERE'S LESBIANS
Ulysses Dies at Dawn – Greek mythology but also very steampunk and has SO MANY VIBES (I believe on fybutches I've shared a couple songs from this album, it's my fave for so many reasons)
The Bifrost Incident – Norse mythology but sci-fi/steampunk and it WILL make you cry and there's lesbians again and they WILL make you cry (and imo this album is peak Mechs singing skill)
Death to the Mechanisms – it's maybe a stretch to consider this a story album as it's mostly a combo of songs from the other albums (it's also an audio recording of the DTTM live show!), but it does bring a close to the story of the band as a whole, as well as detailing their deaths (no forgiveness for how they did TS hmph)
And then there's the fiction! The Mechanisms' official website has a whole host of fiction that didn't make it into the songs, which you can find here!
Okay, I tried not to make this suuuper in-depth, so I hope it works well as a kind of intro to the band! Lmk if you have any more questions!!
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 years
reply roundup!
highlights for the past couple weeks:
@shegosato wrote another image description [here], for mining kirby, and @pranque wrote an image description for kirby at his computer [here]! thank you both! <3 all you folks who’ve so kindly contributed your time to add image descriptions since I’m not currently able to are honestly super important and appreciated.
there are also new stickers! etsy link is [here].
on the [last roundup]:
@spageddie28 said: THE GORB NOTICED ME 😳😳🥺🥺💖💖 #all praise the gorb
@askluckyandfriends said: I got noticed too :D
yes!!! that’s why I do these roundups, I love seeing all the fun tags and replies everyone leaves for me, and this way I get to acknowledge them!
@your-local-neighbourhood-kat​ said: The hug would make both of us feel better 🥺🥺🥺
even though he’s got little arms I bet kirby is the best at hugging. (I hope whatever’s on your mind eases soon.)
@shegosato​ said: i love ur kirbys they deserve an id <3 hope ur year's been good so far op!
aww, thank you! I know writing good image descriptions takes genuine effort (which is why I don’t do it myself like I should, I’m sorry TnT ) and deserves sincere recognition at the very least! (I’d love to just properly compensate someone to caption all of them as they go up someday, but it will take a while to afford. I will be sure to put out a call for interested parties once I get there!)
on [keyboard]:
@zer0cracy​ said: Freddy Mer-kirby
ohhh what a good pun! he’s even got the sparkles to match lol
also to the person who tagged it metal gear, I see you. I appreciate you.
on [train]:
@papioligoat​ said: Look at this gorb go. Lad vibin.
he’s where he Belongs.
@rinnyhere​ said: I want to ride an endless train and just sleep. tired of thoughts.
ohh that sounds so peaceful. just ride the train forever. highest quality naps.
on [miner]:
@macro-microcosm​ said: I also lost my part-time work haha. please donate to this artist! they’re so delightful and make such lovely work. they’re at this every. single. day.
aw that sucks! I hope things are at least relatively stable for now. (and thank you so much for your kind tags! I haven’t missed a day since I started in june 2018 :> )
@jupiterlandings​ said: he’s mining to get his webkinz crown of wonder
unfortunately I don’t know anything about webkinz so I can’t fully appreciate the joke but he’s clearly working very hard towards his goals and I support him!
@shegosato​ said: op thats a cute easter egg. also hope uve doing well! mayhaps a post abt commissions or donations will help?
I was very happy with myself when I came up with it lol, and I think that is a good idea! I already put out new stickers this month, but maybe I will finally figure out sticker commissions or just advertise kofi commissions at the same rate as the patreon tier.
on the [sticker poll]:
@liongerudothesilly​ said: I do not have Twitter, but I vote Fancy Dresses please! If you'll take a commented vote!
I just want to make sure you know your vote was seen and counted! (and I secretly wanted fancy dresses to win too lol, but even counting your vote and mine it still fell a little short. maybe I will just do it next time without asking! :v )
on [sweep]:
@aggron-rocks​ said: what a responsible orb
one does not become a gorb on virtue of cuteness alone. good orbs also help with chores when they can!
on [valentines stickers]:
@insertusername77​ said: These are so good. At the rate things are going, Kirby's gonna be my Valentine this year
I imagine kirby would love to be your valentine. :> (he may not be very reliable at giving you chocolate, but I think he’s pretty okay at making bouquets from supermarket flowers!)
@here-comes-de-custard​ said: im going to cry these are so cute
@osohey said: joy and love and happyness and joy
@leolithe​ said: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! great arts!
I don’t always have anything to say in reply so they don’t always end up in the roundups but I see all the tags people leave and I always love tags like these, I love it when my art can make people happy <3
@legendarykerfuffle said: all i need for valentines is kirb
honestly same lol, my partner knows this and often manages to find cute little kirby plushes to give me :v
on [sumikko]:
@virovac said: Decided to look up Summikko Gurashi [screencap of character description for “penguin?” that says “am I even a penguin? penguin has no confidence. in the past, there might have been a plate on penguin’s head...”]
penguin is just like that! (they were a kappa rather than a regular penguin, which is why they are green and like cucumbers a lot. that’s what the plate thing means.)
@askluckyandfriends said: Aww I hope your mom has a great birthday!
she told me she had a nice day! (and also bragged about my art to her friends at the office lol)
on [stamps]:
@virovac said: Kirby says support your post office!
yes!!! we love the post office!
@tinybandee said: delicately places him in the mailbox, happy trails kiddo
if I wasn’t already tired for today I would love to draw him peering out of the mailbox back at you. that would be very cute. instead we will imagine it together.
from the ask box:
anonymous said: It's fine! Don't push yourself, you can't help it not feeling too great *showers you with support*
(this was sent when I posted about delaying stickers for a day) thank you so much! this genuinely did make me feel better about taking longer than I expected to get them ready <3
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Hey, I just I sent a Ko-fi request for Wheeljack that was 15 dollars (iirc), and I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to do 15 dollars worth of words! I gave 15 just in case you needed some word wiggle room! The scenario can be even 500 words and you can keep the rest as tip lol! I hope things get better for you soon!
hewwo anon! i wanted to say thank you for the kofi support! 
as a message to everyone here: my ko-fi is reserved as a tip jar and not for requests (since requests are closed) and commissions should be DM’d to me so we can negotiate the scenario and happenings for your piece! commissions are always open so be sure to message me for this directly! be sure to go through the correct avenues for your paid writings! :) there’s no way for me to refund this since everything from ko-fi directly deposits to my bank, so i will fill it for you here. i worry for future “kofi requets” because i do have absences from this blog (although i’m trying to be more active again!) so if i didn’t check in on my kofi or the blog, i would have missed this and you might have been out $15 :( so just be sure that next time (or for anyone) that y’all send me a message before paying as i don’t even take payment until the commissions is finished anyway. i hope all this makes sense? i appreciate the support (especially in these trying times for me) i just want to make sure that both sides benefit from it! if anyone is just leaving a tip for tip’s sake, those are always welcome! ;)
anyway, here’s your fill! hope you enjoy~
request: “May I request a scenario where G1 Wheeljack is stuck to a wall and is trying to confess to his very concerned human crush who’s currently trying to free him?”
You had just returned from you daily doings and decided to take a trip to the Autobot base. You had nothing left to od with your free time so might as well go check up on your friends. And Wheeljack. You were eager to see him, but you couldn’t be over eager. You always tried your best not to be obvious about the way you felt about him. Plus how could he put you before his science? It just did not seem plausible. But still, even if you were just to remain friends, you could live with that.
The base was quiet. Odd. Normally this time of day there was a bustling amount of action about the base. Whether the bots were getting their afternoon briefing or free time racing around the area, there was always something going on. Nothing. It almost worried you. But you decided to go looking for whatever trouble you might find. Afterall, they might just need your help.
If the bots are in trouble, that could mean Wheeljack is also in trouble! you thought, heart beginning to race in your chest. You needed to keep calm. Whatever has happened, you could help. It will be okay. Your footsteps quickened as you beelined it for Wheeljack’s laboratory. If he was going to be anywhere around here, it would be in there. Carefully rounding the corner, you peered into the room. Again nothing. Nothing but the sound of whirring machinery and the slow beeping of the technology inside.
“Hey! Who’s there?” you heard call out from in the room. You gasped, covering your mouth to keep from making anymore noise. “I can hear you, I know someone’s there.” Wheeljack’s voice. You let our a sigh of relief and showed yourself to the room.
“W-wheeljack?” you hesitantly called out.
“Yeah, it’s me! Is that-? Ah! It is you! Hey, I could really use some help over here…”
“Oh, don’t mind the mess. I was in the middle of doing something when all of a sudden I’m stuck over here now.”
You eyed the scientist stuck up on the wall. He didn’t seem to be hanging from anything, and he didn’t seem to be struggling either. You folded you arms and quinted up at him.
“How did you even get stuck like this, Wheeljack?” you said, pacing back and forth, fingers drumming on your chin. You contemplated over and over how to get him down, so maybe figuring out how he got up there would show a solution.
“I just don’t know. One minute I’m working on an experiment and the next, poof, I’m up here. Ya know, I’ve actually been up here quite a while before I asked you to come help me. It was almost relaxing at first,” he chuckled. You rolled your eyes. Of course there wasn’t an explanation for this. When it came to Wheeljack, his experiments were always ones of spontaneity. But in the end, they always worked. Well, mostly always.
You surveyed the wall again. Metal, as was everything else on the base. Could it possibly be a magnetic response?
“And it’s not magnets either.” It was like he could read your mind. “Listen, I’ve thought of everything before you came in here. A sticky situation to say the least.”
“Oh boy, okay. This is going to take some major work. We are really going to need to think outside the box on this one,” you muttered to yourself. You looked up to meet his optics and you knew that behind that face shield he would be wearing a sheepish smile. “We will figure this out. Together.”
And it took all day. You learned so much about his current research and experiments. You learned that the Autobots got called to a mission and that the Decepticons were causing yet another commotion. In a weird way it was nice to spend some quality time like this with Wheeljack, despite the current situation. You didn’t understand some of the vocabulary he was using when he tried to coerce you to do different things to help him get unstuck, but he had all the patience in the world to help explain it further. After all, he had no where he needed to be in the near future.
You both got to talking about so many different things that you’ve never shared with each other before. Wheeljack told you about his old home of Cybertron and how the streets were always bustling with life, how the engex at Maccadam’s was always the best in town, where he got his finish polished at. So many different aspects of the life and times on another planet. And you shared with him some things you never thought would be worth talking about, too. You didn’t think anyone would be interested in the domestic life on Earth or where you went to school or the pets you had. You never had someone get so excited to learn your favorite color before, at least not since preschool. All of these things intrigued Wheeljack, and he promised once he was able to get down from this Primus forsaken wall he would indulge in this Earthly life of yours.
“You know…actually, there was kind of something I wanted to talk to you about,”  his vocalizer staticked out a bit.
“I’m all ears. What’s on your mind…er, processor?” you asked, looking up at him from the desk.
“Maybe I’m not exactly in the right position to be saying any of this, both literally and physically, but uh…there’s something about you that, well, it just makes my spark swell…” The brightness of his optics were low, like he was trying to look away. He truly had your full attention now. You got up from where you were kneeling and approached him.
“What are you saying, Wheeljack?”
“Ah, nevermind. Just forget it. It was dumb anyway.”
“No, really. It’s okay, just say it.”
“I’m just saying that I guess I kinda like you in a way more than just being friends. You make me really happy when you come around and see me, and I know you and I are very different but, maybe, we could, uh…make it work?”
“Oh! Wheeljack, I-I don’t know what to say, I-“
“No, it’s alright. You don’t need to say anything. I should have just kept it to myself.”
“That’s not it at all. I like you, too. In a way more than just being friends,” you could feel the blush prickling at your cheeks and ears. “I just didn’t want to say anything in case you thought it was weird.”
“Me? Think something is weird? Nonsense! Have you met me?” He laughed and your laughter joined in.
“Well, before we can do anything about that, we still need to figure out how to get you down,” you said, smile wide on your lips.
“Hey, you humans have that thing in movies that fixes everything, don’t you? What was it…true love’s kiss? Maybe we could try that?”
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astrologysvt · 4 years
Oh my god ok so yes you were right my sag mars is in the fist house but my aries venus is in fourth and my aries sun and mercury are actually in fifth haha I dont really know a lot about what houses mean but i thoroughly enjoyed the reading thank you so much So you did guess right, minghao is my bias closely followed by jihoon and jun is close behind them as well In fact jun actually used to be in front of jihoon but I've taken a liking to vobo recently hehe Anyways thank you so much again!! 🐸
I just cant stop thinking about how hard you work I keep getting blown away and like I know its "just astrology" but like the amount of effort and time you put into everything you make for US? PEASANTS? Unimaginable I hope you continue to find joy in this and enjoy what you do and I hope you get endless support (I also hope you enjoyed that kofi moolah because I appreciate you 💕) Just, thank you so much for what you do for the love of astrology and seventeen :) 🐸
ooooo okay i’m trying to figure out how that’d look, do you have a super large 5th/11th house? lol i’m bad at visualizing charts so ignore me if i’m TOTALLY off the mark 😂 ahhh so you’re SUPER fiery! the 5th house is leos house so that just amplifies ur aries even more 😂 may also make you very creative. eheheh i was trying to go into this reading not thinking about the frog emoji and was soooo paranoid when i was like “.... but..... i still kinda think.... they’d get along..... with minghao.......” but i’m glad i also got jun!! i was considering woozi, too!! that’s awesome ur faves are very true to ur chart that’s so cool to see. and honestly our vobo is constantly sneaking up on me he can’t be trusted. and aaaaAAHH!!!! ur so sweet honestly i can go for so long off of just a little bit of encouragement but for you to ALSO be so generous as to donate to my coffee fund is just beyond nice thank you thank you thank you 🥺 and i’m glad to do this for you guys. it’s been so fun and i’m glad you guys have been enjoying my weird hobby~ tbh i was observing them (astrologically) for so long by myself so being able to talk about astro and svt with other people has been so fun in and of itself. 
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