#lmao [jumps off a plane]
localguy2 · 10 months
Need to see a fanfic where like Lloyd or Zane go full on Ethen Hunt mode, doing Mission Impossible esque bullshit to save the world last sec
Actually it could be anyone, the Ninja being total badass sounds so cool if you put it in a Mission Impossible like setting
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aroacedavestrider · 2 years
jump off a cliff
hi Roxy Trans Woman Anon. unfortunately i live in ohio and as such its flat as fuck here so if you really truly want me to do that then you gotta buy me a plane ticket to somewhere with mountains. if you dont have the cash then get to finding it girlboss !! that coin wont bag itself !!! xoxo
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erosastro · 2 months
🌷Composite risings🌷
Let’s talk about how each couple presents themselves for each rising sign in their composite chart.
*Disclaimer: These are my opinions, you don’t have to agree with them. And I’m aware not everyone agrees with the degree theory but I’ve personally seen a difference from degrees, so again, just my opinion and interpretation.
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🌷Aries Rising (could also apply to Aries degrees 1°, 13° and 25°) - This couple is affectionate with each other. They’re passionate and can be competitive with one another, though if on the same team, they’re a force to be reckoned with. They probably enjoy recreational activities with each other. The couple that goes to the gym together, plays sports together, jump out of a plane together lol. They’re both young at heart with each other, even if they identify as old souls individually. They motivate each other to do better and step out of their comfort zones.
🌷Taurus Rising(could also apply to Taurus degrees 2°, 14° and 26°) - They’re so soft with each other and this relationship is filled with tenderness. They can be possessive of one another too(similar to Leo rising couples). They can tune out the world and just soak each other up. They can also be touchy feely with each other, the degree might also have impact here but if it does it won’t be to a great extent.
🌷Gemini Rising (could also apply to Gemini degrees 3°, 15° and 27°) - This is a couple that never runs out of things to talk about. Their favourite part of the day is getting to talk to one another. They inspire the other person. They could have a lot in common and share the same visions/goals. They can also be in their own bubble sometimes, especially if they get really into a topic or discussion and they tend to tease each other, very playful. This is the couple that can prank one another lol.
🌷Cancer Rising (could also apply to Cancer degrees 4°, 16° and 28°) - They have a soft spot for each other. There’s something about the other person that instantly makes them feel comfortable. They’re ones most likely to share nose nudges and butterfly kisses in public. So much PDA but at the same time they can keep a lot of their relationship private. There’s a good balance, in my opinion. They can be very affected by the other person’s mood too.
🌷Leo Rising (could also apply to Leo degrees 5°, 17° and 29°) - Oh this couple loves to show off. Whether it’s their relationship or the other person. There’s so much of PDA with this couple too, like Cancer Risings, but this PDA is like full on whereas the Cancer Risings can be a bit more tender and sweet. this is like grabbing each others ass in public lmao. It doesn’t make it less meaningful though! Power couple vibes.
🌷Virgo Rising (could also apply to Virgo degrees 6° and 18°) - I’ve seen so much of negativity surrounding this composite rising and could never understand why, because like cancer and Taurus risings, they’re so tender and sweet with each other. They’ll do anything for the other person they’re so supportive of one another. They likely are the couple that took a bit of time to get together but people could always tell there’s chemistry between them. They can be private but they can also be sweet with each other in public, perhaps not as much as Leo, but still can be affectionate nonetheless. I like this Ascendant for couples and platonic relationships. People don’t give this Rising enough credit and tend to say they’re boring and unassuming which I don’t necessarily think is true.
🌷Libra Rising (could also apply to Libra degrees 7° and 19°) - Ah the composite rising that gets the most hype, from what I’ve seen. I can understand why since it is Venusian and Libra rules seventh house of relationships. They are also affectionate with one another and tend to be the “It couple”. Everyone wants a relationship like theirs. Romantic with one another for sure. The only thing is that if this couple breaks up, it can turn ugly as seventh house also rules enemies; their relationship can turn really sour.
🌷Scorpio Rising (could also apply to Scorpio degrees 8° and 20°) - Unexpected couple, maybe. No one saw it coming. Their relationship is passionate and deep, but there can be a taboo aspect to their relationship. It doesn’t have to be that deep, perhaps an age gap thats not drastic. You’ll never know what goes on with this couple because they can be very private. I’ve noticed this couple can be awkward with each other at first for some reason? They can also be clingy once they do get into a relationship and it turns into something long term. As much as I’m not particularly fond of this couple, they really are so opened with one another if they do get past the awkwardness and initial fear.
🌷Sagittarius Rising (could also apply to Sagittarius degrees 9° and 21°) - This is the most similar to Aries Rising in my opinion and Gemini rising as well. They’re the couple that have so many inside jokes and like Gemini Rising, they always tease each other and are playful with each other. They love to go on adventures with one another and they can teach each other a lot, constantly pushing the other person to be the best versions of themselves. This couple could also come from very different backgrounds. I’ve noticed also with this Rising sign, a lot of people don’t expect that these two are together.
🌷Capricorn Rising (could also apply to Capricorn degrees 10° and 22°) - Another rising sign that gets so much of slack (like Virgo risings) and I don’t really agree with a lot of it. They may not be as affectionate as Leo risings or Cancer risings once again, but they’re each other’s rock. They can always rely on one another. This couple could be the “slow burn” type because neither person admits they have a crush on the other until later on. They are extremely private with their relationship though and can be protective of each other. Also can be a power couple though, especially to those who know the couple well.
🌷Aquarius Rising (could also apply to Aquarius degrees 11° and 23°) - ah the friends to lovers ascendant. I haven’t met or seen many Aquarius rising couples, majority of them are platonic. This doesn’t mean romantic relationships never work out though. This couple gives each other a lot of space and freedom to be independent but they love each other unconditionally and fully. There’s no judgement here. You can be fully yourself with the other person. If this does turn romantic, they are still always best friends first.
🌷Pisces Rising (could also apply to Pisces degrees 12° and 24°) - They bring out sides of the other person that they never knew they had. For example if you’re not really big on PDA, the person you share a Pisces rising with will bring out that side of you. There could be some aspect to this relationship that’s unusual too. They can get co-dependant though, I’ve noticed. Like they can’t do anything without the person by their side constantly. Regardless, there’s something about these couples that just seem to fit together.
*Personal favourite for platonic - Aquarius or Sagittarius, even Gemini
*Least favourite for platonic - Aries or Cancer
*Favourite for romantic - Cancer, Virgo or Leo (Gemini and Aries can work well too)
*Least favourite for romantic - Scorpio or Pisces
*Risings that can go either way - Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
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im sorry babes but im begging you. Can we have a pedro pascal x reader fic where she's like a vlogger/lawyer and its like a fanmade video of them on yt of them being crackheads and being all lovey-dovey. like libra x aries vibes they balance each other out sm. you don't have to really but i genuinely feel like you're the only person who can pull this off.
Talk To My Lawyer
Every time Pedro gets asked something he can't answer, he always says the same thing.
Pedro Pascal x Lawyer!Reader | 600< | cw: gender neutral!reader, fluff, crack, rpf, typos, etc.
A/N: i didnt use and pronouns for yn besides you so anyone can read! ALSO this took forever, but im glad I finally did it. I hope you enjoy this nonnie! it's not exactly like the request but its pretty funny lmao
Tagging: @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz @multifandom-fangirl4
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X - (Formerly Twitter) - verse
@hotnewsoutlet: Pedro Pascal announces marriage to Civil Rights Lawyer with heartfelt Instagram post. @gigigogold1: PEDRO IS MARRIED? @linmanuzel: PEDRO IS MARRIED? (2) @HOTdigitidawg: PEDRO IS MARRIED? (3) @103840582duh: ??????????????????????????????????? QUE @pedropascaldad: TO A MOTHER FUCKING LAWYER 💀💀💀✋✋✋ @pedropascaldad: OF COURSE THE LAWYER LOOKS LIKE A SUPERMODEL TOO HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA *jumps off a plane*
@papipascalyuh: ok but if pedro was gonna get married ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hell yeah itd be someone who looks like THAT holy fuck
@80pascal: ?????????????????????????????????????? UR TELLING ME THIS LAYWER IS NOT ONLY HOT BUT SMART AND FUNNY TOO????? [article link attached] @biwohla: 💀💀💀💀💀 NO CUZ THE LEVEL OF UNHINGED??? FROM A LAWYER???? INFUCKINGSANE @marvelwhorebb: "... I made sure to wear the Pedro Pascal T-shirt I made when we first announced our relationship. Gotta let the people know I'm one of them and simply got lucky." @atrediessucker: T-SHIRT *I MADE* SCREAMING WHATTTTTT
@djinssdjarrinn: OK IT HURTS BUT FUCK HES SO WHIPPED [video attached]
"How are you today?" asks the interviewer.
Pedro smiles and nods, "good, how are you?"
"I'm great, now that I got to see you," she says, making the man curl his head into his shoulder and grin.
Pedro waves a hand, "oh stapit"
She grins back, "I was excited when I saw you arrive with the internet's favorite lawyer."
His expression shifts, he brightens up. He places a hand on his chest, "me too! I'm so happy to have a date today. I always end up beggin' for some time, and now I got it-" fist pump "-y'know, not that I'm complainin'."
"Yeah, I was gonna sa-"
"I like begging." *Pedro smile.*
The interviewer doesn't quite catch it, "-y, the both of you are always booked and busy. How do you find time for each other?"
Pedro thinks, but is distracted when you walk up from behind him. He looks back when you place a hand on his shoulder. Immediately, he's forgotten all about the question and dotes on you. He brushes a hand on your cheek, asking you if you're okay. You whisper something but then catch the camera. You give a bashful smile, "oh, sorry to interrupt."
The interviewer immediately waves a hand, "oh, don't worry about it."
Pedro mutters something and kisses your hand. He holds it as he looks back to the interviewer. He opens his mouth then shakes his head, "sorry, what was the question?" Pedro laughs.
The woman chuckles then moves closer to you, "you know what, I'm sure people are dying to know, what's something you newlyweds like to do together?"
Pedro instantly turns to you.
You purse your lips in thought.
"Watching movies," you say.
"I-" Pedro starts again, looking back to the interviewer, "I don't think we can say what we like to do."
Pedro looks at you, expression mischievous.
You stare back at him, eyes like daggers.
He holds back a laugh and leans into the mic, turning to the camera, "I can't say it. Talk to my lawyer."
The interviewer laughs and so do you, begrudingly.
"Talk to my lawyer," Pedro repeats proudly, breaking into a wide mouthed smile.
"Ok," you mutter, "pack it up, Pascal."
@alexielover: SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP BASHING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL WHAT THE FUCK @600MILK: MF SAID TALK TO MY LAWYER 🙄✋ SOBBING @oscarisaaacsz: watch him use that for everythingggggg 😭 @pedrogrill: LORD I HAVE SEEN WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS @starwazfr: *sips clorox cutely* @emeryslala: and im supposed to sha la la baby after this? FOUL @pascpedro: respectfully, id pay to be their third @probelmaskt: PACK IT UP PASCAL???????????????????
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ink-n-shadowfiction · 10 months
Just stumbled across your blog and I’m in love with your writing!! Especially bodyguard!Simon? Cmon the tension is DELICIOUS
If I may submit a request/put an idea in your head: if Simon thinks rockstar!reader is hot in leather pants, imagine Simon being around her in a bikini!!! Maybe they’re on vacation somewhere, idk. But I could only imagine his lack of self control LMAO
Sunscreen and Stolen Glances | bodyguard!Simon "Ghost" Riley
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thank you sm :') i appreciate the kind words AND especially appreciate this request because i'm: feral for it (also pls send more for this au! or any other au you'd like to see)
pairing: bodyguard!Simon "Ghost" Riley x rockstar!fem!reader (link to all works in this au)
genre: suggestive??? somewhere between fluff and angst and smut
word count: 936
warning: basically Ghost putting sunscreen on you and losing his mind a little (minors—DNI just in case)
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You finally had some downtime in your busy schedule. From concerts to interviews to red carpet appearances, you felt like you were being pulled in every single direction imaginable. That was why as soon as you found out you'd have an entire week off, you jumped at it.
"C'mon, hurry up. I wanna go check out the pool, Ghost." You huffed out a whine as you stood in the middle of the beach house you had rented for the week, arms crossed over your chest.
Ghost shot a glare in your direction as he set your suitcases and bag down on the tiled floor next to his one singular duffle bag. "Jesus, dove. Give me five fuckin' seconds to put the bags down, yeah? What, y'need me to hold your hand out there? Go check it out yourself."
You rolled your eyes at Ghost's words as you padded towards the sliding glass doors and expansive windows of the living room, pulling the door open and feeling the midday heat outside hitting your skin.
The patio and pool area outside was all white marble, a glass fence separating the patio from the pool desk. It was luxurious, sure, but most of all, it was private—covered in thick trees and bushes to shield from any prying eyes. No fans, no paparazzi, just you and Ghost.
You didn't bother waiting for Ghost as you stepped out onto the patio, feeling the breeze sweeping across your skin and the sun beating down on you. Your fingers made quick work to unbutton your jean shorts.
"Dove, which room did you say was—" Ghost stepped out onto the patio, eyes growing a bit wide as he watched you stripping off the clothes you'd worn for the plane. His gaze immediately focused on the black bikini you had on underneath, the way it hugged the curves of your body and left very little up to his imagination. He cleared his throat as he turned his head away to stare at the pool in front of him.
A soft giggle rolled off your tongue as you noticed the sudden shift in Ghost's demeanor, your lips stretching into a teasing smile. "What's wrong, Ghost? Cat got your tongue or something?"
Ghost let out a scoffed breath, arms crossing over his chest once more and making the muscles of his biceps strain against his black t-shirt. His eyes remained off into the distance, jaw tense under the balaclava still stretched over his face. "You're insufferable. Y'gonna be like this all week?"
"Like what—wearing a bikini? Duh." You brushed past Ghost to head down the wooden stairs towards the pool desk, body stretching out across a lounge chair with a soft sigh. You knew Ghost was still fighting to look anywhere but your body glistening in the sun. "Grab the sunscreen for me? I think I left it in my pink suitcase."
You heard Ghost grumble something under his breath before disappearing for a few moments, only returning once he had the tube of sunscreen in his hand. He held it out to you, keeping his eyes locked on your face. If he looked anywhere else, he knew he would explode. "Here. Now tell me which room's mine before I take the bigger one anyway."
"Wait—can you get my back for me?" You pouted softly as you turned over onto your stomach, cheek laying on your bent forearms and squishing your face a bit. "I don't wanna burn, Ghost."
A muscle in Ghost's jaw twitched at your words, his eyes narrowing slightly as he pulled the sunscreen back into his grip. "For fuck's sake, dove...can't do one bloody thing for yourself, can you?" But he complied, pulling the leather gloves off of his thick fingers and letting them fall to the pool deck below.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you listened to Ghost squeezing the suncream out of the tube, lathering it between his palms before gently brushing his sunscreen-covered hands along your back. A soft sigh fell from your lips.
The gentle touch was a stark contrast to his calloused hands—the same hands you knew had killed many men back in his military days. Those same hands were now caressing your skin like you were made of porcelain, as if one sudden rough touch and you'd splinter into millions of little pieces. The thoughts alone made your head spin.
You didn't need to see Ghost to know that he was this close to snapping. You could feel it in the way he massaged the sunscreen into your skin, blunt nails scraping and the pads of his fingers pushing deeper against the flesh of your spine. "Don't forget the shoulders." You giggled softly as you let your body relax, focusing your attention on how good his hands felt against you.
"Don't fuckin' push it, dove." Ghost snarled softly as he moved up to your shoulders, making sure they were covered in the soft sheen of sunscreen before taking a step back. He tossed the tube of suncream onto your lounge chair and picked up his discarded gloves. "Do the rest yourself. You're not completely helpless."
You peeked your eyes open and let out a playful whine. You could see the tension in his body, the way his black slacks were a bit tighter in the front. "C'mon—you don't wanna get the back of my thighs?"
Ghost let out a shuddering breath as he turned away from you, marching up the wooden stairs with a stern shake of his head. If he put his hands on you again, he knew he'd lose any shred of control and professionalism he had left. "Get 'em yourself. M'not touching you again."
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pseudophan · 4 months
some post wad weekend thoughts...
i just wrote all this on the plane and haven't read it through so apologies for any mistakes
first of all, this weekend was incredible. i usually just kinda sit at home doing not much of anything, and this was a much needed break to actually have some fun. london in general always lifts my spirits but i suppose that danisnotonfire guy contributed a little as well.
guys i think i've met more people the past few days than i otherwise have in years. like. holy shit. i started listing people but i'm petrified i'll forget someone so i chickened out, sorry about that. but you all know who you are. i've met friends i've had for years, people i used to know but haven't spoken to in what feels like a decade, newer friends, and a frankly baffling amount of people i didn't know yet but who told me they've followed me for ages. like holy fuck you guys lmao what the hell??? and i mean did the reaction ever get old no of course it didn't. bad for my ego i'm sure but totally worth it. there's something very amusing and incredibly surreal about being chronically lame in most aspects of life and then suddenly finding yourself in an environment where you're kinda cool???? SO fucking fun oh my god, but also i do kinda feel like i've tricked you all? but hey i'll happily let you keep believing i'm cool, that is more than fine with me.
most importantly though everyone was SO lovely. like i said i don't think i've spoken to this many people in such a short amount of time in years and every single person i talked to was awesome. guys did you know phannies are kind of great... don't tell anyone but, lowkey... everyone is so funny and cool and absolutely insane but in a good way (shoutout everyone left at the gates until the very end, we should probably get some help).
and then lastly of course, mr howell himself. i talk about this a lot i feel like but fuck me that man was born to perform. whether you think he's actually funny or not, nobody can argue he doesn't absolutely thrive on a stage. he plays off the audience so well and he's so very obviously having the time of his fucking life. i'd already seen the show twice before this, and i didn't think anything would top the previous london show but man... the first night he came back out after the show having clearly been tearing up backstage, apologising for being an inconsistent absent parent, and i can't lie the "i had daddy issues and THEN i subscribed to dan howell" got me cause yeah no literally dude, you nailed it, exactly, well done. i think something about doing this show again, his magnum opus as he considers it, now after the dapg return was very special to him. he seems genuinely surprised that so many of us were ready to just jump back in like nothing happened, i don't think he was expecting so many people to still be waiting and it's... man. he comes off so grateful for us all and it's so fucking sweet. and then on the last night, i think that was my favourite, when the show ended and he got the standing ovation and people throwing him flowers.. he was so HAPPY. and clearly overwhelmed with emotion which, i gotta say, there is something honestly kinda funny about daniel howell standing in front of you trying not to cry. like no by all means dude go ahead, please, you've made me cry an endless amount of times it's only fair.
ugh. i'm proud of him or whatever. dick. and i'm proud of our ridiculous fucking community. i'm not sure what 14 year old nora would say if you'd told me i'd still be kicking it in the phandom a decade on, but at almost 25 (fml) i'm so so happy to be here still. you know, we get a bad rep, but i genuinely think as far as fanbases go we're pretty solid. and i love you all so much.
i believe i will have to rob a bank or something because the next time dan and/or phil do a tour i think i'll have to just show up at every date like i'm sorry but this was too good of a high we need to do it again immediately
anyway. back to work 💪
(by which i mean giffing dan and phil. i am still very much unemployed. fr though i'm two whole videos behind this has never happened i feel weird. who am i)
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robinsno1lesbian · 11 months
How about phone sex with neighbor!robin while she’s away on a trip somewhere? Like her whispering filthy things down the phone and telling you exactly what she wants you to do?
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neighbor!robin x fem!reader 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1460
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ mature content (MDNI), phone sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, reader is horny and sex-deprived lmao, use of "good girl", i think that's it? (oh not proofread of course, but that's nothing new)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i'm going on another little vacation at like 01.00am tonight, i'm ready to stay up all night and write fanfic until my plane goes in the morning lmao
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when your phone rings you jump. this is the call you've been waiting for all day. it's almost 10pm and you've been pacing back and forth for the past hours, waiting for her to finally call you. you pick up the phone and hold it to your ear quickly. "robin?!" her familiar, raspy voice at the other end of the line chuckles. "hi sweet girl" she whispers and shivers run down your spine. it's been less than 24 hours since she last called but that's been enough for you to miss the sound of her, the presence of your girlfriend that you feel through the phone. "missed me?" "so much" you answer truthfully and pick up the phone to walk over and lay on your bed. your eyes dart to her room, lights off and empty, where she would normally sit now. it's a sad sight, really. robin is only on a one-week trip, but this week seems to be stretching endlessly with no end in sight. "your room is empty" you whine into the speaker. "hmh" she hums "that's because i'm not there, honey" "i know" you roll over to look at something other than the house robin lives in. "how have you been?" "it's a little stressful-" robin tells you. you want to listen to her words, but the sound of her voice, that low rasp and the little cracks it carries, makes it impossible to focus on anything other than that "y/n? you still there?" "oh!" you exclaim "y-yeah- yeah of course. uh- what did you say?" robin laughs and even though you can't see her, you can picture the sight very well. "someone got distracted?" "it's just- god your voice" you trail off, leaving the rest to her imagination. robin falls silent for a moment before she clears her throat. "how have you been doing over there?" after a second, she adds: "without me...?" there's a familiar pull between your legs and you bite your lip, already holding back the urge to run your fingers down your body, over the swell of your breasts, and down to your center where hers would normally go. "terrible" you mumble. you don't bother to hide how breathless you sound. "and would you...want to do anything about that?" a grin flashes over your face. this is what you've been waiting for. "come on baby, answer me" robin whispers huskily. "do you want to touch yourself? want to ride your fingers as if there were mine while i get to listen to your pretty moans?" "fuck" you whimper.
"thought so" she says quickly and there's a rustling sound, as if she was taking off clothes herself. "why don't you tell me what you're wearing?"
you look down at yourself and bite your lip. not much, that's for sure. "i'm just in my underwear" "oh really?" you nod and then, because she obviously can't see, tell her: "your favorite. the red set..." robin exhales into her phone. her reaction makes you feel proud to have such an effect on her. "i wish i could see you" she mumbles absentmindedly "i wish i could be there for you" "what would you do?" robin scoffs and you scoot up on the pillows to sit with your legs bent at the knees. you run your palm over your breasts, enjoying the feeling of your nipples hardening against the lacy, thin fabric. when you take one between your index and your thumb, your head falls back and a shaky moan erupts from your throat. "what was that...?" she whispers teasingly. "what are you doing over there hm?" "i- i'm just- uh- i'm playing with my nipples" robin hums in satisfaction. "good girl" she tells you and you moan again. "imagine it was me yeah? imagine it's me playing with those pretty tits of yours okay? god you're so pretty, you know that? i want to see you so bad" "what would you do robin? please i- oh- gotta know" "i would take my time with you" she explains and you can't help but whine. "hmh, yeah...i would lay you down and touch you all over, can you do that? run your hands over your sides and hips?" you do as you're told; hold the phone against your ear with your shoulder while you run your hands down your body like robin has asked of you. a shuddered breath falls from your lips and robin chuckles. "feels nice doesn't it?" you confirm it with an embarrassingly whiny noise that you can't seem to feel ashamed of, not when robin curses under her breath when she hears it. "please" you whimper. "please let me touch myself robin-" she sighs through the speaker and you swear there is a slight shake in her breathing. you're almost certain you can hear the sound of her touching herself echoing in the background. almost. "please" you repeat and finally, robin gives in. "alright" she says firmly. "trail a hand down that pretty body of yours okay? but don't move too fast. make it slow, yeah?" "oh thank you" you whine and do as she has told you. you run your flat palm down between your breasts slowly, goosebumps rising as your fingertips brush by. eventually, you're practically cupping yourself through your panties. the heat that has been growing between your legs sits damp against your fingers now.
"what- what now?" you can hear robin's heavy breathing. by now you're sure she is touching herself already and that she is one step ahead of you. "now" she mumbles "i want you to take care of yourself for me. come on. be a good girl and fuck that pretty pussy of yours for me" you whine loudly when you finally have her permission. you push your panties aside and insert two fingers into the dripping heat. you moan when you feel so wonderfully full for the first time in so long. just a couple of strokes are enough for you to know that you won't last long like that. "just like that" robin's voice whispers into your ear "just like that pretty girl. pump those fingers like you'd want me to fuck you" a whimper is the only thing you manage when you pick up the pace of your hand. "are you- ah fuck- are you-?" robin makes somewhat of a giggling noise that is cut off by a groan on her end. "of course sweet girl. do you think i could just sit here and listen to you playing with your pretty cunt without doing anything to myself, do you?" "fuck" you arch your back and grind down into your hand, causing your palm to brush past your clit in all the right ways. "just like that baby, just like that" robin pants "god, just wait until i get home. gonna fuck you so good, fuck-" "please, please fuck me" you're just babbling, desperately chasing your orgasm on your own fingers. "you want me to fuck you?" you can hear the squelching that is coming from between robin's thighs through the phone and you're certain she can hear yours too. "then be a good girl and fuck yourself just like you'd want me to. let me hear how you want it" you pick up the pace of your fingers, each stroke driving the heel of your hand against your clit at the same time. your arm is growing sore but you can't even think of stopping, only trying to mimick the way robin would fuck you normally. "god, i can hear it baby" she praises breathlessly. "good girl" "robin" you whisper "robin i think- fuck- i'm close" the woman groans in response "good me too, me too" your breath hitches in your throat and nothing but a high-pitched noise comes past your lips. "fuck, fuck, fuck" you cry and squirm on your sweat-soaked sheets. "i'm gonna cum y/n. come on. cum for me" that is when you lose it. the last thing you manage is an uncontrolled "i'm cumming" before your vision goes white and the pleasure rips through your body. you briefly sense robin's moans and groans from out of the phone and the sensation of your cum flowing out between your fingers but that is about it. you drop your head back and just let the pleasure take over. you're sure that, at some point, you scream out her name, but you can't seem to remember properly when the first aftershocks cause your legs to shake around your hand. once you have caught your breath enough to speak, you hold the phone closer to your ear again. "robin?" you whisper almost shyly. "fucking hell y/n" robin groans. "you're so in for the best sex ever once i get back, you hear me?"
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prismaticfaery · 2 years
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!Reader
Description: Late hours, books, and insomnia draw you and the stiff Lieutenant together.
Rating: T+
A/N: So, I had written something previous on Ghost and pregnant!Reader. I wanted to give Reader much more background and I think previously being a field medic fits perfectly for her. I’m giving Reader the nickname “Peach” for cute reasons. I’m already writing a part two to this because omg. I’m sorry if it’s crap lmao.
Your body and brain were betraying you again. The exhaustion of course was hitting you like a ton of bricks but you still could not feel the sweet reprieve of sleep. Restful sleep, that is. You could hear the loud snores down the hall from all of the other soldiers, it’s something you’d grown quite used to over the years of being in the military, but this was a very new group of soldiers you were growing used to. Sometimes you could completely ignore and drown them out, but tonight was different. Your mind would not shut off.
Bringing yourself into a sitting position on your bed, you could feel the chill of the wintry air through your drafty window. You placed a hand on your bedside table, searching in the dark for your watch, placing it on your wrist and fastening it once you found it.
2:16 am.
Quietly grunting as you toss the blanket off of your body, lifting yourself off the bed to find your fluffy slippers and in the search for your slippers, finding your knitted beanie and loose fitting knitted cardigan, and hoping it was okay to keep your sweatpants on around base with it being the middle of the night and most people were dead asleep, you decided to take off to the hangar where there were benches and tables you could relax at.
You stopped at the mess hall first, grabbing a styrofoam cup and a bag of black tea, carrying it to the hot water dispenser and filling it nearly to the top. Blowing on the water as the tea bag steeped, you silently padded to the hangar, the air nipping at your cheeks and nose as your view was now met with humvee’s, and an assortment of planes and jets.
Spotting a table to your liking, you sank down onto the bench with a sigh, placing the hot cup of tea on the table in front of you. Your eyes catch a glimpse of a book resting to the far end of the table, in completely new and neat condition, the pages were not fluffed and not a single crease on the front or back covers. Stretching your arm, you grab the book and bring it close to you.
The Chrysalids by John Wyndham.
Remembering that you had read this particular book in your AP Literature class in high school, you hum and open the book to the first page. You didn’t know any of the soldiers well enough yet in this post to know who could possibly be into this type of book. Your thumbnail had made its way into your mouth, your teeth biting down softly as your focus locked onto the words in the book. Post apocalyptic dystopian novels were quite a fascinating read, and you had nothing better to do in your wide awake state.
You hardly paid any attention to your tea that was by now lukewarm. You were already a quarter of the way done with the book, as it wasn’t a very long book in the first place. The joints in your fingers were locking from the cold air, and you were going off on a guess, but your nose and cheeks were probably a fine shade of red too.
A large dark figure sauntered into your peripheral, and soon lowered down to the seat directly in front of you, “you seemed to have taken a likin’ to my book,” a gruff and heavy English accent made your body visibly jump and look up from the book.
“Sorry, it was just sitting here on the table and I wanted to indulge a little. I didn’t think I would get so carried away,” you sheepishly lower the book to meet the light hazel eyes of your Lieutenant, Ghost.
You drew in a deep breath as you noticed how different Ghost looked when he wasn’t in all of his field gear. He wasn’t even wearing his usual black paint around his eyes, nor his skull balaclava and mask, just a normal black balaclava with a black beanie. You could see his blond eyelashes perfectly. He was still a hulking figure but much less intimidating.
“Peach,” Ghost’s deep voice called out, breaking you from your thoughts.
“Yes, Lieutenant?” You gulped, breaking your stare.
“I asked if you had slept any this evening.”
“No, sir. It’s normal for me to have sleep troubles and disturbances, I can function pretty well on little sleep. Comes with the job,” a puff of air comes from your nose as you stifle a chuckle, alluding to your job as a forever exhausted medical professional.
A hum escapes Ghost’s balaclava as his eyes lower to the cup of hot tea in his large hands, the black gloves he wore creaking as his grip tightens,” I guess we’re kindred spirits in the sleep department”, he turns his head to the side, carefully lifting his balaclava to take a quick sip of his hot tea.
Ghost’s chin was freshly shaved, though his calculated lifting of the balaclava he obscured his face with showed nothing else. Not even his mouth.
Now you were begging for more from your mysterious Lieutenant. From the time you were brought on as a member of his squad to now, your interactions were few and far in between, and you often questioned why you felt such a need to grow closer to him, but you would often fight yourself on that matter because he was your superior. Though a friendship couldn’t possibly hurt anyone, right?
“Do you read often, Lieutenant?” you eyed the book on the table, then met Ghost’s eyes again.
“As often as my job allows me to,” he quipped, and you knew damn well what he meant.
With how busy Ghost was, you wondered just how often he was able to enjoy his hobbies, if he even had any to indulge in besides of course reading. Many soldiers joked around and said Ghost was a robot and that there were hardly any human qualities in him, yet here he was, sipping a hot tea, and admitting to being a reader. His usual commanding and stoic demeanor was lightened, and you could see emotion in his eyes without the black paint smeared around his eyes. You daresay it made him look so much more attractive, though you could see clearly that he had bags, the light purplish hues accentuated by the dim lighting of the hangar.
“What’s your favorite book?” you piped up from the comfortable silence of the quiet hangar.
“All Quiet on the Western Front,” he looks you in the eyes.
Laughing quite loudly, you say: “I think I kind of saw that coming.”
You could almost see a glimmer of his eyes crinkling in the corners, like he was smiling under his obscuring black mask. All Quiet on the Western Front seems like the kind of book he would enjoy. It’s a book that’s setting took place during the first World War.
“What about you, Peach?” He raised his cup to you, nodding.
“Oh, for sure [book name].”
“That’s a very you thing, with how much I’ve gathered from you so far.”
You felt your breath catch in your throat, your nerves getting the best of you, but playing it off coolly, you reply with: “have you been watching me, sir?”
“As much as I can— I like to keep tabs on my soldiers,” Ghost was now looking you in the eyes, noticing almost immediately that you had grown nervous, he decided to add on sneakily: “with you being new and all…”
Your mind raced, the stomach full of fluttering butterflies gnawed especially hard as you sat and watched his eyes scan you over before clutching his cup with both hands, eyelashes now downcast as he watched the steam float up from his hot tea. The nervous tension was thick in the air, not just from you, but from him as well.
A shiver jolted up your spine from the chill of the hangar, your body visibly trembling under your loose cardigan. Ghost tilts his head, wondering why you were wearing such little layering in such freezing temperatures. He stands from his seat on the bench and unzips his gray fleece jacket, revealing a tight black thermal shirt underneath, gray and black ink shading his left wrist– tattoos. You often forget how little you knew about everyone on the new team you had been placed in. Making his way behind you, your eyes never leaving his dark and muscular form. You felt his jacket wrap around your form, the large fleece jacket radiating with the smell of expensive cologne, natural musk, and dead leaves, the warmth from his body still clung to the material.
“You didn’t have to do that, sir,” you looked up at him, his tall form turning to walk out of the hangar doors.
“You keep it– and the book, bring them back when you find yourself unable to sleep, I’ll be here.”
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
marriage of convenience and hair brushing/braiding for rexwalker, if you feel up to it?
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
52. Marriage of Convenience 94. Hair Brushing/Braiding 
Is it bad that my first thought is actually inspired by the Ob*kin fic Their fragrance came from you? There's a whole thing about Tatooine marriage braids that my mind immediately jumps to lmao
I think... let's say modern AU. Anakin is a single dad, has been for a few years. Padme died in childbirth, and while her will was made out in favor of Anakin and the kids, the executor of her will was her lawyer-mentor, Palpatine, who couldn't touch the trust funds set up for the twins (which are very large, and will become available when they turn 25, but can only be accessed for education costs before then), but did manage to somehow take almost all the liquid assets left for Anakin in bogus fees.
Anakin's still got the house, but as time passes, he's having more and more trouble with paying the property taxes. He's still managing, but the money Padme left for him is slowly dwindling, and the kids are going to start costing more as they get older, and he's already got Ahsoka living with him (she helps out with the kids so he can work, coding from home, since he's paying for her college tuition; she doesn't have to pay rent since she's a commuter student, and she's got a partial scholarship, but that's still a few thousand a year coming out of Anakin's pocket to put his little sister through underrad). Obi-Wan offered to help, but Obi-Wan lives on the other side of town and even tenured professors don't earn that much, compared to Coruscant's standard cost of living, especially since Obi-Wan adopted recently, a little girl called Reva, and--
Anakin's struggling financially, basically, which isn't a new circumstance, but he really doesn't want to lose Padme's house. Worst comes to worst, he can probably sell it back to Sola so it stays in the Naberrie family, and she'll let him keep living there, but... that's not a sure bet. The Naberries are comfortably wealthy, but it's still an entire house.
Rex, a college friend of Anakin's that went to the same aerospace program, comes back to town. He was on a military tour overseas, but got honorably discharged due to a head injury. Anakin offers to let hm sleep in the guest room, since Padme's house (it's still Padme's, in Anakin's mind), is a lot bigger than Cody's apartment, even if there are toddlers at large. Rex initially promises that he'll only stay long enough to find an apartment of his own, except he overhears Anakin on the phone with Obi-Wan about the finance stuff one day, and reaches out to a few people who have been in town more consistently for a better idea of what's going on without getting too deep into Anakin's business.
Rex manages to get a job locally; there's an airfield for hobbyists a few miles out of town, and the place is looking to hire a new engineer on staff to do repairs and checks on the small planes they keep on site. He starts making noises about moving out, and then, 'subtly,' suggests he just stay at Anakin's place and pay rent.
Anakin does not like the idea of Rex paying rent; friends don't do that! Anakin isn't going to make Rex pay rent in Anakin's home.
They don't talk about it for a few days, and then there's... IDK a night 'off,' where Obi-Wan or Sola or Aayla or Beru takes the twins for an evening, and Ahsoka goes out with friends, so Anakin can take some time off from being a Dad and just Relax.
He and Rex break out the wine, get tipsy not truly drunk, and Rex pokes at the 'just stay here' option again. The house is closer to the airfield than most apartments, and Rex can help take some of the weight off of Anakin and Ahsoka's shoulders with regards to childcare! Even if Anakin won't accept him paying rent!
Anakin argues this. Anakin's kids aren't Rex's responsibility, and Anakin doesn't need his charity (which is, of course, how he views Rex's suggestion). They go back and forth on the topic a few times, and then Rex throws out something about getting married 'for lower taxes' and 'it's not rent if it's my house too, right?' and it's. It's a joke.
Except they're both still thinking about it the next morning, with faint (but not faint enough) memories of a tipsy kiss before bed, and--
Months pass with the two of them circling around each other and Rex never quite moves out, and tax season rolls around, and Anakin is stretched so thin, even with all the cuts for children and covering a dependent's tuition and so on.
Rex quietly floats the idea of a convenience marriage again. It doesn't have to mean anything, if Anakin doesn't want it to. It's not an insult to Padme's memory, just a way of keeping her children in the house she chose for them. And it's not charity, because Rex will get tax cuts too, and better health insurance once Anakin can put him on the family plan he's got. It won't do anything for this year, but by the time the next year rolls around, Anakin will have less of a problem paying those taxes, even if that promotion he's been hoping for doesn't come through.
Anakin, eventually, agrees.
Just four months later, they tie the knot. It's a small ceremony, more than just a courthouse and a paper, just to... well, Anakin wants Rex to have this. Leia and Luke don't entirely understand what's going on, but Ahsoka told them that it means Rex is going to be staying for a lot longer than they originally planned, and they're pretty excited about that part. They're four, and 'Daddy's friend that we like a lot is staying' is pretty clear.
They don't have a 'traditional' wedding night, because they're still both looking at this as a platonic thing (it won't stay that way, but it still is for now). They do share a bed, because someone is sleeping in their guest room (IDK who, maybe a guest was too drunk post-wedding to get home and they just offered the room). Anakin's hair is long enough for an evening of people and, importantly, sticky toddler hands to have tangled it. He washes it out, comes to the bed, and looks so tired--because he had to wash the toddlers first--that Rex offers to brush it for him.
It's intimate. Gentlemanly, but intimate. They go to bed with warm cheeks and pounding hearts, and eventually, one of them rolls onto their side to cuddle.
Neither of them get much sleep that night.
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earthstellar · 1 year
still thinking about Earthspark Bumblebee being stuck with the kids entirely by himself for any slightly extended period of time and it’s so funny 
because I keep thinking about all the stuff kids have said to me when I’ve been babysitting or back when I worked in education and it’s so good 
there is no way Bumblebee would be fully prepared, at this stage, for Child Questions and Statements 
some real things children have said to me: 
-”I’M ANGRY” “thank you for telling me! why are you feeling angry?” “BECAUSE!!! RAIN ISN’T MADE OF ICE [takes big breath] CREEEEEEAM”
-”when the sun goes down it’s good because the sun needs to sleep too, but then the moon comes out at night so when does the moon sleep? WHEN DOES IT SLEEP?” 
(this was eventually resolved by me reading them “Goodnight Moon” as proof that the moon does in fact sleep, because why would we tell it goodnight if it didn’t also have a bedtime)
-”since dinosaurs were real, are we real?” 
-”if dead people live in cemeteries, how do they get their food underground? can we call Pizza Hut? I want pizza like dead people!!! I WANT DEAD PEOPLE PIZZA” (this eventually became “peepza” the longer this demand continued) 
-”planes go up. if I jump hard enough with super jump power, could I go to France? can we get a trampoline? I wanna go to France. WAIT!!! WOULD I NEED A PASS-PORP??? I DON’T HAVE A PASS-PORP!! NOOO” 
-”I AM APPLE MAN” [child proceeds to walk into the room swinging an apple around in a tote bag over his head, like some kind of medieval flail] 
-”TODAY I LEARNED WE HAVE WATER INSIDE US!!! NOT JUST PEE!!!! pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee” 
-”how does the floor work?” 
(legitimately a good question but it will be a while before they can apply for architectural engineering school, we ended up watching a documentary on how Tudor houses were constructed to try to solve this one lmao) 
-”I looked at my pen, I looked too hard, and it stopped working. I have mind powers like Mr Professor from X-MEN!!” [child proceeded to spend the entire day trying to “be strong brained” by staring at things] 
now, of course, the kid/Terrans are a bit more developed than this, a lot of these were from younger children, which is probably obvious 
but I can foresee there being a lot of questions about Earth etc. that Bumblebee might genuinely not know the answer to, or he might get faced with child non-sequiturs that throw him off
and because the Terrans may not actually understand yet how certain natural events (like rain) occur, I can imagine there would be some interesting questions, some of which might be more immediately answerable and some which would probably take more work 
I feel like Nightshade would ask more scientifically inquisitive questions which Bee might not be able to answer, stuff like that
but either way, there would be so many questions 
and some of them are bound to be wild 
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delightfuldevin · 4 months
Bowsario AU fic (No Title cause I’m bad at titles)
Summary: With super powered villains creeping up all over the world, it was obvious for Mario that he wanted to get into the hero business. Most other heroes had powers of their own, too, but Mario would just have to make do with the temporary magic granted to him by the mysterious plants he tended to. What happens, then, when his face strikes fear into not just the villains he fights, but even the civilians he tries to save? How is he meant to be a hero when he's associated with one of the most powerful villains in the world?
Silly little au thing that popped into my brain as soon as I saw this prompt and I had to write it. I didn’t know how to end it so apologies that it just sorta cuts off. Also I hc Mario to be semi verbal, so he doesn’t speak in this. It’s hard to write characters who don’t speak (as someone who talks a lot lmao) so bear with me here,,
Mario is easily the most well known hero around here. Sure, he had a rough start being the new guy in a big city, but once he proved his capabilities, everyone would come to him for just about anything. He's an inspiration to all, having graduated top of his class from one of the most prestigious hero academies without any natural born powers at all. Turns out, all you really need is a green thumb and the right kind of seeds. Those "fire flowers" of his can pack just as much a punch as any pyromancer.
"Ready to head out, bro?" Mario smiles as his younger twin throws his arm over his shoulder. Luigi had attended the academy with him and, against all odds, graduated with a score just under his. He always knew his brother could make it with him, even if no one else did, even Luigi himself. The guy doesn't know his own strength, but Mario does. After living in the city for the first few years after graduating, the brothers decided to move back to their hometown. If they were going to make a difference in the world, they wanted to start in the place they call home.
The plane ride was uneventful, and soon enough they're in the airport of their hometown. "Say, you think Peach will remember us?" Luigi asks absently as they wait for their luggage on the conveyor belt. Why wouldn't she, Mario thinks to himself. It's only been six years since they saw her last. If she did forget them, he'd definitely give her an earful about it. Suddenly, they hear a scream.
"Help! Somebody stop him!" A masked Beanish man runs through the airport, carrying a bag as a Toad woman chases after him. She was the one who had screamed before, still calling after him. Easily coming to a conclusion, Mario jumps into action, stopping the Beanish man in his tracks.
"Out of the way, red! No one stops Popple the Shadow Thief!" This guy seems weak enough, so Mario readies to fight him with his bare hands, leaving the fire flowers in his pocket. "Oh, you wanna tussle, ey? Fine then! I'll pummel ya and take whatever ya got, too!" This Popple fellow seemed not to have gotten a good look at Mario's face before, because once he does, he suddenly starts trembling, shrinking back from him.
"W-wait a second, you're–!" He pauses and puts the Toad woman's bag down on the floor slowly, hands up as if trying to appease a wild beast. "S-sorry about this, truly! I-I didn't mean none of what I said to ya, I swear!" And just like that, Popple runs off at an even higher speed than when he was trying to escape the woman in the first place.
Eyebrow raised in confusion, Mario stoops down to pick up the bag and walks it over to its owner. "Oh, thank you so much, kind sir." Mario smiles as she cranes her neck up to look at him, her short stature preventing her from seeing him properly. But the second she sees his face, her eyes widen enough to pop out of her skull and she lets out a terrified squeak, hurrying away from him. Okay, what happened with that thief was odd, but this was even stranger. He had just helped her; why did she look so afraid of him? He turns over to Luigi, who had dragged both their bags over to him.
"Well, that was weird... right?" Still dumbfounded, Mario grabs his bag from Luigi and the two of them make their way out of the airport.
The rest of their short walk to their old home went quite the same as their time in the airport. The second anyone got a good look at Mario's face, they'd run away in terror. "Maybe you'd make a better villain instead, bro!" Luigi jokes as he unlocks the door to their house. Mario knows he means it lightheartedly, but it does get to him a bit. Why was he garnering such a reaction from everyone around him? He hadn't been around for six years, and he was only the kindest and sweetest to everyone before he left. Maybe some bad rumors spread about him while he was gone... But how did that happen?
"Hey, cheer up!" Luigi exclaims, noticing how his "joke" hadn't gone over so well. "Let's go see Peach! She doesn't know we're back in town yet!" He pats Mario's back, and the older twin forces a smile. For a brief moment, he worries that Peach will react the same way as everyone else, but he knows that wouldn't happen. She knows him better than anyone...
One of the upsides about having a best friend who's royalty is that you don't have to put in any effort to remember where they live. After all, how could you miss the giant marble castle standing proudly at the edge of the town? Mario ignores the stares he gets as he and Luigi walk through town and to the front of the castle. The Toad guards in front smile as Luigi approaches, but, like everyone else, freeze up when they see Mario.
"H-halt! Y-you... you can't come in here...!" The guards try to put on brave faces, speaking as firmly as possible, but their trembling voices aren't very convincing.
"Hey hey, easy, pals," Luigi tries, hands out to show he's not a threat. "We're friends of the Princess. Tell her Mario and Luigi are here to see her. She'll vouch for us!"
"Uh, okay, wait here then," the green Toad says, eying the brothers suspiciously.
"No, I wanna go tell her!" the purple Toad whisper-shouts.
"I'll tell her! You stay here!"
"I don't wanna stay here with him!"
"Shut up and deal with it! I'll be right back!" Before the purple Toad could retaliate again, the green one goes into the castle. Mario keeps up a smile as they wait, hoping to calm the purple Toad's nerves, but it doesn't seem to be working. Though it feels like hours pass, it must've only been a few minutes when they hear the Princess's voice on the other side of the door.
"I understand your concern, Toadsworth, but if a villain is polite enough to wait at my door before attacking, I'm willing to hear them out." The door swings open as the Princess, the green Toad guard, and a brown elderly Toad come out, though the elderly Toad immediately slides behind the Princess's dress in fear. "Maybe it's not as bad as it–" She pauses as her eyes fall upon the twins. Again, Mario fears the worst. But then, her mouth spreads into a wide grin, turning up her eyelids and making her cheeks plump.
"Oh my gosh!" She throws her arms around them, pulling them both against her. "Why didn't you tell me you guys were coming back today?! I would've planned something!"
"Nice to see you, too, Princess," Luigi laughs, returning her hug. With all the weird reactions he's been getting lately, Mario is taken aback to actually be receiving a warm welcome. But he smiles sincerely, laughing too, as he squeezes her as tight as he can. Peach loosens her grip on them, turning to look at the green Toad guard.
"Now why would you tell me there was a villain at my door when it was my two best friends I haven't seen in years?" Mario's smile begins to fall hearing that.
"W-well, y'know... On account of his association with... him..." Association with who? So he was right about there being some rumor about him, but what was it and why?
“Uh, Princess… What’s going on?” Luigi asks. “Ever since we arrived, everyone’s been giving Mario weird looks, and what’s this about him being a villain?!”
“News probably hasn’t spread to the city you were studying in. It did happen somewhat recently…” Peach sighs, bringing her hand to her forehead. Then, she smiles brightly, going to stand between the brothers and wrapping her arms in theirs. “Let’s go inside and have a seat. I’ll explain everything. Toadsworth!” The old brown Toad flinches upon hearing his name, still uneasy in Mario’s presence. “Be a dear and prepare us some tea, will you?”
“C-certainly, Your Highness!” The old Toad wastes no time, spinning on his heels and hurrying back inside, eager to make himself scarce. Meanwhile, Peach leads her best friends to the sitting room, which is the first room on the right when entering through the castle’s front door. They sit on the plush dark pink couches, remaining in antsy silence as Toadsworth returns with the requested tea.
Toadsworth’s hands tremble as he pours the tea. Luigi smiles and thanks him and he nods in response, but at Mario’s smile, the old Toad flinches again, nearly dropping the teapot. “Oh, for Stars’ sake, Toadsworth! Get over it!” Peach finally exclaims. “It’s Mario! You know him! He’s been my best friend since we were infants!“
“Y-yes, of course… F-forgive me.” Peach sighs again in exasperation, taking a sip of her tea before continuing to the brothers.
“So, as you might’ve guessed, a lot has happened since you went away to study. Goodness, where to start… Do you guys remember Bowser?” Mario and Luigi exchange unsure glances. “He went to high school with us? He was an exchange student from the Koopa Kingdom.” Again, the brothers exchange looks, before a metaphorical lightbulb goes off in Luigi’s head.
“Oh, right yeah! Remember, bro? He used to always pick fights with you?” That’s when Mario’s memory comes back as well. Bowser, huh… He was a strange guy. From the minute he arrived at the school, he seemed like trouble. He’d always try to insert himself into any situation, like he just had to be the center of attention. He’d even tried to get Peach to go out with him, despite knowing every guy in school had their eyes on her and would most definitely fight him over her.
But by far the strangest thing about him was the fact that he’d keep trying to antagonize Mario somehow. At first, Mario thought it was because he was friends with Peach, but Bowser never targeted Luigi and even after Peach made it clear she wasn’t going to date anyone, he would still try to bother him. At first, he’d really try to pick fist fights with him, but then it started devolving into silly little pranks that an elementary kid would do, like putting a jack-in-the-box in his locker or filling his shoes with candy during gym.
“Yeah, well, after graduation, right after you guys left, he returned to the Koopa Kingdom,” Peach continues. “I don’t know how it happened, but somehow he overthrew the Koopa King and he’s been ruling the kingdom ever since.”
“Uh… good for him…?” Luigi says with a shrug, confusion in his tone and on his face. “But what does he have to do with Mario?”
“He’s also become the most dangerous villain on the continent, and his power is only growing stronger. And after he ascended to the throne, he announced publicly that he’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt Mario.” Both brothers nearly choke on their tea. No wonder everyone thinks Mario is associated with a villain, but why would Bowser go to such lengths? It’s not like they were even friends. If anything, it seemed like Bowser couldn’t even stand being in the same room as him. “Well, he did have that little crush on you in high school, but I didn’t think he’d go this far…” Mario barely registers what the Princess just said, but when he does, his eyes go wide and he freezes up.
It’s obvious that Mario would be surprised about someone he went to school with becoming a powerful villain, but Peach soon realizes that that’s not the only thing that surprises him. “…I take it from your reaction that you didn’t know about his crush, huh?” Mario can only shake his head slowly, eyes still wide. “You knew, right, Luigi?”
“I mean, I didn’t guess it was a crush per se, but I could definitely tell he had some kinda complex goin’ on with my bro.”
“I would’ve said something, but I thought you already knew and were purposefully ignoring all the weird stuff he kept doing to get your attention. In any case, that’s the long and short of it. It didn’t take long for everyone’s perception of you to change. Even if it was clear you were aspiring to become a hero, the second Bowser announced any kind of relation to you, everyone became scared of your return.”
Once he recovers from the shock, Mario’s expression changes to that of determination. He’s going to become a hero no matter what, and his first step from here must be confronting Bowser. He hasn’t seen him in years and he wouldn’t even know what to say, but he has to go clear all of this up. He can’t become a hero if everyone is afraid of even being in his presence. So, he stands up and places his tea cup down on the table. There’s no time to lose. It’s off to the Koopa Kingdom with him.
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Ooh how about top 5 Emily moments for each PC (i.e. top moonshine moment, top fia moment, etc etc) because we know Emily is incredible and can do no wrong!
Real and true. I’ll do like 2 moments for each naddpod pc and then it’ll be like 10 moments lol. Full disclosure: this is long as hell.
“You can be quick with kindness, too” and then grabbing Bev and jumping off into the Astral Sea. That whole thing, where she was trying to understand Thiala despite knowing she likely couldn’t be reasoned with. An absolute peak of Moonshine. Holy shit.
Not to be the guy who brings up “how long do half elves live” at every opportunity. But it needs to be said. Because it’s also Moonshine grappling with how her lifespan is going to work. Emily was never going to take 18 levels in druid, she didn’t want timeless body for Moonshine. But she got it. And then there’s this poignant moment where she’s grappling with everything that will mean to the only other person she knows has or will experience it. Moonshine doesn’t fear death. But she doesn’t want to live in a world without her family and friends. And that’s why it matters. Plus the hardshine of it all.
Fuck it, third one. The conversation with Deadeye. She saves him. She’s the catalyst that stops him from continuing a spiral he’d been part of for possibly 100 years. And he stopped her from going down a similar path, which was Brennan’s plan when he made the character. The Cybin siblings are something that can be so personal.
“Maybe I don’t want to be her sister, okay!” Fia was closed off to the other third mates in a lot of ways. She was never hiding anything deliberately, she just kept a lot of feelings close to her chest. She hadn’t had friends in years. Blurting this out to Hank and Zirk was her last wall crumbling and a moment of true trust. Plus like the beauty of girlhood friends falling in love wlw wish fulfillment.
“You were my fucking dream for so fucking long. But these people are my reality. And it is by your actions that one of them has died, and you tried to kill more of them. And I will miss you so much. But I, I cannot support this. Mr. Henry. Kill Her.” Truly an Emily moment of all time. The beauty. The cold hearted commitment. The sobs from both her AND Caldwell.
Only gonna do one here because she’s in so few episodes. The atonement to help redeem Moxora at the end of Cerenysus. “She may have rotted but she’ll make good soil”. Devastating.
Also gonna do one here because of the shortness of her time. Her insane antics in the Grimdung/Beeto cave fight. Trying to convince Grimmy that she was worth more than his allegiance to the cause. Being completely wrong about his thought process. And the interactions with Hank and Zirk during that fight. Too fun.
Pretending to be Porker Harris for the entire Merry Metal Mayhem two shot. Insane choice. She was dressed as him dead I think actually. And tried to convince Sonic that she was him. The triplets are too good.
Befriending KT. Getting her plane seat upgraded while sitting in the bad seats. Asking for her opinion on everything. So dumb. So incredible.
Fucking. Crown of Dreams. Right at the end. She finally isn’t confused or a nannerfly. And she takes a turn to Lay on Hands Sol (who was 2 death save failures in the hole and it really felt like Caldwell’s skin of his teeth luck had finally run out) and then casts compelled duel on Ultrus to save Glen. Gets me every time. God what an episode.
Little strange, but when they’re fighting the Bronzebeards and that guy who was controlling people with the worms in the woods on the way to Irondeep. She like climbs up something, Fey Steps, attacks or casts a spell, then asks Hardwon to catch her. And Hardwon “nods like he’s seen this kind of bullshit before”. Just a very fun moment.
So sorry for going off like that. Hope people enjoy reading this insane list lmao
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fixfoxnox · 11 months
Oh boy oh boy oh boy, guys there is so much in this bad boy that NO ONE has mentioned!! The SoapRoach content in here is off the walls!! Why is all I ever see the like 2 moments Soap mentioned Ghost??? There so much Roach and Price and Gaz content here, so here are some random bits from Soap's journal:
Embarrassed that Price helped him up and caught him from the plane during Crew Expendable mission
Mentions needing to buy Price "a bottle" as a gift afterward
Upset he missed the first shot on the helicopter during Hunted, says it was "inexcusable, especially considering SAM'S shoot themselves"
Put into the infirmary by a dog bite, too embarrassed to tell Gaz or Price (only Nikolai knows)
Call's Price's mustache both a "dick-tickler" and "Price's precious whiskers"
Blames himself for Gaz, Griggs, and Price's deaths (he believes Price died on the high way) and tries to come up with other ways they could have moved through that would have let the men live
Get's stuck/angry over the image of Zhakaev's blood mixing with Gaz's on the bridge
Nik brought women to see him while he was recovering in Russia
Begins mentioning his struggles with pain killers like morphine and alcohol
He becomes almost obsessive with cleaning and caring for Price's pistol as a way to distract himself from becoming addicted
Tries horse racing and betting to cope, but eventually turns to smoking
Soap is the one who sought out the formation of TF141, Shepherd merely backed the idea
Describes Roach as "Raw, skilled, loyal to a fault" (implied he and Ghost are absolutes for the team)
On the other end, Ghost gets a simple "what the hell kind of name is Ghost" and no other information akdndjdhjdhd
Roach has the highest score on the rifle test, a whole 18 points over Ghost
Ghost beats Roach on PFT, but only by 3 points
"Have been looking forward to breaking Roach in" during Kazakhstan
"Feel even more comfortable with him than Price must have with me" omg
Roach has a journal that Soap spots him writing in, he wonders what he's writing
Adds to the end wondering if Roach is "wondering what villa claras taste like" which is clearly a reference to Soap's own admiration of Price and wondering if Roach feels the same as that, but boy oh boy Soap was that a gay way to put it ajdjfjdbhd
Makarov weighs 184 pounds and is 5'11 I'm wheezing what a little wet rat of a man I love him
Mentions the death of Meat, so far one of the only deaths he hasn't blamed himself for
Mentions needing to trust Roach and his instinct more, essentially tells himself to cool it with the constant reminders and stuff
Plans to put Roach on circuits and crossfit because he wasn't fast enough lmao
Says he would have crashed the plane before leaving Roach on the rooftops in Brazil 🥺
Blames himself for Roach almost not making the jump to the plane
Says that Ghost "knows something about interrogation"
Mentions that the team didn't bat an eye to him torturing Rojas for information, Soap draws a comparison between himself torturing Rojas to Price torturing Al Asad.
He specifically has Roach handle the C4 after seeing how well he did with it during Kazakhstan
"Ghost hacked at a snails pace" LMAO REAL
"Funny thing watching Roach get taken down by Price" listen sir, give your boyfriend a break please
Very excited and cathartic for him to give Price his pistol back
Says that Price returning and taking over command was the "best demotion imaginable" 🥺
Was just happy following Price and Roach because he "got to listen to the two of them working together like we once did"
Says it was nice to see Price taking Roach under his wing
"For all that coaching, Roach did a shit job with the bodies" listen here sir...thats not a mechanic in the game give the boy a break akdndjjdhd
Knew that Price was up to some bullshit as soon as his comms went off
Kill shepherd: "For Ghost. Roach" 😭 throwing myself from a cliff
"Loyalty doesn't operate on a sliding scale. It's a safety. On or off."
Nikolai and Yuri go way back, potentially from Nik's time as an ultranationalist?
Nik rescuing Soap again and Soap saying he owes him a pallet of Imperia for it akdjjdjd
"Knife would healing too slowly for tastes" baby....
Nikolai providing him with antibiotics and pain medication 😬 Soap describes them as "providing inspiration" which does not sound good
Mentions how the ultranationalists have become more violent then they were under Zhakaev
Soap lost friends during the terrorist attack in London
Final thoughts:
Omg my husband
He struggles a lot a lot with guilt from very early on
Put a shit ton of pressure on himself and blames himself for anything that goes wrong. Especially blames himself for the deaths of other characters.
Seems to have had a struggle/struggles with coping with that guilt. It appears to have manifested a bit in struggles with pain killers and alcohol that he manages through almost compulsively taking care of Price's pistol.
Attempts to cope through horse racing (and gambling?) But what ends up working is smoking.
Definitely had a lot of care for his team, particularly Roach seemed to get a lot of his attention.
Much closer to Nikolai then I think people realize. Nik saves his life numerous times and the two work together even with Price not around. Definitely helps to fill in some gaps on why Nik sticks around at the end of mw2
Looks up to Price so very much. Like stars in his eyes this man can do no wrong type of thing.
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wizardofrozz · 7 months
Worth the Credits
OC Sawbones x reader
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: +18 NSFW, sex toys, anal, voyeurism, let me know if I miss anything (I suck at tagging)
A/N: I was supposed to be finishing a first kiss prompt for Fox and this happened instead 💀 back to working on the Fox fic now that I got this idea out of my head lmao
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It was torture. Torture that you had asked for, you reminded yourself. Sawbones hadn’t even done anything yet. He meandered around the room, grabbing things as he went while you say cross-legged on the floor. You still weren’t quite sure what to expect when he said he wanted to show you something. 
Saw paused in front of you, tilting his head as he blinked slowly. A smirk made his mouth twitch when your eyes dropped down, eyeing the bulge in his boxers. You arched a brow when he moved to your nightstand only for any moisture in your mouth to evaporate when he pulled the dildo out. He - he wasn’t supposed to know about that. 
“I -” he held up a hand, cutting off your sentence without even looking at you. A few things knocked against the inside of the drawer while he searched for...something. You jumped when he pushed the drawer shut with his knee and turned to face you. “Saw?”
He blatantly ignored the soft whisper of his name, bending down to drop the toy and lube, you came to realize, on the floor a few feet away from you. Your brows pulled together when he lowered himself to his knees, sitting back on his heels. Saw looked utterly content while you felt like you might vibrate out of your skin. 
“What are you doing?” you finally asked, pointedly not looking at the toy sitting nearby. However, you couldn’t avoid it for long when he reached over, bringing the toy into your line of sight while he inspected it. 
“You use this when I’m gone,” he replied lowly, pausing for a moment before looking through his lashes. “Figured I’d see what I’m missin’.”
It was comical the way your mouth dropped open. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d used something a toy on himself but it was usually only a plug or a vibrator. Your lashes fluttered when he sat up on his knees. 
“What about me?”
“Watch.” The order made your stomach somersault but the idea intrigued you, so you got comfortable, leaning against the dresser behind you. The corner of Saw’s mouth curled upward, his eyes never leaving your face as he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers. 
Your tongue poked out to wet your lips, immediately noting he was already half hard. The muscles of his abdomen shifted as he moved and you couldn’t help yourself, shamelessly admiring the toned planes of his stomach. It wasn’t until his head dropped forward with a huff that you noticed his arm was behind his back. 
Saw’s jaw flexed then his lips parted in a silent sigh, his eyes squeezing shut. The plug rolled slowly when he set it down; he’d clearly planned this. The realization that he’d been walking around like that for who knows how long forced a soft gasp past your lips. His eyes flickered up at the sound, his still parted lips turning up with a smirk, showing a flash of teeth and you clench involuntarily. 
Stars, you wanted to touch him but the idea of just sitting back to watch him get himself worked up did have its appeal.
His movements were slow and precise, his hand gliding over the toy as he spread lube down the length. Saw’s eyes never left your face, watching every little shift in your expression and occasionally glancing down at your lap where your hands rested. You wondered what he’d do if you did touch yourself. 
Saw spread his knees a bit more, his nostrils flaring with a deep breath as he found your eyes again. Your lips parted as he sat back slightly, watching as he tried to stop any sound from leaving his mouth. You bit your lip to hide your smirk when his lips parted in a harsh exhale, lashes fluttering as he paused, his throat bobbing.
“Go on,” you whispered, licking your lips. He let out a quiet, almost hoarse laugh, sitting up a little straighter as he cupped his balls, squeezing lightly as he sank down further. Saw gradually tilted his head back, his face pointed up toward the ceiling when he finally took the entire dildo. 
“Oh, fuck,” he breathed, moving his hand to squeeze the base of his cock. His chest heaved, his free hand resting on his thigh as he adjusted. “Startin’ to see why you like this thing so much.”
The low, gravelly sound of his voice sent a chill down your spine and you squirmed, trying to keep the movement subtle. You should’ve known better. Saw’s eyes settled on your face, his eyes impossibly dark as his lip twitched. 
“It - it does its job,” you forced out, darting your eyes away. “But, it’s not as good as you.” Saw snorted, drawing your attention again as he took a long, deep breath. 
“Damn right,” he sighed as he lifted himself off the toy. Your eyes trailed over his legs, watching the muscles flex and you ground your teeth together to stifle the urge to sink your teeth into his thigh. You glanced up at his face, shivering when his lidded eyes landed on you. He held your gaze as he dropped his hips again, holding his arm still so he stroked the length of his cock as the toy filled him again. 
Saw’s eyes rolled back, a groan rumbling in his chest and your lips parted in a silent, answering moan. He took it slow, increasing his pace gradually until every cant of his hips punched a grunt past his lips. His skin glistened faintly, stomach clenching every time the dildo pressed against the spot that made his jaw flex and you were mesmerized. 
“Fuck,” Saw groaned through clenched teeth, his hand pausing to squeeze the base of the cock again. “C’mere.” 
It took you a second to register what he said but you scrambled to your knees once it did. A smug grin lifted the corner of his mouth, his eyes dropping down to watch you crawl closer. You froze when his free hand gripped your chin, tilting your head back; you let him guide you to your knees, whining when he pulled you into a bruising kiss. 
The scrape of his beard made the heat under your skin almost unbearable; it blew your mind that he could have you wound so tight without even touching you. Saw’s hand moved to the back of your neck, holding you there as he picked up his pace again, moaning softly against your lips. Your hands came to rest on his stomach, feeling the muscles clench and shift as his breathing picked up again. 
“Saw,” you whispered, trailing your fingers lower. 
“I’m close,” he rushed out, his voice ticking up on the last word. You tilted your head down, watching his hips jerk against his hand and you pressed your nails into his skin. Every muscle locked up as he dropped down onto the dildo fully, his hand continuing to stroke his cock. Saw searched for your mouth in a desperate effort to muffle his moans. 
Sawbones growled against your lips as he spilled over his hand, squeezing the back of your neck without realizing. You kept your lips pressed against his, kissing him in between his labored breaths, lightly dragging your nails over his stomach. It was unhurried, a slow press of lips until Saw started to come back to himself, growing more demanding. You moaned, opening your mouth when he pulled you closer. You broke the kiss first, resting your forehead against his cheek with an amused huff, looking down at his softening cock. 
“Whatcha think?” 
“Worth the credits,” Saw chuckled, absently kissing the side of your face. “But one last thing.”
“What’s that?” you mumbled, flattening your hands against his ribs. You gasped when his grip on the back of your neck tightened, your eyes widening when he pulled you away. Saw’s eyes were still jarringly dark and you fought not to squirm. He leaned in again, his tongue poking out, stopping just out of reach with a smug grin. 
“Clean me up, sweetheart.”
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @dickarchivist
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onboardsorasora · 11 months
@blacklaces my darling, this one and the next (that I'll write soon I promise lmao) are for you!
Part 1 | Part 8 | Part 10
Tennis AU - Part 9 (1.5k words holy hell)
Max shuffled uncomfortably on the sofa, shifting his half hard dick to rest more comfort in his sweats. 
He'd flown into Paris this morning and was waiting on Daniel to finish his media duties for the day. He was playing tomorrow in the semi finals against Novak Djokovic, someone who even Max knew about in his limited tennis knowledge. He knew Daniel was…nervous about the match up, knew that Daniel had a losing streak against the almost robotic champion. 
They had matched up a handful of times over the last few years at different majors tournaments. And Daniel had lost all but once. In 2018.
In 2016, they had played each other in Center Court in the Wimbledon Men's Finals and Daniel had lost in spectacular fashion after a tie break. It was apparent even to Max that he hadn't had the right conditioning at the time and his game had broken down. Novak had smelt blood in the water and had the match won in no time.
Max had watched the highlights in the plane, his heart ached at seeing Daniel's pissed off face while he stood there with his consolation prize, listening to Novak thank him for being a good opponent. Max knew the feeling, and knew that his lover had internalized it deeply and made himself a better player because of it.
They'd met again in 2018, an almost mirror of their circumstances two years prior. Max had put on the full match on the big screen the moment he settled into the Parisian apartment he was renting. He’d had a few hours to kill before Daniel was available and already knew that he had won it, it was the lone Wimbledon win in his stat list. Pundits and journos alike lauded it as an amazing comeback story. A redemption London.
He found himself in a daze, he wasn't sure which set they were in anymore. All he could focus on was the grunts and groans of exertion (not completely dissimilar to his moans of pleasure) and the tight clench of Daniel's ass as he ran, heaved and lunged along the grass. His little white shorts showing to all and sundry the perfect shape of it. The tattoos on his thighs– the collection not yet complete, were stark against the soft white of his shorts and the tanned olive of his skin.
The roar of the crowd broke him from his daze, and from his unconscious palming of himself. Daniel on the TV had fallen on his back in the grass, his hands cupping his face and hiding his overjoyed reaction from the camera and crowd. He eventually sat up with his legs bent, shorts riding up sinfully, looking around the packed stadium with glassy honey eyes as everyone stood to their feet cheering for him. The camera zoomed in on his wet smile and the commentators waxed poetic about how his grin was one of the brightest and most recognizable on the circuit. They spoke about how much he deserved it and how much better a player he was since 2016. 
An official motioned to his family and Daniel jumped to his feet and waved to the still cheering crowd before picking his way to the family box. He crumpled into his mother's arms, sobbing into her hair while she rubbed his back. His father and sister crowded around them, knowing it was best to go to him than wait for him to come to them. By the time he collected himself, an official was leading him back to his bench to prepare for the awards ceremony. 
Max paused the feed and grabbed his ringing phone;
"Hey Daniel."
"Hey Maxy, I'm just about done here. Are we still on for lunch?"
"Yeah, I was thinking we could order in at my apartment?"
"I thought we were going to like a beestroh." 
Max snorted at his exaggeration. "I've thought about it, and cafe bathrooms are too tiny and I want to do more than just give you a quick handjob."
"Maxy-" Daniel sounded scandalized, then he muttered; "thank God I didn't have you on speaker. I'm sure that would have been the story of the Open."
"You know better than that." Max said coolly, pressing his palm again against his now half chub. He could hear Daniel's smile and pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
"Send me your address." 
They hung up shortly after and Max texted over the apartment's address as requested and then ordered food from a nearby café.
Daniel arrived before their lunch and Max kissed him hello at the door, pressing him into the heavy wood. Daniel moaned, fisting his hands into Max's soft cotton shirt.
There was a sudden knock and they detangled themselves bemusedly so Max could accept the food delivery. Daniel walked further into the space, blushing at the paused video still on the screen. Max joined him in the living area, wrapping his arms around Daniel's rounded shoulders. 
"Watching my greatest hits?" Daniel bit his lip.
"Do you still have those white shorts?" Max asked instead, pressing Daniel's back into his chest, hooking his head over his shoulder. Daniel barked out a shocked laugh,
"I'm not sure, probably. Liked what you saw?" He turned into the circle of Max's arms so they were face to face.
"I, of course, prefer you with nothing on. But those white shorts are a close second." Max watched as Daniel's smile widened. He leaned in for a kiss and Max met him halfway, pressing their lips together and licking into each other's mouths.
"Did Blake send any instructions?" Max pulled back as Daniel snorted. 
"I can't even be mad at you because of course he did." Daniel giggled, dropping his forehead on Max's shoulder. "Pretty much the usual, curfews at eight and 'nothing too rigorous'."
Max laughed, "we shall save the 'rigorous activities' then for when you win, of course."
"Are you trying to incentivize me to win?" Daniel’s eyes crinkled in his mirth, his body shaking Max’s with the force of his giggles. Max smiled widely.
"I was going to rim you, but that might be too rigorous so you'll have to wait until tomorrow. After you win." Max smirked as Daniel's smile fell into a slack O.
"You can't just say that! Now I'm gonna have a hard on the whole time." He whined, pressing his hips flush against Max's, their cocks meeting.
"I'll help with your pre match prep—"
"Don't you dare fucking— fuck what's the word— pavlov me. Is that the word? Don't you fuckin make it so that I think of you while I'm prepping for a match. That's the most evil thing—" Daniel accused with a laugh, he watched as Max's eyes turned into crescents while he laughed. 
"That is the meanest thing, I'm gonna fuckin make sure you get hard before every race now." Daniel continued to tease.
"I of course am ok with this, it means I get to keep you, always." Max stilled as he realized belatedly what escaped his lips in his happiness. He watched Daniel's reaction as honey eyes widened briefly then softened. Daniel opened his mouth to say something and closed it once, then twice before settling on a small, tender smile. A blush high on his cheeks.
"I'm ok with that too." Daniel whispered eventually, licking his lips nervously and looking into Max's waiting, blue eyes.
Max surged forward, contracting the small space between them and molded Daniel's kiss swollen lips with his own. Daniel moaned into his mouth, relaxing into Max's lead and eagerly massaging their tongues together.
Max eased them into the sofa, crowding on top of Daniel's pliant form. They made out languidly as if they had all the time in the world. Reacquainting themselves with each other’s bodies, almost reverently now with this new turn of their relationship. 
Soon, Daniel's sweatshirt and Max's Tshirt were discarded to the floor. They groped and stroked each other, careful to not leave any marks or bruises. Contrary to what Blake, Michael and Lando thought, Max had self control around Daniel. He may not exercise it, but he at the very least was aware of its existence. 
He, as much as everyone else, wanted Daniel to win tomorrow. He wanted Daniel to be 100% ready for the battle ahead. Daniel didn't need to be worried about a bruise pulling at an inopportune moment, or a muscle cramping from being held in a position (more than likely over Max's shoulder) for too long. He could hold back. He'd show them. 
Shucking down both their sweatpants inelegantly, Max pulled back from Daniel’s sinful mouth and spat into his palm. He cradled their dicks together in his large hand and swallowed Daniel's moan as he stroked them off slowly, rocking his hips a little to help provide some friction.
Daniel panted, clenching his fingers into Max's blonde strands to almost center himself. He whispered curses and praise into Max's lips, the other man feeding off of his pleasure. He always enjoyed taking Daniel apart. 
With a shudder and a long moan, Daniel came first, shooting his hot load over Max's hand and against their bellies. Max hummed in satisfaction, using Daniel's cum to further lubricate his grip before he too came with a groan, mixing with Daniel's mess.
They breathed shakily into each other's mouths, feeling their lips brush lightly with the movements. As if their mouths couldn't help but touch.
"So are we gonna do this before every match day or…?" Daniel broke the silence, smiling at Max's snort. 
"If that is what you want."
"As long as I get you, I'm good."
"I'm glad."
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faiirybread · 1 year
undercover martyn︴ln4
⏳ in which..a girl streams to help her mom get better
❝and she spoke words that would melt in your hands ❞
march 03, 2023
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📍massachusetts institute of technology
“thats all for today everyone, we’re gonna end a bit early, if you have any questions about the assignment email me after class.” the teacher said, wrapping up his lecture. y/n sighed, putting her laptop away, and gathering her pencils.
“y/n! wanna work together on the project?” her classmate, isabelle, asked. “yeah, sure! i have like, no ideas for it so that would be great.” y/n says with a smile. “awesome! i’ll text you.”
y/n finished packing up and walked out of the class, heading to the parking lot so she could go home, when she got a call from an unknown number. normally she would decline them, but something in her mind was telling her that she needed to pick it up.
so she did. she answered the call with a “hello?”
“hello, is this y/n y/ln?”
“yes, this is she. may i ask who’s calling?”
“this is charlotte, from florida hospital, we’re calling to inform you that sophie y/ln is here, you are on her form as an emergency contact.”
when she heard that, y/n gasped, “oh my gosh, is she ok?”
“she is being given medicine right now, but she requested that you come.”
“of course, thank you so much, ill be there asap.” she said, turning on her car and driving to the airport.
“thank you, have a nice day.”
“you too.” she hung up and kept driving, scenarios of what might’ve happened to her mom running through her head, until she pulled over.
head in her hands and gasping for breath, y/n started crying. crying because she was scared of her mom leaving her, just like her dad had, just like her friends had, but her mom never had.
and she needed to make sure she wouldn’t.
so, y/n pulled the car back on the road and drove to the airport, rushing in to find a kiosk that would sell her a ticket. she went to tsa, and upon seeing the extra security mark on her ticket, they pulled her aside for further screening.
after about 10 minutes of uncomfortable questions and searches, y/n finally got to her gate. which meant she had 20 more minutes of worrying before she could get on the plane. in the meantime, she pulled out her phone and started emailing her professors, explaining that she had a family emergency and would be absent for at least that day. as she had gotten a ticket so last minute, she was in the back of the line and had to squeeze into a middle seat.
after an hour squeezed in between two people in quite possibly the smallest seat ever, y/n got off the plane and called an uber to take her to the hospital. it pulled up quickly, and she got in.
“so, headed to the hospital?” the driver checked, looking at her in his mirror.
“yes, please.” she smiled to the driver and put on her seatbelt. “can you go fast, please? its my mom, i want to make sure she’s ok.”
he nodded and started driving, weaving in between traffic and quite possibly speeding at some points, but y/n didn’t mind. she needed to get to her mom, even if it meant she was in a bed next to her.
as soon as he pulled up to the drop-off area, she jumped out, and waved to him as a thank you. running into the hospital, she got in line to the front desk.
time seemed to pass slowly, seconds lasting minutes, minutes lasting hours, all the while her mind was running with possibilities.
what if she got in an accident? maybe she fell down the stairs? or burned herself cooking?
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welcome to undercover martyn! i hope you all enjoy (: im so sorry about the ending lmao, they have never been my strong suit. hopefully throughout this they get better though!
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