#lloyd garmadon gets a hug
theodoratheshorty · 1 year
Also check out the art by @thedroonianqueen in the Ninjago Calendar 2023 (we're the June people!)
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ninjautistic · 6 months
Another Ninjago movie concept art found. But apparently this was concept art for Lloyd, and since the Ninjago movie was in the makings way before season 8 > stated so by the hagemen brothers (before when Lloyd and the other ninjas had a redesign/updated design), I'm assuming this was concept art for pre-season 8 lloyd?
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Despite Lloyd looking emo, something I noticed is that this concept design of Lloyd has eye-bags, and that's actually very depressing, that would mean Lloyd wasn't really getting any sleep, or that he was crying a lot, or was sleep deprived, maybe all of the above, and it would've been because of his dad issues :(
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It's hard to make out what it's saying in this ss cause the words are blurry, but I can only make out that it says: "Poor Lloyd spends a lot of time in big open spaces trying to sort out his _______?? Potential problems"
I think it says potential, idk what the word before that is, maybe it's monumental? "Monumental potential problems"?? I could be wrong but I know what the first bit says!
I wanna just give Lloyd a hug, poor green man :(
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localguy2 · 1 year
Might be a bit of a weird thing but I want to see Kai's sudden anger sprouts or emotional outbreaks to come back, or basically some aspects of pre S8 Kai.
I want to see Kai motherfucking smith be mad at anyone really.
The Merge just happened and fuck me his family is scattered again, they're probably just as worried and confused and scared as him and he's sick of everyone he cares about getting constantly in danger, intentionally or not.
And then he meets Lloyd, or Nya, and he's sorta relieved but at the same time, the others are still missing out there somewhere.
So he gets clingy onto them, "if I can't find the rest I have to keep the ones I have close me to safe."
Of course this comes from worrying over the others and their safety, and if the name "Imperium" and if their nindroids and Vehicles and genrals are anything to go off of, they're an absolute force to be wrecked with.
Doesn't help either that there's the responsibility now of ensuring Sora and Arin (and Riyu) are safe as well.
And the moment I want to see him have an anger or emotional outburst is in a scenario where Nya makes a one off comment about Kai being overbearing and protective of them.
And Kai just snaps at Nya.
He goes on a large fucking tangent about how he's always had to stay calm in clearly shitty situations, because they as a group just keep getting separated time and time and time again, danger around the corner at any given moment and he's tired of it.
And it would especially hurt him that the comment comes from Nya out of all people, because not too long ago she was still one with the sea, he had to sacrifice his entire childhood just to raise and protect her, and he knows to respect her boundaries and beliefs but in his mind the last time he went too soft it ended up with her sacrificing herself for them.
And he doesn't want to go soft nor can he because at any given moment, one of them could give their entire being just to save the others, and he's seen it way too many times, so he just can't.
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sexiestwerewolf · 2 months
suddenly coming up with an au idea where Lloyd and Harumi are twins and they get split up at birth where Harumi ends up in the foster system and Lloyd ends up in Darkley's and Harumi had no idea of her heritage until after her adoptive parents got killed and she did some research and came across the fact that Lord Garmadon had, in fact, two kids which were her and Lloyd
also she finds out it was Lloyd who released the serpentine and she gets really bitter and angry because why did she have to suffer losing her parents while Lloyd went on to be the green ninja after his actions and even built a relationship with their father and then she gets even angrier when she finds out he was sacrificed in the battle against Chen and his anacondrai army so she finds a way to resurrect him
I also like to imagine that with the royal family they put a lot of pressure on her and so she felt that she was unfairly treated and set up to high expectations while Lloyd got to have fame and fun and adoring fans (miscommunication jealousy trope yay) but also Lloyd would think the same of her he'd wonder why she did all this when her time with the royal family seemed so "perfect" until eventually they actually talk to eachother
there wouldn't be any romantic subplot in this one nty (especially with tomorrows tea Lloyd would be a lot older than her here) but Harumi hides that she's Lloyd's sister until the Oni temple and she basically tells Lloyd only those of Oni blood can get the mask and then immediately reaches in and grabs it and reveals who she is. idk I just really like this idea imagine the ANGST potential
and also there would be a ton of parallels between Wu and Garmadon especially with fate/destiny and all that and the knowledge that your own sibling is/has the potential to be the greatest evil. and when Garmadon is resurrected and chooses Harumi over Lloyd she thinks she's finally won and gotten everything she ever wanted
after the whole Oni trilogy is over Lloyd asks Garmadon why he never mentioned he had a sister and Garmadon states that he didn't know what he could've even done with that information because Harumi was long gone by now and had a completely different name and had no record of her birth (same with Lloyd he technically doesn't exist lol) and he wouldn't know where to find her, he just didnt expect that she would've found out about her heritage before any of them were able to find her
Sensei Garmadon definitely felt remorse over never being able to find his daughter, but I think Emperor Garmadon would be conflicted about it and when he did learn how he cared for things (I don't think he had to learn how to care, he just had to learn how to process caring for other people and his more positive emotions because the only things he understood were anger and hatred)
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bubbless-s · 2 months
Hello!! Can you do Lloyd Garmadon dating headcanons? ^^
-ˏˋ⋆Lloyd dating headcanons ⋆ˊˎ-
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-ʚɞ warnings:none
-ʚɞ genre: fluff
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ᥫ᭡ Lloyd is so grateful to have you in his life it’s insane.
ᥫ᭡ Long conversations about comics and stuff like that is a must!
ᥫ᭡ His love language is physical touch.
ᥫ᭡ In the mornings Lloyd clings to you like a koala.(He also demands ‘morning’ kisses.)
ᥫ᭡ Uses “Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you? A LOT
ᥫ᭡ Sadly you’re a victim of sassy men apocalypse.
ᥫ᭡ Lloyd would plan how his first kiss with you will be like.
ᥫ᭡ When you two kiss, he would strangely taste like chocolate or hardened candy.
ᥫ᭡ If you held him while sleeping, Lloyd would straight up start to cry. Like damn you love him
ᥫ᭡ Despite that he is an expert at cuddling.
ᥫ᭡ Once he gets more comfortable around you, Lloyd becomes more goofy and more relaxed while doing stupid shit around you.
ᥫ᭡ Like inviting you to a beat boxing match.
ᥫ᭡ Or you recoding him while he stuffs 45 gummy bears into his mouth.
ᥫ᭡ Lloyd also really likes hugs. Your hugs specifically.
ᥫ᭡ His favourite place to kiss you would be your lips.
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hawkflame999 · 3 months
Wu and Garmadon come back in DR concept.
Imagine if Wu and Garmadon come back in DR in the middle of a fight, and they beat up whoever the ninjas are fighting, and after the battle, Lloyd just tackles his uncle in a hug like-
(Arin, Wyldfyre, and Sora realizing that the legendary Master Wu is also Lloyd's uncle-)
And old LG's in the background, mentally saying,
"Why do i not get this greeting." "Lloyd." 0_0 "Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon Spinjitzu that's ur uncle and i am ur father." "What."
"Son you haven't even said hello to me."
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averagesadperson · 1 year
hi! could i request a fluffy Lloyd garmadon x reader scenario where they’re waking up together? (established relationship) im just a sap for lazy morning kisses and snuggles 😭
anyways love ur writing!! 💗💗
Early Mornings
Lloyd Garmadon x Reader
oh my gosh, thank you!! so sorry this took so long, I'm trying to get to answering my asks rn since I have a bit of a break from work. This was so cute, thank you for this ask! <3
The gentle rocking of The Bounty roused you awake, much as it had soothed you to sleep the night before. Sunlight streamed in from the open window, silk curtains swaying gently in the breeze. It was nice, serene, calm.  There weren't many mornings where you were able to wake up like this, being a part of the ninja team required sacrifices; like the sacrifice of a quiet morning.
You shifted under the covers, reaching a hand up to rub the sleep out our eyes. You pulled your other hand out from under the pillow, shaking the pins and needles away as you reached down to the covers; they had been pushed down around your waist during your sleep. Warmth enveloped you once again.
A yawn forced its way from your throat as you flipped over to face the man next to you. Lloyd looked beautiful in the morning light; you were glad he had time to relax like this, even if the opportunities were sparse. He was laying on his side and you took that as a silent invitation. You scooted closer, snuggling into his chest, hoping for just a few more minutes before you had to get up and start your, no doubt, exhausting day to come.
Lloyd groaned when you wrapped your arms around his slim waist, burying your face into the crook of his neck. You imagined his lashes fluttering as his eyes opened, adjusting to the gentle light, licking his dry lips, and ruffling his bed head with steady hands.
You felt his breathing change, slightly faster and more aware. His arms circled your pajama clad body, one hand settling on your hip, the other trailing upwards to trace shapes into your exposed shoulder. 
“G’morning, sweets….” He mumbled into your hair. You smiled into his neck and tightened the hug briefly as your own greeting. “How long have you,” he paused to yawn, “been up?”
“Not long.”
“Hm,” Lloyd brought a hand up to your face, cupping your cheek and tilting it to face him. Your neck craned painfully, but you didn't complain when he pressed his lips to yours; you could feel him smile into the kiss. It only lasted a few moments, but that didn't make it any less wonderful. He pulled away, hand still resting against your cheek, thumb rubbing underneath your eye. “You look really pretty right now.” He kissed your forehead before you both laid back down into your previous positions.
“Can we stay like this for a little longer?” you asked, playing with the ends of his hair between your fingers. You felt a laugh rumble deep within his chest.
“You read my mind.” You smiled softly, and pressed your ear to his chest. His heart beat thrummed loudly, steady, there. You loved your day to day, you were so proud of Lloyd and all he’s accomplished, and you wouldn't have anything any other way. But, you couldn't help but wish for more moments like this as you began to slip into sleep once again.
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kamisama1kiss · 10 days
Okay okay, hear me out…what if the reader was a ninja part of the team but they would also be involved in a prophecy where they end up dying to save their lover, I need the ninja reaction to when Master Wu tells them 🫶🏻
This is actually so sad, tho.... I love it! 🤭😝 I was a little stuck on writing, but I hope I was able to deliver what you wished for 😚🫶
What would be the ninjas reactions be as the prophecies says they're lover will die for them?
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~Lloyd Garmadon~
- Denial is a river in Egypt. Refusing to believe that they would die for the sake of his life.
- No matter how many times he convinces himself, he knows truly he can't do anything to stop it. Further pushing him into no limits of getting stronger to maybe, just maybe prevent it?
- Keeping a watching eye at you at all times to see if you're safe, more so in battles or training.
- Would try to convince you to do other tasks rather than join the team if he knew it could be risky for either you or himself.
- Consently tries to spend as much time with you so that when the time comes, he could make sure to not regret a moment.
- Would often spend time silently watching you just live and socialise with others, his heart falling into his stomach.
- Admiring you and everything about you as a person.
~Kai Smith~
- At first, he just laughed and shook his head. There was no way.
- After maybe a few hours or days, the gravity of it all dawned on him. He couldn't help but feeling so hopeless and useless to not be able to help or postpone it or anything for that matter.
- His mind of having a feature together with you was immediately crushed, all the plans of being able to hold you at night and talk into the long hours of the night.
- In the meantime, he changed a little for you as in allowing you to goof around with his hair as an example.
- Holding hands no matter where you walked to feel you close just to know you weren't gone. Not yet at least.
-Knowing he was absolutely broken after when Nya was gone, he would be just the same with just worse of completely letting guilt eat him up in silence. He would refuse to let anyone know how he felt.
As the hothead, he is the practice dummys would be all burnt to crisp
~Cole Brookstone~
- Again?
- Really? First, his own mother. Now, the one person he loves with the whole being of himself
- No matter how much he tried to collect himself, he could easily take it out on training.
- Would at some point start to distance himself from you so when the time came, the impact would be less painful.
- Didn't want to be like his father with absolutely neglecting everything when you we're gone, but anyhow, he tried to smile to everyone and act chill like he usually would.
- Often held his breath when holding you close, wishing for these types of moments to never end.
~Zane Julian~
- He was obvious to the fact that the one he loves could so easily die, but he could live on for many years on.
- Has already been over this with himself, but hearing it being sooner than expected shocked him.
- Acting no different than normally maybe a few occasional more hugs throughout the day, nothing too out of the ordinary.
- When he was alone, his way of grief was meditate. Maybe it could make the damage a little easier for his wires to handle?
- Occasionally turning off the emotions to just feel as if he could "breath" as it did get to his head at times more than he'd like to admit it ever did.
~Jay Walker~
- Immediately lost himself as he shook his head, refusing to belive what a dumb scroll had to say! It's dumb right?
- Spending every waking minute of his day with you by his side, alongside helping you with everything he could think of.
- Coping with occasionally stealing shirts with your smell on them to feel as if you mext to him, even though you are just a few doors down or so
- Would slowly communicate with others as he became more silent, which scared everyone. Everyone stood on their toes around him to not further upset him.
- He came in clutch and used every single excuse possible to man kind to have you for himself the first week or two after getting to know. He felt kind of pushy so he calmed down a little.
~Nya Smith~
- She genuinely just accepted it, what more could she say? The prophecy says so, she cannot deny it no matter how much this frustrated her.
- Checking up on you and acting for the most sake normal, as to not make you uncomfortable or worried for her sake.
- Used any or all frustration on training her powers in different ways, which was beneficial for her in the long right?
- Just like her brother, there was no communication from her side. Whenever the topic of prophecy popped up, she went silent and stood next to you, holding pinkys.
- Would cry to herself whenever everything got to her, just knowing you're gonna to eventually leave it snapped her multiple times. She would always refuse.
I've reached over 25 posts :00 and also over 50 followers!!! THANK YOU, EVERYONE 😭🙏🙏 I appreciate every single one of you so much
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firstfirerebel · 5 months
Sumary: Lloyd is having a sleepover at the monastery of his father. Reader is close to Lloyd but struggles with the other ninjas
Pairing: Garmadon x reader (platonic), Lloyd x reader (mentioned crush)
Warnings: feeling outcasted, mention of past toxic friends, social problems, fluff
Readers gender/pronouns aren't stated, so read it as you ❤️
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Standing in front of the monastery was harder than you first assumed. You weren't too keen on a sleepover with the ninjas. To everyone else, this would sound mad. A sleepover with THE ninjas! Others would kill to have that! It's just that you're not good in groups. You just always ended up being the outcast.
The poor friend that just swang along. Meanwhile, all the others were bffs.
Besides, you didn't even know the other ninjas. You were only close to Lloyd, and he wanted you to be there. After some of his puppy eyes, you accepted.
You were at the monastery before. You even knew Lloyds Father, but that didn't linger your fear. Maybe you could just turn around and go -
"Hey, (Y/n)! I'm glad you could make it!"Lloyd yelled of his window from his room and waved at you.
Great, no turning back now...
In Lloyds room, you unpacked your bag. The others were already there. Kai had his stuff in front of Lloyds bed. Zane was next to Lloyds bed. Jay and Cole slept across, but still near, of Kai. And Nya was next Zane.
You put your stuff in the left corner, near Lloyds bed. You unpacked your pillow and blanket on the small mattress that was prepared for you. The last detail was your favorite stuffed animal, Lloyd gifted it to you when you two were at a funfair together. (Imagine it as what you want, I personally imagined an Eeyore type of stuffed animal)
Your bag with your other stuff was at the end of your sleep area.
"Okay, then let's get downstairs!"Jay screeched like a little kid.
"F-For what?" You asked quietly, but they either didn't hear or ignored you.
As the others ran downstairs, Lloyd turned around. He noticed that you weren't coming along.
"Are you coming (Y/n)? We want to play some video games, " the blonde explained.
Forcing a smile upon your lips worked as you followed him quietly.
"Okay, guys. What shall we play?" Cole asked into the group.
"How abo-"
"Our Ninja Video Game!" Kai suggested, not noticing that he had interrupted you.
Since only four could play, the plan was to switch the consoles from time to time.
Lloyd, Kai, Jay and Zane were playing meanwhile Cole and Nya watched them.
You sat on the ground a little away from the others. You didn't get this game. But they seemed to love it. Maybe you could change the game later to something you actually liked to play.
"Oh no!" Kai whined as he got shot by the enemy.
"Yes! My turn!" Nya took the controller of her brother and started to play.
Jay got shot next so Cole got to play. As Zane was game over, you stood up to get the controller, but Jay was in your place faster.
"Ehm, isn't it my turn?" You asked, but they played that stupid game so loud they couldn't even hear you. No, all eyes were on the screen.
'Nothing will change. I'm just not cut out to be with others. I should just accept that.' With this thought, you silently left the living room and went to Lloyds room.
You saw how all the other sleeping areas were connected, except yours. It was away from the others. And that's how it was in real life. You didn't belong to them, they were a team and you? You were just someone who was friends with one of them.
As fast as you could, you packed your stuff back into your bag. Expect your stuffed animal. You needed to hug it now.
"(Y/n)? Shouldn't you be down with the others?" When you turned around, you saw Lloyds Father, Sensei Garmadon.
You kept quiet, hoping he'd go and mind his own business.
"You don't look good. Wanna have a tea?",
You didn't want to decline his nice offer, but on the other hand you wanted to get home as fast as possible.
"Come with me, you can tell me what's bothering you", with that he left Lloyds room and obviously intended you to follow him. You let out a sigh and took your plushie with you.
"So, what is it?"
"I don't know what you mean, Sensei. I'm fine", Carefully you took a small sip of your cup to see that it still was too hot to drink. Your stuffed animal was on your lap, so Garmadon didn't see it.
"If anything is fine, then why aren't you with the others?" A worried look was on his face.
"Ehm, I just don't like the game, so..." You felt how you slowly crumpled down. You already could feel the hot tears in your eyes. And Garmadon obviously knew that it was a lie.
"You know that you make my son verry happy, right? He loves to spend his afternoons with you, and when he's home, he never stops talking about you. I think you are what makes him feel normal sometimes. Lloyd would never do something to hurt you, so if this sleepover is a problem for you, I guarantee that he doesn't know it, "
"T-that's not it, Sensei. I also really like Lloyd, but bonding with others is really hard for me. I just can't do anything right! If I say my opinion, I'm rude. If I keep quiet, I'm too shy. And it goes on and on. I'm just tired of trying to win a war, I know I'll never win, " It felt good to finally say this out loud. You always had to keep it to yourself, so you wouldn't annoy somebody.
"And I don't even know the others. Lloyd is the one who made me come here in the first place. And now .... I don't know, I just want to go home, "
The elder let out a sigh and took a sip of his teacup before his attention was back on you.
"I won't force you to stay here just because you make my son happy. Making sure that you feel good is more important. If you aren't okay, you can't help anyone else. Alas, nothing will change if you keep hiding your emotions. Bottling up the bad feelings and forcing up a smile just for others will only make you sick. Both physical and emotional, "
As you slowly took a sip of the tea, you tasted a little bit of cherry and cinnamon and some herbals as well. It made you feel warm from the inside, or maybe his words caused this feeling?
"But won't that be intrusive?" You almost whispered. All your past friends said that you were a bad friend cause you wanted to get some advice, help or maybe just talk about it. On the other hand, they never bothered to tell you about their hard life and their problems...
"A true and loyal friend would never call you that. You have a special place in their heart, and friends always have their backs and can trust and rely on each other, "
So Lloyd was a true friend. He never expected you to play a role and just wanted you to be you. Sometimes, he was your reason to smile, and so were you his.
"Thanks, Sensei. This talk helped me a lot. It might take some time for me to make friends with others, but now I know what my worth is, " With that, you drank the rest of your tea, and at the same time, Lloyd came inside the room.
"I've been looking for you, (Y/n)! I'm sorry that we ignored you! It really wasn't our intention! It's just that - "
"It's okay, Lloyd. So! Wanna explain this nonsense making game to me?" You asked as you stood up and held your stuffed animal in your right hand.
"Sure!" With that, he took your left wrist and ran downstairs with you.
Garmadon just smiled at the two of you and drank another cup of his tea.
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i-m-art-ix · 29 days
Ninjago headcanons #3
Garmadon was very protective of Wu (I wrote this earlier in point seven), although the venom made him think it was Wu's fault that the snake bit him, he was still protective of his beloved younger brother. One time when Garmadon was under the influence of the venom he was a little nervous and very sarcastic they went to town with "friends" and Wu made him a little angry so Garmadon called him an idiot (Wu didn't care because he knew Garmadon didn't mean it) and one of their friends laughed and agreed with Garmadon and it was his mistake (because venom, venom, but no one will challenge his brother, only he can) so he beat up this guy almost killing him, of course it was reported to their father but FSM, after finding out why Garmadon did it, stated that he did not see a problem with it and praised Garmadon for defending his brother's honor. Everyone was in total shock, especially Wu.
Despite popular belief, it wasn't Garmadon who caused trouble, it was Wu. he sneaked out of the monastery many times and generally did many things he shouldn't have done. Garmadon was angry with Wu many times because of his behavior (and that Garmadon won't let his brother go somewhere alone at night) they were often grounded. Usually, when Wu did something stupid, he got a reprimand from the FSM but also from Garmadon (because of course Wu, due to his stupidity and willingness to adventure, exposed himself to danger, which greatly displeased Garmadon and FSM).
FSM as a child and teenager was a little shit. I'm sure his Oni nature made him love to play pranks (on dragons and Oni), kind of like Lloyd did in season 1.
One time Lloyd dyed his hair brown (to look like his father) and Wu saw him and stared at him for a minute and then his eyes watered and he went to hug Lloyd.
After season 3, Lloyd blamed himself for Zane's death, after all, he was the green ninja, he was supposed to defend the ninjago, he was supposed to defeat the Overlord, if anyone was going to die in this fight, it was him, at least that's what Lloyd told himself. That's why he didn't allow himself to mourn like the rest of the ninja, he decided that he didn't deserve it and started overworking himself, he kept an eye on the ninjago all the time, he helped the police and could be seen as the green ninja all the time.
Oni are intersex. Due to the fact that the Oni began to be a dying breed, at some point they began to change their form so that everyone could continue the species (given that Oni are shapeshifters, it was easy to change their biology). For this reason, Onil do not pay attention to gender, with them you can often choose who exactly they want to be, if they want to be someone else, they can change their body to make it suitable for them, when it came to relationships, you could be with anyone you wanted to be with (well, except your enemy) only important is to perpetuate the genre.
After Season 5, Wu began to become more protective of Lloyd. Wu lost his father, brother and twice Morro, at this point he was left with only Lloyd, his nephew, and due to his mistakes, Lloyd became possessed. He began to remove Lloyd from missions, he began training him to be a master so that he would stop being a ninja. All the time he only asked him for help to get him away from danger, and when he had to let Lloyd go, he never let him go alone so that what happened in the museum wouldn't happen again.
When Lloyd first came to the bounty, none of the ninja liked him, and Lloyd was terribly afraid of others because no one ever liked him, that's why he stuck to Wu all the time, he only trusted him because he was his uncle and he kind of remembered that when he was a kid, Wu was really cool and liked Lloyd, so if Lloyd was going to be with others, Wu had to be there, if he wasn't there Lloyd ran out of that room immediately. For little Lloyd, Wu was such a safe place, he was the only person he knew and his only family.
Wu loved to spoil little Lloyd, every time he came to visit, he would bring Lloyd toys, sweets and other things. Garmadon and Misako were a bit dissatisfied because Lloyd had too many toys, Wu always claimed that his nephew was the most wonderful child and deserved everything he wanted. Wu also loved taking care of Lloyd whenever Garmadon and Misako wanted to go on a date, Wu immediately claimed that he could watch Lloyd, According to him, they can even go for a month because he will be happy to take care of Lloyd. And Lloyd loved being left with his uncle because he always got what he wanted.
(I finally did it, I had a little less creative inspiration than with the last parts, but it was still nice to write it)
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lovelywhiteroses · 7 months
Jealousy Scenarios
Lloyd Garmadon x Reader
Lloyd would obviously have some insecurities about himself. Even knowing that he may not have enough time for your relationship. But of course you were understanding of that. And of course if you were a ninja you would obviously still be in a bit of training due to ether not having a power or join in the ninja later on. He would obviously take some responsibility and teach you some self defense techniques as to make sure to defend yourself, if a creep were to come to you and hurt you in anyway. So! Let’s get on with the jealousy scenarios. Shall we?
First time he got jealous?:
You and him were on a date. You two would just go about the town today, it was his day off. Of course you wanted him to take it easy on his day off. But he always insisted that he felt better spending his days off with you. When you both gone out to browse the town. You saw something caught your eye, Lloyd noticed and decided to go in the store with you. You browse around and find something you like. Lloyd looked over in another direction. He saw something that looked like something that you’d like. He went to go look at it for a second. When he came back he saw you talking to someone. They made you laugh and Lloyd couldn’t feel help but feel a hint of jealousy. Lloyd took a deep breath, maybe they’re a good friend of yours. You then hug your friend and as say goodbye to them. Lloyd came back over to you. “What was that?” You smile at him. “Oh that was an old friend of mine. I haven’t see. Them in awhile.” Lloyd nods, he then let’s put a breath of relief he did realize he was holding. You then kissed his cheek to his surprise. He felt his face heat up, as he chuckled a bit. At least he knows you wouldn’t betray his trust.
When you make him jealous:
If you decide to make him jealous. Be prepared for his to be a bit more possessive in public. It might be embarrassing but hey. You cause him to be jealous, so expect him to be possessive. When you ask a friend to help make him jealous he might catch on, he’s known to be good for his wisdom. So better put up a good show! He might tease you if he finds out and apologize later.
When he sees someone flirt with you Infront of him!:
When going out for a date, like going to skylor’s noddle house, cause why not. Of course you and lloyd would dress casually cause you both prefer nice dates that don’t involve anything too fancy. But when someone actually goes up to flirt with you, let’s just say one glare from Lloyd and the person easily backs off. They’re dealing with the green ninja and their definitely not gonna stand a chance against him. But if they don’t notice Skylor would definitely read the room and ‘politely’ ask them to leave.
When Lloyd tries to make you jealous:
He’d definitely not be good at trying to make you jealous. He’s too obvious. As we all know from that it’s pretty much cannon that some of his acting stills need work.
Obviously if Lloyd feels like he isn’t enough for you he won’t tell you right away. But it would be obvious if you see it after awhile of dating him. He can be reassured by explaining and kissing his cheek or lips. He appetites you taking the time you give to explain that their your friend or a distant relative.
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kindaasrikal · 22 days
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He was originally not gonna have pants cause i didnt find it weird since he is still a metal man, but then i realised others might take it a bit weirdly so i had to quickly add pants 😭
Zane is known to sacrifice himself for those he cares about, and it shows how deeply protective he is of his team/family. In an AU, if that protectiveness got a bit too strong…mixed a bit too much with his care…he becomes secretly obsessive. He stalks the ninja when away from him and is constantly keeping tabs on them, his relationship with them is similar to canon, but he always makes sure to know where they are and their health. None of the ninja, including Pixal and Wu, have any idea of this going on, and they never will.
He watched over the ninja (plus Pixal and Wu) in a little area in his room, and watches memories and current events they’re going through daily. His love for them all is platonic (romantic for Pixal), and as much as he is aware that watching-stalking- his family is not normal nor okay, he does it since he only ever ensures he knows what they are doing at all times, and that isn’t too bad, right?
(Wrong, its still bad, Zane just worried and cares too much to bring himself to stop)
In this AU, if his team were to find out, i feel like they’d be concerned but accepting. Like bro it’s ZANE, they trust him more than anyone. They put limits to it and rules, but other than that they let him keep doing it. In fact, this allows them to freely do the possibly stalker-ish activities they do freely.
Kai says that sometimes he tracks or follows then when he’s worried.
Nya bugged everyone’s gi with recording and tracking devices. She listens to conversations sometimes if shes suspicious (read: worried).
Jay has books on all of the ninja, and the notes are deeply personal and downright creepy.
Cole hunts down everyone one of team mates might’ve met or known, acts like he accidentally bumped into them, and slowly weeds information out of them related to them as a person and their intentions. If they’re a close friend to his teammate/s, he gets information out about their interactions of conversations.
Lloyd follows everyone. Whilst Kai probably jumps from buildings, and leaves after knowing it’s ok (most of the time), Lloyd follows on ground with a disguise. He learns the others interests and picks then up himself to bond with them, not realising that picking up the exact same comic jay just touched and hugging it whilst thinking Jay would love him if he got this and read it is kinda creepy.
Pixal bugs all of their tech, she knows every location, every conversation, and has many recordings. She never checks them though. What she does do is read their conversations through text, she likes gathering information about the ones she loves, and likes the drama that pops up sometimes.
Wu is normal, he’s like an overbearing dad who just interrogates his team with gentle words and they spill. Either that or he already knows, by guessing.
And because i need to add Morro to everything, Wu is overbearing because of not knowing everything Morro does because if he did he might’ve been able to prevent what happens.
And when Morro was younger, he used to hide behind corners and watch people, never letting them know he’s there. He never followed them, but if he’s already there and he sees you, he’s watching you in a corner until either has to leave or you do.
But thats child Morro, ghost (cursed realm) Morro pulls a Zane and watches people, so does Garmadon in the departed realm.
Yeah, he’s the only normal one. After everything he just became tame and couldn’t care anymore. He was a bit freaked out when Lloyd comes up to him two weeks later and says “you rlly like reading about horror stories, right?” Because they both have been avoiding each other and only had five normal conversations, and not a single one was casual, so how the heck did Lloyd know that.
Anyways that was fun :>
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kywaslost · 11 months
Being Saved - Lloyd Garmadon HC’s
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A/N: I’m really not in the mood to write today, but I’m still avoiding my homework (even though I have 2 homework assignments, 2 tests, and 1 project due today) so here’s this. I’m not feeling Lloyd today but it’s part of writing for everyone on my masterlist so here I go… today’s prompt theme is being rescued. I wrote this kinda taking place around I think season 2, because there’s that whole dark island place and it seemed fitting.d
This is so bad I’m so sorry.
Prompt/s Used: They’re gone now. It’s ok / You’re safe now, I promise
Being Lloyd’s lover means that he will do anything and everything within his power to make sure you are safe and out of harm’s way
Even if you’re also a ninja
But the one time he failed to keep you safe, you’re kidnapped by his father
It took longer than expected to find you, and with the final battle approaching Lloyd was at his wits end
The others had to practically force him to sleep and eat because he was spending all of his time looking for you
But then came time for the team to go the island of darkness to find the temple of light
Lloyd is on edge the entire time, because now it’s been a week and he still has no idea where you are
Until he runs into Garmadon on the beach
They have their whole fight scene, where then Garmadon reveals that he’s hidden you away in his abandoned castle (wasn’t there one in the movie?) 
So now Lloyd’s options are to stop his father before time runs out, or rescue you before your time ends
They already don’t have a game plan for this battle between him and his father, so he decided to look for you
It takes a few hours but he finds you unguarded in the basement of an old, nearly crumpled castle
You’re chained up and blindfolded, and the sight of you reduces Lloyd to tears
He immediately frees you, ripping the blindfold from your eyes and having Cole use his super strength to break the chains off of you
He pulls you into his arms, hugging you as tightly as he can
You’re sobbing into his chest, retelling him and the rest of the team about how had been left in complete darkness for so long, only being fed once a day and feeling unsafe
“You’re safe now, I promise,” Lloyd whispers to you as he presses a kiss to the top of your head. 
You aren’t allowed to participate in the final battle, obviously due to your condition and newly acquired trauma, but he also doesn’t want to leave you alone
So you’re now Lloyd’s motivation for getting this over as quickly and effectively as possible
When everything is said and done, he runs back to you, pulling you into his arms once again
He’s crying, telling you about how he defeated the overlord
“He’s gone now, it’s ok,” he cries into your hair
Even though he wants to catch up with his father, who’s now back and 100% human, Lloyd wants to help you recover first
He won’t let you sleep alone. You’re either in his room or he’s in yours.
He puts you before his father until you’re physically healthy
Keeps you from his father until you feel like you’re ready to meet him
After all, he isn’t the same monster that held you captive, and he’s your boyfriend’s father and you want to get to know him
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justtwotired · 15 days
Whispers of the night Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
(Credits to artist are in the picture)
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Lloyd is getting to the 100 in this one🤭^
(Reader too but let’s not mention that)
Tag list: @cipheress-to-k-pop @whore-of-many-hot-men @bodieohbo @anyth1ngfor0urmoony @luvlloyd @viannasthings
GUYS. Guys… please forgive me I am so so sorry for not posing, I just lost motivation and don’t feel like writing anymore so I stopped, and everytime I started I lost motivation at the first word so I didn’t write on… so now, I finished this one, and the next is coming tomorrow, inalready have that completely written and controlled for errors, so I hope that makes up for my absence, I’ll try to post another one next week<3
Part 1 - previous - next
Your pov:
The next time I saw Lloyd was New Year’s Eve, we didn’t have time between Christmas and today because he had been on a mission with the others.
I had asked my parents if I could celebrate with him and his family and they were all for it, excited even. Ace wasn’t that excited, but he allowed it anyway. (I probably wouldn’t have gone if he hadn’t agreed).
So, late in the afternoon, Lloyd picked me up with his elemental dragon. He landed on our property at the front of the house and waved at me with a grin, making me wave back.
“You’ve got everything right?” My mom asked me and I nodded with an excited smile. We stood at the front door, I had a bag with me, containing clothes and a few other necessities, she had already triple checked it.
“Yes, I got everything, I don’t need that much, mom,” I assured and she pulled me into a hug, holding me tight.
“Promise you’ll call after twelve?” She put me at arms length and a laugh escaped my lips.
“Mom, I promise, don’t worry, it’s not like I have never spent new years away from you guys,” I said and she sighed sadly.
“Oh I know, but this is the first time you celebrate it with a boyfriend- let me worry about you!” She fussed and my father chuckled and rested a hand on her shoulder.
“Y/n will be fine, honey,” he reassured and than looked at me. “Take care of yourself and call us if things don’t feel right,” he said, turning serious for a moment before smiling again, “now go to your boyfriend, he’s waiting,” he winked and I stood on my toes to kiss his cheek, before running off towards Lloyd.
I crashed into his open arms, hugging him close to me. Five days apart where five days to long and I had missed everything about him. From his goofy smile to his flirty comments.
He chuckled when he caught me and pressed a soft kiss into my hair. “Missed me?” He asked teasingly and I took a step back.
“I haven’t seen you for multiple days, of course I fucking missed you!” I pointed a finger at him and he smiled before dipping down and catching me in a sweet kiss.
I closed my eyes and rested one of my hands on his cheek. “Ready to go?” He asked after pulling away and I smiled, a bit red in the face.
“Ready to go,” I repeated and he climbed back onto the dragon after taking my bag and he then reached a hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up to sit behind him. My arms curled around his waist and I pressed my face into his shoulder.
He took off and in less than ten minutes we arrived at the Monastery. The moment we landed, the door flew open and Nya came running out. I jumped off of Lloyds dragon and seconds later was crushed into a hug.
“Hello to you too?” I laughed confused and she quickly put me at arms length, giving me a wide eyed look.
“Do you know how hard it is to live with these idiots without you around?” She questioned, sounding absolutely exhausted, “of course you don’t, because you couldn’t come on our mission!” Nya yelled and Lloyd covered his ears.
“Do you mind?” He asked, a tat irritated, but she ignored him and let go of my shoulders to take my arm and drag me inside. Lloyd scoffed and quickly followed after us. “Hey- she can walk on her own Nya!” He called but she ignored him making me chuckle.
“It’s fine Lloyd, we’ll get some girl talk in, besides, we need to get ready,” I chuckled at his baffled stare. “I’ll see you later, promise!” I waved at him and he huffed but let us be anyway.
Nya took me to her room. I’d seen it once before when Kai was giving me a house-tour, but I’d never really stepped foot in it. It gave me the time to look around a bit. I smiled at the pictures in her room and my eyes glittered when I saw the swords displayed in her wall.
I snapped out of it when she closed the door behind her and I remembered why I was here.
“You got everything? I brought some of my own stuff,” I gestured to the duffle bag hanging around my shoulder and she glanced at it before smiling.
“Oh no, I’m all set, but do show me what you’ve got,” she said excitedly. “We’re going to look so fabulous,” she grinned and I saluted her.
I opened my bag and took a small separate bag from it, handing it to Nya who inspected the make-up haul. I had also thrown in some hair decorations and skin care products.
“You know, sometimes I forget you’re rich, and then there’s moments like this and I remember,” she said in amazement and looked up at me. “This shit is awesome, sit down, I’m doing your hair,” she gestured to her chair and I raised an eyebrow.
“You promised I could start on you first,” I pouted and she paused for a second and sighed in defeat.
“I curse my past self for agreeing to that,” she mumbled before taking a seat in the chair herself, making me grin wickedly.
“Are you two done yet?” There was a knock on the door as Lloyd’s voice sounded on the other side and Nya groaned.
“No!” She yelled back, “be patient, we need our time to get ready, I’m almost done with N/n, you can have her to yourself after, loverboy!” She assured and we heard Lloyd huff on the other side off the door.
I snorted at the nickname she had given him and was scolded by her for moving, so I quickly sat up again. Maybe I should start calling him loverboy, I’m sure he’d love that.
Even though we were teasing him, I couldn’t deny that I did kind of want to leave this chair to go and spend time with him, but I had to have one patience.
“Give me some time, Greenie, I’ll be out in a minute,” I chuckled, trying to sit as still as possible while Nya gently held my chin, applying my mascara. I’d already done her hair and makeup, and she was just finishing mine.
“All done,” she took a step back. “You look beautiful, now, we just need a picture and then Lloyd can have you all to himself,” she announced. I knew she was extending her time with me to annoy Lloyd but I didn’t remark on it and posed as she took out her phone to make a selfie of the two of us.
“You ready now?” Lloyd asked from the other side did the door and I unlocked and opened it.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re done,” I teased, poking a finger into his stomach, but he didn’t react and just blinked at me for a second, mouth slightly agape as his eyes roamed my face, making me look at Nya with a questioning look. “Is he alright?” I whispered and she chuckled into her hand.
“He’s flustered beyond words because of you’re beauty,” she elbowed me slightly and I looked back at Lloyd who snapped out of it and smiled, a bit flushed.
“You look gorgeous, love,” he said and kissed my forehead, making my heartbeat speed up and I saw his grin grow at that, making me narrow my eyes playfully.
“Alright, get your lovey-dovey shit out of here,” Nya shooed us away and Lloyd shot her a quick glare before leading me to his room.
“We have dinner in an hour and than it’s just a night full of games, jokes and laughing,” he promised and I beamed at him.
“Can’t wait,” I said softly and followed him into his room. “How was your mission,” I asked and he meekly shrugged, making me lightly frown, “was it bad?”
“No, not really” he mumbled, looking at the ground, “you just weren’t there,” he admitted with red cheeks and I let out a small, breathy laugh.
“You cheeseball,” I poked his shoulder and he looked down at me with a grin, before dipping down to catch me into a kiss, but my hand shot up to cover his mouth. “Lloyd, you’ll ruin my lipstick,” I warned and he let out a sad noise, making me shake my head.
Suddenly his tongue licked my hand making me jerk it back with a yelp. He laughed and I scrunched my nose, wiping the saliva of on his hoodie, making him roll his eyes.
“Is my tongue that dirty to you?” He asked and I grimaced, glaring up at him. “Doll, my tongue has been on many more places than your hand, but only now you find it disgusting?” He raised a brow and my face flushed.
Without my permission, my mind flew back to James teasing me on Christmas Eve, making me slightly scold myself as my brain shamelessly drifted off to a lot of other things.
Lloyd looked amused as he watched my flushed face and could definitely hear my racing heart. He rested his hand on the back of my neck, gently pulling me forward as he leaned towards me, his lips gracing the shell of my ear.
“What are you thinking about, doll?” He whispered and my blush spread even further, he pulled back to look into my widened eyes and he chuckled, the bastard.
“Nothing,” I quickly answered, my voice high pitched, making him raise his eyebrows and smirk.
“If you say so,” he said with a smug grin before planting a whisper of a kiss to my neck and going to leave the room. “I’ll go see if mom and Zane need any help in the kitchen,” he casually strolled off while I stood baffled in his room for a few more moments.
We never really talked about topics like this, and technically we didn’t really talk about it, but we both knew very well where my thoughts had led me too and he had not hesitated to act upon it.
I swallowed thickly before composing myself and heading to the kitchen aswel, where Koko embraced me into a tight hug.
“Y/n! I am so happy you could make it,” she beamed at me and I smiled.
“Thank you for inviting me, I love being here,” I said and her smile grew, it surprised me that it was even possible. “Can I help you with anything?” I offered and she nodded.
“Lloyd is setting the table, do you mind helping him?” She asked, gesturing to Lloyd who just entered the kitchen from the dining room, I quickly averted my gaze, “we are with quite a bunch of people and with this much food, setting the table takes a while,” she chuckled and I nodded.
“Yeah, of course,” I said and quickly went off to grab some of the bowls of food Zane had finished and were ready to be moved. He smiled at me in greeting before returning to cooking.
I followed Lloyd out to the dining room and put the food down on the table. I looked up at him to see him already looking at me, he winked when I caught his eyes, making me quickly divert my gaze again.
I heard him chuckle, making me shoot him a glare while he gave me an amused look back. I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh to before playfully rolling my eyes and returning to the kitchen.
Ten minutes later all the others had joined and Zane had finally finished the food. The moment he sat down, the others immediately started digging in, causing Koko to scold them about their manners, yet they all just laughed it off.
“Here,” I looked at my plate where Lloyd just placed a few pieces of chicken. “You already love chicken, now let me tell you, this’ll be the best you’ll ever have,” he promised and I chuckled at him, shooting him a sceptic look.
I put a piece of chicken in my mouth and my eyes closed in delight. It was indeed the best I had ever had, if only I could eat here everyday.
The meal went on and eventually Jay picked up a conversation with me and I happily listened to him babble in about their mission. Koko and Wu had left for the kitchen with the promise of dessert, there had not been disclosed what it was exactly.
Unexpectedly, I felt a hand rest on my thigh and I had to clench my teeth while my breath hitched. I felt my face grow warmer and tried to make out Jay’s words but they were all a blur at this point.
I shot a look at Lloyd who gave me as mischief one back before winking. I quickly looked back at Jay who didn’t notice anything, Nya besides him, however, wiggled her eyebrows at me, making me bite my lip in embarrassment.
She laughed, throwing her head back while I gave her a scolding frown.
“Hey? What’s so funny?” Jay asked his girlfriend confused while she tried to breath trough her chuckles.
“Yeah, sis,” Kai began, “do you have something to share with the class?” He asked, a raised eyebrow and she quickly waved them off.
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing, I promise,” she giggled and shot me a look while I just kept staring at my plate. Next to me Lloyd snickered, making me elbow him in the side.
“What ya doing with that hand there, Lloyd?” I felt Lloyd’s hand stiffen in its place on my thigh as his head shot to Cole.
“Im not doing anything!” He insisted quickly, yet his hand remained where it was. Cole, Nya and Kai laughed while Jay scoffed at them.
“Guys! Not at the dinner table!” He scolded. At this, Lloyd did pull his hand away in horror while I choked on my food.
“Jay!” Lloyd called out in shock while the others -except a rather confused Zane- where all dying of laughter.
“What is so funny here?” Wu entered the kitchen followed by Koko who carried a beautiful cake.
“Nothing,” multiple voices immediately answered as everyone stopped laughing and looked at their plates.
It was Cole breaking the silence, being a bit to excited to have a taste of that cake.
After dinner, the adults promised they’d clear the table, so me and the others headed outside, climbing onto the monastery roof to watch the fireworks in the distance.
I sat next to Lloyd and our hands were locked together, while I talked to Nya sitting on my left, I was telling her all the juicy gossip she was missing now that she had left school.
“Who’s up for a game of truth or dare?” Kai spoke up, making me and Nya frown and exchange looks.
“What kind of seventh grade sleepover is this?” Nya snorted making her brother let out an offended noise. “You know what’s fun? Truth or drink!” She said and Cole immediately protested
“Absolutely not, the evening just started, besides, Y/n is seventeen, she’s not allowed to drink,” he stated with his arms crossed and I huffed.
“Please, you think I never drank before?” I asked with a raised brow and he shook his head.
“Not happening, we are playing regular truth or dare,” he stated and Nya rolled her eyes while Jay cheered.
We played a few rounds, mostly truth was chosen, but when Kai chose dare, Nya dared him to jump into the pond, he refused so she pushed him off the roof.
Aren’t siblings just lovely?
“N/n, truth or dare?” Kai pointed at me as I sleepily rested my head on Lloyd shoulder, who was tracing figures on my hands.
“Truth, I guess,” I answered, “I am to tired to jump into the pond or whatever,” I smiled and he gave me a look before he seemed to think for a moment.
“Did you ever date someone before Lloyd?” He asked and Lloyd froze for a moment before hesitantly continuing.
“You want the whole list?” I joked, causing Nya to poke me in the side and I giggled, “just kidding,” I swatted her hand away before continuing. “When I was six, me and James had a relationship and it lasted a whole month,” I put up a finger in a matter of factly way.
“It’s the moment you think you like him but you’ve actually just found your best friend,” Cole clarified with a small smile, “I’m guessing,” he added and j nodded with a chuckle.
“Indeed,” I said before continuing, “and when I was fifteen, I had a boyfriend, but we broke up shortly after my sixteenth birthday because he had to move cities, we both didn’t want to do long distance because we where still young,” I explained, “Damon, that’s his name,” I added.
Lloyd was quiet and I wondered if he didn’t like me talking about my ex boyfriend, I would understand that of course.
“So, you two didn’t zekerste in bad terms?” Zane asked and I shook my head.
“No, not at all! We held contact for a while, but I haven’t spoken to him in months,” I revealed, “it didn’t take long for me to get over him, I don’t even think I ever really loved him, not now I know how that actually feels like,” I smiled up at Lloyd who gave me an excited smile back.
“You two cheesy little fuckers,” Kai whined, cause ing both Cole and Nya to calm him out on his behaviour around Skylor, making the others laugh at him.
Yeah, I liked celebrating here.
It was almost three when we sat alone in the garden. The others where playing video games on the X-box while Koko and Wu had already gone to bed.
Lloyd had asked if I wanted to go outside with him and I had agreed. There where sounds of fireworks in the distance, I could barely hear them, yet I bet Lloyd heard them perfectly well.
I felt my eyelids slowly grow heavier while my head rested on Lloyd’s shoulder and he was softly stroking my back.
“I think it’s time to go to bed, love,” he whispered and I groaned. I was incredibly comfortable here, curled up besides my boyfriend in a wonderful garden with faint firework sounds in the distance? Yes please.
“No,” I grumbled, “hmm, am comfortable,” I was almost worried he wouldn’t hear until I remembered my boyfriend is basically a Demi-god and could, in fact, hear me.
“It’s getting cold,” he whispered back, “and you’re almost falling asleep here, you still need to get ready for bed,” he said softly, lips close to my ear and he planted a kiss right above it.
I was silent for a moment before groaning. “Fine,” I tried getting up and stumbled a bit, causing him to chuckle and swoop me off my legs.
“My lady,” he said with a charming smile as he started to walk towards the door. I let out a tired chuckle and tried holding open my eyes to admire him but they fell close every so often, making me force them open again.
He stood still outside the living room door and quickly popped his head in. “We’re going to sleep,” he announced making a chorus of goodnight come from the room.
In his bedroom he gave me one of his shirts, making me squeal softly in excitement, he gave me an adoring smile before turning back to his closet to grab his own sleeping attire.
I pulled the shirt over my head and grabbed my sleeping shorts out of my bag. I felt like immediately getting into bed but he took my hand before I could.
I looked at him and really did my best not to stare as he was only wearing a pair of sweatpants. I blinked and my eyes traced the scars across his chest and maybe his abs too, making me turn pink.
“My eyes are up here, sweetheart,” he teased making me quickly look away while he lead me to the bathroom.
He dug up a spare toothbrush from the cabinet, put some toothpaste on it and handed it to me with a goofy smile. I tiredly took it, muttering a soft ‘thanks’ and started brushing my teeth.
I wobbled a bit on my feet, almost falling asleep right then and there and he wrapped his arm around my waist, keeping me on my feet while he brushed his teeth aswel. I heard him chuckle but didn’t comment on it.
After brushing our teeth, we headed back to his bedroom and I could finally get comfortable under the covers.
He pulled me into him, making us spoon and he hid his his face in my hair, making me hum in content.
“Love you, goodnight,” I whispered, or at least, I hope I said that, I’m not sure if it was coherent as I fell asleep seconds after hearing his ‘i love you’ he said back.
Lloyd POV:
I was almost asleep when I phone buzzed and illuminated the room when a message came in. I sighed and turned it around, deciding to ignore it, but with the second and third message I got curious.
I frowned when I saw it was an unknown number, though the questions flying around in my head where quickly answered.
What is up Lloyd it’s the James
Send 03.08
I wondered why he would text me at such a time and why he would text me to begin with, but he was Y/n’s best friend so I didn’t mind.
Yeah so as N/n best friend and best wignman I do have to live up to my name
Send 03.09
I wondered if he was drunk… because it wouldn’t surprise me.
I was actually supposed to send this earlier so maybe the bitch is asleep but if she ain’t, Im very hapy to tell you that she is waiting to get laid
By you of course
Send 03.10
I paused my reading and looked down at the girl peacefully sleeping in my arms with probably the reddest face ever. I swallowed thickly, my heart hammering in my chest.
I looked back at the screen when I heard a new message come in.
Yeah she will kill me if she finds out about this but we speaked about this christmas eev and yeah so I now evrything
I got your number frim hr phone btw, she dienst know so sshhhh
Send 03.12
I hesitated, what did I answer to this? Did I ignore it? It felt weird to ignore it, but I really did not know what to answer. Sure, I thought about it before but we had never even talked about it. I swallowed again and decided to just answer.
She’s asleep
Thanks for the information?
Damn to bad dude, but np np
I turned the sound of my phone off and put it away, resting my hand back on Y/n’s waist. My face still felt incredibly hot.
How could I sleep after this?
Your POV:
I groggily opened my eyes, being woken by the sun shining trough the cracks of the curtain. My head laid on Lloyd’s chest and my legs were tangled with his.
I moved my hands up to wipe the sleep from my eyes and I used my tongue to wet my dry lips. I lazily looked up at Lloyd who was staring up at the ceiling, having not noticed me waking up. His arm was wrapped around my waist, his thumb rubbed small circles in my side.
His shoulders leaned against the headboard of the bed as he sat up only half. It didn’t really look comfortable but whatever suited him I guess.
Tough it surprised me he didn’t notice me waking up, knowing him he’d definitely notice, seeing my heartbeat would change, plus he’d notice the movement.
“Morning, love,” I greeted and that was what grabbed his attention. He blinked for a moment and looked at me, a small smile appearing on his face.
“Goodmorning, beautiful,” his smile turned into a teasing grin as he assessed me and I narrowed my eyes.
“Are you poking fun at my morning hair?” I asked, raising my eyebrows and his just wiggled his and kissed my cheek. He then went to kiss my lips but I stopped him with my hand, making his lips hit my palm. “Stop, I have morning breath,” I said with a scrunched up nose and he rolled his eyes.
He reached up a hand and pulled away mine by the wrist. “I don’t care, give me a kiss,” he leaned down and I rolled my eyes but kissed him anyway. When we pulled away he scrunched his nose. “Ugh, morning breath,” he said and I looked at him in offence.
“Yeah, that was the end of your morning cuddles, bye, I’m going to get some breakfast,” I started getting up and he whined, grabbing my hand but shook it off.
“No, stay,” he pouted but I narrowed my eyes. “Please,” he begged and I rolled my eyes.
“Get up, loverboy, it’s time for breakfast,” I stated and he sighed but followed me out of the room anyway, quickly catching up to hold my hand, making me smile in content.
Little did I know about the scenarios plaguing him in his head.
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mouschiwrites · 6 months
HEYY POOKIEE!!!! I had an idea from the movie, so basically the reader being the ninja's little sibling who don't get along at all. They fight over the smallest things at school and at home. That's until one day while Garmadon attacks the reader gets captured and the ninja has to save the reader, which accidentally causes the ninja to reveal their identity and the reader just gives their sibling a big hug and apologizes for everything they've said in the past and they up!!!
Yes of course!! <33
Ninjago - Ninjas When You (Their Little Sibling) Are Taken
Kai pretended like he didn’t care when he first saw you were taken
But he was determined to get you back; in reality, he did indeed care
He was ready to do whatever it took to get you back
He fell blindly into a trap, finding himself restrained by one of Garmadon’s goons
They pulled off his mask, but his face remained hardened
He snapped at his captor, taking advantage of their brief moment of shock at seeing his face
He left his mask forgotten on the ground, rushing to your aid
He lifted you in his arms and booked it to safety
He paused on a rooftop to catch his breath
You decided to take the opportunity to apologize
The words didn’t come easy, but you finally found them
“Kai… I’m sorry. For everything. For the mask, for everything I’ve said—”
“It’s okay, Y/n. I’m just glad you’re safe.”
After that day you made an effort to be nicer to him, difficult as it was
He tried to keep his temper in check too
You silently appreciated each others’ efforts, but the fruits were even more precious
Your relationship started to shift ever so subtly, but it was doubtlessly improving
Jay was terrified when you got involved
It was like he forgot your terrible relationship entirely
He clumsily rushed to your aid, his skills crumbling under the weight of his anxiety
He ended up pinned down, and his assailant roughly pulled off his mask
His face turned bright red as he was exposed, and in a sudden burst of panicked energy he was able to push them off
He nabbed his mask quickly before remembering his original mission
Then he jumped back into action, managing to retrieve you and find a safe place to hide
He grabbed you by the shoulders, turning you from side to side to check for injuries
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“Jay, I’m so sorry! I’ve ruined everything, haven’t I? Oh, I’ve been so horrible…”
He couldn’t deny that you had been pretty bad
But he also admitted that he was no better
You shared a hug
In that moment, you formed a new bond
You both started to act nicer from then on
That hug established a new norm of tenderness between you two :)
He was mostly miffed when you were taken
He directed his anger at his father for getting you involved
So he went into battle with a fury he often felt when facing Garmadon
But this time it was extra personal
He confronted Garmadon directly, making a snide comment about treating his children like chess pieces
He pulled off his mask to prove the point, too angry to think clearly
Garmadon was so shocked that Lloyd was pretty much able to walk away with you
He marched away angrily, dragging you behind
He started to vent about Garmadon
After you got over your shock, you started agreeing with him, even adding your own complaints
When he was done he just huffed, burying his face in his palm
You saw that tears were dribbling onto his glove
“Um, Lloyd? I just wanted to say sorry… we don’t really have the best family dynamic, and I… I don’t want our relationship to be like the one we have with our dad.”
“Me neither. I really do love you, you know.”
“Same here.”
You embraced, vowing to be better
And you both made a valiant effort, using your father as a sort of anti-example
As it turned out, he was a strong motivator; your relationship improved quite steadily from then on
As much as he might’ve disliked you, he knew he had to save you
He couldn’t live with himself otherwise
So he hurried into the thick of the battle, his eyes locked on you all the while
He was secretly worried they’d hurt you, though he’d hesitate to admit it
He was distracted; it wasn’t long until an opponent grabbed a sudden hold of his mask
He whipped around, downing the assailant in a single blow and grabbing his mask
But he didn’t take the time to put it on, simply tucking it into his belt while he ran to your aid
The hardened look in his eyes made you feel especially guilty
You could only imagine how angry he was, having to save you and then having his identity revealed in the process
But when you were alone, he asked with surprising softness if you were okay
The look on his face had softened, too
Still, you felt guilty
“I’m fine. Um… I’m really sorry, Cole. This was all my fault..!”
“What? No, it was Garmadon’s doing. I’m not mad at you, Y/n. You’re my family. I love you, little rascal that you are.”
He ruffled your hair roughly, making you giggle
You wrapped your arms around him suddenly
He slowly hugged you back
In that moment you shared a silent agreement to be better
It might not have been spoken, but you both held fast to that agreement, and slowly your relationship did improve :)
The second you got involved, Zane’s objective was to save you
You were more important to him than anything: his pride, the mission, anything
He forgot everything else, abandoning his current task to rush over to you
In his haste, the opponent he was running from managed to catch his mask
He ran without realizing that the mask had come off
Even your flabbergasted gaze didn’t clue him in
The stares he was getting didn’t even register as he carried you away from danger
When you were alone, he mechanically asked if you were okay
You just stared at him, the image of a thousand eyes on you as you ran stuck in your mind
“Zane, your identity… I’m so sorry, if I had never been taken..!”
“Why are you apologizing? It was not your fault. I’m just glad that you’re safe. You’re my family, and I care for you greatly.”
You blinked at him, cursing the tears that came to your eyes
He hugged you, and through your tears you told him that you loved him too
After that, you decided to try and be nicer to him
He matched your efforts as soon as he noticed them; he was more than ready to fix your relationship
After all, you were his top priority ;)
She was incredulous when you were captured
She took it sort of personally
This fueled her rage, and she went on a war path to save you
She threw you over her shoulder; saving you was how she was measuring her victory
With you in her arms, she was satisfied
In her mind, she’d already won
Which made her getaway a little sloppy, and she ended up losing her mask to an especially quick assailant
She was frozen in shock and horror for a moment
Then she ran, faster than ever before
She practically collapsed as she set you down, chest heaving from the exertion as much as the panic
But she calmed herself, reminding herself that she saved you
Exhaling slowly, she straightened and put a hand on your shoulder
“Nya, I’m sorry! I never meant for any of this to happen! I love you too much… even though I don’t act like it…”
“All that matters is that you’re safe. And, for the record, I love you too.”
You shared a little smirk, a secret understanding established between you two
Knowing that you really did love each other seemed to soften the tension between you two
Teasing turned into jokes as your relationship gradually mended :)
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Thanks for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care honey bears <33
(divider by saradika)
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yanderelegoninjago · 1 year
When THEY Have a Nightmare
Summary: Your lover has a nightmare and they come to your room in hopes to snuggle with you
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Lloyd Garmadon
His father was glaring at him, before smirking
"I never loved you"
Lloyd awoke with a start, you peacefully sleeping next to him
He groaned and rubbed his face
While he'd never want to wake you up, he wished you were awake so he could talk to you
Though his tossing and turning eventually did wake you up
"Are you up Lloyd?"
He turned towards you, "Oh, I'm sorry babe, did I wake you?"
"Of course not," you quickly lied, causing him to chuckle. "So what's got you up so early?"
"Just a bad dream"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He frowned and avoided eye contact
You rubbed his back, "You don't have to, Lloyd. Just know that you can talk about anything. I'll always be here."
He looked you in the eyes and smiled, "Yeah. I know"
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Zane Julien
He doesn't really sleep, so he's not likely to have nightmare
But if he were to have a nightmare, no matter how bad, you wouldn't know about it
He's as quiet as a mouse and calms himself down when realizing it was all a dream before he ends up going back to sleep
Though if you were to wake up, he'd comfort you back to sleep and you'd be so tired that you wouldn't even question it
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Cole Brookstone
Cole toss and turned in his sleep, waking you up
You lightly shook him, waking him up in a start
"What's going on! Oh my god, am I dead?"
"What? Cole, you're covered in sweat, are you okay?"
He turns towards you, before shouting your name and hugging you tightly
"Oh, gross! Cole let go! I love you too, but you're sweaty and gross!"
He squeezed you tightly, "I thought you were dead"
You slowly relaxed in his hold, even though you were wet, you'd get over it. "I'm just fine and so are you"
You could feel his tears falling down your shirt, which just caused you to hug him tighter
"I love you Y/n"
"I love you too, Cole"
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Jay Walker
He has nightmares of abandonment and that was no different than tonight
Though this feel real
The fear of abandonment by everyone he loved
You were still awake when he woke up groaning
You looked towards him confused, especially when he grabbed your arms and started shaking you
"Y/n do you promise you won't leave me?"
"Are you sure?" He looks closely into your eyes, as your eyes widen
"Yeah. Are you okay?"
"Anywhere with you is okay"
"Cheesy, but so you," you kissed his cheek as he blushed brightly
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Kai Smith
Kai fears nothing
Okay, well maybe he fears somethings
Like death, losing his sister, losing his friends, losing his sanity, losing you
It was all happening around him and it felt so real, so did that strange shaking motion throughout his body
Wait a minute- "Kai, wake up"
Kai groaned and shook his head, "Huh- What?"
"Kai, you were yelling in your sleep-"
"Oh sorry"
"Are you okay?"
"Of course"
"We can talk about-"--
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Nya Smith
She's had plenty of nightmares
But this one was different. This one awoke her with a start and she had to quickly look over at you to make sure you were still there
She freaked when seeing you were gone, not knowing you had gone to the bathroom
She practically jumped you when you came back inside
"Oh gosh Nya, I'm not dead," you laugh, causing her to glare at you, "What?
"Don't joke like that-"
You frowned, not necessarily knowing what was wrong
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, knowing your okay really helps me"
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