#little Delphi sketch
smol-scribblies · 2 months
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Who am I ?
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spirirsstuff · 5 months
camp half-blood tumblr dashboard simulator
🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
another day of makig sure the gods pay their child support ^^
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🐎 chironthecentaur Follow
I ran out of Adderall for the campers.
🐎 chironthecentaur Follow
I can not get my hands on any for the next few days. If I do not follow up, assume I am deceased.
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☠️ ghost-king-official Follow
everyone is gonna die and most of us will just forget nothing in life matters
☀️ allwillynilly Follow
☠️ ghost-king-official Follow
one thing in life matters
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🦉 wise-girl Follow
Look at these designs I sketched up for Olympus! I'll start building as soon as I can <3
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🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
babe ily but what the fuck is that
🦉 wise-girl Follow
Let me label it a little better
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🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
that clears it up thaks
#architecture #design #sketch #plans #okay that should be enough tags to not have th readmore #she never looks past that #i cannot understnd a single word of this if someon does @ me
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🔥 vvvaldez-rulez Follow
🕊️ piperpiperpiper Follow
🔥 vvvaldez-rulez Follow
false alarm guys i put it on the second shelf instead of the first one
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🍷 thewineman Follow
Diet coke only sustains for so long. Wine is forever. Zeus is a pussy anhldfii ju bccs njsshsnSBMFF F IN CHNCC BBC F J
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⚡️daughterofzeus Follow
luke and i took in a runaway she’s so sweet and scared
I know 🥺 She’s so young and ran away from her family but she’s got a new family now
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🐐 groover-underwood Follow
#I know I know he’s nice but he still unnerves me I’m sorry
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🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
smh cant believe people drown just breathe
👁️ tysoncyclops Follow
Hello brother!
🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
hi tyson!
#oh shit out of all the posts why did he find this
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📜 oracle-of-delphi Follow
feeling silly might deliver the next great prophecy idk
📜 oracle-of-delphi Follow
Terrible things are going to happen.
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cosmignon · 1 year
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I replayed Wandersong this month, so I have a little handful of doodles and such to share <3 I love bard and miriam so much and also audrey too
The last comic has its dialogue ripped from one of the frankenbugs's vods of their playthrough, highly recommend it, good time
ID #1: A drawing of Miriam and Bard from Wandersong standing beside each other facing the camera. Miriam is frowning with her arms crossed while Bard smiles and makes a peace sign. End ID.
ID #2: A rough sketch of Audrey Redheart confidently walking toward the camera as she holds her sword behind her back. End ID.
ID #3: A sketch comic of Miriam and Bard talking to each other. Bard is gesturing wildly with zest in their eyes, while Miriam maintains a deadpan stare with her arms crossed. Miriam: "You can stay in Delphi or I can fly y--" Bard: "I'm not fucking going home, Miriam! I'm going with you! YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME! You've been forcibly found family'd, Miriam! Get in the car, we're BESTIES NOW!!" Miriam, thinking: "okaaaay..." End ID.
Commission Info is in my Pinned Post!
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radbutsadhd · 1 year
Once again, a silly little doodle of the adopt I got from @opal-owl-flight
Was considering naming them Delphi, and having their lore be them essentially a court wizard to King Dedede that gets sold to the king through NME (because Kirby Right Back At Ya my beloved)
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I’ll attempt color later, but- Moon themed crystal ball artifact haver? Magic tarot cards? Little gremlin has a lot of potential, and I need to color. I also have work sketches of them, which I need to unearth
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delphi-dreamin · 1 year
How did Delphi react + handled the Halloween masked event?? Sidenote: My brain won't shut up about the angst of what if we got povs from the brothers while they were cursed
Omg, Hack!! You always ask the best questions! (And I absolutely loved the masked event!!!)
This one may get long, so buckle up.
So, to start, she didn't suspect anything sinister with the masks. Which is unfortunate, really. And she was sketched out by the boys' behavior with them on, obviously. But I think what sketched her out the most was everyone else's reactions??
Like. She can handle herself against the brothers. They may be loud and obnoxious and rowdy, but they're her boys. Even with the masks cursing them and making them go after her soul, they're still her boys. She's got this.
But then everyone else started panicking. (And you can't tell me they weren't. Their reactions were as close to panicking as any of them get.)
So let's break it down. Brother by brother.
Delphi is most sketched out by Mammon's behavior, I think. Because it's so far off his norm. He's confident and honest and she's really ready for him to be back to his normal tsundere self again, thanks! She yanks his mask off quickly. Hugs happen after.
Honestly, she kinda just wanted to roll her eyes at Levi. It felt like another day. He was at his baseline: self-deprecating. Another one she just yanked the mask off of. Brushes off her hands. Done.
Beel breaks her heart. He's not his usual sweet self and it absolutely kills her. She flings herself into his arms to take the mask and about cries when he's back to normal. She takes that kiss.
She's still a little shaken up from Beel when she gets to Belphie. She hugs him as well, and happily stays with him for cuddles.
Listen. Delphi wasn't in any danger with Asmo. He took his own mask off to kiss her. Was she a little surprised? Sure. But like. She also wasn't at all. He's her babygirl, after all.
Satan made her nervous. I'll admit it. She yanked that mask as quick as she possibly could. Because she could feel his wrath through their pact, amplified by the curse. And she knew that sticking around too long would be bad news.
Lucifer...Almost got her at first. I mean.
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HELLO??? She knew it was the mask. But also, bitch is horny. And she loves when her man is possessive.
Now, the second time, when he was in control? Well.
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Bitch is still horny. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hack, anytime you want to ask things like this, please do! I love it! 💖💖💖
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
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A quick little sketch of my MC Shae and her pact marks! ✨
Lucifer: neck/shoulder area
Mammon: Left side, rib cage area
Leviathan: Right shoulder
Satan: Right hip/thigh
Asmodeus: Left side on chest
Beelzebub: stomach
Belphegor: back
I was very inspired by @delphi-dreamin after she posted her Mc's pact marks (plus she has a very good series about how she acquired them so don't walk, run to her blog to read it) also ignore how poorly drawn the pact marks are they were so hard to draw oml
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It's been a long time coming, but it looks like they found the monster who murdered Abigail Williams and Liberty German. I remember when this happened.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the case, Abby and Libby were hanging out at a park on their day off of school. When Libby's father, who was supposed to pick them up, couldn't find them, police were alerted. A search began but had to be called off. When it resumed the next day, they found the two girls' bodies.
What made this case so frustrating was that Libby had managed to film their murderer and get his voice on tape, but the picture was blurry and the man's face was obscured. Also, there was a sketch of the suspect...but then later released a completely different sketch and said that the other sketch hadn't been of the suspect.
But finally, it looks like they might have the guy who murdered the two girls. Obviously, there will need to be a trial. We still know very little. But this is a big deal. I don't think they'd be holding a press conference over it unless they had strong evidence tying him to the murders.
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skiplo-wave · 5 months
Let's talk Kegan Kline. This is what really bothers me. Kegan is the guy who made a fake account called Anthony Shots. He or one of the many people he allowed access to the account was the last person(s) to have contact with Liberty German (Delphi murder victim) that day. Supposedly this person was suppose to meet up with them. There is no coincidence getting catfish by a predator online, but to get killed by another predator the same day.
Kegan's name came up quickly in the same month that the girls was killed because of the account. That's how he got caught with CSAM.
They found out that Kegan did weird searches right after the Delphi murders like trying to figure out how long DNA lasts and TRIGGER WARNING: Sandy Hook victims --- like trying to look at the bodies of dead children.
BUT GET THIS: The police let him go.... THAT LET THIS PREDATOR GO. He wasn't arrested for the CSAM charges until 2 years later. Theory is that they let him go because maybe he knew who bridge guy was and they was going to use Kegan as bait.
2 years later 2019, a few months after the press conference and the new younger sketch guy comes out, Kegan finally gets arrested.
2 years later again 2021, little did anyone know at the time, they questioned Kegan again about the Delphi murders. They told him they knew someone else was using the account and they believe he knows who it is... They questioned him a lot about his father too who has a criminal past and was abusive toward children.
December of 2021, a late night bizarre L.E. commercial was aired asking the public if they knew anything about the Anthony Shots account. They already knew who was behind the account, yet they asked the public if they knew who was behind it.
Not too soon after that Kegan Kline was revealed and than the transcripts started coming out well into 2022 about him being questioned about these murders.
August of 2022, Kegan was taken to a military base and a day or two later, they start searching the Wabash River. It was a 6-week search. That is definitely no training exercise. This search went onto September. Supposedly they checked someone's backyard in a fire pit at around the same time.
2 weeks later, October of 2022, they are on Rick's tail and had a search warrant done. Next thing you know he is arrested.
Every time we got a Richard Allen update, we got a Kegan Kline update about his pending charges.
And wouldn't you know, the prosecution witness list has Kegan on it.
They are definitely connected somehow.
I was watching another podcaster the other night that said that supposedly Kathy Allen - Richard Allen's wife - had a family member that passed away. She was trying to get the account memorialized. And supposedly someone hacked into their FB and was trying to talk to young girls on there.
Could it had been Richard Allen in the Anthony Shots account?
Sounds like it too me. I guess we'll see when it comes out.
Anon I deadass didn’t know who you were talking about until I say it was about murder cases
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nevernoneart · 8 months
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DAY 25: DANGEROUS - This is oleander, a poisonous plant found in temperate and subtropical areas all over the world. It’s an old plant, mentioned by many ancient civilisations, especially in the Mediterranean.
Oleander is a toxic plant, with as little as 100g being enough to kill an adult horse. There’s also a theory that it was the plant used to induce hallucinations in the Oracle of Delphi because of its toxic qualities. All parts of the plant are toxic, so it’s really best to leave it alone!
This one caused me some trouble, character-wise. I sketched out pirates, ninjas, assassins… before settling on a vampire, although once I’d finished it really reminded me of Integra Hellsing from the series of the same name.
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laeveteinn · 1 year
Thanks @fiendishfyre​ for tagging me!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
Helena/Tom Werewolf Tom Albus/Gellert adopting Harry Harry adopting Delphi [ship: Harrymort] Tomione summer Tomione vs. Gellert Poor Tom Suffers(TM) [ship: Tomarry] Opalescence Sequels [ship: Tomarry] Gellert as Ariana's governess [ship: Gellert/Albus, though Gellert/Kendra has its moment] Grindeldore war crimes trial Draco adopts Tom and has to deal with baby Slytherin snobbery [ship: Draco/Tom and others] Tom Sr. raising Tom in Knockturn Alley [ship: Albus/Tom Sr.]
That is a lot of fics, so ... please just consider yourself tagged if you want to be!
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midnightcrows · 3 years
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Shaye gets a better outfit + sometimes his endless patience gets tested with Aureate.
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Delphi in Summer colors, and Rowan in Autumn. I wanted their outfits to feel light and flowey.
Leobella projects a more formal air with the guards right there center. Meanwhile Xuterra appears more relaxed but is no less careful.
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songwings · 2 years
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(Shard) rough sketches of the designs of the rgb trio, who has been thrown into delphi in this AU where they swap places and roles with the delphi band! also, a bit of some updated backstory:
kiwi is the recruiter, vibing a bit sadly in delphi. they JUST moved here, but delphi reminds them just a little too much of chismest! they can see where delphi's headed! and then they hear manny's singing and is like YOU. JOIN ME
audrey is a guitar player who plays at the eagle cafe regularly. she’s lived in delphi for a while, though she appears to have a rocky relationship with kiwi despite them being new here. she seems to be more than happy to join the band with manny there, however.
miriam is the piccolo player staying in the inn. she’s here because her grandma saphy died, and she is extremely upset for many, many reasons. it’d take a miracle to get her to leave this hotel room - how is anyone going to convince her to join the band...?
Image description: Three colored sketches of Audrey, Kiwi, and Miriam left to right.
Audrey, a woman with fair skin, black hair in the style of a bowlcut with shaven sides, and thick eyebrows. She’s wearing a red flannel longsleeve with a denim vest, a black collar, blue jeans, and yellow sneakers. She is holding a cyan guitar with lightning bolts painted on it, looking to her left as she frowns.
Kiwi, a lanky tan person with pink hair, who is wearing a wide-brimmed green hat with an orange flower tacked on, a yellow top, orange bow and belt, brown jacket, green pants, and brown boots. They are standing around with their hands clapped together, looking excited to be here.
Miriam, a grumpy woman with pale pinkish skin, blue hair and eyebrows, a long nose, is wearing a very dark purple suit with a light purple top underneath, a purple tie, cyan lining their sleeves, and dark purple boots. She is slouching with an angry, anguished expression on her face, snarling and looking down to her right as she stiffly holds her piccolo in a fist.
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polarisdelphi · 2 years
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"The truth is a shard of ice" - This was one of the short stories from The Witcher series that really got me. Yennefer is both my inspiration and cautionary tale plus, someone can love her and that comforts me.
After writing a whole DMC fanfic around that theme, I felt like drawing Yen and Geralt just chilling together, even if for a while. Needless to say, they are one of my favourite couples of all.
Also, first time I draw something with more of an ~adult~ theme, I'm quite proud of myself, really.
(I'll eventually start posting on instagram under @polarisdelphi too)
Disclaimer: I don’t think it’s THAT awesome that people will want to copy, but don’t repost/copy/appropriate my work. Talk to me if you want to post it somewhere else - we can figure out a way to credit me properly :)
[Image description: a digital drawing made to look like a traditional drawing with charcoal under an old piece of paper with messy lines and sketch-like look. Yennefer and Geralt are sleeping together - Yennefer lying on her back, upper torso covered by her raven wild hair, while Geralt lies on his own back, between her legs, his head resting on her tummy and one of his hands on one of her legs. Yennefer has one of her hands over Geralt's heart - both their expressions a little to troubled to be a calm sleep. Under them, on the corner of the image, it's written "The truth is a shard of ice". Artwork by Polaris Delphi, signed only by Delphi on the drawing.]
I hope the description is good enough for those who need it! I'm still learning!
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fools-of-wna · 3 years
Twst OC: Mallory Parnassus
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“EEK-! It’s Tuesday the 13th*!? Oh dear…what do I do…”
ღBasic Informationღ
Name: Mallory Malvolia Eulalie Parnassus
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Mal, Mal-mal
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demiromantic demisexual
D.O.B.: 5th December
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Homeland: Jubilee Port
ღWNA Fileღ
Dorm: Oraluna
School Year: 2nd
Class: 2-E
Class No.: 14
Occupation: Student, Seer
Club: Art
Best Subject: History, Divination
Height: 5’3”/160 cm
Weight: 107 lbs
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Black
Jewellery/Others: She typically wears some sort of hood when out of uniform
Mallory is an anxious and jumpy girl who overthinks constantly. She is very paranoid, being incredibly conscious of various superstitions and easily terrified by the slightest of coincidences.
She is skittish and rather gullible, having a low self esteem due to her inability to talk to people in fear of misfortune. She is considered shy at best and cowardly at worst, and has a hard time socialising since she ends up focusing on little details that may possibly lead to bad luck.
At her core, Mallory is kind and thoughtful, often trying to look out for people and leave little gifts in secret if she spots someone having a bad day. Despite that tends to go back to her superstitions and paranoia out of habit, she tries to be more logical and reasonable to not cause trouble for people. She has odd moments of calmness and tranquility, though it’s typically when she’s angered and finally snaps.
Favourite Food: Barley bread
Least Favourite Food: Bananas
Dislikes: Misfortune
Hobby: Tarot reading, poetry
Talent: Sketching
Unique Magic: Prayer of Misfortune
“The fire burns, the steam rises, and I call upon the Gods to help me…Prayer of Misfortune.”
Mallory’s UM allows her to predict all the unfavourable outcomes of an action. She cannot predict any favourable outcomes, and her UM exhausts her magically and physically, so she only uses it once at a time in important situations.
-Dominant Hand: Right
-CV: Aoi Yūki (Sakuragi Kou) (the closest atm)
-Twisted from Pythia. Technically she’s twisted from the original Pythia/Oracle of Delphi since it’s a title granted to women who took up the position but in general she’s twisted from Pythia(s).
-Has a black sheep familiar called Delphi, who seems to be rather rebellious as she drags Mallory out of bed to class
-She has an uncanny memory for unsolved cases and strange happenings, including the historical context and conspiracy theories (basically buzzfeed unsolved if it covered every single case)
-Her memorisation skills in general are quite good
*Tuesday is used here instead of Friday because apparently it’s the variation used in Greece
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
trick or treat! 🎃🍬
Here is a treat for you:
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A Halloween Luci moodboard! I hope you like, I wanted to do the Halloween Trick or Treat thing you tagged me in <3 Happy Halloween Delphi!
~Love, Cass (attic-club-sandwich) 🧡🖤
Cass you absolute angel! I love it so much!! You get something a little different.
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Both twins in their animal looks! No color because the sketch on its own took forever... maybe I'll touch it up eventually and color it.
Happy Halloween!!! 🧡🖤💜
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
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Make a Pact with Me
@delphi-dreamin Here is a little sketchy sketch for you of Delphi and Lucifer! 😘 I made it a little steamy. I really hope you like it!! Thanks for sending something in for my follower event! 💜💜 (And you have full permission to color it digitally if you want. I suck at digital art i'm still learning T_T)
For everyone else, if you want something please check out my 100 Follower Event Post!
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