#like yes winning is much more fun. but. I've said it before and I'll say it again!!!
giveemgreef · 1 year
regretfully. sadly. dismally. love did not find a way this year but that is ONLY because it was forcibly taken from us!! love, however, is STILL real and STILL exists on the minnesota wild it will NOT abandon us because of the dallas fucking stars.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 2 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Despite his best efforts, Bradley hadn't stopped thinking about you since Monday. When Bob decided they needed a Team Mom, he sees an opportunity he can't pass up. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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When Bradley arrived on base Tuesday morning, he saw Bob right away.
"I can't thank you enough, Rooster. Piper had so much fun yesterday, and I really think this is going to be good for her. The other kids seemed excited too."
Bradley zipped up his flight suit and grabbed his helmet. "The kids were easier to instruct than I expected. They made it fun." His mind automatically pictured Everett. And Everett's mom. 
"So you'll be back for practice on Thursday?" Bob asked, reaching for his own helmet.
Bradley scoffed. "You think I'm going to bail on the Tiny Eagles? No way. We have a championship to win, and I plan on being named coach of the year."
Bob laughed. "That's the spirit."
Nat strolled over, sipping coffee inside the hangar even though you weren't supposed to. "How was pee wee football?" she asked with a smirk.
"We've been over this before, Phoenix," Bob said with a sigh. "It's tee ball."
"She's just fucking with you," Bradley said, looking from side to side before he stole Nat's coffee and took a big sip.
She groaned in response. "Just finish it," she told him. "So, tee ball? How was that?"
"Fun!" Bob exclaimed. "Piper loved it. All the kids were great. And all the moms came up at the end of practice to introduce themselves and tell us we did a great job."
Nat burst out laughing as Bradley finished her coffee. "Yeah... I'll bet they did! They would probably love to show you two even more gratitude."
Bob looked confused, but Bradley just smiled against the coffee cup. "Moms are not my type. I told you that already, Nat." But he felt like such a liar. He could picture you so clearly in his mind, and he could remember how your voice sounded. Really, he was more excited about practice on Thursday than he should be, simply because you and Everett were going to be there. 
Maybe he would wear a Phillies hat to match with Everett.
"Rooster... every woman is your type," Nat said, patting him on the shoulder as she grabbed her helmet and headed for her Super Hornet. 
Work was insanely busy, and Thursday arrived before you knew it. You were still answering client emails when Frank knocked on your door at lunchtime. 
"Come in!" you called, and thankfully he brought you a sandwich. You jumped up at the prospect of actually having something to eat, but Frank wrapped you in his arms before you could take a bite.
"I've missed you all week. You work too hard," he whispered, placing a soft kiss next to your ear. "Wanna come over this weekend?"
You should say yes, especially since Everett was going to have a sleepover at your sister's house. Plus, this would be your last free Saturday for a while, since tee ball games would be starting up.
"I'll have to let you know," you told him as his lips connected with yours. 
But you were thinking about how it might feel to kiss Coach Bradley with his mustache.
Where had that thought come from? You let out a startled gasp, and Frank slipped his tongue between your lips. 
Bradley would definitely be a better kisser than this.
"Frank," you managed to say. "I'm starving, and I have so much work to do."
He sighed and squeezed your waist through your suit. "Try to come over this weekend, okay baby?"
You just nodded and unwrapped the sandwich as he left. Only four more hours until tee ball practice. You couldn't believe you were as ridiculous as the other moms, but here you were, thinking about your kid's coach while you ate lunch. 
But it didn't stop there. After you picked Everett up at school, he rambled on about tee ball and his coaches for the entire drive to the ballfield. And you started thinking about Bradley again.
"Can we go see the Phillies play again this year?" Everett asked as you pulled into the parking lot. 
"You know, Ev, it was supposed to be a surprise. They play the Padres on a Sunday afternoon, and I've been planning on getting us tickets."
After hesitating for a beat, you parked next to the Bronco again, which you were smart enough to know was a really dumb thing to do.
"Yes! Can we take Coach Bradley with us too?"
You pressed your lips together and shook your head. "Sweetie, he's your coach during tee ball hours. I don't think he's going to have time to go to a baseball game with us." 
Everett jumped out of the car and looked up at you as you took his hand. "But he likes the Phillies. I think he might want to go."
Once again you changed into your sneakers while you walked across the grass. You didn't want to get your son's hopes up, and you couldn't help but think that he wouldn't be so starved for attention if Danny came around more often. Your ex was legitimately the worst. 
"We can talk about it later, okay?"
You almost tripped over your own feet when you looked up and saw Bradley. He was talking to one of the overzealous moms, and he had his arms crossed over his chest, nodding along with whatever was being said. His biceps looked good, but you also immediately noticed the Phillies hat on his head. 
Bradley's eyes shifted to the side as you approached the bleachers, and he kind of smirked at you. He didn't even seem to notice when the other mom placed her hand on his forearm. But you did. You wished it was you touching him instead. 
"Mommy, I need my bag," Everett said, and you shifted your attention to your son. You helped him get his cleats on, and then you waited for the coaches to blow the whistle to start practice. 
"Can I have everyone's attention for a minute?"
You looked up to see Bob heading toward the bleachers where all of the parents were sitting. So you took the spot next to Everett on the bottom row, and Bradley shifted to stand closer to your end. 
"I just wanted to reiterate how excited we are to coach your kids this season," Bob said. "Coach Bradley and I have worked out most of the scheduling and whatnot, but we do need to have a Team Mom or Team Dad to help us with some tasks. Things like bringing extra snacks and drinks, and being in charge of sending out texts if the weather is bad. Also they would need to be available to help us with anything else that might come up."
You let your gaze shift from Bob to Bradley, and he was already looking at you. He nodded once as his lips quirked up into a smile. 
"Does anyone want to volunteer?" Bob asked. Almost every mom around you raised her hand without hesitation. 
Bradley didn't look away from you, and it was making you feel flushed. He slowly, purposefully put his hands on his hips and raised an eyebrow as if to say c'mon, raise your hand.
You didn't have time to be the Team Mom. You didn't even really want to be the damn Team Mom. It was something extra that you really didn't need to do. 
But... you felt your hand slip up into the air as if gravity no longer had any hold over it. Bradley's smile grew as you sat in front of him like a little girl hoping he would call on you.
Just as Bob was about to choose a different parent, Bradley nudged him with his elbow to stop him.
"Right here," Bradley announced, nodding and gesturing to you. "She's our Team Mom." You slowly lowered your hand, and you felt a little giddy at being selected.
Bob looked a little confused with the abrupt decision, but he just smiled at you and said, "Sounds good. Thanks for volunteering. Now let's get started with our practice."
He blew his whistle, and Everett launched off the bench. You could hear him tell Bradley, "You wore a Phillies hat! Just like me!"
Bradley laughed and said, "Sure did, kiddo. Thought we could match." He glanced at you one more time before he led the kids out onto the field.
Bradley shouldn't feel so proud of himself right now. But he did anyway. He didn't even know what he was playing at with you. But as soon as Bob told him they needed a team parent, he wanted it to be you. 
"Jesus," he muttered under his breath as he set the ball on the tee for Henry to try to hit. You were probably married. Bradley probably just made himself look like an ass. But you raised your hand anyway when he tried to silently encourage you to.
"Nice hit, Henry!" Bob said, and Bradley clapped as the kid ran for first base. 
Bradley set the ball up again, this time for Everett. 
"You ready?" Bradley asked, earning him a big smile. "Just keep your swing nice and steady."
He watched Everett absolutely nail the ball and hit it right past Bob. He looked up at Bradley in surprise.
"Run, Ev! Run to first base!"
Bradley watched him take off like a shot and run past Bob, only stopping once he had stomped on the base.
When Bradley glanced over to where you were sitting, the smile on your face had him fumbling to get the ball back on the tee. You waved your fingers toward where Everett was jumping up and down, and then you looked at Bradley and bit your lip. Then you waved your fingers at him too before ducking your head.
He forced his focus back to the next batter who also hit it hard enough to take a base.
"These kids are actually good," Bradley told Bob as he helped guide Amber to first base while Bob pointed Everett to second. "But we need to practice running bases next week."
"Can't wait to play the Tiny Hawks next weekend," Bob said. "The Eagles are looking good."
Bradley and Bob high fived as the kids all gathered around them in the infield at the end of practice. "Great practice, Tiny Eagles," Bradley told them. "Now get some good rest this weekend, and we will see you on Monday for our next practice!"
The kids all started to run toward the bleachers, and the coaches followed them at a more leisurely pace. "Damn," Bradley muttered when he looked toward the parking lot.
When Bob gave him a concerned look, Bradley shook his head and said, "Everett's hot mom parked by me again. I've actually been thinking about her since Monday."
Bob's mouth dropped open. "You mean the Team Mom?"
"Yeah," Bradley whispered, nearing the bleachers and watching you switch Everett's cleats for sneakers.
"You have a crush on our Team Mom?" Bob asked a little too loudly for Bradley's liking. "That's why you picked her? Is that a good idea?"
Bradley just shrugged and took a deep breath. "Too late now, yeah?"
You felt a tingle wash down your spine and goosebumps break out on your skin. You glanced to your left, and sure enough, the coaches were standing right there. Bob was looking at you, and Bradley was running one hand over his face and readjusting his Phillies cap. 
Maybe you had imagined it. But you could still remember how he was looking at you, goading you, urging you wordlessly to raise your hand earlier. 
Because he had a crush on the Team Mom? On you? There was no way.
But as you stood, Bradley headed in your direction. He smelled good again, and he was so handsome. And his voice was so deep. You really wished your other two senses had experience with him as well. 
"Team Mom," he said with a smile. "Can Bob and I get your phone number for future correspondence and incidentals?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, and when he handed you his phone, you added your name and number for him.
"Thanks again for volunteering," he said with a smirk.
You didn't know what to say, and you could feel your face growing warm as your nose scrunched up in embarrassment. "No problem," you managed, but instead of leaving, he inched closer, and his smile grew.
"I hope you don't feel like I pressured you." 
You just shook your head, mesmerized by the low register of his voice. "No. I'm happy to do it."
Everett suddenly popped up next to you, standing on the bleachers. "Mommy, check to see if Coach Bradley wants to come with us to see the Phillies this year. Please?" 
You turned back toward Bradley, about to tell him that Everett was just being overzealous, but Bradley was grinning at Everett and adjusting the bill of his cap.
"I don't know if your dad would like that, kiddo," Bradley said, examining your face carefully.
But then Everett's face really lit up. "He wouldn't care! He doesn't even live with us anymore."
You scrunched your nose again in embarrassment. Nothing like having your kid basically announce to a hot guy that your ex husband ditched you.
But Bradley's lips curved into a smirk. "How about your mom and I talk about it, kiddo?" he asked, and Everett gave him a high five. "Now that I have your number?" 
You just nodded as you started to shove everything you brought into the gear bag.
You had scrunched your nose up again, just like a kitten, and Bradley felt the urge to reach out and touch you. He'd love to take you and Ev to a baseball game. He thought he might even like to hang out with you one on one, now that he knew Everett's dad didn't live with you any longer. But now he was wondering if you were single or seeing someone else.
Bradley watched you hurriedly packing up Everett's gear while he ran off to say bye to Bob. But Bradley didn't walk away, instead he texted you so you would have his contact information as well. 
When you checked your phone, you looked up at him again and laughed. "Your name is Bradley Bradshaw? Brad Brad?"
He groaned and pretended to be annoyed, but he really wasn't. "My parents probably thought they were hilarious."
Your laughter had him grinning again. "It's not a bad name! I'm sorry I laughed." But you were still laughing.
"You're not sorry," he said with a playful glare. 
When you scrunched your nose again and ducked away from him, you said, "No, I'm not."
Then Everett streaked back over and asked Bradley to walk to the parking lot with the two of you, and Bradley was helpless to say no.
"You have fun again today?" Bradley asked him as he bounced around, full of energy.
"Yes! I even hit the ball!"
"Yeah, you hit it hard. You'll be a power hitter when you make it to the major league. We just need to work on your fielding."
You were smiling but looking straight ahead at your car.
"What position do you like to play?" Everett asked, eyes wide as he looked up at Bradley.
"Usually shortstop. Sometimes second base."
"Did you used to play for the Padres or something?" Everett asked, completely in awe.
Bradley just laughed. "No, kiddo. I played in college. Then I joined the Navy, because I definitely was not good enough to play for the Padres."
"You're in the Navy?" you asked him as Bradley opened Everett's door and took the gear bag from your shoulder. Even touching your body through your suit coat was enough to require Bradley to take an extra breath before answering you.
"Yeah. So is Bob. We're both aviators."
"Wow," you whispered. "Impressive."
"Mommy! I'm hungry!" Everett called from the backseat as Bradley placed the bag on the floor.
"Me too, Ev. I'll get dinner ready as soon as we get home," you promised him, and Bradley could tell you were a good mom. You kind of reminded him of Carole Bradshaw, if he was being honest.
"Be good, and listen to your mom," Bradley told Everett as he closed the back door and then opened yours. "See you on Monday."
"See you then," you replied softly, slipping into your seat before Bradley gently closed your door.
He waved at Everett who was reaching his arm out the window as you pulled away, and then he climbed into the Bronco and headed to the Hard Deck.
Bob was already there when Bradley arrived, and Nat was on them right away. "You two look adorable in your matching Tiny Eagles jerseys."
"Thanks, Nat. I feel adorable. Do you feel adorable, Bob?"
Bob just blushed and walked away with his cup of peanuts. 
"So how are the moms treating you?" Nat asked as they both waited for drinks at the bar.
Bradley rolled his eyes. "Just fine."
"Are you hooking up with one of them yet?" she asked casually. 
"What the fuck, Nat? No! I'm there to coach the kids!"
"Chill, Rooster! It's so easy to get you riled up when you're trying to hide something! Bob said you have a crush on one of the moms."
He just shook his head and thanked Jimmy for his beer. "I don't. She's just cute is all. Not my type. Never gonna be my type," he promised, heading toward the pool table. And as if he was trying to make his point to Nat, he chatted up the first woman who approached him and left with her number. He wasn't going to call her, but Nat didn't need to know that. 
He didn't even save the number in his phone, because yours was already in there. 
In an effort to get that mustache and those biceps out of your mind, you called Frank on Saturday afternoon and agreed to head over to his place. 
He never cooks in his condo kitchen, and he hates when anything is messy, so you're not sure if you want to stay over or not. But you pack a bag just in case. 
When you get there, he has Thai takeout waiting along with a bottle of prosecco. "I'm glad you decided to come over," Frank whispered, running his hand up along your leggings while you tried to eat. 
"Yeah," you agreed halfheartedly. "Me too."
How had your life been reduced to this? Sleeping with a man you didn't have feelings for after ending a marriage to a man who never loved you? You wouldn't allow yourself to dwell on it for too long. 
"Let's head to the bedroom," he told you, snatching you out of your seat as soon as you finished your last bite of food.
As Frank ran his hands along your body and undressed you, it was easy enough to close your eyes and let your mind drift a little bit. Then his hands felt good, running up your sides and removing your shirt. It felt nice when he removed your bra and squeezed your breasts. It was even lovely when he pushed you down onto his bed and pressed you into the mattress with his weight. But when he started fucking you, it was just so mediocre. He somehow lasted too long, and you knew that you'd never be able to get off with him tonight. 
"You're so sexy, baby. Am I making you feel good?" Frank asked you softly.
You let your disappointment wash over you, but Frank didn't seem to notice the sad little gasps you made as he came before withdrawing himself and removing the condom. 
You checked your phone as you got dressed, and you nearly dropped it on the floor. You had a text from Bradley. A screenshot of ticket options for the Phillies vs Padres game the following month.
Bradley Bradshaw: Do you think Ev would prefer to sit behind home plate or in the outfield?
Now your heart was beating faster. Now you felt a little silly inside. Now you could imagine getting yourself worked up for a healthy orgasm.
"Everything okay? You keep looking at your phone," Frank said as he pulled his underwear back on. 
"Actually...." you started, and the lie was out of your mouth before you could stop it. "It's my sister. I need to go pick up Everett. But thanks for dinner."
Frank kissed you softly, holding your body against his before you broke away with a quick goodnight. You practically ran across the parking lot and jumped into your car with a smile on your face. Then you responded to the text.
Everett is going to think any seat is the best seat.
Bradley responded almost immediately, which shocked you since it was eight o'clock on Saturday night. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Well then why don't you tell me where you'd like to sit.
You pictured yourself sitting in his lap, and you felt very warm. When you started your car, you turned on the air conditioner as you drove away. 
His lap. 
You could picture yourself there so easily, like you'd already spent time snuggled up with him.
What was wrong with you?! You barely knew this man! 
It only took you five minutes to get to your house, and as soon as you walked in, your hand was sliding down inside the front of your leggings and into your underwear. You eased yourself down onto your couch as you touched yourself exactly how Frank never seemed to be able to. 
You stroked your clit just right with your middle finger, and then you came so quickly, it surprised you. 
When you caught your breath, you located your phone and responded.
Your call, Coach. What view do you like the best?
Bradley was sitting at his kitchen island, considering all the filthy things he wanted to send back to you.
You were definitely flirting with him now, right? You had to be single, right?
He quickly typed out his response and hit send before he could change his mind.
Any seat where I can see you.
I am thrilled by how much love you all had for the first part of this story! I hope you keep on loving Coach Bradley! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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maxarchive · 3 months
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2024 L'Équipe Interview, "I always need to improve."
This fascinating dive into the heart of a champion's life, through his words, reveals the warm and endearing man described by those who know him intimately. A 26-year-old man, different from the one we have become accustomed to seeing over the years, this wild and cold beast who leaves no room for improvisation and feeling.
At your press briefing, you said you'd rather talk about your car than non-sporting problems. So, how is this RB20? It's great. I felt comfortable in it straight away. I'd say it was more of an evolution, an improvement on the previous car.
Is that so? Despite all the exterior changes, are your driving feelings close to those of last year? It's even a little better, a little more natural. And that's great.
Did you feel it as soon as you got into the car during winter testing? You can never be sure right from the first run, but I could see from the start that it was well balanced and, above all, that I could set a good time straight away. That's a sign that the car will be fast! After that, you have to know where the competition stands. We don't know how the others have worked.
Did you have the same feeling with the RB19 in early 2023? Pretty much, yes. There were a couple of things to sort out, but nothing dramatic.
Of all the Red Bulls you've driven driven since 2016, is there one that you like the most? The most fun were those of the previous generation (before the 2022 ground effect regulations).
The one from 2021? Exactly (his face lights up). The car was great, it was responsive. Today, they've become heavy, wide and long.
But do you like them all the same? When you're driving the best car on the grid, when it's a Formula 1 car, of course (he laughs).
Weren't those 2021 cars a little on the edge? Didn't they force you to make mistakes sometimes? (He reflects.) No, I don't think so. We managed to make the most of it, and then there was this philosophy, this way of to make it sharper (his hand mimics the diving single-seater like Red Bull used to design its single-seaters). I loved it.
Are you having more trouble today? (He smiles.) No… I don't care. I can adapt. But these 2021 cars, they went faster through the slow corners, they moved better. I was having more fun.
When they say you can drive any car, what would you do at the wheel of a Haas (last team in the standings last year)? (He smiles.) I don't think I'd win a race.
Not even a podium? Normally not (he reflects). Probably not. But I'd try do a better job than anyone else, that's for sure. After that, if the car is slow, it's slow.
It seems that since the advent of ground effect cars, you've been unbeatable. Do these single-seaters require special driving techniques and do you adapt better to them? I don't think so. If I'm successful, it's because I've got a great team around me who have built these fabulous cars. We had a bit of trouble getting back to the top with the old generation, but by 2021, we'd figured it out. And by 2022, things were looking up.
So, no change in style? Of course not. The cars have changed, and so have the tires. But we're adapting.
In what way? The car is heavier so I can't rely on it as much. The tires are wider, which means less visibility. The suspensions are so hard that we have to work on a new way of attacking the curbs.
Does that take time? Yes, it does. But it's the same for everyone.
Last week, Pierre Waché, the designer of the RB20, told us he really appreciated your technical feedback, that it allowed the team to progress. What do you have to ask him today, when you crushed the first race? Every car has its weaknesses and it takes time to overcome them. We haven't driven on enough tracks yet to tell you. Last year, it was the street circuits. This year, I'll tell you later, but I'd say they're details.
You give the impression of always having had a steering wheel in your hands. What's your first memory? (Instantly.) I was 3 years old and rode a mini moto.
And in a car? In August 2013, in Wales, on a Formula Renault 2-liter on the Pembrey circuit. It was my first experience in a single-seater. Something very different from karting. It took me a while to adjust my behavior and reflexes. I had no experience of tires, especially as it was raining. It was raining hard. The first few laps were a bit hard, and I spun a few times, but after that I had a blast. I had Michelin tyres which are excellent in these conditions. I just loved it.
Everything seems easy when you talk about driving. I was lucky enough to have a father who helped me a lot and gave me lots of advice. And the best thing was to let myself go and find the limit of the car.
Do you think your success can be explained by the talent or hard work you've put in to progress? Some people are more gifted than others. It's the same in soccer. The first day I drove a go-kart, I smiled (his eyes sparkle). And I haven't stopped since. The helmet (he mimes putting it on), I didn't take it off all day. I knew it was what I wanted to do.
This winter, you went GT racing with your father. Can't you stop stop driving? It's my passion. I also love the simulator. It's important because by changing cars all the time, you can adapt more quickly to the changes in F1. I need to try things out; I always need to improve. And I love making a car go faster (he smiles).
Alain Prost confided to us that his last year in F1, in 1993, was a very tense one, when he was favourite for the title with the best car in the field. Now, for your fourth title, you find yourself in a similar situation. How do you see this season? I'm not asking myself that question. If I don't win, I look for the reason why. Is it my fault? Then I'll correct the mistake. It's not my fault, so I'm going to help the team improve our performance. You can never win it all.
Is that why your duel with Lewis Hamilton in 2021 will surely go down as one of the greatest seasons in Formula 1 history? I know you're not going to agree with me (he smiles). But, in my eyes, the best was last year. People saw it as a one-sided domination, but you don't measure the degree of involvement of every member of the team in achieving this amazing result (21 wins out of a possible 22 for Red Bull, 19 for Verstappen). It's something I'm very proud of. It must have seemed boring to some people, but I don't care (his hands make a helpless gesture). I'm here to judge my performance and that of the team. And 2023 was the best season ever. The 2021 season doesn't even come close.
Translated via DeepL
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multifandomslxt · 12 days
Hey Krystal! 💎 It's me again 😌
Hope you've been well. 🥰
WayV members as type of rich bfs (sugar daddies) 👀..... Anything and everything within this prompt is most welcome 🤭. Have a great day bye ❤
Hey sweetheart! how are you?
You scared me again with the name ngl lmaoo
but it's all good
Way V Members as Sugar Daddies
He's a bit hard to get through to at first IMO
When he says sugar daddy he means money in exchange for accompanying him to events
he's so strict with himself that he really doesn't allow it to get past that.
That's all it is for a few months yk?
until you express that it seems a bit weird because you were definitely expecting more...
And Kun like the damn provider he is
gives you just that...more
but definitely explains to you that he's a possessive little shit.
good pu$$y turns a perfectly sane man in to a mad man pt.1
he's mad asf for youuuu
now that s3x is involved this man SPOILSSSSSSS you
way more than he was doing prior
which seems a bit impossible because babyyy you were getting bagsssss
he's so strict too like he makes it clear that you belong to him
istg at some point he graduates from sugar daddy to husband
you want a spontaneous trip to some crazy rich island? ok, no problem
you want a bag that costs way too much money? he'll get you that in the next 2 hours
also...don't let that cute smile fool you, the man is a menace.
"Can't believe I deprived myself of this pretty c*nt" he thrusts inside you so slow...dangerously slow
"That's right baby Daddy's right here to give you everything you need"
he gets right to it. lmaooo
Tells you that he needs you to accompany him to events and asks you if you're ok with other "stuff"
first off the chemistry between y'all is AMAZINGGG
We all know this man loves fashion so having the latest designer pieces is a given
what starts off as a lil service after events
blooms into something more
very protective of you
baby he doesn't play about you or the custom diamonds he put around your neck. TRUST!
compared to before the relationship bloomed the s3x between you two was rather respectful?...yh that's the word
he rips that shit off youuu
President of the "I'll just buy you a new one" club
it's rough btw unlike Kun, Ten is rough and occasionally enjoys it when you're on top
"fuck...I'd choose this pu$$y over diamonds any day"
See how pretty this man is?
yeah he's gonna make sure you're even prettier than him
Literally bathes you in expensive shit.
SPOILLS you omggg
it's worrying sometimes
to the point where the bank calls him
asking if he's aware that there is a concerning amount of money leaving his account
From head to toe it's luxuryyyyy
the s3x is good....just good
I'm sure I've said this before but Winiwn strikes me as someone who just gets to it.
not too rough not too gentle yk?
its just right
he does like when you wear that little diamond collar he got you when he's ball deep inside you though
he's strictly sugar daddy btw
I think he'd prefer that
if you manage to pull him and keep him you're one lucky mf
this man moves through sugar babies like the days of the week
He likes the thrill of it all imo
yes he'll spoil you
but you better make sure the pleasure you give him is worth the 100k he just splurged
"C'mon now princess, Daddy knows you can do way better than that" he whispers teasingly as your body trembles from exhaustion and overstimulation
he likes to be kept on his toes
and you keep surprising him
your bills are paid and you're getting f*cked dumb
and he has the prettiest girl to spoil and break
It's a win-win honestly
he's so sweet at first omlll
yes he dotes on you and all that jazz
but you guys actually become friends yk?
he's a whole gentleman
never crossing the line
just kind and attentive
gets you WHATEVER you want
and mean ANYTHING
nothing is out of reach for his baby
he just expects you to behave
but what's the fun in that?
let him catch you trying to buy things with your own money
or some shit like that
you are DONEE
when he f*cks you
he ensures that you merge with the mattress
takes "fuck you into the mattress" literally
ass up face down supremacy
do not play with him like that.
"Move your hand baby, I told you actions have consequences"
Yang Yang
This mf is just horny
very possessive oml
and not in the mature way like Kun or the gentlemanly way like Hendery
but possessive like a damn child
you go to parties together and he doesn't want you talking for anybody else too long
look at him and only him
the fucker got you a carrier bracelet with his name embedded into it
and told you to wear it at all times
for the most part, he's harmless
extremely touchy-feely
controls his urges well though
unless you're fucking around too much
then he has to show you why you should just let him be
it's fast and hard
I'm so serious
This MF can go roundsss
because he's desperate asf
"Such a fuckin' tease. let's see how much teasing you'll do when I swell you up hm?"
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gadriezmannsgirl · 9 months
Hey, could I request a Pablo Gavi x reader where gavi and the fcb guys all go to this fancy restaurant to celebrate their victory later and they're so impressed by the food they ask to meet the chef and the sous chef (the reader) comes over and meets them and gavi is just literally heart eyes for her and it's fluffy and cute. You can decide the rest of the story and the ending.
PS: i love your writing style it's amazing and your stories are very cute too 🤩🤩
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Here it is! Combined both reqs because yeah💀😭 Hope you like it and sorry for the lateness😭🥴 this is also pretty short, sorry😭😭😭
My Chef -P.G
Summary: You found the way to his heart by his stomach
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The things you could hear at the restaurant besides the low music, were praises of how good the food was.
"Oh god, this food is so good!"
"It truly is"
"The steak is on total point"
"I never loved a simple cesar salad more than this one"
"Can we met the chef?"
When Xavi invited the team to a dinner regarding their win on LaLiga, they never thought all they would do is talk about the chef and how good it is.
Much less, they expected a 19 year old girl. They were all impressed by your cooking skills and all of them praised your hard work. Meanwhile you, couldn't believe it. Your dreams were becoming true and having the acceptance of the whole Barcelona crew gave you a lot of points with your professor and the owner of the restaurant.
On the other hand, there was a certain player; who was both impressed and mesmerized by your food and by your looks.
And that one was Pablo Gavi.
He was literally giving you heart eyes and the guys were making fun of him for it. That night, he left that restaurant with you on his mind.
Javier, Aurora's boyfriend, invited the whole Páez Gavira family to a dinner a few days after the winning celebration, Pablo inmediately offered the restaurant, he was a few nights before.
"That's exactly where we are going"
"Oh, yes! I'll definitely be there then"
Aurora heard her younger brother's hurried words and instantly knew he had something going on.
Pablo's eyes inmediately lighted up and he nodded, already imagining the outfit he was going to wear and how he was styling his hair. Ready to surprise you and hopefully get your attention.
The night Pablo was waiting came and he found himself once again in the restaurant waiting for you and your food.
After they ordered, they waited for the food and as the first spoonful came into their mouths, groans of delight came from Aurora, Javi, Pablo, Belén and Gavi.
"I need to see this chef" Belén said "I want their recipe" Pablo laughed
I want to see her too. Pablo thought with a small smile.
Whilst waiting for their bill, you came up to them.
"Hello" You said with a smile coming up to the table "Is there anything else we can help you with?"
"Oh, yes!" Pablo said "Can we met the chef who did this?"
"It's me" Gavi smiled when you said it proudly and looked up at you "Is there something wrong, sir?"
"The only wrong thing will be if you don't give me the recipe for the lasagna and the cheesecake" You giggle blushing "And also, why the little portion?"
"Oh! You scared me for a second" They laughed "You have a pen and a piece of paper?"
As Belén got your tips and stuffs, Gavi smiled looking at you
"You're amazing, thank you for the food"
"Thank you, miss. I appreciate it" You smiled "Is there anything else I can help you with?" They shook their heads and you nodded excusing yourself before leaving.
Gavi cursed himself out and stood up without saying anything surprising his family, he walked towards you were
"I-umm-I" Gavi said before coughing up a little bit "I need something" You nodded smiling "I came here last week and ever since then I've been thinking of you" You blushed softly giggling "Can I please get your number?"
"Do you have somewhere to write it down?" He instantly pulled out his phone unlocked "My name's Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N"
"Pablo, Pablo Gavi" You smile shaking his hand and kissing both of his cheeks
"I'll be waiting for your text, Pablo Gavi" You sent him a wink as he smiled blushing, you returned his smile
"You won't have to wait for so long, Chef Y/L/N. It's coming right now, you've been on my mind so much these days to just disappear after getting your number"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela @chupapigavi
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kiiwiigii · 9 months
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The Bet 
Alec x Fem!Reader
Summary: You use a very naughty word in an attempt to seduce Alec into kissing you. Will it work? 
Bad words (obviously) 
Slightly NSFW 18+ 
Word Count: 900+ 
Requested?: Yes! I hope you enjoy nonny! 
A/N: I'm sorry this is so late! It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to go about this. 
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"Alec, darling." I wrapped my arms around his torso. 
"What is it, amore?" He paused in his typing, looking back at me over his shoulder.  
"I'm bored." 
Alec gave an uncharacteristic snort and put his phone away before pulling away to face me, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. 
"And just what do you expect me to do about that?" 
"Entertain me for a bit?" 
His eyes darkened and a smirk worked its way onto his lips. 
"Not like that, you pervert!" 
My cheeks began to redden, thinking of all the naughty things he was implying with just a look. He put his hands in his pockets, leaning forward seductively. 
"Perhaps I can change your mind." He whispered. 
"Now that's just playing dirty." I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms across my chest to hide my suddenly hard nipples. 
"If it lets me have my way, I'll play as dirty as you like." 
"What if I want to have my way for once?" I quirked an eyebrow at him. 
His smirk twisted into something terrifyingly sexy. 
"And what makes you think I would do that?" 
"Because you love me." I pouted. 
Alec was suddenly laughing, and I wanted to smack him. The only thing holding me back was the possibility of breaking my hand. He sobered up after a minute and ran a thumb across my cheek. 
"I do, indeed, love you, mio cara." He shook his head. "But I have something that I think should prove more interesting." 
"And what is that?" 
"How about a bet?" 
I eyed him suspiciously. "What kind of bet?" 
"The kind where I win, but it will keep you entertained either way." 
He pulled back looking smug.  
"Explain please." 
"Whoever gets the other to kiss them first wins." 
My mouth popped open in surprise. That was just plain mean. Downright diabolical. Alec was well aware that I was a very touchy person, and I gave him kisses on the regular. As in it was a habit.  
"You know what?' I sniffed. "I take back everything nice I've ever said about you. You are the spawn of Satan." 
"That would mean Jane is also the spawn of Satan." Alec deadpanned. 
"She has a different father." 
"We are twins, Y/N. We cannot have a different father." 
I waved my hand in dismissal. 
"She's nicer to me than you are." 
"I have to say, you are the first person that I have ever heard say that." 
I tapped my chin thoughtfully before muttering. "I'll probably be the only one." 
"So?" He hedged. "Will you make a bet with me?" 
"This is basically making a deal with the devil; you know that right?" 
"I thought I was the spawn of Satan?" 
I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine. I'll take you up on this bet. Have fun losing, you psychopath." 
I yelped when he was suddenly before me, lips less than an inch from my own. "Oh, I don't plan on losing." 
I groaned but managed to step back. He stayed exactly where he was, his eyes brightening with a challenge. Finally, he straightened back up, his eyes roaming over me with a satisfied glint that one has when they think they've already won. 
I simply glared back at him. I could do this. And when I won, I was going to have him on his knees, begging. I grinned back at him. This was going to be easy. 
"Oh, before I forget. We cannot purposely avoid the other, so no hiding in the library for days on end, amore." 
With that he disappeared. 
Well shit.  
Maybe this wasn't going to be so easy. 
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I needed help. It had been almost a week and neither Alec nor I had barely even touched each other, much less kissed. I was going insane, but I was too stubborn to admit it.  
He almost had me a few times. Cornering me and whispering dirty words in my ear, his wandering hands exploring my body. But it hadn't worked, sadly for him. 
But it had given me an idea. 
You see, in all the times he had fucked me, and I mean well and truly fucked me, my eyes rolling into the back of my head kind of fucked me, I hadn't been able to bring myself to talk back in such a way. I had made one attempt, which he thought was cute, and still teased me about it.  
Well, this time would be different. 
We were in his room, and he had me against the wall again, caged in by his arms, whispering dirtily in my ear. 
"I know the bet was for a kiss on the lips, but I think I would rather have your lips kissing my cock." 
I took a deep breath. Now was the time. I leaned up on the very tips of my toes, my lips brushing softly against his ear. 
"And I'd rather have that cock wrapped up in my cunt." 
Alec's head reared back, his mouth open in shock, gaping at me. I smirked. I had never gotten such a reaction from him. He was usually cool as a cucumber. But I could tell he was turned on, his eyes were darkening, and I watched as he swallowed roughly, as if he was nervous or holding back. 
"What is it darling?" I continued, pulling him back in, barely an inch away from my lips. "Is cunt to much of a dirty word for you? Or are you just imagining the feeling of it strangling your cock as I cum?" 
Before I could blink Alec had his hands tangled in my hair, his lips on mine in a hungry kiss. After he pulled away, I gave him an impish grin, while trying to reign in my breathing. 
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{Masterlist} // {Request Guidelines}
Taglist: @alecvolturi @lack-lust-3rr @rosedpetal
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canirove · 1 month
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 5
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"The internet is going nuts about you and that Nico."
"Yep" Jourdan laughed. "Right now it is team Mason vs. team Nico, and it is so funny. I don't know who has the craziest fans."
"As long as they leave me alone..." Adele sighed.
"Have you heard from any of them?"
"Nope. Mason seems to be still working in Italy, and Nico followed me on Instagram and that's all I know."
"Was he just a one night stand, then?"
"Yeah. He's cute and we had fun, but I don't think anything else could happen."
"Then team Mason wins!"
"I hate you, Jourdan" Adele said, rolling her eyes.
"Hate you too" she smiled. 
"And my mum is calling me, I guess it's time to leave."
"Oh, good luck! I can't wait to see those photos, they are gonna be amazing."
"I hope so."
"They will, you'll see. Good luck, Addie."
"Thank you. I'll need it" she replied before hanging up.
"Mum, move your right hand a bit. Yes, perfect" Adele said before snapping another photo. 
"She's a natural" she heard the other photographer say behind her.
"Both of them are" Maria Grazia added.
They had decided to stay and see her and her mum work together for the Dior campaign, which had made Adele feel even more nervous than she already was. This was her first professional photoshoot, and since being for one of the most iconic brands wasn't enough already, she had their creative director and a photographer who had been working for as long as she had been alive, keeping an eye on her. 
When she first picked up the camera, her hands were shaking so much that she thought she wouldn't be able to take a single photo. But as her mum started posing, she relaxed and everything flowed. 
"Ok, I think we are done" Adele said.
"Wait, no" her mum stopped her. "Let's take a couple more. Maybe standing?"
"Maria Grazia, what do you..."
"Yes, yes" she said, holding Adele from her shoulders and not allowing her to turn around.
"Ok…" Why were they all suddenly acting so weird?
"Now I do think we have them all" Elizabeth smiled after just a couple of shots. "Should we check them on the computer?"
"Sur... Mason?" Adele said when she was finally allowed to turn around. "What... How..."
"Hello, Addie. Elizabeth" he said with that smile of his that had broken so many hearts.
"What are you doing here?" Adele finally managed to say. "Weren't you in Italy?"
"I was, yes. But we wrapped up early, my mum told me that you were shooting your mum for Dior, and I said to myself, why don't I pay them a visit? I know this is huge and I wanted to be here for you. To support you."
"Thank you, Mase" she smiled, feeling her cheeks get warm.
"Mason, since we have you here, would you mind taking a photo of Adele and I together? You are the only one who manages to convince her to pose in front of a camera and I want to remember today."
"Of course. What do you say, Addie?"
"I'm not looking presentable, I..."
"Nonsense, you look beautiful. Give me that and join your mum" he said while taking the camera from her hands.
"C'mon, do as he says" Elizabeth insisted.
"Ok, fine" Adele replied, rolling her eyes and doing as she was being asked. Or ordered to. 
"I hate you so much."
"Why?" Mason laughed.
"The trap you and our mums set up?"
"Oh, that. We just wanted to surprise you on a big day."
"Yeah, sure" Adele snorted.
"Will a macaroon make you forgive me?" Mason pouted, offering her the little box. After the shoot was done, they had decided to go for a walk around the city to catch up and stop at their favourite bakery.
"It may help" she said. "So, how was Italy?"
"Definitely not as fun as Paris. Every time I saw you on Instagram I wished I was here with you. It looks like you've made some new friends."
"I've met so many people, Mase... So many" she chuckled. "But I don't consider them my friends, just acquaintances."
"Nico too?" Mason asked as he looked down, suddenly too interested on the floor.
"Nico too."
"You won't be seeing him again, then?"
"Good?" Adele chuckled.
"I mean, you've probably seen everything that is going on online. Team Mason vs. Team Nico and all that. You are struggling enough with everything going on with us, you don't need to add more to it."
"Yeah, you are right" she sighed. 
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Eating another macaroon?"
"Haven't you had enough?" Mason laughed, hiding the box behind him.
"No, I have not. I barely ate today, I was too nervous."
"Then let's go find something else to eat. This is too much sugar."
"Oh, c'mon, Mase. Just another one" Adele pouted.
"Just one, please" she said, trying to take the box from his hands.
"I said no" Mason smirked, lifting it in the air so she wouldn't reach it.
"That won't stop me. I'm almost as tall as you are."
"Yeah... Perks of having a mum who is a supermodel and a dad who could have played basketball, right?"
"Exactly" she said, standing on her tiptoes and reaching the box.
"Addie, wait… Addie!" Mason said, the macaroons that were left on the box falling to the floor. "Now what?"
"Now I guess the pigeons will be having a feast, and you'll have to buy me lunch" she shrugged.
"Ok, come here you little rascal" he laughed, putting an arm around her shoulder and starting to walk. "What do you fancy?"
"Addie, I just came from Italy. Can't we have something else?"
"Ummm... No" she replied with her best smile.
"Ok, then. I can't say no to that face" he said before kissing her cheek, her skin tingling where his lips had been. It was something Adele had never felt before with any other guy, and definitely not with Mason. 
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marichive · 1 year
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A compilation of things a muse of mine has said. Ranges from 100% seriousness to absolute chaos (but mostly chaos). Change pronouns / etc. when sending as needed.
tw for drinking/alcohol mentions, suggestive content, violence mentions, lots of swearing / insults, other non-PG shenanigans.
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❝ Get the heart eyes away from me. ❞
❝ I can't help it, I'm just too hot. ❞
❝ Was I supposed to NOT be mean? ❞
❝ I am what the boomers like to call a "delinquent". ❞
❝ Just think before you say anything, "would I say this to [name] for fun", and if the answer is yes, do not say that shit to her. ❞
❝ Aw, did that hurt your little feelings? ❞
❝ Oh dear god, what torture are you going to put me through now? ❞
❝ Words cannot express how much I hate the words that I just read with my own two eyes. ❞
❝ Call me [nickname] again and I'll break your face. ❞
❝ If you turn that into a sex joke I swear to god — ❞
❝ Cursed. Horrible. Disappointing. ❞
❝ Adorable that you think you're worth the effort. ❞
❝ The only kink here is gonna be the one in your fucking spine. ❞
❝ One, I'm not your babe. Two, I will fucking strangle you. ❞
❝ Do you have a death wish or something? ❞
❝ Feel like doing something ridiculous? ❞
❝ I feel like this is what happens before someone walks into an intervention. ❞
❝ My entire support system is having a crisis right now. ❞
❝ I'm just not ready to deal with it right now. ❞
❝ I'm not gonna try to fix things and get myself in another fight as a consequence. ❞
❝ I fucked up and kinda shut down before I could. ❞
❝ I don't know how to make this right. ❞
❝ Maybe he's better off without me. ❞
❝ You went right back to blaming me for everything the first chance you got. ❞
❝ I imagine it's hard for you to feel sorry for anyone at all. ❞
❝ I can't catch a fucking break. ❞
❝ I actually liked the idea that we could maybe be friends and move past everything, but you're always going to think the worst of me. ❞
❝ I guess I did ruin everything, didn't I? ❞
❝ I needed to win to prove to myself that I could do it. ❞
❝ No no, this one is actually a good idea! ❞
❝ See, this is why you're perfect for each other. ❞
❝ Maybe he'll be more receptive to it if you're there. Or at least less hostile about it. ❞
❝ I think you're probably the only person who could get through to him on this. ❞
❝ I've had to do a lot of things I didn't want to do to try to get by. I get what that's like. ❞
❝ You're not a snack, you're a whole damn meal. Don't be humble. ❞
❝ Soooo I might have done something. ❞
❝ He's too much of a petty bitch for that. ❞
❝ I'm going to terrorize him. ❞
❝ Guess I better get the bullying out of my system before then. ❞
❝ Wow, that's like, third base. ❞
❝ Hold my [object] while I kick ass for you. ❞
❝ You're the cutest duck, though. ❞
❝ That's the option with the least violence. ❞
❝ You're probably the only person I trust that much. ❞
❝ Okay that was cute, you can have a kiss for that one. ❞
❝ Um, that's me. I'm the Precious here. ❞
❝ I'm a scam of a person. ❞
❝ Don't worry, I'm sure all her murder energy is focused on [name]. ❞
❝ Want me to make mean faces at them? ❞
❝ There is something and I need you for impulse control. Or you can enable me, that's cool too. ❞
❝ Yeah but like, we're little shits by choice. He's a little shit out of hatred or spite or whatever the fuck fuels him to act like this. ❞
❝ I'm pretty sure my brain stopped working several times. ❞
❝ It's scandalous! I mean we're just SO wholesome and innocent. ❞
❝ People might start to think we're in love or something. ❞
❝ Getting kicked out of [location] sounds fun. ❞
❝ They are looking at me with their EYES. ❞
❝ . . . I've never seen that. ❞
❝ The trauma is half the fun. I'm just melodramatic. ❞
❝ Don't tell me how to breathe, mouth breather. ❞
❝ Why were you listening you fucking creature !? ❞
❝ Dude go to fucking therapy, I'm not even kidding. ❞
❝ I need to bleach my brain. ❞
❝ It was for safety purposes you nasty bastard! ❞
❝ Dishonor on you, gambling satan! ❞
❝ I don't know how you're still alive. ❞
❝ You call me the antichrist and accuse me of being pregnant at least three times per month. He gives me hugs and pizza. ❞
❝ No you're right, I set my expectations too high. ❞
❝ Why did you bet on THIS of all things oh my fucking god??? ❞
❝ Everyone's always like "[name] you have daddy issues" but I have no dad to have issues with so??? ❞
❝ I will beat you to death with your own limbs. ❞
❝ You Gary Busey lookin' bitch. ❞
❝ We have to watch you guys make bedroom eyes at each other all the time, we just want it to stop. ❞
❝ You use my horny behavior against me, it's only fair I get to use yours against you. ❞
❝ I have no sense of self preservation. It's why I get into so many fights. ❞
❝ Glad to know you approve of horrendously spiteful revenge tactics. ❞
❝ I may talk shit but I do worry about you. ❞
❝ Oh, I'm completely vile. I'm well aware. ❞
❝ At least I don't look like I got hit by a school bus because the driver thought you were a threat to the children on board. ❞
❝ Why are you the way that you are? I hate so much about the things you choose to be. ❞
❝ Well maybe you should, I don't know, talk to him about his trauma before you give him sex advice? Seems a bit out of order. ❞
❝ [name], don't touch my baby boy! ❞
❝ Did he drop kick my son !? ❞
❝ You told me you dropped [name/object] down the stairs, I do not trust you. ❞
❝ Say sike right now !! ❞
❝ Is this actually happening?? Am I having an aneurysm???? ❞
❝ I feel like this was a big accomplishment, we came out of this with no attempted murder. So it's a win. ❞
❝ Maybe we DO have the power of god and anime on our side. ❞
❝ I don't know if I trust you two drinking around each other. ❞
❝ I said behave oh my fucking god. ❞
❝ Do it for Voltron! ❞
❝ You like [food/brand/name], you clearly have no taste. ❞
❝ No breaking of the sacred pinky oath! ❞
❝ That was so stupid, but thanks for the attempted save. ❞
❝ I'm gonna hit you in the dick with a car while listening to the Power Rangers theme song, and I'm gonna have so much fun doing it, dickhead. ❞
❝ The rules are reasonable. The problem is that I am unreasonable and I know I will break them. ❞
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blank-house · 6 months
Hi there!
I just have so many questions about the cast! But I'm not going to lie I'm mainly curious about Percy hehe so I hope that more than one question doesn't bother you :))
On one of the early descriptions about him it's said that he gets dorky when talking about his interests (which surprised me because he's all about the rizz and being cheeky 👀) I get that the fun is discovering on game but on some promo art the guys are showed with what seemed their hobbies? (Elio with sports and Jamie reading) so could we at least get to know anything about it pls? 🙏🏻
At the end of the demo on the hunt, he follows mc (if you make the right decisions ofc) I completely get his suspicions but I think that there's a tinyyy interest of his part on getting some time with MC even if he's just curious... Is it like that? Or is he just 100% on winning? Idk he doesn't seem so obvious to me sometimes, that's why I'm so interested 🤭
Thank you so much for your time! Hope to see more of you and as always I'll be supporting in all of the social media (and asking non stop on here 🙈). Keep doing amazing and take rests as you should!! 💖
That doesn't bother me at all so ask away! I'm like mosquito rubbing my hands with the prospect of geeking about our dorks haha but to answer your ask, let me reverse the order and tackle the hunt question first.
Percy at the Scavenger Hunt
So you encountering Percy is actually not determined by any choices made beforehand. Though there are situations that depend on your choices, this wasn't one of them. You're always gonna encounter Percy if you head to the front of the house and that's cause that's how the guys decided to split up to search!
That being said, curious isn't the most accurate way to describe what he's feeling toward MC- entertained is better! He did say meeting them was something out of a movie and he intends to see what might come from the ending ^^,
But if Percy feels ambiguous to you, then good! He definitely doesn't want to make figuring him out any easy on you.
(Hiding the second answer in case anyone wants to learn about the boys' hobbies through the game first)
LI Hobbies
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE OKAY SO! Let's go through the straightforward ones from the promos- 1) Jamie
Jamie is a reader, yes. However, what he is reading is a bit different from what one might expect.
*cough* It's manhwas. He likes to read manhwas. Percy was actually the one who put him up to it and it's the first common ground the two have in terms of hobbies! Buuuut Jamie's actually the more avid reader between the two. He can probably decimate a bookshelf in a week if given the time and solitude.
Ahahaha there are other reasons behind why Jamie continues to like it- but the main one is that he likes how unexpected it is from literatures he read before. Power systems, reincarnation, transmigrations into fiction- yeah what's not to like when there're so many fantastical things happening in that genre.
Plus, reading's a good and subtle sign to ward off anyone who might want to bother him.
2) Elio
Elio is a natural at sports, yes! His like, affinity, and competitiveness for it was showcased a little during the side volleyball game and it's pretty much easy to think of him as an active guy. Which... he is... incredibly active, that is lol. It's almost a little tiring remembering all of the things he's tried once and most of all the ones he's really good at. But he's our Jack of all Trades and you can expect nothing less.
But if we wanna look at it from the promo art, he's seen breakdancing! Elio is actually the only one out of the boys who indulges in an after school club/org, which is the main dance team on campus. He's a core member but whether or not he shows up for practice is up in the air often haha
I wouldn't say it's his passion since he didn't grow up doing it- in fact, he only started in high school!- but he did end up liking it the most amongst all of the other forms he learned. As to why he picked up dancing, well that's something to learn in the game. ^^
3) Percy
Last but not least, Percy. There is a very small hint about it depending on what season you got in the demo, but he makes one or two gaming references. As such, TADAH!!! Percy is our cast's resident gamer boi! And while Deja is also a gamer girl, they have different tastes when it comes to this, specifically the genre.
Percy's got a love for story. If it's got a compelling story line he's hooked for weeks. As such JRPGs and open world games tend to be his favorite and he could crank out hours of gameplay just running around and exploring every side quest possible. His roommates know he's going to be locked inside his room or camping the living room for a long while when he's in this state lol.
Compared to Deja, he's not into the tedious aspects of gaming, just the feelings the story and the cast can evoke. You know that hollow feeling you get when you finish a novel or a really good video game? Yeah, he gets that a lot.
'Course there're more things each guy is interested in! We touched on baking for Jamie in the current demo and you get a taste of something else for Elio and Percy in the extended. I'm excited to expand on their other hobbies more when they finally get introduced but for now I hope that this satisfies your questions. Thank you for the ask!
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henghost · 4 months
Twig Liveblog for Arc 13
aaaaaa ‼️‼️‼️ idk if i've metabolized my thoughts enough to be fully coherent about them but i feel like i'll burn alive if i don't get them out, so:
it's like, after 3.1-10: "oh this is fun! a little cat and mouse game with the lambs." then after 3.11: "i am ready to commit grievous acts of violence." the earlier chapters are nonetheless worth discussing as without them there could not be such a "devastating" fifth-act catastrophe. particularly the communication experiments fascinated me. what a perfect metaphor! what if a radio could feel fear? what if a a radio could feel love? might we not also ask--what if a weapon could feel horny?
of course the lillian perspective deserves special attention as well. even before she says so explicitly, we understand that she is "ruined." there is her drug use, her physiological response to even the smallest mention of sy. this is perhaps the anatomical effect of being so close as the lambs, who are essentially a single organism: losing one, especially the one to whom you were closest, is like cutting off a limb. poor girl! like the rest of them she's wrapped up in shit too vast to possibly understand much less overcome.
helen is also going through it :( maybe she'll be the next one to join sy... mary's perspective is also quite rough--this is when i realized that this sy guy is on a level of psychosis i hadn't really considered before lmao.
and then at last there's That Scene with lillian, which reads at first like some kind of fanfiction--some kind of fanfiction lillian herself might have written--complete with typically teenaged overdetail, melodramatic descriptions of flushes, body heat, etc., till finally there's a sort of "surrealist coup," we realize we are too deep in sy's subjectivity to understand the reality of the situation, there's a break, we are lost.
it's all just so (say the line, henghost!) freudian... one of freud's most correct insights is that eros permeates all aspects of life, and therefore that to deny, suppress, or compartmentalize it cannot achieve anything but to make it sick, make the host neurotic. for example, instead of simply fucking your best friend who's clearly into you, you might design an obscenely elaborate rube goldberg type contraption throughout a monument to your darkest trauma (that psychotic fucking carnival orphanage lmao) in order to "win" your ex back. it is wrong, therefore, though understandable, to say that sy has "castrated himself"--it would be more accurate to say that wyvern has his dick twisted up in knots while he's still trying to get hard, poor guy. (by the way, i really have to write something about how wyvern is an allegory for ssri's lol.)
i won't even broach the moral ambiguity, though i'm sure there's something interesting to be said about it--for me, it's like asking about the morality of a withered tree or oedipus rex. and it really is that sophoclean: it was doomed to happened; it was fate. it is written into jamie's dna. sy is a gun who wants, and a gun cannot help but fire. libido is the engine pushing us down a railway designed at best by deus sive natura or at worst by the Academy. i feel fucking sick to my stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nonetheless, i found it life-affirming. it's pessimistic, yes, but it's a pessimism of strength.
anyway, i've gotta give kudos to the author. for all the (deserved) shit i've given him, the wildbow of twig is clearly a far more mature writer than the wildbow of worm.
i must also--since this the last recorded arc for the audiobook!!--shoutout kim dauber, who provided professional-level audibook-reading for free!!! it's possible my reading will slow down without it :(
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indefiniteimagines · 2 years
Day 1: 5some Porn Star AU
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A/N: WELCOME TO KINKTOBER 2022! I'm a few days late, but I am catching up between now and tomorrow. Please enjoy this 3.6k word porno because it's got zero plot.
WARNINGS: PLUS SIZE READER, Language, SMUT, PWP, surprise female director, Fem director fisting reader (ass and pussy), Double penetration (ass and pussy), boot licking, foot to face, Double penetration (ass and ass), Slapping, spitting, choking, oral (M receiving), squirting (slurping up squirt), Vibrator wand, throatpie, facial, cum in eye, creampie, IT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING. I'M SO SORRY (MINORS DNI)
"Hey Daphne, we're ready for you," the producer says to you at your vanity.
"Oh okay!" You stand up and adjust your skirt before following him out of the green room. You walk down the dingy hallway before you start to see bright lights and hear more chatter. The makeup artist on set ushered you to the chair in the middle of the room and you sat down. She added a bit more powder and gloss to your look,
"Are you excited?"
"I'm so nervous!"
"Don't be. Everyone here is a professional and you know Scarlett would burn them at the stake if they hurt one of her girls."
"Yeah I guess that's true...."
"You'll do great. Just let loose and have fun," she said with a wink. She took a slight step back to look at her work and when she was satisfied, she gave your knee a light squeeze before walking away.
"Alright, everyone quiet on set! We're gonna get this thing started." This was the first time you heard Scarlett speak today and her voice sent waves through your body. After she got situated in the Director's chair next to the camera, she started talking to you.
"Alright Sweetie, we're about to shoot the first interview right now. Don't worry, it'll just be me and you talking; trying to get a better feel as to who you are, what brought you here, etc. Sound good?"
"Sounds perfect," you say flashing your winning smile.
"Alright, everyone quiet! Hit lights, roll camera. Let me see how that looks," she says to the cameraman. She gives you a thumbs up while still looking in the viewfinder before turning back to you,
“Hi there.”
“Hiiii, hehe,” you nervously say.
“What’s your name, Love?”
“I’m Daphne Rose.”
“And Daphne are you over 18?”
“Yes I am. I just turned 22.”
“Oh perfect! Well can I just say that you are so fucking cute. Like so adorable.”
“Oh thank you so much.”
“You are very welcome. So Daphne, you know why you’re here, right? I mean you’re here to get fucked.”
“By 4 guys.” 
“Yeah haha! Well, more like 4 beasts.”
“Ohhh my gosh, haha.”
“So tell me what brought you to Lovemefuckme.com. Was it fantasies? Was it a boyfriend who was a little rough and you realized ‘hey, this turns me on’? Or what was it that made you want to shoot with such a rough company?”
“Ummmm, I guess a little bit of all of it. I’ve had these sort of darker, 'struggle to get away’ fantasies for as long as I could remember. All of my boyfriends were never rough enough, so I think that’s why the want for this experience still lingers. Plus I mean, in the "real world" you don't always have 4 guys willing to throw you around and fuck you safely. I think that's really important when it comes to acting out darker fantasies. And I feel super safe with you, so I know I'll be more willing to put on the show of "No I really don't want this" while keeping my legs open and welcoming cocks, haha!"
"That's super hot. And trust me, you do not have to tell these guys twice about being rough. Have you ever been gangbanged or DP'd before?"
"No! I've never even had a threesome, so having two cocks in me at once or even in the same hole is what I'm shooting for!"
"Amazing. Hopefully we can stretch you out to do that. How tall are you, if you don't mind me asking."
"I'm barely 5'6."
"Oh they're gonna have fun with your little ass. Two of our guys are 6'5."
"Holy shit," you say squirming in your chair and rubbing your legs together.
"Nuh uh. I see that. No cheating," Scarlett warns.
"Sorry!" you say with a small giggle.
"And we can cut this part out if you want, but how much do you weigh?"
"I'm 230. But that's another reason I'm here. I've seen plus size models get roughed up and tossed around like nothing on the site and girls like me have a hard time finding that in society. So, I'm really looking forward to that!"
"Yeah, you are one of our smaller plus size models so the guys will have no problem at all rocking your little world. I mean you know we practically work with anyone who is consenting and over 18. We've had petite, plus size, milfs, mature, trans. The list goes on. But they're all here for the same reason you are; to live out their taboo fantasy safely...and get paid for it."
"Oh yeah the money is just a bonus!"
"Money is going to be the last thing on your mind, but I promise you will get paid for the work you do. Speaking of money, since this is a struggle scene I am offering you incentives to not get fucked."
"To not get fucked?"
"Exactly, so if you can last the whole shoot without a cock in your pussy, ass or mouth then that's an instant $1,000 bonus on top of what you're already making. If you just so happen to escape from the room, meaning past the camera and production crew, then that's an extra $4,000. So in total, you can make up to $5,000 plus your set salary. How does that sound?"
"Oh wow! I really wanted to get fucked, but 5 grand sounds a little better!"
"That's what they all say," she said with a grin.
"Now that we've gone over the basics, it's time to talk about your safe words. Do you remember them?"
"Yes. It's 'Red' if i want to stop, 'Mercy' or 'Yellow' to slow down or change something and 'Uh Uh Uh' if I have something in my mouth."
"Perfect. And make sure to really emphasize the head shake with 'Uh Uh Uh'. If you get nervous, just look to me and I'll try to center you back. Please know that you can use your safe word as many times as you need to and that it does not make you a weak model. It could be as simple as you have an eyelash in your eye to needing more lube. If you need to use them, please do not hesitate, okay?"
"Okay," you say with a sweet smile.
"Alright, well I think that about covers it. Are you ready?"
"I'm so ready."
"Okay, we'll call you back in about 20 minutes."
*20 minutes later*
You were back on set in the middle of the room. There was a small light behind the production crew that was positioned in a way that darkened your surroundings but lit you up. You could tell you weren't alone due to the heavy breathing coming from different directions in the room. You started to vibrate with excitement and fear at the same time.
"Alright, you ready?! Remember, 1,000 bucks to not get any cocks inside of you and $4,000 if you get past me. Once a cock is in you, there's no need to fight them off because you already lost that money. Just enjoy it. You have until the end of the shoot to get out. No biting, no scratching, no throwing elbows. Ready? GO!"
You let out a small squeal before running toward the crew. You get maybe 2 feet before the overhead lights are turned on and an arm is reached out and you're tugged back by your waist. Your feet come slightly off the floor as you're yanked back into the biggest man's torso. You see a tall, buff blonde come a pull one of your legs, followed by the shorter blonde doing the same; causing you to start bucking your legs.
They laugh at your attempts as the curly haired brunette comes and pulls your top down, exposing your black bra. They all let out a growl as he starts to knead your clad tit. You're still squirming in their embrace, trying to get free but to no avail. You arch your back and the man behind you grips tighter,
"Stop fighting. You've already lost," he says in your ear.
"Fuck you guys! No, I haven't!"
"Fuck us? Fuck us?" He yanks you back toward the bed, but the other men still have your legs.
"Let her go, guys. Let her go. You heard her, she wants to fuck us." They all release and you and Pablo flop back on the bed, your arms still behind your back. He wraps his legs around yours and holds them open. His hand goes around your neck, the other locking your arms as Henry tears your underwear at the hips and rips them off.
Alex and Chris begin taking off your shoes before taking turns ripping your tank top down your chest, leaving glorious red streaks in the process. Alex tugs at the center of your bra and it pops open. His and Henry's hands go straight for your nipples, tugging and flickering them. You're still struggling as your are now butt naked. Chris starts to rub your clit roughly.
"Alright, someone get a dick inside of her," Pablo says as Chris unzips his pants and pulls out his throbbing cock. He positions himself between your legs and attempts to infiltrate your hole. You're still struggling as much as you can, making it difficult for him to execute.
The other three were still laughing at your attempts to get free. Chris repositions himself and starts to rub the head of his cock over your hole.
Scarlett yelled from the other side of the room, "Remember, 1,000 bucks! Don't let those cocks in you."
"You have a cock in you yet?" Pablo asked from behind you.
"Basically," you said with a smile.
"She's fucking tight," Chris says, still probing at your cunt. You let out a small laugh that turned into a moan when you felt the warm sting of Chris finally entering your pussy. He shows no mercy in his movements as he begins fucking you. Alex and Henry both have their cocks out and are stroking them, watching Chris have his way with you.
He thrusts relentlessly in you a few more times before he tells someone else to tag in. Henry races and untangles your legs from Pablo; growling as he pulled you farther on your back. Pablo still had your arms, but Henry placed your legs on one of his shoulders. His hand replaced Pablo's around your neck and he begins to pound you harder than Chris.
You can't help but stare up at Henry's curls bouncing up and down. You're snapped out of your daze when you feel Alex reach his hand between your bodies and grip your tit. Henry goes balls deep one last time before he pulls out. Alex grabs your hair and pulls you from the bed and to your knees. He turns your head towards Henry, forcing you to taste yourself.
You happily slurp his cock, tasting the pleasure your body secreted before you take him deeper; bobbing your head up and down. He pushes you off and tells you to find dicks. You reach out both hands and welcome them like you said earlier.
You're suddenly pulled up by the hair on the nape of your neck and yanked backwards by Pablo. You briefly look him in his eyes before he spit roughly on your cheek. You smile wide before he pushes you back on the bed. You land on your stomach when your ankle is caught and pulled back so you're back on the floor.
Alex pulls your hips up so you're on your knees and easily slides his cock in your sopping cunt. He lets out a grunt and bottoms out immediately. The grip he had on your hips was monstrous, but his cock felt too good to care. Pablo placed his boot on your jaw and you stick out your tongue to lick it. Alex repositions one of his hands and starts to have a hold on your shoulder. He starts to watch you lick the boot of the behemoth of a man and spits towards your face. You swipe it into your mouth and hold your fingers there as the familiar coil in your stomach starts to form.
You're moaning around your fingers when your eyes roll back.
"Are you cumming?" Pablo asks, leaning down. "Is she cumming?"
"Oh she's fucking cumming," Alex says.
"Don't let her cum," Henry calls out. Alex roughly pulls out of you and you moan in disagreement, but your orgasm was too close and your moan soon turns to pleasure.
"Did you fucking cum anyway?" Chris asks. You could't even regain your composure before you're trying to stand and escape. Chris and Henry push you back to the ground and Pablo is on you in less than a second. You're picked up and thrown back down, Pablo on your back. You heard his zipper go down,
"Since you still want to get away, I'll just make sure you can't." He spit in his hand you feel the head of his cock teasing your ass before thrusting in and giving no time to adjust. You let out a loud squeal while all the other men started whooping and cheering.
You were thrown around in all different positions before you were covered in sweat, your own cum and spit. You were almost out of it when a fully naked Henry came and slammed you against the wall face first. Pablo couched on your right and lifted your leg on his shoulder while Henry pounded your gaping ass. You ended up cumming again without permission and he yanked his cock out after Pablo told him to get the vibrator.
He lifted you to the position you started the shoot in, Chris and Alex pulling your legs apart once more.
"Get the vibrator." Henry picked up the black Hitachi Wand and held it to your overexposed clit.
Your worlds started to vibrate as your body shook from the wand,
"Ohhhhhh shiiiiitttt!!!!"
"Are you gonna ask to cum this time," Pablo taunted.
"Yes God please! Can I cum! Please let me cum!"
"You can cum, but I wanna see you cum on Scarlett's fist.
She struts on the set and sticks her fist in your mouth,
"Lube it up, bitch." She bends down to your cunt and slowly starts to stretch your pussy with her hand in the #4.
"Look at that. Look at your whore cunt. Hold her head up." Pablo listened and shoved your head towards your stretched out pussy to see Scarlett's full fist filling you up.
"OH FUCK! Can I cum? Please can I cum?"
"Cum! Cum!" She encouraged. She kept pumping her fist in and out until you were soaking her forearm in cum. Your eyes were almost demonic as you came for the hardest time that day.
"Mmmmm, can I taste it? I wanna taste it," you say with you tongue out. Her fist is still inside of you when she tells Pablo to lower you back to the floor so you're sitting on her fist. She slowly pulls it out and immediately shoved it in your mouth.
"Taste it you fucking whore. Look at my shirt. Look what you did!" She yelled as she pulled you forward by your hair and onto your stomach. You begin to slurp up your squirt from the floor and swallow it. You do it again but this time she tells you to hold it in you mouth. She sits you back on your butt and opens your legs wide before attaching the wand back to your sensitive clit.
"Gargle that shit." You waste no time in following her command. You swallow it again and her hand is back down your throat. You begin to fight her and Chris comes and holds your arms. You try to talk but it comes out in gargles,
"What? Hmmm? What are you trying to tell me?" she asks as she turns off the wand. "You think I care that you want to breathe?"
"You should fist her ass too," you hear Henry say from behind Scarlett. She pulls her hand from your mouth and rubs your spit all over your face. She does it again and goes deeper down your throat,
"I'm gonna fist every hole you have. Turn her over."
Chris flips you over and Pablo and Alex each take a leg. Chris places his knee on your head to prevent you from moving at all. You feel Scarlett spit on your tight ass for good measure before she makes the same #4 shape with her hand and begins forcing her fist in your hole.
You begin to struggle against all of them and Henry comes and places his foot on your hips, holding them down.
"Ahh...ahhhh! Ow! Ow! OW!"
"We don't respond to 'Ow', bitch," you hear Pablo say. You still struggle when you hear Scarlett say to relax. You try your best, but the stretch is too much. She grabs your hips and put you on your knees to get a different angle.
The camera zoomed in on her fist and your hole, struggling to fit it. She keeps applying pressure, encouraging you to take it.
"It's almost in. Don't puss out on me now. Sit back on it." You angle your hips down and start to meet her in the middle.
"Ow ow ow ow ow!"
"It's almost in. It's almost in.....little more. There it is! Fucking A, that is a tight ass!" She gently pulls it out and Chris reaches for her hand before shoving it in is own mouth.
He turned you over and Scarlett's hand went around your neck before reaching for the wand once more,
"You wanna get fucked again, huh? Beg for it, bitch. Say 'Please Mommy Scarlett, let them stuff my holes' ", she says as she grips your hair and pulls your head back and forth.
"Please Mommy Scarlett! Please let them fuck my whore holes!"
"Look in the camera! I wanna see you beg me when I'm editing this."
"Please Mommy Scarlett! Please let them fuck my whore holes."
She made you cum once again and threw the wand down. Both of her hands wrapped around your throat, cutting off the air supply,
"You got me on camera with no makeup, my hair isn't done. Who the fuck do you think you are?" She asks releasing your throat and spitting in your face.
"Fuck her!" she yells before walking back to the director chair. You're yanked back to the bed, straddling Chris as he pulls you to his chest and Pablo comes up behind you. You feel Chris enter your pussy and Pablo slides easily into your stretched out ass. They fuck you like that for a few minutes while you choke on Alex's cock and stroke Henry.
You feel Chris slip out of your cunt and Pablo positions your hips down on his cock. What they're doing doesn't register until you feel Chris also poking at your ass. Pablo is still lowing your hips on their cocks before they both let out a loud moan and your eyes roll back. They relentlessly pound your tightest hole before switching with Alex and Henry.
These two are smaller than the other two, but the stretch and gape is still accomplished. Alex pulls out of your ass when Henry tells you to turn around on his cock and face the camera. With your legs open, Alex quickly switches between your pussy and ass while rubbing your clit.
"Oh fuck! I'm cumming! Please can I cum?! Please FUCK!" They give you the green light and you're cumming and soaking their cocks like the dirty cock whore you are. You're pulled off the bed and to your knees on the floor. A cock is shoved in your mouth and down your throat before another one is forcing it's way in.
Above you, Pablo grabs the corners of your mouth and pulls them in to a makeshift smile.
"Smile for the camera, Daphne." Henry comes behind you and pulls your mascara smeared eyes open and you look in the camera with two cocks in your mouth. Pablo pulls his out and allows Alex to grab your head and use your throat like a pussy. His hips are snapping against your chin before he pulls out and strokes above you. He starts moaning loudly before shoving your nose to meet his hips, bottoming out in your throat as he releases his cum into your stomach.
The other three are stroking their cocks when Chris runs to you and squirts his cum on your face, hitting you in the eye. You wipe your eye and suck the cum off your index finger. Henry found that arousing and made your beautiful pupils his ultimate target. He moaned and came hard as you welcomed the warm, powerful sting to your orbs. This time you didn't wipe it out and looked to the last one.
Pablo pulled you up on the bed and forced you down on your back. He placed of your legs on his shoulder and shoved his cock deep in your pussy, before doing what Alex did and stretched out both holes.
"You were a real fucking whore today. Taking 4 huge cocks from grown ass men. Letting our fucking director have her way with you." He started grunting as his movements became sporadic. You came one last time with his cock in your ass while the contractions trigger his own orgasm.
You feel the warm cum ooze from his cock and coat your walls. He pulls out and you push out the creampie, putting on one last show for the room. You collapse back on the bed and the camera zooms in on your face; eyes fading shut as Scarlett yells,
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fairyofthestar · 2 years
AGAINST ALL ODDS 30: defying the odds
[narration ahead !]
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you giggled as you read your friends' tweets, especially endeared at the fact that hyuka wanted to be at an aquarium as much as you did.
"we'll surely see them soon. we should eat dinner together, i'll tell hyeju and lia," you looked up from your phone and towards taehyun to see him already looking at you. truthfully, he wanted you all to himself the whole day but with your eyes sparkling like how light is reflected on the water in front of you, how could he say no? he gave you a smile that showed his deep dimple and nodded, "sure."
being taehyun, he had a plan and he planned to open up his feelings to you again and see if he was able to win you back. he would be lying if he said he had an idea of how you felt for him. maturing meant a person's behavior and how they project their feelings would change and he could see how much you changed in that sense.
before, it was easy for him to spot your adoration for him, but now? you treated him like you would treat the rest of the boys. and yes, that includes the pinching of cheeks and hand holding. you were always open to skin ship towards your friends. so, it made him feel confused and it made him lose a little hope sometimes as he watched you coddle hyuka and treat him like he's the most precious baby of the group (he is).
"come on! there's not much people under the tunnel now," his self-conflict was interrupted by your quiet but excited voice. you hooked your arm around his and dragged him under the tunnel, where a breathtaking assortment of sea creatures swam freely. the tunnel was always packed, so being under it with little to no people felt very peaceful for the both of you.
taehyun bit his lip as you let his arm go to move closer to the clean glass. would this be the perfect chance to initiate his plan? his palms started sweating at the thought. if he misses the chance to tell you how he felt, he might not get the chance to do it again. things will be busy for you again as the final term is fast approaching and he might not even have the chance to see you as much, which he's not looking forward to.
he cleared his throat.
"y/n?" he called. you turned towards him and he felt his heart stutter. you were so stunning like that; eyes filled with happiness, a small smile on your face, your body engulfed in a beige sweater that you borrowed from him ages ago but never thought of giving it back to him (he never asked).
he felt like he couldn't speak for a moment.
instead, he reached out his hand for you to hold and you gladly took it, intertwining your hand with his. they looked like they were made for each other.
"are you having fun so far?" he asked.
you nodded, your smile not faltering. "it's the best date i've been on. the only date i've been on actually." that gave him a bit of relief and it made him feel a bit proud of himself. he was your first date. it made the clouds in his mind slowly clear up.
"i don't know how i'm going to start this. i had this whole plan on how i was going to approach this but for some reason, i can't remember exactly what i was supposed to say," he rambled and your face slowly fell. the way he spoke with his eyebrows knit together, his face showing clear signs of distress, did not sit well in your stomach. you knew that bad news was about to come.
"is... is this going to be our last date?" you asked quietly, disappointment evident in your tone.
taehyun's eyes widened and he frantically shook his head, flustered. "no! no, this isn't our last date. i want more dates with you. i'm so crazy for you, i don't think i can handle being away from you again,"
your heart started racing at his words. as a way to calm him and yourself down, you squeezed the hand that was holding his. "taehyun, i'm not going anywhere," you said softly.
he gulped and took a deep breath. "i'm sorry, it's just... i didn't want you to get the wrong idea,"
you nodded. "i'm listening."
"y/n, this past month has been the best one i've ever had and it's all because of you. just the thought of having you near me even as a friend makes me feel like i'm alive, but it's just isn't enough for me. i want to hold you closer, i want to kiss you whenever i want, i want to watch you sleep and trace your every feature with my eyes without being scared of being caught and you thinking i'm weird for it. i want to be able to call you mine once and for all,"
"i know i still have a long way to go to earn your trust, but i promise you, i won't do the same mistake again. i know what i want now, and what i want is you. it's always been you and it will always be you. i don't think i will ever love a person as much as i love you," taehyun took a step closer to you and you swear your heart could burst at any moment.
"will you please give me another chance? we'll take things as slow as you want it to be. i've already waited a long time, i can wait longer as long as i get to call you my partner," he finished, hope swimming in his eyes.
you could feel your head spinning at his sudden confession, but you were happy. you were so fucking happy. without saying a word, you placed a quick peck on taehyun's lips. his eyes widened in a comical way and you giggled.
"you've already earned my trust and i'm done waiting. i need to finally have you all to myself. do you know how many people started thirsting over you after the performance? i almost starting jumping people in the hallway," you rolled your eyes as you remembered how your blockmates would talk about taehyun while waiting for class to start.
taehyun blinked in a way that you found absolutely adorable. "so, you're giving me a chance?" he slowly asked, wanting to be sure. his brain didn't even process the fact that you told him that people started talking about him. what was important was you saying that you trusted him again and you wanted him to be yours.
with another giggle, you nodded. "i'm giving you a chance. remember the tweet i made where i said i choose happiness? i meant you. you've made me happier than ever and i don't plan on letting go of that happiness anytime soon. i am now yours and you are mine, kang taehyun."
at those words, he let go of your hand to pull you by your waist, placing his lips on yours with all of the suppressed passion, pining, and love that he had for you. you kissed him back, smiling into it and he pulled you closer.
if people started coming inside of the tunnel, neither of you cared. your bubble couldn't be burst by anyone because finally, you both were right where you belonged.
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masterlist / previous
A/N: and that's the end of against all odds! as always, i thank you for sparing this silly little smau your time every wednesdays and fridays. thank you for giving this so much love, i really wasn't expecting much since i wasn't even sure if i was going to be able to finish this.
this was my first time writing an smau and honestly, i used this as a way to i guess heal myself a bit because i went through a similar situation (specifically the relationship they had in high school). i didn't get my happy ending though, so i made sure that taehyun and y/n had one.
i'm really proud of the way this turned out and i had fun writing it and reading your responses!! from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all of the likes, reblogs, and follows and of course, for loving taehyun and y/n ♡
SYNOPSIS — after an unfortunate relationship in high school, y/n is determined to focus on everything except love as soon as she steps in college. things have been going well for her, but it was as if the universe was against her. what if she’s suddenly met with the person who broke her heart in the same library she finds solace in? the same person who she had grown to despise?
☆ taglist: @nyangjjunie @ifwtyun @erosoobin @kuuromiini @suopaterry @yeonyeonyeonjun @strawbrinkofdeath @gyuulvr @darrensos @peachy-yabbay @bluesoobinnie @bakubae000 @ilvaussie @ch0ijiung @milkycloudtyg @groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach @day6andetcetera @rlajjunie @nurserinnn @msxflower @ioszzn @bettyschwallocksyee @jjhmk @one16core @magicalstudentwhispers @akanerosechan @unhaengilichi @beomsun @svttr @mystiicturtle @soobpricity @ilovechanhee @shawkneecaps @she-is-dreaming @ashxxkook @multifandomizer @rosiefaeriee @pr0dbeomgyu @fallingforya @auulraual @missmadwoman @jjunbug @ttaekkb0kk1
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thessalian · 23 days
Thess vs Personal Relationships
Not mine. Mine are pretty okay. I mean, having to call my D&D session tonight sucks, but I am absolutely fragged and if I am going to do something fun, it needs to be something I can take a break from when necessary. Thus, a return to the Forbidden West. Having reassured myself that I wasn't going to have to deal with anything strenuous after returning DEMETER to GAIA the way I did when I returned the first GAIA kernel I found, I figured noodling around gathering campfires and things - not to mention getting that out of the way - would be a fun thing that also wouldn't be too costly spoon-wise. Also because I can take a damn break when I need to in a video game.
Right. I wanted that drone. Off I go.
Climbing climbing climbiiiiiiiiing...
Oh. Thought I could get it from here, and I might be able to get it from here, but over there is a lot more sure.
More climbing climbing climbiiiiiiiing...
And I got it first time! YAY!
Right. There's a shelter and a black box over there, so I'll get that--
Another Cauldron, huh? Well, that's for when I'm way less exhausted, probably.
Right. I've got one more black box to go. Where does my interactive map say that last one is?
...Exactly where I need to be for next stage of finding AETHER. That's convenient.
But first ... nothing like taking out a rebel camp to do some Zen.
Oh. Frostclaws in the way. Could be worse. POONK.
...Wait. It made a really weird noise and did very little damage. What the fuck?!?
There. Finally. Now what--?!? Oh. Oh I was using tear arrows, not my regular arrows. That explains a few things. Oh well. I have bits, anyway.
Right. Not quite close enough to scan that machine, but I think I can get that guy from here. POONK.
Okay, I can get a little closer aaaaaaaaaaaaand...
.........They have a Fireclaw?
...............They have an Apex Fireclaw?!?
Well. I have distance and stealth grass. So I win, motherfucker. POONK.
...That Fireclaw. Just. Exploded. And I therefore win at everything.
Good! Yes! Go check on why your Fireclaw just exploded. So I will pick you off one by one. Poonk. Poonk. POONK.
......I ... just cleared the entire camp before the quest ticked past "Go to the Rebel Camp". I was that far away and I got everybody. Damn I'm good.
There are Scorchers over there. I'll get a few of those. POONK.
Okay, no, seriously. Lemme go hand over DEMETER.
Oh, gods, Erend, why did you bring a Machine Strike board into this place? I have been avoiding that stupid mini-game for, like, weeks.
Here you go, GAIA. DEMETER? Welcome home.
Oh. Hi, Varl. Yeah, sure, I'll go down and talk to Beta. Just--
Wait. What's that door?
Yeah, hang on a sec; lemme just see what's behind this vent.
Huh. More bits of the facility powered up. Great! Now, hi, Beta.
No. No, Aloy, no. Give her five minutes to talk about her favourite holoshow. Please? C'mon. Beta needs to know that someone cares about her for her; can you not see this?!?
...No, you really can't, can you. You don't want to because the first person who ever did that for you is dead. And you don't understand why this person who is another version of Elizabet Sobek - another version of you - can be this much of a meebling mess. No one ever taught you nature vs nurture.
That's the thing that annoys me, and makes me understand both Aloy and Beta even as I want to shake them both. If they just sat down and talked about something other than the end of the world for five minutes, they could be of such help to each other in terms of their emotional scars. Both had exactly one person who seemed like they cared; both lost that person. More to the point, both blame themselves for that loss. Rost died for Aloy; she blames herself for that. Beta literally said, "I don't know what I did wrong" when she talked about Tilda refusing to speak to her anymore, so that's self-evident. They could easily build each other up, fit their broken edges together, but ... instead those sharp broken edges are ripping into each other.
Thank you for at least trying to get Aloy to start opening up to people, Varl. You're one of the good ones.
Right. No locked-in main quest bits? No? Good. Now I can stop at the nearest campfire, take a break, and maybe clear some more rebel bases or something later, if I have the spoons--
Oh. Rumour lady has a green exclamation mark. Let's see-- Oh. Oh, that could be an issue. Gets me to a settlement later, anyway. I have so much vendor trash...
Yeah. So now it's going to be bath, food, and then see how I feel. One thing, though - I did even have lunch today! I mean, it was salad and a couple of slices of salami on corn thins, but it was actual food! I'm trying to take care of myself, y'see. I ... guess I do kind of wish that there was someone around to take care of me, but I can balance "taking care of myself" with "too much effort will be counterproductive".
(Also I may have repotted like half my plants. My plant babies deserved my spoons, okay?)
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nikethestatue · 9 months
I'm thinking of leaving this fandom too. Honestly, I truly loved and enjoyed meeting fellow Elriels. One of the kindest and brilliant people I've met online. I've been in this fandom for years now, even before acosf came out. But I can't deal with the general acotar fandom now, and sadly, no matter how much I loved all the Elriel/Feysand contents, and friends here, it's not enough anymore.
I didn't signed up for this. I didn't signed up for the constant bullying, name calling, slut shaming, misogyny, victim blaming, pitting women against each other and etc., I didn't know the fandom will turn out like this, like a true hell for someone who only wanted a break from real life. I'd like to blame acosf because most of the misogynistic take started after it was released.
I didn't signed up for all the dumb takes. Honestly now? I felt SO ashamed of being part of this fandom. I was friends with someone on the other fandom when some people from acotar fandom started making fun of the characters from the other fandom and they started comparing unprovoked. It was so embarrassing that even though I am not mutuals with those people, I still ended up telling my friend I'm not in this fandom anymore.
I didn't signed up for idiocracy or delusions. No, all the takes that gets crazier everyday? No matter how much I convinced myself that it was funny and time will come when they'll be proven wrong and would leave this fandom (because most of them hate what sjm writes/loves. They hate Feysand, they hate the IC, they hate everyone but the two characters) it's not working anymore. It felt like "wow, really, I'm in the same fandom of people who actually think (or better yet not using their minds over a simple fun series) like this?" I hate to be categorized with these people.
I didn't signed up to lowkey get called stupid because apparently I don't have a degree on literature, fashion, or whatever. I hate how I saw a woman in this fandom dragging women down because they have "big job and helps to fight misogyny, what are you doing? I'm above you." when she's the most misogynistic person everyone ever met.
The arguments are repetitive, most posts are the same or just being aggressive. I'm actually just staying on tumblr for the fanfics and theories now but like what I said, the negative side of this fandom wins, and it's so so toxic for me.
Acotar fandom are full of misogynistic people (not all, but most) and they are even proud of it. You will see it on every tiktok, Instagram, Reddit, fb and Twitter posts (especially if it's about Feyre, Elain, Mor, N&C), you'd see the horrible comments against women characters and downplay their nasty behavior as "its just fiction" well yes, but considering how they act like this? What more in real life?
You can't have a decent argument here or have the chance to clear your name because the next thing you know everyone will post you on their Instagram Stories or blog with all their thousands of followers to see and they'll proceed to shun out an entire group.
Oh let me say that even acotar Reddit isn't a safe space for everyone. Not unless you stan Tamlin, Lucien, Eris or Azriel. There are people from Facebook who also infiltrates the elriel group and made fun of us on the comments. This fandom is a shitshow.
And yes, since I'm already in this, I hate how someone would literally badmouth elriels to ARTISTS. Who'd tell horrible things to the point where artists refuse to take comms or draws the ship. I was so baffled when I learned this from a friend. Like really? How petty can people be in this fandom?
It never felt safe anymore. And our feelings? Invalid. Only some group of people in this fandom has a say.
It's like suddenly after acosf, we're suddenly invaded by 5 years old who thinks being a gIrlboSs is cute.
And sadly maybe this is like my goodbye letter to this fandom. (Not to Feysand & Elriel, but I'll just connect when acotar 5 is released) It was such a great ride at first, but suddenly became cancer.
I don't have the heart to actually post this on my blog. I stopped answering anons because I'm slowly distancing myself.
I hope to have another pre acosf days, or better days where acotar readers doesn't compare traumas, wanted a woman character to suffer/punished, doesn't put value on women based on their womb, people who thinks they are above everyone and have to hate on female characters in general.
Ps: when acotar 5 drops, I'll never ever think twice on visiting acotar fandom again (but would never say bye to my friends)
I honestly admire you and the other OGs for staying here for so long. I know what you all went through silently in this fandom, and I admire the strength and class on how you all handled it.
That's all, thanks for reading this. (I'll surely miss sending you anon asks about acotar stuffs lol, I love your response everytime)
Oh Anon. Yes. To all of this.
It's a sad anon, not gonna like, it was hard to read it, because it's so very true.
It's been eye-opening, being in this fandom, as someone who kind of older and been around the block a few times. I thought that something's changed. That women talking about women's changed. That women thinking about women's changed. That we've been fighting the same battles. That we were kind of past appearances, hobbies, inclinations, abilities, and we were going to be accepting and kind towards other women. Nope. Not so much.
That's been the most shocking thing for me to witness in these past few years. The intense cruelty that women are willing to subject other women to...over a book. Over a character. It's weird. And if you are not in it, you wouldn't actually believe it. But it's true.
I think it's the anonymity of online existence that allows people to be like that. Or maybe it's like the Salem Witch trials--young girls being cruel to others only to be heard. Accusing and acting out for attention. Maybe things haven't changed all that much.
I will stay because I have to see this thing through. I think the next ACOTAR book will be announced sooner than we think.
But after it's done, after Elain's book is done, I'll be off faster than a prom dress.
(if you feel comfortable, tell me who you are, so if I don't see you, I know you left)
Hugs. Be in a place that's good for you and your soul and your psyche.
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arakawa-division · 3 months
Diêu's Thoughts on Hamamatsu Division
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Nellie Yukimura
"A journalist, if what Alexis says is true. Like she mentioned, I didn't think anyone read newspapers anymore. My uncle did, but he was always an old-timey person. Well, for his sake, I hope he has something else to fall back on. Because just in case he is unaware, newsprint is slowly going out of style. Better he learns how to publish online now before it's too late."
Eden Yamamura
"The first thing that drew my attention to this young man was his surname. I thought it sounded familiar until I recognized it from one of the other models I frequently model alongside. What's his name... ah yes, 'Aoba'. It's kinda hard to miss him, what with his light blue hair and that large scar on his face. I also get a certain chill whenever I'm around him. Very interesting..."
"Anyway, aside from him, I've seen and met this young man numerous times during my time in the underground. He apparently fashions himself as some sort of idol. His music is good, but... well, let's just say 'practice makes perfect', and leave it at that."
Kaede Iwasawa
"Hmm... I get the feeling that this young man doesn't much care for me. I have to wonder why, especially since I know him due to the fact that he's purchased several jewelry items from me. Hmm... is it possible that he's related to someone whom I may or may not have inadvertently pissed off in the underworld? That's the only reason I can fathom, unless he has something against people of foreign descent or just dislikes me for no reason at all. In which case, that's more than enough reason for me to have "fun" with him..."
"A journalist, an underground musician, and a... 'zombie'. Quite an interesting line-up, wouldn't you say? Still, I have to wonder what their reasoning is, like Alexis said, for entering this tournament. Could it be... that their goal isn't to win, but to uncover something? ...Or perhaps, someone(s)? ...Haha. This is getting interesting. I'll be keeping a close watch on you, Hamamatsu Division..."
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nogenderbee · 1 year
For the event, could I request Fluff with Lucifer using the song XS by Rina Sawayama?
I hope I did this right.
Don't worry, you did it right! And thank you so much for requesting, I actually had a lot of fun with this one! ^^ so I hope you enjoy this as well <3
Also my first time writing songfic so I really just hope it's not bad!!
Lucifer - XS
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Gimme just a little bit (more), little bit of (excess)
Lucifer always was busy with his work, no wonder you were a little touch starved and needed some attention from him. Bby I can treat you better than this man When he finally had a bit of time, you immidietly asked him or gave him obvious signs that he was neglecting you. But of course he just had to say he can't...
"I'm afraid I have to say no... unfortunately for us both, I heard that Mammon is causing problems in th city again and of course I have to take care of it..."
I don't wanna hear "No, no" Only want a "Yes, yes"
And even tho he was so busy, he was about to ignore your needs for his affections again just because his brother probably stole something... can't any other or his brothers take care of it?! Surely Beel will agree to do it for a snack... or Levi for some special edition Ruri chan figure...
You were really determinated to get that attention you craved for so you didn't let him go so easily! You caught his arm and refused to let go, you knew he won't force you to let go since he doesn't want to hurt you so it was instant win for you. And on top of that, it worked!
"YN, don't look at me lik that... I get it, I've been too busy with work lately, I'll make it up to you, come over here."
He said that before sitting back on his chair, leaving his lap free just for you, and he didn't need to repeat it twice befor you immidietly ended on his lap.
Flex, when all that's left is immaterial And the price we paid is unbelievable
You really just enjoyed his attention that he finally gave you. On the other side, Lucifer knew how much you liked it, it was written all over your face which made his heart melt and his ego pride definitely raised.
And yet, even after he saw how happy you qr, he couldn't help but worry if he's brother won't cause even more trouble... but right now, his lover is more important. He doesn't want them to think he doesn't love or dare about their relationship anymore after all!
And I'm taking in as much as I can hold Well, here are things you'll never know
Despite his worries, he enjoyed it as much if not more than you. After all, he was pretty stressed over these days, here he had to take care of his brothers, here he had work and there was meeting at RAD or with Diavolo. It was nice to finally keep his lover in his arms and relax while forgetting about all the troubles.
Slowly, love started being in the air. You were simply tangled in each other's arms as soft kisses started to be placed on forehead, cheeks, lips, even at neck! They weren't harsh, they were lovely and gentle kisses that you two simply couldn't get enough of.
"I'm glad you convinced me to do it... I really needed break from all these troubles... Mammon can wait, if anything, he'll receive worse punishment. So don't worry, love, we can keep enjoying this moment~"
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