#like two hours ahahahaha
fanfoolishness · 11 months
I've been meaning to dive into how much I love Cal and Cere's tension, and their relationship, in Fallen Order. It's so well-written and well-acted, and I love how much both of them grow throughout their time together. Buckle in, folks, this is a long one!
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Here, Cal's just been rescued by the Mantis crew after being kidnapped to fight the Haxion Brood. This is something he has every right to be furious at Greez about. Greez's gambling debts led the Brood to put out bounties on him, and when they couldn't get him, they snagged a kid who just happened to fall into Greez's orbit. Cal and BD-1 were both at risk of losing their lives for Greez's mistakes. While Greez is appropriately apologetic, Cal barely even pays attention. He stares at Cere, his shoulders slumped, expression barely hiding his hurt.
He's still reeling from what he learned on Zeffo the day before. From who he learned it from.
The Second Sister cornered and nearly killed him, goading him about being a weak Padawan, about Jaro Tapal. But she also revealed that she was Cere's former Padawan, that Cere had lied to Cal, and that Cere was responsible for what had happened to Trilla.
This devastates Cal.
He holds it together as much as he can. While still on Zeffo, he allows himself a moment of real vulnerability, asking quietly, "Cere, why didn't you tell me?" But by the time he's rescued from the Brood, that vulnerability shifts into disappointment and a desperate hope that somehow Trilla was lying to him.
I love what they do with him here. He's sarcastic. Angry. "I had a nice chat with the Second Sister." He waits a second to drop the bomb. "Trilla." This is Cal Kestis at his most teenaged, snarky and hurt and venomous. He still keeps it reeled in -- he did grow up a Jedi, after all, he's not gonna cuss her out or anything absurd like that -- but he's so human here, and so young.
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There's that desperate hope. He asks Cere if it's true, if she really betrayed Trilla to the Empire.
But Cere, for her part, can't go there yet. How she can explain to this traumatized Padawan whose connection to the Force is still so fragile, that not all masters sacrificed themselves for their Padawans? How can she admit it to herself? She tries to deflect and to tell Cal that Trilla would do anything to compromise their mission, because she can't yet say "Yes. I tried to protect her, and I failed, and she paid the price." Because who can just say that? Who can take a look at the lowest they have ever been and stare at it with the cold light of honesty and say yes, the bad things you've heard about me are absolutely true? And imagine trying to do that when you're also trying to make amends, to move forward, to protect other children -- and you know that that protection starts right here, right now, with this one boy, and you've got to do anything you can to earn his trust?
So she deflects, and avoids saying anything of substance, and Cal's having none of it.
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Check the subtitle here. We got the ?! in the house!!! Cal has to know, how can she not know how important this is? Because now that he's off Bracca, the safety valve's gone. He's got to do something of meaning now, got to help people the way he should have been doing all along. His own survival? Fine. Who needs it now. If he can just do something meaningful, if he can just keep someone else from having to go through what he did, then by the Force he's going to do it. Once in motion a Cal Kestis in motion must stay in motion, for the alternative is terrifying.
"Is it true?!" and he doesn't know what to think about the former Jedi before him, if he can trust anything she'd told him so far, if she'll protect him if the time comes, if she'll give in to the Empire again. He's pissed off and wounded and scared. Cere and Trilla's relationship has nothing to do with him and everything to do with him.
And Cere just acquiesces that Trilla was her apprentice, and Cal snaps, "You should have told me."
They don't get any more time to deal with it, because Kashyyyk needs them.
If you keep having Cal and Cere interact after this point, Cal is noticeably brittle. Cere tries to apologize, but Cal has thrown up his walls, deciding that fine, this is how it is now, and the trust they were starting to share is over. He doesn't want to talk about it when Cere tries to bring it up... but he lets Greez see how hurt he still is. That's safer than trying to talk to Cere about it directly.
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Compare Cal asking why she couldn't tell him, and sharing how he feels like she broke their sense of being a team...
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... To Cal's response after Cere admits she should have told him the truth from the beginning. That's what he said earlier that he wanted, but here, he's having none of it. It's too hard to get into with her. He's too afraid of what he'll find if they're really honest at this point, so he tries to shift the focus back to the mission. Things are broken between him and Cere, fine, but they can still do their work. He clings to that. As hurt as Cal is, he knows what they're doing still makes sense, and he still wants to fight against the Empire. If he has to do that with someone he can't trust, well, so be it.
And Cere understands. Despite her fear of going into the truth, she knows she's the one with greater wisdom and experience here. She doesn't tell him he's being a petulant child about something that has nothing to do with him, or tell him he needs to get over it. If she can't be fully honest with him, not yet, she does an admirable job of being otherwise open and accepting of his feelings. She knows he'll either come around, or he won't, and all she can do is offer the space for him to do so.
By the end of the second Kashyyyk mission, Cere's hoping that enough time has passed that maybe Cal's ready to hear more. Perhaps she's also guilty that Trilla went after him again, and that the Ninth Sister also put Cal's life in danger. Whatever the reason, she tries to reach out to him again. She gives more explanation that she has so far, and you can see just how difficult this is for her. All three characters are acted so well here -- Greez awkwardly in the middle putting way too much salt on his food, Cere's halting explanation, and Cal's completely closed off body language. H
ell, we practically even get an eye roll from him. Yeah. This dude's still a teenager.
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...but one who's acting this way out of hurt, and out of not knowing/being afraid to know the whole story. Once you know everything that happened to Cere and Trilla, it's not wrong to want to shake Cal and tell him to be more understanding! They were in an impossible situation! There was no way to win and they both lost!
But he doesn't know that, and at this point, it's easier -- less painful for him -- not to know. So he tells Cere it's okay, but the message is, I don't want to hear it. He's been thinking about it all along when he goes off on his missions, and he's come to the conclusion that yeah, Cere probably did the best she could, there's no point dwelling on it, and that's good enough to go on with the mission. It's fine. (He's fine.)
And then we get... Dathomir and Kujet's Tomb, and all of Cal's efforts to move forward in the Force, to be strong when Cere let him down, to focus on the mission, it all goes to hell.
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Suddenly Cal's the one overwhelmed by regret and self-blame. He's forced to examine his own darkest day, and when confronted with it, he falls apart. He's heartbroken all over again and convinced that what happened to Master Tapal was entirely his own fault, even though Cere tries to absolve him by telling him the truth, that he was just a child. Cal can't hear a thing she's saying.
Both actors here are so, so good. Cal is scared and small and a hurt, grieving child so desperate to find a sense of control about what happened that he blamed himself. His voice breaks, he hunkers down into himself, he holds his ruined lightsaber as tight as he can. And Cere finally lets the poison spill out, the self-hatred she's been carrying so long, she gets down on his level and manages to say everything she's been holding in. It comes out in a frantic, breathless rush, and honestly, both of them bring tears to my eyes in this scene.
So she's finally open. Finally lays it all out. What happened to her, how she used the dark side, how she failed both Trilla and herself.
More importantly, both for herself and for Cal, she reveals how she kept going. How she found a new hope. How she decided that this was not the end of her story.
Now we see what Cere was like as a Jedi truly. She's compassionate, but commanding. She instructs Cal to get up. Tells him he's going to make a new lightsaber. That it isn't over. That he can move on. He just has to take the first step.
And Cal wipes the tears from his eyes, and nods, and he believes her.
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The lesson stays with him. He always was a fast learner. He goes to Ilum and rebuilds his lightsaber, goes to Dathomir and confronts his past again and this time succeeds. He learns that failure is not the end, but a part of the path. He starts to thaw towards Cere, grateful that she didn't turn away from him when he fell to his lowest and confessed what had happened to Master Tapal.
Then Trilla confronts him on Bogano, and he sees what happened first hand.
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The entire sequence is gutting. Trilla's fear and agony are palpable, and Cere's devastation -- both emotional and dark side -- are so painful to see. Cal's utterly overwhelmed by it, sent into a partial seizure from the intensity of the flashback. (That dazed expression afterward sure looked post-ictal to me.) And when he gets back to the Mantis, bereft a Holocron, instead of telling Cere the next thing they need to do for the mission....
Cal Kestis halts everything because he has to apologize.
He wastes no time. He tells Cere immediately he saw what they went through. He says "I'm so sorry." And he takes responsibility for his own behavior, that arrogance that he clung to that told him he would never fail someone that way.
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The thing is, Cere was comfortable never hearing this apology from him. She had started making peace with it, ever since Dathomir, with what she had done. She never expected him to empathize like this, but hearing it must have been such a powerful, emotional feeling. It's only after Cal apologizes and makes things right between them that he goes forward to discuss what happened to the Holocron and what they need to do next.
When it's Cere who takes the news hard, who blames herself... look who's there, reflecting his master's teachings right back at her. He tells her that mistakes are in the past, that they're in this together, that she won't be going after the Holocron alone; he even reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder, starting to grow from a mentee to an equal, to someone who can support her as she's been supporting him.
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Seeing how Cal lifts Cere up during her darkest time, both here on the Mantis and later in Nur, as a reflection of what she did for him after Dathomir... I could scream about it, okay??? In fact I have been screaming about it! Right here! In this post! For several thousand words!!! Just seeing these two respect each other! Care for each other! Lift each other up!!! I can't even with it! They have both grown SO MUCH!
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and then she KNIGHTS HIM and my heart just bursts with pride at how far they've both come, Cere finally embracing the Force again, Cal kneeling to accept a Knighthood he thought he would never, ever see....
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you can't tell me he wasn't tearing up here. I saw how bright they made his eyes look in this split second. YOU CAN'T FOOL ME. Damn, I wish I could gif the little looks on his face right at this moment, because you can see so many emotions wash over him. Cameron Monaghan over here just exploding my heart. This kid!!!
anyway, I think that's all I've got. Just... CAL AND CERE! They mean a lot to me, okay???
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cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
wish there was a word for visual gags like the eeaao buttplug award/raccacoonie thing i cant keep describing it as "edgar wright cornetto it comes back in the second half type jokes but like. actually good WAY better"
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humofnight · 3 months
Let’s see if I get to play any bg3 tonight or if there’s a fuck off big patch that’s gonna send me back to listening to laufey
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lit-in-thy-heart · 2 years
i am literally lathered in sweat
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solitary-traveler · 1 month
Two Sides of the Same Coin
How are you so unaware of the fact that he despises you because he’s desperate to remain unattached?
Harbinger!Scaramouche x Gn!Reader
Notes: Hi, I caved. So for those asking for a part 2 on certain stories... I'm not sure how to approach a part 2 for the two of them so I did this instead. Hopefully, it satisfies you AHAHAHAHA. Also, I'm not that well-versed in writing smut but hey, I tried-
Warning: harbinger x secretary lol, cursing, NSFW, marking
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Scaramouche hates everyone. That’s a fact.
Yet for some reason, he despises you. 
He detests the flicker of luster within your eyes when your lips voice a low hum, triggering your body to sway along to whatever illusive melody is in that tiny brain of yours. He loathes your gratified, cat-like stretches, a testimony that amplifies his obscene appetite. He finds himself revolted by your ability to catapult his judgment far from the naked eye, and inspire his thoughts to vanish into nonexistence.
He hates this so fucking much.
How can one even bear this much animosity towards someone? Even he didn’t know. All he was aware of was how much it aggravated him when he saw you exhibiting interest in anyone that wasn’t him. For Archon’s sake, you were his secretary. Not Childe’s. Not Dottore’s. Not even Her Majesty’s.
His secretary.
Is that so hard to understand? Even a brain like yours could surely discern something so unambiguous. So why were you still preoccupied with others? Especially with those worms who were beneath his rank? How baffling could this concept be that even you can not be conscious of it?
How are you so unaware of the fact that he despises you because he’s desperate to remain unattached?
For someone like Scaramouche, life was nothing but a cruel joke. Providing him the luminescence of his longing only to be dispelled and scattered within the air he didn’t need. It has happened three times already. He doesn’t need it to resurface and transpire again.
He despises you so much he won't let you be his 4th.
And he despises you so much he’ll make sure to drill this lesson in that thick-headed skull of yours.
Wretched whines and hitched gasps reflect around the room, only to bounce against the walls and into Scara’s ear, appeasing his vulgar notions. He's been at it for… how long now? An hour? Or two? He couldn't remember. But why should he keep track? He was far gone, consumed by his irrational side that led his sensibility astray. Everything around him has withered away as his focal point shifted to your mellow and inviting passage. The tight heat provided solace akin to that of a home. His home. Oh, how he wishes he could stay inside of you forever.
“Remember this, you fucking whore”, he hisses as he adjusts your position for his convenience. He relished the way your nails jab at his skin, scraping against his back as he rams into your sweet spot. It drove him insane. Despite the turmoil of sweat and cum, the movement of his hips does not falter. If anything, he proceeds to fasten his pace. "I'm your boss," he growls as his slender fingers curl around your hips, "Your Harbinger."
His lips twitched upwards as he instilled in his memory the way your face contorted in pleasure. "And you...", he pauses, only to deliver a hard thrust that provokes more moans to spill out your pretty mouth,
"You are nothing more than my secretary"
Scara kept jack hammering into you, forcing your face on the pillow to stifle your piercing cries of ecstasy as he subdued you. He's going to make sure you'll be the good little bitch he wants you to be. His figure looms over you like a shadow, an impending threat as he takes you from behind. "You obey me", he snarls as he inclines his head near your ear. He grapples your chin for him to catch a glimpse of your adorable face. It delights him to see your tear streaked features pressed against the pillow, seeking an end to this twisted play as your body argues and wails for more. At a leisurely pace, he slithers down your neck as his hot breath leaves a succession of feather light kisses on your skin. "You do everything I tell you to do"
With a vigorous bite, he slams with ferocity before burying himself in a great depth inside you. A wanton moan pushes past your lips as he starts to grind. It was euphoric, a dopamine boost that is sure to maneuver him over the edge. "I'm not going to let anyone have you,” he chuckles, “not even the gods"
His hold was secure, ensuring that you can’t slip away. Not like you would anyways. Not when you get a thrill out of this as much as he does. He knows how much you savor every inch of his cock as it throbs and shudders against your tight walls
"Just you wait", he grins against the comfort of your complexion as he unhands your hips, "I'll become a god”
“Your god"
He withdraws from the intimate space with a smirk. He stationed his hands on top of your thighs, before spreading them apart. An incentive to impale himself further into you and propel you to see Celestia in all its glory.. 
"And you'll be my first follower. You'll devote yourself to me and me only. You'll worship me like the fucking god I am"
His thoughts ran back to the failures of the past. Past people who fractured glass words known as promises, who didn’t care enough to sustain him in their grasp, who withdrew from his life and left him to fend for himself. Each one of them took a piece of the puppet, and never had the heart to return it back. And now, in your grasp was a substantial segment of him that he never wanted to give away. Yet, somehow, you had managed to snatch it away.
He hates you for it.
And he hates himself even more for wanting you to keep it.
So he has no choice. He won't let you be one of them. He won't allow himself to lose you too. 
"I'll keep you safe. I'll always look after my most devoted follower"
He's going to become a god, that’s for sure. He’s going to attain the towering heights of power possible and bind you to him for all eternity. He veers down, before puncturing your flesh with his teeth. It leaves a deep impression on your smooth skin. A mark of promise. 
"So don't you dare fucking leave me behind. Understand?"
"I won't allow it”
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
I really love you "Get off my screen" series! And I just and couldn't stop thinking about Reader just texting out of nowhere saying "Bruh I'm fucking dying"
And Vox is just going haywire(See what I did there?) Worried about you and ask what they mean and Reader be like "I'm dying because of BOARdom(Get it?)
You're Just Being Mean!
A/N: Omg I am absolutely writing this AHAHAHAHA- Vox is always the one screwing with dear Reader so I think it's about time to return the favor. Thank you @crazylzp143 for the inbox idea! I love how much this story is expanding and the ideas y'all have for it. As always, I hope you all enjoy this filler interlude and please keep the ideas coming! Happy reading!
You cheered, flopping backwards on your bed in a cheerful mood.
On your computer monitor was an empty assignment box.
You'd successfully accomplished all your required tasks before the semester's end which left you with a whole lot of free time to burn.
And did you absolutely just unwind and relax.
Playing games, watching movies, bingeing shows-
You practically spedran the chill pill treatment.
To the point where you managed to bore yourself before the day was even over.
You stared up at the ceiling with an annoyed look-
Wasn't there really anything else you could do?
And why did time pass by so slowly?
God you were bored.
In the middle of your TV show binge, your phone buzzed to life.
Considering you'd quickly found the plot line to be quite a drag, you just let the drama play while you no longer paid attention to it.
The white noise the show provided helped make it feel like you were actually doing something.
Even when you knew you weren't doing anything productive at all-
Looking over at your phone, you smiled upon opening the familiar chatbox that you saw almost daily.
"Heya Voxxy, what's up?"
"Well aren't you in a good mood today! Anything special?"
You playfully rolled your eyes, Vox really thought he was being cheeky this time wasn't he?
"Managed to complete all my work for the semester, so now I can just chillax until exams come around!"
"Wait what? Holy shit! You've got a whole two weeks of nothing then!"
"IKR! I can just laze around and do what I want after class hours!"
It wasn't surprising that Vox quickly got used to your schedule, you'd also grown slightly accustomed to his.
He knew the basic rundown of your schedule, like when your classes started and ended-
Just as much as you knew when he had to leave for his daily broadcast and when he would come back.
You could only guess him knowing when exam season happens was from looking at the calendars and schedules you had meticulously prepared in your computer.
There were times he would even remind you of things due on a day, like quizzes or projects to which you would grow embarrassed that it slipped your mind.
You were the one who made the calendar, how could you forget it???
Though it was probably helpful on his end that he quite literally had a digital reference to look back on.
You still wondered sometimes how he managed to end up with a TV for a head but didn't look into it much.
"Guess that means you'll be spending more time with me?"
"Dude, I already spend so much time with you! Any more and I'd have to call you my boyfriend!"
That message really shouldn't have caused Vox to bluescreen but it did.
He was just so flustered that his system crashed in it's entirety because of what you said.
Not that you noticed when all you got in reply was some keysmash and middle finger emojis.
Vox could only imagine you were laughing at his expense, and even then he couldn't bring himself to be annoyed with you.
It was only recently that he'd become hyper aware with how much you meant to him so jokes and comments like that easily sent his mental careening.
Not that he quite understood why he felt this way yet, a part of him still blamed some unknown untraceable malware that your devices shoved into his system.
Though he highly doubted that a stupid virus would make his stomach do flips whenever he saw your silly smile.
Oh whatever, he'll just have to run another malware check later or something.
You just continued to tease Vox for a good while before he had to excuse himself and leave for a meeting.
He was slightly glad that he had just a little respite from your teasing onslaught.
Any more of it and there was a high risk he would've accidentally caused another citywide blackout.
You tossed your phone onto an adjacent cushion and just laughed.
No wonder Vox liked to embarrass you so much.
It was downright hilarious and entertaining.
You couldn't help but feel slightly flattered with his reactions though, was your friendship that important to him?
So he really did care after all, what a dork.
The funny high you were running on, much to Vox's chagrin, didn't last long.
So you decided to go back to fucking with your TV headed companion since he usually did the same to you.
"Dudeeeee I'm fucking dyingggg-"
Vox made the mistake of checking his phone in the middle of the meeting and nearly gave himself a stroke upon reading your message.
What in Lucifer's name even happened?!
Last he checked you were completely fine???
He hadn't even left you for-
Taking a look at his internal clock, Vox glitched from sheer panic.
It hadn't even been an hour!
Was this supposed to be a joke??
Were you just fibbing with him?
Or god forbid you were actually hurt and needed help-
He was about to just bolt out of that meeting before another messaged snapped him out of it.
"I'm dying- dying of BOARDom! HAHA see what I did there?"
Vox felt the last of his patience leave him as rings appeared on his other eye.
The absolute nerve of you-!
"Oh fuck off (Y/N)."
With that, he angrily pocketed his phone and once again paid attention to the meeting.
The poor presenter in the front nearly shat himself from how irritated Vox looked, they didn't know that frustration was because of you though.
You just couldn't stop laughing at his reply, not realizing how badly your overlord friend took the joke until some noticeable time passed and there wasn't a single message or notification from him.
Now that started to concern you.
You'd be lucky to get through an hour with less than a hundred notifications at a time-
It's been two and there was still absolutely nothing.
Did something happen?
Was he upset or dealing with something?
Perchance... did you do something to upset him?
"Vox...? Hey, you good dude?"
You grew more concerned as the minutes ticked on.
Whatever it was- Vox was probably genuinely upset.
And you had a gut feeling it had something to do with you.
"I'm not talking to you."
You almost wanted to roll your eyes at his message, was he being childish?
So your hunch was right, you did manage to upset him- somehow.
"Ehhhh??? Why? What did I do?"
"You know what you fucking did (Y/N)."
Not really- that's why you asked.
Your hands dropped onto your lap tiredly as you looked up towards the ceiling.
What... what did you do wrong?
Scrolling up to read your chats, it didn't take long before you realized where it went wayside.
"Right, you don't really like it when I joke about dying huh."
"You never really told me why, and you never cared this much before. You would just laugh it off when I delivered the punchline."
"You're still young (Y/N). You have your whole life ahead of you. Dying puts you at risk of ending up here in hell with me."
"You know that doesn't sound as horrible as you paint it right?"
"I'll end up where you are, that can't seriously be that bad."
Vox genuinely wondered if you had a screw loose or something this time.
He continued to try hammering it into you that it was hell he was talking about.
Eternal damnation, the never-ending inferno, etc.
Ya know, where all the sinners went to suffer??
But again and again you would just keep repeating-
"But I'll be where you are, it won't be that bad- it can't be that bad."
Until he finally understood what you were insinuating.
It wouldn't be so bad, because he was there.
He would be there with you.
At that point the state of hell or where you were wasn't important.
Vox could only chuckle at his own foolishness.
Not to mention just how oblivious you were to your own words.
"I guess. Just don't do that again."
"I'll try not to. Besides, if I croak and end up at the heaven gates- I'll put in a good word for you."
"You? In heaven? Nice joke dollface."
"Oh fuck you too Vox, I was being optimistic."
The tech overlord just rolled his eyes, there was a real risk that he could lose you soley because heaven would take you away but he didn't dwell on it.
You were still here texting him, cracking jokes and being your obnoxiously cute self.
You were still on the other side of the screen furiously typing up a comeback of why you would be able to get into the pearly gates.
Vox just chuckled, as long as you were with him in the here and now-
He found he wouldn't care even if hell froze over.
A/N: Our Voxxy is starting to catch feels, well- slightly- he's just in the stages of caring a bit too much but not realizing it's romance yet. Writing this stuff is hilariously entertaining, plus the slow burn is just yummy hahahahah I'll be putting out some more interludes tomorrow but the direct continuation is finished! I just need to post these things chronologically XD
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azullumi · 11 months
“boyfriend messages” ; diluc & kaveh
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info — random conversations between you two that are part of your daily life; alternatively, how does he communicate through text messages?
characters — diluc and kaveh (w/ gender-neutral reader)
tags — fluff, established relationship, modern au ; headcanons
words — 920
note — need me a gossip buddy who’ll film fights for me, also, ignore the timestamps and status bar !! i still have another fic coming up but i need to be focused while writing it (^^)/
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;; 🍷
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he’s often the first one to greet you in the morning, the first one to give you a call before you start your day, always the one to accompany you.
calls. call. calls. if it’s not so obvious already, this man prefers calling more than texting—prefers hearing your voice than reading words on a digital screen and having to imagine what you would sound like saying them. he always make sure that he calls you at least once each day, even if one of you has to hang up after a few minutes or if you two would only do their own thing and not talk to each other that much. in line of that, falling asleep during the call is something that isn’t uncommon between you and him.
aside from other close friends and acquaintances, you’re the only one in his contacts and the only one he always talk to—his call history is just you accompanied with a few others and your name is always on top of his messages. he has your profile saved with a sweet endearment as its name and a photo that he took of you, in which its existence you don’t know of.
a random thing about him is that he doesn’t use emojis at all, and prefers not using them. it’s not like he doesn’t understand the use of it, it’s just that he chooses not to. on that note, he doesn’t go ‘AHAHAHAHA’ in text whenever he finds something funny—he doesn’t go for the lowercase one either—he simply just tells you: “that’s funny.”
he’s not afraid to tell you that he misses you, that he wants to see you, and just one word from you, one message, a single statement, he’ll be right there at your doorstep to satisfy his yearning and yours also. even if he’s from the other side of the world, he’ll make his way to you as long as you also feel the same.
one thing that he often does for you is drop off gifts for you or have it delivered to your name without your knowledge and thus, he always end up surprising you—sending him a message as soon as you receive it with a bunch of question marks or anything. his gifts are often random, a variety, it could be food, could be books, jewelry, something that has been in your wishlist or cart for so long but couldn’t get, and many more. his reason? he just wants to. it’s not an exaggeration to say that your home isn’t filled with items that you got from him.
have i mentioned that he just loves showing off his affection to you in many ways that he can? he just loves you, that’s all the reason needed for everything.
;; 🌻
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gossip buddy and lover boy. gossip is always found in your message history with him, it’s that one topic that has you two talking for hours, often diverting to another one before going back to it at just a mention of a word—“speaking of apples, did you know ‘toilet’ got into trouble because he threw one at the window? also, i heard that he cheated on his girlfriend.”
the most ridiculous code names are being used as a substitute for someone’s name and if someone were to ever hear you or see the chats, they would end up being confused on why are you talking about a water bottle and a shower head having a fight in a bar.
he is exceptionally good at expressing himself through texting despite the many struggles of others when doing so—he uses emojis, gifs, emoticons, images, and everything, it’s not shocking that he uses some combinations even and it’s not also surprising that you’ll get used to his texting language and even adapt to it. although, he often shortens his words whenever he’s in a rush: ‘sry hve 2 go, ppl r clling m’ is translated to, ‘sorry i have to go, people are calling me’ and there’s a mwa (a kiss in the form of words) at the end.
the type to greet you as soon as the clock strikes twelve when it’s your birthday, the type to send the randomest message at the most random time on the morning, and the type that will tell you in advance if he wouldn’t be able to message you for some time as he’s occupied with some things—mainly, his plates—which gets you worried because when he’s at that state, he will most likely forget to take care of himself.
that leads you to having to check up on him from time to time, asking if he had eaten anything and telling him to take a break. he appreciates it really, despite the scoldings he gets from you when you learn of the fact that he had neglected himself, it shows that you care.
he sends photos of himself, a selfie or a mirror photo showing off his outfit before he goes out. he hasn’t said it but he loves it whenever you rain him with compliments, it has him grinning like an idiot on his phone (mans kicks his feet and rolls around the bed).
he just loves talking to you, whether it’s through the mere act of messaging and calling each other or doing it in real-time, gossiping and discussing about rumors that would entertain you both for boths or simply just him admiring you with his eyes as he listened to you blabber about the most randomest things.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hey!! i was wondering if you could write a reaction for stray kids where they forget to pick up the reader (and maybe it’s raining / late)? whether it’s from work or somewhere further away? i feel like this can have so many plot twists AHAHAHAHA thank you 💞 fairly angsty pls with a happy/neutral ending
stray kids when they forget to pick you up
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genre: angst, comfort in some
word count: 1.2k
warnings: use of the word 'hell'
author's notes: lowercase intentional. for this scenarios sake, all of the members can drive! thank you for requesting anon, i hope you enjoy this!
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he was busy. very busy. and he just completely forgot.
chan's car approached you at 10 minutes to midnight. your shift ended at 10:30 pm. so he was late. very late indeed. the front lights of his car seemed to cut through the pouring rain, illuminating the cold droplets which relentlessly fell from the sky for as long as you could remember. you were standing there, slightly lighten by the dull light of the lamp post, with your body thoroughly drenched and shivering from the lack of a coat.
you watched as your boyfriend got out of the car with a black umbrella in his hands. he walked up to you, one hand shoved in his pocket, the other hand outstretched with the umbrella, so when he got to you, you were finally sheltered. his expression was soft, sad, sorry. he didn't say a word, but you could see in the feelings in his eyes that he was apologetic enough.
so you both just stood there, gazing into each other's eyes, with nothing to say.
"it's not that bad if you think about i-"
"not that bad? i was waiting for an hour! hell, i could've walked back by myself!"
"then why didn't you?"
you flinched at the bluntness of his words. you two had been arguing about this for the whole journey home.
"because i thought that my boyfriend wouldn't want me walking back by myself at night. i actually thought that you cared!"
minho slammed on the breaks. the car halted abruptly, making you both momentarily drag forwards in your seats. you looked at him with wide, worried eyes as he stared ahead.
"i do care about you," he stated, and you couldn't tell if his tone was blunt or slightly frantic. you knew he would never say sorry, but you could see in his shining eyes - the glisten of the streetlights from the outside making his eyes sparkle and expose his worry, his regret - that he was. he was sorry.
changbin was met with silence again, which was a real stab at the heart for him. he hated this. he knows he messed up, but there was a part of him that felt like you were being a bit unfair. or maybe he was just worried that he messed up big time.
"i said sorry! please talk to me."
"just drive, bin."
"no! i'm not driving until you say you've forgiven me."
he said stubbornly, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly, much like a child would when they sulk. he could feel the tension and guilt press down on his heart and he couldn't continue on with the night unless he knew he was on good terms with you. his eyes were glimmering as he gave you a big, cute pout that even your tired and annoyed self couldn't help but smile at.
"yeah, that's more like it."
"it's romantic out here, in the rain, isn't it?"
you turned to see hyunjin, a smile ghosting his features, half playful, half apologetic. you hadn't noticed he had sat down on the bench next to you moments ago, watching you're tense expression never once faltering. you thought he was a crazy person; coming out here with you, making himself comfortable while you both got swallowed up by the cascading rain.
you wanted to slap him. but you couldn't deny how handsome he looked: long black hair starting to stick to the side of his face and his warm eyes sparkling in the moonlight as he stared at you, fondly. you hated him and loved him all at once. you felt angry and helpless and hopelessly in love.
and with this love, with this ridiculous and irritating and perfect man beside you, the pouring rain didn't seem so bad anymore.
"i am sooo sorry sweetie."
han kept pouring out apologies as he stayed with you on the phone while he drove to your destination. he didn't realise just how much time he spent in the studio this night, and time had just flown by. in the back of his mind he knew he had to pick you up, but he became so engrossed in his work that by the time he checked the clock he was more than late to pick you up.
"yeah whatever, it's fine."
there your voice sounded through the bluetooth in his car. you sounded fed-up, and he couldn't blame you. leaning his head against the steering wheel of your car as he waited for the red light to turn green, he sighed deeply. there was a sinking feeling of guilt at the pit of his stomach.
"i'll make it up to you, i promise baby."
you had to call him to pick you up. you're not going to wait forever, obviously, and you know that's the only way he would remember. because with felix, he was on time for everything. he wasn't likely to slack off, to run late, if he could help it. so if he was late, it was likely to be that he had completely and utterly forgotten.
and you're right. he's laying down on his bed, scrolling through his phone, not thinking of anything else except for what was on his screen. then suddenly: a call. your name pops up, and his eyes grow wide. the realisation hits.
shooting out of bed and grabbing a jacket and his keys, he finally answers your call.
"y/n i am so sorry oh my gosh i completely forgot i had no idea what happened-" he rambled as he rushed to the car. he felt so frustrated with himself, and would beat himself up about it the whole journey to you. you were more forgiving of him than he was.
your boyfriend's voice sounded beside you. he had a coat in his hand which he immediately pulled over your shoulders, and an umbrella in the other which he shielded you from the rain with. he winced as he caught sight of you glaring at him. he had no idea what to say, so he just guided you into his car.
your jaw was tense as you slid into the passenger seat of the car. you wrapped your hands around your arms and rubbed them up and down in an attempt to warm yourself. you shivered in your seat as seungmin got in the other side. as you gazed over at him, you could sense his nerves. worried eyes that avoided yours as he fumbled around with his car keys. you couldn't be mad at him. you knew he didn't mean any of this. it wasn't fair for either of you.
"thanks for the coat," you mumbled softly, in hopes that seungmin's nerves and regret would start to disappear...
you marched up to his car fiercely, a purpose in your step as he pulled up beside you. anger whirling around inside of you; so much had built up to this moment. the standing, the waiting, the weather that decided that, no, today was not going to be your day, after all.
yanking the car door to the passenger seat open with full force, you shoved your body inside the vehicle.
"thanks a lot for showing up, where the hell were yo-"
you stopped at the start of your rant when you finally turned to him, now fully in the car. jeongin was sitting there, a nonchalant expression on his face, and a massive bag of your favourite takeaway food on his lap. he smiled sheepishly, "sorry?"
you didn't want to let him off that easily. but man, he knew how to apologise in the best way possible.
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inhuman-obey-me · 5 months
CONGRATS ON 4K+ FOLLOWERS!!!🎉 You two are so awfully talented I can't even put into words, really. Here's to many more!
May I request: 🥡 (Can’t fight these cravings in the night.) with Beel + MC Included, please?
Ahhh, thank you for your kind words!! ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵) ♡ We're so grateful people like our stuff enough for us to have reached this point, especially with how many times we've fallen into inactivity. Thank you so much for your support!!!!
And, ahahahaha, you got us, it seems we've finally been called out on using lyrics in our prompts. Yes, we also love that song!! In fact, we're both big MIW fans, so for anyone else who likes them, see if you can spot what other lyrics we put on the prompt list ;)
"Can’t fight these cravings in the night." - Beel/MC
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Unlike his twin, Beelzebub rarely remains asleep the whole night through.
Some nights, he twists and tosses in his bed, trying to shake off the specters haunting his dreams, then wakes suddenly, his heart racing. On others, it's simply the call of hunger that jerks him from his slumber, his grumbling stomach demanding satisfaction at any hour. Other times still, he wakes without any reason at all. Sometimes, it's all three, pulling him from sleep over and over throughout the night.
He looks up at the gentle golden glow coming off the solar design on his wall, barely illuminating the room just enough to navigate, before his gut begins its growling demands. It's no use to try to go back to sleep; he can't fight these cravings in the night for long.
With a shake of his head, he slides out of bed and quietly makes his way towards the door, glad that Belphie sleeps heavily enough never to be disturbed by his movements. In the short trek from his room to the kitchen, he can feel his stomach growing emptier and emptier, until his vision starts to blur, and he's holding himself back from gnawing off the door itself.
He grabs the first thing within reach off the table and gorges upon it without hesitation. Guilt nibbles at the edge of his mind as he vaguely registers the shape of something like a drawn-on face upon his tongue -- some special treat of Levi's, probably, and he'll get chewed out for it in the morning, no doubt. But the voracious growling of his stomach drowns those thoughts out easily, and he forgets quickly as he lumbers his way dizzily forward. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it sates the hunger long enough to reach the fridge.
His sight comes back into focus as he reaches for the fridge's handle, only to realize it's already open, with the shadowed silhouette of someone sitting in front of its heady glow, peeking over the door at him with mild terror in their eyes.
"Beel, it's me," you breathe in a nervous hush.
Your voice rings distant through the fog of hunger, buzzing in his head like swarms of flies -- or maybe those are his own wings, clicking behind him in voracious frenzy. This isn't the first time you've caught him midnight snacking, but it's usually the other way around, when he's already deep into his feasting.
He reaches a hand past you without answer, without eye contact, no sign of even having heard you, fingers closing rapaciously around whatever food they can find. Your presence is calming to him, always has been, ever since the day he decided to make his pact with you, but that's not enough right now. He doesn't trust himself not to devour you whole. He needs to eat, he is starving, and you smell so delicious.
So he reaches past you, grabbing whatever he can, and he eats. He eats, and eats, and eats, until the buzzing stops, and finally, his belly isn't screaming its emptiness anymore.
You're still standing there beside him, and he realizes you've been handing him things as he ate, snacks from the cupboards to sate him and glasses of water from the sink to help him wash them down. The fear is gone from your face, replaced only with worry.
Well, he did consume half the fridge's contents within minutes, after all.
He wraps you up in a big bear hug, expressing only a blunt, "Thank you," and his embrace is tight but warm, and full of relief.
"Are you feeling better now?" you ask, giving him a light squeeze in return.
"Yeah, for now. I might wake up hungry again later. Though, I feel better having you here with me. Like my stomach is less angry, somehow. But I think I'm okay now, so I'll go back to bed. You should probably go back to bed too. Belphie always says you don't get enough rest."
You're quiet for a moment, thinking, and then answer, "Well, why don't I come sleep next to you? If you wake up again, I'll make you something properly to eat."
"Are you sure?" he asks. To be honest, the thought of eating your cooking has him salivating all over again, but he doesn't want to ask too much of you.
"Yeah. I sleep better in your room sometimes, anyway."
Nodding firmly, he takes your hand, leading you back to the twins' room, where Belphie is still sleeping peacefully, unaware. Quietly careful not to disturb the youngest brother, you climb into his bed together, snuggling up close. He can smell raspberries and vanilla caramel on your breath -- the pudding you had snacked on before he'd come in, probably. The last thing he thinks before drifting back to sleep is how sweet of a scent it is, just like you.
When he wakes again, it's morning already, and you're giving him a gentle poke on the nose.
"Good morning, Beel. Did you sleep okay?"
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sprout-fics · 10 months
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Woodsmoke (Joel Miller x F! Reader x Joe 'Bear' Graves)
Chapter Two: Smoke
Rating: Mature (Rating will change) Word Count: 7k Warnings: Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault (Non-explicit) Tags: Character Study, Angst (Literally so much angst), AU- Canon divergence, Sheep Farmer Joel Miller, Patrolman Joe 'Bear' Graves, Domesticity, PTSD, Night Terror, Cuddling by a campfire, Touch starvation, Unrequited pining, Complicated emotional relationships A/N: This is part two of me going 'Lol what if these two DILFs in a threesome' and then rapidly descending into a 20k character study fic, many hours watching Six and re-watching TLOU, and countless conversations with @writeforfandoms @guyfieriii and @soapskneebrace (To whom this series is dedicated to) Also it's been literally four months since I posted the first chapter Jesus fuck I'm so sorry ahahahaha
Bear, by contrast, is a the bright, licking heat of a campfire. The gentle glow of him in the distance brings you closer, beckons your cold hands into the warmth of him. You bask in the entrancing flicker of him, watch with glinting eyes the dance of the flames, unable to look away. It tugs something in your chest that wants more but knows that if you reach your hands into the flare that you might somehow breathe in the flames, allow him to burn the hollow of your ribs to make space there just for him.
It takes time for you to notice, but you see the way Bear holds himself in his frustration, in the vague mentions of before that you hear Caulder and the others murmur about in hushed tones. There's something in Bear that has been broken long ago, and the pain of it threatens to bubble to the surface, snap like the sudden crack of a log that sends sparks scattering up into the nighttime sky. It's a dangerous, searing thing that he refuses to show to you no matter how much it consumes him. A ferocious, burning brightness that sets himself ablaze to keep others warm, even if it means turning to cinders as a result.
Instead, he sets his gaze upon you. You see embers dance in the darkness of his pupils, a hypnotizing temptation that you want to touch even though it might singe the edges of your soul. The presence of him threatens to burn your world to ashes, if only so he can lift you from the carnage and into his hands, cradle you there until you surrender to him.
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It takes weeks for you to approach these strange new men in the place you call home.
Joel offers them the house on the hill, on the other side of the valley. You watch from the kitchen as he invites the men inside the house, keeps them corralled to the living room and away from you, sheltering in the kitchen. Your hands, damp with soap and water, tremble from the presence of strangers, of armed men, of the threat of danger-
Yet Joel's voice wafts from the doorway. Low, even, like the slow, murmuring crackle of a fire against your too cold palms. The warmth draws away the chill of your memories, the ones where silhouettes in the dark reach for you with grasping hands. You focus instead on the sound of his voice, feel your shoulders shift and sink, reminding yourself that even in the presence of these strangers, Joel will keep you safe. He always will.
Eventually you peek from the archway as the conversation continues, carefully observe the men who Joel has entrusted to keep the farm safe.
There's four of them. Two sit with their backs to you, one of them with his back turned towards you, his dark skin cast in warmer hues by the fireplace beside him. To his left is his thinner, wiry comrade. You saw him look at you from his horse, face calm but eyes sharp. Ready as you stood trembling with the shotgun in your hands. He seems to hear you behind him, casting a brief gaze over his shoulder as if checking behind him before he faces forward again. The motion draws the attention of his friend, who makes a larger effort to glance at you, offering a kind smile that you briefly return.
Across from the two of them, Chase and Fish, you later learn their names are, is a man who appears so much younger than he truly is. He looks almost boyish despite the flecks of grey beginning in his curly, dusty blonde hair. Caulder, you're told later, doesn't glance at you, instead focused unwaveringly on Joel, who speaks in low, serious tones with the man seated beside him.
Bear sits with his arms crossed, feet planted and legs spread. Whereas Joel bends forward, his elbows on his knees in contemplation, Bear looks alert, observant, ready for motion at the drop of a hat as he leans back, arms crossed. He regards Joel silently as he speaks, listens respectfully with little nods and noises of affirmation. When he does speak, his voice is a low, dragging mumble that has you sometimes struggle to make out the words. Yet there's a steadiness to his tone, an unflinching resolution that's reassuring in the face of the danger posed to you all.
It's only when Joel looks away for a brief moment towards one of the other men that Bear looks up at you from under thick eyebrows, the lines near his eyes wrinkling in a gentle, entreating smile.
You feel your heart thump in your chest a little louder, trying to decipher apprehension from the vague stir of interest at the kindness that glints against blue eyes.
Eventually the men stand, and Bear clasps his hand against Joel's in some sort of agreement you can't make out. They shuffle outside, and you hover at the door of the kitchen, a touch nervous, as they each give you a small nod or 'ma'am' as they pass. Bear brings up the rear, once more pauses, draws your eyes up to his taller form.
"You let us know if you need anything, yeah?" He offers, voice a low, soothing murmur that feels all too much like autumn wind through the shade of the forest.
You only nod at him, once more feel that strange stirring in your chest, one that almost wants to reach out, ask more of him that you know how to.
He leaves, and you watch from the window of the front door as the four of them set about tending to their horses, leading them up the hill and towards the barn nestled next to the pastures.
Joel stands with his hand on the frame of the door until they've left the perimeter of the house before turning to you. You blink at the wrinkle of his brow, the thin, taut line of his lips that you know to be displeasure.
"You don't have to talk to those boys if you don't want to, understand?" He tells you, and you watch his scarred hand curl on the wooden plane of the door. "If they make problems, you let me know."
You nod at that, still a little unsettled by Joel's tone, the way he seems to both trust and distrust these men he's summoned. Yet when you listen to the echo of his words in your thoughts, you realize there's something there you almost missed. Something that almost sounds possessive.
Yet then you watch Joel's shoulder sink all of a fraction, his fist drop from the door as he carefully closes the distance between you. His hand is warm when it lands on your shoulder, familiar and welcome. Even though he doesn't speak, there's words conveyed there that you understand in the absence of his voice.
We'll be okay. I've got you. I trust you.
Please trust me too.
You avoid them.
Bear bypasses Joel’s offer of the desolate house atop the other side of the valley, says it’s better to be close to the barn. They set up camp in the hayloft, the four of them crammed together in such a way that there's scantly any space between them. It helps, you think. The nights get frigid in the shadow of the valley, and more than one night you think about how they might be cold, might be sore from the wooden planks under their backs. It's not comfortable by any means, the barn is drafty and musky with the scent of the horses and manure. Yet you don't hear a single word of complaint from them in the mornings from the group aside from a grumble or a grunting stretch. There's a hardiness, a drive and resolve to them that you both recognize and are unfamiliar with.
They're different from the FEDRA soldiers. They're humble, respectful, and don’t use their positions as armed guards to sway you or intimidate you. Yet there's some recollection in your memory of the way they shove playfully at each other, the appreciation they have for their weapons, the way they snap to attention when given instructions. The glint of focus, of something dangerous and intense in their gazes has you maintain a berth when you can, heart murmuring in caution at the unknowable things in their eyes.
You wonder who they all were before this.
You try not to think about it too much.
Joel puts them to work soon after they arrive, and you're surprised by the shortlist of tasks he gives them, as if he's been waiting for the extra help. There's repairs made to the roof, fences mended in the disused pasture, the well is dug deeper, and you soon find even your chores being assisted with. The men grumble at first about the labor, but a firm word from Bear has them shrug, set about aiding where they can. It's a welcome help, and you can't deny the relief at having some more time to yourself as a result.
If Joel sees you drape extra blankets on the ladder to the hayloft, he doesn't say anything.
You pass your new guests throughout the day, still trying to make yourself scarce where you can. They're rowdy with each other, words sometimes a little too biting and caustic for comfort. More than once you come into the barn to see them boyishly tugging at each other, only to freeze when they spot you. You wonder if maybe you make them uncomfortable with your skittishness around them.
When they do approach you, however, it's always with good intentions, offers of assistance in the task you've set out with. You see Bear always watching them from the corner of his eye as they near you, ready to step in at the moment you shy away. It happens more than once, at least in the beginning, and it's Bear's firm hand on the shoulder of one of his men that alerts them, tugs them away from your nervous, shifting stance.
Always, there's an apology on his lips, a careful offering that has you meet his gaze once more.
You think the blue of his eyes looks like a gentle summer rainstorm.
The men take shifts once darkness begins to fall. There's a smaller camp set up at the top of the valley, in the vein that runs between the hills. It's simple. A tent, a campfire, and a loaded gun to fire into the darkness of the valley below in case of an attack. You look to the orange haze of the fire at night, high up on the rise. You stand, watching it sometimes from the porch, a shawl wrapped around your shoulders, praying the fire doesn't go out, that raiders don't descend into this place you've come to call home.
Joel sits outside with you some nights, doing much the same, as if he himself doesn't entirely trust the soldiers he's hired to properly warn you all of danger. Yet when the hour grows late he suggests, in that gruff and stubborn way of his, that you go inside and sleep.
You do and try not to think of the memory of a bonfire licking at the stars and the screams of others in the freeze of a winter forest. The phantom sound of the shotgun haunts your dreams, waiting for the moment it will crack like the sound of thunder and rain chaos down on you all.
When morning comes, it's quiet once more.
It's on one of those quiet mornings that you run into Bear.
The forest path is soddened from the drizzle of the night before, the world still muted and grey as the last of the rain moves through the mountains. Sunlight weaves its way through the canopy of trees and overcast clouds, dappling bright for mere moments before it's shielded once more. You walk under it, further into the woods where Joel's animal traps lay, where kindling lays against the bases of trees, knocked loose by the storm. You gather the damp branches idly, gingerly checking the snares that yield little success in the over-picked glade.
It's the small bit of pale color in the corner of your vision that makes you pause, turn to examine the strange flora that sprouts from the remains of a rotted log. Mushrooms, the kind untouched by the apocalypse, reclusive and now rare. Their small, ridged, white caps poke from the deciduous ground, and as you gently pad over, kneel with your legs in the soft, damp earth to examine them, you can't help but wonder if they're edible.
You reach for them, dirt smeared fingers outstretched, eyes enraptured by the silent, strange symbolism of them.
The snap of a branch behind you.
You gasp, twist so violently you fall on your bottom, kindling spilling and fingers fumbling for the knife at your waist to whatever predator has stalked you through these woods. You draw it up with a trembling grasp, holding the blade outwards even as your arms try to draw into yourself as a shield from danger.
You expect a wolf, or perhaps a mountain lion or lynx. Yet standing before you is none of those things. Instead, it's a man, standing at a distance, his hands held up in a gentle entreaty, brow furrowed in concern. His looming stature towers over your fallen form, eyes gentle as he realizes he's startled you.
It occurs to you then, in gazing into his blue-eyed stare, that you know this man.
"Bear." You breathe at last, muscles loosening. Yet even then you don't tuck away the blade entirely, lowering it enough for Bear to ease his stance, wet his lips before he speaks.
"I- uhm, didn't mean to startle you." He offers, and still does not yet lower his hands from either side of his head in surrender, keeping them well away from the rifle slung over his shoulder. "I was doing a patrol, thought maybe you heard me coming."
You blink, and his soft, rumbling voice manages to slow your stammering heartbeat. The cool, damp earth presses into your lower back, with you braced against the rotten log like it can somehow provide you shelter.
When you don't speak, Bear's eyes flicker to the mushrooms you were so close to touching, and there's a flicker of amused disbelief that tugs the corner of his mouth, makes a single eyebrow raise.
"...Sure you want to eat those?" He tries to joke, and the humor should relax you but it doesn't. Instead, with Bear's massive form standing over you a distance away, your mind summons memories of a dark figure backlit by a roaring campfire, the glint of a blade held in his hand. He steps towards you in your memories, even as you scramble backwards in the snow, feet kicking uselessly as he advances on you-
"You alright?"
Bear's voice breaks the memory, and your eyes flicker up to his once more, seeing the confusion and concern etched across his gaze.
You try to speak, you do, but instead your mouth opens and closes uselessly, hands shaking as you try to erase the hands that reach for you, haul a knife far above your fallen form-
Bear must see the panic written across your gaze- something foreign to him that chokes the moist air from your chest and threatens to send you drowning in your own thoughts, into a memory which has no end.
"Hey." He offers quietly, and as you try to control the mounting gasp of panic inside you Bear gentles himself, remains steadfast, softening at the edges under your eyes. "Hey, look at me."
You watch as he sinks lower, keeping his eyes on yours all the while to see any fear his movements spawn in you. Yet you watch as Bear goes down to one knee, makes himself smaller, less intimidating. He's still not quite at your height, but it's fairly close, and he no longer stands above you, dwarfing you with his size.
Whatever he sees in your gaze, it must be enough for him to understand, because his shoulders ease, and he exhales a soft sigh through his nose. The beard partially covers the tight, concerned draw of his mouth as he regards you like an injured animal, fearful and in need of aid.
"It's alright" He offers in a rumble that reminds you of the clearing rainstorm above, dampening the soft earth under your form. "I'm not going to hurt you."
It's the tone of his voice, more so than his words, that allows the tremble in your hands to abate, lets your grasp fall to your lap as it holds the blade Joel gifted to you.
"I didn't mean to scare you." He tells you again, and there's something akin to regret in his eyes. It's enough to make you blink, to make the memory of a silhouette gently wash away from your thoughts.
The air in your chest loosens, and you swallow, remember how to breath. When Bear watches you force yourself to exhale, long and slow, there's a smile that crinkles the corner of his eyes.
He doesn't coo over you, doesn't offer praise or patronize you the way so many others have before in response to your terror. Instead he remains where he is, the offer from him silent but transcending words.
Come to me when you're ready. I'll wait.
As the rainstorm at last lifts from the heavens, you see Bear in a new, radiant light.
It's a gradual process, the closing of the distance between you and Bear.
It's caught in the moments in between, the morning greetings that slowly turn into conversations, the offerings of favors that are returned in kind. You leave breakfast for the boys in a basket on the steps to the hayloft- bread, boiled eggs, some milk, a tin of coffee and cups to match. It's simple fare, and you at the beginning leave it and then dart away before they can thank you. Yet soon you find Bear awaiting you when you arrive just after dawn, sitting on the ladder and a weary but pleased smile on his lips. The soft 'Thank you's turn into exchanges about chores, about the day ahead, and soon transform into other things entirely.
You find yourself liking his company. Bear has a gravity to him that feels like the pull of a riptide at your feet, dragging you further into the sound of his voice. Yet it doesn't push you under, doesn't force waves crashing above your head. Instead, you simply float in the goodness of him, and often wonder about the things that lurk beneath.
You see it sometimes in the way he talks with his men, the steeliness of his eyes that changes into flinty resolve at the mere mention of danger. Unblinking, acute, nearly cataclysmic. It startles you the first few times you see it, when there's a noise that's too loud in the distance, the sound of an animal crying out in surprise or pain. Whereas you are jumpy, nervous at the same things, Bear spins, muscles coiled and tense, ready at any moment to attack, defend, conquer.
Once, while you two linger outside the barn one morning, you hear Caulder shout as he descends down the hill. You don't even have time to process it before Bear has one arm pushing you behind him, against the wall of the barn, the words he was rumbling a mere heartbeat ago now dead in his throat. There's a hand on his pistol, and when you grasp his arm in surprise he seems not to notice you, eyes glinting but dark in their intensity. You don't see him breathe until his gaze lands on Caulder, who rights himself from a short tumble down the steep slope with a curse and a kick at a stray rock.
You wonder about the things Bear has seen, the things he's done to warrant that look in his eyes. Ready to sear the world to ashes at a moment's notice, drown himself in the smoke that spills from his open, scarred palms.
You sometimes wonder if it will burn you too if you get too close.
Bear is gentle with you, that much is obvious. There's an interest there, as if he's found a beautiful, wild creature in the woods, is trying not to scare you off. He allows you to come to him, lets himself be open and ready to see you take a step forward. It's familiar to you, somehow, reminds you in some ways of a pair of almost sorrowful brown eyes that feel like cinders flickering against your gaze.
Yet the more time you begin to spend around Bear, the more Joel becomes quieter, withdrawn. There's an odd pinch to his face you catch sometimes when you mention Bear, a tight draw of his lips that speaks of emotions he'll never say out loud. It's hard to tell if he's just concerned for you, if he doesn't entirely trust Bear, or if there's still secrets inside him he refuses to show you. Sometimes he turns from you after you've disagreed with him on something, and you catch only a glimpse of the hurt lurking under his gaze.
You want to draw him back to you, want the familiar feeling of the two of you in mutual, comfortable silence as the fire burns in the hearth come evening. Yet when you dare to reveal the barest sliver of your heart, your worries and doubts to Joel, his voice instead meets you with that gruff, distant tone that hides the true confines of his barely mended heart. He's too afraid to let you get closer, too scared of being broken again, even if he refuses to tell you the thing that did it in the first place.
Joel is your shelter, you think. He's the canopy of the forest that shields you from the driving rain, the trees that offer a solemn, needed silence from the chaos of your thoughts. You walk alongside him, feel the shifting silence of him like the rustle of branches. The calm, protective respite of him allows you a grace you desperately need, a place to nestle the hurt fringes of your soul. Yet the deep loom of shadows that lurk in the woods feels so much like the hidden words that you can see scarcely concealed in his gaze.
There's mysteries left in him you'll never understand.
Bear, by contrast, is a the bright, licking heat of a campfire. The gentle glow of him in the distance brings you closer, beckons your cold hands into the warmth of him. You bask in the entrancing flicker of him, watch with glinting eyes the dance of the flames, unable to look away. It tugs something in your chest that wants more but knows that if you reach your hands into the flare that you might somehow breathe in the flames, allow him to burn the hollow of your ribs to make space there just for him.
It takes time for you to notice, but you see the way Bear holds himself in his frustration, in the vague mentions of before that you hear Caulder and the others murmur about in hushed tones. There's something in Bear that has been broken long ago, and the pain of it threatens to bubble to the surface, snap like the sudden crack of a log that sends sparks scattering up into the nighttime sky. It's a dangerous, searing thing that he refuses to show to you no matter how much it consumes him. A ferocious, burning brightness that sets himself ablaze to keep others warm, even if it means turning to cinders as a result.
Instead, he sets his gaze upon you. You see embers dance in the darkness of his pupils, a hypnotizing temptation that you want to touch even though it might singe the edges of your soul. The presence of him threatens to burn your world to ashes, if only so he can lift you from the carnage and into his hands, cradle you there until you surrender to him.
You find yourself drawn to it anyways. You feel the frost and cold embrace of your dreams chased away by the too-bright flicker of his warmth. While Joel keeps you safe, shelters you, it's Bear who melts the remnants of frostbite from your weary spirit, opens you up into the warmth of sunlight.
There's a night where you awake in darkness, feel the dreaded whisper of snow and an icy grave lick at the tumult of your thoughts, and find yourself rising from your bed. You stand on the porch, staring at the campfire on the rise, and in some strange semblance of gravity find yourself pulled there. The cold wind licks at your skin as you huddle your jacket and shawl around you, boots digging into the damp earth as you climb. You're not sure how you know Bear is there keeping watch, but when you appear at the perimeter of the fire he doesn't seem surprised to see you either.
You perch a way away from him, sitting on a log and feeling the flames dance in your gaze. Bear is quiet but alert, watching you from the periphery of his eyes even as he scans the wilderness for signs of approaching danger. Ever the watchman, the guardian, the pyre.
"I had a nightmare." You whisper, and for a moment you think your voice has been swallowed by the wind. It's childish, you think. Like a little girl huddling in the darkness jumping at shadows. When you look up, Bear is gazing at you unblinkingly, his eyes a little mournful, the flames glinting against his eyes.
"Tell me." He offers quietly, and you feel like his ribs crack open so he can hold you that much closer to his chest.
Your heart clenches.
He's different, you realize. Joel will shake you from your nightmares, will allow you the safety to regain yourself, but he won't open himself to you. If you try to spill your fears to him he'll tell you only a 'It's fine. You're safe' and refuse to let the bitterness linger. Yet here is Bear, asking, opening his palms so you can drop yourself and your aching fright into his warm gaze.
So, you do. You tell Bear all the things you've never spoken of to Joel. You share the story carved into your heart. You tell him about escaping the Seattle QZ, fleeing from the infighting caused by rebels along with a group of others. You tell him about entrusting yourself to a pair of older smugglers along with several others and running into the wilderness in search of a settlement. You tell him about the long harsh nights sleeping in abandoned houses, of eating meager rations not knowing where your next meal would come from.
You don't tell him about how the smugglers demanded payment.
The chill of your fingers is warmed as you press them to your chest to quell the ache there, grimacing at the pain of remembering. Yet you feel unable to stop, a drain unplugged and letting your sorrows circle downwards bit by bit until you feel almost empty with them. Bear listens, asking soft questions as you speak, allowing you the space you need even as your eyes water, staring up into the starry sky to keep them at bay.
You tell him about the night it all fell apart.
Raiders. The same kind that have attacked the outlying farms here in Jackson's territory. They caught your group unaware as you slept, and you awoke to screams, bloody impacts of blades, the snow turning red under your boots. The memory of a man backlit by the fire, advancing upon you with long, horrifying strides briefly makes your chest seize, your eyes go glassy and unseeing as they stare forwards.
Bear's hand grazes against yours, as if he's scared to touch you, as if you yourself are the flames. Yet when you don't pull away he presses closer, soon wraps his arms around you as you sag into the embrace, realizing after a moment just how starved you were for the warmth of another person. You don't cry, instead breathing in the strong, smoky scent of him that washes maple over your senses. Like a forest fire, the grief in you is slowly cindered away. In its place, soft green blooms sprout from the ashes.
You stay up on the rise until early dawn, dozing gently against Bear's side. Safe. Protected. At last, he rouses you just as scant light peeks over the horizon, chuckles at your sleepy murmur and then reminds you that you'll be missed if you linger. There's a bitterness in his gaze as he says it, and you blink upon realizing he wishes you didn't already belong to someone else. You want to tell him, want to tell him about the tear in your heart, want to confess to him the way you want Joel in the way you can only have Bear. Instead, you pad down into the valley below, trying to discern the conflict of your feelings.
Joel is waiting for you when you arrive at the house. It's still dark. The form of him is hazy around the edges with the glow of the lantern in the window. He's sitting on the steps, but as you approach he stands abruptly.
"Where were you?" He asks, voice dipping gruff and low in the way that means he's worried.
You feel something unpleasant squirm in your chest at the pinched look on his face, caught between vexation and regret. It sours the afterglow of your shared words with Bear, making you duck your head and sidle past him into the house.
"I was with Bear." You murmur as you pause in the doorway, not looking at him but imagining that maybe his eyes look hurt. You give a moment to let your words linger before you vanish from his sight.
It's often, after that, that you hike up to the rise to share Bear's company.
It's a shy, entreating thing at first, as you hesitate at the edge of the campfire and offer a 'Can I join you?' that Bear only smiles at and nods to the seat beside him. You hover at his side for a bit, fidgeting and conveying little bits of conversation, unsure of yourself yet wanting desperately to lean into him again, feel the warmth of his form leech into yours.
You have to fight down the feeling of guilt at being here with him. You have to remind yourself that you aren't Joel's, that you confessed to Joel only to be rebuffed, that the distance he's put between you two is the result of his own doing. You tried to tell him, tried to say you wanted to stay with him, but the memory of his eyes looking into yours with that emotion- guilt. Like he blamed himself for keeping you close.
You want him still. You want him to hold you the way Bear does. You want to feel his arms around you, want to huddle into him and be warmed by his shelter. Yet the more you drift to Bear for that exact thing, the more distance grows between you and Joel, and the further the pit of guilt opens up in your stomach. It’s selfish, what you’re doing, but you ache to be held, to be listened to, to have someone willing to open up to you the way Bear does.
You try instead to shed it away as you talk in slow, rambling tones with Bear. You talk about the day's events, about the news you get from Jackson, about the aches and complains from Caulder and the others. Eventually the topic drifts, and soon there's laughter and smiles between you both, eyes glinting with the sparks of the fire. You share with Bear the trials and tribulations of living here, as well as the deep, profound joy you've found within your healing. Bear welcomes it, tells you stories about his men, about him and Caulder from the before, their training and oath and brotherhood.
You begin to look forward to your evenings with Bear, begin bringing coffee up onto the rise with you and relish in the way his eyes light up at the scent. You stack kindling during the day for you to burn at night, watch as Bear chops extra wood to keep the fire burning brightly. There's smiles passed between you in the daytime, a deeply blossoming friendship that murmurs of something deeper you try desperately to ignore.
One evening, after a rainstorm has cleared and there's a gentle haze that dims the stars, Bear looks to the sky and tells you in a soft confession about the day that changed everything.
Friday, September 26th, 2003.
The day it all went wrong.
The team had just gotten back from a mission abroad, killing a man who had a hand in the death of one of their own. Yet no sooner had they put boots on the ground in Virginia Beach were they ordered to lift off once more, not given a chance to even eat due to the urgency of their mission- escorting an ambassador out of growing unrest in the Middle East. Bear and the others had already heard murmurs by that point, strange stories in the media of martial law in Indonesia. Yet it wasn't until their mission that the understood.
Infected. People who had become sick, had changed into something not human, things that didn't stop even when you shot them. Bear explains how he and the others had lost the ambassador, that one of their own, Trevor, had tried to rescue him, only to be killed himself. He tells you how the remaining five of them had spent ten hours in the air wondering if the world ended before they could get home.
They had returned to a nightmare. Infected had swarmed the city, and Bear and the others wasted no time in combing the carnage in search of their families. Fish, Chase, watched their worlds crumple before their eyes in grief, their families already lost. Buddha was the one to find his wife and children safe but not unharmed, and the group had spent the next week escorting them to the Atlanta QZ and leaving Buddha with them.
Bear doesn't mention his own family. You don't ask.
After that they moved west, towards a daring dream of California where they imagined Caulder's daughter was. They had kept up hope for years, trying to find a trace of her, only to come up empty handed. Eventually they drifted east again, traveling as mercenaries for hire, falling back on their skills as soldiers to survive. Years later they ended up in Jackson, and there they had stayed. They rest, they say, was history.
Bear relays the story with tightly concealed emotion, focusing only on events and facts, refusing to show the aching hurt inside him even as he opens himself up to yours. Even so, you can see it in his eyes, can see the regret and pain linger there when he dares to glance at you. He's burning himself, and you desperately wish the rain would return to douse the grief inside his chest. Your heart aches for him, and you fall asleep on his shoulder, eyes damp with hurt for the things he's lost.
The crackle of the fire drifts softly against your senses, merging with the rustle of the wind over the hills and Bear's soft, quiet breathing. It soothes against you, drags you down into a gentle doze where you're tucked against his shoulder.
You awake with a start as Bear stiffens against you, sucking in a breath and adjusting the rifle in his grip. You shift, rouse against his side, blink blearily and try to process the words Bear has just murmured down at you.
"Get to the cabin."
You snap to, standing with him as he rises to his feet. His form is coiled tightly, a white-knuckle grip on the rifle. When you glance into his eyes the orange glint of flames dances darkly in his gaze, jaw clenched and shoulders taut as he readies himself for the threat he sees in the distance. When you follow his stare, you see it, the shapes and shadows of riders on the next hill over, dark against the night sky.
Bear's voice is a dragging, smoky growl down at you, one hand loosing from the rifle to gently push you in the direction of the valley below.
When you run down the hill, the devastating, thunderous sound of Bear's rifle echoes out in the midnight like an omen of destruction.
Joel is at the porch with his own rifle by the time you reach the edge of the barn, and when he calls your name it's with a shout, a scream you've never once before heard him use. It chills your blood, threatens to crack the heavens above your form. You race towards him, shawl fluttering from your shoulders as Bear's rifle once more fires into the dark, as hoofbeats echo down from the rise, as your world alights in destruction.
Caulder and the others were awakened by the first shot, armed by the second, and now as the raiders descend into the valley below they spill from the barn onto their own horses. It takes mere moments for the world around you to be consumed by the shaking ground under you, the approaching sound of riders behind you as you hurl yourself back towards Joel, legs pumping and eyes wide with terror.
You watch as Joel lifts his rifle, points it in your direction just as the shrill whinny of a horse closes in on your form. The echo of it shatters in the dark, and you stumble and fall just as Joel's aim finds the rider less than ten steps behind you, his rider-less horse racing mere feet past your fallen form.
Joel screams your name once more, in that holler that trembles the earth around you, and you stumble to your feet only to feel the side of you alight in warmth. You turn, eyes horrified as they reflect the flickering flames of a torch just as it reaches the woodpile stacked against the barn.
"NO!!" You scream, now pointing yourself in the direction of the blaze. Shots ring out around you, hoofbeats and shouts and whistles the only sounds in the world, muffling the growing flames that lick at the wood panels of the barn. You barely hear them, thinking instead about the animals you and Joel have spent so much time caring for, the lambs that you had watched him catch as hope bloomed in his eyes.
It takes effort to tip over the rain barrel at the edge of the barn onto the growing blaze, smoke stinging your eyes and clogging your throat. The flames are higher than you now, and as you use a bucket to slosh water higher you pray to whatever god will listen that the flare doesn't reach the hayloft.
Hands grab at you, and instinctively you scream, push back at whatever attacker has seized you. Yet Joel's voice pierces your thoughts, and when you turn you see the panic written clear across his gaze. The fire glints off both your forms, and for the briefest of moment you see Joel's lips form the words "It's me."
Together the two of you race towards the barn door, with Joel at your back lifting his rifle towards the shadowy riders that circle your homestead. It takes effort to haul open the gates inside, releasing first the horses, and then braving the growing smoke towards the sheep. They hesitate, frightened inside their corral, so you launch yourself in and scare them from the pen, watching as they spill towards the barn doors. Joel stands there as they dart in the direction of the pasture, and once more you beg the heavens that Caulder and the others can distract the raiders long enough for them to get away.
Smoke smarts against your vision now, descending heavy as the hayloft begins to catch. Yet you manage to release the other two pens of sheep before at last trying to make your way towards the barn door. As you do, you hear a terrified bleat, eyes wet as you turn towards a forgotten lamb who'd been injured in the surge. Despite the heavy smoke descending from the ceiling, you stumble and scoop the little one into your arms, desperately coughing and blinking as you fumble in search of the door. You try and follow the sound of Joel's voice, feeling heat sear against your skin.
Hands seize on your form, dragging you along as you wheeze and splutter, until at last  you're hauled into the cool night air, grass sticking to your knees as you collapse. You fall forward so your head braces on the ground, still clutching the lamb tightly in your arms as you heave for air. The sound of gunshots is muffled down by the roar of the inferno, heat searing at your back. Yet the earth trembles less, the shouts and whistles have faded to infrequent rifle shots that make you flinch with each round.
You don't know how long you stay down on the ground, coughing up smoke and feeling the lamb in your tightly clutched hold tremble with you. The acrid smell of smoke fills your nose, clogs your thoughts and summon the vision of a man backlit by flames, his blade raised as he brings it down on your form.
"J-Joel-" You gasp, one arm stretching out in front of you. Your chest splutters, lungs heaving with each breath. You're so cold despite the raging fire of the barn, frostbite lingering on your lips as you try to breathe.
Hands reach for you, raise you up and soon you're dragged into an embrace, face streaked with tears and ash. You drag in a gasping suck of air that looses as sob, warmth spilling from the corner of your eyes as you struggle to breathe and cry all at once. The arms holding you smell like gunpowder and smoke and maple, holding you fast as you collapse into them. A hand grasps at his jacket, and you dare to hope that maybe, maybe the person holding you is the one you want.
Bear's face blinks into your gaze.
He presses you back to his chest before he can see the conflict in your eyes, refusing to let himself see the things that might hurt him, refuses to let you see his own pain at the look in your eyes. On his knees, his rifle discarded beside him, he drags you to him, shushes you when sobs crack in your throat, confused and hurt and wanting.
Another hand settles on your shoulder, and you don't need to look up to see who it is. Joel's grasp is solid, familiar, and you raise a hand up to grasp at his sleeve as if he might pull away. yet it only draws Bear's arms tighter around you as a result, as if trying to shield you and keep you with him just a little longer.
"You're okay." He hushes into your hair as you sob, cough up smoke, caught between the forest and the blaze as your world burns to ash. "We've got you."
"We're here. You're safe."
“You’re safe.”
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(Please reblog this post to be added to the taglist for the final update)
@yeyinde @alittlefansthings @joebeargraves @moriflos @aeoncss @havenforafrazzledmind @littlemisspascal @zwiiicnziiix
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gyu-effect · 10 months
“DID YOU JUST..BITE ME??” “NOT ON PURPOSE” with seungkwan because i can see him doing this ahahahaha
but that aside congratulations for reaching yet another milestone! i love your work so much so it makes me really happy to see your blog grow!
genuinely loved everything you wrote it here and thank you for the hard work. i really look forward to reading more of your works in the future and can't wait to see you hit another milestone.
PAIRING || Seungkwan x Female Reader
GENRES || Fluff, Humour, Friends To Lovers AU
WARNINGS || mentions of alcohol
WORD COUNT || 1.3k
A/N || asdfhjkl this was so seungkwan coded i honestly had a great great time writing this one! and thank you so much for your sweet words im so happy that you enjoy reading my works so much!
TAGLIST || @romeosbreastmilk @y00nzin0 @cecedrake2217 @ashkuuuu @candidupped @hanicore @alyssng @amethyistheart [if you want to be added to my taglist, fill in this form!]
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the plan was quite simple. separate seungkwan from the group. take him to the balcony. confess and then kiss. you should have easily been able to do that, at least according to your best friend. 
except that it wasn’t as easy as it had sounded so now you were still sitting with all your friends, talking and laughing with everyone like you definitely hadn't meant to kidnap your crush and take him to a secluded place an hour ago. 
your eyes met seungcheol’s and he glared at you, silently asking why you still hadn’t executed the ‘fool proof plan’ (as he had called it). you raised your hand a little asking him to wait, before silently communicating with your eyes that you weren't exactly getting a chance to tell or even hint at seungkwan that maybe the two of you should head to a quieter place.
because after all, you couldn't just ask the person who was in charge of making everyone laugh to get up and leave the group.
"what's wrong?" you jumped a little when you suddenly heard his voice from beside you. you turned to your side and found yourself face to face with the one and only boo seungkwan, grinning at you slightly as he waited for your answer. 
"what- what could be wrong?" you asked back, your voice a bit higher than you had expected due to the sudden close proximity. wincing, you cleared your throat once before speaking again. "what do you mean what's wrong?"
no sooner had those words escaped your throat, you mentally slapped yourself. why did you reply like that? here, your crush was being genuinely concerned (or maybe not but you knew seungkwan was a very caring person) about you and instead of replying like a normal person you asked him back what could be wrong.
way to go y/n. now you are definitely closer to him.
but luckily for you, seungkwan either had had a bit too many drinks or he was in an extremely good mood right now. he just flicked his eyebrows at seungcheol and then back to you before saying, "i meant, is seungcheol giving you a hard time? you both seemed to be having an intense staring competition." Then leaning in a bit closer he added, "we could, you know, maybe prank him or something."
"aghl." you said intelligently, patting your flushed cheeks. "i mean no! he- he's not giving me a hard time. i, uh, i have a twitching eye! yeah that's right. my left eye has been twitching for quite some time now so i was just telling that to cheol."
seungkwan frowned in worry and scooted closer to you. he looked at you with deep concern and you felt your heart flutter a little before your brain started overthinking again.
you are so delusional that you reinterpret everything he does y/n.
"left eye is twitching? i'm not superstitious but-"
"i know. " you cut him off. "it's a sign of bad luck. i need to be careful." 
at this he let out a chuckle, a sound that always caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. you loved the sound of seungkwan's laughter so much that you would have given up anything to be able to make him laugh like that all the time. 
"i was going to say good luck." he beamed at you as though the twitching in your left eye was actually going to give you all the luck in the universe. "for a man it's a bad omen. but for a woman, well, my sisters have always told me that it means good luck and happiness are around the corner."
for some reason, him saying that gave you a huge confidence boost. but if good luck and happiness were waiting for you around the corner, then you would be very stupid to let it go, even if it meant believing in some superstition (your eyes hadn't twitched even once in the past year let alone right now).
"good luck, huh." you muttered before looking at seungkwan in the eye. the yellow lights that had been switched on instead of the usual ones lit him in a warm glow, almost giving him a fuzzy feeling and making him look like an angel. you realised that if you didn't do it now, you would never be able to do it.
quickly finishing the almost empty cup in your hand you said, “it's a bit stuffy here, isn’t it? want to get some fresh air.”
“sure. i don’t think i can stand soonyoung screaming into the karaoke mic anymore.” he said, finishing off his cup too.
you rolled your eyes despite the smile creeping up your lips before asking, “and who’s fault is that?”
he just smiled at you sheepishly (which was very hot according to you) and got up, extending his hand to you. you took his hand as he pulled you up, skin tingling at the contact. but you didn’t let that bother you much, as you followed him to the balcony.
the cold air hit your burning cheeks, which was a relief because seungkwan stood so close to you that you could feel the warmth radiating from his body. “so,” he began, leaning behind until his back rested against the wall (now this was actually very hot of him), “what did you want to tell me?”
you blinked at him stupidly. “tell you something?” of course you had to tell him something. you were supposed to confess to him. but how did he know about that?
“yeah. you and cheol seemed to be in some…ah, heated discussion at the beginning of the party.” he said, his eyes twinkling. you didn’t think that he had overheard your plan but nonetheless your cheeks burned even more. “you guys okay? wanna talk about it?”
“yeah.” you nodded, taking in a deep breath to calm your down your racing heart a bit. “we were talking about you actually.”
“me?” he feigned a look of innocence which wasn’t exactly hard for him. “what did i do? am i in trouble with you?”
“kind of?”
“don’t tell me it's because i like you.”
“no, it's because- wait what?” your eyes widened in shock, sure you had heard the last part wrong. “you- you like me?”
for the first time in the evening, you saw seungkwan’s confidence falter a little. he dropped his eyes to the floor as blush creeped up his cheeks. then slowly, he nodded as though agreeing to the fact that he did like you. “yeah. ‘m sorry, wanted to confess to you later on and in a better way but you look so pretty right now that i couldn’t help-”
your actions in the next few seconds surprised not only you, but also seungkwan. maybe it was the alcohol in the system, or maybe it was the fact that his confession had made you giddy but all of a sudden you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled his body into yours, slamming your lips against his.
at first he seemed taken aback. but then almost immediately, he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you in impossibly closer, lips fervently moving against your. 
your mind was in a whirlwind. you could feel your heart thumping loudly in your ears, like as though this was what you had waited for all this time and yet every inch of you screamed for more. 
slowly, you opened your mouth a little but accidentally closed it immediately, causing your teeth to graze his lips. a bit too hard.
seungkwan jerked away from you, as the two of you stared at each other in horror.
what have i done? oh my god, what have i actually done?
“did you just…bite me?” 
“not on purpose!” you exclaimed, equally troubled by what had just happened. “i swear i didn’t mean to hurt you. i- i- it was my first kiss so i-”
“first kiss?” he asked, stepping in closer once again as he smirked at you now.
you felt embarrassed but still nodded. “y-yeah. it was my first time. really sorry.”
“don’t apologise.” seungkwan said sweetly, cupping your face as he brushed his nose against yours. “let’s try that again, shall we?”
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This fic was inspired by a post from @vampiricgf about taking Astarion on a date post-game. I hope you all enjoy it, because it was a joy to write. <3
“Hey handsome,” Agnetha greeted Astarion, who was draping fabric for a dress he was making. For her. After all, poor dear lost nearly her entire wardrobe when her house was turned into rubble. “I have something I’d like to ask you.”
Oooooooh. He waggled his eyebrows, earning him a laugh. “Ask away! I’m all pointy ears, my love!”
She moved to hug him from behind, her long arms wrapping around his shoulders. She kissed his cheek before whispering conspiratorially, “Would you like to go on a date with me? A proper date?” She kissed his cheek again. “Please?”
A date.
A proper date.
A proper date with my darling girl.
He spun around quickly and kissed her soundly. When he tugged on her bottom lip, he squealed. “Oohoho yes! When? What time? Obviously at night I’m guessing…oh, and where? We must dress impeccably no matter what—”
“Astarion, you mad man!” She wrinkled her nose and giggled. It’s the cutest thing she does, and frankly, there’s a lot she does that is very cute. “All I’ll say is that it’s a place we’re familiar with, yes at night obviously, and tomorrow after sunset.” She booped his nose and turned, walking towards their suite door. “Now, I need to take Horace for a walk. See you soon, love.”
He stood at the mannequin dumbfounded.
A proper date with my darling girl tomorrow.
Astarion agonized over what he and Agnetha should wear.
The agony!
And after watching him for hours lay out outfits and then put them back with the shake of his head and a tutting sound, she explained that their date would be on the rooftop of the Elfsong Tavern. “We have it to ourselves all night.” She rubbed her temples. “So please stop worrying about what to wear.”
The ecstasy!
Now that I know…I’VE GOT IT!
He thought that choosing their ensembles would help him relax.
He thought wrong.
I wonder what Agi has planned. If we have the entire rooftop to ourselves, then we could watch the stars. Cuddle. Have snacks, with her being the snack. Music? Tons of pillows? More cuddling?
Throughout the next day, he was giddy with excitement and to his embarrassment, could not stop giggling.
By the time they arrived at the Elfsong Tavern, Astarion was giggling louder than usual. He held her arm as she led them inside and towards the stairs. “Oh my gods, you are too much!” She chuckled softly then her mood shifted. “I hope I don’t let you down…”
“Ahahahaha, let me down?! Agi darling, you can’t be serious!” He let go of her arm and bolted up the stairs to the landing, hands on his hips. “You freed me from Cazador and two hundred years of torment, saved Baldur’s Gate from the Netherbrain, and you’re afraid of disappointing me? Ahahahahahaha!” He watched her fondly as she ascended the rest of the steps. For her, he chose the first dress he made her---long and form-hugging with a plunging neckline and gold accents. Green is one of her best colors, and she was the one who insisted on the lower neckline much to my delight.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Considering how you’ve been vibrating like Horace when he knows I’m going to give him a treat, yes of course I’m going to worry about disappointing you.” When she reached the top of the stairs, she hugged him. “You’re one of the most important people in my life, Astarion. I want you to be happy. I want what I do for you to be perfect.”
“You worry too much, dear.” Far too much. She has a tincture made from those “relaxing herbs” Halsin gave her during our adventure to help settle her nerves every night. I tell her she’s doing too much, taking on too much responsibility…but she just smiles. Tells me she’s happy to have a hand in making any dream of mine come true. Tells me she’s not only content but the happiest she’s ever been. “Everything you do is perfect.”
She giggled. “I’ll keep that in mind next time I fuck up something.” Glancing at the ladder to the rooftop, she shook her head dramatically. “That just won’t do.” She pulled out a scroll of Fly and cast it on him as she snapped her fingers open the hatch above ALL WHILE FLYING THROUGH USING HER STORM SORCERY!!! Have I said that my darling girl is brilliant and far more talented than Gale?
Laughing even more, Astarion flew up the ladder and through the hatch, landing directly in from of his lover. Laughing, he pulled her face to his as her arms went around his narrow waist. “You are full of surprises, darling.”
“With a few more up my sleeve.” She winked as she kissed him again. Her kisses never fail to brighten my mood and lighten my undead heart. Sweet darling girl, what do you have planned? “This way, love.” She left his embrace, but her hands held his and led him to a pair of chaise lounges pushed together surrounded by floating candles. Is that..? “Snacks and drinks for me and beef blood from our favorite butcher for you. If you want the candle to be dimmer, just tell me and I’ll fix it.”
He watched her lovingly as she let go of his hands and flopped onto one of the lounges, taking a chocolate truffle. “You really thought of everything, didn’t you?” He murmured, pouring himself a glass of blood. “You did all this for me.” And I can’t quite believe it. “You didn’t have to, sweetness.”
She giggled a little as she chewed the truffles and grabbed another one. “Of course I did! Because I love you, Star. I love you, and I want to give you everything I can. Can’t walk in the sun? No problem!” She wrinkled her nose and smirked at him. Fucking hells. My darling girl is tempting me already. I’ll give it you right back, dear. “I’ll just do something very romantic at night with lots of cuddling. Problem solved.”
“I love it when you’re so confident, darling. It’s so very…alluring.” He put down the glass and lay down next to her, curling into her substantial side. “The most powerful sorceress on Toril, and she finally fucking acts like it.” One of his hands caressed her belly as he leaned close to her neck. “A rare and beautiful fruit that one must savor.” Not yet. Maybe later if she offers, but not now. “You wanted to show off, didn’t you, my pretty little butter bun?” he smirked, placing several kisses where he normally fed from her. “My darling giving it her all like the good girl she is. How…very…sweet.” He punctuated each word with a kiss, the hand on her belly slowly traveling upward.
She fidgeted slightly and sat up.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Before we go any further, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you, if that’s alright.”
She’s smiling. Not too wide. Her genuine smile. Maybe it’s nothing bad. I hope it’s nothing. Please don’t let it be something bad. I thought she was happy? Aren’t we happy? I’m happy, but is she happy? I thought so… “Yes, darling, of course.”
“I love you,” she began, brushing away a few of his white curls. “I know I say it all the time, but I mean it…well, every time.” She smiled at him, her brown eyes shining with a level of love, adoration, and devotion that Astarion knew all too well. Because that is always how she looks at me. As if I’m worthy of all that and more. “I love you. You mean everything to me. You’re my home. And I’m saying all this, because—”
Wait…is she…?!?!?!
“I want to know if you—”
IS SHE…?!?!
“Would like to…” She so fucking adorably bit on her lower lip. “Marry me?”
She did.
Astarion stared at Agnetha, mouth dropping open and eyes wide. His lips moved but nothing emerged for several seconds. “Marry you?” He practically squeaked in reply.
The smile on her face faded. “Yes, Star. I’m asking you if you want to marry me. If you would marry me. But only if that’s what you want, and I can understand if you don’t—”
We are not playing that little game tonight, my dear.
He yanked her face towards his roughly, silencing her with a passionate kiss. He maneuvered himself onto his back and encouraged her to lay on top of him. Oh gods, the first time I told her to do that, she started crying. “I’ll crush you, Astarion! I’ll break you!” Frankly, my dear---I don’t give a damn. I’m dead. It’s fine. Now though, she does it happily. That’s it, my good girl. “You seriously think I’d say no to having a party in my…ahem, our honor, then darling, you’re mad.” Astarion snarked, wrapping his arms around her and sighing contentedly. “The answer, of course, is yes.” As if it could be any other answer. I won’t lie---I was planning on proposing to her, but she beat me to it, the cheeky little thing. “If the question,” he whispered softly, hugging her a little tighter. “Is whether I want to be somewhere or do anything with you, the answer is always yes. I will be by your side always, and I want the world to know that.” He chuckled. “Or at the very least, our dear friends and your family.”
Agnetha laughed softly and reached for a small jewelry box. “Before we start talking about color schemes and flowers,” a white gold ring with rubies encircling the band was inside the box. She slipped it on his left ring finger, which he curiously did not have a ring on already. How funny! And how utterly perfect. “Oh thank fuck, it fits. I was worried.”
“Of course you were. Now,” he gave her a small, quick kiss. “Have something to eat and drink, darling, and get comfortable because we are going to talk about colors, flowers, decorations, dates, guest list, seating, and don’t worry, sweetness---our outfits are a top priority!” Her wedding dress will be talked about in Baldur’s Gate for generations. I will ensure that.
Adorably she pretended to be horrified as she poured herself some water and drank. “Oh my gods, what have I done?” She began to laugh and shake her head. “What monster have I unleashed this night?” Still laughing (and I am too because she’s simply too cute and funny), Agnetha took a few more chocolates and a chocolate chip cookie. She baked cookies earlier in the week for a friend she said. Hmmm, must have had several left over. “Sorry love, I couldn’t help it!”
Both now on their backs, Astarion faced her and scoffed. “Oh hush you! With how much teasing I give you on a daily basis, it’s only right and proper that you get your own back on me. Besides, I will only be demanding the best for our wedding, you know. We deserve the best. And speaking of the best, depending on how quickly we want to this planned and done, a certain kind of lily will be in season—”
“Wouldn’t it be so funny if Gale was your best man?” She sniggered, taking a bite out of the cookie. “He’d have the longest fucking speech ever, and somehow we’ll all be crying at the end of it.”
“Ugh. At that point, Halsin would be a much better best man than Gale. Wyll’s not even here, and he would be better! I could pull out a chair with Wyll’s name painted on it, and it would be the best best man ever!” Noticing her bursting out laughing, he rolled his eyes. “Darling really!”
She kissed him for what Astarion definitely thought lingered for a second too long and smiled. “We don’t even have to have a best man or maid of honor. That’s more of a Baldurian tradition, but we don’t have to go along with it. After all,” she wrinkled her nose, grinning. “We’re not exactly a traditional couple.”
Astarion nodded silently.
No, we’re not a traditional couple by any definition.
Elf. Human.
Vampire. Mortal.
Shorter than her. Very tall.
Perfectly lithe and built like a god. A deliciously sexy cream puff come to life.
But that’s just us, and that’s wonderful.
The conversation moved on to colors (white with hints of silver and gold), then to guests (apparently we do in fact have to invite Gale), and then drifted to food (Agi wants at least four tiers with each tier being different flavors to accommodate everyone’s tastes---just have it be your favorite and fuck them, darling!). After a while, Agnetha curled into Astarion’s side. He stared at the stars and then back down at the woman in his arms.
“I just realized something, sweetness.”
“Hmm?” Someone’s getting sleepy. It must be past two in the morning at least.
“I never got to ask you if wanted to marry me.”
She snuggled against his chest and sighed happily. “Yes, Astarion Ancunin, I will marry you.” She’s so sleepy. Aww. “I’ll always marry you, love…”
“I know, my darling girl. But before we can do any of that, my pretty princess needs some sleep.” He helped her to her feet, steadying her. “There’s a good girl, my love. Do you have the rune?” She charmed a pair of twin rune stones to act as a teleport directly into our bedroom, which I may or may not have abused on several occasions. She nodded, and he took it out of one of her dress pockets (you’re welcome, my beautiful butter bun) and used to get them there. He sat her on their bed and cupped her face. “May I undress you, darling?”
“Yes please…”
Everything off and in a pile. Her favorite sleep shirt and shorts. The silkiest bottoms for me. Perfect. “Have the sweetest dreams for us, my darling girl. I’ll be here when you wake.” He murmured, as he relaxed in her embrace.
“Dream’s already come true, Star.” Agnetha said, sleepily pressing a kiss to his neck. “We’re living the dream…”
He barked a laugh. “You impossibly sweet thing! Whatever am I going to do with you?”
Say it. Say it. Say it. Please, darling?
“You’ll marry me, and I’ll marry you…”
Thank you. His eyes watered as he held one of her hands.
We already belong to each other, but to not only show that but also celebrate it? When I couldn’t even dream of that a year ago? When we both have people we care about in our lives to celebrate with us? With her by my side?
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devilfic · 2 years
❝wanna see a scary movie?❞
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pairing: steve harrington x gn!reader, nancy wheeler x gn!reader, robin buckley x gn!reader, eddie munson x gn!reader, jonathan byers x gn!reader. cw: fluff, flirting, humor. words: 1.9k.
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let’s be honest, steve isn’t here to watch the movie
all he’d heard you say was “do you wanna go see a movie with me-“ and said yes before you finished talking
he’s much more focused on putting the moves on you so he goes all out: buying you all your favorite snacks, getting a slurpee with one straw so you have to share, bringing his jacket even though he doesn’t get cold so he can put it around your shoulders, pushes up the armrest between you two for “extra room”
it’s all fun and games until the first jumpscare happens and steve nearly launches the popcorn bucket into the rafters
bless his heart
he really tries to reset the mood he was making but every time he glances at the screen he just gets sucked into the story, waiting with bated breath for the next big scare
he’s wiggling all around in his seat trying to unlock some new sitting angle to best protect him from the happenings on screen which is fucking hilarious to watch
eventually the couple sitting nearby just up and moves somewhere else because he keeps squealing and whimpering when NOTHING is happening
at one point he’s just sinking into his chair with a hand covering his eyes and when you ask him if he’s okay his voice gets all high-pitched and he goes “nah nah yeah I’m good!! scary fucking movie ahahahaha you sure know how to pick ‘em!”
keeps whispering “fuck fuck fuck fuck” into your neck when the movie starts reaching its climax but he’s also peeking to see if the killer will win
by the time the movie ends he’s gotten to Zero Base with you and has also thoroughly made a fool out of himself, half in your lap and half out of his own seat
he’s blushing scarlet as you walk him out of the theater and ask him how he liked the movie, snickering behind your hand, to which steve shoves his hands in his pockets and goes “‘s alright. could’ve been scarier in my opinion”
super calls you an hour after he dropped you off at home to “talk” and definitely not to “keep him company because he thinks he sees michael myers in his closet”
it’s okay, you leave your window open for the big baby
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robin is ECSTATIC
as a movie buff herself, she is more than pumped to see this movie with you. in fact, she’s probably more pumped to see the movie period
absolute fucking menace at the concession stand
she’s making potions with the popcorn and like three different types of candy, spilling EVERYWHERE (robin you work in retail you should know better)
like steve, she also gets a drink with only one straw to share but she also insists on mixing a few different sodas to make the most unhinged concoction this underpaid teenager working the concession stand has ever seen
talks your ear off before the previews and between the previews but is silent and seated once the movie starts
well… until she starts talking again. she likes to whisper her thoughts in your ear during movies, I stand by this
if you get scared, she slings her arm around your shoulder when no one’s looking and makes jokes that’ll loosen you up
“this killer is ass. how do you miss stabbing someone in the back that badly? my grandmother has better aim and she’s got carpal tunnel”
when the movie’s over, she grabs people’s trash that they leave in their seats and complains about people making messes. she is also People but shhh 
it isn’t until you’re away from prying eyes that she slips her hand into yours and smiles into your hair, asking you what you thought of the movie
please ask her what she thinks. she will go on a ramble of horror movie facts with you
she also insists she dress up as the killer and you the final victim for halloween which you laugh about until it’s the week before halloween and she’s standing on your doorstep with your outfits in hand
definitely straddles your lap and does a makeup test with fake blood to see how it will look on the big night. she’s very tender crafting that bloody upper lip of yours.......
if no one else is home, she might even insist she chase you around and try to catch you….. for character accuracy, is all
whatever will you do when she’s got you cornered in your bed, panting and warm to the touch, her plastic knife tipping your chin up for a kiss? beg for your life, of course
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VERY similar to steve in that he is scared out of his fucking mind the entire movie, but unlike steve, he is not hubristic
eddie is 100% only going to this movie with you because he takes any chance to spend time with you regardless of what you end up doing
this man would shuck cow shit with you a field if it meant he got to kiss you in the end (preferably after washing off the cow shit)
wayne had given you the funniest look when you’d stopped by eddie’s and told him where your date would be, but it’s only when you actually get into the theater that you realize why
eddie is terrified of horror movies. I stand by this
this is also something he failed to tell you when you said you wanted to see this movie
the entire time he’s sitting there clutching the seat for dear life. you don’t think he blinks even once
if you try to share snacks with him or ask him if he’s okay, he won’t even turn his head to you to answer
man is glued to the seat like it might eject from the floor and blast him into space any minute
his leg bounces up and down in anxiety and you feel so bad for insisting you see this movie together because now he’s all wired, so you rub his knee in gentle circles and that seems to help some
eventually he stops tensing up just to hold your hand in his clammy one
by the end of the movie, eddie is jumping at nearly every sound
when you get back to the trailer, wayne just gets this smug look on his face and goes “so how’d he do?”
eddie: “I didn’t cry if that’s what you’re insinuating”
wayne: >:D
eventually wayne explains to you that when eddie was little, he couldn’t go see too many movies because he’d always get so spooked and then not sleep the whole night
he’d once caught eddie sitting in the living room with a baseball bat in hand waiting for any ne’er-do-wells to show themselves and from that point on, wayne hadn’t shown him any movies above the rating of pg-13
it’s cute though, because when you inevitably stay the night to comfort eddie, he gets to burrow his face into your chest and falls asleep like a baby
well. until wayne closes the bathroom door too loudly and eddie shoots up with a scream. never again
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nancy is not. excited
it’s nothing to do with you of course!! it’s just that between her and jonathan, she was the one taking mike and the boys out to see the newest releases or renting movies for them at sleepovers only for them to all pile into her room at the end of the night because they were so scared
she’s woken up to a room full of snoring, drooling middle school boys more times than she would have liked
so, needless to say, her track record with scary movies has been very Not fun
but this also means she’s a wall of steel when anything scary happens, trust that she is an expert in her field and will gladly pet your head if you happen to nuzzle into her neck for comfort
probably teases you like “oh, you poor thing” and presses a discreet kiss to your forehead while you’re cowering from the killer
even if you’re not scared, you’re gonna pretend today
if you get too scared, she’ll drag you out of the showing by the hand and the two of you will hang out in the lobby of the theater just talking. she’ll offer to buy you your favorite snack and then scoot close to you to share. she doesn’t have to be practically sitting in your lap to share but.... who are you to complain....
nancy also gets the CUTEST smug look on her face if you insist you’re not scared and then spend the entire movie jumping and shrieking next to her
she’ll tickle the back of your neck with her fingers and laugh when you bounce away from her, warm in the cheeks
she tries not to be a tease but let’s face it. you’re so cute when you’re nervous
eventually she uses your jumpiness to her advantage and invites you to stay the night at hers, sneaking you up to her room where she promises she’ll watch over you in case any scary monsters try to whisk you away in the night
you’re far sweeter to wake up to, after all
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jonathan goes ALL OUT
you can’t tell me this guy doesn’t turn it into a big event
he’s used to sneaking will into scary movies and it became their thing, so expect will trying to tag along with the two of you when he finds out what you’re seeing
you don’t mind of course. especially if it’s a sequel and will insists you all dress up for it
the three of you pick your favorite characters from the movie and joyce is immediately taking pictures of you guys in silly poses
will is still kind enough to give you guys space at the actual movie though. he probably gets dustin max and lucas to meet him there and they sit up in the front row while you and jonathan sit in the back together
mike wasn’t available for el related reasons
you and jonathan spend the entire movie either calling bullshit on recycled plot twists or nudging each other over cameos from old characters
eventually, when the movie starts to drag, jonathan scoots a little closer and asks “is it cold in here or is it just me?”
you glance down at his tattered, fake bloody shirt and snicker “might just be you, champ”
but it’s very obvious what he’s asking, so you push up the armrest between you two and cuddle into his chest, smiling when you feel his nervous hand settle on your hip to pull you closer
after the movie, jonathan doesn’t remove that hand
even when the six of you are squeezing into jonathan’s car and gushing over the movie, jonathan doesn’t release you until he has to slip into the driver’s seat
and even then, he holds out his hand on the console between you two and holds yours the entire way back to everyone’s houses
finally, you’re the last stop
jonathan leaves will in the car to walk you up to your front door
“you better hurry up and get back to will before he accuses me of stealing you from him”
jonathan laughs, “are you kidding? when he gets his driver’s license he’s just gonna ditch me for his friends. he can wait”
you mumble a “oh yeah?” and lean in, brushing your lips over his with the promise of a kiss. jonathan swallows hard around the lump in his throat
just as you’re about to press a kiss to his lips, you press one instead to his cheek, giggling at his shocked expression “let’s not give will too much to tease you over, hm?”
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taglist: @yikes-buddy​
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiii bb,
Maybe you could write about Eddie being absolute shit at beerpong and he loses to his crush and he gets so mad that he pouts all night about it. 🤔😅
🤡 @trashmouth-richie
Ahahahaha fuck you but yes I'll write it.
Warnings: language, drinking, characters are around 21-22 years old
WC: 802
"Hah!" you exclaim as you sink the ping pong ball into the final cup. "We win!" You turn and give Robin a high-five, sticking your tongue out at Steve and Eddie.
"You said you were good at this," Eddie hisses at his teammate, raking his fingers through his curls in frustration.
Steve just shrugs. "I was, back in high school. Guess I'm out of practice." He reaches into the cooler and pulls out two more beers, offering one to Eddie. "To losing," he holds up his can, frowning when Eddie doesn't do the same. "Dude, what crawled up your ass?"
"Nothing," Eddie huffs, taking a swig. His eyes flick over to you, already engrossed in a conversation with some guy he vaguely remembers from Hawkins High. You're laughing and taking small sips of your drink.
"Oh, I see," Steve smirks. "You're upset because you wanted to impress your little girlfriend, huh?"
"Not my girlfriend," Eddie mumbles, glancing at you again when he hears you giggle. God, what was so funny that you were still talking to this loser?
Steve sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't get it. A few months ago, you were fine with just being her friend. Now you're getting all bent out of shape over a stupid game of pong?"
Before Eddie can respond, he feels an arm sling around his shoulder. "Aw, whassa matter, Romeo?" Robin teases, words slightly slurred. "Sad without your Juliet?"
"Shut up, both of you!" Eddie undoes himself from Robin's grasp. "'M gonna take a leak, and then I'm outta here." He pushes through the crowd of people and stumbles to the bathroom.
Eddie never used to think twice about impressing you; it's not that he didn't care, but you two were just friends. He didn't overthink his jokes or get self-conscious about his hair, because he didn't need to. But that all changed a few months ago: he was sick as a dog, curled up in bed with the worst flu he'd ever had. You'd showed up with some homemade soup and crackers, staying for hours to make sure that he drank enough water and took medicine to keep his fever down. After that, he saw you in a whole new light. He never knew someone could care about him like you do. And it doesn't hurt that you're gorgeous, either.
He leaves the bathroom, hastily wiping his hands on his jeans, and nearly bumps into someone. "Watch it, du--oh, hi," he breathes out, unable to meet your gaze. "Sorry 'bout that."
"Y'okay?" you ask, concern evident by your tone. Eddie practically melts when you grab his hand to pull him back towards you. "What's going on?"
"'M fine." He tries a small smile. "Just tired." That part isn't a complete lie; he's tired of watching opportunities to be with the girl of his dreams pass by.
You give a little laugh. "You can't pull one over on me, Eddie Munson," you say. "Now, tell me what's really on your mind."
"I, uh, really thought I had that beer pong game in the bag." Another half-truth.
"You're upset because of that?" You furrow your brows. "'S not like we bet any money."
Eddie massages the nape of his neck. "I looked like an idiot," he supplies. "Kept tryin' to get the stupid fuckin' ball in the stupid fuckin' cup..."
"You didn't look like an idiot; we were just having fun," you reassure him. "If anything, you look like an idiot now, getting all pouty about it." You pause. "Wait...were you trying to show off for someone?" When he looks away, you clap your hands excitedly. "Who is it? C'mon, I won't tell." You mime zipping your lips and throwing away the key.
"No one." Eddie shakes his head.
"Liar! Look, you're totally blushing. Tell me tell me tell m--"
"It's you, okay!" he blurts out, unable to contain his secret any longer. "I was gonna--ugh, I was gonna say something like, 'you owe the winner a date,' or some cheesy shit like that, like in those dumb romance movies you watch--"
"They are not dumb!" you retort, giving him a playful shove. "But I am gonna steal that line. So, Eddie, you owe the winner a date."
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Really? You wanna go on a date with me?"
"Of course!" you say with a smile. "You think I'd risk the flu for just anyone?"
Eddie beams, pulling the keys to his van from his jacket pocket. "What are we waiting for, then? Wanna grab some burgers at Benny's with me?"
"I'd love to," you return his smile, then bring your lips to his ear to whisper, "maybe after, we can go back to your place and you can show me what you are good at."
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Ler!Francis x gn!reader
It was a rough day for both of us so here's some ler Francis for the soul~
I didn't proofread btw akdhskfhsj
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Francis x gn!reader (platonic)
Lee: reader
Ler: Francis
Warnings: Tickles!
It was the ungodly hours of 5 am, everyone else at the guild had gone to sleep except for one particular member...
Francis was currently hot on your tails, having spent who knows how long trying to drag you back to your room, but you were just too full of energy. Even though he was dead tired, he wouldn't be able to sleep knowing one of his kids was still running around causing chaos.
"Y/n, get back here!" he yelled after you in mock anger, while you only stuck your tongue out playfully in response. Oh you were really asking for it, he thought to himself.
Your giggles echoed across the hallways as you kept running around. You were so caught up in the moment, blinded by giddiness, that you ended up bumping into someone, causing you to tumble down to the ground. It was none other than Louisa.
"Eep?! I-I'm so sorry Y/n! Are you okay?!" her face instantly flushed in embarrassment as she held a hand out for you to grab, swiftly pulling you up on your feet.
"Ahaha! Yeah, I'm fine!" you responded with a bright smile, calming down her nerves a bit.
"A-anyways, what are you doing out here so late...?" she tilted her head curiously.
"I couldn't sleep, too much energy!~" you practically vibrated in the spot. "But what about you?! What are YOU doing out here so late?~" you crossed your arms as you waited for a response.
"Me?! I- uhh..." she looked away in embarrassment, but before she could think of an excuse, Franci's loud voice echoed, coming towards you!
"Aha! I've found you, pipsqueak!" he cheered triumphantly, coming up behind you and hoisting you up in his arms with ease.
"Gyah! F-Francis, put me down...!" you kicked your legs out, your face quickly turning red from being caught.
"Not so fast now, I still need to punish you for disturbing the peace~" he teased jokingly. "Ah, Louisa, since you're here, hold him down for me~"
"Wha-?!" her face darkened as Francis practically flung you over to Louisa's arms. Even though she looked delicate, she had a firm grip around you.
"Now, y'know what happens to those who disobey the rules, right?~" Francis loomed over you with a teasing smirk on his face, making you blush harder.
"Uhh... y-you set them free...?~" you asked with a nervous grin, already feeling the butterflies going wild in your stomach.
At that, his grin grew more sinister "Mm nope, they get tickled!~". With that, his hands shot down to your stomach, scribbling and scratching all over it.
"WAH-! PFFT! AHAHAHAHA!" you squealed and shrieked in ticklish glee while squirming like a fish out of water in Louisa's arms, even she had a hard time surpressing her smile from your adorable reactions.
"My, such a sensitive belly you have~ I wonder if there's a spot that'll REALLY drive you wild in laughter~" he chuckled as you shook your head around.
"NOHOHO! I-IHI'M NOHOT TICKLISH!" you blurted out through hysterics, causing the other two to laugh in amusement.
"That so? So if I bring my hands down here... it won't tickle?~" as he said that, he snuck his hands under your shirt. His fingers poking and pinching at the bare skin now.
"EEP-! N-NO!" you squeaked and jolted at each playful touch, trying and failing to control your reactions.
"Hmm... let's see...~" he started to poke and wiggle his index finger along your navel, which really got the giggles going.
"AHAHAHA! OKAY! OKAHAHAY! S-STAHAHAP!" you begged through snorts of laughter. Your face was completely red at this point, your body was already feeling the toll the tickling gave it.
"Uhh sir? I think he's had enough" Louisa piqued up as she noticed your giggles dying down and you stopped struggling.
"Aww, alright lovebug~" he placed one final, teasing poke on your navel before stopping. You quickly gasped for breath, your chest heaving from the torture you had been put through. But it was still enjoyable nontheless. Before the other two could react, you fell sound asleep in Louisa's arms.
"Aww, looks like he's all tuckered out now" Louisa softly cooed.
"Here, I'll bring them back to their room" Francis gently held your sleeping frame as he brought you to your room to rest, a bright smile plastered on your face the entire time.
Sorry if it's short, I literally forgor how to write words- 💀
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smilingangel582 · 8 months
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Riiight so a lil cute request from a sweet fan made me realise I should try something new like rather than cake I might go for cupcakes or doughnuts. Hehe anyway reader stuff is pretty difficult but I'll try my best hehehe enjoyyy
Warning spoilers for the archon quest.
Annnd, after this, I don't take requests, guys... see you in 2024, then...
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Your heart pounds in complete horror. The sound of those tapping foot steps just outside the courts you could sense a divine aura from the small silhouette.
Your mind raptured in the consequences you'll be facing for mere thievery by the Hyrdro Archon herself, Lady Furnia.
"Judgement shall be passed even for the most pettiest crimes." she curls her lips to a smirk, now walking towards you with confidence. Small she may seem, but she got greater tricks up her sleeve that will send butterflies into your stomach.
"Now y/n you should know stealing is unacceptable, correct?"
You began to stammer "I-I seriously didn't m-mean to-!"
"Steal? Is that an unconscious action, dearie?" Her finger slides under your chin to make you look up at her as you feel yourself quite smaller while on your knees. Swallowing dryly your palpitations escalated "L-Lady... Furina I..."
"Enough futile chattering," she grins with a pompous attitude "My word you're adorable when you're flustered... let's try something new for today's punishment"
Whatever did she mean by that? You clueless thought and began to scrutinize your predicament. Until you could grap it, she snapped her fingers, bringing two guards to pin you down to a chair they brought, strapping you to the centre.
Startled you squak "G-gah! Nonononono, I didn't mean to break the law! Eek! Lady Furina, don't hurt me. i swear i won't steal again!"
Clicking her tongue and wagging a finger, she smiles endearingly. "Tut tut, naughty children should know what will happen to them if they defy the laws... now, shouldn't they?"
Her finger descended to poke your sides, emitting a shriek from yiu, both from the electrifying touch and anticipation of pain... giggling nervously realisation dawned on you "Ah uh...um whahat are you -eek! Doing! Ahaahahaa!"
She wiggled her fingers mercilessly at your sides. The pure tortrous touch was even worse than pain. You felt your heart leap at every touch she gets on your ribs.
"Having fun, you have the liberty to laugh to your hearts content... or rather..." she snickered playfully "Mine"
"NOHohohoho ahahahaha plehehease nohohot thihihis! Throhohow mehehehe to thehehehehe dohohogs ohohor meheheheka? Ohohor pihihiranas! Ahahaha nohoho tickling!"
Unexpected turn of events often fluster you. you couldn't believe the mighty god would take such an approach. You shudder when she curls her fingers to your neck, making you squeal. "Naaaaaa waaahahaaait! Pleeeeheease!" geeehahahahaha"
"My, ticklish little thing, aren't you, I don't feel like stopping for the next..." she professed while firmly squeezing your hips to make you cackle."The rest of the five hours!?"
Although it's punishment, you knew perfectly well it won't be merciful. Her nimble fingers perfectly made you crumble in every way, and she would tease you "Oh does this tickle? Then how about here? Oh, this spot is better!"
"Yeeeeaahahahahahaha plehehehease! Ahahaha"
Furina hums now getting to your sensitive feet. "I just started... let me play -oopse- I mean, punish you a while longer... sweet Y/n" her giggles sent another shiver down you, and yet you can't say you could deny this adorable playful side of the god. She's entertained enough to tease you, so... hopefully not to lose your mind, you'll make do for the next five hours...
Perhaps... without dying of laughter or by Furina's sweet merciless side.
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