#like they would need to eat a lot/a lot of big things to sustain themselves
ohfugecannada · 8 months
Flora Colossai/Groot Headcanon 1/?: Diet and Eating
Though they can mostly sustain themselves on water and sunlight like most plants and trees, The Flora colossi are technically opportunistic omnivores. They can/will eat solid food such as fruit, vegetables and/or even meat if the circumstances call for it.
When they are driven to hunt, flora colossi can use their shapeshifting powers to make themselves look like non-sentient trees and ambush prey of small to medium-sized animals.
Though, again, most modern day Flora Colossi sustain themselves fine on water/sunlight a good chunk of the time, so eating solid foods like fruit or meat is pretty much optional for them.
Flora Colossi such as the Guardians of the galaxy’s Groot even seem to enjoy eating solid food for fun. Particularly in social situations like when he’s with teammates such as Rocket.
#gotg#guardians of the galaxy#marvel#marvel comics#Groot#flora colossus#flora colossi#headcanons#gotg headcanons#I watch a lot of videos about carnivorous plants and thier evolution#so the idea of an omnivorous plants or carnoivorous trees fascinates me#the flora colossi are such insane creatures when you think about their diet and how it could sustain them#like it would make sense for a plant organism that developed sentience and high intelligence to be omnivorous to get more energy#but then you consider how freaking big they can get#like they would need to eat a lot/a lot of big things to sustain themselves#and that’s not even taking into account the energy required for them to use thier shapeshifting powers and health factor and all that crap#I guess that’s why most of thier energy would come form sunlight and water#it would take way less energy to get than hunting prey#plus since sunlight from the arbor masters gives fc saplings photonic knowledge maybe the sun(s) of Planet X have a lot more powerful#or nutrient rich energies compared to the Earth sun?#I’m defiantly reading too deep into funny alien tree biology#I mean superhero comics have taken way more questionable liberties when it comes to science#plus I’m sure no one at marvel has ever thought about flora colossus biology as hard as I have#also all this scifi pseudo science talk offsets the mental image of being ambushed and eaten by a giant tree monster#lucky unless groot gets trapped in the darkest and driest cave ever for a few days I doubt he’d ever try and hunt/eat any of his friends
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intheupside · 3 months
who would survive on a deserted island (dkpitt)
Bryan Rust: I feel like Harkins probably could. He seems like a guy who would be climbing trees and cutting them down with his bare hands, maybe even chewing them down. I think he would do well.
Reilly Smith: I wouldn't say any of us! No, you know what? Harks. Harks could survive. He can probably find weird things to eat. He'd be sufficient at just getting by.
Jansen Harkins: Ned. He just seems resourceful, and I feel like he could just chill. I don't think he needs too much.
Alex Nedeljkovic: Jars. He seems like an outdoorsy guy. Survivalist? I don't know if that's a real word.
P.O Joseph. Not Ned! I'm going to say Gravy. He's from the Maritimes, I feel like they know a little about the outdoors is my guess. On a serious note, I think Ned would definitely be someone that would be good at it, just his capacity of adjusting in places. He would be good at it.
Lars Eller: Sid. He seems to be going different ways about things, about a lot of things. He doesn't rely too much on new technology, let's just say that.
Jake Guentzel: Sid. He's just an outdoorsman, that's kind of his vibe. I'm sure he could find something to live off of.
Chad Ruhwedel: Sid or Carts, or myself. They seem like they could handle themselves in a tough situation. I think I would do OK.
Kris Letang: Sid, he lives in the middle of the woods.
Erik Karlsson: Sid. I just feel like he would be very creative and would probably figure out a way to sustain himself for as long as he needed.
Valtteri Puustinen: I would say Kopi (Joona Koppanen). He's the smartest guy, I think. He knows what he's doing. I think if I went with myself? I'm dying. But he's a smart guy.
Joona Koppanen: I'll take Carts. He has the wisdom and the dad strength.
Colin White: John Ludvig. I feel like he's pretty handy, he'd like the outdoors like that.
Drew O'Connor: Luds, probably. He seems like he would. Look at him! He seems like an animal, don't you think?
John Ludvig: I'm going to say Cookie (Noel Acciari). Cookie's a burly man, he can handle himself. I'm pretty sure he'd find a way to survive wherever he was. I'll go with him.
Noel Acciari: Rudy (Chad Ruhwedel). He has a military background with his dad, he just seems handy.
Marcus Pettersson: Rudy. I think he's pretty handy, he could make something out of nothing, make himself a good shelter. That's big, I think he could build a shelter. Raks is a good fisherman, but the problem is he's alone on that island. He doesn't touch the fish, he hates touching the fish. He doesn't do it. So it'd be a problem, he'd need somebody with him.
Jonathan Gruden: I feel like Petey (Marcus Pettersson) would be good, just being around him for a little bit. He's pretty good, he could work his way around it and survive. Not OC. But P.O could maybe survive too. (Me: Half the team picked P.O for who couldn't survive.) I've got P.O's back! Maybe he's fooling me.
Magnus Hellberg: Can I pick myself? I'm really big into the outdoors and hiking, hunting, fishing. I think I've watched every season of Alone and all those survival shows. I like to be out in nature. When I think about all the guys, I feel like I'm the most nerdy with that stuff, spend a lot of time on the water. I would say myself, but in a humble way.
Rickard Rakell: I think Sid would do pretty well. I feel like he lives out in nowhere over the summer.
Sidney Crosby: I think I'd say Ricky (Rakell). He's pretty chill, I think he's got some survival instincts. He's got the tools.
Ryan Graves: Maybe Jars, I feel like he's outdoorsy.
Jesse Puljujarvi: Maybe Jarry. I heard he stays on a farm? So that's why.
Tristan Jarry: Tanger. He'd find someone to come pick him up.
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bestworstcase · 29 days
One has to wonder how giant sandworm Grimm survive in Vacuo, given it doesn't exactly seem like Vacuo's the most abundant place for food, and I don't think lost humans in the desert are a good diet for something that big.
what grimm actually seem to need from their prey is aura—in 'before the dawn,' there's a scene where gillian recalls a time when she tried transferring aura to a grimm to see what would happen, and the grimm latched on to the connection and kept drinking aura until she severed the connection.
gill's semblance seems to be touch-based, in that she needs to touch a person to drain aura (although she is able to maintain these links at a distance once they're formed). so she must have gotten close enough to this grimm to touch it at least briefly, and in the passage there's no mention at all of it being aggressive or attacking her. which... would actually make a lot of sense, if from the grimm's perspective this human walked up to it and began to feed it. they're smart. why bite the hand that feeds?
we also see that with e.g. the beetle and the grimm arm that at least some types of grimm can suck aura out of living things without killing them. and humans/faunus aren't the only beings with aura—it's a life force running through all living creatures on remnant, including animals (and presumably plants and fungi and other lifeforms, although this isn't confirmed). everything except grimm.
what makes humans/faunus unique is their ability to amplify and project aura outward. if grimm have a physiological need for aura and no ability to produce it themselves, then humans/faunus are their most efficient food source by several orders of magnitude but not remotely the only one.
if the ability to drain aura from living beings is a general trait that all grimm have, then i'd imagine grimm just do that passively all the time, drawing a little bit of aura out of everything they touch as they roam the world. they obviously can't sustain themselves this way (because they hunt humans, who are both their most efficient available source of aura and also the most dangerous, so they must have high enough energy needs for that trade-off to be worth it) but it would surely lessen the burden. similarly, just because grimm have never been observed hunting or eating wildlife doesn't mean that they don't ever do that.
another thing we've seen is that grimm have a 'dormant' state where they kind of just... turn off. this is probably some form of power-saving mode. if the wyvern wasn't petrified under that mountain, it had probably been in a dormant state for a very long time, and that could suggest that extremely large grimm might hibernate for years or even centuries at a time. so that's one possibility: perhaps giants like the blind worms are very energy-efficient and spend most of their time dormant or sort of dozing, to conserve energy, so they don't need to hunt very often, and when they do they're big enough to catch many humans at one time, which can last them for a while.
a second possibility is that blind worms and other giants might be more akin to, say, filter-feeding whales in that they're built to feed on millions of tiny organisms all the time and only resort to hunting larger / more energy-rich prey like humans in lean years when there isn't enough, waves hands, sand krill or whatever to sustain them.
but my favorite possibility is that. well. in after the fall, coco gets swallowed by a blind worm and she's like... fine:
It was pitch-black inside the Blind Worm. Coco took her glasses off, but that didn’t help at all. Maybe that’s why they called it a Blind Worm, because if it swallowed you, you couldn’t see inside its stomach, or whatever this was. Or maybe it was called a Blind Worm because you never saw it coming. Only she had seen it coming, and she’d ended up inside the damn thing, anyway. She had pulled Velvet out of the way, only to take her friend’s place. Coco figured sacrificing your life for your teammate was one way to be remembered as a good leader, but maybe that was just cheating. The air was warm and wet and foul smelling. And the darkness was even more disorienting because the worm was moving—fast. She was inside a living, runaway train with no idea how to get out.
while she's stuck inside it, this thing thrashes around, spins, plunges in and out of the sand, etc etc. and coco isn't harmed at all because she's "cushioned by the spongy lining on the walls." there doesn't seem to be anything in the way of digestive juices or... well, anything in there, just some ichor near the tail leaking from where her bullets injured it.
so blind worms can swallow people whole and alive, and keep them alive in there for at least a few days before they die of thirst. maybe a lot longer if aura can compensate for thirst. remember that point about grimm passively siphoning aura from living beings? 😶 depleted aura regenerates... if all a blind worm needs to survive is aura then jonahing a couple nomads every once in a while and then spitting them up again when there's no aura left is . probably a pretty good hunting strategy.
fuckin terrible way to go for the people, though.
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aquaquadrant · 11 months
I know it has nothing to do with htp but now I am buzzing about the watcher lore you guys made. Any hints or things your up for sharing? Also obsessed with the idea that to be a watcher you lose your original eyes like that and that just makes me side eye (heh) Lunar's Grian design. Cause those aren't his original eyes ya'll!!!! And when his eyes are weeping purple?!?!?! Also imaging Martyn's and Grian's reunion and their individual eye horror is very interesting
MKAY BUCKLE UP. here’s my interpretation of watchers.
- watchers are beings that exist on another plane of existence from players (we’ll call this the aether unless minecraft ever actually adds that realm to the game)
- watchers can spectate any world in the universe from the aether and can travel between them in an instant
- in the aether, watchers have no physical forms (think spectator mode) but they can briefly manifest themselves into solid form when they travel outside the aether
- when watchers are in their physical forms, they’re quite horrifying (large amorphous creatures with big claws and lots of eyes in random places, except for where eyes should be)
- watchers were originally intended to be impartial observers, mere conduits for the universe to better know its many worlds and players through
- some watchers have grown bored of this and try to instigate drama by whispering instructions to listeners, the rare players that can hear them, or by talking through speakers, the even rarer players that can channel them
- watchers don’t literally feed off the emotions of players like in martyn’s lore (they’re sustained by the universe and thus don’t need to eat), they just crave entertainment
- all watchers used to be players, and whenever they find a player who seems like a good candidate, they’ll try to take them
- in order to become a watcher, a player has to lose their eyes. they’ll be replaced by watcher eyes (the floaty glowy purply eldritch horror kind of eyes, you know the ones) but that doesn’t make the process of losing their physical eyes any less terrifying or painful- something most watchers have forgotten about, as they’re detached from player mentality.
- players also lose their username when they become watchers, receiving a watcher name in galactic
- when a player becomes a watcher, their hels is usually unaffected (and vice versa)
- any given player can only be encountered by a watcher once. the watchers have one attempt to try and convert the player; if they aren’t willing, they go back to their life unchanged, with only vague recollections of the encounter (revisiting the same player would fry their tiny little player brain)
- some watchers aren’t good at taking no for an answer though, thinking they know better than the player, and as a result they can do quite a bit of damage (as grian and martyn can attest to)
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trickstarbrave · 5 months
i hate when ppl dont understand how intertwined all the fucked up systems of capitalism are. they present it as "take away [x] and things will work better!" when that damn well will not fix it. or they dont even realize the problem is actually capitalism not some other thing they have been fixated on
like. veganism argument: "we subsidize grains to feed livestock. if we stopped feeding livestock, we would have more food for everyone! the problem is livestock are eating too much of grains we could be eating"
a lot of the corn they are eating are byproducts of the ethanol industry. we are not in fact just growing huge fields of grains and refusing to eat them bc we can feed cows it instead. that would be way too costly. "subsidies" wouldn't cover it. at no point was the corn being grown for human consumption. most of the corn in the US is grown for biofuel. without livestock, we would not have MORE food to eat, we'd have a lot of leftover slop we have to toss out to slowly degrade in landfills.
its not the most healthy option to pump them full of byproducts. they should be allowed to forage and walk. but the problem is much more complex than than just "get rid of the cows to make more food for people!!" the cows eating the byproducts is whats making more food for people. not less. you can't just look at "grain products" and decide all of those were fit for human consumption. most of the stuff we feed farm animals is NOT fit for human consumption. for better or for worse.
and this is only one problem. some are relatively easy solutions (once all of the, yknow, capitalist incentive is removed) like how we have more houses than homeless people. just give people houses. except we should also look at: where are these houses being built, are they being built for quality and to last? because the answer is: they are built mostly in suburbs for cheap with lazy building standards and poor quality materials. we are tearing down homes with better bones and foundations for cheap, paper thin wood, new construction houses when many of them can be saved. these are homes far away from doctors and jobs that you actually need a car to get around to important places, so many people who don't have reliable transportation will still have many problems once settled in. to create more sustainable, walk-able communities and to have better public transportation we are still gonna need to tear a bunch of these down and rebuild communities, which is going to be a daunting task too.
food insecurity: okay we'll just give people food! except they might not have reliable ways to cook that food either. a lot of people who are food insecure grew up food insecure. they grew up in food deserts where microwave self stable meals were the norm. they might not have pots and pans or know how to find a recipe or make one themselves. many are chronically ill or disabled and don't have a lot of time and energy to cook. many people still think its better to give a food bank 10 cans of green beans that you forgot about and don't plan to use in donations rather than just giving the food bank 30 bucks.
idk. i dont really have an answer i suppose. i just wanted to complain about how messy and complicated these problems are. and i think if you're a serious activist you are going to need better, long term plans and big picture perspectives. these problems can seem incredibly easy to tackle on the surface to lots of online activists but are very complex issues to actually dismantle and combat. we can't just keep complaining and hope society collapses so we can rebuild from scratch. there is no after the revolution when everything will be good and perfect. no after the end of the world to pick ourselves up and make a utopia from the ashes. we gotta figure out the problem and start untangling it and deal with the first steps NOW. start with realistic goals. contacting local government. creating bettering, temporary solutions that are better than what we have now. disrupt the system bit by bit. get other ppl in on it. the world we wanna live in will not come to us overnight. we gotta build it brick by brick.
capitalism counts on it being too daunting of a task. they count on ppl just complaining and wishing it was better to sell them the solution without any real change. but real change has to come from small shit first. maybe start a community garden if you want a more sustainable community. make your own garden if you have the ability. collect rain water (YES ITS LEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES just heavily regulated in some. dont tell me its illegal in the US). create alternatives for companies you boycott. tell your local representative you want public transport and ask how to get it and rally your community for it enough that they have to bother ppl higher than them and actively have to start considering it. do ride shares. help out food banks with real stuff they ask for. look around your community for small problems you can address and find solutions.
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strawberrah · 3 months
Cult of the Lamb has been on my list of games to play for a good while now and since I'm finally just a few bosses away from finishing Hi-Fi Rush I figured I should get some input from a fan before starting a file. got any comments or things I should know before playing?
Oh yeah!
So I put off answering this for a little while because I was on vacation but also my first instinct was to warn you off of buying the switch version due to some performance issues. Once I hit about 20 followers (which is required at some points to progress the game!!) it started to lag terribly; dropped resources would fly all across the screen, follower dialogue was getting swapped, somehow, it would lag and sometimes crash entirely, etc., etc.
The game's since updated, and after a few trial runs it seems that these issues have markedly improved. Doing some preliminary research I almost think that this might be something of a pattern where the devs release an update and it's absolute havoc on the switch for a little while until they're able to fix it. I can't say for sure though. In any case the switch version is working fine now.
(Although I've seen some shader packs people have been using on pc that are really really pretty so yknow. pros and cons. really it's whichever you prefer)
Anyways, cotl is pretty straightforward. Besides decorations the most important "customization" is the doctrines, which are rules and rituals you can unlock and apply to your cult. You're given a choice between two and have to pick only one (the other can be unlocked postgame, which personally I think is kind of a bad move because it takes the point out of the game having multiple save files, the biggest draw for which is picking different doctrines but that's off-topic). Usually you can go either/or depending on your play style-basically how brutal you want to be-but I'd recommend:
Don't pick the Resurrection Ritual! It doesn't take a lot of resources and has almost no downsides. It takes the punch out of your followers dying when you can just zap em back to life anytime. It lowers the stakes, and a big part of the game's fun (especially the early part) is in the struggle to keep your followers happy, obedient, and healthy. It's better to unlock post-game.
Pick Return to the Earth, which unlocks the ability to turn your dead followers into fertilizer. It will get tedious to deal with the bodies. You'll run out of space to bury them and it costs loyalty to cut them up in front of your followers, meaning you'll have to wait until night (it's more annoying than anything).
Pick Tax Collector. Money isn't incredibly important in the game, but one issue I've constantly run into is food insecurity. Harvesting food doesn't always yield seeds, so your supplies aren't going to replenish themselves. You'll have to buy seeds fairly often. It's better to have someone running around collecting extra cash for you.
(^Note for this one, you can unlock a doctrine that removes the penalty for making your followers eat grass, which seems like it'll solve all your food problems, but grass isn't very filling and you do need it as building material too, so that isn't really sustainable in the long run. Also, feeding your followers better food increases loyalty)
These are just some thoughts that I notice are different from the guide I saw online. Moving on from that, some completely miscellaneous tips:
A big part of the game outside of cult-caretaking is going on crusades...which means leaving followers to their own devices. Unfortunately, your followers are useless and cannot do anything to take care of themselves unless you've unlocked enough buildings to make your cult semi-automated (kitchen, outhouse, etc.) Make sure before you leave your loyalty is full or close to it, the place is completely tidy, and no one's hungry.
They're going to dissent anyways. Build prisons asap.
I didn't realize this for the longest time, somehow, but you can gain extra blue hearts each time you perform a sermon. Stacking them up makes crusades a lost easier before you've unlocked all of your permanent red hearts + stronger weapons.
There's a rat follower form hidden behind Ratu's house and a starfish one hidden in Midas' Cave :]
Photosensitivity warning: Sometimes when unlocking things (usually new stages, I think) there'll be this irritating black-and-white colour-shift/flash. Luckily the game has a ton of accessibility settings that you can fiddle with if anything bothers you.
Recently there was a pretty major update (Sins of the Flesh) and it seems like the devs have the intention of continuing to add more free content to the game Stardew Valley-style which I'm really looking forward to! I definitely recommend it if you're thinking of buying.
God's a catboy. It doesn't get better than that.
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noxcorvorum · 2 months
On the topic of sandworms
(dune part 2 spoilers kindof)
@the-void-has-questions speculative biology <3
Anyone else questioning how sandworms work in dune?
I mean, they call like 7 to one location at least twice in the second movie, which just isn't how megafauna work
You simply aren't going to get more than one megafauna in such a small area, much less 7 hanging around in close enough range to feel the thumpers spaced like a small dune part each, especially since they're described as territorial (the fremen at the water of life area says that there can't be more than one in each sand pool or else they'll fight)
Also do the fremen have to be constantly making thumpers bc they seem pretty single use, it seems like the sandworm either eats it or the thumper gets buried in its wake
Also what do they eat??? It seems like they would expend a lot of energy moving around like they do, and I don't think we've seen any sort of fauna that could sustain that on arrakis besides *maybe* the spiders and centipedes stilgar mentioned (granted it's been a while since I've read the book and I only read the first one so. yeah)
They could be getting some kind of nutrient from something in the sand, like metals??? Or something???? (It's scifi idk) But the kind of teeth they have doesn't feel suited to that kind of thing, unless they use it as a filter like whales with baleen? And anyway that's kinda disproven with the fact that they're attracted to the vibrations of footsteps, thumpers, etc so to me it has to be some kind of fauna
And why let themselves be steered? They could just go underground/roll and shake the disturbance off, unless the thing the hooks do by lifting up a flap of skin would then cause sand to get inside and be an irritant, but they spend most of their time underground anyway, and the way theyre kind of segmented to have armor but also allow turns makes me think they would kind of get sand everywhere anyway so ???
(I think sandworm pearls/something similar could be a cool concept but now that I think about it idk how that would work bc it's under the skin and not inside like it would be in a clam but I digress)
Do they have some sort of. infinite energy source??? We never see any of them eat any kind of large prey, just piles of bodies and perhaps live humans, and with the speed at which they move through the sand (a substance notorious for being at least slightly difficult to move quickly through), And with the way they comply with the fremen hitching rides, they would have to have an extremely efficient way of using nutrients/energy to be able to keep that up
Ok after some googling (sandworm Wikipedia page)
they're whales. (kinda)
They apparently eat "sand plankton" and the teeth filter it out of the sand
The way they get steered is that the worms turn to that the exposed skin underneath the lifted segment is on the top so it doesn't get sand in it
Also water is really poisonous to them which is interesting so they prefer not to eat live humans
The big one that Paul called in part 2 was apparently at least 1.5 miles/2.4 km long
Actually wait I'm not done.
The fremen learned how to sandwalk from watching the desert fauna not get eaten by sandworms. What fauna did they watch?? The only creatures on arrakis mentioned in the movies and what I recall from the first book are humans, sandworms, kangaroo mice, and the centipedes/spiders
The kangaroo mice are too small to make strong enough vibrations and too small to be worth the effort of hunting, so they wouldn't need to walk in a specific way
The bugs seem to me like they'd be underground most of the time and when theyre aboveground probably hostile to humans so not much chance for the fremen to watch what they do
How do sandworms propel themselves? They aren't corkscrewing or inching, and they don't have limbs to burrow with
I fear it is the "the sand is going directly through their bodies" explanation.
What eats the kangaroo mice? The giant bugs?
What do the kangaroo mice eat? The damn Sand Plankton?
Where do the fremen get materials for all their gear? Wouldn't mining for the metal make vibrations that would tip off the sandworms? Do they just. steal it from the atreides/harkonnens?
Tldr: please god I want more worldbuilding what is happening biologically on this planet
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adelarsims · 1 year
list 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore 🖤
unsurprisingly, they'll be about Morgyn. surprisingly, Morgyn wasn't my single or even the first option, i have a few OCs and a few favorite maxis sims that i would be happy to talk about. yet here i am, talking about Morgyn. again. it will also be more than 5 because i physically can't shut up about characters that i love. okay, so
5, and then 5, and then 5 more, and then some facts about Morgyn:
Their fingertips and toes get cold easily.
They have a very controlled voice with a measured flowing rhythm, but it becomes sharper, more high-pitched and less controlled when they’re nervous. They’re able to say a very long phrase without catching their breath, especially when they want to put someone in their place.
They tug at their earring when they read and rub their temples when they’re tired.
They don't bother with cooking, and conjured food can trick your senses and satisfy your taste buds, but it doesn’t sustain your body like a real food. So they usually just eat in the dining hall of the Academia.
They’re bad at delegating things to others and have the “if you want something to be done well, do it yourself” mindset, so they often end up overworking and exhausting themselves physically, emotionally and magically.
They are very tactile. Physical contact is one of their love languages, friendship languages, acknowledgment languages... just any kind of communication. With physical contact that they give or receive, they feel like their thoughts are conveyed better or that another person is more open towards them.
They also use physical ways to soothe themselves. Like wrapping themselves in a warm blanket, or hugging their own arms, or taking a long hot bath. It always works better than just thinking things out.
Their hands don’t look as young as their face and betray the fact that they’re not in their twenties. Like that. Youth potions and spells don't work as good on hands when you don't use a wand and use your hands to channel magic. Basically, magic energy that you stream through your hands washes it off.
They would rather sacrifice sleeping time than learning time or skincare time.
They're very demanding in class, but they never withhold it when they're proud of their students. They won't excessively praise you, but by their slight smile and warmth in their eyes you will always know that you've made them proud. (this scene is a perfect reference for Morgyn as a teacher - well, except that Morgyn doesn't teach all kinds of magic, only a couple)
They rarely listen to music and much prefer just quiet.
They hate making mistakes and especially letting others know it. When they got in trouble and needed help, they opted to asking Caleb who they barely knew and didn’t yet trust back then, instead of asking other sages, because Caleb didn’t understand how big the problem was, while sages would’ve helped better but also would’ve said “that was reckless, and we told you so.”
They enjoy looking gorgeous and graceful just for themselves, even when no one else is around to see them. If you ever catch them in a wrinkled shirt and with a bedhead, eating beans right out of the can, it probably means their world is crumbling apart.
They didn't have a happy childhood.
When they imagine the concept of sacrificing themselves for the sake of saving the magic world, they think that they could endure any suffering for the greater good. In reality, they’re afraid of intense pain and have a very low pain tolerance.
They’re fast to develop a lot of feelings towards a person, but they don’t necessarily express them so fast, at least not in a serious way.
They often wear accessories even at home, they love to feel the weight and metallic touch on their neck and hands.
They always read in bed before sleep, and they wear reading glasses.
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⛔️ - How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning? 👻 - Does your muse believe in an afterlife? What do they think it’s like? ⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time? 🐜 - How does your muse feel about animal lives? Do they treat them the same way they’d treat a person, or do they feel they’re inferior?
1) Rick dislikes when someone breaks the law. Even if there's no more laws after the outbreak, Rick deeply believes that what made humankind prosper is the capacity to work together. He truly believes in the good of people and he thinks laws protect them. Rick could talk about laws for hours, I believe he reads a lot so I bet he has a very complex mindset about it, also discussing how laws pre outbreak would benefit the state and the higher classes, how in the big picture it's a form of preserving capitalism etc. I'm sure he would be able to discuss all that without taking extreme opinions.
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Considering the post outbreak laws Rick and friends' is mostly about basic rights and to protect sustainable life, he's willing to fight to make sure they are followed. Rick sure can be a big hypocrite when it's HIM breaking the law. To protect his loved ones, he totally would. Even pre outbreak, if he were in a situation of extreme poverty etc. I can picture Rick breaking the law so his family has a home and doesn't starve, but only if he can't find any legal ways. After outbreak, in some moments Rick avoids killing the best he can, in other moments he's killing just because the person belongs to an enemy community. Depends how into psycho mode he is I guess. I find it endearing how he returns to his officer friendly mode in season 9, showing all the shit he went through didn't corrupt him deep down. Summary: he is practical and will benefit himself and loved ones. Even if he knows something is wrong that doesn't mean he won't do it, even if he doesn't agree with it. He stopped wearing his sheriff uniform when he begun killing, probably he was trying to keep what he was and its ideals but he realized he had to become corrupted and cruel to survive.
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2) Rick isn't religious. He seems very revolted against religion actually. I think he doesn't believe in afterlife, but when he was so close to dying and had all those dreams and visions, I believe he really hoped something like that existed, he would be happy if he could be with Carl and Lori again if he died, and his parents and family too. I don't think he's an atheist per se (in the sense he is convinced god isn't real and all religions are wrong), I see him more like an agnostic (he simply doesn't know if god is real and finds a hard time believing) who is very revolted because the world went to shit heavy on his back. He respect other's beliefs though, even if he thinks different, he won't speak his mind unless he's asked.
3) Rick is impulsive sometimes but he also is very good at controlling his own impulses. He is very intelligent and has very good insight of himself. He WANTS to solve problems quickly, but many times he forces himself to not act right away and think through the consequences first, plan things and take his time, what makes him the calm cold planner strategist he is. He will also consider what other think so he has an idea of how people will react.
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4) Rick respects animals, doesn't mistreat them, even talks to some, like he talked to the horse he used to travel from Kentucky to Atlanta. But he likes steak and will hunt to eat if he has to. In season 3, Rick forces himself into being distant from the animals he's raising, but Carl starts naming them- Rick tells Carl to stop at first, but eventually he joins the idea and gets more affectionate. Only makes it worse when he has to sacrifice them all due to the pandemic. I don't think he treats animals and humans the same in every way, but he tends to be friendly and kind to both. Specially considering Rick also is killing other people after the outbreak. He still treats humans as superior, but could have long existential talks about how every life probably has the same value in the universe etc. Ironically enough, I bet Rick feels like SOME animals are better than SOME people who only bring pain to the world.
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creepywrites · 8 months
Warning: self harm
After they ate Loretta and the majority of the other members, she was homeless and on the they own for 2 years before she met Sadiya, who she currently lives with.
She didn't have a quick access to anything supernatural, so she starved a lot while by themselves, because of the lack of proper food while in the basement and while living alone, she became very malnourished and this stunted their growth, making them fairly short for their age.
She nearly died a few times before meeting Sadiya and is very cautious about a lot of things.
She's adapted to not eating as much, and their body stored fat so it takes longer for them to get hungry to the point where she changes to their hungry form.
The more hungry she is, the bigger the mouths get.
Lazari wore a cross because she felt comfort in thinking it helped with their hunger. Loretta gave it to them, but it broke when she transformed.
She was premature of 4 and a half months, she was born with clavicle fracture and a brain bleed.
She caused her to have bad memory, sensitivity to light and communication issues.
She was stalked by Slenderman for 10 months, during that time she became paranoid, she stopped sleeping and was terrified. Slenderman was getting more aggressive with it and she became so scared she forcefully went into her Zalgoid form for the first time, scaring him off.
When Lazari was transforming however, she was in complete agony, and Lazari didn't know how to turn back. After a while she couldn't sustain the form because she was running out of energy, and deformed. Lazari was so confused, she never experienced anything like that before. She grew significantly taller in the form, which is one of the reasons why it hurt to take the form, she felt her bones instantly growing and their horns coming through. This broke parts of her body from growing so fast. This made her permanently taller than what she used to be.
Because of it being such a bad experience, she never wants to use that form again.
She kept Gums with her, it was a big comfort for Lazari when she was all alone, and carries it wherever she goes.
She's fluent in English, Ukrainian and knows some Russian.
She can be very clingy and get attached easily, she absolutely hates being alone at anytime. Being alone will cause a lot of stress and become hyper focused on their surroundings, and could even cause an anxiety attack.
She absolutely loves Sadiya, she sees her as their second mum and saviour, and being around her can make Lazari's day, Sadiya is their favourite person and she is devastated if she can't be around Sadiya.
Sometimes Lazari is scared she'll abandon them, even if Sadiya shows no signs of doing so.
She's gotten better at controlling their hunger, and can go longer without needing to eat someone.
She is colourblind, and can only see shades of red.
Her favourite colour is pink.
Lazari was extremely happy in the cult, they loved getting whatever she wanted and treated like a god and being half Zalgoid.
she thought very highly of themselves and felt like she's entiteled to anything or anyone they wanted.
Now that they're experienced being in the real world and started understanding a bit more about herself, they started hating herself and their Zalgoid side.
She's always trying to suppress eating people, until they start getting violent and hurting.
When she was on the streets they tried ordering people around, because she was so used to doing it in the cult, and was confused and slightly annoyed that they just gave her weird looks.
Lazari absolutely despises Zalgo with every single fiber of their being and throws a temper tantrum if anyone brings Him up. She hates Him more than anything else in the world. She blames Him for everything that's gone wrong in their life and would be happy if He dropped dead.
She wants to be nothing like Him.
She can eat human food, but it doesn't do anything for them nutrition wise, so Sadiya helps them get something that she can actually eat. Human is good too, it's better than regular food but not as good as supernatural people. She ate a few humans while by herself trying to figure out how her body works and what she needs to sustain themselves.
She bites people if she feels threatened or if she just doesn't like the person.
Lazari often has nightmares, usually either about demons taking them away and hurting them. When this happens she rushes to Sadiya room, Gums in hand, to cuddle up with her and feel safe and loved.
Lazari can be very impatient and hot headed.
Because she left at a young age and homeless for a lot of their childhood, she didn't learn much and is still learning about common things to this day.
She loves to learn new things.
Their life span is a lot longer than humans, however not as long as regular demons.
Their mood changes in minutes, she could be having the best day but than something small happens and their world is crashing down on her.
She acts confident and assured but when things start to go wrong she panics fast.
Lazari used to hang out with Lulu, she met her when she was looking for shelter, Lulu took care of them and sheltered them. Lazari considered her a great friend, but because Lulu is a supernatural being, Lazari couldn't help themselves after not eating for a while and took a big chunk out of Lulu. After she wasn't hungry anymore and realised what she did, Lazari fled, deciding it's better off being alone.
Now she's started connecting with Lulu again now that they’re older and gotten better at controlling her powers.
She tends to be overprotective of the people she cares about.
She loved wearing all sorts of different dresses when she was a kid, but after becoming homeless she now prefers pants because it's more practical. She still likes dresses though even if she doesn't wear them often.
She likes to sew, she started learning so she could fix Gums whenever he's torn but she's starting liking it.
It was hard for Lazari to connect with Kaidy at first, they'd get into a lot of arguments because Kaidy would say something and Lazari would blow a lot of things out of proportion.
Lazari used to have bad coping mechanisms for when she was having a bad depressive episode, she would claw at her skin until it bled, she'd also do it if she got to hungry, it was their way of trying to stop it. Sometimes she'll have the urge to repeat it, or even completely relapse, but she's getting better and has good support if she needs it.
Sadiya doesn't let Lazari be friends with a lot of the Creepypastas because they're supernatural, but she's allowed near the humans.
Lazari loves to read, she used to get Stripes and Sadiya to read for her when she was younger.
Lazari and Stripes weren't very close growing up, but now that she's in a safer environment they've been hanging out more.
She can make their teeth sharper, making it easier to pierce flesh.
She also has a smaller mouth inside similar to a leech, that can latch on and drink the victims blood.
She loves going outside, she'd much rather stay outside where she feels safe and comfortable. She isn't even in the house a lot of the time, usually she's out hanging with Lulu in short bursts of time.
Lazari hates the rain or snow, when she was homeless she'd get soaking wet a lot of the time, getting them sick. Whenever it's bad weather it brings them to those times. Once it rains she'll wrap themselves and Gums in a blanket, it makes them feel safe.
She is really good at sneaking, she had to do it a lot when she was alone.
Lazari never went to a proper school and she's not the brightest.
It took them a lot longer to walk because of her feet, even now she can still be a bit clumsy.
She loves lollies and anything sugary.
They are the biggest animal lover there is, when they found out about dogs they were in love.
She used to be in the cults choir, and has a decent singing voice.
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heniareth · 1 year
HI hello I saw you share that ship ask game and I have come PREPARED with multiple rounds if permitted 😈😈😈😈😈
So if I may, for Astala (my beloved!!!!!) and Zev (her beloved!!!) Can I please ask:
- 4
- 10
- 23
- 37
You know the drill, best beloved. As many or few as you like, but the warning remains: allow me to pester you further and by God I'll do it 🤣🤣 hope you have a gorgeous day!!!
Hello my chlorophyll-filled friend!! The asks are permitted and encouraged!! I love talking about these guys XD XD XD Buckle up, this is a long one. Let's go!
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Both! They are both big on physical affection. Astala loves little casual touches, hugs, hooking arms or holding hands, leaning her head on Zevran's shoulder, or just bending over him and letting herself get heavy like a sack of potatoes. Zevran finds a font of neverending delight in casually affectionate touches that aren't means to an end and just exist because it's nice or because affection for him exists and moves Astala to express it.
As for other signs of affection, Zevran is the one who jumps to verbal affection quicker, and is very good at making Astala start blushing and grinning brightly. Astala's however pack a punch; she gets terribly serious and sappy, and Zevran needs a bit to recover from the onslaught of sweet words whenever the flood is set loose. Astala is quicker to jump to acts of service and little gifts: a food Zevran likes, a trinket that caught her eye and reminded her of him, that sort of things. This doubles when they are away; Astala makes sure to include something nice in almost every letter, and Zevran answers in kind.
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
They share a passion for cooking and baking and generally making edible things! Food is a bit thing for them (yey for growing up without enough to go around) and one of the way they connect and share affection is by making sure the other is eating plenty good food. They both put on a healthy layer of fat once they retire from adventuring.
Fighting and swordplay is also something they share. While learned out of necessity and not always associated with the nicest memories, they do like to get out their weapons and spar from time to time. It keeps them sharp, it's fun, and, in Zevran's words, it gets the blood pumping. They also love to dance together. The injuries Astala has sustained from the Archdemon seriously limit the days they can do either of those things, but sometimes she'll take a worse pain day just for the chance of dancing or sparring with Zevran. Both are activities where they can take joy in each others' abilities, and that also require a certain amount of trust in each other (especially sparring, but also dancing with Astala's bad hip). And it's just fun.
Another thing they share is a love for the sea and warmer climates. Once they settle down in Antiva, they go to the beach or the shore often, take walks, run into the waves. Astala teaches Zevran how to properly ride the waves as they come into the shore. Zevran teaches Astala where to find the best seashells and stones. Sometimes they both just sit and soak in the sun or listen to the waves. They find that enjoying these things together makes them more beautiful (and, in turn, when they're not together, the sea makes them terribly nostalgic).
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
Loyalty - They've gone through a lot together, and while they can and do stay apart, breaking apart the relationship in any way would break a significant part of themselves. Technically, they could do it, but it would be an ugly and very bloody process. So, together they stay, and they watch over their relationship like a hawk.
Trust and teamwork - Look, when you're the Hero of Ferelden and the Black Shadow, you have to be able to trust your spouse and know they will have your back no matter what. Sure, they hold each other accountable and argue, but that happens exclusively behind closed doors. That is private. They have each others' backs first and foremost.
Respect and admiration - They are both very capable individuals and they know it. A big part of their ability to teamwork is knowing what each of them is good at: Astala has a solid head for plans and for keeping a group together and coordinated, Zevran is very good at making plans become reality and at improvising. A big part of having each others' back, without question, is also their respect for each others' autonomy and decision-making capabilities, even when the other doesn't agree with the decision that has been made. This is a quality asked of them when Zevran goes to Antiva; Astala would rather have him at the Vigil and safe, and Zevran would rather she didn't throw herself into her work as arlessa the way she does (and didn't neglect investigating a plot to assassinate her???? Astala PLEASE!!) But Zevran let her go and kill the Archdemon, and Astala has carried them through the Blight like nobody else could have. They remind each other of that when something the other does makes cold, cold dread settle in their guts. On top of that, the admiration goes past admiration for mere skill. Zevran especially is a master at looking at things and enjoying them as they are. Astala, too, has developed an ability to see beauty wherever she goes. It serves them well, especially when their relationship is going through a rough patch, to remember what they like about each other and rediscover each other anew.
Lots of silly moments - And I mean lots of them. Poking each other, making jokes about other people (where other people can't hear them, obviously), pulling one on their kids, messing with the other Wardens, climbing a roof to sit on the rooftop, you name it. Their silly bones are very well developed, bless them 😌😌 Zevran swears it keeps them young, and he isn't wrong at all.
Kids come first - They had that talk before taking in Virel, Perinella and Carlo. The kids come first. If there's not enough food to go around, if they're being attacked and need to get to safety, if they're in mortal danger but the kids are in danger too, if they have an unexpected day off and are deciding what they should do, if work is getting busy, the kids go first. That is not to say that they don't take some of their free days and go out on a date. Or that they wouldn't do crazy, stupid, reckless things for each other if they were in danger. Or that work doesn't keep them tied to the table or out of the house for too long sometimes. But, on principle, the kids come first. If one of them is bleeding out on the floor and the other is with the kids, the other has to get the kids to safety. They promised each other that.
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
Astala, but they both have their days. Astala in general is more comfortable with expressing emotions like grief, sadness, exhaustion disappointment and frustration (even though she's not as free in that expression as she could be). Zevran, by his upbringing, keeps a tight lid on all of that. Tears might even make him uncomfortable at first if they manage to reach that soft part of his heart that he has tried and failed to harden. Astala tries not to cry in front of him at first, because she can sense his discomfort and also prefers to cry in private, but with time the holds on both their emotions ease.
I will say though, Zevran cries of happiness more often than Astala. Happiness gets overwhelming.
And that's the answers!! Kudos to you if you've taken the time to read through all of this XD XD XD XD It has become a bit longer than I thought, but that's what we're here for. More information!!
Hope you have a lovely day Plant!! Thank you for indulging me!! I love these two buggers so much
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
um hi, big fan (i'm a trans dude so your sometimes nongender specific way of writing is a fave), i have adhd and i am on the very cusp of creating content - like it's happening but by god it it a slow process - and i accidentally fell in love with rhae the lich. i feel a little bad that he can't take his wraith form more often? like i feel like there would be an opportunity for reader to get into magic because of rhae so they can figure out a way to let him sustain that form as long as he wants/a significant period of time like hours vs minutes. there's an otome romance novel game thing i found in my freshman year of highschool where they actually have you romance skeletiano (he's a skeleton that likes literature and acted as more of a guide in the game before it was revamped). i haven't gotten there yet because it has you pay for premium answers with a slow-to-collect currency for those trying to get through for free so all i know is that somehow mc finds a way to manifest his previous form (at least for a little while). i think it would be kind of precious if they found a way to give rhae like a part of their heart but more in the sense of the heart that exists in the soul in the form of say an amulet they make themselves and gift it to him as a surprise. maybe this also ties reader's lifetime to rhae's so like as long as he's "alive"/or their love is alive so are they (like they're immortal + possibly unchanged physically unless he were to release that part of their heart/soul from the amulet). i feel like being able to go out to dinner (even if he doesn't get to actually eat) with the reader in some form that doesn't make him feel so ostracized would make him so happy?? and like getting to sustain some kind of corporeal form during sex if he wanted to would give him such a confidence boost??? maybe the magic in it is enough to sustain his wraith form for a significant amount of time but like every so often because it needs to recharge? idk i love rhae and the idea that reader would give him a piece of themself with the sentiment that it would be there if HE wanted it has a lot of potential and it makes my heart ache happily
one day i might have to make an anonymous blog so i can submit concept art of some of your creations because honestly horny brain aside i sincerely adore the little world you've created but i am also terribly afraid of rejection by those i look up to. i think i might have to go draw leo rn
Hi! I'm so happy to hear that you fell in love with Rhae and had such a great headcanon/idea for him. I always love it when people come up with their own ideas about my stories/worlds/characters, even if they're not 'canon'. It's thrilling for a writer to have people be so invested.
If you want a more 'canon-compliant' answer though, I personally don't think he would be comfortable tying his life/life-force to his significant other like that, and for the most part, he is content with his skeletal form. It doesn't stop him enjoying time with his partner, in or out of the bedroom, and he is naturally a shy and slightly reclusive person. He actively enjoys the solitude of his tower, and finds his limited social interaction with others (like the goblins) enjoyable but draining (he's an introvert like me!). People in that universe can be uncomfortable around liches just because of what they are, and taking on his wraith form wouldn't help that. He has lived a very long time already, and he doesn't have the drive for adventure that someone so much younger than him would have any more.
I hope that doesn't feel like I'm shutting your idea down - you're free to imagine what you like for him, but since you asked, that's my take on it. I hope your own journey to content creating is fun and rewarding!
If you're interested in how I picture Rhae, I did a doodle of him a couple of years ago, which you can find here.
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williamjone · 20 days
Best ziwipeak cat food
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Why do You Need to Consult An Online Weight Loss Nutritionist?
Weight loss isn’t a numbers game, and it’s about feeling healthy and energized. Let’s find out how consulting a weight loss nutritionist online can help you.
One of the common reasons “diets” don’t work is because people set a goal weight and go on a diet, but they never plan for care once they reach their goal. Instead, they try to return to their pre-diet schedule for eating because that diet was too restrictive, their calorie intake was too low, and it was most likely unhealthy.
Successful long-term weight loss comes from focusing on behavior change than just the number on the scale.
Successful online weight loss nutritionists market their unique skills to a targeted audience, brand their content professionally and responsibly, and use their passion and expertise to help individuals. Companies achieve goals regarding nutrition and human health.
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Benefits of online nutrition counseling
Some of the advantages of nutrition counseling with an online nutritionist and dietitian include:
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Tips for working with online nutritionists 
Consuming the right food is essential in maintaining good health and keeping your body fit. Talking about maintaining great nutrition is very simple, but doing it is a different thing. 
Various unhealthy eating conditions give room for a lot of medical complications. Mostly, people are taking help from an online nutritionist for weight loss to help them sustain their normal condition.
Online search always assists individuals in reducing the time they take in attending gym, fitness grounds, and various exercise ventures and focusing on what they eat more. Most of their providers strive to offer their quality services online to reach every individual around the globe. It is necessary to be very careful about the nutritionist you will be working with.
Working with a well-permitted online provider who has all the credentials to offer such services is fundamental. It is funny that most people who undergo small training about sustenance call themselves super providers. It is great to work with an individual who is fully licensed and able to help you achieve your dietary goals. Ensure that you check the validity of every credential online before getting into any contract.
To all those looking for daily diet plans, you need to think more accurately about the sites you visit and identify their reviews. That will assist you in getting to know the best providers who will understand your condition and state correctly the rightful plan for sustenance. You should find an experienced practitioner who would be able to meet your needs.
After you get the right practitioner to offer you the best advice on nutritional matters, you need to know that a big part of the work shall also be left to you. The competent expert would want the clients to review their schedules regularly. You should be able to set attainable, measurable, timely as well as realistic goals for the entire consultation session.
Any sustenance process is a very complex task, where you may not understand the various factors behind your needs. Sustenance is a science that goes beyond the normal eating plan. The nutritionist you choose to work with online must be able to offer the best procedure that fits your needs. The practitioner must be able to examine your dietary protocols and advise in the best way possible.
Maintaining the best consultation plan with your nutritionists should also be your drive. Most private service providers request that clients who wish to gain or lose weight in the agreed time maintain various follow-ups. Try to be with an experienced online nutritionist for weight loss who is consistently available to assess any results and is good at counseling. The providers should always be ready to deal with every client to reassess the condition.
Always understand that actual nutrition counseling goes beyond the regular food-taking scheduling. Most online providers will always strive to offer more assistance than the commonly known dietary description. Many of the clients struggle with emotional difficulties, which effectively affect their health conditions. Every competent dietitian must be in a great position to unequivocally serve you and maintain a good relationship in that contract.
The effect of the virtual everything world hit us hard in 2020 in many forms. Whether face-to-face or screen-to-screen, we provide our patients with the best online nutritional counseling and medical nutrition therapy.
An online weight loss nutritionist proposes their client or employer suggestions on many topics regarding food and tells them its impact on human health. There can be many forms of assistance like he will teach you as one-on-one video coaching, written policy guidance, or group class instruction.
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sticks-and-stone · 2 years
Hampton Tract
October 29, 2021 through October 31, 2021
Before I jump into this trip, I just need to express my absolute DISDAIN for people who abuse campsites. Particularly the free ones like this. We use these Water Management District sites all the time and for free sites, they are always surprisingly well-kept. A lot of that is due to the people who use it cleaning up behind themselves. When we got to this site at Hampton Tract, however, it was wrecked. Glass and plastic everywhere, diapers in the fire pit, things left on the table, etc. It was completely disappointing to see that this site had been so poorly cared for. I spent way too much of this weekend walking around the site picking up other people’s garbage. Be better. 
Anyway, another free, SWFWMD site for this trip. This time we revisited Hampton Tract. We had been here before in 2019 for our second trip, so this time we had improved our skill sets and gear exponentially for our 17th trip. I was eager to see how we’d do here. We arrived after dark (who’s surprised) and had to get started on setting up camp right away because it was raining a little. I still had my tiny, child-sized dome tent, so I was worried about rain proofing. I figured I could at least make it through the night and then tend to it in the morning. 
Once again, we were out here trying to get a little bit closer to self-sustaining backpacking, so I made due with my tiny dome. We still hadn’t replaced the big tent we lost in the Great Flood of August 2021, so I didn’t have much of a choice. Plus it got me used to sleeping in my own small space. 
We set up our tents and decided not to get the rest of the stuff out of the car until morning in case it started raining any harder and we had to rain proof the site. So we just started a fire in the pit. Which proved to be extremely difficult in the wet weather, but as always, we got it going and enjoyed our time by the fire before bed. We sat on hiking chairs and didn’t have a fireside table like we normally would. We were achieving minimalism.
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This was the closest we got to “backpacking” yet. We were literally just working with what was on our backs. Even though our car was parked at the site, it felt good knowing that our packs could last us at least the night. I also had the opportunity to try out a few new gear pieces this trip. I bought an inflatable sleeping pad, a new sleeping bag, a day pack, a water bladder, reusable hand warmers, and glow in the dark waterproof playing cards (technically new for the last trip, but I had forgotten them that time. 
The new sleep system and water bladder is what completed my hiking backpack. I finally had a sleep system that was somewhat comfortable, and a water bladder big enough to hold my water for two days, but small enough to pack into the hiking backpack. The reusable hand warmers were to help us cut down on our single-use hand warmers for our winter trips. We won’t even get a chance to try those until later in the year or even next year. The playing cards were just an obvious upgrade. I bought them in Vegas. I was still using Jenna’s hand-me-down camp hiking backpack. It had its flaws but really served its purpose well for several trips. 
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The next morning we got up and got to work on the fire again. We were eating only hiking food this trip just to prove that we could, so it was protein bars for breakfast. I boiled water over the fire (once we finally got it going) for coffee, but we struggled hard to get it started again and were even lightly bullied by a random neighbor. Annoying. 
Once I was caffeinated, I started working on waterproofing my tent. Jenna had a beautiful rain guard on her tent and was fine. I, however, got slightly damp the first night and wanted to make sure me and my stuff stayed dry the second night (more rain was coming). So I needed to get creative. 
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The problem with waterproofing tents is that it's touchy. A simple tarp over the tent would do the trick, but if the tarp in any way touched the tent, water would come right through. So I needed to find a way to suspend the tarp over the top of the tent without allowing it to touch it. I tied one side of the tarp to a tree about 8 feet behind my tent. Then I attached two poles (old tiki torch poles) to the two front corners of the tarp and then pulled everything tight until it lifted up off of the top of my tent. It was wonky and sloppy, but it worked like a charm. 
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With my tent secured and rain proofed, it of course stopped raining and began looking like a fairly beautiful day. So I spent some time puttering around the site and playing with gear. 
We had sorted everything into bins during our last trip and that sparked a new tier system for different types of camping. 
1. Backpacking - both of us now have fully sustaining packs with everything we need for a weekend. Hike-in sites mostly. 
2. Primitive Car Camping/Overlanding - We would be bringing our backpacking packs along with our camp kitchen stuff, chairs, tables, a pop up potty, and a cooler, but no electrical items. Drive up sites. 
3. Car Glamping - we would haul all of the above, plus electrical items and a pop up canopy. These are reserved for summer and deep winter trips. Drive up sites. 
This new system would allow us to streamline packing and planning and would make us more comfortable under certain conditions during the super hot and super cold trips without bringing any unnecessary items. Then we could save money, time, and energy during our more temperate trips and not have to bring so much stuff. We also open the door for some backpacking trips. But the ultimate reason for the gear improvement is so that we can limit the amount of prep we have to do each trip. Preparing for a trip consumes so much time and it makes it a little stressful to go. 
Since we only set up the tents the first night due to rain, I decided to pull some other stuff out of the car to make the site a bit more comfortable. Starting with the fireside table. This is a glass top round table that I have been using for firesides for a while now. It’s heavy, made of glass, and has to be packed very specifically in the car, which limits our packing ability. I need to replace this with something more durable and lighter, but focusing on our backpacking packs has been a bigger priority.  
We left pretty much everything else in the car and figured we would be back and forth from it to get items as we needed. This habit would prove unnecessary, but on the heels of the Great Flood of August 2021 we preferred to play it safe than sorry. 
We spent the rest of the day playing cards and drying out our stuff from the night before. One thing that came of The Great Flood was our patience with light rain. It rained on during our first night here at Hampton, but it was NOTHING compared to The Flood. So my sleeping bag, pad, and a few clothes were damp. No biggie. I hung a clothes line with some paracord (which I was beginning to desperately need to replenish in my pack) and dried everything out while Jenna and I spent a good part of the day playing cards and music. The young child across the campground field came over to us a few times, but he was no bother. We watched him and his grandfather play catch a lot. Their dog was annoying, but not too horrible, and the weather stayed pretty clear for the most part. 
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This site had pretty decent tree coverage so we didn’t have the pop up canopy, but we did insist on bringing the pop up potty despite the campground having a port-a-potty. Those bathrooms are hit or miss and often kind of far away. This was way better. Our pop up potty was beginning to see its last days though. It was starting to rust and stain the blue fabric. Looked too much like blood for us. It isn’t the type of gear that I would want to get rid of then replace, I definitely wanted to wait until I had something to replace it before I threw it out. I have become far too comfortable using it.  
As the day got hotter, we decided to eat a little. We made rice and tuna out of our hiking backpacks. It wasn’t the most delicious meal, but it kept us fed and proved that we could in fact live out of our hiking backpacks. The satisfaction of doing that greatly outweighed the blandness of the meal. We also had sunflower and pumpkin seeds on hand too for general snacking. That helped a lot. 
We waited out the rest of the trip like that. Alternating between site maintenance and card playing. Of course a little drinking to help pass the time. All in all it was a mundane trip, but we proved our hiking backpacks well. We got some ideas for future trips, and most importantly we began a good process of gear organization and storage. 
When it was all said and done, I retired just one piece of gear: the dome tent. I promised myself that I would replace it before our next trip or finally get around to replacing the big tent. I would eventually do both. 
Stay Dirty, 
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schweidens · 4 years
Mammon NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Mammon’s a softie - he definitely wants his partner to feel comfortable after sex and he’ll cater to their needs
Honestly, he hasn’t had much experience with a long term partner, so he isn’t super familiar with the concept of aftercare. But worry not, he’s quick to learn. He’ll prioritise cleaning you off and offer to run you a hot bath and remove the sheets, and tend to any wounds you might’ve sustained if the two of you were extra freaky that night
Once all that is done, he’ll dive right back in bed with you, peppering you with kisses and cuddling you till the next morning
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Mammon loves his abs - he’s worked hard for it and he knows that they look good. He’ll get particularly blushy if you comment on how muscular and toned they are
You hands are his favourite body part of yours. Not only does he love them when they’re wrapped around his hard cock or when they’re pulling his hair and marking his back, he also just cherishes how your hands touch him so delicately; how your fingers lightly brushes upon his at any given chance, and how your hands just fit in his so perfectly
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He has a really big load and his cum is extremely thick and creamy. It’s slightly bitter but you still swallow every timr
Mammon loves cumming all over your face. As the avatar of pride, it’s no surprise that he receives pleasure in marking you. Seeing you with his load all over your face allows Mammon to relish in the face that you’re his and only his
He’s also a big fan of cumming inside. Mammon loves how you trust him enough to let him fill you up, and just the thought of you filled up to the brim with his cum gets him going for another round
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The two of you attempted to fuck in Lucifer’s room once while he was off meeting Diavolo. Unfortunately, Lucifer returned sooner than expected, and almost caught you in the middle of the act. Mammon got a beating and a lecture, and you were given a disappointed sigh
He’s also too scared to admit that he’s very much into sensory deprivation. Mammon loves the thought of being tied up, blindfolded, and a gag in his mouth, with a plug up his ass and a vibe on his cock
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s a demon, and having lived for thousands of years before, he knows what’s he’s doing
Mammon has had his fair share of sexual encounters with witches and succubi and his body count is definitely high
That being said, he knows how things work and he knows how to please. You cum every single time you have sex with him
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Mammon’s a big fan of cowgirl, he finds it so unbelievably hot to see you bouncing on his cock on top of him, with full view of your face and your tits. He also loves it when you’re in control, and this position grants you that
He also loves missionary because again, he loves seeing your face when you have sex. He could cum just from looking at your lewd expressions. Missionary also allows him to me a tad more romantic and intimate, so when you’re having a more vanilla session, Mammon can hold your hand while the two of you are chest to chest as he thrusts into you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s occasionally goofy. Cracks a joke here and there so the two of you can laugh while you hold a lighthearted conversation as you fuck
However, if the two of you are having jealous, rough sex or passionate, intimate sex, Mammon prefers to remain more serious in the moment and focus on pleasuring the two of you
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He does take care of his pubes but it isn’t like he’s completely shaved clean down there. Trims it occasionally so there isn’t a bush, and is overall pretty well groomed. He doesn’t really have much of an opinion on it, so if you want him to grow it out or shave it all off, he’ll do it
The carpet most definitely matches the drapes. Yup, white pubic hair
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
We all know that Mammon’s a touchstarved baby — years and years of taunts and insults from his brother really does damage, so it would only make sense that he would crave loving, intimate sex
Lots of sensual kissing, murmurs of i-love-yous, handholding, and praises thrown here and there. Passionate fucking and slow thrusts till the two of your both cum together
He’s a romantic boy deep down. If you were to ever surprise him with candles and roses and lingerie he’d break down in tears
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Mammon jerked off a lot more before the two of you got together. He feels extremely guilty for doing so. But he can’t help thinking about your pretty face when he’s stroking his cock. Almost always ends up pulling out his DDD to look at a picture of you while he’s masturbating
He doesn’t really masturbate that much anymore after getting together, with an exception of mutual masturbation, which he thoroughly enjoys. He finds it so hot to jerk off while watching you touch yourself right in front of him
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise. Be sure to tell him how well he’s fucking you, how good his cock feels, how much you love him.
Mammon also loves overstimulation — jerk him off while pegging him and he’ll become a sobbing mess. He’s also a fan of over stimulating you, and will aim to make you cum multiple times during foreplay
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The two of you have had sex in virtually every spot in his room. Across the pool table, in the car, on his bed, you name it. Mammon’s a bit more traditional, he loves doing it on the bed the most. No risks of banging his head on the car window or whacking your shin on the side of the pool table
Outside of his room, he’s also done it in numerous locations in the House of Lamentation. His personal favourite is the planetarium, since the two of you almost got caught by Satan while doing it in the library
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
A simple touch on certain sensitive spots can easily turn Mammon into a flustered, blushing mess. Run your hand up his thighs or give his butt a firm grab and he’s already semi hard
Dirty talk can easily get him going. Whisper a few lewd sentences into his ear and he’s instantly turned on. He’s also easily motivated by sexts and nudes, and will reciprocate the favour by sending back a nude of his own
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Mammon is not into being degraded. He’s already experienced enough with his brothers’ constant insults so insulting him bed would be an instant turn off.
He’s also not a fan of anything that involves pain. He doesn’t want to see you hurting because of him, no matter if you ask him to
Mammon’s also not into the idea of threesomes. He doesn’t want to share his partner, plain and simple.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s a huge fan of both. Loves to feel his cock in your mouth, with your tongue swirling around his tip, and always comes extra quickly when receiving a blowjob
Mammon loves how you taste and indulges himself in eating you out. He won’t hesitate to ask you to ride his face, and his tongue is skilful enough to make you cum a couple times during foreplay
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on the situation. If he’s feeling particularly emotional or romantic that day, he prefers to do it slow and sensual with maximum intimacy between the two of you
On special occasions — such as your first time, your anniversary, your birthday — Mammon will usually opt to keep the pace slow and sensual
If he’s jealous or angry, he will not hesitate to be rough. Expect him to be thrusting into you at a rapid speed with occasional spanks here and there. He’ll also go rough if you ask him to
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Mammon’s not the biggest fan of quickies since he wants to be able to enjoy being intimate with you without a time constraint
However, if he’s particularly frustrated or horny, he won’t hesitate to pull you in a spare closet for a couple of minutes to have a quickie
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Mammon’s always up to experiment with different kinks, as long as they’re not outrageously weird. He’ll try almost anything once, especially if it’s something you’re into
He’s not one for risks, usually, with an exception of public sex. The idea of being caught excites him, so he’s more than willing to fuck you in a semi public area
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’s a demon, so it’s obvious that his stamina exceeds those of humans. Mammon can go for a good five rounds, given that there are small breaks in between to let him get down from his high first
Since his stamina is considerably better than yours, he’ll usually let you decide how many rounds you’ll be having
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Mammon himself doesn’t own any toys. Poor boy is too embarrassed to walk into a sex shop himself, and doesn’t dare ordering them via Akuzon in case Levi accidentally finds them.
However, he’s more than open to experiment with sex toys with you. Mammon loves using a vibrator on you, and also loves when you use it on him. He’s also open to you using a strap-on on him. Once he gets over the initial embarrassment, he’ll be more than willing for you to peg him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If you’re having jealous sex or angry sex, Mammon does not hold back on the teasing. He’ll fuck you senseless till you’re approaching your climax, and then stop completely. Mammon will edge you multiple times until you’re on your knees begging for his cock
However, he’s usually weak to you and he’ll easily give in to you pleas for him to fuck you
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Mammon’s shy and ultimately always tries to hide his moans but it never turns out that way. He’ll try to bury his face in your neck to mask out his lewd sounds to no avail
Over time, he becomes extremely vocal during sex, unafraid of voicing out how good it feels to have his cock ramming through your sopping heat
He mostly lets out low, breathy moans and groans, but when you’re dimming him, he’ll release the prettiest, high-pitches whines you’ll ever hear
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Mammon once decided to use ‘Lucifer’ as his safeword. It obviously worked and instantly turned the both of you off, but it was difficult to even look at Lucifer in the eye in the passing week
He’s a huge fan of lingerie and will not hesitate to use his precious Goldie in order to buy you more expensive pieces. They turn him on to no end, especially black, lacy lingerie
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Mammon’s quite big, at 8.5 inches erect. His cock is nice and girthy, particularly thick around the middle. There’s a bulgy vein down the side that rubs your walls oh so perfectly every time he thrusts into you. All in all, he has the perfect dick
Mammon also has a bubble butt, and he loves it when you smack the globes of his ass. Instant turn on.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Mammon doesn’t like admitting it, but he has an extremely high libido. He’ll be more than willing to fuck you multiple times a day, and he cannot go three days without having sex with you
Sex with Mammon is pretty routinely and occurs several times a week, or even more if you’ve been purposely teasing him throughout the day
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He gets pretty sleeping after cumming, but he makes sure to never fall asleep before you. Mammon will make sure that he’s done aftercare properly before sliding into bed beside you and holding you close till he falls asleep
It brings him joy to be able to fall asleep with you in his arms after sex, and he loves the sheer intimacy of it all
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