#like oh. i forgot this is a public website
equalseleventhirds · 1 year
"I don't understand how I'm losing," Reigen said, his hands flying over his keyboard. It was so late now—too late, maybe—if only he'd used the same technique as with the Player Killer from the beginning, he might have stood a chance, but he hadn't seriously thought he'd lose—
"Shishou," Mob said, "why is this so important? You already have second place from Twitter."
Reigen laughed, not at all nervously, and splayed a hand across his forehead. "You don't understand, Mob. The publicity from something like this, even a rematch, would do wonders for Spirits and Such. This is about business."
(He would never admit to his pride being on the line.)
"And anyway, who is this guy? A radio host? I've been on TV, you know."
Mob carefully did not bring up what had actually happened when Reigen made his television debut.
Ritsu had no such qualms. "When they exposed you as a fraud? That was publicity too, right?"
Serizawa leaned over Reigen's shoulder to see the computer screen, careful not to spill the tea he placed on the desk. "Oh, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale? It's been a while since I listened to that, maybe I should catch up."
Reigen stared at him. "You? What? Serizawa?"
"Ah... yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Back when I was... well, when I didn't leave my room much, the podcast was popular. I guess it gave a sense of... community? Feeling less alone, even when you are." He shrugged. "Plus, hearing another gay man in a show like that was comforting."
"He's gay? Canonically?" Why can't I be gay canonically?
"Sure, he got married in episode 100. It was very emotional."
"I nearly died in our chapter 100—"
-- -- -- -- --
Well, listeners, there's still a few hours left on the poll, but I'm now leading at 56%! I must say, I did not expect this, especially after Twitter users so clearly forgot—or perhaps never knew—about my Tumblr Sexyman Origins.
But, that's neither here nor there. I certainly am grateful, if a bit bemused, about all of this, but let us not forget that this is all a friendly competition. Unlike the annual War On Christmas—and let us all take a moment to remember our fallen allies against that terrible holiday foe—this is a battle of kindness. Love, even. The love we feel for Tumblr, for our favorite sexy men, for pressing a button on a meaningless internet poll. The love we feel, listeners, for each other.
And in the spirit of that love and friendliness, I figured I'd get to know my opponent a little better! A bit of googling, which of course you know means searching via every search engine but Google, what with the Town Council imposing the Google Search Tax and getting all Night Vale IP addresses shadowbanned, has led me to... oh my, listeners. I do not know who made this, but Reigen Arataka has the single most beautiful professional web page I have ever encountered. It's... words do not do it justice. I am tearing up. This... I could not make anything better myself.
A-hem. Listeners, now that I've wiped away the tears such beauty inspired in me, I can now see that Reigen's website advertises his business, one Spirits and Such Consulting. Well! We may be rivals in this moment, but I am overjoyed to learn that Reigen runs such an innovative and important business! I am nearly ashamed that, while my opponent works to make the world a better place, I, a mere community radio host, am winning the sexyman contest.
Nevertheless, we must respect the polls. Not respecting polls could get us in hot water with the Town Council, or with the demigods of numbers who lurk in the sharp edges of percentages. So since I can't hand my victory over to him, I think I'll do what I can as a community radio host, and promote Reigen Arataka's important business!
So if you're a spirit in need of counseling, a ghost in need of therapy, or an eldritch beast in need of a shoulder to cry on, head on over to Seasoning City and pay our good friend Reigen a visit! I'm sure he'll be pleased as anything to see you.
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joelwindows7 · 10 months
Top betrayal of websites & where people migrated to
That I know of right now.
YouTube. Community Guideline Strikes & DMCAs, & moar bad things. Go to Odysee now.
[tumblr] (formerly). Deleted & purged 69420. Go to idk, 888blr, and Twitter, and Newgrounds, and any Mastodon instances out there. Unbetrayed!! 69420 is back!!! But the damage has been done.
Twitter. Wait, what again? No, I forgot what Elon Musk did? Uh.... I still... idk... well let's say... did not make things better for all part (just few make betters are not considered enough), damn.. what is it?!. Go to idk any Fediverse like Mastodon or whatever it is. Also bot account or whatever API was that I forgor,... paid, coz spammers.
What was this Minecraft Launcher?. Lead dev gone rogue and deleted contributors, could possible lead to malware commit. Go to Prism Launcher.
Ubuntu. Uhhh... proprietary blobs increasing and more ironic proprietarisms (Snap is proprietary), and one example sauce here this. Go to different Ubuntu forks or maybe jump to another diffferent Linux Distro like Arch, btw.
VRChat. Implemented Easy Anti-Cheat instead of officializing community fixes like Anti-crash, anti-exploits, etc. etc. Go to different VR social media, like ChilloutVR. This is also Unity based VR social media, with mods allowed and many community patch and fixes (yes, mods) turned official. Heck, 69420 is even allowed, with a free DLC provided!!! No kidding!!! If you want to add me, same, JOELwindows7 & I was wearing BZ Protogen right now. Oh, one more thing. The Premium account is buy once, unlock forever!!! In VRChat, there is only subscription (temporary buy). There is also NEOS VR, which is Unreal Engine, I think.. idk... huh, no Godot VR social media?! Aw man..
Reddit. API is now paid because API does not serve them money through those intrusive ads in the original interface (effectively making maintenance way too expensive as lots of users use them, & it no longer worth it). Go to [tumblr], Lemmy (& maybe any Mastodon instances). See r/Save3rdPartyApps. Many subreddits gone privated in protest. Some come back, others forever. Some again restricted like mine. Basically private but still can be accessed, just no comment, no post, or neither. Fun fact, because of this, Reddit admin ironically active eradicating this protest by force removing mods and handing it over to somebody else who will, especially to basically force them public again. I mean, yeah, it's egregious, peck neck 💀, privated no access anymore. Your fault, spez. Why has Private in 1st place? Just restricted & public that's enough. And you yeeted their hard work away because of this? There is a better way bruh! Don't yeet mods and replace them, they'll further damage the subreddits, no idea what to do with them! Instead, if you want, just set them Restricted, keep mods, wtf man?!?!?!?!?!? Ugh, very awry.
Okay that's all I know, thancc for attention
By JOELwindows7
Perkedel Technologies
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leonaquitaine · 9 months
Sights of Eorzea Alpha is live!
Fellow sightseers, we are thrilled to announce the alpha version of the Sights of Eorzea website, a tool to help us explore and share the breathtaking landscapes of our beloved Etheirys!
Sync with the Sights of Eorzea Discord Server
The site seamlessly integrates with our Discord server, where you can share discoveries and chat with fellow adventurers! Posts to our gpose-locations forum will be synced and available on the public website; no Discord sign-in is required!
Tag Search
Searching for that special place just got a whole lot easier! Whether finding gorgeous nooks and crannies within instances or uncovering those mesmerizing Open World shots, the tagging system got your back.
By creating a forum post with the in-game <pos> information, the tag engine accurately determines the associated zone, patch, and expansion - making it much easier to look for that perfect location!
You can also add search tags to your post to help fellow adventurers locate specific features, like grass, wood-floor or stone-building:
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Or search for Photo Studios by Data Center, Server, and Location - and even publish your own!
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Known Issues
Keep in mind that this is a very early alpha release!
Our gallery tiling has a few missing spots, where we plan to feature captivating callouts that showcase tag combinations like Studios, Instances, and Hidden Places, to name a few.
Occasionally, some scenes may have their locations mistagged. We'll get that fixed Soon™!
Most of the UX work up to this point was focused on a functional desktop experience. We'll be tackling mobile next!
Caching large images is hard, and we're still fine-tuning it. You may experience some lag because of that, but rest assured we'll be working on optimization.
Future Plans
This is only the beginning of our journey; our plans include synchronizing other sections of the server, like Guides, Community resources (including Preset Collections and Tools), and eventually the Gallery itself - so public, non-Discord users can enjoy everything our community put together.
Improving navigation and stability is next on our list. We understand that this alpha release will inevitably encounter bugs and downtime; we'll be working on stabilization next.
I hope you enjoy what we made so far; suggestions and comments are more than welcome!
Oh, I almost forgot! Here's the link to the Test version: https://test.sightsofeorzea.com/
And with that - happy exploring!
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(P.S. - If you made it to the end of this post, you might as well join our discord server!)
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iamstartraveller776 · 23 days
Feel free to ignore, but you mentioned that the fandom landscape has changed drastically from twenty years ago, and I’m curious what that means for you. I’ve seen lots of posts on the topic, but am interested in your experience if you want to share.
I absolutely can share!
Twenty years ago, I found fandom through bulletin boards or message boards (depending on what you called them). Trekbbs was my first one, and it's still standing. High speed internet was relatively new, and it was easy to keep up with "threads." Whenever you logged in, it would take you to where you left off with any given thread so you could catch up. (Discord does this...kinda, but Discord moves at warp speed where BBS's moved at impulse power.) It was easier to stay connected, to get to know people. Also, the boards were (and are) heavily moderated. Trolls were banned, and folks who got too heated under the collar were usually temporarily banned until tempers cooled. So it was generally a safe environment.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the vast majority of the boards were grown-up only. That's not to say that minors didn't sneak through, but they were on their best behavior lest they get found out and kicked off the board.
And from the boards, we learned where to find fanfic. Back then, even though FFN existed, fic was primarily archived on private sites. There were no such thing as likes and kudos back then. It was fandom etiquette (at least for my corner of the Trek fandom) to leave a comment/review if you read a fic (and be nice about it!). It was the era of Kink Tomato (your kink is not my kink and that's okay) and don't like don't read and simply fun. We had challenges, did round robins—where someone would write a chapter of a fic, then another author would write the next, and so forth.
Even when I made the switch to posting more on FFN, it was pretty normal to send a message to someone to thank them for favorite-ing your story even if they didn't comment. And often they would message back, telling you what they enjoyed. I have some friendships born from this! It was normal. Writers weren't called "needy" and "self-absorbed" for hoping for more interaction with their readers. We were all in this together.
I also did yahoo groups for a time, and had a fantastic time with my friends in an email chain.
LiveJournal was kind of the peak of fandom, IMO. I think it was the first "public" website, rather than something privately owned, where we could build communities (private or public) as well as have our own pages (private or public). Some of the best fandom events happened on that site. But LiveJournal ended up imploding. (Cyber attacks then the new owners started wiping out entire communities without warning for violating the new terms of service. It was horrible.)
So we all moved to Tumblr. (And we were slowly moving to AO3. Some also moved to the site formerly called Twitter.)
Tumblr was pretty awesome back then. Because fandom people took the same community with them when they came. We didn't have replies back then, but dagnabit we screenshot tags or reblogged comments and posted them with replies. It was easier to follow tags and even some fandoms created blogs that were archives for fics. (Myself included.) The downside was, and continues to be, lack of moderation. Not that I think fandom should be gatekept, but it isn't as easy-going when you do have to worry about putting up with trolls as a rule rather than the exception.
Alas, life happened and I had to step away for a few years. When I came back...it's so much quieter. Significantly less interaction. Less comments on fics. There's just...less connection in general. People tend to flit in and out of fandom more often. And on top of that, there is the odd movement that fanworks shouldn't contain anything that would make a reader/viewer uncomfortable or is unrelatable to the general masses. As a fanworks creator, there have been times I felt more like a monkey dancing for a demanding audience rather than a squee-ing fan sharing things with fellow sqee-ing fans. I seriously questioned for a long time whether I would bother anymore.
(This also doesn't mention how streaming and binge-watching series rather than weekly releases have affected fandom. It's different when you get one episode a week for an entire season of 20-24 episodes than when a streamer releases the entire 8-10 episode series at once.)
A part of this is me, too. I don't have nearly as much time to invest in fandom as I used to. I can't be too critical of the changes in fandom, but it is different.
And so I hang onto a few of the friends I've found (like you!) and continue to find here and there. I write whatever I want and delete rude comments. I always reply to the others. And I keep plugging on!
Thank you for asking! And thank you for being part of what I love about being on Tumblr even after all these changes! (Sorry I got a bit verbose!)
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who’s excited for stats so far?? i bet none of you are but i’m inflicting them anyway! ...under a cut.
so far, though, we have 198 separate submissions across 166 works!
so far the longest submission piece is 551 words long! wow! there are also another 3 submissions that are over 300 words long, and one piece has 797 words across 7 submissions! the shortest submission, to contrast, is 5 words long! that’s also great!
there are currently 4 artists that have had 3 pieces of art each submitted, and 8 artists that have had 2 pieces. that means there’s currently 137 other artists! oh sorry, while i was drafting this post we got a fourth submission for one of the four.
how about things anyone can go look at? there are currently 7 pieces of public art that have been submitted! four of them are from canada (and 3 are from the calgary specifically), one is in the netherlands, one is in spain, and one is in new york. the fourth canadian one also has copies in spain, japan, and arkansas. there are also 3 submitted buildings! two are in spain, and one is in thailand!
gender! we’ve got 122 pieces from male artists, and 32 pieces by female artists! yes that doesn’t add up to 166, the other 12 are either multiple artists, unknown artists, or i felt like a creeper trying to trawl through their tumblr/website and it wasn’t in their bio. sadly, we don’t have any openly trans, nb, or otherwise genderqueer artists submitted (where openly is “i could find it in the same 5 second google search to determine nationalities”)
even more niche stats! the largest submission (that isn’t a building, a cave, or public art) is 2.15 m (7 ft 1 in) x 34.14 m (112.0 ft) and weighs 4 tons! close behind it is another that's approximately 3.7m x 25.2m (12ft x 72.9ft) but weighs significantly less! i did not feel like mathing which had more square footage. the smallest submission (that is, a physical piece in real life, digital art can be insanely small) is 5.9 x 6 cm (2 5/16 x 2 3/8 in.)!
how about locations? excluding the multiple copies ones, there are 32 pieces located in the united states, 9 in spain, 8 in france, 6 in canada, 5 in england, 4 in italy, 3 each in russia, australia and mexico, 2 each in the netherlands, wales, scotland, and ireland, and 1 each in israel, finland, germany, portugal, poland, japan, austria, ecuador, thailand, latvia, singapore, belgium, and argentina! i know that doesn’t add up but there’s a lot of pieces in private collections, owned by the artist, or we just couldn’t find their location, sadly.
artist nationalities get a lot more variable! i did my best to look up every artist i could and include their birth country and the country they did their works in! except john singer sargent because he just didn’t want to settle down and i didn’t want to give him like six different countries. 
starting off, we have 43 submissions by american artists! 18 by french artists, 17 by english, 8 each by canadians and italians, 6 each by russians and spaniards, 5 each by chinese, irish, and germans, 4 each by dutch, mexican and belgians, 3 by latvians, 2 each by finnish, polish, scottish, malay, serbian, and armenians, and 1 each by portuguese, japanese, austrian, ecuadorian, thai, swiss, argentine, cuban, kazhak, colombian, danish, and iranian! 
i do not currently have stats for jewish artists for you, because i forgot to write it down my first time through wiki, and now i have to go through all ~140 articles and websites again. relatedly: there are 8 works by known-to-be-gay artists, but i’m already running into wikipedia going “well he sure did a lot of male nudes but he also might have had relationships with women” and i am feeling uncomfortable poking through people’s private lives so... i hope you don’t mind it i stop... counting..... i mean if they’re open about it i’ll write it down still.
how about the ages of works? there are 4 things from before the 1400s, 3 from the 1400s, 6 from the 1500s, 3 from the 1600s, and 2 from the 1700s! 5 from 1800-1850, 4 from 1850-1880, 10 from the 1880s, and 9 from the 1890s! 9 from the 1900s (that is, 1900-1909), 5 from the 1910s, 5 from the 1920s, 4 from the 1930s, 4 from the 1940s, and 6 from the 1950s! 3 from the 60s, 4 from the 70s, 7 from the 80s, 15 from the 90s, 12 from the new oughts, 17 from the 2010s, and 13 from the 2020s! and three ongoing projects!
and to wrap things up: there are 101 paintings, 12 sculptures, 17 what i’m calling installations (they’re often mixed media or unusual media, i would give examples but i feel like i would bias submissions), 6 photographs, 2 pieces of textile art, and 21 digital arts, drawings, or comics!
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babiebom · 3 months
I’m watching the end of time (SPOILERS)
Like knowing what we know about the timeless child and everything they’re the WORST
Like sorry to the tenth doctor I would’ve actually shot the time lord president without hesitation the second he said “you are diseased…be it a disease of our own creation” to the master
Like yeah I know he doesn’t kill the master but the whole pointing the gun at him I’m like ABSOLUTELY NOT
Like they actually made me feel bad for him…for BOTH of them. Like what do the time lord council do other than BE ASSHOLES? Given I haven’t seen original who idk what they do there but I DISLIKE THEM SO MUCH actually all they do is use people
I know he’s killed people and been an absolute menace and a monster but like :( they did this to him
Also I think it would’ve been really funny if everyone had his face but their normal bodies. So it’s the masters face and like tiddies if he was a woman or something. Like it’s literally just his face in their bodies instead of turning into him completely. Idk why it would be funnier to me.
Also him giving his life to save wilf makes me CRY like I’ve never seen the specials before bc I could never find where to watch them. Also this whole tantrum he’s throwing is throwing me off like BROTHER he honestly just saved someone and you’re throwing this tantrum IN FRONT OF HIM my feelings would be hurt but at the same time I understand because I too would throw a tantrum if I had to die
But maybe it’s bc I don’t really like hurting peoples feelings that I just would be like DAMN guess I’m gone then bc I wouldn’t like to hurt Wilfs feelings like when he says “you’re unimportant” like I KNOW he is just upset but PLEASE MY FEELINGS SIR.
Also THIS IS HOW IM FINDING OUT THIS IS HOW HE REGENERATES INTO ELEVEN???????????the website I watch these on DOESNT have any of the specials so I’ve had to go searching for them and WOWOWOWOWW
also I hate Martha and Mickey together I preferred her with the Milligan man. Like yes they’re cute together but I would’ve like her to stay with dude MISSGIRLPAYATTENTION nvm
He’s saving people?but in a sad way?
He’s staring at Jack??? Oh he’s hooking him up with someone OH ALONSY ALONSO OH
oh it’s miss nurse from the family of blood. I hate those episodes. WaS sHe hApPy iN tHe EnD? FUCK OFF
who is Heffery? Is that Donna’s dad? Bc if it is THATS SO CUTE BUT SAD?????THEY HADA WEDDING IN A GRAVEYARD?
oh it’s a church with a graveyard
Kinda poetic but OOF ghosties scare me also SAD BYEBYE FOCTOR
oh god it’s rose again
like it’s weird to think about where you would be in time in the universe during doctor who
Like I would literally be a child in Texas who probably missed EVERYTHING because who would destroy TEXAS? California I get but unless they realize how big Texas is they’d go for like Washington or something
their faces are icky but they’re also cute? I love them except for when they’re evil <3
I also always read the Police public call Box as “police the box” and idky my brain is like NAUR the LETTERS ARE TOO CLOSE TOGETHER AND SMALLER IT MUST SAY THE???????
Goodbye ten I can’t believe that this is the first time I’m seeing him regenerate. I literally went through the entirety of nuwho and haven’t seen the Specials omfg. OH NAUR HE DOESNT WANNA GO PLS.
Omfg you destroy the tardis every time so rude HELLO ELEVEN MY LOVE HIS VOICE IS SO SQUEAKY I LOVE HIM
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hannahlovesluca · 3 months
hello this is brisquad-unit-4402. let's do a matchup trade? you know me but for the people who don't:
i'm an introvert and i enjoy small groups of friends way better than big ones, but i'm very silly and noisy when i'm with people i like. i roll with aaaanythinggggg and it's hard to get me irritated, but if i am, then i don't pull any punches and i'm not afraid to act. i'm definitely the one that says "they asked for no pickles" even though i try to keep things chill. ironically i love gossip whenever it's not about me, especially because i love a good story
obviously i'm a writer but i also like video games and my art journal, i'm a music snob, and i love doing planks but i don't really like any other form of exercise. i don't get sick easily, i've never had food poisoning despite all the questionable and raw things i eat, and i like to take the lead in a relationship even though i am unfortunately a tsundere. despite everything i am two feet tall…
matchup trade w @brisquad-unit-4402 !!!!
i pair you with…
Doppio Dropscythe !
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hear me out…
• listen i was really stuck because even though hes my oshi I LOWKEY FORGOT ABOUT XSOLEIL
• but oh my god imo he is like perfect for u ngl 😭😭
• because you’re an introvert he definitely gives the energy that he loves embarrassing u in public… like actually be prepared cuz its 24/7 💔
• yk that one clip of luca that was him saying he likes embarrassing his partner and his example was him screaming “100 GLIZZIES” in public ? thats doppio but its probably like “THE D STANDS FOR [insert something random]” LMAOO
• he also knows how hard it is to annoy/irritate you so he probably pokes you or bothers you a lot trying to see if he can push ur buttons
• “unit..” *poke* “unit..” *poke* “unit..” *poke* “unit..” *poke* and it keeps going on and on and
• probably tries to get you to write the most obscure thing ever 😭😭
• “unit, what if you wrote something like… kittens landing on mars? or the moon?”
• he watches pirated movies off of websites 😭 cannot tell me im wrong
• he knows you dont react much to gore but if theres a gorey scene he’ll try to comfort u but is also teasing u and joking the whole time 😭😭
• cough cough totally not referring to when you recommended me martyrs
• anyway, overall, he’s a very fun and teasing boyfriend
• sorry this is so short - with the amount of doppio headcanons ive done already its hard to put anything new LMAOO
MALE RUNNER UPS: Sonny Brisko, Vox Akuma
FEM RUNNER UPS: Pomu Rainpuff, Meloco Kyoran
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stormdragon23 · 2 months
Solo Leveling Novel Rambles starting from chapter 10 and up to chapter 12
(I should probably mention the chapter numbers I’m using are based on Tapas’ chapters, so it’s off from the actual chapter numbers)
Sung Jinwoo being reminded of Lee Juhee when he gets healed by the status recovery alsjdfa I wish more of their relationship was shown
Oh, the Rune Stones. Kind of forgot about them. I really like the background info on them though and how rare they are. Kind of want to explore that subject a bit more
I like how the novel spends some time explaining the skills. They were glossed over in the manhwa and anime, so by the time they were brought up, I didn’t even remember them
Jinwoo getting mad at the System because it’s not giving him any instructions about what anything means aksjkaksa I can relate to that though. I like step-by-step instructions. Also, him wishing he lifted the bed to test his strength before he spent his stat points is relatable haha Hindsight is 20/20
So far, Jinwoo in the novel seems more strategic than the manhwa? It speaks about his thoughts a lot more, so that may be why, but the manhwa seems to be more of him figuring out problems as it goes rather than taking the time he needs to figure things out
Jinwoo’s moments of excitement are so cute. He’s testing out his new strength after using the stat points and apologizes for making a mess when a nurse scolds him. I like Jinwoo’s sense of humor too. He seems easy to connect with in the novel compared to the manhwa. I love the art in the manhwa though, so you win some, you lose some
He seems a lot more grateful to be able to level up as well. In the manhwa and anime, he was more like “Oh thanks for saving my life. And the upgrades are nice too” while in the novel, he seems so excited about becoming stronger
Jinwoo doing research and the process behind it is something I really like seeing. Apparently, there are websites you need a Hunter’s license to access? I guess the license comes with an ID number or something? I don't think there was much of it in the manhwa. It would have been nice to see the forum in the manhwa though
Oh, Jinwoo noticed the sword in his inventory sooner than in the manhwa. I think I personally prefer the novel version of that since the manhwa seemed like too much of a coincidence.
I like Jinwoo's self-reflection after being betrayed in the double dungeon. While the manhwa does mention that Jinwoo wants to get stronger and not take unnecessary risks, I don't think it ever mentioned Jinwoo made the decision to no longer be necessarily kind. It's definitely shown later on in the manhwa which I found selfish yet understood why, but seeing the novel going into detail about it makes it clear about the reasons behind some of Jinwoo's decisions later on.
Oh, there's a conversation involving that one nurse that was pretty much forgotten in the manhwa. It's confirmed again that the S-Ranks are kind of seen as monsters, and the public doesn't know much about them. Baek Yoon-Ho is also mentioned! Although it's spelled as Baek Yun-Ho. At least his name is more recognizable than some of the other ones I've seen so far.
So the ranks of Hunters are visible for everyone to see? I guess that information isn't completely private. It does help with making sure people are telling the truth about their rank though
Okay, I can see why they dropped this part with the nurse in the manhwa lol I don't like it. This nurse girl wants to take advantage of the situation to have the chance to befriend an S-Rank. I mean, other people might do the same, but that doesn't mean it's not selfish.
Jinwoo says that his body has also changed drastically, even before he does the D-Rank dungeon, and notices the other nurses talking about him. He doesn't seem as dense as I thought he would have based on how he was in the manhwa
The chapters are split weirdly, so I'm actually around chapter 8 of the novel? They probably did it so that people would have to spend more. I'm choosing the free option though, so it doesn't really affect me that much, but the numbering is confusing
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spicysix · 7 months
text me, call me (kiss me, i'll be waiting)
cheerscoops week - day three
prompt: co-workers/social media AU
warning: this is all written in text formating! || wc: 2270
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Chrissy Cunningham [09:41AM]: Hello, Steve! This is Chrissy from Marketing.
I’m sorry for reaching out through text, Robin sent me your number and I thought it was easier and faster this way.
I was wondering if you have that little bio thing we asked of you already?
Steve H (PR) [09:43AM]: Hi Chrissy from Marketing! 👋 No problem at all, good to have your number. 🤳
I do have it, yes. Do you prefer if I send it through here, or do you want it on a doc? 📄
Chrissy Cunningham [09:44AM]: Can you please e-mail it to me on a document, if it’s not a bother?
Steve H (PR) [09:44AM]: Not a bother at all! 😊
Chrissy Cunningham [09:45AM]: oh god he’s so intimidating
Hattie 👒❤️ [09:47AM]: bitch it’s just texting calm down
Chrissy Cunningham [09:47AM]: but he’s all sweet and he uses a lot of emojis and I think it’s adorable
and he’s so so so pretty Heather, you know that.
Hattie 👒❤️ [09:48AM]: Christine you saw him what once?
Chrissy Cunningham [09:48AM]: twice
Hattie 👒❤️ [09:48AM]: Christine you saw him twice. he can’t have that much power over your brain that it turned you all mushy???
Chrissy Cunningham [09:49AM]: he does, though
Hattie 👒❤️ [09:50AM]: that’s a problem and we have to talk about it y’know
Hattie 👒❤️ [09:51AM]: Chrissy
Hattie 👒❤️ [09:53AM]: Chrissy we have to talk about it
Hattie 👒❤️ [09:56AM]: Christine where have you gone to?!?!??!
Hattie 👒❤️ [09:59AM]: ……… when will my wife return from war
Steve H (PR) [09:50AM]: So, what’s all that bio things for anyway? 🤔
Chrissy Cunningham [09:50AM]: Haha we thought we could do a page for our team leaders on our website. So visitors can get to know our different teams a little better, you know? Create a connection with our public.
Steve H (PR) [09:50AM]: Just the team heads, though? 👑
Chrissy Cunningham [09:51AM]: Yes. If we had the whole teams, it would be clogged.
Steve H (PR) [09:51AM]: Interesting.
Are you the Marketing’s team head? 💻
Chrissy Cunningham [09:52AM]: I am, yes.
Steve H (PR) [09:52AM]: Good to know… 😏
Chrissy Cunningham [09:53AM]: Why do you ask? Haha
Steve H (PR) [09:53AM]: No specific reason… 😝
You plan on keeping it just the heads, then? Eddie’s going to be so upset that he’s not the IT leader instead of Suzie 😂
Chrissy Cunningham [09:54AM]: Yes, he’s been complaining to me plainly haha
[attached image: a screenshot of a conversation with contact named ‘Eddie! 🖤’. Conversation’s filled with complaints about wanting to have his picture on the website.]
Can’t wait to hear it all in person at the party this Friday. 🙄😂
Steve H (PR) [09:56AM]: Oh, I didn’t know you two were so close.
He can be pretty whiny haha.
I almost forgot about the party on Friday. I’m not so sure I want to go.
You’ll be attending it together?
Chrissy Cunningham [09:56AM]: Eddie’s like a brother to me, platonic soulmate we call each other. He’s the one who recommended me to the job, actually. I owe him a lot.
No, I’ll be attending it with my colleague Heather. Eddie will be on home office that day, so he’ll stop by later.
You should go! I’m sure it’ll be fun!!
Steve H (PR) [09:57AM]: Ah, that’s nice! 🥰 Me and Robin are just like that, too. Feels good to have a soulmate! 🤝
Heather, huh? I’ve heard about her… 😏
I promise I’ll think about attending it. 😊 If you buy me a drink… 🍸
Chrissy Cunningham [09:58AM]: Hahaha, sure! 🍸 or 🍺, 🍷, or 🥃?
Steve H (PR) [09:58AM]: I’m actually more of a 🍹 guy, I think.
Chrissy Cunningham [09:58AM]: Bit fruity?
Steve H (PR) [09:59AM]: 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣  You could say that!
I’m sure I’ll enjoy anything you provide me, though! 😊
You convinced me. See you on Friday, then, Chrissy from Marketing. 😉
Chrissy Cunningham [10:00AM]: See you, Steve from PR. 😊
Chrissy Cunningham [10:00AM]: HE’S THE CUTEST MAN ALIVE
also, I might have a date…….?
Chrissy Cunningham [10:01AM]: [attached images: three screenshots of a conversation with ‘Steve H (PR)’]
Hattie 👒❤️ [10:03AM]: GURL!!!!!!!!!
Chrissy Cunningham [10:03AM]: WAS NOT!
Hattie 👒❤️ [10:03AM]: HE SOOOO WAS!!!!
who told him about me??? 😳😳
oh my god please let it be robin please let it be robin please let it be robin
Chrissy Cunningham [10:04AM]: don’t know…
what if we don’t want to talk about our lesbian best friends on our maybe-date, huh?
Hattie 👒❤️ [10:04AM]: how you know she’s a lesbian?
Chrissy Cunningham [10:05AM]: hattie it’s all over her instagram
her profile picture is literally her in front of a lesbian flag
Hattie 👒❤️ [10:05AM]: YUO FOLLOW HER ON INSTAGARM??????
Chrissy Cunningham [10:06AM]: you don’t?? she’s /your/ crush Heather wtf you’re dojng?
Hattie 👒❤️ [10:06AM]: I DUNNO 😭😭😭
not the point though!!!! you have a date with steve harringtoononnnnnn
Chrissy Cunningham [10:07M]: shut up!!!!!!
…… I need a new dress
Steve H (PR) [03:23PM]: Hi Chrissy from Marketing! 👋
Do you know when the page will be up? 🖥️
Robin wants to see my face. As if she doesn’t already, every day 🙄
Chrissy Cunningham [03:24PM]: Hi Steve from PR!
We’re thinking after the weekend!
Steve H (PR) [03:24PM]: Nice! 😁
I’ll rub it on Eddie’s face so good 😈
Chrissy Cunningham [03:25PM]: Hahahaha he should put more effort if he wants to be team leader that bad.
Steve H (PR) [03:25PM]: I don’t think he does, though. He just wants to be on the website 🙄😝
Chrissy Cunningham [03:26PM]: Real haha
Steve H (PR) [03:26PM]: Two more days to the party! Looking forward? 👀
Chrissy Cunningham [03:27PM]: Sure am! I’ll be buying you that nice fruity cocktail.
Steve H (PR) [03:26PM]: Can’t wait 😊
Steve H (PR) [11:11AM]: One more day! 👀
I can taste the cocktail already 🤤
I need a drink real bad. 🍹
Oh look. Angel numbers! ⏰
Chrissy Cunningham [11:12AM]: Can’t stop thinking about it huh? 🤭
Steve H (PR) [11:16AM]: I am sorry, am I bothering you?
Chrissy Cunningham [11:16AM]: Absolutely not!!
I can’t stop thinking about it too…
Steve H (PR) [11:17AM]: Good to know we’re on the same page, Chrissy from Marketing. 🤭😊
Chrissy Cunningham [11:17AM]: We so are, Steve from PR. ❤️
Chrissy Cunningham [11:15AM]: hattie I fucked it up I fucked it up
[attached image: screenshot of conversation with ‘Steve H (PR)’, cropped to only show Chrissy’s text saying ‘Can’t stop thinking about it huh? 🤭’]
he hasnt answered yet
he thinks im mad???? he thinks im making fun of him???
I cant stop thinking about it either!!! HE DOESNT KNOW THAT!!!
should I say something else? its gonna be too weird, its been three minutes
its just gonna look like I find him stupid hes not stupid!!!
Chrissy Cunningham [11:16AM]: nvm he answered lol
ive been direct I told him I cant stop thinking about it either
Chrissy Cunningham [11:17AM]: [attached image: screenshot of conversation with ‘Steve H (PR)’, cropped to only show Chrissy’s and Steve’s last sent texts]
youre no help btw you werent even here when I needed you the most
Hattie 👒❤️ [11:30AM]: baby I was WORKING. as you should be too, instead of talking to your crush (who should ALSO. be working)
you didn’t even need me that bad you figured it out by yourself
lol you freaked out so bad you forgot proper grammar altogether love seeing it
if the two of you don’t smooch till your faces fall off on friday I wont be friends with you anymore
also, ask him for robin’s number for me pls n thanks
Chrissy Cunningham [11:34AM]: [attached contact: ‘Robin B (Finances)’]
Chrissy Cunningham [11:36AM]: 😝
Steve H (PR) [08:08AM]: What time will you be there? 👀
Good morning. By the way. 🌤️
Oh. Angel numbers again. ⏰
Chrissy Cunningham [08:09AM]: Morning, Steve!
I’m going straight to the Happy Hour bar after work.
And you?
Steve H (PR) [08:10AM]: I have to wait for Robin, and she works an extra hour today, but we’ll be there ASAP! 🏃
Really looking forward to seeing you. And talking to you in person.
Steve H (PR) [08:11AM]: And the cocktail! 🍹
Chrissy Cunningham [08:12AM]: Hahaha 🍹🍹
I’m really looking forward to it too. 😊
Hattie 👒❤️ [10:52PM]: babygurl still cant beleive the way he just whisked into the conversaton and stole you from jason he so smooooooth!!!!
asshole left me aolne after you and steve snuck off too so now im just here n bored cause ur my only frend and eddie is mising I dont know where he gone to
wait I just saw him leavimg
Hattie 👒❤️ [10:56PM]: Iknwo ur having THE time of ur life but liek im aloooone chhrissyyyyy
So bored. Sososoboredddd
Hattie 👒❤️ [11:01PM]: did he just grabbed ur pohne??? whats he doING
bitch the way ur giggling I cantttt
ur both soooo funny to watch ngl
Hattie 👒❤️ [11:09PM]: ordred too many teqiulas atfer u left wrds are gettign harder to liek spell or smth
is it spell when ur on phone?
I mighth haev to call a cab to get hoem
Hattie 👒❤️ [11:58PM]: thanku for putting me in cab
and coming with me in cab
Im home!!!
u know that alrdy u were in cab wiht me hahahahahahha
soo nice of steve to come with us
did you go to yors after?
or his mabyeee
pls tell tomorroe mornig that yuo had so much sex chrissy plsss
gniiight baabe get itttt
Chrissy Cunningham [12:054M]: Hattie oh my god HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Jesus you were so funny last night. love you so much
and also. so glad you didn’t say any of that embarrassing stuff in the cab with me and Steve
Chrissy Cunningham [12:05PM]: we went to mine but he didn’t walk in. we just stayed in the front porch and talked for idk maybe a whole other hour or two?
God. Hattie he’s even better than I dreamed
and you know I dreamed a lot
but he’s so much better because my dream version of him was so flawless and perfect in a bad way. i was idolizing him
but he’s just human, just a guy, but he’s amazing. the most amazing guy
Chrissy Cunningham [12:06PM]: we talked for all those hours and I could still talk to him for many more but we were both tired so he left
not before we kissed 🙈
so so sweet. and gentle. he directed me without pushing me. took the lead without being rude about it
and respectful
so caring
Chrissy Cunningham [12:07PM]: he said he didn’t want this to be a one time thing. that he likes me, wants to get to know me better, take me on dates, the whole shebang
he said he’s looking for the one
the one, Hattie!!!!
he wants someone to spend his life with
Chrissy Cunningham [12:08PM]: he was so open about what he wants and that just makes him even more attractive
he’s just. such a good match
we have the same dreams, goal, plans
so much in common, Hattie
Chrissy Cunningham [12:09PM]: I know it’s been only one day
I don’t want to get ahead of myself
but I think I might really like him
Hattie 👒❤️ [12:10PM]: Bitch I have the worst hangover of my life
Ugh I’ll have so much fun retelling this story when I’m the bridesmaid at your wedding 🤍
Hattie 👒❤️ [12:11PM]: oh my god Robin Buckley is texting me
oh my god I have a date with her tomorrow.
Steve 💙 [03:03AM]: Can’t believe my name was saved as Steve H (PR), Chrissy from Marketing 😤
I had to fix it. 📲
You’re ‘Chrissy 💚’ here now too. 😊
Oh, look. Angel numbers again. ⏰
I keep getting these talking to you. 😳🥰
Steve 💙 [03:05AM]: Anyway, I just got home. Maybe you’re sleeping by now. 😴
I had a great time tonight. The best, perhaps. 😍
Thank you for all the fruity cocktails. 🍹 And the amazing chat!
We’ll talk tomorrow? 😊
Sweet dreams, Chrissy. 💛
Chrissy Cunningham [12:12PM]: Hi Steve from PR 🤭
Look. Angel hours.
Steve 💙 [12:12AM]: ⏰⏰❕❕
Good morning, Chrissy from Marketing. 🌤️
Chrissy Cunningham [12:13PM]: I had the best time too!
It was amazing talking to you. I could keep talking to you forever.
I want to get to know you better.
Steve 💙 [12:14AM]: I can say the same. Talking to you was easy, and amazing. 💬
So was kissing you, by the way. 🙈
Chrissy Cunningham [12:14PM]: Yes. So it was.
I’d like to do it again…
The kissing, sure. But all the talking, too.
Steve 💙 [12:15AM]: Is it too early for a date? 💐
Chrissy Cunningham [12:15PM]: Absolutely not.
Steve 💙 [12:15AM]: See you in 15. ⏱️
I’ll be at your porch. 🏡
Chrissy Cunningham [12:15PM]: I’ll be waiting. 😘
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This is a fun thing about this John Robins/Elis James radio show: even the oldest episodes are recent enough so I can find the stuff they reference. On The Bugle, Andy Zaltzman sometimes complains about reviews but I often struggle to find them when I look them up, mainly because he seems to be mostly upset about reviews he got in about 2001 (aside from those few weeks in early 2017 when John Oliver had recently left The Bugle and Andy complained repeatedly and with clearly genuinely hurt and bitterness about the reviewer who called him a “left-behind sidekick”, he did not name the reviewer but that phrase was enough to successfully Google it, and Dominic Maxwell can fuck go fuck himself for that one). However, Robins and James mostly complain about stuff that is well within the timeline of Chortle archives, so it’s fun looking them up to compare the reality to their description.
In this case, John Robins also did not specifically mention the publication of the review, but he did call it the big comedy trendsetting website, and since my Tumblr blog didn’t exist in 2014 I figured that just left one option. And I was right. Here is a clip of John Robins on his XFM radio show on August 23, 2014, broadcasting from Edinburgh, discussing the show he did the night before and that had a reviewer in:
And here is the corresponding review.
John Robins made it sound like any review coming out of that night would be a lot worse than three stars. This Tornado Loves You, his 2014 Edinburgh show, is my favourite John Robins show of the three that are on his Bandcamp page (which means, my favourite John Robins show from before his big award-winning Darkness of Robins). It's useless to reduce something as subjective as comedy to a quantitative measurement, but also, I think that show was a solid four stars, and the review gave it three. However, three stars isn't that bad, and the review overall was all right. And they did acknowledge that there were circumstances beyond John Robins' control (that's how I know for sure that this was the night he was talking about, that they described the same unfortunate events in the radio show and in the review).
Reading that review did remind me of how much I like that John Robins show, and I've also thought of that as I've listened to the radio episodes he did while performing it in Edinburgh and then touring it (I'm into the December 2014 radio episodes now). So I decided to re-listen to it tonight. It's on Bandcamp, in case anyone else wants to do the same This Tornado Loves You, it says 2015 on Bandcamp because that version was recorded during his tour the following year, but it was his 2014 show).
I'm starting this post before actually listening to it, thought I'd use this to write down thoughts as I have them.
- Oh, he opens with the “pussy line” bit, which that mostly mediocre review mentioned as a highlight, but it makes me wince. I don’t even know why, it’s the sort of cynical observation I like, and I think it’s accurate, and amusing. But makes me feel slightly sick, possibly just from hearing the word “pussy” said so many times. I don’t think that word is, like, offensive or anything. But it makes me slightly squeamish, as does the accurate admonishment to a type of comedy that probably includes some comedy routines and/or performers I quite like.
- Then he goes into pretty much the exact thing I’ve talked about on this blog a few times lately; I didn’t remember this detail of that show until now, so while I’ve been writing screeds about it I forgot that John Robins had already addressed the issue himself.
Okay. So can I now stop feeling guilty about having said I like John Robins' comedy best when he's miserable, now that I remember he himself has acknowledged that is how it works? I've made some posts lately about how John Robins' comedy is centred on cynicism and self-loathing and bitterness, on how frustrating it is to be overly intense and anxious and hypercompetitive and angry and annoying about it, and as a person who is also all those things, I enjoy listening to this perspective in a comedy show. Which led me to say I'm very glad he got sober but, you know, I hope he doesn't fix everything in his life all at once. It wasn't just the alcohol making him act like that, right? He's still going to be bitter and annoying, right?
Well, I don't need to feel bad for saying it anymore, because he also said in. In 2014, while explaining that those days are over, because he has found the love of his life Sara Pascoe, ended a twenty-year search for happiness, and will never need to seek happiness again because he's found it forever. So that's all fine then. It's all fine, in this alternate universe where Hannah Gadsby won the Edinburgh Award on their own in 2017.
- He segways from this into his Stewart Lee bit, and I think I need to cut that clip out as well. I do think that Chortle review focused a bit of a disproportionate amount on the Stewart Lee bit, which was a quite small part of the show (though I’m also now about to disproportionately focus on it, I guess inter-comedian gossip is hard to resist), and makes me think a pro-Stewart Lee bias may have slightly unfairly impacted the reviewer’s judgement of John Robins. Though I, of course, say that as someone with my own biases (bias that include liking Stewart Lee, obviously, everyone likes Stewart Lee, he's a brilliant comedian, but I also think there are plenty of legitimate criticisms to make about him).
Look. It’s probably not the strongest part of the show, I think I can imagine a couple of ways he could have made that a bit funnier, and maybe it’s not a bulletproof criticism. But I do really enjoy the audacity.
I wrote a post about this last year when I first listened to this show, saying it reminds me of this guy who used to dominate in the wrestling national championships for a few years running. He had this really specific style that no one had a real answer for, like with every different thing you tried, you’d play into his hands because his style would let him use it against you. People across the country were trying to figure out how to get around it, and one day, I was doing video review with a friend because one of my athletes had to go up against him, and I said, “Has anyone ever tried doing it back to him. Like. I don’t know if it would work. Maybe it wouldn’t. But has anyone even tried? Everyone just thinks of him as so untouchable that he has a monopoly on this strategy, but there’s nothing actually stopping other people from using it, is there?
I just love the idea of John Robins trying to write his Edinburgh show, struggling as all comedians are with being in the shadow of the giants, trying to make sure that whatever he writes is something that comedy arbitrator Stewart Lee hasn’t declared asinine, something Stewart Lee can’t make fun of, and then just thinking: “Wait. Why not do it back to him?” Because no one’s tried. Well, Kitson, a few times, but Stewart Lee’s reaction to that was probably to say “You’re right, Daniel, you are better than me,” so that’s not quite the same thing. No one’s really tried doing it back to him. And, sure, John Robins may not have landed the perfect shot. But he tried. I respect the effort. Anyone can stand in front of an arts festival comedy audience and talk shit about Michael McIntyre. It takes some audacity to try it with Stewart Lee.
And then he goes into this bit, which is one of those moments in comedy that make me say - Oh, thanks for pointing out that thing that I think all the time and never hear other people articulate. Which is supposed to be a big thing in comedy, right? Lots of comedians claim to be saying those things, I think all comedians try to be saying those things. But there's so much comedy that most things have been said already.
Well, this one thing isn't exactly the deep and vital secret of the universe, but it is an accurate observation that I haven't heard made all that often:
Weirdly, for the second time in a row and about wildly different topics, I tried to think of who else I've heard say this thing from this John Robin show, and I come up with Kitson and not many others. Daniel Kitson dedicated a significant portion of his career to making this point in beautiful and poignant ways. I'm not saying John Robins has reached those heights, but I quite like his straight-to-the-point approach to it. It's also interesting to hear it from the perspective of someone who, at the time, was happily in a relationship.
I mean, I guess I can't say this is a completely novel observation, as comedy is full of "marriage is a ball and chain" jokes. But it's nice to hear that point made with slightly more nuance than "my bitch wife won't let me go to the pub with my friends".
I think that sort of thing is why this show is my favourite pre-Darkness of Robins stand-up show that John Robins has done, even though I don't normally tend to be a big fan of "I've recently found love, let me tell you about it" shows. The Darkness of Robins is my favourite John Robins show, which makes more sense, because it's a breakup show, and I tend to like breakup shows. For reasons that John Robins outlines in a clip I uploaded further up in this post, I guess. Misery makes better comedy than happiness.
But also, I tend to specifically like breakup shows because I do often think a lot of relationships are probably a bad idea. My friends know not to go to me for romantic advice, because I will always say vaguely neutral things that boil down to "Well I'm sure there's a way past this problem and stay together", to compensate for the fact that of course I think they should break up. Because I just about always think everyone should break up with their partner, I think almost everyone in a relationship is pretending to be happier than they are about it, but I understand that we're supposed to respect their relationship, so I guess people have signed up for this because they want to be miserable with each other, and I won't advise them against that since it's their prerogative (not all of them, there is one person who might be reading this who has what seems like a truly excellent relationship, and yours is one of the few where it seems like a very good thing and a net positive in life, I promise I am not hearing you tell me about your wife while secretly thinking you should probably break up, I think that about almost everyone else I know but genuinely not about you, sorry for this).
Anyway. The point is, most "I found love" shows don't feel all that sincere to me, while a breakup show, like a breakup in real life, is where you can stop pretending not to see all the massive problems in a relationship, and tell us what really happened. Which makes the breakup comedy show, by and large, more entertaining than their opposite. However, This Tornado Loves You is John Robins' "I found love" show (three years before his breakup show, which was better than this one and won the big award to prove it), and it's so good because it's honest. Because it has passages like the one I just posted, which doesn't have "honesty" along the lines of the old school "ball and chain, I hate my wife" comedy, it has honesty like "I love my girlfriend and she's wonderful but my friendships have inevitably taken a hit". That seems honest.
...Okay, so I am still adjusting to work after a week off, it's getting late and I worked long hours today and have to get up early tomorrow to do the same, and I think I'm going to stop this post. Because I thought it would be fun to re-listen to the hour-long John Robins show and liveblog it, but it's now taken me about 90 minutes to write about the show's first twenty minutes, because I keep stopping to cut out clips and write stuff. And I do not have that kind of time in the short window between when I get home from work and when I'd need to go to sleep to not be exhausted all day tomorrow. So I'm going to cut it off here so I'm not up all night writing.
It's a good show. But it off Bandcamp and listen to it. Its an "I found love and I'm happy now" show by one of the top five most cynical comedians I've ever heard. I actually think Speakeasy is probably John Robins' objectively best show on Bandcamp (and all three of his Bandcamp shows are good), but this one is my personal favourite due to subjective tastes. I think the Chortle reviewer under-valued it, as did that man who used it as an umbrella.
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teenagedirt · 1 year
kissing in cars
A/n before I start I'm new to writing fanfic do I f I can improve please let me know. I'm also on the website toninhave no idea how to work anything. MIKE WILL NOT BE IN THIS!
Vic x female reader.
I lean over laughing so hard I can barely breath. "Yo, you good y/n ?" Vic asks me trying not to laugh
"Uhm yeah I'm fine" I say looking straight into his dark brown eyes. My face heats up,but he doesn't notice the blush My face now has because he's checking the time.
"Oh shit" Vic says under his breath and grabs my hand. My eyes open quickly.
"whats going on" I ask while he's basicly dragging me down the sidewalk.
"We were supposed to be at that damn Cafe thirty minutes ago" he says looking me in the eyes and continuing his fast pace and the tight grip on my hand.
"Oh shit" I say trying to walk faster"We are in for it this time,we are always late"
"There it is" I say slowing down and opening the door. I sigh and make my way over to the table where both Tony and Jaime were sitting with their notebooks,pens,and coffees.
"Whats the excuse for being late this time" Jaime asks.
"Well, we lost track of time. That's what happens when you put two bestfiends together for a walk,huh" Vic answered. We are just bestfriends but hearing that felt like a stab in the heart. Tony is the only one who knows about how I feel about Vic, he gives me a sympathetic look,but I quickly turn my head. I sigh tears bubbled in my eyes.
"Hey guys I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back" I say, my voice almost a whisper. Tony looks up at me and weakly smiles. I walk into the bathroom and breakdown the way I am sobbing and hyperventilating you would think my family just got murdered, but no, I just feel unworthy of being with the man I'm in love with. The truth is I know that I could never be with him. I couldn't even try that would ruin everything,our friendship,the way the public sees me,and it would hurt what little bit of confidence I have left. When all my tears have dried up I look in the mirror making sure its not obvious that I just had a mental breakdown. I return to the table and get out my sketch book. I was the one who made all the cover art well the concepts anyway. Vic had already started on the songs and they knew what the albums was going to be called. The album was based around the stupid things you do when you're in love, and love subjects in general,rather it be sweet, or more of a breakup and betrayal song. I started sketching the title and their band name, I find myself drawing a boy and a girl, they look to be holding a cube together. Jaime looked at my sketch book in amazement.
"Hey guys look at this" he says pointing to my book. Vic's eyes widen and he smiles down at it.
"Goddamn that's good as he'll y/n" he says looking back to me. I blush slightly
"Thank you" I say and smile. Tony grabs my book to look at it closer
."Damn this is good y/n" he says smiling and handing me my book.
"We've gotten a lot done so i think we should head home." Tony says. Tony and Jaime share an apartment and me and Vic share one just down the street. I get up grab my book and pencils stuff them in my bag and start towards the door Vic following behind me. When we get outside he pats his pockets and his smile fades.
"Do you have your keys" he asks worry plastered on his face. "Uh yeah why" I ask walking backwards so I can see him.
"I forgot mine" he says while giving me a weak nervous smile. I giggle under my breath
"you always do" I say.
"You don't have to be mean about it" he says fake pouting. We both laugh for a minute and make it into the apartment
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manicparadox · 1 year
“For Your Entertainment”
Chapter 3: What You Want
Bill has a heart to heart with the only family he has, and returns to The Bou-Peek, where he meets Armond (aka Frank) formally. Bill has a decision to make about where this goes next.
Read on AO3
“So, you went?” Becca asked, sipping at a glass of wine in Bill’s kitchen.
“Yes, yes,” he muttered, looking from her down to the carrots he’d been working on chopping. “But you’ll have to wait until I check on the chicken.” He went to the oven and pulled out the roasting pan, sitting it on a trivet and lifting the foil. He checked the temperature and nodded, then threw in the vegetables he’d prepared. He covered it with foil again and put the whole pan back into the oven.
“Oh, I know I can’t interrupt your cooking ritual.” She grinned. “But now you’ve checked the chicken.” She held up his glass of wine and he took it from her.
Bill sighed, leaning against the counter as he contemplated the wine. “Yeah. I mean, what do you want me to say? It’s a strip club. It’s not like I’ve never gone before.”
“But that other place was… eh.” Becca shrugged, then tucked the streak of bright blue in her hair back over her ear. Her hair was thinner, now, but she’d been lucky to not lose much to the chemotherapy. “It was fine, but it wasn’t cool. It was a lot of the same. This place sounds a lot more interesting.” She pulled her iPhone out of her pocket and tapped on the screen a few times, then pushed it over towards Bill. “Did you even look at their dancers?”
“Isn’t it a little weird to post them to the website?” Bill peered down at the phone and tried to pretend he didn’t have a temptation to scroll. “And you know that advertising companies track your browsing history and now you’re going to get ads for strip clubs?”
“In case you forgot, I work in advertising.” She shrugged. “And I already get ads for sex toys. So don’t scroll too much, you might find one.”
Bill didn’t rise to that bait and instead looked down at the phone. “But what if people run into them in public? Or if their families see this?”
“They’re working jobs like you and me, Bill.” Becca set her glass down. “I don’t think anyone’s exactly forced to put their picture on the site. It’s good advertising.” She chuckled.
Read the rest on AO3.
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aidsyouinthinking · 5 months
Some 3 year-old alliteration by me
Indefinitely imperfect in indistinctly inconsistent, integrally innate, internally identifying idiosyncrasies is I, I. e. I inadvertently Iternerlised; "I" into inherently insignificantly infinitely irrelevant improvements, including impressive impertinence in insightful interaction, inducing intuit ill-will in introspection into I. Indicating imperfection incites inspiration instigating influence impelling "I" into -implicitly inappreciable-immaculateness, in-turn internalising inadequacy into, incessant inconsequentiality is interchangeable in its'... perceived result... Pretty pretty probably produces problematic pity; particularly pompous people promoting -previously prompted- pity, piling perceptions partly pragmatically primarily peaceful provides powerfully putative points, preventing possible preconceived popularised, people placating proclaims. -------------------------------------------------------------- I totally forgot these were rotting on a website I made for college, I've probably got them stored elsewhere, but Tumblr is becoming my public repository so here you go! Oh also, I will give 10 hole pounds to someone who can figure out a synonym for "perceived result" that all start with "I"s... Like technically it works because the idea is that it isn't perfect which fits into both me not being perfect but also accepting and being ok with that.... but I'm not ok with that, I still need to grow, and in the mean time if you figure it out, you can get 10 pounds by satiating my unhealthy perspective! YAY!
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daylightapathy · 1 year
I forgot that people can see my posts and I nearly had a heart attack because I got a notification that someone liked one and was then like *oh yea I actually exist and this is a public website and not an actual fever dream that I submit myself to everyday
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dannydehek · 1 year
Is LunaOne a Scam or Legit? XLN Token a Scam? a Review by The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger #ScamDemic
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Transcribed using Descript Hello, welcome along. I'm Danny de Hek. Thank you for pressing play. Good to see you. Well, I've got a couple of ladies here that have had an involvement in a company called LunaOne, and I'll be honest, I know absolutely nothing about it, but they wanna tell me their story and they wanna warn other people about getting involved in this company. I don't know exactly where this will take us, but we're on a Zoom meeting and we're about to listen. So I'll bring up the website of LunaOne. I have today two ladies. We've got one, I've forgot your names already. Perfectly normal for me to get people's names, but we've got a Ann and we've got a Cindy Piper. Cindy. Cindy, right. I knew that . So LunaOne first glance professional looking website. Looks like they really know what they're doing when it comes to fooling people into an investment opportunity. So I have to ask one of you two lovely ladies. When did you first hear about this company and what intrigued you to get involved? Do you wanna cover that, Ann, or do you want me to answer first? No, I think you do most of the talking because I'll tell you why. I've got serious network problems and our power may go off any minute as well, so that's why I'm actually gonna mute myself, but I'll join in if I feel like I need to say something. Right. That's what you call throwing Cindy, you carry on Cindy, under the bus? I, I, no, no, no. I joined about six, I dunno. I a actually, look, I think it was over six months ago, right? Yeah. And what is Yeah, I was, I was in the first promo thingy. Right. So long joined that, that's actually a great question. How do these companies actually get traction? I think they put their energies into other things. And did proper bus. I'm not saying this is not a proper business, by the way, kids, this could be a legit company. I'm just finding out about them just like you are, but something they did to get the momentum behind them. What do you think they actually did and how did you first hear about it? I, Cindy. Okay. First, first of all, we got involved probably about seven or eight months ago, and we had watched a YouTube Channel with Run Guys. I don't know if you've heard of that. Yes, I have. With me too. I subscribed yesterday. Oh, did you? Okay. Thank you. So run Guys had been promoting pretty heavily, LunaOne at one point in time, and it went on for several months. I would call it a commercial. And to add on to. while I was after launch and, and the, the price, which we'll get into. Yep. When I started researching how that came about, run guys knew Steven McCullough, which I'll get into that part of the story. Yep. And the LunaOne team before they were even a company. So I have photos that I have shared with run guys in, at the Apollo offices of Steven McCullough in South Africa, and they had been invited to have dinner with him and the, the LunaOne team and some other people from Steven McCullough's other crypto businesses. And so I, I think it's safe to say, and I think they've been honest about it, that they were paid to. Basically publicize LunaOne, right? And that's how we all kind of got tricked, I think. Right? So I'm just looking at these guys YouTube chAnnl. Now can I, can I just say something Danny, Danny, on every single video that the run guys did, if you go towards the end of their video, that's when they promoted LunaOne on every single video. They did it every single day for the last, what, six, seven months, right? Yeah. So, but you must look towards the end of their video. That's when they did the, the pushing. Yeah. Well, I'm, I've learned from my lessons. I'm not gonna play anyone else's video while. I'm recording. Okay. Yeah. But I can see that they have obviously been rampant. I know. And the point is that these guys obviously poke out videos ev two or three videos a day by the look of it and they have Yes. They, they do about five or six I think. Yeah. So what, what gets me when I see these guys promoting these systems, they're all for it. Like, I don't know you're familiar with Hyperverse, but I noticed in the leadership meetings, they were sort of mentioning myself again yesterday and they were sort of saying that they don't know why I'm giving them such a hard time. Cause they're trying to help the people that have lost their money and it's like they're the ones, so now I sort of see a parallel here with these run guys. They're out there promoting this opportunity and then looking at their latest videos, which were done three weeks ago. They, they've got one saying here, urgent lunar update. Like people need to act fast and do something and they're probably now claiming to help people. Would that be correct? Yeah. Yeah. So you're right. They're, they're claiming to think that they were scammed as well, but I think even without the text of what was happening at the dinner, the fact that they met the team beforehand just shows that they were properly financially incentivized to make it a commercial, is what they did. And they commercialized it. Yeah. Right. So they back came out. I, I've been making my own YouTube videos, so that you might wanna check out JR came into the Discord Group, the from Run guys, and he has said he is going to take the coins that run, guys got paid from LunaOne and redistribute them back to the LunaOne community for all the funds that they've lost. And he only did that, what did I tell you? Two days ago? Two days ago. So what we have, just to clarify what you're saying, they're offering, I, I, I missed some of that cause I was doing something else. But , they oh, I'm sorry. Okay. They are claiming to come out with another coin. Is that what you're saying? That will help. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Lu run one at a time. Kids. Yeah. Go Cindy, you carry on. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. . You carry on. Run guys. The commission came forward and said that they were gonna take the, in the money, the coins, the tokens that they were given by LunaOne back to the LunaOne investors, because LunaOne investors had lost so much. So they only just came out with that and just, just, Right. So need to try not to overlap people, your leg and to wee at the end. So when you wanna speak, sorry, you make a beep and we'll pause and you go. Yeah. It it just to make it more clear there. What happens is LunaOne was saying that if that they got 10, well, they didn't tell us what their percentage was but it was 10% to refer somebody. Okay. So it was only just referring directly people. There was no like MLM structure or anything like that. Okay. So Cindy, I would you think that they would've also got 10% on signup? That's got 20%. I think that was probably need to worry about proving that these guys haven't, by the sounds of what you ladies are saying, these guys have obviously been involved. They're profited in some way, which will form, they're obviously trying to keep face by doing shady deals now. And they'll be all about, just like all these, I'm gonna call it a Ponzi schemes. It's all about keeping the community happy so they can get them to diversify into another opportunity. Is that sun that up nicely? You're, you're such on. Excellent. Now I wanna ask you questions about your own opportunity now. Yeah. Yep. Well there you go. Proof in the pudding. Keep quiet. All right, so now I want to ask about these guys that I'm looking at on the screen. You can see them. Alright, we've got they all link off to their LinkedIn profile. I haven't done any research on these guys, but it looks like they actually put their face behind what they're doing, which is unusual. So do you know any of these people? Are they active? Or are they made up people? Yeah. Okay. So now here's the story. That's why I'm saying you're gonna have to learn some of the backstory. Yep. So this is the second batch of guys. Oh. Some of them are still the first batch of guys, but, so the timeline goes like this. We had a different ceo, his name was Daniel Huney, not Steven Reese Lewis. No. Steven McCullough actually owns, gets the paid for for this company. Yep. But I found that out quite by accident later on. So he, he actually has it linked up that LunaOne has to pay 2% to his other companies. So we, I didn't, we didn't know any of that information as LunaOne Investors. Yeah. This all, I stumbled into this. Yeah. But so besides that, it seemed like. , Daniel Puney wasn't in charge even though he was ceo, that he was under the Steven McCullough, which nobody knew you, you joined and you thought Daniel was, you know, in charge. Right. So at right before launch, well, right before what was supposed to be launched, so everything's changed Right before what was supposed to be launched, Daniel stepped down and we were told it was for health reasons, and then Corey was put on. Now that this matters because Stephen McCullough, I don't, I don't get this part, I don't, I can't wrap my mind around it. Owns a sovereign nation in South Africa. Yeah, and I thought it was like some weird jokey kind of thing. He's in it with Corey Kozad, the new ceo. and some of the LunaOne team is also in it. This sovereign nation, like I said it, I think it's a little more serious than what I thought it was supposed to be because they actually said the South African government's a little worried about their sovereign nation. I'm not quite sure why. Yeah. So that's a twist to story. But so Daniel stepped down and we were told that that was due to health reasons and Corey took over. Now they had already changed the website. So what was it that we thought was good on the website? They had linked themselves up with Coca-Cola, Xbox. Sure. They have Coca-Cola Just love being into our super. One is another Ponzi scheme of been busting and they also got connections with Coca-Cola. Last I heard, they Red Bull's, the one that they seem to use to partner with everyone. So . Anyway, so has anyone contacted Coca-Cola? Yeah. So now can we keep this, this information private? No. So don't tell me anything you don't want broadcast of the masses. We are live and people are watching this with Okay. Wagley ears. Okay. Well, so this is fine because I've already got in my YouTube chAnnl. My husband is actually worked for Coca-Cola for 18 years. Yep. So when he had gone to his bosses and the executives and asked about this project they knew nothing about it. So I knew we, we both at that point that, that that was, oh, you didn't know this part, Ann? I have it in my video, so No, I didn't. No, I didn't. Well, that video you talking about, we grab the link afterwards and we'll put that in the, in the notes so people can watch your video. Okay. Yeah. Well, we knew at that point that the Coca-Cola ties weren't real, and then we had heard from other investors. That the Xbox and the PlayStation and the meta connections. And who else did Microsoft? Yeah, I mean, make fun of me. I mean, after looking at about 50 of these Ponzi schemes and the claims they make I think DE's Amy, I did a really good interview on him, and I can tell you now that any of their claims can't be substantiated. Is that the right word? Did I get that right, Ann? Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, I'm no surprised Yes, to be honest. How, how do they do these things legally? I don't under, I, I assume it's got, these are criminals. This is like watching a bank robber come into the bank and holding a gun up to the teller and say, I'm gonna rob you. And then the teller's going, don't I know you? Yeah, I'm from Coca-Cola. You might have heard of Netflix or Spotify. Oh, you know, and that's, they're literally modern day bank robbers, so they don't need to be legit. They don't, you know, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. They must sit there on a board table and think, Hmm, what story can we come up with? And that's how they operate and that's how they sleep at night. I mean, I did a search on one of the CEOs on that latest one called Crypto. What was the LA last one? Crypto Market Built Bull. And this the PDF that come out? Yeah. Bull. We won't talk about that one, Ann. But the, the PDF that come out that they were pushing the product with had a CEO and his photo was taken off somebody else's LinkedIn profile and it had a different name. So that's why I'm just, while we are looking at these, I'm going through these people's profiles to see how rampant they are on LinkedIn. Because if you looked at stable deo, they have five people on their Facebook page, on their website, and they all link off to their LinkedIn profile and one of them is Sam Lee. But when you go and investigate, when Sam Lee last had any activity on LinkedIn, it was three years ago. So I'm looking at these guys LinkedIn profiles cuz this guy who's a CEO has only got 1700 people following them. Now I'm a YouTube and I have 7,000 people following me. So this shows me that these guys aren't big business people, they're just small time cuz LinkedIn's where business people hang out. So that's what I'd be looking at first of all, anyway, just to get we side issue there. So yeah, so I think, I'm not surprised. I mean if I was, if I asked you guys like you've invested in here, so what? What enticed you guys to think that this is a good opportunity? That's probably one of the my favorite questions to ask you ladies today. Who wants to go, Cindy? As I said, they, if I think if they hadn't tied all the co the companies to it, we wouldn't have been so apt to do it. And our friends that we got involved and family members wouldn't have been interested in it either. Yeah. I mean, it seemed like that they have the team prior to changing the team and like you said, they're pretty much all docked because they had their picture there and they were all real people. Yeah. So the, there's, like I said, now there's back stories for most of them that I've dug into. The AJ that's on there, he worked for Apollo FinTech under Steve McCullough, so you're gonna keep hearing Steve McCullough's name Lee. He was at the dinner with run guys and Steve McCullough prior. Wow. And he, he was a an Apollo FinTech person as well. Brax, they just found in Discord and he's a moron. Hammer, she's, she's really nice. She pulls her sleeves up and she actually, so, I mean, there's a lot to this story. And did you tell me you didn't have your coins either at launch day? No, I only got them two weeks after I had every single day I was waiting. There's a lot days and its to take it the date. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well, at some point they swapped and they didn't give, and they didn't give me, they didn't, my husband my friends, our friends that had invested, people didn't have their tokens on Launch day, which other people had the option to sell, and they were supposed to have launched at 25 cents and they launched at 5 cents. So first you already lost your money. It was already gone cuz it wasn't worth anything. And they chose that launch price. And then on top of it, we didn't have tokens to sell if we're all at zero. Yeah. The airdrops we hadn't received. So we received our to, they launched on Halloween and we didn't receive our tokens and I think, I think until November 11th, I think it was. So and my husband's verifying, yeah, our friends did not get their tokens until November 16th, I think it was. Tamara was the only one. That team that I knew that actively worked on getting people their tokens. Right. So, so I'm not a crypto investor. I've never bought any tokens in my life, but Ann did explain briefly to me, you were advertised these, you could purchase these tokens at 15 cents of token, and you were told that when they hit the market, they're gonna be landed at 25 cents a token. And that was the high pool around it. And then when they actually did launch, they launched these tokens at 5 cents each. Is that, am I correct with that? Yes. Wow. Yes. Correct. So how did you feel about that moment to 3 cents? Yep. Don't worry about that. How did you feel at that moment? Because it, Well, me personally, I, I realized it was a scam. I'm like, like I quickly woke up, right? Like, like two days later. I was looking for who was to blame. Yep. And you know how these companies survive because they have these membership plans, which, and opportunities. And the, the bronze, you know, gold, silver diamond platinum. And most people go for the, the bottom package. And that bottom package is the low hanging fruit because people think I'll have a wee dabble and I'll start at the bottom. I won't go up high. And then obviously because people have invested in it from 300 to a thousand dollars, they don't bother putting the time and energy into it to go after these guys. So I'm assuming, I'm having to guess that. What, can I have a dollar figure that, what, how much did you put into this? Can I ask that question? And do you wanna go first or I don't mind. Yeah. What was the what was that package? It was the first. Thing it was I forget now. Was it $3,000 and you would get the 45,000 coins, or, oh, I can't even remember. No. Ours was, you'd buy it for 15 cents plus you got additional. Yeah, but I think they did offer it, like you could buy it like that, but we didn't. Yeah, they had, they had both. Yeah. So you could sign up and get an incentive if you had somebody underneath you? Is that what you're meaning? Yeah. Yeah. I spent, I spent around three, just over 3000 because Yeah. What happened is I was going for that deal and then I didn't quite have enough money for it, so I messaged support or that Alicia, and I said to her, if I, if I pay it in increments, you know, Will it, can it still count towards that package? And she said, yes, I've got the email saying that she said Yes. And when I purchased like that, and eventually when I made lot of tokens, I assumed I was in that pool getting all those free tokens. And then I discovered that I only got a few tokens. Oh, right. I messaged her back and I said to her, but I, you know, I've spent the amount and I didn't quite get everything. And she said, no, you had to buy it all at once. So anyway, that was just by the buy, but that really pissed me off in the beginning. But yeah, I, I think it was over 3000. Just over 3000. Yeah. Right. And I suppose so, yeah. So that, that was, was that a entry level or was that sort of a medium level? No, no. You could have bought what was the minimum, Cindy? I mean, you could have bought any amount. Read the full article
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crestfalien · 2 years
Unintentional Meeting
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10 June 2022.
It’s been a while since she visited the supermarket for an actual monthly grocery shopping. She went grocery shopping days ago with her daughter but they only bought what’s necessary for that week only as she forgot to bring her membership card— well, what can they say, she’s a mother after all.
As there’s no teaching schedule for the day, she decided to visit the supermarket earlier so she could rest her body back at home again. Parting away from her cozy bed in her bedroom felt like hell and indeed, it felt like a romantic relationship; she never wanted to be apart from it at all.
Her body was going around the supermarket with a trolley in front of her yet her mind brought her back to the cozy all-white bedroom in her apartment. How she missed the pillow and the bolster pillow she could never forget? As if her to-buy list was always the same every month, her body automatically went for the same route each month and automatically put in the things she needed for her household into her trolley that she pushed by herself.
Before she was kicked out by her father for being pregnant with Christine out of wedlock, Fransesca never thought that she'd do things like this. She always lived a comfortable life in which maids were seen running here and there, taking care of the house and other chores that needed to be done or else the house would look like a mess and the old man, Rhee Anderson, would scold everyone with no particular reason.
“Strawberry yogurt for Christine. Banana for breakfast. Meats for lunch and dinner. Berries for Cassandra. Eggs for breakfast again. What else— oh, my ramen!”
She moved her feets to the isle of ramen from all around the world, in which Fransesca quickly put in the Indomie and that kimchi jiggae ramen she bought once in Korean and fell in love with into the trolley. Thankfully, she’s able to find one in Singapore.
Once she felt like she bought everything already, Fransesca decided to pay for her groceries and smiled widely at the staff on the cashier until she saw the man from afar. A man that wasn’t clear to her eyes as she aged but she knew whom.
Clayton. She knew how the man looks these days thanks to the picture she picked last time back in the university to be publicized on the school’s website. Quickly the lass put her groceries into her shopping bag and ran towards the exit door until the man also recognized the woman.
“Fransesca!” he called her. “Fransesca wait! Fransesca, I need to talk with you!”
Fransesca ran faster than before to her black car. She quickly unlocked the door and tossed her bag into the backseat of the car but it’s too late. The man really caught her and Fransesca couldn’t escape from him. She knew that the man must’ve been able to recognize her at that very moment.
“Fransesca, please don’t run. I just want to talk about things with you. Catching up with you after a very long time.” he told her but Fransesca quickly tried to brush him off. She tried to enter the car but he stopped her from doing so. He hindered her from touching the door’s handle.
“I don’t know who you are so leave me alone and let me go.”
Clayton sighed as he heard the words she said. “I’m Clayton and you know me. You know me, Fransesca.” he introduced himself again, though he knew it’s just a way for Fransesca to escape him and to avoid a conversation happening between them, again.
“I know that my wife talked to you weeks ago for a matter that I don’t know. Fransesca, will you listen to me? Will you let me ask you questions? Will you let me do something at least?” begged Clayton as he cornered the woman to the car.
But then, he could see how her body trembled in front of him and her eyes went teary from the mixed emotions inside. “Let me go. Let me go! I don’t want to talk to you again or anytime soon. Leave me alone just like how it is supposed to!” Fransesca replied with her voice trembling so hard, then she broke into tears.
His heart, he could feel the pain. He could feel how desperate the woman wanted to escape him but he’s also desperate to know all the answers. Fransesca herself never thought that he would meet the man this way. It was surely unexpected and inevitable. Now she realized that it was indeed fate that brought them together at this location, at the same time.
Fate that started to destroy the peace she’s trying to have. The fate that started to change everything in her life and she hates it.
“Fransesca, I beg you. I beg you to speak with me regarding our past, my wife, and everything. I just want to talk with you, that’s all. I know that my wife might upset you days ago and I don’t want to make you think that I’m—”
“I’ll talk to you but not now. Later, when I’m ready. I don’t know when but please don’t do this to me.” she said while crying. She begged him as well and so, Clayton decided to let her go. His hands weren’t holding her wrist anymore. Nothing’s in his hand right now.
Fransesca quickly entered her car and locked the door. With all the strength that she had, she left the man all alone in the parking lot. She stepped on the gas pedal and drove herself away, far from the supermarket and stopped at the side of the road, crying her heart out.
‘Is it the time already?’, she asked herself as tears came down again and again. She wasn’t ready and never will.
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