#like i get it i do but WE COULD SAVE MONEY-
chandlermead · 14 hours
One of my favorite aspects of tumblr is the lack of celebrities present on here. Like, I’ve said it before but especially now it’s a good idea to just go ahead and ignore them. I don’t need to hear about who they are dating, what they are wearing, who’s having a baby, who’s fighting. I do not care what happens to them and they do not care what happens to me. It feels like a weight off my shoulders to block them. It feels just as necessary as having an ad blocker on your browser. If all they lose is a fraction of a penny from me not engaging at least they don’t get that.
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This is what they are getting for a single post. I’d imagine a lot of these individuals have a team who manages their accounts, so this is really a passive income for them. One single post could change the average person’s life. One single post, would save numerous lives in Gaza. They are aware of this and they are silent. Ignore celebrities, block celebrities. Celebrities exist because we allow them to. They can become irrelevant very quickly and we know this because it’s happened sooo many times. They don’t deserve your praise, they don’t deserve your engagement, and they definitely don’t deserve your money.
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shoyudon · 15 hours
starring. toji fushiguro x fem! reader
heads up. cursing, toji being soft as hell, let's just say he's not an assassin and he lives a (fairly) good life with you.
note. toji's shown too much of a cold, hard, and stern guy in the few times he's been on screen. i feel like he's privately clingy — and he likes being the small spoon. just a thought.
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"hey, baby," you sighed out in exhaustion — dropping your bag onto the bed where toji was laid on, "i feel like 'm going to pass out soon."
toji grunted, but he sat up straight, eyeing your every move, "your boss is shit. that's why you need to quit and just sit still here at home," he mutters out, stretching his limbs.
"and who's going to pay for my stuff?" you ask, taking off your socks and throwing them inside the laundry basket just by the bathroom door — you unbuttoned your light blue flannel shirt, slipping it off in a rush before throwing the fabric inside the same basket.
"me. i work too." he scoffs.
"i know, i just don't feel great knowing my stuff was bought from the money coming out of my boyfriend's pocket," toji shifted on the bed, kicking the covers off of him.
he blew his bangs in annoyance, "so? 'ts not like 'm complaining, i want to do it."
smiling, you gave him a knowing look, "i know— 'ts just . . . i know i can buy my own stuff, you can save your money, for your own stuff. i don't want everything i have to come from your money, i feel awful," mumbling whilst swiping a wet cotton over the skin of your face, letting the make up seep in.
"your stuff is mine too," he steps behind you, taking a good look at what you're doing, "so stop thinking of shit like that."
"like what?" you nonchalantly asked.
toji rolled his eyes, grabbing your waist and proceeded to toss you onto the bed. with a soft thud, you landed — staring at him oddly, "why did you do that?"
"no reason." he mutters, crawling towards you before placing himself in front of you sideways; your chest pressing onto his back, "quit the damn work. you have a shit boss, shit co-workers, and shit work." small spoon.
slinging an arm around his neck and a leg draped over his torso, you chuckled softly, burying your nose into his hair, "you know i can't do that, right?" big spoon.
his body vibrated, signaling a groan out, "why the hell not?"
"come on, where else am i going to get my money from?" toji laced his fingers with your own, squeezing your hand tightly and then loosening his grip before tightening it back again — on repeat, "i know, baby. but what else am i going to do at home without you, hm?"
"i could care less about my shit work too." he spat out, bringing your hand to his lips.
"and then where are we going to live? pay rent? eat food?" you asked, voice lacing with amusement, "or how are we going to eat in our go-to without money, huh?"
toji huffs out softly, "as long as i'm homeless with you, i guess."
"you're silly, you know?" you squeezed his hand this time, although not as tightly as he did before, "but it all comes back to my first answer, 'm still not quitting my work."
toji shifted a bit, pressing his back onto your chest more, "can't stop ya', can i?"
"nope," he sighs out softly in response to the curt answer — which he expected, by the way.
"you're stubborn."
"right back at you," you murmur out into his hair, patting his chest a few times before consistently rubbing up and down; toji breathing out in content, "toji, can you move now?"
" . . . why?" he asks, voice hoarse and slow like he had just woken up.
"i need to shower. i stink," toji didn't budge at all upon hearing your answer. he was one of those people who believed that showers are a bit pointless — which is extra stupid (you think).
"do it tomorrow," he mutters out lazily.
"i wanna do it now, i feel sweaty," and there he goes pretending nothing was ever said; this always happens, especially when you were coddling him, "toji, move."
"move or you're getting the small spoon ban," toji scoots over a bit in response, letting you move freely as you like; somehow his no talk, action only made you stifle back a laugh, "you're a big baby."
"'m not, the position didn't feel nice or shit." he lies (not so) smoothly.
"right, i'll be back after the shower then we can cuddle again," you stood up, ready to leave when you hear him mumble incoherently under his breath, "what was that?"
"fuck, nevermind."
"right," you narrowed your eyes at him, "i'm going to go then."
just a few steps out of the bedroom door, you turned your heels and peeked your head into the room, "and by the way, yes, you still get to be the small spoon, don't worry."
"i still get to be the small spoon or whatever the fuck you call it, right?" loud and clear.
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© shoyudon 2024 . no copying or reposting allowed !
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emmie-writes-stuff · 24 hours
So the new chapter is out and GOOD GOD do I have some thoughts and a lot of them don’t make a whole lot of sense but I can’t not talk about this chapter
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Firstly, Kaiser looks adorable (never thought I’d say that about him outside of my head but here I am)
Secondly, holy hell my heart hurts
He didn’t deserve this, no child deserves this
The fact that he had to “go to work” and just steal
HE HAS NO SHOES his little feet have got to hurt, or they’ve completely calloused up from not wearing shoes, but even then (speaking from experience) it still hurts to walk on hot ground and rocks and other stuff on the street
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Yknow, I understood him hating milk before (because milk is disgusting) but now I get it even more
What a stupid reason to get upset, imma kick this waste of space excuse for a father in the fucking face AND balls because ITS FUCKING MILK
Eat some damn fiber or somethin if you got constipation issues
Who let this absolute scum of the earth reproduce???
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All the other shit went down before he was even double digits
But dangerous situations create smart kids, and Kaiser was very smart to start saving his own money
I used to have my own stash in case I ever had to run away (long story, we’re not getting into my family issues in this post, but yeah)
At least he has shoes now, protect those feet plz, they’re what keep you upright and moving
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Soooooooo are we gonna acknowledge that he treats the soccer ball the same way he’s currently treating Ness orrrrrrrr
But like, it’s nice that he has an outlet to channel his anger into that isn’t a person (at least for now smh)
It’s really interesting seeing how each of the characters came to play soccer
(Side note: but he throws the ball at a picture of a woman, could he maybe be imagining this woman as his mother?)
His mother also deserves a kick to the face if I have anything to say bout it
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I have no words for this
Just, can I steal him? Please? I’ll give him a good life
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Fuck the snitches, how dare they
Also, you can clearly see his ribs defined, and that hurts me
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I love that he was willing to let go of everything
He was ready to start fresh with getting money, was cooperating with the police, until the soccer ball was threatened
Because that is his most valuable possession
The money doesn’t matter, but the ball is a symbol to him of something that won’t leave him or hurt him
It’s a very small sense of independence and stability in this very unstable and controlling environment
The ball is heavily implied to be the first thing he ever bought for himself, it’s what defined a key part in his life
Taking that away is like taking away his soul, his outlet, and comfort, and Kaiser just couldn’t stand for it
There’s so many more things I’m thinkin and I have way too many incoherent thoughts for tumblr, but these are the ones I was able to clear up and make sense of
This chapter hit very deep and while my past doesn’t involve much physical abuse and struggles to this level, it was hard not to empathize and relate my own experiences with abuse with the ones in this chapter
I don’t wanna get into shit, it’s not somethin I exactly wanna put out in the public, but there’s so much here that I could understand and relate to and it just made everything so much more difficult to read (in a good way I guess)
Just, GOD, why did I have to become a fan before this chapter came out???
Okay, that’s my ramble for this, bye before I start going on even more tangents
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Am I the asshole for refusing to lend a friend money? 🐱🐱🐱🐱<- (for finding later)
I (28nb) have a friend (28m) who has recently had some problems with employment. He lost his job but has since found another. He is in a living situation with his fianceé where he pays half the rent.
Today he sent me a message asking, very politely, if he could have $59 dollars to cover his half of their rent. He made it clear in his request that he had not discussed this with his fianceé yet.
I said no - one reason being we recently totalled our car and depleted our savings putting money down on a new one (and those interest rates....still ouch), the other being that we've lent almost 1000k to a different friend of ours over the last two years, and haven't been paid back despite multiple verbal agreements.
We are a two income household making a combined 100k a year, but the majority of our income is spent on rent and our student loans. I feel bad because it seems surface level, $59 dollars isn't really that much of an ask. But looking at our broad finances, we're more in-debt to the institutions our loans are paid to than our actual income. We do, however, live comfortably and are privlidged enough to save some money most months. We do donate to causes, and have in the past given our friends places to stay for months at a time when they have no where to go / are in bad financial situations.
When this friend lost his job, I did help him by brainstorming with him on jobs he could do that would suit his sensory needs, and didn't involve customer service. I did research on multiple places close to him that would also suit his transportation limitations and pay him well while accentuating his skillset, and compiled links to the job listings. He has since been hired and onboarded at one of those jobs; he's a very sweet, genuine individual and I'm truly happy because I was also supporting him emotionally during this time and could see how hard this situation was on his mental and physical health.
The other reason I said no was this - he is getting married in one week from the time I'm sending this in. He made it clear in his message he had not talked yet about how he was short for rent with his fianceé. They live together, and go half on rent. I felt very concerned that he was bringing this to me first, and not to his soon-to-be-wife, who deserves financial transparency from her partner (as do we all). I don't think he ever intended to not tell her, but in my opinion money-matters should always be discussed with your significant other first in a healthy relationship.
I discussed this with my wife and she agreed. I told him we couldn't lend him the money and he said he understood. I also encouraged him to talk to his fianceé because she's his best friend and support. I didn't include my p-o-v that he should discuss money matters with her first and foremost because of their relationship and housing arrangement, because I'm hoping that's a conversation they can have in the immediacy?
But I still feel like an asshole and I'm not sure if it's because I said "No," because I have provided financial / housing assistance in the past to others and didn't this time, or because I actually am an asshole.
So - what do you think?
TL;DR - A soon-to-be-married, recently unemployed and then re-employed friend asked for $59 to cover rent. I have helped other friends in the past with rent and housing but said no because we can't afford it right now (which is true, despite being dual income) and also he hasn't discussed being short on rent with his finaceé / housemate yet.
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Just Wish I knew what caused it
(Fitpac exs to lovers)
Ch. 1 (to be named maybe)
Translations done with assistance from: @caracolast (Portuguese) @keezers and @iridescentpull (Spanish)
Fit was driving along the interstate in silence…. okay mostly silence.
The Radio had given out about an hour beforehand and Ramon was sitting in the passengers seat fixing it; which wasn't all that quiet.
Fit was almost thankful for the lack of music, even if it did mean he couldn't stop thinking, because at least that meant he could wear his prosthetic arm and keep control of the wheel. With this distraction Ramon wasn't itching to take it apart again.
Fit’s mind was wandering, thinking about the circumstances he'd ended up in.
A single father traveling halfway across the country in the middle of summer to live on a ranch with strangers; one of which he had possibly fought in a war with.
The only reason he was even entertaining the idea was because Phil had suggested it.
And the only reason he was going is that he ran out of ways to avoid it.
He had no job, no extended family, and his savings were dwindling fast.
Phil had called Cellbit last week asking if he still needed more hands and if he had space for them.
A few days later, Fit and Ramon had as much of their life as they could fit in the back of their truck, that was almost twice Ramon's age, and were off to California. Everything else of value they managed to get in storage and Fit had a Trust to keep that paid for a while.
And as he thought about how he'd even get their stuff, he realized he didn't ask nearly enough questions. He knew he name of the guy who agreed to hire him; Cellbit. He knows he has kids near Ramon's age and that he is married but to who? Phil mentioned another hand who lived there but through the frenzy Fit didn't at all hear who it was and based on how Phil was talking about it, maybe he was supposed to know one or both of them? And if he didn't were they trustworthy? Were any of them? Fit had already been thinking of that anyway. He didn't care much if something happened to him but if something happened to Ramon, his beautiful baby boy, a gift from heaven, Fit could never-
There's a sudden loud static noise before some cheesy pop song that Fit doesn't know starts playing. The volume is turned down, “Finally! Fuck… look Fit I got it.” Ramon proudly lifted up the radio for Fit to see out of the corner of his eye before Ramon put the Radio back in its spot in the dash.
Fit smiled letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding “Hey good job kid… you're going to make a lot of money one day, just don't forget about me when you're a rich and famous mechanic.” He ruffled Ramon’s hair and Ramon laughed.
“I could never. I learned everything from fixing your shit” Ramon scoffed, smiling before flipping down the visor and opening the mirror.
Ramon gently traced his fingers over his upper lip examining it excitedly. Ramon had wanted a mustache since he was 5 and he finally had some dark lip hair develop after his 15th birthday.
Fit was excited for him. Even if it would come with the discussions of how the hell do you even maintain and clean facial hair. Fit had personal experience and it could be a hassle.
“How much farther do we have?” Fit asked after a bit getting worried they somehow missed the exit.
Ramon checked his phone which was navigating them; “5 miles to the exit, then another 10 till we're actually there. It'll be about 20 minutes”
Fit nodded appreciatively. “Alright then.” he mentally calculated which lanes he should get in and when based off the traffic level in each. “You excited? There's bound to be plenty of stuff that could use your touch.”
Ramon nodded but even only half looking Fit could tell something was off. “…Tallulah and Chayanne wouldn't lie to you about the kids you know”
“I know… it's just a lot of change… and… I still feel like it's my fault.” Ramon shrugged
“Ramon…” Fit cooed in his usual tone when he's trying to be assuring
“I know… I know. You're the one who wore the wrong arm and then lost the data but just-” Ramon faltered
“Ramon, this could have happened without you being around. And honestly my arm was a bad place to store the data I don't know why he insisted upon it.” Fit put his hand on Ramon's shoulder “This isn't a ‘you’ problem. I have it handled now, and if this doesn't work out I'll get us a cheap camping spot and I'll find something eventually.”
Ramon nodded “alright” he hummed and looked out the window “Thanks, dad”
Fit smiled feeling that maybe this time Ramon would internalize it.
Soon they were off the interstate and driving straight until they got to the Ranch. Waiting to meet them was a man Fit hoped was Cellbit, with a child who Fit thought couldn't be older than 6 and an older child that seemed to be around Ramon's age.
The older one was sitting on the fence, swinging his legs. He wore a yellow and green Jersey for a team Fit didn't recognize but seemed to have a Brazilian flag on it. His eyes were covered by his curly hair that he seemed perfectly content on leaving despite acting like a lookout. He was wearing shorts and one of his socks seemed to go up higher than the other. Fit thought this looked odd…
The younger kid, who was using the paved road just inside the fenced area of the ranch to skateboard, was wearing a red and white striped shirt that was definitely to big for him as you could only just see his shorts even though they went to his knees. His knees were covered by his pads, the kid was also wearing a helmet that covered most of his hair but it seemed to have a curl of its own.. He did note this kid probably had the largest pair of glasses he ever saw on someone under 18. The kid almost looked like Where’s Waldo.
The adult, who appeared to be taking a break from his own skateboard, wore a white tank top and brown pants with a green long sleeve tied around his hips. The back of his brown hair, that was graying in the front, was pulled back and he seemed to be enjoying the sun. He turned as he heard Fit’s truck pull up and stop before the gate. He smiled and climbed over and hopped down.
The older kid went to hop down as well but the man clearly recognizing it before it could happen stopped him “Richarlyson! Tua perna não aguenta isso! Não pula dessa altura.”
The kid, Richarlyson, frowned climbing down instead and walked over to stand next to the man. Fit put the car in park and got out. “Hello, my name is Fit. I got hired to work here, I'm looking for Cellbit?”
The man smiled and offered his hands “I'm him, It's nice to meet you, Fit” he looked him over, his eyes eventually landing on his prosthesis “Nice arm, who do you get them from?”
Fit looked at his arm “oh. Uh my son actually made this one, I had kept a bunch of my old arms in a box and he managed to put this together for my birthday one year.”
“Que massa! My Pai made my leg!” Richarlyson proudly proclaimed pulling up his shorts to show where flesh met the sleeve of a prosthetic. That “sock” was not a sock at all but metal painted fully black and honestly it looked very well made.
“Oh wow” Fit looked to Cellbit impressed but Cellbit shook his head.
“Ah! Não sou eu. that's someone else. I mean I am his Pai but not the one who made the leg.” Cellbit chuckled putting an arm on Richarlyson’s back.
Now that Fit was closer, the scars that littered Cellbit’s arm’s and face became more obvious. That was a war veteran if he ever saw one.
“So kid,… uh how old are you?” Fit asked, that was a question you were supposed to ask kids you don't know right?
“14” Richarlyson answers. “You?”
Fit pauses, that's not usually how these conversations go, but before he can answer
"¡Apa Cellbi! ¿Puedo ir y decir hola?" The younger child called
Cellbit waved him over.
The kid took his helmet off and crawled through the fence before running up and hugging Cellbit “Hello!”
“This is my youngest, Pepito” Cellbit introduced
“Aww, hello Pepito, my Name is Fit.”
Pepito pointed to the truck “Who’s he?”
Every one looked to see and Ramon waved through the window realizing he was being stared at.
“That's my son Ramon. He's a bit shy” Fit explained
“Oh okay…” Pepito nodded “I like his hair.”
“I’ll tell him you said so” Fit assured.
“Let me go open the gate and you can drive up to the house” Cellbit said “we’ll catch up”
Fit nodded “I mean, I can drive you. The only stuff in the back passenger area is a couple of suitcases and a cooler that can be put in the back since we're here now.”
Cellbit nodded “Alright, thanks, thank you.”
Cellbit had the kids move to the side and then hopped the gate before getting it open. Fit got back in his truck and after explaining to Ramon, he slowly drove through, the kids walked in and Cellbit closed the gate before Fit got out of truck to move the bags.
Ramon got out too. “Hey Fit” Ramon said grabbing his bag and keeping his voice low.
“Yes, my child?”
Ramon held back a huff “I can sit in the back with the kids” he offered
“You sure?” Fit asked, in Fit’s mind the truck was more Ramon’s then it was his own. Sure Fit bought it well before Ramon was something he even dreamed of having in his life but it only still ran because Ramon had got really into machines at age five. Ramon was his go-to mechanic since he turned eight. When Ramon was ten, Fit adapted his Will to specifically say the truck was not to be sold till Ramon decided. If felt wrong to sit Ramon in the back.
“I'm sure. It's a short drive. Makes you look better if your son has manners anyway.” Ramon nudged Fit with his shoulder
Fit nodded and patted Ramon’s shoulder before everyone filed into the truck.
Since Pepito was so young and Also small for his age, he sat upfront in Cellbit’s lap while Ramon and Richarlyson sat in the back. They were at the house in less than 2 minutes.
“So you're going to just pull up here. There's been a change of plan unfortunately.” Cellbit stated.
Fit stopped the truck and looked to Cellbit, worried.
“The guest house we'd usually have you stay in had a pipe burst and it flooded 2 days ago. It's still getting maintenance.” Cellbit explained “so for the time being you'll be in the guest room in the main house. It does lock” he said assuredly seeing Fit tense up.
Fit nodded. That was fine wasn't too bad, they'd manage. “Thanks for the heads up” he turned the truck off and got out.
As soon as Pepito was allowed to get out he ran into the house to go put the skateboarding things away. Cellbit chuckled and got out as well.
Ramon and Richarlyson waited a second but they didn't have much to stay in the car for, so they followed their dads.
“Mr. Cellbit?” Ramon piped up.
“Hm, yes?” Cellbit looked at him “what is it?”
“If you need help with the pipes situation I might be able to lend a hand” Ramon offered “I'm pretty handy”
Cellbit smiled “that's good to know but I think we got things under control"
“Yea my Pai is handiling it!” Richarlyson smiled “he's pretty good with that stuff.”
“It's true. I'm lucky to have him around” Cellbit shrugged “but hey, maybe he’ll want the help. We can always ask”
The door to the house opened “Cellbit, 'cê não me contou que o funcionário novo 'tava aqui” the door closed.
Fit thought the voice sounded familiar but… no that couldn't be. He looked up to see his new co-worker.
“Foi mal, Pac,” Cellbit states although whatever else he says was drowned out in Fit’s brain as he locks eyes with Pac for the first time in over a decade.
This couldn’t be happening… right? This was all a weird fucked up dream.
“Pai!” Richarlyson runs up to meet Pac pulling him into a hug that disrupts Pac’s eyes from looking into Fit’s as Pac hugs Richarlyson back “Olha pro braço do cara novo! Ele disse que o filho dele que fez, igual você fez minha perna!"”
And the nightmare gets worse as the realization dawns on him that not only has he disturbed his Ex’s peace half way across the country, but that Pac’s husband is his employer. “That’s just great”, Fit thinks.
Fit adjusts his shirt some and finally averts his gaze. Yep, he only feels the shirt in his right hand, he’s wide awake.
“Do you two know each other?” he hears Cellbit ask as the world goes back into focus.
“Oh uh, yea we did.. once..” Fit responds, not daring to lie
“Don't worry about it” Pac adds “it was a while ago.” But Pac’s face hides nothing in this moment. He's not happy. “I'm going back to fixing the guest house” And Pac kisses the top of Richarlyson’s head before walking off.
Without his permission, Fit’s eyes follow Pac .
If Cellbit knows what's happening he saves Fit the embarrassment of making it clear. “Come on. You're probably tired from all the driving. Let’s go get you two settled”
He pats Fit’s back hard enough to bring his attention back to the present and helps them get their bags before he leads him and Ramon inside. Pepito is coloring at the table and Ramon smiles and waves as they pass.
Cellbit leads them upstairs and to a room that's the most separated from the rest on that floor. “Com licença, I need to get the door unlocked”
He counts five bedroom doors and one labeled bathroom plus the one him and Ramon will be sharing for the time being and Fit starts trying to work out who they belong to. Just to keep his bearings. Only two of the doors actually seem to lock so one is probably Cellbit and Pac's while the other probably belongs to the other ranchhand he hasn’t met yet. One of the doors has a little pillow on the outside meant for teeth when parents don't want to risk waking their kids up by going under the pillow. That's probably Pepito’s. One of the blank door’s is probably Richarlyson’s but then who's the other belong to?
Cellbit finally managed to unlock the door, “Entendi!” He hands the key to Fit. Cellbit holds the door for Ramon and Fit as they shuffle in and put their bags to the side. It was a nice room, Decently decorated, there was a photo of an older gentleman labeled “Alfredo” on the bedside table that caused Cellbit to sigh "ai meu Deus...” he rolled his eyes and grabbed it “sorry I thought I cleared all the photos out, my husband must have snuck back in here and left this as a joke.”
Fit nodded not getting the joke himself “No worries. Thank you so much again for this. You have no clue what this means to me”
“Of course, of course, veterans have to look out for eachother.” Cellbit shrugged “and honestly you're saving my ass, we really need the help”
Fit nods and Cellbit leaves them to unpack
“That guy, Richarlyson’s other Pai.. you knew him, more then you let on.” Fit looked to Ramon “didn't you?”
Fit paused but before he could answer he was getting a call and used that as an excuse to avoid the question “one sec Ramon, Hello?”
“Hey Fit, haven't heard from you since you left just making sure you're safe.” It was Phil, he could have checked he just forgot.
“Oh yea… things are good… We got here safe, everyone's been nice…” Fit nodded
“Seeing Pac bothered you more then you thought it would huh?” Phil hummed sympathetically
“You knew?!” Fit demanded
“ I told you! How did you miss that!?” Phil demanded back
Fit paused and the more he thought about it the more of that conversation felt like a blur “You-!… you… probably did…” Fit sighed “yea it shocked me…”
Fit could hear Phil frown “I'm sorry Mate.., would you have not gone if you realized?”
Fit thought about it “no I would have… just would have been nice to be more prepared, it's my own fault I didn't pay attention” he chuckled. Ramon sat down on the bed testing its comfort.
Phil hummed “yea kinda is.” He said in his usual smug tone that at least caused Fit to laugh “but seriously, you going to be alright? It's a big change”
“Yea we’ll be alright don't you worry” Fit assured
“Alright, just remember if you need to talk-”
“I know I know” Fit interrupted “alright old man get back to your kids and let me get back to mine”
Phil scoffed to hide his laugh “yea whatever. Talk soon”
“Talk soon” and Fit hung up
Ramon looked up at him “didn't you” he repeated less a question and more of a reminder.
Fit frowned “well if you have to know, Drama Queen, yes I did. But it doesn't matter. Please drop it.”
Ramon seemed unsatisfied with the answer but shrugged “fine, that picture of the old guy was a really weird joke though right?”
Fit smiled “totally weird. Also ‘Alfredo’?”
Ramon chuckled and nodded “double weird”
Fit chuckled back.
Things just seemed to get complicated whereever Fit goes. But maybe this time… maybe this time things will just be okay.
Please point out any weird looking errors if you see them so I can fix them. I did get this beta's like twice and I found 3 different problems while making this post.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 20 hours
ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇
Chapter 8- hate you too
Summary: Rafe is back at Tannyhill, taking care of “business.” Pope gets himself into some trouble, and you get to talk to Rafe again. But by doing so, you betrayed the pogues and your brother.
Series masterlist
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“Look at you! You’re so grown up!” Big John told you, you gave him a smile and wrapped your arms around him. It had been a while since you’ve seen him.
Everyone celebrated big John’s return to the Chateau, JJ hopping on his back with a wide smile on his face.
JJ thought of him as the father he never had, whenever your guys dad used to hit him, he always had a place at the Chateau. You had even been there quite a few times, when it got real bad.
You all sat down now, listening to them explain everything.
“Yeah, yeah, so we, um… we went to the archive in Charleston, and, uh… it was a dead end. A dry hole.. so…”
“So that’s the gold, the cross, and now El Dorado. We’re there for three, guys.” Pope spoke, pausing. “The streak continues.” He scoffed. “That’s great.”
Pope and Kiara left, you looked at JJ and he stood up. You did as well, mostly because he was your only ride at the moment.
You got him a new bike with some of the money you saved, and you were fixing the car later.
“I’m going fishing. Thanks for the beer.”
“Yea, thank you. See you guys later.” You told them, giving John B and Big John a small smile before following him.
“The cross is not on the train, Rafe. It did not arrive. Somebody stole the cross.” Wards voice spoke over the phone.
“Oh my God, wait, who stole it?” Rafe spoke, feigning his confusion.
“I don’t know who stole it, Rafe!”
“That’s rough.. I- I mean it could’ve been anybody, really, right?”
“Not really, Rafe. It could be one of a very few people.”
“Well, I mean, you know, we were just giving it away anyway… so, who cares?” He shrugged. “Who cares?”
Ward exhaled, making Rafe have a smug smile on his face.
“Okay, Rafe, okay. That’s done for now. I need you to finish the list I gave you. I want you to… sign for the east river property, when that’s completed, shut down the offices-“
“Yeah, no, I- actually I wanted to talk to you about that. Uhm, I’m thinking maybe we should keep the offices.”
“Yeah, I’m thinking maybe I should stay down here for a while. You know, really grow the company. I think it’d be good for us, right!”
“Listen to me, Rafe-“
“No. No, no, no, you listen, okay?” He put himself on speaker. “You listening? You remember when you told me to make myself useful? Well, thats exactly what I’m doing. I’m making myself useful, alright? I can do shit, you know? Explore options… so for the benefit of all, I think I’m gonna hang out for a while, okay?”
“Rafe, listen to me, you are there for one reason. You are to act as my proxy to shut down the companies, okay? That is our one play, and if you cannot do it-“
“If I can’t do it? If I can’t do it, then what? Then what?” He shouted, “you gonna hop on a plane? Come down here? I mean- it’ll be like a goddamn Elvis sighting! Ward Cameron, everyone! Oh my God, he lives! He’s back from the dead!”
Rafe scoffed, looking down at the ring on his finger.
“I got the family ring now, Pops. Yeah, I’m wearing it, and it’s my time to step up, okay? You’re dead.”
You took a deep breath, raising your hand to knock on the door.
“Hold on!” Ricky shouted from inside, you heard rummaging before he came over and opened the door.
He looked at you, your eyebags dark, your clothes dirty and ruined, your expression tired.
“Holy shit.” He spoke, dropping whatever was in his hands before stumbling to pick it back up.
“I- i heard you were back and i tried texting you- but-“ he said with a laugh when you wrapped your arms around him.
“Broke and lost my phone.” You told him, smiling as you pulled away from the hug.
“Shit- uh, come in.”
“And rumor has it, along with everything else, you stole that catamaran out there.”
“I didn’t s- I was with Sarah Cameron when i was on that boat. That’s their families boat!” He pointed.
“Not according to the registration. It’s Rafe’s boat, and he says you stole it. He’s keeping it here because he doesn’t want you around it.”
“Okay, Billy, come on. There’s got to be something.”
“I’m sorry kid.” Billy sighed out. “Guffy put the nix on it. Okay? I can find cheap help that doesn’t piss my clients off.” The phone started ringing and Billy glanced over. “I gotta go.” He sighed, leaving.
As JJ walked on the dock with tears begging to be let out, he heard a familiar voice shout.
“Damn, Rafe. Come on, country club. Bro, how are you gonna have this and not even tell me! You got a whole YMCA up on this bitch, dude.” Barry spoke with a laugh.
“Barry! Time to think. All right, we need to make a move.” Rafe shouted, standing up now.
“That’s all we do, bro. We been making moves.”
JJ hid, watching the conversation and listening in on it.
“Yeah, well we don’t have much time. Yo, come down here, you’re not gonna believe this shit.” Rafe spoke, all of them stepping down.
JJ sighed, thinking as he stood up. He took off his shoes, and dove into the water.
“I’m just saying we need to take this shit seriously.” JJ heard Rafe say when he went closer, now in front of the boat.
“Dude, bro, i should get a tooth made out of this, huh?” Barry asked, smiling as he held up a bar to his teeth.
“Look, don’t be touching the shit. Just put it back.” Rafe told him.
“So paranoid, bro.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the cross. I’m trying to make money.”
JJs head snapped up at his words.
“I told you, my aunt, she got some contacts. She gonna help us move these little bitches. The gems, the nuggets, the whole damn melted enchilada.” Barry told Rafe.
“These gems are mint, man. The golds bullion. We’re selling it in bars. Alright? I’m not gonna deal with some half assed pogue shit with some reject from Zale’s, bro-“
“Watch how you speaking about my auntie, dog.”
“I’m not talking about your aunt. I’m just…” JJ swum back to the dock, the rest of the conversation not important now that he knew about the gold and the cross.
“Pope… he has the cross and he melted it down.”
Popes face fell, he stared out into the water.
“Fuck!” He shouted. “Of course it was Rafe.” He said as he panted.
“Yeah, I mean, we probably coulda guessed that.” You said.
“The cross of Santo Domingo, desecrated! For money? God!”
“I know.. so.. I think we need to stay calm to make a plan, but we got to stay-“ JJs sentence was cut off as Pope smashed the floorboards.
“Getting better at that.”
“This is messed up, man. Even for them.”
“I know.” JJ said.
“Couldn’t agree more.” You told them.
“And they’re just gonna keep getting away with it. They’re gonna keep doing that shit. Gonna keep winning.”
“I mean, pope, is this news to y-“
You hit JJs shoulder before he could finish that sentence, giving him a pointed look as he rubbed his shoulder.
“No. But I’m sick of being the good guy.” He said, before walking away.
“Pope.” Cleo said, but he started to run. “Pope, where are you going?”
“Well, I appreciate the help, you three.” Mrs. Heyward spoke, you and Cleo coming out and setting up tables.
“You know I ain’t missing Mrs. Hayward’s cooking.” JJ said with a small smile, wiping down the table.
“Unlike my derelict son. He’s usually here by now”
JJ tried to steal something off the grill, but his hand was slapped away.
“I’m sure he’ll be back any second, Mrs. Heyward. Probably just going through a rough time. It’s been hard adjusting back to normal life. For all of us.” You told her, a hopeful smile on your face.
“Either one of yall moved the pistol from in there?” Heyward spoke, pointing to the inside. “The one I keep under the register?”
“Whoa, okay, I didn’t touch it. Okay?” He quickly defended
“He didn’t.” You told him.
“Yeah, well somebody did. Cause it’s gone.”
“I got my own gun, Mr. Heyward.” You held your hands up in defense when he looked at you.
“You see? I- dang it. I gotta find it.” He stormed inside, Mrs. Heyward following.
“Shit.” You muttered, turning to the both of them
“He’s going after Rafe.”
“I’ll check the marina.” You quickly spoke up. “Okay… I’ll come with.” JJ spoke, but you shook your head.
“Go with Cleo to Tannyhill. I doubt he’ll be at the marina still.”
“I haven’t talked to you in a minute, all right? No, look, listen, okay, the situation is we got… I got it. I got it right here. It’s bars, in bullion. All right.” Rafe spoke on the phone, pacing on the boat.
Pope held the gun, moving it up. He cocked it, pointing it to Rafe and aiming carefully with tears in his eyes.
He heard the footsteps before he heard your voice.
“Pope..” you mumbled. “If you do this, your whole life will go to shit. Trust me.”
“I don’t care.”
“But you care about your mother. And your father. What would they think?”
“I think they would understand how I feel.” Pope said, tears now streaming down his face. “For once, he would lose like we always do.”
You sighed, sitting down next to him and putting a hand on his shoulder, as he spoke.
“It doesn’t matter anyways. I’ve lost everything.”
“Are you kidding? You have a family, you have a home. You have friends that would kill themselves for you. Pope, you are the smartest fucking kid I know, but that is some bullshit coming out your mouth right now.” You paused for a moment.
“I know that right now it feels like nothing matters, and believe me, I’ve been there, but trust me, what you do is going to matter.” You continued.
You grabbed his arm, lowering it along with the gun, he exhaled and sobbed. You held him, letting him cry into your shoulder.
“Just breathe, dude. You’re good.”
You glanced back at Rafe on the boat, watching him pace back and forth on the phone.
“I’m sorry, J. I already asked, but there’s no room left in the house. I’m sorry.” You told him, a sad smile on your face.
“You think you can stay at the Chateau for a while? I- I just got this new job, and I’m really trying. I swear. I’m gonna get like- I’m gonna have to get like two more, but I swear, I’m gonna get some place soon, even if it’s like.. a fucking shithole-“ you rambled on.
JJ nodded, cutting your off with his words. “I’ll figure it out, it’s all good. Don’t worry ‘bout me.”He told you, shrugging and putting his cap back on his head.
“Are you sure?”
“Jesus, I’m sure. Jb won’t mind, I already practically lived with him before, I’ll do it for years again if I have to.” He shrugged.
“Thank you, JJ. See you,” you nodded, giving him a small smile before walking away.
“See you, dude,”
Yeah, a lot happened after that. John B showed up, Big John had been kidnapped, and now JJ and John B were going to some professors house to get info on where he might be, because all they knew is he was somewhere in South America.
And you were currently working two jobs, one of which was a bartender one.
The bar was in a club on figure eight, so of course you heard a bunch of shit. But today, you couldn’t help but listening in on the conversation.
“You know that Rafe Cameron is sellin’ fucking gold? From like some… ancient artifact or something?” One man said to another, downing the shot he had just gotten.
“Sell a bit here, a little bit there. Under the radar.” Rafe had told Barry when he talked about the plan for selling the gold. Clearly, that had not worked as well as they hoped, since word got around.
You listened intently, your job of wiping up the bar now forgotten.
“What? That’s weird. Heard he’s been on his fuckin’ rocker ever since his dad, and ever since that one girl from the cut.. what’s her name?”
“You talkin’ bout Maybanks sister?” The man asked, not even glancing at you as you filled up his cup again.
“Yes!” He snapped his fingers. “Her. He’s been weird since they broke up.”
“Has he, now?” You asked them with a quirked eyebrow. It was then they looked at you, eyes widening in realization.
“I mean, shit, I see why now.” One of them mumbled when you walked away, making you smile to yourself.
Tannyhill parties. You hated them. You sighed as you stood in front of the house, shaking your head to yourself as you went in through the back and hopped through an open window, avoiding the dude at the front door.
Rafe really had to hire his own bouncer? That’s low.
You tried not to get spotted, and somehow it had worked. Because among all the drunk and horny teenagers, you were hidden.
You went up the stairs when you didn’t see him anywhere. And you glanced in his room, no sign of him.
“And, if you would kindly follow me, Miss Sofia.” Rafe spoke, guiding her outside.
“VIP section.” He spoke, putting an arm around her.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, only very, very special people are allowed here.. so.”
“So you can see the water…” he pointed out to the ocean.
“Hey, that ain’t no Jim beam bullshit! All right? That’s Pappy Van Winkle, that’s like a days salary bro! Aye, if you don’t have a drink in your hand get the hell out of my house! Get off my property!” He shouted to the partygoers, all of them cheering at him.
“So this is the VIP life huh?”
“Mm-hmm. Yeah.”
“Cool.” She beamed at him.
“You wanna see some more?” He asked, but before she could answer he heard a a familiar voice.
“Nice party. This shit still tastes like garbage.” You told him, holding up the red cup with some expensive shit you got downstairs.
You wouldn’t admit it stung to see him with another girl. But you did like the way her smile faltered and fell when his eyes were on you now.
“How’d you get in here? Thought I had-“
You shrugged. “I used a window. Can we talk?”
He glanced at you and back at Sofia.
“Alone.” You clarified.
“I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere, yeah?” He told her quietly. She nodded.
You both went into his room, he shut the door behind him. You stood in front of him, your arms wrapped around yourself as you looked around the room.
“You wanted to talk, so talk.” He snapped impatiently.
“Jeez, okay, okay. Just cut to the chase, do you have my jacket? I haven’t been able to find it and I know I always left it here.”
“You came here, through a window, for a fuckin’ jacket?” He asked, his tone annoyed.
“No… that’s… that’s not my point. I just… Rafe, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need to be.”
He was listening now.
“Why the fuck did you burn down the cross?” You asked him.
“What?” He laughed, your sudden change in demeanor was hilarious to him. “I- it’s mine. Don’t you guys get that?” He pointed to himself, his eyebrows furrowed. “Mine. I fuckin’ went to hell and back for that thing.” He pointed, voice louder now.
“Yeah, all for some fuckin’ money! Which, may I remind you, you already have plenty of. You’re being an asshole, Rafe-“
“Yeah, and when am I not with you?” He scoffed.
“Do you really wanna have this argument? Right here? And while I’m here, I broke up with you, so why are you telling people it’s the other way around? You don’t wanna seem like a pussy or something?” You are practically shouting now, happy that the music drained out the noise.
“Oh, don’t even!” He laughed. “Are you fucking-“
“It is Popes cross, not yours. And just admit you don’t wanna be seen as the boy who begged and cried for his girlfriend to come back!” You yelled at him, poking your finger into his chest.
When the fuck did you two get so close to each other? You thought.
You looked up at him, panting. He stared down at you. He grabbed your wrist, harshly holding it in his hand.
Your heart raced as he leaned down, capturing your lips in a fiery, heated kiss. One full of anger, pent up feelings. Of course, you didn’t reciprocate at first.
You fell under his spell, however, seconds later, kissing him back. His hand let go of your wrist, and were currently on your sides, pulling you even closer as you both crashed onto the floor, you straddling him.
“I- I fucking hate you.” You muttered when you both pulled away, causing him to smirk against your lips.
“Hate you too.” He told you, going back to shoving his tongue in your mouth.
@cassie0sstuff @rafesgiirl @fals3-g0d @tiaamberxx @callsignwidow @saintnourah
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buildarocketboys · 2 days
54 or 95 + Peterick! (no pressure ask!!)
Thanks babe! Some hiatus angst for you!
54. “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. That’s the problem.”
Pete practically drags Patrick home from his bar.
The man is Drunk, with a capital D. Pete's not sure he's ever seen him this drunk, and he's known Patrick since before he was of legal drinking age. Hell, he was there when Patrick got drunk for the first time, and may or may not have been responsible for several of the beers and shots that had gone down Patrick's throat that night.
But this is something else. Patrick's a mess.
Such a mess that Pete doesn't trust Patrick to be able to get home by himself.
He slips into the cab next to him.
Patrick makes a face at him.
"Why're you here?" he slurs. His voice is filled with such venom, even in his state of advanced drunkenness, that Pete cringes away.
"Just making sure you get home OK," he mutters, suddenly wondering whether he's doing the right thing. He thought he had been, thought he was just being a good friend (are he and Patrick even friends anymore?) good person, anyway, making sure Patrick gets home safe. But maybe he should have let someone else do it. Patrick obviously doesn't want anything to do with him.
Even though he had come to Pete's bar.
Patrick snorts. "Nah. I know what you want." He pokes Pete in the chest, then grabs Pete's hand and holds it against his crotch. "Go on. Take it."
Pete snatches his hand back, alarmed. "Patrick, I'd never do that!"
Patrick blows a raspberry and mumbles something that sounds like, "Yeah, right."
Pete lets his head fall back against the headrest, closing his eyes and threatening to stem the tide of self-loathing that threatens to overwhelm him. Because Patrick's not entirely wrong. He likes to think he's better than that these days, and he's never taken advantage of anyone this drunk, but even so.
He gulps air like he's dying and hopes Patrick's too out of it to notice Pete having a minor panic attack next to him.
Some part of Patrick must register it, though, because suddenly Patrick's hand is firmly gripping his knee. A calming, grounding presence.
Pete covers Patrick's hand with his own. Patrick doesn't push him away.
Bit by bit, his breathing slows and he's gradually able to calm himself down. By the time they're at Patrick's house, he feels almost normal.
Patrick falls down trying to get out of the car. Pete hauls him up, excruciatingly aware of how much lighter Patrick is these days.
He helps Patrick to the door as Patrick fumbles in his pockets for his key. He eventually pulls it out, to Pete's relief, because he's not sure he'd hear the end of it if he had to slide his hand into Patrick's ass pocket.
He takes it from Patrick and unlocks the door; it'll just be quicker.
Patrick scowls at him, his gaze a little unfocused. "I could have done that," he says.
Pete sighs. He can feel a headache coming on. He hasn't even drunk anything tonight - how is that fair? "Let's just pretend we had this argument and I won, OK?"
Patrick mutters something no doubt scathing under his breath and lets Pete guide him up the stairs, the two of them nearly stumbling and falling over a pile of stuff halfway up.
Actually, Pete realizes once he's got Patrick to his bedroom, Patrick's house is a dump. He wonders if Patrick still has a cleaner; he's never been good at looking after himself, so he'd hired a cleaner pretty much as soon as he was making enough money to do so. But he knows Patrick's plowed all his savings into making his solo record; maybe he'd decided a cleaner was an unnecessary expense.
Pete takes a shaky breath in and rubs his face. Not his problem anymore. Patrick doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, and Pete had promised himself he'd give Patrick some space. Patrick doesn't need him all up in his business.
Patrick's made that very fucking clear.
He staggers down the stairs to the kitchen, thinking he'll just get Patrick an aspirin and a big glass of water and then clear off.
When he tentatively knocks on Patrick's door and pokes his head round, he's relieved to see Patrick's in bed.
He sets the glass of water and the painkillers on the nightstand.
Pete had thought Patrick had passed out, but apparently not. His (ex? former?) best friend blinks up at him from the bed, like he's only just seeing him.
Pete swallows. "Got you some water. And an aspirin. You might hate me, but there's no reason you should hate yourself when you wake up in the morning."
The joke falls flat as Patrick just stares up at Pete.
Pete clears his throat, about to make his excuses and leave, when Patrick speaks.
"I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. That’s the problem." Patrick's voice is raw, vulnerable.
Pete can't even bear to look at him.
"Yeah, well," says Pete. Then he gives a weak chuckle that sounds wetter than Pete would like. "I should be going." He turns away from Patrick toward the door.
"You can sleep on the sofa, if you want," Patrick says.
The sofa.
It's an olive branch and a bitter pill rolled into one. The Patrick of even a year ago would never have made him sleep on the sofa.
Pete kind of wants to curl up and die.
"Uh, thanks. But I've kinda gotta get back to the bar."
It's a weak excuse, and they both know it. Pete glances over his shoulder, wondering if Patrick will put up a fight, hoping he will.
But the light in Patrick's eyes just fades out, and he slumps back into his pillows. "Oh. Yeah."
Pete waits a moment longer, for what, he doesn't know. But Patrick doesn't say anything else, and neither does he.
He leaves. Wishing with every atom in his body that he could stay.
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inkblot-inc · 6 months
Thinking about [this HC here], The ironic part about Sketch's poor diet before meeting Wanda is that Skitch knows how to cook.
They aren't top-shelf, but Skitch definitely knows more than the basics and fundamentals of cooking.
Like, yes, you shouldn't over-beat the eggs, and yes, the cream goes last in the sauce so it doesn't curdle, yes, you want *this* specific cut of meat because it's less tough when making blah blah blah..... But can't we just order in though?-
You kinda pick up things when your childhood friend is a chef...
Ordering takeout is just a hell of a lot easier than constantly buying food to prepare and cook later. Being with Wanda, someone who enjoys cooking more than buying ready-made food, definitely makes that feel less tedious when they're, say, making dinner together.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
being a hanza fan is bullshit btw because when you want to buy merch of them you cannot just get one of them because they will be. lonely .
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sometimes looking at like Self Help Strategies lists for the symptoms I'm having is always just like:
thing that I already do
thing I have tried 10 times
thing I already do
thing that I don't have the money to do
thing I already do
thing I've been doing since I was 10yrs old to no avail
thing that is impossible given my situation
thing that doesn't apply to me
thing that I already do
thing I have already tried
hrmm, oh wait, maybe finally- OH, yeah.. okay. thing that I already do but it was just phrased slightly differently
thing I have already done
#I think maybe productivity tips help less if the reason you're unproductive is partially like.. physcial health and other extenral things#out of your control. rather than just like having trouble paying attention or spending too much time on tiktok or whatever#all the strategic to do lists in the world are not going to somehow prevent me from waking up with a debilitating migraine or whatever#or having external stressors or lacking resources and connections or other Productivity Essentials etc.#especially many tips involve stuff like 'cut off from social media' since thats the modern day time waster for so many poeple#and it's like.. lol.. i can hardly even maintain a blog even thuogh i actively WANT TO DO SO. 'shut off your smart phone!' already#done babey i fucking hate smart phones i shall never use an app unless i am forced to. 'delete tiktok' yep. already covered. tiktok and#all of those thinsg are my enemies. 'save money by cancelling some of your services' cool. already ahead of you.#who the fuck is out here paying for like 10 different subscription services. pirated videos uploaded to google drive and youtube to mp3#my beloved. etc. etc. and so on. 'socialize less' .........LOL.. if only you knew.. mr.writer of the article. i can barely muster#talking to friends more than once a month and even less if I'm actively sick (often occurence) etc. etc. ... hewoo#I think maybe instead of generic productivity tips I need more like.. how to refocus and be productive anyway even if you have a headache#or are nauseous or etc. Not that those are always things to ignore. and of course you should let your body rest and etc. But plenty of peop#e have mild physical symptoms and just work through them. Ithink something about the way my body/mind is SOO hyper attuned to all#sensory information just makes it like... constantly 'GRR well I cant focus on WRITING right now because my lef#t ear feels weird and my socks are too itchy and my back has a strange pressure and I'm vaguely warm and my eye feels some ssort of#way it doesnt normally feel and I'm hyperaware of my breathing and also nauseous for no reason' and like half of those things I#think '''normal''' people wouldnt even notice or at least would be able to just live through. but for me it's like.. nealry impossible to i#gnore and soooo distracting always. like 'wahh.. nooo we can't draw or get anything done.. my legs feel slightly heavy or something!!'#like............. ok......... who cares. thats not even a PAIN sensation it's just something weird. but it's just like.. NO. constant#mental alerts about the 'heaviness' of your legs be upon ye. Though Imean like.. yes.. 70% of the time I am in genuine pain#or having some sort of actual ailment with trackable physical symptoms. but sometimes it's just like... we could totally be working right#now and ignoring this silly thing but my brain is fixated on it for no reason uncontrollably. etc. etc. I guess it's the same way that like#most people can go to a grocery store without the whole experience being so overwhelming and so much stuff going on at once#that they have to rest afterwards but like.. in my own HOME doing NOTHING i feel like I should be able to not get overwhelmed lol. ANYWAY#Rolling my bastard little rock up a dumbass hill and so on and so forth
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andthebeanstalk · 1 year
My first time watching Glass Onion it was obvious that Miles' speeches were bullshit, but I still searched for any hidden meaning there might be.
The second time is a different experience though because every time my brain starts to search for meaning, I feel like Benoit Blanc discovering that no, there is absolutely no hidden meaning.
It's bullshit it's all nothing nothing nothing! It is just how you end up talking when everyone reacts to your self-aggrandizing word vomit like it is actually wisdom.
Also, legit, when Miles gave his stupid bullshit speech about what the word 'disruptor' means to him, I shit you not I was like holy shit am I back in business school right now?!
Miles must have given speeches like that at 100 business school graduations, goddamn.
Like, the motherfuckers really do sound like this. We didn't have any billionaires come, but we had a lot of millionaire guest speakers in my classes, and they fucking talk like that.
They all think they're rugged capitalists, but they're just glass onions!
#original#glass onion#it's just. business school prepared me really well to succeed in the business world as a straight white neurotypical#able-bodied cis man with a large network of very wealthy friends and family#I really would have killed it if I wasn't a queer autistic cripple!#even the best teachers seemed incredibly unaware of the enormous privilege that they were assuming in their students when they taught#but they basically presupposed you had infinite energy and savings and a disturbingly large number of my classes were just#lectures about pushing as hard as you can no matter what#they used Starbucks as an example of an admirable case of somebody who persisted in going to 150 investor pitches before being approved#and like. how many people do you know who have enough savings to schedule plan and attend 150 investor pitches?#how many people do you know who could set up even 12 through their connections?#where are those savings coming from? where are those investor pitch meetings coming from? those aren't easy to get!!#but none of this was ever mentioned it was just awesome that the guy kept trying I guess.#I have a sneaking suspicion that if I were to have dug deeper into some of the examples we were given that a lot of those#real life businesses probably started with a big big loan from somebody's parents#I was listening to the show you're wrong about which is a really good podcast and Michael Hobbs was like#anytime you see an article glorifying someone's financial success especially at a young age you should control F for 'parents'#because chances are you will probably see the word 'parents' somewhere next to the words 'million dollar loan'#anyway college is a scam. the community aspect was incredibly cool but I don't see why we as a culture need to only be able to access that#kind of community when we are paying a scam Institution a shitload of money for Educations that aren't helpful for the majority of us#if College was free then people could actually study things that are useful or fun for them#I took most of my courses just to fill out my major too. the point wasn't to learn it was to graduate.#and then it turned out that if you're disabled in the way i am it doesn't matter if you have a college degree!#but I'm sure miles would say I just need to pull myself up by my bootstraps. and that's why I'm glad his life got exploded 😌#andi kept him around for his money - why else would he be there when no one even liked him??#he was the bankroll#one time I swear to god we just had the guy from American Psycho just a real ass Patrick Bateman#it was wild watching that movie later and being like ???? I know this guy!#outside of the actual murder scenes everything in that movie is not exaggerated in the slightest those bitches really are like that#like my parents are not 1% level rich so there'd be no giant loans but they are rich. it'd be stupid to act like i didn't benefit from that
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I love letting other people watch things first and then give feedback about it so I can gauge whether or not I want to spend time on it. Truly could not give fewer fucks about spoilers. If the story is good I will still have a fantastic time.
#avatar the last airbender#it's really not looking like it's worth it#like it's high production value#but the complaints are about things that are really dealbreakers to me#they broke the plot and character development in bad ways that make them very different characters and events#the clips i've seen are visually stunning but have a marvelesque feeling of lackluster meaningless platitudes#oh yes we should definitely fight the evil and resist it and save the weak by getting stronger!#it's like someone watched/read some shonen or generic YA dystopian action and missed the entire point#maybe altogether it would be better but the way suki and sokka move in their training clips lacks weight#like they do not move like they know how to fight#no offense to the actors but i think this show really needed heavy martial arts training for all involved#and maybe they got it but they needed to really internalize the weight shifts and the way you put force behind strikes#that and seeing all the breakdowns of sokka and aangs modified arca is just disheartening#anyhow#on the other hand#heaven officals blessing#has been very worth#also i wish i could watch the donghua for#grandmaster of demonic cultivation#but i need to download the chinese spyware app or pay extra extra money on youtube to sub to the tencent channel#i think i am nust fond of the stuff mxtx writes#i should learn mandarin to read the og#i wonder if i would talk like a fanfic if i did that#like someone would hear it and be like i Know where you learned that and i sham't say it#mo xiang tong xiu
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screamingay · 14 days
yet another dream about killing someone and trying to cover it up.. this is normal right
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victorluvsalice · 22 days
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-->And with that, it was finally off to Van Liddelton Groceries once more! Alice got to open the place up this time, though first, I had her set the prices to “Sale” (aka 15% markup) down from the regular 25% markup. Why? Because they DO NOT need the money, and I wanted to see if stuff would sell faster if it was a little cheaper. She then got sent to have some zoomies to deal with her slowly-growing Fury (no wolfing out at work!) while Victor bunked down for a nap in the break room and Smiler went out to handle the sales floor (after consulting their future cube for advice, since I wanted them to do something while waiting for customers – “the cube abides,” apparently)! Amusingly, the very first Sim to show up for the day was L. Faba – guess she was tired of Morgyn getting all the attention whenever the gang visited the Magic Realm. XD (Which reminds me, I really gotta bind Victor’s dragon familiar to him already...) Anyway, after a bit of lag, Smiler was able to let off one of their patented vampiric happiness bursts for the incoming customers and chat with Catarina Lynx for a bit to try and convince her to buy stuff –
-->And then Alice came back, and I decided that I wanted her to make some more food downstairs rather than force her to chat with customers. A decision that led to me transferring $40,000 of their household funds over to the store so I could upgrade the downstairs kitchen area with the best Schmapple fridges and ovens, and add a counter by the corner so I could put in a stand mixer, a waffle iron, and a pizza oven! All in the blue swatches, since I thought those looked nice. :) I then had Alice use the bulk food processors from Simsonian Library to process some potato flour so she could whip up a batch of dough –
-->Aaand suddenly EVERYONE WAS BUYING SHIT. Yeah, apparently cheaper prices DO encourage more sales. I quickly had Alice run up there to help Smiler with the initial rush (since Victor was still working on taking care of his needs) – Catarina picked up a loaf of cheesy bread for $71; Christen a jar of blueberry jam for $80; and Janae a small mushroom for $5. We got a brief break while some of the customers got distracted by the sight of celebrity Brytani Cho in the store (long enough for Victor to get up and go to the bathroom), but after that and another annoying case of lag, the sales started coming again, with Bella Goth grabbing a box of dried sage for $413, and L. Faba getting a box of cheese for $621. I took a moment to check downstairs and saw that Alice’s dough was ready, so I had her go downstairs and grab that –
Aaand got an LE as she did so. However, that was shortly followed by customer Olivia grabbing an avocado from the produce fridges/warming racks, so I think the LE was actually related to that – specifically, to my Brazen Lotus stuff. Meh. At least I'm pretty sure I know what it is (the game doesn’t have a proper animation to play if a Sim is getting a normally-not-allowed-in-produce-fridges item out of a produce fridge, so it goes “hey”) and that it’s not TOO game-breaking!
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running-in-the-dark · 2 months
got a new hard drive (had to, no space left 😔), so I'm using that as a reason to completely reorganise my files (mostly shows, movies etc)
I'm having such a good time 💖
#not sarcasm! it's so fun#the only thing that sucks is that I managed to break sonarr somehow. didn't touch a thing but okay sure#I'll figure it out#I've got to wait for a couple cables that we had to order anyway before I can start moving stuff around#I've been sooo frustrated with how chaotic everything has been so this is gonna be great#but yeah I've had to delete so much stuff already (not at all because I've been downloading too much John Larroquette stuff or anything...#😬😬)#and I've been complaining about it every day so my husband bought me a new hard drive 🙈#still not enough space but it'll do for now#I always think 'oh I'm not a data hoarder! I don't have nearly as much stuff as those guys on reddit or wherever!' but like. it's not#because I don't WANT to save all of it#I only have *checks* 16 TB now with the new hard drive. I'd absolutely get a bunch of 20 TB ones if I could but no instead I spend money on#dumb shit lol#anyway yay I can stop deleting movies! very exciting#lol if anything I'm a hard drive hoarder.... I've got 7 internal ones and 3 external ones now.#yeah I just add new ones and don't remove any#I don't even wanna say it because I'll jinx it but. I've never had a hard drive fail. in over 20 years of having computers. I'm scared it's#gonna happen but 🤷 so far it hasn't lol#well one external one started failing but it went gradually not all at once. so I was able to move everything off of it first#and I mean I have backups of everything that's important! but not any of the media stuff 😬 it wouldn't be awful but it'd definitely make me#sad because I'm sure there's things there's that I couldn't find anymore#personal
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autisticlee · 3 months
how to make business plans: spend 2 weeks looking for a website to make a visual plan guide that you can collaborate with business partners, but you end up nowhere because all of them require paid subscriptions to do more than a few basic things. except you don't want to pay for these because you don't have a business yet and therefore no money!!!! but you need more than basic features (basically you can only put 50-100 items on your board with free account and i will definitely need more)
#WHY DOES EVERYTHING ON THE INTERNET HAVE TO BE SUBSCRIPTION NOW#i miss the days where you could use a website and all the features for FREE.#or at best only have one-time fee or subs for advanced stuff only profitable big businesses need and can also afford#the average person is starting to get locked out of the internet. we already pay for the internet itself. everything is too expensive#i need to make my own business so i can afford to live but everything to mae a business costs too much!!!!!!!#im too autistic for this shit. “this shit” being “a profitable member of society”#i cant get a big cool job to make a ton of money and then afford to easily become a millionaire#i bet most millionaires and all billionairs didnt work a day in their life to afford to start their businesses#and if they say they did they lie#lee rambles#i found a free unlimited one but you have to download the program and save everything locally#so it doesn't look like you cam collab with other people which defeats the purpose of what im trying to do 😭#i wanted to use milanote or whatever its called because i liked how you can link separate pages to keep things clear/uncluttered#but i dont want to pay $12 a month i think it was? to put more than 100 items on the boards. that goes so fast#but i might have to use it and just cram things together in a messy fashion to not hit that limit......#you can double the amount by referring people to make an account but still. i hate bekng limited#and being forced to pay to not have limits!!!! let me be free and only pay for advanced stuff i can live without for fuck sake#i dont know what im doing. but im making an attempt to business or something
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