#like he killed death and she blew up the mother of life’s energy ball
evthys · 1 month
thinking abt how malbonte and vicky carried that final battle on their backs 😭
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Oh could u do Prue/Micah? S4
okay okay okay so we're doing all hallow's eve in early s3 micah's reincarnation does Not show up at the end of the episode because we're saving him for something bigger. but we'll say that something on a later vanquish a physical item triggers something in prue she's like hey does that remind you of anything?? and piper and phoebe are like ??? no? it's just a(n) [item]? and prue's like really? nothing? and they're like idk what does it remind you of and she's like i don't know... the past? samhain, maybe? do you think it's one of our ancestor's? and piper and phoebe are like prue i don't know can we get out of here??? and she's like yeah yeah but she takes it with her and like. uses her auction house knowledge to like correctly id it back to the time they were in salem (or not maybe idk but if it is from the past she realizes that a) either it was something micah owned or b) it was the knife that killed him. if it's neither of those than it's modern and she can't figure out what about it is calling to her). the plot is kind of dropped. then, we enter s4, the battle with the source is on the horizon cole is. we'll say still on their side, successful relationship with phoebe. cole is the first one to pitch going on the offensive, which prue is first to back, then phoebe, and begrudgingly piper. leo's still not a fan but phoebe gets a premonition of something something darklighter so let's stamp that out before it begins. so they shimmer down with cole to the underworld leo doesn't go with them bc well. a) he can't sense as well down there so he won't really be able to find them if they get separated which leads to b) of they're separated the girls have no way out of hell and as a sidenote c) he's a whitelighter. so if the darklighters get him they Also have no way out of hell. so leo stays topside and cole's their ride. something something something they're closing in on where the clan lives or maybe their weapons forge and there's a darklighter just outside piper blow him up no wait and prue like Jumps in front of her and piper quickly deflects and hits the cavern wall next to them and wants to yell what the hell prue but it's too late because all hell breaks loose the darklighters were there waiting for them the seer foresaw this so they all duck for cover prue throws a couple phoebe karate chops cole energy balls piper blows up em and will occasionally freeze the cavern for a couple seconds but she still doesn't have a hold on her powers, but phoebe while fighting one of them gets a premonition: leo, shot. and over the din she's like it's a diversion, they're gonna kill leo like we have to get to leo but they're all hella spread apart right now so in one of piper's freezes cole gets to phoebe and another the pair get to piper but prue's still to far away she redirects an arrow that nearly hits phoebe in the hed she's like there's no time go!! and they're like no!! but prue just squints at cole and cole understands and shimmers them out of there and we'll say the guy who she initially dove in front of was knocked out by like rocks from piper's blast well he's coming to and see's prue fighting for her life and like. you know just starts to stir and prue spares a glance at him and he recognizes her just like he did in puritan times and he's like ...you saved me and prue looks at him and again connection but she can't find the words to say because she has to get right back to kicking ass, we'll say an arrow flies right past her face like through her hair she ducks down again like can you get us out of here? and he just like barely sits up head cradled in one hand, he's bleeding, but he just nods and places his other on prue's shoulder and black orbs them out and now they're in like a loft in san francisco prue still in fight mode and micah still bleeding from a head wound and he just kind of collapses on the ground and prue's like !!! oh shit.
back @ the manor leo's just been shot and piper's running over like help me get him to the attic i'll swap our powers you guys get out of the house so you're not affected go get prue and leo's like ??? go get her and cole's like she's still with the darklighters and leo's like no she's topside she's in the city and they're all like how??? and piper's like who gives a shit how help me get him to the attic then give me some space so phoebe and cole wait in the outside lil backyard type thing they have maybe we get a phole scene piper swaps powers and heals leo but he's still weak and piper hear's prue's call and leo's like go i'm still too weak to heal and piper's i'm not leaving you not while they're out there and leo's like hey don't worry you're still with me right ad blows up idk a lamp and piper just kind of smiles like okay but if you're gonna blow anything else up try to hit that vase because i've always hated it
piper goes downstairs gets phoebe and cole like okay let's go get prue and she orbs them all out into this loft where prue has got this guy slumped over his table pressing a damp towel to his head but jesus that's a lot of blood and she's like leo thank g- where's leo and piper's like he's resting he was shot so i had to tap in. and prue's like you can heal? and piper's like uh huh and prue's like okay great heal him and piper moves forward and then stops because prue is that the darklighter? and prue's like yes but you don't understand and piper's like what part of healing a Darklighter don't i understand prue when they Just tried to kill my husband now you're trying to save him and prue's like come on doesn't he look familiar to you and piper's looking at him like ew bc she can hardly see past the bloodcovered face but phoebe wanders forward and cole instinctively tries to hold her back bc Evil but she just kind of shakes him off bc she knows what she's doing and cole relents and she puts a hand up to his shoulder and she's like it is him. and prue's lookin like exactly! and piper's like who??? and prue's like micah and he stirs at the sound of his own name and piper's like Who??? and prue's like don't you remember he saved our necks--literally--multiple times; he died for us and it's clicking piper's like In Puritan Times??? and cole kinda blanches bc he Might have killed that guy i can't remember and prue's like piper for the amount of times he's saved us, please, just heal him and piper's like you get that that was centuries ago right? a lot changes in a couple hundred years; he's a darklighter now and prue's like piper. please. and piper relents bc what can she say she trusts prue. and micah comes to and sees cole and stumbles back like hits the ground again and prue's like no no it's okay and he looks at her and it's like we can see his world fade around him and just focus on prue and his hand flies up to his head and finds no blood and prue's like it's okay, you're healed and micah's like so that'd be the second time you've saved my neck today? and prue's like consider it returning the favor and piper's like okay well I'm breaking up the balcony scene this time how did the darklighters know we were coming? and micah's like this woman. she visited us and said you were coming, you were leaving your whitelighter vulnerable... and they're like what woman and cole's like the seer. and micah just nods and he's like i've read about you, you know, what you've done, i was hoping i could get away to warn you before... and piper's like Why. Why would you betray your own people and micah's like because i can see what dark magic can do... and it can't be undone [to later be revealed tragic backstory!! micah was raised by his mother topside or maybe his father and we get a complex darklighter situation with his mom potentially even having her defect but no matter when micah was like. idk twelve or something?? there was this bully in school and we're trying to stay with charmed morality and justify this so we'll say this kid was like serial killer bad killed puppies for fun type bad and he was a bully and micah was standing up to him #feminism when they got into a fight and micah was losing like Really losing like about to be beat to death at age twelve losing when his hand started glowing red and he shoved it against the bully and next the you know that kid was fucking dead. micah had killed a guy before he had even gone through puberty. oof. anyways top ten defining moments tried existing on the dl but has also killed a couple other people and we'll keep them Bad murderers and rapists but it's still like you end up in a bar fight and then the next thing you know that guy is dead and it doesn't matter what a cunt he was it doesn't matter than you didn't mean to do it you just have a power you don't know how to control no all that matters is you're getting manslaughter at best unless you go with this man who claims to be your uncle who can teleport like you who has the same deathtouch who can teach you to control your power].
blah blah blah plot progression all that prue and micah fall in love relatively quickly because they can feel that tug in their souls (SIDE TANGENT: i've already said before i like wyatt as a reincarnation of melinda warren but what if prue was Also a reincarnation of melinda warren, ipso facto wyatt is also prue reincarnated retconning why they can't summon her spirit. 👀?) but but BUT the seer foresaw this she new micah would turn to the side of good so she planted something that blew up in a metaphorical sense so now they don't know if they can trust micah prue wants to trust him but she doesn't want to put her family in danger if he really is in league with the source phoebe is advocating for her to follow her heart and piper is Hard No against micah like even before like she really didn't want him around before this bomb dropped even more so now and prue's like okay what's your beef and piper's like he's not safe to have around prue he's a damn darklighter and prue's like you know you keep like using that against him leo doesn't even care why are you so hung up on this and piper's like leo's safety isn't the only one at risk here!! and prue's like what you have some secret whitelighter you haven't told us about?? and piper is just silent and stubborn and prue's still in fight stance until it clicks and she's like piper... and piper's like still not talking and prue's like piper,,, are you pregnant? and piper's like no you know what i shouldn't even have said anything forget you even heard anything and prue's like ???? piper this is great news why why didn't you tell us and tries to hug her and piper just ducks away and prue's like heart is breaking watching her like this because piper's like really maternal she'd be a great mom so why isn't she happy and piper just looks at prue like : ( i didn't tell you because this isn't the first time this has happened. and prue's like ??? and piper's like towards the end of s3,,, i thought i was. well, no. i was pregnant. and, um. i was scared, because of all the demon fighting and everything, but i was excited prue i was so excited to be a mom and then a couple weeks later,,, and gets all choked up and prue just pulls her into a really big hug like sweetie why didn't you tell us and piper's just crying like i don't know we already have so much with the source and with the fighting every day,, i didn't want you guys to feel like i did, you're already going through so much and prue's like honey You're Going Through So Much and just know we're always here for you forget the source and his sorry ass forget the seer nothing's more important that you okay nothing's more important and piper's just okay okay : ((((.
so anyways we vanquish the source for the midseason finale but now we have the seer the real mastermind as the s4b villain and she's got her eyes set on a great prized: a prophesied baby. in one episode prue and micah get knocked back into a past life regression where they keep slipping back further and further in time and they keep finding each other in each life but they need to get out of here and piper leo phoebe cole are on the outside trying to get them out because if they reach their first life their life where their soul was new and slip back further, there's no way to bring them back after that we're not killing prue lol but what that really does is just cements prue and micah's place together like In Every Life they had each other in one form or another they were always destined to find each other....... fin <3
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jungcity · 4 years
bane of the devil. | iii
genre: vampire!jaehyun [angst | fluff | smut ]
pairings: jaehyun x female reader
note: bane of the devil deals with themes of physical, mental, and sexual abuse as well as toxic relationships. which may be upsetting for some readers. you are advised not to continue if you feel uncomfortable to these types of plots.
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in the row of angels
do i have a place?
when the devil offered me
a hand
i took her whole arm
conquering death
she took my soul
and whispered,
“holy water cannot help
you now”
why did you open the heavens,
just for the angels to arrive too late?”
— bane of the devil // iii
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Ten Years Ago
Giggles erupted from the girl in front of Jaehyun as he blew out smoke to her face. Her glossy lips glinting against the moonlight as she looked up to him. To be honest, Jaehyun does not remember her name. It could be Rebecca, or Veronica, he wasn’t so sure. All he knew was that her tits bounced gracefully whenever he fucked her in missionary.
“Hot,” she giggled before standing slightly to meet his lips.
The exhaust of motorcycles encircling them was deafening. But the noise was blood in Jaehyun’s veins. Boys from his university started to clap each other’s hands and backs as they departed their motorcycles, cigarettes pressed between their lips. Girls in their usual tight mini-skirts and low v-necks made the cold night warm, swaying their hips and flipping their hairs with bubblegums in their mouths.
Jaehyun, himself, popped one to his mouth as he met with his gang. They nodded before clapping his back, muttering good lucks which made him laugh.
“Six-hundred fifty thousand tonight, Jung.” Jeno, Jaehyun’s right hand grinned, his feet propped on the speakers.
Jaehyun relaxed his muscles, his ears perking up by how large the take-home money for tonight’s racing is. Street racing does not make you rich, Jaehyun never wanted to become one either. Some of his friends calls him deranged, for joining something that could end his life with a single mistake on the brakes. Yet, since when did words of warnings take away the kingdom from its king?
Jaehyun loved the race, more than anything. The savage whipping of the wind on his face as he takes off with his motorcycle was like a fuel into his heart. The adrenaline whenever he had to twist his hand to get past the red light was what makes him jubilant. The road was his kingdom, and in it he was god.
“Is the bad boy ready?” Jeno asked, patting the seat of Jaehyun’s motorcycle.
“Since last week,” he grinned. He’d done this so many times already that it does not make him nervous anymore. But he could not forget the first time he held the brakes and road on into the night— his chest thudding— every time he sits on his motorcycle.
In his first try, he almost died. His hands continued to shook then, his stomach hurling in every shout of the taxi drivers and every turn of the stop signs. However, after fanning his face with the money he had won, all had been better.
“Babe.” Rebecca or Veronica called out from behind him. He raised a brow, then the girl motioned something on the hood of someone’s car.
The white lines glinted against the moon, its crystals pulling Jaehyun with an unfathomable sense of thrill. He waved a hand to Jeno before sauntering up to the car.
“Go on, big boy. The show’s about to start.” The woman winked, pulling Jaehyun’s denim jacket closer to her and met his lips with hers. It was a violent kiss, with teeth clashing and saliva almost dripping from their mouths. Jaehyun held her leg, causing her back to bump on the hood. One swift move and his crotch was pressed on hers already.
One thing he does not like about Rebecca, or Veronica, she moans so loud as to overreact. So before she could elicit a sound, Jaehyun pulled away, has gone straight to the white lines and snorted it all in a blink of an eye. The shot of dopamine was enough to make Jaehyun get through tonight with intense energy and alertness.
He shook his head. The remaining white lines he rubbed onto his gums, the bitterness of it waxing his tongue. Then he clenched and unclenched his fist as to relax his livid nerves.
With one last momentary kiss from the woman, Jaehyun climbed on his motorbike. In a spur of a moment, the abandoned parking lot was filled with the noise of tires screeching against the asphalt, the loud cheers of the spectators, and the dancing of neon lights against the cloak of midnight.
Jaehyun started the engine. A cloud of smoke from the exhaust coalescing into the air. As he road towards the starting line, his competitor, Jaemin, bowed his head slightly towards him; a sign of reverence. Jaehyun was notorious for motor racing, to challenge him was a chance many would die to take.
Jaehyun gave him a curt nod, taking in his stance and the expression of his face. Jaemin was nervous by the way he clutched the hand-grip. Before Jaehyun could spit a few encouraging words, the starter has sauntered up in front of them, waving a flag into the air to gather the attention of everyone. Jeno was on his side in an instant, patting his back slightly.
Then the starter shouted the cue, Jaehyun revved  his engine, thick clouds of smoke puffed out the exhaust. He continued to twist the hand-grip, every second adding to his adrenaline.
Wasting no time to glance at Jaemin, Jaehyun rode into the chaos of the night, the familiar exhilaration flaming his system. He merely blinked when he had reached the highway, his motorbike dancing with cars, buses, and trucks alike.
Illegal motor racing such as this one requires no helmet. If you die, you die. But he won’t, he could not, not when the money was that high. The policemen were miles away from their venue, but they’d no doubt would flock to the abandoned parking lot if something unusual comes up.
The first traffic light went red, Jaehyun twisted the hand-grip to pick up his pace. Shouts from drivers passed on as muffled noises, a sound Jaehyun was already acquainted to since he started racing.
Jaemin was only a bumper away. Jaehyun smirked, not anticipating the guts of the boy behind him. He revved the engine, creating distance between them. His motorbike made sharp turns as to avoid the cars ahead. Jaehyun chanced a look behind him, when his eyes failed to see Jaemin’s motorbike, a smug smile finally spread on his lips.
Every race isn’t perfect. That, Jaehyun knew the first time he experienced how it felt like to almost die. The asphalt was a road made by the devil himself, easy way to acquire a human life. For him, dying in the road was the most jejune way to be six feet under. Jaehyun had escaped the devil a many times already, yet the play doesn’t seem to stop every time he starts the engine.
The first thing he heard was the shout of a woman. Then the chaos of the road died down as Jaehyun saw a ball rolled down the middle of the asphalt, followed by a little girl— unmindful of the racing motorbike towards her. Jaehyun scrambled for the brakes, but this time, it had not bowed down to his will.
And all he had felt was his impact against bones and flesh.
He had never felt so light until his body rolled off the road— too many turns to even count. He felt his bones cracked, his head and his flesh grazing the rough asphalt. The ringing of his ear was like an unending chorus of death singing for him, at last. It was agonizing to open his eyes, but he did, for the sake of the little girl.
The lights from different cars drawing to a halt blinded him, yet he did not falter. He needs to see the girl. And then there she was, lying on the cold asphalt. Blood painted her pretty little face red. He hadn’t known if it was a sob, or a scream that had reverberated from his throat. But all he knew— before he closed his eyes— that the little girl’s irises were lifeless as they stared right to his unmoving body. Then Jaehyun was met with oblivion.
Or so he thought.
He hadn’t known what it was. But his eyes slowly opened. His vision red, a proof that the blood from his head has cascaded down his eyelids already. It was tormenting to breath, he felt like drowning in his own blood. His nostrils were clogged, his mouth dry, his ribs broken. As he took a painful glance at the little girl, she was not in the asphalt no more. A stretcher had brought her into the ambulance, yet Jaehyun knew that it was for naught. She died the moment the motorbike hit her.
For the first time in his life, Jaehyun wanted to die. He wanted and prayed for the stupor of death to envelope him at last. However, death had not listened.
The ringing of his ear halted, followed by a thud of heels against the road. Death has turned its back on him, replace by a leaning girl carrying a black umbrella with her. She was eerily pretty, Jaehyun was sure of that, despite of his red vision. The coldness of her palm bit at Jaehyun’s cheek, but as the pain dominated his whole body, he barely felt it.
“Let… me die.” Then he coughed, blood once again spurted out of his mouth to the asphalt road.
“Not so soon, pretty boy,” was the woman’s alluring reply. For a moment, it made Jaehyun believe that maybe— even after all the hideous things he’s done in his life— he would go to heaven.
“Let me…”
Then the darkness wrapped him up once more.
When Jaehyun finally woke, he was met with a pitch black darkness. The cold earth covering his whole body, making it hard for him to breathe. It took him seconds to realize that he was buried in the ground. His mind was a mayhem of the memories from the racing— of the little girl he killed.
He died. But why isn’t there any casket to protect his body? Did his mother even care? Even wept? Why is he even alive? Then a feral moan resonated from his mouth.
He was thirsty. Not for water. But for blood.
The thirst was extremely intense, it had almost driven him mad. Followed by the clawing of worms on his skin. Jaehyun started to claw his way out of his grave, the strength he possesses shocking him. His muscles should strain from all the clawing and thrashing that he’s doing, but he did not feel anything other than the ferocious hunger for blood.
As the frigid weather bite onto his hand, Jaehyun knew he was near to climb his way out from the grave and into the world beyond. Mud splattered everywhere as he finally succeeded in burrowing himself out of the earth.
An animalistic snarl echoed from him. His eyes was frantic as he looked everywhere— searching for something, searching for a prey. He saw the same woman who’s caressed his cheek as he lay dying on the asphalt road. She was clad in a black dress, silk gloves on both her hands. A similar vicious smile was painted on her lips as she took in Jaehyun’s façade.
“Hungry, are you?” was her question before leading Jaehyun to his first prey.
The confusion in Jaehyun’s mind averted him to identify the unmoving thing in front of him. It was an animal, or a person, he does not care. Pain lances through him as two unfamiliar fangs elongated from his teeth. And then in a dash of the moment, those fangs were embedded into the creature’s skin.
“Y/N, Alena is my fiancée.”
The first emotion to hit you was shame. Shame for the impulsive decisions you have made minutes ago with the witch Juana without consulting Jaehyun. And then confusion. Jaehyun has a fiancée. But he’d kissed you as if he doesn’t have one.
You felt worse just by thinking of the girl’s feelings if she ever finds out about it. For a moment, as you remember that Alena was a vampire, you feared for your life. Your mortal life span and feebleness could not simply take in the wrath of a vampire.
“I— I’m sorry Jaehyun. I didn’t know.” You placed your hand on the base of your neck, a mannerism you have acquired as a way to calm yourself. “Don’t worry. I will call off the deal with Madame Juana. I’m sure there’s another way we could—”
Jaehyun cut you off by looking at your eyes with such fierceness. “It’s okay, Y/N. I want her dead too, anyways.”
“You what?” was your baffled question. Alena is his fiancée. How could he want her to die? “Jaehyun, what?” you repeated.
Jaehyun sat on the wooden bench beside the fountain. The merriments of the party inside continued as you sat beside him. Darkness enveloped you both, with the spare lights coming from the mansion illuminating your faces.
“I want her dead, Y/N. More than anyone who wishes to kill her.” He pursed his lips. “But I simply cannot do it.”
The urge to place your hand on his shoulder was too strong, but you gulped and clenched your hand into fist instead. “If you really want her to die, don’t you think this deal I’ve made with Juana could help you? Like what she’d said, it’s a win-win situation.” An uncomfortable feeling settled in your bones as you uttered the words. Alena is Jaehyun’s fiancée, still. Perhaps he’d love her before. Or perhaps he loves her until now.
“You don’t understand.” His shoulders slumped. “She is my creator, Y/N. It was a rule written in the book of Nosferatu to not kill the one who gave you your second life.”
You breathed, unable to produce words. The coldness of the night bit on your skin. It took you a moment to realize that Alena was the one who turned Jaehyun into a vampire. “She… turned you,” was your breathless utterance. Jaehyun didn’t confirm it, he didn’t nod. But you know you were right. Alena was his creator. “Why would you want her dead?”
Jaehyun ran a hand through his face, before leaning as to prop his arms on his knees, the wind ruffling his hair. “Because she turned me. She should’ve had left me when I died, Y/N. But she turned me into the monster that I am today.”
With that, you settled your hand onto his shoulders. Jaehyun flinched in the slightest. But you pressed your hand, gripping his shoulder with a comfortable weight. “You are not a monster—”
Then he stood up, eyes blazing when he looked at you. “Don’t romanticize my nature, Y/N.” He spoke with rancor.
“I am not,” you stated before standing up. Jaehyun grimaced, affronted by your unyielding expression. Perhaps he was a vampire. But you could feel the mortality resting in his bones whenever he laughs and smiles at you. “Perhaps I do not understand everything. But the mere fact that you don’t suck human blood—”
He cut you off again. “How did you know that I don’t?” Then he faced you, his canines elongating. A small part of you wanted to run, but you held on to the hope that he won’t harm you. When you hadn’t answered, Jaehyun leaned closer to your face. It took all your willpower not to step back and stumble on your feet.
“Here’s the thing, Y/N.” He bared his fangs, “I’ve agreed to our deal because I need something from you. Now you have what you want. All you have to do is kill Alena, that way you’d know who killed your parents. But count me out of it.”
“You want her dead too!” You fisted your palms on both your sides.
“Yes. But I’m not the one who would, could, kill her. Haven’t you heard? Juana cursed her to die in the hands of a mortal.”
“You could at least help me.” You sounded hopelessly pathetic that you wanted to slap yourself and snap out of your desperation.
A spiteful grin was plastered on Jaehyun’s lips after you said the words. “I’m not coming with you into this suicide mission, babydoll.” Then he leaned closer to your ear, his lips grazing your skin. “We’re not friends.”
Then he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving you breathless.
Per usual, you haven’t had an ounce of sleep last night, resulting in you drowning your veins with coffee yet again. After the party, you’d gone straight home. Alone. Jaehyun was nowhere to be found when you’ve arrived, you supposed it was fitting by the way your conversation ended up in Madame Juana’s garden.
We’re not friends.
Jaehyun’s statement was laced with enough  astringency to make your stomach recoil up until today. You could not even sip your coffee because of the memory. Haechan and Mark were exchanging ideas about your plate, only stopping when your professor arrived.
After all that had happened, you feel stupid and pathetic. Stupid to expect something as a simple friendship from Jaehyun. Pathetic to even look past his blood-sucking nature and pretend that he was still a human. By that alone, you wanted to slap yourself.
The deal you’ve discussed with Madame Juana ate up on you, you feel it bubbling like a boiling water in your chest, ready to burst at any given moment. Yet when you looked at your two friends, bickering in front of you, you could not imagine telling them the deal you’ve made with a vampire and a five-hundred-year old witch.
It’s simply impossible. Vampires and witches were just myths made by people from the past to explain every sinister thing such as a plague that had happened to them. They weren’t real. They shouldn’t be real.
But how come you’ve met them in a span of a month?
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You blinked. Mark was looking at you as if he wanted to take you to the hospital already.
“Of course,” was your reply with a forced smile.
“You’ve been spacing out since you arrived,” Haechan chided in.
“I… I was just thinking about our plates. Yes. Plates.” You gave them a smile, showing all your teeth. They both looked at you with concern etched to their faces but said nothing.
The moment the classes were dismissed, you scrambled to fetch all your A3’s and dashed for the door. Haechan and Mark shouted your name, for you to only answer them with a rushed wave before you continued to run.
Ominous dark clouds invaded the skies, a threat for a heavy rain that would ravage the grounds sooner or later. You sighed, remembering that you forgot to bring your umbrella. And sigh you did as you looked down at your plates, tucked in your arms. You should’ve left them inside Mark’s drafting tube.
The students littering in the hallways made it harder for you to reach the exit. You had to nudge with your arms to get past the throng of individuals. When you’ve finally reached the gates of the university, thunders erupted from the heavens, making you start in your position underneath the roofs of the waiting shed.
Buses were hard to come by, given that a lot of students and workers alike were dismissed because of the threatening heavy rainfall. For a moment, you thought about going home instead of meeting Madame Juana. However, it’s bad to upset a witch. She could turn you into a frog for all you know. So when one empty bus halted in front of you, you nudged your way towards it again, plates slightly wrinkling in your arms.
As you got on the bus, the rain started to fall, drenching the dry asphalt road and emitting the familiar smell of rain against the ground. Drenched students got inside the bus, little droplets of water from their bags dripping on the seats. You sighed, this is what you loathed about commuting; the chaos of commuters especially when it was raining.
You let your head rest on the window, it was cold against the side of your forehead. As you let your mind drift off to the approaching meeting with a witch, you thought about all the things you would and would not say. Vampires were all the unknown creatures you’ve studied all your life. Witches were another history and lore you did not bother to study.
When the bus halted near Madame Juana’s mansion, you’ve dreaded yourself for not bringing an umbrella. The plates that were tucked in your arms are unfinished ones. It’s far from finished, you’ve only drawn title blocks on it. But still, it took you at least half an hour finalizing them.
Your nose scrunched up before heaving a deep sigh and running towards the mansion. You could not simply keep your plates on your bag. One way or another, the rain would soak them still.
Thankfully, Madame Juana’s mansion has a front porch the size of your own room. You started to dry yourself with a roll of tissue before ringing in her doorbell. Her bodyguard was polite and had not bothered to question you in the gates. As the massive oak door opened, a man who appears to be the butler smiled.
“You must be Ms. Y/N?” He politely asked, you nodded. “This way, Miss.”
You trailed behind him as he ascended the stairs located at the very heart of the hall. It was polished wood. All of the things are polished and shining, you doubt there was even a speck of dust in them. After ascending the stairs, he led you to the left corner. Paintings of different kinds greeted you as you walked through the long corridor.
In the grandiose of everything, you felt utterly small. Especially when you walked passed Madame Juana’s massive portrait before the butler turned the door opened, revealing a parlor-looking room.
The room was circular, with big windows adorned with thick velvet curtains. A fireplace was located at the very center, in front of it was a little coffee table.
Madame Juana stood when she finally saw you, her cup of steaming liquid forgotten at the table.
“My darling, Y/N.” Then she kissed both your cheeks. She turned her head to the butler, “You can leave us now Mr. Jones.” The man politely bowed his head before turning on his heel with a grace only from a butler. You heard the soft thud of the door as it closed.
“Have a seat.” Madame Juana smiled.
You rubbed your palms together before sitting in on one of the velvet chairs, your butt slightly sinking by how soft it was.
“Coffee or tea?” Madame Juana asked, her hands ready to make you a drink.
“It’s okay, Ma’am. I’ve had enough coffee already.” You smiled. If you dare drink another caffeinated drink today, you’d surely end up in a hospital bed tomorrow because of palpitations.
Madame Juana smiled before sitting across from you. “You’re looking rather careworn, my love.” By that, you tried to fixed your wet hair, tucking the strands behind your ears. “Where’s your vampire bodyguard?”
“Oh no, he’s not my bodyguard.” He’s not even my friend.
“Friend, then?”
With that, you shifted on your seat with a downcast smile etched on your lips. “No.”
“Good. We don’t make friends with vampires, pretty girl.” There was acid in her words as she said them, making you more curious as to why she wanted the leader of a certain vampire clan dead.
“If it’s not too much to ask, why do you want a mortal to kill Alena?” You finally started.
“Oh, that bitch. It makes my head ache just hearing her pretentiously pretty name.” Then she faints a headache, touching her head dramatically. In a blink of a moment, Madame Juana’s sensual and dramatic acts vanished, replaced by a stoic expression and blazing eyes. “Alena, she took my son away from me. The only memory I have with my beloved husband; gone. She claimed him as hers, biting his neck and turning him into one of them. She must die.”
The hatred in her made you uncomfortable. Being a mortal, you have no idea how to walk the patience of a witch. So you decided to shut your mouth and let Madame Juana tell her story.
“I loved mortals. Believe me when I say that. And that is what makes me different from that wench, Alena.” She was looking at the fire burning at the fireplace now, completely oblivious of you. “She looks at mortals like they are ragged dolls she would dispatch after using.” Then she looked at you, “But little did she knew that it’s a mortal who would end her life.”
You attempted to speak, but Madame Juana stood up. Her billowing dress moved together with her as she delved a box in her drawers. She stared at it for a while before sauntering up beside you.
The box was adorned with stones. Something was wrapped inside it. It was a dagger, that was for sure. Because its edge was slightly peaking at the end of the satin that covers it.
“This dagger is enchanted by me. It would cut even the bones of any creatures.” She unwrapped the dagger. It appeared like a cross, adorned with sapphire, a moonstone at its pommel. “Do you know how to use a dagger, young lady?” She whispered.
You thought you could. All those days of pretending you could actually kill a vampire was slowly burying to your system like a bottle of shame. You shook your head. “Perhaps it’s not me you’re looking for, Madame.” It was embarrassing to admit, but it was the truth.
“You are mistaken. Y/N, you are exactly what I was searching for this whole time. I’ve cursed Alena for one hundred years already, my love. Yet no mortal has arrived to my doorway, begging me for help, not until you did.”
You looked down at your hands, “I don’t even know how to hold a dagger.” A soundless chuckle then.
“That won’t be a problem,” Madame Juana assuredly stated. She caressed your cheek, her hands warm against your skin. “Beginning tomorrow, you will engage in a proper training to ready yourself for this mission.”
As your breath caught in your throat, you think about your studies, about Johnny, about the life you would surely abandon if you would finally take the step towards this goal. Are you ready?
“But… Ma’am, I am a college student. An architecture one at that. I couldn’t simply—”
Madame Juana placed her finger on your lips, “You have to decide. A robotic life of getting a degree and starting a family, or this life full of magic and mysteries. I know, the former was what you would’ve preferred, darling. But think about your parents.” She smiled, “Once this is all over, once you have the vengeance you have been searching for, you could always go back and live a normal life.”
You stare at her friendly yet grief-stricken eyes. She’s lost her son to Alena. To a vampire. You’ve lost your parents to a vampire, too. Her pain isn’t yours, yours isn’t hers, but you are alike. At last. Someone understands. Someone cares. For the first time in your life, you’ve encountered someone the same as you.
A single tear had escaped your eyes, you harshly brush it off, refusing weakness to succumbed you. “Alright, tomorrow then.”
“You’ve made the right choice, darling,” she whispered. Then she flicked her fingers to the air, her mouth calling a name.
The doors opened, revealing a tall white-haired boy. He has the playful aura in him, and oh, he is handsome.
“This is Lucas, Y/N, a vampire hunter. He would supervise your training.”
Lucas smiled, bowing slightly, then he stretched out his hand to you. You reluctantly took it. Instantly, his mouth was pressed on the back of your hand.
“It is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady.” He smiled. “I am Lucas.”
You blinked, unable to process words. You felt like you were a bird captured in a cage. Your muscles refused to move, as well as your mouth. When you attempted to speak, a voice behind Lucas interrupted you.
“What a reunion.”
Jaehyun. He appeared, looking dashing as always, his hands kept in the pockets of his jeans.
All of your eyes were fixed on him straight away. What is he doing here?
“Long time no see, Lucas.” He grinned, before swinging his fist and punching the tall man in front of you.  
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emybain · 4 years
White Rose
I couldn't muster enough energy to edit this, so I apologize in advance for any typos, etc. I thought I was doing okay until the end, and that’s when I started breaking down. This is my second fic that focuses on Georgia Rawles (my eternal queen). I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, so im also sorry for the angst. just as a warning, there is death and loss of family members/loved ones in this. 
    There were only a handful of people left in the cemetery, all of them chatting quietly amongst themselves. Adrian watched as Kasumi Hasegawa pulled Tamaya Rae into a hug. They were both gripping balled up tissues in their fists, so crumpled that they were beginning to tear. Adrian wondered if they had been clutching the same tissues all day. Probably not, judging from how they both could barely keep it together for more than five minutes at a time. 
    He turned his head back around, slouching in his chair. Immediately, he heard his mom’s voice in his head, telling him to sit up, or else he would get a hunchback like that villain in one of the old movies she had from when she was a kid. But he wasn’t sure if he could muster the strength to sit properly. Not today. 
    Adrian Rawles was only seven years old, and he didn’t know how to deal with loss. Especially this kind of loss. Death was a concept that his mom had never fully explained to him; she usually told him not to worry about things like that. He was scared, confused, and above all, he felt as if something had been dug out of his chest, leaving him hollow inside. Empty.
    When Uncle Hugh had shown up at Adrian’s and his mom’s apartment late one night last week, Adrian hadn’t understood why he was so upset. He had woken Adrian up with unshed tears in his eyes, and told him to grab whatever he might think he need as he went and told Adrian’s babysitter she could go home. Then, Hugh took Adrian and his small bag full of a few toys and a stuffed animal back to his own apartment. Adrian had questioned the whereabouts of his mom repeatedly, and grew frustrated when Hugh didn’t answer him. It wasn’t until they were at his apartment that Hugh finally told him what had happened: his mother was not coming home; she had been killed by an Anarchist.
    “You remember the Anarchists, right, Adrian?” Hugh had asked gently as Adrian stared at the floor of the car. “The bad guys?”
    Adrian had nodded silently. He knew his mother and the rest of his aunts and uncles, the Renegades, were the good guys, and that they fought the villains known as the Anarchists. Hugh continued to tell him how she was on her way to a special mission she was assigned to when it happened, but Adrian barely registered any of it. He remembered how first his fingers went numb, and then gradually, the rest of his body. Mom had told him before she left earlier that night that when she got home, she would tuck him in properly and kiss him goodnight, like how she did every night. 
    But she didn’t.
    Since that night, that horrible nightmare that was in fact reality, Adrian had been staying with his Uncle Hugh and his husband, Adrian’s other uncle, Simon. Their apartment was different than Adrian’s home. He had barely gotten any sleep in their guest room, which was smaller than Adrian’s room and doubled as an office. It didn’t feel right to go to sleep without saying goodnight to his mom and receiving her hugs and kisses. 
    “You haven’t given your mother her rose yet, Adrian.” Adrian looked up to meet the sad eyes of his Uncle Simon, then back down at the white rose between his fingers. Everyone close to his mom had been given similar roses to place on her casket before it was lowered into the ground, and Adrian was the only one who hadn’t given his up yet. He shrugged one shoulder, back folding in even more. 
    Simon sat down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know today has been hard for you, Adrian. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” When Adrian didn’t respond, he continued. “No child should ever have to lose a parent.”
    They sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Adrian kept his eyes trained on the laid out turf flooring beneath him, refusing to let the pooling tears in his eyes fall. He had already cried too much today, though he tried to hide it from everyone else. It was important that he keep a brave face for everyone; it’s what his mom would’ve done. 
    “If I give up the rose,” Adrian began, voice hoarse despite him having barely spoken all day, “then she’ll really be gone, and I’ll be all alone.”
    Simon’s hold on his shoulder tightened, and he pulled the young boy closer. “You’re not alone, son, and you never will be. Don’t you ever think that, okay?”
    Adrian shied away from Simon’s hold. He swiped at his eyes angrily. “But I am, Uncle Simon,” he said harshly. “My mom is dead, and my dad...my dad might as well be dead, too. He wasn’t even at the funeral.”
    It had been a pointless wish for Adrian to hope that a man would show up at his mom’s funeral, that he would search the room until his eyes landed on Adrian, and Adrian would think of how familiar he looked. It was stupid of Adrian to think that this man would approach him and introduce himself, and then tell him that he was Adrian’s father and that he was going to take care of him from now on. But Adrian had wandering eyes throughout the funeral, despite his distress, and he never found this man. He was crushed; his father, whoever he may be, truly didn’t care about him or his mom. Adrian remembered his mom once telling him, when Adrian had asked about his dad, that his dad just wasn’t ready for a life with prodigies, and that he hadn’t been absent from Adrian’s life because he didn’t care about his son. Before, Adrian had believed her comforting words, if only to hold onto the thread of hope that he had a loving father somewhere out there, and that this man would return one day. Now, he knew better. 
    “Your father is no dad.” Out of the corner of his eye, Adrian saw Simon shake his head. “I’m sorry he didn’t show up, Adrian, but that’s not what I meant. You still have dozens of people who care about you, dozens of people who love you. Hugh and I are your godparents, and we’re taking you in, for now, at least. We will understand if you would rather live with someone else in the future, but for now, it is our responsibility to you and your mother to raise you as our own from now on, and we’ll gladly do it because we loved your mother and we love you, okay?” Again, Adrian didn’t answer. Simon sighed tiredly. 
    “Your mother was an incredible person, Adrian. She was brave, intelligent, funny, and above all of that, she was one of the kindest people I have ever met. I see her in you so much, and that’s proof that she will never truly be gone. She will live on inside of you, but you have to make sure that happens.” Adrian peeked up at him then, a tear rolling down his cheek. “I can guarantee that she is watching over us right now, too. Do you want to know how I know that?” Adrian nodded, chin beginning to tremble. “Because she’s too stubborn to leave us alone.” For the first time that day, Adrian’s lip curled up on one side. It was only slight, though. “Even when she would leave you with a babysitter for her work, she would constantly check in and see how you were doing. She hated leaving you at home, and I know she hates that she can’t be by your side right now. You were her world, son, and she will continue to check up on you for the rest of your life.”
    Adrian dropped his gaze down again. Simon patted his back gently, staying with him for a moment before getting up. “When you’re ready, just find me or Hugh, alright?” 
    And then he was gone, leaving Adrian alone with his thoughts. 
    A gust of wind blew through the canopy tent where Adrian sat before his mother’s casket. He thought back to earlier that day during the funeral and how many people had shown up. It had been in a small church, yes, but there had been people lined up along the back walls, people that Adrian had never seen before in his life. He guessed he had never realized how important his mom was to others than just him.
    He had insisted on being a pallbearer, after he had asked Hugh earlier that morning what it meant upon hearing it come up in conversation. While he was too small to handle that, something that annoyed Adrian, Hugh allowed him to walk with the pallbearers, specifically beside Hugh and Simon, as they carried his mom. It had been a strange experience, but Adrian couldn’t imagine himself anywhere else; he had been attached to his mom’s hip since he was born, and he was going to keep it that way for as long as possible. Foreign faces became sympathetic at the sight of him walking with his mom, strangers offered their condolences and apologies all day, whatever condolences even meant. 
    Adrian looked back over his shoulders, eyes landing on Hugh and Simon, who were standing together with a man and a woman that Adrian didn’t know. His gaze wandered to the sunny day, the blue sky and fluffy clouds. It wasn’t fitting for a funeral. 
    He twisted back around to face the casket. Tamaya, his mom’s old roommate and fellow Renegade, picked it out. It was white with gold trim and decorated with lilies here and there, his mom’s favorite flower. Slowly, Adrian stood up, gripping the white rose between his trembling hands. He made his way to the casket slowly; each step was painful. When he reached the casket, he let out a slow breath, ignoring the tears welling up in his eyes. He placed a hand on the side. Just barely. Simon was right. His mom would always be watching over him because that’s who she was. And Adrian would make sure that she would live on, that she wouldn’t be forgotten. 
    “If...if you’re really out there,” Adrian mumbled, sniffling. He wiped at his face with his shirt sleeve. It had been the same one he wore to Hugh and Simon’s wedding a while back. Once holding a happy memory, now not so much. “I love you, Mom. You tucked me in for so long,” his throat caught on his words as his chin trembled greatly, “now...now it’s time for me to tuck you in.” Tears fell freely down his face and to the ground. Closing his eyes, Adrian reached his hand forward and set the rose down on the casket, on top of the others. 
    Feeling himself finally break for the first time since Hugh had told him what happened a week ago, Adrian Rawles laid his head in his arms on top of the casket and cried.
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The Bridge
Part 2 of the ‘Connected by Love’ Series. View part 1 here
AO3   ff.net
Agnarr couldn't believe it happened again...His wife was in danger, again, but this time there's nothing he could do. As soon as he was pushed back by Iduna's magic, the mist was closing around him again and won't let him go to her. “Iduna!”
Except for the echo of his voice, everything was quiet. And since he couldn't do anything right now, he decided to wait and trust in his wife. Then, just a few moments later, he felt wind coming from the deepest parts of Ahtohallan that Iduna vanished into. The wind carried memories of mist with it and let them play out in front of him. And he could also her her singing. But it sounded different this time...desperate.
The memory showed him two men. One of them was King Runeard. The other must the the old leader of the Northuldra. He was kneeling on the ground to drink tea. Then his father came from behind him and pulled his sword. And Agnarr could only stare, horrified, how his father attacked and killed and old and unarmed man.
Agnarr's legs gave in and he fell to the ground, still horrified at the reveal. So they really did attack first...and the dam, that was told to be a gift of friendship...was just a tool to weaken the forest and resources of the Northuldra. To control them. To rule over them. He balled his fists and punched the icy ground. He's really been a naive boy, wasn't he...
Although Agnarr knew that his father wasn't exactly...the best and most kindhearted person ever...he was always so strict and commanding...he never would've thought of him to be so obsessed with power that he'd murder someone in cold blood.
He had to fix this. He had to destroy this dam that was build on false promises...But how was he supposed to get into the forest? The mist was still locking them out. But then he realized that something was still not right. “Iduna?” The memory reached him, and her voice did, too, but where was she? Was she still down there? Agnarr quickly pulled himself up and ran to the direction he last saw her. He could break through the mist, but his hand soon made contact with an icy wall that wasn't there a moment ago. “Iduna!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, desperate to get his wife back somehow. Agnarr already felt the tears threatening to fall. “Iduna!!”
The king banged against the icy wall with his fists, but it wouldn't budge. There was absolutely no reaction to his calls. “Iduna...” He said with a slightly hoarse voice, falling back down on his knees. Now he couldn't stop the tears anymore. If his father was here he'd surely describe it as 'pathetic' and that he was 'crying like a child'. “Please...” Then his head hit the ice. The cold was soothing at first, but it soon turned painful. But he didn't care. “Please...answer me. Please, Iduna...” He sobbed not being able to move now. Even with the biting cold.
And it was way colder down there. What if something happened to her down there? What if she...froze to death? Now some of his sadness was replaced with anger. “Is that how you treat the fifth spirit?!” He yelled at no one in particular. He was yelling at Ahtohallan as if it was a living, thinking creature. Or person. But it wasn't, it was just a cold magical place with memories inside. And Iduna went too far. And was drowned for that. Just like in the lullaby she sang to him.
He should've stopped her. He should've gone down there in her place. It was his fault that she went too far. He was so desperate to find the truth...of course Iduna would sacrifice herself for him. It was all his fault!
Agnarr jumped in surprise when he felt a gentle wind. He looked around, expecting Iduna to stand there and tease him, but she wasn't there. And he didn't feel any wind since they're down here. Except for his wife's magic of course. Then he saw some leaves that were carried inside. That was...weird. But it became even weirder when the wind picked them up again, letting them dance in the air as if a sentient being pushed them around. He could also hear a faint sound. The wind blew in his face, hitting him with the leaves as if he wanted to make him understand. Or punish him?
Then it circled around him, playing with his clothes and ruffling his hair. That was definitely no normal wind. “Are...are you the wind spirit?” He asked and watched the leaved falling down and being picked up multiple times as if saying 'yes'. The spirit gave him hope again. “Can you save Iduna?!” He asked, but only saw how the leaves fell to the ground. They stopped moving. “Hey, are you still here?” He asked and even though he knew he wouldn't be able to see it, he looked around. “Is...is that a no?”
The wind was circling him again, more gentle this time as if the spirit was sad. “I...I think I understand...” Maybe the magic here was greater than anything. “Now what...?” He mumbled, sitting back down at the icy ground. Agnarr wasn't able to leave. Didn't want to leave. Because that meant that he'd leave Iduna behind. And he couldn't do that. There had to be a way to save her, right? But it looked like the wind spirit had other ideas. It began to push him towards the exit. “I'm not leaving!” He yelled at the spirit and tried to fight against the wind. But there was really no way he could do that. The wind just pushed him over the ice as if he weight nothing.
“I can't leave her!” He yelled again, but the spirit didn't listen. It was pushing him all the way to the pit. Then it finally gave him the time to stand up again. “And how should I get over there?” He asked the spirit and immediately got his answer. He felt the wind pushing him further. “Are you insane?! Do you want to kill me?!” He yelled at the spirit again, while holding onto the walls. But the spirit kept pushing, till he lost his grip. And as he was about to fall, the wind caught him and carried him over to the other side. “You...could've told me your plan...” He mumbled, still shocked. Even though the wind spirit couldn't communicate as he did.
Then it kept pushing him up the ice slide, till he was at the top and exactly where they started. “Okay...thank you for helping me out...I guess...” He mumbled the last part, looking back again where he knew Iduna still was. He wanted to go back, but he knew the wind spirit won't let him. So for now he sat down and leaned against a wall. He felt the spirit nearby, urging him to continue, but he didn't have the energy to move now. “Leave me alone.” He mumbled burying his face in his hands and leaning against his bent legs. But the spirit didn't leave, it stayed with him and was more gentle now.
He failed. He failed to protect his wife. Agnarr promised that he'll always protect her, but now she's gone. Instead she protected him, sacrificed herself for him. Now what should he do without her? He was nothing without her. What's a king without his queen?
Then he remembered Mattias' words. He once told her that when you think you figured life out, it throws you into another path. And when that happens, try to move on. Take one step at a time. Do the next right thing. But was he even able to?
Well, he couldn't stay here and die, too. Iduna wouldn't want that. He had to go back to his daughters...But what should he tell them? How should he tell them? For now he should tell Anna the truth about Elsa and her mother...Both had to hide their powers, especially after the incident. He just had to pray that nothing bad will happen when Anna remembers her sister's magic. And then he had no other choice but to rule Arendelle alone...
With that plan in mind, he stood up on weak legs and made his way outside the glacier. He wasn't even feeling the cold anymore. The loss of his wife made him numb. When he reached the shore, Nokk appeared again, staring at him. “Iduna went too far...” He told the water spirit. “I couldn't save her.” The horse looked sad, but then turned around. Agnarr thought he'll vanish in the floods again, but he waited. “Will you bring me back to the ship?” He asked, eying the spirit that was watching him as well and waited patiently.
As he moved, Nokk bent down to help him get on his back easier. And once he settled down, it ran over the Dark Sea. But not where he expected it to run. “Hey, the ship is over there.” Agnarr said, pointing in the other direction, but the spirit won't listen and kept running. Actually it was running straight at the mist that locked everyone out of the Enchanted Forest. He visited the borders once with Iduna, to see if it's still there. It was and it kept pushing them both back. Even Iduna's magic couldn't break through. “Turn around, I can't get through there!”
Nokk kept ignoring him and ran even faster towards the mist. Before he could hit it, the wind spirit blew from behind them and opened a path. At first he couldn't really believe it, but he was actually guided inside by the spirits.
Eventually Nokk stopped at the shore and let him dismount. “Do you know what I planned?” He asked, even though it should be impossible for them to read his mind. The horse didn't answer —of course— but kept looking at him for a while longer, before turning his back to him. “Can you tell the crew on the ship to go back?” Nokk nodded, before vanishing into the water. The wind spirit was still with him and made his presence known by throwing around leaves and playing with his clothes and hair. It was a very curious and playful little spirit. Just like someone else he knew...
Well, now that he was in the forest, he could as well look for the dam. It had to be destroyed. And he'll do it, even if he had to remove every single stone by hand. “Hey, uh...Vinny was your name?” The spirit circled around, pushing leaves up and down. He took that as a yes. “Do you know where the dam is? I really need to get there.” Then the wind circled around him, before pushing him forward. Once he moved the spirit showed him the way, by blowing the leaves away to create a pathway. It was very helpful, too. The spirit reminded him so much of Iduna...
Apparently, the spirit sensed his sadness and began blowing strongly at his face, before pushing him forward again. “I'm going, okay? No need to push.” Then the wind was more gentle again and it felt like it's wrapping around him, as if it's hugging him. The wind was hugging him...That would sound so crazy if he didn't experience it right now. “Are...are you trying to comfort me? Thank you.” Then it blew past him, creating the same path to remind him of his task.
The way to the dam was longer than Agnarr expected. But he did land on the other side of the forest and the dam was on the southern part of it. The sun was already setting when he heard people nearby. He ran over to the voices and and saw Arendellian soldiers! So they were still alive! Agnarr left his cover and approached them. They noticed him immediately, but were too shocked to act. The king looked at all the familiar faces, till he saw his old friend and guard. “Destin, you're alive.” Then he looked at the others and added. “You all are...I can't believe it. You have no idea how relieved I am.”
“Agnarr?” It's really been a long time till he last heard Mattias' voice. He smiled at his friend and nodded. “It is you! Am I seeing things? You see him, too, right?” He asked the other soldiers who nodded. Then the now old man approached him and hugged him. Agnarr hugged him back, but only for a moment as Mattias pulled back again to look at him. “Look at you. I told you to stop growing.”
Agnarr chuckled and rolled his eyes, of course these would be his first words to him. Mattias never really liked to see him grow that much and kept telling him to stop it. And now they're the same height. “It's great to see you again.” Said the blonde, of course referring to everyone around. Then Mattias bowed to him. “Your Majesty.” The others followed suit.
Agnarr rolled his eyes, but Mattias was serious. “Not that I don't appreciate to see you...but what are you doing here?” Then he looked at his clothes thoughtfully. “Judging by your fancy uniform you made it out back then, right? But how did you get inside? Don't tell me the mist finally gone.” The soldiers looked at him hopefully and he hated to tell them the bad news.
“Sorry to crush your hopes, but no. It's...actually a long story...” And he didn't even know where to start.
“Well, if there's something we have plenty of, it's time.” Said Mattias, before putting a hand on his back and guiding them to their camp. “How about we eat something? And then you can tell us everything.”
The soldiers were well adapted here. They've built tents and learned which plants and berries were edible. Some already knew how to hunt before that. And water was there, too. They all sat around the campfire and as they ate some grilled rabbit, Agnarr told them the story. The whole story. How his wife saved him from the battle, her powers, that they eventually married, their daughters and the powers of the oldest, the incident and their adventure in Ahtohallan.
“Wait...So King Runeard started the fight?” Asked one of the soldiers shocked.
“Yes.” Agnarr replied, staring into the fire. “The dam was a trick. He wanted the Northuldra to rely on him. And once the leader noticed something, he decided to kill him.”
Then it was quiet for a while. Agnarr understood that it was hard to believe. He wouldn't believe it either, if he hadn't seen the memory of that moment himself. Everything they've been fighting for was a lie.
“And where is your wife?” Asked Mattias, since he didn't mention her going too far.
Agnarr kept staring into the fire. “She went too far.” Was all he answered, as he already told them about the lullaby. Then a comforting hand was on his shoulder.
“I'm sorry to hear that...” Agnarr just nodded, appreciating the comfort. And that he now had time to really mourn her loss. At least for a little while.
“That's why we have to destroy the dam. It may not make up for everything, but it's a start. This is not an order. It's a request.” Agnarr looked around, the soldiers still tried to make sense of everything he said, till one by one stood up with a determined expression and said they'll help. “Thank you all.” Then he turned to Mattias. “Are there still some Northuldra here? I might need to talk with them, too.”
“Sure. I can bring you to them in the morning. For now you should rest.” The guard patted his shoulder, before leading him to his tent. “Just call me if you need anything.” The blonde nodded and went inside. He only took off his jacket, before lying down. He may be sleepy, but he was sure he won't be sleeping well...
“IDUNA!!” Agnarr screamed, reaching out for his wife who's jumping down the cliff, only to realize that he wasn't in Ahtohallan anymore. He was in a makeshift bed, in a tent. In the Enchanted Forest. Sighing loudly, he leaned on his bent leg, head in his hand. Of course he'd dream about it. And he was sure he always will from now on.
First he kept having nightmares about the battle and now came a new one. And one that was even worse, especially now that he found out how his father really was. And this time he didn't have someone who could sing his nightmares away.
He took several deep breaths to calm his racing heart, his hand gripping his hair and pulling enough to make it hurt. Only now did he notice his wet cheeks, the burning in his eyes. He must've been crying in his sleep and it wouldn't stop now.
“King Agnarr, are you okay?” Asked Mattias from outside the tent. Thank god that he was giving him the privacy he needed.
Still, Agnarr quickly wiped away the tears in his eyes before he could answer. “Yes...I just...had a nightmare.”
Then it was quiet for a while. “I'm really sorry about your loss...”
“It's okay. It's okay...” He mumbled, even though it definitely was not okay. Agnarr lost the love of his life. Actually...he lost his life. His light. His everything. He took a few more minutes to calm down, before grabbing his jacket and leaving the tent.
“I would ask if you slept well, but I know you didn't.” Said Mattias who apparently has been guarding his tent till now.
“I didn't.” He confirmed, offering him a tiny smile.
Mattias put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “That's quite normal. I've had lots of nightmares these past years, too.”
Agnarr nodded. He, too, dreamed of the battle frequently, but Mattias lost so much more that day. “Can...can we talk about something else?” He mumbled, just wanting to get his mind off this topic for a while.
“Sure. Let's get something to eat and then I'll bring you to the Northuldra, okay?” The guard suggested and only got a nod and a mumbled 'yes' as an answer.
“They should be around here somewhere.” Said Mattias, as only he and Agnarr walked through the forest. The other soldiers guarded the camp. “I guess I owe them an apology. We weren't really the best friends during the years here. Actually fought a couple of times. And only because we believed they started the fight.”
“I hope they'll forgive us. Maybe it'll help if they know I'm married to Iduna. Uh...was...” He still couldn't believe that she was gone. Since yesterday he always expected Iduna to just show up again.
“I'm sure they'll listen to you.” Said Mattias and patted his back again.
A few minutes later they found themselves surrounded. It happened way too fast. The Northuldra people hid in bushes, on trees and were so fast that they didn't have a chance to react. “Are you here to make trouble again lieutenant?” Asked a female voice and then and older woman approached them.
“Not this time, Yelena. Just here to talk.” The woman raised an eyebrow, rightfully suspicious considering what happened after all these years. “She's the leader.” He informed Agnarr then.
The king took a step forward. “I'm King Agnarr of Arendelle.” He introduced himself and the people around them began to whisper. “I'm not here to harm you or anything. I just...need your help.”
“You need our help?” Asked Yelena incredulously.
“Do you happen to know someone named Iduna?” Only a few people reacted to the name, but especially Yelena.
“She's my niece.” She replied, but glared at him. “Why? How do you know her?”
“She's my wife.” Agnarr answered, but it didn't look like any of them were believing him.
“Why would an Arendellian marry an 'enemy' with magical powers?” Asked one of the Northuldra.
“To be fair, I didn't know she's Northuldra for a long time. She did a very good job at hiding it. But I didn't care where she came from, really, because I loved her.” He said truthfully, hoping that they'll believe him —well especially Yelena since she's the leader and Iduna's aunt.
For now Yelena's expression didn't change. “So you two got out when the mist appeared. But how were you able to come back?”
Now on to the difficult part. “It's kind of a long story...But to make it short, Iduna saved me that day. We got two daughters, one of them with magical powers, too. Ice magic to be exact. Then an accident happened. And then Iduna was curious where their magic came from and if there really was no way to save this place. She told me all about Ahtohallan and that it might be the only place to find answers. We've been there yesterday.” Everyone around them looked at him in shock. Of course, till now Ahtohallan was just a legend and a place no one could reach. “It turned into a glacier and apparently Iduna is the fifth spirit.”
The people around them gasped, even Yelena looked shocked to hear that. “She's the fifth spirit...? Where is she?”
“She...went too far when we tried to find the truth about that day.” Was all he said, but everyone understood what he meant. Surely they all knew the lullaby.
“And you let this happen?!”
“I tried to stop her, really! I wanted to jump in myself, but she pushed me away...” Agnarr knew there's no excuse for anything, but at least he tried...But what should he do against someone with magical powers? “Anyway...the truth is my father built this dam to weaken the forest. He was the one who started the battle by killing your old leader. I know what he did is inexcusable, but I still want to apologize. I'm really sorry for what my father did to your people. He lied to all of us. All Arendellians still believe that the dam was a gift of peace. No one would've guessed what kind of person he really was.”
“He was a good liar. But how should we know you're not the same?” Asked Yelena and looked at him suspiciously. But he didn't have an answer to this. And he understood their mistrust.
“Well, he did marry a Northuldra girl, went all the way to Ahto-however this place is called and was brought here by the spirits.” Mattias had some good points.
“Wait, the spirits helped you in?” Asked the leader. Of course he had to get inside somehow, but she surely didn't expect that their spirits helped.
“Nokk and the wind spirit helped me. I want to destroy the dam to make at least something right. And that's why I need your help. I thought maybe the earth spirit could help us out.” Explained Agnarr, looking at them all hopefully. But the Northuldra still looked at him suspiciously. “Well, I would show you that I became friends with them...but the wind spirit became very quiet till last night.”
“Only when you were around.” Said Mattias and put a hand on the king's shoulder. “Once you left to sleep it was back and was messing with all of us. Maybe it knew that you need rest and didn't want to bother you.”
Yelena raised an eyebrow. “Are you telling me that you all played with the wind spirit?”
“Pretty much, yes.” Mattias shrugged as if it's no big deal. But...if you're locked in a magical place with elemental spirits...maybe nothing can surprise you anymore.
And on cue, the wind spirit arrived again, playing around with the leaves and especially his clothes and hair again. As if to show them they're friends.
“She really seems to like you...” Mumbled Yelena thoughtfully. To be honest Agnarr had no idea how any of them could know a gender of a spirit you couldn't even see, but he'd just believe it.
Then they all looked at Mattias for some reason. “W-what?” He asked, looking around and checking his uniform for something weird. Until he found a little salamander sitting on his shoulder. Mattias was rightfully surprised and tried to push it away, but it just held onto his hand. “What's that?!” He asked, trying to shake it off, but it held on tightly.
“It's the fire spirit. We haven't seen him for months.” Explained Yelena, who was just as surprised as Mattias about the spirit's appearance.
“Bruni?” Agnarr said, remembering Iduna having called him that. At that the lizard looked at him and licked his eye. Then he held his hand out to it and it jumped right on it. It was very warm to the touch. The lizard looked at him as if he expected something from him, but he couldn't guess what he should do.
“The spirits really seem to like you.” Said Yelena, but it still sounded like she still couldn't believe it. Well, he didn't believe any of this either...
Then he remembered a little detail that he left out. “Oh! When Iduna sent the memory of that day up from Ahtohallan's depths, I heard her sing, too. She said she's doing it to call the spirits. And it helped us finding the way. She also calmed down Nokk with it...And Vinny appeared right after, too.”
Yelena looked at him thoughtfully. “Yes, this was her way of communicating with the spirits. It sounds like she called them to help you. That's why the fire spirit appeared.”
Agnarr couldn't help but smile. That's so typical. Even when she's freezing she's thinking about his well-being. That's why he loved her so much. Meanwhile Bruni walked over his arm and climbed on his shoulder. He made himself comfortable there and probably wouldn't leave anytime soon. “Can I count on your help?” Asked Agnarr then, to go back to the main topic. “I need you to make sure that no one's around the dam. I don't want anyone else to get hurt. And once the dam is gone we can go back our own paths. If you wish we'll leave you alone for good. But to be honest...I'd like to form a real alliance. I want to learn more about this place and your people. And I'd like to bring my daughters here and show them their mothers home.”
Agnarr waited, as Yelena thought about his offer. Of course he'd understand if she didn't want any of them near the forest again, but it would be sad for Anna and Elsa. “I'll think about it.” She eventually said. “For now we should get rid of this dam. We'll help you.”
It was still good news and she actually considered an alliance, even though it wasn't a yes yet. “Thank you.”
Then Yelena turned to the others around them and spoke in a different language. It's most likely the old Northuldra language Iduna told him about. The people agreed to whatever Yelena said and scattered. “They'll make sure no one's getting close to the dam.” The woman said. “The Rock Giants might be more helpful to destroy it than the other spirits. I don't know if they'd like you, though, they can be very moody at times. But maybe Iduna's song calmed them like the others.”
The king nodded, really hoping that the giants are calm when he'll go to them. “Could you tell me where I can find them?”
Yelena nodded, before turning away and told them with a simple hand gesture to follow her. “In case they're not calm, you might need some help to get away fast. Did Iduna tell you that she grew up with a reindeer?”
“Yes. Uh...Askjell, right?” It's been a while since she told him this, so he hoped he still got the name right. And if he remembered correctly it was a white and black reindeer, too.
“That's right. I'm sure he'd like to help you, too.” Yelena brought them to the camp of her people, everyone looked surprised that she was with two Arendellians but no one questioned it. They all trusted her judgment. “Bring me Iduna's reindeer.” She told one of the reindeer herders, who nodded and immediately left to fetch the reindeer. It didn't even take that long since there were just a handful of white reindeer in the herd. “He should be able to carry you and he's even one of the fastest we have.” Said Yelena, as the reindeer came closer to him and sniffed him.
It really looked beautiful. The fur pattern and color was magnificent. After the reindeer sniffed him, it looked up as if he recognized something on him. “...Are you smelling Iduna on me?” Agnarr asked and noticed how his ears wiggled at the mention of her name. The reindeer looked up at him and then around as if he's looking for her. “She's gone.” As he said this the reindeer looked at him in shock, before slumping down with a sad whine.
“Looks like he was very attached to her.” Mused Mattias, who has been watching everything silently.
“Of course. They grew up together.” Said Yelena. “I'll go back and tell everyone the news. Just go whenever you're ready. You can find the giants by the river in that direction.” With that said, she left.
“Okay...” Mumbled Agnarr, already thinking of a plan. “Mattias, go back to the others, too. If they're angry at me then, I don't know, make some noise to get their attention. They need to attack the dam at all cost.”
Agnarr saw that Mattias was about to protest, because he's gonna be alone while meeting the giants, but he held himself back. “Okay. Just make sure to come back in one piece.”
Now Agnarr put a hand on his friend's shoulder. “Of course. After all, we all have to go back home.”
Mattias nodded. “Good luck.” And then he went back to the dam, where the others waited for them.
Of course Agnarr noticed Mattias hesitation towards the whole plan. After all, the castle and surely most of the town will be destroyed if the dam broke. And he very much knew that he'd technically give Halima up, too. He's been in love with her since forever, and Agnarr always tried to hook them up as a kid. But Agnarr thought about this, too and had a plan. There's no way he'd just do this and sacrifice half of Arendelle's people. “Vinny?” The wind spirit circled him to make his presence known. “Can you do me a big favor? Is it possible for you to evacuate Arendelle? The people there are innocent and don't deserve this.” The spirit drew circles on the ground then, picking some leaves up at the process, before flying past him. Some leaves hit him, as the spirit flew away.
Then he looked at the fire spirit that still sat comfortably on his shoulder. “I have no task for you.” Bruni looked at him and licked his eye again. He had no idea what this was supposed to mean, though. But he didn't look like he wanted to go. “Okay...Shall we go?” He asked the reindeer, who was still sad. “We're doing this for her, too.” Askjell made another whining sound, before standing up. “I lost her, too, I know how you feel.” Said Agnarr —was he really talking to a reindeer here?— and patted the animal. Then he made another sound that Agnarr couldn't interpret and looked pretty much ready to go. “Ready?” Askjell made a huffing noise and stomped his hoof, looking at him determinedly. “Let's go then.”
Agnarr climbed on his back, it felt kinda odd without a saddle and he's never ridden a reindeer before either. Once he held onto his back, and steered him to the direction Yelena has pointed to, Askjell began to ran. He was very fast. It didn't even take that long till he saw the river. But he couldn't see any rock giants. Just...normal looking mountains. Askjell stopped by the water and looked at him expectantly. The king frowned and looked at the mountains again. Now it looked like they're breathing. So that's no mountain, they're the giants. “Okay, let's wake them up.” Just as he said this Askjell made loud noises, probably screaming at the giants to wake up.
“Wake up!” He screamed at them, too, but they kept snoring. Iduna could surely just sing her tune and they'd be awake immediately...Would that be worth a try? Probably...? Yeah, it was worth a try. Was it...? Agnarr couldn't really believe what he's about to do...Sighing frustrated, he took a deep breath and tried to sing Iduna's tune. But it sounded...really terrible. There's a reason why he's not singing. Askjell shook his head wildly and even the giants stirred awake. But they all covered their stony ears. Even Bruni curled up in a tiny ball to cover his hears as much as possible. “Oh, come on! It's not that bad!” He yelled at them all, even though he knew their reactions were justified.
The giants looked at them, but they didn't seem friendly. More like annoyed that he woke them up like that...“Gogogo!” He told Askjell as one of the giants reached out to them. Askjell turned immediately and ran wherever Agnarr wanted him to run.
The giants were slow, so he kept provoking them to move faster. “Bruni, wanna help?” The little lizard stuck to his clothes, so he could easily turn to the giants without having to be afraid to fall down. Then purple fire appeared on his back and he spit some fire balls at the giants. But soon enough they threw boulders at them. Now if they'd just throw them at the dam...Agnarr made sure to use a path that was far away from the Northuldra camp. Or at least he hoped so, the forest always looked the same to him. But he told Askjell his plan and he apparently knew where he needed to go without his guidance.
Then Agnarr could hear a faint sound. As if metal hits metal. The giants apparently heard it better and walked to the direction the noise came from, completely forgetting that they were chasing Agnarr. Askjell stopped and took some deep breaths. “Good boy.” He said, patting his side. Agnarr's heart was racing like crazy, too, but it wasn't over yet. “Askjell, do you have some energy left to bring me to the dam?” The reindeer looked at him, before huffing and started running again.
As they reached the dam, Agnarr saw that the giants already threw boulders at the dam. It looked like his help wasn't needed there. Only a few boulders later did the dam break and the tons of water that were held back were now set free and rushed down the fjord towards Arendelle. Agnarr could only watch and hope that Vinny brought everyone to safety. Then a sudden flash appeared in the sky. Agnarr had barely time to see what it was, but he could've sworn it was the same symbol that was in Ahtohallan. And then the mist slowly vanished. The giants looked just as confused as he felt. Askjell made some noises and stared at the sky. The only one who had a complete different reaction was Bruni. He was just happy. “Looks like we did it.” He said more to himself, because he still couldn't believe it.
The reindeer slumped to the ground, exhausted. Agnarr got off his back then, and lay down on his back next to him. And Bruni just walked over him, sitting on his chest and just looked happy. But Agnarr didn't have any more time to rest, because then Mattias and the other soldiers approached him. “Are you alright?” Asked Mattias and held his hand out to him.
“Yes. Just exhausted.” Agnarr took his hand and got up with his help, also moving Bruni on his hand.
“I can't believe we did it.” Said his guard, who was obviously on the verge of tears.
The king smiled at his old friend and put a hand on his shoulder. “You better believe it, soon. Because we'll go home. There's a lot of work waiting for us. I don't know how big the damage was, but we surely have to rebuilt the castle, the market square and the village.” The fields and farms were hopefully still there.
“At your service, your majesty.” Mattias said this with a sad undertone and Agnarr knew he's thinking that many people might be gone there. Agnarr really wanted to assure him and tell him not to worry, but he didn't know if Vinny brought everyone to safety either.
But then he felt a certain magical wind. It's funny how he could recognize the wind spirit now. “Vinny?” He still asked, though to make sure he was right. The spirit drew circles on the ground and caught Bruni who jumped off his hand. “Is everyone save?” As an answer he only got a little tornado of leaves and Bruni. Both men frowned.
“Is that a yes?” Asked Mattias unsure. Then the wind spirit circled him and then Agnarr, hitting them both with leaves, while Bruni had the time of his life.
“I think that's a yes.” Again, Vinny was playing with his clothes, he seemed to be very excited. “Everyone made it out safely.” What a relief. Everyone were happy that their loved one's made it. And even though they had to built everything again, at least everyone was save.
Agnarr turned around when he heard Askjell making urgent noises. Yelena approached them. “Looks like you did it.” She was smiling. Agnarr was pretty sure that she doubted him till now. Of course he understood her. “I'd love to see my grand nieces.”
Agnarr smiled back and couldn't help but think of the great alliance they'll build together. “I know they'll be so happy to meet you.” They all went to the borders of the forest together. The kids of the Northuldra just saw the sun and the sky for the first time in their lives. It was amazing seeing everyone so happy. And to think that his father wanted to destroy all this...brought back some bitterness.
It it didn't stay long, thank god, because he was too busy watching the reindeer. The gigantic herd ran out of the forest, Askjell too, and they all ran in circles. Iduna told him about this, but he forgot how they called it. Still, it looked great. But then the wind tried to pull him somewhere. “Vinny, no.” He really didn't have time to play right now. But it didn't listen and kept pushing him. “Stop that!” He yelled, but then froze when he saw the leaves moving in an unnatural way far away from him.
So, if Vinny was over there, who was pushing him? Agnarr let the wind guide him, down a little hill and to the shore. He really had no idea what he's doing there, until he saw something on the water. It looked like Nokk. And it looked like someone was riding him...It took him a while till he could see it clearly, but even then he couldn't believe it. His heart stopped for a second when he thought to see Iduna. He rubbed his eyes furiously and looked at the water spirit again. But the picture of Iduna riding him was still there.
Agnarr knew he shouldn't hope, but he couldn't help it. And it felt like time slowed down. It took Nokk painfully long to gallop to the shore. And when it finally did, the illusion of Iduna dismounted and looked at him as happy as ever. Now he had to rub his eyes to get rid of the tears, that threatened to blur his vision. “Iduna...?” He asked the illusion, hoping that she was really there. Nokk nudged Iduna forward, as if to show him that she was actually here. She giggled and patted the horse's nose and Agnarr could feel his heart stopping a second time. Once Nokk vanished into the water she turned to him and opened her arms, tilting her head and looking at him expectantly. She was saying something but he couldn't hear anything over his beating heart.
Then without thinking any more, he ran to her and hugged her. She was really there! At this realization, he hugged her tighter, not wanting to ever let go of her again. “Iduna...” He sobbed, crying shamelessly into her hair. She was hugging him back and he could feel her clinging to his jacket. “Don-don't ever do this again...” Agnarr wanted to sound harsh, like he was giving her a lecture, but he sounded more desperate.
“I think there's no need for more sacrifices.” She was crying too. Agnarr already felt how his legs got weaker any second, till they gave out completely and pulled Iduna down with him. He was kneeling and pulled Iduna so close that she could easily sit on his lap by now. Which she did. Agnarr was crying like there's no tomorrow, while his wife was holding him, caressing his back and head and kept telling him that everything's alright now. He wouldn't even care if anyone would see them like that. And it's not like anyone could blame him either, he thought he lost her forever.
Only when he calmed down enough to talk did he loosen his grip on her slightly. “How?” He mumbled into her hair. “What happened down there?” Although he wasn't sure if he wanted to know what happened. Even though he was still hesitant to let her go completely, he let her pull away to look into his eyes. And she looked very hesitant to answer the question, too. “Tell me. I can handle it.” He said, as he cupped her cheek and caressed her with his thumb.
“I froze.” She answered and Agnarr tried to ignore the stabbing pain in his heart. “Like...into an ice statue. But then you saved me.” Agnarr frowned. He hasn't done anything to save her...He still felt bad about it actually. “All I remember is that suddenly I unfroze and the ground cracked open. I fell into the water and Nokk saved me. Then he brought me all the way to Arendelle. Uhm, for the first time I could hear the voices of the spirits. They said the dam is gone and the people are innocent.” So the wind spirit did believe him after all.
“And Arendelle?” He asked, expecting her to say that the whole village was destroyed.
“Nokk and I were able to save the village. But I'm afraid the whole castle faced the full wrath of the flood.” She looked up at him sadly and apologetically.
“The people?”
“Everyone's safe.” That was enough. He pulled Iduna back into his arms and hugged her tightly. “I'm sorry. I tried to save the castle, too. I know there were many memories of your mother there. And-”
Agnarr interrupted her, by kissing her. He really didn't care about the castle. Maybe this was a good point to start anew. “It's okay.” Iduna wanted to protest, but he just kissed her again. Actually, he didn't just do it to silence her. “I don't care what happened to the castle. We can rebuild it. I'm just glad everyone's safe.”
Iduna hugged him back. “I'm sure if I had Elsa's powers I could've made an ice wall and save the castle, too.”
“Maybe. But it doesn't matter.” They stayed like that for a while longer, before eventually letting go of each other. Well, almost. Agnarr still made sure to keep her close and held her hand. “Hey...remember Destin Mattias? You know, my guard when I was a kid?” His wife nodded, while he wiped some tears away. “He's here. And the other Arendellian soldiers.”
“That's great.” She smiled at him happily and this was enough to brighten his life.
“And there's someone else who'd be happy to see you.” Now he finally stood up and helped his wife up, too.
“You'll see.” Agnarr ignored her confused look and guided her back to the others. The first to greet them was the wind spirit. He thought he might've known about her return from the beginning but gave them some private time.
“Vinny...” Iduna sniffled, wiping some tears away, but more came. Then the spirit flew away and came back with Bruni floating in the air. “Bruni.” The brunette took the lizard into her hands. Bruni looked very happy to see her and turned on his back and looked at her in a happy and cute way. Iduna rubbed his belly with her index finger, as Agnarr led her to the little crowd.
“Destin!” The soldier turned around and walked over to them, looking confused when he saw Iduna. Of course. “This is Iduna. It's-it's a complicated story, but she's back!”
“This is what I call a miracle.” He said before bowing to her. “My queen. It's a pleasure to meet you. My boy told me everything about you.”
“I hope only good things.” Said Iduna and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Bruni climbed on Iduna's shoulder and looked like that, too.
“Of course. There are only good things to talk about you.” Agnarr pulled her back into his arms and kissed the top of her head.
“Very good answer. And...'my boy'?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at both him and Mattias.
“Oh, that's because I've spent more time with him than with my father, you know. He was actually a better father to me than my real one.” He explained and looked at Mattias who looked embarrassed but proud.
“Right, right...You mentioned that before. That's...both sad and cute.” It sure was. But he wouldn't be who he was now if it wasn't for Mattias raising him. If his real father actually bothered to raise him he'd probably a tyrant like him. And in that case he was glad that Runeard didn't care about him.
“I think it's great that Destin was always with me.” Iduna looked at him as if he could read his mind and agreed with him. “Good news, Arendelle's not destroyed. Well, not completely. Only the castle was hit.”
Mattias nodded. “Well, it's good to hear that not everything was destroyed. I'll tell the others.” With that said, Mattias left.
“Okay, now you really need to see someone special. But first...” Agnarr reached behind her head to make her bun loose so that her braid was free. He used the excuse that no one will recognize her with that hairstyle, but it was for him, too. He only saw her hair open at night. Then taking her hand again he now lead her to the few Northuldra, who admired the sky and were happy that the mist was finally gone. He felt like a little kid wanting to show his friend all his new toys. “Yelena.” He called and heard a gasp from his wife.
Said woman turned to them and looked equally as confused at Iduna as Mattias was. Agnarr looked at his beloved wife, who began to cry again. “Auntie Lena?” At her words, Yelena's eyes widened in shock and recognition.
“Iduna? Is that you, my child?” Iduna nodded and hugged her aunt. Of course Yelena had questions, especially how she got out of Ahothallan's depths alive and as Iduna told her the story, Agnarr stood a few steps away and let them have their moment. What he also heard was that both Iduna's parents were alive as well. From what she told him, they had a great relationship, the exact opposite of him and his father.
Looking back at his soldiers, he faintly heard Mattias telling them to pack their things, because they'll go home soon. Right, they should go for as long as they'll have daylight. It should be a two day march back to Arendelle. Agnarr approached his wife and Yelena and cleared his throat. “Sorry, I hate to interrupt but...the others are getting ready to go, so-”
“Right! Right, we should go now. It's a long way back.” To be honest, her words surprised him. He was honestly expecting her to stay here with her family.
“Iduna...��� Agnarr stopped her from saying good bye to Yelena. “You can stay here. If you want. You don't have to go back with me if you don't want that...” He said, knowing how much she missed her home and family and being willing to let her stay here if she pleased. Even if he'll miss her to death.
“What are you talking about? Of course I'll go back with you! Don't be ridiculous.” She was talking to him as if he's crazy, then she turned back to Yelena. “We'll come back and visit you soon. And this time Elsa and Anna will be here, too.”
“I'll look forward to it.” They hugged again and then she went back to him and took his hand.
“Ready.” She said and wanted to drag him to the soldiers, but he stopped her.
“Wait.” Iduna looked at him and tilted her head. “I thought you'd like to stay here. See your parents. And everyone else...You really don't have to force yourself to go back-”
This time Iduna silenced him with a kiss. “I said don't be ridiculous. Of course I missed the forest, the spirits and my family, but my home is with you and the girls, in Arendelle.”
“But...are your sure you want-” Iduna was ignoring him completely, as she took the little lizard from her shoulder and kissed its head. “Bruni, see you again.” The blue fire spirit turned red in a second. “Vinny?” The wind circled around her and Iduna wrapped her arms around herself, as if wanting to hug the air. It was cute. “You need to visit us.” Then she suddenly turned back to Yelena, as if she remembered something important. “Oh! I'd like to borrow some clothes, if that's okay with you.”
Yelena smiled, knowing what she's up to. “Sure. Just give me a moment.” The woman walked back into the forest. Iduna looked at the ground thoughtfully, her lips pressed together and subconsciously petting Bruni. When she looked up at him, he could already guess what she's thinking. “Agnarr-”
“Go.” She looked surprised at this. “Go and see your parents. Take whatever you can. We'll wait here for you.”
His wife frowned. “And you promise to really wait and not just leave because you think I want it?”
“I promise.” She already convinced him and to be very honest he was happy that she chose the life with him and the girls. Even though he could just go back himself and bring the girls to her. His heart thumped happily when she smiled at him. He's definitely gonna cherish these little things of and with her more than he already did.
“Okay. But to make sure...Bruni, Vinny, I want you to keep an eye on him. And if he dares to leave without me then stop him.” The wind spirit circled him and pushed him back to the forest slightly to make its point clear. Iduna put Bruni back on his shoulder and the little lizard watched him with unblinking eyes. It was a bit creepy.
“I'll hurry.” But before she could go, Agnarr heard someone running towards them. Right, he forgot someone. Then a second later Askjell appeared and rubbed his head against her to greet her and tell her how happy he was to see her. He even almost hit her with his antlers. “Askjell, my big boy.” The reindeer licked her and was pushed away. “Eww!” Iduna wiped the saliva off her face, but still laughed. “Okay, I really need to go now.” At that Askjell jumped —yes, he jumped— in front of her and looked at her expectantly. “Good idea.” Iduna got on the reindeer's back like the pro rider that she was and guided him to the Northuldra camp.
Once they vanished into the forest, he looked at Bruni who was still staring at him. “Stop that. You're freaking me out...” But he kept staring, occasionally licking his eye. “You're a creepy little spirit.” Well, there was nothing for him to do, so all he did was waiting for the soldiers and Iduna. A little quiet moment was just what he needed right now.
The soldiers were ready first, but it wasn't surprising. After all Iduna met her parents and other family the first time in years. But she only returned a few minutes after the soldiers did. She was still riding on Askjell and had a bag attached to him.
“We're back.” She announced, as Askjell ran over to him. “I've brought some presents for everyone.” Iduna patted the bag.
“I think Anna and Elsa will be happy about our return even if we wouldn't bring presents.” Said Agnarr teasingly and just got a raised eyebrow from her in return. Then he turned to the soldiers. “Alright, let's go.” The creepy spirit on his shoulder rubbed his head on his neck, before jumping off him. The wind spirit caught him and put him on the ground gently. Agnarr waved at the spirits, before following the men and women. And Iduna was beside him, still riding on Askjell. “Is your friend coming with us?” He asked, petting the reindeer.
“Yes. He doesn't want to leave my side anymore. Just like someone else I know.” Agnarr ignored the look she gave him. Of course she meant him. “Is that okay with you?”
“Yes! Sure! Everything that makes you happy, my love.” And he meant it. He'd do literally anything to make her happy. Now more than ever. She smiled at him happily, while he took her hand. Agnarr just wanted to feel her and make sure she's close.
“I love you. My life.” He said, using the pet name she originally chose for him.
Iduna squeezed his hand gently. “I love you too. My light.”
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jafndaegur · 5 years
Never Far Away - Chapter Six
Prologue | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | x
Even Old Dogs get Lonely
She stared at the flowers on her desk, fingers ever so gently brushing against the puffy white flora. The small buds almost seemed like a wilder form of baby’s breath, and that gave her some sort of solace, not that she knew why. Kagome thought about the events of earlier that week. She had met Sesshomaru. Not only had she met him, but he had admitted to being well himself. Her imagination had not conjured a familiar face when she most wanted to see one, but instead she genuinely encountered what would be called a “blast from the past”. Her heart fluttered at the thought and a small chuckle made its way past her throat.
For the first time since she was locked from the well and its flow of time, loneliness did not weigh on her chest like some impending brick of depression.
Someone lived here, in her time.
“Do not summon me again,” he stated flatly, his voice monotone as he continued to walk away from her. “This one is not a dog for your beck and call.”
His cold gold eyes, albeit slightly surprised, flashed in her mind again and she felt a pout bubble in her expression. That guy! He really could be rude sometimes. Just when she thought that she might be able to have a decent conversation with the Inuyoukai, he disappeared in a flash of smoke. Poof!
Humming, her fingers drummed on the wood top of her desk. That factor had been a bit of a surprise to her. In the short time that she had known Sesshomaru in the feudal era, he had not be able to just whisk himself away in wisps of steam and color. He had a ball of light that he seemed to transform himself into. Or if he wasn’t being energy efficient, he would extend his youki into his mokomoko and fly off into the sunset like the dramatic Western Lord he was. But the disappearing act, that had been new. Perhaps since it had been so much “time” since the last she had seen him, he had developed more abilities. Afterall he was a much older youkai then when he had been in Edo. Older by five hundred years to be exact. She was sure the old dog had picked up quite a few tricks since their last encounter. With a giggle she covered her mouth, not sure how he would’ve reacted to being called an “old dog”. He probably would have beheaded her or disemboweled her on the spot.
A thought crossed her mind. He had not given her an ultimatum like he normally would. He merely commanded her to not summon him again. So, unless he had come up with a really great punishment (and he seemed like a busy demon given his nice button-down shirt and iron pressed trousers), she doubted he had given any more thought about it. Besides, in the modern era, it wasn’t like he could just lop off her head and be done with it.
Maybe he would sue her.
Jokes on him, she smirked, I’m a broke high school student.
So now she had to consider just exactly how she had summoned him the first time. It wasn’t like she had been thinking about him. She hadn’t wished him there. Wishes were out of the question. In fact, she had not done anything unusual other than drop the lighter on the grass. The lighter! Maybe the object had been magical?
No, it was just an old lighter. But she did think she was getting somewhere. Perhaps, wishing wasn’t entirely out of the option. She had just inadvertently wished for him. Determined to try again, she wandered downstairs to where her mother kept matches in their utility closet. She grabbed the pack and went back up to her room. For the first time in a while, Kagome felt a spurring determination to figure something out. To figure out how to bring the Inu back. Because one grumpy Inu with limited killing capabilities, was better than no Inu at all. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she opened the match box and pulled out one of the small pieces of green-tipped wood. With a quick strike against the checkered side of the box, a flame erupted on the match in a pretty sound of combustion, and orange and yellow flickers. Four days had passed since the day on the beach—what was the chance that he had forgotten. Shaking the match so that way the flame pittered out, she frowned and looked down at her lap. Sesshomaru had never been keen on anything other than a strict allyship between them. That had been during the attack on Naraku. But now, there was nothing holding any ties between them, nothing that said he wanted to have anything to do with her. What if he did not come even if she called him here? Afterall, it was like he had said, he was not a dog for her to beck and call.
The used match dropped to the floor and black ashes sprinkled on her rug like miniscule ink colored snowflakes. What was she doing? Whether or not there were more youkai that she had not known about, Sesshomaru had been one of the most powerful during the feudal era. If five hundred years had passed since she last saw him, who knew just how powerful the dog demon had grown since their last meeting. She was making a very big chance to try and meet him. But as her doubt began to make her close the matchbox in her hand, her minded traveled to thoughts of a little girl traveling side by side with a powerful youkai, joy in her step.
She had not thought about Rin.
No matter how powerful Sesshomaru may have been in being able to stall death with Tenseiga, he could not have stretched Rin’s life. She must have been long passed since this moment in time. Maybe, even though he would never say anything, he was alone too.
Steeling her resolve, she made her decision. The miko settled with the fact that she would continue to pester and bother the youkai for as long as she could, because even the oldest and most stubborn of demons could grow lonesome. That was a fact. Scraping another match against the box, another putter of fire came to life on the green tip, and she blew it out of with a quick gust from her lips.
As she waited, her room filled with plumes of lilac colored smoke and the scent of lavender incense.
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Your Worst Nightmare Speedy
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AN: So this is my first ever time writing a fic, please be gentle! hope you enjoy, this was just an idea i thought of ages ago but didn’t have the balls to actually write it up, if you enjoy there will be more chapters to follow :)
Summary: Lana has abilities, very cool i know. She has the power to absorb energy and use it as her own weapon. After being recruited by her good old friends, The Avengers, Lana finds herself face to face with a certain speedster.
Warnings: none? just one curse word from Tony but eyy what’s new ?
(gif not mine)
This was it, it was her moment. she’d been working with the Avengers for so long now that it was a relief to be finally brought on a real mission. Within minutes of receiving the call from Nick Fury, a Stark Enterprises jet arrived on the lawns of her country home. The only thing she took with her was her suit, knowing that the only arsenal she’d need was her own body.
She sat looking out at the rolling clouds below her through the window; Carol sat opposite her, she came everywhere with her as her legal guardian due to her still being under the age of 18. However that would be changing in a few months when she’d finally be a legal adult, she’d be allowed to finally break away from the hold the British Secret Service had had on her since birth.
As the jet approached it’s destination Lana grew restless, this was the first time she was going to be let on a real mission since she accidentally blew up the testing facility where scientists were researching her. Containment was something she’d always struggled with, using her powers and absorbing the energy were hurdles she’d tackled a long time ago but she jut couldn’t reach the finish line. She worried for her teammates, what if she lost control and killed an Avenger! They’d lock her up for life. As if sensing the turmoil running through her head, Carol handed her a cup of tea.
“You need to calm down, your powers will go off the scales if you’re not careful” she said in a reprimanding tone
“Oh lovely advice Carol, thank you for just confirming everything I was worried about!” Carol simply rolled her eyes and sipped at her tea. She was used to Lana’s attitude and knew how she could get in stressful situations like the one she was currently facing, she also learned how to ignore her teenage angst.
Carol was the closest thing she had to her mother; after both her parent’s deaths Carol had taken her in, being a close friend of her mother’s before her untimely death. From the records that could be accessed, both grandparents on her mother’s side had died and due to the un-accessible area of her father’s homeland, details of her paternal relatives were almost impossible to get a hold of. So that left her as an orphan, her mother’s status as an agent and the odd abilities Lana had possessed since before birth left the infant as a high priority and could only be left with someone trusted; she couldn’t be allowed to be tossed into the care system, leaving her to be taken in by an agent or be raised in a lab. Carol had stood up for her interests and, out of loyalty to Lana’s mother, vowed to act as her guardian and raise her in a way that would honour her fallen friend.
The jet landed along the western edges of Ukraine at a secure military base, another Quinn jet was already in the hangar with her teammates waiting inside it. Knowing that it was now or never Lana put on her suit and made her goodbyes to Carol.
“Do me a favour love? Don’t get into too much trouble, I really can’t be bothered spending my weekend filling out paper work again. God, not after last time.” Carol looked of into the distance as if she was reliving the event in her head. Lana only giggled at her behaviour.
“Can’t make you any promises Caz!” Giving her guardian a quick salute and off she went. She approached her team nervously but eased back slightly when Thor engulfed her in a big bear hug
“Lady Emily look how tall you have gotten in my absence!” Lana loved Thor, he was always so happy. She wondered if it was an Asgard thing because surely it couldn’t be humanly possible to be that happy all the time? She gave the rest of her team a greeting and a casual fist bump to Tony before getting on the jet.
Thus far she knew very little of what her mission entailed for her, all she knew was that the Avengers were breaking into another Hydra base in search of Loki’s magic wand thingy. In all fairness she didn’t really know what was happening, she was just happy to be there. Cap gave them a quick but oddly detailed summary of the plan as the plane began it’s decent into Sokovia. Her part was simple- fight bad guys and blow stuff up. Simple enough really, she could do that in her sleep (No really, they’ve had to redecorate the house three times now). The jet landed and everyone gave each other a good luck nod before storming onto the battlefield.
It was mid fight when she first saw him. She was fighting steadily taking down a couple of men with each blast, looking around she saw Clint zoom past on the jeep with Nat. Behind her she saw Cap coming towards her on his bike, she grabbed his outstretched hand and jumped onto the back smoothly. Cap kept the bike steady as she shot at soldiers while they whizzed past them.
“Shit!” She smirked hearing Tony swear down the ear piece
“Language!” came a quick reply from the icepop himself, Lana let out a burst of laughter and completely ignored Clint attempting to gain the teams attention.
“Wait a second, is nobody is gonna deal with fact that Cap just said language?” still giggling quietly to herself, Lana patted Cap’s shoulder before flinging herself off the bike onto an unsuspecting soldier.
“Sorry,” She heard the Captain say as he launched his bike into a tank,
“It just slipped out.”
Thor appeared next to him reminding Cap that they needed to find the sceptre and flew away again before another word could be uttered.
“And for gosh sakes, watch your language!” Tony uttered through the coms. Cap looked toward Lana with an exasperated expression. He sighed and put his head down.
“That’s not going away anytime soon.” Lana could only laugh and give him a reassuring smile before delving further into the Forrest.
It went suddenly quite around her, the guns and shouts behind her; the only sounds she could her clearly were her own breaths and the soft snow crunching under her boots. Sokovia truly was a beautiful place, she thought. While the British countryside, where she had grown up, had it’s own charm, she had to admit she’d never seen anywhere quite like this place. It was like walking around a fictional land, trees towering above her and crisp white snow drifting through the air and landing softly in her hair. It truly was a land of wonder. She was broken out of her reverie quickly when she heard a twig snap close by. Energy sparked at her fingertips, ready to attack her opponent. Before could move, however, a flash of movement flew past and before she knew it her legs had gone flying over her head and she was hitting the ground with a harsh thud. She sat up quickly darting her head around to locate the source of attack, not a second later another flash of light appeared, this time revealing a very attractive boy quite close to her age with striking white hair and blue eyes. He wore an arrogant smirk looking down at her
“You didn’t see that coming?” he asked with a heavy, and extremely cocky she may add, Eastern European accent. Quicker than the little road runner himself, Lana flicked her wrist in his direction, the energy sent him flying into the closest tree. She stood up brushing snow off her suit while walking toward the fallen boy.
“What, you didn’t see that coming?” She asked in the same sarcastic, cocky tone. He looked up at her, his eyes were completely confused not able to understand how he was beaten.
“Who are you?” He asked bewildered. She bent down and leaned in close to his face, smirking when he tried to lean closer to her.
“Your worst nightmare Speedy.” She whispered into his ear before sprinting back off into battle, not before sending an extra blast and a wink his way first.  
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On to the next part of the story
I’m a little bit refreshed now, emotionally. Hopefully I can make it to the end of this one. Because once this part starts, it’ll be that much harder to stop.
Once I was able to stand, I had some introductions to make. Not fun, especially when I still had the Phantom Lord symbol magically tattooed on my shoulder. They were, understandably, a little suspicious, even after I told the story of Jose’s betrayal. Luckily, Lucy vouched for me. They weren’t my biggest fan, but they weren’t going to throw me out on the street. Not that they would have anyways. But I knew they still needed reassurance. I still remember my exact words.
“I know you all don’t trust me. I don’t blame you. I’d be the same way if I were in your position. But Jose tried to have me killed. People that I’ve lived next to and worked with for years left me for dead in the woods. These injuries aren’t fake. Honestly, though, it’s not even about payback right now. He needs to see justice, but that’s not why I’m fighting. I’m going to fight with you because even though I’m free, others aren’t. He has been manipulating his guild members for ages. Including my brother and my best friend. I won’t leave them behind. I won’t let his darkness hurt them anymore. I can’t. Now, you can let me fight with you, or I can fight alone, but either way, I’m saving them. Because they’re family.”
Erza was the first to respond, with a hand on my shoulder. “Then we’ll fight with you,” I remember she said. “Because he hurt our family too. Our nakama. And he won’t get away with it. Not while we’re all still standing.” It was inspiring to me. I had seen that relationship with me, Gajeel, and Juvia, but never outside of that. For the first time since I had run from Phantom Lord, I had hope.
Soon after, Phantom Lord arrived. The entire guild hall was moving towards us like a great spider. They all stood in shock, and I moved closer to the front. Jose saw me easily. His anger was palpable. The only reason he didn’t call me out was because Gajeel was with him. Jose knew full well that if Gajeel learned what he had done, Gajeel would turn on him. So Jose let him think that Fairy Tail had kidnapped me.
I tried to yell for Gajeel. To tell him what had happened, but he couldn’t hear me. While Jose was there for Lucy, he knew he wouldn’t be able to attack with me in the way with Gajeel interfering. So he sent another of the Element 4, Aria, to get me. Aria’s air magic blew everyone back. I was on the balls of my feet ready to fight when I realized. My best chance of freeing Gajeel and Juvia was to get inside. Maybe I could even do some damage along the way. I did my best to convey my plan to Erza, and she understood well enough. So I let Aria take me.
When we arrived to Jose’s command center area, Gajeel immediately grabbed me, checking for injuries. Of which he found plenty. What he also noticed was that they were partially healed. I knew I couldn’t speak freely with Jose so close, so I waited. That turned out to be a mistake. Before I could try to stop him, he gave the order to fire. The Jupiter cannon. Powered by the Element 4, that cannon could have wiped out the whole guild hall in one blow. But out came Erza. Wearing her Adamantine armor. The strongest defensive armor she has. It stopped it. But the armor shattered in the process. Erza was too badly injured to block a second attack. So now Fairy Tail had 12 minutes to disable the cannon before it could fire again. And Gildarts and Laxus weren’t there, and Mira couldn’t fight at that time. So we were all in trouble.
I tried to get Gajeel’s attention so I could tell him the real story, but Jose was already giving him orders to go after Lucy, who had been taken away by Reedus (unwillingly). Before I could say more than “Jose’s lying,” Gajeel was gone, though not without a worried look back. Gajeel might have been suspicious now, but that wasn’t going to help me now. Not against Jose. Remember when I said that letting Aria take me was a bad idea? This is why. Now I was stuck, alone, with a man who wanted me dead. A man who was one of the Ten Wizard Saints, the most powerful mages in Fiore, alongside Makarov himself. Which is why in their first confrontation while I was unconscious, he got Aria to drain Makarov’s magic. So, for the moment, Gramps was out of the picture. And I was basically screwed.
This part is the hardest for me to tell. It was terrifying and painful. I still have nightmares. Jose is long out of the picture, and he still scares me. You see, mages, especially powerful mages, have a certain aura or presence that other mages can sense. The type of magic they use can change how that presence feels. Jose used dark shadow magic. His presence on its own was extremely dark and intimidating. An angry Jose is almost physically suffocating. As soon as Gajeel left, that presence grew until it smothered the whole room. I could barely move at first. I knew I would have to fight and defend myself, but I couldn’t bring myself to call my magic to me. Just as I was about to shakily muster a spell, Jose struck, and I was sent flying by a wave of pure darkness.
My memory is hazy after that. What I do remember is hit after hit after hit. Screaming, I assume my own. Then, for a split second, my mind cleared. I could feel my own magic again, while before it had been drowned out by Jose. Then I was lost in memory.
It had been a pleasant fall day, and my mother had promised, after weeks of begging, to show me a more powerful spell. She never got the chance to teach it to me properly, and I had nearly forgotten about it until this moment. She had told me, quite insistently, not to try it on my own without her. That one spell, when she showed it to me, wiped out an entire swath of forest. At this point, I couldn’t risk a less powerful spell. I didn’t have the energy for a drawn-out fight. It had to be one shot, or I wouldn’t survive it. I called on every ounce of magic power I had left, and aimed it straight at Jose, crying out the words to the spell “Solar STORM!” Just as I remembered, a wall of fire and energy rushed away from me. I wasn’t strong enough to stop him completely, as I found out later, but it was enough to knock him out for a few moments, long enough for my beaten and bruised self to crawl away.
It was only later that I found out that not only had Jose woken up, but he had battled Erza, who put up a fantastic fight despite her injuries. It was only when Makarov arrived that Jose was beaten. As for me, somehow Natsu had managed to get through to Gajeel, and tell him what happened. Gray had told Juvia the same. They both found me together, looking and feeling like death warmed over. That was the first time I had seen Gajeel cry since our dragons vanished. That scared me almost as much as Jose. Because it meant that I was in worse shape than even I imagined. That was the first time I’ve ever been really aware of my own mortality. Even now, I don’t know what all Jose did, or what all my injuries were. Gajeel wouldn’t say. I know I almost died. I know that Gajeel nearly killed Jose the next time he saw him. But that’s all I know.
Once I recovered, all three of us, Gajeel, Juvia, and me, joined Fairy Tail. Their capacity to forgive astounds me even now. But it wasn’t long until Gramps, as he insisted I call him, had a job for me. But that’s a story for another day.
Jose is alive. He seems to be on the same loop of reincarnation as the rest of us. Every time he comes back, once he’s an adult again, he causes trouble and gets put back in jail. We haven’t seen him yet in this life. I just hope to all the heavens that Fairy Tail finds him before he finds me. I don’t think I can face him alone. I’m stronger than him now, but those memories don’t fade easily. Nor can they be overlooked. And if I have to face him, I can’t guarantee I won’t freeze up. Let’s hope he stays away this time. For all our sakes.
For now, I’m emotionally drained, and I need to rest and recharge. I’ll tell the next story in a couple of days.
Tsukino out.
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cressasdbfanfics · 7 years
His Worst Fear Part IV: Healing
The final chapter of my GoChi fanfiction “His Worst Fear”.
Appears here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12453430/4/His-Worst-Fear
And here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10665318/chapters/24151893
Part IV: Healing
Gohan sat with Videl on a couch, Pan napping away on her lap.
His bowed head snapped up and he took in the blood, dirt, and rips on my gi and his expectant gaze met mine.
I answered Gohan's unspoken question with a stiff nod, and he returned it.
Picking a seat across from him, I had just opened my mouth to ask about Goten when the phone rang and Gohan lunged for it.
My sharp hearing picked out someone with a frantic tone, but not well enough to know exactly what he said. I had a good guess who was calling. And what he needed to know had to be said in person.
I took a deep breath and touched two fingers to my forehead as I locked onto Ox King's erratic, unstable energy and found myself in his study, the phone still at his ear, and Ox King himself seated at his large desk.
He gasped when he saw me and jumped up, words tumbling out of his mouth almost faster than I could keep up with. "Goku!" He looked me up and down. "You look like you've been through hell, son! What's going on!? Where's Chichi? I tried calling her yesterday and today, but the call wont go through! I thought maybe she was just busy yesterday, but I can't shake this awful feeling something's… happened to her. She's okay… right?"
My nails dug into my palms as I stared at the floor for a moment and then into his wide eyes.
I shook my head.
His mouth fell open with a shocked gasp and was followed by the crunch of plastic as the phone broke apart in his trembling grip, crushed beyond recognition, tiny pieces of plastic, metal, and glass clattering to his desk.
In a flash, he was in front of me with a speed I didn't know he had in him, my shoulders gripped by his trembling hands – his every word punctuated with a breath through clenched teeth. "Goku. What. Happened. To. My. DAUGHTER!?"
I was… almost scared of him in his state – never mind that I was a Saiyan and he was human. In front of me towered a man who had just lost his daughter. And it was suddenly easy to imagine why people were so afraid of him long ago.
My voice having lost all volume, I breathed out as I looked into his bloodshot eyes, "She and Goten were attacked at our home by one of my enemies."
He gasped as his anger deflated and he dropped heavily onto his desk, the wood creaking. "G-Goten… he was involved in this, too?"
"Yes. But Goten is fine. He was hurt but he's fine now."
"And Gohan… His family…?"
"They weren't involved in the fight."
He stood up off his desk. "L-let me get s-some things together and then t-take me to them."
He left the room and returned a few minutes later with a small, messily packed suitcase and grabbed his coat from the rack in the corner of the study.
He nodded to let me know he was ready and grabbed my shoulder as I touched two fingers to my forehead. He knew the drill.
When we arrived, Gohan was pacing in his living room, the phone still in his hand.
In a few quick strides, he reached us. "Grandpa!"
Ox King pulled Gohan in for a tight bear hug and held him.
I took the chance to go find Goten.
I followed his energy to the edge of Gohan's property. He sat trembling on a bench, his chin rested in his hand and his elbow braced on his knee.
I knelt in front of him and brushed away the tears coating his cheeks. He didn't seem to have noticed me because his eyes flew wide open at my touch and met mine for just a moment before staring down at his other hand clenched in his lap.
I blew out a breath. "Goten, I–"
"I was really mad at first when I woke up. But Gohan told me that you only did it to keep me safe."
I nodded. "Your brother is absolutely right. Goten, I almost lost you once. I wasn't going to lose you again. And if Black killed you there in the future, that would be… it. You couldn't be wished back. We'd never see you again."
Goten looked like that was news to him, his eyes a little bit wide. "Really? The Dragon Balls are gone in that time?"
"Yes. They are."
He frowned down at the ground quietly for quite a while until he whispered, "It's only been a day but… I miss her, Dad."
I closed my eyes for a moment and blew out a breath. "I do, too, Goten. I do, too."
He dove into me and pressed his little body into my chest and I wrapped my arms around him. Holding Goten, I stood up and headed inside.
Ox King got up from his seat on the couch next to Gohan and walked up to us. "Goten…"
He twisted around in my arms, but kept his grip on my gi top, and whispered, "Hi, Grandpa."
"Hey, champ."
Ox King leveled his gaze on me. "Goku… tell me exactly what happened and who… I need to know who took her from us."
He pressed me for every last detail – the others listening intently as I explained to him what I knew of Black's and Zamasu's history, their motivations, and everything that led up to her death. Disgust quickly gave way to anger; anger to hatred and finally tears when I when I told them about how she saved Goten at the very last second before Black took her life.
When I reached the battle, my family knew I showed her killers no mercy. It was the closure they needed. Closure I needed.
We never, ever wanted to hear their names again.
Goten trembled in my arms and let out a soft, hiccupping sob.
Ox King reached out and rubbed his back but looked at me, concern in his eyes. "You… you look exhausted, son. The day is still young. Why don't you get some rest first?"
I shook my head as I stood straight. "I have more than enough energy to get us to New Planet Namek and back. I'll be fine."
I had kept her waiting more than enough. Besides, there would be time for sleep later.
I touched two fingers to my forehead and waited for everyone to grab on.
Gohan held his arms out for Goten and pointedly looked me up and down.
I glanced down at myself.
A strip of fabric over my shoulder a couple inches wide was all that kept it on – what little there was left soaked in blood, sweat, and caked with mud and pulverized concrete.
I patted Goten's back to get his attention. "Hey, buddy. I need to go get cleaned up but it'll only be a few minutes until I get back. And then we can go get your mother back."
He lifted his tear-streaked face off my chest and nodded as he reached for his brother.
Once down the hall, stepped into our bedroom and grabbed a fresh gi I kept there and into the bathroom. I pulled off what was left of my gi and that tiny piece of yellow fabric fluttered to the floor. I picked it up, the little bit of fabric finally falling apart in my fingers, yellow fibers drifting to the floor.
As singed as it was, I was surprised it had lasted through the battle.
Like I had with Goten's gi the night before, I vaporized the bloody, dirty rags with a little energy. Tapping into my power even just for that revealed how little I really had. The Evil Containment Wave that trapped him and all that practice the day before took a lot more out of me than I thought.
I ran the shower and stepped into the hot water, letting it work out the aches and soothe my pounding head and started scrubbing, the sudsy water running red-brown.
None of that held a candle to what I felt inside.
I missed her smile. Her eyes. Her laugh. Her temper. Her smell. The feel of her hair when she let it down only for me. The sound of her voice and how she hummed when she was happy. The warmth of her energy. I missed everything about her.
And it hurt.
I had experienced every bone in my body broken – even the pain of death when I died with Raditz. I knew what pain was. Pain wasn't anything new to me – at least not the physical kind.
In that awful moment, my heart was shattered, a part of it going with her. That pain… the sheer power of that feeling was so different. And… worse.
It was a crushing, constricting weight that made even breathing difficult. A pain so intense it really was physical. So that was what they called a broken heart.
And only one thing would fix it. Only one thing would make me whole again. It was time to get her back.
I turned off the water and stepped out. Raising what was left of my energy, the heat I put off dried me quickly and I pulled on the fresh, clean gi as well as my boots.
My senses guided me outside where everyone waited in Gohan's garden.
Flowers. That sounded like a good idea.
Goten ran up to me, grinning excitedly and a little teary. "Can we go pick some flowers for Mom?"
I nodded down at him, smiling, too. "You read my mind, champ."
He jumped into the air, hovering a little above us. "Then let's go!"
I lifted into the air, too. "Do you know where to find your mother's favorite flowers?"
Gohan lifted into the air and handed Goten some huge red roses. "Add these to the bunch."
Goten grinned wider. "Hey, yeah! Mom likes roses!" He looked at me. "Let's go, Dad!"
Gohan landed and shouted up to us, "I'll be here when you get back!"
Goten and I nodded and rocketed away.
Goten kicked in Super Saiyan. "Last one there is a rotten egg!"
I laughed and that felt good. I jumped into Super Saiyan and easily caught up with him.
Moving as fast as we were, the flight to our mountain only took a few minutes and then the wildflower field came into view – as did some of the damage to the forest from the short battle and I rubbed a hand over my chest.
"I see the flowers, Dad!"
My attention snapped to Goten who had just landed in the middle of the field and I followed him down.
We set to work picking all kinds of flowers. She really liked all the different colors but there was a particular kind of bright yellow one she seemed to really like, sometimes gently running her fingers over their delicate petals when I brought them home to her. She didn't touch the others quite like that.
There were more of her favorite yellow ones growing than any other. After Goten and I picked good-sized handfuls, we combined them into one big bunch. We had dark red roses from Gohan's garden, her favorite yellow ones, plus a lot of pink, purple, and blue flowers of all kinds of shapes and sizes and smells – smells that were a little overwhelming to my nose when all together like that.
I sneezed and Goten giggled.
I handed the bunch to him. "Think this is enough, Goten?"
He nodded, grinning. "I think Mom'll like these a lot!"
"I think she will, too. Let's go back to Gohan's."
"We all go get Mom together, right Dad?"
I rubbed his head, smiling at him. "Of course, Goten."
Keeping my hand on his head as he carefully held onto the flowers, I touched two fingers to my forehead and made the jump to Gohan and the others.
Ox King, Videl with Pan in her arms, Gohan, and Goten all linked hands and Goten grabbed mine.
"We have one stop we need to make before we can go to New Namek. We need to see Bulma."
Locking onto Bulma's energy, we found her in the lab with the time machine and hunched over a computer attached to it by long cables and Vegeta watching her from a corner.
I explained what we needed. After a few minutes of searching, she handed me the radar and gave me a hug with a tearful, "Good luck, Goku."
"Thanks, Bulma."
With that, I stuck the radar in my pocket and concentrated on Elder Moori's ki. We were on New Namek in an instant and just outside a large dwelling.
Elder Moori walked out and smiled in surprise at our small group. "Ah! Goku! And family! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here on this fine day?"
I glanced at our group and back at him. "Someone very special was… taken from us just yesterday and we'd like to use your Dragon Balls to bring her back since Shenron can't do it."
"Of course, Goku! Anything you need. However, you know it'll take some time to gather the Dragon Balls."
I smiled. "Thanks, Elder Moori." And held up the radar. "No, it won't."
I clicked the button and it came to life with a beep, seven blips scattered all over the planet blinking on the screen and everyone who could fly took off to search.
The Namekians helped look, too. Elder Moori explained that word travelled quickly thanks to the telepathy of their kind.
About five hours after we arrived, all seven Dragon Balls were pulsating with light on the ground at Elder Moori's feet in the middle of their village square and ready to be used.
I had almost forgotten how big the Namekian Dragon Balls were.
Elder Moori walked around the circle and up to us, his face serious. "Are you ready, Son Goku?"
My boys and I exchanged hopeful smiles and all nodded our heads.
Elder Moori nodded once and turned to the Dragon Balls. He extended his hands out over them and summoned Porunga in his native language.
Just like on Earth, the sky went dark as night and loud clashes of thunder and dazzling flashes of lightning tore through the sky as one particularly large bolt struck the Dragon Balls and surged high up into the air. What started as a massive, thick bolt lightning attached to the Dragon Balls quickly took the shape of Porunga himself – a dragon even larger than Shenron.
His deep, ancient voice reverberated through the ground and into my very bones. Goten cringed and scooted behind my leg. I put my hand on his head. He had nothing to be afraid of. Pan cried and her parents comforted her.
Elder Moori turned to us. "Porunga will only grant wishes spoken in the Namekian tongue. Tell me each of your wishes and I will translate."
I nodded and glanced at Gohan. "Please restore our home to how it was before Black destroyed it."
He nodded once and looked up at Porunga and repeated our wish in the Namekian language.
Porunga's eyes glowed red for several moments. "It is done. Your home has been restored."
The boys and I exchanged looks. She would need a place to return to when it was time to wish her back.
Elder Moori looked to me for the second wish.
"Please do the same for the surrounding forest."
Like before, his eyes glowed red once again. "It is done. The forest has been made pristine."
I wanted to wipe all traces of Black from our home and mountain, but didn't think I'd have the words to do that if I had asked for her back first.
But, it was finally time.
"You have one last wish remaining."
I took a deep breath as Gohan's hand gripped my shoulder tight. "Please revive my wife, Son Chichi."
Again, Elder Moori translated.
Porunga's eyes glowed red. "Son Chichi has been revived at the place of her death."
Goten cheered and Gohan laughed.
Tears gathered in my eyes. "Thank you, Porunga!"
He understood that and nodded once. I could have sworn he even smiled at me.
"I have fulfilled your wishes. Until we meet again."
His shape melted into that thick, blindingly bright lightning bolt and it vanished as the Dragon Balls rose up into the sky and shot away in seven different directions.
She was back. She was at home waiting for us.
I looked at Elder Moori and at the small crowd of Namekians. "Thank you."
Elder Moori smiled at me. "I am happy to help, Son Goku."
I looked down at Goten and returned his bright smile. "Ready to go home, buddy?"
He cheered again. "Yeah!"
I touched two fingers to my forehead and locked onto her warm energy, taking just a moment to let her essence wash over me. She was at first disoriented and then overjoyed. I smiled.
I glanced over both my shoulders to make sure everyone was connected. Gohan had his hand on my shoulder and his other arm around Videl's shoulders, baby Pan in her arms. Ox King's giant hand was on my other shoulder and Goten was attached to my leg.
I knew exactly where I was before I opened my eyes, the smells hitting me first. No acrid bite to the air from ki blasts. No burning smells. No smoke. Only the fresh smells of the forest and healthy trees. And the smell of a fire burning in our fireplace.
The familiar creak of our front door and I turned around to see her standing there, smiling up at me, and that missing piece fell into place, leaving my heart ready to burst.
Goten reached her first with a loud squeal of "MOMMY!" and knocked her to the ground with a resounding thud. She laughed and laughed.
I chuckled.
Gohan got to her next and pulled her to her feet and hugged her tight.
Ox King walked up to her and lifted all three of them off their feet in a huge bear hug and she giggled again.
Videl went forward and hugged her as well. Baby Pan didn't really understand just what was going on, but she was happy to see her grandma and dove into her arms. Chichi giggled and kissed her before passing Pan back to Videl and Ox King took everyone inside our house and shut the door.
And then it was just her and me.
I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to her and scooped her up, lifting her off her feet. She laughed and so did I. Until my laughter caught in my throat when I breathed her in with my nose buried deep in her shoulder, my eyes burning.
I pulled my head back just enough to press my trembling lips to hers for several long seconds as tears escaped and rolled down my cheeks. Her arms tightened around me, squeezing me together.
When our kiss was over, I looked into her dark, teary eyes sparkling an inch from mine. "I missed you so much. I love you, Chichi."
She smiled gently and brushed the back of her small hand across my cheeks, wiping away my tears. "Oh, my sweet Goku. I love you, too."
Her smile. The kind of smile she wore only when we were alone together. I couldn't get enough of it. Her sparkling, teary eyes as she brushed her nose against mine. The feel of her soft skin. The slight flush in her cheeks when I kissed her again. Her smell when I buried my nose in her hair. Taking my time, I soaked in every single one of those little things that made Chichi… Chichi.
Everyone chatted happily and turned their smiling faces on us as we walked in, hand in hand.
Ox King's eyes darted from our faces to our joined hands and back to our faces, his smile wide. "I took the liberty of getting going on dinner, Chichi. Hope you don't mind. Now, why don't you and Goku sit down and relax."
Chichi gasped, her hand loosening in mine. "Papa! That's a huge amount to cook alone! Let me help!"
My hand tightened around hers.
All that talk of food made my stomach unleash a loud roar as I realized just how little I ate after Chichi was… taken from us. Everyone was silent and then burst out laughing – Chichi's laugh ringing the clearest over everyone. I rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand as a little bit of heat spread across my cheeks.
When the laughter died down, Ox King pointed to the couch. "Now, sit! Let me cook for us."
She smiled back. "Thank you, Papa."
Room was made for us on our sofa, the boys moving to the floor. We sat down and I put an arm around her shoulders as Goten jumped into her lap and Gohan smiled up at her.
Goten nuzzled into her. "I love you, Mom."
She smiled, her arms wrapping around Goten. "I love you, too."
Gohan scooted closer to her. "Welcome back, Mom. We missed you a lot."
She reached out and put her hand to Gohan's cheek. "I missed my boys so much."
We laughed, we talked, and ate every bit of the massive, delicious smorgasbord Ox King cooked for us and then cleaned up and laughed and talked some more well into the night. Eventually, Gohan took his family home.
As Gohan and his family walked out the door, Ox King decided to leave next.
I leaned forward on the couch, about to get up. "Need a lift, Ox King?"
He shook his head as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a capsule. "I'm fine, Goku, but thank you. I have my car right here."
I nodded and smiled.
Chichi waved. "Bye, Papa. Drive safe."
He waved back to her. "I'll be fine, my dear."
With that, he stepped out the door.
Goten had drifted off for the night in Chichi's lap and was out cold. Seeing Goten like that, I yawned widely – suddenly realizing just how worn out I was.
Chichi looked at me and gasped as her hand went to my cheek. "Oh, Goku! You look absolutely exhausted – more tired than you did even after the fight with Majin Buu. Did you get any sleep at all?"
I smiled and reached up to put my hand on hers. "Don't worry about me, Chi. I'm just fine."
I really was since she was back.
She didn't look like she bought it but her pretty face softened into a tender smile – but I didn't miss the slight arch of her left eyebrow. "Let me tidy up and then let's go to bed."
I chuckled quietly. "Okay."
Her smile widened and I helped her up from her seat with Goten in her arms and we went down the hall. She put him in his bed and he never even stirred as Chichi pulled the covers over him.
Once Goten was settled, Chichi went about her normal evening routine humming softly and fluffing the sofa cushions, wiping down the counters, sweeping the floor, all the usual stuff while I leaned against the kitchen doorframe. Like nothing had ever changed. Like she hadn't been… gone… just hours before.
She opened the kitchen window, the cool breeze blowing in the smells of our quiet mountain.
At least it was quiet.
I had always thought she'd be safe there. I took it for granted that she would be. But then she wasn't. My worst fear became reality when one of my enemies found my family. I had a lot of nightmares before of my enemies finding her and killing her and Gohan and Goten. And then it actually happened. For the first time, an enemy singled out my family.
She touched my arm as she walked by me and headed down the hall. I followed after her. I closed our bedroom door behind me and sat down at the foot of our bed. She changed into a light purple nightgown and ran her brush through her hair.
She walked up to me, smiling lovingly.
I reached up and ran my fingers through her beautiful dark hair and she leaned down and kissed me, that one deep and lingering.
She sat down on my lap and nuzzled her face into my shoulder with a small sigh – her breath tickling the crook of my neck – and I wrapped my arms around her.
I missed her so much those seven years I spent in Other World – time that flew by for me. I didn't even know seven years passed on Earth until King Kai told me. And then things were reversed for over twenty-four hours.
Twenty-four long, painful hours.
If hours hurt that badly…
I pressed my lips into her temple, my eyes burning again. "I'm… so sorry for making you live without me for seven whole years. I can't do this life without you, Chichi. I love you."
She pulled back but didn't say anything, instead pressing her lips to mine, her thumb brushing over my cheek to catch the tear rolling down it.
I was relieved I didn't have to try.
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cressasdbfanfics · 7 years
His Worst Fear
Here is part I of a requested 4-chapter fic I just finished. Story will get updated every Tuesday. 
Blurb: Goku Black discovers how rage affects a Saiyan's power and works to push Son Goku to his limit, making Goku's worst nightmare reality.
Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12453430/1/His-Worst-Fear
Archive of Our Own: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10665318/chapters/23605779
Part I:
The seven Super Dragon Balls belonging to an alternate timeline floated in the emptiness of space before me. The time had come to summon the mightiest of the Eternal Dragons.
I chanted in the sacred language of the Kai, "Come forth, Dragon of the Gods, and grant my wish pretty peas!"
In a great flash of light, the Eternal Dragon of the gods took form.
Also using our tongue, he demanded, "State your wish."
I smiled. "Please exchange Son Goku's body with mine!"
A brilliant light consumed me, warmth spreading through from my head to my extremeties, and then faded soon after, the warmth disappearing as well. When the light faded, hair black as night dropped into my eyes.
"It is done."
I touched my new face, tracing the strong, angular features and brushing my raven-black bangs out of my eyes. I smiled, delighting in the sheer power coursing through my veins.
The next step was to ensure the wish could never be undone.
I closed my eyes, focusing on the energy I sought and opened them a moment later under a bright, warm sun, the smells of the lovely green grass and of a nearby forest flooding my sensitive nose.
It was beautiful – or would be once cleansed of all humanity.
"G-Goku!? Is that… really you!? Why did this happen!?"
I winced at the female human's screechy voice, resisting the urge to clap my hands over my ears, learning my eyesight and olfaction weren't the only senses more acute in my new body.
"I don't know! But it's me, Chichi! I swear! It's me!"
I walked toward them. "You are now only Goku in heart to be exact."
It was… a little bit odd to see myself staring at me, the awareness of a mortal looking out through my eyes, but I shoved the thought aside. I held my hand out in front of me, enveloping it in energy and he grabbed his mate and the small human that bore quite a resemblance to my new body and pulled them both behind him, his eyes wide.
He didn't stand a chance against me. I knew that body's capabilities – I was strong for a Kai, but that was only a fraction compared to my new power – and he was aware of that fact.
I lunged and – amazed by my newfound speed – shoved my hand straight through him, his death near instant, life leaving his wide eyes, and he fell limp to the ground as the female human screamed his name.
Smirking, I lifted my gaze to his mate and child. She grabbed the small human and ran. I lunged for them. She tried to shield him and I almost laughed at her futile attempt as I annihilated them, leaving nothing left.
I left that world, that timeline, to its fate – knowing there would be no one to defend it against the wrath of the God of Destruction when he chose to show – and demanded the Time Ring take me to an alternate timeline. One I intended to cleanse.
The one I chose to enact my plan would be the easiest to purge for the simple reason that entities from many years back destroyed many humans already. The signs of the destruction around the globe present in abandoned villages with crumbling buildings and overgrown with weeds and the mass burial plots scattered around the land all indicated by single large headstones adorned with only numbers denoting the humans buried under it and several small shrines.
Continuing my lap around the Earth, it truly was a beautiful planet. Pristine forest, majestic mountain ranges, and green, rolling hills covered in patches of vibrant wildflowers gave way to the deep blue ocean, the pleasant, briny smell reaching my sensitive nose. If left in the care of man, the planet would surely die – one of many reasons my path was righteous.
After admiring nature untainted by the filth of humans, I began my mission. Razing each city went smoothly. The humans quickly began to fight back, but their feeble weaponry was no match for my vast power.
Several cities in, I met a slight hiccup in my plan. A small energy blast took me by surprise, striking my chest and exploding. When the air cleared, a lavender-haired human stood before me.
He took a confident step toward me. "Odd. You look just like someone I've heard many stories about and yet–" he glanced at the pile of rubble around him "–you couldn't be him. He'd never do this."
I smirked. "Ah! So you know of me. I am Son Goku."
He returned my smirk. "I don't buy that for a second."
In an explosion of brilliant golden energy, he lunged at me with unexpected, amazing speed and managed to land a right hook, bruising my cheekbone but I was ready for his follow-through – his right elbow aimed for my nose – and knocked his elbow wide with little effort, creating an opening, countering with my own attack – a jab to his face – which connected, sending him flying but he recovered. He charged me, his blows flying fast enough that his speed would have been challenging in my old body but not in my new one. His was a speed unattainable by humans.
I dodged, blocked, and countered each of the Saiyan's blows with ease. He was frustrated, but I was bored by our skirmish. I had work to do. I sent him smashing into a building with a hard blow to his stomach – feeling his ribs give way under the hit – and then fired a blast to finish him off.
Who was he to stand up to a deity? It was no matter. He merely met his fate a few moments sooner than the rest of the humans in that city.
Destroying that city was as easy as the rest and I moved on. It became clear to me that each city was no different, all wretched places full of yelling, bad-tempered mortals undeserving of the gift of life. With each city, my plan was more and more justified. I had a lot of work ahead of me but someone had to do it since it was clear the other Kais had no interest in righting their mistake.
On the longer flights between distant cities, my mind wandered back to one particular fight, recalling the power he used, the thrill of trading blows. He was the first mortal to display any kind of power. I almost regretted killing him.
My arms crossed, my flight halted a distance above a smattering of sparsely populated tropical islands and the blue-green water that surrounded them. His life was every bit as meaningless, even displaying a familiar dose of arrogance tied to his heritage. Mortals of any breed were all the same in their barbaric tendencies. Mortals with the power to stand up to deities deserved death more than any other.
I shook myself of my preposterous regret and continued toward a new target. Cities first. Then time to annihilate those with the mistaken assumption they were safe in their small, remote towns.
City after city met their ends, the thick black smoke billowing high into the atmosphere. With the first cities I destroyed still burning, smoke soon blanketed much of the region. Unsightly as it was, it was necessary. The burning wouldn't last forever. Once that ceased, the planet would heal and my utopia would finally come to fruition.
While performing my self-assigned task, one thought sat in the back of my mind, ever-present: the fight.
A few lunar cycles had gone by before I made a startling yet delightful discovery: He was alive and he challenged me again and again. Each time, my victory was effortless. That mortal wasn't Son Goku. He didn't possess the power of the gods. He was no match for me. Yet – surprising myself – I anticipated our matches.
Over time, I observed a shift in his behavior. The fights were less and less about defeating me and more and more about trying to draw me away from something. He carefully masked his energy with every defeat, disappearing into the rubble. With the acrid stench of fire burning everything around, his smell was overpowered. I couldn't sense him. My eyes lost him as he slipped – wounded – into the shadows.
I snarled softly in irritation as I landed. A flash of movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention and my head snapped around. A flicker of a shadow. The quiet sound of a latch engaging – almost drowned out by the crackling of nearby fire.
Walking toward the sound, it didn't take long to find a recessed door well disguised by rubble.
I had him.
Probing within with my senses, I found him. His power masked but detectable by his close proximity. Then, another life-force caught my attention, that one unmistakably human.
I blew in the door and a large section of the wall with a blast and darted inside through the smoke, catching the two hidden within by surprise. Dazed as they were, there was nothing they could do to stop me. I pulled the female mortal up out of the rubble covering the floor by her collar.
Trunks settled into a ready stance, his power rising. "Mother!"
The blue-haired mortal shook her head. "No, Trunks! Go! Find hope! I love you!"
'Find hope?'
Odd last words.
No matter.
Smirking down at the mortal named Trunks, a mere fraction of my strength crackled down my arm, and I released it, vaporizing the woman in seconds and destroyed the last remnants of their hiding place.
Trunks slipped away from me in the fire and smoke – no doubt masking his energy. Wisps of energy flowed out of me, snaking into every crevice. With my eyes closed, I detected a small but bright spark of human life. It blazed like the sun in the barren wasteland I created.
It wasn't Trunks', but it would do. I had sensed that particular energy with him before. Wherever I found that bit of human energy, Trunks was never far away. Lifting into the air, I flew the few hundred yards to that energy and stopped. He was in the shadows with the dark haired girl I had seen him with before.
She darted out in the open from her hiding place and sought cover behind a large chunk of rubble. She fired her weak weapon again and again, the tiny projectiles streaking toward me all too easy to dodge, her face twisted into an unsightly expression of irritation – irritation that quickly turned to fear when I fired on her. She had no hope of dodging my blast and she was well aware.
The impressive explosion engulfed her and her lifeless body soared through the air several yards before landing with a thud, her energy extinguished.
She was dead.
I smirked down at Trunks bent over her body, shaking.
"You'll be with the girl soon. Humans deserve death. In death, they will finally atone for their sins and so will you. Today is the day you die!"
Trunks threw his head back and screamed in rage. He kicked into the air straight for me in a blast of energy, the familiar golden aura engulfing him, his face contorted in an ugly display of pain and fury, his power climbing at a rate faster than ever, and then higher than ever, his speed incredible. For the first time in a long time, he managed to land a blow straight to my solar plexus and I flew back.
My stunned lungs refused to work – refused to follow the subconscious reflex of their kind to breathe, my heart pounding in my chest. Seconds later, breathing returned, and I countered, delighting in his newfound power and in the little burst of energy I gained as my body recovered from that blow.
He got lucky. My speed remained unmatched and I countered, landing my own fist in his stomach, feeling as well as hearing several ribs crack under the pressure. Power surge or not, he wouldn't live to see another day. His death was imminent.
I wouldn't let him go right then. Relief in death was far more than that arrogant mortal deserved. I needed him to suffer – to break him – and then I would let him die.
Slamming punch after punch into his gut, his power dropped, the aura dissipating. His hair fell back into his normal shade of lavender. He was barely conscious. One more blast would be enough to finish him.
No more Trunks meant no more fights.
The blast charged in my hand, I hesitated a second too long because he had just enough energy to fire one last blast in my face, sending me careening away.
I recovered in the air and landed, blinking away the floaters obstructing my sight.
He was gone. I knew it before I got there. His energy was gone but there was no body. He was alive and he slipped away yet again.
I sought to finish him off, trying to find him but failed even with my senses as sharp as they were. He was alive. I hadn't killed him. It would take more than that to finish him. I concentrated, trying to find him but to no avail. Then, the noise of roaring engines from behind me and I spun around to see a craft piloted by the purple-haired mortal rising into the blackened sky.
I fired a blast at the craft hovering low in the air but in a flash of light, it vanished. I glared at the spot and did a sweep with my senses again but he was well and truly gone. There was no trace of his energy. He wasn't merely masking his energy in hiding. He wasn't on the planet at all.
A pulsating light on my hand caught my attention. The Time Ring. That pulsating became a single thin beam connecting me to the spot he vanished in. He wasn't just running. The ring behaved like he ran to a different time, reacting to the unnatural disturbance his time-traveling craft created.
A thunder-like crackle and a rip in the sky appeared before me, the thin beam of light disappearing into the center.
Letting my ring guide me straight to him, I was pulled into the tear. When I opened my eyes, I looked out over the familiar dome shaped buildings from where I hovered high in the air, those iterations unharmed. No matter. I could fix that.
I noted the presence of my counterpart, Vegeta, and the God of Destruction with his attendant, but decided I would deal with them later.
The purple-haired pest was first.
He flew up to me, glaring. "Black! What are you doing here!?"
"I came here the same way you did, through the same tear in time. I'm here because of you. I'm here because you called me here – however inadvertently."
Trunks summoned his power with a yell and attacked, but in his weakened state, he did not pose much of a challenge and I knocked him down with a swift blow to his stomach.
My counterpart was next. As our fight progressed, we revealed more and more of our power to one another – until his power went to a level that outmatched Trunks'.
His Super Saiyan transformation offered a tremendous boost of speed and strength. For the first time since taking Son Goku's body as my own, I met my match. I strived for victory, pushing myself to the limits of my formidable power but to no avail. The growing frustration of realizing he was stronger than me.
Then the growing thrill.
I shook myself of that thought, struggling to hold my eventual, inevitable defeat at bay.
That was ridiculous. Mortals were never supposed to be stronger than deities. Yet, Son Goku was. I should have been disgusted. Some part of me was. Another part of me… the dominant part of me was… electrified.
In our fight, I felt more alive, more thrilled than I have at any other time of my life. Killing Son Goku with my own hands would have been a great step toward my ultimate goal of utopia. Fighting Son Goku was the ultimate test of my strength.
I blocked Goku's kick but my whole body was yanked backwards and out of range, giving me no chance to retaliate. I glanced behind me, our fight halting. The tear in time created by Trunks was mending itself and required me to return to my world. I didn't have a choice. His defeat would have to wait for another day.
Trunks and Son Goku stared in shock at a point on the ground. The time travelling craft was on its side, narrowly missed by a blast. I destroyed it and then was yanked into the tear.
When the rip in time deposited me in the atmosphere of my world, I dropped out of the sky and landed on my feet, loose gravel crunching under my shoes. My heart was pounding but not from exertion. I was… elated. In that elation was a drive to push myself to new heights. In my counterpart, I found my challenge, anticipating our next match and his defeat.
Leveling other human population hubs upon my return accomplished my two goals at first, but very soon grew insufficient for the more intense training my body craved.
With a yell, I summoned my power in the middle of the smoking rubble of another destroyed city, blowing it away completely as my massive power exploded around me, blowing out a massive crater. My energy crackled around me and through every inch of my being – formidable but not enough to defeat Son Goku.
I shifted through martial arts forms I observed him using, the movements suiting my body perfectly and melded them into my own forms learned through my extensive training on the sacred world of the Kais. I delighted in my progress – in the increase in my power in just that brief time.
Snarling at the interruption, I whirled on him.
Zamasu raised an eyebrow. "Stay focused on the objective, Black. Stay focused on bringing justice to the world."
"I am focused!"
He shook his head. "You've been slacking. I've been observing you from afar. You've been back in this time two full days and have only destroyed a few cities."
"Destroying Son Goku will bring justice to the world!"
"You are correct. But you mustn't forget about the rest of the vermin. I observed Trunks leave on a craft and that your Time Ring reacted to that craft's whereabouts. That was a time-traveling craft then, was it not?"
I nodded once. "It was but I destroyed it while in the past moments before the tear in time repaired itself."
He raised an eyebrow. "Saiyans are a stubborn, battle hungry lot, never backing down from a challenge. They will find a way to return. Until he arrives here, focus on ridding this time of those blasphemous pests."
My eyebrow twitched and I crossed my arms, recalling the interruption of my training. "Fine. I'll destroy cities until Son Goku arrives at our time. But I wont move until you spar with me."
Zamasu's lip curled in mild disgust. "Careful, Black. You're behaving no better than those mortals. And remember, Son Goku is mine to destroy when it comes time to." He sighed, his expression relaxing. "But fine. I will fight you."
After staring in equal portions disgust and ravenous hunger at the mountain of food covering the entire table and my own very full plate for several moments, I ate almost everything in sight, silencing my roaring stomach. I had to admit, the food was quite delicious. Food prepared by a fellow deity was far and away superior to anything I had consumed thus far.
Several plates later, I was uncomfortably full, having eaten a great deal more than I ever had in that form, every serving dish on our overcrowded table wiped clean. I anticipated having that body's vast reservoir of power at my disposal. I was unprepared for the amount of sustenance that power required – the amount only increasing proportional to my energy output.
Zamasu took my last plate from me, his small smile amused. "My, aren't you quite the gluttonous mortal."
Despite his comment being in jest, I narrowed my eyes at him in warning.
His smile only grew.
After eating, an itch to train gnawed at the back of my mind. I stood up from my seat at our outdoor dining table, vaulted over the deck railing of our cabin over looking the forest, and floated in the cool early morning air, drifting backwards. Once a good distance, I summoned my power and released my newly acquired transformation, and – engulfed by my beautiful rose pink aura – worked through several forms, melding Son Goku's style with my own.
After clearing the table, Zamasu stood on the deck, observing me in silence.
I stuck my hand out toward him, palm up, and twitched my fingers in a brief gesture to join me. He obliged and gave me the fight I needed to sate my newly awakened thirst for battle. Fighting Zamasu held the worst of the yearning at bay, but not all of it, for my ultimate prize would be the defeat of Son Goku by my hands.
Whenever he decided to come to me, I would end him.
I occupied my time destroying cities, but it was hardly satisfying since my thirst for intense battle had been awakened.
I charged a large blast, leveling most of a sprawling, ugly metropolis in one fell swoop when I sensed a surge of energy off in the distance.
It had been only a couple days' time. Not a long wait by any means. It was time to test my new transformation against Son Goku.
However, Vegeta was the first to engage me in battle, rage burning in his eyes because I had killed the future incarnation of his wife and critically injured his son. I warned him to learn his place as a lowly mortal. In his refusal, he earned himself impaled by my mighty Split Cut technique. Despite the fact he wielded the power of the gods, he was all too easily defeated and left for dead.
As Vegeta fell from the sky, Son Goku charged me after nodding at Trunks to tend to Vegeta.
Even Son Goku's own usage of the ki of the gods proved inferior to the might of my recently attained Super Saiyan transformation. Not even the combined efforts of Son Goku and Trunks were a challenge. All three met their defeats by my hand and fled to their time.
It was only the next day when an energy surged in the distance and a great pillar of light shot into the smoke-darkened sky – a brief but obvious signal. Son Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks had returned.
Moments later, I touched down on the roof of a crumbling tower, smirking down at them.
Vegeta charged me as his power exploded into Super Saiyan Blue, rage burning in his eyes yet again. "I WILL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME!"
He was knocked down again and I laughed. "Bruised your pride, have I?"
He roared, firing blast after blast, using the explosions as cover to get in close, but I gave him no openings, knocking him out to the ground once again with a blow to his stomach – one so hard his power fluctuated, nearly losing control of his transformation.
Son Goku and Trunks rushed to his assistance but I would not give them that chance. It was time I finished off Vegeta.
Using one of Son Goku's choice techniques, I landed on a high rooftop and settled into a stance. I cupped my hands together at my side until a brilliant, warm light bathed the area, and Zamasu descended from the clouds, making quite the entrance for the sake of the mortals. I allowed the energy to slip away harmlessly as he joined me on my lofty perch.
Son Goku glared up at us. "Zamasu!"
Zamasu smiled down at them. "Yes. It is I. I will bring you to your ultimate destruction."
Son Goku's glare gave way to a cocky smile. "You can try." His expression darkened again. "Before we get started, there is something I want to know. Tell me… how did you get my body?"
I smiled. "A wish on the Dragon Balls of the gods."
He raised an eyebrow. "You made a copy of me?"
I laughed. "No." I put my hand to my chest. "This is the real Son Goku. It's your body, but the soul that resides within this body is that of Zamasu."
Son Goku crossed his arms. "Clearly, you made a wish to have my body. How?"
I gritted my teeth at his insolent tone, but gave him the answer he desired. "In another time, I wished for my body and yours to be switched."
I let out a bitter, humorless laugh. "Don't you see, Son Goku? I was the one that shamefully lost to you, a mere mortal. I needed more power so I abandoned my old body for yours and the power you possess." I prepared to blast into the air. "Now, prepare to pay for your insolence, mortal!"
A brief touch on my arm stopped me.
I glanced at Zamasu and he shook his head.
Son Goku's frown deepened. "Then… what happened to the me in that time after you stole my body?"
I cracked a smile and held out my left hand. "I killed you with this very hand."
He uncrossed his arms and clenched his fists at his sides. "What time are you from, Zamasu? And Lord Beerus killed you. I saw it. So why aren't you dead?"
Zamasu placed a hand on his chest. "I am of this time. Trunks' time. Or what you call the Future. I arrived here after Black came to me and killed Gowasu. Before coming here, we destroyed every single one of the Kais – including Gowasu of Black's time – to make them pay for their folly and to assume the role of Supreme Kai for ourselves. All of this is made possible by our Time Rings – which prevent us from being affected by anything done to other iterations. All of this is necessary to bring about our paradise."
I nodded to my counterpart. "Shall we, Zamasu?"
He sneered. "Certainly."
With that, we each charged large blasts and launched them at the mortals, beginning the fight. Goku charged, engaging Zamasu with a pointblank energy blast, his head badly damaged. I was unconcerned. Zamasu's immortality meant he healed in moments, Son Goku snarling in frustration.
He'd pay dearly for his attempt to kill a deity. Using one of his techniques, I translocated behind him, catching him by complete surprise, flipping up kicking him down, and he landed hard by his friends.
Vegeta glared up at us, shifting a foot forward, ready to fight. "What paradise is that?"
Zamasu smiled down at him. "One without mortals. None deserve the beautiful gift of life we have bestowed. They're all the same – barbaric, and evil. But none are as awful as humans. Humans must face a heavy penalty before they are driven to extinction. We brought about despair and fear the likes of which they have never experienced. They will never be able to rise again."
I grinned. "The Zero Mortals Plan."
Vegeta smiled humorlessly. "What a dramatic name. All you want to do is massacre mortals."
I nodded. "Yes. And we've killed countless thousands on this world alone – not to mention the others."
The sound of a foot shifting against the roofing and Zamasu said, "And now it's time to erase humanity for breaking the taboo of time travel and the unending violence in wars and in the streets."
The three of them explode into their mightiest transformations with angry roars, charging us as one, resulting in a chaotic exchange of hits from fists, feet, knees, and elbows as the three of them strived to defeat us, but at every turn, they were out-matched, out-paced, and easily overpowered but still we toyed with them.
Toying with them, my mind began to drift, pulling up images of Trunks in his rage when I nearly killed that girl and killed his mother.
Vegeta's anger when I took his ego down to where it belonged…
Their horrified yet angry expressions as Zamasu and I divulged our dream…
Their determination to prevent the inevitable demise of the last humans hidden on that world – determination that was driven by a misguided fury…
That dreadful emotion was the root of all of it – one that drove humans to commit unspeakable atrocities against one another.
One that I would use to my advantage.
Firing a great blast on Son Goku, he crossed his arms in front of his face, shielding himself from it, the blast shoving him back in increments of movement. Sending him toward a ruined building and his back met it, his slow backwards movement ceasing and in a last push, he shoved the blast up and out of harm's way.
I gave him no time to move, planting myself inches away from him.
"Aren't you wondering what happened to your family after I took your body and killed you?"
His glare met my smirk, his voice low and hissing between his clenched teeth. "What… did you do… to Chichi and Goten?"
I laughed. "Isn't it obvious?" Charging up my energy blade, I drove it straight through him, pulling a scream out of him, his power fluctuating, his head bowed, and then, leaning in, I whispered directly into his ear, "I killed them as effortlessly as I killed you in my old body. And I'd do it again."
His head snapped up, his teeth bared, his power stabilizing and then growing – even with my blade protruding out his back. His aura flaring up around him, he reached down, and broke the blade as easily as one would snap a twig before throwing his head back in an agonized, furious roar, his power skyrocketing out of control, then moving with alarming speed, landed an uppercut with more power behind it than he had ever used, sending me flying. Despite the gaping wound through his side, his power was stunning, driven to new heights by his fury.
I had my fight, my worthy opponent unleashing his fury in a blitz of powerful hits, and for the first time since attaining my own Super Saiyan transformation… I hurt. And I loved it.
He seemed to find some enjoyment in causing my pain, his eyes hard and cold. Gone was the calm confidence he displayed earlier. In its place was blood-thirst – intense, unadulterated blood-thirst.
He loathed me, channeling that hatred into every single one of his strong hits. Hits that came too fast for me to successfully block – the pain worsening. A fist was driven into my gut with so much force my breath whooshed out, my stunned diaphragm unable to pull air into my lungs, his attack not over yet as fists drove into my back while I was doubled over in the air, sending me crashing to the ground.
Pain that would only push my own power to new heights and it was already working.
He dropped down to stand over me, his face still twisted into a foul display of bloodthirsty loathing, static sparks crackling around him, the first hints of the blast he charged, moments before the familiar glow started down his outstretched hand, the energy gathering into a bright sphere, and then he released it but I was ready, melding my own energy into a protective shield. With his close proximity, the contact – and resulting explosion – was instantaneous.
Despite the smoke hanging stagnant in the air and obstructing my sight, his energy remained hovering before me with his guard down, and I fired a quick blast, delighting in the explosion and pained yell as his energy dropped. I seized the opportunity to charge him, driving my fist straight into his wound and he screamed again as he careened away but I would not let him go, using Instant Transmission to place myself directly above him, flipping down to slam both feet into his stomach, his energy falling.
His momentum forced him through many buildings, and well out of sight – and even just out of sensing range, his energy so low I had a vague sense of life but could not pinpoint his location.
His death was imminent – if I could but find him.
Zamasu joined me in the air – evidently having finished off the others. "Killed him, did you?"
I glanced at him. "Almost." I closed my eyes, extending out tendrils of energy, searching every last nook and cranny in every direction, my complete concentration making my senses far sharper, sharp enough to – "Ah! There he is! Seems you didn't kill the others, either." With that, I touched two fingers to my forehead, grabbed Zamasu's shoulder, and appeared right next to the Time Machine hovering in the air somehow well behind where I had just been.
We couldn't use the Time Rings to get to Son Goku's time. However, there was one other way. The three weak and unconscious energies inside were none the wiser to their stowaways each gripping a leg of the time travelling craft.
While the time machine hovered low in the air a moment, Zamasu and I released our holds and dropped, touching down on the clean grounds of the Capsule Corporation.
A quick sweep of my senses alerted me to a short man with short black hair staring at us, shocked. His energy was inconsequential. Zamasu would take care of him.
I only had minutes in Son Goku's time.
Knowing exactly where he lived, I extended my senses, finding the familiar, weak energies of his mate and youngest child.
I touched two fingers to my forehead and found myself in a small kitchen. A petite woman in a sunshine yellow dress worked at the sink, her back to me.
She turned around, her smile falling into a look of confusion as she eyed me up and down. "Goku…?"
I smiled slyly. "Yes."
She pressed herself into the counter behind her, a suspicious frown on her face.
I took a step toward her and her eyes darted first to one side and then the other, looking for an escape route.
She picked one and darted to my left, but I grabbed her arm and the blood drained from her face.
Light footsteps came into the room and she gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head. I already knew who it was.
I turned and smiled down at the small mortal, his eyebrow raised in a look of vague confusion.
His confusion darkened into a slight frown. "Dad…?"
I shook my head, chuckling slightly. "No, young son of Goku. I am Goku, however I'm not your dear father anymore than I am her husband."
Chichi shuddered in my grip and tried to pull herself free, but I tightened my grasp on her arm and she sucked in a breath.
His frown deepened as he reached toward the little black-haired woman. "Hey… you're hurting her! Why are you hurting her?"
My smile widened. "Oh, I intend to do a lot more than hurt her."
Focused on the little boy, I didn't see the hard kick she aimed at my shin. It actually stung enough to nearly make me drop her arm. I was surprised a weak human woman was capable of such strength.
My eyes narrowed as I turned my attention to her and tightened my hold further, stopping just short of causing damage to the bone. "One more move like that and I'll shatter your arm easier than one would crush an autumn leaf."
Tears sprang to her eyes, her face contorted in pain and fear, her breathing shallow and fast.
Goten's energy exploded as he charged me and landed a surprisingly strong right hook on my cheek, making my head snap to one side. "I don't know who you are, but let go of my mom!"
His powerless mother screamed, "GOTEN! NO! DON'T!"
I twisted to the side, charged my Split Cut technique and struck out intending to impale him but he dodged it… partially. The crackling energy blade sank deep into his side. His energy dropped as he screamed, his hair fading to black and falling to its original shape. His small body hit the floor facedown with a thud.
The woman went hysterical, kicking out, screaming in anguish and anger, punching, fighting harder than ever before with a strength I didn't know she possessed.
I smiled down at her as she fought to get free. "Time to summon Son Goku."
Leveling his home sufficed. I dropped her – allowing her to scramble to the bleeding child – and reduced their small home to a smoking crater as she made it outside with the small, limp boy.
It was time to force Son Goku to the pinnacle of his power.
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