#like feels like an obvious meme format
darks-arts · 26 days
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Personally I think she can really go the extra mile ! Finally a leader we can all listen and depend on.
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AITA for making a post about an adult making a sexual comment under one of my sfw work posts as a minor?
FYI, sorry for any bad spelling, I have really bad dyslexia.
(🐶👀❤️ for future finding)
Cw for sexual comments to a child, online harassment, and mentions of grooming.
Just for context this didn’t happen on tumblr, this all happened on twitter (yes yes the Elon musk rat site that we all hate) and I’m putting this here because I use both twitter and tumblr and I want a second opinion.
here’s the characters before we start
Me, (17 trans masc)
nsfw account (22 they/them)
so recently I posted a tweet that was a fun fact type tweet about a character from a show I like. Along the lines of “this character can play the tuba!”
Then a 18+ account (this will come up later) replied with “he must have a strong mou*gets shot*”
this is a common meme format but it was obviously nsfw in nature. Now don’t get me wrong, I am in a fandom for a more mature show and understand 18+ accounts may engage with me, and not check my bio. But putting a blatantly under a sfw post and not even bothering to check for my age is just- really disgusting. Not to mention this account had replied and liked many of my tweets.
I gave it a few hours to see if they would correct the obvious mistake, cuz sometimes I back track and realize a mistake, correct it and move on.
but nothing, radio silence. So I replied to their comment stating they had made me incredibly uncomfortable and that I was a child, and then made a small post since a few my adult mutuals follow them (for context I have like 100 followers and they have over a thousand)
it wasn’t a “call out post” just a simple “hay this person did something wrong and I’m telling my tiny bubble of people because some of you happened to follow” I wasn’t trying to get anyone canceled basically.
I didn’t put their @ in the post directly, just a screen shot of the inappropriate replay and their profile showing some mutuals follow.
they then quote retweeted me, telling me “I could have just blocked them and moved on, and that this is a 18+ fandom so I shouldn’t even be here” (it’s actually a 16+ show but whatever)
mutable of their followers processed to gang up on me and tell me I was a pathetic and should leave the internet forever, repeating with the person had said in their quote retweet when ever I tried to argue.
I ended up having to full on private my account because I was so triggered (I’m a grooming victim so this whole situation made me feel almost sick)
I know the person fucked up, but was the post not ok? At first it felt like it was warranted but now I’m second-guessing myself and thinking that I might be the one in the wrong. Should I have just done what they wanted and blocked and moved on?
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frankingsteinery · 8 months
been sitting on this for awhile because its a bit controversial, but its one of the main reasons i was pushed into the frankenstein fandom space so i figured it was high time to talk about it
ive noticed that theres this general opinion, both among scholars and present in more fandom-y spaces, that victor is somehow effeminate for what are ultimately symptoms of disability (fainting spells, being bedridden, hysteria, etc) as if being physically or mentally ill is something that is inherently feminine. i have read articles published by academics that victor’s sickness is proof of his “femininity,” which is why he wants to take on the traditional part of a woman, that is, childbirth (via creature)
even in general, and not on an academic level, it emerges in jokes or memes all over the place — people poking at victor for being weak, or sick, or a gay little UWU bean sub, because aw hes fainting all the time XD and he’s sooo dramatic! as if these things were somehow both his choice, and somehow innately feminine
so, not only is there this weird link people are attempting to draw between disability and femininity, but also queerness (particularly, ive noticed, being a “bottom” or “sub” — but thats a whole separate can of worms) and femininity. as if being either of these things is inherently girly or cutesy and thus worthy of being made fun of
there comes a point (particularly when these interpretations leak into broader understandings of something via pop culture), where, for lack of a better word, it comes off as fetishizing or romanticizing queerness and/or queer relationships
and while this may seem relatively harmless on the surface and comes off as just thoughtless jokes made in bad taste, it IS serious. not just within the context of frankenstein, but the general premise of the severity that even subconscious reinforcement of detrimental and stereotypical ideas should be treated with. its a slippery slope from jokes to notions that affect you and how you see the world
this is obviously part of a broader problem with the way disability, gender, identity and etc is thought about and taught, which results in people harboring all sorts of these types of underlying prejudices. its just that victor happens to be a particularly good example, wherein he is a feminized man that is ascribed as “weak,” and the attribute “weak” is ascribed to someone who has been historically analyzed as both disabled and queer. this has been reinforced for decades, and i feel like this treatment of his character in this way is so blatantly obvious and runs rampant while it goes nearly entirely unchecked — and also in the case of frankenstein discourse, its often a quadruple whammy (ableism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia)
and the worst part is that it is so often completely unintentional, and the bulk of this sort of content are well-meaning jokes. i genuinely don’t think people do this in bad faith or out of malice, but spreading these concepts even in formats that appear to be harmless (jokes, memes) just contribute to and continue to spread these ideas and stereotypes. its frustrating because its hard to point out and bring attention to without coming off as nitpicky or overly sensitive because this sort of thing is just so SUBTLE, and these beliefs are so gradually learned and then reinforced on a subconscious level
i could go on but for risk of sounding redundant ill digress, however to be clear this is not me saying you cant view victor as transfem, or disabled, or queer (i do!), or to view him as feminine, or etc, but that you should look at the reasons for WHY you think so, and how you or others treat the subject when talking about it.
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iwasbored777 · 10 months
Wait what?? What about the trailer scene being reanimated? I get all my atsv info from Tumblr and instagram only lmao
I wanted to make this comparison way earlier but I couldn't be bothered but your ask made me want to lol.
You know that iconic "are these your drawings" scene that became a meme ever since they released the first version? Nothing's wrong with changing stuff to make them better but I'm imagining these poor people who put their blood and sweat and tears to make it perfect only for directors to change their minds and go like "add more flirting, needs more flirting". Like LOOK at this:
The first version vs the final one (if the gif isn't loading just tap it, maybe it's just my internet connection idk but they're glitching for some reason here when I added them)
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Sorry if the quality of the gifs isn't the best but it's visible enough. I think the difference is more than obvious. And God bless the second version! Gwen seemed so chill in the first version, she is more natural here, and they talk more and are playful with each other. Miles is equally confused here tho lmfao but this is my favourite change of the scene (THE HUG!!!! 😍😍😍😍)
These two:
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Oh and the meme format. The amount of drawings in the second one killed me I was laughing my ass off in the theater 😂
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(again hope that gifs are loading properly if not try tapping them)
Another thing that you can't unsee is how more confident Miles is when you compare the first version to the final one:
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They added rizz thank heavens cuz he looked like he was afraid of her like why???
The dialogue had changes too, the stuff they talked about the toys were new and when she lands on the bed in the first gifs she tells Miles how he grew and he tells her her hair is pinker (is that he word he used?), they didn't have this in the first version. The whole "is Spider-Man grounded?" part when Gwen sits on the window - I think this part was the same, they didn't have to animate her part again (I hope) but they had to animate everything about Miles again in the same conversation. They had to redo at least 90% of the whole thing.
I just feel bad for everyone who had to do it all over again but this is way better, we can all agree on that. But it's not like this is the first movie that had reshoots or whatever you call it for animation.
I hope I got it all covered, tell me if I missed anything.
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blinkpen · 4 days
raggle frabble
how are there self-declared progressive people Still using that one "yes" meme format like you cannot reclaim that one nor should you want to, the antisemitic white supremacist eugenics trash is Baked In, and that does not go away by just having the topic be something goofy and non-political? bc the meme format itself is so aggressively political? you can't actually make the Hitler Particles on it go away by just editing it to have "yes" guy say something woke, despite what people seem to think? and every time i see a variation of it i have to do a background check to make sure whoever thought it was funny to post is not just literally an actual fascist hiding behind memes? because that's literally how their dogwhistle meme shit is Supposed to work? bc now its everywhere and nobody thinks anything of it at all, except people who now have to wonder if someone posting this crap indicates true genocidal malice hiding itself, or just irony-poisoned dipshittery helping them hide
i thought we covered this years ago and i'm baffled it still hasn't quite gone away??? some of you guys really, really, really, wanted to use dogwhistles for.................. fun? i guess? alright. are you an asshole, or...?
or do we like? need to explain? again??? what it is you're doing? when you "reclaim" that particular meme? because what you're doing is this:
"here's a meme where i labeled you the ugly person who is drooling or upset with a weak chin and dark hair and beady eyes probably can't get laid (traits clearly indicating a person is slugbrained histrionic & wrong, with no further elaboration even needed as to why their opinion should be ignored, bc isn't it obvious why? look at what they are!) now, as you can see, the contrast is important, as i labeled myself as the handsome stoic white person with blonde hair and blue eyes and i will have NO trouble passing on my visibly aryan genes because i'm a gigachad who fucks (traits clearly indicating i'm enlightened and correct with no further elaboration needed as to why my opinion can be assumed to be objectively correct, bc isn't it obvious? look at what i am!). hahaha! take that! i love reclaiming neonazi memes rooted in fascist logic to even work for my own political purposes! because it's all about feeling like i was the one to turn a weapon against its master, finally wielding its power rather than examining it, how it works, and ultimately discarding it as a loathsome tool i don't need if trying to accomplish anything good. because i am very progressive, and a comedy genius also."
that is what that meme format is, from the ground up.
people should not be utterly indifferent about letting it remain in their communal repertoire for self-expression for any random opinion no matter how serious or trivial? if ~irony~ isn't a good excuse for an actual neonazi to be let off the hook for implicitly asserting the validity of eugenics in a public forum for dissemination, why is it an excuse for anyone else, exactly?
oh right.
i forgot how many people on here are white goy with white guilt that they want to be free of feeling the sting of ever again without ever truly confronting their own internalized racism, or their internalized sense of innate superiority that they clearly still ache to demonstrate to themselves and their peers via public displays of social humiliation and mockery of those deemed too Undesirable of Body and they especially don't want to ever confront the ways those things manifest when they genuinely think they're on to something good or funny and sticking it to somebody who 'deserves it'
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glitchphotography · 1 year
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Ok, I’m going to write one last thing about AI Art. This time, with no trolling or sassy memes. So I hope y’all can read it with an open mind.
So there was considerable pushback to my previous post and there were some very valid POVs. To the people who said stuff like “AI is being used unethically and I don’t want to f_ck with it,” Yes! You are right to feel this way and I respect that position. It’s equally valid to say “AI is being used unethically, so I want to explore the limits of this technology and how it affects the world we live in.” and it’s also equally valid to say “AI allows me to concept and source visuals that I can then process into my own artworks.”
But here’s the thing. There is more than one kind of visual art practice and many of them are not existentially threatened by generative image AIs. If anything, the artists who are threatened by this tech are the ones who make a living off of making representational imagery for a number of cultural industries. This in itself is a privileged position that isn’t afforded to most visual artists. Many artists who exhibit and publish around the world don’t get the opportunity to live off of their work, they have to teach or work in adjacent industries to survive. This is especially true for new media artists like myself.
That said. It’s obvious that these generative image AIs are quite adept at simulating visual data. But anyone who has used Midjourney or Dalle2 can attest, there’s so much that these AIs can’t and won’t do. Visual art is not just the mechanical simulation of visual style.
Here’s what generative image AIs can’t do, it can’t create images with a sense of:
Materiality (Physical or Digital)
Yes, it also can’t create hands and it’s not that great at drawing Black people either. But more importantly, AI can’t imagine what it means to work with materials, whether it’s the scratched up photos of Adrian Piper, or the glitch artifacts of a specific image format. Generative image AIs can’t create conceptual art and it can’t look at or arrange images in a critical way. What I’ve noticed is that many artists (not all ofc) who work on these levels of meaning are not threatened by AI, many of them see it as an interesting tool that they may or may not use. Working with these layers of meaning is what keeps artists ahead of the curve in terms of how these automated technologies are developed.
There were similar hysterics with the advent of photography, and it took many decades for photography to be accepted as an art form. “You just have to push a button,” they’d say. “Photography is going to kill the fine art of painting.” yada yada. Photography certainly didn’t kill painting, if anything, painting was freed from the burden of representation. We wouldn’t have cubism, or suprematism, or abstract expressionism, or pop art without the development of photography. It’s true that many portrait artists lost their gigs with photography, but overall humanity’s creative drive survived and flourished.
(Side note: Generative image AIs are going to eff up photography in many ways, some scary, and I think as a post-photography artist, it’s important to interrogate these dynamics rather than disavow it. But that’s my imperative. Stock photogs and some fashion photogs are going to get screwed, but not photojournalists or documentary photogs as much.)
So yes. Generative image AIs are basically appropriation machines and, as far as appropriation machines go, its like the equivalent of a visual art sausage maker. It averages all the images scraped from the internet into a kind of fast-food aesthetics.
But here’s the rub. Generative image AIs can’t imagine what doesn’t already exist. Every output is the result of averages from existing visual data . AI will never replace an unfettered imagination. This is another reason why the whole NO AI ART movement doesn’t speak for all artists, because many of us are striving create images that haven’t been created before.
But I get it, this is Tumblr, and since the great purge of 2018 the dominant aesthetic has been fandom-based art, which relies on borrowed aesthetics much in the same way that AI does. I think the reality is that many artists who work in this niche are going to get royally f_cked and my heart goes out to them. It won’t be the AIs that do the f_cking, but the IP owners like DisneyMarvel, Sony, Epic Games, Nintendo, etc . They will be the first to use generative image AIs so that they can save money by not hiring artists. This will be especially tragic for the privileged few who went to art school to land industry jobs.
These existential threats to artists are ultimately a question of labor rights as opposed to technology.(UNIONIZE!) Appropriation is literally the engine that drives all art from the beginning of time. Every artistic tradition has grown because of appropriation. Whether it’s blues or classical music, Shakespearean tragedy, renaissance paintings, pop art, conceptual art, hip-hop, you name it, there has been appropriation. The question about whether appropriation is good or not, is a question of where capital is flowing to. Like Rock n Roll is crap because it channeled capital from a Black musical tradition to the hands of white musicians. But hip-hop was great because sampling (a real art form, like AI art) became the basis or a whole new urban Black musical tradition that would bring some capital back, eventually from the sampled sounds of white musicians. Ofc this is a simplistic summary, look at how long it took Biz Markie to get royalties, etc 
So yes, Generative Image AI Services are appropriating art works in ways that are harmful to some artists and these artists should get royalties every time their name is conjured up in a text prompt. But I’m sorry, this doesn’t mean that “artworks are being stolen.” Nothing has been stolen.
What people don’t realize was that many of these image models were created years ago. Data was scraped from the internet on a mass scale and this was all legally sanctioned because of Fair Use Laws that protect researchers who want to scrape data. These datasets, like LAION-5B which itself is based off the Common Crawler dataset, are open source and freely available. They were created for research purposes within research settings and that is totally legitimate. Fair Use Laws are essential to artists and data scraping is one of those things that can be used for good or evil. But the way these AI models were trained was completely legal. What is ethically dubious and f_cked up is how corporations used these legal mechanisms designed to help artists and researchers to create a privatized service product. Again, this is why I say, “you don't hate AI Art, you hate capitalism”
The reality is that an artist can copyright an image, but not a general style. This idea that every artist on ArtStation has some inalienable originality and uniqueness to their work is the result of a hyper-individualistic capitalist ideology that is utterly out of touch with how art has been historically produced. Since the advent of mechanical reproduction, the magical aura of the art work has long been dead. Authenticity and originality are marketing buzzwords and not facts.
These “AI stole my art” arguments are crouched in a deeply regressive view of copyright and intellectual property, because very few artists, if any, would be able to prove in court that an AI plagiarized their works. AIs are sophisticated averaging machines, so the more an artist’s work appears to be copied, the more datapoints of their works and similar works exist in the training model. Proving that AI “steals art works” would also mean dismantling Fair Use Laws, which actually protect artists from predatory corporate IPs. 
Digital remix culture, fan art, hentai, all the things you dearly love and breathe on this Tumblr site would evaporate without Fair Use and it’s hella naive to think that if one of these illustrators actually proves that AI “stole their work,” that Disney and Studio Ghibli and Nintendo won’t come around and say that illustrators are in turn stealing their precious IPs. Copyright laws exist to protect the ruling class. There’s a reason why all us lefty new media artists release works as CC. (Side note: Still waiting to see an artist from the Global South make a “AI steals my arts” argument, so far i’ve only seen US and EU-based artists fret.)
And there is a sad irony in all of this. None of my works were used to train AI even though Tumblr was among the sites that were scraped. (I never used ArtStation or Deviant Art bc they don’t eff with experimental media artists) The reason is that there’s a preference for images that are algorithmically legible. The effed up reality of internet platforms is that algorithms judge your images before distributing them. Glitch art and experimental media arts are usually judged to be low quality content by the instagrams and tumblrs of the world. I had like 200 abstract images flagged during the great purge of 2018 that I appealed and won, because these algorithms don’t have a clue about what is art and what isn't. Everything on ArtStation, stock image websites, are easily legible by nature, and as such, easy to algorithmically appropriate. Artists who know how to create works that are algorithmically illegible will thrive in the post-AI era.
And this leads me to my final point. Many artists, like myself, are drawn to AI for what I call “Liminal Aesthetics.” It’s not about how good the AI can approximate an image, but how bad it is. Many of us are interested in these mal-nourished images. The weird faces and hands, the lack of proportions, the weird shapes, and unexpected textures. The thing though, is that as these generative image AIs get more advanced, the liminal aesthetics are lost. The more these AIs get better at parsing natural language, the more basic and unaesthetic the outputs. So for many artists, this AI moment is temporary. As DALLE2 and MidJourney will ultimately turn into a fancy clip art generator that will replace stock image and stock graphics sites, from iStock to Sketchfab. That’s why I think it’s important to embrace this shit now, because these gorgeous liminalities will soon be a historical artifact.
To conclude, I will say this, and this is very important. The trad art world and their system of values is dying. In the post-digital world of infinite images that aren’t bound by physical scarcity, the rarest and most valuable images are the ones that are remembered, shared, and viralized. If your art is being copied or replicated, even by an AI or a bot, that means that your art is surviving this new era. There are worse fates than having your art copied.
That worst fate is censorship and forgetting.
The image at the top is [ILLUSTRATION #4j2492D] by jonCates, he describes ths AI work as “The Artificially Illustrated Glitch Western Primer for Machine Learnerrs,” and it’s part of a much broader project of creating the first “Glitch Western” based on historical narratives of Black and Chinese people in the West. Most of this project isn’t AI-based imagery, but lovingly crafted video and game art.
Some may not know this, but jonCates was big on Tumblr before the purge of 2018. He’s an og glitch artist and his “Dirty New Media” tumblr was a veritable museum of lewd glitch arts. I remember being so proud when my boo’s glitched bootie ended up on that page. The site was a treasure. Sadly though, Tumblr deleted all record of the Dirty New Media blog as well as jonCates’ tumblr of personal work. All f_cking gone forever. This is the real tragedy of censorship and forgetting. A whole culture lost. 
So why cling to this destructive dynamic because you read a hot take about AI by a privileged artist working in gatekeeping industries? What is copied and appropriated can still live on and we all can do better and fight the power where it resides instead of vilifying other artists. Cheers, shout out to everyone who read all this <3
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NAME : Willow, i also answer to Soleil!
PRONOUNS : she/they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : d.iscord bc IMs annoy me but i can deal with them, i'm kind of picky about giving out my discord now
NAME OF MUSE(s) : too many to be normal about that's what! good thing i have this roster to make it easier to look at! but the current main ones are of course Jing Yuan and Ratio
BEST EXPERIENCE : oh gosh, i think the best experience i had with my little hyv nook was exploding the dash with jing yuan's "IM GONNA FUCK THE GODS" crack born from a silly mistake LMAO. in general though the best experience i had was an exchange i had with one of my closest friends @overx, which was an ask i sent to them and one i received in response for a deity's altar meme. i cried so much, because it was one of the first times my OC had truly felt... seen. i think about it all the time
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : too many to list, so here's a few!
- pedestals. i want nothing to do with them. don't elevate me or other people to some sort of standard or anything like that, it genuinely sickens me to the point where i now struggle to accept normal compliments (working on it tho).
- writing for the sake of ships. some people really just want to prioritize shipping and writing romance and that's fine! you do you, but i personally cannot do it. if you approach me for a ship without us having established a dynamic for our muses before that i'm also going to feel really weird about it because i can't read the chemistry, particularly if i don't know you too well (this is also why i'm usually slow to propose ships, because i greatly prefer some sort of dynamic to bounce off of either in canon or through rp).
- teeny tiny text, elaborate formatting or oppressive colors. i'm not going to give myself a headache attempting to read someone's stuff, if it's too hard for me to decipher your posts and especially rules because you favor aesthetic over accessibility, i'm hard blocking because we will not mesh.
MUSE PREFERENCES : looking at my muse history i notice that i'm drawn to those of a nurturing type, whether it's gentle and kind or tough love. i also adore playing around with the idea of mortality or the lack there of, and what that looks like for different characters. contrasting philosophies are also incredibly fun for me! it's kind of obvious with just my muses here alone
PLOTS OR MEMES : oh it's plots for me, which is an issue because it strongly limits my ability to freely interact with others. i really really need to practice using memes more but i am Slow with my inbox and easily overwhelmed
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : yes! i love both, short replies especially are so fun when it comes to rapid-fire dash shenanigans, but the depth of a long reply is always fun and delicious
BEST TIME TO WRITE : after my classes or while i'm in transit and have nothing better to do! can't do cars though those are too bumpy
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : looks at all the times i've been called out for doing something ridiculously jing yuan or ratio or [insert muse] coded. yeah i'd say so. maybe more than i should be DGFKJHDHGKHJ
TAGGED BY : @resolutepath (thanks!) TAGGING : @apocryphis @chasersglow @blckswnstm @shengyins @etherealguard and you!
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hey-its-zezzy · 10 months
i feel like this story will have the most impact in greentext format so bear with me
the day of budapest pride
left the march near the end with some friends to go grab food
now walking back to where the end of the march and the after-party is
walking through a public park with people around
pictured: four queers, including myself, @fagcrisis , his sister and a third friend
we are very obviously queer looking and going to pride, just talking, having a good time
suddenly a dude is coming walking towards us on the park trail
very obvious nazi, wearing a tshirt with the logo of an alt right militia and other fascist iconography
literally walking like the wide putin meme, with the most ridiculous tough guy posture i've ever seen
we go a bit silent because we can see that we're about to cross each other right in front of a bench where a woman is sat with two small children
there's no way he's gonna start shit in broad daylight in front of kids, right?
just as we passed each other he turns around a few steps behind us and screams "filthy faggot" at the top of his lungs
i flip him off and shout back "filthy nazi"
we scurry away but i kinda feel bad for having just shouted swears right in front of little kids
however i'm still happy i got to cross "flipping off and shouting at a nazi" off my bucket list
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bitegore · 7 days
for the artists' ask meme, if you feel like it:
4. piece you wish got more love?
13. talk about a wip you like!
21. what do you think your artstyle would taste like?
4. is hard, because to be honest, that's all of them - I'm an attention-hungry little beast and I want everyone to reblog my art and say nice things about all of it, even when it's not that good. At the moment I think it'll have to be this comic because I think it is really funny, but I know it's a tough format for Tumblr to be passing around
13. Also hard because unless I have to do something I tend to just toss my works out when they stay wips too long. I have a birthday gift for a friend I'm enjoying working on and a picture of Arcee for a project that I think looks really cool, but for obvious reasons I have to keep both of those kind of secret. If I dig into my pile of saved pictures... uh...
OH right ages ago, like, multiple years now, I started a drawing of what Rex's home looks like because it is a horrible disaster. Then recently I started a different series where I draw a bunch of people sleeping on his couch in a different home during a different part of his life, which is also a disaster. The man does not live well. Both of those I really enjoy because I'm coming to understand that I have a lot of fun shoving as many character details into a background as possible - creating an environment is really fun.
I found the old sketch about two weeks ago and i'm sitting on it with the intent of finishing it one day, but i need to re-line it because i can't remember what the brush i was using for this was lol.
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and these are the couch pictures (finished then unfinished, by row)
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I'd forgotten these existed until now, truth be told.
21. Sweet and sour with crunchy elements and a fruity undertone, maybe with a bit of an aftertaste like petroleum or alcohol if i'm using too much green in it. Different colors change the flavor more than the style, I think, but I like my high contrast and that usually looks sour to me, but I like to stay away from color combinations that look too bitter. :D
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chronicfandombrain · 2 years
Byler vs Destiel (Why I have hope for canon Byler after getting baited by Destiel)
Why compare Byler and Destiel at all? 
So, the first thing you’re probably wondering about is why the heck I’m writing this meta in the first place. Stranger Things and Supernatural are wildly different shows, aren’t they? Well, yes, yes they are. However, there are some key similarities that I’ve noticed surrounding Destiel and Byler now that ST season 4 has come out and Byler has gotten big. I thought it would be interesting to explain my reasoning in continuing to hope for canon Byler despite having been thoroughly let down by Spn in regards to Destiel.
2. First things first: a quick rundown of Destiel. 
If you’ve watched spn you can skip this part. I’m assuming most Bylers have not watched Spn because Stranger Things is a widely popular and acclaimed show while Spn is… well, let’s say more of a cult classic with a niche audience. Supernatural is a Monster of the Week show created by Eric Kripke, which originally began airing all the way back in 2005 (I was 2 yrs old.. gotdamn) and ran for 15 seasons total, ending in 2020. Destiel is the wildly popular ship of repressed bisexual monster hunter Dean Winchester and gay angel Castiel. If you were on Tumblr anytime around November 5th of 2020 you probably remember Spn fans freaking the hell out and filling everyone’s dash with memes, and you have probably received some sort of important news about world events in this delightful format.
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This was a result of the airing of Season 15 Episode 18, aptly titled Despair, in which Cas confessed his love for Dean and then immediately fricken died, never again to be seen on screen. Many fans (myself included) were hopeful that Cas would come back in the finale and Dean would reciprocate the confession. That… did not happen. Instead Dean got impaled on a giant nail and died, without his love for Cas ever being confirmed. Without even his bisexuality ever being confirmed (despite bi Dean having been hinted at before Cas even joined the show). Fans were understandably upset about this.
3. Okay, so, what are these aforementioned similarities between Destiel and Byler?
There are some obvious ones, like Spn and ST both being monster shows, but mostly I’ve noticed some Dean & Mike parallels, Will & Cas parallels, and parallels in the ways the ship is perceived by fans. To be clear, I don't think these parallels are intentional on the part of the Duffers, but I think they're worth examining anyway. I’m going to start with Dean and Mike, because that’s where I feel some of the similarities are the strongest. In the interest of comparison, I’m going to look at this through the lens of bi Mike, although obviously gay Mike is a valid interpretation with a good amount of evidence as well (see the byler google slides). Some strong arguments for Destiel and Byler on the sides of Dean and Mike are their reactions when their best friends are in danger, missing, or dead/presumed dead.
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(Dean looking for Cas after he goes missing in purgatory)
Okay, I can't find any gifs for this one which is criminal tbh, but just pretend you're looking at a bunch of gifs of season 1 Mike telling everyone over and over that they need to look for Will/find Will.
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(Dean falling to his knees after Cas dies in front of him)
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(Mike when they pull the fake Will out of the quarry)
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(Dean tells Cas he needs him while Cas is being controlled by heaven and forced to attack Dean, this breaks Cas out of his brainwashing)
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(Mike tells Will asking him to be his best friend is the best thing he's ever done, interrupting Will's possession enough that he can get a message out)
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(Dean reuniting with Cas after he goes missing in purgatory)
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(Mike reuniting with Will after he goes missing in S1)
Seeing some similarities? The deeply repressed bi character who only expresses how important their friend is to them when something terrible is happening or has happened? Also, frustratingly, when said friend is possessed or missing and can't hear them. (Yes, both Cas and Will have been possessed and then brought to their senses by a coded love confession from the other half of their respective ships…)
Beyond that, much of the speculation around Mike and Dean by fans comes from body language, specifically micro-expressions and lip-glances. 
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(This one's a destiel classic)
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(the tension is so bad in this one that it's lowkey uncomfortable to look at)
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(the infamous triple take)
Mike and Dean are also the characters who are more widely perceived as straight by the general audience, with hints to their bisexuality (or possibly homosexuality in Mike’s case) being subtle enough that you only really catch them if you’re looking for it.
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(ah, bi lighting.)
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(the one way sign pointing to the closet in Mike's room)
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(Dean panics in bisexual)
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(okay Mike no one said you weren't....)
Let’s move on to Cas and Will. These are characters who are canonically gay (or bi maybe for Cas?? Idk they’re pretty unclear about it in the show! Most people say gay so I’m going with that for this post) and canonically in love with their best friends. These are the characters who are more obvious to the GA, and are often painted in a light of unrequited love. Their love is also shown in a more narrative way, mostly through intentional writing choices rather than through body language and things that could be chalked up to acting choices. Cas’s love for Dean comes through very clearly in his character arcs, as he betrays heaven for him (multiple times) and allies with their enemies in an attempt to protect him (multiple times) and sacrifices himself for him (multiple times). 
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(The angel Metatron taunting Cas)
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(Cas leaves Dean in purgatory to protect him)
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(Cas sacrificing himself to the Empty (superhell) to save Dean. Yes the Empty looks like black goo and not a tunnel of fire.)
Will’s character arc in season 4 is pretty much entirely about his feelings for Mike, and specifically him, you could say, sacrificing his feelings for Mike in order to make Mike happy by keeping him and El together.
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The natural conclusion that you would come to for the narrative arcs of both of these characters, suffering in supposed unrequited love, is a resolution in which their love is returned. However, this didn’t happen in Supernatural. So why do I think it will happen in Stranger Things? 
Looking at all of these similarities felt disheartening to me at first. I only got into the Byler after the end of season 4, and I was almost immediately struck by how familiar the situation felt to me. It was incredibly reminiscent of being a Supernatural fan during the airing of Season 15: reading meta after meta filled with evidence for a Destiel endgame, everyone hyped up and so convinced it would go canon, people jokingly calling themselves delusional for expecting the natural resolution of a story-line that had been dangled in front of them for eleven long seasons. But I have a lot of faith in Byler, even after being let down by the Spn finale, and here’s why.
4. Main character Will Byers vs fan favorite Castiel
Are you ready for even more supernatural lore? Again, you can just skim this if you’ve watched spn. The character of Castiel is introduced in Supernatural Season 4 Episode 1: Lazarus Rising. Funny thing about Cas—he was only supposed to be on the show for like three episodes! Cas’s story-line was actually supposed to go to another angel character, Anna. Due to some actor drama or something Cas replaced Anna and got her story-line. And fans LOVED Cas, so much so that when they tried to permanently kill him off in Season 7, ratings dropped so low that they decided to bring him back. The interesting thing about Cas and Destiel is that it was pretty much all accidental, at least at first. It was much less about genuine writing choices, and much more about insane actor chemistry and casual ship-baiting by the writers. Destiel was a ship that started off without much canon basis, but over the next eleven seasons became more and more textually supported until the writers had pretty much no choice except to address it. This was due to a lot of things: changing show-runners, changing writers, and the actors themselves becoming more open to the possibility of the ship. If you want a full explanation of how Supernatural accidentally trapped themselves into telling an epic gay love story, I would highly recommend this video:
However, despite the wild popularity of Cas and Destiel, Cas never gained the true main character status of Dean and Sam (Dean’s brother). While Dean and Sam both appear in almost every episode of Spn, Cas disappears for episodes at a time and often only appears for the particularly plotty sections. While I think the changing writers and show-runners allowed for Cas to become more valued in later seasons, his character often gets sidelined in favor of the brothers. 
So, let’s now contrast this with Will Byers. Will is definitely one of the main characters of Stranger Things—his disappearance is the inciting incident of the series, and his possession is one of the biggest plot points of season two. While he has been less central to seasons three and four, there is always time devoted in the show to his character, and for the past two seasons his arc has mainly dealt with him struggling as a closeted gay teenager in the 80’s, and him feeling sidelined by Mike with his relationship with El. Unlike Castiel, Will was always meant to be a main character, possibly the main character when you consider that the Duffers originally planned to kill El in the season 1 finale. Will being gay was also planned from the beginning, with hints going all the way back to the first episode. Stranger Things is also known for including a lot of foreshadowing, references, and parallels for watchful viewers to pick up on and analyze. Nothing about Will’s character is accidental, and that gives me hope that he will have a satisfying conclusion to his character arc. Which leads me to my second point—
5. Stranger Things is a really good show. Supernatural… is a mixed bag
To be honest, Supernatural is a mess of a show. It changed show-runners like every four seasons, the writers got switched out a lot and the quality of the writing varies drastically between episodes, plot points were recycled, narrative and character arcs were abandoned, everyone dies and comes back to life multiple times, half of it is shitty filler, and like twice a season there’s an episode so incredibly good it keeps you coming back for more. In short: Supernatural is made for TV. Now, I don’t want to get into my personal vendetta against long-running network television shows, but basically I think that having to crank out a new episode of a show every week for years reduces the quality of that show drastically. Things work best when they have a clear beginning and ending, and they know how they’re going to progress from point A to point B. Not to get off topic, but this is why I absolutely love the Mike Flanagan Netflix shows (Hill House, Bly Manor, Midnight Mass), and why I’m actually glad that Hannibal was forced to wrap up in three seasons. The longer a show is, the more chances it has to fuck up the characters and the plot progression. Stranger Things is right in that sweet spot—I think that it will tell exactly the story it wants to tell, no more and no less. Stranger Things is generally a much higher quality show than Supernatural, and I trust it much more to properly handle its characters and relationships. Supernatural, in my opinion at least, made a massive mistake in killing all the main characters in the finale when all of them had pretty much spent 15 seasons suffering and struggling to survive. The only satisfying conclusion to those characters would have been to see them finally allowed to be happy and peaceful and together, regardless of Destiel. I seriously doubt that the Duffers would ever make this mistake, especially as they have already stated that they’re not Game of Thrones and don’t intend to go grimdark and kill all their main characters. I think that Stranger Things intends to give the characters (and audience) what they want—I think at the end of the day the ST kids will all end up happy and safe. And the way they have set this up, there really isn’t a lot of opportunity for happiness for Will without Byler.
My S5 endgame predictions are pretty much: Byler happens, Max wakes up and Lumax get to go on their theater date, El breaks up with Mike and gets to spend more time with Max (the happiest we’ve seen her is with Max), and Dustin has a big brother little brother moment with Steve that will make me cry (I know people think Steve will die in S5 but honestly I think after Eddie there’s no way they would kill Dustin’s big brother figure TWICE, that would be too cruel to his character). I think Stranger Things wants these characters to end up happy, and I trust them to fulfill the narratives that they’ve been building since season one. Will and El as characters have suffered so much, and I don’t think that they will end up in the same crappy patterns they’ve been repeating for seasons now when those patterns obviously need to be broken in order for them to be happy. 
In conclusion: despite the similarities I see between Destiel and Byler, I’m pretty confident that Byler is endgame and will succeed where Destiel (and Spn as a whole) failed, because ST is a well-thought out, high quality show, and Spn was a dearly beloved mess. This is my first time writing meta, so I’m sorry if anything is confusing! I’m also admittedly not the best at media analysis (it did take me four seasons to pick up on Byler), so if any of my fellow Byler scholars would like to chime in and interpret these findings further, that would be very welcome! Thanks for reading! (:
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voidify333 · 10 months
Got a lot of OFMD vibes from Good Omens s2???
BIG spoilers for both GO S2 and OFMD S1 under the cut
Like, this isn’t a situation for the copied homework meme format, I believe it’s just same braincell on a really juicy story beat to create drama in a high concept romance, but I find the similarities fascinating so I’m gonna post about them. (What’s funny is that the thing that actually got me to watch OFMD in the first place is the promise of Stede being like aziraphale and blackbonnet being like A/C…)
The main thing is how the ending of ep 6 reminded me of OFMD ep 9.
The central pair kiss for the first time— letting any remaining oblivious audience members know this isn’t just a bromance, and alienating any homophobes in the audience who weren’t already alienated by the queer supporting characters. (That last bit is actually the biggest other “ofmd vibes” thing I picked up— how the very queer supporting roster served both to let homophobes know the show isn’t for them, and to reassure the queer audience that they’re allowed to hope for the main pair being Outright Canon)
But they also enter their divorce era— specifically, what happens is this:
The sunshine bookworm has a scene with a character the audience recognises as antagonistic (completely different scenes though— Stede’s traumatic experience with the bully in the woods vs Az being emotionally manipulated by metatron into thinking coming back to heaven is a good idea)
This scene, combined with his existing insecurities, causes him to return to a life that he won’t even find fulfilling (we know this bc he stepped away from it in the first place!) but he’s been convinced that it’s The Thing He Has To Do
In the process, he abandons his black-clad true love and breaks his heart
But here (in addition to all the obvious differences in context and execution), the season cliffhanger cuts away BEFORE “episode 10” as it were.
And… I don’t think “episode 10” is going to happen immediately for Aziraphale when lights go up on s3. Like, the “love epiphany” part may come in an early episode (we saw the way he touched his lip), but he’s certainly not getting the “plan to leave” part until some time further into s3, because the life he’s mistakenly gone back to isn’t with a Mary figure who cares about him but wants him elsewhere as much as he secretly wants to be elsewhere— instead, it’s with Heaven, an abusive cult that is planning to use him to destroy Earth, and has the power to destroy him on a whim.
Aziraphale’s key insecurity is his need for authoritative reassurance that he is Doing The Right Thing. This is what allowed metatron to use the offer of heaven to manipulate Az into hurting Crowley’s feelings and then abandoning Crowley. The tone demands an eventual happy ending (my faith in this is why the ending of e6 didn’t even make me mad), but Az is going to have to work through those issues before the happy ending can take place— Nina basically spelled this out.
The next place this comparison led me was to the thought “can I connect a red string on my cork board between post s2 crowley and ep10 Ed?”
There is an important difference between them, and it’s in kind of the opposite direction as the difference between Az-when-we-cut-away and Stede-when-we-cut-away
Ed has closed himself off to vulnerability completely after his heartbreak, and lashes out horribly, and we all know the reunion in s2e1 is not going to go smoothly
Meanwhile, although Crowley is heartbroken and mad… he is ultimately like Maggie on the “I hope she’ll be there when I’m ready but there’s no guarantee—” “there is” front. Aziraphale needs to work through his issues, and the plot needs to get to a place where The Real Big One is foiled and neither of them are in imminent danger of destruction, and once Az stops being an idiot he will need to do a great many “you were wrong” dances, but once all those prerequisites are fulfilled, we’re getting our second kiss (and I’m fanning myself just thinking about that hypothetical scene hoooooboy)
Maybe there will be a period of “angel I can’t forgive you. not yet”, that would be juicy drama, but the tone of the story demands that any such moment will be temporary
However, I do have a vivid mental image now, inspired by e10 Ed, of post s2 crowley standing in the bookshop and saying to himself out loud “oh, nothing lasts forever, is that right, angel?” and then going on a bender of destroying or giving away books (I lean towards giving away as it would leave less permanent fallout for later, and also be funnier, while still being just as potent a gesture of spite in the moment)
Anyway when OFMD S2 comes out and we get a better look at the blackbonnet divorce arc I’m going to try to use it as a divination tool to predict the events of the A/C divorce arc
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galacticwiseguy · 5 months
Kink meme: human furniture
Simplicity - 4/10, ideally requires like, special outfits and cushions and things, and even in its rawest format requires ritual and investment of time. still, not nearly as complicated as some kinks
Eros- 1/10 I'm afraid, this one just doesn't work for me on an immediate physical level.
Agape - 2/10. I can see what people are getting at in terms of those classic metakinks, Service and being Used, but I've never really understood the appeal. Why couldn't they be Used in some more immediately sexual way. Feel free to try to pill me on human furniture, I guess.
Narrative possibility - 3/10, really either they keep being furniture in which case they are not involved in the story, or they stop being furniture in which case the kink stops being relevant. I guess you could like, witness a murder while acting as a side table or whatever? But the kink wouldn't be an especially key element of the plot after that would it.
Problematicity- 2/10, you can imagine someone getting het up about the obvious aspects of Objectification but their heart isn't really in it
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highgale · 1 year
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i'm   from   𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐑   𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄   -   i   got   𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐘   𝐖𝐀𝐘   for   𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃;   𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏   𝒊𝒏   𝒎𝒚   𝒗𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒔.   i'm   𝑮𝑶𝑵𝑬.   i've   been   𝙛𝙖𝙧   𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮.   i'm   a   𝙡𝙪𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙧   now   -   i   𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄   𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒   and   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓   𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒.   
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#𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐄               —                     headcanon   based   𝐃𝐀𝐍   𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐆,   of   mihoyo's   𝑯𝑶𝑵𝑲𝑨𝑰   𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹   𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑳   franchise.   private   &&   selective   //   mutuals   only.   potentially   canon   divergent.   NSFW   MATERIAL   WILL   BE   PRESENT.   minors/those   under   21   please   dni   !   loved   by   Goose.   29.   she/they.   prompts   always   open   to   mutuals   !
𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆   𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇                —                @tralis        , @riftbringer —   𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃.   —   𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒.   —   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒.
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I. this blog is private and selective, as well as mutuals only. i curate my own space and like to keep my dash semi-orderly. if i follow you, it means i'd like to interact. in the same vein - this blog is multiverse, multiship, au, crossover, oc, and duplicate friendly. i tend to not do exclusives, but i will do mains, all of which will be listed here.
II. on the subject of activity - mine can be sporadic at times, with rp being a hobby and multiple blogs on top of this one. if i don't like a post you've tagged me in  within around two days time, please feel free to send me a poke about it. i also kindly request when sending in ask memes, send no more than two - otherwise i tend to get overwhelmed.
i am a wordy writer for serious threads, usually about 3 + paragraphs in length. i do also format my posts - triple spaced, small font, occasionally with colors. i neither expect formatting nor entirely matched length in replies.
III. i absolutely love shipping. not only is it an excellent character development tool, but it's a great way to familiarize yourself with certain aspects of your muse. that being said, romantic shipping is not the primary focus of this blog.
if you are interested in shipping with dan heng - i seek chemistry first and foremost, and a bit of repertoire with the mun as well. that being said - feel free to message me about it!
IV. it should be obvious that this blog will be dark and heavy on the nsfw side. nsfw includes, but is not limited to: smut, violence, gore, psychological horror, trauma, drug usage, etc. i do not shy away from darker thematics but all triggering content will be tagged and placed under a read more.
as such, i ask that if you are under the age of 21 that you do not follow/interact with me. if you follow me and your blog does not list your age, or lists you as under 21, i will likely soft block you. this is for my own comfort. no exceptions..
V.  goose  / 29 / she + they / cst. mutuals feel free to add me for my UID!
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transfemmbeatrice · 7 months
Hunter x Hunter for the fandom ask meme
i’m not all the way through yet so i’m just basing this on being partway through the ants arc! also i’m on my phone so formatting is probably fucked
the first character i ever fell in love with: gon i think? extremely earnest protagonist isn’t usually my type but character who is oblivious and doesn’t get fucked over by it bc of how powerful they are is my favorite and he did that a lot in the beginning. also foiling bad guys by being too nice.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: the closest i can think of is hisoka? i still love him but he’s. i would really prefer if he didn’t get horny about children but sometimes anime is just like that
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i can’t think of anything? i am only ever adding more ships to my collection
my ultimate favorite character™: killua of course because i’m predictable. he’s sad!! and he’s learning that the world can have joy and love!!!
• prettiest character: there are so many banger character designs in this show is the thing. the first to mind was kurapika but there’s also chrollo and kastro. and of course hisoka.
• my most hated character: killua’s brother who is a fatphobic joke about being mean and eating food. my love to hate is definitely illumi.
my OTP: just the obvious gon and killua, and leorio and kurapika. i refuse to choose one over the other.
my NOTP: uh. hisoka/most people?? besides illumi i just don’t want to inflict that creep on anyone.
favorite episode: this is hard because i’ve been bingeing it so it all just runs together but the little mini arc at zoldyck mansion was incredible. i love canary and seeing killua’s family and how fucked up it all is
saddest death: i know he’s not 100% dead but kite was devastating
favorite season: greed island ig? i didn’t like it at first but ended up loving it. especially dodgeball.
least favorite season: heaven’s arena arc. i still liked it but it felt a little slow and the stakes weren’t super interesting to me.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: i don’t really know the fandom takes but it doesn’t feel like i hate anyone controversial?
my 'you're piece of trash, but you're still a fave' fave: hisoka. hate that guy <3
my 'beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this' fave: i was going to say gon but he loves it actually so kurapika. he definitely deserves better, rooting for you king
my this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it' ship: i hate the like. wording and tone of this but after the last media club plus episode it’s tonpa/leorio lmao they deserve each other
my 'they're kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i'm not too invested' ship: kurapika and melody. i think i mostly love them as friends but korapika deserves a polycule tbh
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daybreakrising · 7 months
5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write? 6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses. 7. What is one overrated roleplay trend? 13. Is there one trope you can’t stand? 18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
meme for roleplay muns | @wwriothesley
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5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
k//azuha. i adore him, have done since the first time he appeared, but i don't think i'd be able to capture him to a degree i'd be satisfied with.
also, i'd love to write one of the g//enpact ladies but i have no idea who bc i don't think i'd do any of them justice dklfgnlfhgj
6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses.
1) i love that there's quite a variety of personalities within my muse list. i might joke that i have a Type (and i do) but there's actually quite a wide array of characters. it gives me the chance to explore different attitudes and values & keeps things interesting.
2) i can't not mention wrio here, since he's clearly the current favourite. the thing i love most about him is that he's more than what he shows on the surface. i especially love that he turned out to be nothing like anyone expected based on his look. i really enjoy exploring the depths of his character and i can't wait to keep building on that both through my own headcanons and through writing/discussing with partners.
3) i also love my villains. i find villains / antagonists really fun to write, because they don't adhere to any rules. the more morally grey the muse, the more fun i can have with them. i'm not afraid to get dark & i won't apologise for their behaviour in the context of writing (but neither do i excuse them or pretend it's remotely Okay. i'm not a villain apologist and i never will be)
7. What is one overrated roleplay trend?
overformatting replies. i don't see this anymore, so i'm either following the right people, or it's died (or dying) out. but for a while, there was a lot of - frankly wild - formatting trends that i just couldn't understand. now i'm all for making things look nice, of course, but when i can't physically read something because it's so over the top, it kinda defeats the point. if i'm straining my eyes to read your tiny text, or struggling to understand a word because it's got a thousand spaces in it, i'm gonna get tired real quick and i'll lose interest entirely. just... keep it simple. simple can still be pretty.
13. Is there one trope you can’t stand?
oh, man, there are quite a few. i don't even want to mention some of them for fear of ending up in tags i don't wanna be in. i'll let your imagination run wild with that one. generally, though, they're all relating to types of relationships that i just do not vibe with at all.
i guess one i can discuss is a villain getting an undeserved redemption arc - and by that i mean a redemption arc where everyone just conveniently forgets all the terrible shit they did and the villain is never held accountable for their actions. no. that's not redemption, that's bullshit. give me a proper redemption arc with guilt and accountability and consequences.
18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
it's gotten a lot better since i first started writing here, but it will always need more work - communication, tolerance & patience. i'm so happy that my little corner of the community doesn't seem to have any problems in that department, but i know it's far from true for other parts of the community. some people take this silly little hobby far too seriously and they need to just... chill. that feels like a bit of an obvious answer but i think it's an important one, so... /shrug
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For the fictional friends ask if you’re still doing. Since I really enjoyed your characterization in your Esteban/doña drabble, them for 1,3, 4,5, 7,8,13. If you don’t want to do them, maybe Gabe and Naomi.
Oh yes, I'm still taking them! And I could always use some more Esteban and Doña, cause my idea of them is majorly underdeveloped
1. When I think they became friends (if canon already hasn't showed how they became friends)
Hmm that's a difficult question, since are they really friends? Okay, I know they are, you know they are, even if they will never admit that XD
I think at first they met when Esteban had to make some big order for a palace or city event and the newly founded (or was it?) Emporium turned out to be the best supplier, so for some time their relationship was strictly professional and and not very personal.
A few years later as Doña proceda herself as a great merchant, businesswoman and became the Magister of trade, she became working more directly with Esteban, on things like the Friendship Festival and many more I imagine. And thanks to that, through the years they became closer, becoming acquittances and even unlikely friends. Obviously they aren't the closest in the world, but they still like working together, and through various occasions learned many things about each other and learned to trust each other.
3. A random headcanon I have of them
Esteban is one of the few people that know that Doña is from a rural area and knows her full name, but doesn't know the full story. In the same way Doña knows that Esteban wasn't exactly innocent with Shuriki taking over, but doesn't know the full story, and they'd both sometimes remininisce about their families. In a way they know more about each other than probably any other person in the Realm, but because they understand each other so well, they also never ask nor try to dig into the other's personal life.
4. My favorite thing about them
I'll go with a basic one and say their banter, but also those rare moments they're genuine with each other, and because of the first thing those are the more meaningful.
5. A scene I wish we had of them
Hmm there are a few I can think of, maybe one where they would memorize together? Or just talk/think fondly about something from the past? Though I'd also love to see what was Doña's reaction to Esteban's betrayal other than the obvious "yay more power for me now time to take his job" (he'd do the same for her btw I'm sure of that)
7. What makes me like their friendship
The fact how little we know about them and unique their relationship is. You could probably best describe it in the format of that tumblr meme of saying that "they're" and giving a ton of mostly contradicting things.
8. Who I think is the ”crazier” one
I'm actually not sure here XD But if say Doña, if only because Esteban usually would have more restrictions on him, but then again I think there would sometimes be situations where would be the more realistic one, since (at least pre-show) she'd have more to lose.
13. What I think would have happened if they never met
Avalor's economy would look much worse.
But in their personal sense, I think they'd both be even lonlier and more bitter. They might not want to admit it, but they really were each other's friends when they really needed that.
And that's it! Thank you for this ask, and I'd love to do Gabe and Naomi as well, so feel free to send another ask with numbers for them :>
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