#like can you show me what i actually searched for.
bcacstuff · 14 hours
Who's that Girl
So here it goes....
After yesterdays JJ article and pics from London, I showed you how I did a search on face recognition sites, one came up with a tiktok, others came up with some... more info perhaps.
Early this morning someone (who wants to remain anonymous) sent me a link in DM, an IG account, and showed me some matching things on there.
Like this bracelet
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and of course her face
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Same bag was seen as well
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well bag and bracelet.... and face
and the matrix coat, well I found that one on her friends IG
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Of course, I hear you, who is she, what is her name, her IG.... I actually thought and doubted about this a long time, do I give away her name? Do I not? Well, I decided I give her name, wont link directly to her IG though. She's called Lauren Marie, though I doubt this is her real name. It is more like her.... uhm... 'professional' name...
But before I do, it's probably better to put a little warning/disclaimer here. So far, you'd say nothing wrong perhaps... but that is so far... below it's gonna be a little less nice for sure. Actually the picture drgotts posted in his stories today, and Sam reposted was quite accurate...
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I'm sure my face had all of these expressions as well and perhaps some more. Also keep in mind, you're here on your free will reading my post because... well guess because you want to know all things... or if you don't want to, you can still close this post and go for a nice walk in the park or something relaxing..... Above all, don't shoot the messenger, I can tell you I needed some time to process this all as well.
Okay, meet Lauren Marie
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Just some random pics from her IG which is more like an advertisement space for her..... 'services'.... Showing of luxury items and clothes on several luxurious places all over the world. No job description on her profile - ahem- No not a model or an actress. Her location on IG says Atlanta, while on TikTok it is Dubai!
On her TikTok, not many videos, but here's one
as I can only post one video, a screenshot from another
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Not to mention the hashtags she uses....
My Anon did the same, well about the same perhaps as I did (no I didn't pay, but if you know how to use Google searches in a certain way... well...)
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:sigh: oh Sam... 🤦‍♀️ indeed, I said that many times today 🤐
Yes, her IG and Tiktok already makes you think hmmm.... no job mentions and doing a 'normal' google search doesn't really get you far, but with the help of the little hints some face recognition apps give you, this is what you find...
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Notice the tattoo (even blurred) and see above where I showed the bracelet.
One of the sites (yes I really went there 🙈
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There are many more similar sites to find like these.... but i will spare you, i think nuf said....
I imagine you might have some questions, like;
Does he date this woman? Uhm... no if you know a little, you know these women are not dating material (cough cough)
So did he pay to shag her? Uhm... well, I don't know of course - ahem - but for what it is worth what my Anon above said is true, in the celeb world this unfortunately is 'common'. But ask yourself this, would he shag a paid escort and consequently walk hand in hand with her in central London, Soho to get papped? I have a hard time believing that to be honest. I mean, if he wants to, he knows how to stay under the radar. I think his escort had an easy job yesterday without many yoga or gymnastics.
So was it an intended papwalk? Yeah, I'm sure you all might have your own thoughts about that. It isn't a date, it isn't the woman you might want to be papped with, unless you hope nobody finds out who she is. But I'm sure he knows his fandom and with such a clear pic of her face, well. So I wonder, is this a PR stunt gone wrong? (given he turned of the tags on his IG). It does look like an intended papwalk to me, he's even groomed. Just look at the selfie that Saturday when he had lunch with Sarah.... or the boat pic earlier this year. Nothing like these pappics. Well, I simply leave you with your own thoughts on that, but I tend to lean towards an intended papwalk that wasn't the best idea (if his PR team came up with that, I'd sack them immediately)
So far... if you don't mind, I'm gonna do a deep clean of my search history right now!
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velvet-vox · 2 days
The guideline to all of the most interesting posts on Doll.
Howdy! I've decided to create this catalogue of Doll's centered content to allow all of the character's fans to reliably find interesting discussions regarding her depth, psychology, role in the story, insights, free time, head canons etc....
As well as various shout-outs to my favourite content creators on this side of the community! (Note for said content creators: if I've inconvenienced you, or made you feel uncomfortable by citing your names on this map, just make me aware in the comments and I won't bother you ever again, as well as erase your names and material from this post)
A quick introduction (skip this part if you are here just for the list)
The reason why I wanted to make this, aside from having a reliable way to look up all of my work, is for the same reason why I started to write articles on Tumblr; you see, I've actually been part of the Murder Drones fandom ever since episode 6 dropped, and Doll quickly rised above the others and became my favourite character of the show.
So naturally, I started to search for some analyses done on my fave, I searched and searched and searched...... and just couldn't find any, aside from one quick @scottmemelordstrashpile (general and usually justified Murder Drones critic, not really focused on a singular aspect of the show) defense comment on a post that God only knows what it was about and where it went.
I kept looking at the specific tag over and over for more than a year, and eventually, I got fed up and wanted to leave the community, especially after reading this YouTube comment:
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... Yikes. Luckily for me, I've eventually found out about @melissa-titanium , which finally satisfied my need for someone who shares my passion for the russian worker. She had a pretty good view on her character, which came in handy for me, since, despite me loving Doll intensely, I could never quite put my finger on exactly why and was afraid that it was just her cool presentation and that she was actually a shallow character.
Yet I still wanted more, and asked for more. And then, someone instilled an idea in me: to be the one who provides for more. So, I started planning how I wanted this to go, and came up with a couple of ideas....
Then Episode 7 dropped, and..... yeah. It's definitely the most mind bending episode of Murder Drones to date.
After her death, it felt like Doll really exploded in the tag discourse, not as much as the rest of the episode, but Doll was finally treated as someone (past) important.
At least to me; if I joined the fandom at the height of episode 3, I can only imagine that she was more of the talk of the town than my first impressions were.
But now, with all the useless stuff out of the way, here's what I've managed to gather across my research. Feel free to suggest more interesting things and I'll add them to the list.
All that is mine:
The early days
Asks for Doll's defense
Doll is Wakfu's NOX?!?
The fun stuff
Failure girl guide
Nori x Yeva against Uzi x Doll
The Murder Drones RPG
Doll's resurrection: pros and cons
The doorman and the russian
Khan and Doll's scene appreciation
The serious analyses
The russian worker drones tragedy
The show's flaws represented through Doll
Different views on her death
Ship parallels
V and Doll; trauma, mental disorder, and low empathy
My masterpiece
The most important piece of Murder Drones content ever made.
And now, with all of my stuff out of the way, it's time to talk about
The big two.
@melissa-titanium and @dreamii-krybaby are the two biggest blogs to go to if you want interesting takes on Doll and her supporting cast; in particular, Mel and Dreamii are almost singlehandedly responsible for the popularization of the Noll ship and the character of Yeva respectively, as well as partially clearing up some of the misconceptions present in the community regarding certain aspects of the show.
Mel is someone who follows his passions whenever they take him, that currently includes Mob Psycho, Dungeon Menshi, and Dragons if you are interested. He has a very charming writing style and is always happy when people send or tag him into any Doll related post.
Dreamii is someone with a very balanced view of the show and its elements, she is not afraid to criticise the aspects that she likes, and she has a love/hate relationship with Doll, unlike the one that she has with her parents.
Stuff from @melissa-titanium (mainly a N x Doll blog)
Introducing Noll
Happy smile
Insides spilling out
They also have a dedicated Discord server, but I don't think I'm allowed to share the link, so just go to their page and you'll find it there.
Stuff from @dreamii-krybaby (mainly a russian roulette blog)
Family theme
The point of her death
Doll's father
Here, in no specific order, I've put the names of other content creators and some of their work.
Stuff from @rad10active-ketchup (artist with a particular taste for Rebecca)
Too sudden
Stuff from @eveledoze (great artist)
Platonic Doolzi
Stuff from @nyaifyz (they describe themselves better than I ever could)
Doll's pain
Stuff from @yakkuo13 (another artist and Doll fan)
Trying to cope
Stuff from @hjansetv (artist)
Short hair Doll
Stuff from @txttabloid
Uzi's foil
Stuff from @sparklesnake23
A cry in the void
Shout-out to Tirkras, who's not among us anymore :'(
I hope it's just a mistake and they come back.
Look up @scottmemelordstrashpile for various MD related things.
@cmicy has been posting Doll's drawings everyday in anticipation of episode 8.
@biscu1ts made this beautiful gallery .
The @crimson-solver is a new Doll RP blog that answers questions through the russian cannibal's mouth.
@thecoolersolver and her alt @russian-with-a-button is also a big Doll enjoyer, they like to get into arguments with @cyn-bot , a Cyn RP blog. Since I'm talking about them, I might as well credit @lizard12323 , @desgn8n-n , @rebecca-babe , @kittydragondraws , @serial-designation-v , @serial-desigation-vee , @serial-designation-en , @scaredk1tty , @electronix-arts , @blahash , @uzibrainrot and @the-iron-general .
🇬🇧 If you are Italian, check out @zarit-not-here , so that we can start to build our side of the community together.
🇮🇹 Se siete Italiani, cercate per @zarit-not-here , così che possiamo iniziare a costruire il nostro lato della comunità insieme.
@solarspinel has made... This thing which I don't know what to tell you about.
Here's a cool post by @lesslie-sass .
Appreciation (this post was originally made by @zehecatl , but I couldn't find the original so I used the Dreamii reblog, sorry anon).
@md-confessions is a user centric blog where people leave their confessions regarding various aspects of the show.
User @miuleen made this little piece of angst over here, which just so happens to go in conjunction pretty well with this analysis over here by @sisterpaw125 .
@robotthing is a troll.
And finally, last but not least:
A brief moment of appreciation for @dragons-hoard-of-fandoms . They don't create anything really, but their sheer dedication to reblog every single piece of Murder Drones Tumblr everywhere at any given time had to finally be congratulated.
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kinardscoffee · 2 days
"This is more than a wonderful platonic relationship between two male friends. Buddie's relationship will be the greatest queer romance tv and film have ever seen."
Guys, that's word for word, an actual statement going around social media.
And I'm not really sure why people can't grasp this concept, but I'm going to say it until I'm fucking blue in the face.
Buck and Eddie are first responders.
And, yeah, that relationship IS more... it IS deeper... but it's not because of a romantic type of love. It's a brotherhood that will be with them for the rest of their lives.
As a first responder, you put your life on the line every time you respond to a call. So, you have to have an insane amount of trust in the people you work with. Will they have my back? Will they search for me just as hard as I'd search for them?
The answer has to be yes, or else things will not work well on the job.
It's why people believe Eddie to be queer coded. He's not. But he does respect those who put their lives on the line to help others and he holds them in high regard. Which is what Buck did the first time they work together. Buck voluntarily goes into an ambulance with a live grenade. Not even a fucking bomb that can be disarmed! A grenade. That's something that Eddie will never forget, and Buck continues to do these things throughout their friendship. For everyone important to him. No questions asked. No favors needed in return.
Onto my next rant.
If Hen wasn't a lesiban... would you ship her and Chim? I bet certain people would, and it pisses me off, to be honest, because people of the opposite sex can be JUST friends as can people of the same sex.
What about Athena and Hen? No one has explicitly said that Athena is straight... it's assumed because of Michael and the kids... the same setup as Eddie... yet would you ship Athena and Hen together???
Because she gave Hen her number after just meeting her... and they discuss their personal lives down to every last detail... but no, that doesn't happen.
Because the root of the obsession is the one thing they fight bucktommy fans on:
You just want two hot guys to kiss.
It's not about representation because the show has had solid queer representation since the first episode.
It's the basic fact that a majority of a fan base got burned for 15 years on a ship in a completely different fandom that they convinced themselves was real only to never get it.
And now, you're basically projecting onto this show because you were "promised" Buddie.
Who promised you this? I have yet to see receipts for this huge promise, and I know I never will.
I'm just really over this entitlement some people seem to have. Watch the show because you like the show. Don't watch it only because you want two characters who are clearly going down different paths to come together. How is that even enjoyable??
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ahqkas · 3 days
Can I request headcanons for Charles Smith and Arthur Morgan with touch starved gn!s/o please?
I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND ; arthur morgan & charles smith
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PAIRING! arthur morgan x gn!reader, charles smith x gn!reader
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FROM THE MOMENT ARTHUR MORGAN REALIZED HOW TOUCH-STARVED YOU WERE, HE MADE IT HIS MISSION TO FILL YOUR WORLD WITH HIS STRONG PRESENCE. He approached you with the knowledge of your longing for physical connection. Whether it was a gentle brush of his fingers against your cheek or a strong, reassuring hug, Arthur's touch became a constant source of your safe place.
Arthur would frequently initiate small, affectionate gestures, knowing how much they meant to you. He’d hold your hand whenever you two walked together, his thumb gently stroking your skin as his large palm enveloped yours. In quiet moments by the campfire, he’d pull you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you securely, his body a haven of warmth and safety for your wants and needs.
When you were feeling particularly vulnerable, Arthur’s touch would be even more attentive. He’d cradle your face in his hands, his eyes searching yours with that sparkle in them reserved for you only. “You’re safe with me,” he’d whisper, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’m here, and I ain’t goin’ anywhere.” His voice, low and soothing, coupled with his steady touch, would reassure you that you were truly cherished and protected.
Arthur would find ways to fit touch into your daily routines. He’d sit close to you during meals, your shoulders brushing, and he’d often reach out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. He’d always linger in your presence when he was in the camp, training after you like a lost puppy anywhere you walked.
In private, Arthur’s touch would become more intimate and deliberate. He’d trace gentle patterns on your skin, holding you close as the two of you talked or simply sat in silence. His hands, rough from years of hard living, would handle you with the utmost care, each touch giving you exactly what you wished for.
During the nights, he’d make sure you fell asleep in his arms, your bodies always entwined. He knew that the physical closeness was as important as the emotional connection, and he’d murmur soothing words as he held you, lulling you into a peaceful sleep with his presence.
Just ask, and this man is ready to move mountains and part seas for you.
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CHARLES SMITH RECOGNIZES THE SIGNS OF YOUR TOUCH STARVATION INSTANTLY AND MADE IT A POINT TO BE PHYSICALLY PRESENT FOR YOU. He’d start with small and subtle gestures, like placing his hand on your back in comfort or softly brushing your arm as he passed by.
In quieter moments, Charles would pull you into a warm embrace, holding you close with a strength that made you feel secure (this man gives the best bear hugs actually!!). He’d often wrap his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder as you watched the sunset or sat by the table and played a card game with Uncle or a game of domino with Tilly.
Charles had a natural way of incorporating touch into your everyday interactions. He’d hold your hand during walks, his grip firm yet gentle, and he’d often give you reassuring squeezes to let you know he was there. When the two of you sat together, he’d position himself close enough that your legs or shoulders were always touching.
Understanding your need for more intimate touch, Charles would often spend time just simply holding you, allowing you to soak in the warmth and reassurance of his body (he adored those moments sm) . He’d stroke your hair, trace patterns on your skin, and place soft kisses on your forehead and cheeks when no one’s looking (i don’t think he’d be keen on the idea of showing the moments between him and his lover to anyone, he enjoys it more in private).
When you felt particularly touch-starved, Charles would drop whatever he was doing to be with you. He’d sit you down and take your hands in his, massaging them gently, his eyes filled with understanding and empathy. “I’m here for you,” he’d say softly, his voice a calming breeze in the storm. “You can always come to me when you need this.” His words, coupled with his gentle touch, would bring you a profound sense of relief and belonging (<33)
And at night, Charles would ensure you fell asleep in his arms. He’d whisper soothing words as he held you, his touch grounding you and providing the comfort you needed to drift into a peaceful sleep. His steady heartbeat and the warmth of his embrace became your anchor, making you grounded.
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© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified.
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moonybug444 · 2 days
toxic connie freaking the fuck out when your period is late and calling you a cheating whore :/
a long night
tw: physical abuse, very toxic relationships, connie’s calls reader all types of names. just mean
“no—no you think this shit is a fucking game, (name).”
connie’s grip on your arm is impossibly tight and at this point you don’t know what to do. you’ve been going back and forth with him for hours and he’s really not letting up. you’re tired and your arm hurts.
“can you fucking listen?! i swear if you don’t get the fuck off of me m’gonna—!”
connie’s twisting your body around and he’s in your face in a instant, pushing your back flat against your bedroom door you were just trying to open to get the fuck away from him.
sometimes you let yourself forget. you forget how dangerous connie really is. you forget. although he’s seems like a joking and lighthearted guy in people’s faces, he’s been fighting for years. he can really change his whole persona with one blink of an eye.
“you’re gonna what, (name)?” his jaw visibly clenches. “what the fuck are you gonna do ta me?”
he looks down at you and waits, like he really wants an answer to the question—
“c-connie i promise you…!”
“shut the fuck up!”
in a second you go from against the door to on the fucking floor, he pushes you hard and he means to do damage.
honestly this day couldn’t get any fucking worse.
you and connie actually started off good this morning. you woke up to him wrapped around you like a blanket before you guys got up and decided to make breakfast together. it had been sweet, sure it was basic. all you did was make pancakes together for heavens sake, but you’ve got to treasure that with a relationship like yours, it’s not often you have good morning together. most you’re already waking up with your gloves on ready to pounce. so of course you were greatful for the sweet acts this morning, too bad it didn’t last long. it wasn’t until later at about three o’clock, while you were getting ready to get a shower is when everything started.
“(n,n,)” connie calls into the bathroom swinging his keys around his finger and rushing to put a t-shirt on. “m’runnin out for a minute, you want me to pick up something?”
you were too busy getting all you shower stuff together to hear him of course, you guess that was your first mistake. he gets real mad at little shit like that.
not listening. you were too busy humming to yourself and looking down at your acrylics, need to book that appointment.
“(name!)” you heard that alright, no mistake. “what the fuck do you need from the store?”
you explained to him you don’t need anything, not before weakly defending yourself, telling him to stop fucking yelling. all he does is roll his eyes and search the place a little deciding himself what you need. he’s not about to go through this little annoying ass cycle like always. you say you don’t need shit then he leaves out and comes back and all the sudden everything’s popping in your dumb little head now. it pisses him off.
he starts with the kitchen. not much, probably some condiments, some of those like strawberry milk packs you like, and some more paper plates, you hate doing dishes. but God forbid you bring the ‘ugly’ paper plates, make sure to bring back those cute pink ones. he moves on to where you’re at the bathroom.
when he goes in there you’re still naked and humming to yourself while you look in the mirror spaced out. still not in the shower.
“watch out baby—”
“oh connie don’t worry about getting pads in stuff ok? don’t think i’ll need them in a minute.”
the words nearly fly over connie’s head until he really stops to think. ‘don’t think i’ll need them in a minute?’ what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
connie quickly gets irritated and worried, immediately jumping to all types of conclusions. honestly you’ve been with each other for too long. he should know by now how irregular your periods are, just shows how little he pays attention to you.
you try to explain it to him but connie’s making shit up in his own head, finding a solution in his own head.
you had went out last weekend right? yeah last weekend. he doesn’t know what the fuck it was for, maybe a girls night? he doesn’t fucking know, he knows he didn’t want you to fucking go though. you looked too fucking good. of course you being you trying to go out in your ‘sluttiest outfit’ as he’d say. he made you change like four times before getting pissed off and going home, cussing you out on the way out the door.
so what, you went out the other weekend, with your other slut friends and what now magically you just don’t have your period? you’re a fucking liar.
and once connie decides on something, it’s set in stone for him, no going back.
that shit started till three o’clock in the fucking afternoon and it’s twelve at night and you guys are still going.
you’re back where you were on the floor looking up at him with wide scared eyes, shocked by just how fast he gets mad.
“i don’t fuck anybody but you, you’re fucking crazy!”
“yeah, yeah?” he picks you up off the ground with just his one hand and drags you towards the bed, trying to straddle himself on you.
“get-get the fuck off connie,” here come the tears, you try your best to block his view from your face but he pins you on the bed and has both of your wrist with just one hand while he clenches his hand around your tear soaked face.
he’s all in your face yelling and it’s too much for you to take honestly, you break down even hard trying to push him away with all the strength you have but you just can’t.
“oh you’re fucking crying? you wanna fucking cry you fucking slut—?”
“st-stop calling me names connie! i didn’t fuck anyone else—“
you’re lying and he knows it. he swears if he looks at you any long he’s gonna slap the shit out of you. wouldn’t be the first time, but that doesn’t mean it makes it any easier. he gets off of you and watches you hop of the bed crying and shaking, immediately jumping up and doing everything you can to hurt him. it doesn’t do shit to him though, it just makes you look like a fucking idiot.
“you’re a fucking slut y’know that? know how fucking disgusted i am? my girlfriends a fucking cheating whore. a cheating pregnant whore.” you slap him. you don’t know how hard but your hand is stinging red it hurts. bad.
you’re still crying—sobbing when he looks down at you, a look of anger, disgust prominent on his face.
“couldn’t even use a fucking condom right? right you stupid bitch?!” he grabs both of your arms and drags you out the room, whispering you wanna keep fucking playing, to himself as you stumble behind him and try to regain your footing..
“where the fuck is your phone?” you’re still crying, you don’t even care anymore. all you wanna do is cry and role around on your floor and scream.
“g-get the fuck o-off, connie.” you try to move somewhere else but he’s got a tight grip on your little arm.
all you want to do is get away from him right now, so you grab the closet object to yourself with your free hand and repeatedly hit him with it. oh that gets him mad real quick. everything after that is a blur and by the time you’re fulling aware again, your lip is bleeding and your head is pounding. connie’s sitting on the crunch going through your phone. you look at the clock that reads 1:23am.
it’s gonna be a long night.
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Dinner and a show
I get my usual order: two triple bacon cheeseburger meals, large. One with a strawberry shake, one with a chocolate shake. You know, so that way they think I’m ordering for me and someone else. Works every time.
I’m shaking with excitement as they hand me the heavy bag of food through the drive-thru window. I know I won’t be able to wait until I get home, so I frantically search for a parking spot. Hopefully the one I picked is secluded enough that no one will notice what’s about to happen…
A few bites into the first burger, and I’m completely focused on stuffing my face. So much so that I don’t notice the giggling from outside the car.
“Holy shit, look at this guy!”
“Eww gross… it’s like he gets off on eating like a pig or something…”
When I go to reach for one of the boxes of fries, I finally pick up on the fact that I have an audience.
“His tits might be bigger than mine!”
“Look at his belly hanging out… I bet he wants it to touch the steering wheel. Jesus.”
I pick up the pace, shoving in fries by the handful. This is no time for straws, I decide — so I pop the top off my first shake and start chugging. Tiny rivers of milkshake dribble down my chins and onto my overstuffed T-shirt.
…In record time, the last bite makes its way between my greasy lips. I lean back, breathless and moaning, and start massaging my bloated gut.
Suddenly I hear a knock on the window.
“Open up, pig.”
I nervously fumble for the switch and roll the window down.
“Buuuuurp… Oh fuck, sorry. What’s up?”
My visitor raises two giant bags to eye level, packed full of food. I swear one of them is actually dripping grease.
“You’re a greedy little pig, aren’t you? You just never want to stop eating, huh?”
I’m sweating, partially from the massive binge, and partially from the embarrassment.
“You want to outgrow this car? You want your dick, and your legs, to be buried in blubber, so that all you can do with your life is eat and grow??”
All I can manage is a whimper of agreement.
“Well here you go, fat boy. Eat up. And if you’re a good pig for me, there’ll be plenty more where that came from. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
I dutifully rip open the first bag and get started. After all, I want to be a good pig.
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hauntedgrin · 12 hours
An unnecessarily thorough analysis of the Tarot imagery in Merlin Season One by an amateur tarot reader
(who is also a hopeless romantic and is currently very affected by the disaster that is BBC Merlin)
I started watching Merlin around two months ago. I fell in love with the show instantly, even if I technically haven't finished it yet because of time reasons (though I did spoil myself everything right to the ending and I’m devastated. Still trying to find courage to start season 5. But that’s beside the point)
There was something in the first season that caught my eye and hasn't let me go since. In fact, I was thinking about it today, went on a search for discussions about it, fully under the assumption that this is something the fandom noticed long beforehand is a well-known fact. To my endless surprise, I’ve found no mention! Nada! Not a single one. That won’t do, I thought. I have to share with the people. It's something that fueled my conviction in Merlin the Show being a love story between Merlin and Arthur (whatever the nature of that love may be, I love both the platonic and romantic interpretation equally, though this specific instance could be leaning towards romance somewhat more, I'll explain it in a second) and here it is.
It's this scene.
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It is Merlin and Arthur, facing each other with two cups in between them, trying to decide who is going to drink the poison, sacrifice himself and save the other. And I thought Oh my god, tarot symbolism.
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That's the card, the Two of Cups. The similarities are obvious (and, in my opinion, very intentional. I’d like to kiss whoever came up with this specific creative decision)
Slight disclaimer: Tarot reading can be very subjective, meanings shift depending on the reader and their perception of the card. I’ll try to be objective with the main aspects of the cards, but there is a lot of subjective opinions too. It’s okay if you disagree)
The main meanings of this card are partnerships, loving relationships, mutual attraction, unity, harmony and, you guessed it!, soulmates. It’s not hard to see why that card would have been chosen to represent them. I think that’s the most outright the show’s ever been about calling them soulmates, without hiding behind labels such as ‘each other’s destiny’ and ‘two sides of one coin’ as if those are any less gay. There is also themes of equality and becoming one, mutual respect and, in certain cases passion and sexual attraction (though it’s not a definition that is applicable in all cases, and can absolutely be ignored for platonic or asexual relationships, it’s still one of the main aspects, given that its represented by, you know, the big red head of a lion with wings right at the top of the card. Can’t exactly forget about it.)
Personally I've always preferred the Two of Cups to The Lovers tarot card (which looks very similar and has some intersections in themes, also concerning love, intimacy, passion). Plus, The Lovers is part of the Major Arcana, so technically it should be more impactful, ‘epic’, someone said, divine. While doing some research into that distinction I've found why exactly it makes me a bit queasy. The Lovers are not always a card about love, in fact, more often it isn’t. And The Lovers aren't made for each other. That is to say, they obviously are, considering the entirety transparent Adam and Eve imagery (and this also makes it a more conservative card, with clear molds for a ‘traditional relationship’). The Lovers are brought together by a higher power, made for a purpose. It serves something. It is a message. It is a lesson. It's a choice between what you want and what you need. It is a partnership, often intense, out of this world, but it’s also about all the factors in between, the things that unite them, the snake, the temptation, the apple, the garden. It can be also about soulmates, and happy relationships, of course, about fated lovers… and mortal enemies. It actually is more in line with Merlin’s and Morgana’s relationship. Out of this world fated connection? Absolutely, guaranteed. Do you want that kind of connection though, really?
How is this relevant, you might be thinking?
Well, there is no such divine power pushing the couple portrayed by the Two of Cups. In fact, they are choosing each other. It’s only them and their union. That’s why I like it so much. They are only the way they are, not the way they are meant to be, not specifically made for each other and yet they are right for each other anyway. And, somehow, just being them is enough. Is that not love?
In Merlin we are told that Merlin and Arthur are a part of each other’s destiny. The Once and Future King and Emrys, his protector, uniting Albion, prophesized by some unnamed seer(s). Does not seem very much like a choice, does it? I guess it depends on the way you view the prophecy and destiny in the show. Is it really all inevitable, and destiny is set in stone, unable to be changed, all leading to the same end, no matter what you do? Or is it the choices themselves that are the constants, fixed in place by the prophecy fulfilling itself? I think the answers to those questions are entirely up to each viewer, and that we can only speculate on it, and never know for sure which was it. Maybe there isn’t a right answer at all. But what I do know is there was a choice Merlin and Arthur made. Let’s return to the imagery on the card..
The couple is exchanging the cups. They are not just toasting – they are performing a ritual, a ceremony. Like exchanging rings, like giving vows. It’s a promise, it’s a connection, it’s a new step, it’s a commitment. And the parallels of the scene in 1x11 don’t end with just imagery. Merlin and Arthur complete the ritual! In the show!
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In the episode 1x04, The Poisoned Chalice, Merlin starts the ritual by drinking from Arthur’s poisoned goblet, which he does to protect him. I would also like to add that this is the first time Two Cups appear that season (that's twice they used the imagery), notably, two ceremonial goblets that are supposed to symbolize peace and partnership between two kingdoms. Even if it doesn’t represent the actual state of the two kingdoms, it definitely shows King Bayard’s genuine desire for a peaceful alliance. And Merlin drinks from one of them!
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Merlin drinks poison for Arthur and in Labyrinth of Gedref, Arthur drinks ‘poison’ for Merlin in turn. Very unconventional way to get married, I must say, but it’s remarkable that they do it in the same way (even if not at the same time).
So. What does all of that tell us about Merlin and Arthur?
We’ve established that the card signifies a very close, strong and significant relationship, chosen by both parties. Again, I like that it emphasizes the choice, that they didn’t just fall into the friendship because of destiny (even if it aided them). The Two of Cups is a part of the Minor Arcana, which deals with the every day matters, earthly lives. Is that not fitting? Merlin didn’t choose The Once and Future King, he chose Arthur, and Arthur didn’t choose Emrys, he chose Merlin.
Merlin’s who been promised a peaceful future. A land where magic is free. Merlin, who knows what’s supposed to happen: The Once and Future King brings that future. The King dies. Merlin, who has a choice to bring that future. To save Mordred. To remove the ban on magic. He doesn’t choose that, he chooses to essentially destroy that future entirely, just so he can have Arthur.
Arthur, who values Merlin’s opinion above everyone else’s, Arthur on his deathbed, finally seeing Merlin for who he is, says, “I don’t want you to change, I want you to always be you,” Arthur, who is dying, a few steps from the chance being saved, (still too far, not enough time), decides to stop because in his last moments he just wants to be held by Merlin.
They chose each other.
And that’s, dare I say it, love.
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HELLO FRIENDS CAN YOU HELP ME. I'm looking for tour diary videos or blogs by members of rock and metal bands, particularly anything that shows what day-to-day life on the road is like, what crew/staff bands have at different levels of budget and popularity, and also when shit goes very wrong.
I've watched olli tukianen's jealous gods tour diaries, gazette dvd documentaries, and some videos from I prevail's drummer (like the one where they played on a cruise ship during a fucking hurricane and the ship uhhhh collided with a dock).
It's for writing research and I'm asking publicly instead of just googling because a) this will get better results than search engines increasingly shitty algorithms, and b) if I tell everyone I'm writing a book I might actually do it. (It began life a couple of years ago as an idea for a gazette fic and a dreadful pun*, and has morphed into something much weirder with original characters. I think I described it as spinal tap meets house of leaves with quantum mechanics, which uhhh. Yeah. Greg egan and blake crouch meet sexy cosmic horror with a heavy metal soundtrack. I mean that's the lofty, niche goal that maybe five people would be interested in reading.)
* The pun: in japan, gig venues are called live houses (live as in live performance, rhyming with strive not give) and gigs are called lives. A house of leaves bizzarchitecture type story set in a live house rather than a residential house would therefore be called... house of lives. But my story isn't set in japan so if anyone desperately wants to send ruki into an infinite labyrinthine void through the back door of shinjuku blaze, fill your boots and take that terrible joke title.
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sharksliveontrains · 18 days
the algarithization of youtube is ruining my life
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budugaapologist · 6 months
tbh liking hien on tumblr feels like liking edward again :/
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anaalnathrakhs · 28 days
mental health facilities looooove to only have inpatient available when it would make things worse
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
Been following you for a while and I wish you wouldn’t hate Sarah J. Maas. She’s my favorite author and I don’t think I can continue following you or supporting you while you hate on her. I’ll miss your fics but they aren’t worth it.
don’t even worry about it, you do what’s best for you. i’m all for curating the content you want to see on your blog. if seeing my blog or my dislike of someone you enjoy upsets you and you need to unfollow then please do! block me if you need to! i won’t ever be upset or angry if someone decides to unfollow/block me, that’s what those options are there for!
fandom is meant to be fun, and if you aren’t having fun on my blog then it’s okay to not interact with me! it’s okay to just unfollow or block people because you don’t like one of their posts or you don’t like their vibe or they don’t like one of your favorite authors! i’ve blocked people for less before, it really doesn’t have to be that deep!
and that goes for any blogs/people you may come across on here and other social medias. create your spaces to make you feel comfortable, curate your content to what you want to see! and don’t ever feel bad for doing so! it’s your blog, do what you need to do to make it a safe space for yourself.
….but i do have to genuinely ask, what were you expecting when you followed a blog with the title “sarah j maas hate account”?
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youssefguedira · 8 months
i feel like i've been defending why i didn't like [REDACTED] a lot lately because i've been meeting a lot of new people and it keeps coming up in conversation. and whenever i talk about it i feel like i keep adding the caveat of a) i didn't say it was bad, i think it's a very well made film that handles its subject poorly in a lot of ways and i just didn't like it and b) i was never going to like it because of problems i have with both the subject matter and the director, so unless it was something completely unexpected it wasn't going to win me over because it's not the type of film i like even outside of all my issues with it. and i do wish people would take that into account tbh
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Tumblr is great actually I can't think of another website where i can get so worked up in an argument with a person that I don't actually disagree with I'm laughing my ass off
#i just saw that we fought i blocked them then went and unblocked them#and we had both made a vague about each other and im dying now#i do not disagree im just rambling in tags and tumblr shows it to more ppl than i thought#anyway my b im laughing really hard rn bc i was mad abt something else#also can i just mention that i hate that tumblr drags all words from tags now its fucking infuriating#ive been going on bullshit diary tag rants for a decade these cannot start getting me in trouble at this fucking point#this isnt reddit i should be able to say something without having everybody im gossiping about actually see it what are we doing here#what i meant abt byler is that i think the actual buildup and representation of it has been pretty one sided#so i think its qb if theres not a byler confession and i think it would be shitty if its unreciprocated#but idk if it would actually be like...queerbaiting#but again i wasnt talking abt byler at all i was talking abt steddie and ronance not being qb#anyway if u want a better blogging experience#search the hashtag instead of the word always bc ppl like me dont want to censor every damn word while rambling#bc tumblr decided to become less functional i guarantee you will have a better time bc those are all the byler posts#that people actually want you to see#tumblr take note do u see the kind of chaos this causes?#we had all those posts about not tagging hate for like 6 years for a reason#anyway my b but u did also come in a lil hot there but nw i was being a dick but also i didnt tag it so lets just blame tumblr
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
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epicdogymoment · 2 years
oouh nothinng else makes me feel the way i feel when the tw*tter mewchuals are posting about kp*p
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