#like at first hes like oh! they are parked in the wrong place and goes around but after it happening so many times he wishes he could blow
teethhoneey · 9 months
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i had to doodle luka and random thoughts i had B))
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evilminji · 3 months
Dani should Kidnap The Clones.
It's basicly protective custody. Preemptive child services, if you will. NONE of these fuckers out here makin adorable clone baby just cause they want kids!
*kicks down the door to your shady lab* Knock Knock! ITS THE POLICE! *Walker's Shock troopers swarm the place as Dani secures the kids*
Look me in the eyes. You KNOW he'd love an excuse to enforce The Rules on people technically outside his jurisdiction. It's for The Children(tm)! Why, he simply had no CHOICE!
Meanwhile? Dani is shoving all these mal-adjusted Murder Clones into her Lair? Which is? Basicly a Door style Lair she hid inside Danny's Lair for safe keeping. It's shoved behind a vending machine just outside the observatory. And the inside? Goes on for DAYS.
Like national parks and every beautiful beach she ever came across. She smashed together the BEST sights and places she's found in her travels, like a collection. Always adding more. New waterfalls, new noodle shops, new fields of wine grapes. It's... beautiful. Snapshots of every wonderous little thing about Earth, stitched together.
They can't hurt anyone. Can't achieve their "objectives". Are just treated like actual individuals and the children they truely are. Are surrounded by other Clones. So it's NORMAL here. Just? All of it.
But also?
Dani and Dan? Teaming up to make History's Scariest Adoption Agency(TM). Dan runs it. Dan wants to know why EXACTLY you want a kid. Explain yourself to Dan. What are your references? Qualifications. He's doing a home visit to inspect the premises. He BETTER not find any suspicious Labs.
And? It just? Appears out of nowhere. It's powered by Zone Bullshit. One second you're thinking "oh woe is me D:> I will never have a child to fill my lovely home, because of all my Superhero Secrets and also because government bureaucracy!" And the next?
.....wasn't that an out of business taco bell? "Zone Adoptions"?
"....Free Clone Baby?"
Okay that is HIGHLY suspicious and as a hero you are basicly legally obligated to investigate. But now it's bigger on the inside? Fancy waiting room? You are being interrogated? Wait, no, you're supposed to be the one doing the-?
Somehow? You leave with your Clone Son from another Dimension. And a pamphlet. You're scheduled for a home visit in three days. You... you never told them where you live.
Somehow that doesn't seem like it will slow them down.
Did the Fae just Suprise Baby you with a clone baby? Can they DO that? W... what's happening? What days is this? Who ARE YOU PEOPLE?! HUH!?!?
Just? Imagine. IMAGINE. I was gonna say Bruce... but?
He finds himself... pondering What Could Have Been. Had his Clones not wanted him dead. Wondering if he could have saved them. If, perhaps, he had found them as infants. Raised them. Could he have given them a good life? Been a good father?
He gets emotional. Fatherly. He's about 14.
Dan's been around Ghosts too long to remember how humans age or how age relates to development. This one TALKS like An Adult. Must be one. Probably just short.
And Damian? Never backs down. The second Dan starts challenging him? His character is flawless and his morals divine. He has never done anything wrong, ever, in his LIFE. Fuck you. And on TOP of that? He not only will be the SINGLE GREATEST FATHER TO EVER FATHER, his home is the most loving and beloved ON THE PLANET!
In entirety of EARTH'S history, no less!
....what are they arguing about?
*is handed a baby and kicked out of Dan's adoption agency*
See you in a few days!
(o.o ) *happy gurgling from the baby* *Damian.exe has stopped working*
Smash cut, after Damian speed runs his stages of grief at his own Dumbass Life Choices, to his rocking back up at the Manor like? Congratulations, Father. I have brought you your first grandson! Do Not ask how I obtained him. It was likely dubiously legal but I will not be returning him. We have bonded.
And just? Annihilating the collective Bats on one go. You did what? You have What?! That is a baby! WHY IS THERE A BABY?! How is there a baby!? WHOS BABY!? *sirens going off and everyone panicking*
Will Damian be allowed to KEEP the Baby? Ha! Hell no. Bruce will. Damian is a child. But it will be a Needlessly Dramatic Bat Cold War Of Dramatic Drama to pry that small cherubic baby from his grip long enough for Bruce to fill out the paperwork.
Child thieving bastard that he is. How dare he. That is Damian's SON! D:<
*happy oblivious baby noises as Alfred feeds him in the background, while the Bats do their Dramatic Custody War*
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @mutable-manifestation
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My brain refuses to sleep, so more drabbling! Probably modern-ish AU?
Steve makes a career for himself as a re-decorator (or de-decorator, as he loves to call himself). His clientele are those celebrities who rose to fame so quickly they have plenty of money, but they don't have time to make their houses feel like home. They just bought penthouses and mansions and now live in homes that are fancy, but they feel like hotels.
Steve is there to fix that.
One of his clients is the hard working rockstar Eddie Munson whose life path went from a trailer park to couch surfing to living with 4 people in a tiny apartment, then suddenly tours, hotels and boom! He has a house that looks like an IKEA prop.
He doesn't hide his distaste at the pristine condition of the place (yes, Eddie has a cleaner). "Oh god. A beige carpet?" he scoffs and he sounds so bitchy Eddie decides he likes him already.
He likes him even more when Steve puts on reading glasses. Damn.
Over coffee, they discuss what Eddie wants. Except Steve doesn't just...tell him. He doesn't give him any hints. He just keeps asking about Eddie's favorite colors, what movies he likes, does he have hobbies apart from music? Can Steve see some of the items that bring him comfort?
And Eddie's surprised. "Shouldn't you, like...be telling me what I'm supposed to want?" he asks the gorgeous man who almost wails when he sees the vase with fresh flowers ("This is the third place in a row that has this fugly thing! Is it like a status symbol? Uh, tasteless.").
And Steve just stares at him. "Uh, Mr. Munson?"
Steve nods. "Eddie. Why should I have any say in what you want? If you ask me what's practical, easy to clean, what bounces off light well, that's another thing. But in matters of taste...you're the boss. You live here, I don't. (Pity, Eddie thinks) Now, let's change this place into somewhere you actually like staying, hm?"
They spend the whole afternoon talking. Eddie opens up about what he loved before the touring and expectations from his agent took that from him. He talks about the Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, fantasy in general, and Steve listens, makes tons of notes and asks questions that make Eddie's heart bleed, such as "and who is your favorite Lord of the Rings character?" and "you mentioned elves, dwarves, orcs, wizards...so what is your favorite group?" and "which DnD class would you be then? I guess a bard? Is that too obvious?". Now, Steve doesn't know much about these things, but learns quickly and works with the info he has.
They walk through the house again, with Steve making notes and wincing at transgressions against humanity or at least against his taste in things ("Oh ew. EW. Glossy finish on a kitchen counter? What is this, a future crime scene?") and Eddie feeling equally amused and curious. Eddie orders dinner for them, it goes something like:
"I don't know what would be appropriate, any preferences?"
"Eddie, there's no time or space when pizza is not appropriate."
"What about a funeral?"
"It puts fun in a funeral."
They follow up on a bunch more things. Steve notices Eddie fidgeting and asks him like the mindreader he is if perhaps the place is too clean for him. "Minimalism is what everyone's trying to push," Steve says, not without sympathy, "but it's not for everyone. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you seem like a person who'd love a more....personal, cluttered space."
And god, Eddie feels so seen. He tells Steve about all his favorite books and trinkets that he lost during a horrible earthquake in Indiana, so when he moved to the city it was just some clothes and his two guitars. Steve makes so many notes. "I've seen quite a lot of collectibles for your beloved trilogy," he says with a hint of a smile. "Is that something you'd like in your home?" Eddie can't nod any faster.
They talk about the budget (Eddie just scoffs at that, for the first time in his life money is not an issue), Eddie's absolute no go things ("No more vases, please! PLEASE. Also maybe the one room that can stay as it is is the studio, there's no decor"), if he has issues touching any materials, if he wants to keep any areas in the house neutral for visitors (he doesn't). Then finally, he asks Eddie if he wants to be more consulted or surprised.
And Eddie, tired and surprisingly relaxed from talking to Steve, just grins and says: "Surprise me, big boy."
Steve just smirks and makes one more note. "Oh, I will, Eddie."
Eddie goes on yet another tour for a couple of months, which is the ideal time for Steve to start working on the house.
Steve sometimes texts Eddie random choices, such as "Rohan or Gondor or both?" or "what's the best pub in the Middle Earth?" and Eddie usually trips over his feet trying to get to his phone after concerts to see if maybe he has another message from Steve. He learns bits and pieces about the man as well - he has a younger brother, Dustin, who is into the same stuff that Eddie is. Sometimes it goes like this:
STEVE: What's the best battle in the LotR movies?
EDDIE: The Ride of the Rohirrim, duh!
STEVE: Dustin says you're wrong, it's the last stand at the gates of Mordor.
EDDIE: The disrespect to king Théoden!
And finally, the big day comes. Eddie meets with Steve at the door. From the outside, the house still looks boring, but that's what they agreed on. At least for now.
But there's one notable difference and Eddie gasps when he sees it.
"I know we said no changes on the outside," said Steve sheepishly, "but I took the liberty to make one slight change."
Where the door used to be bland and white, it is now carved with silver etchings. It replicates the Doors of Durin. Eddie loves it.
Steve smiles at him. "Speak friend and enter, right? Dustin told me. Anyways, are you ready?"
Turns out, Eddie wasn't ready. Steve took all of the shiny and sterile surfaces and turned them into something beautiful.
The kitchen is now in warmer colors, brown and green, imitating the Green Dragon inn, plaque included.
Guest rooms have been changed, each to represent a group or a nation of the Middle Earth. Eddie thinks his uncle will love the Rohirrim one.
No more vases are to be seen, but Steve got potted plants ("almost immortal, as long as your housekeeper waters them once a week or so").
Eddie howls in laughter when he sees that Steve somehow managed to disguise all his security cameras as tiny eyes of Sauron.
The bathroom is inspired by the Rivendell, with soft tones and nods to Elvish architecture.
Eddie's bedroom resembles the Shire, with round shapes and homely motifs.
But Eddie's absolute favorite is the living room.
The only things that remain there that he bought are the massive TV and his stereo system with records. The rest though...
Gone is the ugly and sharp couch that looked like a geometry exercise. The new one is large and comfortable, with a couple of armchairs to finish the cozy feel. The coffee table and TV stand are more rough looking, with decorative ironwork. And then, around the room and on the walls...
"Oh wow," whispers Eddie and Steve beams at him.
There are collectibles and figurines that young Eddie Munson would have killed for. A replica of the Narsil hangs over the TV. It's cluttered but tasteful, still easy to clean, but Eddie always has something to touch, to play with.
And then he spots the bookcase and actually sobs. "What the fuck, Steve?" he asks, but there's no anger, just awe. "How did you know?"
The bookcase is full of Eddie's most beloved books, all that he told Steve about and more, but it's not just that. These aren't just pristine new prints - Steve managed to get both those and well-loved used copies. Most of them are the same editions that Eddie had before the earthquake. He runs his trembling finger over the back of the Hobbit and it feels like home.
"That was the hardest part," says Steve and leaves Eddie to rummage through the books, the old DnD guides and used comic books. "But I assumed you're sick of new and shiny. In fact, most of the collectibles are already used as well. They have some history. As for the books, uh..." He scratches his neck, embarrassed. "I will be honest, I don't read much. Dyslexia and some issues with the eyes, although audio books are making it more possible for me now. So I had to ask Dustin for help. We looked for editions published before the earthquake. I hope we got some of them right?"
Eddie just mutters "Sorry, I'm about to do something really unprofessional now" and pulls Steve into a bear hug. And Steve reciprocates.
"Fuck, this...this is everything," says Eddie into his shoulder. "How did you do this? Are you magic. You must be magic."
Steve grins. "I take it the surprise was a success then?"
Eddie finally pulls back. He would have loved to keep embracing Steve for a bit longer, but boundaries. "A total one. Wow. I mean. It's a lot, but so good. SO GOOD. How can I repay you?"
"You already paid me, Eddie."
"You know what I mean!" Eddie points and the books and apparently also a DVD collection he now owns. "This must have been so much more work than you normally do, no? I doubt every client has you memorize the members of the Fellowship."
"Not just that, but also why Sam is the best," Steve smiles at him and fuck. Eddie might be in love. "It was more than usual, but I loved it, Eddie. That's why I like my job so much, helping people find themselves again. You don't owe me anything. Although, if you're offering..."
"I'm listening."
Steve runs his fingers through that majestic hair. "So, I didn't tell Dustin that I was decorating the house for you, but he's a huge fan of your music. Like, massive, has every album, has been following your career from the start. And feel free to tell me it's too much, you are my client after all, but...he'd love to meet you. Over a pizza, maybe? The plain ham and cheese one you like so it doesn't have too many flavors?"
And Eddie melts. Because Steve still remembers his pizza choice from months ago, even though this definitely wasn't in his notes. He decides there and then that Steven Harrington is a national treasure.
"Sure, big boy," he smiles at Steve, and hopes he didn't imagine Steve leaning into the touch. "How about you invite him over for a movie night or something? With pizza of course."
It looks like Steve could kiss him, but he doesn't. Not yet. That only happens a week later, when they bump into each other in Eddie's kitchen when they scramble to make more popcorn for Dustin.
Steve stays the next night. And maybe a few after that. Always in a different themed bedroom.
They travel for work a lot, but when they are both in Chicago, they always meet in the Green Dragon kitchen, cuddle in the bed that would be far too large for a hobbit, and in the night, Eddie wraps himself around Steve and whispers: "My preciousssss."
And Steve can't really complain, because it's his fault that his boyfriend has re-discovered his dorkiness, so why would he mind?
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luveline · 2 months
Hi honey! I hope you’re taking care of yourself ❤️ I love love LOVE how you write! Can I please request bombshell reader x Spencer telling the team she’s pregnant 💕
thank you for requesting! <3 fem, 2k
Your quiet tone has his attention faster than any shouting would’ve; he expects high energy from you, and your murmur scares him half to death. He backtracks from the bathroom with his toothbrush still in his mouth, toothpaste dripping down his fingers as he yanks it out and asks, “What?” 
“Is this okay?” 
You chew your lip and turn to the side, illuminating your problem with a hand framed under your tummy. Your skin peeks out from the bottom of your shirt. 
The wonder of you is that you’ve always been beautiful, always, in Spencer’s eyes at least if not the entire world’s, because of how you present yourself, and of course because of your big heart. Your smile, the way you talk, all of it is beautiful and, most of the time, measured. Your clothes are carefully picked, and now you’re changing and your clothes need to change with it —your bump has appeared faster than Spencer realised it would, and you haven’t had time to upgrade your wardrobe. The cases are endless and you’d been more interested in doctor’s appointments and house viewings than clothes shopping.  
“What’s wrong?” he asks, perhaps a bit useless, white frothy paste sliding down his chin. 
You smile momentarily, nervous on your feet as you adjust your shirt. “I think I look very pregnant.” 
Spencer goes back into the bathroom to finish brushing.  “You look mildly pregnant,” he agrees loudly over the rush faucet. He spits, wipes his face, and rinses his toothbrush. 
“Compared to my usual non-pregnant look, I mean,” you say. 
“It’s just that shirt’s a little tight,” he promises. “We’ll find something.” 
You probably aren’t going to find something, you both realise. You stand in front of him in one of your soft bralettes, the ‘S’ of your pendant on your rising chest, shirtless and likely to stay that way. “Oh,” he says, tapping your bump gently with his knuckle. “Maybe it got bigger overnight.” 
“I think so,” you agree, taking his hand where it hovers to press to the top of the slope of the bump. You’re holding his hand more than you’re protecting the bump, a perplexed frown on your lips as you kneed his fingers in yours. 
“We don’t have time to go to the store, but we could be late,” he says. 
“What if we have a case?” 
“That’s a better reason to go shopping.” 
You pout for a kiss, leaning up to press your lips to his wry smile. “No. Do you still have that maroon sweater? The one that didn’t fit you right, with the v-neck?” 
Spencer helps you into said sweater though you don’t need his assistance, smoothing down the wrinkles carefully. It hides the too-short hem of your white shirt underneath, and paired with the collar, Spencer couldn’t be more in love with you. “You’re dressed like me five years ago,” he says. 
“Like it?” you flirt, your cheeks apples with your smug smile, your hands under your chin.
“You really are glowing.” 
“Don’t tempt me into kissing you stupid,” you say, still flirting, voice dipping into that warm, sweet place that probably caused the bump between you in the first place. 
“You’re lucky I don’t kiss you stupid,” he jokes, putting an arm around you for a quick hug. “Too bad we need to work to save to buy a stupid house instead.” 
“Have a stupid baby,” you mumble happily, your face pressed to his chest. He kisses your cheek. 
You’re both in incredible moods when you finally make it to work, tethered together from the parking lot to the elevator to the BAU office. There’s been a lot more hand holding since you found out you were pregnant, though you’re trying to keep it private just a little bit longer. Hotch gets antsy about pregnant people in the field (though he’d never force you to stay home), and the others can tend to be overbearing. 
You are excited to tell them. Spencer’s your family, the team is as good as, and they’ll all be so, so happy for you. At first you’d been waiting for the twelve week milestone for practicality’s sake, but now you’re just waiting for the right time. 
“Clothes get lost in the move?” Morgan asks. 
You aren’t telling them about the pregnancy, but you’re honest about other things. They know you’ve moved in with Spencer, and that you’re looking for a house. Morgan would’ve been offended if you hadn’t told him. He’d offered up a bunch of his properties to you both for viewing and promised a very good family and friends price point, but they hadn’t been perfect enough. It’s just a starter house, he’d argued, mostly unoffended at your pickiness. 
He doesn’t realise that you and Spencer wanna raise a baby, and you want as perfect a home as possible for at least the toddler years before you start looking to move up the ladder. A family home. 
“Very funny,” you praise, letting Spencer pull back your chair for you as you sit down. You feel the new extra roundness of your bump and wonder why nobody else has noticed it either. Spencer certainly can’t stop looking at it. You catch him all the time, and at night, alone and in bed, you let him run his hand up and down the hill of it, clearly amazed. 
“It looks good on you, mama,” Morgan says. 
You laugh. “Doesn’t everything?” you ask with an exaggerated smirk. 
“Yes,” Spencer says. 
You dip your head back in your chair. “This is why I love you.” 
“Devotion,” Spencer guesses, wiping at a smudge of makeup under your eye tenderly. 
You put your hand on your stomach. It’s weird how things change and don’t at the same time. You feel like you love him so much more now you’re a family with him, but you loved him endlessly before. Moments like this were plentiful and warm as sunshine, the undulating care in his touch a practised exercise at this point. You let your eyes close. He strokes your cheek. 
“Hotch wants everyone in the conference room,” JJ says, announcing herself and her towering cup of coffee as she breezes past the bullpen. 
You follow her upstairs to the conference room. Rossi, Hotch and Penelope are already waiting, everyone accompanied by their own creature comfort (coffee, coffee, and tea, respectfully). You and Spencer take seats opposite Hotch and Rossi, hands held together as always, his left in your right, his thumb kind against your knuckles. 
“The jet is still pre-loading from last time, so we can’t leave until late tonight, but we will be leaving,” Hotch begins, nodding at Penelope. “Until then, we’ll work the case from here.”
She nods back and clicks onto some severely disgusting photographs. 
You work through the facts together. Emily arrives late with apologies soon forgiven, your team a well-oiled machine. Of course, without being there, there’s only so much you can do, but it’s never not useful to have these discussions and to spitball with one another. 
Spencer gets stuck in his head. You fight the urge to kiss his cheek as he’d kissed yours this morning and decide on a more work appropriate show of affection, popping down to the kitchenette to make him a cup of coffee. 
You aren’t drinking coffee or anything caffeinated for the baby. You aren’t thirsty, but Spencer will worry if you don’t make yourself a drink too. You fill a glass with water from the sink and make your way back up the steps to the conference room. 
“It looks like there’s a racial motivation,” Spencer’s saying to Morgan. 
“Sure, but with only two victims so far, it could be coincidence,” Emily says. 
“Or not,” JJ says with a frown. 
“I think our killer would show it more, if it were,” you suggest, “there’s usually some aspect of overkill with hate crimes we aren’t seeing here.” 
You put the cup of coffee down in front of Spencer and sit in your chair. The sleeves on his sweater are too long. You push them up for the tenth time. 
“That’s Spencer’s?” Emily asks, having noticed your struggle.
“Oh, yeah. I’ve been sort of scatterbrained, I forgot to put a load in the dryer.” 
“Is your go bag ready?” Hotch asks. 
No. “Yeah, it’s fine. You don’t like my new look?” 
“I’ve never known you to wear clothes that don’t fit,” Morgan says.
“What are you trying to say, Derek?” you ask, propping your face in your chin. 
“You’re getting sloppy in your old age.” 
You turn to Spencer, beaming, and he shakes his head at you immediately. 
“And what’s with the water?”
Your smiling turns deer-in-the-headlights. “What?” 
“You don’t drink coffee anymore?” Morgan prompts. 
That piques the interest of Emily and Hotch simultaneously, but you know you’re caught when realisation colours JJ’s gaze. She stares straight at your glass, then your face. You can practically see her profiling your behaviour these last few weeks, the sudden trips to the bathroom, the worse than usual reluctance to be away from Spencer, and the sudden propensity for safer practice in the field. 
You smile. You’re caught. You see Hotch’s expression and know he knows it, too. 
You give Spencer a little nudge with your thigh, as though telling him, You say it. You know he wants to. 
“You can’t have more than three hundred milligrams of caffeine when you’re pregnant,” Spencer says, his pride unmissable in the slight lift of his chin, “it disrupts midterm foetal growth. Our baby might come out too small, which isn’t what we want, obviously, so she can’t drink coffee. Not for another six months, at least.” 
“Wha– wha– what?” Penelope asks, the physical manifestation of a kettle about to boil over, excitement bubbling and raring to explode as she grips the table. “You’re pregnant?” 
“With Spencer?” Emily asks, though she’s laughing before she’s finished. 
You frame his cheek with one hand and lean in to kiss it gently. “Who else?” you ask. 
The best part is watching everybody hug Spencer. You’re happy they love you and you accept their congratulations and their love with pleasure, but seeing a room full of people thrilled for him finally getting the life he’s wanted, and knowing you’re at least part of the reason, is pretty sweet. You put your hand on your baby bump and take a mental picture of him under Morgan’s arm, his cheeks pink, his smile achingly wide. 
Still, he cuts through his moment to reach for you. “Maybe someone else will be able to convince you to slow down,” he says, hand moving to your stomach protectively. 
You pretend to think it over. “Maybe in a month or two.” 
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taexoxosgf · 4 months
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PAIRING park jisung x fem!reader | ft. friendgroup!nct dream
SYNOPSIS Your horny friends try to pull a little prank on you in the days leading up to Christmas. One thing Park Jisung likes to remind them is: he totally doesn’t want any part in it. Except, he totally does.
WARNINGS smut, ANGST, fluff, lots of dialogue, vag fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, vanilla vanilla vanilla, they're in love basically
NOTES I have to admit, this isn’t my best work lolllllll. though this was supposed to be posted on christmas, this can be my new years gift! 2024 here we come babyyy
★ Part of A Dreamy Christmas Collab!
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“Why don’t we all be her secret Santa?” 
“What are you talking about?” Jaemin chuckles, eyes dancing as he seems intrigued by the idea.  But what pervades his mind was nothing like what Donghyuck was about to propose. 
“Think about it…” he trails.  “She used to say, if it’s an SOS, and we need help in that department,” he points to his crotch– “She would help us out.” 
“You’re fucking crazy,” Jisung rolls his eyes when he catches on to Hyuck’s sudden idea.  
“So you’re saying we all get her a present?” Chenle asks.
“Yes… But we all have to give her the same… present,” he walks between each of the men like a devil hovering over their shoulders.   
“Hyuck, just get to the point,” Jeno huffs. 
“Okay, bu–”
“No ‘buts!’ Get to your point,” Renjun groans.  
“The gift we’re giving her can’t be put into a shitty little box.”
“Oh my god, NO!” Mark whines.  
“What’s so wrong with a little fun?” 
“Are you seriously suggesting an… orgy?” 
“No, you idiot,” Hyuck pinches his nose bridge.  “Let’s all give her our present one by one leading up to Christmas… Like an advent calendar,” he shrugs, unable to hide the pride beaming off of him from the simile.  
“So you’re suggesting we all have sex with her in the days leading up to Christmas?  Am I hearing this right?” Jaemin intervenes once more, orbs gleaming with interest. 
“Ding Ding! We have a winner!”
“Jisung’s right. You’ve gone insane,” Renjun fully laughs.
“You know I’m insane, and that’s why we have fun.  But you know what? Let’s make this more interesting… When we tell her after Christmas, the person who she says is her best fuck, get’s her secret Santa present,” Hyuck smirks. “You know she goes all out.” 
“I’m in, but it might be hard for Mark because he’s actually in love with her,” Jaemin turns his body towards his friend who avoids eye contact before offering a retort. 
“Why just me? You guys are all in love with her!” His claim is met with a group of huffs and groans.
“How do you know she’ll even agree to this?” Jeno points out, earning a nod from the others. 
“She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to.  If she does, then great! Amazing even! But if she doesn’t, then man, I feel kinda bad because we all got a thing for her.” Hyuck accepts the facts of the predicament. “Hopefully we can laugh about this on New Years.”
“I don’t.  I guess I’m the only one,” the youngest of the group speaks out but it’s not taken seriously by his older friends as a fit of laughter echoes within the small space.  
Hyuck’s the first one to speak– placing a hand on Jisung’s shoulder, “You’re the worst out of all of us.”  
“What are you talking about?”
“You guys always bicker and talk shit but I know all you want to do is rip each other’s clothes off,” Jeno jumps in. “Nice try though.  I almost believed it.”
“I’m not! She’s annoying as hell!”
“So annoying you want to fuck it out of her, right?” Jaemin joins. 
“You guys are jumping me right now, I’m leaving,” Jisung excuses himself earning a look of victory from his friends.
“Wait!  So you agree to it, right? Jisung?!  Hello?”  Chenle and Renjun yell out in unison, but the only reply heard is the slam of a door.  
“You’re serious about this Hyuck?” Mark asks one last time. 
“No, but this is just so those two kids will finally admit they’re down bad for each other.  I think this will be their breaking point.” 
“Damn,” all the other boys yell in unison. 
“I know right? Someone needs to hire me for something!  I don’t know for what, but something!” he crosses his arms to bask in his actions. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Mark laughs at his friend.  “You’re so dumb.” 
“Just wait and see.  He won’t make it to Christmas…”
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Everyone is being… weird. 
On the very first day of December, you and all your friends come together to pick a name out of a jar.  The game of Secret Santa is an annual tradition you love partaking in. But once the weather dropped thirty degrees, all the boys started acting shady.  They were canceling plans with you on purpose, avoiding eye contact when you spoke to any one of them, and just running away the first chance they got.  It was easy to get mad, even call them out for it, but the replies would always be the same– that there was nothing wrong or they were just tired.  
And you’re not going to lie, it was starting to make your skin crawl.  The sudden shift in dynamic between you and the boys has you wondering if you did something wrong. But if they were trying to pull something, then they had another thing coming. It was frustrating, trying to shake it out of them in every way possible, but no one would budge.
December eighth rolls around and you know everyone is free today because you all collectively promised Sunghoon that every year until the day you die, this day will always be open for him.  It’s always an annual trip to the snowy mountains– a secluded cabin and powdery snow that’s fit for snowboarding. Surprisingly, but not so surprisingly, everyone’s busy up until the car ride to the cabin. 
Their persistent avoidance, even for an event like this, just pulls on the strings even harder. 
You’re leaning against the island of the kitchen, glaring into their souls from across the room as the music's bass reverberates throughout the warm cabin; and the bitter liquid in your plastic cup disappears like water down a drain.  
“Why are you standing here all by yourself?” 
You turn to the voice, sporting a grin once you realize who it is. “Hey, birthday boy. Just glaring at the boys.  Don’t know if they notice though,” you squint a little harder, hoping they’ll finally notice. 
Sunghoon’s orbs follow the seven of them scattered around the living room. “They notice alright. I’m sure they’ll come crawling back when they realize you don’t play.” 
“Oh, they know I don’t.  But they’re still gonna try anyway,” you let out a heavy sigh.  “I just wish I knew what they’re up to.  It’s killing me.” 
“Just ask Jisung.” 
“Why Jisung?” The mention of your friend’s name causes the subject of your orbs to shift to him, but he’s already looking your way.  When you make eye contact, he hurriedly glances away, confirming the suspicion that something’s up. 
“I feel like whatever they’re planning, he’s telling them he doesn’t want to do it.” 
“Why is that so detailed? Do you know what they’re up to? Spill right now!”
Sunghoon shakes his head in denial, raising the cup to his lips before responding. “Nah, you guys are always going at it. That’s all. It’s just a hunch.” 
“Fine, maybe I will. But I was gonna do it anyway.” 
You’re already making your way towards Jisung when Sunghoon blurbs out.  “If it doesn’t work, I’m always available.”
“You wish, Park.”  But you stop in your tracks.  “Wait, what?” 
Sunghoon walks off in a hurry, “Nothing! Had to try at least once!” 
Rolling your eyes at the birthday boy, you finally make your way to your destination but all seven of your friends go completely mute once you reach it.  There’s not a sound emitting from them, and it practically forces smoke out of your ears. 
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” Jeno murmurs.
“You guys have been ignoring me ever since December started! Spill your evil plans right now!” 
“Nothing’s going on,” Chenle adds, but it’s met with a crack of his voice at the final word, and you know one hundred percent they're lying. 
“Haechan! I know you’re the mastermind,” you turn to your friend, but all he does is shrug, eyes still looking everywhere but yours as he nonchalantly sips from his drink. 
“Nothing whatsoever. We’ve just been busy that’s all,” Jisung speaks out, but you chuckle, knowing he’ll eventually give in if you press him hard enough. 
“Of course, you’re a part of this! Sunghoon told me you weren’t, but I doubted him as soon as those words left his mouth!” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jisung’s tone changes, as if he’s warning you.
“That little shithead!” Jaemin groans.
“I knew it!” you exclaim.
“What did he tell you?” Renjun interrupts.
“Nothing, just what I said before.”
“Nothing is going on. You don’t believe us?” Jisung is still firm on his decision to make you believe otherwise. With that stupid smirk he’s trying to hide and how his form influences you to shift back. 
“Of course, you’re still on that even though Jaemin just admitted you guys are planning something! You’re the worst!” 
“And you’re a dumbass,” Jisung mumbles once you turn away.
“Look who’s fucking talking,” you don’t realize you’re stepping closer at every syllable exchanged and you don’t know why your friend loves to push your buttons so much.
“You always say I’m the worst and then you come right back.  I don’t think you hate me as much as you say you do,” Jisung’s eyes glimmer with a playfulness to them, closing the space between the two of you as the bickering reaches its climax.  But his words only fuel your rage.
At this point, you can only see red.  
All you do with Jisung is bicker or fight about stupid shit. Your friendship with the other boys is the glue that holds you and Jisung together.  No one could guess that you met all the boys through him. You both had been friends with benefits long ago— practically another lifetime. But you’d jump off a cliff before admitting that the shards of glass remain. And that it still cuts. 
It’s impossible to act like everything is fine and you both can get along.  So instead, you fight and fight until no more words can be said.  
“Ooooo,” you hear Jeno say, reminding you you’re still in a place full of swarming bodies. 
“What about you? You either hate me or you love me. It can’t be both,” you mutter, condemning yourself as you catch a glimpse of his lips hovering above yours.  You're both staring one another down, and you notice the same vein on the side of his temple, and his jaw clenches with each phrase that escapes your lips. 
“Watch it,” Jisung seethes.
“What? If you wanna play this game, let’s pla—“
“Okay! Enough of this,” Hyuck groans before dragging the both of you by the wrist and out of the main room.
“What are you doing Hyuck?” you urgently inquire, but he doesn’t reply.  He only hurriedly rushes along, throwing you both into a bedroom you don’t recognize.  And as you rush to escape the enclosed space, your friend shuts the door in front of your face– leaving you with your hands practically clawing at the door.  
“Lee Donghyuck! Open the fucking door right now!” you yell out, unable to comprehend how your friend could think this was a solution.  “Open the door before I beat your ass!” 
“He’s not going to open the door,” Jisung reminds you of his presence amidst the chaos.  “Not until the morning.”  
“What?! No. No. No. This is not happening right now.”  
“Let’s just sleep.  So when we wake up, we can just get outta here.”  
You scan the room, realizing there’s nothing for you to rest on except the bed in the center– the one Jisung is currently sitting on.  “You think I can fall asleep with everything that’s going on?  And I don’t even know what’s going on,” you’re shifting awkwardly, habitually rocking yourself on the heel of your feet following the eye of the storm.  
“Just sleep.  It’ll be over soon,” Jisung already makes himself comfy, placing his legs under the covers and rearranging the pillow to his liking.  He’s too calm.  Way too calm for what just occurred. 
“Where am I supposed to sleep?” 
“I don’t know, figure it out,” he mumbles, lids already fluttering shut.  You hate how you admire how long his eyelashes are.  
His eagerness to ignore the dilemma influences you to the bed to pry his lids open.  As Jisung opens his eyes willingly, you finally take notice of how close you both are.  His eyes widen at the proximity and he shifts back to the edge of the bed in surprise. You’re caught off guard because there seems to be something lingering in the air between the two of you.  And you brush it off because you know it’s annoyance. 
“Just sleep,” he softly lets out before returning to his original position.  “Next to me.” 
His softness in these last words has you admitting some defeat– realizing fighting won’t solve anything.  “Fine.”  
There are still zero answers that will satisfy your scrambled mind.  
And you’re trapped in a room with someone you can’t stand for more than five minutes.
It’ll be over soon.  Right? 
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You’re fucking drenched. 
As the daze of sleep washes over, you notice the stickiness between your thighs. And not the good kind. 
It felt as if you just entered the fiery pits of hell. 
“What the fuck?” you whine. The air was so humid, you were practically suffocating.  And as you turn to the side, you see an irritated Jisung.  If you thought you looked gross, Jisung didn’t have a dry spot on his clothing.   
You try your hardest not to stare at the clothing sticking to his abs.  This is not the time.
“Don’t,” he warns, thinking you’re about to poke fun at him.
You chuckle at the sight of his discomfort, offering a half-assed apology.  “Sorry.”  
“Lee Donghyuck! Turn off the fucking heater!” he yells out, but there’s no answer.  
“Fuck.  We’re going to die.” 
“I’m not dying here with you.  That’s not how I’m going out.”  
“Is that so bad?  Chill the fuck out,” you roll your eyes. 
“Yes it is! I’m gonna kick the door down and beat Donghyuck’s ass.”
You don’t know if it’s the unbearable heat, or the constant fucking attitude from Jisung all night.  Maybe it was the pent-up frustration from all the other times you both didn’t get along.  But you’ve decided enough is enough. 
“What’s your fucking problem?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“You’re always so fucking mad at me.  I do nothing and you’re mad.  I breathe and you’re mad.  It pisses me off!  At this point, I should be the one giving you the attitude you give me!”  
“And you know what?  I always cared what you thought.  But not anymore. I’m done caring so pretend I don’t even exist,” your heart is beating out of your chest as the words spill out like vomit.  
“That’s no–” Jisung’s unable to finish his sentence when suddenly his orbs follow your fingertips gripping the hem of your top to bring over your head– leaving you in a bra.  “Wha-”
“It’s hot as shit and I’m not going to suffer.  Do what you want,” you huff, continuing with the removal of your jeans. You notice Jisung's stare lingering on your contours as you eventually pull them off, and it appears as if a million different things are running through his mind when he suddenly glances away and shakes his head.  
You’re not going to lie, it’s amusing seeing Jisung’s usual persona falter. Your boldness and the situation it creates masks the uncomfortable predicament the two of you are in.  “It’s not like you haven’t seen me like this before.”  
“What did you mean by ‘you used to care about what I thought?’” He swallows nervously.
His words have you stopping in your tracks, not realizing your words were true candor. “Nothing, I was just saying nonsense,” is all you can render as you make your way to the bed, but Jisung beats you to it, grabbing your wrist to prevent you from escaping.  
“Tell me. Please.  I know it wasn’t nonsense,” his voice is like syrup, the usual bite to it completely gone.  
You turn to face him, though you regret it the moment you notice how his eyes match his voice. “Well, I cared what you thought because of what we did before we all became friends.  And us… Or whatever we are.  I don’t know what we are now but I cared about you and what you thought about me.”
“I still do…”  
“Then why do we fight?” 
“I don’t know.  I guess you hate me so I just returned that energy.” 
“I don’t hate you,” he sounds hurt, the similar bite of his voice attempting to escape.  “You annoy the hell out of me, but I could never hate you.”
“You really act like you hate me though,” Jisung offers a small smile.  
“I don’t hate you. You’re annoying as hell. And I just don’t know what to do with everything lingering in the air when I’m around you,” you bite your lip at the confession, realizing it wasn’t a very good one. And you see him watch you do so. 
“You mean the tension?” 
“Yeah… The tension… The tension causes us to fight. Right?” The air becomes more suffocating than it already is. Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s Jisung so close to you, or how you’re basically naked in front of him.  
“What else would we do?” his eyes are still trained on your lips.  
“I don’t know,” you murmur not above a whisper. “You tell me.”
“Let me try something,” he takes a step forward, shortening the small space between the two of you. “Promise you won’t get mad.” 
“No promises,” you urge, because you’re unsure of what Jisung planned to do after the indirect confessions made in the room today.  One things for sure. This territory hadn’t been visited in ages and it scares the shit out of you.  
“What are you go–” You’re cut off the lips that make its way onto yours. 
When you see Jisung dipping his head down to capture your lips onto his, you're taken aback.  However, the minute he makes contact, your legs almost buckle.  It's a familiar sensation, and you melt into him as he tests the waters with increasing devotion.  
When you reciprocate the kiss, it gets feverish, and your trembling lips work together haphazardly, interwoven with airy sighs.  His arms reach for your waist, pulling you into him harder than ever before.  He knows your body like no one else, and it drives parts of your brain haywire.  It feels like only yesterday that you both would rendezvous.
He groans into your mouth and squeezes your ass as you tug on his hair the way he likes it.  It makes you whimper since the combination of the sloppy kiss and the rush of pleasure is far too satisfying. 
 It feels good.  Way too good.  
That's why when Jisung pulls away, you chase his lips and he emits a small chuckle at the action. “Tell me you missed me.  Tell me you don’t hate me and never did,” his shoulders rise and fall at a rapid pace as he catches his breath. 
“I don’t,” you look up at him, and you want nothing more to kiss him again.  It feels like all the frustration aimed at him was sexual.  It’s honestly his fault for always looking so tempting while offering some smartass retort.  “I never did.” 
"God, I missed you," he smashes his lips against yours again, this time much more aggressive, and the back of your knees reach the edge of the bed, briefly disconnecting your lips.  You laugh, and he smirks before diving back into you as soon as your back comes into contact the mattress.  
Something possesses him at that moment, makes his hands glide up the back of your thighs, to kiss down your neck, sucking and biting to leave small bites that he later licks over to soothe the sting.  “Know how much you love to be marked.” 
“And I know how much you love me choking on your dick,” you giggle, licking a long stripe along his neck up to his jaw.  
“You’re dangerous,” Jisung hooks your thong aside, unsurprised when he notices the sticky arousal coating his fingers.  “Fuck, I forgot how wet you get.” 
“It’s from the heat.”  Your words contradict themselves as noises of pleasure leave your lips when he runs his fingers along your folds.  Jisung, on the other hand, knows the meaning behind your words like no other.  “All this stickiness is from the heat? I don’t think so baby,” he offers some stimulation to your clit and your back arches once he comes in contact with your bud.  
You shake your head and he dips his head down onto your neck offering a small kiss against the side of your neck.  God, he looks so hot, with the sweat dripping down the side of his temple and his puffy lips from kissing.  
The lewd sounds from his fingers running along your folds sends you into a frenzy.  You’re attempting to gain more friction, bucking your hips to feel more.  You’re so needy for his touch.   You've been longing for this touch.  "I'll be nice, baby," he says, inserting one finger inside your hole, your walls engulfing him up to the knuckle.  Jisung experiments with twisting and curling his fingers, enjoying the way you gasp and pulse around his fingertips. 
The wet glide is so satisfying and you moan, basically fucking yourself onto his fingers. “Sung–” is all you can choke out as he begins thrusting with a rhythm you both can’t forget.  “Wai–”
But Jisung can’t withhold any longer, not with you looking so pretty underneath him.  Not with the sounds that he remembers all too well.  His cock practically throbs at these thoughts, begging to be free from its confines when you’re already a mess.  He’s pressing against your clit along with the constant thrust of his fingers.  “Shit, Sung!” you wail, already foreseeing your high from the short time.  
Your nails dig into his forearm, body twitching from the overwhelming pleasure only he can give you.  “Oh, fuck,” the words are combined with a moan as your orgasm takes you by surprise, coating his fingers in a creamy pearl substance.  It drips down your folds as he pulls away, and the wash of the aftermath runs from your toes to the crown of your head.  It’s blissful, but your hunger for him doesn’t stay satiated.  “Good girl,” he says as he revels in your figure. 
“I need you,” you pant.  “Now.”  
“Whatever you say, Mom,” he jokes as he pulls his shirt over his head before discarding the rest of his clothing.  
“Ewww. Never say that again,” you say, earning a laugh from Jisung.  
“Like words ever stopped me before pretty girl.”
He's tugging the side of your panties, dragging them down the side of your legs while practically gaping. He continues with your bra and he gazes, unable to believe everything taking place currently.  You're like a dream, sprawled out beneath him. The pretty girl he could never get close to after being so close with.  
“Ready?” he asks after he shakes himself out of the trance you have him in.  
“Mhm,” you nod.  
He pushes inside, sighing into your ear at the creaminess of your cunt.  Your arms are wrapped around his neck as he bottoms out, fingers burrowing further into his scalp.  Jisung, rather than staying against your neck, takes advantage of the chance to peer at you.  When his nose brushes up against yours, all he sees are your lips caught between your teeth.  
At the feeling of his big cock inside of you, you clench around him.  He groans against your mouth, habitually bucking his hips forward.  “Fuck,” you moan out, back arching at the feel of his cock dragging against your walls. Your brain is already a mess and it has been since the moment he kissed you.  But Jisung loves how you’re a mess around him.  He takes pride in how he makes you feel, and that turns him on beyond belief. 
“Move Sungie, please,”  you plead and Jisung groans at the nickname you know he loves so much.  It’s enough for him to grab your wrists to pin them above your head before he begins moving.  
“Sung,” you call out again when he begins to move.  His calculated movements have you squirming beneath him, but you’re still perfectly fit against him and it’s as if you both never stopped this routine.  
“You’re mine.  I’m not letting anyone touch you,” he coos, and you’re quick to agree.  “Yours.” 
The constant rhythm he keeps has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, and you're shivering when he picks up the pace--giving him a look that seems to make Jisung's cock practically explode.  He snaps his hips forward, so close to the edge that you shudder at the perspective. 
He's fucking you so well that your eyesight is fuzzy, and the brush of his dick against the spot that drives you insane only adds to the sensation. "I-I'm so close," you warn, your irregular breathing hitting his face.  
“Wait S-sung-g no.” Just as you’re about to hit your peak, Jisung flips you over so that you’re sitting on his thighs.  Though you’re disappointed in the delay of your orgasm, the angle has his cock pushing deeper than before, tip nudging against your velvety walls harshly.  “Fuck, I can’t,” you beg as your back arches at the smallest movements.  
As fast as words leave his throat, Jisung dips down to suck on your nipple, occasionally leaving purple blossoms.  “Wait I’ll–” 
“You’ll what?” he says, chuckling when he sees you instinctively grinding forward against his member. “Cream my cock?” He watches your fucked out expressions, loving how your eyes are lined with tears.  
“I’m planning on it, “ he smirks before thrusting up into you.  
“J-jisung!” you’re a sobbing mess above him as his harsh thrusts sends pure pleasure up your spine.  His name falls off your lips like a mantra, and the gibberish he can’t make out only urges him to move furiously into you.  Though your brain is a puddle of mush, the band in your lower abdomen is about to snap, so you grind your hips against him with newly found fervor, stimulating your clit in the best way possible. 
Jisung watches you above him as his fingers dig into your waist.  You’re so beautiful, he thinks.  Everything about you, every part of your mind and body he worships, and he swears he’s not going to let go of you this time. 
“S-sung,” you moan again and again, and Jisung continues to abuse your boob, kissing up your throat as you inch closer to your high. “So perfect.” 
You let out a high-pitched moan at a specific thrust, and your thighs tremble against his.  "I got you," he says as he places a gentle kiss on your lips.  And after a few thrusts, you're collapsing against him, again repeating his name.  You're just a lick away from teetering off the edge.  
“I want it so bad,” you blabber against his neck.  “S-so close.  Don’t stop.” 
“Give it to me,” he dips underneath to circle your bundle of nerves with the perfect pressure and you come undone, high-pitched moans and whimpers against his ear.  
 The mix of cum and the slick from prior allows the glide to be that much easier for Jisung to glide against as he tips over the edge as well.  You’re still pulsing and gripping his cock like a vice and it’s a done deal for Jisung.  “Inside?” 
“Inside me,” you kiss the side of his neck.  He feels euphoric as your noises against his ear urges him on and his arms hold you tightly.  And after a few more thrusts and desperate hips, his cum shoots inside you.  “Fuck.” 
It's so much energy that when the sensation of your high washes over you, you collapse against Jisung, who also collapses against the mattress. 
“You’re sticky,” you look at his face and admire how good the afterglow of sex looks on him.  
 Jisung massages little circles across the small of your back in comforting stillness.  
“I’m going to murder Hyuck,” he realizes how much the humidity encases the room. 
“Maybe not too brutal, because his plan to lock us in here so we can finally make up worked,” you notify him and his eyes light up.
“I think everyone’s asleep.  How about we torture them some more?” he smirks at you.  
“I say Hyuck isn’t going to get a wink of sleep tonight,” you mischievously grin and it’s enough for Jisung to dive down and continue drowning in your lips. 
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DECEMBER 31  11:59 PM
“Damn, I can’t believe my plan worked! You guys are attached to the fucking hip,” Hyuck comes over to you and Jisung hand-in-hand.  
“Your plan worked for once dumbass,” Jeno butts in abruptly, almost spilling the alcohol in his cup. 
“We have no more arguing but I don’t know if it’s worth it,” Jaemin points.  
“You guys are like rabbits!” Mark yells out.
“Gross! Not the fucking time! I need to find someone to kiss,” Renjun groans. 
“Yeah but everything Hyuck does to end our suffering, it just reappears as something else!” Chenle laughs, earning a middle-finger from the subject of his words. 
“Guess you were right.  We can laugh about this on New Year's,” Jeno turns to Hyuck.  
“Happy new year motherfuckers,” Chenle says before clinking all the cups together.  
You turn to Jisung as the clock counts down, his arm around your waist. “Happy New Year, boyfriend.” 
“Happy New Year, Girlfriend,” he smiles the hardest you’ve seen him in a while.  
“Happy fucking new year,” he says before smashing his lips onto yours. 
Happy fucking new year indeed. 
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jaylaxies · 9 months
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PAIRING: nerd!jay × fem!reader
GENRE/CW: sub!jay, dom!reader, smut, fluff, unprotected sex, public sex, slight biting and marking, mentions of bullying, room sharing, kissing, handjob, mentions of sunghoon
WC: 8.1k (8169) words
SYNOPSIS: the annual debate competition was just around the corner and you were thrilled to meet your partner, who turned out to be park jongseong. from you studying together to him asking you how it feels to kiss someone, how would your relationship progress? especially when you offer to give him a demonstration, even more so when he asks if he could get a bit more.
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni
A/N: hihi, angels! I'm back with another fic! i've re-edited this fic and i’m reposting as per the request of my anonnie! i hope y'all will enjoy this! :3 all likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated! it keeps me motivated! iloveyou all <3
“What have you done to her?” The principal sighed in distress, slightly turning his head, glancing at the girl who sat next to you with an expression filled with misery, a girl with a broken nose to be more precise.
“With all due respect, sir, she was bullying a student, which clearly goes against our school policies, and further, she tried to punch me when I asked her to stop. She had it coming,” you calmly explained the whole situation, fake politeness dripping off your tone.
The girl next to you screamed like a maniac after hearing your statement, flailing her arms and legs, claiming that you were the one who attacked her first. She never failed to show her spoiled-child behaviour in public.
“I request you to please check the surveillance camera of the corridor, it'll make it more clear to you, sir,” you faked your smile as Hana Lee, the bully, started crying, knowing that nothing could save her from the upcoming punishment now.
She was soon dismissed to go to the medical room, her wound bleeding, yet she didn’t show a sign to stop protesting.
“Miss Y/N, I understand that what Miss Lee did was wrong, but that does not give you any right to punch her.” He looked at you with an expression that clearly displayed disappointment.
“It was just self defense from my side, sir,” you said with wide eyes, plastering your most innocent face in front of him, wanting to leave his office as soon as possible.
He sighed, “you’re one of our top students, miss Y/N, and I appreciate you caring for the other students, but please refrain from using punches next time. You can leave now.”
You finally smiled in victory, muttering a ‘thank you’ before grabbing your bag and rushing out of the office.
As you got out of the office, a hand immediately grabbed your wrist, causing you to widen your eyes at the sudden gesture, your own hand curling its fingers to punch until you saw who it was.
He softly pulled you to the empty staircase area.
“I’m sorry,” he slowly whispered, he had a busted lip and red eyes, the sight made your heart hurt, a frown settling on your face.
“Jay! Oh my god! Does it hurt?” You asked, hand extending towards his face.
You barely knew the boy, in fact, your first ever proper interaction with him took place this morning.
“You shouldn’t have stepped up for me,” he sighed, eyes not meeting yours as he looked at his shoes, confused as to why you would help him.
“I don’t care what you say, I cannot stand bullying, Jay,” you simply told him, getting closer to see his wound, the wound caused by Hana.
Now, the question is: How did you reach here in the first place?
Let’s start by replaying the morning events.
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The yearly Inter-school English debate was two months away from now. Meaning, that you’ll soon know who your assigned partner is for this year’s competition would be.
Your English teacher had asked you to meet her, so you made your way towards the staff room. You greeted her as soon as you saw her, eyes soon moving to observe a guy with specs standing next to her.
“Y/N, c’mere! Meet Park Jay, he’ll be your partner for this year’s debate competition,” your teacher explained.
You smiled, extending your hand which he shyly took into his bigger ones, “nice to meet you, Jay.”
Your radiant smile caused Jay to crack a small smile of his own, “it’s really nice to meet you too,” he said.
Further, the teacher explained how your school won’t be the host for the debate this year, instead, the Busan branch will be the one to do so.
Conclusively, she informed you that all your expenses will be paid by the school, except for the extra souvenirs you would purchase there for yourself.
You listened to it all, giving small nods at the end of her sentences, your eyes also shifting to look at the guy standing next to you, his gaze focused on what your teacher was telling.
A hotel will be arranged and she will accompany you both for your two day trip to the competition.
“The topic will be provided to you both soon, I hope both of you will get along well, please don’t hesitate to ask for any sort of help from me,”Ms. Hwang smiled at you both and ensured that you were okay with this setting.
Park Jay. You knew him, of course you did. He’s always been exceptionally smart in studies, him being the only one in school who matched your own pace.
The only difference between you was his shy nature. Your nature screamed enthusiasm and boldness, hence, making friends came easily to you. You were one of the popular students, not to mention how you were good at academics too, which was also paired with your kind nature.
However, you didn’t know much about Jay, except for the fact that he was good at studies and closed off, with little to no friends at your school.
This piqued your curiosity.
After Ms. Hwang left, you turned to look at the shy boy, asking him if he’d be up to eat lunch with you, to get to know each other better.
His eyes slightly widened at your suggestion and you theorized it must be because he never eats with anyone else, which worried you as you thought you had crossed a line.
His small smile just after, ensured that it was not the case, “I’d love to,” he said, and you noted how sharp yet cute his smile was.
The whole student body was shocked to see Jay interacting with the popular girl herself, their eyes fixated on your table.
It wasn’t your concern though, you were enjoying having a simple conversation with him, asking him about his hobbies. He got excited that you were willing to talk to him, not forcing yourself like the other students did. And he tried his best not to show how excited he was.
He told you about his love for fashion, his smile growing at each word he spoke, you found his deep voice pretty as you paid attention to everything he had to tell and offer.
He stopped his sentence midway, looking at you as you stared at him with shiny eyes.
“I talk a lot, don’t I?” His shyness came back to him all of a sudden.
“No! I think that it’s really beautiful that you’re so passionate about something, I could hear you speak about it for hours,” you reassured him, reaching forward to hold his hand which was kept on the table.
He breathed out softly, gulping at the sight of your joined hands and your reassuring smile, his cheeks heating up and a sudden warmth spreading through his chest.
Just one conversation and he already wanted to trust you, to spend more time with you, to get to know you better.
He looked forward to it all.
You wanted the same, to get to know him better. Jay was cute effortlessly, and you were quick to notice that even slight proximity made him nervous to the point his ears got red.
You found it adorable, promising yourself to keep a check on him to make sure he doesn’t feel lonely at school anymore.
So, when you saw Hana cornering and punching him for not completing her homework, you knew you had to step in.
He watched how you pushed her away from him, standing as a barrier between them both. He noticed how you raised your voice at her, the demeanour completely changed from the sweet one which you had in the morning.
He noticed how you didn’t hesitate to block her punch, your own hand swiming to counter punch her instead with no regrets whatsoever.
He stood there in awe, he knew was thankful to you, however, he was too shocked to even form words.
You turned back to look at him, his lip bleeding and his bloodshot eyes made you worried and angry at the same time.
Before you could say anything to him, you were dragged to the principal's office.
Which brings you back here.
Jay silently cried in front of you, “you don’t deserve this,” you softly said with a sad frown before hugging him
His hands grabbed your waist as he softly weeped into your shoulder, your hand rubbing soothing circles on his back.
You weren’t sure how long Hana had been bullying him into doing his homework, but now, you had this sudden urge of wanting to protect him, your hands tightening around him.
He calmed down after a few minutes, body still holding on to you.
“Thank you,” he softly whispered, taking a step back, his eyes meeting yours for a second before he turned away, rushing to leave.
He did not stop when you called out his name, thrice.
You sighed, stuffing your hands in the jacket pocket before leaving for the next class.
The boy never left your mind no matter how hard you tried to concentrate on the lecture.
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The news had spread all around the school as the newest gossip. Some said that Jay was your new boyfriend, while some assumed you to be his bully. Nevertheless, no one bullied him after Hana got suspended for using violence in school.
Soon after, the theme for the debate was announced and Ms. Hwang had called you both to inform you about the same.
You observed his face, seeing him for the first time after that incident and you were glad to see that all his wounds were healed and didn’t leave any scars.
When he felt you looking at him, he turned to look at you, smiling softly to say hello.
After some minutes of general discussion with your teacher, she left you both alone as she had to grade other test papers.
You never brought up the topic of Hana again, only paying attention to the debate. Jay kept on glancing at you from time to time.
“Thank you,” he whispered shyly, passing you a bottle of your favourite drink, which made you tilt your head to look up at him, “I wasn’t sure what you liked so I asked Sora,” he rushed to speak, mentioning how he asked your best friend about it.
“You didn’t have to.” A smile graced your face at his sweet gesture.
He felt more confident talking to you now, and he even attempted to make silly jokes just to see you laugh, which you did, heartily at that.
Your hand grabbed his arm as you tried to support yourself while laughing. He found it beautiful and he wished to hear your laugh more often. Your hand felt soft on his arm, sending tingles to his stomach.
You hugged him softly before leaving, your sweet scent sending Jay into a state of frenzy, his ears turning red while his heartbeat felt faster than usual.
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Being teased was like a routine for you now, your friends did everything in their will to constantly remind you how 'soft' you have gone for that nerd kid.
“Your jealousy is showing,” you smirked at Sunghoon, who repeatedly mentioned Jay in each of your conversations.
“Of fucking course! You haven’t kissed me in weeks,” he retorted.
It had been a while since you ended your friends with benefits relationship with him, you just couldn’t do it anymore, it felt wrong to you, seeing how attached he was getting with your setting.
Yet still, you decided to humor him this time.
Laughing at his pouty face, you grabbed his chin as you kissed him, trapping him against the lockers and he eagerly kissed back, not caring if anyone saw you both.
The makeout session was short lived as the bell was quick to indicate the time for your next class, a groan leaving his mouth as he punched the locker, muttering how nothing works in his favour.
You left him there, a boyish smirk spreading on his face when you winked at him.
You were breathless, but then you realized why you had left this in the first place, the guilt seeping deep inside you, knowing that it would lead him on if your suspicions were right.
You’ll say no the next time, that’s what you decided, not paying attention to the lesson the entire class.
You didn’t like him, you just needed a distraction from a certain someone who invaded your mind at the most random times.
You weren’t going to use Sunghoon as a distraction anymore.
You couldn't.
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Jay met you at the library after school, for research purposes and collecting further information on your topic to be prepared as much as possible.
“Hey,” you smiled, hugging him, which had now become a usual thing for you two.
You noticed how he was a bit hesitant somehow, his arms not pulling you closer like they always used to.
Not paying much attention to it, you both got inside and searched for your respective books and topics, noting down all the information you needed. No words were exchanged for a long time, your focus solely on the text in front of you.
“How does it feel?” A whisper was heard from beside you.
“Excuse me?” You asked, looking up at Jay, confused at his unusual antics and sudden silence. “H–how does it feel to kiss someone?” He completed his sentence, not looking up at you while he kept fiddling with the hem of his uniform sleeve.
“Wait, you saw?” You asked him, eyes widening as you thought that he might have gotten the wrong impression.
You realized that he might have seen you kiss hoon earlier today, hence his question.
“Have you ever kissed anyone before, Jay?” You enquired slowly, not missing the way his eyes turned big for a second.
“N—no,” he whispered.
“Have you ever wanted to try it?” You softly asked.
Jay was probably the purest person you had ever met, the thought of corrupting him kept on swimming in your mind, the fact that he might want to try something with you made you smile.
“Will it be fine?” he hesitated again, “isn’t he your boyfriend?” He asked, referring to Sunghoon.
“What?” you almost shouted, apologizing once you got looks from the nearby students.
Maybe the library isn’t the best place for such conversations.
“He’s not my boyfriend, Jay. We’ve had something but it was not a relationship,” you revealed.
He listened to you with all his attention, a small smile on his face when you told him that you were single, which you didn’t fail to notice.
And he nodded, saying that he wants to try. His ears were red, which you found adorable.
“Of course, we’ll stop the moment you feel uncomfortable, yeah?” You assured him.
“But, here?” he kept on asking like a kid, his heartbeat beyond control as he tried not to seem too flustered.
You laughed, “we’re meeting at my place tomorrow, right? We can try it out then, if you’d be comfortable with that,” you suggested and he agreed shyly, nodding and looking down at his fingers.
You only looked at the pretty boy next to you, wondering how far he would want to go with you.
Jay was overwhelmed by the fact that you agreed to kiss him, he had been staring at your lips ever since he saw you kiss sunghoon in the morning, deeply wishing that it was him instead.
It was pretty strange of him to think this way, but he couldn’t stop, especially when he saw how you took control of the kiss, tilting Sunghoon’s head to the side and kissed him deeply.
You saw him looking dazed as you were about to leave, his actions being so cute, which left you wanting to fluster him more.
A cute yelp left his mouth as you softly pecked his cheek, tiptoeing to do so, before bidding him goodbye.
He blushed a lot in general, but you being around him took it to another level, you found it adorable to say the least, excited to see how he would behave tomorrow.
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The next day, Jay woke up early. He wanted to look perfect, to smell perfect, to be perfect for you. Not that he needed to do anything, yet he did some extra research for the debate and printed them out for you, to make up for the time you’d invest to kiss him today.
He paid more attention to his clothes, for this would be the first time you would see him without his usual uniform. He even devoted his time to do his hair, finally reaching your place at the exact time you had given him.
Releasing his breath and cussing once, he rang the doorbell.
You were quick to rush down to open the door, not wanting him to wait for long, chuckling when you saw how he rang the bell at the exact time you had given him.
His breathing hitched as he laid his eyes on you.
It was the first time he saw you looking this comfortable as you wore a soft and loose top along with sweatpants.
“Jay! Come in,” your enthusiastic voice dragged him out of his daydream as he nodded.
He followed you like a lost puppy, “are you home alone?” He couldn’t help but ask.
“Oh, yeah! My parents come home late,” you explained with a wink, “don’t worry, baby,” you said and he almost passed out with the nickname you had used.
You smirked at his state, making him sit on your bed.
“You look good,” you complimented seeing his attire and he muttered a small thank you, a shy smile spreading on his face.
He likes to be praised, you noticed.
Without much delay, you started scripting your research papers. Jay noted how you were always serious when it came to studies and the competition, he paid attention to the way you bit your lower lip while concentrating.
Some part of him wanted you to do the same to his lips, he waited patiently for you to remember your promise to kiss him but you never once brought it up, his mood turning sad.
Taking the matter into his own hands, he spoke up.
“Can we—” he took a deep breath as you stared at him with big doe eyes, urging him to continue.
“I—it’s nothing actually.” He backed away.
You laughed, “I didn’t peg you to be the impatient type,” you smirked, well knowing what he wanted.
Closing your laptop, you urged him to come near you, patting the space next to you.
“We’ll start off with a simple peck, yeah? Pinch me if you feel uncomfortable and I'll stop,” you told him and he shivered as you got closer to his face, gulping his anxiety down.
“May I?” You finally asked, searching his eyes.
“Y—yes,” he whispered, nodding.
Softly placing your hand on his cheek, your lips touched his lips in a short peck. They merely touched, yet it was enough for Jay to get butterflies, heart beating out of his chest at the sensation.
You leaned back to observe his reaction, he still had his eyes closed, a soft rosy glow spread on his cheeks.
Getting closer again, you grabbed his chin, tilting his head as you dived in to kiss him, longer this time, your lips moving in sync once he got the hang of it, low whine leaving his mouth, making you smile.
You wanted to play with him even more.
So, you gently bit on his lower lip, causing him to gasp, giving you enough opportunity to taste him.
It felt so right yet, forbidden somehow.
You had invaded all his senses, you pushed him down on the bed, his eyes looking at your every move as you made him lean against the head frame, you sat down on his lap and he cussed.
“Does it feel good?” You asked with a small, teasing smile.
“Fuck, y—yes it feels so good,” he whispered out.
“Yeah? So good that my good boy is using bad words now?” You teased.
“Please,” he whined, “sorry, I’ve never done this before and it just, it felt so good I couldn’t help it,” he rambled and you shut him up with a peck.
“Lord, you’re so adorable. It makes me want to ruin you,” you breathed out, brushing his hair away from his forehead, gripping his chin and running your thumb on his swollen lower lip.
His heartbeat sped up at your words again, head dizzy as he said, “please,” and you pulled him into a deep kiss for the second time.
Your fingers softly tugged on his hair, finally causing him to moan out loud, his pretty voice resounding all over the room.
You both pulled back from the kiss after a few minutes, breathing hard and deep to come back to your senses.
“How was it?” you asked him in a gentle voice, sitting down next to him, slightly worried if you had gone too far for his first time.
His stare on your face and silence only made it worse.
“Can we do that again?” He asked after a few seconds, trying not to sound too shameless, but he couldn’t help it, not when you had offered to kiss him so nicely.
He slowly pulled the hem of your top, and you understood, coming back to kiss him, your hand on his jaw, as he shifted his position for you to take full control.
He laid underneath you as his heart pounded harder than ever, he could only focus on how soft your lips felt against his mildly chapped ones, his eyes closed as he took in everything you were willing to offer.
The said practice of your debate ended with you making out with Jay, he didn’t wish to stop, not even after his lips were swollen, his eyes shining as he looked at you as if you were a goddess.
He had to excuse himself when his cock felt painfully hard, he was beyond embarrassed and you looked at him with hooded eyes, holding yourself back before it gets too much for him.
“Here’s the washroom,” you guided him, “let me know if you need help,” you said with a smirk.
“I—thank you,” he rushed to go inside.
You knew what he was going to do, and you wished it was you who’d be the one to please him instead, his voice wasn’t silent when he took your name, as he reached his orgasm inside the washroom.
You chuckled, wondering how he’d look while doing so into your hand. He left soon after, face red and hot.
It left him wanting more.
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The debate was a week away from now, and you both were well prepared for it yet, you kept on studying from your notes. That wasn’t your concern right now though, a certain nerd had occupied your mind from the past few days.
You found it adorable how he would request you to kiss him in the empty classroom, his room, or any place where you both were alone, he wanted you guys to be alone together.
You were corrupting him, and truth being told, you wanted to corrupt him even more.
Jay had always been attractive, his knowledge was a plus point to it all. You absolutely loved his shy demeanor, no matter how comfortable you both got with each other, he could not help but blush around you.
Meanwhile, Jay was confused. He had never had girl problems before, so why did it feel so different when it came to you? Even more so when you were so good to him.
He loved how you took care of him in the most minimum way possible, you made him feel like he mattered, giving him motivational speeches (and your kisses were a cherry on top).
He knew it really well that the other students wanted to date you, or they wanted to be closer to you. Why wouldn’t they? You were perfect in their eyes, but this did not stop Jay from wanting more. He wanted you to claim him yours. You were beyond perfect in his eyes.
But he wondered if you’d ever be willing to like him back, to be with someone like him. Kissing was one thing, maybe you did it just to make him happy, but more?
He could only wish.
“All participants from the same school will be given one room to share, will it be okay for you both?” Ms. Hwang informed you both, also asking for your comfort.
Jay stiffened, he was sure to lose control if left alone with you at night.
“It’s alright for me ma’am,” you smiled.
“Yeah, for me too,” Jay shakily let out.
He wanted this, he finally decided, he’d even go as far as confessing his feelings for you.
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, right?” Ms. Hwang confirmed as you both nodded, you had to leave early tomorrow for the competition.
As you walked back home with Jay, saying that you’d drop him off, you spoke, “are you sure that you’ll be comfortable?” you asked as your fingers were interlocked with his, giving him butterflies.
“You’ll take care of me right?” He asked in a low whisper, suddenly stopping and looking at you.
He definitely meant more than the normal care but you were willing to give him anything.
“I will,” you promised with a smile, “I’ll take care of my pretty boy,” you said before pecking his lips and leaving him blushing on the sidewalk.
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The next morning, he didn’t have to wake up, for, he didn’t get to sleep. That’s how excited he had been, the fact that you were going to be in the same room as him at night made him blush.
His excitement only grew when he saw you at the station wearing a skirt, it was short lived as Sunghoon came into view, holding your hand, holding your luggage with his other hand.
Jay frowned at the sight.
Sunghoon looked like your boyfriend with this setting, he did not like it a bit.
You spotted Jay in a second, smiling and hugging him without thinking much, it was not returned though.
You bit down your smile, making him jealous seemed like a great idea to you, knowing well how adorable and needy he is.
Naturally, Hoon got a cheek kiss as a goodbye while Jay had a frown plastered on his face, almost like a pout.
Your teacher came to the station soon, informing you that her seat is not near you both and telling you her seat number so you can approach her for anything you’d need.
You nodded and thanked her before getting into the train, which arrived right on time.
You sat down next to him on the express train, which gave you two hours to spend with him.
“What’s wrong?” You innocently asked him, your hand resting on his thick thigh.
“N—nothing.” His breath hitched as your hand neared his upper thighs.
You softly massaged that region, “you’ll be a good boy and tell me, won’t you?”
He shivered with the tone you had used, your hands making him feel weak in the knees.
He rushed to keep his backpack on his lap to hide his private area in case something went wrong.
He whined your name as quietly as possible, “tell me what's wrong, baby?” you asked again.
He grabbed your hand, staring at you with doe eyes as he placed it high up on his thigh, near to his hardening cock.
“Not so fast,” you said as you moved your hand away, “you’re not getting anything until you tell me what’s bothering you,” you urged him.
“I was jealous,” he whispered, red adorning his face.
“Yeah? Go on,” you hummed, softly brushing your fingers in his hardened and clothed member.
The thrill of you touching him in public only made his cock hard.
“You kissed Sunghoon,” he whined, placing his head on your shoulder, trying to calm himself from the pleasure he was receiving.
“Yes I did, and what about it?” You sped up, placing your hand on his cock, thankful that he had covered himself using the bag, so that others won’t be able to see you both.
It caused him to squirm in his seat.
“I—I wanted it too,” he struggled to form words.
“Being needy, are we now?” you chuckled as he softly moaned into your neck.
“What more do you want, pretty boy?” You asked, pleasuring him.
“Your kisses, y—your touch and—ah! You,” he barely spoke.
“That’s my good boy.”
You continued your actions for a few minutes, allowing him to release his mess without you having to touch him directly.
You looked at him in awe, you wanted him to be yours. Your baby boy.
“You did so well, baby,” you cooed at his teary face, kissing him swiftly.
“Go and clean up in the washroom, yeah?” You said and he nodded, somehow making his way towards the room.
He was clingy the entire ride, and it made you smile as you gave him all your attention.
“Did you like it?” you questioned.
He bit his lip, “yes, I did,” his answer was short as he was shying away again.
“How cute,” you said, “get me a list of things you like, yeah?” you requested him just before getting off at your destination.
The whole ride to the hotel was silent as your teacher was with you both, Jay still couldn’t think straight, his mind going back to when you touched him and how devastatingly good it felt.
“Here’s your room key, you are both free till tomorrow, so you can roam around a bit but be careful! Don’t forget to meet me at the same place at 11 am sharp with your proper attire on tomorrow,” Ms. Hwang commanded and you both nodded, leaving her to settle in her room.
After washing up and changing into comfortable clothes, you both sat down side by side at 9 pm. You noticed him writing something, but didn’t ask what it was, only looking at his face which had a cute pout, an expression he held whenever he was focused.
You settled down and scrolled through your messages on the phone to pass your time, even though deep inside, you wanted to spend time with Jay.
He soon came up to you, calling your name softly as you looked up at him.
He gently placed a note in your palm.
“I made the list,” he said, referring to the time you asked him to make a list of the things he liked back on the train.
You raised your brows, “come here,” you patted the place next to you before you grabbed his chin, making his heartbeat rise again.
“Let’s see now.” Holding the note in your other hand, you started reading, “degradation and praise kink? Oh, so you want to be called a dumb slut now?” you saw him nod and shiver, enjoying the way you called him a slut.
You wanted to ruin him.
“Choking? Who would have thought that our president ‘good boy’ would be into such filthy stuff,” your hand traveled from his chin to his neck, putting in a bit of pressure just enough for it to feel pleasurable.
Jay whined at the constricted feeling yet his eyes never left your face.
“You wanna be tied up? Cuffed even? And used as I wish?” Your eyes widened after reading his fantasies, the list amusing you beyond words.
You knew that Jay was willing to try stuff but you never expected it to be this wild, you loved it and you bit your lips as you looked his way.
“Please?” He requested you, eyes innocent.
“What do you want me to do, baby boy?” you finally asked as he gulped, coming closer to whisper something in your ear.
“Want you to touch me, please.”
“Like this?” You pulled him closer by the neck, your hand traveling down from his torso to his lower abdomen, and you noticed how he shivered with your touch.
“I—yes,” he let out desperately.
Switching to a better position, you got close to him, almost sitting on his lap as your fingers further trailed up to his mouth.
He was quick to part his lips, taking them in and sucking on your two digits, your head tilting as you noticed how devoted his look was, tongue swirling around your fingers.
“How cute,” you commented, amused with the boy, the same boy who you thought was innocent, however, that wasn’t the case.
All he wanted to do was to please you, and he wanted you to call him yours.
Your other hand rested on his thigh, soon going up and resting on his hard on, causing him to moan around your fingers.
“My needy pup, do you want me to take care of you?” You asked, loving how he reacted to your touch.
As you softly touched him through his sweatpants, he unconsciously jerked his hips forward, suppressing a moan.
“Let me hear it, I need your answer,” you slowed down your actions, causing him to whine.
“Yes! I w—want that so much,” he said out loud, as you took your fingers out of his mouth, wrapping them around his throat.
“Good, now, don’t move, and don’t you dare suppress your pretty noises, am I clear?” you asked for confirmation.
He nodded swiftly as you removed his pants.
His hard member came into view, thick and veiny, begging to be touched. Jay bit back his moans as you teased his tip with your thumb, your fingers wrapping around his length before you bent down to softly swirl your tongue on it, your eyes never leaving his.
“Fuck,” he cursed out loud as you took him in your mouth.
“Good boys don’t use bad language, do they?” You said slapping his dick. Your slender fingers gripped his neck again, this time capturing him in a passionate kiss.
“Y—yes,” he whispered against your lips.
“Open your mouth,” you ordered and he complied, you spat in his mouth, observing how it traveled down his tongue, “swallow it.”
And he did, opening his mouth again to show you the same, causing you to smirk.
“Such a good slut for me.” You kissed him as he whimpered at the degradation coming out of your sweet mouth.
He also whined at the lack of your attention to his cock.
He was needy, and you loved it. You had wanted to take care of him from the very start, seeing the boy in front of you, all naked, you wondered how he’d look full of your lipstick marks, which you’ll leave on his sweet hickeys.
You slowly started stroking his cock again, taking him in your mouth whilst massaging his balls. His breathing got heavier by each second, face red and voice shaky as he took your name sweetly.
Tears stained his rosy cheeks due to the immense pleasure he received, it was unlike ever before, his hands never felt this good, this perfect.
What made it better was the fact that it was you who was touching him, who was making him go crazy.
He liked you so much.
You felt him twitching and you got down to take him in your mouth before saying, “cum in my mouth baby boy,” and he did, moaning your name in the process as you hungrily gulped everything he had to offer.
You got up with a small smile on your face, seeing how he had closed his eyes, lip bitten and his chest heaving up and down.
You softly cupped his face, his eyes opening with your gentle touch.
“How are you feeling?” You asked him with a small smile, thumb caressing his cheek.
“Euphoric,” your laughter bloomed at his answer, a shy smile on his face, “can we do more?” He asked.
Your eyes softened at how vulnerable he looked at the given moment, and you knew if you’d do more, then you’ll probably won’t ever let go of him.
You kissed his forehead, “win that debate with me tomorrow and I’ll give you your victory gift, alright?”
He whined, not wanting to wait till tomorrow, but agreed nevertheless.
“C’mere, let’s get you cleaned up.” You took him to the bathroom, asking him to stay still as you cleaned him up, ensuring that he felt okay and you laughed whenever he felt ticklish at your touch.
“Can we cuddle at least?” He asked before sleeping, he loved being close to you. He had given you most of his firsts without any hesitation, and he was willing to give you even more. You grinned and took him in your arms, you both drifting off to dreamland soon.
Jay’s heartbeat clearly out of control as he only got closer to you, taking in your scent and watching you sleep, softly saying.
“I wanna be yours.”
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The next morning was in a frenzy as you both tried to cramp up last minute information before your awaited debate.
Jay kept shying around after last night, and you had to pull him back and ask him to look into your eyes, making him laugh.
You couldn't help but notice how hot Jay looked in a black blazer, wondering if it was the same guy who begged you to touch him last night.
More importantly, you were also aware of that one girl who kept staring at Jay as you waited for your turn at the big auditorium where the competition was being held.
She was just behind you in the line, meaning, she might be your rival team for the final round, where you had reached with ease, courtesy of Jay.
Not being able to handle her constant stares and shy whispering about Jay, you rolled your eyes as you turned to him, calling out his name.
He turned to look at you, his face looked so innocent it made you want to smile, that’s the exact second you decided to peck him, tips of his ears turning red instantly
“W—what was that for?” He asked wide eyed, checking if someone saw you both.
“Just a good luck kiss for my baby,” you spoke loud enough for the girl to hear. A satisfactory smirk rested on your face as you saw her frown from the corner of your eyes.
Your turn came by soon, you listed out all the cons about the given subtopic with Jay smoothly.
However, you got stuck at the doubt round where the judges had to ask you questions, it was smooth until that one last question came up, which you had no idea how to answer.
You looked at Jay with worried eyes, but he kept his composure, remembering that particular piece of information from that one morning he made extra notes before going to your place, which he answered with full confidence, earning applause from the seated judges, and also you, a proud smile adorned your face.
You were sent back to the waiting area where you gushed about how cool Jay looked while answering with such confidence.
“It’s nothing,” he said, trying to act as if his ears weren’t turning red at your compliment.
“You’ll always be my shy baby,” you gently laughed.
He adorably rested his head on your shoulder as you praised him for being so intelligent while waiting for the result declaration.
“Now, for the most awaited first position, congratulations to ms. L/N and Mr. Park, from the Decelis Academy, Seoul!” The announcer declared.
You hugged him with joy, taking his hands in yours as you went on stage to accept the trophy, your teacher cheering and clicking pictures of you both from the audience seat.
Jay was overjoyed, somewhat because of winning the competition, but mostly for the reward that awaited him tonight. You both hugged again and got your trophy, Ms. Hwang treated you to dinner afterwards, being proud of you both and informing your principal at once.
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Now that you were alone in your hotel room, without any distractions, you could easily see through Jay and how he was trying his best not to mention the reward you had promised you’d give him.
You smirked.
“My baby is so smart, shouldn’t he be rewarded now?” You asked, getting closer to him as he gulped down his nervousness.
“Please,” he breathed out.
“Please what, baby? Use your big words to tell me how you wish to be rewarded?” you encouraged him.
“Please, I want you,” he whimpered.
Your hands wandered around his torso, unbuttoning him one by one just to test his patience. He started helping you unbutton him, but you stopped him grabbing his cheeks.
“Did I give you permission to do anything?” You asked sharply while he shook his head, saying no.
“Be a good boy for me, yeah?” He nodded as your lips captured him into a deep kiss, your fingers gripped his hair while he held on to your waist, low hums and grunts were heard as you started grinding on him.
“Fuck me, please!” He cried out loud,
“Undress me,” you ordered.
He shakily took off your white blouse, leaving you in your lace bra, his eyes fixated on your body, and how pretty you looked in lace.
“Can I touch you?” He asked for your permission, you nodded.
He removed the remaining of your clothes and softly trailed his fingers down your body, as if trying to memorize you. Holding his hand, you guided him towards your wet pussy.
“Prep me, baby,” you instructed him as he hesitantly touched your core, spreading your juices in a circular motion.
He observed how you bit down on your lips and closed your eyes. Getting further validation from you, he pushed in a finger, slowly pumping it, he soon added another digit, his fingers curling inside of you sending you into bliss.
You felt your high nearing, “fuck, Jay I want to cum on your cock,” you said switching your positions so that you were straddling him, he cried out loud as your wet cunt came in contact with his throbbing dick.
“Moan louder, babyboy, tell everyone who the winner is tonight,” you said against his lips.
That let him loose, lewd sounds filled up the room.
“Louder,” you encouraged him, finally letting him enter inside you.
Your walls clenched around his thick member, adjusting to his size. You looked at him for permission.
“Please, you can move,” he allowed you.
Without wasting much of a second, you started riding him, your tits bouncing up and down in the process.
Jay couldn’t think straight anymore, his mind was corrupted by you, small dumb mumbles leaving his mouth and he loved how you were being equally soft and rough with him, considering it was his first time.
“Moan louder before I stop,” you threatened him, finally causing him extra stimulation when you clenched around him.
The pleasure was enough for his tears to run free, his cheeks blotchy with red speckles all over, and he moaned, just like you had wanted him to.
“Good boy,” you kept muttering, loving his sweet and needy voice.
“Let me cum, please?” He asked for your permission.
That is when you got off him.
“Not so fast, baby,” you replied with a peck on his lips.
Harsh whimpers left his mouth as you slowly stroked his leaking dick for the next few minutes.
“Please,” he begged after he couldn’t take it anymore, his dick twitching with how close he was.
“Impatient slut,” you slid into him again, your walls contracting around him, it was too much for him to take in.
You fastened your pace, “I’m about to—” he cried.
“Hold it in,” you warned, loved how he closed his eyes shut.
It was so fun teasing him.
You decided to be a bit gentle with him now that he was close, just like you.
“Cum inside me, love,” you encouraged
With a few more bounces, and his thrusts from below, he muttered a string of curses, emptying inside of you as you reached your high just a moment later.
You cupped his cheeks, not getting up but looking deep into his eyes.
“You did so well, I’ll arrange a nice hot bath for you to relax, yeah?” you softly caressed his cheeks.
He weakly nodded, still high from the activities done minutes back. Soon, you helped him into the tub, sitting on his lap as you softly washed his hair for him while he stared at you with stars in his eyes.
“What’s it?” you quietly asked, a small smile on your face.
“Thank you,” he pecked you, this time with adoration, catching you off guard as your heartbeat rose.
“I did nothing,” you smiled at him as he returned it.
You traced his red bruises, applying lotion to them and giving him a massage as well. Jay was thankful to say the least, eyes on your face.
“You’re staring,” you noted.
“You’re pretty,” he said, lowering his eyes as he did so.
“God, you’re so cute.” You kissed him softly, a shy smile gracing his face as you wrapped him in a towel.
“Come on, let’s sleep,” you patted the space near you.
“Can we cuddle?” he excitedly asked and you brightly nodded, taking him into your arms.
The room was silent, however, it felt comfortable, especially when you could feel Jay’s warmth in your arms.
“Y/N?” He called out your name.
You hummed, “yeah?”
“What are we?” he asked as he sat up to look at you.
“What do you mean?” you asked, also sitting up.
“I—what’s our relationship?” he gulped as he asked that, not sounding too confident, wondering if he’d be rejected.
“What do you want us to be?” you questioned, raising your brows.
Being with Jay was like a rollercoaster, you had grown a liking to him, more than you would like to admit.
His demure ways made you adore him, but he never hesitated to put a brave front for you and those cute efforts of his made you fall for him even more.
“I want us to be more than just friends,” he admitted.
You had bewitched Jay since the day you first talked to him, and the feeling only grew. He looked forward to spending time with you and soon it turned into yearning. He wanted to hold you in his arms and call you his, not wanting to share you with anyone else (ahem, Sunghoon), the phase might have been of only two months, but that was enough for him to fall for you.
“What’s more than friends?” you teased.
He pouted without even trying to, wondering if you were trying to ignore the topic because you didn’t want him, but seeing his expression, you frowned.
“Be my boyfriend,” you suddenly blurted out, not regretting it after.
Jay’s eyes widened comically, “w—what?”
You took a deep breath and laughed lightly, “Jay, baby, you’re so precious to me. Fuck! I like you so much, please be mine?” you expectantly stared at him.
His lips turned upwards and into the biggest smile you had ever seen on his face as he leaned forward and kissed you wordlessly, conveying his answer through it.
The kiss was deep and meaningful, “yes! yes, yes!” he squealed as you kissed him again.
“Hey, boyfriend,” you smiled.
“Hey, girlfriend,” he spoke with confidence, melting your heart as you pulled him down and into a hug which soon turned into a cuddling session.
Both of you fell asleep with smiles on your faces, your arms holding him tight.
Even after the competition, he couldn’t help but miss you every second of his day, texting you constantly, calling you at night just to stare at you during the two day holidays you had gotten.
The next time you met was after the competition was three days later at the school.
Jay saw Sunghoon approaching you, but he was faster as he stood in front of you, causing your eyes to widen at his sudden entry.
“Hi, baby,” he cooly said before placing a kiss on your lips.
You laughed at his childish behaviour as you see Sunghoon fuming from a distance.
“Getting protective, are we now?” you raised your eyebrow.
“You’re mine,” he tried to sound authoritative, but his voice came out in a whine.
“I’m yours,” you laughed, kissing him softly.
Safe to say, Sunghoon left after the little show Jay had put up and soon, the whole school knew about you two dating, half of them crying about how wrong the pairing is, you couldn’t care less though.
Jay was everything you needed and more, and you were going to cherish him for the rest of your life.
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TAGLIST: @ddeonuism @macaroonff @ajayke-reads @en-myworld @lunalovesstories @jayzdaze @deobitifull @silenth1lls @celeste-hoon @mari-oclock @kpoprhia @bolliwon @woniebae @lalalalawon @blessedcursd @skzenhalove
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wannaeatramyeon · 5 months
Lookism x Reader: Simps
G/N. Gun Park, Ryuhei Kuroda, Jake Kim. Just stupid and silly.
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Goo calls Gun a simp.
He says it mocking and derisive as if it is something to be ashamed of.
Maybe it is. Gun doesn't know what a simp is. Goo opens his mouth and most of the time only shit comes out. Gun isn't about to ask and neither does he care.
"Wrapped around Y/N's finger," Goo sneers and that, Gun understands.
Maybe that's true too. He still aims a punch at the blonde's head.
Leaning over Gun's shoulder, you peer at the search box and chuckle, "Simp? Why are you searching for simp?"
"I'm researching what it means."
"Huh." Your brows knit together, wondering how he came across the term, when this is the kind of person who likes to text in either simple emojis or full sentences and no inbetween, has no idea about pop culture references and terminologies, and you had to teach him what the eggplant emoji actually meant.
A lightbulb goes off.
A Cheshire cat smile creeps over your face, " Did Goo Kim call you a simp?"
Gun turns towards you, traces of annoyance on his face, "He did."
"Well, aren't you?"
He looks down at the definition of simp again, doesn't really understand why it's meant as an insult, when at the crux of it, for Gun, it's simply someone attentive and devoted to their partner.
Gun grumbles, but he supposes: Yes. For you, he is a simp.
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Kenta and Ryuhei are Executives.
Part of the exclusive club of Senior Management at Workers yet they both wait patiently in line at the coffee bar as their assistants (and yours) fidgets behind them.
"They're worried," Kenta murmurs in his native tongue.
"Why?" Ryuhei glances over and indeed all three appear concerned.
"That you think they can't do their jobs."
"It's just a coffee." Ryuhei shrugs, "Anyone can get a coffee."
"Exactly," Kenta wonders if he's being deliberately obtuse. "And it's expected that assistants get the coffee. They think they're doing something wrong because you're here."
"I know how Y/N likes their coffee."
"So does their assistant."
"I know precisely how Y/N likes their coffee."
Kenta sees the beginnings of a sulk, Ryuhei's bottom lip starting to jut out and the furrow of his brows, and sighs.
Ryuhei is being deliberately obtuse. It's not even a particularly adventurous order. Even Kenta knows how you like your coffee, having unfortunately been dragged here by his friend enough times. 
They both shuffle forwards.
"One large Americano. No sugar, no milk," Kenta demonstrates, rattling off your drink of choice to the barista. 
It's difficult to get wrong.
Ryuhei gasps dramatically at Kenta stealing his thunder, and receives an eye roll in return. Who cares about who places the order? Ryuhei is going to be the one that hand delivers the coffee anyway, then hang around you all afternoon being a nuisance.
"You're such a simp." Kenta complains.
Any hint of indignation disappears, and a wide cheerful grin spreads over the blonde’s face.
"I know!"
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For someone of Jake Kim's size, he can be surprisingly sleuthy.
He pokes his head into the room, where the majority of his inner circle sits, hears both his and your name being mentioned and his ears perk up.
With quiet, measured movements, sneaks over to the table, and slides into the empty space between Jason and Jerry.
"-I can't believe he is such a simp!" Brad chuckles.
"He really is," Jason agrees.
Jake leans forward, "Who is?"
Lua rolls her eyes, "Jake!"
Hasn't this guy kept up with the conversation? "Yeah, obviously!" Lineman adds-
And then eyes widening in shock, recoils sharply. As does the rest of the table.
Jake?! When did?! How?! What?
An uncomfortable silence descends, festers, stretches taut-
Snaps, when Jake raises his eyebrows and asks the group, "I'm a simp, huh?"
Jerry, his ever loyal sword, speaks for the first time. "You are."
Jake considers it, thinks about himself, thinks about you and his eyes soften. He grins, toothy and lovestruck, "I am."
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ja3yun · 4 months
Melting Point | P.SH (teaser)
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brother's rival!sunghoon x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, smut (mdni), praise kink, angst, swearing, confliction, chapters are updated with individual warnings.
synopsis: when circumstances unexpectedly bring you and your brother's long-time ice skating rival, park sunghoon, together, you discover a surprising connection. However, your brother forbids any relationship between you. Will you heed his advice or follow your heart?
wc: tba (80-100k)
release date: 09.02.24, 5pm GMT
end date: tba
tag list: CLOSED
a/n: hi! I am currently working on the final touches of this fic. It should be ready mid february. I hope you enjoy this series when it comes out <3
The cold hits as you walk into the arena and the sound of skates gliding along the ice fills your ears. You walk to the middle of the second row on the bleachers and sit down, unpacking your bag and crossing your legs to give you more room to lay your laptop and paper on. It’s a juggle to get everything balanced but you’re a master at it now.
Typing in your password you hear the skates coming towards you and scraping to a halt but you don’t look up.
“If you’ve come to spy on my routine you aren’t doing a very good job at hiding.” Sunghoon playfully remarks. You hadn’t even noticed it was him who was skating, since it was usually Wonyoung gracing the ice you just expected it to be her. He looks at your mess of a lap and scrunches his full eyebrows, “Like you’re really not making it discrete.” 
"Oh, no, I'm just studying," you say as you look up and gesture to your laptop. As you start typing again, you catch his sneer and turn to face him once more.
“You expect me to believe that?” The look on his face is incredulous when you don’t budge, “Don’t they have libraries at your Uni?”
Sunghoon’s tone is accusatory and you don’t like it. “Look, I don’t have beef with you okay? That’s the wrong Kang sibling.” There is no reason for him to be giving you attitude right now, you hadn’t done anything wrong, an innocent bystander in all this. 
Deep down he knew that too, but he couldn’t be too careful.
He examines you and how much of the truth you're telling, crossing his arms and resting his chin on top of the barrier. “So, what? You genuinely just sit here and study? Does the cold stimulate your brain or something?” 
“No, it’s like white noise at this point, it's comforting.” Glancing up, you see his still dubious expression, “Ugh, look I come here all the time, ask anyone!” Your arms gesturing to the empty rink is not really helping your case.
Having had enough you slam the laptop shut and stand up, “Whatever, I’ll just go somewhere else.”
Sunghoon shoots his arms up to mock surrender, “Woah, Sweets, calm down, I was just making sure. Need to air on the side of caution, yeah?” His voice softens. 
Making you uncomfortable wasn’t on his list of things to do, but his mum made it very clear your whole family wasn’t to be trusted, and he always heeded his mother's warnings even if he thought she was being overdramatic. “Listen, stay here as long as you want but if I see your brother doing a double toe loop into a triple axel I know who to blame.” 
With a smirk, you sit back down, “See now you’ve just told me your big secret,” a laugh leaves your lips, “Changed your mind on trusting a Kang so soon huh?” 
He’s flabbergasted. 
Did he really just tell you part of his routine like it was nothing in an instant after he just told himself not to be so trusting of you?  You’re more dangerous than he first thought and you aren’t even trying.
After seeing the realisation come over his face you laugh loudly, “Sunghoon, don’t worry. My brother can handle you on his own, he doesn’t need to cheat to beat you.”
“Say that to my 8 first places over him.”  The arena goes silent. It’s not like you could argue with him, Sunghoon did beat Minhee in a lot of skates. 
Trying to lighten the mood he points to you, “No pictures.” He jokes and skates away adroitly.
You don’t see the smile creeping onto his face, or the way he tries to shake you out of his head. The conversation between you both made him want it to be the start of many more, much more.
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wynnyfryd · 2 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 49
part 1 | part 48 | ao3
cw: angst, canon-typical violence
It's a totally normal Tuesday the day it all starts going to shit.
Eddie's got a show at The Hideout, and Wayne's got a rare night off, so Steve's at his boyfriend's place without him catching a basketball game with Wayne and Ernie. He did try to go to the show, to be fair; wanted to, but Eddie took one look at the way he was cradling the side of his head and winked at him to "sit this one out, big boy," so here he is: drinking beer with two old men and watching the most frustrating game he's seen all season.
"Oh, what the hell was that?" he begs the tiny screen, jumping out of his seat to pace a tight circle and rake his hands over his scalp hard enough to pluck a few strands. Beside him, Ernie shakes his head and mutters "goddamn disgraceful, that's what" and in the kitchen Wayne munches happily on a fresh plate of nachos, taps his bald head with a half-eaten chip and warns, "Quit tuggin' at your hair 'fore you wind up lookin' like this."
"Whatever, old man." Steve rolls his eyes, but he loosens his grip. Drags his hands down his face instead. "Don't act like you're not loving this."
Wayne laughs, a broad, smug smile that's pure Munson mischief. "Never claimed otherwise," he says, then he pops a cigarette in his mouth and tells them to get their wallets ready.
Bastard. His team's doing fine tonight. (And sure, the bet was only five dollars, but it's a point of pride, damn it.)
Steve turns his attention back to the game, where the ref is making yet another call that's so laughably bad Steve's not sure how he isn't getting decked for it. A stray elbow to the face, at least. Fucking something.
"Jesus Christ," he mumbles; still pacing, arms crossed. "If they don't fire this idiot, I swear..."
He turns to Ernie for back up; remembers that Ernie's got a lapful of Misty the cat right now and quickly looks away. Creepy little thing still freaks Steve out (even if Ernie's stroking her fur like she's a harmless stress toy and not the razor-clawed, rat-chomping demon she really is.) He still can't look at her. Gets queasy just thinking about all the "presents" she's left him since he moved in.
Ernie catches the way his shoulders tense. "Didn't think you'd be afraid of a little pussy," he teases, scratching the cat behind her ears.
Misty gives a low rumble of approval.
Steve's stomach flips. "Whatever," he scoffs, looking anywhere but at them. "That thing's bad luck. No wonder we're losing."
He settles back into his seat, and the game goes on — and on, and on, until the score gets so embarrassing that Steve considers just getting up and yanking the TV plug out of the wall, or maybe storming out of the place in protest — and he's about to beg Wayne for mercy, ask him to change the station to anything else, when the front door opens so softly it sets off alarm bells in his head.
Steve whips around at the lack of sound. Knows immediately that something is wrong, because Eddie Munson doesn't do quiet. Eddie Munson comes home like fireworks going off: Crack! Whizz! Bang! He's always a burst of noise and energy; he's a fucking racket; Wayne's said so a million times — muttered it angrily when Eddie's music keeps him up, grumbled it fondly over breakfast while he tries to stop himself from falling asleep face-first in a plate of eggs.
Tonight Eddie comes home quiet as a thief. A mouse trying to evade the clutch of Misty's claws. His head's hung low as he shucks off his boots, his face obscured by frizzy hair.
Steve's across the room in a heartbeat.
"Baby?" he whispers, trying to peak behind the curtain. Eddie won't look at him, but his breathing sounds off; labored and whistling, and his hair is matted with something dark. "You okay?"
"Fine," Eddie croaks.
They both know it's a lie.
Steve lifts a hand to gently tip his chin up, but the moment his fingers graze skin Eddie winces and tugs away. "Okay," he says, pulling his hand back. "Okay, I'm sorry, just— can you look at me? Please?" He softens his voice, tries to coax Eddie out. You're safe here; you can trust me.
When Eddie finally looks up, Steve's heart lodges in his throat.
His face is ruined. Caked in dried blood, the skin below his left eye like an overripe eggplant: deep purple and threatening to split down the middle, to spill rotten juices all over the floor. There's a cut above his brow, another nick between his eyes, and— fuck.
His nose is broken.
Steve's gonna kill someone.
"Who did this to you?" he asks, deadly quiet. Whoever it is, they're not living to the morning. Steve's got a car and a nail bat and a boy with a broken nose, and he's going to kill whoever did this to him. "Eddie." He grips his biceps; shakes him a little. Insists. "Eddie, tell me who did this!"
Eddie hiccups a weak sob. Lips shiny with blood and tears, and Steve lets go; feels horrible for making it worse, for letting his anger get the best of him. He wraps Eddie up a gentle hug, cradles him against his chest and doesn't care if Ernie sees. He doesn't give a damn.
"Fucking—" Eddie grunts against Steve's shirt, his teeth chattering around the word. His throat clicks when he swallows. Sticky with blood and phlegm.
Hospital, Steve thinks. Blood loss; sepsis; shock.
Eddie gulps a ragged breath and tries again. "Fucking assholes," he gets out, "they took our- t-took our—" The words cut off with a pained whimper, and he breaks down and just cries. Cries and cries until the heaving subsides, until it lessens to muted trembling in Steve's arms. There's fresh blood on his shirt.
Eddie's blood is on his shirt.
He looks up, eyes wet and wide, and then Wayne's there; two strong, weathered hands firm on Eddie's shaking shoulders. "Is it bad?" he asks Steve. No nonsense; demanding answers. Decorated veteran.
Steve nods without a word.
"C'mon, kid," Wayne soothes. "Let's get you cleaned up."
part 50
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 3 months
Maybe something angsty with an insecure fem!reader who gets jealous over girls flirting with ethan— or it could be the other way around with a jealous Ethan. Whichever you prefer! The angst then leads to smut, maybe somewhat possessive sex with some dirty talk? Thank you!
I hope you like it! :)
Bite Me - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: A girl flirting with Ethan leads to an explosive interaction, but he's going to show you why you're the only one he wants.
A/N: This was so much fun to write. I love a good angsty moment. Maybe because I, myself am angsty as fuck.
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You were out on a date with Ethan at your favorite restaurant. You’re celebrating your 1 year anniversary, and it’s been the best year. You’ve experienced so much with him and can’t wait to see where it goes.
As you sat at the table, deep in conversation about one of your classes, a girl walked up to your table.
“Hey, Ethan!” she slurred, you noticed that she’s obviously been drinking.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked, as she leaned her elbows on the table.
“I heard you’re the best for tutoring, so I was hoping we could have some private sessions,” she said, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Uh, if you want me to tutor you, we could meet in the library,” he suggested, as you felt anger build up inside you.
“That’s perfect, I’ll message you on Instagram to see when works for you,” she said, as she looked over her shoulder at you.
“Oh, are you his girlfriend?” she asked, her breath smelling heavily of vodka.
“Yep, sure am,” you said through gritted teeth.
“That’s too bad,” she said, before directing her attention to your boyfriend. “Bye Ethan.”
When she walked away, his smile faded when he saw the look on your face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, confused.
“What’s wrong? You just said you were going to tutor some girl that obviously wants to fuck you,” you said. At this point, you were seething. “I think I’m ready to go.”
You stood up from the table and walked out before Ethan was able to say anything. You were able to cool down for a minute as you waited for him to pay. When he walked out, he had a napkin in his hand.
“What’s that?” you asked curiously.
“Oh, the girl that wants me to tutor her gave me her number,” he said, as you both got in the car.
“Why the fuck didn’t you throw it away?” you asked, the anger building back up.
“I will, I wasn’t trying to be rude,” he said, as he focused on driving.
“You weren’t trying to be rude to her after she was disrespectful to our relationship. Nice,” you snapped.
“I tutor several people, babe, you know that. And she was drunk, she probably wasn’t trying to come off like that,” he said, and this is the one time that his innocence was really pissing you off.
“You are so oblivious. Do the other girls that you tutor act like that?” you asked, ready to get out of the car.
“No, babe, I don’t…wait, what are you saying? You think I’m cheating on you or something?” he asked, and you started to tear up.
“I’m not saying that. I just think it’s fucked up that you want to spend alone time with anyone that acts like that,” you said, a tear slipping down your cheek.
“The library isn’t a place to be alone. What about that don’t you understand?” he asked, anger evident in his voice.
“What you need to understand is that when we get back to your apartment, I’m getting in my car and going home. Fuck this whole anniversary thing,” you said lowly.
The rest of the ride back to Ethan’s was silent, no music, no talking, nothing. Once he pulled into the parking spot, you got out of the car and walked over to yours.
“Fuck, I need my phone charger that’s here. Mines broken,” you said, speaking for the first time in twenty minutes.
“Okay,” was all he could say as you followed him inside.
Once he unlocked the door, you saw rose petals all over the floor. Your heart started to melt a little.
“Ethan, did you do this for me?” you asked, looking around at the candles.
“Yeah, Chad came over and lit the candles when I told him we were leaving the restaurant. Kinda dumb now, huh?” he asked, tossing his keys on the kitchen counter.
“Why is it dumb?” you asked, looking over his stone-cold expression.
“Were you in the same car as me? Do you remember saying ‘Fuck this anniversary’?” he snapped.
“Ethan, do you not understand why I was hurt at that restaurant?” you asked, a crack in your voice as you tried to hold back your tears.
“Yeah, you have issues with another girl talking to me,” he said.
“I was upset that you didn’t tell her no when she had other intentions. I’m upset that any girl thinks she’s going to fuck you aside from me,” you said, as he walked towards you.
He didn’t say anything as he grabbed your hand and took you to his room. The room was dimly lit with candles on the floor. It made you so sad that the night was ruined, because this was the most romantic and sweet thing anyone had ever done for you.
As he stood in front of you, you saw a little anger in his dark eyes, but you also saw a lot of love.
“Do you think I’d want to be with anyone that isn’t you?” he asked, the tension still thick in the air.
“No,” you whispered.
He stepped forward, holding your face in his hands as he kissed you, hard. He reached around and grabbed your ass, making you moan into the kiss.
“I’m going to show you why you have nothing to worry about,” he said, pushing you onto his bed.
He hovered over you, kissing you with the same intensity as before. His hand squeezed your hip as he started to kiss down your neck. You felt his teeth graze your skin, whimpers slipping past your lips. He pulled away from you long enough to slip your shirt over your head. He noticed that you had his favorite bra on, and smirked to himself as he kissed a line down the center of your chest and stomach. He slid your leggings off, noticing that the panties you were wearing matched the bra. He almost didn’t want to take them off you.
“You were looking forward to me fucking you tonight, huh?” he asked, massaging the flesh of your thighs. You moaned in response, the feeling of his hands on you making your core throb.
“I asked you a question, baby,” he said, his eyes boring into your needy ones.
“Yes,” you said, as he slid your panties down your legs.
He ran his fingers over the newly exposed area, alternating between rubbing your clit and dipping a finger inside of you.
“You think I’d really want to fuck someone else when you have a pussy this perfect?” he asked, his words making you whine.
He continued to tease you, watching your face with a smirk.
“Please baby, I need you,” you said.
“You want me to eat your pussy, baby?” he asked, and you nodded.
He leaned forward, lapping at your dripping core. You moaned out as your legs spread further apart, him kneading your flesh while his eyes connected with yours.
“Fuck, you taste so good,” he said as he pulled away to take a breath.
He wrapped his mouth around your clit, gently sucking on the bundle of nerves.
“Oh my god,” you cried out, his tongue rolling against you as he sucked.
He slipped two fingers inside of you, moving them against that special spot inside of you at a fast pace.
“Fuck, your gonna make me cum, baby.” He watched your face as you started to hit your peak, only breaking the eye contact when your body started to jolt. He kept up his pace, before slowing down once your walls stopped fluttering around his fingers.
Once you came down from your high, you slid off the bed, crouching on your knees in front of him. You unbuttoned his pants and slid down the zipper, your eyes never leaving his.
“I’m going to show you exactly why you shouldn’t be studying with girls like the one from tonight,” you said, mocking his comment from earlier.
You pulled his hard cock out of his boxers, placing gentle licks to his tip. You licked a stripe underneath his erection, from base to tip, before sucking him in your mouth. He gasped as he reached his hand down, tangling it in your hair. He started to thrust his hips forward a little, making you gag around him. He kept going, until he was as far in your mouth as you could take him. He looked down at you to see the tears streaming down your face.
“You’re doing such a good job, baby,” he said, the grip on your hair getting tighter. “Your mouth is amazing.”
It didn’t take long before the combination of the both of your actions had him approaching his orgasm.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum. Where do you want it?” he asked, but you just kept sucking.  He released in your mouth as you swallowed. “God, you’re perfect.”
“You got another one for me, baby?” you asked, standing up and placing kisses along his neck. You reached down to stroke his sensitive cock that was already starting to get hard again.
“You keep talking like that, you’ll struggle to walk when I’m done with you,” he said lowly.
“You promise?”
He pushed you back on the bed for the second time of the night, grabbing your hips and pulling you to the edge. He placed your legs on his shoulders as he gently pushed into you.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned out at the feeling of him stretching you out.
He started to move his hips, like he was trying to release a little bit of the frustration from your conversation earlier in the night. He pounded into you, staring down to watch his cock go in and out of your pussy.
“I’m yours, baby. Always yours,” he said, circling his fingers against your clit.
He leaned forward with your legs still on his shoulders, making it easy for him to hit that special spot inside of you with every thrust. Your legs started to shake and your vision went blurry as you orgasm quickly crept up.
“You gonna cum, baby?” he asked rubbing your clit faster.
You couldn’t form words as you babbled, completely cock-drunk.
When you tightened around him, he whimpered.
He pulled out and released his cum, shooting it on your thighs and your stomach.
“Fuck, that was a close one,” he joked, almost not pulling out in time. You waited for him to catch his breath, before he grabbed a towel to wipe his cum off you.
You tried to stand up to grab your panties, but your legs started to wobble, feeling like Jell-O. You fell back on the bed, as he laughed a little.
“I told you that you wouldn’t be able to walk,” he said, tossing your panties at you.
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explicit-tae · 7 months
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Jungkook tells Jin-Seon that he can have whatever he wants by doing a good in school. @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632 @babycandy111
word count: 1.660
warning: light smut, creampie, unprotected sex, dirty talking, praising, jin-seon being spoiled, jungkook spoiling jinseon,
“Appa, I’m so excited!” Jin-seon says before stuffing his mouth full of ice-cream. It drips down his chin and you stop yourself from wiping it because, well - he was a messy eater regardless of what it was. 
“Slow down.” Jungkook sighs but smiles. “You’re still going to get your reward.”
Jin-Seon always did this when it came to being rewarded - and he was for anything he did. Jungkook had gone over the top at Jin-Seon’s first actual sentence, to his first day of school and even his first attempt at tying his shoes - “I’ll reward him again when he actually does it good” was Jungkook’s excuse to just keep spoiling his son.
Jungkook had yet again promised Jin-Seon a reward - “anything you want since you’d done so good in school!” - and Jin-Seon is jumping with joy at the thought of it.
“Can I tell you what I want now?” Jin-Seon’s soft voice says, dropping the plastic spoon in the bowl of ice cream and looks between both parents.
Jungkook nods. He’s prepared for whatever grand present his son wants.
Maybe Jungkook could rent out an amusement park for the day so he could have the time of his life - or a water park in the summertime. Hell, they could travel somewhere hot so-
“I want a baby brother!” Jin-Seon squeals happily, bouncing in his seat. 
You turn your head in unison as Jungkook does. 
Jungkook coughs. “That’s…what you want?” 
Jin-Seon nods. 
Jungkook takes a sip of his milkshakes.
You remain silent. 
Jin-Seon blinks. “Now?”
“Jin…a baby brother isn’t something you can just buy.” you sigh. You grasp a napkin and begin wiping his cheeks. 
Jin-Seon has a bewildered look upon his face. “W-Why?”
Jungkook places his milkshake down on the table with another sigh. “That’s not how babies are created.”
“Uncle said Eomma has to eat a seed.” Jin-Seon’s child-like voice makes the situation more light-hearted,  but not anymore embarrassing for you. “And that Appa gives her the seed.”
Jungkook was going to kill Jimin - he was the only person who could have said this to his child. But that meant that Jin-Seon had to be curious for some time about a sibling.
“Well…yes, but-”
“Jungkook.” you deadpan.  
“He’s not wrong, Y/N.” Jungkook murmurs. “Seonie…it’s more complicated-”
“Do you not have monies for the seed?”
“The seed is free.”
“Jung. Kook.” you grit your teeth at your husband, eyes glaring. 
“Then give it to eomma!” Jin-Seon was growing agitated. He doesn’t understand why his parents were being like this, but this was also a child that was incredibly spoiled. He had whatever he desired at the palm of his hands and unbeknownst to him, a whole organization.
Jungkook turns to you for help. He doesn’t tell Jin-Seon no and he’s having a hard time doing so right now, even if his request was completely ludacris. 
“Jin-Seon…why don’t you ask for something else?” you try, but Jin-Seon shakes his head.
Jungkook swallows. He knows what’s about to happen next and he isn’t prepared for it. Jin-Seon’s eyes begin to water and his fist clenches. His face is turning a crimson color and soon, he’s crying.
Jungkook goes to grasp his son but Jin-Seon pushes himself away. “I h-hate you, A-Appa!” Jin-Seon hiccups and goes to fall into your arms. 
“Jin-Seon, that's not nice.” you say sternly, only imagining how Jungkook is going to feel hearing those words come from a five year old. He was a natural overthinker and now you’re positive there’s countless scenarios roaming his mind, all of which his son growing up hating him and blah blah blah.
“Say sorry to Appa. You hurt his feelings.”
Jin-Seon only cries harder - he was a child, after all. You warned Jungkook that this was bound to happen eventually. Spoiling Jin-Seon to the point that he asked for something so outrageous that he couldn’t give - but was another child that crazy? This had to be the least outrageous request his son has asked for - and less expensive. 
“I’m going to put him in bed for a nap.” you sigh, eyes pleading with Jungkook. “Then we can talk later.”
Jungkook nods, unable to speak. 
Jin-Seon’s words shouldn’t have gotten to him the way they had - he was a child that didn’t know the true meaning of hatred. He was just upset, but it cuts him deep. He was expecting to hear Jin-Seon say it far in the future in his teenage years, not at the young tender age of five. 
Jungkook ponders on how his son feels. Maybe Jin-Seon is lonely. They lived in such a large mansion and the only time he’s around children his age is when he’s in school or when family comes. He had his own brother growing up whenever his hyungs weren’t around, there was never a time for him to feel lonely. 
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“You’re overthinking.” you tell Jungkook that night, laying on your side to face him. 
“Am I?” Jungkook questions. “Out of everything he could ask for, he wants a baby brother.”
“Or sister.” you quip, giggling to yourself. “He told me that if a boy requires more seeds he would take a sister.”
Jungkook’s heart tugs at the innocence of his son. “Exactly, Y/N. He’s lonely.” Jungkook turns to face you. “You had 4 siblings and I had my brother plus 6 more. Even their siblings are my siblings.”
You try to understand where Jungkook is coming from. Jin-Seon had never questioned before about having any siblings, so you’re somewhat confused on where it came from now.
“Would it be bad to have another?”
Jungkook doesn’t want to overwhelm you. It’s been six years and he understands that you’ve grown to love him now and (hopefully) forgiven him for his past wrong-doings. 
“Never thought about it.” you admit. “I guess I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.”
Jungkook raises a brow at your words. “What do you mean?”
You snort. “We have sex all the time.” you respond. “And I haven’t gotten pregnant. I just accepted that maybe the universe didn’t want me to.”
“So you want more kids?” Jungkook finds his cock twitching at the thought of getting you pregnant again. 
Jungkook wouldn’t admit it aloud, but he tracks when you’re ovulating and either avoids sex or cumming inside of you. You and he hadn’t discussed children and until you told him specifically that you wanted more, then he would continue to go down this route. 
You feel hot underneath Jungkook’s gaze and glance away from him. “Stop looking at me like that.” you murmur.
Jungkook flips himself on top of you. As if it's accustom, you wrap your legs around Jungkook’s waist. 
“You want to have my baby again?” Jungkook is smug as he speaks, a knowing smirk on his lips. “I hope it’s a girl.”
You push at his chest with a laugh. “You’re already thinking of genders? I’m not even pregnant yet.”
“Yet.” Jungkook dives down to capture your lips into his own. “I can’t wait.” he says between kisses.
You lick your lips when Jungkook begins to place wet kisses upon your skin.
“You’re gonna look so beautiful pregnant.” Jungkook places a hand between your legs, rubbing his fingers along your clothed center. 
“Ugh, just put it in already.” you unhook your legs from Jungkook’s waist and turn yourself around, kicking off your pajama shorts.
Jungkook chuckles at your flustered expression. “But I wanted to eat you out.” he says, already pushing his own shorts down.
“You can next time.” you say in a huff, spreading your legs. It’s humiliating to admit that his words did something to you.
Jungkook's hands dips between your folds and he hums. “Always so wet for me.” 
Jungkook doesn’t waste any more unnecessary time and he’s entering you. His hands place themselves upon your hips as he drives himself deeper into you, shuddering. There’s always something about your walls that he loves, even after the years you’ve been together. He can never get enough of you.
Jungkook’s hips begin to snap inside of you. He’s leaned down now, body hovering above you while his lips kiss your exposed shoulder.
“I can’t wait, baby, you’ll look so beautiful with our daughter.” Jungkook grunts, hips snapping into you. His right hand moves swiftly between your legs to rub along your clit. 
Your clench around Jungkook, head leaning back to rest upon his shoulder. “You’re just…” you stop your words to release another moan. “....just talking…that feels so good.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook snaps into you harder, enjoying your moans as he does. “I’ll finally be able to see you, fuck…see your stomach grow. I won’t miss it this time.”
Jungkook leans back to grip your hips once more. Now he drills into you even harder, his balls slapping harshly against your clit. “You take me so good, baby.” Jungkook huffs.
Jungkook was a man on a mission - just the thought of getting you pregnant again has him wanting to fill you to the brim with his cum. This time, he’d be there when you found out - he’ll be there for all your appointments. He’d have the chance to experience your stomach growing in size and decorating the baby's room alongside you and Jin-Seon. 
Jungkook wasn’t going to last long due to the excitement, and neither were you. But that was okay because now that he understands that you wish to have his child again, there was no stopping him.
You clench around Jungkook as you’re catching your high, feeling your legs give out. Jungkook allows it, pumping inside of you sloppily until he himself was cumming. “S-Shit…!” you feel him twitch behind you, spilling himself inside of you.
“So,” Jungkook murmurs after a few moments of catching his breath. “how long do you think it’d be until you get pregnant?”
You snicker into the soft pillow. You turn your head to look at him. “That tone in your voice…it sounds like you’re challenging yourself.”
Jungkook flushes.
Series Masterlist
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pahtoosh · 3 months
mind reader
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[image ID: a distraught Sebastian Stan looking at a sheet of paper. the paper has three sections. the first has three boxes labeled "yes", "no", and the last one with ellipses. the second one has three boxes labeled "please", "hugs", and "kisses". the last section has scribbles. the first section is in black and white and uses a mature font, while the second section is colorful and uses a playful font. /.end ID]
wc: ~1000 words
warnings: crowded mall. reader goes nonverbal. fluff
a/n: this was requested by @valetim09 ! thank you so much for your patience <3 I also want to add that everyone has a different experience with going nonverbal. this story is a reflection of my own. if anyone has a different experience and would like to share, I'd love to listen so I can write something different next time!
pairing: mafia!daddy!bucky x gn!little!reader
summary: Bucky takes you to the mall and you go nonverbal.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾
“Just one more store okay? You’re doing so good for me, bubba.” Bucky praised. 
You took a deep breath, a difficult feat while your Daddy had you speed walking across the mall. He led you to a store full of bath and shower products. The storefront was brightly decorated for the holiday season, twinkle lights dangled behind animal statues posing with bottles of soap. This display would normally have you tugging on Bucky’s sleeve, begging to take a look, but today it was just another addition to your overstimulation. 
“Okay we just need to grab washcloths, lotion, and the bubble bath set for your little friend.” He squinted at the list.
“Sweetheart, which scent did you want to get for them? We’ve got bubblegum and blueberry written down but they’re also crossed out.”
He looked to you for a response but figured you might be distracted by the display shelf in front of you. 
“It’s okay, we’ll just get both. Let’s keep moving.” He darted back and forth between aisles, trying to gather everything as quickly as possible. Your daddy was so distracted, he didn’t notice how overwhelmed you were getting. All the different, potent scents in the store were no help. For the moment, the only thing you could do was hold onto Bucky’s sleeve with one hand and use your other to cover your nose. 
It took Bucky a while to find the items. By the time you finished checking out and walked back into the mall, it had gotten significantly more crowded. Ever the strategist, your daddy held all the shopping bags in his vibranium arm so he could wrap his other arm around you and move both of your bodies as one to a faster exit. 
He let out a relieved exhale once entering the parking lot. “Oh man, that crowd was crazy, wasn’t it?” Bucky loosened his grip so he could look at you. You were clearly listening, but didn’t respond. 
He looked at you curiously. “What happened to my little chatterbug?”
You simply tugged his shirt and pointed to the car. 
“Okay, we’ll go home, baby. I know that’s what you’ve been wanting.” Bucky looked both ways before stepping off the sidewalk and walking to the car with you. 
He helped you buckle into your seat and placed the shopping bags in the trunk before sitting in the driver’s seat. Some days Bucky would have a chauffeur so that he could sit in the backseat with you, but today was not one of those days. 
After making sure it was safe to go, he wasted no time before pulling out of the lot and driving home. Bucky wanted to ask you if something was wrong, but he knew you’d be more comfortable discussing it at home. He settled for softly playing your favorite music and glancing at you in the rear view mirror once in a while. 
When you reached the house, one of Bucky’s employees put away the shopping bags as he led you upstairs. 
“You doin’ okay, baby?” He asked, holding your hand as you two walked towards your room. 
You shook your head. 
“Can you use your big kid words and tell Daddy what’s going on?”
You shook your head again. He helped you sit on your bed while he stood in front of you. 
“Okay then,” Bucky said, placing a hand on his chin. He looked at you carefully, as if he could tell what you were thinking if he just looked hard enough.
“Are you feeling extra tiny today?”
You shrugged, still looking up at Bucky unblinkingly. 
“Did something happen at the mall?”
You shrugged again. 
“Let’s try something new, sweetheart.” He went to your desk and picked up a crayon and a sheet of paper. “Can Daddy use these?”
You nodded. 
Bucky crouched down at your desk while he wrote on the paper. As with everything he did, he looked completely focused. His concentration face was a familiar sight when paired with the large oak desk in his office, but it looked a little silly and out of place with your bright, plastic table. The only seats available were a few floor cushions. He settled for sitting on the floor as to not mess up your cushions with his “outside pants”. You craned your neck trying to see what your daddy was up to. You could just barely make out a few letters before he was finished. He drew a few more lines, then handed you the sheet of paper with a hard book underneath and a new crayon. 
“Daddy made some ‘buttons’ for you, okay. You press this one to say yes, this one for no, and this one for I’m not sure. This spot is for you to make your own buttons. And this spot is if you want to write more. Does this help?”
You pointed at the “yes” button. 
His eyes lit up, then he complimented you for being such a fast learner. 
“Can you tell Daddy why you aren’t speaking right now?”
“Mall. Too much,” you wrote. 
“You got overwhelmed at the mall, bubba? And now talking is too much?”
He let the crease in his brow deepen before taking a breath and relaxing his features. “I know we were supposed to have dinner with Natty and your little friends today, but how about we push those plans to another day? We’ll have a quiet night with just us. See if we can calm this baby down.”
You gave him a small smile. “Yes.” Then you created a new button. “Please.”
Bucky chuckled. “Even when you’re not speaking you’re still the smartest, most polite baby in the entire world. Can I give you some kisses?”
He peppered your face with kisses until you were giggling and smiling so hard it hurt. You took things easy for the rest of the night, just watching tv, eating the dinner Bucky made, and listening to him read a book. You kept the button sheet that Bucky made in a special folder in case something like this happened again. After you added two new buttons labeled “cuddles” and “kisses” of course.
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pinksturniolo · 1 month
Biggest Fan: Part Three
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Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader
Summary: The one in which a fan gets rear ended in a car accident by none other than Christopher Sturniolo during her stay in Los Angeles.
A/N: This is my first series I will be publishing on here! There will most likely be 3 or 4 parts. I hope you like it and I’m really excited to share with you all. :)
Content Warnings: smut, oral receiving/giving, fingering, raw penetration, swearing, throat fucking, bondage (if you are not comfortable with that please don’t read), mentions of a head injuries, mentions of a car accident
word count: 4,423
side note: sorry for the long wait!! it was a crazy day lol but here it is <3
inspired by this song:
You ended up needing three stitches.
Apparently, you had underestimated the cut on your forehead and if it wasn’t for Isabel, you would’ve just left it with the bandage Chris had put on for you. After you left the triplets house, she insisted that you go to an urgent care and get it checked out. You explained the details of the whole night to her, starting from when you left your hotel room to get Wendy’s up until the moment Matt knocked on Chris’ door.
“Holy shit. Our first night in L.A. and you manage to get in a car accident with Chris Sturniolo which ends up in him eating you out? What kind of black magic have you been doing?” Isabel jokes as you look out the car window, avoiding eye contact with her. You were on the way back to your hotel after leaving the urgent care. You groan, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment.  “Let’s never talk about this again, please.” You reply.
At the same time, your phone rings, Chris’ name flashing across the screen. Your heart immediately jumps, and you look at Isabel in fear, showing her the name.
“Oh my god. Answer it!” She says, her eyes wide, glancing at you and to the road, trying to focus on driving.
“Fuck no! I cannot talk to him right now… How did he even get my number?” You wonder aloud. The call goes to voicemail and almost immediately after, you receive 2 text messages from him.
Hey. I got your number from Matt. Just wanted to make sure you’re good.
He called the tow place so they could get your tire fixed and take it to your hotel. Lmk when they drop it off.
You read the messages but don’t reply, putting your phone back down and leaning back in your seat. Exhaustion was beginning to set in. You hadn’t slept in almost 24 hours. “Why didn’t you answer?” Isabel asks.
“It’s not that I don’t want to talk to him… I just feel utterly mortified from what happened. It was an amazing night, don’t get me wrong. He’s cool as fuck. I guess I’m just being insecure, but I feel embarrassed about it. It’s not like me to do one-night stands. What if he just regrets it?” You tell her, really starting to question everything that happened last night.
 “Y/N. Stop. You seriously need to get out of your head and give yourself some credit. He’s obviously interested in you if he’s calling and texting you. You’re hot okay. Any guy would want you.” She says, making you smile.
“Besides, we came to L.A. for a reason, right? To let loose and have fun. This is best case scenario Y/N, might as well make the most of it.” She adds, turning into the hotel parking lot.
Isabel was one your best friends, one of the reasons being she always gave the best advice and knew what you needed to hear while not sugar coating anything. You had always appreciated her for that. She parks and you both unbuckle your seatbelts, grabbing your things and getting out of the car. “You know what, you���re right. I need to stop overthinking things so much.” You say as you walk into the hotel lobby, getting into the elevator. She smiles at you and gives you a hug. “Exactly.” She replies. You both head to your rooms and once you hit the bed, you knock out, unable to keep your eyes open for one more second.
When you finally wake up, it’s 6 p.m., the sun starting to set outside. You had slept the whole day. You yawn and stretch, getting out of your bed and heading to the shower so you could wake up.
You still have Chris’ clothes on and can smell the scent of his cologne lingering as you take them off. You remember that your wet clothes are still in a pile on his bathroom floor, silently cursing to yourself for forgetting them there. Now you had a reason to see him again.
You decide to go wash his clothes at the hotel laundry mat once you finish in the shower. You still haven’t called or texted him back, a feeling of guilt washing over you. You know that you should, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it yet. What were you so afraid of?
You were afraid of how good it felt being with him. The connection you felt scared you and you hadn’t even gone all the way with him. But you couldn’t get him out of your head. Last night played over and over in your head like a broken record.
The way he made you laugh. The lustful look in his eyes. The feeling of his hands gripping your waist. The way his lips felt on your neck. The feeling of his hair tickling the insides of your thighs as he licked and sucked and fingered you until you were whimpering his name. The way his voice sounded…
“Anything to get you in bed next to me, princess.”
“You look so pretty like this.”
“Cum for me sweetheart.”
His words played repeatedly in your head as you lay in your bed, a movie playing on the tv, but you couldn’t pay attention. All you could think about was him. You burned a hole into your phone as you stared at it.
Stop being a pussy. Just call him. You think, picking up your phone and dialing his number.
Your heart races as it rings, and you almost change your mind and hang up at the last minute when he finally picks up. “Y/N?” He says. “Hey.” You respond, the cheesiest grin appearing on your face the minute you hear him say your name.
“I was starting to think you ghosted me.”
“Well, I actually was until I remembered you still have my clothes and I have yours.”
“Funny joke. I washed your clothes earlier, you can come get them anytime. Unless you want me to bring them to you?”
“Uh… I’ll let you know. Me and my friends planned a hiking trip for tomorrow.”
“…. Okay. No worries. Hey, did you get your car back?”
“Yes, I did. Thank you so much for that, and please tell Nick and Matt thank you for me as well.”
“Of course. How’s the cut?”
“I actually ended up going to urgent care and getting three stitches. But they were pretty small, it was no big deal.”
“Damn. I’m sorry, Y/N. I knew we should’ve called the ambulance.”
“Chris, it’s okay, I promise. How’s the Kia? I was too in shock to even ask last night.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. The bumper is a little messed up and one of the lights broke but I think your car ended up taking most of the damage… Sorry again.”
“Well at least it’s not worse. You do owe me a frosty though.”
“Hm, I would argue a McFlurry makes up for it way better.”
You and Chris end up talking and laughing almost the whole night about anything and everything. Everything except the things that occurred in his bed. You’re too hesitant to bring it up and he seems to take the hint, not mentioning it either.
The next day, you and your friends take a trip up to Big Bear, hiking for most of the day. You enjoy the views and spending time with them. You still can’t help but realize that you’re not a hundred percent in the moment, counting the minutes until you could get back to the city and talk to Chris again.
Chris’ mind hadn’t stopped racing since the morning you left his house. His heart ached as he watched your friend drive off with you in the passenger seat, feeling like a love drunk fool.
He immediately asked Matt for your number from when you had exchanged information after the accident, a knowing look in his eye when he gave it to him. “Gonna ask her on a date or what?” Matt teased him, which he ignored completely.
“Don’t pretend like I didn’t hear some interesting noises coming from your room last night!” He shouts as Chris runs downstairs to be alone in his room.
His heart sank when you didn’t answer his call and he chalked it up to the fact that you were probably just tired and needed sleep. Which he desperately needed as well but he couldn’t help and wait for you to text or call him back as he made himself busy, cleaning up his room and washing your clothes when he found them still lying on his bathroom floor.
After a couple hours passed though, he lost hope of getting your phone call and finally laid down, deciding he should get some rest. He tossed and turned for a while though, unable to get the memory of last night out of his head.
The look in your eyes when you told him to touch you. The way your lips felt on his, your hands in his hair. The sweet sounds you made as he tasted you. The way you clenched around his fingers as he made you orgasm, the way his name sounded as you screamed it.
Fuck. He was down bad and he knew it.
There was an infectious energy between you two and he craved more of it. He finally fell asleep thinking of you and when he woke up, the sun was setting.
Matt and Nick forced him to come out of his room and eat something. He talked with them for a while, avoiding mentioning you. He took a shower and was about to turn on a TV show to try and get his mind off you when you called. He couldn’t help the goofy smile that plastered his face as he answered, grateful to hear your voice again.
Hours later that night, when you and him had finally hung up, he already knew. It had only been a day, but he just knew he wanted more time with you, to take care of you in all the ways you deserved. When you told him you would be on a hiking trip the next day and wouldn’t have service to text him, he couldn’t ignore the way it made his heart sink.
He was falling for you, head over heels.
As soon as you got back to your hotel, you were exhausted and your feet ached. You took a shower and lay down, sending Chris a quick text message.
Hey :) Just got home, I think my feet might fall off lol. It was great though, I’ll send you pictures in the morning. Sorry I can’t talk tonight but call me when you wake up!
The next few days passed incredibly fast. Chris had to go to Boston unfortunately, but he told you he would be back the day before you left to go back home.
You and your friends spent time at the beach, walked the Hollywood Walk of Fame, danced at the club, and did all the things you had came to do. It truly was the best vacation you had been on.
You and Chris texted nonstop and stayed up talking on the phone when you could. He was one of the sweetest people you had met, and the more you got to know him, the more you wanted nothing but to spend every second with him. How could your feelings grow so strong in such a short time?
The night Chris came back home, you were in your hotel room, most of your belongings packed and ready to go. You were in your nicest set of silk pajamas, brushing your hair for the hundredth time as you waited for him to arrive.
You both agreed that he would come over with the clothes you left at his house, and you could give him his. But you both knew it was more than that. There was unfinished business, and as eager as you were to finish it, you were still a bit nervous.
Chris arrived a few minutes earlier then he said he would, a soft knock sounding at your door that summoned those damn butterflies again.
You took a deep breath, opening the door to reveal him there, cheeky smile as always, both of his arms resting on the door frame above him. He was wearing jeans and one of his fresh love t-shirts. Does this man ever not look good?
“Fancy seeing you here.” He says as you step aside, allowing him to walk in. You laugh, going over to grab his clothes for him.
He sets a bag with yours in it on the table in your room. As you go to hand the clothes to him, he doesn’t take them right away.
You hold it out awkwardly, an expectant look on your face as he raises his eyebrows at you. “Are you not gonna take them?” You ask, lowering your arms down.
“Is that it then?” He responds, giving you a look that has your heart starting to beat faster. “What do you mean?” You say, dragging it out longer. You couldn’t just jump his bones the minute he walked in, could you?
“Don’t play stupid with me, Y/N.” He speaks lowly, making your heart feel like it’s doing flips inside your chest. He pushes the clothes in your arms down to the floor and moves closer to you, now inches from your face.
“Do you know how crazy you drive me? I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left.” He says quietly. You feel his breath across your lips as he moves even closer, smirking at the obvious effect he has on you, as a deep blush fans across your face. He places his hands on either side of your face, his thumbs stroking softly. “You have no idea of all the things I wanna do to you…” he breaths, his lips brushing yours. “Then show me.” You whisper.
He wastes no time placing his lips on yours as you kiss him back, your mouth opening to allow his tongue to tangle with yours as your arms go up to wrap around his neck. He moves his hands down to your hips as they slip under your thin shirt, the feeling of his hands on your bare skin giving you tingles down your spine. He slips his hands to your ass, squeezing tightly, making you moan in his mouth. “Jump.” He instructs and as you do, he picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
He walks towards your bed, your lips still joined in a sloppy kiss, setting you down on it and hovering on top of you.  You can’t control the moans that slip from your mouth as he leaves spongy, wet kisses down your neck and chest, removing your shirt and his in the process, and you allow your body to respond to his commands, and to his satisfaction he discovers you don’t have a bra on so he can leave more love bites on your breasts.
He takes his time sucking on them and rolling his tongue slowly over each of your nipples. You wrap your legs around his waist, feeling how hard he is, and you can’t help but buck your hips up into his, causing him to moan out, his mouth travelling back up to your neck which seems to be his favorite spot to kiss you.
He notices the hickeys he left on you the first night you spent together and smirks at you as he pulls his head up, whispering in your ear. “Do you like seeing my marks on you? Does it make you wet knowing that you’re all mine baby?” Fuck. This man will be the death of you.
“Yes, Chris.” You breath out, again bucking your hips up onto his rock hard dick currently straining through his jeans. He hums in satisfaction, grabbing your wrists in one hand and holding them above your head. “If you keep doing that, I’m not gonna last.” He warns, his fucked-out expression as he looks at you, making your already wet center soaking.
Of course, this makes you grind on him again, the feeling of it too good to stop. He grips your wrists tighter in his hand, undoing his belt and taking it off his jeans. He then wraps it around your wrists, belting them together tight enough to where you can’t move them but not too tight to where it’s uncomfortable for you.
“Is this okay?” he asks, pausing to look into your eyes, searching for any hesitation. “Yes.” You respond, your heart racing and pussy throbbing so much it almost hurts. “Promise? Just tell me to stop if you need me to.” He says, sliding your silk shorts down your legs, discarding them on the floor.
“Yes, I promise.” You say back, anticipating his next move. He bites his lips, his eyes taking in your naked body, your lace panties the only thing left. “So beautiful, princess. Just for me.” he whispers as if he’s saying it to himself, but you hear him and you think you just might pass out from how sweet it sounds.
He pulls you slightly down the bed, your hips on the edge as he leans down, knees hitting the floor, his head now level between your legs.
His blue eyes burn into yours as he wraps your thighs around his face and wastes no time pulling your panties aside to let his tongue slick through your wet folds, up and down, side to side on your clit and then back down to tease your entrance. You cry out loudly, throwing your head back and squeeze your thighs around his head relentlessly which only makes him hold you in place even tighter, ensuring you’ll have more bruises in the morning.
The position he has you in and the constriction of his belt around your wrists is enough to send you over the edge. The feeling is indescribable, and your whole body is ablaze with euphoria.
It doesn’t take long until you feel yourself close to an orgasm as he moans dirty words against you. “Fuck baby, I missed you. I touched myself so many times remembering how good you taste.” His voice sends deep vibrations through you. “Are you gonna cum for me princess? I want you to cum all over my tongue.”
He then grabs your hips, guiding them to thrust against his face as you ride his tongue. “Oh my God, yes Chris!” You scream, letting him use your body to get off on him.  You cum hard, your body shaking as you continue to moan his name. He helps you ride it out, his hands gently rubbing your legs and thighs and he gets up to take the belt off, rubbing your wrists as well.
He kisses you softly as you catch your breath. You feel fueled by lust, the need to make him moan your name strong when you look him in the eyes, an idea popping into your head. “I want you fuck my throat.” You say, the surprise in his face makes you laugh but you’re serious as you sit up to unbutton his jeans and pull them down his legs.
“Yeah?” He responds, a playful fire in his eyes. “Mhm.” You hum, biting your lip and the innocent look in your eyes almost makes him lose it then and there. He stands up at the edge of the bed and you turn your body the opposite way, laying down flat so now your head hangs off the edge.  
“Tap my thigh if you need me to stop, okay?” He says, his breathing heavy as he pulls his dick out of his boxers and from the view you currently have, it looks huge, veins running along his shaft and precum oozing out of the tip. He brings it to your mouth, and you open to wrap your lips around it, your tongue swirling around him teasingly. “Fuck…” He whimpers lowly, trying to contain himself as he slides it further slowly, your saliva coating him.
 Your cheeks hollow around him and he pauses halfway, letting you adjust to him. He waits a few seconds before going deeper, brushing the back of your throat, making you slightly gag. He moans loudly at the feeling, which makes you hum around him. You are enjoying every minute of this.
He starts to slowly thrust himself down your throat, careful to pause every now and then when he feels you gag. But you quickly get used to it and reach up to grab his hand, motioning for him to continue. He picks up the pace, loud moans now leaving his mouth which only makes you wetter. “Fuuuuckk… Y/N. Feels so good.” He breathes out. He wants to cum down your throat so badly but at this point he needs to feel himself inside you more than he’s ever needed anything.
He pulls out and helps you back into an upright position on the bed, laying you down against the pillows. “Please tell me you’re on the pill.” He says, pulling your panties off and discarding them somewhere along with the pile of clothes forming on the floor. “Yes.” You respond, grateful you were because you wanted nothing more than to feel his bare skin against yours.
He takes your legs, spreading you open for him again and rubs his cock against your entrance teasingly. “Please, Chris. I need you.” You whimper, gripping his arms and wrapping your legs around his lower back. “No need to beg, sweetheart. You got me.” He responds as he pushes himself inside you.
You both moan in ecstasy at the feeling, your eyes rolling back as he continues to sink himself all the way into you. “God, Chris…” You say, a slight burning as you adjust to his size.
He groans loudy, thrusting into you slowly, the sight of your blissful expression and the way your tits bounce with each movement almost sending him over the edge. You meet his hips with yours each time, uncontrollable moans pouring out of you. “I love making you sound like this baby. Tell me only I can make you feel this good, Y/N.” He says, his breath shaky but his grip on your legs strong.
“Yes, Chris. Only you can do this to me. Feels so- ah- so gooood.” You respond, at this point ready to do anything he says. The feeling of him inside you is like no other. He moves harder and faster, hitting your g spot with each thrust.
You clench around him and he feels your wetness drip down his cock. The pleasure you give him is unmatched but the way he feels being close to you like this, your bodies becoming one has him in a state of bliss. He knows you’re close and wraps you tighter around him, his face falling to yours, one hand pressing into the mattress, the other hand pressing down slightly on your abdomen.
You cry out at the sensation, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging his hair.
“Can you cum again for me baby? Please… I wanna fill you up while you scream my name.” He says, his hips slamming into you, pounding you over and over again. “Please baby. Please cum for me.” The needy sound in his voice and the pace of his thrusting brings you to your second orgasm, clenching around his cock and releasing all over him.
Your whimpers are swallowed by him as he kisses you, his orgasm shortly coming after yours, spilling himself inside you. You both gasp for air, completely spent, and he stays there for a few minutes, holding you as you both catch your breath.
Once you both have settled down, he grabs a damp towel and cleans you up. You lay together, Chris rubbing circles on your back as you hold him. “Goodnight, princess.” He whispers and you both drift off to a peaceful sleep.
The next morning you and Chris spend exploring each other’s bodies in every possible way in the time you have left before you have to check out of the hotel.
Under the sheets, he covers every inch of your body in kisses. In the shower, he fucks you up against the glass, pulling your wet hair from behind you. On the couch, you ride him until your legs shake, while he whimpers in your ear.
When it came time for you to leave, you tried not to cry but it was bittersweet. You and Chris had shared something special, and you both agreed there was more between you two then just amazing sex.
He made you promise to call and text him anytime you could, and the good thing was, your hometown was on the East Coast which would make it easier for you guys to meet up when he visited Boston.
And you kept your promises while he kept his, each time you got to see each other was better than the last. You couldn’t get enough of each other, and he made you feel so comfortable in your own skin. You silently thanked the universe for putting the events of that night of the accident into motion because if you hadn’t met Chris, life wouldn’t be the same.
chris & y/n:
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a/n: and there it is!!! my first series completed :) pleaseeee let me know what yall thought! matt series next???
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In The Low Lamp Light
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17/12: Reassurance & Car Sex - Billy Washington Word Count: 1.5k~ | Warnings: mild angst, p in v sex, semi-public sex, oral (f receiving), praise
12 Days of Smuff Masterlist
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She sighs as she locks up, huffing her coat on in the chill of the late evening. She's able to see her breath as she yawns, tapping her foot as she waits for the tell-tale sound of the squeaky shift from fourth gear to third. The inevitable sound of Billy's car as he comes to pick her up.
She smooths her hands over her cold and aching legs, needing nothing more right now than to just curl up on the sofa under a blanket and sleep like she's dead.
Billy's car screeches down the road, amber headlights aglow, right on time as usual.
It doesn't take a genius. She can tell right away when he pulls up and doesn't even look in her direction that he's got a mard on.
It's something that used to bother her. But now, after knowing and being with him for so long, she knows all the little tells, all his mannerisms.
He won't be able to keep quiet about what he's thinking for long when confronted with silence.
Billy rests his head on his fist as it leans against the window, keeping the car running as she gets in, preparing herself for yet another monologue. She complains in her head, but really, she'd rather he tell her than just keep it in.
He's wearing his dark green jacket over a jumper, and she can see as soon as she shuts the door how his knee is bouncing.
“Good day at work?” he asks, dispassionately.
She presses her lips together giving him a smile, nodding, like she knows something is wrong.
“Alright, ta,” she replies, knowing what she's about to say next might start him off, “you?”
He simply puts the car in gear and drives off, “Yeah, fine.”
Her eyes narrow. He's not looked at her once.
She's surprised that he lasts as long as he does to be fair. Without the radio on, and only the sound of his Vauxhall's grinding revs to drown out the silence, she can see how his knuckles are white on the steering wheel.
“No…actually…it wasn't fine…”, he says quietly, almost too quiet to really hear without leaning over.
Billy scoffs, shaking his head, “I'm just a fucking idiot.”
Oh, hell no. We are not doing this.
Luckily, the route Billy is taking home goes through a dark single carriageway, covered by foliage with ample place to pull over.
“Park up.”
It's the first time he looks over at her. Brows arched in confusion.
“Park. Up.”
He even sighs as he does, slowing to a full stop and tugging up the handbrake like it's the most difficult thing in the world.
“Turn the car off.”
He does. Moving his fingers to the bridge of his nose. By now wishing he'd said nothing at all.
“Do you wanna run that by me again?” she prods.
“Why are you being like this?”
“I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you calling yourself a ‘fucking idiot’, Billy.”
He sighs, “I really didn't wanna do this.”
“It's not an argument, Billy. Can you just tell me, plainly, what's happened? No…self-deprecation.”
His finger taps idly on the steering wheel, both of their breaths fogging up the car.
“I'm just…finding it hard”.
She cocks her head, gaze softening.
“It's not the same as…fixing up my old banger. Just feels like I don't know anything…”
There it is. That look on his face.
The one he always has when he's giving up on himself.
“Billy, they wouldn't have taken you on if they thought you couldn't do it-”
“I know. I'm just not hacking it-”
“Billy”, she says it flatly, hoping to grab his attention.
And she nearly softens right up when his baby blues look over at her from the driver's seat, all shiny and sad.
“Listen to me. I know, I know, how hard it's been for you to get any work. And now that you have, you're just trying to find something else to beat yourself up about.”
She sees how Billy swallows, nervously smoothing his hands over his jeans, like he doesn't know what to do when praised. It so rarely happened from anyone else before.
“You've done so well, Billy. And…as far as knowledge goes, if you don't know how to do something or…if you don't know what something is, ask.”
She reaches for his arm, wanting to show him with her touch, just how much she means it.
“There is no harm in asking. And give yourself some credit. Half the guys there have been doing this way longer than you and can barely hold their dick in a straight line.”
Some of the tension is lessened when he gives a breathy laugh, no doubt blushing as well as he looks into his lap. And she's relieved to see the beginnings of a smile tugging at his lips.
“I'm so proud of you, you know.”
It just came out so naturally she didn't even think twice about saying it. But she's forced to rethink about the weight of it when he looks up to her, their faces bathed in the minimal glow of the street lights outside.
But he doesn't say anything, making a warmth creep into her cheeks as he studies her.
A surprised squeak is all that's able to leave her mouth as Billy pulls her by the back of her neck to crash his lips to hers. An urgent, needed kiss. One of pure necessity, but warming nonetheless in her gut.
His clothes smell of engine oil, something she'd become pleasantly accustomed to since Billy started this new job. And it's shameful to admit, but she rather likes the rugged, masculine scent that vapes off of him when they're in the throes of it.
Now is no different.
She melts into him as his tongue sweeps over her bottom lip, caressing hers, before pulling away with a soft click.
“Say it again, please…”
Her lips part involuntarily as his fingers run into her hair, tugging her close to him as he mouths at her neck.
“Um…I am…I'm proud of you…”
She can feel his breath against her neck as he sighs, as if those are the sweetest words she's ever said to him.
Her eyes dart around as Billy presses himself up against her, able to see the effect all this is having concealed beneath his boxers.
“Billy, someone could see-”
“I don't care.”
She squeals again as Billy pulls the lever up on the passenger seat, laying the back down flat so she faces the roof. He is quick to follow on top of her, emboldened perhaps by the fact that the road is dark and clear with being so late at night, and there is nothing around them but fields and trees.
His knee parts her legs, chest pressed against hers as his full lips make their way down her neck to her collarbone.
Her chest feels all tight, stomach doing backflips at the thought of doing this so unabashedly in his car. But she doesn't protest. Instead she watches his face as he edges down her body, eventually reaching her leggings where his impatient hands tug at the waistband.
He doesn't even wait to pull down her underwear before he dives between her thighs, mouthing at her clothed centre like he's been thinking about it all day.
“- fuck -”
All breath is shot out of her throat when Billy collects her underwear in his fingers and tugs them hastily aside, flattening his warm, wet muscle against her bundle of nerves in a sensation that has her back arch off the seat slightly.
Her hand finds his hair, the sandy tresses spilling through her fingers, pulling him towards her in micro-movements as he feasts on her, moaning outright as he does it. It does well to drown out the muffled sounds of a car flying past the single carriageway outside.
She is sure it's never felt this good before as she grinds unceremoniously on his face, searching for friction. And she feels the way his hands wrench her thighs apart, wanting more of her taste.
“Oh - fuck, Billy -”
Warmth creeps into her gut as Billy quickens, moving down to fuck her with his tongue as his thumb moves to her clit so the sensation is not abandoned. And both of these dull, pleasurable feelings at once has electricity firing off in her blood, not realising how hard she's pulling on him.
Her orgasm is followed by a choked cry, her hips chasing his lips and tongue as she rides it out. All Billy can do is lap up whatever she gives him, her essence coating his lips in the most erotic way, the car smelling of sex and their bodies.
He pulls away just enough to undo his jeans and lay back on top of her, his lips finding hers again and allowing her to taste the heady, musky juices that have coated them. She'd be embarrassed if she heard how she moaned as the head of his cock pushed past her slick folds, spearing her open around him.
She desperately hopes that another car doesn't come by as theirs has now started to bob with movements that cannot be explained with anything else other than sex. Although secretly, excitement bubbles inside her at the thought.
So she holds onto him, raising her legs around him to aid him deeper inside her, smiling lovingly when he gruffs.
“Say it again.”
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General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard @bellstwd @blairfox04 @buckybarnesb-tch @castellomargot @hb8301 @jamespotterismydaddy @mochi-rose @natty2017 @nenelysian @randomdragonfires @risefallrise @thelittleswanao3 @theoneeyedprince @thetrueblackheart @tsujifreya @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valeskafics @virtualsweetsqueen @watercolorskyy
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woofwof21 · 19 days
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holy shit tumblr moves FAST i literally feel like a godess tysm !! 😽
anyways my tummy huwts so guess what hehe
warnings???: fluff, nicknames ig, use of y/n?
today is you guys' 1 year anniversary and chris had it all planned out.
waking you up with kisses, and strawberries on the bedside table in the morning, just stay in bed together, cuddling till 1pm, baking pizza together in reminders of your first date at that cozy, family run pizza place, taking you out on a nice walk in the park then dinner at a fancy place to spice it up a little and lastly just end the day with a basic horror movie since you both are little scaredy cats that eventually just end up cuddling up close to each other.
but when the plan all goes to shit with you waking up with a throbbing headache the beaming smile spread across chris' cheeks falls in only seconds of hearing that heart melting whimper vibrating through your sleep-puffed lips.
"hey, is something wrong?", he whispers in concern as he places the plate of towered strawberries onto the nightstand to press his palm against your upper forearm and rub his thumb against your shoulder, swayed from left and right.
when you don't reply and just lay there fully still on the mattress with your scrunched up face in pain almost buried into the pillow chris tilts his head, studying your face while he feels his heart breaking for you.
"it's okay! just....just go back to sleep, baby, it's okay!!", he whispers once more before pressing a gentle kiss to your aching temple.
you can't help but let out another whince of pain, your forehead feeling like an abused drum and roll over to bury your head back into your boyfriend's chest.
chris' arm immediately drapes around your shoulders out of simple reflex and he buries his nose into your hair, breathing in your scent to let out a heavy sigh
"im sorry, im so sorry babe..it's okay! im right here, my beautiful, beautiful girl..go back to sleep"
his big hand soothingly rubs the back your right shoulderblade in order to send you back into a (hopefully) healing slumber while he just continues to whisper sweet nothings into your ear.
your eyes slowly squint open, staring up at the white ceiling, your hand reaching out beside you, feeling up the cold, wrinkled up bedsheet where you needed your boyfriend to be.
your groan echoes through his room as the same hand falls onto your forehead, rubbing it in discomfort.
"still not feeling good?"
you slightly jump as chris' caring voice startles your pain fogged brain, causing a soft laugh to slip out of his throat.
he places a bright red mug onto the nightstand, his knees slowly dropping down onto the floor infront of the bed
"heh...sorry ma"
your sleepy eyes follow the dampf float through the air from the mug, not even noticing his warm thumb rubbing circles over your forehead.
"what time is it?", you mumble in a weak, raspy voice once your gaze has finally switched back over to your boyfriend.
"it's like 12....30..ish?", he replies while simply admiring your natural beauty even when your feeling so terrible.
"baby im so sorry you can't enjoy today like you could have. i had everything planned out and ready to go! definitely did not think this was gonna happen....but hey, we can still enjoy today a little hm?"
his caring words make the corners of your lips jerk up into a wide smile once you finally realise what special day it was today.
"oh my god! happy anniversary babe! shit, im SO sorry i messed today up for us!!"
"shhhh.....shut up! don't talk like this is your fault cause it DEFINITELY isn't, got it?"
the stern tone in his yet caring whisper makes your heart melt, your eyes blinking as they fall heavy from the exhaustion of your pain but the smile widens on your lips in love for him.
you feel his hands slide up your sides, under your armpits and lift you up into a sitting position. the mattress damps once he sits his fatass down onto the bedside, besides you.
chris takes the mug in his hand again, holding it up towards your lips while pressing a small pill into your open palm with the other
"drink", he demands with a loving smirk, making you roll my eyes at his drugdealer behaviour, only for your face to scrunch up at the sting in your head that eyeroll caused you
you take the mug in your hands, laying the pill onto your tounge and swallowing it down with the warm black tea with milk, which he knew you favourited over anything.
"you're so beautiful", he blurts out through a heavy sigh along with that adorable smile he could barely hide from you.
chris clears his throat and laughs, trying to try and brush off the words that slipped out of his mouth. your laughter mixing in with his.
already 1 year into the relationship and you guys are still acting like shy teenagers with a little crush.
the pictures match SO WELL at the start my eyes are literally turning into heartshaped waterfalls 😻
aight imma risk it and post at midnight, farewell
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thejakeslayla · 8 months
can u enhypen reaciton to y/n has sectoral heterochromia (youcan search on google)
i have that im j little bit insecure about that
╰─▸❝ enhypen reaction to reader having sectoral heterochromia❞
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pairing: enhypen x gn! reader ୨୧ genre: fluff ୨୧ warnings: reader being insecure ❝ in sectoral heterochromia, part of one iris is a different color from its remainder, and in central heterochromia, spikes of different colors radiate from the pupil. ❞
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ yang jungwon 양정원 ✩
jungwon, just like the rest of the members, would absolutely adore the smallest little details about you.
at first, he didn't notice you having two different eye colours, but after holding eye contact with you while being close enough, he was so surprised that he instantly grabbed your cheeks and went
"oh my god! y/n!"
you stare at him, confused, but then you realise that it was probably his reaction to your heterochromia.
after that, jungwon adores you even more; every day he tells you how unique and beautiful you are.
one day, when he sees that you can be insecure about it, he comes up to you and stands in the door frame of your bathroom, just looking at you.
"my love, what's wrong?" he asks you in the sweetest and most gentle voice, with a big pout on his face.
after you explain how you're feeling about your eyes, he's devastated.
"but y/n, it’s so unique. you, you’re so unique." he says, still having the biggest pout. he would just feel sad that you're insecure about the thing he likes the most about you.
he covers you in kisses after he finally drags you to bed, his lips mostly smooching the skin right next to your eyes.
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ lee heeseung 이희승 ✩
heeseung is kind of goofy about it; your contact name in his phone ends with two different hearts in the colour of your eyes.
he always brags about it to everyone; it's like he's so proud to have a lover that unique.
"guys, did you know that y/n has two different eye colours?" he's so excited about it for no reason.
it feels somehow normal for him. he just doesn't understand how you can be insecure about it. after you tell him that, he honestly just looks confused. asking "why?" each time you try to explain.
he wishes for you to love and adore it as much as he does.
heeseung is known for intense eye contact, but with you, he's somehow shy. he loves looking into your eyes, but after a minute or two, he just looks away, flustered.
his sudden change in his favourite colour??
someone asks him, and he straight up, without a second of thought, goes:
"y/n's eye colour."
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ park jongseong 박종성 ✩
honestly, jay is so stupidly cute about
everyday he texts you a fun fact he found about heterochromia
he's also the one to explain to the rest of the members IN DETAIL about it; if you asked him about the hex code of the colour of your eyes, i wouldn't be surprised if he actually knew that.
after seeing you looking all sad while standing in front of the mirror, he comes up to you, hands wrapping around your waist, as he places his chin on your shoulder.
he whispers to you sweet nothings, but they touch your heart. he knows exactly which compliments you like, so he uses them.
he tells you every day that you're beautiful, but now that you're standing so close to him while you both look in the mirror at your reflection, it somehow feels intimate.
sometimes you would just sit doing nothing and you hear jay sighing. after you ask him what's wrong, he just goes:
"nothing, i just can't believe your beauty."
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ jake sim 제이크 심 ✩
actually the biggest simp for you that you've ever seen
he sends you pictures of cats or puppies with heterochromia and adds
"look y/n, it's you"
you sometimes find him staring at you with these big eyes, full of love
he's just like jay; during the day, he randomly just mentions how beautiful you're
the pet names he calls you??
its always something mentioning your beauty
"my beautiful princess", "my pretty", "my gorgeous"
sometimes he just grabs you by your cheeks, looking almost flabbergasted with his mouth open and a fond expression, his eyes scanning yours, and then he just goes
leaving you absolutely shy.
he never really understands why you’re insecure when you’re literally the most beautiful person in his world
about texting, he would always start the conversation with
"how is the most beautiful person alive doing?"
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ park sunghoon 박성훈 ✩
he's so shy about it; he's never heard of sectoral heterochromia, and you're the first person he's ever met with it
he would stare at you as if you were the most beautiful art piece he had seen in his whole life
his eyes are constantly on you, and after you notice him staring, he acts like he never did such a thing
"huh? no? what do you mean? i wasn't staring, y/n. you're delusional."
but after hearing you talk about how insecure you can get about your eyes, his behaviour changes 180 degrees
suddenly he's more bold, complimenting you every five seconds, making sure that you know how beautiful for him you're
just like jake, he would send you pictures of cats and puppies and add to them:
"look, it's you!"
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ kim sunoo 김선우 ✩
he LOVES taking pictures of you, always saying stuff like
"y/n! open your eyes more; I can't see the colour!"
he's sulking and whining whenever you mention that you're not so confident, having heterochromia
"but why? i think it's really pretty"
he pouts just like jungwon, grabbing your cheeks and looking into your eyes with this adorable expression on his face
sunoo is your number one fan and hypeman; instead of talking sadly during your convo about insecurities, he's more like:
"and what????"
"you're literally the most unique and beautiful person!!"
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ nishimura riki 西村 力 ✩
"y/n, you remind me of this character."
he randomly says this while showing you a picture of an anime character
he's so cute about it; each time he sees something that's the colour of your eyes, he just excitedly yells to you about it
if he can buy it, he definitely will
he shows it to his hyungs, going:
"look! doesn't it look like y/n's eyes??"
and heeseung just has to nod and smile, because if he shows any signs of being uninterested, niki will in fact start drama
"really? that's all you have to say? THEY ARE LITERALLY SO UNIQUE AND THIS IS ALL YOU HAVE?"
it's like niki expects them to write an essay about you and your eyes
you always find drawings or doodles of your eyes, whenever niki has a paper and pen, he just can't stop himself from drawing them
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. . . . . -ˋˏ ✎ author's note! hello!! thank you for the request and reading! hope it met your expectations, remember that you're beautiful just as you're nothing to be insecure about ♡ requests: open © 2023 — all rights reserved to user thejakeslayla, please do not steal, plagiarise or translate any of my work !
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