#let poison ivy be dannys mom
phantomskeep · 1 year
okay don't get me wrong, I love the entire "batfam adopts danny" au. It's amazing and getting to see danny interact with the bats? Chefs kiss.
BUT I propose to you all; lesbian moms poison ivy and harley quinn find danny all beaten up in an ally near the dead mall and low key adopt him. Or high key adopt him? Idk but poison ivy is my favorite anti-hero and harley going apeshit on some GIW goons is something akin to a daily fantasy for me. Give that boy some protective queer moms he needs them in his life.
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
Any new ideas for congratulations! It's triplets? Love the idea of Jason just freaking out and trying to figure out how to build a relationship with his kids while being made fun of by his family and said kids. Especially if he goes overprotective mode because Danny has clown trauma too and gets snagged by the joker
Jason watches as Danny- his son.- impatiently taps his fingers against the table. His boy's gaze was looking at everything, taking in the big fancy Wayne Mannor with a sort of disinterest he was not expecting of a child so young.
His sister and Brother- both with alarmingly similar names- were also disinterested, but Dani was swinging her legs, and Dan was tapping his spoon and fork against the table in a fast-paced drumming.
It's strange to know he would fidget a lot as a kid but he always resorted to finger tapping. Was the tripples little habit from him? He wonders what else they inherited and what he missed out on seeing.
"I don't understand," Jasmine said, overlooking the contract Bruce's lawyers wrote up. " Why would you want custody now? It's been five years."
"I didn't know." Jason swallows past the lump in his throat as she gives him an unimpressed stare over the paper. He feels Bruce place a hand on his shoulder, and the silent support allows him to continue. "If I have, I wouldn't have ever let them grow up without me."
"Jason doesn't want full custody," Tim cuts in with a soft voice that has tricked lesser men into selling their shares. He and the rest of his family are all sitting across from Jassmin Fenton, as she is carefully lured back to the manor to discuss their next step. "He just wants to be part of his kid's lives and would happily share that with you."
"Not telling him about the kids sort of played into that," Steph mutters tactlessly. Unfortunately, her voice carries, and the woman across from them bristles.
There is a tense moment where he thinks Jassmin is about to curse them all out before she sighs and slumps in her seat. "Well, it wasn't like I had a means to contact you when I found out. You gave me a fake name."
Jason winces. "I sort of forgot I told you my name was Petter."
"Wasn't a total lie" Dani chirps "It is your middle name."
Jasmine rubs her eyes. "Look, Jason, I don't want to stop you from seeing the kids, but this is all too much right now. I'm dealing with a lot right now-"
"You are currently homeless," Damian cuts in, causing Jasmine to stop in genuine bewilderment.
"No, we're not." Dan scoffs. "You were waiting for us at our house. Waiting to ambush us."
"The house that was on the street that Poison Ivy just destroyed," The boy says, showing everyone his phone screen. There, clear as day is, their home is nothing but rumble. Jasmine's face spams, and she quickly checks her phone, paling at what she reads.
"Oh, Ancients. It's gone. It's all gone," She whispers, gripping the phone. The three kids immediately stiffen, watching their mother with strange intensity. Too aware of what this means.
They were mature for their age, and that is never a good thing.
Oh gods. Did his children live on the streets? Had Jason's carelessness hurt his children like his parents have hurt him?
"Mom?" Danny asks and that seems to snap Jasmine out of her spirl.
"Hotel!" She gasps, hands shaking as she quickly starts tapping on her phone. Jason catches a glimpse of her screen and realizes she is making a to-do list. "I have to book a hotel room. Call the insurance company, go and try to salvage whatever we can....what else?"
"You can stay here, Fenton," Damian surprisingly offers. "Until your home is rebuilt"
"We couldn't possibly-"
"Hotels are expensive, and you must focus on other more important needs. Father certainly has the space."
Jason jerks into action. "This will also give me a chance to connect with the kids!"
Jasmine bites her lip, turning to her children. Jason could appreciate that she was willing to include them in big decisions. The three nodded, so she eventually sighs.
"Alright. But only until I can get our housing settled. And I'll pay rent"
Jason would argue but he recognized the look in her eye. She would not be sway from making payments. So he agrees, tapping his fingers on the table in a specific rhythm to make sure his family agrees too.
He knows it pains Bruce- the old man already thinks of the triplets as his grandchildren and the idea of charging them to live with him will kill him.
Jason notices the way Dan's eyes zero in on his tapping and the glance around the family members. He fights a proud grin when realization bleeds into his boy's eyes. He's got a smart one, likely aware of that the tapping is a form of Morse code.
Tim did say- after pulling up all files of the four- that his children had developed insane intelligence. Maybe he should get them tested for certification geniuses.
"Hey Mr. Jason," Dani suddenly speaks up.
"Yes Darling?"
"I suggest you remove your eyes from my mom before I remove them from your face." The little girl even punches her palm in a poor intimidation attempt. His heart melts.
Then his face turns a dark red hue at Jasmine's raised brow. Unwillingly flashes of thier last time being face-to face rise in his mind. He coughs awkwardly as his sons face become as protective as their sister, Dan cracking his knuckles and Danny reaching for a knife.
"Oh yeah" Tim deadpans watching the kids reaction "No need for DNA test. Those are definitely Jason's kids"
He agrees, he just hopes he can show his children he plans on sticking around and being the father they deserve.
No one notices Cass and Steph slip away to deal with Posion Ivy. Jason kinda wants to send her a thank you gift for making it possible to have his family move into the manor.
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britcision · 1 year
Oh we like cursed Jazz content in this house
So Jazz’s gotten her degree and a nice totally safe internship at Arkham Asylum, as one does
And one day while she’s hanging in the interview room waiting for her next patient, who comes in but former fellow doctor Harleen Quinzel
Is Harley actually back at Arkham or half way through a break in? Doesn’t matter
Maybe Ivy needed a hand with a particularly well protected shady polluter
Maybe she’s breaking Killer Croc out for poker night
Maybe she’s just visiting to punch Joker in the face
What matters is the heat is on and Harley’s gonna be hanging out in this room, and here’s a cute young psychiatrist and Harley can’t resist a punch line
And Jazz Fenton? Jazz knows when she’s being played with, and she’s fought way worse than Harley
Hell, 10 minutes in she’s reminded so strongly of Danny she’s gotta call him after work
And Jazz has done her research, she knows who Harley is, and is very touched by her concern
But then there’s another rogue attack, the prison is in shambles, and it’s time for a change of plan
Harley’s happy to tell Jazz where to find an emergency buzzer and to barricade the door behind her, hoping the newbie will be safe
Cuz that works out in Arkham for sure
Before Harley can dip the door busts in, someone’s looking for a hostage and Harley’s stepping up for some more active protection of her new friend
Right up until they get shot in the face before Harley can connect and fall smoking to the floor
Jazz is no Poison Ivy, but beautiful, dangerous redheads are Harley’s kryptonite and she’s begging for Jazz’s number
Harley looks back at Jazz and her lipstick gun and oh now she’s in love
Jazz gives her the cute smile and says isn’t Harley taken, because Jazz kind of is now but they can be friends
Harley, competitive, will accept the number and demands the lucky fucker’s name cuz they’d better pray they’re good enough for Jazz
Three weeks later, Harley’s at the precinct with vital information about someone’s latest great caper
But she’ll only give it up to Jason Todd
(People know he’s alive only because this idea was precisely 12% funnier than Harley trying to hunt down Red Hood in Crime Alley
Harley’s a god tier psychiatrist and has known who the bats are for ages, but like fuck she’s going to Wayne Manor)
There’s been no hint that Harley was really involved and things are getting tense, but this is Harley Fucking Quinn who exists solely in places she’s not meant to be
They can’t risk not going if she might have something
So Jason, cranky about crimes, puts on his best people face and comes down to an unsurveilled (except for Bats) room to ask wtf
Harley stares him dead in the eye
“I’m gonna steal your girlfriend”
Then just drops street addresses, trap locations, and the fucking key to the warehouse crime was in
Bruce: confused but happy it worked and Harley’s still not back into major terrorism
Jason: fucking befuddled
Jazz: loves it
Ivy: fondly resigned
All other bats: never letting Jason live this down
The ongoing Harley/Hood prank war is fucking epic in proportion
Ivy and Jazz hang out whenever they’re busy and oh dear sarcastic peppy psychiatrists are also Ivy’s kryptonite
So the second Jason even vaguely upsets Jazz he is well aware she has two extremely loving lesbian moms just waiting to snatch her away
Call it Gotham Bachelorette
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five-rivers · 3 years
Random idea popped into my head. I decided to drop it here as a prompt. Make of it what you will.
Jack and Maddie aren't human...
I’ve been percolating an AU where Jack’s been a ghost the whole time because Vlad killed him and he didn’t know for about a week now; how did you know?
But I’m not quite done percolating that, so you get this instead.  Sorry, it’s kind of a mess. 
Danny didn’t know when he realized it.  Maybe he always knew, since he was very small.  Maybe it came to him all of a sudden, later, and it just made so much sense that he couldn’t truly conceive of not knowing.  Maybe he was lying to himself.  
His parents weren’t normal.  
To be fair, neither were he and Jazz, even from a young age, but...  His parents weren’t normal at all.  
When was the last time he saw them eat something other than fudge and cookies?
Jazz took care of the cooking, most days.  Their parents stayed in the lab.  Working, always working.  Money came in from patents, came in suitcases carried by men in crisp black suits.  Danny knew what a Geiger counter was before he was five.   
He knew to be careful.  So did Jazz, but she liked to ignore it, to play it off as nothing.  Someday, he knew, if things kept going the way they were, Jazz would convince herself that all the little things were fantasy.  Imagination.  
She’d move away and burn so brightly with light and passion that she’d blind herself to the shadows she once lived in.  She’d go to an Ivy League school and become a psychologist, or a neurologist, or a psychiatrist, or a brain surgeon.  She would be great.  She would shift paradigms.  
She would never forget him.  Danny wasn’t afraid of that.  But unless he shone just as brightly, unless he burned the memories from his mind just the same, she would never see him anymore.  
He wanted to become an astronaut.  
Dad laughed when he heard that.  He sewed Danny a custom suit- not like Jazz’s, which was just a smaller version of Mom’s- the next day.  White, like an astronaut, he’d said.  
Black for good luck.  And something else that skittered in the back of Danny’s brain.
Danny loved them, their parents.  But they weren’t normal.  
He looked up silver allergies online, once.  They weren’t like that.  And normal people didn’t shy away from the sun on their skin.  
Normal people didn’t talk about wars that weren’t in any history book, or about the best way to butcher a horse.  They didn’t have dozens of blue glass eyes in the bottom drawer of every cabinet they owned.  Their holiday dinners didn’t come to life and menace the neighborhood.  
Once, when he was ten, he thought they might be vampires.  But looking up the folklore and going deep, deep, touching the past, he saw that all the monsters that went bump in the night- and no few benevolent things too- borrowed traits, powers, and weaknesses from one another.  
Once, on the first day of spring, a ring of mushrooms rose up to circle Fentonworks completely.  Mom harvested them and fried them in butter.  Jazz refused to eat them, saying they might be poisonous.  Dad ate a plate of fudge.  Mom smiled as Danny ate every last one.  It was the most normal meal Danny had for years before or after.  
The portal was a project of passion.  Of something like desperation.  Of hope.  
For all that they professed to hate ghosts, sometimes Danny wondered if they weren’t trying to get back home.
Mom and Dad weren’t normal.  What did that make Danny and Jazz?
(Once upon a time he cut his hands open to see if he bled red and he doesn’t remember what he found out but after Dash he’s sure he bleeds red now.)
Danny wanted to see it.  He wanted to let them see it, bring back their life and spirit.  Let them know that it didn’t matter that Dad was a mountain of a man that looked even taller and broader out of the corner of his eye, or that he hadn’t seen Mom’s eyes in a year and didn’t remember their color, or that whatever they used for bath salts made Danny dizzy.  He wanted to show them that he loved them and he wanted to help.  
The portal beckoned.  He put on his astronaut-white and death-black jumpsuit and walked in.  This felt right, down to the electric tension in the air and the faint chill of the wall through his glove.  
It wasn’t normal, to put the on button for something like this on the inside.
(Danny’s parents weren’t normal.)
Danny wasn’t normal.  
No one normal fought the undead in back alleys, or laid awake at night trying to hold onto life hard enough to keep from falling through their bed.  No one normal could taste emotions on the air and drink them in.  No one normal could walk through a blizzard with bare feet and think how lovely the day was, or feel electricity brewing in their bones as the lightning storm raged.  
But that was later.  
He woke in his parents’ arms, to gentle crooning.  He woke to the flavor of joy that wasn’t his and colors too vivid to be real.  He woke.  
Had Mom’s eyes always been purple?  He couldn’t remember.  But the shape was familiar, and they crinkled happily at the corners.  He couldn’t help but smile back.  
Danny wasn’t normal.  Neither were his parents.  They weren’t the same kind of not-normal, and that made Danny’s teeth hurt, sometimes, especially after his fangs grew in, but-
Who could divide a fairy, from a ghost, from a revenant, from a lich?  Who marked out the boundaries between dwarves, goblins, trolls, giants?  How did an elf differ from any of these things, when elf might be tall or short, spiritual or just shy of human?  The roots of the stories were tangled, no matter how neatly the gardeners trimmed the plants.  
Danny’s story was that of a hero of a monster.  But the first hero was Gilgamesh, and no one would call him that, now.  
And for his parents-
For his sister-
For his family-
A normal story simply didn’t suit them at all.
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tsrookie · 3 years
Always In My Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Alyssa Brooks)
A/N: On today’s episode of ‘I have no idea wtf I’m doing’, we have something that I cooked up because I had terrible WiFi and no other app but Google docs would open up.
Trope: Fluff, but a tiny bit of angst?
Rating: General
Word Count: 2.3K
Warning(s): Mentions of character death
Summary: Their son has a very important question to ask.
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The delicious aroma of chicken and rice wafted through the Brooks-Ramsey household. The couple worked side by side in the kitchen as they had all those years ago, the only difference being that it was now a dinner for five and not just two.
Allison Dolores Brooks-Ramsey came into their lives nine years ago, and while it was earlier than they would have wanted, they didn’t regret a second of their lives ever since they first heard her voice.
The twins on the other hand, were planned, but nothing had prepared them for the chaos that Nathan and Natalie would bring. A new broken object every week, a dozen fights for the TV every day, and yet were nothing short of tiny tornadoes when they joined forces.
It couldn’t be more perfect.
“What time did Jackie and Emilia say that they would bring the girls back?”
“6:30, I think.”
“Ah. So we have time till 7:00.” They shared a knowing smile. Two aunts taking their nine and six year old nieces to the mall meant a complete raid of the toy store, and a new guitar.
“You need to stop letting everyone spoil the girls just because you have a soft spot for them, Ethan. Ally’s grown old enough to understand that she has her daddy wrapped around her finger, and we don’t need Nat coming to that realisation as well.”
“I don’t- I can’t believe you would accuse me of not loving all my children equally!”, he exclaimed in mock offense.
“Mhmm. So why did I have to come up with an explanation to tell Nathan why his dad wasn’t on board with ordering dessert when he asked for it, but relented once his sisters kept bugging him for another five minutes?”
He opened his mouth in protest, but decided against saying anything for his own good. “Well what can I say? They’ve inherited their mother’s persuasiveness. And I can’t really say no to you, can I?”
Alyssa’s lips curved upwards at that. The playful look in her husband’s eyes caused her to finally break into a grin. “At least you’re self-aware.” Stuffing the rice into the bird she added, “But I can’t exactly tell our son that his dad is too in-love with his mom that he sees her in his daughters and hence can’t say no to them. He’d gag in disgust.”
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head in the crook of her neck. “That he would. Alright I’ll try a little harder to resist their charms. Wouldn’t want my only son to end up hating me.” He said it without a hint of worry over it becoming true someday. Over the years, he’d learned to put aside his fears of not being a good father, and with the help of some therapy, and Alyssa’s unwavering love and support, he’d locked up his insecurities in a box and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean.
They took the stuffed chicken and put it in the oven, washed their hands and plopped down on the couch for some rare downtime.
“Everything okay?”
“Fred’s mom got called in, so she’s dropping Nate off on her way to work.”
Ethan sighed. “There goes the hour I planned to spend with my wife, who I barely get to spend enough time with these days.”
“I swear, you were never this busy when you were chief. I have no idea why my workload’s ten times bigger.”
“I do.” Ethan smiled with pride. “One usually does have a lot of work when they’re at the front lines of the battle for making free healthcare accessible for every single person in the country. My brilliant wife, though she could choose to leave most of the work to her very competent team, opts to take it all upon herself. So that’s probably the cause behind all the extra workload she complains about.”
She smirked and perched herself onto his lap. “Well your very brilliant wife also knows that you called my team very competent just to avoid hurting my feelings, and that you and I both know that they’ll be running around like headless chickens without me taking care of things.”
“I know, love. But you can still make them do a little more instead of working yourself to the bone while still making sure that you have at least one meal with the kids every day.”
She sighed. “Yeah, to make sure that they don’t forget what I look like.” She leaned in closer. “Besides, are we really going to spend our last few minutes of peace talking about work?”
Just as she uttered the words, the door burst open, and Nathan kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the couch as Alyssa slid down from Ethan’s lap. She shot him a look that very clearly meant What did I just say?
Ethan gave her an apologetic look and ruffled his son’s hair. “Hey buddy. How was your day at Fred’s? I know you wanted to spend more time with him.”
“I did, and we were just about to open his new LEGO set when Mrs. Watson told us that she had to run up to her office for some emergency meeting.”, he pouted. “But it was a nice day. We watched Thor: Ragnarok and Luca, and we would’ve watched another movie if his dad didn’t tell us that two movies were enough for a day.”
Alyssa shot him a mildly stern look. “Well he was right. You’re too young to have movie marathons just yet. Two are more than enough, unless you want to have a headache.”
“But mom, I’m not too young! I’m a big boy! I can swing along the monkey bars at the park faster than Natalie, and soon I’ll swing across buildings just like Spider-Man!”
“Well Spider-Man got bitten by a yucky spider before he swung across buildings. Do you want to be bitten by a gross and poisonous spider?”
“Mommy, not all spiders are gross and poisonous. Dad told me that when I was four and got scared of them at the zoo.”
She rolled her eyes. Leave it to her husband to convince her kids that insects were anything short of creepy and disgusting. In reality, they were, but as someone who ran a mile away at the sight of a butterfly, she wasn’t going to accept that.
“That’s right, Nate. Some of them are certainly very poisonous and dangerous, but that doesn’t mean that you should be scared of them. If you maintain your distance and admire them from afar, there should be no problem at all.”, he said with a pointed look at Alyssa, who just huffed in annoyance.
Nathan giggled, his brown eyes lighting up with amusement. He loved watching his parents playfully bicker. It was way better than seeing them- ugh, kiss.
“We were pretending to be superheroes and Fred used his full name for his pretend name cause it sounded cool, and it is. Fredrick Anthony Watson sounds like something from that show you and mom watch with the guys in the stuffy suits.”
“When did you see us watching the show with the guys in the stuffy suits?”, asked Ethan with a slight hint of concern. Whatever he and Alyssa watched on their free nights was definitely not kid-friendly.
“I don’t remember. Maybe a few months ago.”
Their year old puppy, Ivy, woke up from her nap and bounced into the living room to jump onto her favourite person. Nathan squealed with joy as the fluffy hair of the dog tickled his nose.
Ethan and Alyssa smiled at each other. Getting another dog after Jenner was a decision that took a lot of convincing, but their kids were responsible enough and it was impossible to say no after two years of constant pestering.
“Fred told me that he was named after his great-grandfather William, and that he was this really cool guy who saved a bunch of guys from getting mugged in a dark, dark alley.” He turned to look at his parents as Ivy snuggled into his lap. “Who was I named after mom?”
The question caught her off guard, and she glanced at Ethan for backup.
When they knew that they were having a boy, they immediately knew what to name him. They hadn't, however, anticipated Nathan Daniel Brooks-Ramsey to ask such a question this soon.
Seeing his wife at a loss for words, Ethan spoke up. “C’mere Nate.” He pulled him closer and pressed a kiss atop his head. “We once had a friend named Daniel. He worked at the hospital as a nurse, and he was close to your mom and Aunt Sienna when they were interns.”
Having found her voice, Alyssa joined in. “He was an amazing friend. He was the only nurse in the hospital who helped me out when things got messy, and cheered up Aunt Sienna when no one else could. He’d join us for picnics and movie nights, and you could always count on him if you needed something at the hospital.” She took a deep breath, and Ethan nodded. “Things were going well, but then in my second year, something really bad happened.”
“Oh no.”
“There was this bad guy, who wanted his revenge on another bad guy, and he was ready to risk his own life, and the lives of everyone around him to do so.”
“That’s horrible! Who would want to do something like that?”
Ethan smiled wistfully. “A lot of people in this world actually do. You’re a good person, so you know that it’s wrong. But some people aren’t, and they don’t care about other people getting hurt because of their actions. That night at the hospital, Danny tried to tell the bad guy that it was wrong, and to think things through. But he didn’t listen, and did something that hurt both himself, Danny, Uncle Raf, another friend of ours, and your mom.”
His little eyebrows creased with worry, Nathan asked, “What happened then?”
“He… he died. Along with our other friend, Bobby. Do you remember what we once told you about an autopsy?” Nathan nodded his head. “Well Danny asked for his body to be autopsied, and thanks to him, we were able to find out what was wrong with mom and Uncle Raf.”
He fell silent for a moment, remembering the horrors of the day, and how eternally grateful he was to Danny for being the reason he didn’t lose everything. He couldn’t imagine a life without the love of his life and his children, and he wouldn’t have either if not for the sacrifices that were made.
He looked up at Alyssa, and she squeezed his hand in support. “We’ll tell you more when you’re older, but to make it short, you’re named after a hero too. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have you, your sisters, or mom here with me.”
Nathan wriggled out of his dad’s arms, and set Ivy down so he could hug his mom as tightly as he could.
“Well… if you can hear me Mr. Daniel, I just wanna thank you. Thanks for saving my mom. I love her so much and I’m so thankful that I got to meet her because of what you did. I wish I could’ve met you, you sound like a really cool person, and I’m sure you were. So yeah, thanks. A lot.”
Alyssa’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears, and she held her son as she expressed her silent thanks along with Ethan.
What they had was precious.
Fifteen years had passed since they first met, and yet each day they fell in love a little more like they did when they held hands for the first time in the dim light of the NICU watching over little Ethan, or when she finally got to see the real him the first time she visited his place; the first time in years he let someone know a little of the worries residing deep in his heart.
With all the odds against them, it was a miracle that they survived, even more so that they managed to raise three perfect children who had more love to share than they could ever comprehend.
And they’d never forget all the reasons that made it possible for them to survive.
The timer on the oven went off, and they got to their feet to get the chicken.
“Was he a good cook dad?”
“I… don’t really know, Nate. Your mom knew him better than I did.”
“Well there was this one time where he helped Aunt Sienna bake an amazing cake, so I guess he knew his way around the kitchen.”, Alyssa recollected fondly. It was for Jackie’s birthday, one of the few nights where the competition was completely forgotten about.
Nathan’s face melted into a glowing smile. “I love cake. So I guess I really would’ve loved him.”
She mirrored his radiant expression. “You definitely would’ve.”
“Why don’t you go play with Ivy while mom and I get the food ready? You can help us with the dessert later.”
“We’re having dessert?!”
Ethan grinned at his son’s excitement. “You bet we are.”
“Yay!” They watched as Nathan ran off to go play fetch with Ivy in their enormous backyard.
Ethan pulled Alyssa in for a sweet, lingering kiss as soon as he was out of sight.
“You’ve been wanting to do that for a while now hmm?”
“Something like that.”, he murmured as they broke apart.
She could see the ever-increasing strands of silver in his brown hair, and the faint wrinkles along the sides of his forehead, but his clear blue eyes were just as loving and devoted as she remembered from over a decade ago.
“We have a pretty good life, don’t we?”
Ethan kissed her again. “No, we have the perfect life.”
A/N 2: Aaaand I’m going MIA again. Honestly though, to everyone who’s read so far, thank you so much for sticking around. Means the world💙
P.S: I finally chose Chyler Leigh as my face claim!
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1283
Monday, October 14, 2019
 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to one and all. Thank-you for reading this. The Jee Gang gathered for a turkey dinner yesterday with the littlest 2-month-old Ashton being passed around like a hot potato because he was tired and cranky. His mom got him settled but you couldn't hear his tiny cries for the raucous noise from his cousins. The kids took over the larger formal dining room now that they outnumber us old folks. It was a nice big family affair.
 Gwenpool Strikes Back #3 - Leah Williams (writer) David Baldeon (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Gwenpool tries to save herself from cancellation by holding a "Contest of Champions" in this issue. Guest stars galore. This thing is so much fun.
 Catwoman #16 - Joelle Jones (story & art) Laura Allred (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). I'm glad I checked the credits on this issue since I said that I was going to let this cat out after reading last issue. I will always read a book by Joelle Jones even though this one had me befuddled with some jumping back and forth in time and the added "Year of the Villain" thing. I am curious to find out Catwoman's decision.
 Loki #4 - Daniel Kibblesmith (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (pencils) Oscar Bazaldua & Victor Olazaba (inks) David Curiel & Carlos Lopez (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I love a good trickster. Loki uses a good one to defeat Nightmare. I like this Loki.
 Detective Comics #1013 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Keith Champagne & Christian Alamy (inks) David Baron (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). It's Batman versus Mister Freeze as the super villain tries to resurrect his dead wife. Batman's flame thrower costume is a cosplayer's wet dream
 Doctor Doom #1 - Christopher Cantwell (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This was a pleasant surprise. The art caught my eye but the story is really good too. There's no sign of the good guy Sorcerer Supreme from a while ago. Just good old fashioned arrogant Victor. He scoffed at a new technology to reverse global warming and is accused of being jealous of it because it was invented by Reed Richards and Tony Stark. When disaster strikes, Latveria is blamed and Doctor Doom sacrifices himself for his country. The mystery is who framed him and I will keep reading to find out.
 Web of the Black Widow #2 - Jody Houser (writer) Stephen Mooney (art) Triona Farrell (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). What the!? Two Black Widows? Doctor Doom isn't the only one being framed for murder. I liked the clever cut-out on Nat's bathing suit.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #11 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Ze Carlos (art pages 1-8) Ig Guara (art pages 9-20) Dono Sanchez-Almara with Protobunker (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Miles must solve the super hero's dilemma of saving a family member or a stranger's life. His decision leads to a confrontation with the Prowler. Is it Uncle Aaron? I can't wait to find out.
 White Fox #1 - Alyssa Wong (writer) Kevin Libranda & Geoffo (art) Israel Silva (colours)
VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Another Agent of Atlas super hero gets her origin story told. She's based on Korean folklore. It was very well done and almost makes me want to read the new team book. There's also a peek at the Future Avengers by Alyssa Wong (writer), Ale Garza (art), Dono Sanchez-Almara with Protobunker (colours) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters). They're an Asian version of the Young Avengers but these guys used to be Hydra agents in training. Read on if you're wondering what turned them into good guys.
 Age of Conan Valeria #3 - Meredith Finch (writer) Aneke (art) Andy Troy (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I wish the art inside was a nice as the Jay Anacleto cover.
 Marvel Action Spider-Man #9 - Delilah S. Dawson (writer) Fico Ossio (art) Ronda Pattison (colours) Shawn Lee (letters). The Black Cat gets caged as the kids finally work together and start to treat each other with respect. Next, things get even darker as Venom attacks.
 Batman 100 Page Giant #1 - There are five superb stories in this $4.99 US one-shot and you'll feel like you just read five $3.99 comic books when you hit the last page. The only story that was disappointing was the Batwoman story mainly because she was fighting a lame villain named Lord Death Man. It was written by Steve Orlando, who has never impressed me. The other four stories more than make up for it though, especially Scott Snyder's lengthy contribution. This book is a steal at twice the price.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #31 - Nick Spencer (writer) Ryan Ottley (pencils) Cliff Rathburn (inks) Nathan Fairbairn (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). More hints are given to the secret identity of the super villain Kindred. Definitely related to Norman Osborn. That mystery is the only thing keeping me reading this book. As if the waters weren't muddy enough, the guy in the straight jacket isn't even Norman. I hope we don't get strung along too much longer because there will come a point where I say screw it, I don't care anymore.
 Batman Universe #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nick Derington (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Josh Reed & Tom Napolitano (letters). I don't mind this time traveling if it means that we see Batman and Green Lantern team up with Jonah Hex. The chase is on as Vandal Savage gets his hands on his prize. I know I've said that I don't like time travel and Vandal Savage, but this is a Bendis book and I'm a sucker.
 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #2 - Jody Houser (writer) Adriana Melo (pencils) Mark Morales (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Gabriela Downie (letters). I think the Floronic Man chowed down on Swampthing and Ivy is next on his menu. Well, it's Harley to the rescue and the girls seek help from a fellow super villain to see what's wrong with Ivy. I'm reading this because it looks so pretty.
 Powers of X #6 - Jonathan Hickman (writer) R.B. Silva & Pepe Larraz (art) Marte Gracia & David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The house is built and the power has been connected for a new X-verse. Jonathan Hickman has managed to make mutants relevant again for me. There are a half a dozen new mutant books coming out in the next six weeks starting with X-Men #1 hitting the racks October 16. I'll be reading them all to see how I feel about them but I can't imagine that they'll be all worthwhile.
 Event Leviathan #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Josh Reed (letters). I'm curious to find out who Leviathan is but it's not going to have a big impact on me since I'm not a huge DC fan. I'm sure DC fans might be able to suss out the secret given the Manhunter clue in this issue but I'm going to have to wait until next issue when all is revealed.
 Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1 - Kami Garcia (writer) Mico Suayan & Mike Mayhew (art) Richard Starkings of Comicraft (letters). I love new and different takes on iconic characters and this one is a killer. Harleen Quinzel is Doctor Harley Quinn, GCPD profiler, who is working a 5-year-old cold case of the murder of a hospital employee. Meanwhile there are other new murders landing on her desk. The writing is tight and the characterisations are vivid, helped by the beautiful art. Mico's black and white art chronicles the present while Mike's gorgeous colour art handles the flashbacks. DC's Black Label imprint is well worth checking out if you're a mature reader. This mystery not only looked good but made me feel good after I finished reading. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
 Contagion #2 - Ed Brisson (writer) Stephen Segovia (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I know I said that I wasn't going to read any more of this 5-issue mini but this was on the racks with the awesome Power Man and Iron Fist cover so I snagged one after I finished reading all the others for the week. This issue was better thought out and the story flowed smoothly. Ben takes Sue, Reed and Johnny to Doctor Strange for help and the two of them go back to Yancy Street to contain the infectious bad guy. Danny and Luke are there helping the first responders and a couple of surprise super heroes show up too. The villain is briefly subdued but Doc Strange and Power Man succumb to the disease at the end. Uh-oh. The next issue teaser has Jessica Jones so that's reason enough for me to want to read it.
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
Superheroes/Villains AU Filbrick shows up to try and bully stan into admitting he (Pops) was responsible for Stan's current success (or something) but it happens a couple of the other McGuckets besides Angie were home, visiting the grandkids/or nieces that weekend and they take care of him for Stan.
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
Ohohohoho this was fun to write.  Anon, this was such an amazing prompt.  Love me some Filbrick getting his just desserts.
Word count: 1508
              There was a knock on the frontdoor.  Stan looked up from the blocks heand his daughters were playing with.
              “Mind getting that, Ang?” heasked.  Angie nodded and got up from the couch,where she had been reading a précis about her crew’s last score.
              “It’s prob’ly my ma with thepower dampeners,” she said.  Danny sneezed,spraying snowflakes over Stan.
              “Not a minute too soon,” Stanmuttered.  “Fire, I can handle.  Snow? Not so much.”
              “I know,” Angie said.  There was another knock, this one moreinsistent.  “I’m comin’!”  While his fiancée went to get the door, Stanturned his attention back to his daughters. Daisy grabbed a block eagerly.  Itburst into flames in her hand.  Stan silentlytook the block back from her and stifled the fire.  Daisy pouted. “Oh!  Um, hello.”
              Shesounds surprised.  Must not be her mom.
              “So you’re the poor girl my no-goodson knocked up,” a voice rumbled.  Stan’sblood ran cold.  For once, it had nothingto do with the frost spreading from where Danny was sitting.
              “I- I beg yer pardon?” Angie saidpolitely.
              “Don’t bother trying to cover forhim.  I know he’s here, I know he got youpregnant from a one-night-stand, and I know he hasn’t even married you yet.”
              “Look, sir, I- hey!”  Footsteps stormed down the hall leading tothe living room.  Stan looked up,dreading what he would see.
              “Hey, Pops,” Stan saidweakly.  Filbrick Pines scowled at him.  “What- uh- what are you doing here?”
              “I’m here because you neverbothered to tell me I had two granddaughters,” Filbrick said.  Angie appeared behind him, furious.
              “Mr. Pines, don’t do that,” Angiesnapped.  Filbrick turned to faceher.  “I’ll invite people in when I want to invite people in.  Ya can’t barge in like that.”
              “Hmph.”  Filbrick looked back at Stan.  “Figures you’d find someone as insolent asyou.”  Angie’s eyes widened, thennarrowed.  Stan started to panic.
              Iknow that face.  She’s gonna kick his assto kingdom come.  As much as I’d like tosee that, I can’t let it happen.  Whoknows what he’d do after a beating from her.
              “Ang, wanna take Danny?  I think she needs a change,” Stan said.  Angie’s scowl deepened.
              “All right,” she ground out.  She walked over to where Stan and the girlswere sitting, picked Danny up, shot another glare at Filbrick, then marched tothe nursery.
              “I hear you’re some big hero now,”Filbrick said to Stan.  Stan swallowed.
              “I dunno about big, but, yeah, I’ma hero.”
              “Hmph.  I’m not impressed.”
              “Show me my granddaughter,” Filbrickdemanded.  Stan picked Daisy up andstood.  Filbrick walked over.  “What’s her name?”
              “Daisy Leigh McGucket.”
              “McGucket?  She doesn’t even have your last name?”
              “The other one does.”
              “Hmph,” Filbrick huffedagain.  Daisy was apparently picking upthe mood of the room, as she was being abnormally still and quiet.  “She’s got more than ten fingers, like Stanford.”
              “Yeah.  She does.” Daisy abruptly hiccupped and burst into flames.  Filbrick took a startled step back.
              “She’s a super.”  The snarl of disgust was identical to the onehe’d had when Ford’s power first manifested.
              “So’s her twin.”
              “Does her twin at least have auseful power?” Filbrick asked.  Stanopened and closed his mouth, unsure of how to answer.
              I don’t know what kinda power he thinks is useful.  The only power I know he liked was Mom’s, ‘causeit made scams easier.  But beyond that…  The front door opened.
              “Hello?” a voice called.  Stan broke out into a cold sweat.  “We were told to let ourselves in.”
              Shit.  Angie’s folks are here.  This isn’t gonna end well.
              “I’m in the living room, Sally,”Stan finally managed.  Mrs. McGucketwalked into the living room, closely followed by her husband and youngest son.
              Lute’shere.  Why the hell is Lute here?
              “I was tellin’ my daughter on thephone that these are much easier to use than they look,” Mrs. McGucket said,fiddling with what looked like two bracelets in her hands.  She looked up.  “Oh! You have a guest.”
              “Pops, these are Angie’s parents,Sally and Mearl,” Stan said.  “And Angie’stwin, Lute.  McGuckets, this is my dad,Filbrick Pines.”  A shadow crossed Mr.McGucket’s face, but was gone in a second. Stan suddenly remembered a conversation he’d had with Mr. McGucket theday Danny and Daisy were born.
              “Stanley, what I just heard ya say was that yer father abused you.  Is that correct? … Goodness gracious.  That ain’t right.”
              Ispilled about my childhood, and even though he was pissed at me, he went out ofhis way to be nice.  He even stoppedthreatening to kill me for a hot minute.
              “Ah, so yer my granddaughters’other grandfather,” Mr. McGucket said. His tone was diplomatic, his face carefully neutral, but his eyes stareddaggers at Filbrick.  Filbrick glared atStan.
              “I don’t know what Stan’s beentelling you, but-”
              “But it’s enough,” Mrs. McGucketstepped in.  Filbrick rounded on Stan.
              “Stanley,” Filbrick growled.  Stan’s heart began to race.  All the memories of his childhood wereresurfacing, and it didn’t matter how many villains he beat up on a day-to-daybasis, his mom did that too, and she never-
              “Ngah!” Daisy said happily,stopping Stan’s train of thought in its tracks. He stared down at his daughter. She was aflame again, attempting to set fire to Stan’s fire-proofclothing.  Daisy grinned up at him.  The blue eyes she’d inherited from Angiereflected the flames she’d inherited from him. Stan smiled back at her.
              “Hey, sweetie,” Stan saidsoftly.  He looked back at Filbrick,resolute.  
              Mom might not have done anything for me and Ford, but that doesn’t meanI have to fall into that, too.  Daisyrested her head against his chest.  I’m not gonna let Pops spit his poison in myhouse, in front of my daughter.
              “Back off, Pops,” Stan snapped.  “If you wanna be in my house, you can’t talkto me like that.  Especially not when I’m holding my daughter.  She’s a year old.  She doesn’t need to be exposed to that kindof BS.”
              “You impudent brat,” Filbrickspat.  “Don’t talk to me like-”  A vine suddenly wrapped itself around Filbrick’smouth, gagging him.  Stan glanced over atthe hanging pot nearby.  The ivy in it haddrastically increased in size, multiple tendrils sneaking over to whereFilbrick was standing.  Stan looked atMr. McGucket.  Mr. McGucket noddedsilently.  Filbrick pried the vine offhis mouth.  “How-”  He gagged and collapsed to his knees,clutching his throat.
              “I think it would behoove ya tolisten to yer son, Mr. Pines,” Mrs. McGucket said calmly, striding over toFilbrick.  She crouched next to him, avicious smile curling the corners of her mouth. “If ya don’t, ya might have some trouble breathin’ in the near future.  And, ah, ya may not be a scientist like mydaughter, but I think even you knowthat ya need to breathe to live.”  Mrs.McGucket waved a hand.  Filbrick gasped loudly.  He stared at Mrs. McGucket.
              “Sirocco,” he croaked.  Mrs. McGucket beamed.
              “Oh!  You’ve heard of me!  Well, in that case, you know that anyone whomesses with the man what will be my son-in-law in a few short months ain’tliable to survive those actions.  I don’tbluff.  And neither does anyone else inmy fam’ly.”  Mrs. McGucket stoodagain.  She took Daisy from Stan’s arms.  Daisy giggled loudly and grabbed at herhair.  “Aw, howdy, sugar-cube.”
              “You all are insane!” Filbrickshouted.
              “Hush, now,” Mr. McGucket saidcalmly.  “There are children here.  Don’t raise yer voice.”
              “Stanley, you- villains-”Filbrick stammered.  Stan raised aneyebrow coolly, letting his father splutter. “Fine.  I’m out of this hellhole,”Filbrick finally spat.  He stormed out ofthe house, slamming the door with enough force to knock down Angie’s frameddiploma hanging on the living room wall. Stan grinned broadly at the McGuckets.
              “That.  Was. Awesome!”
              “I can imagine how satisfyin’ itmust be, fer someone who hurt ya so much to fin’lly get a bit of what hedeserved,” Mr. McGucket said, patting Stan on the shoulder.  He was grinning as well, but it had a vicioustint to it.
              “It was very satisfyin’ fer us aswell,” Mrs. McGucket said, playing with Daisy’s hands.  “We don’t want that bastard anywhere near thegirls.”
              “Amen,” Mr. McGucket said.  Angie walked back into the living room withDanny.  She looked around.
              “Is he gone?”
              “You betcha, junebug,” Mr. McGucketsaid.  “We read ‘im the riot act andspooked him out.  I doubt Filbrick willbe comin’ back anytime soon.”
              “Aw, shucks,” Angie said.  Stan stared at her.
              “Why are you disappointed?”
              “Well, I never got to take a shot at him.” Angie sighed.  “Maybe next time.”
              “Ang, if he ever shows up at thehouse again, you have my permission to do whatever you want to him.”
              “I can do anything I want?”
              “Anything,” Stan saidfirmly.  Angie grinned evilly.
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sewgeekmama · 5 years
This week’s Geek of the Week is a mom blogger, LEGO fanatic and former child TV star (scroll down for the evidence) that’s about to welcome a new little girly geek any day now. Check out her blog for coverage of all the geeky stuff you were probably expecting to find here at Geek Mamas and then discovered it’s really just me complaining about potty training and tantrums with an occasional Star Wars reference.
1) Let’s start with the basics – name, what do you do, etc.
I’m Christy Marie aka Geek Mom. I’m a mother and a blogger, cosplayer, a huge AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego) and a photographer. My website is www.GeekMomLife.com and I’m @GeekMomLife on Instagram, Twitter, FB & Pinterest. I blog local San Francisco Bay Area events and about geeky products and fandoms.
2) What do you geek out on?
I have so many fandoms! The Walking Dead has been a huge one for me since the comics and I love the show too. Negan and Daryl are my dudes and I am a huge zombie fan. I have even cosplayed as female version of both of them. When I am Negan people ask me to kill them all day at Cons, its great! 
I also love Star Wars, Willow, Lord of the Rings, Ghostbusters (yes the female version too!), Star Trek, Alien, The Dark Crystal, Firefly, Labyrinth, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Legend, How to Train Your Dragon, Nightmare Before Christmas and Jurassic Park. I would really like to cosplay a character from all my favorite fandoms. My fiancé Danny and I only got into cosplay in the last 5 years or so. Also, I have to order most of it because sadly I can’t sew. My favorite cosplays are turning male characters into female, it’s so much fun to just let go and be someone else for a day especially when they have super powers or cool weapons right?
We are also constantly at Lego conventions. Danny and I have, well let’s just say, a few too many Lego sets.
3) Marvel or DC? and Why?
I love strong female heroes and villains so there are two totally different reasons I like each. DC has the better female villains like Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Cat Woman, who I adore. But Marvel has the better female heroes like Rogue (my all time favorite), Jessica Jones, The Wasp, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Domino, man I could go on all day. Plus my first ever cosplay was Scarlet Witch and Danny was Nick Fury, so if I had to choose one I would definitely choose Marvel.
4) Star Wars or Star Trek? and Why?
Star Wars over Star Trek for me. I have such a love and admiration for General Leia, she is the biggest reason this fandom wins out. I have a big Leia collection of toys, comics and memorabilia. She never put her hand on her head and fainted, or yelled save me, or anything like that she took charge and kicked butt. When I was little I looked up to her and wanted to be her. She has always been my favorite movie character, with Ripley from Alien as a close second. The geek industry has such a shortage of bad ass moms like Leia and Ripley. And newer Star Wars characters like Rey and Jyn Erso have made me fall in love with the fandom all over again. Plus the world of Star Wars always seemed more real to me, all the characters and especially the Jedi, I have always wanted to be a Jedi.
5) Were you a geeky kid or did you come into it later in life?
I was a hugely geeky kid, got bullied by girls for wearing Star Wars shirts and talking about things like Willow (my favorite movie as a kid) not that any of it has stopped me in 35 years. It was hard to find a place to fit in, all the girls at school watched Boy meets World and Saved by the Bell, I was watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Ninja Turtles, the animated X-men series and Sea Quest. I found out that I fit in better with the boys and can even remember playing Ninja Turtles with my guy buddies on the playground in elementary school. I was always April keeping the boys out of trouble. I also loved Nickelodeon and was even a contestant on Legends of the Hidden Temple, remember that show? Though I didn’t get past the first round, it was a lot harder than it looked!
6) Are your kids into the geek stuff too?
My son is a huge geek, and he has grown up proud to talk about his fandoms and has never been bullied for it. Crazy how that has changed over the years. He goes to conventions with us, loves to dress up and can talk fan theory just like adults.
I’m pretty proud of how much of a confident geek he is, because for me that means I raised him right. We also have a baby girl due at the end of the month and we will be bringing her up on all the best fandoms and she can family cosplay with us too!
7) Are you working on anything right now you’d like to share?
Sadly I can’t fit in any of my cosplays right now so I can’t work on those, though I did just wear a shirt to a Con over the weekend that got some serious attention. Its had a Death Star on it and said ‘That’s No Moon!’.
The project I am currently finishing though is putting the final touches on our baby girl’s nursery before I post it in my latest blog. It is all Star Wars themed! I actually had quite a hard time finding things not only for a baby that was Star Wars themed, but especially stuff showing female characters. It took me pretty much the whole pregnancy to put it together and I’m very proud of it.
I can’t wait to show her all of our fandoms and get her excited about their characters and stories. Being able to enjoy my fandoms with my family will always be my favorite thing!
Big thanks to Christy Marie for answering my questions and congrats on her impending arrival! I am LOVING that Star Wars nursery. I really wanted to do that wall decal but it would have to say “I am a Jedi, Like my Mother before me.” Dad is more G.I. Joe than Jedi around here.
And if you are a Geek Mama interested in being featured, send me an e-mail!
Geek of the Week: Christy Marie from Geek Mom Life This week's Geek of the Week is a mom blogger, LEGO fanatic and former child TV star…
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phantomskeep · 1 year
Another hot take because I can't get the idea of queer moms ivy and harley out if my head;
So dannys on the run from the GIW (shocker) and ends up in Gotham because of Reasons™ (aka plot). He's tired, exhausted, and overall not having A Good Time. So he does what any half-dead teenager with combined mommy and daddy issues does - he finds an alley, sits down and cries a little.
Totally normal teenage super hero stuff.
When suddenly there's like a loud cackling near the entrance of the alley as well as some sus grunting noises. Danny, being a curious cat with a half life left, investigates (read: he sticks his head through a dumpster). What he sees shocks him a little bit. There's a wanna-be clown holding a green lady against a wall! Oh no! Shocker! This must be that joker guy everyones worried about, right? Because as a teenage superhero from the Midwest danny toooootally keeps up with all the other hero drama. Like an adult. He totally does, he swears it.
(or maybe alternative dimension? Or timeline?)
But so this joker lady is holding green lady hostage, right? So he steps out heroically (again, read: he falls through the dumpster and awkwardly stands there) and tells the joker lady to stop joking around and to let the hostage go!
Totally heroic.
But then joker lady and green lady look at him and kind of laugh, like "haha kid, that's funny" but dannys dead serious. Man goes "like no but seriously stop harming an innocent woman" which causes ivy to laugh and tell him he's cute. Ivy and Harley lead him on a bit to see if he's really just THAT clueless before realizing that, oh wait yeah, this kid has no idea who we are. They think it's very adorable that this child is trying to stand up to protect Harleys girlfriend/wife/lover? (idk I don't really keep up with the DC stuff) but so they kind of off hand ask Danny if he's new in town. Ofc being a (lovable) idiot he says yes. They ask if he has a place to stay. He says no.
So they abscond away to the dead mall with Danny in tow! Because if all else fails hed make a good goon.
Bonus of king shark and Danny legit getting on like a house on fire. Like he already knows a lot about plants because of Sam, but the ocean? And a talking shark? That isnt dead and wanting to fight him? The coolest thing since the Apollo 13.
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phantomskeep · 1 year
okay so yet ANOTHER big brain move with the queer moms meet lil danny phantom. Because I can't help myself I simply love the idea of this.
fair warning, this contains spoilers for the harley quinn show seasons 1-3 (which btw my fellow dp fans who kind of know a little bit about the dc universe via fanfiction/fan content and are able to watch a show with lots of blood, gore, and adult human: watch the show. its so good. a 10/10 for me). Because while I personally haven't finished it I have an idea on what's going on.
So, we have established that danny's found in an alley near the dead mall by ivy and harley doing some uhhh adult fun. but let's change it up a bit, shall we?
The Soon-To-Be moms just got back to gotham from Edin. but like when ivy takes a walk before coming up with the Big Bad Plan to takeover the world/terraform it into basically the prehistoric age. she ends up finding danny in an alley near the mall on her way back from like a park nearby. she's a bit confused on WHY a barely-teenaged kid was near a known supervillian hide-out so late at night. especially when ivy and harley's return to gotham was via public transport. and when the kid sees her and doesn't immediately start screaming/running in the other direction she's a bit confused. when she notices the kid has a bunch of dried blood all over him and torn up clothes she's now both confused AND worried. why? because in the show poison ivy actually really does care about people its kind of sweet. lady really just wants to chill in a garden and live her best life.
BUT danny and ivy meet like that. she very awkwardly questions wtf danny was doing out and about when injured. he kind of off-handly jokes that its because his parents want to rip him apart molecule by molecule so he's just trying to find a nice dumpster to nap in. this causes ivy to go ham into protective mode, since in the show her entire backstory is her dad being a piece of shit and beating her. so she kind of kidnaps danny like "dude i live in an abandoned mall with my girlfriend and squad come join us" and danny's a lil sus but eventually decides that well, if all else fails he can legit dip the hell out of there at any time. ivy and danny go back to the mall and ivy sets him up in one of the spare rooms/shops (maybe dr psycho's old room?) and then runs down to tell about/show the squad danny. they're all kind of freaking out over this lil boy, asking him a bunch of questions as they do, cue bane walking in for his pasta maker. because this show is on five different types of cocaine.
danny, ofc, is watching this whole thing freaking out a little bit. he's getting ready to run away so he can throw down with bane. but then bane's all like "you didn't get married give me my pasta maker back" and the squad all eating their pasta not-so-gently telling him fuck no then he leaves. so while this is going on danny's trying to put the pieces of this puzzling universe together. Green lady, funky clown lady, lump of clay, talking plant, talking shark, and some super buff dude that would put dash to shame wearing a weird full-body suit? and for all the "revenge" he talked about not even doing anything about it? just walking away? it's not looking good for danny's idea of what "normal" is for the DC universe.
BUT he hears that they're planning on breaking into a museum to steal a Jurassic Park style mosquito to take over the world. that's not realllyyy his style but harley's kinda up in his face excitably asking him if he wants to join them! because it would be so fun! so danny's like "uhhh yeah maybe I guess" while planning on sabotaging them. cause he's a hero doing hero stuff. yeehaw.
the plan in action, however? goes to shit. ivy ends up ditching the squad + danny when the guards start shooting, the squad + danny manages to catch up to ivy, then they escape but barely because ivy tends to panic under pressure.
which is a mood.
ivy makes the eden serum using the mosquito in order to resurrect the dead plant matter in the earth. if anyone else has watched the show; you KNOW that shit looked like some dp ectoplasm. the plant comes to live, walks around a little bit, then turns into a horrifying ecto-monster. it's speaking in jumbled ghost speak/plant speak asking anyone to just kill it already because its in pain and it hates whoever brought it to life so danny smacks it with an ecto-blast, causing the ghost-plant to fall into the barrel of toxic waste. in ghost speak, the plant tells danny thank you and dies. again?
ofc the squad freaks out a little bit about danny's powers but ivy runs out and harley follows, leaving danny with the rest of the squad.
aaannnddd that's all the ideas i have right now but mmmmm im loving writing this. im not gonna say its a fic because i SWEAR i can write better than this. better grammar, capitalization, less random lil notes scattered around - the whole nine yards.
but this is fun and I love the idea of ivy and harley adopting danny with king shark, clayface, and frank being his weird uncles and catwoman being his fun wine aunt.
ALSO I've heard rumors about a danny phantom fan discord? anyone have information on how I can join it? ;)
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