#leonia tavira
Leonia Tavira: What’s your greatest strength? Corran Horn: I’m a great flirt. Leonia Tavira: And what’s your biggest weakness? Corran Horn: Those beautiful eyes of yours
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alphacomicsvol2 · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron #15 (The Warrior Princess #3 of 4) Cover Art by Mark Harrison
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jerryb2 · 1 year
The Importance of the Lightsaber
What follows is a series of excerpts from the novel I, Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole:
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The lightsaber, while an elegant and deadly weapon, was not that complex. Getting the parts to put one together was not difficult at all. To serve as the hilt, for example, I salvaged the throttle assembly and handlebar tube from a junked speeder bike. 
(...) I got the dimetris circuitry for the activation loop from an old capital-ship-grade ion cannon fire initiation controller (...) The recharger port and wiring came from a comlink. A milled down Tri-fighter laser flashback suppressor became the parabolic, high-energy flux aperture to stabilize the blade and I pulled the dynoric laser feed line from the same broken laser cannon to act as the superconductor for energy transference from the power cell to the blade. 
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Buttons and switches were easy to find, and dear old Admiral Tavira, with her gift of the brandy decanter and snifters, provided me all the jewels I needed to make half a dozen lightsabers.
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(...) Before I could figure out how to put Tavira off for another month, Elegos decoded an annotation to the instructions for constructing lightsabers. It turned out that during the Clone Wars, Jedi Masters developed a way to create a lightsaber in two days. Nejaa included this method, noting it was to be used only in times of pressing need, but not in haste. I read it over and felt a certain peace settle upon me. I knew the words had not been written for me, but they sank deep into my core. Urgency without panic, action without thoughtlessness.
(...) I sat in the middle of the floor, with the parts for the blade laid out in a semicircle around me. I studied each one and used the Force to enfold it and take a sense of it into myself. My hands would fit the pieces together, but I wanted the parts to mesh as if they had been grown together. The lightsaber would be more than just a jumble of hardware, and to make it I had to see the parts as belonging together.
I fitted the activation button into its place on the handlebar shaft and snapped the connectors into the right spots on the dimetris circuit board. 
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I worked that into the shaft itself, then inserted a strip of shielding to protect it from even the slightest leakage from the superconductor. Next I snapped into place the gemstones I was using to focus and define the blade. At the center, to work as my continuous energy lens, I used the Durindfire. That same stone gave my grandfather’s blade its distinctive silver sheen. 
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I used a diamond and an emerald in the other two slots. I wasn’t certain what I would get in the way of color tints from the emerald, and with the diamond I hoped for a coruscation effect.
Onto the end of the hilt where the blade would appear I screwed the high-energy flux aperture. It would carry a negative charge which would stabilize the positively charged blade and provide it a solid base without allowing it to eat its way back through to my hands. 
(...)  I clipped the discharged energy cell in place, then connected the leads to the recharging socket. 
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I screwed the recharging socket into the bottom of the hilt, but didn’t fasten on the handlebar’s original butt cap that would protect it because I needed to charge the power cell for the very first time. 
In what amounts to just a handful of pages in a singular book, Stackpole so vividly describes not only the physical process of constructing a lightsaber, but the spiritual essence of what it means to be a Jedi, in its purest form: 
(...) With my finger poised on the transformer button that would start the energy flowing, I drew in a deep breath and lowered myself into a trance. I knew that manipulating matter sufficiently to meld the part and forge the weapon would have been all but impossible for anyone but a Jedi Master like Yoda, but doing just that as part of the construction of a lightsaber had been studied and ritualized so even a student could manage it. It was very much a lost art, a link to a past that had been all but wiped out, and by performing it I completed my inheritance of my Jedi legacy. 
I hit the button, allowing the slow trickle of energy to fill the battery. I opened myself to the Force and with the hand I had touching the lightsaber’s hilt, I bathed the lightsaber with the Force. As I did so subtle transformations took place in the weapon. Elemental bonds shifted allowing more and more energy to flow into the cell and throughout the weapon. I was not certain how the changes were being made, but I knew that at the same time as they were being made in the lightsaber, they were being made in me as well. 
In becoming a conduit for the Force for this purpose, the final integration of the people I’d been occurred. The fusion became the person I would be forever after. I was still a pilot: a little bit arrogant, with a healthy ego and a willingness to tackle difficult missions. I was still CorSec: an investigator and a buffer between the innocents in the galaxy and the slime that would consume them.
And I was Jedi. I was heir to a tradition that extended back tens of thousands of years. Jedi had been the foundation of stability in the galaxy. They had always opposed those who reveled in evil and sought power for the sake of power. People like Exar Kun and Palpatine, Darth Vader and Thrawn, Isard and Tavira; these were the plagues on society that the Jedi cured. In the absence of Jedi, evil thrived. 
In the presence of just one Jedi, evil evaporated. 
Just as with the lightsaber, the changes being made in me were not without cost. What the Force allowed me to do also conferred upon me great burdens. To act without forethought and due deliberation was no longer possible. I had to be very certain of what I was doing, for a single misstep could be a disaster. While I knew I would make mistakes, I had to do everything I could to minimize their impact. It was not enough to do the greatest good for the greatest number, I had to do the best for everyone. 
There was no walking away from the new responsibility I accepted. Like my grandfather I might well choose when and where to reveal who and what I was, but there was no forgetting, no leaving that responsibility and the office. My commitment to others had to be total and complete. I was an agent of life every day, every hour, every second; for as long as I lived, and then some.
(...) I nodded and brandished the lightsaber. I punched the button under my thumb, giving birth to the silver blade 133 centimeters in length. 
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“A lightsaber and robes. Looks like a little justice has arrived on Courkrus, and it’s about time.”
This is what almost everybody gets wrong about the Jedi - never mind the Prequels, the Sequels, or the vast majority of EU novels - the Jedi are an absolute good. They are life. They bring order to chaos. Every moment of their lives is spent, their spirits grappling against the disorder of a universe torn between Dark and Light.
If you haven’t read I, Jedi, you might consider picking it up.
As I’m sure many of you have already deduced, the accompanying images are of my own personal Corran Horn lightsaber. I’ve just recently finished a complete overhaul and rebuild of it, and I just had to show it off. I’ll be posting more info & pics about it soon, but I want to address one key aspect of saber building here, as it pertains directly to my own personal journey and growth.
This portion of the book holds incredible significance for me; it allows me to imagine, however briefly, that I’m undertaking a similar spiritual ritual, imbuing my own sabers with the same energy that Stackpole so flawlessly describes here. It’s so rare to feel so seen and be so moved by a piece of fiction. For the discerning Sabersmith, it’s very much like Corran says: 
I knew the words had not been written for me, but they sank deep into my core.
Thank you for this book, Michael. 🥂
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iwrestledavongonce · 1 year
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This might or might not be a spoiler 😉
Art by Mark Harrison.
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jedivoodoochile · 1 year
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Leonia Tavira and Stormtroopers.
Art by Mark Harrison.
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loopy777 · 2 years
Kinda weird question, but given he was the de-facto last man standing in the empire in the Star Wars EU, do you think Pellaeon should have become the new emperor around the time of the Hand of Thrawn, rather than just styling himself supreme commander?
I always thought it was a major mistake of the EU to not have a new imperial family take over the empire during the era where they and the new republic were at peace, and the empire might begin leaving behind the mess Palpatine made out of it, especially given that as you yourself have noted before, its the interpersonal family dynamics that make stories about kingdoms and empires so much more interesting than republics(just compare the fire nation and the royal family against the republic elections of korra).
Pellaeon would seem the natural fit for this role, as the poster boy for a "good" imperial leader, and given the following era was supposed to be about the Republic and Empire teaming up against a warhammer style invader after making a lasting peace, adding the internal power dynamics of a new imperial family could probably have spiced things up a bit from the wannabe grimdark of the era.
Also, having the empire be an actual empire again, with all that entails(especially if they go with it reforming), would probably have made for much better story than them just being fascist light, only now not actually fighting the good guys.
This is a really good point. I actually think that the EU got close to this vision with the Fel Empire from the Legacy comics, and even got a great ending (or at least a solid one considering how rushed the ending to that series was) in the form of Emperor Fel falling to the dark side and demonstrating the corrupting nature of that style of monarchism. And we got Imperial Knights out of it, whose costumes are so good I own their action figures.
However, part of the problem of the Fel Empire is that it's limited to the Legacy comics, which jumped several generations ahead, so we never really got a story of how it came to be and also the story was too focused on Kade Skywalker and the nuRebellion to spend time on the interesting characters. So much more could have been done with that, the books would have been a great place for it. And it doesn't help that the first Fel character, Baron Fel, only appeared in the X-Wing comics which a lot of novel-readers didn't bother with.
I like the idea of using Pellaeon for the reasons you note. However, by the end of the 'Bantam' run of novels, he wasn't really developed beyond his role as an Imperial admiral. That served its purpose in the Space Opera stories he appeared in, but for stories about royal intrigue, a lot would have had to be invented. Giving him an arc where he grows beyond his military experience to be a statesman would have been good, but we'd have to invent an Imperial family for him, as well as allies and rivals and all the rest of that kind of thing. That's not a reason not to go forward with the idea, of course, but it would be extra work.
I wonder if people would have liked the idea of a political marriage to Daala. That character has always drawn mixed reactions from fans, but I admit I kind of enjoy how most of her writers have used her as a wildcard to galvanize the plot. At the very least, I'd prefer Empress Daala better than Empress Leonia Tavira. And like NJO invented some random Shadow Academy graduates to be dark Jedi, perhaps similar characters could have been used as the first generation of Imperial Knights.
Yeah, there were some possibilities, there. I wonder what Zahn would have thought of that for Pellaeon.
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r0b0tb0y · 3 years
For the crackship challenge: Leonia Tavira and Ahrinda Pryce .
Send me a Star Wars crackship and I'll write you a pitch
This is such a deep cut I had to look up Tavira on wookieepedia! My comics knowledge is pretty patchy. But I’ll take a stab at it and say: they’re both Moffs/Governors in the same period and both have really lesbian haircuts. The affair is an open secret and each thinks that the other is backstabbing her to get ahead in the Imperial rat race. They could have something genuine if they loved power just a little less and each other just a little more, but until one of them is threatened and the other has to make a sacrifice to help her, we won’t know.
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highsviolets · 4 years
a defense of star wars women
Okay I’ve had some asks about my love for the legends-verse women. (even if you don’t read legends. pls read this.) I think who they are speaks for themselves so I’m just gonna make a quasi-masterlist of female characters and y’all are free to take it or leave it. **this is by no means everyone! feel free to add!**
Jaina Solo Fel: pilot. eventual Jedi Master. Commander of Rogue Squadron. Trains under Boba Fett. Destroys Darth Caedus (aka her twin brother). Tracks down dark Jedi Alema Rar. Prevents massacre of younglings at the Jedi Ossus Academy. Sword of the Jedi. Leads assault on the Sith-held Jedi Temple with Luke Skywalker and Corran Horn. Empress of the Imperial Remnant. 
Mara Jade Skywalker: trained as an assassin by the Emperor himself. Becomes the Emperor’s Hand. Witnesses the Emperor’s death through their force bond. Smuggler. Kick ass warrior. Overcomes years of doubt, darkness, anger to become a Master Jedi. raises a son. 
Ysanne Isard: Director of Imperial Intelligence. acting Empress after the Emperor’s death. Orders creation of Krytos virus. Head of secret Lusankya prison, where prisoners are brainwashed into becoming sleeper Imperial agents. Stages coup on Thyferra to control galaxy’s bacta supply. 
Lumiya/Shira Brie: former Rebellion pilot. Shot down and trained by Darth Vader. Assassin, bounty hunter, Sith. Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus’ Sith Master.
Admiral Natasi Daala: first Imperial female Admiral. Tarkin’s protegé. Protected the Maw Installation from detection for at least a decade. Leads the Imperial Remnant’s Maw Fleet in a campaign against the New Republic. Eventually becomes GA Head of State. Deposed; breaks out of prison; battles Jagged Fel for dominance over the Imperial Remnant. 
Mirta Gev: Boba Fett’s granddaughter. Smuggler, Mandalorian, bounty hunter. Survives interrogation by Darth Caedus. Devotes her life to finding a cure to the nanovirus that destroyed her home-world. 
Mirax Terrik Horn: Corellian smuggler and trader of goods. Daughter of Booster Terrik, smuggler and information master. Helps the Rebellion take Coruscant. Volunteers to secretly infiltrate Admiral Leonia Tavira’s Imperial Remnant splinter group. raises a son and daughter. 
Admiral Leonia Tavira: youngest person to achieve the rank of Moff. Manipulates, betrays, and murders her way to power. Forms loose coalition of pirates, Imperials, and Force-sensitives to wreak havoc on the galaxy.
Iella Wessiri Antilles: former Corellian Security Force investigator. Evades Imperial capture. Joins New Republic Intelligence. Key player in the Bacta War. Kills Ysanne Isard. raises two daughters. 
Vestara Khai: Sith apprentice in the Lost Tribe of the Sith. Taken hostage by the Skywalkers and acts as a double agent. Temporary Jedi apprentice. Kills High Lord Talon and Saber Khai. Commands Sith Meditation sphere. Duels Abeloth. 
Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo: Queen Mother of the Hapes Cluster. Jedi Knight. Also trained in Dathomiri Force traditions. Permits her daughter to be raised by her grandparents for safety reasons. 
Allana Solo Djo: Chume’da to the Hapan throne. Can shoot a blaster with perfect accuracy by the age of 8. Prophesied Jedi Queen. Skywalker, Solo, Organa, Hapan and Dathomiri heritage. 
Winter Celchu: Princess Leia’s closest friend and aide. Raises Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo for the first few years of their lives. Holographic memory. Helps Rebellion take Coruscant. Renowned New Republic Intelligence Officer. 
Tahiri Viela: Jedi Knight. Sith apprentice to Darth Caedus, for a time. Kills Admiral Gilad Paelleon. Convicted in a political trial. Escapes from prison. Personal advisor to Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel. Kills avatar of Abeloth with Boba Fett. Loyal to the memory of Anakin Solo her entire life. 
Admiral Cha Niathal: Renowned New Republic Fleet Commander. Directs war against Corellian Insurrection. Stages coup with Jacen Solo; shares leadership. Defects to the Jedi Alliance when Jacen becomes Darth Caedus. 
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dxnniquee · 3 years
The Spark / Exploding Stars au pt 2 : The Quee Family
As I mentioned earlier, I said that Danni’s family was from the Hapes Consortium. They were a powerful merchant family on Archais.
Danni’s great grand parents were named Duena and Deskar. They were merchants but rose high in the society and eventually grew a small fortune.
Duena and Deskar had two children : Darin who later became a Jensaarai and Dia, one year younger than Darin.
Ni’Korish, Ta’a Chume’s mother, encouraged riots against the Force Sensitive and Darin had to hide his powers. He then fled the Hapan system with his sister and her boyfriend to go to Commenor.
Dia stayed with her boyfriend there, whose name was Gerd Moross. She later married him and had a girl, Deena Quee.
Darin went on Tynna and he met there Ashayia Ardross, Nikkos Tyris’ wife. She took him as her Jensaarai apprentice on Suarbi.
Years later, he himself took an apprentice, Tih’landra Raysunn, after becoming a Jensaarai Defender. They were really close to each other until - 19 bby.
During one of his mission, he learned a prophecy about a young girl named Danni, no yet born. He discovered she was part of his family and secretly learned the way of the Force to be able to contact her. He also learned about his own fate and his death.
He died in - 19 bby after Palpatine ordered the execution of all force users, including the Jensaarai. He was beheaded while trying to save some children.
On Commenor, Dia learned she was pregnant and gave birth to her daughter Deena. Deena grew up and studied to become an astrophysicist. At university, she met Caine Britt, a young bureaucrat who worked in the Empire Administration.
They married and both were very young at the time. Danni was born only one year after the wedding. The first three years of Danni’s childhood were happy but soon the union deteriorated.
Deena and Cairne were not happy together, as the excitement of youth slowly began to fade. They divorced on a mutual accord.
Surprisingly, Danni took the separation very well. She lived with her mother but often visited her father who eventually had a new family.
Around 9/10 aby, Tih’landra Raysunn came to visit Deena and Danni. She went there with the memory of Darin and told Danni of her ancestry and predicted she would become a great hero and restore the Jensaarai order.
Tih’landra Raysunn died in 11 aby, sacrificing herself to prevent Leonia Tavira from hurting anyone again. The news of her death saddened Deena and her daughter a lot.
When Danni finally accepted her fate as a Jensaarai heir, she met the ghost of her great uncle who confided her his pride and joy to finally meet her.
She eventually went on a trip across the galaxy with Kyp to learn more about her origins and to study biology and physics.
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Leonia Tavira: Let's cut through the crap, Horn. I know how you think. You lie, you cheat. You manipulate to get what you want. I'd admire you if you weren't blonde.
Corran Horn: I'm a natural brunette.
Leonia Tavira: That's insane!
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alphacomicsvol2 · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron #29 (Masquerade #2 of 4) Cover Art by John Nadeau
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girlbossk · 5 years
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff // OH GOD im so bad at sorting people but hufflepuff bc he’s really loyal to his friends once he gets yelled at by ooryl or whistler about it 
best quality: according to his wife, his ;) lightsaber ;) ;) but in my opinion probably his Non Wink Actual lightsaber. it’s silver. 
worst quality: everything? his ego. all his ego. too much ego. 
ship them with: mirax 
brotp them with: wedge antilles and ooryl qrygg but mainly just ooryl, and obviously also whistler his droid bff 
needs to stay away from: leonia tavira and ysanne isard and erisi dlarit. also probably selonians bc he’s allergic. 
misc. thoughts: slender
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onimiman · 5 years
Review: Star Wars: I, Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole
For years, I’ve heard that Michael A. Stackpole’s Star Wars: I, Jedi was one of the greatest Star Wars novels ever written. So, finally, this past week, I took time out to finally read it, and what do I think?
I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, many of the elements here are very well steeped in the mythology of Star Wars, namely, but not limited to, the neverending struggle between good and evil. The action sequences are more less well-detailed and engaging, which is something that I’ve found that Stackpole has always lived up to. The characters are very fleshed out, especially its first-person narrator protagonist, Corran Horn, which is something to also always expect from Stackpole. And the novel is also quite unique in that, while it does have an overarching plot concerning the villainous Invidious Admiral Leonia Tavira, it focuses more on Corran’s journey into rounding himself as a more complete person as he embraces his Jedi heritage. So, in this regard, it actually has two stories, with one of those stories admittedly feeling more like a sidequest. And that story is, of course, the retcon of Corran being in the Jedi Academy trilogy during the conflict against Exar Kun. I’ll admit it’s been a few years since I’ve read the Jedi Academy trilogy by Kevin J. Anderson so I’m not afraid to admit that my memory of that trilogy is a little hazy. With that being said, I can’t think of anything overt that Corran’s presence could have contradicted when it came to that trilogy’s coverage of the academy itself, but then I would think that even back in the 90s, when canon was a lot looser in Star Wars than when it came to the 2000s, there had to have been people over at Bantam who looked over Stackpole’s work and said, “That’s good, it doesn’t contradict what happened in the Jedi Academy trilogy.” Then again, I’d also think Stackpole had done his research thoroughly and made sure Corran’s presence wouldn’t have contradicted anything of significance from that trilogy, so kudos there. I also appreciate the meta-commentary Corran brings about Kyp Durron’s guilt in destroying Carida and how lightly he got off for that atrocity, even if it was an Imperial planet.
My negatives, however, stem from a few things that are part of the positives listed above. As much as I applaud this novel its focus on characters, the problem here is that, like with previous Stackpole SW novels, they tend to get too character-heavy and psychological in a way that makes things seem unnatural and not very Star Wars-like. And moreover, I hate how the black-and-white certainty that Corran holds over good and evil is never truly challenged in any significant way, especially when it comes to the novel’s villains. While Exar Kun is more or less consistent with the over-the-top villain he was in the Jedi Academy trilogy, I also find him to be way too cringey as a villain not just here but in general. He offers no real challenge to Corran’s morality beyond a momentary glimpse of power for him and a real chance at getting Mirax back from captivity. Kun is way too much of a Saturday morning cartoon villain, and Leonia Tavira honestly fares little better. She just comes off as an Ysanne Isard clone, only more competent and having more sex appeal, but beyond that, there’s nothing that interesting about her. I honestly would have preferred if she had actually managed to succeed in emotionally breaking Corran into sleeping with her so that Corran could have wrestled with having to admit to Mirax that he had to violate his vows to her just to save her. It might have been a little bit out there, but the rest of the novel is just so light and cheery that I would have preferred Tavira to make up for Kun’s own failings as a villain.
I also find it amusing just how much Corran’s Jedi backstory is elaborated there are so many contradictions in that regard that came about because it came out prior to Episode I’s release just a year later. The time confusion as to the placement of the Clone Wars, for instance, is just one such contradiction that even Wookieepedia remarks that by the time Corran would have been born, his own dad would have been ten, which isn’t exactly a suitable age for a human male to become a father. I could buy that Corellian Jedi would be more isolated from the rest of the Jedi Order, not unlike the Altisian Jedi, which is why Nejaa Halcyon would have had a family, even if it were going against the mainstream Jedi Order’s forbidding of non-attachment (and, in fact, the Clone Wars novel Jedi Trial does help retcon this). Of course, I did shake my head at the notion that the Jedi still had quite a bit of time after the Clone Wars before the Jedi Purge came about when we now know that the Clone Wars pretty much ended with the Jedi Purge commencing via Order 66 and the Republic fell probably a couple days or so afterward. 
Aside from these retroactive contradictions that probably made Stackpole quit writing Star Wars because of the prequels, I actually did like his Jedi backstory; I especially appreciated his connection to Rostek Horn and how much their relationship had developed because of his retaining everything that had belonged to Nejaa Halcyon when the latter died. But, of course, even Corran and Rostek’s relationship got a little too mushy at times. However, if there was one relationship I actually did appreciate, it was the one that Corran developed with Elegos A’Kla, and it’s one that actually does make me appreciate the state of their friendship and has me flashback to when Corran was horrified at seeing Elegos’ decorated remains returned to him by Yuuzhan Vong Commander Shedao Shai in Dark Tide II: Ruin.   
All in all, I give I, Jedi 7/10. It’s alright, but not a novel I’d rush to go back to reading.
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ijedicorranhorn · 6 years
Corran Horn Respect Thread
Reading List:
X-wing novels #1-4: Rogue Squadron, Wedge’s Gamble, the Krytos Trap, and the Bacta War by Michael Stackpole
I, Jedi by Michael Stackpole
New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I and II by Michael Stackpole
Fate of the Jedi series by Aaron Allston, Christie Golden, and Troy Denning,
Corran Horn was born on Corellia in 18 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin- Episode IV, A New Hope) to Hal and Nyche. His dad, Hal Horn was an outstanding Corellian Security (CorSec- space police for Corellia) agent who caught famed smuggler Booster Terrik and sent him away to perform hard labor in the spice mines of Kessel. Corran followed in his father’s footsteps and joined CorSec.
However, tragedy struck when the bounty hunter Bossk gunned down Hal before Corran’s eyes. The Imperial liaison officer to Corellia, Kirtan Loor, let the Trandoshan bounty hunter off without any charges. Corran, along with colleagues Iella Wessiri and Gil Bastra, grew to loathe Kirtan and plotted to leave CorSec. They escaped and took on a variety of cover identities created by Gil Bastra through the Galaxy.
In 6 ABY, Corran joined Rogue Squadron, an elite unit of X Wings in the New Republic. However, he was captured by Imperial warlord and Director of Intelligence Ysanne Isard aboard the Super Star Destroyer Luskanya, where she attempted to brainwash him. However, Corran escaped “Iceheart” and learned that his grandfather was a Jedi by the name of Nejaa Halcyon. He fought with Rogue Squadron on Thyferra to defeat Isard. After the battle, he married smuggler Mirax Terrik, daughter of Booster Terrik, much to her father’s disappointment. (X-wing 1-4)
Corran continued serving on Rogue Squadron until 11 ABY, when his wife was kidnapped. Corran joined Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Academy under the name Kieran Halyco on Yavin IV in order to harness his Force-sensitive heritage and rescue his wife. He infiltrated the Invids pirate gang and saved Mirax from the clutches of the promiscuous leader Leonia Tavira. (I, Jedi)
Corran became a skilled Jedi knight and duelist. He fathered two children, Valin and Jysella. During the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion, he fought on the front lines, especially at Ithor. In 25 ABY, He fought Vong commander Shedao Shai over the fate of the peaceful jungle world and won, but the Vong devastated the planet anyway and left Corran frustrated. (Dark Tide)
Corran helped end the war in 30 ABY by finding Zonama Sekot and became a Jedi Master. In 43 ABY, a mysterious madness began afflicted young Jedi knights, including Corran’s children. The Daala administration of the Galactic Alliance detained these rogue Jedi in carbonite. Corran and Mirax pushed for the release of the Jedi prisoners and they were healed with the defeat of Abeloth. (Fate of the Jedi)
Ace Pilot- Corran was the first or second best pilot in Rogue Squadron, the New Republic’s finest starfighter unit. He managed to win the impossible Korelov training scenario, even beating XO Tycho Celchu. He flew X Wings since his CorSec days and managed to fly at least once a week under his cover identities. He was frequently compared to Luke Skywalker. He also flew a Z-95 Headhunter, E-wing fighter, and TIE Defender. These skills were enhanced with Jedi training.
Energy Absorption and Redirection- One of the Halcyon line’s special abilities, Corran can redirect many forms of energy, including heat and explosions, into a concentrated beam or telekinesis. He has also used his ability to generate a shield around himself. Theoretically, he could stop a blaster bolt or a lightsaber blade with his bare hand and make himself stronger.
Indomitable Will- Corran resisted brainwashing at Luskanya despite torture and drugs. When Luke tried probing Corran’s mind before training, he was blocked at every turn. On Yavin IV, Corran rejected the Sith spirit of Exar Kun, who possessed two of the academy’s most gifted students.
Force Illusion- the other gift of the Halcyon line, Corran can implant images in other’s minds. During his Jedi training, he convinced his classmates that he lifted a massive boulder, garnishing their praise for the alleged feat. He was able to calm a possessed Ganner Rhysode by making a room appear empty. During his time with the Invids, he regularly used Force Illusions to disguise his identity as a Jedi. At Luke’s wedding, he drove away a swoop gang with the image of a black hole in the middle of a city.
Force Sense- Corran possess an extra sensory perception of his surroundings, which goes to the atomic level. He can “feel” the distance objects are away from him with his eyes closed. He can also anticipate an opponent’s actions.
Force Speed- Corran can call upon the Force to grant himself a burst of energy for an extended period of time. This includes regular running, but also extends to dodges, blocks, and strikes in lightsaber duels.
Force Leap- Corran can use the force to enhance his leg muscles and propel himself into the air over an opponent or onto a higher ledge. In the air, Corran can perform acrobatic twists to dodge an enemy’s attack. This is important to the lightsaber Form IV Ataru.
Lightsaber mastery- Corran has consistently been ranked as a top duelist of the New Jedi Order. He was the first Jedi to defeat a Yuuzhan Vong commander, Shedao Shai. He has sparred with Saba Sebatyne to a stalemate and is considered on par with Kyle Katarn. He has taken on groups of Keshiri Sith single handedly. Additionally, Corran’s main lightsaber is dual phase. It can extend from one meter to three with a simple twist. This provides an unexpected advantage during a duel. Corran also has a second lightsaber inherited from his grandfather, Nejaa Halcyon, which he has used in tandem with his own.
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galacticshq · 3 years
ANONYMOUS SAID: Thinking of bringing in Kate Siegel, any canon or oc suggestions?
i would adore having kate on the dash !  here are a handful of ideas:
canons: amilyn holdo, cara dune, lyra erso, zorii bliss, nomi sunrider, beru whitesun/lars, kira carsen, viqi shesh, leonia tavira, clee rhara, alecia beck
a FIRST ORDER ALLIED ROYAL whose predecessor offered their planet and its resources to rae sloane shortly after it began to rebuild. they followed their parents rule when they took the throne for themselves and ramped up the production of resources on their planet drastically so that they and their planet’s profits would grow. as the profits grew so did their popularity amongst their people as the economy boomed so did their technological advancements, which further strengthened their alliance to the first order.
a JEDI HEALER who was training a padawan of their own during the clone wars. at the first battle of geonosis, they witnessed the death of so many other jedi which shook their faith. although they counseled with their own master and members of the council, being forced to serve as a general with the violence and loss of the war continued to taint their beliefs. they became disillusioned with the order, and in their disillusionment, misguided their padawan, causing their death. they were killed in order sixty-six. in this new time, will they help build a better order, or turn away as they wanted in the past?
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1. For my muse to become jealous of the attention your muse is giving someone else 2. For my muse to respond to praise from yours. 3. For my muse to respond to being scolded or punished by yours 4. For my muse to forcibly restrain yours - moff leonia tavira 5. For my muse to introduce yours to a family member 6. For my muse to submit to or obey your muse’s orders 7. For my muse to comfort yours after witnessing an emotional meltdown  8. For my muse to help yours get through a frightening situation  9. For my muse to wake yours from a nightmare 10. For my muse to talk about somebody’s death 11. For my muse to write a letter to yours  12. For my muse to rescue yours from danger  13. For my muse to ask yours a personal or uncomfortable question  14. For my muse to express physical affection to yours 15. For my muse to express verbal affection for yours 16. For my muse to hum or sing to calm yours down
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