#leo stellium
ezukll · 3 months
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Having a fire stellium is a powerful and dynamic energy. You may have a very strong internal fire, and this can make you extremely ambitious, passionate, and driven. You may have a strong desire to do things your way, to make things happen, and to create a spark or ignite something within others. It can also give you a strong sense of purpose and direction. It can give you the energy, drive, and will power to push through anything.
Having an Aries stellium can indicate that you are a very independent and self-contained person. You may have a strong sense of your identity and have a strong sense of your personal power. You may be naturally self-motivated, a go-getter, and extremely determined. You are likely to have a strong self-belief that you can achieve anything.
Having a Leo Stellium indicates that you have a very strong and powerful sense of self. You likely have a strong sense of pride, self-belief, and authority. You may be a natural leader who has a strong need to take charge and to make things happen. You may have an innate desire to be the center of attention and to take the spotlight. You may have a strong need to be respected and admired.
Having a Sagittarius Stellium suggests that you are a very independent, adventurous, and driven person. You are likely to have a strong sense of self-belief and self-confidence. You want to explore and try new things, and you have a relentless passion and an openness to new experiences. You have a strong sense of ambition and a need to pursue personal growth and your own interests. You likely have a strong desire for freedom and independence and may feel restricted if you feel confined or held back.
Having an Earth Stellium brings a very strong grounding energy to your personality. Your Earthy side thrives on stability, routine, and physical comforts. You appreciate and thrive on stability and predictability. You likely find a sense of comfort and balance in being in a routine or a consistent environment. You may have a strong need for security and comfort, and you may find joy and satisfaction in small, everyday things. You may also be very grounded, steady, and stable in yourself and in the choices you make.
With a Taurus Stellium, you likely have a strong emotional core and a deep need for security and stability. You may find the grounding nature of Taurus comforting, and you likely have a strong foundation in your life that brings a sense of stability and a feeling of emotional safety. You may also have a strong need for physical and material comforts and may value material possessions and resources. You may have some difficulty with change and may prefer to stick to what you know and what feels familiar.
With a Virgo Stellium, you likely have a very strong sense of self-awareness and self-analysis. You may have a tendency to overthink and overanalyze everything, including yourself. You may have a deep desire to be precise and accurate, and you may feel a strong need to be in control of all aspects of your life. You may have to strive for self-balance and balance in all areas of life. You may find yourself feeling stressed and anxious when things are not neatly organized or when there is uncertainty.
Having a Capricorn Stellium gives you a very strong sense of responsibility and a deep-seated drive to achieve success and status. You may have a very strong work ethic and a need to strive for higher achievements. You are likely to have a strong sense of maturity and stability in yourself. You may have a strong need for authority, control, and a strong sense of discipline. You may have a strong desire to be recognized and respected for your accomplishments. You may also have a strong need to protect and care for others, especially those you are close to.
Air Stellium brings a very cerebral vibe, with strong focus on communication, knowledge, and ideas. You likely have a very curious and analytical mind. You may have a strong desire for knowledge and new experiences, but you may also have a strong need for logic and rationality. You may feel like an observer or a thinker rather than a feeler. You may have a strong inner dialogue and a tendency to dissect and analyze everything internally. You may feel a strong attraction toward mental stimulation.
A Gemini Stellium indicates a very dynamic and flexible energy, with a strong desire for freedom and a tendency to adapt and shift gears quickly. You likely enjoy a good debate and a lively conversation. You may feel a strong need to be connected to others and to the outside world but also be very independent and self-reliant. You may enjoy being social but also enjoy having plenty of alone time to think and process.
With a Libra Stellium, you likely have a very strong need for balance and harmony. You may feel comfortable in groups and may enjoy a mix of perspectives and opposing viewpoints. You may have a tendency to avoid conflict and to seek peaceful resolutions. You may be very focused on your interpersonal relationships and want to ensure that things are fair and equal. You likely have a tendency to be compassionate, empathic, and to see the best in people.
A strong Aquarius Stellium may indicate a very individualistic and quirky approach to life. You have a strong need for independence and a tendency to be creative and inventive in your approach to life. You likely have a strong desire to push boundaries and to challenge norms and conventions. You may have a strong belief in your own unique ideas and perspectives. You may see yourself as an outsider or a non-conformist. You may also have a strong desire to be part of a community and to connect with others who share a similar outlook on life.
A Water Stellium indicates a very deep and emotional side to your personality, with a strong tendency to feel things deeply and strongly. You likely have a very sensitive and compassionate nature, with a strong empathy for others. You may also have a strong connection to the spiritual and the soulful. You may feel a deep connection to nature, animals, or the beauty of life in general. You may also have a strong tendency to be affected by the emotions and energy of those around you.
With a Cancer Stellium, you are likely to bring a very deep sense of compassion, empathy, and warmth to the table. You likely have a very strong sense of nurture and desire to care for others. You may find yourself being very intuitive and emotionally perceptive of others' needs and emotions. You may have a strong tendency to take on other people's feelings and to take on a nurturing or mothering role. You may also have a strong connection to your family and an emotionally bonded and protective nature, with a strong focus on home and family.
With a Scorpio Stellium, you bring a deep and powerful energy to the table. You likely have a strong sense of intuition and insight into the hidden depths and mysteries of life. You may also have a deep connection to the spiritual and the occult. You may also be a very deep and transformative person who can see into the darker aspects of life and who can explore and transform the deepest and most challenging parts of the human experience. You may have a very unique and powerful perspective on life.
With a Pisces Stellium, you bring a deep emotional and spiritual energy to the table. You likely have a strong connection to the spiritual world and a deep sense of sensitivity to the suffering of others. You may have a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the weight of the world and to get lost in your feelings. You may have a deep artistic or creative side, and you may enjoy expressing yourself in expressive and artistic ways. You may have a strong sense of compassion and a great capacity for empathy and understanding.
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elle555 · 11 months
My astrology observations🤪
(DISCLAIMER: this is MY EXPERIENCE from each placement I’ve observed and I’m still learning bout astrology. So don’t be a negative nancy🥹)
capricorn placements (especially mercury/suns) are people pleasers and don’t know how to set boundaries
Leo mercuries kind of act like cancer mercuries but without the emotions part lol
cardinal placements in general can be hypocritical and don’t stick too what they say or do.
gemini placements are not 2 faced they’re copying off your just energy too make sure you’re not on any funny shit.
Mutable dominants/placements literally take nothing or nobody seriously and I respect that.
most cancers I’ve observed have a mean streak in them or have a really bad hateful habit.
MY OPINION: some aquarius and libras either have a lot of friends or no friends at all. But some of them are definitely loyal too you if they truly fw you.
leos are loyal too some degree.
gemini moons/mercury are very picky when they want too be your friend sometimes, like for ex: my best friends have gemini moons and they will have a pattern of talking to you and calling you all the time but than that pattern will slow down. And as a gemini mercury I do this alot lol!!
someone having a leo stellium in a water house makes them more introverted or isolated imo.
Earth/Water placements really do have the worst resting bitch face besides aries suns and moons!! Like as a earth dom I’m like wtf.
Scorpio placements mainly scorpio moons and risings are so ethereal too look at like damnn😍
virgo placements who have a pisces/cancer moon lie alot like they manipulate you more than a scorpio moon tbh.
Air dominant people are more self-absorbed than leo placements tbh.
well that’s my observations, hope you guys enjoyed or had fun reading them😃.
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vampirae · 11 months
Stellium in the signs
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A gathering of three or more planets in the same sign or house in a person's birth chart is referred to as a stellium in astrology. Stelliums provide a concentrated energy in that specific sector of a person's chart, which can have a tremendous impact on their personality and life experiences.
Stellium in Aries: an individual with the Aries stellium is likely to be active, ambitious, powerful, and assertive. They are competitive, driven, and frequently assume the initiative in a variety of spheres of their lives. They might like taking the lead on new endeavors and have a strong desire for independence.
Stellium in Taurus: people with a stellium in Taurus exude a realistic, determined, and grounded spirit. They place a lot of emphasis on financial stability, security, and sensual pleasures. These people frequently have a deep connection to the physical world and are trustworthy, patient, and reliable.
Stellium in Gemini: the energy of a Gemini stellium is inquisitive, versatile, and intellectually focused. These people are adaptable, friendly, and enjoy talking to others and exchanging ideas. They could be very diverse in their interests and be very good at things that call for quick thinking.
Stellium in Cancer: those who have this stellium are perceptive, sensitive, and nurturing by nature. They appreciate their home, family, and intimate relationships and are very emotionally connected. These people may prioritize emotional security and possess strong maternal or protective impulses.
Stellium in Leo: people with stellium in Leo have a lively, assured, and expressive vitality. They enjoy being the center of attention, are naturally creative, and have excellent leadership abilities. These people adore spreading happiness and warmth to others, and they thrive on recognition.
Stellium in Virgo: denotes a practical, analytical, and attention-to-details energy. These people have a strong sense of duty, are organized, and strive for perfection. They are excellent problem-solvers and critical thinkers, and frequently have a strong desire to help others.
Stellium in Libra: a harmonious, diplomatic, and friendly temperament characterizes a Libra stellium. Fairness, balance, and harmonious relationships are things they appreciate. These people are highly aesthetic, like the arts, and perform well in vocations that need teamwork.
Stellium in Scorpio: people with a Scorpio stellium possess powerful, transforming energy. They have a keen emotional understanding and are frequently drawn to mysteries and uncovering secrets. These people can grow profoundly personally and have great instincts.
Sagittarius Stellium: a Sagittarius stellium denotes a spirit of adventure, optimism, and philosophy. These people are intellectually curious, love learning about other cultures and belief systems, and have a strong desire for personal freedom. They may succeed in subjects like as education, travel, or spirituality.
Capricorn Stellium: capricorn stellium people are realistic, disciplined, and ambitious. They cherish established organizations and regulations, have a strong work ethic, and aim for long-term success. These people are dedicated and frequently have a natural capacity to lead.
Stellium in Aquarius: those with an Aquarius stellium have a distinct, autonomous, and imaginative vitality. They are frequently ahead of their time, believe in progressive ideals, and love being a part of a community. These people may thrive in areas such as technology, social action, or humanitarian concerns.
Stellium in Pisces: denotes a sensitive, creative, and sympathetic spirit. These people are very intuitive, typically have psychic talents, and have a strong sense of empathy. They are spiritual and creative, and may be inclined to artistic or therapeutic professions.
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Those who have predominant Aries placements love to show affection through physicality. I’ve noticed they tend to grab onto other people when excited, love to give high fives, and will hold hands with their friends. Almost all of the time these gestures are completely platonic, but other people sometimes get the wrong idea. People think they’re flirting when really they’re just being very open and genuine with their affection. 
People who have their Mars in the seventh house enter partnerships in which both individuals love to argue with one another. Not saying full on screaming matches, more so debating over political topics or throwing out clever roasts at one another. Others outside of the relationships find this jarring but that's just because they can't take the heat. 
Mercury tenth housers are always going to be known for their intelligence. In every field they encounter, they have a distinct knowledge to offer. They’re constantly giving out advice, and it sometimes infuriates others because they’re always right.
People who have their Mercury in Pisces tend to stumble over their words, but it's really cute and endearing. It gives off an air of innocence. They also have soft spoken voices that are calming to the ear.
Leo stelliums are usually pretty short but they have powerful statues. They’re like little bundles of sunshine that range on the aggressive side lol. Don’t mistake them for their size, they will put up a great fight. They’re not afraid to embarrass themselves in an effort to embarrass others. People think Leos are too prideful for that, but if they feel betrayed, all feelings of pride fly out the window. 
People who have 29 degrees in the third house, have an incredibly strong connection with their siblings. Their siblings play an essential part within their lives. 
Aquarius Suns at 29 degrees probably stir up the most controversy and are the most misunderstood. 
Those who have their Neptune in the seventh house might enter a partnership with some sort of pathological liar.
10th house stelliums have a presence that is physically large, I’ve noticed that they have big bodies. 
I’m in love with Capricorn Suns who have a Leo Moon. These people are regal on a level that is unmatched, this is true king/queen energy. (Think of David Bowie in The Labyrinth.) 
Libra Moons are some of the nicest people around. They seem as if they’re operating from a place of inner peace, they’re just so sweet and always put others at ease. 
People who have Neptune in the second house have eyes that stare right into your soul. (Even worse if the Moon is making any aspects to Neptune or if it's also in the second house.)
Sagittarius fifth housers are those cool edgy artists with an intimidating presence. 
Pluto in the tenth house at 28 degrees = making history/ having a huge impact on humanity.
Sagittarius Moons are so fucking reckless! Please calm down before you hurt yourself!
So many wonderful artists have come out of the Pluto in Taurus generation. (ex. Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf.) There was a transformation in values. 
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Leo Home Pt.2
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astrojulia · 11 months
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Unique and trendy: They strive to be different and stand out from the crowd. They have a penchant for staying ahead of the latest trends and discovering new things before they become popular. They take pride in saying, "I liked XXX before it was famous," and actively seek tools to enhance their uniqueness.
Curiosity-driven: They have an insatiable curiosity. They love acquiring knowledge and engaging in conversations about their interests. They never want to miss out on anything and often possess intricate details on various subjects. This curiosity can lead them to pursue careers in journalism, blogging, or research.
Disdain for being fooled: They have a strong aversion to being made fools of. They value their pride and self-worth, and if someone crosses the line and plays tricks on them, they will seek revenge without beating around the bush.
Forgiveness for personal liberation: While Leos do have the capacity to forgive, they primarily do it for their own well-being. They understand that carrying the burden of resentment and grief only hampers their own growth. Consequently, they may choose to leave certain people behind and focus on their personal development.
Passionate love: They are deeply romantic and express their love with intensity. They enjoy grand gestures, such as romantic dinners and love letters, and are known to have theme songs for their relationships. They believe in showcasing their affection early on and value the art of romance.
Fiery passion in intimacy: They exhibit creativity and passion in their sexual relationships. They aim to demonstrate their love both physically and emotionally, using sex as a means to express what words alone cannot convey. They strive to create a profound connection with their partner.
Natural charm and showmanship: They possess a natural flair for showmanship and charm. They excel at captivating an audience and radiating a caring demeanor without losing their own individual shine. They are often drawn to leadership roles and enjoy being the guiding light for a crowd.
Pursuit of success: They have an innate desire to lead a successful life. They are born with brilliance and have a relentless determination to leave their mark wherever they go. From a young age, they exhibit curiosity, and during adolescence, they begin working on their projects. As adults, they pursue extensive studies and strive for achievement.
Hidden feelings and qualities: They are individuals of extremes, often hiding aspects of themselves that they dislike. They may present themselves as either extremely extroverted or overly introverted, disregarding certain aspects of their personality. However, these suppressed qualities can eventually consume them.
Temptation and danger: Leos' curiosity and passion lead them to seek out thrilling and potentially dangerous experiences. Their zest for life can sometimes lead to unhealthy attachments or addictions that don't serve their well-being.
Creative minds: Ruled by Apollo, the god of arts, Leos possess a wide range of creative skills. They may excel in sewing, writing, painting, and various artistic pursuits. However, their true potential often lies in the realm of music, where they can channel their creative energies.
Romantic souls behind the spotlight: Despite the perception of Leos as stars, they cherish deep romantic connections in their hearts. They yearn for a soul mate who can make them truly happy and engage in a daily romance with that special person.
Selective nature: They enjoy the pursuit and consider themselves to be the ones selecting a unique and deluxe partner. To capture a Leo's attention, one must understand that they are the ones who have the privilege of dating someone exceptional, rather than providing tips on how to win them over.
Strong opinions and firmness: They possess strong personalities akin to their fiery nature. They appreciate being challenged in their viewpoints and relish the opportunity to engage in discussions and battles, confidently asserting their stance.
Natural politicians: When Leos recognize that not everyone enjoys the same privileges as they do, they become passionate advocates for equal rights. They willingly speak out and use their platforms, including social media, to address and raise awareness about the world's pain and injustices.
Storytellers with flair: They adore romance and enjoy weaving intricate tales about their lives and personalities. They have a knack for making their stories enchanting, incorporating magical elements and captivating details that fascinate others.
Sensitivity and energy absorption: As Apollo rules over Leos, they possess a heightened sensitivity. They absorb energies from their surroundings, which can sometimes misalign their natural state. To realign themselves, Leos may seek practices such as Reiki or chakra alignment.
Lie detectors: They possess an uncanny ability to detect lies in the air. Their intuition serves as a divination tool, allowing them to sense falsehoods. They may let the lie hang in the air until they find it necessary to expose and confront it.
Protective and prone to jealousy: They are known for their overprotective nature and their desire to care for their loved ones. Due to their aversion to lies and their sensitivity, they can occasionally succumb to feelings of paranoia and jealousy, fearing betrayal in their relationships.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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astrolocherry · 11 months
Leo/5th house planets ~
Creative passion is a natural expression
Leos have guts. They are zodiacal Queens and rarely pampered princesses
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
Monica Bellucci natal chart reading
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Recently I got this submission in my inbox: "Hii, can u do a natal chart reading on Monica Bellucci. I just find her so irresistible and classic. The fact that she was able to be at the top even when the blondes with blue eyes were considered desirable. She has also aged like a fine wine, she has this magnetic pull towards her that I can’t look away. Thank you 🙏 " and I think this is a lovely idea 😍 Monica is drop dead gorgeous and I've been simping over her as longs as I remember so it will be really fun analyzing her!
This is her natal chart:
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Right off the bat you can notice the two houses that are prominent in her chart: 7th & 8th house! This makes sense, since those houses are related to beauty, romance, aesthetics, socializing (7th house) and transformation, sex, intimacy and opsession (8th house).
Her Sun, Mercury & Pluto are in her 8th house meaning that the core of her identity is to crave deeper connections with people. She's also very analitical (Mercury in the 8th house in Virgo) and she can read people well. She's very sharp and intuitive, which made people like her even more (the one's that were working/interacting with her) and that's what also made her mesmerising on the TV screen - her eyes, her stare & her movements were seductive, attractive and captivating (once again 8th house!). It seemed like everything she did was right - every moment of hers was sexy and luscious. Once again this is most likely due to her strong intuition and good observations of her surroundings. She even has the asteroid Nymphe in the 7th house which helps her even more in charming people. And ofcourse she is a LIBRA Sun, meaning that she finds flirting, romanticing things & charming others very fun & amusing! Her 7th house stellium makes her very diplomatic and sweet when she talks to others. She radiates calm energy that makes many people adore and love her. Uranus in the 8th house helped her most likely in getting rich since it represents gaining large sums of money in a unconventional way. This placement can be a bit problematic though since it makes the person unable to become independent and it can also create rocky relationships and friendships. It's opposite to her Chiron in Pisces, which means she is deeply hurt by the way some people quickly change their opinion of her (this might be related to her early years of life). She also might had a desire to change the perspective of others on sex icons/sexualized women in general (which she did as it is mentioned in the submission!). It probably also hurt her how other women in the industry are treated and how high beauty standards for women are (Chiron opposite Pluto). Luckily, she did work hard and smart (Pallas in the 10th house/Capricorn rising/Mercury in Virgo/Mercury trine Jupiter) and she made it to the top and helped change the beauty standards of her time. And interestingly, she is most famous because of the movie Malena in which she plays the role of a woman being sexualized and who in the end suffers because of her magnificent beauty (totally a story that would fit someone who has an 8th house stellium - a story about transformation and sexual topics).
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Something that could also be related to her Uranus in her chart (which is also conjunct Pluto and opposite her Chiron) is her desire to fight for liberal views and to fight againts anything thay restricts anyone's freedom (for example, she posed nude while she was pregnant with her daughter in 2004 in attempt to protest againts the Italian restrictions and traditional laws - there are many more examples of her talking about topics such as sexual abuse, abortions, the restriction of women's freedom etc.).
Now let's talk about her stellium in LEO, which makes her confident and secure in her looks and intelligence. She probably doesn't doubt at all that she's stunning which makes her even more hot! She knows her fashion and what fits her body type the best (Moon & Venus in the 7th house in Leo). She's also very emotional and she takes pride in acting, modelling and becoming a representation for young women (Leo Moon feels everything so purely and strongly - they are consumed with every emotion they feel, this makes them very stubborn and dedicated too). Leo Moon is also an excellent placement for an acting career! She even has her Moon sign at the 2nd degree (Taurus degree) which makes her even more passionate about her views on life. Leo Mars is very dominant energy that will light up the whole place once they step into the room. She's a strong character and she will always fight for what she loves, believes in and what she thinks is morally correct. She's very elegant and smooth and she does things so seemingly carelessly - as only Leo placements can with their self assured mindsets.
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Saturn in the 1st house means that she most likely struggled with they way she looks and how others percieved her in her early years of life. Which is most likely why it was later on important for her that others see her as the powerful, sexy and talented woman that she is. Capricorn risings also age very well which explains why she is still absolutely stunning.
Jupiter in Taurus (4th house) is also a very good placement that indicates wealth and support from her family members.
Venus square Jupiter could mean that in the end, even after everything she's done, her life is similar to the story of Malena, and it was difficult for her to find someone who sees her for her true self and not only for her looks. She also started modelling at a very young age (age 13) which could be very exhausting mentally for her to be already at that very age noticed only for her looks. She could be kinda unlucky in love as well (her first marriage only lasted 6 months and her second marriage also ended in divorce).
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Lilith in the 12th house - she's very fascinated with the human psyche and the unknown, she loves talking about taboo topics, this is a very introspective and intuitive placement. This placement also indicates some kind of an insecurety and also supressed energy that might make her a bit of a people pleaser and a bit dependent on others. She supresses some of her needs and cravings to please others. She also might escape the reality with writing, fantasizing and romanticing every day interactions. She has a vivid imagination that might turn againts her sometimes. She might not see the reality as it really is from time to time due to the fact that she prefers to believe in the imagine she created of the other person rather than in the actions of the other person.
Chiron trine MC/Neptune trine Chiron - her career helped her in healing some of the deeply rooted issues she had. Her interest in spirituality and mysticism helped her a lot as well.
Pluto sextile MC helped her greatly in appearing sexy and dominant in the fashion industry.
Neptune conjunct MC - most likely contributed to her missing some even bigger opportunities. It might be related to her not being told the truth always (this is mostly related to her career choices).
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Congratulations you've made it to the end! ♡ Thank you so much for reading my reading haha :) I hope you enjoyed it! I would love to hear your opinions/views on my reading and also be free to add any comment you'd like under this post 🥰
~ Have a lovely day everyone, take care 💐
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somewhere-very-far · 11 months
nothing screams 12th house leo stellium (esp. with venus) more than a secret selfie collection in the secure folder
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staryeyednerd · 7 months
would absolutely love a moodboard for leo sun/moon/rising/mercury + cancer venus + libra mars! thanks so much🫶🏼
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astral-lucy · 2 months
Hello💖 could you please drop your insights about being a cappy rising and having an 8th house (leo) stellium (sun mercury and saturn) ?
Ig this leo stellium is always referred to as loving the spotlight and attention but im quite the opposite
I freak if im in public and my a stranger heard my conversation with sm .. im so secretive (maybe 8th house matters?)
I also have a pisces moon in 3rd house
And libra jupiter and venus in 10th house
hi love! i totally understand why you feel the way you do. capricorns and leos are definitely known for loving attention, being in the spotlight when they're praised, but capricorns are also very self-conscious people and worry a lot about how others see them, and leos do care about what others think of them as well. seeing as this stellium goes into your 8h, all of these leo placements have the opposite effect on you - instead of loving the spotlight, you're very anxious of people noticing you. and, yes, 8h placements do make you more secretive. a 3h moon can make you an overthinker, just like the 8h sun can, so you could process your emotions on a more logical manner, and that also means that you can try and control how others perceive your emotions. you're also very emotional, even if you keep it a secret. I'm not sure if that helped. hope this was what you wanted!
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latibule79 · 7 days
Since last year, life has been throwing me one challenge after another, and things took a turn for the worse in October. Dealing with grief, health issues, and trauma has been draining, to say the least. While there are probably more astrological transits that I’m not even aware of, the recent events - the lunar eclipse in Libra, solar eclipse in Aries, Mercury retrograde, and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction - seemed to amplify everything. Then, yesterday’s full moon in Scorpio intensified it all even further.
Last night, I hit a breaking point. I seriously considered checking myself into a mental health facility. Thankfully, amidst the chaos, I still had moments of clarity. Instead of acting impulsively, I decided to take a proactive step and made an appointment with my doctor for next week to discuss my mental health.
These past few days have been emotionally heavy. Lots of self-reflection, tears, and feeling physically unwell. It’s been like a mental and physical cleanse, leaving me utterly exhausted. But I’m thankful to God for giving me the strength to keep going and for not losing my mind. I trust that I’ll come out of this stronger, and I have faith that I’m divinely protected. Holding onto this belief is what keeps me going, even in the darkest of times.
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vampirae · 3 months
About stelliums
Not be a critic or just turn down your special snowflake vibes, but as a person with a stellium (who hated it for most of her life and studied them meticulously), personally I wouldn't consider outer modern planets in a stellium (as they're not as influential as people want to make them appear). Stelliums are considered so, only if you have at least a triple conjunction in the same sign or house (whole sign not placidus baby).
But why so meanie? Easy, stelliums are considered rare patterns in a chart. Again rare, it means few people have them, really few, those (un)lucky ones. You should have at least three planets in the same sign or house that are in conjunction (max at 10°orb degrees), mostly composed by personal and/or social planets, if you want to use outer planets or take them into account at least 4 to 5 planets. The same rule applies to planets that aren't in conjunction but still in the same sign or house.
Another specific reason is, the latest planets movements, think about young millennials and gen Z, who had Uranus and Neptune both in Capricorn or in Aquarius, it's already 2 "planets", just because you have another placement in those signs it doesn't automatically means you have a stellium, or think about placidus system which often happens to have uneven houses, which literally makes no sense.
Plus, usually stelliums as many other rare patterns tend to be considered negative in a person's chart, it does make you "special" but it comes with difficulties and hurdles.
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belpheg0r-luna · 2 months
David Bowie had a capricorn AND a leo stellium?! With an aquarius rising?!
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bri-mayflowa · 2 years
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✨ Idk what it is about Taurus sun/moon/rising men’s voice but it’s so soft and chill. SPEAK UP PLEASE !!!
✨Neptune in the 6th house person would daydream about themselves working out and having the perfect health & body. They can daydream so much that they won’t actually put in the work to do it .
✨ ARIES VENUS MEN !!! No we are not together after just meeting yesterday, Slow tf down .
✨ Gemini risings tend to have a long frame with long noodle arms.
✨ Mars in the 9th can travel away for work, find work abroad….. Work Visa? 🤔
✨Taurus men have stocky/ thick bodies…. They can have dad bods ( still attractive 😍)
✨ Mars in Sagittarius has no objection to public sex. It’s Spontaneouuuuuuus
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✨ I had a best friend who had a Leo stellium ( moon, Venus, Mars) nice girl … But last encounter we had her mom was congratulating me for my accomplishments.. She tried to change the subject and suggest we head out the house . ..
✨ Pisces women’s fashion can look like an art piece. ( ROBYN FENTY)
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Leo placements always stumble their way into moments of fame.
Whether that be popping off in an influencer way, or being noticed by a celebrity.
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